Page 1: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

JUNE 24, 1950




• h)f tva\, slgb (Jod gl\'!,;!j J ps.llm hlf I.:Wr\" <;0rl' (.od bring~ a h.llm

r or I.:n:rv storm II ... s\'nds J calm r'Of (\',"n' \"Ilwr\ lund, .1 p.llm

I'or \'\"l'rY Sin the I .amb,"

l . I

Page 2: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

• \1 Y TIl F~1 E ha~ IItt' n :-.uggc!'olcd by til t· k\.t nf a n'n-Ill ... t·nnon to which I h .. t('ll{'d with grt'at plt'a'l1rl' TIlt' pre;l('h. ('1' \\';,~ a {·olof(·d hl'oti l{"r who i ... the pa .. tor of tilt' t·oIlKIl·/.:"atmrl that ttlJ\\' wor!'ohip<; w here 0\11' P('Hpl<' of tilt' Fir ... t Ch\lrcb in Oakland ""'('r! III w()r~hip, Th('re WNC

ah()ltt 3S0 IJ('ople pn"('nL :tnd I was the only whitt' Iwr"'(11I in tIl{' cOJiK regatirll1. J\!'o Sf~J!1 , h I had g",1(' in a mi !oat down 0 11(' of tIl(' 11,11('1'" ('al11e tn mt' and tnld ow hi ... name and a ... 1;,nl what mine might IJt' \\ 'ht'n hI,' kar1l('ci tllat I had "('cn pa .. tlll' tlwn' f<lr T1t'arl\, t(·" \'('a r ~ lit' \\'cnt and t"leI hi ... I'a ... trlr. ;'-l1d I \\'., ... ill \i l('r\ to .. it 1111 tilt' pla tform

It wa .. a 1110 .. 1 il1u'r(,!'ot in~ .. e 1'\'ice, Colnl'('d fnll, knnw hn\\ tr)'. ane! thrl' all "' ( '('111('11 to (,Iljll\' tIWllh(·h·(· ... There lIas a chllir /,f ahoul thi rtl' ·fi\{' \'ok('s_ Hefort· til(' pn'adll'r :lIll1olll1n.'c\ his t('xt 11(' told th(' p('r 'plt, it was nnw til11(' to come tn the ;111ar ;11111 pray. 11(' .. aiel. " I I \\-ill do .\'011 no goorl til COIll(' jlL"t becall"e ot11tT" ( ' /1111('. " " h(,(,;lI1"(' the altar ea11 ha<; h('ell madf'. 01 that yOIl ma\' hC' SC('n III' {)th('f~ to ha\'(' f(Jlll('. Hil t i f yOIl really want to pray, if p,';I,\'('1' is in vO\lr h(·arl . ami \,Olt (k ... ir{· to ('onl;1('1 (;od . Ih ;" is t Itt· tlnle to t·OUll' "

Thi" allal' ",,'flit'(· IIdor(' tht' sennnn. 1 dist'O\'('red. is a planm'd p;Lrt of thc morning' !'('nice, T h(' pt'ople call1C', and filkc1 the allar. nohod ,\- ~Ia.ving more Ih:111 half a 1\1i1l1l\('. \" Iho"t' who had C(J11lt· n 'tin·d. OIhe,. ... 1';11 11t'. unti l it ap-1)('an'<1 to lilt' that lIt'a d )' evc rybody in Iht· congrcgation had l'OIlIt: and had howed at 111(' altar and hreathed a ",ilellt prayer. 1t remindcd lllt' of tilt, da\'", \\ hen I ad ­mini"lt'r('d Ih(' h()l\' t'fl11111l1l nion d uring "' t' \'t'ars of uw t>.1t thodi"t Illinl"ln·. T hen 1)('()I~ lt' t'al11(' (c; t h(' altar to partake of Ihe "al'fet! dell wIlh, and :IS tlrn ... t· who had

'partakl'l1 reI ired. ()ther~ came I1l1til a ll had he('11 "'en'cd.

T he alta r ~ervi ('e did 110t last Iong-. per­l haps not more thall fi ve or !oix mi11 ules. \\ 'hel1 the pastor prayed he knclt beh ind the pllipil. I'e rhap~ it wou ld he better if our preach(' rs would kneel more fre­q uently when they pray. 1 (owcver . k neel­ing. like stand iug. ca u he a mcre for m ; and we o ught to try 10 get away as fa r as possible from mcre form.

Page 7'«'0

The pn'adll'r',~ Iwan all)!earefi 10 he tnur\wd II c prayed flJr the !oick. and a~ked Ill(' 1.(11'11 to IlI'al them: fflr the ('r r ing. a"kll1g that tlw,\' mi.l:ht hc rt'Clai11led from tIl(' error of tlltir \\'a\'s; fo r th(' l11is· "ionarit!', re(ll1(",ling Ihat 'til(' IM~!';ing of the l,onl might be upon them. and for all the Iw(·d,I'. that thei r Ilreds mighl be ~l1ppli l'd. 11 (' prayed fl)r Cl't'fy family repre~{'ntcd in thc congregation. fM all the ahsen t Ill('mher". and for ti lt' pn'adH'1' \Ihn wac; ahout to deli\'('r tile lIl('s ... :t~t·: 11(' :lshel that UpOll the pr('a('}l('r the anoi nting' of the Spirit might 1'('_ ... t ami that hi" Illes­-,ac:(' 11li~ht Iw:' in Ih(' pf/\I'er of the 110ly (;ho .. 1. .\ part of the tilll!.' there "cr111r<l III he a hoi\, hl1!oh hrooding o\'er the con­

,g regatinn. and oc'casiollalh' there was a ht'arl\' f(· ... pon'(' of somc ki'nrl from a ~oul that ;ippeal'eri to hc an ('al'llt'"t "ceker after G()(i.

The tcxt \\'a " olle I had nevcr preacllt'd (111. and T think had ncver r('{crred 10 in all t11c H'ar~ of lilY ministn: and T tlo not rccail that I el'(.r heard ;n.\· preacher prcach Oil it. or rd<'r to it HlI! it iL11 -

IlI'(' ... sed me as nile of Ih(' most ,<;ignificant among' Ihe lleg-It'CIt'd passa[:!'cs of God 's \Vonl. I wondcr wll\' \\'(' fai l to s('c .so many thillgs that (;(){I has recorded in J Ti s \\'ord. \Ve s('e milch. hut God app~-Ir· tnth- would ha\'e us learn that the Bihle is .i great ,re:l;.l1re hOll~c, a g reat nune into which \\·c call go and dig. and ne\'er fail to find ~mll(' t hin~ lIew that is of greal \;liue. It is inc\.hallstible.

The text wa~ Ezek iel 3: 15- "1 sat where th .... )' sa.t." The preacher told us how Ez('kil'1 had h('en ('a rfled awa\' into capt i\';I\'. how he had been called to the prophet-ic office . how hI,' had responded to the call. and had comc to delivC'r his

0 " '" '''''''''' ,,""""'" " "",,"',,"""'" """"'"'''''''''''' """"'''[!]

i my Only pica I -

Just as I am, wirhour one plea Bur rhal Th y blood l{las shed

for me. _ And that T hou bidd's r me come

/0 T hee, o Lamb of God, I come.

8.".,."""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,.,,""""" """ ''''''8

~pi rit-indit('d mc" ... ag'c to his fellow cap­ti\'('~. and "aid afttrwarcI~, as hr rccordcd thc ('xl'eriellcc. "I "at wheft' they "at."

TIl(' :-.('nnon wa" vcr)' practical. and theft· was slJllltlhinc III it fnr c\·cr\'hody. \\·t· W('T(' tol(1 that ii capil:-tl wO\lI/\ "it wher<' lal}()r ;.It .. , ami lahor woulci sit where t'apital "il;.. the prohlcTlls of capita l and lahor would soon he soh-cd. Thcre was a :-.triking- and elcxlutl1t appeal for lal)()r. The lalxJring- Illan I" entillt'd to .a living wagc, to a jll,t ('ol11l)(·n ..... '1lil)l1 for Ius sen·i('e .... and tho",,' who aHempt to roh him of that jlhi comp('n",alion and get hi"­vice for nothing- 01' practically nothing arc guilty before God. ()n the other hand, l'apital i" l'lllitlcd In a just relllrn 011 it-; ill\'e~tm('I1t. and it is JII"I a~ pnssihle and j\L~1 a~ (':1.,\' for lal"lr to In' ,v\ii,h and tlllJt1~t ;\,. ;t i~ f01' l'apital to di"rt',carci lahor's ri:;::hts. \V(, shoul d re111('mlwr Ihat \\'(' are all "nns of .\dam, and Ihal we o\l~ht In he the sons of Goll. I .ahor has it ... ri~hts and ca pi t;d has its rig-ht~. We are all hrt'lhr('n. 1,('( la1.or sit whcre capital ~its. and (';\pita l sit where lahor sits. l.tI each tak(' til<' place of the othe r. and the gul<l('n rull' \\'ill hecol11c the criterion Ill' which ('\,C'r\, d ifficu lt I' will he rCIllf)I'cr! and ('vcry pr'(Jhl(,1l1 "oil'('c\ alld perfect unitr rcstored and prc~en·cd.

And the old should sit wlwre the y()ung :-.;1. and Ih(· YOIlI1I.! :-.h0l1l11 ~il wlwf{' lIlt' old "it. The ' young' ha\'e their prohlcllls. They arc in the spring of life. \ 'cry oftcn elderly people sec things only from their o\\'n ~tandpoint and insist that young peo­pIc look at life ju!.t as they do. and li\'e jll~l as tho,~ e \\'ho arc olde r in rears live. They forgct tha I they were 011t·(' young and lha t when they were young they "; \11'

thillgs as young people see lhC'Tll. Alld I'ery frequently yOI\1l~ people fa il to have the respect Ihey ought to h:lve for thcir (· Ider;,: they appcar to be llnahle to realize that Ihoie \\'ho han:,' lived many years have had large exper ience, and that' they ought to be glad to avail themseh'es, so far as po.ssible. of Ihat expericnce, thus a\'oiding mal1\' a pi t fall that otherwise \\-ill not be ayoided. The solution of the prohl em oj th(' nld ane! the yOI11It! c\o(' ... nOt consist in their :,egrcg:at ion. hU l rather in their solidaritv. Let the old .sit where the young sit , an<1 the )'01111:.:' sit where the old sit. and the prohlem o f juvcnile dc­linquenc~' and of pa rcll ia l delinquency wi ll he solved, a nd where confu~ ion now pre­I'ail') there \\'il1 be order and soc ial pro­gress. "T sat where they sat ,"

Let the husba nd sit where the wife .sit.s. and the wife sit wherc the hu~balld Si IS, and thc domest ic problems o f the home will be largely solved. T he wife has her problems. anc! ther are ma ny. I Itlsbands often o\'erlook this fact. T hcy think all the problems are theirs; ther want to be p<'ullpcred and pi l ied and helped in every concei\'ahle way. Oft('n whi le a husband is

(Conti11l1ed on page s;x)


Page 3: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

"f1 Catinlj on

Forly years ago the L ord led Miu Garrigu~ to needy Newfoundland, w/Jere she opened the doon of Bf'lhclKln M;~~;on to let the {ig/l! of the g/oriou" gospel of Ch,ist s/,ine out into the lon .. ly "illh! of ~i " and despair . This ",as the beginniniJ cI II wo.k now known liS The 1'cnl"<;O$I ,,1 A srem­bli.,." 01 Newfoundland. 01 which Eugene Vaters i .• General Superi1llendenl.

The work ha" sprend over N"",/oundland, where thf>re are IIbout 60 Asscrnhlies, lind on to the bl"ren rC/le/,,, ,, of I"nbrlldor wher., there lire two stMions. each with lin ""ISMlion. The mote norrher/y stlltion is witlti" 30 miles of the 1/ ... 1 rNlches 01 ihc friendly coastal sleamer, which ope,llIes only /wo months 01 Ihe yenr.

You, {,cart will be mewed by Ih;" U""S""/ m~""lll/e which Sister Gllui"", Idl behind. She ""pnrted 10 be forever will, her Lord las/ AlII/tift, nl tIre ripe old II~" of 91 yellr", It i~ the intention of loving friends, who are (Jrllie fu/ lor h .. r life "ml m ini.t lry. 10 rl>i$e II tllbcrnac/e in 11 ... memory 01 Cnmp EmmnmlOl, n n"w Pen le­COSlnl Camp M eeting which h~ been esrtJblished illS! ,,,ccntly in Newfoundlnnd,

• In-Rf)!~:\FD with the lack of unity amollg' Cod's people, e\"{'1l in the Pente­co"I;)1 ral1k ~ , my heart went up to God ror lhe ;mslI'er 10 Je~l1s' prayer. "That they all may he one ,"

\\ 'h i1c tl \11~ musi ng, some strange \\' orc\s calill' to lilt'; "Eating 011 the hcap!" I ktww they werc taken from an expcrience in j<lo.:o1)'s li fe, and turned at once to e;cncsis 31 In order to understand thi~ article . VOII wil! nced to read the chapter ca rdull;',

jawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving- his ttnd e L1.han fourteen yea rs ior hi:. two wives and six yea rs fo r hi s cattlc,

:-;OIl1C one has said: "At Bethel, he I('aroed what God was : at Haran. what jacoh was, " Tt is certain that at H aran Iw met his match in his uncl e Laban, 1t was a case of Greek mccting Greek, and h111 fo l' God, poo r jacoh would ha\'e fared had ly.

, \1 the end of the twenty yea rs. God spoke to him in a dream and said, "1 alll the God of Hethel, where tholl anointec!st the pillar, and where tholt I'owcdst a vow unto Ille: nOw a r ise, get thee out from this land , and return I1nto the land of thy kind red ,

"Then Jacob rose 11p and sct hi s sons and his I~' il'es upon camels; and he carried away all hi~ Utt lle. and all his goods which he had gotten in Padan-aram, for to go to Tsaae his fat her in the land of Canaan, And Laban wcnt to shear hi s sheep: and

JUII. 24, 1950

II " .JV-eap


Radwl I'all ~t()kn the i11lag'l:~ tl1:1t In.:rt '('r htl: 'r'~, "

\ fter (hr{'C' clays. i,aban r('(unlet! and joullCl J<lcllb had departed taking all hi" ~'Iods, To make mailer~ wor"l'. his hnu"t'­hold g(l(l" wcre gone and tl1('r(' \\';1" no (jf)l1ht in his mind hut that Jacob had ~to!tn thelll, Filled with wrath, he !Dlh­ert'c! "'l1llC hrl'lhf(,tl wilh him ami the\' "tarted ait\'r Jacoh. ddermineci to h;1\:('

ye1tg-eance, On hi" \I'ay, Cod appeared to him in a

drl'am and said, "Take heed that thol1 speak nOt to J acoh either good ('Ir had," This. hOlr('n'r, did il(lt hinder him from ~il-ing Jac()!> "a piece of his mind" \I-iwll he met him,

J li~ ,:wry \\'a" plamih1c, III' felt he had iJCl'l1 g-reiltly wrong-cd in not hting ahle to kis;; his dal1ghtC'r'> and g-ral1(boll'; and .,('11(\ ,11('111 a\\'~\1- with ,,()ng-~ and tahr{'t and harp. a~ he 1I'0idd like to 11a\'e done, Then, tm" for Jacoh to stcal his gods was a dreadful th ing,

One _~ide of a story always sOHnd~ ('I'J\­

dncing' till \'011 h('ar the oth('r ~idt'. jacob 11';1 .. tra,'elitig in the will of God; he had I/Of sto\cn the gods, and he had good rea.,on for leil\'ing during Lahan's ah"ence a~ the probabilitics lIere that if Laban had heen home, he would not h;1\'e g-ottCIl away at all or \I-ould ha\'e gone Jca\'ing- all behind ,

~tllng to the qui ck at the d1argc of stealinc; the gods, Jacob told his ~LOr)' of th(' past twenly years which was not flat­tering to Laban, When he fini~hed, Laban, still full of fight, s;ucl ; "Th('sc daughters arc my daughters, and these child ren are my children , and these cat tle arc t1l\' cattlc, and all that thou see~t is mine,"-

I!],""'''''' '''" ....... "'' '' ''''''''" ... "''" ..... " .. ,,''''''''''''',, .... ,'',,.I!]

~ [

Juse as ! am, and tvaitiny not To rid m~1 sou l of one dark bfot.

To Thee u..'hose blood can cleanse each spot.

o Lamb or God, I come, ;; ;; EI" .... · ." ......... "" ....... " " .. " ... " .. ,," """ ... " " .. ,,'" """""" "'I!]

Th()~t' luoking on must ha\'e w(l11dercc1 what the next move would he-both panics were ~lT1aniT1g under the \\T0I1g.,

thl'\' had received and could !;('e nothing ht'.I'OTlcl S\lddt;1l1~' the unexpccled Imp-­l't:t\ed, l.all.'l1 tri6 nut: "\\,hal can I do~" Tiwll ill' ~dd~' "Xo\\, COT1le Iholl. let 11-'" mak(' a cun'nanl, I and Iholl. and Itt it he jllr a witne~~ Ioclwn'n I11C and thec."

It i,~ the ~lIdden and unexpectcd thing:s that tn' Il~. alld (,t'rtail\l~' h('l'l' \I:b a great test for Jacoh, "~Iakl' a t'Ilwnant" with (lII(' who' had jll~t (':liil'd him a "I hid" ~ witl! nile who h:1I\ T1t'\-er 10.,t an oppor­tunitl' to take advantage oi him') \nth one who - l1('n'l' kr)lt hiS '\\'{'Ird ~ 11(,w clOl1l<1

he do that) ~o!llt'h(l\\" God Illu-.t have comc to

Jacoh's hc'lp ami inrnisllt'd him ~ral't' to ('ollqutr imll~di. fllr ht' took a .,tnUt· and set it 11]1 for a pillar. thell onlf'rcd "tOIH'';

to hc gathl'rt'd ior a heap-- -;\n,1 "tilt'\' (\1(1 l':1I tl1t'rc upt'n the heap." '

In Oric'ntal bnd~, 10 cat tng-rlher was a nT~' :.acn·d thing-, 1\ lIlt'anl a lm'c ('on'nant inr fnrt\' \'('.1.r..;, ()Id \1 "nllg ., :11111 injuri,'''; In'n' f(lr~(lttc'll aud th' tWO :1,~1't'('d tn Iwfrit'ud each (1lhl'r, ('\(-Il tn gll!l1g !Ilt'ir lilT~ if nect·..;~:tfl'

I ,(·t lh look ~Il thi..; 11t'11l oi ~tt11H' ... and ... (.t' II'hal it !1lcant til la{'oh to c·:tt t!l('t'{',

lll're IIC haY{' g-ather'ul th~' il1jllri('~ ni /\1('1111' ,\-('ar", The decrit in g'il'itlg' hUll I ,;~1' when 11'. had ~l'f\Td "t'\'ln n':lrs ior Hat'h': -till' .,'h:lngitll:' oi hi~ 1\':Il!'l'S !t'n tim('~ tl1(' injl1~tKl' {'If mal..;tn~ him hear ,,11 tlw l(>~~('~ -a nd nllw the iabt, acnl";\­li on that he was a thid!

:\"('I('r \\'a~ Jacoh 11Ior(' ltkt' C(I(\ than wh'l\ ·It· sat dr;I\'11 on lllH: ~ide (If that ]lil(, (Of ~lOn{'" with I ,aklll on the otlwr ";lt1d 11lt'I' did eat lh('re." ] Il'a\'cn was victor and hell \\a~ ddeakd, r .o\'e Ilt'gall to flo\\' in and out, and sO dt'l i~htfl\l I ',:h the i\t1l10~ph('f{' that the\' tarried all nit.:ht. In the morning, Laha;l. this man wilo had -.tartlyl Ollt breathing ('urscs . \\'a~ ,l:'Clillg ill and Olll hle"si[\~ and ki~sillg everl'One, Th~'t1 he t{'l{'lk his departl11'e and Jacob rl'~IItl\{'d his jotlrnC~' , '

11 c had not gone far \\' hen ht: found his little C01l1]1allv had been r(·inforccd b\' a ham! of allg'cL~ that weill with him iitld Jacoh ~aid , "This i~ God's host." God could well afford to send lIi~ angels (0 ac­company a man who had had "nch a lllighty \'ictory ol'e r himself.

:\Ian)' I'('ar.~ ha\'c pas~cd "ince T.aIJan and j;),C(,1) ate there "fltl tht: heap." hilt hearts hal'e 1I0t changcd, Still there are \\'rollg~ and Ill isllnder<,tandings: sti ll t he re a re lTllel~('parati ons. each pari)' feeling he L" rit:ht and is the injured one, ',)Ihers ta ke sides, and ~o the div isions inerease, Oh, ti l(' \ll\~p{'akah lc ~hall1e oi il alll

:.: 0 doubt \'01\ have heard of the two g-oats who llwi 011 a na r row plank crossing the strcam, There was no room to turn

(Col1titlUl'd Oil pagc cleven)

Page Three

Page 4: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

editorial The Highest Award in Radio

"The Crl'at(·~t Story En'r Told," a l1l't\\'l)rk prCJg-r:tm whi~h dramatiz('~ the: l1fe of Chri~t. rcctllth· ren'in'd the Pta bodv -\ward, till' 1ll0"t Ir('a"lIrcd award in radio,

:\1 il!i(JlI~ tl1jo\' !hi.~ \\,l'l'kl~' broacka"t :\0 douht It c:lldH's til(' attcntilJII oi man\' h"tl"ll('r" who mig-hI oll1("rwi-.(' give n;) l!lollJ.;ht to tht' l~ill!t> story: ;lnd tlH' .. , ')Ihl'f";. the C;oodvt':tr Tire :tlHl Ruhbc! ('oll1paIlY. are ttl lit" l'O!ll11l("THkd for the (!t-..,lrt- In 111\(--.\ theIr 1I1f1IJ('y 111 a rdig-lotb \11'('granl 'l'llt'n- 1.., Ill) Ilfl''''l-fltatil,1l of tht· IWt'r\ oi n'ptntan{'(' for ,,111, and p('r..,IHl

al aen'l'lance of Chri,,\ <1-. S;\\"inur, h()\\ t'\Tr. It r('mains f('f r:ulio pn'adl(-rS II)

PI("sclll tlw'>t, ('v(lII).(I'li<:<l1 truths and fllf

all ,he p(-ople of Cod to ..,llpport tht"'T g:n~pd hroadca ... ", \\'1111 11)('il' prayns and offerilll! ....

T ,('1 IlS faithfully Sllpport ollr OWl)

RI,:\IVAI.TI \II: J,rlladc;I"1 II m;L\' 11(:\'('r l·tH·IV!' til(' 1'('allody \warel or Iltlj{'r ap" plau .. e fl''1l1 Ihe world. hm \\'t' sha11 ht· ('ol1l('nt it' It k:ld ... "innt·r ... Ii' tl1(' (·'·i) ... " and llJ{'('b \\ ilh tht· <LII]lW\':11 of (hri,,1 lfI11l"df.

A Bible Famine in Russ ia It i:. (,llco!1rag-ing' to kal'1! Ilmt at k:t. ... t

.... Imll· of tll\' 1~l!"Slall Srriplltl'('" whirh Ill(' \1111'l'ir;l11 I{iblc' SoC'i('I\" \\a" ahle to ship

tn 1 ~llssia in ]/),17 wtrc maclt' ;l\'ailah1c to th(' Rmsiall puhlic All ]':IIg-li:;h lady who was employed in iht· British cmlms"y al illo~C'o\\' "'aw th('m plll flut ior -"ale on a "Iall tog-('th(' r wilh pictures of saints, etc .. in a Illona ... lery at Zajor"k ncar ).fosco\\·. Sh{· h(!ll~ht a ntl1llli('r of copic:; and gave tht'lll all away.

Unfortl!natl·1v th" 1~l!s"i;lll Gov('rnment has not lll'r11lilled tIlt' Bihl<' Society to ... ('nd am ~rriptl!r(' ... into 1{llssia since IDI7. nor has il pl'nniu('d the Christians In print \'t'ry mam' Bihit's inside Rl1s:;ia. Thcrt~ 111\1s1 he a famine of th(' \Vord of Coc! hehind t11(' "iron C\11'tain." J\ famine of God's \"onl can \" ad un!\" 10 an end of ... pirituallife, so let 1I pray fur th(' R I1 ...... i"n 111'l)ple, "The Lord's h:ll1(l i:; not short en­ed. that it rannot s:\\'e: neither his cal' hean·. Ihat it ('an not hear." Though we Call1ltH pierce lhe ;'i roll curtain" \\"ith Bihll's. nor with mi ssionar ies, we can pierce it wilh p raye r and prayer is the arm that 1Il0\TS the hand of God.

Planning to Evacuate Washington Plans for the r('11loY<l1 ()f the L', S.

GO\'crnrnent from \\'a~hington . I). C. in ('\"("l1 t of \\,al· . and the ~etting- up of Ih(" various departments in di.~persed areas of greale r saiety, havc already been drawll

Page Fouy

lip h~' a spt'cial (;l)w'rn1l1('nt C/)Il1Il1I"'sion. according" til Till' Christian S.jclICt' .If ollilOr

The nall"n might ju~t as well I,n'pan' inr war fnr :h're rail be no la~tiTlg" pt'an' wltholl\ rightt'oll ... !lt·ss_ 'I'll(' Bihk ~ays. "'1'111' wnrk of rij.!'ht{'Olhl1(·...... "hall ht· !'('an:; and Iht' df('n oj rit:'htc{)u ... n~·s~ quit·tm·"", and a'-"'lIrancc for t:\"cr," 1,,;lIah 32,17. Tht 0111\ illeans of an'r!1I1g \\-ar is a d('('p-g-fJing-: natioll-widt· 1'1:\'i\"al of spirilu:l1 life and power. For stich a n'd\',,1 we t'an1("~tly pkad and pray

Revivals in Korea ';T11i" is th(' only answ{"r to Ill)' {'Otln­

tr.\"" Ilt-speratc l1eNI," said Korea's Pn' ... i­(knt, Syn!:'man Rlw(:, a ).Tcthodist. refer­ring tf) thl' grcat t'\'angdistic campaign wag-I'd in S(,I)ul a ("ouple' of months ago.

Th(· nint' IlIght campaign I(,d hy Robert I';('r("(' <In'\\" an aV('rag-l' alt(,l1(\al1c(' of 1,'i.onO and resulted in 2.()OO pr()it~s('r1 cIJl]versions. The ~nTct of the revival 111;(\' lie in the lact Ihat J,()()'") Christians f.!'al-hc!'ed a1 S :30 o'clock each morning­to st'ar('h tltl' Scriptures and pray for a nati/mal ;\\\':ikclling.

The nw{"!ings in Seoul climaxed an (·\"IIlg't'li ... tic tOI1t' of aU free provinccs in Korea. in which Pierce, Gil DOdds anrl 1:0]. Fin1e~' addrcs:;ed large throngs in auditorillll1.... athletic stadiums, and at schoo! assemhlies. At one meeting in Korea's Uni\'ersit~r of Engineering, 800 students responded to the invitation tu accepl Christ.

Persecution in Colombia ,\ ('harg-(' lhal I'role"ta11l~ an' heing

1'('rS('('ll1("d in Co)clTllhia. South .\mcrica, h\· groups n'pres(,Tlti ng the "reactionary" ('onservati\'c Party which he alleged to he identified \\'ith the Roman Catholic Chttrch, was made in .\ letter to the S ta lc 1)t'parl11lent ,n1(1 the U.S, Senate hy an officia l of the P resbyterian Church in the U.S.A.

]);l11icl ),1. lJattison. Trea~ure r-elcct of the Pre~bYI('rial1 Hoard of F oreign :'\is­siol1 ..... who recl'ntly ret urned from a Irip to South Amcrica. made the cha rg-t'

'I fe (\ec!an·d th at instances of rcfigions perseCtl!ion were occurring in Colombia's rural areas and \\"ere caused by the Na­t ional police or mayors of the sma lle r !owns, The"(' mayors, he said, arc ap-

r-J.""".""".""".""""''''''''''''''''",''''''''''''''''''.,'''' .... '''''''~

Jt!st as I am, though tOSf-ed about \\11th manti a (onflict, many a

dOHbi-Fiahtin9s [vithin. and fears with-

out- , o Lamb of God, , come. ~

8.,.,,, .. ,,,,,,·,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, .. , .. · ...... · .. , ...... ,, .... , .... ,.,' .... "'8

pointl'es of Prc .. cnt-clert Lauriano Gomez, Cnns{'[ vatin:. The mayors, in turn, CIll­I'll)), tbe police .

"It has heen proved," ,),11'. Patti,.;on ... aid, "that Inrl,,1 of the per:-eclltion ha" hecn carri{'d nn 1)\· the local official:; and the ""lin' and !1rlt hy lhe local population. In alllh('ir diol"\ .... how('Y.:r. Ihe local officials h<\\"(., tIl(' cnthll~i;tqic ~l1ppOl'l and prod­dlllg (If the local prit'~I~."

),1 r, Pattison char!:,cd that Colombia. IIllder fJr6.icit'I11-c!ecl COI1l('Z, had "all the ear-marks ni a police-statl' .,

Rough Packages SOllletimes dia11l()nds arc done up in

rul1"~h packages, so that their \'alue cannot be seen. \Vhen the tabernacle was huilt in the wilderness there wa:; nothing- ,ieh in its outside appearance, The co~tl.v things were all within, and its ol1tward cn\'{'ring of rough badger skin gave no him of thc valuable things which it contained.

Goo ma)' send you. dear fri('nd~, some cnstly packages. Do not worry if they arc dOIlC' up in rough wrappings. YOt! may be sure that there arc treasures of Im'e and kindness and wisdOtll hidden within. Ti we take what I Ie sends. and tru~t 11il11 for the goodness in It, e\'en in the dark, we shall \carll the meaning of t he secret:-. of Providellcc.-A. H. Simpson.

No pow('r 011 earth or under the earth can make a man do wrong without his own con"enl.-) :;aac Sharpless,

THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Offkial Organ of the A .5Cmblie5 of God in U. S. A .


OFF ICERS OF THE GENERAL COUNCI L of the Assemblies o f God in U.S.A.

W . R. STEELBERG .. General S uperintendent J. ROSWELL FLOWER . . , . G e neral Secretary WILFRED A . BROWN. . . . Genoml TrellSl.zrer NOEL PERKIN Foreign Mission. Secretary

Assistllllt aGneral Superintendettu GAYLE F. LEWIS RA LPH M. RIGGS




Page 5: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

mal'l'ia'J,e and ::tJivol'ce

aJ Jau'Jl.l by (j"'-JI

An increasingly large number of Ameli,".!!n homc~ urC beIng broken by uivou;e. TI,ere wa .. one divorce to c.'cry 4.4 mauiage'" in Am<'rica in 1948. llnd last year the situation WII! e.'om wOrse with one divorce 10 evl"Y 4.1 """riages. Accord. ;nlf 10 the Public Health Sen";ce, there were 1.585,000 marriage! and 386,000 divorce" ;n 1949, tU compnred with 1,8111155 marrinll"a and 408.000 diVorce! in 1948.

The leaching of God'" Word on the subject of M,;rriage and Divorce nced$ to be re-emphasi2ed. In r/'e following article it i! reI forth vcry clearly by n well-known Bible lead,,,, who it now with Chris t.

• TllE :\[ ESS'\G[': of onr Lord JCSl1~ Christ concerning marriage is fin~-fcild.

1. Thl' marriage of one man amI mle woman is a DIVI);E !'STIT['T[O);. In tIl(' heginning Cod made them male and f<'-II1;11e. one 111illl and one wonmal1. :'Ilatt. 19 :4. l,aJJlech. the fir.,! polygamist. was a dt:scendant of Cain . who founded a <"i\·ilizatioll (Ii cil\'-hl11lding. musIC and 111echanical arts without any recognition of (;ocl . who,,(' :uuhorin· he had repudiated. P olvganw which. like other sins. God cn­dured I)\;t never appro\'('d, \YaS in direct opposition to His law.

2. The marri:tgc of one mall and one woman is not only a divine institution bll t a ])]\·I);E A,T ·'I/"hat God IlUtl! jOllied togrt/trl'.·· \1'lI1. IC) :6. The fact that mar­ria~e turns out badly is no proof that God d id not have part in the ce remony. The first !11<lrria~e did not lurn 0111 \'erv well. The htlshall~1 was enticnl Iw the wl'fe into sin, and hoth hushand and ~\'iic learned to know \\-l1at a hroken heart meaus \\ hen th{'y stood on'r the co rpse of their son, slain hv the murderous hand of his hrother,·

.1. The mar riage of one man and one woman by this divine instltutioll and diyine act JOIX$ !!1JS\)A;\l) .. \1\"1) WIFF I);

.-\ !o:1·:L\TIQX CLOSER .. \);0 ~lonE H[!\"m!\" ..


AXil CI[ILI). \\'e read in Genesis 2:24: "Therefore "hall a man leave his father ami his mother. and shall cle<l\'e unto his wif('.·· Jeslls qllotes these word s with ap­pro\·al. 1\la tt. 19 :5.

.of. Thr marriage of one man and one \\"0111al1 hv divine institu tion and divine act. jOin i!,!!" them in <l relation closer and more hinding than the relation between parCllI :md ~h ild. so ullifies lmshand and wife that Ihey cease to be two and he-

lIme 24, 1950

n,n:l" 011,' ,.It'sh. Il·'I1~ dedarl"~ that tl:l·\" art' no 111(1re twO hut nne ile-.h. \Iati pl :Il. 1 do nnt kl1!l\\ all that thi~ 111('<111"

hut it plainly {{':Jell{'" the dualit.\· oj lms­hand ami wif('. and makes this duaht\· the unit of hollll' Iii!.'. treating hushand· and wiie nen"!" as indi\·irluab hut a~ olle, The dualit\· of hu"halHI and \\"ife Illak('" a li\il1j.! organi"m. (1f which I);,wl sa\"_" til(' h\l~haTHI is the head alHI the wife i" the ho1CI\- To unmarn· th<·m is to (]e"tw\· tIns 1i\-ing ()rga!li_~lll: and that j" I1mrckr. T hC' word ;'asun(\er·' is \"("ry "11g-J~("~ti\"e. S01llC earl\" Chri~tians werc '·"a\\11 a~tlnder·· ami thai is th(' kind of \York the di\·orce (ourts art' doing. They are sawing aSlinder those \\"ho in (;o(l's sight are organically olle ancl are thus murdering the hO]\1(' life of our lan(l.

,:;. The Illarriagc of one mall and one \\"orl1:ln I,v di,·ine instiwl10n and di\"ine act. joini);!;!" thC1l1 in a relation c1o"cr and mOl"(· bindillt! than thc relation Ll·t\\"("('ll parcnt and child and IIni f ying thClll so as to make thelll no longe r t\\"o hut o ne flesh. (".\;\ IlE [)JS:-;01.\·ED O);1.Y IlY J)]·:,\T!!. \\'hen under the orange hlo""ollls yOu pledge he­fore (;od and man to take each other "for hCit{'r or wOr:-.e till death do \-011 parl.·· \·Ott ,·c!Hl the teaching of Chri~t·.

The l ow of Moses

It-~u~ ";I\,~: ·'It hath heen ~aicl. \\·hoso­cI·~r "hall jHlt away his \\"ife. let him !;!"ive her a writing of di\·oreen1t"11I: hut I say lInto \·011. That \\'ho~oe\'t:r !-ohall ]lu t a\\-;l\· his \\:ife. s;n·ing fo r the cause of fornic;i­ti oT1. C<\t1~eth her to C01l1mit adt1l!en-.'· :'Ilatt. 5:31. 32. The word ··fornicatic)I1' · mean s lIndeanncss hetwC'C'n tho!-oC' \\-ho arc nnnlarri("d. and ';adlllterv'· l11eal1;; nl1clean­ness be tll·een pcrsons 011-C' of whom a t lea"l

1il"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''·'''' .. · .... '' .. · .... 0

1Jfly 0" f.; R.meJy

J{/.~I as I am-poor, uxelched, hlind­

Siqhl. riches. mind,

healing of the

Yea. all I need in Thee 10 find. o Lamb of God, I come.


, , 0· ...... " ...... ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''',· .. ,''''''''',, .... ,''''''''' ...... ·''0

i" 1ll:J.l"ri("cl \Io'l·,., !len-r gavc a writing oi cii\"orl'elllellt In the case of adulterv: for the penalty of aclultery was dcath', and thul' \\"a~ no exception. liThe adulterer ami the aclulter('~o.; shall !-ollre1\" he put to ckath.'· I.t·\·. 20:10. -'t':;,ltSat least ill1p1it·d that tins wa~ a flg'hteolls law when I Ie "aid, ··11(' that is \\itholll "in amung you. Il.'t him first (·ast a "tone at her." John 8:7.

Turn to tla' law of :'Iln;;e" III new. 24'1 allll \fill will '-e(' that th(' hushand wa" allOl\:(·d ttl ]'lIt a,,"a~· his wlit· if sht' found Il(l ia\""r ill hi~ t\"t·~. hl"cau ... e ht' h:\Ci found ~(lllle tlndl·annl.' .... ·s in h<'I". which cI·idt'llth· referrC'd II) sin ("OInmittnl hefore marriaJ.:t: Ii II(" di"l'''Hr~ that he hao.; Tll:1rril'cl a had woman, Ill" may put hl.'r a\\ay. Hut tltl' ""'in! .... of Jl"~u"" gin' no l'l·rl1!i,,~i,m tn 1"\'­

marr~'. fOIl" tilt" phra,e. ··'It"r that !" !linln'l"!.·· i" ollh· one \\"\)1"(\ in the (;n'ck and !l!t';\lb a '·din)rred \\0111:111" "'::Ol('''!b n·alh- ~:l\'~ that Wh(l~nt·n·r ~h:1" put ·a\\"a~' hi" \\'ife and !!larry a ··dinm.'t'cl woman·' ("-Ol1l1l1it-- adul1l"ry.

1n tht' light of thi~ la\\- of \I,,,,e~ it i~ d\'ar that ehri .... t us('d tIlt' wurd "fornic:\­tion·· in it,-. !bllal "el1s\' (Ii IInl'le:U1fw" .... Iot­fore marriage. amI dl"tingtfi~lw" II from adulter\". as i" dont';n :\Iatt. I':; 'It), \I:trk i :21, a;1(1 (;:11. ,:; ·11). \Io"t's (,'"3\.(' :1 writing" of dinlf"Cl·lllt'lIt (llIk to the Illall who clfs­cm·creel aftl"r man:ial:l' that he had mar­ried :"\ had \\"(Hllan and for thnt rt'a~,.n "he found no favor in hi~ {'\"l'S: ami whell 1"('­

Ica"eci ~hC' might marry·agam, if :\11\. [flan.

flOW kn')I\ing" Iwr ['harnetel", a~ It h:ul I)('('n 1"('I"('aled hy tIll' dil"oI"n' pn)C('(>(!tng-s, ~hnuld ~t't' fit to take IIt'r as hi" wiil' But ('\'en this. JeSll~ dec1an'~, was clue to tIl<' hardness of their hearts and not to allv {"!!1!llllanclllll"ll! of Cncl. ··l-Int from tht' he­ginning it \\a., nm s(O.· · :\\att Iq:R ,k~u~

appC'als from the t('mp()!·ar~· (·oll('('s~ioll of :\!()~{'~ to thl· ('I{'mal b\\- of Cod In the hc!.;inning-- (;od 1llad(' tlH'1ll l1Ial{' and f('­lilait-. olle !!Ial! and one \\oman. and there was no provi~iol! for (h\'()rc('.

Th(' Pharisee a~ked. "\\'h,l· did \I(h('~

then command to g-iw a writint::: of di­\-Orn·l1\Cllt : ,. J e .... l1~ replied. ..:\ I 0 ... ('" 111'­call~e nf !he hal"dn("~~ of \·OUI" heart~ "11f­fcn'd \·011 tn pll t allay your \\-i\"('s." Cod ~Ilfftr~ (·,·il to l'"i~t whid! 1 It' does not appr()\(·, :111(1 \IO"t'~ a(·ted on tht' ~alllt' principle. Christians. hO\\(>\'l"f, :tn' nOl to go\'('rn their romhtct In· the nib \\"hkh God s(lff{'r~. 1)(11 hy the law which I Ie givcs .

The Uni ve rso l Low

:\Iatthe\\"·~ (;ospel. \\Ti1t("11 {'sl'l'l.:ia ll.1' fqr the Jcws. !l!entions the fill(· {'''("~·P!i(''l which ,\ Ioses ·'s\\ffer{'d·· on <tl'Clltlilt of the hardnC'~:'> of theil" he;lrL~: hili Wlll:l :'Il;trk and write for the (;en t i]('s then' is 110 mention of allY exccption. hut a plain statement of the tcachings oj Je"us cOn­cerning marriage aile! divorcC'. "\\'hoso­c\"er shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adul tery against hrl".

(Co ntinued on pag-e thirteen)

Page Five

Page 6: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

• '1111.;1<1: \\' .\S oxn', a Fr("IH.-h­"",tht.r \\l.n \\,t- rJIOIr,l:(''] with r;li~ing 11tr oqJhallt'I\ Krall,\rhil,\. lie wa~ a juyful (0111-p,lIliOH, hIlt Iltlf"rtl1uatdy illfectcd with an evil hithit \\ hieh )(1' \\ ~lr"l1.:t·r ami -.Ir"nl-:'. r. lie ~tdc

I [e r:LI1\t' hOlm' In,1ll ~('ho,,1 ill tht alh:rnoon with I""'J.., Ii hlllJ,:irU! \\ith all ,ort~ oi thiuK'"

"Empty Y' u: p.~'I;C'I ," Ih Jo':'randlllulhcr \H.uld lflllll1land.

The 1",\" ,li,1 'OJ (hw hy eme! the facb were 1I1:lIlc cit .;r .1 I' P. a I,t·nkni!c. a UU)C: of pens, klll ~, a I uhl .. r.

"'Vh" j..:aH' Y"U all lhc~c Ihing ~?" :\0 .'I1,\\\'r

" ),. 1'1)'! \\" hl"f(> did you gl't tllO.;rIl ?" \" ; l1 hWl'r.

"\\ 111"1"1: dil l ),ou find tlwm?" . \'I~\\cr IIWt"

. III !lit' ~c1lr>o Jl)' )'~' ck~h and 1)(lCket~." "1.;,\1.:11," ~aid ti n .. grandmother, "thi s lIlust

~t!,1' I 1 f [ ~(l' "),: ;,i l1 tlu.:se enornlOUS l)OCkets, if } .ll1 tak(, thiUl-:s ",it of them which are nol yours, st.:t.: II hat I "h'lll du, I will get 11 knitting needle, 011(' of 111{)"\' 1011,1; and pointed ones! use knitting 11111kr th~' bll111 wllilc you arc studying your h' lilt.: kS~()Il~ . I will heal it red in the fi re. red until i\ turn" II hile, Then I will lake your hand, your thi('\' i~h hand, and I lI'ill pierce it wilh that burning' iltedle,

" f)I, ,IlU u!1(!t.:nland ml'? V(11l know 1 ahlays du wlM! I promise to dn,"

The child \lndtr~wod, For !:>OIllC time he calnt: home, Ii/o:htheartcd and hap!>y. Rut pres­eral), his pock('h 1\I.'re filled anew_ Thc gralld-1lI0th\'r Illlti('l'(1 it, hut Ilan:d ~ay nothing. Oue day, howt:\'er, ,11(" ("'l1ld ~t;Uld it 00 longer. In l)u l1in~ IIi ... IW1(lk~'rrhid (Jut of his pocket, the s('hlOlhny tln'l' (Jut Ilith il a knife and 111'0 hail .. , II\ti.11 rolktl (' II tilt' floor,

"Fmllty )'our IX1O.:kch !" ordtrl'(l the grand­nH)lh~r.

!'I1l' ,-lIild dill ~u- ;1 e"mpa~s. a tt P. balls, an era,,'r. lJot:lmi(· ...

"\Vho galc y'lU 11ll'~e thinAs ?" No alhwer. "Tdlllll'. \\'herc did you A(·t them ?" Slill no r<,vly. "Well. then, I ~hall dn what I ~aid I would," She \\'('1l1 :lftt'r Ill'r kllittiu,I{ ue('clie. ~liJlpcrl it

into thc fir,· by the p: rate of the ')I)('n S\OI·<,. She waitnl a IlHIIHe!1l. Thc ~ted redt\t'ncd. whitcn~'{i. pak.1. "Cii", nle lour hand." <111: said firmly.

\\'hitl' Ilith fri~ht, Ihe child slrelChl'd oul his h;ultL The glandl1 wlher luok it and said:

P(1,1£' Six

""i,tlU, '0 th;11 )011 m:1Y 1111']'>r't<lIl.1 th..: j.!T<I\-ity of your Ili .. ke,llI(s, th.It )"'11 lI1iL) eoml)rehe1\ll it ,11,,1 11'."1I·r '''Tfi(et it. Th:1I you lIlay lx: curto fli it. an rx;unpll' mu't II(' 1I1;"I<-! l.()ok II" .... "

S.ning thIS, he 10()'U'nnl the finR"t'r'l (,f htr hll., ·gr. "", filld She (;1 ned her .)\\'7\ !J.Lnd. and. rlra .... ifli: the krtittizol( 1!~("·1k '1lIirkly ir. Illlhc i,rr. "lullj.:(·t! it throuj.:h he!' "wn t\;in IJahn.

.\ Iittk .iulll1g,;1 iip:ht h:ulJ odor. a little ~lI1okc' 'J hat "'it. ;,11. ~he clrt'\\' i: OUt afi( ~Iw s' O\1,rd tl1C~ liltll' thid her "itrc('", h,I.Ilr!. '1),,1\'t t;th' ) !lIr ey~ trl.1T\ it." she wd.

The child. R"rlllOon til ll1allbo .. d. tl Itl I11C thi~ 't'.n· "TI,at fini hl'<I it." J". f;;li.1. "From tlklt .1"r I 1I".l<-r .. t,;<1 I na\i,..,! th,' !;("riov"ncss oi I! , "if, l1~e 11;.- ,d'oll it ('0'1 0\'" whun I l"l"ed. I

w at ;1 RI;IIl,·' rhe f"'''~''llll'IIO'' r i m.l· art In tll(' (')'t'S l,f Ill) l'~ CI:llllly. f'Jr ;\ 1l1"lIl1'11t o\'t~r­

come with l",il1 I', hi. h ~hl' k .. \ l""r/ll' ivr !II(", J ,li<c'lv!.:TI·.\ th:1\ 1"1"\' W)l~ 111tr!I"] ill M·]f-s;Krifire in r,rril'r In p;lfd"l1 .w" 11(';.1, Th;1I \I'''~ Ill(" ('!It!.

:\("\"('1 ~i:lCl' han' I tnudled anythillR tllat did !lot lid, II~ til !lI.. If tlfr Itl11pttr!. I tlmuj.!'ht illll1lt'<iialdy of Ih" (\t-u hand l'iNC\',1 jor millt,. I 'aw ;Ic"in tilt' \,d,,\"('ti fan' ill th.· ('.'II,t,·fl ,,­tion (If ~\likril1c. aNi !lIfIi·-,1 h;u·k."

y(,U ull'it'r.;t;tII,1 WilY I ttll thi~ q"r) (;'1<\ also Ila~ I rllmi,("! ~nfftril1!,: :Il1f\ (\t-;"h tIl t~le

~illn~'r. t. rrihlc 1'1'lIi~hmf'nti lIlort· tlrrihk th;1\1 <;il~ il, .. \f, ";l~ II, 110t n .. t~oll wilt· "'\t·rt.: Ilhtll r,n(" thinks t" 1\11;,1 ('\il k;HI, -hatf("IL WIIJ(l-ancc, II j. ;1'. \~.:Ir, ,11111 all ii' abml1jll;lIi(ln~::

nul I\h~n tl ... timC" canll' to :l1.1,ly Plllli~ll1Iltllt

t'I t~" .. ,· unr~er lIi~ tll'n::11 rur,'.·. whl'n tIlt' ~in· 1I('r wa hf(m~ht hdor(" I lim. it w,, ~ lie who t.~,k th l I'la("t: r,f thl.' ~illllt'r. _\nd thai great kl'iHillg- Il\"i:<lk \11,irh is cal1er! tilt" rro~< it was ! Ie \1 h.) \1 a~ I ral1~ fixed hy it in unitr til be able til ~h,,\\ u~ lIi ~ t"(n ham\. f"rtH'( r\'c;lllinl! to us tht' I'rin' "f ollr ~hallll' .. ",I nllr Ilr"IIJ(I\oing',­-""lId'l.\' Sch{ll'/ ., ml,·.!.


(Cunli llut(\ from \lagt t\\'o)

attending to hi s Ims ine~~ affair~ durinR" the day his wife i~ bmy at Ilome taking care of the houst" and looking afltr the children. ;l.n(\ get­ti ng ;l. gllod l11e;11 rl'ady for he r hll~hand. and arr .. nging to havt: t:\'{'rythi1Lg in rtadi11l'~~ for him upon his retu1'1I in the e\'l.'nill/o:. If he 1\ 0111\1 si t during the day wherl' ~he si t ~, he would ,<1(111 di~con'r !1m! she lias her r)rohlcllls, Ihat Ihey a re jll,t as real. alltl fre{l lIently j\l~t as perplexing. as hi ~ OW II. T oo often tilt:' wife gcts txa,pt' rated because she thinks ,he has ~o many thin~s 10 peql/cx and hara\~ h~r and that her husband. I\ho i~ away frOIll all this tUllIult and loil. oughl 1'1 COllle hOlile ill the cI'elling thoroughly re!.t('d ami with no si~n r,f having had. a care all day. Bnt she should rUllember that he ha~ had hi~ bminess worries ;lnt! his hl1"i!1l"~ care\. anti that e\,('rything dOt,., no t ahla)'~ go just ;IS he would have

~""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''' '' '''''''''''''''''''''8

JUSl as I am ThOll will (eceive. \Vil! welcome. pardon, cleanse,

relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, :

o Lamb of God, I come. I 13<""''''''''''' ' '''' ' '' ''''''''''''' ' '' ' '''' '''' ' ''''''''''' ' '··," ,·,',····""",m

it Ie" in bu.;incss life, \.(·t till.: "ifc ~it where tIll: hu,loand ~il". an.\ 111<' blhl..:tI1.1 ~it 1\ ht:rt the w·ft; ,it, "I ,at where Ihl'~' sat,"

I.n n(llo:llbo.)r al1,1 bu~ine,~ II1tll alltl di"lc.m;l\i aw! all "ho h< dealinlZ~ of aTly kind with (.Ii In ~il whcre those witlt whom Ih~y Itan' "t:tlinJ!s ~it. and thltlgS would he dilicreTlt, If

japan had ~al w~r~ AllItr1ca ~al Ihere Ilouhl ilalC belli no attark 011 Pt!arl I !arbor, ami if \lIItri('J, had ~at \\here Jal..:11\ J:.Lt the <It''lI1i.·

1":1111>$ that bla1>h:d Illr",hilll'l and Xa~:I~aki miAht neler have h{'('n cirOl)lJ .. ,:d, Ol'Cr I\ltrt: \\{'re Ih'Juund~ {,f innucclI\ womell ilnd ehildrtn tl:at hy tl,.. txpl.,~i(lll of 11lt.:'e h(ln1b~ wer\' rulhlc ... ly kill('(\ or hdJlIt.:~sly maimtd or doomtd 1'/ what might be calln\ a lil"iL1J'[ dtath. It II<lS a fi("f(';J! crime ;J.l:;lin!>t humanity, thl' preaehcr ailirm..:d, a erim(' for whidl :\llIo.:rica IIi!! !)('

hdrl rc.pol1~ ibk by (;0(\, ;l1ld fnr \1 hirh an ar­("I \1111 will have 10 he f('mil-rt'\ at the jlld~!1lent Lar of e\(' r lla! juqi(e.

\\. itl: this el:nd\1~inn of our colored hrother ,"nll' oi thc leading- ckrgy of AIlIt.:ril';j arc ill .•. ::rt'l'lI1eut. Ilmlt·Hr. there h room kr argu­nwnt iH'r,. Prnifknt Truman had to as~tllIle the n 'l'fJn~ih;1ity oi 11;\\'ing: thc bomh t\roPlll'd after il ha.1 \)('en prodllc('f\ at tremendou, expl'n~c.

'Iud Ill' h;,~ told \I~ t/I;l\. while it ril'slro}"cd man,\' lin::, in japan. it ~;\I'('d hun.l r l'(h of th',u~,nd~ of .\tntriC:1.n lil·c~. :Ind llildnubttdly. in th(' long rUn. '-<lved the li\-eS of many ja\'alle~e who would have pt.:ri~htd if thl' \lar had 1I0t thus been hn"'.l:ht ~Jleedily 10 a c1(1~c. If it had Ix'cn I ... {'{'~~al'y il r our trtlo\l~ 10 i'\\',lde j;lI>an Ihe loss nf lik a~1.1 the (k~truetion of property would havc \X'<:n ctll()~sa1. \"iewed from this sta.nd~ poi nl the drol)pil1g' of the bombs mu~t be rel!:1.rd~ e.1 as a\1 act o f mercy. Some in jall.'lIl have ('~jlre,,,("(! I ht'J1J~d \"e_~ as bcillj;! Rlad the bombs wtre drop\)(:d .• 1' further fearful slaughter was thus arerlcd, bdit\' ing as Ihey did that in the end japan was d(.o111ed to dde<lt, and descned \k feat.

There is room for arRt1Il1ent. Hilt we wil! !lot argue, as argtlll1cnt would be futile. The bombs were r/ropped. and jarxltl surrendered. Bul the end is 1I0t yo! The at omic age has bccll lI~hcrcd in. and (;o<1's judgments ;\re in the earth. All the n:ltions arc beil1~ dealt with, CJr will be deall with. And God is jll~l!

The preacher announccd at the O\lt"et of thc service that his thcmc was, "The Secret of a SlIecl's!>Jul Pr<:aclter, " He lold us in the course of his s<: r111011 that the preacher 111I1St sit where his pco ple sit. UI>Oll this thought he dwelt e loqucnt!y and f(. rcefully. I Ie also emphasized the {act Ihat the pC<1ple ~hould si t wlre re the l)feacher si"" Thi~. too. i~ iml)() rtant, and it contributes lar~ely to amicable relations bc-1\1 ("t.:11 pastor a.nd pcople.

T he sermon was a worth-II hile sermon, and the service II:IS a worth-while sen ·ice. The people who attcnded were all colored folk - al1 e"cellt their visitor. f told thelll th;!t I fell rluite at home. as I \lent to Africa Ilith my father, who \\'a" a 1l1i~siona r y. when I wa~ fourteen years old. aIld for six months while there sa w no whitc pt:rSOII txcept my father and mother and li~t!e brother wllO \\'as dC"cn years younger than I. Yes, J worshiped with ou r colo red }'ielhodist brethrel1, and enjoyed the sermon and thl' entire service, as "1 sat whcre the), sat."

Order the EI'al:gel for your lIt1sal't:d friends. Eight months fo r ~1.00 in the U.S.A.


Page 7: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

and lhe p el'manen I

Compile d by Robert C. Cunn ing ha m

G1- lo.l.\XS [)FPI.O!~E \ \"TI·:-;I-:\I IT] ~:"1 :"'('rling that "th(' ppn.i,~ r f G"d 10 tilt'

r~"l' "f I'rad r('mailled binding ('I'('n afh"r the (nKili~i"n (,i ehri .. t." the Syll'>o:1 of th~' FVa1l1!Tlk.d (lmrrh in (~·rm.ill\· Ioa~ {'alk,] ul",n all ("I,ri,tiall" 'to .. bjllfl: :u\li·S'·llIiti~m Ii len,'n' kin\ and to meN Jnlil amI jl'\\i,ll Chriq;:m' in ;! 'l'iTi! oi bn'IIl\·rhl~.d."

CII[{[:;TL\:\,S 1'\ JSR,\EI .

.. \ccordim.' to t~H' t,onrrllm'llt C~'lltral Hur\':m of Staliqic, ill hral'l. 111<:n: lITre 1",,'1\\' In .'2,O!l()

and 33.000 Chri,tian~ ill hrad ,It til\' c'ml "r PH:-<. This figure 11;., illcn:a~cd (on,i'~na]'ly ~illCI!' thaI time. Tod .. y thtH: an: 1,Tn\';lhly more than sn.O(lO )\'\\S alld :\rah~ ill I~-a,-I 'Iho I'r()jl"'~ Illl' (hri~lian faith. lit)\\" mallY (j (I'e,c arc ~l'nllim:lr ·'oorn a~ail·'· l\t· do 11,,1 kllO\\,

TO 1:_\:\ LlQl·O]{ _\IIS

).Iexiro h;I' il'~titllH'() kt!;~l:lli"n (~anitary

(exIt, arl. 29) which I'fOhihii' a(h·rni,in/o: oi a1cl)holic bl'l"(.'ra~e' Ihrou~h 11100·ic" r:ulio, ;LtLll telCli,ion. C(lIllnH'Il I ~ J/rrolll 0/ J/(lliuo'S.!· "That looks lik,-. ;, d.::nwrblra ti (JlI of J.:(Hlt\ jud·'­TIlellt which .\II1(ri('a could well ~Lnulatc. The liquor iudu,try in our own COLlntr~·, II{' T(';,d. i, illau,Il:urating a ~200,OOO,OOO campaign to g.:t '>Ill till! iuformatiOIl about ih pmduct."

PIHSO:\ERS OF W .. \R I),' In;SSIA The Ta~~ Ag<,llc}, in )'fo"rO\\ rel)llrh.-d on "11)"

5 Ihal all hul ~oTlle I~.OOO German pri<mu::r" oi lIar in Ihe G,S5,R. ha,·e hel'Jl relllrnr.1 to their h0111e1alld. An <lulhontali'-e German Chu rch :Jf,:Cllcy lias dl'nied the fl'port compk lely. The Evangelical Helief Oq.!"ani7ation for Inh:rT1CC ~

~nd Pri~ol ler~ of \V:!r. in Erlan~CIl. :!,'erl~ tha! tl1/" figure~ hal'e I~O basi, Ilhilt,;Oel"er ill file t .

··The German people have 1()11~ beell a('cmt"111-cd to ,",rrow an,-I illjustic{':· qid tilt· agl·lI('l· in Erlallgell. "hut to expect Ihi ~ ;1I11101111C('III('1I1 to be bc1 ien'tl i, too much 10 ask of thi~ nal ion pllrsUNI by ' uHering, It is beyond the lil11il~

of what Cilil humanly be borne." Dr, Thcojlhil \\'111"111, retired Hi 'hop of \\'urttemhert.:, relea :;t'd a silllilar Slalemcnt.

ARABS RECOGi\IZE ISRt\I·:r. i'rad·lI rehtions with the " lo,lel11 world

entcred a I1CII' I)ha,e recen tly IIhen three Arab c('llIIl r iei made friendly ge~ tures in a single week.

I ran E=:~\'e Israel de f<lcto reco/o:nilion. bccol11-il ig the 60Ih countr}' ti) rec~ni7.e the lIew Jewi~h State.

A few days earlier. the T urki,h Foreign !>lini,lry (lec1arNI tnat IIlwn hr:!d and Turkey exchi\l1~cd represcntalives la~1 :\"0I'e111ber. (Ie faCI O reco.'llli t ion was ad,·allced to ful! ole Jure statui.

bf:Jcl 1I1:1(le public a no!c from the Prime ).fini~tcr of the l'niled Stall'S of Ir1(I O l1c~ ia. ill 1\ hi,h the nell' Far Ea~!crn d<'lIlocrilc)' ex­pre"ed profound apl)reciation 10 "rael for Ihe fnll recogllitioll which I<rae! had extended to I lldone~ia ~oon after its e~tabli~hlllcnt.

\\'hell left to themseh'cs. the Jews and Arabs 5('em fllily able 10 settle Iheir differellce~ (Iuile I.eaceably,

lime 24, 1950

I.FGIO:\·~ CO·TO lliL 1~(J1 C.\\II'\U,\: Th... I'H",-nl t" 1I1111antil r (Ii II Ie \nwrhal

L('gi"n. (;l·(q.~.· :\ Crai..:. ;,10 he ("(11111;('11.1 ... 1 fM hi~ (;,:.-To-Chm,:h CampOlil!;l1. It wa' 1;\1l11cll­l-d April 16 \1 it II \"a.ll'r~. tell-ph"lte (al1ll~Lilo!rl , and o!her jlui,li,il) n'l'lh,"h. COllllJlllnily rhurdl I,arad('~, IIl~S .. Il1rdL alt.·rl<[an,c I>l IH'HlpS "I 1cgi<mn .. 'lin·" ;m,1 "Llld'>er lilli, I' ~,"v;'-l!' liT(' 1!n{)ll~ mrall~ [In po~{"tl h~· thl't'.'mm;\11J,'r, lit­Ito" :LPJl<-al,·d to till' mcn tn learlL (he Bihll" tll Iheir chilclTl'n and 1<> '·11I,\k(' rdi~ion the guiding hclnr in our (hily dl't"j,i.I:1<·

{'\F \RTII1:\(; TilE P_\:-;T \1) l·,litorill ;n tl'e SI -illj.!iid,! ,,".·t 1IIC<111

()'b.~<IChll<'(·lt<;' I",j"t, 'ul thai '·l"lI"fI· ,j.!1i, cullural J,:r"lIl) 111Iirh "dtle' in ih 11t'\1' h"rnc ;11

hrael al ('lIn· c;lgaly s('d,~ j"r Ir. n·, "j tit hi,toric pa't. ;1111 i, all'n t,) lIliorm tho ;nd,;(, logi-h and till· (;. \-CfllI11Cllt of I_r;,d if it l'I"lIt'

arm" allY t;(';\,urt'lrol-<'." AI1 Ihi, ;, lcadinJ: Itl hlilldrCf" of ;l. I"Ch.l('"lrlj.:iral lr.·a,urr~ whidl Olre heinE=: q()rc<1 in Je l" lI,;\it-111, Tlwfl' is d,'~·p

f,'(·lin~ in tilt" \ll~)Pi(' for thr pa,l. wllidl i~ linkl-11 in their hCarh 1\ ith Ih(' pr"'I'11I and till· (ulLIn·

Lei u~ pr,L)" tha' I ~rad may lit, 1('III)1ek 't> 111(' ancicnt Scripturc and 1<' an IIIl(ler-I;'rll'lill/o: 1'[ tl,eir t rue 111(;'''''/0:\'. ;·It i~ Ihey IIhirh h.:M \1,1

ne5~ of ).Ie:· ~:\1<1 Ihe Lord Jr'lI~ ehri,I, J"IIII 5 :39, R.S,\

A:\" C:\PIUTEDF:\TFD CRI:-> I :-> In thc opini"l1 of Howard \\'. F('n ill, tll\'

pUlplc of Ihe \\'c\tcrn world hall' 11(·I'cr 1>"o.;n confron\L't1 Ilith a cri,is a, gral·C a~ tll;11 11\1011 which wc havc 1I0W cOllie. Addre~,ing- t\ll' re­C<,111 N,:\ ,E, COI1I·cnliOIl ill 11!(liallapnli" I)r. Fcrrin quoted a leadin~ ~ociologi~t. Dr 1', \. Sorokin, a~ ~arillg ill his hook Tllr ('riJiJ 4 Ollr Agr:

'·The cri,is i\ iL~c(>U1I)'lrahl)' d(~pcr and m"re 1'~DfoL1nd than any ordi nary cri,i,. It i~ '0 fir rt':JrhillJ::: thai tinring Ihe last Ihirt y fCII{LIril" Ih{- re have I)(.'en only four crio;es in 111l' hi'lor), of Gr('(·k. !{oman {,r wr~lern cnlturcs romp.lrah'" 1', Ihe pre<('llt OI1C. Even the<'e fonr I\~re Oil

;\ <lInll~r ~ralc than that wilh which Ill' arc f2('cd."'

Dr. Fcrrin ~ 1If1 ' I'ICd thc moral and ' l'i l illl;11 hrC:Jk(]ll\\ II (I f (1l1r Jlrc~ent (i-ilizatinn, and c"n, duded Iltat the 1I\lrld is ripc for rc,ival n r ft'l" JIK!gll1('nl, ( T he rOIllI,le te lex! of hi~ a(ldrt" wil1 1)(' fOl1nc! il1 Ihe )'hy I:' i"lIe of ("IiiI'd 1:'7"llIIqc/;ro/ ,Ieliml. III E. Fourth 51.. Cincinnali 2. OlLi I. Official o rgan of Ihe :\alinl1al \ ~,oci:J-1;011 of E,·angc1icak Prin: SI 00 for 16 is,"e~)

8""""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"·"'''',,· ...... ·,,,,,,,8

Just as I am , Tht/ love un/mown Halh broken evertl barrier down:

Now 10 be Thine, yea, Thine alone.

o Lamb of God, I come.

, , , , , , E·,,,·,,,,,,,·,,,,·,·,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,, •• ,.,.,.""""""''''''''8

Israel Blueprint

li' ·1 d "1

\ BI.L'EI'IH:\T FOR 1·::\I'_\~:->I11,\

I'lall~ 3rt' umlcr way t'l ~I'rtad I'rat'\"" J{Tf'"·

iug !'Ilpllla ti(:n morl' ('HI1I~ tiler her ;.700 ~t:\lare mile" 01 Il'rrit'ry.

Prel i t)\I~ Itl 194M. tilrt'l· 'Iuart("r, IIj P,-,Ic,tille·~ (,50.IlOO Jell~ !iINt in Ihl' thT('e nuin Cilic'-" T el .\Ii\'. lI aifa. :tnt! Jrru-all'IIL rod:!}" Ihe'l' Ihrte Celll<'TS ,Lre jll'! a, l'f(lIl(\I'd a~ ncr. tit-spi ll! N't deparlu!"l' o f 111;111.1 Arah, dUlitlJ,: Ihe fightin);.

A group of ci,ic Illamlt'n tarkkd the 11mb kill. ;Hlf! after 1110 lears oi illlen,jlc \Inri, they h.tlc a plan whertlly I'('rtain exi'llllll' COIII­

nl1lniti('~ WIll c\"('nlually 1M,' clt·n'lop.'d intI) ('il i r~ of ::O,(JOO 1<1 (iI.IUI 1',:ollk The,(,' t'tllll-

11:I,nili," are ~hm"n "11 Ihe mal' ahl>lC. Fach (Ii thc,c II ill I"" a n!<)tlt'rn C;I), II ilh

I"ad allli rail link,. rmtl\)!l.11 l)ark~ and iore\ t 7.,lles. The hea \ }' black lin(,' (111 the mal' in­dicates a ntw arterial highway whic1J will run Ihe full length of II Ie lanll (I f Israel.

:\EWS- IHHEFS FROM ISRAEL Turkey has Illaced it ~ fir'l " rder for lSI)

I, rael-made Philco refrigeralor" to bt: (i(',

iiI cred before J line. )'I orc than l,OOO Jt'l\ ~ fr om tht, l'.S_ allli

t lher countries \ i~itt:(1 l ~r;le1 Ihi , lear 1\1

c>h~erl"e Pa~~o\"er in the Ilt;W JC"wi ~h ~talc.

At l a~t 150 nell' agritl1itu ral scttil-lIlents \\;11 be c~I;lbl i ,hcd I h i ~ ),car. !\t Ilresenl less than ! 8'~ of the popula t ioll of r ~ rad arc hrmers. :Iml the J:oal i, It) ~c ttl l' a third of tli~ people Oil farms.

T hir ty thou<;and ca,e~ "f dtrlls fruil IIcrc s: ippcd to Ireland fmlll the port of lIaifa re­t't'li tly.

The fir~t orallge~ 1<1 he , hiPIK'f1 10 Ihe l ' S.A, from I ~racl arri\"t~d thi , ~1)rinR . :\() orant.:es callie to 'New York from Palc~(ine during Ih~ elllire 26'}'car period of the Briti ~h ~I andate.

Page Sevell

Page 8: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

(hlrl •• ,'.f .\""',. 'I /J.' J"II"7""'~1 IJ " /,'/I,'r ""rH't'd ('''Ill Ihlt',,!"/ \,.,1/. '" I" /llIr mIl·

,,,,,,,"',,S 1".,,/,',1 "I (" " ,','r' /,1/""1 'J /h. I. ( .. ,,1 (,'dlrl/'I<I~'" "I

~I,)' ), I'J.~O

TIlls i~ tIlt' II.'''t IIrJ.:~I:t .111 ttll' 1, 110 that \\1 kin' ~l'lIt Y"U 111 tIl. t!oPT ~'I.u •. ,n., M lilt· 11I"lIth ~illn' \\l' Idl II" h 111<"1.11101

"" 'I"uht )"11 \\ill h,,\", I"M'd. )""11 )'(i"r, till' r,·.ldw~ Y' u, IIf tIlt" 1I1",_t,f \\ I,ul! ( 1111"" hu ~lIfitHd. hut II,' I,illldl .1'''1111<,,, u h.,~ ,il"ke! 111(" \\' 'I k.

Y~'Il'n\;IY lI!ollling ;litt"l 1111 ,nire in Ih~' II 1Ifrh \\(" lm-u,,1 AlUlrls \1\";" ('ur ,' .• li.,.);11 I'; ,","r. I'J II;IH hmrh I\UIl II .. in Ill\" T"tlli_t 11,,1,.]. \,hid, Is 1111' mn.llw"lnli "i ;1111111" ]';lil,1 lI.g m {""fro, \Y(" \\ere ,11-1;')'('11 in j.:l"IIill~

111<",,, "I \H' IMd , ,'" rOlllm~'II"l',1 lOur 1Il".11 ",1,,'11 II". (·"rthl,IMke qrurk. 1.1'1\"111)0: tht· huild· III).: \1" 111111111 Ikl t our Clr wa, 11<>1 ,1;1I11;[1.:I·,j I""III-I"h rock, ;wd rhunk, of II'IIlI'IlI \\\ r l' ;,11 ;,rolltHI II \\" . Sf)! '!1 Ilad 11M Ltmily ,afl" ill " lIr hOlm', ,,11(' "f 11ll' ka~ t d;II11;tg'ed III thl' ri ' "

(;n'at dOl"I, of (11l~1 rn~e in 111;111) I "I/I~ nf tht· cl ly an" ]lcnpk \\(Te running- ill all , li n,('Ilnn" 'if'TIIillj.! ly Ilith"ut Imq)(IS(" ('1)'ill.c alld l.r,,~ i lll-: T hc l,a~l(>r and j ran until il ,nnw,1 nu r hllw, 110111<1 t,lIr~', R'nillg from r.m· I,,'rl of Ihl' 1'I1y I·, ;l!Intl,u tryinj.: 10 locale:: till" difh'f\'nt hdin-,-r~,

i T ry rlllminj.: 'f,me till1~' ill ;111 ,'kl;l\i, ~I (If II ,OOe ) it·n. a ll,1 rou \Iill IIl11kl~I;(ml') II I>" f.:nal \\;,,, ollr rdid to karn that tht..- t· v.a" not a r" ,ua lly ;1I111J!1g all of our 11...11('\,(' 1"". Onl' of (11r L'lllili"" liwd ah' \'l' ('lIr ,IIo,p"1 11;11 1. ~ltll1 ' Ill'!" of t" ;l! tlltllly wcrl' on I)' ,a n-II II) Iht· hand ,,[ (" "I, TIl(' enl il"l' roof fl·II, ("ol'('l"il1l-: 111(" IIih-. t \\ " rhihln'lI. alld a li ~i lil1g woman. XII olle \Ih" I,;" 'n:n Ihe rOf,m eau IUldl'nlalll1 11{l11 tIl l\' 1.:'" (Jul ali\'(', Il1l1ch I ('~~ \Iith hardly a I,r lli.,·

Thn~' i" ont· Mh('r rhurch ill Ihr ri lY hl'sidt< /!l,r, ;":0 011(' from Ihe olhl' r grim]} IliI~ kilktl ,·i lht f II('lw we dv thank thl' I,ord for Iii., Ill.-Try!

\" Ill" writ{" ti,e two large~t room, il1 our h' Jllit' 'arl' full from \Iall til wall i,f hl: liel"l'rs II II" I"", Iheir );('111('''. Th~y will he ' ta)illf,.: \1 itll II', ulllil rooms C,III he fou"d for II' l· l11.

1111 n' " no dectricilY in Ihc ri t). hut tIl<" \, :l ilT ~y"I"m was nOI d;unagt'd. XOIIC ,f the .. ton'" h;n~' openl'<l up to Ihl' pn'~l'l1t, nor I,a" , lil' !;'rtH' rcntr,ll market. but WI' h,I\\' 11 "II1"g~',1 I" find ,u fii( il'ul feJl1(I ior all.

TI ll" ~'lI l l1~~S and l11i ,cry Ihal j , ,\11 around Ih 1·.'1I11t1 IHo: h;lrd to d('scriIHo:. llt l1uln'd, o i hou\C'. 1,,"1' 11(:('11 I()~t, nml there arc many IIlllre 11Mt \Iill have to be turll down. 1.0vI'd ol1e~. S""l(' (1(';111 alld 110 douht some just in jurl"d. arc ,Iill 111 thc dchri",

Thne Wl~ Olle sctne in tht cClllfal park Ihat ha, bcen ("IK'CiaJly sad to us, for It rl'\'I'akd ;h hanll) ;,"ythiI1~ else could Ihe IIl'l)th (If the superstition under which thl'H' pl,ople laboT. Soon after Ihe (]I';lke a ~';lIl1e of Chri~t 011 Ihe cross was brou~llt out fWIll the Illain catlil'dra!.

Page Eigllt

• In

\ 111(' I'l'ollie ~aw it ;1 ~n'at ~h',UI l\el1l up and Ill(' J,cople fcll to tllI'ir klH"t.; to rrpeat thrir ]>rayl'r~, The: pa.rl1l'uiar ~I;,tll(" i~ kllo\\l1 a~ "The Lonl (,f thr Edrlh'lllakl'" It is ~IlPl105r,1 10 t),t'rt grcat I)(Oleuil1l1; I>(>\\("r al!ain,t S11dl Ir;:~l',li.--s ai w(' h.t\"(" jlbl e:Kl'f'ricnced I'IT(', The .nlu,' i~ II(,W in tht city square, The loc('I,le knrd bd"re it ti1l-r(".

flnr g I,d I,;!)] was the only suitable ami ,n;,iL,"\(- ha)] ,n Ihe entire rity illf ~()'pi:l

]Hlrt..-,~S, \\'1' ~('arched a )'l'ar bdorc W(' 1"1111<1 Jt, Of ""urs!', willl/lUt any Ti"lf now. tIlt' first j('K~1 rain will (k~troy it, hut \\e \\dl IhC II <II

11;I_t lItllil il r;lilh. If we have no 1.I;(el: to ,,,)r,hilJ. 11\" and a haH years (,f hard \\(,rk II ill 1M lo<\.

\\'1' ban' 1l1",k few rt'<1ue~t~ in our klters ,illre \\(' h;(I'(' h'~'n hCf(~, " "c rl'alize that 1>«111<111'1 pOllr in frolll all Ilarts of Ihr world and Ihat th('re ;1f(' many needs at homr: how­eH' r. I\(' an' 1111\1 ronfrontcd wilh a j:tfl'al ai .. i~ in {Jur \Itllk 111' 1'(', and \Ie nL't'd your hel l). SnlT;iI tin1l"~ IhH" hal(: I){'cn I(;ts u\'ailabk to liS, hut for lark (Ii funds \Ie hal'c not 1M'I'n ahle tn lou)' 0/11", On" (If the choiccst yet :L\'ailahle is nt\t '''''If III our home. \\'e ha\'c pra)'i"d IJIUl'11 for iUI1fI ~ \'. ith which 10 purchase it. The I'-"n'i~n "\Ii~~i()" .. Ikpartl1lent has eXl1 re~~~'c1 \lill il1lo:l1l'" II, h~'i l ) us in thc matter, but Ihrrc ha~ '1<'t h':l!l ~uiiicien t fu nds.

I f ~01l1e flf Y"l1 friends al home could only l1mler~tand ho\\ llIall}' obstacles there ;'Ire 10 the "d\,all(,1'11Ii'lIt of th t· gosfJ<:1 hcre, even with a guod building, lIT arc sure there would be no 1,!C"k of fUr\d~.

Fiftl'en IllIlldn'd dollars is dc,;pcrately needed k r Ihl' purcha~e (I f the lot. Any amoulll more than thi s could 11(: th l·d to ~tart con~tructi()n of a. ImildUl /::, rah:ll)~ ~mnc church at home has a mi'd ~n~Jle l lel1\ th t ) wuuld donate to the WOrk ill 1\'rtI, The 101 we would likc to buy has a high \la11 sl1rfOul1dillg it. and a tent would ~tr\"c l-er.I' \\el1 01 the tract ulltil the hlli1<1il1g could hc t r~rted.

J f YOll cannol Ilelll Ih financially wil! you not pray that 11t(' Lnrd will 1a.y Ihc great need on .,(.meone\ hr;.rt wIlli i, ahle to give?

Off~rin~s ~hO\~Jd be selll directly to tlte r lln:illH ,\liui4"U n!'f'(Irlm,.,ll. 4]4 II'I'sl P(lcific ,\Ir,'d. ,\!',-iJl"fi..·/d 1.1Iiss(lllri, /lIbd rti "Lot alld !"d,JI>I</, ('//::r<'. /'cru"

~I;I\- (" "I hl \'~, y"u as you help U$ il1 Ihi ~

h"ur "f Ill'nl.

("'Iilor's So,," T in' fulhn';".fJ /eller /rolll If'. II .. I/orri.), : 1m is also sl(lliol1ed ill Prrll, fli1,',! I/J II lill!,' mo re ilijorm/lli()II (U/I(crniIIY (<>"lIiliml,! ill (11;<'0,)

).!ay 25, 1950

Thi~ i~ j ll,t ;, hrief nOlI' to adl"ise you that han' fl"f"1\Td .. rel)Ort from CUlCO. and am

""Pill' 1(1 ,laiC t li" t Ihc beliel"ers there a rc all safe and ul1injur{'"(1 exceJlt for one woman who ~uiilTrd a ~Iij(ht :ajur}' of her back: however. lI'ost of Ihl"1I1 have 10'1 Iheir homes and r.e rsonal

Iod '11f:'U1l':~. and Ihe ,hllrdl h.lll, rec.'ntly fi,~d

'I' an" ju_I ol)("n ,1. h'h h.:rll d""lroyed,

It 15 ('Illy a mir;.cl,· that n, >r~ were I1lot kilkd ill CUlfoJ, TI;(' SI'( It -Wlllt', 1)("1111{ e,1 m"d~'rIl con· ~IrUdl' n. wa~ llt-~ j:!rratly <la1n;IJ.~1(1.

\\'c a!<.; estallli,hill~ a rrli\·r iund hcre anrl arc fl nl;!rrlil1j( '0111e 111"11(,)" I"day to help the Scntts at.11 tIll' bdi~H'f~. \1 pr~'~ent Ihe Scotts a re fndinR; ~nl11t· .!111M r_on in thclr home,

It 'I'tI!lS thaI It II il! ht l1("C("S';""y to build a I,ali thcre ill ," ,it r I,) farry Oil the work, OUI (,i ~"IlI(, -i.iSOIJ J.uil,!iI1f.:' ,nly 500 remain stable ami sail". a,"Conlil'{ I" J.:"HrIlmcnt engineers' reports,


[)vr"thy R. nndgt of Xorth India ha' r{'turn· (d tf) t,'e Statc~,

• • • Th(' R. Stanlty Shaw_, mi~,i"narics to Suuth

India. have arri\rd III tI,e !"t<ltes.

• • • ~Ir, and ~Ir" :\mold We_tml (.f Ihe Gold

Coa~t have r(:\uf1it,1 h0111e for their furlough. • • •

~J r ani! ~I f'_ J [ I h('r t B Felton, and Forre~ 1

( ,. Bafker. mi"ifln<lrics to Peru. recently have :l1ri\l"(1 in t~ll' Sl:lll'~_

• • • ~!r. and ~If ~. \Itlmr j. Ahlberg are nnw on

fl:rluugh. Thl'Y 1'.11' heen lal)iring in Ihe Philip· pint· I ~Iand~.

• • • ~Ir, and ).Ir~. j. II. K0111cdy of Sierra Leone

arrived in the Stales in ~Iay .

• • • ~! f_ and ~I TS. l<l1 ~~c ll L. 5chirmau of Ullper

\ 'i!1ta hal"e fcaclwd home for their furlough.

• • • ~Ir alld ~Ir <;. Paul Epler, Illissionarie~ to

Colombia. havc ar r'\'l'd hOme from the field.

• • • ~Ior{' than vile hundred mi~si()na rics and d~­

partmcnl personnel attended Ihe Foreign Mis· ~ions Department ~el11ina r at Ccntral Bible Inst itute from )'Iay ,m to june 9.

••• ntlfin~ Ihe past few mouths mUllerOus letters

ha\"\~ lX'ell received from nalionals in olher lands, a~killg- for periodicals and financial help. From the ktters it would seem that Ihe writers ear1lc~1 workers for thc Lord. Konc of the tellers hrought 10 our attemion ha\'e cOl11e from those a,~ociall'(! Ililh the i\s~ell1blics of God, but we havc rl'('ciled word thaI one of the writers al ka~t ha :; 111isr('Jlre~eT1t('d hi~ \Iork. In<luiry is IM-·int::" made con':erning Olhtrs. " 'c would urge Illl'mbcrs of Ihe te\lo\\'ship not to ~elld offeril1g ~ (,r periodica!~ to any solicilor without fir~t in­quiriug of liS a~ to tIle character and lI('ed of the !,atiollaJ in que,lion,

DOll1tions of used books in good condition and suitable for u~e in the Bible School library in ~Ianila, Philippincs will hc much appreciated. Thc st udcnts rtad EI1I::li sh. Send by book post 10 Glen Dunn, p , 0 , Box 2483, ~bnila. Philip_ pinc Islands.


Page 9: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

MISSIONS- Old H. C. Ball , Field Secretary Cor Latin Amuica


• nOLl\'! \ i~ one of om 11C\\e~t mi~siOIl fidd, in ! .ati!! America, our 1l1i~~i(>!larics having entered the countTy \\;lh;l1 the pa.,t five years.

I was mel. upon Illy arri\':!l at the La Paz airpnrt the higil(~t C0111rmrciai airport in the world. altitude 13,'104 ftd h) two new arril'a!s or, the l1li~sion iidd, I\·arl :\1. E~l<:p and Flor;1 L. Shafer. They told me tint a r('vo]ll\ion wa' pending and that ~oldi~p; \\"<erc ~Iationed all Ol'tr tl1(' city of La Pa7: hO\\'L"n:r. tlu:y did not ~('llll frightened. I haye admired the brave ~l)irit ~ho\\ 11 hy all of uur ll1i~.,ioT1ari(·s in Latin .-\I11..:ri(:l, T11('Y kno\\ Ihal they arc in the will of (,'1'\ and they trU"! Jlis plomi"e~ 01 proll'ni, '1).

I had the pri ,"ilq:,:c while in La paz of being in a 11l('tting of all the cvangtlira\ ll1issionari<:~ of Ihe city and oi ~pe;Jking to them. I a\q) \\a, PTC,Ult at a street Illccting in the Indian ~cnil·1l and was gratified al I\l(' good responw oi the Indians. ~ome eight Or nine came for s;Jhatioli. In another seTl·jce thc ,ame night among: Ihe Bo/i~'i(lll(Js not onc camc for salv;Jtinll.

The naliona\ J)a~tor of our main mi~sion in l.a 1\11. imprcs~ed me greatly. li e was eng;lgeri il~ makillg silv<.'r Jewelry bdore \le began to pr~·ad1. lie em])loyed sevcral IlcJper<;. -:\ow hc has giH·ll II]) Ihc Irade and greater n::muneratioll. lie dv'·~ ne('d the Bapli<m in the 1I0ly Spiri!. TIH_.:re is an urgent Ileed for a ch<lpcJ fur Oll r Il:am {"<'nter in La Pal as we have outgrown Ihe re1ited hall.

I lias met at Cochabaml).1 hy the \Vilkies and a numher of Bible School sludents. The stud('nts "H," j1lst conclt1(\iu!{ a month's course and I "a, to he Ihe spe:lker for th('ir Coumu'Jlce-111'111. T he ~ll1d ... lltS gil"e real prumise of be­comillg: good workers for God. They, too, nceci the B'lptism. I would reques t Ihat you pray that Bolivia may receive a Pentecostal showcr. for III' to 1I0W none of the believers have re­nin'd.

The property u~cd for Ihe Bible School in

C ..;habamln I" ul(a\. ami nlu!d be !lllrcha~('(1 fllr $oW,{lUIl. It WlHlld c(o,t t:lat much or more 10 uo,;et ,uch a lllllhlill!.! and ii we built we \\-'uld Iwt be ,11l1o: to h>('"tc in ,11(h a strale!.!ic ~p{1t.

It \\as also my pri,-ikt::e \0 I·i .. it the interior C:IY oi Santa Crm: where Ev('t('tt G Iiale !la.~ {HCled a Im'e1y ehal'd. Sanla Crm: is the city \Ihre Ihe Hak~ \I"{'re loeatcd during 1a~t )·ear·~ ru-"Imiorl. I preached ill ~a11l<l Crill Ihr('e niJ.:hb and >evera\ t::;l\e 111<:ir lives to the Lord )<'11,. ~Iitlnie :'Ila(\«·n i~ maintaining the wo.lrk in :-;allla (rl1<: '~"W.


Peru is Olle of our <)\de~t 1I11"mll fidd~

\\ l:ile th,-re I \j,iter! til(' '\rCQuip:i. Clino. ami J_lI1la areas. .\r('quip.1 ,\nd (meo arc IK·\\ ~I,lti, tho TI1C I.('rd i, ble",ing ath! Ih ... outl .... lk i~ bri~h!. (EdiIOT'~ ::\Olt: Ilnllhcr BaH visill"(1 CU7CO bdore 111<' eaTlh{IUake. Tlti, rq>Ort i­anOlher ni the seri~'~ oi rqll'rB btin~ iurui,lwd by Brolher Ba\l ir< m his tOIfT oi tlw r ,;(Iin /\nWri'·;l1l fic1d~_)

It wou\d ~(;t"m Ihat Peru i, :lhOUI to witm-,,' revival fires ~uc.h as Br;lzil. PuCrto Hieo, :ind Olher Latin .\merican CO\lnlrie~ are haling. II i~ gralifying 1'1 IIOle. abo, Ihe evcr-i ncreasing­IHcminence being givcll 10 the nali{'nal ministers in Peril.

.. ...

til Jamaica,

Cyril C. Huclcerhy, JamaiCA

• TillS P.\ ST YEAR ha, ,,·m our work in Jamaica Illoyiu!{ fo rward. Our llationa! workers are men and women of rGil faith and have ~:1crifict"{l much fo r the work.

J\ccordill/:, to ;( report givcn al our r('('em COIl­krellce, we 1l0W h:l\·e 695 bc!i(' \<'rs in fell owship wilh us throughout the island. Of that num!>cr


289 11<11"(' rcceiv("fl Ih~ Ibpti,m in tht Holy ~I'irit.

Durin!; tht, 1~1 ,t r~";tr fi-4 halt' heen imrn -r~'d. ~ ... kilO: \I("C'\ rccri\"cd int,) ollr fellow,"il), SO lavc Il<."{(l ioaptilC(! in Ihe 111)lv Spinto ,,"n,\ IJ5 \:<1\(' 1><",·11 report('11 !w,.\c-d. Thi~ i~ the tctal f"r ,.11 oi our a',emh!i,·s.

\\·hi\e \11C ('<1I1fc;r{"II,·c \\a, in I'rc,gre~' a II-t:,1 of 161 came ief ~a!qlj"l1, I I [{·,.dinl that th{'\ JI;,d IIn·n Jlt·'lkd. "I_II 5 rt-ccn·d tIlt· BaplrMIl ..

Our Sl1lT1iay :-ch')(I! (,!Iflll!'m·nt til all 1 Ilur a'''-tllhlil-S_ m;lt\e Ill' ni!;<' I tll'ils and \lndtr, is Z.O'>.' .h yrl thtre ar,· II" II'lull :""-11Il\[;.Y Sdtuoi d:I'" ~ ;\In(>l\~ (\lIT church, ,\\ illt Ihe (·x(tj,rion ('£ Illc S,'ani~ll T{I\\-n .\ ~(lIlblr.

\\\l("l"e {'lit· \\,1' starh'<i jlll n"(t·tlll~ L:~<'I SUn,by S{"h0<,1 lit~"Talu"'·. i"I\\;\T,!o!d iT" 111 Ih,· 't;,\l_. Ita, hun \1 .. <'11 t·lltird~-_ ...



[11,· f"II(lwi.!.tJ is 1111 (".rurtl f. '/II " I,·/I,·r I"Net .-.1 il"~'m J .. fiu, o. Ols<'I!, ,dill is sl 1011(<1

(1/ I,."rc/.r, IIIII,H. Hra::il:

'·\\·c l·nJ()~l',1 \lr~lher 11~·nr~· C nal!"s \i~it II ilh u,. It >n11l~ hi~ IIll'\·lmg' initi;1\cd an "utJl"urillJ/" ,oj lill· SJlirit. T\\('nty-I'TI\' were fill ~·Ii ill ;) \Ink'~ liul<". 11 in onl' thy_ Since tlltu the Kllkmla~ welt' h,Te fur ;\ weck Tlwir i1ltc:lillJ: ,tirn·d t\l(, l~ty Sumby nighl till' t'lltin' ~l nirc \\a~ hr,,:\(ka~t. illr1\1thn~ uur 1~ljlli'!I1;I\ ~erY\ee. Fivc \\'·'·l' hlpti,ed_ H'·llOrt~ an' that man\· IJ("arf\ till' J,ro"c\ca,t anrl wcre IIllpTl'~~('d. Thc· church wa~ P;\Ckt'll. anll many \l"cre on tilt' out<;idc. ~\t the d(I~(' nf the 'I'n-irc five ;l(c{"l't· ('C\ thl' Lord.

"Two \\\-tk~ <11:0 \\0 had a bapti'III<11 servicc in Americos. l"l<'yond (":u.:\ '·crde where we 11ao the l'trs('cutirll1. Our Chri~!ial1' 1l;\~~ed through Cana \ 'enk ill d \Tu('\.,: \(l !:tl 10 Atnerieo~. The po:r~l'rulillll a[l]la~ll'tl) h~h di(-d down. The be· liCler, ill Cana \ <"TIll' ar(' Illakin~ brick to I)ul Ill) the-iT church. Ten were haptized 1tl


Send An foreign miuiollllTY offering. 10:

FORE ICN MISSIONS DEPARTMENT 434 W . Pacific St., Springfield I , M o.

Thi~ church at Bogawantalawo, Ceylon was recently dedicated. Mr~ and Mrs . Carl Grave. tell u . that the n a tional minister there had asked the manager of the estate on whic h the building was located for use of the building for church SerVice5. The mtlnager gave the building for the work, and more than one hundred dollars in cash 10 improve it. The natIonal

minist er JiveJ in room. al the back. The church is localed on " hill. In the valley (1) o ne side ;1 a Singhalese community, and On t he other" Tnm>! community. T h e nat ionnl mini ster knows both longuage, a nd ;s able 10 minisler 10 the IWo grOUpl. The band thRl welcomed the dedication gues" is shown ;)\ (he righl.

JUlie 24, 1950 Page Nille

Page 10: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

011 1/".-1

SunJa'j School cfejjon b" Crnl!j{ S 1Uilfi"mJ

pbce irom 1\ hi, h ; il lI~tl' 11<' II ill finall~' he: rult'l!' I~a . .! .1·-\ (j. ,I I a,\ 1.:,\\<1 hi Iju.ditiu ill hi" life cd nik, H e wuulel 110\\ I~' t tl ('m ill hi" cxaJt4.lion_ \\' at .... l>lrld III rlu \~hl'll \ilIOn c v .... ned hh-I~ Idh k" g (Il"r Ih~ len Iril><-'~ C1. 2:B-IO. \\'c hal'o,; 1'-, .... atch o\1rsdl'':~ all tLrot1!l!h life. En' y \,o~itiol 1101'1 I\hich I\e C"1II1,: I:.~ its l""rtieuhr Ii, Id of battk \\ hi Ie in (,xik I )a\'id had I' qrll';::k agaill~1 a sen of humilia~ t'''11 and. I think. :! hdin~ If Uh)lfti(ln. :\')\\" I.· i~ exalted 10 n1g11 I<r th,- Iribe: of jt·(\ah \\'ill 1,,,~ill"l1 iuf!;,\.: hi~ .·It I \\'lil hl' rHain tll;lt humility "j min,l that he had d(;velo[)(,d (luring: hi~ )"(·ar. of \\<lndering'


Lesson for July 2

2 Somuel 5 : 1.12

Then' ;(fe thill~ in th,' hi, 1),,\,;,1 which, I, "kl'll al ill the lildlt (Jf ~(\~ T, I:U(1eIL\ truth, an' Tt prt'hl'lhihle. \n ()(;u l1]1I,' "i Ihi~ i~ fOllnd iu hi~ hatin~ tht Mimi ;lnl! till' \;IIlW. th, 5:8. I );Iv id\ lu\"(' fur 11I/-:J.(',1 I i,!.:or ~'I'm~ tn 11:1\",

madl' him lit- iTt: "LI ly tl lO~C I hin~s , I' ;lt aVll red Ilf drik 1I II.IIill\'. OtlwT,' I Old Tnl;1Il1ull lillll'~ Tt'("k"l1< ,I among the 1~(JlII,il'_ al~o l1Iani· !.- led IllIa1iti<'~ .... I,irh mil" 1'1' ("(.mkml1("d The nihil' r('enrd~ I;ic :L~ it n';ll1y II a ~, not th.u w.:

II< IIld f"lluw IllIwllrthy ex.llIIplc" hut rather th I ~H' ,houl!! lu(,id thtm. \\"11I"n (, Illll1c nda­lion i_ ~ i\"\ n. il " nnl (,I>llllll(1lChli< n of un­worthy acts. hUI of Clualiti. ~ of faith and h,yalty tn firllL C"1I\ kli"n~ ('nnct'rning (;(,,1 alld I lis f li t! lfu lnr

.,\"t 1111\11 ),' u, rallll' I\;\~ tlwT(' ~il'en a r, I I;lli"lI of tl ,t· full riMr;u'l< r of (;ud. \ V(' mll,l Ihl'rd"rl'!:"<J 10 111(' :-\(·w T,,_t;In1l'llt [lOr our " x;I!Ill,k in virtUl' Th('re Ill' liml the weak he;II,,[, ra thn th;U1 (k~ l roy('II: Ilo t· erll~hcd heart ( ,mful tt'1'[ ill~It'ad of [Jt.'in~ plI~h {'d a,ide. \Vhat a \\cknllle 1l1("~_~aJ:e calliI.' Ilh('n .r.~us in IIIC ~1·l1;H::(l).!1I1.' read, "T hc ~ I) irit of Ihe Lord is 1IJt<lI1 lilt" l>leau~(' h{' halh ;umint('ll me to preach the ~o~llc1 tn thc poor : hI,: hath ~"nt lUe to heal the hrokenht'arll'd, to l)readl de!inrallre to the CilPti\"\:~, amI recol'('rinK of s iRhl to tile blind, 10 ~\'I al lilwrly thl.'rLI Ih;lt arc hrlli~ed." l.lIke 4 ·18_ 0\ nt'W 1[;ly had dawlled in tlH! hi~tor)' of 111,11\ II h(' 11 je ""~ ~;l; d. "Thi s day is this ~nil ,ttln' fulfilit'd ill y.)Uf cars." (;od Ileip us 1(, follnw j .... u,. 11 1(' ]It' rfcn '011 of Dal'id. the hll's,<,d S( II of COIl

T _ Pofi ent Woiting Reworded

\\'hatelcr bu1t~ t h('r~ may I>e in the life of ));\\'1, 1. he pr(11 ides u, an e:"ample of humblc wail1l1J:' IIntil the L{lfd'~ aPI)()intl.'d limc is cOllie. Ycars h,I\O{, ",,1.,'.:d ~i llcc he, a~ a youlh, had becn anoilllt'd for kinp:~hil) by Ihe servanl of the Lord, Sallllltl, I Samuel Hi, DurinJ: Iho~e years eircl1Tmtancl"" had I)rovide:d him more than olle npportt11lily to <If) allay wilh Salli. but he re~

fu~\,t\. 1f he was 10 be('Ome kinK_ if such was tlw \1 ill of God f(of hill1, God mu~t put him tl1t::re and not h(' himsr[f, \\-hat a l e~~on this becomes f<lr u ~, Il o lY h" I'<I it i, ftl r ~tlnle to abide God's lilllt'. If Ihey fee! Ihal (;nd wi ~hes ~01llethin l!" of thUll, th('y call110t wail fo r God to work things out. They, like HcI)('kah, fed Ihey must schl"!l1<! alld m3.neu\,('r. seeking' to s('Cure by cartlall11eam that Ilh ieh tile), thi nk God dcsi re~ th t.:ln to han", Gl'He~is 27, \\' hen 111 is is donc the T,Qr<l's pl an is oft en nmrrcd, If \I e can wait fo r God'~ tilllC, even though in the time of \\ ;,iting wc hal'e to l)aSS IhrouR h biller seasons and wonder, in the cnd we shall fi nd God's will and working to be the best way.

How nl\lcll better David fclt. when he became king becau~e he had not done injury to Saul,

Page Tell

II'an (W, lid l\e il It h (I tak '1, .: ... 1 ~ag:~

of hi ' I ~ rtunili, s awl anng~1 11"111 ('Ii loy slay. ill{ Saul. .\ l1d how much 1"I.!iH r \I;U hI' reg:ardw \\ hCII hl! did h{TOll1e kilO, \\'c can afiord to 'mmit t'l C;()<J thinll~ .... hidl ru I('lrn (.our \'t.r ­<lna\ ]I(hili<lll, If G."l f"f I~ Ill' i "ble to

Ilork 111 uur l ... ha1f.

2. In wa rd P,cpo rol ion o nd Outword Promotion

I)O\1't ""U 11,11\, (;,,,[ \\;" wprkillJ: ",mtlhill!-": wry 11(· .. ;"ary int' tht' lik uf I>al' i( \ dllr;l1~ Ihe )t;lr~ \lh"11 IH' II.h ;111 exik' S;wl harl 1)11'1\

rn;,,1<- killl.'" I\ilhollt prni, II~ dis .. iplint, alii! SN·

,(,lIim..... Ill' faile'd. 11;1(1 \)a\'i<l h, 11 111:1,1,' king it' ~., 111 a hl· n'turllu\ f, ,111 ~l;I}ill~ C;,,\iath, too; Jtji~ht L .. n- fa ikd ;.I ~o. For ~n.,,1 It- (kr-hip, '~(ip!in .. a' II 1t"lin~ are nenjecL (·haracl.:r

11111,1 he Ikvdnpt'd which ("all (1)111(' only thn,m.;h \l'.iurlllg hanl" ~ a ~ a g(",el ~oldilr,"

\\'e admire the c(,"raJ,:(' elf failh in )outhful Dal'ill \\11<'1\ he dlal1en~l(1 III\' Kiallt "f r,;lIh (I ~am. li:41 bUl \I;!.S he th\."n aMl' to kn'p ),umhle whell Ihe ..... 'IIl,.:n ~allg. ·'Saul hath ~Iain Jll~ thou~an<l~. but David hi~ \l'll Ihou<and~ ," I Sam. IR:K i. eallcrshill l11U~t n()t be hastclled into. J)i ~("i plinc i~ n('e<icd to bcJ,:CI chara("tcr. Dal'if! as a youth had cOurage: years of te~t· in)! addtd cautio:1 and consideration to courall;C. Only God kno\\~ the fulness of ollr need bci.)re "l' are ripe for Ihe service to .... hi"h H e may hale calkd 1I ~ , us think

(;od d es 11"1 a[,':I)"_, nt'lI whl'1I He rhall/-:l·" 0'11 P' ~i,i"I:, hring \1<, il.I.) Il i~ highl·q f(l r 11' .111

t I,ncc. He \\,,"ld iir~1 ~le h IW lit pl·t alon~ in 1l10dHatc pr '!l1utiol1_ 11 i~ <I 1'I,:"uIl' I" \'<lnl 11:al Davi,1 wa~ nnt ~p(Jil",1 tilT' ll~h h,' cumir~K king ill .1l1dah. lli~ Far~ of \I<lnderill,l' and ~lIffl'ril1~ 1M I doul' '{'I1l<"tllin,l' for him. Thl' ~1'lh of Hi!l11l1oll t ll"11"1It to l'romntt' tl1t'lll~clvcS in Ihe eyc~ of ]);I\-i rl hy ,Iayinp; hh·ho~hcth and cOIll'eying the !!~'WS t" \)al'id, ('h, 4 Thc), Ii>oup;-hl thi~ \\"ul,l gin' [)illid ('l'Ca~if)lI to ~eil e rukr,hip Ovcr all th.: I rihe:~. \\'hat was their di.;.,ppoinlment I Th(y \1 til rt'pre~,'nt the carnal ,df·~e('kers, of II hidl th~r(' arc many, Dal-id represtnb the Hill' man oj (;,,,1. 1\110 cnuld wait [or (;(>(1 to e~t:l.h1i~n him kill/{ fI\\'r all.

Daloid brcam" killJ{. 110t h}' iOTl'e. but by eXCI:llence of dnr:let.: r Then came al1 Ihe Iribes of Israel to Oalill. s.1.yinll, "Thou ~I:alt fced Ihy p·coJlle hrad. and Ihnu shalt he a caplain OI'tT hrad." ch. 5 :2. \\'hir h is I)('\tl'r -II) force ~l1h·

lllis ~ioll , or 10 he (ksirt'd bcc-au~e of confidence Ihat you will il'u! and ,hcphcrd?


Dl'ath of Salll and j onathan (Lesson 25). Lb~on Texl: I Samud 31 :1· 13.

for J une

of Ihe words, "Mall}" arc ealIcd, but few a re chosen," in thi, regard. Is it 110t pos-


~ih l e Ihat ma.ny, who han' felt Ihe call of God, hal'(' IlCler come into the III ace tha t lil t}' might have iillcd bec:!us.: th.:y were too all~ious, or am· hitious? The vessel was mar­red in the Potter's hand and lie had to make it another \ e~~d. ~[a)' each of us learn rOll~ccfatiol1_ I)at ienee, and ~ idd 10 thc moulding of Ihe Ii o ly Spirit that hc may be­COIllI,: a "vessel unto houor, ~anctified_ and mett fo r Ih(' ~fa~le r· s lise. and prepa red lll1to el-el)' p:o(Jd wnrk" 2 Tim. 2 :21. It wa ~ (lne thim" for Dal-id to kill a lion ami a h"ar; il was (Iuite anOlller thi ng to rulc Ihc pc'O\)lc of the Lord,

3. Not Everything Is Goined ot Onee.

Dal·id had been anoinlcd to become king over Is rael. Up· on thc of Saul hc mip;ht have eX \JeCted to bc crOll lied such, bllt it did nOI comc to llaSS. li e was first anointed king Ol'er Judah, and was erowned at 1 lebron, not at J erusalem, God's

~ ... a glorious church.

H~ls1 Itot having spot, or C wril1kle, 0,. 8t11J

swelt tltil1g. Eph S'H


Page 11: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

Fellowship NEWS

Minist e ring in Alaska

( .ayle F. Lewis, 'h,i~t;lI1t Cellt·ral :-'u]'cril1-\~ILllent. wcnt to Ala~ka \\Ith tIle liunu: \Ii,~i"ns lliH"dur. Fred \'ogler, to mini,t~'r .. I lill' :\11--\Ia,ka COllrcmi(1II 01 the "\~~crl,11 It" ,of f;, <I at Anchorage, )I:JIC IJ Ie 20.

New Ch urch Dedicated ot Honolul"

:\ocl Perkin. Fon'ig-n :'1;"j"11 :-;t~r.·t:\ry, \"isitl'i'\ H awaii la, \ month to be gut,! ~p(':lkl'l at the C~lln::ntion of \he I L\\\aiial1\~Wl11hli\', of (;,,11. \fay lR-21. \\"hi1e in lI ono1u1u hi' d"lii­C;lIl'(! a fille new church huilding which 1'a"\\)r F1,j"n E. \'i;,c~m ,\1101 his c"n!l:rl'~ali"ll a~'c Ntd,-'(l.

Officers Rc_Elcctcd in North Corolino

The ~i'{th annual :\onh Carolina District Coun­cil held at Eli?ahnh City, K. c.. proH'd to be the bnt and 1:lrgcst Council nwetinJ::" in the J)i~tri(t's hi,tory, The minist ry of Wilfred A. l~rowll of Sprillgfidd. ~l o. and J. E. ~lillcr of Lakeland. FI:J. \\a.~ 311 importalll factor in tho: suece~~ oi tho: nl(("tin,l:~.

Andrew Stirling. I)i~trict SUperill{('Il,kllt. and H. I r. Conallt. Sfcrdilry-T reasurt' r , wcre rl'­dl'Cll.'d fo r two yl'ars 0 11 the nominating !>allot. :lIld C. R. \'0111 Dalen of Greensboro lIas ekc ted (~ l'Il\'ral Presbyto:r.

En-ry dl'paTtmenl of the District reported suh­slantia l growth during the past year. Pa~tor ~ ;111(1 t·' ar:~di,ts left thc Council }.feeting with a f!n·alt·r 'k t<:rmi r: atinrl than c,'er btforc 10 df) m"H' for th(· Lord in K orth Carolina.-by .\n­dn:1I -"tirling.

Pra yer a nd Fa sting in Gcorg io

\ l ' raYl'r Conf..:ro:nce "as held April 2-l -11l at the ]):~Irict Caml) Grounds at Jcnkin~bllq:;, Ga. Around 60 10 iO attended. m::arly all of \1 hom were mini sIers of the gospe\. :md it was a timo: of spiritua l rencwing :lS they fa sted and \\ aill.'ll Oil God.

;'\\'c used our camp cot m:lltresscS to kneel 011." "ril<:s the DiSlrict Superintendent. Robert C. Jones. "It was a wonderful s ight 10 see God's rrrini~ters prostraled in prayer. E'eryone had hi , Bible. The Lord lIas so rea \. it was easy to pr:ly. to Weel) before lIim, and to read the \Vord fo r hours.

"111 the night session we gave time fo r testi ­monies, Scriptural e" hortatiOIl. etc. No one spoke c;xccpt as moved on hy the SIJlrit. \Ve had asked Ihul\ to forg et all earthly I!.'adership. Thcre WI rc many messages in the Spirit thrOUgh tongucs and interpretal ion. He;.rts were Illelted and the flesh sulxlued liS God moved upon the I)(':ollle."

Two weeks latcr Ihc Di~l ri ct Coullei I had the annual mectillg a t Macoll. Georgia, and it wa s ,l time of greal blessing". C. M. Hicks was Ihe host pastor. W. H. Steelbcrg of S pringfield. ~fo., was the main speaker. The \'csper services were corrducted bv the C. A.'5 II ith the State Presid<:n t , Glenn ~lillcr, in charge.

The voting con~ti\llcncy of i 37 was the largest on record. All of dlC District and General of-

ftow 2,1, 1950

fi~'iah \ rtlumt"ti to 01;10;., . II Ill" 111,1 ball,.1 Thee iuc:udni Ruben L ("K, ltah'" Jone'S, ni~lriet ~1I1I'Cril1tell<.kllt; J imllli. \LL}" .. \ 's~ I.wt Superintendent; Elm~r Creen, S,"(rt'!;Lry Trl' ~ urter; F.I"ar \\. Bethaul :lilt! \\. \\. Ilm,tOl" GUll'ral t, UI1I:il Prnl>yll·r~.

Ernut L. Fri l' nd Now ot Hl'odquortcrs

II ,t L' I. \\h, rdurrll:,1 iT,IIn .\fri-a :L , "Hl'r , .. me year~ . i 1I1L'~] ;lry

' ..... t .. las Ill' H'(J 10 -"pri, ... Iid", :\1<) . where he 1 a".;,lil1)(" II. B. Gar]o\"k, Field ~l'l'retMY fl,r \fric ;1.

New Oi$lri ct Sends a Good Report

r , \\",. t1 ]11~ Oi Ir;·t ( il 'p I. t! \I illt a C .\. R:i1h- TUl· ,II\" ni 'ht, \r-il I~. ). F .. \u~tdl. ]~'''''ky \I"unlail, ,Ji,11 t ~1;i].C;i1lt, 1111-em. \\a-~ tllc" speaker ;1111] (;Iurn H<Jrris, Ihl C. .\. Pa',id<:lll, \\"a~ in dur~e- • 'he 'l';ritn.tI tid~· \\;1' ~l'ry hil\h.

.\U ptrll'l'r~ IHT<' n'\lIrm'oI to ·lfii,,. J. F '\ecly, ni~trid ~1'I)l'riHtl·lld"IlI,.\ I I bun, :\, <;i~t;lIlt -"Ul'l'rillttnolel1l: I r It "t'nlled)". J)i~lrirt Sl(r~t;\ry Tn'a~!Jr~r.

The Ill', (tir;c~ 1\""[1' hij.dlli~I:I' tl by th anoinu I milll~trr l,f I;r'ther .\lI'll·11. :\ littin~ climax ca1l1e when Br"th,"[ .\u~tell the ci' Irge 10 th(' Ull'lI who were \x·inf{ nrdaincd.

The J,:l·t1l'ral ~\ate oi G,~r" work in \\'yoming' afler • 11l' ~'l'ar of e"i~tl'lrre ;t~ a ni~trict was a matter in which we all rdoi"o:d for H b ~O' dll':~s I') u~ aiL ·by J F Xeely,



AMERICAN INDIANS Send ,,1/ offe~ing .. 10~ thi~ work to the


434 W . P .. cific St., Sp~j",field 1 , Mi~soll~i

INTERESTED IN BRAILLE? COH~idrrable e\(-lII;illd is arbin;.: for full glJS\K'1

literature ill Braille. C" to this time we halT had 110 Pcntceo~tal li te r,l llITe \0 offcr the blind. illthough ~()rnc ether dellotllinatiollS have Ix'ell producinJ,:" Braille literature k r many years.

Numhers of <lppeals ha ,'e ("01ne to liS latt'ly, a~k iT1~ if \Ie ("ollid po~~ibly \111\)li"h some of our ('WII Sunday School helps, and lI'Crhaps a portion of the P~.~ n;(·O-iTA I. Ev,.. ~q:,. ill Hrailll', M) Ihat the blind 111i~hl have the hendih of our full gc,spd literature.

Our P\1hlication~ Committee Ir;l~ n'cl'ntiy t·«· 1,lored the possibilit y of \lTOI'iding Braille lilera­ture, ;lI1d contact ha~ heen made \I ilh a larp:l' Braille IlUblishin" house. Th~~e publi~hcr~ have oifercd to pr0(luce our Aduh Student Sunday School Quarterly for seventy-five cent~ per copy. if we (";111 "ecure a ~t1 bsc rip tion li~t of ill 1(.'.1'.1 three hundred.

Thi , II~"W field of opportuni ty 10 readl Ihe blind with Ihe full go~pd II<I~ l~l"I1 a~siJ.:ned 10 the Hume ~li~~iollS Deparum:nt. \\'1' \\ish \\e were in Ilosili,oIl to SUI)I)ly li tl'TalUr .. 10 the blind freo: of ,irarge. bm ou r funds arc ~o limitt'(\ that 1\ c' art not able to undntakc Ihi, addi t itJnal T<" lwlIsihility. For this rea'OIl \W must b<: assured that snbscrlptiollS will ('Hill'

in fur the Iklille Qu;r,rttrly lxhrt VIe can I,bce our onkr.

\\'e \Io"uul.1 ~UKf:I'''t that pJ_tOlS lurH)" tb,ir con"n'l1'illrOIlS for blind p-trsons \II (",III r,'ad Ilrailk an, I tll.ll uth<:r illten:~tlrl Ill'] $('lIS aiso ~end in ";111),." an.I aJ.Jres!'.I (,j Ih'N 1,1;ito .... vu\, \ likt to 3.:II·e the Braille Qua.rt(·rl) t'''111 \I.e arc "Urt that the.- lII;ttl"fia] ,\ ]11 be produce'!, .... c \IOllI,1 l'ro:£oT t., r,at ret:!'il': Ih, mn:1!'1. hUI ii ) ell .... :1\ ~C1"l,1 in ymlr I", ! ':);I,nn 0: Iho~1' I, >r II l}(Im ) Coli \1 ill ubSl"T1~. II t' (all, ,mt;!'l t ) ou latn ii we iiwl th.,t ,,,hi(icl;1 I; \.11 i.11 ~km~ i~ ;h~Utl.-d ~l) tlr,lI IIC ("an 1"''Cl'ea \lith thi5 w,'rk.

KmJly ;I,\o!ns aU corre~I'(t:lJ'.l rc ardmg I:raillt: lill"f.ll1lre t. t!'e Horne.- ~1is ,. lIS I>eoa:t· )TIe-lit (Fro:J \ ,.\, ,Ilire't. ..J. \\" \' Ioe SI'ril] 'I' Ii I ~II >UTI.

A SPECIAL REQUEST \ '. 'l' , 'lilt! lil.."

" nl,Lke " "Ill ,'I,

., e," ,II (l Ir , ,to ,

'" ,,' ,,' " u ,om IWle' , IUl ~

nle 1ft It IIGltljt: Lrt,'r lid th.· t rO pc "J"lisl'lI11: Ilu\I.c ar<: di'ldnl illtO II< )rtm Ii. :11 ill \1·)t]I,1 <'II 11,lt u, t., Itin' yOIl I .. tltT $CrIll " i: I',ot "l,ul,' III.Lrk I>n your kll"r the rrall1e of till: eicpartllwut t,J whidl it ~h<lllid It". -"UII!o.; I.f the l)epartIUl'"'' arc ,b illll,,\\ s:

(~"fleral <'·,"]rKi] F re;~n \11'~'0'1l 11 <"l1e :'lIssl liS Ed\l~ali"11 Ib!\i" Chli~I" ,\mha~ ad"rs /-:(llt()ri;11 '1Ineb)" ~rh()'ll 1'f(1Il1('til>l1 HL"ine~~ Olli(e ('''rrc~l ... m,j'·IIl·(' ~dIO(l1

\\'hen an~lllTillJ,:' a Ie-lin. kin(lly nurk , .. ur ft'llly i .. r th,' a11<"11Ii' n of IiII' (l<:r!>Orr \\110 \\T,. lt ttl )""\1. Ii l\c;thlr tl:e I\ame of the \·"rn'lk'II<I. l'm nor Ihe nam·~ o! tl,,· dq,artrlwnt i~ imlir;t\c(I, more t i11le will 1)(' rl"lluired fnr dC!iHr~' of y"ur ktler to Ihl' \lenUIl ill"·ndl'd.

Your C(!-I'IIt·P. t 11 III Ihi .. \\a" Ilill !~ hl";)rt;!y 'll'prl"Cialcd.

" EATING ON THE HEAP" (C(J11Iinutd fr'lI! 1,,'1RC thr .... ')

drollu<l. and I!tCfl' they stood bcing" (";Il"il " 111\"r. till olle lay dOlln fla t and In the other I\;dk ov<:r him,

In vio:\\' of tit .. farl t!tal Ihe CI'mil1l: "f J(,~II) canll"t be far ,l ila), and that Il is hridl' i~ to h.~ '·(mo.;," il bthOOH' U'. as far as i ~ I~ ~,ibk,

In "cat on thl' hea l)." ])0 \('U say, "Th,lI i, a hanl Ihing ILl do"?

I'l"nre!;lb..-r that upper mom wlJt rc Jt"lh ate with Iii , (\i~cipk,. TI1l'rc wa~ Judas ...... ho ~(lh ! I[ im fe,r $17 Petl'r, ~o soon to deny. lIith oath, .lIld cur,,·,. Ihat he knew Him · Ihe tlthl·r .. who I\<:re goinc to Ica,e I lim alone Yea. W"lIg f;,rthl'r- th,· in'lIlt~, the shame, thl" ~pillill C:. lite 1I .. ib awl tilt' '1'I:ar. Jesus ate tn till' h, .I\) nf it ;t!1 and s3id: "Father, forgi"e them. f" r thty 1.1>0\1 1I0t what II ICY do!"

Tllrl'e liu1t's ;1 yo:ar. the children ,'f ' ; ')0,1 "'cd t .. j Otlrtlty to J"rllsak rn to the fca,h. They t r,u'eJed in comp:lIl ies fo r safety. and ;15 th<:y jl'I1Tneyec\ IIu:y used to ~illg. One of thei r hymns 1\:lS Ihe IJJrd Psalm' "Behold. how good and h"", p\ea~a11l it is for hrethrctl to dwell 10-~dher in IInity! .. fOr Ihere the Lord cClm. mamlcd the ble~~ing. ('ven life for e\t!rtnore.'·

Some rcar~ ago, tlie las t service of a seriu

Page Eleven

Page 12: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C


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In her characteristic understand­illg" $Iyk. :\[;,,:'; \·eoll1<Lns points Ol1 t the I~ibk way for healing anel lifts the he:lrt to a fr e,,11 t1"l\st in Ihe C rea I Physician . Inexpensive cno ngh to gi\·c cvery suf fcrer a copy. 2 EV 73S 2S cents


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Page 13: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

oi nl<·t:tin~s Ildil ill HrOl.klyZl. S Y wa, to 1M a llO:aling mettin![ .

. \iter a heart-'l":m:hlllJ.: lI1('s",lj{e OIL ti'( n btioll (,i the spirit to tht" boIly. the Gtll \\.1

marie for tho,c \\ho de~ired !lray~"r to l'OIlW f'rward.

So OIlC moved. The silenu: hccalll, ;);lil1£l1l [t \\a~ hr"k(,11 at la't L.\· a gcntleman \\ho roo anol said. ""I am.1 bU~ln.,~ man 11\:IC in HrocAtyn bllt (;,,,j has ~ho\\11 nle that 1 am t:oe IU('aI1C,\ man in the city. r wal1t to g ... \I) the alt3T i,'r furgi\"L"nt:,~." :\ ,i~ttr £/)l1owcd. ~aying. "'I am a Pcnttco~tat \\vman. hut God hal> bt ~'n ,hn\\ inf,:' me I u,e my t"Tlj{ue toO TlIl1ch I am ~,·jlll-:" to the altar iur clean~illg." ~Iall)" lIlur, f, ,tlowco:! in like mallller.

.\t la .. t a si,h:r at the altar said. "'llIa\"· a r"lIics,i(l1l 10 make: There is a sister hue I 1I:,\'c lI"t ~pokcll to for a long whik. I h;l\' (lfll'IL rTOssl'd tht' ~trt:l·t to a,'(lid mCl t ing her [ want 11er 10 forgi\"(' IIlr." It was lIot 1 111l~ hdore thl"se 5ish;rs Illet in Ihe ai~1c a11(\ "'ate on thc heal',"

It was nearly Illi,h:i~ht when we clltcrcd into thr healing ~("f\icc-hul. acc{'rdin~ II) Ili~ \ ' ·"rd. 'T /wn' the Lord ("ol11l11anJed the b1c"illg."

So sOoncr were lund, laid on the sick than they wcre stai n unJt'f the powcr of God :1111\

(".11ll ~· lip shoutinJ.(", "'I'm heakd! I'm heait'd !" ~" ddightful was thC' atlllosplu.:re th;H S( llll'Ullt· askr(! when we could have am,lill'r "'f"r!lj,'j, 'I'fcliuy."

[ ha\"e heard (If 1Ila11~' killd" oi ll~ tillR'

~alvat it111 meeting-. Iloiin.."s IIIC<;\i11'::-'. [1~·.ltill~

!1Il'di!1~', et(".- bUI neva "dore hat! I h~'anl a rail for a "Fon::-i\"in~ 111e~·ting'· Is it l1("l"alh~' Ilwf(' i, no 11\''''(\: 1 kar not : hili "l'alin~ 1>11

Ihe ht·ap" i~ cn,ll y. and kw arc n;a<1)' 10 \My t:. 1" \("".


(Continu ed ironl l'~Re five)

And if a woman 'ha.ll \)\1t ijWilY h~'r hu'h.:mJ, awl he married t, atl· 111t"r, ~Iw l'oT11ll1iltdh adultery."" ~Iark to:II. 12. "\\'hnslIe\"er l'utteth :Lway hi~ \\ ife. :md 111;lrrit·t h another, c(lmmillt:th adultery: and Il h(""~'ITr 11Iarridh her that i.; put away froul hl'T h u,h:md un ittl'th adu lt !." !" ,· ... 1.uke 1();18. Th~ se \\" ()rd~ give u~ the law of God for al! a~~s~. TI,,:ro: may be divure~' for adultery and il may be wi_e to ,..,par.LIt· for () I h~r causes-fH:T IU'.\I\ItIU'\G~; :-I~TUt. and thus I h~ way is open for repentance and reunion. God pleads with adultt:rOlls Israel :l.nd pfl)lIIises t,) receive he r back if she will only repcnt. And when sin has broke n up the home it i, l)o ~'ii bie for n :pcntance and regellaation to re,tore il. but such a possibility is forevcr pree!uded by l'e­marriagc.

In Eph. 5:25-31 Chri .. t is rc\ea[ed a~ II Ie hus­band \\ho ""Io\"ed Ihe church and gavc him .. eif for it: that he might s:lI1cti fy and c!l·:l. lht.: il \I ith t h~ washing of watc r by the WOrd. that he might present il to himseli a ~ t oriOIiS church. no t hadllg spot or II'rillklo:, or any such thi!l~." lie and !lis Bride are one body. ne\"~r to be "put asunder." lIave you ~id ""Ycs"' to Chri st in reSp(ll1SC to the appeal o f Hi~ love, and Ihus becOme His spi ritual Bride? Ii so. He will sl:Pt>ly all your nccd 011 earth and at laost take you to the home preparr d in he3I"en.-The KiwI's /Jus;IJrss.

JUlie 24, 1950

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Among the Assemblies

CUSIIiNG. OKLA.-WI! hod • mff-tinK with EVllngelis\ Loui .. Shultz. M,,*,y <o id it wos Ihe greotHt rev,v,,1 in the hi~!ory of th" ~hur"h. Num_ b"., wert' snved. boplited in th .. Holy Gho~t nnd heoled. P eople. who had nOI be,," . Iirred for a long time. were uirred in Ihis . ..... , ..... 1 Conf('s­sianl were made. Ind Ihe church III A whole rell Ihe nC("d o f getting nearer Ihe Lord. Tht' slra.,"t. forward preachinK of our Evonlleli'l w~s II bleS';n!: to everyo"".- \V. Randnll Ball, P asto r.

RUSTON. l.A.-Our A~ .... mbl}" (""jo~'ed " won_ derful rev;v,,1 with E vungeli l l W. T. Su,!!;nl' of N orlhr.., California-Nevadn OJ . lriCI A great numb .. r WetI' <nY,'<i lI"d fmed with Ihe 1I01y Spirit according to ACI5 2:4. We ha d IOfl(l r crowds Ihlln at any Olh("f lime. Our Evnngehll W." II force­ful .peakcr. a"d Ihe anointed m enOlles ..... ere a blessing 10 our church.

At the close of the m e{"tings. I .niKned t he pastorllle he'f to re ·enter Ihe eYangeliSlic fi eld. -8. A. Launius, Panor.

NEW IBERIA. LA.-We hlwe hod on 0111-sln"di,,1I. reyiyol wilh M rs. Rayn'ond T I~ichrv of the Richey EVAngelistic AssocilLllon. H OUSlon. T e". The f;nt niKht of the meel ing a 24_hour prayer chain wos orll:ani.l:ed. and praY"r w{" ut up "w;lholll ce; .. ing" to God during tbe fnti.,., m"Pling. People were aIlyed almost every nighl of the re"i",,!. a nd abo in Ih" morning p rayer mf-@I ;ngs. Many oul· slonding testimonies of healin& have bee" ,.,­porled.

DLlring the second w .. ek of I t,.. re"i" ~1. Evan_ !I"list R ~ymo"d T . Rich~y nrr;ved he.O! by pIon.., for a special service. The audilorium wns packed. and e"lra ch"in were hrouRhl in 10 A~rOmmO_ dale Ihe lar&e c rowd. That night a bOll1 40 poopll' carne forward to a ccept Chrill as their per-onal Sa,·ior. Many were " ..,yed for and hl'aled by tt:e power o f God.

Our EY8nKeliat spoke 0" our n,gular radio broadenu which Ar.., g;v .. " d;n~l"t from our church over ~ I A t ion KANE.- Vincent Roccnfo rt O!. Pn~t"r.

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H!LLSBORO. TEX. The Fa' th T .. mplo, Auemb!y of God hod a .u ........ 51fu! H·v,,· .. 1 w<1h Evallge list and M ". M . A Bruil'1 of Ct"burn T ex. The attendam'e wa. the bel! we ha"llf' h.d ro r the pMI t h r~ yurt. Their linll.inl WAI an ,"'pirMion to ,,0 . IInoJ Ih" anQint .. oJ 01 ... .,.,:'·.

IIltr~1 our hearu. Henry Helw~. P •• tor .

DONNA. TEX We bllye ju~t dO'f'd a .u~eto<.ll ful revi"llal WIth E".ngeli. t David Johnool1 <Tf Whar_ lon, Tex. God "'tot ,,·ith us from thll bt-Itinninl' Sovf'rat were sayed. an.cI manv I",,;f,e.:i o f rKfiy­inl: healing for th('i. both" •. ·T h." Sundlly School altendanee wno hieh~r Ihan a t lin)' hml' . ;nc .. we can.t' here. The c h urch was bt'-nl"f;INI on "" l'rv d cpartm"nt. A youn\( ("(Iuple ,,'erl' ~a"ll"oJ Mid fi !led wtlh Ihe Hoty Sp,rit. and Ih"it tfol ,m"ny i, It;r_ rin& Ihe enlire communIty .· W W. \Vnlhl . Pa~tOt

ARC ADIA. CALIF Wf haYf pur"hLued a lot by the mil'" hij!;hwllY called Lil'" O .. k. U1 II", north l"OTl,er of Lo, AnJl.l'I~. counl)" adjAcen t to Arcadia ci ly hmit •. Accordin, to the "ew"papen this is the falteli t gr()wing cOmmun;ly in tho COU'lIry. There i. lin l'u,,,,aled 3,000 or 4.000 llOnw •• and mOr(' arf' being built. T htl .treels li re filled w,th children. a nd younj!; purenll are busy in the e"eni"j!;' outside the.r hom .... Th"re is life and ol"li vily, b.,1 th .. re i. no church of a"y killd. for land canno t be boulht Iiowe y" " God hilS laid it upon the b .... t of a pr; yllte o wne r to lell his corner lot 10 u'. Thi. ;s a God·t;"fn op_ porlunity for relll miuion work. an.j hv hllh we li re e nteri"K imo Ihi, field. A rhapel will be bu,lt fir . !. It will be known as " Li y,," Onk V;I!,, ~,' Church" Please prl.y for Ihis work. S. Paul Carly ... Pallor.

G .. • .... , .. ·, ............. " .. , ...... ",·, ...... " ... ,.",.,.".",.,.,.,.".,.' •••• ·8

I STUDY THE BtBLE AT HOME ~ ~ ~ ~ Eight Now Ayoitobl o ~ , , , ~ , , , ~ , ; , , ~

Old Tp~lame"t Life (, Chri,1 Di"in" Heol;"K P" Truth Pauline Epiules Prophf'l it" Light

H.,bn·w~ " nd lhe Ofn"rot EpIStlu Di,pensational Studies

For information W1";le 10 CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL

434 W. P aci fic St .• Springfield I, Mo.

8"" ...... """"""""""""" .. ,,""''''',, .. · .. ,,'',,·,,'''''''''''''''''''0

Pagc Thirtcen

Page 14: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

S TATES VILLE. N C We r~!!ntly dou·d " revivAl with E vang!!115 t W illiam S kondee n " nd r"mily . T h ... c hurch Wfl. " 'e,, t ly bleued th roUKh the anointed miniu ry o f t hl! Word The .1ng,, 'I1', lInd inSlruml!'ntA l nll mb4!n w!!re inlp iri nK. S"''''n w!!re .. ved, ond two r("c .. i,·ed the lIoly Spillt. We lITe t ha nki ng Ood for the IIIc r l'lIIl'd Bltendance and int !!r!!u in t he C. A . lIl~ting. and in our S unday School. W e recem ly purchlllffl II Su nd"y School bu,. " lid w., e"Pf!Ct our Khool to ron\inue to I/:row I 11 . W ills, Paltor.

SU LLI VAN, M O.· God hPi b]('ued u~ .incl' WI!

come herl' to piutor " te r beil11 in ,,"'"nll('ililic work for lilt yea r" W hen we Clime tile Sunday School hod on IIttenda nce o f 176, EaMer Sun­day there w{·re 386 in " lI l'ndlll1ce. E very de­parl ml'llI III the church hus i llcrl'lI.ed. The Allemb]y purtha,ed a 1950 bu. lind II jel1co Vlbra-harp_

L", t April 10' '' h ad a ,Ioriou. r('vivo] with Evnngt'hn jomel E,utm" n . The ('hurch A. a who]., recl'ivl'd II bll'ulnK. Thne were .ever,,1 lavc<l "nd rilled with the H oly Gho.t joe Rllgl­d,.,le. P ,,*lor.

EA RTH . TEX W e started" rovival here IlUt FebrulITY in the old the"te r building. T hl' Lord bleued us_ Fourteen wtrl.! .aved. 5CmO filled with tho H oly Gho", and '<!V<!flll wtte hI'A1c<!. At the e nd o f three week. we clo.{'d the mel' t inll· T h t' p<!ople IIlked u . to build A ,hurch. III there i. flO fu ll lo~pe] chu rch in town.

\Ve movL>d t o II pIli,,!' eight miln out o f tow n a nd beKlI1l t o have lervi"e, in our home on SlIt­u rdAY n ilthU. S undfly mornilllt'. lind Sunday nigh t •. W e hnd lin avernge of 22 10 3 1 in Sun· d"y School. W e now hAV' our church lip. lind wi!! ll1wl' Ollr f int I"rvice the r!' M"y 6th. W e invite tholo poulng th ro"gh to come lind b" wi th \11 in nur .ervicel.--The llicks EVllngl'l i.tic Party

WAT ERTO WN , WIS.-W e Are happy to reporl Ihe b lesSlug of thl' l...ord in II recent meeting wil h E VAngelist And M .. . O rrin Ki ng .. itcr f tom ~uy~e­v. l lt'. M inn. Tho Anoi nted menAges lind 'inKing w .. rll e n joyed by Ill! who IInendpd G od's b ll'u­Ing re.ted on Ihe meet inK from the very beltinrung. A numb ... r of p lKlple lIOuKhl the Lord for 8A]­vllt ion. T he Lord s lretched forth Hi, hond to I" 01 and a num ber II:'.t itled to def;"' te hl:'lIli ng. T wo' rece iv<'d Iho Bapti. n, 01 the Ho ly. S pi rit , We nrl:' " ,de"d g ra t e fu l for t he 10ll in i . e,ulu of t his IlleetH'It. II nrvey F lnherty. Paslor .

DES ARK . MO.-W o hove h" d n successful thrl'e- week Tlwiv lIl with E va ngeli,u SarAh .. nd Peggy Wli liumion o f S t t' e le. M o. The re we re 4S saved .. nd ,i :< filL ed wi t h the H oly G h05t. Tho enti re church w,u .tirred und rev ived, M Any be­l ieve that th is wos one 01 Ihe /t rt·lI te.t re vivab .n the hi , to r)' 01 the churc h. The church WA. fi lled to c Apacity n ight lI fte r nigh t . The whole town was U lfred AI the S piri t of the Lord moved o n tho heArt s of tho I)eop le. Our Sunday S chool climbed to nn All time high 211 pre~ent AI)r. 30th.

W e accepted this church in july. 1949. At th~t time the Suudey S chool IIvern ge<1 4S to 50 III

IIth:lIldllnce. This p l .. t quart"r w e II.veroged 150. We do proi . 1I God for the work th at hns bee n ;,<"compli . hlld.- Willi. Middle ton. P u t or.

EUGENE. OREG.- A re<; I"Ot D eeper Life CAm_ I)oign with Evan(l(eli.u Frederic k lind Sarllh Byers rc~uhed In one 01 tho gn",te. t o utpouring" of Ho]y G hos t I)ower in the his tory of our Aswmbly. Night after ,,;,ht for lix weeks God moved in old_time power upon the hundred. of p('()p]e. \Vllve. of glory And bleS!ing swept ove r the people until r,lea t , olumes of SPOntlllH~OU' prnifill rose f«lm eArnest he"rts. The nlt" rs we re c rowded w,th hungry. ellger people seeking God. The5e wore " dflY' o f h l'(l.ven o n Ollrth." Th", Anointed and unusual mini stry of Sister Dyers built fnith and o pened henrt . to rece ive Ihe H oly Gho. t. Many were soved or recillimod, 116 believ"rs were filled with the Holy Ghost. (I greot many received definite refilling.. and God'. miracle-working power was in operlltion in hea ling and deliverllnce.

The impelu, of thi' mighty infusion of faith and powor hos trlln. formed the church. The Sunday School reached a n nn _timl' record II.t­tendance of 435 Ellster Sunday. A gr(!s t burde n and vis ion for the lost is r ll1l ting upon the people.

EV''''gelin Wayne Fngentrom gave us two very profitAble weeks in a Youth Crusade for Christ. His ministry b rought B rea] c hallenge for soul­winning to every believer. Quite a "umbe r were laved durinK this m eeting. To God be the glo ry a nd prai , el - Gordon Kamfer. Pastor.

PO{/l' POl/rl Cen

C LI N T ON, O KLA We had • three_week meet in, with evanKeli!! A. N Burn. of Oklahomo C ity. Okla. T h., Lord bll"'<'d in every .ervice. T here were "vera] saved lind baptized wi th Ihe H oly Spirit-Pllul F. Gilbert, Pastor.

C H EYENN E , W YO. Lnlt Octobl"r Evan Kel­i,t. G . B. M cDowell and Paul G]ovu were wi th u, ;n 0 meetini. T hll wal on", of the ,rell te,t meeting, we have had . It W(l' " thrill to see 10 many people come forward for ..alvation. to I-('e ouutand;n, healing., lInd to see believe .. re­ceive the Bapti.m in the Holy Gholt.

In February E vangeh.t W . M . Steven. was with u . and hil mi nistry hl'l p ed to establish the converts in tho W ord .

We have just dOled geli.t Wilbur OKi lv ie. IAlvation. and many had 387 in Sunday Pastor.

ten great dllY~ with Evan­Q uite a number knel t for were healed. Euter we School.- j oseph Dunets.

P ANAM A C ITY, FLA.- About a yellr ago we joined P lIJtor "nd Mr •. j. B. Dav;5 of the M.llville Anembly 81 ass ist ant pnstou_ Since thAt time about 200 have been added 10 the Sunday School which now average. obout 875. Hundreds have bel'n laved and fill ed with Ihe Spir i t , and mllny sick peoplp have belln henled. The Lord h ili Kiven Brother nnd Silter Davi, A v i ~ion nnd fll i lh lo build large . well organized Sunday Schools which bring many people to Chri,t and in to the church-Mr. And Mrs. S. W _ Nolu. A .. oeillte Palton.

Coming Meetings

Duo to tht' fnc t thnt the Evani'e l i. made u p 16 d"y. befo .. e Ih .. d" ' e ",hlch l1fl p"ar. upon it. ,,1\ not icc. eho,,],1 r e .. ch .. 8 18 days before thQt da te.

ANNAN D ALE, VA.-T ent meet ing. 8 miles f ronl W ashing ton D. C. o n Columbia P ike , j une 23-j uly 9 ; E vangelis t H omer Peterson , N o rfolk, Va. ( H owa rd S lI lte rs is p ast or ,)

r(OCHESTER . N. Y.-City-wide campaign. te n t cothedrlli. N . G oodma n and Central Pllrk. june 14 july 2 ; EV(l ngeli . t T . L. O . borne.-by W lirren B. Stroton, P ,utor. 20 Ripley St.


By Henry M. Morris 1 kre is a c011lprehe n ~ i ve v oluml'

11 1<11 «)I)~ iders al! the que stio n s and prohkllh t ha t o h en com e up in the thinki n~ ('I i those who q ues t ion the divillc verac ity o f t Ile ~c ripl ure~

and o f oth ers \,\ ho arc se ek ing t o lcar ll th e fO l1n dational tnahs o f t he 1)1 <111 and purpOse of God, a~ has Dn'll ~t t fo r t h ill the Bible. It "has all the <l. l h Wt;r s " to the ques tio ns you 'lI meet in high school. An ex­(cHen I book fo r eith e r high schoo! o r co lleg e.

3 BV 2693 . $1.50

Order By Title and Number

Gospel Publishing House Springfield I , Missouri


BAPT ISTOW N N. j.--Gospel AUl'mbly. july 2 -9; EVanKehlll Ann Scirmont.-by Steve D ura­soH. PallOr.

GRAHA M , TEX.-M eeting in progreu; Evan­Kelist and Mrs. MIke We rtko, Duncan, Okla.­by V. W. M"rcontell, Pastor.

PORTALES, N. MEX.-Auembly of God. 501 S. E Nevada St .. july 5-; Evangelist Hardie WeatheTl.-by j ame.! D. Bell, Pas to r.

PILLAGER. M I NN.-T eJlt meeting in progre.,; Evangelist Harri. E. Lidllrand. Seattle, W ash. (" Raymond Reine i5 Paltor.)

LAKE CHARLES. LA - Glad Tidings Assem­bly. 716 Alamo. june 11- : Evangelis t and M r •. Ernie Reb. DlIllas. Tex.- by Lowe!! C. A shbrook , Pastor.

CH ICAGO. ILL.-T ent revivfll. Higgin. R oad and AUlt m Ave., j uly 7_ ; W. E . Long E van­gelistic Party. Sponsored by Lako V iew G ospel Church.· D. H . Walterman. Putor.

LOS ANGELES, CALIF.-Bethel Temple. 1250 (\{·l!evue Ave., j une 4-; Evangeli.t Hattie Hammond.- -by Louis F . T urnbu!!. P auor.

PAWNEE. ILL.- july 2-16, V.B .S. and special aerv;c",. EVlmgeliSl j oyce C hipma n. (D. B. jaggers is pastor.)

H O US T ON. TEX . Bethel T emple. COUT! ­h. nd and Auro ra S ts., m eeting in prog r e~5; E VAn_ g"lis l WArren Lit zman.- by j . P . Pecorino, P afi \Or.

T H IEF R IVER F ALLS. MINN.- M eeting in p rogress; Evangel ist j o.eph Wilderman. T e koa . W ash, ( E . A. Adam~on il p""or.)

KANSAS C IT Y , MO.-3308 E. 13th Sl., mee t ­ing in p rog ress; Evangelist H"len Cox and M abel Brown, Virg inia, Ill.-by j. C. Shull, P as tor.

S T . PA U L , VA.-M eeting in p rog ress; E van­gelist. O . E . and H lI ll ie G addis and son. j ohn. Ark a nsas City. Kans. ( D llvid J . Vogle r is pastor. )

TEMPLE. TEX ,-Fi rs t A~sembly of G od , June 18-27: Eva ngelis t and M ... Robert J. S a lte r. Hill sboro. Te~. ( 0 . T. Finch is pnSlOr.)

P O RTO LA . C AL I F.-A ssem bly of God , mee t­ing in progreu; Evangelis t Z . P. Mille r, San j ose. Calif . (Julia Peteuon nnd Ruth B erte nshow a re pas tors.)

WINC HESTER. VA .- F irs t Assem bly of G od. 455 N. Cam eron S t .. j une 25-j uly 9; t ent mee t­ing. E va ngelist W. B . M cK ay, Orlando. Fln.­by T. j. K e rfoot , Pasto r.

KENNE1... MO.- Fir" Auembly of God. june 18, Youth R evivol , Evange]is t E]eanor Ritchey and Betty Hemker. Children's Worker.­by V. L . H e rtweck, Pastor .

SAL TIM ORE. MD.-Bethel Pentecostal T aber­nacle . Old York Rd. a nd 35th St.. june 27-july 12 Or longer: Skondeen Evnngelistic Fnmily. ( Enoch C . Wood, jr. i. I>astor .)

WAUKEGAN . ILL.- Calva ry T emple Assembly of God, june 18- july 2: Fo x Eva ngelistic PMty. Lllrge gospel tent. corner of Gle n Rock and M(!lro~e Ave.- E. K. j o nes, Pauor.

MINOT. N.DAK.- H igh School Auditorium, july 5- 16; J ack Ho lcomb, Sing ing EVAngelist . City-wide campeign sponsored by the Minot Singspirlltion GrouP. representing seven loenl churches.- by Raymond R. \vile y , Direc tor.

WOODWARD CAMP MEETING Woodward SeClionnl Cll mp M eeting. Elm Grove

Assemb]y of God, Chester. Okla.. july 25-Aug. 4. B. Owen Oslin. Fort Sm ith , Ark .. morn_ inK and evening ! pllaker, Visiting ministers speak­ing in the afternoons. Cnmping space. Meals served at rellsonable p rice. Olen Cossey. Section", ] Pres­byter.- by Fred E. Ball, Host Past or.

MICHIGAN C HILDREN'S CAMPS FA-Ho-Lo Pllrk, Grnss Lake Mich. Boys' Cnmp.

july 8- 14 . Girl . ' Camp, july 15-21. Relig­ious instructors, Min Edwina Pollock and Miss Lou Bin .. Stoner. Springfield, Mo. Age~ 10- 14 yrs. inclusive. Entire cost 512.50 per week. For reservations or informa tion write D. G. Foote, 209 N. WlIllace Blvd., Ypsilanti , Mich.


Page 15: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

T • . to(Man

liNd //,I'

illll'er rlCor/ ____ :r...




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\ IH'W pn'''cII [!lUll oi Chn"t a the ChLl"tian's ~ln'ng"th, his \\'is dom. his I.!ln'. his ~l1h .. !iluh'. In ... I.lic. Ill .. r.onL ,\n :\ppl1ealil>Jl oi till' Illl'S~a,L.:'l· of Culo" ... ians to Ihe lifc oi en'n' hclil'\"cr Papl'r hindlllg',

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Emphasizes the Christian's need of the power of the indwelling Chri st- that is "Christ in yOIl, th e hope of Glo ry." Ex­cellen t for a deeper walk, 3 EV 1130 ......................................... $1.50


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Page 16: FILE COpy - archives.ifphc.orgjawb had been livin,l!' in J laran for tllcntv years, serving-his ttnde L1.han fourteen years ior hi:. two wives and six years fo r hi s cattlc, :-;OIl1C

CORRECT ION Pryor Secloinol CUml> <.>1 Ih O! OklFlhonlO Oi.­

trill, Afton, Okln" june ]9 -28 (not july ]9-28 IU prllvioul ]y /lnnounced). R oy L. Steger, night -Sleeker. For inforn>lition wri t .. I~e.lie j . Moore, North Miomi, Ok]/I., Soct,onR I S~y.-TreRJ,

LETIIURI DGE, ALBERTA. CANAI)A Pente_ co"/i1 T /lbernacle, 520 7th St. South. mM't"'1if: in proe;re .. ; EVllnceli l ts Stnnl.,y "nd Ethe l M c­Pheroon, /l nd Bob lind Ruth Fcrll.uson. (u. W . AU"n i. pUlor.)

SECTIONAL C. A, CONVENTION Tyler Section ChrISt'. Amban.adors Convention,

Flu! Auembly o f God. T yler, Tex " July 10·12, J . B. L,nd.ey. RUliellville, Ark" evelllng , peaker. Lo.:o l and vi"""1if: m;ni . I.,,, I"e~kinli: morning lind afternoon. I'or informMion writll 0, B. Cook, Sectional C. A. Pre.ident, Ben Wheeler, T('K.

NORTH MISSOURI CAMP North MllilOUri Camp of the West Central Di,­

Hir t Council. Penhi"K Stnte P/lrk. ",mr Brook­fiold, Mo. (7 miles west on Highway 36), july 3 12 . A C. Bate:ll. Tuas District Ho me M,s­.ionary S~rllt"ry, .peakinK twice dlllly . Howard O.good, ' p{O ak,'r III MIU ionliry Rnlly, Sundny, J uly 9, 2:30 p.m. C. A Ve. pe r S""" ice duily at 6:30 I'm .. Vinto n E. !luffey. C . A. P.e,ident, in charlte. Fo r room pnd cobi" rMH' vlltion, write J ohnnie Mcck a, 223 Sanford. Hrooldield. Mo. by Slanlcy II . Clarke, Di , lrict S"p ,·r,n'.'nd"n'

EASTERN DISTRICT CAMP Mllr.nlltha Park:, Gr,*" une. P a .. July 14

- Aug. 13. Praye r Confer{Once fir.1 two day., E. W . Winand. luder. Bible teacher flnl twO w~kI, W . G, M cPh{Onon, Toromo. Canada; ]''''t 1 .... '0 ..... e{Ok., Gayl", Lewis, A~li,tant Genera] Sup{Orinu'ndent. Sprinlif:flllid. Mo, E vening E van­Ro!'h,u for full durat,on o f camp. McColl-Geta.d Trio. Kiln, .. City, M o. Camp 8ible S<:hool and V.8,S. under direction of Min Florl'''''e Larri­morl'. Ph i]adelphia. P a. Home M i.,;on. Day, july 30; F oreill.n Minion . Day, Au,. 6 ; E Oitern 8ible In,t, tu l{O Day. Aug. 5.

D IStrict C redentials Commiu"e in '6lion TUO!I' doy IIv"nlng and all day W O!d, and Thurs .. Aug. 8- 10 , For further information Or comp folder .... 'Tl te B. D . J onel, 79 Mary St. A,hley, PII.


Summo!'r .... hedu1" lit "o kevi~w Lodge. Il un t _ i"Kton L .. Ic{O, Calif. (65 mile. {Oan of Fresno):

&yt' Camp (ligel 9 12 ), J une 26- July I; J R Ton and .to.ff in charge. Cost including reiti.lra tion, $14.

Family Camp. July 1-8; Pllstor L. R . K l'Y', Son Franc ilco, lI.uen Ipeaker. Sron jOllquin YaHey minis ter. in charge. Cost $1 7.50 fot ""ch p"1$on ( discount! for children).

Girl,' Camp (age. 9 -12). July 10·15; Opal P ayne lind I l lI ff in c harge. Cost $14.

South .. tn Cahfornia C, A Cltmp. July 22·29, W"rren H ,II. C. M. W ll rd , lind K"nn"th Schmidt, speaken. Co~t $17,50 .

W omen', Miuionary Council, j uly 29-Aug. 5; Mr •. Eli~lIbeth Tho mp,on, Fruno. Calif. lind M n. Ha.o ld JOlle,. Afrira. in, Co.t $ I 7.50 (d iscouna for children).

Mi", . ten' Retreat. Sept. 4-8; fo r minilter. and familie .. Outstanding s pcaken 10 be an_ nounced. CO~\ $14 (discount. for chIldren ).

F or further information lind rl"ervations write I-;orl Draper. L~k eview t.o.dge Secretary. P. O. Aox 7, Fresno, Calif.-by F loyd L, Hawkin., P.e,idenl.

IS meeting a In homes


• • •

spiritual need everywhere


ALEXANDRIA. MINN .- North Central Di,_ trict Counci], june 21 Lake Geneva Cemp. June 22--J ul y 4 SpeciAl .puk ers. J R oswell Flo woer and C. C. Burnoen. M .. ,ionary .peakoers, Mr. a nd M ".. Harold Carlblom of Borneo .. nd Mr. ond M n. Ric hard P a lmer of Pcru -by G. R aymond Carl..,n, District Superinlendent.

MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES :-;EW Allf)Rt:!';.; (.: 1\ II. \Iilkr. (i"'r)Oi3 C r\.

1'« le,.I. J-:'<i'" i'''~',1 I,

:-;EW AODRES!;-J.t'",,,ard ""d Fn ,\ .. 1'.,lme<. '-'>rt'>o ,h'e., Uurli1lg,'"1e, Cahi .:-;, w "a"",rill.1i" A,~~mbl,. of G,,J cburch 31 Il.~ II y''''~'''r .. he

:-;EW A 1)1lI1Es"<;'-\\' R. Eva" •. S~",i" ,I~. rr~ "Ahl:r IS ",onlh~ on oe~a"l{eti'I;C r, .. hl. h,HI: ,c~pltd "a,f\"rate of ,\;\\:,,,Ioly of GOll. 7(f) S. Yoakum St '"

SEW ,\l)lJIn:ss (iuald Fisch.r. ~2lI Elva ':;" Ao<l ... "n. Ind. '"Aftn t,,'o yea .. on e\":lnl(el;stic field, h:l\e ae'eel'" 'I pa'tot:ll" iu A"dn..,n. '1\d."

SEW ADDRESS· .\Iose. I', 3OJ7 E. Jist 51-, K3n~a" City 3. -'10.

;.:t;W ADDRESS-Carl \\' Oney. Chillicothe. Mo. "'I:o,'\: ace.p lcd the p~,tor~te 01 Fin! ,\" ... ""bly 01 Gu,). SIS Elm S t."

-.'t:W ,\lll)J<E.O:S Roy E. Kri .. i,,".nn, 612 eh,.!",,! !'it,. \{".cati"c, Inwa. "!lave accepled the pas torale 01 Ihe Fir~t A"embly of (;nd, 80:) ~I ain St. Counc il brrlhr~n always wd~~,me."

CIl,'SGEOF NA~!E ,' NO LOC:\TIO:-; Th~ ('her,., kee AH"U~ '\''''mbly of God .. ~!7 ('hfToke~ ,\\'e , S. E. ",Ianta, G;L. h:'$ loren !<Old awl a "e .. l,,,ildi,»: ~rected T he nam~ ha~ m,~" cha"ltc,1 to Gr~nt !'"rk .\"cmhly 01 God. 'OC~led at inler'~cti(>" of Bo"le,"~.d ~. E .. fI.y~n. K~lh ~,,<l Bt'rNll St,. S. E .. Illt('c block, from Grant Park.-by Grovcr La"lI"<tol', Pastor.


Evan,el i~He

1.onedia 11c"imore Wrigh t, Rt, 3, Ru,h Spr;DI:S, Okla. "Will go all)'whe.e the L<1rd lea,"- Li~ell""" ",ilh Ok1ahom~ J)i'lrict."

We arc very happy about REVIVALTIME. God's blessing on the broadcast is already greatly manifest, ond this re­joices our hearts. Its needs are also great. Although many help support the air time charges, it is still true that there are heavy costs in producing and moiling transcriptions, in office overhead and special correspondence, in the pur­chase and maintenance of broadcast equipment_ The launching of the new program has required large expendi­tures, We will be aided greatly by your contributions as we

pursue this great undertaking.-W. A. Brown, Supervisor of Radio.

Pa(jr Sixtcell


Send offerings on that day or the following week to

REVIVAL TIME, P. O. Box 70 Springfield 1, Missouri


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