  • Volcanic Productions | Enough Film Poster Deconstruction

    Film Poster Analysis Sheet

    Title of Film: Enough Type of Poster: Main Poster

    Mise-En-Scene Code or Convention

    Detail (description & what it means)


    The setting is hidden from the audience within the poster this links to how the main character doesnt stay in the same place for very long throughout the film. The dark setting around the character applies the idea that the main character feels trapped and with no escape. The key image within the poster is the main character of the film: Slim, who is a wife of an abusive husband. I feel that the image has been chosen for this poster because the film follows Slims story throughout the plot and she is the main victim who is going to fight back who has had enough of the abuse. The image really expresses the films thriller genre because it is clear in the colours and her expression that she is frightened and desperate and certainly not happy like she would be on the poster of a romance for example. This leads on to how the poster shows brief clues to the storyline of the film. The characters body language alone portrays that she is running away from somebody who is following her by the way she is looking sharply over her shoulder in the image.

  • Volcanic Productions | Enough Film Poster Deconstruction



    Non-Verbal Communication

    The characters eyes have a look of both fear and desperation within them as she stares behind herself, checking quickly to see if she is being followed, while the open mouth could suggest that she is breathing heavily or again scared because she isnt concentrating on keeping her mouth closed, signifying that her mind has more important things to think about, most likely to be her survival.

    Costume / Make-Up

    The characters make-up is extremely plain and nothing fancy, which allows the audience to make assumptions that, taking into account the other details of the poster as well, she didnt t have time to apply the make-up and look pretty. Furthermore her husband often belittled the character within the film, so it could the lack of make-up really brings out how meek and insignificant she feels she isnt important enough to stand out from the crowd. Also, the lack of make-up shows that she might not want to stand out on purpose, again linking to the hidden identity part of the film. The costume is hard to see in this poster but you can just about make out a possible black hoodie or cardigan. This costume item is significant because if its a hoodie then chances are it has a hood that the character can use to hide her features while at the same time, either item of clothing seems more protective. The costume appears quite thick and you can imagine that it isnt long sleeved from her body language. This shows that the character is trying to protect herself and keep herself small and unnoticeable by hiding within her costume which could also act as a comfort. The black of the costume again ties in with the conventions of death, evil, negativity etc which clearly shows that this film isnt just a walk through the park there is a darker twist to the plot and there is possible violence in it.


    The colours used within the poster are very dark and sinister, which represent the thriller genre that Enough falls into. The red of the films title strongly suggests danger and warnings, which ties in with the film because the main female character, Slim, is constantly in peril. The black background symbolizes how the film has a dark edge and that to every good thing there is an dark side which in this films case would be Slims marriage going from fairy tale beginning to abusive relationship from which she must escape and defend or die. The black compliments the red of the title very well, as well as with the short slogans and taglines that are coloured white. The slogans and taglines, even the name of the actress Jennifer Lopez are in bold white letters and they are both saying statements that an innocent person could say, which means the white symbolizes how the way Slim reacted towards her abusive husband wasnt evil because whites conventions tend to be purity, innocence, peace etc. The name of the actress being in white also symbolizes how the character Jennifer Lopez plays (Slim) is also the innocent victim in the film. The photo of the main character (Slim) is in what looks to be Sepia. The oranges could mean fire, which then leads to danger however the Sepia effect makes the image seem like it has been taken from a photo within the film like the photos somebody would take when they are following somebody, which ties in with the film because her husband does follow her around. The colours help to attract the audience by appealing towards those who enjoy thriller films that have a good plot in them.

  • Volcanic Productions | Enough Film Poster Deconstruction


    The image of the main female character is covering the majority of the poster which draws the audiences attention straight to her face. As a result of this, we can see the fearful expression on her face as she turns to look over her shoulder, mostly through her eyes. This presents her as vulnerable and uneasy, constantly shifting her eyes around to look for danger. The characters hair being messy and covering her eyes could show how she hasnt had time to make herself look presentable she needs to just escape and the hair across her eyes could symbolize a hidden identity, which also links to the plot in the film. The lighting used casts shadows across the characters face and illuminates other areas, highlighting the frightened expression even more. The characters body language really brings out the theory that she is frightened in this poster by the way she is looking over her shoulder and appears slightly hunched over, possibly clutching her arms around her body as well from the costume angle. This all states that this woman is in a dangerous position and is running from and being followed/chased by somebody that we do not know as of yet. This drags the audience in because they become intrigued as to why this female character has ended up scared and desperate. The graphics in the poster are sharp and enhanced to show the tension within the film and how the character is forever on alert and cannot rest. It really brings out the genre of the film even more because thrillers are meant to be tense and the viewer must be kept on the edge of their seat, so the sharp edge to the image does the same effect in a way because it represents this.


    The taglines in the poster Everyone has a limit and Self-defense isnt murder shows that the film is a thriller/drama straight away because they are very serious and also very down-to-earth = they are more factual statements that seem to be defending the characters actions almost like a lawyer would do.


    The title of the film Enough is in a bright red, bold font which is written in capital letters. Because the conventions of red tend to be danger, warnings, love, lust, anger, violence etc, makes this colour the perfect one for this films film title because the film is about a violent, abusive husband who is possessive over his wife and then she finally breaks and has enough of him, and starts to fight back. This is where the white of the taglines and Jennifer Lopezs name comes in because white is the complete opposite to red; its conventions often being innocent, peace etc. This means that the taglines are trying to cover the characters actions of self-defense and trying to show that the character is the victim in the film. The enlarged words everyone and limit in the main tagline show that these are the important words that the film poster makers want to portray to the audience. The word everyone makes it clear that there is NO exceptions for anybody and the word limit shows that everybody will come to a breaking point eventually no matter the gender, age or temperament. They seem to justify the main characters actions that are to come in the film as perfectly fine because it could happen to anybody.


    The layout of the poster is designed to draw the audiences attention straight to the main characters face that is a portrait orientation and fills practically the entire poster. Straight away from this you get a rough idea of the genre and what the plot is about. The image filling most of the poster makes it clear that this woman is certainly whose storyline the film follows

    Film Poster Analysis Prompts

    What is the setting? What are the key images in the poster? Why do you think these were chosen? What clues are there to the films narrative? (the storyline) What can you tell about the genre of the film from their facial expressions, body language,

    stance, appearance and position on the poster? What makes you say this? What impression do you get of the characters/personalities from their expression, clothes &

    props? Is there an enigma being presented?

  • Volcanic Productions | Enough Film Poster Deconstruction Is the poster composed of a series of images (montage with lack of perspective) or is the key

    image a still from the film?

    What colours are used in the poster? Are they relevant to the genre? For example, horror film posters use dark strong colours,

    especially black and red, to represent death and evil. Romance films tend to employ lighter pastel and warm colours such as pinks, purples and

    other warm shades. Are the colours of the poster important? Why? What clues do the colours give you about the genre and how do they help to attract an


    Talk about how the images are laid out. Are they blended in without any concern for real perspective or size relationships between

    people and settings? Does the position and size of individual images suggest a level of importance to the plot? Why do you think they are laid out like that? Does the layout tell you what the plot, genre and/or them is? If so, how? Most posters are portrait, not landscape. What shape and orientation is yours?

    Describe and discuss the title, fonts, typefaces and graphics in the poster. What style are they in? Where are they positioned? Is the poster painted or printed using photos? Have any special effects been applied to the images?

    Is there a tagline? What does the tagline tell you about the action, genre and attitudes within the film? Who do you think is the target audience for this film? What makes you think that? How has the poster been made attractive to this target audience? What information does the credit block include? Do we get information about who is in the cast, who directed the film, which company

    distributes and promotes it? Where are these placed on the poster? Is there any other text on the poster? Does it use a formal or informal register? Does the poster use a direct mode of address? (you) Where is the classification rating? (age certificate) What does the rating indicate about the target audience and the content of the film? Does the poster list a website? If not, why not? Does the poster list a USP? What makes it different from other films?

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