
Classified ads page 7 What’s on? page 8 My Riviera page 6

18 September 2003 • Number 51 www.TheRivieraGazette.comThe Côte d’Azur’s English-language newspaper

€1 in newsagents/en magasins de presse

Film Guide Where to see Whale Rider starringKeisha Castle-Hughes in English, p7 My Riviera David Shilling talks about hats,

Ascot and his love of Monaco, p6 What’s On It’s circus time in Antibes, plusMonaco’s annual yacht show, p8

Rain ManFrejus plumber’s novelfire prevention idea, p3

It’s a GasNice youngsters hit by

teargas accident, p4

Food Goes Up...Supermarket prices

double after heatwave, p4

...And Property TooFlats surge 10.5% acrossthe Alpes Maritimes, p5

Barefaced CheekAthlete faces fine after

Monaco moon, p5

Film Guide22 English-language

films in seven cinemasthis week, p7

19,000 copies this week – and 680,000 since The Gazette went weekly. Look for the next issue on Thursday September 25

MONACO’S HSH PrincessStephanie married a Portugueseacrobat in Switzerland lastFriday in a low-key ceremony atthe town hall in Eaux Vives,Geneva.

Divorcee Stephanie,38,said ‘I do’to Adans Lopez Perez,29,an acro-bat with the Swiss Cirque Knie.

The vows were taken in the pres-ence of the princess’ three childrenand two witnesses – the Monacoroyal family’s lawyer Thierry Lacosteand Ivan Lopez Peres, the groom’syounger brother.

Fears that the news – and that of arumoured pregnancy – could provedevastating to her father,HSH PrinceRainier,who’s fragile health has shownlittle sign of improving,were quashedon Tuesday by the palace.

“HSH Prince Rainier wishes all hischildren much happiness,” ArmandDeus, the royal family’s chief press

HE AIN’T HEAVY ...Steph’s new husbandAdans supports brother Ivan in Monaco

ROYAL ...HSH Princess Stephanie last week in Monaco


30 ways to get out andabout this week – page 8


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Baby speculation as Monaco’s Stephanie wedsPortuguese tumbler in secret Swiss ceremony



officer, told The Riviera Gazette.When asked if the princess may bepregnant, he replied “no comment.”

The couple first met in 2001 at theInternational Circus Festival ofMonte-Carlo – Adans is one half of anact called the Peres Brothers and per-forms a daring stunt where he bal-ances his brother on his head.The pairare fifth-generation performers –their father Salvatore was an acrobatand their mother a flamenco dancer.

Elephant trainerThis is not the first encounter theprincess has had with the Knie Circus.She famously dated circus boss andelephant trainer Franco Knie, travel-ling with him in a circus caravan untiltheir split in February last year.

Stephanie’s love life has been the

subject of much media scrutiny and acause for concern within the Grimaldifamily.Past lovers include bodyguardDaniel Ducruet,who she briefly mar-ried in 1995 after the birth of their twochildren Louis, 9, and Pauline, 7.

Their marriage hit the rocks whenDucruet was captured on cameracanoodling with a model who carriedthe accolade ‘Miss Bare Breasts ofBelgium’.

Next on the list was her head ofsecurity, Jean Raymond Gottlieb.Then, seven months after theirromance was made public, Stephanierevealed she was four and a halfmonths pregnant with daughterCamille, now 5. Stephanie has alwaysrefused to publicly name the father.

After Camille’s birth, the princessretreated to Auron to escape mediaattention, and fell for barman PierrePinelli. She then embarked on herinfamous elephant trainer affair.

But the princess,youngest of PrinceRainier’s three children, returned toMonaco’s 253-room palace inFebruary last year. There she waslinked with butler Richard Lucas and,earlier this year, a palace gardener.

Got a story? Call our newsdesk on 04 93 09 66 43

2 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003



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The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003 3



Heated momentA VOLUNTEER fireman from theHérault was remanded in custody forarson last week after lighting eight forestfires and four fires in rubbish bins,causingdamage estimated at more than €15,000.The 19-year-old was motivated by a bonuspaid for every call-out.He aroused suspi-cion after raising the alarm on severaloccasions for fires he had started himself.

Yacht industry strongDESPITE a levelling-off after several yearsof rapid growth,the pleasure-boat indus-try is still strong in the PACA region. It isthe top region in France for facilities andhas a third of the country’s ports.Of these,34 are in the Alpes-Maritimes, 53 in theVar and 45 in the Bouches-du-Rhone.Theindustry employs 6,000 people in 1,200related businesses.

Not so trigger happyACTOR Gerard Depardieu’s sonGuillaume appeared in court on Tuesdayafter threatening a fan and firing a gunoutside a Normandy bar in August.

The 32 year-old actor, who had a legamputed earlier this year after a motorcy-cle accident, was handed a nine monthsuspended sentence, fined €8,000 andordered to undergo counselling.

OKI new raceA NEW round-Europe yacht race,backedby Japanese printing equipment manu-facturer OKI, has been announced.

The fifteen week OKI EuropeanChallenge 2005 will see fifteen Beneteauyachts visit 13 ports in 11 countries,start-ing in Poland and finishing in Monaco.

Pot luckTHE government is considering reducingpenalties for cannabis use and introducinga sliding scale of fines ranging from €68 to€1,500.

Under current regulations, offenderscan get up to a year in prison and a €3,750fine.

Woods gone foreverSCIENTISTS are predicting that the char-acter of the Maures hills will change as theburned area regenerates over the next fiveyears, with previously mature woodlandbeing replaced long term by small shrubs.

This summer’s blazes in the Maures hillsregistered six, the most serious level, on ascale drawn up for the ministry of theenvironment to calculate the seriousnessof forest fires,according to scientists fromCemagref near Aix-en-Provence.

The measure reflects the damage doneto the environment, loss of life – sevenpeople died – as well as damage to prop-erty and disruption to the population.

Tourists down 15%TOURISM was down five per cent inFrance this year, according to figuresreleased last week.

The PACA region suffered one of thebiggest drops,with visitor numbers downby 15 per cent on last summer.

The government has announced plansto re-launch the industry, starting with acampaign to promote the country tooverseas visitors. There are also plans foran annual gastronomy day along the linesof the Fete de la Musique, to celebrateFrench cuisine and attract visitors.

Var deaths ‘high’THE highest mortality rate in the south-eastern departments during the Augustheatwave was recorded in the Var,accord-ing to figures out last week. Ecologistsbelieve pollution is to blame, with the Varexceeding safe ozone levels on 33 separateoccasions out of 55 incidences of highozone levels across the whole region.

No wine taxGOVERNMENT spokesman Jean-Francois Copé has put an end to fears thatan extra tax would be levied on wine tohelp pay off the social security deficit.

Wine producers were outraged that thegovernment was contemplating a rise inthe current rate of three cents per bottle.Britons pay €2.50 on each bottle.

A FREJUS plumber has invented aningenious system to protect homesthreatened by forest fires.

The system is based on roof-mounted sprinklers attached to aheat detecting device.This can switchon automatically and pump water outof a tank to soak the walls and roof ofthe house.

“I had August off work,” AndréWerner told The Gazette,“and with allthe fires around I was inspired to buildthis.I originally had the idea ten yearsago when a friend’s house in St Aygulfburned down.

“And so with all the dramatic firesthis summer I decided to bring theidea back to life. I made some smallprototypes and now have a fullyworking version on my garage. Andnow I can install it in any home.”

Gazette readers wanting to knowmore should call 04 94 53 09 84.


A charity concert held in Cogolin onSaturday night raised “thousands ofeuros” for the families of the fire-fighters who died in the Var fires.

Messages of sympathy from SirRoger Moore, Brigitte Bardot, PrinceAlbert of Monaco and CarolDrinkwater were read out in Englishand French during the evening.

Thanks were also given to thosewho made generous donations butwished to remain anonymous.

“The evening was a tremendoussuccess,” organiser Paul Vernon toldThe Gazette.

Among those who gave their timeto perform was Justin Hayward, leadsinger of the Moody Blues, who trav-elled from Monaco to perform hitsForever Autumn and Nights In WhiteSatin.

Afterwards Justin told the Gazette“My thoughts are with the families ofthe firemen. I’ve never known such

brave people, we all need them,they’re always there, you see themrisking their lives every day for us.

“I was here two weeks ago visitingfriends in St Tropez and as I drovethrough the area I couldn’t imaginewhat it must have taken to go in therewhen the fires were raging.I hope thisevening helps in some way.”■ Fire brigades are warning thatfraudsters posing as collectors for thefirefighters’families are approachingcompanies, shops and individuals.Suspect approaches should bereported to the pompiers’ Centre deSecours.

Fundraising successSPOUTING OFF . . . plumber André believes his invention has fireproofed his garage


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4 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003




Tart trial startsTHE trial of a British womanaccused of mastermindingan international high-classprostitution ring started inParis yesterday.

Margaret MacDonald, 44,is accused of “aggravatedprocuring for the purposes ofprostitution,” and faces up tofifteen years in prison if con-victed.

MacDonald says she wasunaware that her employeesmay have been selling sex.

Gliding deathsTWO people died in acci-dents at a British ParaglidingOpen Competition atLaragne, between Sisteronand Gap, on Friday.

A 53-year-old Frenchmanperished when his delta-wingglider smashed into anothercompetitor, a 35-year-oldNew Zealander,who was seri-ously injured in the accident.

And in a separate incident a31-year-old woman died aftercrashing into a mountain.

School reformsTHE government plans toencourage schools to create‘free-thinking individuals’, itwas revealed at a debate oneducation in Paris onMonday.

Jean Pierre Raffarin metsenior educationalists to dis-cuss how best to improveschools.“This debate is opento everybody – pupils, par-ents, elected officials andassociations, because schoolconcerns everybody,”he said.

SIXTEEN school childrenwere hospitalised after inhal-ing tear gas on their way to aswimming lesson in the SaintRoch area of Nice last Friday.

The children, aged between10 and 11, were rushed to hos-pital with streaming eyes, cov-ered in allergic rashes andcomplaining of the loss of useof their legs.

They were kept under obser-vation overnight and releasedthe next day.

The children are pupils ofJean Giono college on RueHumbert Ricolfi.

“We were all really worriedand waves of panic wentaround the school,” HervePuzzinat, the school’s head-master, told The Gazette.

“At first we thought someonehad hurt the kids intentionallyand we had difficulty under-standing why. But after an

inquiry, the police found out aman had carelessly thrownaway some tear gas and unfor-tunately it came into contactwith a group of our pupils.

“It was an accident and theman had no intention of hurt-ing the children. Now after the

shock of it all, the children inquestion are all fine,” conclud-ed Puzzinat.

A 54-year-old local man wasarrested by police on Sundaybut released later after the inci-dent was ruled to have been anaccident.

Children hospitalisedin poisoning accident

GASSED ...medics tend to incapacitated school children in Nice on Friday

Food pricesrise in wakeof heatwave

BEACHED ...The owner of a 12-metre yacht woke up to find herself andher pride and joy on the Cro deî Pin beach at St Jean Cap Ferrat in theearly hours of Sunday morning.Rafiki II slipped her anchor and driftedbefore running aground during the night time storms that lashed thecoast last weekend – while the hapless owner was sound asleep onboard.The local lifeboat de-beached the yacht later on Sunday.


Green taxes loomTHE government hasunveiled new measures tocombat pollution after recordlevels were recorded thissummer.

Among the proposals areplans to increase diesel fuel taxto boost investment in the railnetwork and encourage peopleto leave their cars at home.

The proposed increase of2.5 cents per litre will raise€800m,but will not affect com-mercial road users who benefitfrom tax rebates for fuel.

Prime minister Jean-PierreRaffarin presented a ‘clean car’plan on Monday that includedtax breaks of between €1,500and €3,050 for those who buyeco-friendly vehicles such aselectric cars, and proposesadditional taxes on cars thatcan’t meet strict exhaust emis-sion standards.

He also promised moremoney for research into reduc-ing car pollution, to helpFrance meet its targets underthe Kyoto Protocol.


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FOOD prices are at an all-timehigh after the summer heat-wave destroyed or damagedmuch of the season’s crop yield.

At Nice’s MIN,the central mar-ket for fruit and vegetables,fruit has gone up by 30 per centand vegetable prices have prac-tically doubled in the last fewweeks.

Normally at this time of yearcourgettes are around €1 perkilo on supermarket shelves,but on Tuesday they were spot-ted on sale for a whopping€2.70.

French supermarkets are nowturning to the rest of Europe forcheaper supplies as local pro-ducer prices soar.

Even meat markets are affect-ed, with veal up between 10-12per cent and beef up six toeight per cent.

Another reason cited for ris-ing prices is the inflationaryeffect of the nation’s switchfrom the franc to the euro, butnot everyone is convinced thatthe reasons are so clear cut –local consumer organisationUDCAM (The Union Departe-mentale des Consommateurs)has announced it is to launch aninquiry next month to ascertainexactly why prices have risen sosharply.

The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003 5




In the grooveFOUR hundred top executives from theworld’s video games industry were treatedto a glittering bash at La Maison desPecheurs in Juan les Pins on Tuesdaynight.

Computer software giant Microsofttook over the club and its beach to showoff new games and marketing plans for itsXbox console. Music was laid on by a DJfrom Bristol trip hop band Massive Attack.

Snip a peace of YokoYOKO Ono, widow of Beatle JohnLennon, has made headlines again with abold performance – all in the name ofpeace.

In a recreation of her famous 1960s per-formance in Japan, the 70-year-old artistsat on a stage in Paris while the audiencesnipped off her clothes with scissors.They were then urged to send their snip-pings to ‘someone they love.’

Madrid beat MarseilleOLYMPIC Marseille were thrashed 4-2 byReal Madrid,David Beckham’s new team,at the French side’s home ground onTuesday night. Two goals came fromBrazilian striker Ronaldo and the othertwo from Roberto Carlos and Luis Figo.

Top namesAN annual list of the most popular namesfor French babies has been updated – Lea,Manon, Emma and Chloe are the topnames for girls and Lucas, Theo, Thomasand Hugo are the winners for boys.

London bids for TourLONDON has put forward a bid to hostpart of the Tour de France.The proposals,as yet unseen by French officials, includeplans for several stages of the race to beheld in the south of England in 2006.

Huge business debt PUBLIC sector businesses reported arecord debt of €179 billion in 2002 – upfrom €173 billion in 2001.


GERMAN athlete Tim Lobingerfaces being slapped with a US$5,000fine after he bared his buttocks atthe World Athletics championshipslast weekend in Monaco.

Lobinger caused a stir by celebrat-ing his winning 5.91m pole vault bymooning the crowd. The 30 year oldathlete told reporters afterwards “I feltit was funny. It’s not something youplan in advance. It just happens.

“I knew I had underwear on.”But the sport’s governing body was

not amused,and now $5,000 could bededucted from his €30,000 prizemoney. IAAF spokesman Nick Davissaid Lobinger,who pulled the stunt infront of 10,000 spectators including

Monaco’s HSH Prince Albert, faces afine for ‘unbecoming behaviour’.

The weekend event attracted someof the world’s best athletes includingEunice Barber, Hestrie Cloete andsprinter Gail Devers.

“The event was a great success, weare very pleased and we had twoworld bests,” an IAAF spokespersonin Monaco told The Riviera Gazette.

1500m champion Hicham ElGuerrouj and South African highjumper Cloete both picked up awardsfor World Athlete of the Year and eachtook home $100,000 in prize money.

Australian sprinter Cathy Freemanalso picked up the DistinguishedCareer Award.

WILY JUMPER . . . Eunice Barber’s 7.05m long jump broke the French national record

BUM RAP ... winner Tim faces $5,000 fine











THE cost of buying an apartment went up10.5 per cent in the Alpes-Maritimes lastyear, to an average €2,085 per squaremetre.

But house prices remained fairly stablewith an increase of only three per cent in2002.

Apartment prices now range from €790per square metre in the arrière-pays – themountainous areas north of Vence andGrasse – to €4,081 per square metre on theCannes seafront,where prices are up 20 percent on twelve months ago.

The rise in apartment prices not only dif-fers from town to town but also from area toarea within the larger towns.

Nice as a whole saw a rise of 11.1 per centin apartment prices last year but, whilenorth-central Nice saw a rise of 22 per cent,prices in the upmarket Cimiez residentialarea were up only 1.7 per cent.

There were larger-than-average rises inMougins, up by 18 per cent, and CannesCalifornie,up 14.6 per cent,and the Collinessector of Antibes is up 14.3 per cent.

HousesThe average cost of a house across thedepartment is now €318,200, but againthere are major variations across the region.

At the top of the list is the Trois Corniches,which includes Cap Ferrat, Beaulieu andVillefranche, where the average purchaseprice of a home was €674,600 in 2002.

Antibes is in second place with an aver-age cost of €575,100,up 9.5 per cent year onyear. St Paul de Vence comes next at€567,400,then Mougins (€458,000),Cannes(€450,100), Roquefort-les-Pins (€428,100)and Valbonne (€412,100).

Houses in the popular expat towns of LaColle sur Loup, La Gaude, Le Rouret,Tourrettes sur Loup, Biot, Mouans-Sartouxand Vence all changed hands for an averageprice of between €300,000 and €400,000last year.

Flats up 10.5%,but houses flat

6 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003



ClassifiedsMy Riviera

Celebrity hat designer David Shilling tells Jenny Paul abouthis passion for fashion,hot chocolate and his first titfer...

MY career in millinery startedwhen I was just 12 years old and I

designed a hat for my mother to wear atRoyal Ascot.

It was a metre wide and very flamboy-ant, in black and white tulle with a match-ing frilled shawl and mini coat dress.

After that I used to design her Ascot hatevery year. She was known affectionatelyby the British press as ‘the Ascot Mascot’.

The designs included a five foot tallgiraffe and a huge sunflower with a birdthat moved around as she moved.

Another one I made was a giant hat witha smaller hat inside so she could take thebig one off if she wanted.

I was born in London’s West End justaround the corner from Bond Street,which is why I’m a complete shopaholic!

I was educated at St Paul’s in Londonand I always loved fashion. My grand-mother used to take me to all the fashionshows when I was a child. They wereamazing as women put a lot more effortinto dressing in those days.

Then, in the 1970s, with the dawn ofNew York’s trendy Studio 54 and fashionmoving towards very flamboyant clothes,I found myself starting a hat revolution.

I was always going to go into fashion,butnowadays I prefer to concentrate on mysculptures.

I moved to Monaco three years ago.I’vewanted to live here since I was a teenagerand now with e-mail and laptops and theavailability of cheap flights back to the UK,it is very easy to be here. I keep a studio inLondon too, so I can divide my timebetween the two places.

I don’t think Monaco’s for everyone butI absolutely love it. For me it’s as close asone can get to paradise – I’ve been all overthe world and haven’t found anywhere bet-

ter than here.And I have travelled – in the1990s I headed a number of projectsaround the world working as a senior con-sultant on design for the United Nations.

I went to Africa,Asia and Latin America.I was even made president for life of asmall village in Papua New Guinea,but allthat meant was they put a banner outacross the street to mark my visit!

Nearer home, one place I love to visit isthe Hotel du Cap on the Cap d’Antibes.The view from the terrace is fantastic.I wasover there just the other day – it really isone of favourite places in the world.I enjoysitting there with friends and cocktails andwatching the sun set.

Then I come back to my flat and see thePrince’s palace all lit up.It’s really beautiful.

They also do fantastic concerts in thegardens of the palace in Monaco on sum-mer evenings and everybody gets dressedup; it’s fun.

Another place I adore is the Hotel deParis right here in Monte Carlo. Of all therestaurants I’ve been to, they do the besthot chocolate – and I have tried it in lots ofplaces, so it comes very highly recom-mended!

I’m rather certain I shall be staying inMonaco – I’m very,very lucky to be able tolive here.In fact I always have beenvery lucky!






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HAT MAN . . . dapper David has lived in Monaco for three years and says it is ‘close to paradise’

The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003 7



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TRAFFICUPDATERoads● Antibes Traffic lights and 50km/hlimit on RN7 until Oct 31.● Cagnes sur Mer Traffic lights and30km/h limit on RD2085/6 until Oct 30.● Le Tignet Traffic lights and 50km/hlimit on RD2562 until Dec 19.● Mandelieu la Napoule Traffic lightsand 50km/h limit on RN98 coast roadtowards Theoule until Oct 31.● Menton Long-term delays on BlvdCarnot during road widening works.● Nice Voie Rapide closed from 11pmuntil 6am every night until Sept 30.● Pegomas Traffic lights and 50km/hlimit on RD109 until Sept 26.● St Martin Vesubie RD89 closed.● St Paul de Vence Traffic lights and50km/h limit on RD2 south until Sept 26.● Valbonne Traffic lights and 30km/hlimit on RD4/RD204 until Dec 31.● Villeneuve-Loubet Long-term50Km/h limit on the RN98 coast road.

Trains● Coastal line closed from Menton toVentimiglia until Jan 2004,except forlong distance international services.Localpassengers will be transferred by bus.

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MOVIES● The Riviera Gazette’s guide to thisweek’s ‘Version Originale’ films withEnglish-language soundtracks...

Le Casino6 Ave 24 Aout, AntibesBIRTHDAY GIRLTue 20:30

Les Arcades77 rue Felix Faure, CannesDIRTY PRETTY THINGSDaily 16:00, 18:00 plus Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun,

Mon 22:00MAXDaily 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00WHALE RIDERDaily 14:00, 18:00, 22:00

La CoupoleCentre Culturel, La GaudeLOST IN LA MANCHAMon 17:30, 21:00

Cinéma Studio15 Blvd du Jeu du Ballon, GrasseLOST IN LA MANCHAThu 21:00, Fri, Sat, Sun,Tue 18:30

Cinéma SportingPlace du Casino, MonacoPIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN:THE CURSE OF

THE BLACK PEARLThu 17:30, Sat 19:30, Mon 17:30, 21:15THE ITALIAN JOBSat 19:30, Sun 17:30, 21:15,Tue 17:30WHALE RIDERFri 17:30, Sat 17:00,Tue 17:30


UGC Rialto4 Rue Rialto, NiceDIRTY PRETTY THINGSDaily 15:50, 20:00MAXDaily 13:45, 17:55, 22:10 plus Sat, Sun 11:10WHALE RIDERDaily 13:45, 15:50, 17:55, 20:00, 22:10 plus Sat,

Sun 11:15

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PERSONAL● AMERICAN, 69, looking for a friend –a big very heavy set man, 60-70. Replybox TRG915● MENTON lady, 56, is looking for anEnglish gentleman to improve herEnglish, 06 13 16 27 37● WANTED wedding planner towork with a London couple.Marriage Sept ’04. [email protected] or 00 44207 625 7778

PROPERTYProperty for sale

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● CHARMING 1 bed apt, old Nice, light,views,sleeps 3,quiet.Comfy beds, linen,5mins sea. Nr pking, flower mkt.€350/pw inc. Short/long term. 04 93 6254 07 or 04 93 20 30 33● DOUBLE room for rent in large villaon Cap d’Antibes. Available immediate-ly. Contact [email protected] or call06 25 07 28 36● BOOK your free or paid classified adonline at● JUAN LES PINS Quiet 1 bed for longterm rent 01/10.Parking,unfurn’d,€775incl.06 87 71 79 72● NICE Prom des Anglais, apt 120m2, 3beds, 1 LV, top floor, amazing sea vw. 0663 47 39 70

Holiday lets● CANNES studio apt, nr Croisette,€150/pw Oct-May – tel 00 353 87 2306617● BOOK your free or paid classified adonline at

Property wanted● ENGLISH lady looking for one bedflat with view, Antibes area. Max rent€600/mo. Tel: 06 87 24 75 90 or [email protected]

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● MATURE Englishman seeks worklooking after villa, gardening, pet care,chauffeuring. Live out. Nice to Mentonarea.Tel: 06 03 64 23 59

SERVICES● SEAMSTRESS! For all your repairs andalterations call Charlie, 04 93 63 08 69(Golfe Juan)

TRAVEL● JET2 Leeds Bradford Airport – directflights from Nice. Summer service untilSept 30. Flights resume in 2004

LONDON: Not another pokey hotelroom – rent a luxury Kensingtonapartment! Newly renovated andfurnished, sleeps 6 (2 dbl, 1 twin),

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TV & SATELLITE● SKY DIGITAL sales and installations.Low-cost flexible packages available –06, 83 & MC region.Call 06 78 39 39 05

● Ref 8543 FOR SALE ANTIBES Newmodern house in a quiet privatedomain, 3 beds, 80sqm, 2 parkingspaces, garden views.€355,000● Ref 7921 FOR SALE LE CANNETApartment in residence with pool/ten-nis in grounds, garage – reducednotary fees.€136,056● Ref 8677 FOR SALE ANTIBES Aselection of renovated apartments invery quiet area, prices from €225,300to €310,300● Ref 7441 FOR SALE MOUGINSFantastic apartment , three bedrooms,duplex, in residence with pool.€405,520

“Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want”Anon

● WEDDING and bridesmaids dressesdesigned and made to order. CallChristine on 04 93 29 34 32 or 06 76 9537 65

HOBBIES & SPORT● AMERICAN drum teacher, all levels,Eng & Fr, your house or mine. 04 93 2411 68.● THE Riviera International Singers per-form carols and Xmas music in their tra-ditional December concerts inValbonne, church and musicals, jazz,classics etc. at their summer concerts.We are looking for new members (esp.bass and alto). Some singing experi-ence pref but not essential.Contact Zoëon 04 93 40 20 39 or Coraline on 04 9296 40 85.

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Ornamental cornices, mouldings,plasterwork and interior decoration231 Ch du Plan de Grasse, Mouans-

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HOUSEHOLD● AIR Conditioner Tadiran TDL 11H,Household appliances, AEG washer andcondensation dryer, small fridge, 3drawer freezer, transformers,queen sizebed with brass bedframe, 04 93 22 9601, 06 20 60 63 18● WANTED s/h drums, percussion,drum eqpt. Any cond considered, tel 0493 24 11 68

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section for details

Jobs offered● CARETAKER/CLEANER wanted fortwo studio apts nr la Croisette,Cannes –tel 00 353 87 2306617

CARTOONIST wanted by thisnewspaper – must be experienced,talented, fast, reliable.Email samples

to [email protected]

● FANCY working one day aweek? Delivery drivers wanted tohelp distribute the Gazette everyThursday. Own car essential. CallSarah on 04 93 09 66 43● PART TIME cleaner required, MonteCarlo/Roquebrune area, tel: 00 44 7970250485

Jobs wanted● LANGUAGE BARRIER? Call Irene,trilingual PA. English/German/Frenchfluent. Area: Valbonne–Vence. 06 10 4404 50, [email protected]● MATURE,dynamic,professional MBA,32, seeking opportunities and/oremployment in the South of France.Looking for accountability for strate-gic/development matters in a growingbusiness.Adapts and learns well in newenvironments and domains. Diverseproducer/managerial backgroundincluding front-end financial services,reporting and software developmentexperience. Will consider any industryor sector. British with local French resi-dency & 10 year carte de sé[email protected] or tel 06 24 7013 39 for CV etc.● TEACHER seeks part time/full timejob with class, small group or 1 to 1.Kristin, 04 93 41 81 04

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Learn French● LEARN FRENCH at your home/office, one-to-one or in a group. Allbooks and materials supplied.Hundreds of happy clients over 15years – children,adults,schools and cor-

8 The Riviera Gazette Thursday 18 September 2003



The Riviera Gazette • 738 Route Notre Dame, Cidex 47, 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France • Tel: 04 93 09 66 43 • Fax: 04 93 09 66 53 • Editor Sarah Clark,[email protected] Editorial The Riviera Gazette welcomes your news,letters and comments.Contact us at the address above.Advertising Rates and data available on request.Call04 93 09 66 43.Subscriptions Annual postal subscriptions are available;see or call for details.Legal © 2003 The Riviera Gazette SARL.Copyright in The Riviera Gazette(including but not limited to text,photographs and illustrations) is owned by or licensed to the publishers.All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part of any text,photograph or illustrationwithout prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited.The Riviera Gazette name and logo are trademarks belonging to TheRiviera Gazette SARL.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Due care is taken to ensure that the content ofThe Riviera Gazette is accurate but The Riviera Gazette SARL, its employees,agents and contractors cannot accept liability arising fromerrors or omissions. Published by The Riviera Gazette SARL • SARL de Presse au capital de €300 • Siège social: 738 Route Notre Dame,06330 Roquefort les Pins,France • RCS Grasse B 442 181 251 • Siret:442181251 00012 • Publisher/Directeur de la Publication:Mike Clark• ISSN: 1634-3379 • Dépôt légal: a parution • Printed in France by Imprimeries IPS, ZI des Iscles, BP 50, 13834 Châteaurenard CedexContributors Dave Cooper,Susannah Hickling,Jenny Paul,Fiona Wilkinson.Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique.

What’s On and Where To Go...

thursdaynext issue out

september 25next week!

see you

The help you need when buying a property in France

● The First Annual Entrecasteaux CricketFestival starts today and goes on until nextSaturday. There will be four matches in sevendays against teams from England,Wales andHolland. Contact Sean Burke on 04 94 04 74 56.

● This weekend is the Fête du Sport with townsacross the region holding open days at sportingfacilities to encourage you to join local clubs. Tocheck out what is on in your town call your localtourist office.

● This weekend is also National Heritageweekend, known as ‘Journées du Patrimoine’,with events in lots of towns and free acces tomany museums and a chance to look aroundmany places normally closed to the public.Contact your local tourist office for details ofwhat’s on near you.

● The Palais des Congres in Juan-les-Pins isholding a Minerals, Fossils and Gem Stonesexhibition today and tomorrow. There will berocks, crystals and fossils from all around theworld on show. Entrance is €5, and free for undertens. Tel: 04 93 34 65 65.

● The Régates Royales, the second leg of thePrada Challenge for Classic Yachts, starts todayfrom Monaco and finishes in Cannes onSeptember 27. Tel: 04 93 39 24 53.

● The region’s public transport weekendstarts today. For the next three days €3 CarteAzur bus passes and €5 TER train passes will begood for any journey in the Alpes Maritimes for aday. Tel: 04 92 14 48 00.

● Cagnes-sur-Mer’s 3rd Supermotard is ontoday and tomorrow with European-style off-road motorcycle racing at the Hippodrome.Entrance is €10. Tel: 04 93 73 03 11.

● Walking Week starts today in St-Raphaël witha week of organised walks through the Esterelorganised by the Rando Club. Tel: 04 94 19 03 11.

● The Francois Arnaud Trio are performing atthe Bar-en-Biais in Antibes at 21:00. Tel: 04 93 7410 98.

● Crooner Charles Aznavour is performing atthe Palais des Festivals in Cannes tonight andtomorrow at 20:30. Tickets run from €30 to €48.Tel: 04 92 98 62 77.

● LOT flies to Gdansk,Warsaw and Wroclaw at16:30.

● Continuing today are Fascinating Aïda inAntibes and Monaco’s Retro Motor Festival.

Sunday 21● The 5th Biathle World Championships areon today in Monaco at the Plages du Larvotto,starting at 08:30.Athletes will gather from aroundthe world to take part in the ‘run, swim, run’event, over various distances for under 18s,seniors and masters. There’ll also be a celebritychallenge starting at 15:00. Tel: +377 99 99 91 50.

● A charity yacht regatta, Les Voiles del’Espoir, starts in Toulon today to raise funds forchildren with leukemia . The week-long racestops off in Hyeres, Ste Maxime and Cannes

Thursday 18● The German Ton un Kirschen Theatertroupe are performing mime, circus acts, dancingand pantomine at Grasse’s theatre tonight at20:30. There is also a performance at 20:30 at theSalle Leo Lagrange in Mouans Sartoux tomorrowevening. Tel: 04 93 40 53 00.

● Gerard Uferas is exhibiting his photographsat Villa Aurelienne in Frejus until November 16.The gallery is open every day between 14:00 and17:00 and entrance is free. Tel: 04 94 51 83 83.

● A photography exhibition showcasingworks by locals is open every day until Sunday atTourrettes-sur-Loup’s tourist office. Tel: 04 93 5930 11.

Friday 19● Adapt in France’s morning workshops fornew arrivals in France start today at the Centre deVie in Garbejaire, Sophia Antipolis at 9:30. Thismorning’s topics are accommodation andinsurance. Monday’s talk is on ‘culture shock’. Tel:04 93 65 33 79.

● The Red Pear Theatre presents FascinatingAïda, featuring Dillie Keane, Marilyn Cutts andAdele Anderson – with Russell Churney on piano– tonight and tomorrow night at the Antibeatheatre in old Antibes. Tickets are €28 and thecurtain goes up at 20:00. Tel: 04 93 61 01 71.

● Monaco’s first Retro Motor Festival is beingheld in the principality’s Espace Fontvieille. Oldcars and accessories will be on display untilSunday. Tel: +377 99 99 91 50.

● It’s Irish music night with the PACA regionalorchestra and conductor Phillipe Bender at theTheatre de Verdure at Villefranche-sur-Mer, from21:00. Tel: 04 93 76 33 33.

● The Nice Philharmonic Orchestra is playingPuccini, Strauss and Mozart at the Theatre MDaner in Beausoleil from 20:30. Tel: 04 93 78 0155.

● LOT flies to Copenhagen, Gdansk, Prague,Stockholm and Warsaw at 16:30.

● Continuing today is the Ton un KirschenTheater.

Saturday 20● The Riviera Charity Golf Tournament teesoff today at the St Donat golf course. The expat-led event will be played over three days, withrounds at St Endreol tomorrow and CannesMandelieu on Monday. Celebrities includingDennis Waterman and ELO’s Bev Bevan aretaking part.€500 gets you onto the player list,and the price includes a champagne reception atCannes’ Hotel Martinez beach bar. Call Florenceon 04 92 19 18 51.

● Cabris Cricket club will play WhitchurchHeath from the UK at St Vallier de Thiey today.Tomorrow’s match is against Provence CC and isthe SE Cup Semi-Final. Play starts at midday andfinishes around 19:00. Tel: 04 93 70 27 23.

before finishing in Villefranche.

● Vence is holding a flea market in the townsquare all day from 10:00. Tel: 04 93 58 90 49.

● LOT flies to Copenhagen, Gdansk, Kraków,Stockholm, Tel Aviv and Warsaw at 16:30.

● Continuing today are the The Riviera CharityGolf Tournament, Cabris Cricket club’s SE CupSemi-Final, First Annual Entrecasteaux CricketFestival and the region’s public transportweekend.

Monday 22● LOT flies to Copenhagen, Gdansk, Kraków,Stockholm and Warsaw at 16:30.

● Continuing today: The Riviera Charity GolfTournament, Les Voiles de l’Espoir, EntrecasteauxCricket Festival, the public transport weekendand Adapt in France will hold a morningworkshop.

Tuesday 23● Circus Arlette will be in Antibes until Sunday,at the Pré au Pecheurs by the port. There are dailybig top shows and the animals will be on displayall day. Tel: 04 93 34 23 66.

● LOT flies to Copenhagen, Gdansk, Kraków,Stockholm and Warsaw at 16:30.

● Continuing today: Les Voiles de l’Espoir andthe First Annual Entrecasteaux Cricket Festival.

Wednesday 24● The British Association of Nice is havinglunch at The Green Room in Nice at 12:00.Booking is essential; contact Josephine on 06 8226 61 06.

● The 13th Monaco Yacht Show starts today inPort Hercule. It will be open daily from 10:00 to19:00 until Saturday 27.A day pass is priced at€40. Tel: +377 93 10 41 70.

● LOT flies to Copenhagen, Gdansk, Stockholmand Warsaw at 16:30.

● Continuing today is the First AnnualEntrecasteaux Cricket Festival,Antibes’ CircusArlette and the Les Voiles de l’Espoir.

Now booking...● A celebrity lunch with Jack Charlton OBE –angler, footballing legend and honorary Irishman– will be held at the Cafe de Paris in Monte Carloon Thursday September 25 from 12:30. Pricesstart at €75. Tel: +377 93 30 08 75.

● The Var Village Voice is organising a latesummer picnic and auction to raise funds forlocal firefighters in Lorgues on SundaySeptember 28. The event promises jazz music, acharity auction, and a chance to catch up withother English-speakers. Tel: 04 94 04 49 60.

● Sir Elton John will be performing in Canneson December 15 at the Palais des Festivals. Theshow will start at 20:30 and tickets are pricedbetween €60 and €85. Tel: 04 92 98 62 77 tobook.

Thursday 18 Friday 19 Saturday 20 Sunday 21 Monday 22 Tuesday 23



17°C 19°C 18°C 18°C 16°C 18°CSunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny

27°C 28°C 27°C 27°C 28°C 27°CSunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny


Avg. high: 24°C Avg. sea temp: 22°CAvg. low: 17°C Avg. rainfall: 54mm

Mornings and evenings are cooler.Daytime temperatures remain high,but with an increased chance of rain.

Call 08 99 70 11 11 for today’s weather in your town, or to get a three-day forecast in English. Calls cost €0.34 per minuteRiviera Weather


ANDERSON with RUSSELL CHURNEY on pianoThis is cabaret as good as it gets, and you can see it in Antibes before it goesto the West End. This new show is a fabulous collection of new songs and old

favourites, impeccably delivered in unfashionably posh accents by thosethree heavily painted, yet still glamorous old troupers who are proud to say

that they are a Botox-free zone

“See them before you die, otherwise your life will have been meaningless”The Mail on Sunday

“The glamour is magnetic, the satire razor-sharp, the lyrics brilliant”The Guardian

Friday 19 and Saturday 20September, 8:00pm

Théâtre Antibéa, rue Georges Clemenceau, AntibesTickets €28 • Reservations: 04 93 61 01 71

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