
Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

White House Down :- Name:Hemit Dhanji

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Cinematography & Camera Techniques

In this film, White House Down Roland Emmerich the director has used quite the variety for different camera techniques and cinematography, these of which include Close up shot, Establishing Shot, Low Angle and Tracking/ Pan.

The first picture is showing a shot of Joey King, and the director, Emmerich has shown here in a close up shot looking at her phone to show the audience of what her facial expressions express and what she is feeling in that moment of time.

In the next shot I have chosen to show the establishing shot and this is the shot where the angle of the camera is angled in which the audience can see the over look of the city and where the setting is, this also shows the time of day. This gives the film the extra effect by showing the lights on the white house and the lights on in the city and the sun rising, its showing that it is a glory moment.

In this shot the camera is pointing up from a low angled shot and I have chose this shot because it is hinting at how important this moment is and it is also getting the audience involved because I looks and feels like there is someone from the ground looking up at the helicopters and the know it is the president so they are showing a sign of respect in a way. The shot also shows an important tower and they fly

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

by it

The last shot I chose is the tacking shot where the camera has a steady move over the water whilst the helicopter fly over too so it is tracking the helicopter moving and also in this shot is shows a very important building which the president fly's by

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

The colour scheme that this opening sequence is using are blue, white, red and orange with a dark tone. This is to show that the time of day is really early in the morning and that it gives the effect that this is the golden hour where the president is going too his duties and going to the white house before the sun rises, this also gives the importance to the president because it shows all of the colour in the sky fading to show that the sun is actually rising.

Visual effects includes things like CGI which means Computer Generated Imagery and in this film they have used CGI to make the helicopter real and to make them look like they are actually flying over the city of Washington because maybe to do that in real life it would of cost a lot of money to do it, so the just computer generated it in and it does the same job and it looks real anyway. They also used visual effects to show that the president is looking at the Lincoln Memorial through the glass of the helicopter whilst he flies over the city of Washington

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Genre Conventions

This is a action film because it has a lot of fast movements in it and it involves secret agents and security and The Whitehouse

Narrative The storyboard which makes the film what it is, is about a father and daughter relationship where the daughter doesn't like the father and the father does everything he can to make her like her so he goes to get a go to be a secret agent because the daughter really like stuff about the Whitehouse and she loves the president but the farther doesn't gets the job but he gets tour tickets for the white house , the they got on the tour but on the tour a terrors attack happens and then they fight and the farther protects the president and saves him then gets the job of protecting the president so then the daughter has a good relationship with the farther

Editing Techniques

The editing techniques that have been use in this sequence are just cuts where they have a scene and they just switch camera angles without any transitions effects. They have also used CGI in there sequence to add the effect of the helicopters are flying and to show the importance of the president. In the editing process they have also played with the colour of the setting and found the right colour scheme to show the effect of the sunrise and lights reflecting the building.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Title Credit Design

The director has used a formal look on the title credits because it shows the similarity of the president in which he is so important and formal so he has just used a simple straight text and the way that the text is positioned, it has been position in a way where it is not interrupting the actual movement that is happening throughout the shots.The transitions a very simple, it's just a quick fade in fade out and I think this how the formality to the president too because he doesn't have fast movements, he is quiet the smooth person where he gets his security to do it for him

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