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Title screens in Horror film trailers

This screenshot shows a title screen and the font and what it says shows me that the trailer is about to change. the fact that they are out of the city shows that they are in danger.

The fact they they have put this title screen in shows that they are isolated from the rest of society and that no one can help them but themselves.

what this film trailer is doing is highlighting the points where the danger for the two characters in the film increases and shows a journey starting from them being alone on a romantic trip to being invaded by teenagers.

The film trailer uses a consistent font throughout the trailer which is a necessity for our trailer. As you can see by looking at both the screenshots above you will notice that they have similar colours in them and this is what we also need to focus on because we want our film to be consistent throughout to not confuse the audience.

This particular title screen fits with the last title screen because the last screen said “Get Away” and obviously this one says “From It All”. it helps to build up tension and suspense.

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