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FII Security Reference Service (SRS) User Guide

This manual is for the sole use of subscribers of Financial Information, Inc.’s Security Reference Service (SRS). Any publication or redistribution of all or any part of the contents of this guide, including images, without permission from Financial Information, Inc. is prohibited.

Version 1.0 November 5, 2003

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Table of Contents

Getting Started................................................................................................................................. - 4 - Web Browser Recommendations ................................................................................................. - 4 - System Access............................................................................................................................. - 4 - License Agreement ...................................................................................................................... - 5 - Reset Password ........................................................................................................................... - 5 - News and Messages .................................................................................................................... - 6 - Accessing SRS............................................................................................................................. - 6 -

Searching for Information................................................................................................................. - 7 - Search Type ................................................................................................................................. - 7 - Sample Search............................................................................................................................. - 8 - Navigation Buttons ....................................................................................................................... - 9 - Refining Your Search ................................................................................................................. - 10 - Using the Search Type Includes................................................................................................. - 11 - Using the Search Type Exact Match .......................................................................................... - 12 - Symbol and CUSIP® Search...................................................................................................... - 12 -

Options Settings............................................................................................................................. - 13 - Options Dialog Box..................................................................................................................... - 13 - Results Per Page ....................................................................................................................... - 14 - Sort Results By........................................................................................................................... - 14 - Sort Order................................................................................................................................... - 15 - Search Type ............................................................................................................................... - 15 - Remember My Search Option Settings ...................................................................................... - 16 -

Account Information and Settings .................................................................................................. - 17 - Change Password ...................................................................................................................... - 18 - Edit Account Information ............................................................................................................ - 19 - Idle Timeout Setting ................................................................................................................... - 20 - Logging Off................................................................................................................................. - 20 -

Support .......................................................................................................................................... - 21 - Resetting Your Session.............................................................................................................. - 22 - Forgot Your Password?.............................................................................................................. - 23 -

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FII Security Reference Service (SRS) User Guide

Getting Started

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Web Browser Recommendations This system was designed to work with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer version 5.5 & higher and Netscape version 6.0 & higher. While you may be able to access the system with older versions of this software, some functions may not work or display properly. We recommend that you install all available security patches for your web browser. The system uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for connections so the data sent between your browser and our server is encrypted. Your browser must be set to accept cookies and allow Java Script.

System Access To access the system, open the web browser on the designated computer, and enter the URL and you will see the login screen in Figure 1. In order to access the system, you must have a valid ID and Password which are provided by FII upon acceptance of your subscription to the service. For additional IDs or to purchase the service, please contact Phil Necci at 201-369-3600

Figure 1 – Login Screen

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License Agreement When you log in for the first time, you will be presented with a license agreement. At the bottom of the agreement you will see a button to accept the terms and conditions. Click on the button to continue if you agree, otherwise contact FII for further explanation or any issue you have with the agreement. You will not be able to access the system without clicking the Accept button. The License Agreement will appear at the first login. If the agreement is changed or updated, you will need to accept the new terms and conditions.

License Agreement Text

Figure 2 – License Agreement

Reset Password The password you receive from FII is a temporary one. You must now enter your own password. The password is case sensitive and must be at least 8 characters in length. Enter your new password twice, and then click the Reset Password button.

Figure 3 – Reset Password

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News and Messages You now see the News and Messages Screen. Any information about system maintenance, system enhancements, and new services will be provided here. Important items will be at the top of the page and other items will be below them. The items will be sorted by date so the latest news and information is at the top.

Figure 4 – News and Messages

Accessing SRS To access SRS, click on the Security Reference button on the left tool bar. You will notice the text change color when you move your mouse pointer over the selection as seen in Figure 5. You must move your pointer over the text on the button to select it.

Figure 5 – Button Selection

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Searching for Information The Search Screen is where you enter the criteria for your search. You can search for information by the CUSIP® Number, Ticker Symbol or by Company Name. After you have typed in your

search criteria, you can click on the Execute Search Button to run your search.

Figure 6 – Search Screen

Search Type Your search can be an Exact Match of the information entered, it can Begin With the information entered or Include the information entered anywhere in the result field. If you want to change the Search Type from the default of Begins With, click on the down arrow next to the Search Type box and click on the Search Type you want to use.

Figure 7 – Search Types

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Sample Search For example, if you enter the word “First” in the Company Name box and search using the Begins With option, you see the results below in Figure 8. The text you enter is not case sensitive.

Figure 8 – Sample Search

Search results are shown below. Above the results table, you see the total number of results and the range that you are currently viewing. Below the results table, you see the current page and total number of results pages. There are usually 15 items displayed per page.

Figure 9 – Sample Search Results

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Navigation Buttons There are two navigation buttons below the search table so you can move between results pages. These buttons are only visible when the option to move forward or back a page is available. If you look at Figure 9 (previous page) you see only the forward button. Because you are on the first page of results there is no way to go back. When you look at Figure 10 (below) you see that both buttons are visible because you are on the fourth page of results.

Figure 10 – Sample Search Results

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Refining Your Search You might not want to look through over 3000 results to find what you are looking for however. You can add words to your search to refine it and reduce the number of results. To find information on the First Bank of West Hartford, you could enter the whole name or just the first two words. When “first bank” is entered as the search criteria, the results are reduced from 3329 to 54 (See Figure 11) and the company in question being researched is on page 3 of the results.

Figure 11 – Refined Search

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Using the Search Type Includes If you are not sure of the complete company name, you can enter some of the words as search criteria but change the Search Type to Includes. The results displayed will contain the information you entered as search criteria anywhere in the field (in this case the company name). This is useful when the name might contain “The” at the beginning. The words (“first bank”) appear in the middle and the end of the results shown in Figure 12. The number of results has increased some from 56 to 80. The search will not work properly if the words you use are not next to each other in the name. If your search criteria was “community bank” the result “Community First Bank” would not appear in the results.

Figure 12 – Search Type Includes

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Using the Search Type Exact Match The Search Type Exact Match is very rigid in that the results will appear only if all of the text entered as search criteria (including punctuation) matches the search field. The Search Type Exact Match is not case sensitive, however. In Figure 13, “intel corp.” was entered to get the displayed result.

Figure 13 – Exact Match Search Type

Symbol and CUSIP® Search In the previous examples, the Company Name was used to demonstrate the search function. You can also search by the “Ticker Symbol” that is used by the major stock exchanges or you can search by the CUSIP® number of the issue. The Search Types Begins With, Includes and Exact Match work the same way with these searches as they do with the Company Name search. You can search with partial information in the Symbol Field or the CUSIP Field (i.e. a six digit CUSIP number instead of the full nine digit number).

Figure 14 – CUSIP Search

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Options Settings You can change the default Options Settings by clicking on the Options button on the left toolbar. When you click on the Options button, the Search Options dialog box will open in a separate window (shown in Figure 16). It is important to remember that the Query Screen will refresh when the options are set, which will erase any information that was typed and any search results displayed.

Figure 15 – Options Button

Options Dialog Box The options dialog box allows you to change the four options shown. Clicking the Set Options Button will enable your changes.

Figure 16 – Search Options Dialog Box

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Results Per Page This option controls how many results from your search are displayed on a single page. The default setting is 15. By changing this to a higher number, you will need to scroll down the page to see all of your search results.

Figure 17 – Results Per Page Option

Sort Results By This option controls the column by which the results are sorted. The default setting is to sort by the column that you used for your search criteria. You can change this setting to sort by a specific column no matter which one is used as search criteria.

Figure 18 – Sort Results By Option

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Sort Order This option allows you to change the sort order. The default setting is Ascending (a to z and 1 to 9). Changing the setting to Descending will return the results in reverse order (z to a and 9 to 1).

Figure 19 – Sort Order Option

Search Type This option allows you to change the search type. The default setting is Begins With. This is the only option that can also be changed from the search screen.

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Figure 20 – Search Type Option

Remember My Search Option Settings If you check the Remember My Search Option Settings checkbox before you click the Set Options Button, your changes will be kept on that PC until you change them or delete your cookies (cookies are small text files, stored on your PC, that contain settings for web sites so you don’t have to re-enter them). If you do not check the Remember My Search Option Settings checkbox before you click the Set Options Button, your changes will be kept only until you log off of your session.

Figure 21 – Remember My Search Options Checkbox

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Account Information and Settings You can access the Account Information and Settings screen by clicking on the Account Info Button on the left toolbar.

Figure 22 – Account Info Button

On the Account Information Screen, you can view your account information, change your account password, change your idle timeout setting, or update some of your account information. You can also see your subscription information including the expiration (end) date for your subscription.

Figure 23 – Account Information Screen

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Change Password You can change your password from the Account Information Screen (Figure 23) by typing in a new password in both the New Password and Verify Password boxes. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and they are case sensitive (check your Caps Lock Key). If the password is not at least 8 characters you will see the warning shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24 – Password Length Warning

You must click the Change Password Button for the change to take effect. You will then see the confirmation dialog box shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 – Password Change Confirmation

You should then see the status message shown in Figure 26 confirming that your requested change was successful.

Figure 26 – Successful Password Change

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Edit Account Information When you click on the Edit Button (see Figure 28), the Account Information section now allows you to make changes to your account information. The Edit Button is no longer visible at this time. It is replaced with a Cancel Button and an Update Button. If you make changes, you need to click the Update Button to save your changes. The Username can not be changed. It is important to keep your E-Mail address up to date. If you need to reset your session or forget your password (see the Support section of this document for details), information is sent to your E-Mail address to allow you to reset your session or password.

Figure 27 – Account Information (Edit Mode)

When you click the Update Button, your account information is updated and the Edit Button returns. As you can see in Figure 28, the extension 1234 was added to the phone number.

Figure 28 – Account Information (Editing Completed)

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Idle Timeout Setting The Idle Timeout setting is the amount of time between your last click on a link or button and the current time, before your session is logged off. You will be prompted to log back in if you exceed the Idle Timeout minutes, but you will be returned to the screen that you were on prior to being logged out. Each time you click on a button or a link, the clock is reset and begins counting down. You can set your Idle Timeout to 10, 30, 60 or 90 minutes (the default setting is 30 minutes). If your session hangs, you can reset your session (see the Support section of this document for details) or wait for it to time out and then log back in.

Figure 29 – Idle Timeout Setting

Logging Off It is important that you log off of the system when you are finished using it. You can log off using the Logoff Button on the left toolbar or the Logoff Button on the top right toolbar. You will see a log off message as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30 – Successful Logoff

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Support If you are having problems with the system, you can reach our Customer Support Group by phone or by E-Mail. If you click on the Support Button on the left toolbar, you are provided with our phone number and a form for submitting an E-Mail to us. The phone is staffed during normal business hours (please note we are located in New Jersey so the hours are Eastern Time) and voice mail is available for all other times. If you have a question about the data content of the service, please submit this via E-Mail with the words Data Content in the subject line so this can be routed to the proper group and researched. Please include as much information as possible so your search results can be duplicated.

Figure 31 – Customer Support

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Resetting Your Session Your ID is restricted to 1 session and can not be used by another person. If you close your web browser without logging off, your session is still active until it times out (see Idle Timeout Setting section for information about this setting). You can reset your session by clicking the link in the Login Error Message Page as shown below in Figure 32.

Figure 32 – Login Error Message Page

You will then receive the following confirmation message.

Figure 33 – Reset Session Instruction Message

A message will be sent immediately to the E-Mail address that is registered to the account (see the Account Information and Settings section of this document for information about viewing or changing the E-Mail address). The message will contain a link that will reset the session and expires about 1 hour after it is sent. Each session is unique, so saving a message from today, will not work tomorrow. The E-Mail link is generated when the Reset Your Session link is clicked.

Figure 34 – Sample Reset Session E-Mail

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Forgot Your Password? If you forget your password, you can reset it from the Login Screen by clicking on the Forgot Your Password link which is located under the Login Button.

Figure 35 – Login Screen

You can reset your password by entering your Username (ID) in the box and clicking the Continue Button.

Figure 36 – Reset Password

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You will then receive the following confirmation message.

Figure 37 – Reset Password Instruction Message

A message will be sent immediately to the E-Mail address that is registered to the account (see the Account Information and Settings section of this document for information about viewing or changing the E-Mail address). The message will contain a link that will reset the password and expires about 1 hour after it is sent. Each session is unique, so saving a message from today, will not work tomorrow. The E-Mail link is generated when the Reset Password link is clicked.

Figure 38 – Sample Reset Password E-Mail

Your browser will open (if it is closed) or change to the Reset Password Screen. Enter a new password of at least 8 characters in the New Password Box and then enter the same password in the Verify Password box. Click the Reset Password Button to perform the reset.

Figure 39 – Reset Password Screen

You will be returned to the Login Screen where you can log in with your ID and new password.

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