  • 8/8/2019 File Preparation Guide


    Save as or Export as PDF

    (with Press Quality Sengs)

    First - Create a PS File

    Then - Disll the PDF

    MASAR Prinng &

    Job Preparaon Guide

    Prinng is a process full of surprises. To turn the surprises to our favor and predicon, we suggest that the

    following guidelines be followed while preparing a job for a Printhouse. Though we accecpt many le for-

    mats, the most preferred one is PDF. Guidelines for PDF are given below.

    For Delivery by CD

    Retain layersBigger size

    For Delivery by FTP/Mail

    Flattened PDFSmaller size

    1 2

    Common Guidelines for both Procedures1. Recommended minimum Resoluon

    Color images 300 dpi (200 dpi for Newspaper jobs)

    Greyscale images 300 dpi (200 dpi for Newspaper jobs)

    Monochrome 1200 dpi

    2. RGB images assign them to ISO39 prole.

    3. CMYK images assign them to ISO39 prole before taking them into layout.

    4. Spot colors convert them to process. Keep only those spot colors intact that you want to print separately.

    5. Text on artworks made in Illustrator need to be converted to outlines before exporng for layout or nal output

    6. Overprint choose overprint / knockout sengs in the design as MASARs overprint policy is to only reproduce

    what is given. Recommended overprint seng is to enable for small text and disable for solid lls.

    6. Maintain 3 to 5mm of bleed if the job requires.

    7. You have to send single page PDFs for Newspapers. Mulple page PDFs are ok for commercial jobs.

    Two ways to prepare your PDF

  • 8/8/2019 File Preparation Guide




    Adobe Indesign Export as PDF - Select File Menu -> Export Commandand choose the save astype as Adobe PDF. Step 2 is needed only if you need a bleed.

    Adobe Illustrator Export as PDF - Select File Menu -> Save As Commandand choose the saveas type as Adobe PDF. Step 2 is needed only if you need a bleed.

    You will not need to set a bleed if you are print-

    ing a Tabloid or broad sheet newspaper or

    similar material in our weboset. However if

    you are doing a magazine or yer or brochures

    you may need a bleed. It is important if your

    artwork spreads ll edge on the nal printed

    material. An equal bleed of 3mm to 5mm on

    all sides is sucient. You dont need ableed in

    example No. 1 below. But you need a bleed in

    example 2.

    Quark Xpress Export as PDF - Select FileMenu -> Export - > Layout As PDF Command.







    When do you need a bleed?

    1 2


    Your ultimate destination for Printing

  • 8/8/2019 File Preparation Guide


    Creang Postscript in Adobe Indesign - In the Print Window the following steps could be usedto prepare a postscript le. At the end, the sengs can be saved for reuse. Take the default print sengs

    and change only those marked in brown.

    Creang Postscript in Adobe Illustrator - In the Print Window the following steps could be usedto prepare a postscript le. At the end, the sengs can be saved for reuse. Take the default print sengs

    and change only those marked in brown.













  • 8/8/2019 File Preparation Guide




    Always remember to

    convert two things be-

    fore exporng a le out of Il-

    lustrator. One is convert all text

    to outlines and other is to convert all

    special colorsto CMYK.

    Did you know?

    MASAR applies color management

    on your les to achieve the best col-

    ors possible (ISO39) in oset prinng

    process. We use Color Management

    soluon from GMG. Our mission and

    undertaking is to achieve true repro-ducon of the customer les.

    Contact Details for MASARs Prepress

    MASAR Prinng and PublishingPO Box 485100

    Tel: 04 3694694

    email: [email protected]

    You can obtain from us

    the details of FTP access

    for sending les tous andthe naming convenon

    required for your les to be

    processed in our automated


    Quark Xpress Making a PS le- First you need to create a print style with steps 1 to 6 here.Select File menu and Print Command to reach step 7. Steps 7, 8 & 9 will complete the PS le.

    Acrobat Disller Makinga PDF from the PS le

    1 2

    4 5 6


    7 98

    How to manage your spot colors?Many designers are impressed by the spot colors and tend to use

    them in their designs. But when you are sending a four color job

    make sure that you convert the spot colors to process before you

    export the artwork. The best possible conversion is achieved only

    using the color library in the nave applicaon on which it was

    used. Levae only those spot clors untouched that would need

    special inks or UV.

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