Page 1: Film Poster Analysis

By Amber Smith


Page 2: Film Poster Analysis


Page 3: Film Poster Analysis

Having the skulls and then the soft outline of a butterfly behind it does not only link to the title but also suggests that this is a natural psychological phenomenon that has occurred and that was not man made.

Main actors name at the top. The actor is very well known and therefore the name will appeal to the target audience. Well looking at a film poster, this is usually the second place our eyes travel.

Main character is in the centre of the poster. When looking at a film, our eyes go straight to the middle and therefore the audience will be able to establish that this is the main character straight away.

Head down suggests he is alone or feels lonely, suffering by himself. Also makes him looks determined and sets the audience up for action.

Name of the film at the bottom, the last place our eyes look on a poster and therefore the name of the film will leave a lasting impression.

Skull and the butterfly together also makes people think as these 2 things are not often seen together

Shadow effect has been placed on the main character that has been enlarged behind him which suggest the problem is himself and something bigger than he can control.

Billing block on the poster, conforms to all other movie posters

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Page 5: Film Poster Analysis

Just like “The butterfly effect” the biggest name is at the top of the poster. Although the other main leads are listed, Leonardo Dicaprio is the biggest name is he the most well known and will grab peoples attention

Slogan “YOUR MIND IS THE SCENE OF THE CRIME” is located at the top of the poster. Slogan almost rhymes so will stay in the audiences head. It also address the audience directly helping to involve them in the movie and get them interested

Main Title is red with the connotations of red being danger. It stands out clearly on the poster as it the only thing straying from the cool blue colour scheme therefore more likely to stay in peoples minds

The background to the poster is very visually confusing as it is impossible. It makes it look like the main characters are trapped which raises the questions what is happening and who are these people?

The props the actors hold suggest the film is action filled as guns are stereotypically seen to mean action

The main characters are positioned in the lower centre of the poster making them look insignificant and weak compared to their surroundings. The way the characters are positioned makes it look like they are part of a team and the way they are dressed makes the situation have a more serious and formal feel.

Having Leonardo’s character at the front of the group and being obviously armed suggests to the audience that he is the leader of the groupInstead of promoting the directors name, another film the

director has made is mentioned as people are more likely to recognise the film name than the director himself

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Page 7: Film Poster Analysis

The glow around the text on his arm suggests that is something digital. With that text being green, it would be something we associate with a digital clock. Having this on his arm shows this is a si-fi movie as it technology we do not have right now

The chic design of his gun suggests that this movie is set in the future while also hinting that this is an action film

Having the 2 actors standing in such close proximity to eachoter and them both being of the opposite sex, tells the audience that there is more than the working relationship between the 2 characters

The poster has been had a greyscale filter added to it apart from the clock on the males arm which shows that the story line revolves around that clock

Actor names are not included on the poster as they don’t need to be as Justin Timberlake is so well known, that people will recognise his face

The attire of the actor and actress is quite formal suggesting that the situation is quite serious. It also suggests that they come from a wealthy background

The title, release date and slogan are formatted in a rectangle that looks like it could be in the shape of an arm linking in with the clock on the main characters arm

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Page 9: Film Poster Analysis

Main character is takes up the majority of the film poster making the audience aware straight away who the main character is. Will Smith is also a very well known actor so if people didn’t recognise his name, they would recognise his face which would gain public appeal

Will Smith’s name is stated clearly on the poster on its own to show the audience who the main character is played by while also getting their attention as he is a very well known actor

Some clues to Will’s character are given, with a cop badge being on his belt. `both his clothing and facial expression suggest that he is a ‘bad-ass’ character and suggests that the film contains action

The colour scheme of the poster is greys and blues which is stereotypical of a si-fi movie. The clouds in the ski creates a serious atmosphere therefore reflecting the feel of the movie.

Having all the robots lined up in the background looks like an army formation. Having them all behind Will makes it look like they are all against him

With it only being Will Smith on the poster and the slogan “ONE MAN SAW IT COMING”, it shows that he is all alone on this journey.

The “I’ of the title is larger than the rest of the title and is immediately followed by a comma. Punctuation is not usually shown in a title which could mean that the “I” and the main character are linked

The type face of the title is metallic looking conforming to the stereotype of a si-fi genre while also linking to the word “Robot”. The title will draw audiences in due to the large “I” raising lots of questions.

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Page 11: Film Poster Analysis

The guns not only show that the film is set in the future due to their futuristic design but also show the audience straight away that this is an action si-fi film

The faint grid lines on the background also make it obvious to the audience that this is a futuristic film

The Slogan “Face your Past, Fight your future” uses alliteration to try and make the slogan memorable. The positioning of the slogan makes it look like one character is from the past and the other is from the future

Having the main actors names at the top of the page gives hardcore fans of the actors reasons to see the film while also suggesting the film is good quality due to other good films the actors have done

The colour scheme of the poster is one of a typical si-fi poster with mostly blues and greys being used

The blue lens flare behind the title as well as the faint grid lines on the poster tells the audience that this is a futuristic technological film

Both actors are standing back to back which creates a reflective effect and gives more insight into the storyline and raises questions about who thesecharacters really are.

There is a slight smog effect above the town and around the actors which makes it look quite dirty and dull which shows that around all this technology is actually quite a dismal place to live

The use of 2 different fire arms for the main actors again makes it look like the characters are from different times

With all the technological references on the poster and the title being “Looper”,with loop meaning doing something over and over again, it could be said that the film is about time travel

Adding “er” on to the end of loop makes it seem like it is an object or even a person

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