Page 1: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 1

Fidalgo Lodge #77

Trestleboard Guidance From the East

Brethren, To vouch for a Mason is to say that you know that Brother to be a Master Mason and have sat in a Lodge with him or that you have subjected him to strict trial and due examination. In some jurisdictions Grand Lodges have decided that no Brother may undertake a private examination of any man representing himself as a Brother without orders from the Worshipful Master of his Lodge, or the Grand Master. In these Jurisdictions it is held that the Worshipful Master is solely responsible for the proper purging of his Lodge, and that, in consequence, he and only he has the right to select the committee which shall examine a stranger. In such Jurisdictions only the Master may decide who is competent and who is not competent to examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers of the Lodge. The “good and wholesome instruction” which a Worshipful Master is charged to give should be in the forefront of his mind. The number of men who have never taken the degrees who try to get into Masonic lodges is very small. Nevertheless, there have been, are, and doubtless will be such men; men without principle or honor. Eavesdroppers who have heard what was not intended for their ears, or men who have become “book Masons” by the study of some of the exposes of Masonry which may still be found in some libraries, and which they deem to set forth the correct ritual. However few in number these imposters may be, they must be strictly guarded against. No such crook desires to work his way into a Masonic Lodge for any other purpose than to obtain credit for being a Master Mason, and, later, to defraud some of the brethren with whom he tries to sit in Lodge with. Far more dangerous than the eavesdropper is the Cowan. In these modern days the Cowan is the man who has been legally raised but who has been suspended or expelled after a Masonic trial. No avouchment may be accepted from an Entered Apprentice or a Fellowcraft. A Brother of the first or second degree may be absolutely sure that all those in the Lodge in which he took his degrees were Master Masons, he cannot posses “lawful Masonic information” about Master Masons. Neither is he competent to vouch to a Tyler for any Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft he remembers as in Lodge with him, as a Mason of the degree in which the lodge was then open on. The right to vouch is strictly a Master Mason’s right. No Brother of the first or second degree possesses it. Vouching for a Brother is a solemn undertaking. Before the Lodge and the Brethren, the voucher puts his Masonic credit against the credibility of the brother he vouches for. A Master Mason should not vouch for his blood brother unless he has sat in Lodge with him, tested him for himself, or unless his brother has been vouched for to him. He may be sure his brother is a Mason but a Lodge does not recognize such surety as “lawful Masonic information.” No Brother should ever feel offended because a Brother will not vouch for him. The Lodge is more important than the Brother. The sanctity of the tiled door is greater than the feelings of the individual. The Masonic honor of the Brother doing the vouching should be of far greater worth to him. The entire law can be summed up by saying, “Never vouch unless you have lawful Masonic information.” Most Fraternally, WB Bob Belli

Page 2: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 2

Wisdom From the West

A hearty greeting from the West brethren! It already feels and looks like spring outside! This month I do not have anything too deep or philosophical. I wanted to bring to your attention the upcoming annual San Juan Lodge # 175 Outdoor Degree (See page 4 for picture and poem). It will be held this year on Saturday May 19th. There will be a Salmon BBQ starting 11:00 AM at the Lodge and the Outdoor Degree Conferral beginning at 1:00 PM at Roche Harbor. San Juan Lodge #175 location is at the corners of 2nd St N and Reed St: Address: 15 2nd St N, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 From the shiny new Spring 2018 schedule, there will be an 8:30AM Ferry from Anacortes to Friday Harbor which would be ideal. For those pressed for time there is also a 9:30AM Ferry which would get you to the island at 10:35AM. Coming home there will be multiple ferries from Friday Harbor to Anacortes including 4:15PM, 6:25PM, and 7:45PM. The Lodge is a walkable distance from the Ferry Terminal. There will be transportation provided from the Lodge and back for the Degree. Most will not need to bring their vehicle on the ferry. Traveling by foot will ensure you have a spot and will be cheaper. I will know more details as the date gets closer. Washington DOT Ferry Spring 2018 Schedule and for Reservations: Let’s hope for great sunny weather and fantastic fellowship as we travel to our daughter lodge! I look forward to meeting you at this month’s stated and please contact me if you have questions on the SJ Outdoor Degree trip. Warmest fraternal regards, Andy McLaughlin, 32° SW Fidalgo Lodge #77

Page 3: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 3

Refreshment From the South

Dear Brothers:

I wish to tell you about a particularly interesting gift the French gave to all Americans in

1884. During our war of independence, France, England’s greatest imperial rival, sided

with the Patriots. Later the United States of America helped France with its war of

independence and gave a great deal of aid to the suffering French during Napoleonic times.

As a mark of the historic friendship between these two countries, France decided to mark

the centenary of the American Revolution by giving their American friends a grand

memorial to their independence.

The idea for what was eventually built came to the French architect and designer, Frederic

Bartholdi, who became an EA Mason in 1870 as the ship in which he was sailing neared

New York City. As Bartholdi gazed from the deck he had a vision of a woman standing on

a pedestal, holding aloft a torch in one hand as a beacon of welcome to immigrants coming

to the New World in search of a new life in freedom. During this momentous moment he

also noticed a small, 12-acre piece of land near Ellis Island, called Bedloe's Island. He

decided it was the perfect spot for his statue. Bartholdi spent the next five months traveling

around the U.S. and getting support for the statue. Then he went back to France where the

government of Emperor Napoléon III (Napoléon Bonaparte's nephew) was openly hostile

to the democratic and republican ideals celebrated by the Statue of Liberty. They would

have jailed him if he'd spoken of the project openly - so Bartholdi kept a low profile until

1874 when the Third Republic was proclaimed after Napoléon III's defeat in the Franco-

Prussian War.

Much of the money for the “Liberty Enlightening the World Statue” was raised by

Freemasons in France and in America, and when the cornerstone of the pedestal was laid in

1884, the Masonic Grand Master of New York, asked the assembled dignitaries why

Freemasons had become so involved in the project. He got no answer from the assembly,

so he answered his own question, “…it’s because no other organization has ever done more

to promote Liberty and to liberate men from their chains of ignorance and tranny than

Freemasonry.” Fittingly, when the statue was formally dedicated in 1886, thousands of

Freemasons marched in procession through New York City.

A hundred years to the day after the cornerstone had been laid, a group of several thousand Freemasons gathered at the statue to commemorate the earlier ceremony and to rededicate

themselves to what it stood for – freedom and liberty. The gathered Freemasons pledged to raise money for repair of the statue which was crumbling in vital parts of its supporting

assemblies. All Grand Lodges of the United States contributed and raised over two million dollars, at that time, one of the most substantial charitable donations ever to be made by non-government bodies.


Robert Gara

JW Fidalgo Lodge # 77

Frederic Bartholdi

Page 4: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 4

I SEE YOU'VE TRAVELED SOME Wherever you may chance to be Wherever you may roam, Far away in foreign lands; Or just at Home Sweet Home; It always gives you pleasure, it makes your heart strings hum Just to hear the words of cheer, "I see you've traveled some." When you get a brother's greeting, And he takes you by the hand, It thrills you with a feeling that you cannot understand, You feel that bond of brotherhood that tie that's sure to come When you hear him say in a friendly way "I see you've traveled some." And if you are a stranger, In strange lands all alone If fate has left you stranded Dead broke and far from home, It thrills you--makes you numb, When he says with a grip of fellowship, "I see you've traveled some." And when your final summons comes, To take a last long trip, Adorned with Lambskins Apron White and gems of fellowship The tiler at the Golden Gate, With square and rule and plumb Will size up your pin and say "Walk In", "I see you've traveled some."


Fidalgo Lodge In conjunction with the Old Skagit

Gun Club and the Mt. Vernon Moose Lodge will have

their annual Meals-On-Wheels Turkey Shoot on Satur-

day April 21st starting at 10:00 AM and ending around

2:00 PM. This event is shot at the Old Skagit Gun Club

at 14933 Josh-Wilson Road in Burlington. If you are a

shooter get that shotgun out and start practicing. For

$30.00 you get to shoot six rounds of trap and, win or

lose, you get to take home a piece of meat (ham, pork

roast, bacon, or whatever they have available in the

truck.) Standard trap rules apply (12 gauge or smaller,

#7 shot or smaller, 3-dram load or equivalent.)

If you are not a shooter you can participate in two

ways: you can purchase a target card for $21.00, which

will get you a piece of meat or you can take your chances

by purchasing spokes on the wheel on the target card

(there are 20 spokes plus the center ring) for $1.00 each.

When all the spokes and ring have names in them they

shoot one shell at the target and count the holes; which-

ever name has the most holes wins. If you purchase the

whole card or are a lucky winner I will deliver your meat

at the first stated communication of your Lodge after

April 21st.

Whether you shoot or not, you are invited to join us

and watch the competitions. We have shooter of all ages,

from 10 to 100 years old, males and females. There is a

dinner at Noon, by donation, provided by the ladies of

the Mt. Vernon Moose Lodge.

Whether you are a participant or a spectator; Ear

and eye protection is required for your safety when

outside the club building.

- VWB Gerald Myers

San Juan Lodge # 175 Outdoor Degree

Page 5: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 5

Secretary’s Desk

WB Eric Johnson, P.M.

A Short Report on March’s Stated Meeting:

VWB Dino Conti, District Deputy awarded WB Bob Belli a certificate for completing the Proficiency in Lodge Management Course.

Fidalgo Lodge received $1,634.61 from WAGL as the Grand Lodge Endowed Life Membership Fund Income Distribution for 2017. This represents a return on investment of 5.71% after expenses, an increase from last year’s $4.36%, due to a better economy and the calculation method used by the committee on finance.

MWB Sam Roberts writes that he hopes to see all of us in Wenatchee, WA for the annual communication. Packets will be mailed at the beginning of April 2018.

The Temple Board reports that the chairlift may be here by late April. The 65-inch flat-panel TV is installed in the dining room.

The Rotary Club has determined that their lunch payments to Gere-a-Deli are unsustainable, so they will hold their future meetings at the Majestic Hotel, which will only charge them for meals eaten instead of a minimum charge for 42 people.

The Mt Baker Chapter of the Order of DeMolay has been suspended until a recruitment campaign finds more members.

Upcoming Events:

• April 21: Turkey Shoot (note the change in weekend)

• 19 May = San Juan event (Bro Andy to help) (2nd degree) (leave at 0830 ferry)

• 28 May 2018: Memorial Day. We’re doing the same program as last year, which was well-received by the community. Causland Memorial Park has been reserved

Good of the Order: MWB Bell spoke about our White Aprons. He reminded us to ensure that our families know where our aprons are located; these aprons should either be buried/cremated with the Mason or disposed of properly by the Grand Lodge. (see the Secretary for more information).

Eric Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer

A Short Report on the Annual Scholarship Foundation Annual Meeting 19 March 2018 Members attending the meeting, VWB Gerald Myers, VWB E.S. Red Bell, WB Gerald Guthrie, WB Ken Jacot, Brother Bob Higgins, WB Eric Johnson Discussion Items: The Senior Warden has historically been the chair of the scholarship committee. Gerry Myers picked up that job when he went through that chair, 14 years ago, and it has been his duty ever since. Should this be the duty of the SW? Is this better served by someone who is dedicated to the job?

The Bylaws of the Scholarship Foundation can be found and downloaded here: Resolution #1 to the Bylaws, making Bikes-for-Books a part of the Foundation, can be found and downloaded here: Given the paucity of applications for the Foundation’s scholarships, the members assembled recommended some alternative means of funding scholarships, including:

• Check with the AVID coordinator for the needs of those going to trade schools

• Check with the Robotics team for their monetary needs in preparing for the competitions (See Curt Oppel)

• Check with Tina Tate at Friendship House about contributing to the Chefs-in-Training program (Hunger to Hope -

• Check with the Band director on the need for instruments to donate to the school (not individuals)

• Skagit Valley College on the scholarship needs of trade schools

• What impact could we have if we were to contribute to lowering student debt Funding Elliott Johnson, who holds our investment accounts at Edwards Jones, will give a presentation about the potentialities of our various funds at the dinner preceding the April Stated meeting. Do we want to raise additional scholarship funds at Shipwreck Day? - Submitted by Eric Johnson, Secretary, Fidalgo Masonic Scholarship Foundation

Page 6: Fidalgo Lodge #77 Trestleboard · examine a visitor for entrance into his lodge. Avouchment is a very important matter. It demands, and should receive, the upmost thought of all Brothers

FIDALGO LODGE #77 ANACORTES WASHINGTON April 2018 E-Mail [email protected] PAGE 6

Fidalgo 77

April Calendar of Events

4/10/18 (2nd Tuesday)

• Temple Board (5:30 PM)

• Dinner (6:30 PM)*

• Stated Meeting (7:30 PM)

*Elliott Johnson, Certified Financial Planner at Edward Jones, watches over our investment accounts. We will meet with him at dinner to discuss what we hope to achieve with those investments and how best to achieve those goals. 4/14/18 (2nd Saturday)

• March with Garfield Lodge at the Tulip Parade in La Conner.

4/21/18 (3rd Saturday)

• Turkey Shoot in support of Meals on Wheels. 10:00 at the Moose Range, 14933 Josh Wilson Road, Burling-ton, just north of the Skagit Valley Airport

4/25/18 (4th Wednesday)

• District 9 Lodge Leadership Association (7:30 PM) All Masons welcome! 4/27/17 (4th Friday)

• Masonic Education Evening (7:00 PM)

The Fidalgo Trestle board is edited and published

by Bro. Daniel Brown. For any submissions or

comments, please e-mail at

[email protected]

MASONIC WIDOW’S AND ORPHAN’S FUND This fund is not insurance, but a system whereby Master Masons can contribute to the relief of the widow and/or family of a

deceased Brother Master Mason. It is a worth cause and part of our obligation. It pro-vides ready money in the hands of the

beneficiary at a time when funds are most urgent.

Ten Dollars ($10.00) Must accompany the membership application. Upon the death of a member, lar-gesse is paid to the bene-

ficiary on file. A contribution per death is the requisite from each member and notification is mailed after 5 deaths. The

amount is to be paid within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the notification.

Membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing who are members of a Masonic Lodge in Dis-trict #9. For any

questions please see V.W.B Red Bell or W.B. Gerald Guthrie.

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