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Dedicated to all who seek to see a happier world by first finding happiness within.

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.” Mahatma Gandhi 2

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ForwardHello and welcome to the healing power of Thought Field Therapy. What you will learn in

this field guide has the potential to change your life, like it did mine. TFT puts healing power into your hands. With TFT you’ll be able to reduce or totally eliminate anxiety, fear, phobia, anger, guilt, depression, self-sabotage and physical pain, often in just minutes. You can safely use TFT with friends, family, clients and co-workers.

For those in healthcare, the more you use the tools of TFT the better you will become in whatever your field of practice.

A school girl’s meltdown

A 9-year old in one of my classes was in the middle of a meltdown at dismissal time. An incident on the playground triggered the many things going on in her life that were bothering her. She said that she didn’t want to live anymore and that her life had been messed up before she was even born when her dad left her mom when she was pregnant. (Later I found out that dad had just gotten out of jail!)

I had memorized the Complex Trauma with anger and guilt algorithm so proceeded to ask her how she felt by arm testing (kinesiology, taught at the Dx level). After completing only 4 tapping locations she let out a deep breath and calmed down. We finished the entire TFT protocol and she was talking to me as if nothing had ever happened! What a great experience for both of us!” Erin Ward, teacher, TFT-Dx, 3

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..........................................................................................Preface 7

.....................................................................................Chapter 1 9

.............................................My road to Thought Field Therapy 9

........................................As a child I learned that the mind could heal the body 9

.................................................My parents healed their life-threatening illnesses 9

....................................My own illness and migraines led me to energy healing 10

..................................................................................I become an energy healer 10

........................................My experience with Emotional Freedom Techniques 11

....................................................Thought Field Therapy, answer to my prayer 11

......................My family has equal respect for medical and alternative healing. 11

.........................................................Go to chapter 5 to use this field guide now 12

...........................................................................................Send me your stories 12

...................................................................................Chapter 2 13

...............................................What is Thought Field Therapy? 13

..........................................................................................................Why TFT? 14

.........................................................................................How TFT came to be 15

........................................................................................................Mary’s Story 15

............................................“Tap under your eye as you think about the pool.” 15

....................................................................................Chapter 3 16

.................................................................................Real Stories 16

Debbie’s Story - How she overcame her fear of driving on the ........................................................................................freeway 16 4

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......................................................................................................Trucks collide 16

....................................................................How TFT freed Debbie of her fear 16

...................................................Virgin Airlines uses TFT to treat fear of flying 17

............................................David’s Story - No more migraines 19

................................................................................................David’s migraines 19

............................................................................David taps away his migraines 19

.................................................................Tap the Pain Sequence for migraines 20

...................................................................................Jacque’s former migraines 20

Megan’s Story - How she is kicking her need for nicotine gum ......................................................................................and beer 21

............................................................Anxiety and addictions go hand in hand 21

...............................................Instead of fighting your cravings, tap them away 21

.............................................................Cravings and addictions are hard wired 22

......................................................................................Anabel’s drug addiction 23

....................................................Anabel taps for her obsessive desire for drugs 23

...................................................................................Chapter 4 24

......................................................................Psychological Reversal Treatment 24

.........................................................................What is Psychological Reversal? 24

....................................................................How to know when you’re reversed 25

............................................................The TFT way to correct a reversed state 25

....................................................................Individual Energy Toxin treatment 26

...............................To unblock your energy after exposure to an energy toxin: 26

..................................................................................The TFT Sequence Chart 28 5

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.....................................................................The heart of TFT is the Sequence 29

..........................................................................................................The Circuit 30

...................................................................................Chapter 5 31

................Eliminate negative emotional and physical pain now 31

...........................................Step 1. Choose a problem or situation to work with 31

...............................Step 2. Select the Sequence that best matches the problem 32

............................................Step 3. Tap the Reversal and Energy Toxin points 33

............................................Step 4. Tap each point in your Sequence 15 times. 33

.........................................................Step 5. Rate the level of distress right now 33

.........................................................................................Step 6. Do the Circuit 34

..........................................................................Step 7. Tap the Sequence again 34

...................Step 8. Wrap up your session with the Rapid Relaxation Eye Roll. 35

..............Quick fixes if your number didn’t drop and you don’t feel any better: 36

..................................................My suggestions if the Quick Fixes didn’t work: 36

..............................................................................Collar bone Breathing (CB2) 37

.............................................................................................Empowering, right? 38

..........................................................A final thought: Feeling great is a life skill. 38

...............................................................................Bibliography 39

..........................................................................................Index 41 6

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PrefaceThis field guide to TFT differs from other TFT books and writings on this subject. It is

written without the use of the TFT vernacular. In its place I substitute common words and phrases. Rather than “algorithm” I use the word “sequence.” I shorten the terms “9 Gamut Circuit” to “Circuit,” and “Psychological Reversal” to “Reversal.” I strongly believe that it’s faster and easier to learn and benefit from TFT when you can focus on the tapping without having to learn new terminology. This simplification of terms in no way diminishes the power of TFT. (When I teach a TFT class for certification of course I use the proper TFT language.)

This field guide also includes a more extensive Sequence Chart (Algorithm Chart). I added some very effective sequences that are not contained in the common chart. This new chart has 40 Sequences rather than the standard 35. You’ll see other changes on the chart as well, such as a ledger, that will shorten your learning curve.

I merged several charts into one comprehensive Tapping Points Location chart.

There are the three levels of Thought Field Therapy training, Algorithm, Diagnostic and Advanced. Except when used after a name, I will refer to these as Levels One, Two and Three.

The Hiccups 7

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What you’ll learn in this ebook originates from the Level One training. You’ll be able to learn and apply the techniques presented here on yourself and those you know who are in need. The Level One tapping Sequences were used with thousands of people before becoming standardized. They have a 70-90% success rate. Like anything else, the more you use these sequences and the other Level One tools, the higher your success rate will climb.

Level One TFT is used by therapists, nurses, physical therapists, dentists, teachers, parents, doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, first responders and more. TFT weaves into the fabric of just about every profession. I recently taught Level One to 27 healthcare providers at our local community hospital.

Level One TFT is taught and practiced worldwide. We have training centers in North, South and Central America. TFT is taught in Saudi Arabia, Japan, and throughout Europe. Countries ravaged by war and genocide, like Uganda and Rwanda use TFT to heal the traumas, hurt, and the hate of war.

I teach TFT levels One and Two. I urge you to keep learning more of what TFT offers. We all need as many self-healing tools as possible. Each level fine tunes and upgrades the sophistication of your skills. If you’d like more information on the live, in person classes for Thought Field Therapy, please see my website,

Know your limits. Work within your scope of education and license.

TFT is for reducing normal, daily problems. Agitation and shutting down are signs of PTSD. Only trained professionals should work at this depth.

Personally, I refer these cases to licensed therapists trained in TFT specializing in PTSD. 8

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Chapter 1

My road to Thought Field Therapy“The moment I was introduced to TFT my personal and professional life changed dramatically. My quest to empower clients was reached. In my 33 years of private practice I’ve never used an energy technique that gets results this fast, is this easy to teach and works as powerfully with your body, mind and spirit.” Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

AS A CHILD I LEARNED THAT THE MIND COULD HEAL THE BODYMy career choice was quite natural for you see, I come from a long line of alternative healers

and family members who knew how to access their self-healing ability.

My great aunt and uncle, A.B and J.C “Smellie,” attended Dr. Palmer’s first chiropractic class, in 1902. My paternal grandparents were Christian Science practitioners who prayed away diabetes, broken bones, and many afflictions within our family and with their “patients.” My maternal grandmother had tuberculosis as a teenager and in her m i d l i f e w a s t w i c e d i a g n o s e d w i t h advanced, inoperable breast cancer. She treated her tuberculosis at a TB sanitarium in the pre-

antibiotic era. The TB cure consisted of eating six raw eggs daily. Decades later she prayed away her breast cancer twice and lived longer than anyone in my family for or since, to the age of 94.

After growing up surrounded by family members who knew how to access their self-healing abilities, I finished college and entered the field of alternative health care. I had two goals: first, to eliminate physical and emotional pain for my family, my clients and myself; second, to practice, perfect and teach the skills people need to heal themselves.


In 1999, both of my parents were given less than a year to live. Each was told by their medical doctors that medically, nothing could be done. My mother’s cardiologist told her, “All we can do is keep you as comfortable as we can for the time you have left.”

“The Cause of all Diseases Localized, and Removed by Scientific Chiropractic Methods.” AB and JC Smellie (original Scottish spelling of

my family name. Please don’t call me Jacque Smellie!) 9

Dad’s mom

Mom’s mom

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My father’s neurologist told him, “Get your affairs in order, take a vacation while you can still walk and, don’t waste your money on anything alternative!” Using NAET and many other forms of energy healing, my parents were both able to access their innate self-healing powers and heal their diseases. The process was arduous, required a huge commitment, and

had many ups and downs until their bodies stabilized -- but heal they did.

As long as you can take a breath, you have healing potential. I learned this from the most important mentor of my career, physiologist and biochemist, Ray Peat, PhD, I feel privileged to have witnessed the truth of this statement countless times in the decades of my practice. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Psalm 139:14

MY OWN ILLNESS AND MIGRAINES LED ME TO ENERGY HEALING In my late 20’s, I developed a serious case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My symptoms

consisted of constant low grade fever, swollen lymph nodes, severe migraine headaches and, terrible fatigue requiring a minimum of 12 hours sleep nightly to barely function. My children were young and I worried that they would grow up with a bed-ridden mom. I couldn’t go out to dinner, movies, or the park. I barely made it through each day.

Medically my blood tests were normal so my doctor suggested that I see a psychologist. I complied with his advice but I left the first session almost before it began. Sitting in the office I realized that being sick was depressing but depression was not the cause of my sickness. Without a medical solution I didn’t know where to turn until one day a client of mine told me that she had healed her chronic fatigue and low grade fevers with an energy medicine technique called Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques.

I BECOME AN ENERGY HEALERIn 1992 I drove to Buena Park, California for my first session of Nambudripad’s Allergy

Elimination Technique, developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad. (Not only is she an amazing healer, scientist, and pioneer but she generously shares all that she knows.) After three months of weekly NAET sessions my migraines were 90% eliminated and my energy was returning to normal. My health was completely restored in about eighteen months.

In 1994, I became certified in NAET and practiced it almost exclusively in my office for 18 years. I had a thriving practice due to NAET’s powerful ability to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. While my clients’ health improved dramatically, I still sought a home self-treatment protocol that was as fast and effective as appointments at my office.

My dad My mom

In 1994 I was one of the first 2000 NAET practitioners. Today there are well over 20,000. 10

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MY EXPERIENCE WITH EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUESIn 2008 I was introduced to Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT. I loved the name and how

easy it was to learn. I thought, “This is the answer!” Avidly I studied the 12 DVD training kit offered by Gary Craig, and went to work leading and teaching EFT to my clients in both one-on-one and group settings.

I dearly wanted EFT to be the at home tool for client empowerment but, I ran head on into an obstacle. I found that though teachable and with amazingly effective results (after all, it’s an early from of TFT. which I didn’t know at the time.), EFT was a lengthy process as compared to NAET. Dr. Nambudripad would typically treat 100 patients daily with superb results. When I called the EFT headquarters to begin the certification process I was told that I needed to allow 60-90 minutes per session. That’s when I balked. You can get results with NAET in 3-5 minutes and that’s what I wanted to replicate for my take home, self-healing process.

THOUGHT FIELD THERAPY, ANSWER TO MY PRAYER In 2010 I heard a snippet of Jack Canfield endorsing EFT. He said that he had used TFT for many years. I jumped up, sprinted to the computer, searched TFT, downloaded the free guide and tried it out right then. Guess what? Thought Field Therapy was the answer. It’s as fast as NAET without requiring special equipment or supplies, and anyone can learn to do it, even children.

I bought the videos and manuals from the TFT website, and launched my new career with passion. Within a year I reached the level of TFT teacher and trainer. I offer classes in person and webinars, reaching people from all walks of life.

I’ve never seen any technique, traditional or alternative, work at the depth that TFT does. The healing is profound and lasting as you’ll see by the many stories sent to me by those who took a class from me.


Many people today feel that they must choose one form of healing over another. That was never the case in in our household. If an appendix ruptured, surgery was chosen as the appropriate remedy. Many times however, medicine had nothing to offer and we reached for our effective, alternative healing tools. None of my family members would be alive today were it not for medical care. It’s also true that my family would not have overcome dire diseases and illnesses without energy healing.

I believe that at last we are crossing a threshold into an era of genuine integrative medicine. Used together, medicine and alternative healing can, does and will deliver healthier and happier outcomes for those willing to take responsibility and do the work necessary for a vibrant living. 11

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GO TO CHAPTER 5 TO USE THIS FIELD GUIDE NOW I hope you’ll jump right in like I did. Why put off feeling better? Put TFT to the test by trying

it out right now. I look forward to hearing about your successes. Remember, the more you use it, the faster and better the results. So get started.

SEND ME YOUR STORIESPlease send me your stories at Your story could give hope to someone in need.

Fear of Insomnia

“My husband was restless and couldn’t sleep. He’d had bouts of insomnia in the past so it caused some anxiety. In the dark, underneath the blankets I reached over and tapped the side of his hand, eye brow, under eye, under arm, collar bone. I guided him through the Circuit and tapped his points again. He was asleep in minutes. The next night I had him treat himself and he slept well. That morning he remarked, “I think there might be something to this tapping.” The funny thing is, we’ve been married for 22 years and I’ve tried every energy technique on him in this time. This is the very first time t h a t h e e x p e r i e n c e d improvement. Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

Please note: Thought Field Therapy is for the purpose of reducing fears, stress and various associated daily problems only. It is not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, mental or physical, or as a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. Thought Field Therapy is a registered trademark of Callahan Techniques, Ltd. Used with permission ©2013 12

Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

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Chapter 2

What is Thought Field Therapy?“The tapping of energy points in a specific sequence, while focusing on a problem, to reduce or eliminate the uncomfortable, upsetting thought, feeling or physical sensation.” Jacque Smilllie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

Roger J Callahan, PhD, Founder and Developer of Thought Field Therapyand

Joanne Callahan, MBA, Co-developer of TFT, Callahan Techniques CEO

“TFT uses the Chinese meridian system found in acupuncture. The person tunes into the thought field and taps on specific meridian points in

a particular order, entering information, healing data, into that system.” Roger Callahan, PhD 13

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WHY TFT?It’s drug free, non-invasive and, works with, not against, allopathic medicine.

It’s surprisingly fast, easy to teach and user friendly.

People of all ages, including young children, both genders, all cultures can use TFT for themselves, whenever and wherever they need it. TFT is a self-help technique used worldwide.

There are no recorded cases of harm from using TFT.

TFT rebalances the body/mind after an energy toxin exposure or a traumatic experience.

The placebo effect does not factor in because TFT also works on those who cannot “believe’ it will work (e.g., infancts,

TFT is a science, not a religion; no belief is necessary to get results.

“Knowing TFT empowers a person to deal with even the most extreme stress and trauma rather than being overwhelmed or trapped in negative emotions.”

Roger Callahan, PhD 14

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Mary had a severe, life long fear of water. She feared getting wet in the rain, driving across bridges over bodies of water, and looking at swimming pools, lakes, oceans. Even bathing was a struggle. She was plagued by frequent nightmares about getting wet.

Roger treated Mary for eighteen months using psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, behavior modification, cognitive therapy, and EMDR but was never satisfied with the results. After all that time and treatment, Mary was only able to walk to the shallow end of the pool and put her feet into the water, as long as she did not look at the water. Roger was not content with this achievement. Mary was in agony at the poolside. Roger felt that his treatment had only increased her capacity to suffer.

“This toughing-it-out approach to treating fears and phobias is still the primary way patients are taught to handle their anguish. Roger is right; I’ve seen clients after such treatment and they are always in worse shape from forcing themselves into these terrifying situations. Not only do I have to work with their phobias but I also have to help them release the trauma incurred in therapy.” Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

Always researching, Roger learned “Applied Kinesiology” from Dr. George Goodheart, and explored the Chinese acupuncture meridian system, hoping to at last find a way to relieve panic, fears and phobias.

“Tap under your eye as you think about the pool.”On Mary’s next appointment Roger asked, “Where in your body do you feel your distress

when you think of water?” Mary replied that she always got a stomach ache when she thought of it. Roger knew that the stomach meridian ended underneath the eye. He asked Mary to tap under her eye while thinking of the pool. He then invited her to go outside by the pool.

“I fully expected her to resist as usual but, to my surprise, I had to hurry to keep up with her on the way to the pool. For the first time she looked at the water, put her head near it and splashed water in her face, from the shallow end. I watched in amazement as she shouted, ‘It’s gone, it’s gone.! That horrible feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I think about water is completely gone!’

Mary’s next move frightened me. She suddenly ran toward the deep end of the pool and this sudden absence of fear around the pool was so unusual for her that I shouted, ‘Mary be careful!’ I was afraid that she might jump in the pool and drown. She laughed when she saw my alarm and reassured me, ‘Don’t worry Doctor Callahan, I know I can’t swim!”

Roger Callahan,PhD, Stop the Nightmares of Trauma

It’s been decades since Mary tapped away her phobia. Her fear of water and her nightmares have never returned. Thought Field Therapy is still evolving. Roger and Joanne Callahan and other TFT practitioners around the world constantly refine TFT techniques, adding more effective tools as they are discovered. 15

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Chapter 3

Real StoriesDebbie’s Story - How she overcame her fear of driving on the freewayTRUCKS COLLIDE

26 years ago Debbie was driving on the freeway and witnessed two semi-trucks collide in front of her. Shattered glass splattered across her windshield. Another car was hit and spun across all three freeway lanes and launched over the center divider. From that time until her first Thought Field Therapy session she hated to drive on the freeway. She would take frontage roads to get to and from work. If you live in Southern California, as she does, you know what a hinderance it is to avoid freeway driving.

Debbie even felt worse when her husband drove. Feeling less in control as a passenger, her anxiety and panic would escalate. As she describes it, “Since witnessing the accident, freeway driving has been a ‘white knuckle experience.’ I’d even have panic attacks. Often I’d cry and when my husband saw my tears he’d helplessly say, “Close your eyes.” Debbie’s mind could not release the fear that colliding trucks might trap her in between.

Like all unresolved phobias, over time Debbie’s became stronger and spilled over into other areas of her life. Not only did she develop more fears unrelated to the accident, all of her fears grew in magnitude.

HOW TFT FREED DEBBIE OF HER FEARDebbie took a Level One/Two class from me and let me demonstrate TFT on her in front of

the class. I led her through the Complex Trauma Sequence 10 while she focused on the inciting incident, trucks colliding in front of her on the freeway. It took about three rounds for the fear and panic to drop from a 10 to a 1. Debbie drove home from class on the freeway.

On her way to class the next morning, she once more drove on the freeway. She reported to everyone that her fear of driving near semi-trucks was completely eliminated but she still didn’t like driving in the slow lane if shouldered by a concrete wall. She then talked recounted another vehicle-related trauma that had happened to her in her early twenties. She was a passenger in a van that spun off the road. We used the Complex Trauma sequence again to erase the fearful feelings associated with that trauma. 16

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When a fear or phobia originates from a past trauma, treat it first with a Complex Trauma Sequence. Then if

needed, tap any remaining fear with the same sequence or a fear/phobia sequence.

It’s been nearly a year since Debbie healed these traumas using TFT. Her fears have not returned.

“I no longer pre-meditate driving scenarios, planning to get past bridges, block walls, congested areas, trucks. it has inspired me to help others with their fears and phobias.”

Debbie, Yucaipa, Ca TFT-Dx

Unlike Roger’s first TFT case, Debbie’s fear of freeway driving started after a bad experience. Fear is the brain’s way to us keep safe from harm. The trouble is that while fear is useful when in a moment of peril; after that fear just limits your life. We all know this, don’t we? If you are stuck in fear, there’s help. You are designed for healing and you can heal your fear using TFT.

Fear’s mantra is, “I will use any means necessary to prevent going through that experience ever again - even if these measures create more misery.” Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

VIRGIN AIRLINES USES TFT TO TREAT FEAR OF FLYINGWhoopie Goldberg’s fear of flying is very similar to Debbie’s fear of freeway driving. Whoopie witnessed two planes collide in mid-air and from that time until she was treated with TFT she couldn’t fly. Watch Virgin Airlines’ TFT expert and Whoopie here: 17

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Terrified of flying

“I just came back from a large family trip to Hawaii and it was my daughter’s first time flying so I made sure I did the TFT with my daughter before we left and she had no problems. But I had a cousin who was terrified of flying and so I had her tap the Turbulence Sequence before we went on the plane and I gave her some Rescue Remedy. She was the only one who slept all the way through the flight.”

Linda Neminski, TFT-Dx

Could not enjoy flying“I had a fear of flying. My mom is from Argentina and it’s a thirteen hour flight to get there and I have to take her back every year or so. The flight is long and I didn’t enjoy it. I used TFT’s fear of flying algorithm just one time. When I got on that plane I didn’t feel anything. When the plane lifted off I started falling asleep. I got really drowsy, really relaxed. I’ve flown four times since then and have never had a problem.”

Maria Noval, TFT-Dx 18

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David’s Story - No more migrainesDAVID’S MIGRAINES

I only saw David one time, a true demonstration of the self-healing power released by using TFT. David’s mother brought him to see me. He was 12-years old and in his fourth year of chemotherapy treatment for leukemia. The fourth year was called the “maintenance year.” The maintenance program consisted of taking two chemotherapy tablets daily and a monthly IV drip of chemotherapy along with a spinal infusion of another chemotherapy drug. The doctors couldn’t understand was why he had constant migraines, a burning stomach and stabbing knife pains in his thighs. This was not supposed to happen on the maintenance program. He’d been hospitalized on several occasions since moving up to the maintenance program.

DAVID TAPS AWAY HIS MIGRAINESIn our session, David’s migraine pain was at a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Using muscle testing we

found that only one of the three chemotherapy drugs was an “Individual Energy Toxin (IET),” the IV chemo.

I taught David the “7-second toxin treatment” for the IV chemo . (This is a TFT Level Two skill). He used it to re-balance his body’s energy that had been disrupted by exposure to the Energy Toxin. The TFT treatment dropped the migraine strength down 7. Next I had him tap the “Complex Trauma” Sequence 10 to collapse any emotional/physical trauma resulting from four years of chemotherapy. The migraine pain dropped from 7 to 4. His emotional energy blocks were taking a toll due to sitting on the sidelines of his life. After the Energy Toxin release and the emotional release, his pain dropped completely.

Next we worked on his stomach which also resolved his leg pain. I asked David to tell me where he felt any remaining pain in his body. He smiled widely and declared himself to be pain free. His mother teared up with joy and relief.

The entire time David needed to completely eliminate his migraine (and stomach and leg pains) was under thirty minutes. The speed of this session was truly remarkable to me. I would have needed at least 8-10 sessions using my other techniques.

I did not treat David’s migraine. I guided him through TFT. David tapped the sequence while focusing on his migraine. His focus directed the energy to the migraine until the migraine collapsed. That’s empowerment, right?

Individual Energy Toxins are foods, fragrances, or chemica l s that most people never have a reaction to but cause blockages in the energy system in you. 19

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TAP THE PAIN SEQUENCE FOR MIGRAINES Many migraines are beautifully eliminated with the Physical Pain Sequence 31. I encourage

all of you with head, neck and backaches or migraines to use this Physical Pain Sequence If it doesn’t work, contact someone with more TFT training to help you.

Jacque’s former migrainesWhen clients report to me, “I haven’t had a migraine in weeks for the first time in years,” I get a high. For over a decade I suffered nearly constant splitting, pounding, pulsating migraine headaches. Three or four times a month, I’d retreat to my darkened quiet bedroom for three day stints in bed, unable to eat, read, watch TV, or converse. The first day the migraine was on one side of my head, the next day it moved to the other side. At the end of the three days my entire head and shoulders felt battered. My migraines were horrible in and of themselves but

equally painful was the loss of the ability to live my life.

“For ten years I either had a migraine, just got over a migraine or was about to get a migraine. I never felt free of migraines.”

Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

When I interview migraine sufferers I tell them my story. Migraine sufferers always nod in agreement. Even though I’ve been free of migraines since 1993 I will never forget what it was like to live in the constant state of pre, post or present migraine.

Tapping away pain from new tattoo“A 23-year old male got a large tattoo put over his ribcage. He felt a lot of pain afterwards. I did the simple Physical Pain Sequence. It only took three rounds for his pain to drop from 8-0. He was shocked and excited. Cari Taylor TFT-Dx

Fear of Zombies!!!2013 was the summer of zombie movies. My husband wanted to see World War Z but I knew I could not sit through it given my lifelong fear going back to the “Wicked Witch of the West.” So I tapped. After the movie my husband said that he was on the edge of his seat with zombie tension. I felt so relaxed

during the movie that I wasn’t tense at all! I immediately thought how fun it would be to work with fears of the paranormal, zombies, ghosts, vampires and witches.” Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, Trainer

The many causes of migrainesThere are countless migraine triggers,

stress, toxic relationships, food and chemical toxins, fragrances, sunshine, injuries, low blood sugar, low thyroid, medications, lack of sleep and more. Many of these items are trouble for one person and not another. These are Individual Energy Toxins. 20

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Megan’s Story - How she is kicking

her need for nicotine gum and beerANXIETY AND ADDICTIONS GO HAND IN HAND

“All addictions are a way of managing anxiety and stress.” Roger Callahan, PhD

I find Roger’s observation to be true as you’ll see in the next story. Megan was a student in one of my Level One classes and wanted to kick her reliance on nicotine. Whenever she feels edgy or tired she pops a piece of nicotine gum into her mouth -- eight to ten times a day. At the time of her TFT treatment, her craving for the nicotine gum was at a 10, on a scale of 1-10. I had another student lead her through Sequence 2 for addictive craving. Megan felt no change in her desire for nicotine. Fortunately TFT practitioners have many tools to move through the energy blocks.

Megan required every level one tool to bring down her anxiety and craving. She did the nervous system balancing exercise, “Collar Bone Breathing,” used Rescue Remedy, tapped all Reversal points before repeating Sequence 2. Not only did her craving drop to zero, but several hours later she put a piece of gum in her mouth then, quickly spat it out while laughing in amazement. She said, “This gum is making me anxious!”

When a Sequence does not reduce your distress, try other TFT tools first and then try the Sequence again.

Megan had another habit that she wanted to break, needing beer to get to sleep. Megan was given the standard TFT protocol for breaking bad habits. She is to think of the bad habit while tapping her Reversal points 15-20 times a day. To relax her nervous system at night she does the Collar Bone Breathing, then taps Sequence 2 for her addictive urge followed by tapping Sequence 22, for “racing thoughts as night.”

Megan’s cravings for nicotine and beer are not yet eliminated. I included this work-in-progress case to illustrate the commitment it takes to conquer a majority of addictions. Many addictive urges and OCD behaviors, like excessive washing of hands due to a germ phobia, are not always fast and easy but require a commitment to hourly tapping for days, weeks or even months.

INSTEAD OF FIGHTING YOUR CRAVINGS, TAP THEM AWAYBeing hooked on something, be it a food, chemical, emotion, relationship, or experience,

indicates that you have persistent underlying anxiety and stress. You will rarely have a moment when your brain is not seeking the tension break that your favorite substance offers. The mind 21

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counts the minutes and hours until it can get relief again. Huge amounts of mental and emotional energy is expended thinking and planning for the next indulgent relief. If you don’t have a technique as effective as TFT you can’t escape the stress except by partaking in the addictive substance, experience or relationship.

CRAVINGS AND ADDICTIONS ARE HARD WIREDCravings and addictions can take over a every

part of your being, your body, mind and spirit. It’s vital to address the problem on all levels, chemically, emotionally and spiritually.

With steady use of TFT, the energy pathways to healing will open. In addition to TFT, find a healthy group of people committed to supporting you in healing your specific addiction. Group power is a greater power than individual power. It’s like comparing a gale force wind to a soft breeze. Participating in a recovery or mastermind group will accelerate the healing of any addictive urge. There are now 12-Step groups for every affliction.

“We admitted we were powerless over this problem...and “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

Steps 1 and 2, of the 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous

Spirituality and Addictions

Seeing these problems from the spiritual vantage point brings compassion, hope and healing. The best understanding of what is at the spiritual core of addictions can be found in the lectures of Dr. David R Hawkins.

What to do when you don’t want to give “it” up.

Motivation to get rid of the anxiety beneath the bad habits is the easy part. Making the commitment let go of the substance used to alleviate that anxiety, that’s where the real challenge lies.

At the core,we’re afraid of our feelings, afraid that our anxiety and pain will spike so high and there will be no way to escape feeling bad. When we think we need a substance to feel escape our bad feelings, we’re Reversed!

One must tap the Reversals and Toxin points 15-20x’s daily - while thinking about giving up the substance. 22

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ANABEL’S DRUG ADDICTIONAnabel is a sweet and loving person; unfortunately it is no exaggeration to say that she has

had a severely traumatic life for one so young. At 20 she suffers from a horrible addiction to Methamphetamine and heroin. I worked with her when she was 8 days clean. Her craving for drugs was strong and unabating.

ANABEL TAPS FOR HER OBSESSIVE DESIRE FOR DRUGSAnabel tapped her reversal and energy toxin points. She tapped the Addictive Urge Sequence

2. Her craving dropped to 8. We did another round, sequence-circuit-sequence, and it dropped to a 4. She tapped her Reversals and did another round and her craving completely disappeared.

“Oh my god! I’m not craving drugs. I feel hungry. Oh, it feels so good to feel something like hunger. I’m thinking of food! I can’t believe it.”

Anabel after 15 minutes of TFT 23

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Chapter 4

4 Core Elements of TFTPSYCHOLOGICAL REVERSAL TREATMENTWhat is Psychological Reversal?

How many times have you decided to do something and ended up doing the opposite? In the morning you decide to eliminate sugar and later in the day you eat a glistening sugar glazed doughnut. You decide to get out of debt and instead run up your credit card. Guess what? You’re energy is switched!

“My own behavior baffles me. For I find myself not doing what I really want to do, but doing what I really loathe...I often find that I have the will to do good, but not the power. That is, I don't accomplish the good I set out to do really want to do and the evil I don’t want to do, I find I am always doing...What a wretched man I am.” Romans 7:15-24

Psychological Reversal (PR) is a state of electrical polarity reversal, measurable by a micro-voltage meter. Reversals block the effects of an otherwise successful therapy and can cause people to self-sabotage. When reversed you’ll find that you do the opposite of what you set out to do and the cells of your body will do the same.

When reversed, “healing cannot occur. Life energy is directed away from where it is needed.”

Dr. John Diamond, page 77, Energy Psychology

I’ve seen this reversal phenomenon play out over and over again in the most serious of cases. Medication won’t work. Nutrition, diet, exercise, psychotherapy, acupuncture won’t bring about the sought for change until the Reversal is corrected. Dr. Callahan called his discovery of Psychological Reversal his greatest discovery. I concur. 24

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How to know when you’re reversedYou know that your energy is reversed when you exhibit one or more of these signs:

Being stuck in a problem, can’t stop thinking or feeling about an upsetting situation


Self-destruction, negative self-talk, loser

Perseveration (an uncontrollable repetition of a particular response)

Concept reversing, left instead of right, put food in the oven instead of refrigerator, dyslexia

Cancer cells have reversed (negative) polarity

THE TFT WAY TO CORRECT A REVERSED STATEEnergy healers use a variety of effective methods for reversals. TFT has three terrific ways to

correct polarity.

Tap the the side of the hand (SH) 15 times,

Rub the sore spot (SS) for about 10 seconds, while thinking of how long you’ve had this problem

Tap under the nose (UN) 15 times 25

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INDIVIDUAL ENERGY TOXIN TREATMENTWhat are energy toxins? Substances that when exposed to weaken or misdirect energy

throughout your body. Often these are common items like laundry detergent, apples, and chewing gum. If an energy toxin is disrupting your energy flow TFT won’t work; your negative emotions or physical symptoms will be unchanged. At this level we do a basic energy toxin unblocking.

To unblock your energy after exposure to an energy toxin: Tap the index finger (IF) 15 times.

Examples of client reactions to exposure to an Individual Energy Toxin

•anaphylaxis -- plastics, petrochemicals•angry -- alcohol•autistic behaviors -- MSG, peanuts•bi-polar paranoia -- sugarless gum•broken foot bone -- black pepper •burning, bloodshot eyes -- sugarless gum•crying jag -- wheat•depression -- cologne•dizzy -- florescent lighting•extreme autistic behavior -- hot dogs•gas, diarrhea -- “natural flavor added” foods and beverages•heel bone spurs-- nylons•hives --moldy ceiling•itchy skin --commercial detergent•migraines -- melons•migraine -- B-vitamins•rages and temper tantrums -- black pepper•sciatica -- grapefruit juice, pepperoni pizza•sleepy -- yellow squash•suicidal depression, panic attacks, perseveration -- room fresheners•suicidal -- peanuts, toilet bowl cleaner•throw up -- milk 26

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“At my sickest, 148 out of 150 foods tested energetically toxic to me when tested with “EAV,” “Electric Acupuncture according to Voll.” The two foods that did not disrupt my energy were black walnuts and olives.”

Jacque Smillie, TFT-Adv, TFT Trainer

My story is far too common. The majority of the population is unaware that many, if not most, of their symptoms are coming from exposure to energy toxins. At Level One we are unblocking the effects of the toxins so that we may successfully tap away emotional and physical stress. At level two we work with the energy toxins as a stand alone process. In my office there are times that I use a combination of NAET and TFT to handle these energy toxin reactions.

Our staggering exposure to untested chemicals in the world - Facts and Figures•More than 7 million recognized chemicals are in existence, and approximately 80,000 of them are in common use worldwide (GAO 1994b). •EPA and the FDA have no idea exactly how many chemicals are used in consumer products, nor what products they are used in. •New chemicals that are exempt from the official listing process include pesticides and food additives.

TFT is not used to treat allergies. We correct energetic imbalances and blockages in the body.

Unable to walk after major surgeries“I’m a physical therapist so I’m used to fixing people with my hands. Now I have a whole new perspective. I fix patients physically and cognitively. Using TFT and PT does a wonderful job with my patients.

I had a patient who had a sudden cancer diagnosis and the removal of many organs after which he couldn’t walk. He couldn’t transfer his weight. In my patient interview with him I found out that the trauma of the diagnosis and extensive surgeries turned off his ability to co-ordinate his muscles. I treated him using the TFT Trauma Algorithm. It’s my favorite Algorithm for my patients. After TFT I told him to stand up and he couldn’t believe it. He stood up and with a little bit of help, walked twenty feet for the first time in three weeks since the surgery. He called me the Magic Man. On the next appointment he said, “Whatever voodoo you do, I need more.” Ken Pintus, PT, TFT-Alg 27

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THE TFT SEQUENCE CHART There are 40 tapping sequences, each one custom designed to dissolve away specific

problems. Anger Sequence 6 treats anger, the Guilt Sequence 17 treats guilt. When you feel both anger and guilt, create a long sequence using 10 and 17 together (LF, CB, IF, CB). 28

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THE HEART OF TFT IS THE SEQUENCE It’s peculiar but tapping the points in right order is what makes TFT so fast and

effective. The only variables are the number of tapping points and the order in which they are tapped. Tapping under the eye then under the arm affects the body differently than tapping the same points in reverse. LF, CB can quickly lower anger and CB, LF will most likely not.

At first you may feel uncertain when selecting a Sequence best suited to the problem you are working on. With practice you will become faster and better at discerning which sequence to choose.

If your situation is a hot mess, use “Complex Trauma with Anger and Guilt 10,” the most commonly used

TFT sequence. If the problem recurs time and time again it’s time for Complex Trauma. When in doubt use Complex Trauma with anger and guilt, Sequence10.

Some of the problems offer multiple Sequences to choose from. Start with the first listed Sequence. If

that doesn’t work try the next one and so on. The Sequences are ordered with the most widely used ones on top.

To paraphrase Monty Python’s Shakespearean skit, Great Actors,“Old Peter Hall used to say to me, 'It’s not enough just to have all of the words you know, Eddie. We've got to get them in the right order.”

Each memory, each injury, each problem locks onto your body and mind in a unique way. To unlock these problems, TFT designs custom keys. TFT Sequences are like keys designed to fit specific locks. The right key quickly opens the lock and frees you from your problem. 29

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THE CIRCUITThe Circuit is designed to free your brain from hard wired negative firing patterns. You know

the saying, “Neurons that fire together wire together.” The more you think a certain thought, the more your brain will get stuck thinking that thought. That’s great when we think positive thoughts. We want our brain to be wired for positive thinking. It’s the negative thinking circuitry that we need to rewire.

The Circuit works different hemispheres and regions of the brain in ways that you normally don’t use your brain. Every thought fires off in a set pattern. By tapping, humming, counting, whirling your eyes while feeling the fear, your brain will be able to release itself from the repetitive firing pattern and you will be able to think a better thought and feel a better feeling.

Whew! I know, it seems like a lot to learn. In fact, TFT can be summarized in this way: 30

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Chapter 5

Eliminate negative emotional and physical pain nowTFT in eight stepsSTEP 1. CHOOSE A PROBLEM OR SITUATION TO WORK WITH

It could be about money, a relationship, a job situation, health concern. Choose something that stresses you out right now. Where do you feel the stress? In your stomach, your head, muscles or nervous system? Do you have racing thoughts or sudden fatigue or jitteriness?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worse case it could be, rate the level of distress that this problem is causing right at this moment. Jot the number down.

TFT works with feelings and symptoms that you are feeling in the present moment. It doesn’t work on past feelings or what you think you may feel in the future. Choose your number based upon how high the distress is now. 31

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Callahan Techniques® 40 Sequence Chart w/Ledger# Problem/Upset/Perturbation Sequence Cr Sequence

1. Abnormal clumsiness or awkwardness CB2 - Collar Bone Breathing2. Addictive Urge UE, UA, CB Cr UE, UA, CB3. CB, UE, CB Cr CB, UE, CB4. UA, UE, CB Cr UA, UE, CB5. UE, CB, UA, CB Cr UE, CB, UA, CB6. Anger LF, CB Cr LF, CB7. Complex Trauma/Love Pain/Grief EB, UE, UA, CB Cr EB, UE, UA, CB8. Complex Trauma with Anger EB, UE, UA, CB, LF, CB Cr EB, UE, UA, CB, LF, CB9. Complex Trauma with Guilt EB, UE, UA, CB, IF, CB Cr EB, UE, UA, CB, IF, CB10. Complex Trauma with Anger and Guilt EB, UE, UA, CB, LF, CB, IF, CB Cr EB, UE, UA, CB, LF, CB, IF, CB

11. Congestion, Nasal UN, CB, MF, UA, CB Cr UN, CB, MF, UA, CB12. Congestion, Sinus UN, CB, G50, CB Cr UN, CB, G50, CB13, Depression/Low Energy BH50, CB (tap BH 50x’s) Cr BH50, CB (tap BH 50x’s)14. Embarrassment UN Cr UN15. Environmental Toxin Correction IF, SH (tap each point 15x’s) Cr IF, SH (tap each point 15x’s)16. General Anxiety /Stress/Procrastination UE, UA, CB Cr UE, UA, CB17. Guilt IF, CB Cr IF, CB18. Inhalant Allergies MF, UA, CB, UN, CB Cr MF, UA, CB, UN, CB19. Inhaled Toxin MF, UA, CB Cr MF, UA, CB20. Jet Lag (East - West) UA, CB Cr UA, CB21. Jet Lag (West - East) UE, CB Cr UE, CB22. Obsession/OCD/Racing thoughts at night CB, UE, CB Cr CB, UE, CB23. UA, UE, CB Cr UA, UE, CB24. UE, UA, CB Cr UE, UA, CB25. Panic / Anxiety Disorder EB, UE, UA, CB Cr EB, UE, UA, CB26. UE, UA, EB, CB Cr UE, UA, EB, CB27. UA, UE, EB, CB, LF Cr UA, UE, EB, CB, LF28. EB, UA, UE Cr EB, UA, UE29. UE, EB, UA, LF Cr UE, EB, UA, LF30. CB, UE, UA Cr CB, UE, UA31. Physical Pain BH50, CB (tap BH 50x’s) Cr BH50, CB (tap BH 50x’s)32. Rage OE, CB Cr OE, CB33. Reversals of concepts, words, behavior,

Self Sabotage or Negativistic BehaviorCorrect for PRs side of hand (SH), sore spot (SS) and UN

34. Self Esteem, Lack of EB, UE, UA, CB, IF, CB, UN, CH Cr EB, UE, UA, CB, IF, CB, UN, CH

35. Shame CH Cr CH36. Simple Phobias / Fear UE, UA, CB Cr UE, UA, CB37. Simple Trauma / Rejection / Love Pain /

GriefEB, CB Cr EB, CB

38. Spiders / Claustrophobia / Turbulence UA, UE, CB Cr UA, UE, CB39. SUD report of 2 or less / Rapid Relaxation Floor to Ceiling Eye Roll40. Visualization for overcoming addictions or

achieving peak performanceUA, CB Cr UA, CB

CB Collar Bone CH Chin EB Inner Eye Brow BH Back of Hand IF Index Finger LF Little Finger Liv Liver MF Middle Finger OE Outer Eye SH Side of Hand TH Thumb (lung) UE Under Arm UE Under Eye UN Under Nose designed by: 32

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STEP 3. TAP THE REVERSAL AND ENERGY TOXIN POINTSTap each point15 times - while thinking of the problem:



STEP 5. RATE THE LEVEL OF DISTRESS RIGHT NOW How do you feel now? Write the number down. You number should have dropped 2 or more


If your number dropped 2 or more points, move to step 6.

If your number dropped less than 2 points see the Quick Fixes section. 33

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STEP 7. TAP THE SEQUENCE AGAINTap each point 15 times. Rate the remaining level of distress.

If the number is now 2 or lower, move to step 8.

If the number dropped 2 or more points but is still 3 or higher, repeat steps 3-7 as many times as needed until your number is 2 or less.

If the number stayed the same or dropped less than 2 points, see the Quick Fixes section.

The back of the hand point (BH) is located on the back of the hand between the bones of the ring and little fingers. Tap in the depression between the bones. Tap on either hand throughout this entire brain rewiring exercise. Stay focused on the remaining problem. 34

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TFT works with such speed that sometimes it doesn’t seem real. We’re not accustomed to how rapidly focused energy can eliminate a problem. Often the mind thinks it’s a trick or

coincidence. That’s okay. TFT works anyway.

That’s all there is to it. How do you feel? More relaxed, yawning, smiling? Great! With just a bit more practice you’ll

be adept at tapping away the negative feelings and uncovering the peace, happiness and joy that resides within you, always. Happiness is not found outside of yourself. Seeking happiness in a substance, person or experience is guaranteed to let you down. Take ownership of your feelings. If you don’t like them, find a matching Sequence and tap them aside so you can feel what you were meant to feel: happiness through and through. 35

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If the number hasn’t dropped at least 2 points you need to use more TFT tools to open up your energy pathways to healing.

Spray two puffs of Rescue Remedy, or 4 take drops of Rescue Remedy drops into your mouth.

Rub the sore spot (SS) as you think of how long you have had this problem or how many times you have had to deal with this problem. Repeat steps 3-7 again.

If you have a physical problem, rub Rescue Remedy cream over that area. Next put one hand over the injured area. Tap that hand’s BH spot 50 times to correct its reversed energy. Repeat steps 3-7 again.

Do Collar Bone Breathing (CB2) by instructions on the next page. This will almost always unblock the body and allow healing. Repeat steps 3-7 again.

Set all cell phones, watches and electronics a few feet from your body.

Drink water and try steps 3-7 again.

d. Try a different Sequence or switch to a related issue. Sometimes we don’t pick the right starting place and if we tap away something related and return to the original topic, it works.

MY SUGGESTIONS IF THE QUICK FIXES DIDN’T WORK:Consult someone trained at the Intermediate or Advanced level, TFT-Dx, or TFT-Adv.

These levels have more sophisticated, customized and powerful tools.

Take a TFT class.

There are times when TFT is not effective. It’s not often, but it does happen. Consult your medical doctor and try another form of energy healing.

“If you’re getting 100% success with TFT, you haven’t seen enough people yet.”

Roger Callahan, PhD 36

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This technique is a stand-alone protocol that helps reduce anxiety, panic attacks clumsiness, reading fatigue, hyperactivity, confusion. When nothing is working, do CB2 and try again.

Breathe this pattern while tapping each of the 8 positions shown below:Take a deep breath in, hold it in for 5 tapsExhale 1/2-way out, hold it for 5 tapsExhale completely, hold for 5 tapsBreathe in 1/2-way, hold for 5 taps

Tap the back of the hand (BH) in each position show below. 37

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EMPOWERING, RIGHT?Imagine, in just a short while TFT will be second nature to you. Whenever your emotions are

ruling you instead of you choosing your emotions you’ll be able to tap a Sequence-Circuit-Sequence and feel better in minutes.

This is a BIG deal. The majority of the human population has no way to bring down their anger, fury, rage, fear, grief, grudges. self-sabotage and physical pain. We see the consequences of it everywhere. We are responsible for our emotions but until now lacked the tools necessary to master them. We can teach our children to take charge of their feelings too.

“My preschooler son can get very angry and storm into the kitchen. I tell him to go to his bedroom, tap his little finger until the anger is gone and then return to me and we’ll talk about what upset him. It works.”

Dana, TFT-Dx

I’m not recommending or claiming that we never have to feel bad. I’m saying that we can feel upset for a day or a week. That’s normal. It’s when we get stuck in a negative emotion that we develop problems. Feel your feelings, they are important. Don’t resist them, release them. Choose happiness.

“I am responsible for what I see.

I choose the feelings I experience.”

Page 448, The Text , A Course in Miracles

A FINAL THOUGHT: FEELING GREAT IS A LIFE SKILL.Life is tough and we need tools to handle it. Learn TFT, pass it on. Your healing has great

impact on those around you. The greatest gift you can offer the world is peace of mind and a joyful heart. I hope you were able to lift some weight off of your shoulders, drop your anger, fear, negative thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms as you went through these steps. I look forward to hearing from you.

“Healing is freedom...Healing is shared...Healing is strength

As you let yourself be healed, you see all those around you, or who cross your mind, or whom you touch or those who seem to have no contact with you, healed along with you. Perhaps you will not recognize them all, nor realize how great your offering to all the world, when you let healing come to you. but you are never healed alone. And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed.”

Lesson 137, A Course in Miracles 38

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BibliographyBray, Robert L. Now No Open Wounds. [S.l.]: On Demand, 2013. Print.

Callahan, Roger, PhD, and Joanne Callahan, MBA. Stop the Nightmares of Trauma: Thought Field Therapy (TFT), the Power Therapy for the 21st Century. Chapel Hill, NC: Professional, 2000. Print.

Callahan, Roger R., PhD. Voltmeter and Psychological Reversal. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 2006. Web.

"Candace Pert | From Neuropeptides to Chakras ~ Mind-Body Healing and Beyond." Candace Pert. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2013.

"Chemical Industry Archives." Chemical Industry Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2013.

Connolly, Suzanne M., Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, Caroline Seakai, and Jenny Edwards. "Utilizing Community Resources To Treat Ptsd: A Randomized Controlled Study Using Thought 24 Field Therapy." African Journal of Traumatic Stress 3.1 (2013): 24-32. Peter Calderman Foundation. Web.

Connolly, Suzanne M., LCSW, LMFT. Thought Field Therapy - Clinical Applications Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy. N.p.: George Tyrell, 2004. Print.

A Course in Miracles. [S.l.]: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975. Print.

Diamond, John, MD. Your Body Doesn't Lie: How to Increase Your Life Energy through Behavioral Kinesiology. New York: Warner, 1979. Print.

"Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare." Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2013. 39

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"Feeling Too Much." PTSD: A Window into the Bodymind (Part 1). N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2013.

Gallo, Fred P., PhD. Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy: A Comprehensive Sourcebook. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2002. Print.

"The Gold Standard for EFT." EFT (Tapping)

Hawkins, David R., MD. Healing and Recovery. W. Sedona, AZ: Veritas Pub., 2009. Print.

Hawkins, David R., MD, LAc,DC. "Consciousness and Addiction, Audio Recording." David Hawkins Publishing.

Nambudripad, Devi S., MD, LAc,DC. Say Goodbye to Illness. Buena Park, CA: Delta Pub., 1993. Print.

Rapp, Doris J., MD, LAc,DC. Our Toxic World, a Wake up Call: How to Keep Yourself and Your Loved Ones out of Harm's Way : Chemicals Damage Your Body, Brain, Behavior and Sex. Buffalo, NY: Environmental Medical Research Foundation, 2004. Print.

Rapp, Doris J, MD. - Children's Allergies to Food & Environment."

"Ray Peat." Ray Peat, PhD.

"Use Thought Field Therapy® (TFT) Tapping To Overcome Anxiety, Fear and Stress In Minutes..." Dr. Roger Callahan Emotional Freedom Tapping.

"Virgin Flying Without Fear." : Which Treatment Is Best. 40

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A Course in Miracles, 41, 42

Addiction, 5, 24, 25, 26, 43

Alcoholics Anonymous, 25

Allergy, 12, 44

Anger, 3, 31, 32, 41

Anxiety, 3, 5, 15, 19, 24, 25, 40, 43, 44

Autistic Behavior, 29

BBeer, 5, 24

CCallahan, Joanne, 16, 18,


Callahan, Roger, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 27, 39, 42, 43

Cancer, 11. 28. 30

Canfield, Jack, 13

Chemicals 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 42, 43

Chemotherapy, 22

Chiropractic, 11

Christian Science, 11

C h r o n i c F a t i g u e Syndrome, 12

Circuit, 6, 9, 15, 26, 33, 37, 41

Collar Bone Breathing, CB2, 6, 24, 39, 40

Complex Trauma, 3, 18, 19, 21, 31, 43

Craving, 5, 24, 25, 26

Crying, 19, 29

DDepression, 3, 12, 29, 37

Diabetes, 11

Diamond, John, 27, 42

Doughnut, 27

EElectric Acupuncture,

EAV, 30

Emot iona l Freedom Techniques, 3, 12, 13, 21, 43

FFear of freeway driving,

4, 18, 19, 20

Fear of flying, 5, 20, 21, 43

Fear of water, 18, 39

Fever, 12

Flying, 5, 20, 21, 43

GGandi, Mahatma, 2

Guilt, 3, 31, 32, 45

Ghosts, 23

Gum, 5, 24, 29


Happiness, 2, 37, 40

Hives, 29, 30, 42

Heroin, 26

IInsomnia, 15


Leg Pain, 22

Loss, 23

Love, 13, 43

Lymph nodes, 12

MMethamphetamine, 26

Meltdown, 3

Migraine, 4, 5, 12, 22, 23, 29, 45

NNambudripad’s Allergy

Elimination Techniques, NAET, 12, 13, 30, 43

Nicotine, 5, 24, 45


Panic Attacks, 19, 29, 40

Phobia, 3, 18, 19, 20, 24

Physical Pain, 1, 3, 6, 23, 34, 41

Placebo, 17

Procrastination, 28 41

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Psychological Reversal, 5, 9, 27, 42

PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, 10, 42, 43


Rage, 23, 29, 41

Rapid Relaxation, 6, 38

Ray Peat, 12

Rescue Remedy, 21, 24, 39

Reversal, 5, 6, 9, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 42

Romans, 7:15-24

Rwanda, 10

SSequence Chart, 31

Spirit, Spiritual, 11, 25

Stomach ache, 18

Surgery, 14, 30

TTattoo, 23

Toxin, Energy, 5, 6, 17, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 36

Tuberculosis, 11

UUganda, 10

VVampire, 22

Virgin Airlines, 5, 20

WWalk, inability to, 30

Witch, 22

Whoopie Goldberg, 20


Zombies, 23 42

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