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Fighting For a Four

Fighting For a FourThe winning strategy for writing an excellent personal narrative By P Andega

Ok so I have my writing prompt, now what do I do now?1Winning StrategyDraw a quick Idea Web 2 minutes.

Sketch a plan 5 minutes.

Write your draft 10 minutes

Revise, Edit, Publish 20 minutesIdea WebAn exciting day in my lifeRainy October dayswimmingSleep overWater slideGreat Wolf LodgeFamily and friendsFeeling sPut 7 bubbles 3 for Where, when, who, 3 for what, 1 for why 3, 3, 1 winning formula3Story IntroductionEntertaining Beginning Mr. Write Man

Entertaining Beginning Showing off for the fans , Draw them in, Flex muscles, Show off writing skills for the elders in Austin.4IntroductionWhere When Who Let me wow you!!!!!Lets all stop and write a fighting beginning paragraph5Wow the ladies With a Winning BeginningGrab your readers and draw them into your story

ActionDialogue between two peopleSound Effect - OnomatopoeiaDescribe the sceneryThoughts Internal dialogueSimile / Metaphor

Decide on one type of beginning that fits your story6Juicy Jots for beginnings This day was no ordinary day . It was an extraordinarily beautiful summer day. The warm wind was whipping at my face as I cruised along in my cousins new convertible. My entire family and I were on our way to the Great Wolf Lodge. Excitement made my stomach churn like the wheels of a steam engine.

Juicy Jots for beginnings Beep! Beep! Beep! That was the annoying sound of my alarm clock going off at 5 am in the morning. I wearily hit the snooze button and rolled over to get some more sleep. Then suddenly, I shot out of bed like a bolt of lightning. Wake up! I yelled. No time for sleeping. Its my birthday and we are going to celebrate at my favorite place The Main Event! Juicy Jots for Beautiful BeginningsWake up! wake up ! I yelled at my brother. Why? He sleepily mumbled. We are going fishing. I replied as I hurriedly jumped into my clothes. I got ready so fast the wind ran out of breath trying to catch up with me. Marcus was still in bed when I left. Soon I could smell the fresh air of Tawakeny Lake. Body of StoryShow dont tellThree paragraphs in the bodyEach paragraph should show not just tellWhat did you do?Let me show you!!!

Main EventYour Main Event should sparkle. Get to the main event quickly and elaborate by exploding the moment. Make an ordinary event such as baking a cake, or a roller coaster ride sound like an amazing experience

Explode the Moment

Take your readers along with you on a roller coaster ride . Let them feel, hear and see what you did

Leave the ladies wanting more. This is your final chance to show them that your story deserves a Four13

Last, but not least use C.U.P.S.


Use Proper Grammar

Punctuation Marks

Spelling and Sentence StructureGood Luck!!

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