

March 19, 1928

Reluctance in writing. On her littleness. The return of the writings. How the Divine Will lives suffocated in the midst of creatures because It is not known. Grave weight over those

who should make It known; how they render themselves robbers. Preparation of great events.

I said, “Jesus, My Heart and my Life, I’ve finished another volume and I’m starting a new one. I’ve been working so hard, it feels like my heart is bleeding. The sacrifice has been especially difficult and my poor little soul is in dire straits. My Love, help me. I can’t write another word without Your assistance. Overwhelm me with the Power of Your Love. I pray that Your Fiat will triumph over me! If You want me to keep writing, then don’t leave me all alone. You are my Teacher, dictate Your words to my little soul. I’d be so thankful if you wouldn’t make me write anymore. I would still kiss and adore Your Divine Will. I only hope that I’ve learned from all the lessons You’ve given me; I think about them constantly. I want to model my life on Your teachings. Celestial Mom, my Sovereign Queen, give me shelter under your blue mantle. Guide my hand as I write, so I can fulfill the Divine Will.”

Only Jesus knows what a hardship this sacrifice has been for me. I’ve been complaining to blessed Jesus that He hasn’t been teaching me very much lately. Finishing the last volume was so hard. I had to struggle so much just to write a few words.

I thought, “I don’t have anything left to say, I can’t write unless Jesus explains things to me. Maybe He doesn’t have any more to tell me. The story of His Fiat never ends, It goes on forever. Even in Heaven, it will continue for eternity. No matter how much is said about Eternal Volition, there will always be more. It encloses the infinite, so there is no end to Its knowledge. You could talk about It forever without running out of things to say. The sun would run out of light before you could learn everything there is to know about It. Maybe He thinks He’s told me enough for now, out of consideration for me. Perhaps it’s only a brief intermission in the long story of His Eternal Will?”

As I was thinking about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me and came out.

He said, “You’re so little, My daughter. The longer you go on with this, the smaller you become. Imagine someone as little as you trying to measure Our greatness or hear everything that would take an eternity to say. Being a little child, you’re glad that your Jesus might not have anything more to tell you. With nothing else to do, you’d like to rest for a while, or perhaps go back to the little games we used to play.”

“Poor little girl. These short pauses allow your Celestial Jesus to do other things that aren’t obvious to you. He will resume His talk on the long story of My Eternal Will, just when you least expect it.”

After so much fussing and fighting, the writings on the Divine Will finally arrived here from Messina in Sicily. I’m glad to have them back, just to have them close by. I thanked my sweet Jesus from the bottom of heart.

Then Jesus moved inside me and I could see that He was sad about something.

He said, “My daughter, you’re glad, and I’m disappointed. If you only knew how much pressure they were under in Messina. They wanted to keep those volumes, but they weren’t doing anything with them; they may as well have been sleeping. It was their responsibility to publicize the Divine Will, yet they just sat on them. So, since they weren’t doing anything with the manuscripts, I arranged for them to be sent back.”

“Now the burden of responsibility lies with those who had been so insistent that they be sent back. If they don’t get busy with them, they’ll have to answer to the Divine Will. If you only knew what it means to be responsible for such a holy Will. While It’s been yearning to be free of Its shackles, It’s being held in silent restraints. To satisfy Its longing by making It known will give It freedom of action. That is their responsibility. Even though It is full of life, flows everywhere and envelops everything, It is being suffocated amidst creatures by Its anonymity. Its life moans in It captivity. Unless It is free, Its rays endless light are forced back on themselves. Knowledge of It means freedom for all.”

“Those who say they want to make It known, but do not, they are responsible for the suffering of My Divine Will. I have been working to distribute all this news about My Fiat without harvesting the fruit of My labor. I want this knowledge to have life. It’s like a new sun shining in the sky. I want the fruit of all the knowledge I have planted. I want My work to have Its desired effect. I been working long and hard to prepare you for such important knowledge about My Will?”

“You have made all these sacrifices only because I’ve given you the grace to make them. My work has indeed taken a long time. Whenever I watched you sacrificing so much, I thought about all the good that My Knowledge about Fiat would produce among creatures. A new era shall arise because of them. Although I suffer whenever I see your sacrifice, My tender Heart takes immense pleasure in knowing how much peace, harmony, goodness and happiness your sacrifices have won.”

“When I do great things in a soul by revealing important truths, such enlightenment is not for that soul alone. I want to gather everyone within such goodness and bring renewal for the entire human family. I want My Truth to shine like the sun on each and every one, so whoever wants light can have their fill. I did the same with My Celestial Mom. Suppose She wanted to conceal the Incarnation of the Word. If She had, My coming upon earth would have been

fruitless. I would have gone back to Heaven without giving My Life for anyone. If the Sovereign Queen hid Me, She would have the thief who stole all the goodness My Divine Lives could have given creatures.”

“So it is for those who keep My revelation hidden. They are thieves who shall be held accountable for stealing all the goodness that this knowledge about My Divine Fiat will bring. They deprive creatures of all the living light, grace and immense goodness that such a Divine Will has to offer. A heavy weight hangs over those who should be working hard for It instead of hiding the beneficent sunlight of so much truth about My Eternal Will. You are the first to know. If you were to inhibit such knowledge about My Will, you would be the first thief to steal the sunlight and goodness this knowledge would have given creatures.”

His voice took on a tender tone as He continued.

He said, “My daughter, the world is burning and there’s no one to pour this pure upon them to quench their thirst. All they have to drink is the murky water of their will that burns their throats. Even the children of My Church who try to do good things are unhappy. The need for more such goodness weighs on them so much that they get tired and become demoralized.”

“They tire without the goodness inherent in the life of My Fiat and the Divine Strength that refreshes the weary. They miss the heat and light of My Will which has the power to lighten the load and turn the bitter sweet. They are deprived of the refreshing dew of My Fiat that makes the creatures’ actions shine like pearls. Such beauty is what makes their lives happy. They are deprived of the spring water that endlessly gushes from the fountain My Will that quenches their thirst with life-giving Divine refreshment. Without It, the more they drink, the more they burn. Now you see how important it is that Its knowledge becomes well known among creatures. The life of My Will is offered to everyone from Its fountain of goodness.”

“Even those with a reputation for goodness feel they are missing something vitally important. They sense that their works are incomplete. They have a longing desire for something good, yet they don’t what that might be. Unless their actions are filled with the totality of My Divine Fiat their works are left half done. No works are complete unless they are done from within My Will. It yearns to be known so It can give Its creatures life and fulfill all their works. This is more important than ever, now that I am preparing spectacular events, some sorrowful and others bringing prosperity. There will be punishment as well as grace, and then, sudden, unforeseen wars. That’s what I must do to prepare them for the blessed knowledge of My Fiat. So if these manuscripts are allowed to lie sleeping instead of flinging them into the midst of creatures, the events I am preparing will be all for nothing. They will have to answer to Me for their negligence.”

“I will use this knowledge to prepare the renewal and restoration of the human family. So do your part by not putting any obstacles in My path, and keep praying that the Kingdom of My Divine Will may come soon.”

March 25, 1928

How the knowledges are many steps that the Divine Will has taken in order to return into the midst of creatures. How these steps will bring life, light and sanctity. Sighs of Jesus

for them to be made known.

As I was following the Divine Fiat to accompany Its actions, my poor mind kept thinking about all the truth that my Beloved Jesus had told me about Divine Will. He reveals them to me with such loving concern.

I thought, “The first truths He revealed to me were little flashes, and each one of them then unleashed endless light from within. Then, little by little, these flashes grew into fountains of light until my poor soul was deluged under their endless jets of streaming brilliance. These truths eventually merged into seas of light that flooded my little soul beyond capacity, leaving much of it still churning above me. Although it was beyond my ability to hold all of that endless light within myself, I did see them turning into words that revealed the beauty, harmony, and power of the Supreme Will. Yet now, although it seems like I am in the light, it does not speak. Even if I could drink entire seas of light, I still can’t really explain any of it.”

As I was thinking about it, my always lovable Jesus moved inside me and lovingly spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, as man withdrew from Our Will, Our paternal Goodness withdrew Its life from creatures. That’s why they haven’t said much about It. The sea of light operating within My Divine Fiat wasn’t flowing with life inside them, because, for all intents and purposes, they had ungratefully rejected It. Out of Our highest Goodness, We left them the blessed opportunity to follow the commands of Our Will. However, without Its living presence, there was no hope for their salvation, because, without It, there is neither salvation nor sanctity.”

“Our paternal Goodness yearned for Our Will to return and vigorously operate among creatures. Our Will longed for Its homecoming, as did Our Love ardently desire Its prompt return. We saw that they couldn’t fulfill the purpose of Creation in all Its perfection. Neither could they completely conform themselves to Our image and Likeness as they did when We created them, though that’s what We wanted. Of course, that would be impossible without the life of Our Fiat operating within them. Our Fiat is the creature’s Primal Action, and the creature is out of order if It’s missing. She lives a counterfeit existence unless all of her actions proceed from that First Initial Act.”

“For centuries We sighed, unseen by creatures. Now Our Supreme Being gushes out love with greater intensity than ever, more than Creation and Redemption put together. As Our Love overflowed from Us in gushes, It took Its first steps toward the creature with sincere affection.

When I first began to reveal for you the truth about My Divine Will, I strongly urged It to take Its first steps into the midst of creatures. Each step was another revelation I placed in the center of your soul so you could walk towards them. I rejoiced and began to celebrate when I saw you striding step by step in the footprints of the Divine Fiat. Then I urged It to keep walking as I revealed more knowledge about It.”

“Every revelation I gave you about My Will was another step I made My Fiat take towards It’s return into the midst of creatures as the very life operating within them. By now I’ve revealed so many of them to you that Heaven and earth are filled with these steps, each one of them an additional bit of information about My Will. Taken all together, they form a sea of light within your soul that can’t help but overflow out into the midst of creatures. Furthermore, every time a truth about My Will is recognized, these steps multiply, each of them a gift of life in all Its goodness. Meanwhile, Its steps are being obstructed until all the revelations concerning My Divine Will become known. All the good things It wants to do for creatures are suspended until then.”

“You don’t know how painful it is to be willing and able to do something good, and just as I’m ready to do it, I have to stop because the creatures have no idea what I’m trying to do. In the meantime, I wait and I wait, holding on to something that gets heavier by the moment, until It finally becomes known. Only then can I let go and give them something good. If you knew, you would be in more of a hurry to announce all the steps of My Fiat. These steps bring much more than helpful remedies or medicine; they bring fullness of life, light, sanctity and everything good. My Love gushes out and floods the whole world and will restore the harmony of Creation and the dominion of My Will in the midst of the human family.”

Then my sweet Jesus appeared with many rays of light coming out from His Divine Heart. Each revelation about the Divine Will was embossed where the rays came out, forming a beautiful crown of light around His Divine Heart.

He said, “My daughter, look at the beauty of this crown of glory formed by the light of My Divine Heart. No crown is more beautiful and radiant. These rays are all the revelations about My Will. These rays are blocked and they cannot shine forth until Its revelations become known. Their brilliant beams are incapable of spreading out to illuminate all the earth with light.”

“It’s as if the sun’s rays, emanating from the center of its sphere, were suspended in space so they couldn’t go anywhere. They would never reach as far as the earth to illuminate it and keep it warm. Until its rays can stream forth, the sun is unable to give its nourishing light and the earth remains dark and cold. It would be the same as if the distance between the earth and the sun’s light were so great that it would be useless to the earth and it would become dark and sterile.”

“As long as these revelations about My Fiat are unpublished, there’s no way for Its rays to reach out and take souls in their hands and warm them. It can’t exorcize the torpor of human will, nor

can It remold them with the transformation of life infused in them by My Fiat. Everything about these revelations leads to the conversion of creatures. They will be created anew as they were when they first made by Our skillful hands.”

April 1, 1928

Necessity of the test; what the test will be for the children of the Divine Kingdom. One who lives in the Divine Will offers royal acts to God. The long story of the Divine Will.


My abandonment in the Divine Will is ongoing, though sometimes I stop and question what I’m doing.

I thought, “I wonder if Jesus has some kind of test for those who want to live in the Kingdom of Divine Will? Jesus wants all of us to prove our loyalty and confirm our trustworthiness before giving us the treasures He wants to bestow. I suppose He will require some kind of proof from the children of His Kingdom. That is, after all, the most sublime state that could ever exist.”

As I was thinking about it, my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “You’re right about that, My daughter. It’s hard to be certain without a test. If a soul passes the test, it is a confirmation of My designs. Then I can be sure that she gets everything she needs to carry out the mission she has been called to do.”

“That’s why I had to test Adam. I had to make sure that he would be happy being the rightful king of all Creation. He failed the test, however, so justice was served by not confirming his right to the treasures his Creator wanted to give him. Man has to pass the test to earn the seal of faithfulness. That’s what gives him the right to possess the treasures that God was determined to give to the soul who had been called for that mission. Those who haven’t been tested will never deserve the confidence of God or men. The unproven can’t even be sure of themselves. God cannot put His trust in an untested human. That’s also the only way such a person can know what his strengths and limitations might be.”

“If Adam had passed the test, however, all human generations would have enjoyed their royal inheritance. In My Humanity, I had to go through the same test Myself because I needed to prove the unique kind of love I had for these children of My Divine Will. I had to pass this one crucial test on behalf of all of them, while they only had to prove that they would always do My Will instead of their own. My death was further confirmation of all the good things they needed to live in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. Once there, I shall close all the exit doors by anointing them with invincible strength to prevent anything else from bypassing the insurmountably high walls of My Kingdom.”

“I usually leave a door open when I prohibit something, so the human will can leave My Will; creatures always have that option. There’s only one exception. When I say, ‘From here there is no exit,’ all the doors are locked and defenses fortified. Then, they have to decide to enter and never leave, or not go in at all. Before living in the Kingdom of My Will there is only one decision to make. They have to decide to carry out an action that, in fact, has already been accomplished.”

“I do the same thing with you. I constantly cry out from the depth of your heart, ‘Let nothing enter except My Will alone.’ My Will is the center of life; It keeps everything else out by the force of Its omnipotent strength and they are lost in the glare of Its dazzling light. It is the primal movement of all life flowing within all of your actions. It reigns in dominion as the Queen of your soul.”

Then I continued following the acts of Divine Will throughout Creation, gathering them up so I could present them to my Creator in homage. The underlying motion of primal life-force flowed within all created things, connecting everything together in a single movement. I’d never noticed It before and I was surprised.

Then my sweet Jesus explained It to me.

He said, “My daughter, the primal movement of this life-force you see animating all Creation is My Will. It is the hand that holds everything together as It simultaneously moves each thing individually in one long, extended motion.”

“The story of My Will is a long one, so the composition you are working on is very time-consuming. As much as you would like to your descriptive narration brief, it’s really difficult to be concise when the underlying motion that animates everything is constantly changing. No matter how long and hard you work, you can barely capture any of what It has to say. There are so many ways to go about narrating every aspect of how It moves all of Its living things. To complicate things further, you are not only the narrator in this story of an Eternal Will that you have been entrusted with; you are also a protagonist within It. So I will continue to give you the very life of Its actions and explain as much as you are able to understand about how It moves, while emphasizing Its inherent goodness.”

“Someone who lives in My Will offers noble acts to the Eternal Majesty that can only unfold in the Royal Palace of My Divine Will. When a creature comes before Us bearing every royal action performed by Our Will throughout Creation, We are truly honored because they are Divine Acts worthy of Our Majesty. Those who do not live in Our Will, however, no matter how good their intentions might be, cannot give Us anything Divine. All they can do is offer Us human actions that are unworthy of Us because they are devoid of Our Divine Fiat’s royal acts.”

“Imagine a pageboy who serves his king all the good things that can be found in a royal palace. Even though they belong to him, the king still feels honored to be served such finery. He drinks the purest water out of a polished chalice made of fine gold. He eats food fit for a king served on silver platters. He is pleased to be clothed in his own royal garments, brought to him by the same humble servant.”

“In contrast, consider another pageboy in the king’s service. When asked for refreshment, he runs home to his shabby house, fetches some murky water and serves it to the king in a dirty clay cup. Asked for food, he runs home again and returns with a filthy plate of gruel for the royal table. He calls for his evening attire and the wretch brings back clothes suitable for working in the fields. The king is not pleased. There’s no honor in being served by such a negligent pageboy. His heart is heavy when he says, ‘What does he think he’s doing? How dare he bring me these miserable rags! My closets and larders are filled with luxuries. I will dismiss him.”

“The first pageboy is someone who lives in My Will; the second represents the human will. What a difference!”

April 4, 1928

How, in God, the word is everything. Knowledge is the bearer of the Divine Act and of the possession of Divine goods for creatures. Cure that Jesus prescribed.

As I was making my rounds in the Divine Fiat, my mind began wandering. Supreme Volition implies so many things.

I thought, “Would the Kingdom of Divine Will really come just because It’s revelations had become common knowledge? Merely knowing about the Kingdom of Redemption was not enough to bring It about. He performed miraculous works of mercy, suffered and died for It. Since the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is greater than Redemption, how could knowledge alone be enough to make It come and rule in the midst of creatures?”

As was pondering this, my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, humans have to go all around gathering material to work with before making anything at all, even the simplest things. Your Jesus, however, is God, so He can make anything out of nothing, even the entire universe. For Us, the word is everything; We created the entire universe with it. Man had only to know the universe to enjoy it. Our Wisdom uses the word to give; humans use knowledge to receive. They have only to know what We have said and done with Our Word.”

“First, humans have to know the varieties of plants spread throughout the whole earth. Once known, they can collect their fruit and enjoy it. Our Word not only has the power to create, It communicates with authority. Humans have only to assimilate It before knowing what We have said and done. If they don’t know about it, however, nothing is given or taken. Humans don’t have to do anything before enjoying the light of the sun and its nurturing warmth. Water needs nothing more to quench their thirst as fire is adequate in itself to warm them. That’s true for many of the things I’ve created. All they need is to know them, otherwise they may as well not exist, as far as humans are concerned.”

“Knowledge supports the life of Our Actions and the creatures’ right to possess Our treasures. Thus, the revelations about My Will have the power to form Its Kingdom in their midst, that’s why We revealed them. In Redemption I came down from Heaven to take on human flesh so I could recalibrate all human action by entering into them. Adam withdrew from Our Divine Will to appease his humanity and entered into chaos as a result. Since he left his original state, I had to follow him through My own Humanity. Everything I did in It was remedial; I was his medicine. I was an example for him as his mirror. I was the light of his life, revitalizing him.”

“I’ve done everything necessary, even more, actually; there’s nothing left for Me to do. As God, I did it all in a way no one ever expected. With undying love, I renewed degenerate humanity. No one can say, ‘Jesus, didn’t save us; He wasn’t able to cure us and bring us back to health.’ My Humanity did all It could to prepare a cure to prescribe for the human family that would lead to their recovery and return to the harmony of my Divine Will.”

“Finally, after two thousand or so years of healing, We consider it right and just that humankind recover from their illness. Now they can regain their health and enter into the Kingdom of Our Will. That’s why so much knowledge was required. When We speak, Our Creative Word begins to form and fashion as It explains the upcoming transformation that will conquer new horizons. A new sun rises with every revelation unveiled. Charmed with enchantment, the amazed creatures are taken over and filled with the light of My Eternal Will. Its Kingdom is just waiting for the two wills to dissolve in each other with a kiss. My Will shall give, and the human receive.”

“My Word was sufficient to create the universe and is certainly enough to form the Kingdom of My Fiat. First, however, the words I have spoken and the knowledge I have revealed must be made known. My Creative Word’s great goodness must be explained. That’s why I’m always insisting so much that these revelations about My Will be publicized. Humankind has to know that I am revealing all this to bring about the Kingdom that I have been yearning for on behalf of creatures. And I will move Heaven and earth to accomplish My goal.”

April 6, 1928

How the soul can place herself in the Divine Unity. Example of the sun. The repeater of the Creator. How God gives sip by sip. Necessity for the knowledges to make their way.

I was thinking about the Divine Fiat, intending to unite myself with Its Unity so I could make up for the lack of unity between the Creator’s Will and the creature’s.

I wondered, “Can I actually enter the Unity of my Creator?”

Then Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, when the soul enters the Unity of My Will, it’s like going into the sun. Look at the sun. It is one thing performing one single action from on high. Only its light comes down to the surface of the entire planet. This sunlight has its own effects that perform countless actions. To each plant, it can give almost anything. It embraces every one of them and fills them with its light. It asks each one of them what it desires. ‘You want sweetness? I’ll give it to you.’ He asks another one, ‘You say you want heat? No problem.’ He asks another, ‘So, it’s fragrance you want? I’ll give you as much as you like.’ The light pours itself out completely for most every created thing, and for each it gives itself in a form that would best promote the growth of life according to God’s plan for nature. It can do all this because the sun’s sphere holds so much light, the generative force manipulating the seeds of all plants. It determines how all things live and grow as they spread across the face of the earth.

“This is a parable of the soul who wants to live within the Unity of Our Will. She rises into the sphere of the Sun of Eternal Fiat which has so much light that no one can escape it. It possesses the very seeds of the creatures’ lives. Its light permeates and molds the existence of everyone. It prays that each one may receive the life, beauty and sanctity their Creator intended. The soul then emanates from Its sphere as does Its light, becoming all and giving herself to them completely. She manifests Our own singular Action which has the power to do everything at once by giving itself to all as if It were at the disposal of each of them as their own.”

“Unity is natural for Us and a state of grace for the soul. We bi-locate in the creature who lives within Our Unity. We are delighted to see such a little creature ascending, descending and expanding within Our Unity as she replicates her Creator.”

“Then I began to wonder how blessed Jesus would make the Kingdom of His Will come for us. How can creatures gather and embrace so much knowledge about It. Yet, as soon as they do, they are given great treasure. They take on Divine Manners, Beauty and Sanctity, reflections of her Creator’s Likeness?”

As I was thinking about it, my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, it would be unnatural for the creature to receive, all at once, something as great as boundless light. She must drink it slowly, sip by sip, swallowing it one gulp at a time. If the poor creature tried to take in all at once, she would choke and vomit out the excess. She has to digest it a little at a time until it enters the bloodstream where such vital nourishment can permeate her whole being. Then she can take another sip.”

“I have been revealing things about My Eternal Fiat in a certain order, bit by bit, starting with the first lessons before going on to others. I allowed you to chew on the first until you swallowed it and it started flowing like blood within your soul. Then I prepared another lesson for you as My Will began living and acting within you. I celebrated Its glory as I achieved the purpose of Creation and anxiously waited until you were ready for more sublime lessons. Even with that, I still gave you so much that you are never quite sure which ones you should try to replicate.”

“That’s how I am forming the Kingdom of My Divine Will. I’m starting with the first lessons I have given you, however, they to be made known before they can make their way into souls to prepare them. Once they are ready, little by little, they will long to hear the next lesson, especially as they begin to appreciate the advantages they have already gained from earlier examples. That’s why I want them to become known soon. They have to make their way through the soul until they are ready, willing and able to learn more. Little by little, they will hunger further revelations as they begin to understand how they have gained from what they have been taught. That’s why I have prepared such extensive lesson plans concerning My Will. They encapsulate the primary purpose for man’s creation as they teach him everything he needs to know to live his life within It. Man isn’t truly alive without My Will. What he had thought of as life will then seem so strange to him, full of danger, sorrow and misery.”

“Poor man, without the life of My Will, he would have been better off if he had never been born. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know what true life can be. Until now, no one has broken the true bread of Its knowledge or partaken of the holy blood that allows Its true life to flourish in the creature. All he’s had is stale bread that’s been laced with drugs that haven’t quite killed him yet. It certainly hasn’t helped grow healthy, vigorous and strong with Divine Strength as does the bread of My Will.”

“My Will is life and has the power to bestow Its life on creatures with a light that dispels darkness. It is immense and supports man from all sides to give him strength, happiness, sanctity. It makes everything around him safe and secure. You still don’t really know what a treasure-trove of grace lies hidden within this knowledge, or how much good they will do for creatures. That’s why you’re not motivated enough to see that they make their way through humankind and begin forming the Kingdom of My Will.”

April 12, 1928

Analogy between Eden and Calvary. A kingdom cannot be formed with one act alone. Necessity of the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

I was making my rounds in the Divine Fiat, accompanying my sweet Jesus in the pain of His Passion. I followed Him to Calvary where my poor mind stopped to meditate on the harrowing pain of Jesus on the Cross.

Then He moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, Calvary is the new Eden wherein mankind was given back what it lost by withdrawing from My Will. Calvary is analogous with Eden; man lost grace in Eden and regained it on Calvary. After Eden, Heaven was closed to him, he lost happiness and became a slave of the infernal enemy. Heaven was reopened in the new Eden where he regained the peace and happiness he had lost. There the devil was chained and man freed from slavery. In Eden, the Sun of Divine Fiat was eclipsed and the darkness of night descended upon him. By analogy, the sun withdrew from the face of the earth during the three hours of My ghastly agony on the Cross. The Sun could not bear watching treasonous human will tormenting His Creator. Seeing My Humanity tortured, It withdrew in horror as I breathed My last, and then continued inexorably on Its endless journey of light. Through the pain of My Death, the Sun of My Fiat recalled the new Sun of My Will to reign in the midst of creatures once again.”

“Calvary was the dawn that called to the Sun of My Eternal Will that It shine again in the midst of creatures. Once dawn begins, the sun will surely rise and shine. I formed another kind of dawn on Calvary that surely calls the Sun of My Will to rise once again in the midst of creatures after a two thousand year interregnum. Although My Love was defeated by creatures in Eden, here it triumphs and conquers them. In the first Eden, man was condemned to death, body and soul; in the second, he was reprieved when the resurrection of My Humanity verified that the body would surely rise again. There are many analogies between Eden and Calvary; what man lost in one, he regains in the other. In the Kingdom of My pain everything is returned, My pain and Death restores the glory and honor of the poor creature for good.”

“By withdrawing from My Will, man established his own pathetic kingdom of evil, passion and misery. So, I decided to come upon earth where I would suffer greatly on his behalf by permitting My Humanity to be lacerated until Its flesh was torn to pieces and gashed all over. I would even to die so My pain and Death could establish a Kingdom in opposition to all the evil the creature had brought upon herself.”

“A kingdom cannot be formed with just one action, it takes many of them and the more there are, the greater and more glorious the kingdom will be. My Love required My Death to give the kiss of life to creatures. Many splendored treasures poured out of My many wounds to form a

Kingdom full of good things for creatures. My Death is the living spring that feeds the fountains of My wounds gushing with goodness.”

“My Love required My Resurrection as much as My Death because man lost the life of My Will by doing his own. So I rose again to make possible the resurrection of his body as well, and more importantly, the resurrection of the life of My Will within it. If I hadn’t resurrected, the creature could never have been raised again in My Fiat. Without the bond of her resurrection in Mine, she wouldn’t have power to rise and My Love would be unfulfilled because It wanted to do so much more and could not. I would have suffered the unbearable martyrdom of unrequited love. If man is so ungrateful that he ignores what I’ve done, whatever evil he suffers is own fault. Regardless, My Love relishes Its complete triumph.”

April 16, 1928

The human will is symbolized by a rotten seed. How the Divine Will has the virtue of restoring the original life of that seed. Divine echo in the midst of creatures.

My mind was wandering in a thousand directions as I pondered Holy Divine Volition.

I wondered, “How is it possible for Its Kingdom to come? How can creatures receive such great goodness if they have to rise so high before entering into the Fiat that gave birth to Creation?”

As I thought about that, among other things, my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Will has the power to change nature itself by purifying, optimizing and embellishing it. The human will is a seed that is rotten inside, but looks good on the outside. Its covering seems in good conditions, yet if you look within, its either moldy or empty altogether. Some are still alive; however, unless they are nourished by warm sunlight, they will end up completely rotten. If it is exposed to the elements though, the wind will strip the rot off and the warm sunlight will purity and revitalize it.”

“That’s what the human will is, a rotten seed, moldy and putrid. Not all seeds are completely dead though, they might still have a thread of life. If they are exposed to the Sun of My Divine Will, these seeds of human will can be stripped to the kernel by It’s piercing wind and germinated with Its warm light. They shall fill it with life, and the prevailing wind of My Fiat will play with it, carrying it high enough to be wrapped in the Fiat that gave birth to it. There Its power will change the nature of the seed by reclaiming its original life. Everything depends on being exposed to the Sun of My Will and filled with the burning rays of Its incandescent knowledge. Be warmed by Its heat and caressed by Its light. Let Its imperial wind carry you up until the Kingdom of My Will comes down upon the earth.”

“These powers are present in the natural order as well. When the air is heavy and oppressive, a gust wind is enough to clear the air and purify it so you can breathe in its freshness. If the air is baking hot or it numbs you cold, a steady breeze is enough to make the heat bearable or take the bite out of its chill. If thick clouds loom on the horizon, the wind and the sun are enough to disperse the clouds and make the azure sky reappear more beautiful than ever. If a field begins to rot because of standing water, a strong wind is enough to dry it up. The heat and light of the sun will then revive it.”

“Nature can do this because it is animated by the power of My Will, which does the same, and more, for souls who allow It to fill them. My Will uses Its heat to dry up the rot and remold their lives. Its light breathes over them to dry up the swamp of human will and restore them to their original glory.”

“Adam’s sin corrupted the seed of his will, yet if My Will had not withdrawn from him, Its heat and light could have revitalize him at once. Justice, however, demanded he suffer the consequences of his corrupt seed. When My Will withdrew, there was no heat or light to restore his soul, nothing to keep the seed of his will intact. The Kingdom of My Will yearns to come back among creatures and eradicate the corruption in their seed more effectively than any sun. Only then can It reign in dominion in the midst of the human family.”

As I waited for my lovable Jesus to continue, I thought about the Supreme Fiat.

Then He said, “My daughter, when Divine Will pronounced Its Fiat in Creation, Its echo reverberated throughout the empty space of the entire universe. The Divine echo carried all of Our Qualities with it as it filled Heaven and earth with Our Love. The echo of Our Fiat created exceedingly beautiful things such as the heavens, the sun, sea and wind, among so many others and remains embedded within them all. This echo continues to live within the sun as heat, light and beauty, preserving its integrity just as it was created.”

“Each created thing begins with the echo of Our Fiat and is preserved and harmoniously regulated by it with all the magnificent power and might of Our works. Whenever the Divinity wants to operate, or actually replicate, Our very Life, Our Fiat emits an echo than shapes and forms whatever We want. Our Fiat created an echo when instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist as well, saturating the bread and wine with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. That echo still resounds within each host to perpetuate My Sacramental Life until the end of time.”

“This echo reverberated in the creation of man, although he lost it when he withdrew from Our Will. He could no longer hear it’s sweet, powerful harmony, neither inside nor outside himself. Without its sustaining power to keep him just the way he was when Our creative hands shaped him, he became weak and discordant. Without the life-giving echo of Our Fiat, the poor man couldn’t keep himself together. His Creator’s light was no longer reflected in him. Silence replaced the echo of love, power, stability and wisdom. Divine sweetness vanished with the good.”

“Without the echo of Our Fiat, man became a motherless child with no one to teach him how to walk, talk or work. He was the student without a teacher to help him learn how to read and write. Everything he tries to do by himself comes out badly. This is man without the echo of Our Fiat, an orphan without guidance.”

“My Will summons the soul into being, and when she calls out to It, she hears Its Divine echo calling her back to her source where, reverberating within the soul, It rebuilds her anew. When he withdrew from Our Divine Will, Our echo faded away. Now, as creatures become aware of It, they begin to love It until all they want is Our Divine Fiat and nothing else. That’s when the echo of Our Will starts up again among creatures.”

“The Kingdom of Our Fiat begins when Our Divine echo comes back to stay with creatures for good. Even after man withdrew from Our Will, he could still faintly hear the reverberation of Its echo from far away. However, it’s only when man hears the echo resounding in the depths of his soul that the transformation begins. That’s when Divine Life is reinstated and man goes back to being the way he was when first created.”

April 22, 1928

When the truths are not taken into consideration, their life is aborted. How the love of the Sovereign Queen is spread throughout the whole Creation, because in Its infinite surge,

the Fiat diffused it everywhere. Evils of the human will.

Even while abandoned in Divine Volition, my torment at being deprived of my sweet Jesus continues. I felt the Fiat’s Sea of light flowing in my poor mind; It was trying to tell me some basic truths about Itself. Yet I was so distracted by the extreme pain of missing Jesus that I couldn’t hear what the light was trying to tell me.

Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me and gave me a hug.

He said, “My daughter, My Fiat is pregnant with light and It is ready to deliver it as a gift to creatures. However, when the light within My Fiat tries to reveal Itself and the soul ignores It, the pregnancy is terminated. If only they understood how tragic it is to abort Our Light!”

“You have to understand that when Our Fiat wants to reveal some truth, Our Being goes into action. It is pregnant with power, light, wisdom, beauty and goodness. When the labor begins, it overflows with love; the truth is about to come out. All of Our Qualities swell until Our Fiat is ready to burst and Our gift to the creature is born. Tragedy occurs, nevertheless, when Our Love is neglected so much that all of Our Power, Light, Wisdom Beauty and Goodness is spontaneously aborted or stillborn.”

“She’s mourns that We have lost what is so dear to Us. She wanted to receive Our Life, and We wanted to give It her by means of this truth that was so sadly aborted. We feel no joy that the good We wanted to give to creatures has returned to Us. Actually, it is only the creature that has lost what was aborted. We haven’t lost anything because it has reentered Us. It’s still a pity though, anyway you look at it. So be vigilant when you feel My Fiat’s Sea of light generating waves that surge out as if It were giving birth to its truth.”

I felt like a good-for-nothing after that, and I prayed that the Sovereign Queen would come to my aid by lending me Her love, so I could love my sweet Jesus with His own Mother’s love.

Then Jesus continued speaking.

He said, “My daughter, the Celestial Sovereign’s Motherly love is spread throughout all Creation. Simple by being pronounced, Fiat unleashed all varieties of Our works into the entire universe and gave them life. They have dwelt within Her ever since. She sent out Her love and all of Her actions into the Divine Fiat, however, It doesn’t know how do anything small; everything is on the grandest scale. Bound by no limits, It took our dear Celestial Mother’s acts of love and scattered them everywhere in an infinite surge. They were strewn among the stars of the sky; dispersed in the sun, sea and wind.”

“Her love extends everywhere and Her actions can be found in every place you can imagine. My Fiat not only distributed them far and wide, It used Her acts of love to animated everything. I would never be satisfied until I could see them in all things; it’s a matter of love and a point of honor. Even under the earth can I see the love and glory My Mom gave Me. It would be a broken hearted and splintered glory if I couldn’t find Her all throughout Creation. Moreover, since I loved Her in all things, it is only right and just that I should find Her love infused in everything and always in the act of loving Me as She glorifies Me. Unless a broken heart was willing to run after Me everywhere, it would never catch up with Me. Otherwise, She couldn’t have drawn Me from Heaven down to earth and into the narrow prison of Her maternal womb.”

“She had a chain of love for every single thing I created, enough to persuade to come down from Heaven as bejeweled as a King wrapped in the loving bonds of the Queen of Heaven. She owes the extensive reach of Her love it to My Divine Fiat that reigns within Her as Sovereign. It took Her love captive within My Will and expanded it everywhere until all of Her actions appeared as Divine Acts. So if you want the love of your Queen Mom, then let My Fiat take full control and spread you and your love all around within It. As small as they are, It will take everything you love to do and expand them until they are present wherever It is, meaning, everywhere. Then your love will merge with the love of My Mom. Then you will give Me the satisfaction of knowing that the little daughter of My Will never breaks My heart with ambiguous love; her love resides in everything everywhere.”

Then I wondered, “What’s so evil about creatures acting on behalf of their own human will?”

Jesus answered, “It is especially evil, My daughter. My Will is light, and the human will is full of darkness. My Will is sanctity, and the human’s is sinful. Mine is beauty itself, filled with every kind of goodness, while the human will is ugly and drenched with all sorts of evil. By not doing My Will, the soul extinguishes the light by killing beauty, sanctity and everything that is good. By indulging her own will, she brings darkness into the world. Her sinful life is ugly to watch as she succumbs to every type of evil. Yet they see nothing wrong in it, even as they dig themselves deeper into a hole that collapses over them, burying them in evil. There’s nothing trivial about it. My Will brings them Its light, beauty, sanctity and blessings of every kind. It is highly offended when these gifts are willfully put to death.”

“My Humanity grieves so much when the human will is intent on killing off the light and sanctity of Its own Will within creatures. You could never understand how much grief It suffers over what is truly the worst kind of death. It feels the torment and ponderous weight in the death of infinite light and sanctity, that creatures dare to destroy, simply because it is not their own. My Humanity feels so crushed that It moans every time they dare to kill the light and sanctity of My Divine Will within them.”

“Just imagine how evil it would be if they destroyed nature by killing off sunlight and the clean air they breathe, all the creatures would die as well. For souls, the light of My Will is even more crucial than sunlight or the clean air creatures breathe. By imagining the chaos that would come by killing sunlight and clean air breezes, you can better understand the evil that comes by not doing My adorable Will. It is the primal act of life at the center of every creature.”

April 26, 1928

What one gives to God with the “I love You.” The prodigious secret; how it forms many Divine births. How nothing of what Our Lord did escaped the Most Holy Virgin. How the

Divine Will is the breath of the soul.

I was making my rounds in Divine Fiat, and I was filling all of Creation with my usual refrain, “I love You, I adore You, I bless You.” I had my doubts.

I wondered, “What am I actually giving to my God with this long litany of ‘I love You’s’?”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, something Divine is born from a pure, holy and upright love. It comes out of God and has the power to rise up and enter into God where they can multiply. This is how you bring God to every creature who hopes to love Him. When the soul is filled by this

love and takes delivery of this newborn, she can then bring about the birth of another every time she says her ‘I love You’. Then her ‘I love You’ flies before God and the Supreme Being looks inside of what the creature has sent to Him. He sees His entire Being within it and is grateful that she has given Him His own Self in Its entirety as a present.”

“That little ‘I love You’ contains a amazing secret; it is so small that its very littleness envelops the infinite in all its powerful immensity. You could actually say, ‘I give God to God.’ The infinite Being feels all of His Divine Qualities being touched by a creature’s little ‘I love You.’” Moreover, since He gives birth to it, He sees Himself entirely within it. That’s what you give Me with all your little ‘I love You’s’. You give Me Myself every time you say it. There is nothing greater or more beautiful and pleasing to Me you could possibly give Me, than to give Me Myself entirely.”

“My Fiat, forms the life of the ‘I love You’ you give Me. It delights in forming a multitude of things that are born from Us. So It keeps up the pace as It forms each ‘I love You’ within you. It fervently hopes to mint a Divine coin out of your ‘I love You’, one for each created thing. It is constantly on the lookout to make sure that everything We have created by Us is covered in mother-of-pearl by the wondrous secret of your ‘I love You.’”

“My daughter, if what the creature does is great or small does not concern Us. What is important to Us is whether or not Our miraculous secret is at work in whatever she does, even her slightest actions. We examine her thoughts as she sighs to make sure they are filled with the power of Our Will. That’s all that’s important to Us.”

After that, I continued making my rounds in the Fiat, accompanying Jesus in all He had done for our Redemption.

I thought, “How I wish I had done what our dear Sovereign Mother did when She was with Jesus. One thing is certain; She followed all of His Actions without letting anything escape Her attention.”

While I was thinking this, among other things, my always lovable Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “You’re right, My daughter, My Mom didn’t miss a thing. All that I did and everything I suffered reverberated like deep echo in the depth of Her soul. She paid very close attention as She waited to catch the echo of My Actions. My suffering echoed My Actions, and they both were imprinted within Her.”

“Then the Sovereign Queen would send out Her echo within Mine, and its reverberation resounded in the depth of My Being. They ran between Us in torrents as We poured seas of love and light into each other. That’s how I would store all My Actions within Her maternal Heart for safekeeping. I wouldn’t be happy without having Her constantly with Me. The resonance of Our constant back and forth echoing would draw My heartbeats and every breath I took into Her custody.”

“I felt that way about you too, even back then. I wouldn’t have been satisfied unless I knew that you would also be following all of My Actions in My Divine Will. I had the foresight to replicate the echo of My Queen Mom in the depth of your soul, to be stored there until I was ready for them. I have watched My Mom’s echo within you for so many centuries now, preparing for the Kingdom of My Divine Will. That’s why you are drawn to follow My Actions; Her maternal echo is reverberating within you. I have been storing it inside of your soul so you would have the grace to make My Eternal Fiat reign in dominion within you.”

Then my poor mind was immersed in the Sea of Divine Fiat and I couldn’t tell how high or how deep It was. Its light filled me up until it was flowing everywhere within me and it felt more real than my own life.

Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Will is life, It is the air that creatures breathe. “It is unlike the other virtues because creatures do not breathe them as their very life. Their existence depends on particular times and circumstances. Take the virtue of patience, for instance. Creatures don’t always have it, simply because they think they have no use for it. So this virtue is usually abandoned without a chance to give them life. They cannot base their life on obedience because there might not be anyone to command them and charity doesn’t happen if there is no one in need of it.”

“On the other hand, My Will is the Primal Act that is the source of all the creature’s actions. When she thinks, My Will forms her thoughts; when she speaks, It gives her words. It is the air she breathes; It is the heartbeat pumping the blood that keeps her warm. Creatures cannot live without breathing, nor can they live without My Divine Will. They need It to stay alive, nevertheless, although they do indeed live by Its continual breathing, they refuse to acknowledge It.”

“They couldn’t live a single moment without My Will, not only because all human action abides within It, all created things are born along by It. My Fiat is the Primal Action of the sun, and It gives creatures light to breathe. It is Primal Action of air, water, wind and fire. Creatures inhale My Divine Will in the air they breathe. They drink It in water, fire warms them with It and they are purified by It in the wind. There is nothing at all they can do or be that doesn’t involve My Will. Everything they do, albeit large or small, up to and including their last breath, can be done in My Will. Otherwise they lose the very act of living bestowed upon them by Divine Will, thereby strangling It, as far as they’re concerned. They so impudent, they would try to convert Its living breath into something human rather than allow themselves to be transformed into My Divine Will.”

April 29, 1928

How the virtues are seeds, plants, flowers and fruits, while the Divine Will is life. The marvels of the ‘I love You’; how love is never tired. One who lives in the Divine Will

cannot go to Purgatory—the universe would rebel.

My poor mind is always the victim, prey for the Supreme Fiat. That’s all I ever think about; I don’t want to be bothered with anything else. I feel a current flowing through and around me. It takes me to specific places here and there within the Divine Will, though never out of It. Flowing through Its endless light, I try to take It all in, however, I can’t, I just don’t have the capacity.

Then my lovable Jesus moved inside me. He looked like He was up to something, as if He had a surprise for me.

He said, “My daughter, when the soul tries to be virtuous, her first attempt to put it into practice becomes the seed of that virtue. Her second attempt acts as water for that seed, and the third begins to cultivate it. Each subsequent intention that she puts into practice then nourishes the growing plant until it finally matures and bears fruit. However, if she only applies herself toward virtue once or twice and then loses interest, the seedling withers up and dies from neglect. The soul then has neither plant nor fruit. Like anything else, practice makes perfect; half-hearted attempts simply won’t do.”

“It’s how it is when you plant something in the earth. When you put the seed into a little hole, you cover it with some dirt so it has its own little womb. You have to water it and cultivate it if you want the plant to bear fruit. Otherwise the earth dries out and turns hard over the seed. There It stays, trapped till it dies. If you want to practice the virtue of patience or obedience, for instance, you must first plant the seed. Then you have to water and cultivate it with other spiritual acts. That’s the only way you can grow a variety of beautify plants within your soul.”

“My Will is not a seed like the virtues, It is life itself. As the soul learns submission to My Will, she looks for It in everything because she wants to live in It. That’s when the infancy of Divine Live begins. As she becomes more adept at living in My Will, Divine Life keeps growing and developing within her until It completely fills the soul with new life that displaces the old. Eventually there’s nothing else left to dislodge, only a veil that covers and hides it. There are other similarities between virtue and My Will. The creature has to continually nourish the seedling of Divine Life growing inside her with her own actions, otherwise, It won’t grow. Filling her soul with It is out of the question.”

“It’s like a newborn baby dying of malnourishment. My Will is life and virtues are plants; that’s the analogy; the life of a plant versus life itself. They both need continual nourishment to grow and become as fully alive as they can be. There’s only one way to live entirely in My Will. You must eat Its delicious food to nourish Its Divine Life within you.”

“You can see that there’s a big difference between the virtues and My Will. Virtues are flowering plants that yield fruit for the adornment of the earth and the delight of creatures. My Fiat, on the other hand, is heaven. It is the warmth of the sun in the air. It is not only the heartbeat of all living things; It is Divine Life within the creature. You must love this Life by continually nourishing It. Then you will be so completely filled with It that there’s no more room and you are dislodged.”

After that, I continued making my rounds throughout Divine Volition, chanting the mantra of my ‘I love You.’”

Then I said, “Jesus, my Love, I want to abandon my entire being within Your Fiat. That way I can find myself within all created things. I will inlay them with my ‘I love You’ like mother-of-pearl. I want to plant my heart in the center of the earth where its pulse can embrace everyone who lives on it. I want to attach my to every one of their heartbeats so each pulse can give You its love. As my heartbeat is being replicated from within the center of the earth, I want to position my ‘I love You’ inside every seed the earth enfolds within its womb. As these seeds sprout and grow into herbal plants, I want my ‘I love You’ enclosed within each of their flowers as they bloom. This is how I insert an ‘I love You’ within the ‘I love You’ I present to Jesus.”

This chain of thought distracted me from chanting my ‘I love You’ and I became self critical.

I whispered, “Nonsense; Jesus must be tired of hearing this singsong, ‘I love You, I love You,’ over and over again.”

Jesus rushed inside me and immediately looked all over Creation to make sure my living ‘I love You’ was active in all things, big and small.

He marveled, “It’s enchanting to see everything filigreed with your ‘I love You’ mother-of-pearl. Every creature in the world would be astounded to see all the plants glimmering with your mother-of-pearl ‘I love You’. Imagine every shining stone, every burnished drop of water under a mother-of-pearl sky. They would be dazzled seeing every atom of the earth and every molecule of air as alabaster sequins of ‘I love You’. With sweet synesthesia, they would see rather than hear your singsong chanting. Enthralled, the pupils of their eyes would be drawn like a magnet to every embellished veneer of your ‘I love You.’”

“In awe, they would say, ‘How could she possibly do that to everything in Creation? She didn’t miss a thing, not even us. We are all embossed with these mother-of-pearl ‘I love You’s.’ I

can see their enchantment as they all wander around, checking and rechecking, to see if you missed anything. They love it.”

“This marvelous enchantment may not be noticed by terrestrial creatures, however, those in Heaven observe it closely. Every Celestial inhabitant is enchanted and wonder-struck with joy at the sight of all Creation filigreed with the mother-of-pearl arabesques of your ‘I love You’s.” They listen to their own ‘I love You’s harmonizing with yours and they share the love that unites them all with those on earth as they chant every note in close harmony with creatures.

“While I was creating all things, large and small, I never got tired as I incessantly applied the mother-of-pearl of my own ‘I love You’s, and I did it all for you. There was nothing boring about it then, and never get tired of hearing you repeat them. I’m glad that My ‘I love you’ has yours for company so it won’t be all alone. When yours echoes Mine, they blend together in common cause. Besides, true love never gets tired. It brings Me a great deal of joy and happiness.”

Later on, a horrible idea suddenly came out of nowhere.

I thought, “What would I do if I died and went to Purgatory? It’s bad enough as it is, being imprisoned here in my earthly body. It’s worse than a cramped prison cell, more like a cage. My poor soul suffers so much without the adorable presence of my Jesus. I get so desperate that I’d do anything to see Him again; no sacrifice would be too great. So what’s going to happen when the prison of my body is broken and my soul is set free? It would fly off looking for my Jesus, my refuge. I would abide within Him and never go out again. But what would I do if I were flung into Purgatory? Instead of a restful abode in Jesus, the love of my Life, I would suffer alone in painful torment.”

I was really depress about all this until My Beloved Jesus showed up and gave me a big hug.

He said, “My daughter, why do you keep torturing yourself like this? You know that whoever lives within My Will has a bond uniting them with the heavens, in the sun, sea, wind and all Creation. Her actions are infused within all created things. My Will has placed them all in common with everything else belonging to It, so all of Creation can sense the life within such creatures.”

“If such a creature went to Purgatory, everything in Creation would be offended and the entire universe would rebel. They would never let her go to Purgatory alone; the heavens, the sun, sea, wind and everything else would follow her. They would be so upset that they would abandon their posts and say to their Creator, ‘She is ours as well as yours. She shares the same life that animates us all. How could she ever go to Purgatory?’ The heavens would claim her by virtue of their love. The sun would speak up by means of its light. The wind would lament and the sea petition with tumultuous waves. They would all have their say in defending someone who lives the same life in common with all of them.”

“There’s no way anyone who lives in My Will could ever go to Purgatory, so the universe will go on and everything remain in its proper place. My Will shall triumphantly bring to Heaven those who have lived within It in earthly exile. There’s no reason for your mind to be gloomy. So continue living within My Will and don’t torture yourself with matters that are none of your concern.”

April 30, 1928

Turmoil and new ordering. How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is decreed. Redemption is the army; the Divine Word is the generator.

There were so many thoughts crowding my mind as I thought about Divine Will. Then My always lovable Jesus transported me out of my body and showed me how He would punish generations of humankind when He was ready to lash out at them. I was quiet shaken when I returned.

I thought, “How can the Kingdom of Divine Fiat come on earth while evil abounds here? Divine Justice is arming all the elements to destroy man and his infrastructure. Why didn’t the Kingdom come along when Jesus was on earth in His visible presence; why now? That’s going to be really hard to do, considering everything that’s going on here.”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the things you saw will purify the human family and prepare them. The turmoil will bring a new world order by destroying what needs to be rebuilt and made beautiful. A collapsing building has to be torn down so that a new and more beautiful one can be built upon its ruins. I stir up everything for the fulfillment of My Divine Will.”

“Besides, Our Divinity decreed Redemption when I came upon earth, not the Kingdom of My Will. Despite human ingratitude, Redemption was accomplished, though It still has a way to go yet. In some regions of the world, entire nations live as if I had not come at all. It has to spread out until It walks the earth everywhere, because Redemption prepares the way for the Kingdom of My Will. It is like an army that moves forward as it mandates the people to accept a way of living under the regime of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. In the meantime, what was not decreed at that time, We decree today for the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Our Fiat.”

“When We decree something, it is as good as done. By Fiat We accomplish whatever We want. What seems difficult to you now, Our Power will make easy. It will be like a mighty wind after days of thick clouds and rain. Powerful gusts disperse the clouds until the rain goes away. Good weather returns as the sun embraces the earth. More than any prevailing wind, Our Power puts to flight the darkness of human will until the Sun of My Eternal Will reappears to

embrace the creatures. Everything I reveal to you, along with the underlying truth, are simply confirmation of what We have decreed.”

“Furthermore, if the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat and the time of Its nearing fulfillment had not been decreed before by the Divinity, We would not have chosen you. There would be no reason to choose anyone. Keeping you as a sacrificial victim for so many years would have served no purpose. There would have been no need for entrusting to you, Its little daughter, so much knowledge about It, along with Its admirable truths and secret, hidden sorrows. The Divinity acted as both Father and Mother with you, sowing within you the seed of Divine kinship. We wanted you to take Its interests to heart more than if they were your own.”

“This gives you a better sense of what We had in reality decreed. We chose you as a subject and used every means of teaching you so this knowledge would trickle down to the human family. This is how We establish in their midst what had been decreed in Heaven. If the Kingdom of My Will had not been decreed, I would not have explained It to you in such detail. Nor would I have chosen you specifically for this mission. My Word would have been barren and lifeless otherwise, without power to germinate and make fruitful. Such can never be. My Word has the power to generate and nourish the endless lives of Its offspring.”

“That’s what happened in Redemption, simply because We had decreed It from Heaven. We created a Virgin who would be the Mother of the Eternal Word. Had It not been decreed, there wouldn’t have been any reason to choose such a unique soul to be this Virgin; there’d be no special need to create Her. Nor would there have been any reason to reveal these things to the Prophets. There sole purpose was to depict the Life of the Word in His Humanity by vividly describing His pains as if they were witnessing them in the present.”

“When Our Divinity decides, out of kindness, to choose a particular way of manifesting Itself, it is a sure sign that We are about to carry out of the work It had decreed. So pay attention, and let your Jesus take care of everything. I have the power and wherewithal to do whatever I want. Let there be no doubt; I will carry out what I have decreed.”

May 6, 1928

The children of the Divine Will shall not touch the earth. Bitternesses of Jesus. The electric wire.

I was completely immersed in the Divine Fiat as usual. It was like the sun shining within my poor soul, only brighter.

Then my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My love for the children of My Will is something so great that I will not allow them to touch the earth. I will put My own steps under their feet so that when they walk, their feet will tread on My footprints; not on the ground. They will sense My steps living within them. The life walking within My Divine Will goes into the steps of the children of My Will.”

“Whenever they work, they will sense the labor of My own works, each of them waiting in line to transpose the power of My Will into their efforts. Whenever they speak, they will sense My words living within them. When thinking, they will feel My own thoughts being infused within theirs. The power of My Fiat will communicate with their minds as they speak. I will jealously carry the children of My Will so that nothing touches them. I won’t allow them to take part in anything. As they feel My Life flowing continually within them, the life of the Eternal Will suffuses their own.”

“They are the most beautiful handiwork My creative hands have made. The work of Creation will be reflected in them, the triumph of My Redemption. Through them, all created things shall be victorious. Only then may I say, ‘My work is done.’ At last I will be able to rest at ease among the children of My Supreme Fiat.”

After that, I caught up on my writing. I was befuddled by fear and doubt these past few days. I was never quite sure that it was indeed my blessed Jesus telling me all this stuff, or if it all my imagination.

I thought, “If it was not actually Jesus telling me these things, then what I’m writing are dead words without meaning. On the other hand, if it is Jesus, then His living presence flows within His Word and His living truth will abide in them forever. Those who read them will be powerfully influenced by the life being infused in them, and they will be transformed by it. If it’s not Jesus, however, this journal is null and void, so why bother; it’s too much work anyway.”

I was still thinking about it when my sweet Jesus came out from inside me. He looked so sad when He leaned His head against mine.

He said, “My daughter, you’re ruining My feast with your bitterness. Revealing some truth is My way of celebrating with a creature. If she doesn’t quite trust Me or has doubts, the celebration stops and turns bitter.”

“It’s like two close friends having a heart-to-heart talk. One of them pours his heart out to the other without holding anything back. He expresses all his hidden fears and secret desires until his friend knows everything about him. In this case, it’s obvious that his friend not only doesn’t believe him, she implies that he’s just making up things to impress her. They end up arguing until it gets personal and he regrets ever telling her anything, so he walks away. It could have turned out differently, however, if his friend had only trusted him more. They could have grown closer by sharing everything together with mutual bonds of love.”

“We are much more than friends. I love my little secretary so much that I pour My Heart out to her. I share My deepest secrets and hidden sorrows with her. She knows how happy it makes Me when I can surprise her with some astounding Truth or another. When we celebrate together I manifest another Divine Life for each truth I reveal to her. When she believes Me, it is a cause for celebration, so I prepare a feast with endless good things for out enjoyment. I share with her all the happiness that only a Divine Life can have. Her soul swells with our celebration. It’s only when she hesitates that I get mad; and sad too, because she loses out on the life I want to entrust to her. This is certainly not the first time you’ve indulged in these scenes of suspicion. So, pay attention, and promise me that you won’t turn My joy into bitterness anymore.”

I was all confused, and didn’t know how to respond.

After that, I continued making my rounds throughout the Divine Will until my sweet Jesus spoke to me again.

He said, “My daughter, when the soul enters into My Will, it’s like she plugs herself in with an extension cord long enough shine her light wherever she wants. The wire itself doesn’t give off any light; the electricity goes into the bulb and emits light from there.”

“It’s the same with human will. When it plugs into Mine, it gathers the reflections of the Sun of My Fiat and converts them into a light that shines out from its own little lantern. The electricity of My Will flows through the wire of human will until it emits a little light that illuminates, better than any bulb, the place where the soul hopes to arrive and be with God. When God sees the little light of the human will, He conducts the electricity of His Divine Light into it. Then He transfigures it into a sun that becomes an exquisite ornament for His Divine throne. It is so delightful to watch the beauty of such a soul from earth entering My Divine Will and connecting It to Heaven with her electric cable. The wire extends all the way into Its center to adorn God with her little light. It’s really awesome to see how these tiny lights expand into brilliant suns.”

May 10, 1928

One who does the Divine Will enters the Divine order. How pains cannot enter the Divinity. Example of the sun.

I had a nightmarish feeling that I was being squashed under something infinitely heavy. My poor mind couldn’t even moan because it had neither air to breath nor the presence of my sweet Jesus. I had the harrowing sensation of being consumed by the torture of not having my Life and my All. That same pain made me bold enough to destroy the living source of my agony.

I was completely immersed in pain, however, there was something strange about it that I don’t know how to explain. It was pain without pain and sorrow without sorrow that left me feeling bitter about it.

I thought, “Odd how I’m not able to grieve, though the pain I feel when He’s gone is as infinite as He is. Being without my Jesus is a just and holy kind of sorrow. Yet, as hard as I try to penetrate it, the pain escapes me, so I can’t even water my poor soul with it. The pain is there in a sort of dead zone. My Jesus, have pity on me; don’t leave me here so sad and all alone.”

Then, my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, whoever lives in My Will enters the Divine order of things. Our Divinity is eternally pain-free; nothing whatsoever could cast the slightest shadow over Our never-ending, infinite Happiness. No matter how offensive creatures may be, their insults have no effect on Us at all; We are impermeable; pain has no way of entering. Even if it could, that pain would immediately transform into happiness.”

“Nor can pain enter into the soul of someone who lives in My Will. Furthermore, faced with the light, strength and happiness inherent in My Divine Will, she realizes that she has full custody of Jesus, even when He appears to be absent. Grief makes no sense and sorrow is barred entry to the soul. It’s left outside in the world of human nature. Deprived of My presence, the dark night of the soul brings spasmodic pain unfathomably deep. Yet when she is filled with Divine Fiat, grieving is unthinkable. She feels deadened pain and sorrow without grief simply because pain and suffering are denied entry to the inner sanctum of My Will; they have to stay outside. The soul can see, feel and touch them, yet they are banned from her heart-of-hearts. Should they enter, My Will wouldn’t be the source of all happiness, and that is unthinkable.”

“It’s like the sun being incapable of darkness. The sum of all human strength couldn’t make one iota of darkness enter into its light, it can only lurk outside. The sun loses virtually nothing and continues giving warmth and nourishment. Darkness can’t make the sun set or the night steal its brightness. It shines forth triumphantly.”

“It is blissfully impervious to obscurity, yet if the sun could grieve, it might lament being surrounded by darkness. However, in the Divine order of things, there is a pain beyond all pains, and My Humanity suffered its crushing weight. Nevertheless, the Divine Will within Me is untouchable in its immensity wherein It enjoys beatific happiness forever. I have two natures in opposition to each other; one is happy and the other in sorrow. My human nature suffers all the more vividly contrasted with the immense joy of my Divine nature.”

“That’s why you can’t really explain it in human terms; your pain is of the Divine. The reason your life was so painful when I would hide away is that you are still not living the totality of My Will. At the moment, you are cool, calm and relaxed because you are bolstered by the Divine. However, there are still voids within you, filled with pain, the source of your agitation. So I made haste and came to your assistance. I intervened because I couldn’t see what My Will has indelibly written on your soul. Now that I can read it, I am reassured, so I’ll leave it all up to My Divine Fiat.”

May 13, 1928

One who lives in the Divine Will has everything in her power; she is the new repeater of the acts of the Virgin, of the Saints and of Our Lord.

I was praying, when it occurred to me that I really didn’t know how to pray, or to love, for that matter, or even how to thank Jesus.

I thought, “I wish I had the power to love and prayer like the Sovereign Lady and all the Saints. I want to love and pray to Jesus with Her love and prayers, the way it is done by everyone in Heaven.”

Then my blessed Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, when the soul lives in My Divine Will she has the power to do anything. My Will holds and keeps everything My Mom and all the Saints ever did. Love runs to Her simply because She wants it. She safeguards everyone’s prayers within Her. All virtues are arrayed within Her, waiting for those honored by the call to give her the very life of their actions. Together, they become for Her a beautiful crown of brilliant light.”

“The Queen of Heaven is aware of Her love and prayers being replicated by earth bound creatures. The Saints rejoice seeing their virtuous acts being relived in emulation on earth. The replication of their loving prayers and virtuous deeds are the celestial inhabitants’ highest glory. It is as if My Mom were still there praying to Me with all Her love. Their echo reverberates within you, and when you replicate it, your echo resounds in Heaven. They are honored to see you reenacting their lives. So would you if others replicated what you did by modeling their life’s work on your own. You too would look kindly on those who did.”

“If you only knew how much I enjoy hearing you say, ‘I want to unite myself with His thoughts, words and deeds, every step of the way. I want to line up in solidarity with everything He did. I want to overlay His every thought on each thought of every creature. I want them to speak His words and follow His example in everything they do. I want them to walk in His footsteps. I want to do what He did without missing a thing, so I can replicate with

love all the good that Jesus accomplished.’ When you repeat My Actions, I am physically present on earth, waiting in expectation for you to replicate My deeds. Through you I become both Actor and Spectator as I glory in My own Life. The creature who lives and operates in My Will is recognized by all of Heaven as the bearer of Divine Joy for everyone. She opens up Heaven allow the celestial dew of grace, light and love to descend upon everyone on earth.”

May 20, 1928

Divine messengers. The celestial circular. The acts done in the Divine Will form the ecstasy of the Creator. Necessity of the continuation of acts; how they form many hours to

call for the dawn. The Virgin, Dawn of Redemption.

I was concerned about a pamphlet I received from the House of the Divine Will. That was something that the venerable Father Di Francia longed to see. Pity he never had the consolation of seeing it completed. According to circular, it was almost ready and would be opening soon.

I wondered, “Is it really the Will of God that I go there? Are its members actually true little daughters of the Divine Will? Does this mean the Divine era of the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat upon earth is about to begin?”

As I thought about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, everything said or done, any sacrifice made from within My Will, helps to bring about Its Divine Kingdom. Many envoys sent to the Celestial Fatherland carry the Divine message to circulate among the Angels and Saints, including the Sovereign Queen and the Creator Himself. They carry instructions assigning each their own task to prepare all the various things needed for such a holy Kingdom. Everything must be done with the dignity and decorum befitting Divine Nobility. All the inhabitants of the Divine Fatherland, with this celestial circular in their hands, then get down to work, each taking care of their assigned task to prepare the coming age.”

“The celestial circular echoes the other as Heaven and earth move in tandem with single minded purpose. Here, we arrange everything needed in the natural order for the Kingdom of My Divine Will while the Celestial Court takes care of the supernatural order. Heaven and earth go hand-in-hand, competing with each other to see who can do the most to hasten the coming of such a holy Kingdom.”

“If you only knew how valuable one action done within My Will can be. It can find its way anywhere. It is able to move Heaven and earth. It can communicate with everyone. It has the power obtain everything that could not be gotten by means of all other actions put together over centuries. These acts are more powerful than the sun. In fact, each and every one of these

actions surpasses the sun. They are what illuminate the radiant day within the Kingdom of My Will upon earth. Actions done in It compel the Supreme Being; they attract It like a magnetic and bind It with chains of sweetness. They give the creature the enrapturing power to send her Creator into ecstasy. He is enthralled in a sweet euphoric sleep by the rapture His beloved creature has wrought in Him. He is seduced into conceding what He has wanted to give creatures for centuries without finding anyone could make Him ecstatic with His own Divine Power. He has been longing for someone to capture the Kingdom of His Divine Will. As the creature moves within My Fiat and begins to act, God goes into rapture. He falls into a sweet drowsiness and the victorious creature disarms her conquered Creator.”

“Imagine all the preparation a groom has to make for his own wedding. He has to find a house with a bedroom and all the other things needed for married life. Everything has to be just right. He has to buy a tuxedo and send out invitations. Once he’s done all this, he’ll be ready for the happy day. But what if he procrastinates? If he keeps putting things off, he might be too embarrassed to ask for the bride’s hand. Then he begins to doubt if the whole things was such a good idea. If the bride doesn’t step in and offer to help, he just might give up on his dream of having a family all together. These pamphlets about taking action within My Will would be sort of like sending out wedding invitations. Once that’s done, the commitment urges My Will to come and reign in the midst of creatures. The Knowledge I reveal to you represents the groom coming to tie the knot with humankind in bonds of marriage. In this case, however, living happily ever after harkens back to how Our creative hands had originally made them.”

Some time had passed and I felt so tired, pining away for my sweet Jesus until I was exhausted. My poor little soul couldn’t take it anymore. He was all I ever hoped for; my entire life revolved around Him. Without Him, everything I did seemed like a game that Jesus was playing on Me; that this was all part of my imagination, that I wasn’t actually praying for the greater glory of God. I felt so listless making my rounds; I could barely go on, totally exhausted. But then I felt Jesus behind me, holding me up and urging me on.

He said, “Keep going, My daughter, don’t stop. You know that everything has been determined by the Supreme Being. The creature must act and pray, even as she sighs with pain. Only then can We grant what We are eager to give; what she has been longing for so long. Until these are forthcoming, the urgently sought Sun shall not arise from Us during the long night of the human will, further delaying a new day in the Kingdom of Divine Fiat.”

“That’s why so many prayers seem to go unanswered and worthy actions apparently come to nothing. Don’t lose hope, because just one more little sigh and prayer could be enough to gain your heart’s desire. However, remember that the grace you finally receive is not the result of your final act in isolation; it is the result of an ongoing process. Sometimes all that’s lacking is one last little effort to complete what We have ordained.”

“So, if you really want to gain the Kingdom of Divine Will, don’t stop, because you might break the long chain of acts that reaches up to the throne of God. If you do, you won’t get what you want, even though We would be glad to give it to you otherwise. These acts are like the

hours of the day or night; each one comes in turn. Some hours are for the evening, some are late night, others come before dawn, others at sunrise and still others for mid-day. You wouldn’t expect to see the sun rise at midnight. You have to wait for dawn before you can hope to see daylight. Only then will you see the majesty of the sun dispelling the darkness with its empire of light. You will simply have to wait to see night put to an end with all nature the color of pearls. In due time does the sun rise again with heat and light to nourish everything with its benign power.”

“The dawn is not responsible for making the sun rise, even though it is the hour immediately preceding daylight. Without the hours leading up to the emerging sun, no one would ever expect the dawn to claim, “I am the one who calls forth the day.” These hours are an allegory for the acts performed and the prayers said to make the Kingdom of My Divine Will arise. Like all the different hours, each one has its own place of honor. They work hand-in-hand in calling forth the radiant Sun of My Divine Will. Still, dawn is the last act leading up to daylight, and without it, there is no hope of daylight emerging over the earth to nourishing everything with its warmth. This is but a pale image of Divine dominion arising with its rule of love, light and sanctity.”

“That’s how it was in the Redemption; It took so many centuries for It to finally happen. The Patriarchs and Prophets were acting during the night hours as they longed for a day that was still far off. The Virgin Queen came to be the dawn after gathering all the night hours together in a single embrace so She could make the day of the Word arise upon earth. Thus Redemption was accomplished. So don’t stop. There is a particular series of actions still waiting to be performed, and they must be done in a certain way. This strategy is so crucial simply because there is a risk that the desired outcome might not be achieved at all, unless every step is taken in just right order.”

May 26, 1928

God is order, and when He wants to give a good He places the Divine order in the midst of creatures. How Our Lord, in forming the ‘Our Father,’ placed Himself at the head of the

Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.

I had so many concerns about the Kingdom of God’s Will and my always lovable Jesus patiently explained things to me through the night.

At one point, He said, “My daughter, God can arrange everything in perfect order because He is Himself order. When He wants to give something good to creatures, He always establishes His Divine order within it and then takes charge of it until its purpose has been met. He also guides the creature so she can correctly integrate with what has been arranged for him.”

“That’s how I arranged to give Myself for their Redemption while developing the creatures ability to receive It. I am using the same strategy to give the Kingdom of Divine Fiat to creatures. I will arrange and coordinate everything Myself. When I formulated the ‘Our Father,’ I committed Myself by taking charge of the process whereby this Kingdom is given and received. I taught My Apostles and coordinated the creatures’ lives to optimize their ability to receive such great goodness. Since then, the whole Church has been praying for Kingdom to come upon the earth. Every single soul belonging to Her recites the ‘Our Father.’”

“Many of these souls are only reciting My prayer without understanding it; they simply aren’t the least bit interested in asking for such a holy Kingdom where the Divine Will is done on earth as It is in Heaven. However, I am. Every time I hear someone reciting My very own pray, My interest is rekindled. They say ‘May Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’ If the creatures who recite the ‘Our Father’ actually took an interest in My Kingdom, they would begin to want it until their yearning grew ever stronger. They would make My interest their own by fusing their human wills with Mine. Then we would be serving the same purpose. Regardless of whether they do or don’t, My Will still flows within each ‘Our Father’; that’s its purpose.

“Divine order means everyone asking for one thing collectively. As it is, some of them want to do My Will, while others actually are doing It; they are all braided together. They knock at the doors of My Divine Will every now and then; some knock hard, others, soft and slow. So, there’s always someone knocking, and they ask for the doors to be opened so My Will may come down to reign upon earth. Everything is already established as designed by the Divinity. It’s just waiting for the one who knocks the hardest, the one who can force the doors open with invincible strength, the very power of my own Divine Will. She will open the doors wide and bind the Eternal Will with sweet chains of love to make It come reign in the midst of creatures. She is the bride who adorns the groom with chains of love and leads him triumphantly into the midst of creatures. She is like the Holy Virgin who tolled the bell to end the night hours of the Patriarchs and Prophets by becoming the dawn that announces the rising Sun of the Eternal Word. Emulating Her, she will become the dawn that heralds the rising Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.”

“By pouring out Its sorrow with you, My Will has lovingly revealed Itself by showing how much It wants to come and reign upon earth. It never would have done this unless the Church had been praying for It. The Church has been knocking all this time, and I am that knock. I was banging on the door of the Divine Fiat, by means of their timid knocking, until it began to annoy Me. That’s when I had you knock on them forcefully until the doors flew open. That’s why My Will made partake of Its knowledge in the first place.”

“Every time you learn a new truth from It, you are given a new technique that you can use to make a chain of love that can bind the Divine Will. Once made, It then allows Itself to be bound by Its promise to come and reign upon the earth. Every time It calls you to live in Its Divine Volition by revealing Its power, joy and other immensely rich qualities, It renews Its pledge to come back to earth for us. Whenever We choose to reveal true knowledge about one

of Our attributes, it means that We want to give it to creatures as a gift. I want you to appreciate how many gifts of knowledge My Will has revealed to you. There are so many of such variety that you could never count them all.”

I asked Him, “My Beloved Jesus, does anyone know when this Kingdom will come?”

He said, “My daughter, it took four thousand years for Redemption to come only because there so few people longing for the future Redeemer who prayed for His coming. Now, however, there are so many people who belong to My Church that there has to be at least a few, and the more there are, the sooner It will come. For the moment, the Kingdom of My Divine is still being prepared. Fortunately, religion is growing everywhere.”

May 30, 1928

The Creation, Divine army; the Fiat, celestial flag. Example of the child and of the rich father. How Jesus wants entire peoples to pray; who these peoples are.

I was making my rounds in the Divine Fiat, gathering up all of Creation to bring Its beauty before the Supreme Majesty as an offering of the most profound adoration. It is a reflection of intense and all-embracing love for the One who created It. The ongoing wonder of His magnificent works must surely be the most beautiful thing I could ever bring to my Creator.

Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, there’s nothing more beautiful or worthy of Our adorable Majesty than offering Us Our own works as homage. As you go around in Creation, you gather Our Divine army and send it to Us for Our Glory. This fierce army violently demands that the Kingdom of the Divine Will hasten Its coming. So, as you make your rounds, you plant the noble flag of Divine Fiat in front of each created thing. With the implied threat underlying Divine Strength, they order the Kingdom of My Will to come back to earth.”

“It is a beautiful sight to see; all of Creation covered with the banner of Divine Fiat. Big or small, My little daughter has planted the Fiat’s flag in front of them all. This army looks so formidable waving their noble flag with such authority. They repeatedly demand that the Kingdom of My Will upon earth be ceded to them by right of possession.”

Then, I continued making my rounds, planting the flag of Divine Fiat all over Creation. I concentrated my forces on Adam’s actions in his state of innocence, as well as the trials of the Virgin Queen and Our Lord. I sent this well-trained army to surround the Divinity and demand Its Kingdom.

Then Jesus said, “My daughter, Heaven and earth are praying together. All of My Actions, the Sovereign Queen’s, as well as those of innocent Adam, were all invested by My Divine Fiat. With one resounding voice that echoes loudly, they sweetly implore, ‘Your Kingdom come.’”

“My daughter, when creating man, I was like a very wealthy father who, ever since his child was born into the light, enjoyed giving his little one expensive presents. He would always say, ‘Go ahead, son, take whatever you want and as much as you like.’ The little one fills his pockets and takes as many as he can in his little hands until he can’t hold them all and they spill onto the floor. The father keeps egging him on, saying, ‘Is that all you want? Go on, take some more, take it all.’ The child is perplexed, but he gamely tries again, trying to figure out some way to take more. The father just smiles as they continue to play their little game.”

“That’s what I did with man. I gave him all My treasures as a gift, and he, like a little child, couldn’t hold them all. I enjoyed playing with him and would say, ‘Go ahead and take as much as you want, my son. Take it all, if you can. The more you take the more fun it is. It’s like we’re having a little party.’”

“That’s what I’m doing now, only it’s the Kingdom of My Divine Will that I’m trying to give you. This is why I make you go throughout all Creation, looking for the work of My Redemption. I would never deprive you anything in the dominion of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven. Whenever I you go around through Our works and dominions, I keep whispering to your ear, ‘Take whatever you want, My little daughter.’ You have every right to it, because I have had you mark all of Our works and dominions with your ‘I love You’. Whenever you chant your ‘I love You,’ with its repeated refrain, ‘Give me your Divine Fiat,’ it sounds like an antiphon of ‘Fiat’ and ‘I love You’ braided together. I know that what you want and ask for is supremely great, a Divine Realm for you and the others who will all be kings and queens in My Kingdom.”

“If you could only appreciate what you are asking Me to give you! Heaven and earth are astounded as they look on at the boldness of your request. My paternal Goodness astonishes them all when I smile at you longingly with an excessive love totally beyond comprehension. They are flabbergasted when My love makes you ever more confident and blind to all fear. The Kingdom I am bound to grant requires an entire nation of people to ask Me for It, and this first nation is all of Creation. By going all around throughout It, you inspire everyone and everything to petition for the coming of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.”

“The second nation is comprised of all My works together with those My Celestial Mom did on earth. These nations are endlessly populated and Divine. Then there is the low earth nation, made up of those who recite the ‘Our Father,’ or those few who, one way or another, know My Divine Will and ask for It to come reign in dominion upon earth. When entire nations pray to Me, following the lead of the one who has been entrusted with this crucial mission, We are more easily persuaded to give in to their demands. They insistently clamor for what We have always been trying to give them.”

“The same thing happens in the low world. When someone hopes to be crowned king or tries to get elected as the leader of a country, lobbyists campaign with slogans to arouse the people. ‘We want this prince to be our king,’ or ; ‘the people demand that candidate as the leader of our country.’ When one group tries to provoke a war, they incite the people to cry out, ‘We must declare war.’ For every important policy matter in state affairs, one lobbying group or another will agitate the people to make demands in one tumultuous campaign after another. They declare ‘the people demand it.’ However, it’s often the case that people make demands without understanding the real situation or what the consequences might be, whether good or bad.”

“I do things as they are done in the low world, only on a much greater scale. When I must bestow something important for the overall common good, I want entire nations to petition Me for them. However, first you must establish these nations by announcing all these revelations concerning My Divine. Then you must go around everywhere, moving Heaven and earth to petition for the Kingdom of My Divine Will.”

June 3, 1928

Requital to the Love of God in forming the nature of man. The truths are stairs in order to ascend to God. The Divine Will, revealer of the work of Creation to man. Example of

the sleeping child.

I continued abandoning myself in the Divine Will and after going around in It for awhile, my poor mind ended up in Eden, just as God was forming the man’s nature. He was about to infuse him with a soul. I was contemplating the great love the Supreme Creator lavished on the human body as He formed it. Even before Adam came into existence, He loved this body the way a father loves his newborn child. However, since Adam’s soul had not come to life yet, he couldn’t return His Creator’s love. So, Divine Love was still alone on the earth, without the loving companionship of Its creature. It was neither right nor just that His Love not be returned by His little one; He loved him so much.

I thought, “Divine Will is eternal and whatever is done in It is remains in action forever without ever leaving the present ongoing action. So I want to anticipate the love of Adam within the Fiat and amuse my Creator with mine. I want to echo His Love as He was in the act of forming Adam’s human body. I’d say to Him, ‘In Your Will I have loved You always, even before anything existed.’”

While I was thinking about it, among other things, my always lovable Jesus gave me a big hug.

His said, “My daughter, I’m so happy that I revealed so many truths to you about My Divine Will. All of My Truths concerning It are like stairs for you to climb up into the acts of My

Eternal Volition and encounter Our first Act still going on by virtue of being in the eternal present. You give Us joy and happiness when you repatriate the creatures’ love with your own. It draws Us downward to look for the one who let us operate within her. We want to enjoy her company because We love her so much.”

“The company of the one you love is so sweet and full of unforgettable joy. Conversely, isolation is just as bitter when you cannot enjoy the presence of the one you long for and love so much that you live only for her. Before We formed man’s nature by infusing life in him, We were like a mother and father watching their child sleeping. They are overcome by tender, irresistible love; all they want to do is hug and kiss their sleeping child. However, the child is asleep and blissfully unaware.”

“If you only knew how many hugs and kisses We gave to human nature before giving it life. In the ardor of Our Love, We breathed on him to give him life. We gave him his soul, and to his body We provided warmth, heartbeat and respiration. Your very breath is Our own, as is the pulse in your beating heart. The warmth of your body comes from the touch of Our creative hands infusing you with warmth. It is Our breath that inhales and exhales inside you, It is Our heartbeat that pulses through your veins. We can feel the heartbeat of eternal life pulsing within you because it is Ours. It is Our Love that circulates within to warm you. It keeps you alive to continue its creative work.”

“Our Will alone reveals the work of Creation and all the secrets of love hidden within It. Adam didn’t know about all the strategies We used with such loving finesse in creating him, body and soul. We resemble the father who doesn’t try to explain everything to his little child at once. He likes to impress him now and then, as the child keeps growing, by telling how much he loves him. He tell him about all the loving caresses and stolen kisses the child enjoyed when he was still a baby and couldn’t comprehend how much his parents doted on him. By surprising him with gifts from time to time, the child begins to appreciate how generous his father was would continue to be. This cements the bond between father and son so that their joy and happiness continues to grow with each new surprise.”

“Now picture this father holding his child close to his heart and covering him with kisses as he slept. He loves his baby boy with such great, loving tenderness that his warm tears wet the sleeping child’s face, and he wakes up. The child does not throw his arms around his neck to kiss him; he doesn’t even smile, he just gives him a cold stare. Imagine the father’s sorrow. The poor man was planning to surprise his son with another sign of his love, but the gesture sticks in his heart. He can no longer tell his son how much he has loved him and that he still does. His pure joy and happiness now chokes him.”

“That’s how it’s been for Us, My daughter. Our paternal Goodness is always preparing new surprises for Our beloved child, and Our Divine Will is intent on revealing them to him. As Adam withdrew from It, the revelations stopped. That’s why it’s not common knowledge how much We loved him. Creatures have no idea what was involved in creating mankind. It’s only now that We feel an irresistible love for Our Fiat praying that It come and reign on earth as It

does in Heaven. Finally, after so many years of secret silence, It can now vent Its flames by revealing Creation as It once did.”

“It has so many surprising things to say about all the joy and happiness It wants to share. You hear how many things It tries to tell you about My Divine Will and Its astonishing love for all Creation, especially regarding humankind. My Will is the book of Creation. However, It must reign among creatures before they can learn how to read it with any comprehension.”

“The human will is able to mesmerize pitiful man, as if he were in a trance. The sleep-walker can’t feel the loving caresses of His Celestial Father, nor can he see the surprising things He wants to show him. His sleep prevents him from enjoying the happiness that His Creator wants to give him because he just can’t comprehend how sublime was his creation.”

“Poor man, blind to true goodness and so deaf he can’t hear My Will’s revelations about his own noble history, origin, beauty and wonderful sublimity. He is only vigilant about indulging his passion for sinning, contrary to his eternal origin. He’s just like that sleeping child who always cries when he wakes up and makes a fuss about everything. He torments his poor father so much that he regrets having such a restless child.”

“My Divine Will reveals Its knowledge in several ways using various methods. It tries to wake man up from the long sleep of the human will so that he wakes up in My Fiat where he can reclaim what he lost. Once again, he will be free to accept the love and kisses of his Creator. He will be wrapped in a big hug by the one who made him and rest in his bosom. My voice calls out to man with every revelation concerning My Divine Will. It shouts to him that he awaken from the sleep of human will.”

June 7, 1928

How God, in creating man, infused three suns in him. Ardor of His Love. Example of the sun.

My flight continues as always, going all over the acts of Divine Will. As I reached Eden, Jesus looked like He wanted to say something. The place evokes the fondest memories in His fatherly Heart of the beauty and grace so richly endowed for man when He created him. The privileges He gave man were a sure sign of His sweet Love. The overflow from the treasures He lavished on him were enough to drown Him in love.

He had to vent His flames by talking about what He did as He created him. I could hear His Heart pounding as I tried to write it all down. Then, out of sheer joy, He threw His arms around my neck, kissed me ever so affectionately and wrapped my heart around Himself. The love He

showed in Creation had been so passionate that He was wounded by it, but now He wanted to set His sorrow aside and begin the feast. He wanted to be a Spectator and watch me write.

He said, “My daughter, several of Our supernatural attributes coincided in creating man. Our breath infused him with a soul, and within it, Our fatherly Goodness installed three suns that lit an endlessly brilliant day without night. These three suns were formed by the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit. From within the soul, these three suns are connected to the Three Divine Persons so that man would have a way to come up to Us, and We, a means of going down to him.”

“These three suns correspond with the three powers: intellect, memory and will. All three are distinct, yet they work hand-in-hand as one unified Power. They are a sacramental symbol of Our adorable Trinity. We are distinct Persons united as one Power that is also one Intellect and one Will. Our Love We put into the man We created was so great that Our Love would only be satisfied when We infused Our Likeness into him.”

“These three suns were installed in the depths of the human soul. Their allegory is the sun entrenched in the vault of the heavens that provides a feast of light for the earth. It gives life with splendor to all plants, each with their own distinct taste, smell, texture and color. With articulate silence, the sun guides the earth and wordlessly instructs everyone with the supreme eloquence of its exemplar action. It saturates everything that grows on the earth with its light, their life-source.”

“Although there is only one sun for the entire earth, Our Love would never be satisfied with giving the human soul only one sun. Our Love has a passion for open-handed giving, so We made three suns to direct and animate the life of human action. We filled Our dear beloved son with well-ordered harmony.”

“These three suns exist in man like the sun that shines in the heavens, however at times they are blocked by thick clouds that keep it from flooding the earth with their vivid light. Connection with the sun is neither broken nor interrupted by the clouds; however the earth only enjoys a small fraction of the sun’s goodness because of the interference. Without the full life of the sun, the earth is debilitated and the fruit of its trees is bland because it cannot ripen, that is, if there is any fruit at all. There are no festivities for the melancholy earth without full sunlight. The clouds deny it the honor of a glorious crown.”

“Man’s predicament is that, even though everything’s in place and all connections to Us are intact, the human will has formed thick clouds that obstruct his original glory. Without the well-ordered harmony established at his creation, his work is not only fruitless, it is rotten and ugly. Poor man is so sick that he can’t even walk straight. However, that’s only because he won’t let the three suns within his soul direct him.”

“Human volition is the first thing My Will shall demolish as It begins Its rule. After that, It will blow away the clouds obscuring the light. Only then will man allow himself to be directed by

the three suns in the depths of his soul. They are in direct contact with Us. That’s when he will go back up to where he originally started and, once home, the festival will begin in Our honor to celebrate his return.”

June 12, 1928

How God feels the joys of the first times of Creation being renewed. The enchantment that the Divine Will will produce for the human will; example of the sun. When and

where the marriage with humanity was done, and when it will be renewed again.

I continued making my rounds in the actions performed by Divine Fiat during Creation. It still keeps everything in hand with wisdom and power. Each act relives actions already performed as if they were still going on seamlessly in one never-ending action.

While my mind was beginning its tour through Eden, my sweet Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, when you make your rounds within My Will, you retrace all of Its actions and call on Creation to assemble around them. You show them love and adopt them as your own, and when you arrive at Eden, I relive all the happiness of Our Divinity’s joyous festival of Creation. When I see you flowing within the heavens, sun, sea and wind, We relive the vivid memories of the first creature’s swift flight out of Our creative hands.”

“While he was in the Unity of Our Will, he would make one single act out of all Our Actions, which We did in Creation out of love of him, and triumphantly present them to Us. Adam would bring Us all the joy of everything We had distributed in well-ordered harmony throughout the whole universe. We were very happy to see him come before Us so rich, strong, powerful, charming and handsome. After endowing him with all Our works, he would gather them up and bring them to Us for Our glory Us and happiness so We could enjoy them along with him.”

“You continue his flights from where he left off, going all around everywhere. This reminds Us of how beautiful the life of the creature within Our Will can be. She wants to enter into all Our Actions and take in everything, but why; what will she do with it? She’s going to give it all to Us, just to make Us happy, and in return, We shall give her everything. We tell her ‘All these things are yours. We created it specifically for you. It has all come out of Us as a gift for your enjoyment.’”

“Now that We’ve seen this, We want to renovate man’s creation by reestablishing the Kingdom of Our Will.”

Then He spoke to me tenderly.

He said, “My daughter, having both the power and the Will, it is I who must lift up decayed man again and restore him to his former glory. The human will has wrecked what Our creative hands have made.”

He was so sad about poor mankind that He was moved to tears, and He kept silent.

I wondered, “How can we return to the original state of Creation before we had become so deformed? Human will has pushed man into a bottomless pit of misery.”

My sweet Jesus said, “My Will can do anything. It made man from nothing, so It can certainly pull the new man out of his misery. We won’t have to change Our method for creating him, he’ll still have his free will. We’ll use another strategy of love, the light of Our Will unleashing Its brilliant rays, only stronger. Faced with such an enchanting, penetrating light, man is so dazzled that he allows himself to be drawn in by Its sweetness. The human will becomes attracted by this most radiant light of such rare beauty that he will want to see what makes this light so beautiful. As he takes a closer look, his enchantment grows and he feels happy about it. It’s spontaneous; there’s nothing to coerce him, but nevertheless, he soon begins to fall in love with the idea of living in Our Will.”

“The sun’s light is so strong that if you look at it directly, it dazzles the human eye and they contract. If you persist, it overwhelms the pupil until it is blind to everything around it. Nothing is visible except the blazing power of the sun. Man is forced to lower his eyes to escape the blinding light. There is nothing enjoyable about the experience; it would be odd if he did because then he wouldn’t want to look away.”

“The light of My Will, however, does not contract the pupils of the soul. She will be blessed with seeing her own human action being transformed into light. She will long for this light to unleash even more powerful rays, just so she can see her actions glow with the enchanting beauty of Divine Light. My Will is powerful enough to solve mankind’s problem, though It requires Our Supreme Fiat to be so magnanimous in Its actions that humans would never expect it. So plead and pray for this holy cause on behalf of such poor creatures.”

Later, it being the Feast of Corpus Christi, I was thinking that today was the marriage feast that blessed Jesus celebrated with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of Love. Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My true marriage with humanity happened in body and soul during Creation with a sumptuous feast befitting royalty. The whole universe was an immense palace prepared for human nature. With a vault of starry heaven and an inextinguishable sun over florid gardens, no king or emperor has ever had anything like what Our Power had prepared. Instead of matter, the royal wedding garments were woven with the purest light. There, the

happy couple, God and man, strolled about for amusement during a marriage feast that was to go on forever without interruption.”

“Everything about man was beautiful, in both body and soul, because the One who arranged the marriage and prepared the feast was of an incomparable Beauty. From this description of the outward sumptuousness and enchanting beauty present in all Creation, you can imagine how it looked from within. There were endless seas of sanctity, beauty, knowledge and light. Each act of man, internal or external, was another musical key underlying the harmony of the sweetest, most beautiful melodies for the joyous occasion of marriage. Every additional act became the theme for a new little sonata that he would compose to delight his Spouse.”

“My Divine Will, dominating humanity, brought to him new, on-going action and the Likeness of the One who created him for this marriage. Then, as this great feast was still being celebrated, man broke the bond underlying the entire validity and the very basis of our marriage; he withdrew from Our Will. All rights were lost in this broken marriage. There was nothing left of it but the memory, moreover, of its life and very substance, not even that remained.”

“My Love was superabundant in every imaginable way through the Eucharistic Sacrament, however, that was not the first true marriage of Creation. It was actually nothing more than the continuation of what I did while on earth. Depending on what any particular soul might need, I am a compassionate doctor that heals them, a teacher to instruct them, a forgiving father or the light that gives them sight. Through the virtuous Power of My redemptive Life, I still give strength to the weak, courage to the timid and peace to the restless. Yet none of these actions for relieving such misery has anything to do with the true mystic marriage.”

“It would be odd for a young man to wed a young woman who was ill; he would normally wait for her to recover. It’s even more unlikely that he would want to marry her if she had a weak character or was offensive to him, especially if this young man were a king. Then, if he were really in love, he would definitely wait until she was healthy again. And if she loved him yet still had some character defects, they would just have to wait until things cleared up. That’s how it is with poor unfortunately humanity. I’m still waiting for My Will to be known so It can reign among creatures. Then It will give them true health, royal garments and an inner beauty that would be worthy of Me. Only then shall I reestablish true marriage as it was originally intended.”

June 16, 1928

Example of a spouse when he separates in court, as God did from the beginning of the fall of man. The new engagement for the marriage was done on the Cross. The fulfillment of

the Divine Will.

As I was thinking about what I had just written, blessed Jesus started speaking again.

He said, “My daughter, the Supreme Being’ marriage began with Creation. It was like the husband whose wicked wife files for divorce with the court. Yet his heart still feels affectionate towards her. He keeps thinking about her, hoping his intended would change her mind. He thinks, ‘Who knows, maybe we can get back together again. I still want to marry her.’ Occasionally one of his friends will have a word with her and tell her that he still loves her.”

“That’s how it was with God. Even though His marriage with humanity had been dissolved in the Divine court, He still loved humankind from afar, longing for reconciliation and marriage. He could have destroyed the magnificent and sumptuous palace that he had built just for her, yet he didn’t. Nor did He remove the sun that brought the day and blessed the earth with its light. He left everything in place for the benefit of the same one who had offended Him. Moreover, ever since the beginning of the world, He would send gifts and love letters for mankind’s benefit. His holy messengers were like couriers who would deliver notes, telegrams, emails and phone calls from Heaven. He just wanted to make sure that humankind was aware that the distant groom had not forgotten and was still waiting in the hope that His ungrateful spouse would return to Him.”

“The Old Testament recounts how I sent ever more blessings through the Prophets and Patriarchs. Over time, the letters and invitations sent to earth from Heaven became more insistent as God kept reminding humankind that the Groom wanted to reconcile with His spouse. However, degenerate humanity wasn’t ready yet and since He couldn’t contain the fervor of His Love any longer, He made an exception. The Virgin Queen and the Humanity of the Word would be united in a true spiritual marriage. By virtue of their combined power, they would raise up degenerate humanity again so I could arrange a marriage between Myself and all humankind. So, My Humanity became engaged to her and the marriage consummated on the Cross. Everything I did and all that I suffered before dying on the Cross prepared Us for the marriage We yearned for in the Kingdom of My Divine Will.”

“After two people become engaged, they take make vows of fidelity and gifts are exchanged. In this case, these gifts are revelations about My Divine Fiat. That’s the only way humanity can reclaim the greatest of all gifts, the one man rejected in Eden, the eternal, infinite, endless Gift

of My Will. This Gift will be so attractive to degenerate humanity that she will give Us, in exchange, her own pitiful will. This is how the covenant is confirmed and the contract between the two spouses is finally sealed. Until then, there’s only been a long exchange of messages between a faithful God and the cold ingratitude of fickle creatures.”

“Man disgraced himself and lost everything by going out of My Divine Will, and he must return. Once he has, he be among the noble and regain everything he had lost, including his marriage. He will be completely reconciled with his Creator. There is no middle ground. Not even Redemption can return man all the way back to the beginning of his own creation when he was happy. It is a well-lit path with clear directions toward the help creatures need, however, Redemption is not the final goal. My Will is the alpha and the omega. It is only right and just that the One who is the beginning should also be the end. To be reinstated to her noble heritage and reconciled in her marriage to the Creator, humanity must be enfolded within My Divine Volition.”

“The greatest things My Redemption did for man were not enough for Our Love, it yearns for more. True love can never be satisfied until it can say, ‘I have nothing else to give him.’ It is important to know that man can be happy once again, that he can return to his noble heritage gloriously victorious, just as he been when God created him. However, he can only do that by allowing My Will to reign amongst his creatures. That’s why the Divine yearns and sighs as It keeps trying to reveal more about Our Will until finally his creature knows enough about It that he gladly submits to Its rule. In the fullness of time, It will eventually address Our Love and say, ‘You can relax now, Our beloved son has reached his destiny. He is now in possession of the inheritance We bequeathed him during Creation, Our Fiat! Now that he possesses what is Ours, We possess him. The marriage is consummated, the spouses have reconciled and are once again seated in their place of honor. There is nothing left to do but celebrate and enjoy this great blessing, after grieving so long.’”

June 20, 1928

God is one single Act. Example of the sun. One who lives in the Divine Will lives in this single act and feels all of its effects. Value of what is done in the Divine Will. How Jesus, who had always been with His Mother, moved away when He carried out His Public Life.

Application to the soul.

I abandon myself in the Supreme Fiat all the time now, flying through all of Its actions. As I was going around throughout Creation, I meditated on the order and harmony of everything, considering how many uniquely different acts of Eternal Volition are going on everywhere in the whole universe. As I did, my always lovable Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, God is one single, ongoing Action. Even though you see so many actions of every kind going on all over Creation, what you are actually witnessing is a side effect of the one single Act of God. Consider the sun; it is one, as is its light. When its sunbeams touch the earth each morning, they spread rapidly over its surface with all sorts of special effects. Everything they touch reflects a different palette full of unique shades and tones of color. Mystic hands of light infuse a subtle sweetness with an assortment of brush strokes on each and every thing they touch.”

“While it looks like the sun performs many acts in sequence, one more beautiful than the other; it’s only an illusion. All these special effects are the result of one single act of light. In fact, one single act of strength has the power to produce many different effects that appear as one distinct action after another, and in a sense, they are. In truth, however, what you see all over the universe is only a side-effect of one single Act of God, and that’s why It has the power to impose order and harmony on every effect it produces.”

“The same thing happens with the soul who lives in My Divine Will. By living within that one Act of God, she understands all of her own actions to be merely Its peripheral side effects. She can sense within herself the order, harmony, strength and beauty of that one Divine Act, of which light is only one of many aspects. Among those that are replicated within her own actions, she can enjoy the heavens, suns, seas, flowery fields and everything else that is good in Heaven and on earth. Someone who lives in My Will enfolds everything that is great and good within them. She is the true sun that brings sweetness with everything it does, and shades of beauty to whatever it touches. All of the many advantages and blessings of its actions hang upon the one Act of the Creator.”

I thought about how much goodness there is in what is done in the Divine Will, and I wondered about how important it might be, how valuable. Then my sweet Jesus explained things for me.

He said, “My daughter, what is done within My Divine Will is priceless beyond calculation. Imagine a soul with two scale pans in her hands, balancing things with of equal weight and value. Both sides weigh the same. They have equal merit and their prices match.”

“Imagine that God places His Will in one and the soul sets what she has done within It in the other. The two pans remain perfectly balanced and level because the Will of God and that of the soul are one and the same. Whether It operates in God or in the creature, it’s all the same and of equal value. However, only My Will can elevate the soul to the Likeness of her Creator. The things she does within It elevate her to Divine status.”

Sometime after that, I was depressed about not seeing Jesus as much as I wanted.

I thought, “What a change. It used to be that my sweet Jesus would come see me quite often, as if He couldn’t do without me. As time went by, however, I would see Him less and less, until now days upon days go by with no sign of Him. It used to be that He would run to see me; He certainly does seem to be in any hurry these days. He only shows up when I’m on the verge

and can’t take any more, and then only to bolster my resolve for documenting what regards His Fiat. That’s all He cares about, not how much I desperately need Him; that doesn’t seem to matter to Him in the least.”

I kept thinking about it, among other things, until He moved inside me and tried to calm me down.

He said, “My daughter, I am treating you the same way as I did with My Mom. We always lived life together during My hidden Life, except for the three days when She thought I was lost. During all that time, wherever the Mother was, there was Her Son, and wherever the Son was, there was His Mother; We were inseparable. Then, when it was time to begin My Public Life and fulfill the promise of Redemption, We were often separated; however, We were both animated by the same Will that kept Us together as one identity.”

“Of course, physically, We continued Our mission at different locations most of the time, since I was on the road so often. Nevertheless, true love cannot be apart for too long from the beloved. They have an overwhelming need to be with each other so they can relax together for awhile and confide in each other their sorrow and deep concern over their shared mission. Now and then I would make My escape to see Her again for a little while and the Queen Mother would occasionally leave Her nest to see Her Son who tugged at Her heart from afar. Then We would go Our separate ways to advance the work of Redemption.”

“That’s how I am with you. I used to be with you all the time and I still am, always. However, we must both work hard for the Kingdom of My Divine Will, and since you must fling yourself into Its actions, It seems to move us apart from each other. All the while you labor as I prepare even more work for you to do by revealing ever more information about My Fiat and explaining what it is you must follow in It. Yet I still come back to relax with you now and then. You shouldn’t be surprised about any of this, that’s what’s required by the great work of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Now, trust Me and don’t worry about anything.”

June 25, 1928

Everything that is done in the Fiat acquires the continuous act, without ever ceasing. Example of the sun. The purpose of Jesus going into the desert. The pains of isolation.

I plead for mercy in my extreme misery. I prayed to my Celestial Mom that She would give me Her love to make up for my desolate solitude. I was still begging Her when my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, my Mom began Her first act of love within the Divine Will, so it continued on forever as if She were always in the act of loving and working within It, regardless

of time. Her love is never ending and Her work is constantly replicating My own. Whoever wants Her first love will always find it there as if it never stopped, and indeed it has not, nor has it ever ceased to replicate.”

“That’s how it is for someone who lives and works in My Will. Her actions acquire continuity, so they are still going on, both now and forever. They are the true sun that began to act as light from the moment it was created by God, a light so great that it fills Heaven and earth with that same sole action. It seems to replicate that action because, in fact, it has never ceased to do so. Thus, everyone can take that act of light as their own because, although it only happened once, it is still going on for the benefit of all. In a sense, this single sun, replicating its act of light, appears as an endless multitude of suns, one for each person who looks upon it. However, each person sees only one sun and no more.”

“However, the Sovereign Queen can do what that sun cannot, as can someone who lives and works within My Will. Imagine that all these suns, replicated for each act of light, were fused together as one sun, though distinct among themselves in the beauty and light they give to their Creator. That one sun is the universal good that descends upon all creatures. Such acts have Divine Power, and by virtue of these actions the Most Holy Virgin could bring about the coming of the Word upon earth. Likewise, it is because of them that My Kingdom will come upon earth. An action repeated incessantly within My Fiat has the power to conquer Our Divinity with enchantment and rapture. This on-going replication within Divine Volition is the soul’s only strength, an invincible weapon that conquers her Creator with debilitating weapons of love. In this way, He feels honored to let Himself be conquered by the creature.”

After that, I continued my rounds throughout the Divine Fiat until I found myself following my Jesus on His way to the desert.

I wondered, “Why did Jesus go into the desert? There were no souls to be converted there, only profound solitude. I would think that He should have been searching for souls.”

As I was thinking about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, having company interrupts the pain and diminishes it, while isolation concentrates it and makes it twice as harsh. I went into the desert to experience in My Humanity the bleak isolation My Divine Will had suffered for so many centuries on account of creatures. My Humanity had to ascend into the Divine order and descend into the human order to enclose the pain of both within Myself. I had completely absorb the painful borderline dividing man and God so he could cling to his Creator with hugs and kisses as he had before.”

“That was not the only reason I went into the desert, however. When forming Creation, Our adorable Majesty had determined that the entire planet should be populated. The earth was to be so fertile and rich that there would be a superabundance of plants to nourish all of its inhabitants.”

“When man sinned, he brought the indignation of Divine Justice upon himself. Much of the earth became a barren desert and could not support nearly as many creatures as it might have. Imagine those sterile families without offspring, and therefore no laughter. Without children, there’s no cause for celebration. There’s no harmony for childless couples because there’s nothing to break the monotony. The nightmare of isolation weighs down their heavy hearts with sadness. Only where there are children is there always something to do, things to talk about, with birthdays and other occasions to celebrate. That was how the human family was meant to be. Look at the sky; see how densely populated with stars it is. The earth was designed to echo the sky with a crowd of inhabitants. It was intended to produce more than enough to make everyone rich and happy.”

“When man withdrew from My Will, his lot in life changed drastically. I went into the desert to retrieve the blessings of My Celestial Father by calling on My Will to come and reign upon earth once more and restore it to its former glory. I want nourish the planet enough to repopulate it everywhere. I will replenish it to generate more beautiful plants, seeds and fruit, to increase its bounty a hundredfold by making it flourish in radiant splendor. The Kingdom of My Divine Fiat shall do so many magnificent in Its realm. The very elements are in waiting, the sun, sea, wind, soil and all Creation. They will deliver from their fertile womb all the good things they hold within them.”

“Unfortunately, the Divine Will that should dominate creatures does not reign in dominion among them, so nature does not pour out all the bounty it holds within. It provides only the meager alms one might give to beggars. Since the earth has not produced all the seeds it could, the sun cannot find enough of them to produce all the advantages it could otherwise. Everything is like that. They are all waiting the Kingdom of the Fiat to show creatures how rich they are. They want humankind to know how many admirable things the Creator has placed within them for love of those who were supposed to be the children of His Will.”

June 29, 1928

The ‘I love You’ forms the heat, the Divine Will the light, in order to form the sun. The long offspring formed by one who lives in the Fiat. Its three kingdoms, three suns and

three crowns. How Faith will no longer be shadowed.

I was performing my usual actions within the Divine Fiat, and for each created thing I repeated my long singsong chant, my “I love You”.

I thought, “I have become so used to it that I naturally begin saying, ‘I love You, I love You.’”

That’s when my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, your constant ‘I love You’ is the continuation of the first ‘I love You’ said in My Divine Will. Once pronounced, it has the power to actually replicate itself just as it was first said. Your ‘I love You’ creates the heat, and My Divine Will fashions the light that pervades that ‘I love You,’ each one become a sun, one more radiant than the other. The life of the soul in My Divine Will is so beautiful. She begets a long series of offspring that is nearly endless.

“In fact, whenever she thinks, she gives birth to her thoughts within the Divine intellect where they generate a long lineage of descendants in the mind of her Celestial Father. Every time she speaks, her words give birth in the Word of God where they generate cohorts of her word’s descendants. Everything she does gives birth to her works in the hands of her Creator, establishing a long genealogy of her works’ children. Every step she takes walks with His Divine feet, launching many generations of descendants who walk in her steps. Each of her heartbeats pulses within the paternal Heart, pumping out the long patrimony of her heartbeats’ children. The one who lives in My Will forms unending generations of children for her Creator. She is a fertile mother who breeds the population that continually gives Her Creator occasions for feasting. God gives birth to the children placed in His womb by the one who lives in His Will, and there is a celebration for each of them.”

He was so moved by the idea that He couldn’t say enough about it.

He continued, “The newborn of My Will is so beautiful. It makes Me smile that someone so little would attempt to engage her Creator in a competition, such childish antics captivate Me, and she knows it. She is constantly trying to surprise Me just to get My attention, so can show Me how many generations of children have come from her.”

At this point He about to faint with love and He went silent for a while. Then He embarked on another revelation.

He said, “My daughter, the creature has three realms within her soul, each being one of her powers. Think of them as the capital cities of these kingdoms. Other aspects of the creature, such as her words, her eyes, her work and the steps she takes, can be thought of as towns, villages, rivers, lakes and provinces within these kingdoms. The heart, however, cannot be considered the capital of the realm; think of it as the commercial capital and a communication hub for the rest of the kingdom.”

“In the event of war, the conflict ends when the capital is conquered. The other towns and cities capitulate when the king is overthrown. If My Will succeeds in taking over the three capitals of these kingdoms, the Supreme Fiat will erect Its throne in them. Then all the other towns and villages will be governed by the central power, bringing greater glory to the realm. These will be the happiest, richest and most densely kingdoms, because He who rules and governs them is the Strong One, Powerful and Invincible. No rival would dare molest or disturb public order; everyone will be at peace and there shall be joyous celebrations that never end.”

“Those who live in My Divine Fiat will have three suns, each more beautiful than the other; three peaceful, harmonious kingdoms, rich in happiness and joy under their crown rule. The Sacrosanct Trinity shall place a crown on the head of each child of My Will. The Three Divine Persons shall be enraptured by Their own Likeness which They had infused in their creatures as they were created. When They see that Our Fiat has raised and formed them as We had intended, They will be smitten by the sight of Our own features imprinted in them. The ardor of Our Love will be so great that each of the Three Divine Persons will place His own crown, the insignia the shows that they are children of Our Divine Will.”

Later on, I was so immersed in the Supreme Fiat that I felt like a sponge soaked with Its light. All created things were giving me the kiss of Divine Volition so that I could feel the lips of my Creator impressing it on me. It seemed to me that the Fiat was carrying the Three Divine Persons with Itself. As my mind dissolved in the Fiat’s light, my sweet Jesus came out from inside me.

He said, “My daughter, when My Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls live in It, Faith will no longer have the least shadow of enigma. Everything will be clear and certain. The light of My Volition will endow every created thing with the clear vision of their Creator. Within everything He has done out of love for them, their Creator will be so indisputably present that creatures will be able to touch Him with their own hands.”

“The human will is a shadowy diversion from the clear light of Faith. The haze of passion obscures It like thick low clouds hiding the sun. The sun is surely there, yet when clouds advance against the light, it looks almost as dark as night. If you’d never seen the sun, you might find it hard to believe that it’s there at all. Nevertheless, if a mighty wind were to dispel the clouds, you’d be crazy to say there’s no sun; you could feel its radiant heat with your own hands. Faith is a predicament unless My Will reigns in dominion. Without Faith, the spiritually blind just have to take other people’s word that God exists. Under the reign of My Divine Fiat, Its light will allow them to be so sure of the Creator’s existence that they could practically touch Him with their own hands. After that, they won’t have to take anybody’s word for it because the shadowy clouds simple won’t exist anymore.”

As He spoke, a wave of joyous light came out of Jesus’ Heart for the well-being of creatures. Love came out of His voice as He spoke.

He said, “I long for the Kingdom of My Will so much. It will put an end to the creatures’ troubles and Our sorrows shall cease as well. Then Heaven and earth will smile together and We will celebrate with them as We did earlier in Creation. We will draw a curtain around everything so the festival won’t be interrupted ever again.”

July 4, 1928

Necessity of advances in order to purchase the Kingdom of the Divine Will. How the Divine Will renders everything light as a feather, and therefore one can embrace


As I was making my usual rounds in the Divine Fiat, I began to have some doubts.

I thought, “What’s the use in asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Will over and over again? For that matter, what good does it do to go all around in It, endlessly nagging It to reestablish Its Kingdom among creatures?”

That’s when my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, when someone wants to make a purchase in lay-away, they make several payments in advance until the item is paid in full. Only then do they take possession of it. You want the Kingdom of My Will, so you have to pay the installments in advance. Every time you fly around in It, asking for Its Kingdom over and over again, you add to your down payment, so you owe less and less. Whenever you offer up your actions towards that goal, you make addition advance payments until you eventually succeed in purchasing the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat.”

“There are no third party vendors involved in this purchase you want to make, so you have to make direct payments with the actions you perform in It. That’s the only way you can acquire enough of the currency minted by that Kingdom, because foreign denominations are not valid currency within It. Someone who wants to purchase the Divine Will must pay in advance with the actions they perform within It. The rate of exchange issued by My Will is as generous as it is because Its currency is backed by the full value of Its Fiat. That makes affordable for the soul to pay such small advanced payments toward Its purchase price.”

“That tells you something about the value of your little excursions in My Fiat. The actions you perform in It, and all your petitions for the coming of Its Kingdom, are the legal tender you need for such a grand acquisition. I did the same for Redemption. I had to pay My Celestial Father in advance, with My Actions as in kind equity, until My account was paid in full. Only then could I take full possession of the Kingdom of Redemption. After I made the final payment, the Divinity signed the deed and It was Mine. So you have to keep paying your installments if you want title to the Kingdom of My Fiat.”

After that, I tried to give my Jesus a brief synopsis of what I thought I understood.

I said, “From within your Will, I gather all of Creation into my arms, including the sun and the heavens with all its stars. Then I take them to the Supreme Majesty as an acceptable offering in prayer and adoration as a down payment for the Kingdom of Fiat.”

Then I had the same old doubts again.

I thought, “How can I embrace everything when I am so little that I could never imagine wrapping my arms around even one small star? So how could ever embrace everything? It’s just not possible.”

Then my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, someone in possession of My Divine Will can embrace everything because It has the power to make things as light as a feather. She can gather up the sun, moon and stars, all of Creation, the Angels and Saints, the Virgin Queen and even God Himself. My Divine Will is the primal life flowing within everything, and it all weighs the same. Each of the parts weighs as much as their sum, so only those who possess My Fiat can take everything and bring them to me in their entirety. My Will has the power to extend the heavens and populate it with stars, and wherever It is, It has the power to gather up everything in Its embrace.”

“This is the great wonder of living in My Will. The small is able to carry the Immense in its embrace, weakness carries Strength, nothing takes possession of the All as can the creature make claim to her Creator. Wherever may be the life of My Divine Will, there are found all miracles bundled together. The Infinite, who is also the Eternal, lets Himself be carried triumphantly in the little arms of the one who lives in It. When they look her way, they are actually seeing the Divine Will that has sovereign rights over all, can do anything and embrace everything. That’s why she can give everything to her Creator as if it were her own.”

“You know that it was My Fiat that extended the heavens and populated them with stars. Whatever has the power to make them also has the power to gather them up and allowing the creature to carry them off in triumph as if they were as light as a feather. Only someone who lives in Its Divine Will can do that. So keep flying in It and you will be able to do anything, give Me everything and ask Me for it all.”

July 7, 1928

Goods that the Divine Will produces; evils that the human will produces. How all evils will cease as though by magic, if the Divine Will reigns. How the Divine Will reigned in

the house of Nazareth.

I was following my sweet Jesus during His Public Life and wondering just how many human diseases Jesus has healed.

I wondered, “Why did human nature mutate so much that some became deaf, dumb or blind? Why were some of them born with birth defects? It was the human will that did evil, so why did the body have to suffer so much?”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, you know that the body did nothing evil; it was the human will. Adam had the full life of My Divine Will in his soul before he sinned; it was filled to the brim and overflowing. By virtue of My Will, the human will was radiant with light and gave off the fragrance of its Creator, a bouquet of beauty, the odor of sanctity, purity and the strong scent of robust health. They would billow out from within his will like so many luminous clouds exhaling from his body. He was so graceful and beguiling, it was delightful to see the glow of his vigorous, robust beauty.”

“When Adam sinned, his human will was stranded, abandoned by the One whose light glowed from within his human will. The bouquet of fragrance wafting from him evaporated as he began to degenerate, body and soul, from the way God created him. Instead, thick clouds of putrid air, an odor of weakness and the stench of misery emanated from the human will, fouling the body’s air of freshness, robbing it of its beauty. It became subject to all manner of debilitating vice common to the human will, just as it had shared in its long gone integrity. When the human will is healed by returning the life of My Divine Will, it seems like magic how quickly the evils of the human nature become inert.”

“That’s how it is with the human body as well. You know there’s something wrong with it when it stinks, especially if you can smell something putrid wafting your way from a distance. You know it’s really serious if the stench is so bad it takes your breath away. Sometimes it’s so horrible that you feel like something evil is penetrating into your very bowels that might make you sick or even kill you. If it reeks of the tomb, so much worse is the toxic smog emanating from the human will, the harmful depth of her whole being.”

“Now take plants, for example, something down to earth. Once in awhile, there’s a garden or field flowering and a farmer with high expectations for an abundant harvest, until there’s a sudden drop in temperature. His hopes are dashed as a bumper crop of the most beautiful fruit falls to the ground, bruised from the frost. The poor farmer’s bereavement is palpable when his flourishing field turns black in mourning as all vegetation withers and dies from the bitter cold.”

“Good air corresponds with the good life, and the bad with a life of evil and death. A breath of fresh air brings life, and pollution means death for the poor creatures. If you only knew how much I suffered during my Public Life when blind, deaf or leprous creatures would appear

before Me to be cured of their afflictions. The noxious exhalations of human will were all to obvious to Me, since man becomes deformed in body and soul without My Will. Only My Fiat has the power to preserve the integrity of Our works, keeping them as fresh and beautiful as they were when they came out of Our creative hands.”

Later on, while making my rounds, I watched my sweet Jesus in the little room of His Nazareth home so I could follow His Actions.

I thought, “Certainly my Beloved Jesus must have attended to the Kingdom of His Will during His Hidden Life. In actual fact, however, it was the Sovereign Lady who possessed His Fiat, since He was the Divine Will. And Saint Joseph, how could he not allow himself be dominated by this Most Holy Will while in the midst of these two Seas of endless light?”

While I was still wondering about it, I could hear my highest Good, Jesus, sighing with sorrow inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Will did indeed reign within the house of Nazareth, on earth as It is in Heaven. My Celestial Mom and I knew no other will, while Saint Joseph lived in the reflections of Our Will. Yet I was like a king without a people, alone without an army or royal court. My Mom was like a childless queen, since She was not surrounded by other children worthy of Her. There was no dynastic line to inherit Her crown as Queen, no grandchildren of royal lineage who could all become kings and queens.”

“It was sad being King without a people. The only subjects I had around Me were sick people who were deaf, dumb, blind, crippled or suffering wounds of one kind or another. They would just as soon humiliate Me than show Me honor, even though they didn’t know Me or acknowledge Me in any way, let alone as their King. Neither did My Mom, the Celestial Queen, bequeath a royal lineage to succeed Her.”

“A Sovereign always rules through his ministers, yet My Kingdom had none, other than Saint Joseph, My prime minister, and one man does not constitute a cabinet of the realm. I had no great army intent on fighting to defend My legitimate right to rule the Kingdom of My Divine Will on behalf of a faithful people in allegiance only to the law of My Will. None of that happened, My daughter. The Kingdom of My Fiat simply did not exist during My time on earth, nor could It.”

“Our Kingdom was for Us only, because the royal regime of man in Creation, had yet to be restored. However, because the Celestial Mother and I lived only by leave of Divine Will, the seed was sown, grown, harvested and yeast kneaded in to make Our Kingdom rise up on earth. Everything had been prepared, every grace petitioned and pain suffered for the Kingdom of My Fiat to finally come reign upon earth. At that point, Nazareth was the clarion call heralding the Kingdom of Our Will.”

July 10, 1928

How the Divine Will wants to extend Its dominion in everything. How the Fiat will place Heaven and earth in common. Unhappiness of the human will.

I kept working until I was too tired to write anymore.

I wondered, “Why am I so sleepy? Keeping late-night vigil has been normal for such a long time, or perhaps just insomnia, up till recently that is. Now I can’t stay awake. Life is so strange, first one thing, and then another, it keeps changing all the time. It takes a lot of patience, with Jesus and myself as well. I could write more if I kept vigil longer, but, after all, I should also say, ‘Fiat!’’ to sleep, why not?”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “Don’t be surprised, My daughter. My Divine Fiat wants to be in control of all human actions as if they were Its personal belongings kept on Its own private premises. It gets jealous if It is deprived of even one comma. It takes ownership of your vigil as It works alongside you, by placing the state seal of Its Fiat on Its own property and dominions. It will now place the same seal of Its Fiat upon your sleep as the personal property of Its own eternal rest. It wants to take control all of Its commonalities. When It has endless work to do, It gives you a nighttime vigil. When It expects you to embrace everything, It gives you Its own immensity. When it’s time to sleep, It gives you Its eternal rest.”

“It must have Its way when It says, ‘Whatever I do by Myself in My Will, I must also be able to do together with My little daughter. When she gives Me dominion over everything, everything is absorbed by My Will.’”

“What I say is, ‘Everything in her is the property of My Fiat, she has nothing of her own, it all belongs to Me. In exchange, I give her everything that belongs to My Divine Will.’”

I continued following the Divine Volition with my actions after that. The heavens, stars and sun looked so beautiful to me that I kept repeating from the depths of my heart, “The works of my Creator are so beautiful. The Omnipotent Fiat has such well-ordered harmony; if only creatures could be like that, everything on earth would be different.”

Then my Beloved Jesus spoke again.

He said, “My daughter, when My Will reigns in dominion on earth, there shall be a perfect union between Heaven and earth. Everything shall be as well ordered and harmonious as My

Will. All life shall reverberate within Its echo. Moreover, when creatures look at themselves in the mirror of Heaven, they will see what the Blessed in Heaven are doing as they listen to them chanting their celestial melodies. Heaven will come to live among creatures when everything is held in common through My Fiat. When the true life of Fiat Voluntas Tua comes on earth as It is in Heaven, My Will shall sing victoriously, and the creature will sing a Te Deum in thanksgiving for Its triumph.”

Then He was silent for a little while until He was ready to continue.

He said, “My daughter, the poor unfortunate creatures are sad because of all the evil produced by human will. It has profoundly changed their lot in life. It’s only natural that I should be happy, everything Our hands fashioned in Creation were made to be full of delight. Everlasting joy and happiness flowed everywhere in and around humanity. That sea of true and never-ending gladness was driven out of them by man’s own hand, and when he did, it took refuge in the womb of its Creator. There it waits until happiness can return to the mission it was assigned. All of His works will be delighted at its homecoming.”

“Yes, It is Our nature to be glad, and no one could ever overshadow Our Happiness, yet We are forced to watch man’s misery, even though his joy was the main reason for Creation. Nevertheless, We have had to witness the sorrow of Our children adrift in the sea of Our Happiness. However, even though it affect Us in the least, it’s still sad that the rightful owner of Creation cannot enjoy It.”

“Now there’s finally someone who lives in My Divine Will who can call this sea of Happiness back into herself. She distracts Us from the sight of the poor creatures’ unhappiness, and that makes Us twice as happy, since We begin to see Our Happiness making its way toward Our children. My Divine Will is starting to rearrange everything to undo the sorrow brought on by the human will’s poisonous slobber that mucks up everything with its animosity.”

“It will be so beautiful to see everyone happy at last. It is a father’s consolation to see his children crowned with health, wealth and beauty, happy and smiling with nary a tear in sight. He is overjoyed, swimming in his own happiness, and that of his children. I feel the happiness of My children within Me more than any father could, because it belongs to Me and has every right to enter into My Being. Sadness has nothing to do with Me, it’s not Mine and may as well not exist as far as I’m concerned. It’s real enough for My children, however, and I’m always sad to see it. I love everyone and I want everyone to be happy.”

July 14, 1928

How one who lives in the Divine Will forms her little seas within God Himself. How the Divine Will is light and It looks for light, and how all evils become lost before Its light.

Prodigy of the Fiat.

I was completely within the Divine Fiat when my adorable Jesus appeared before my mind in an endless Sea of light and within It there many smaller seas fed by rivers and streams. It was beautiful, to see these delightful little seas of all sizes continually taking form within the Divine Sea. It’s like someone dives into the sea and the water makes way in concentric circles that make myriad reflections of her that appear as if there were many people in it. There’s no crowd in the sea, of course, because the sea can’t change people into water, while Our God has the power to convert us into His very Light. Regardless, you can see when a human will dives into the Divine Sea. Depending on how much it tries to function, it forms a bigger or small sea within the Divine Sea.

As I was admiring this delightful scene, enraptured by its beauty, my sweet Jesus began to explain it to me.

He said, “My daughter, those little seas and rivers you see in the Eternal Sea of Divine Majesty the ones who operate in the Divine Will. The Creator forms a place within His own Sea for those who want to live in the Fiat and He gives it to them as their own. He admits them into His house and lets them set up their own apartments. While they’re doing that, they enjoy all the good things in the endless Sea of the Supreme Being. There His children will have a wide range of options to expand their own little seas, as much as they can, within His Sea.”

“Within this Sea there are the little seas of My Humanity along with those of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven and of those who live in My Will. None of their actions will happen outside of this Divine Sea. This will be God’s greatest Glory and the highest honor for the children of my Divine Fiat.”

After that, I was more immersed than ever in Divine Volition as I was offering my entire being and all of my actions within It. I was hoping that not even one thought or word, not one heartbeat would escape the light of the Fiat. I wished that I could place myself as a crown on all the creatures’ actions and superimpose my own over each human act so I could fill everyone and everything with Its light. My desire was that all words and every heartbeat might be the same one ‘Divine Will.’ As my mind was wandering around in It, my sweet Jesus appeared and gave me a big hug. He put His Most Holy Face on my heart and breathed into it hard. I can’t explain what I felt just then.

He said, “Daughter of My Divine Will, My Fiat is a pure light that can never be contaminated by one iota of anything that is not of that light. Darkness gets lost before Its endless light and cannot find its way. The soul must stand in the reflections of Its light by performing her actions

within It if wants to enter My Divine Will. These reflections have the power to transform the acts of the soul into light.”

“My Will performs miracles as each of Its rays focus either on her thoughts, words or her heartbeats. Every one of Its rays wears a crown adorned with all the creature’s actions. My Fiat embraces everyone and everything on earth as It does in Heaven, hence, they all benefit from every action the creature has done within It. If everyone could see how marvelous it is to live and operate within My Will, they would be enraptured by the most beautiful, enchanting spectacle ever seen. Supreme goodness shall bring the kiss of life, light and glory.”

Then His voice grew tender, emphasizing the strength of His love.

He said, “Divine Will, You are so powerful! Only You can transform the creature into God. My Will, you alone are the One that produces all that is good and destroys every evil. You alone have such astounding strength that creatures become so enthralled that they are transformed into light. Whoever allows herself to be controlled by You is the most fortunate person in Heaven or on earth, the most beloved by God. She is the one who gives and takes everything.”

July 19, 1928

How, in Creation, three acts concurred on the part of God, and how three sacrificed wills are needed for the Kingdom of the Divine Will. One who lives in It is celebrated by all and

is the feast of all.

I was making my usual rounds throughout the Divine Volition until I arrived at that point in time when the Celestial Queen was being inseminated by the Holy Spirit. Although She had full use of Her reason, She made the heroic sacrifice of offering Her will to God without asking why. It was Her heart’s desire to live only within the Will of God.

I thought, “I wish my Celestial Mom would take my will, unite it with Hers and present it as a gift to the Supreme Majesty. Like Her, I don’t want to know anything about my will. I only want to live within the Will of God.”

While I was thinking about it, my Beloved Jesus appeared inside me like a flash of lightning. He said, “My daughter, in Creation the Trinity manifested Itself in three acts: power, wisdom and love. In all of Our works, these three actions are always evident. We operate with the perfection of high powered execution, infinite wisdom and purest love. All three of these overwhelming advantages are incorporated in all the work We do, especially with mankind. We gave him the wonderful blessing of intellect, memory and will.”

“Three human wills must be sacrificed to the Divinity as burnt offerings before the Kingdom of My Divine Will can come down to rule the earth. Human wills don’t actually have a legitimate life of their own. So why shouldn’t they let Mine take their place so It can reign in dominion as sovereign without further hindrance. It would be fitting if all human actions were ruled from the same royal throne installed within each one of them. That was Our intention from the beginning when We created man. Sadly, however, ungrateful man commandeered the place of honor that had been reserved specifically for My Will that is now left out in the cold.”

“As far as We are concerned, the greatest sacrifice a human will could offer would be to abdicate what only appears to be so that My Fiat can have complete freedom of action. This is means a great deal to the soul, since she can trade in a mere human will for an infinite one that has no limits, since It is Divine.”

All the while Jesus was telling me this, my mind kept coming back to the same question.

I thought, “The Queen of Heaven has to be one of them. After all, She made a heroic sacrifice by denying Her own will. So, who are the other two?”

Jesus answered, “What about Me? Don’t leave Me out. I had a human will too, you know, although I never let it take its first breath. I gave complete and total deference to My Divine Will in everything? I had to sacrifice it continually so Divine Will could extend the whole expanse of Its Kingdom into My human will. I did the same thing you’re doing; I continually sacrificed My human will without letting it live for a moment. The only thing it was good for was to use as a footstool for My Divine Will so I can rest My Kingdom on.”

“My human will stands between yours and the Celestial Mother’s so it can support both of them, just in case. It wants to make sure that the other two are strong enough to make the sacrifice as they negate the life of human volition. This guarantees that the Kingdom of My Divine Will can overarch these three wills for the triple glory of Our Power, Wisdom and Love. These three powers of mankind offer three-fold reparation as restitution for the great offence committed by withdrawing from the great goodness of Our Divine Will.”

“The Sovereign Queen of Heaven was endowed with grace by virtue of the future Redeemer’s merits, while you were given the grace earned by the Redeemer once He had already come. Centuries of millennia are all the same point in time for Me, so I had plenty of time to think about everything from every angle. I was only right that I should support these three wills so My Eternal Will could triumph over them. That’s why I keep telling you to pay attention. Remember, you have two wills helping you out, the Celestial Mom and your Jesus. We’ll back you up, so you can stay strong in your great sacrifice for such a holy cause, the triumphant Kingdom of My Fiat.”

Later, my mind was flying, as usual, and I was headed for the Conception of the Sovereign Lady.

I thought, “Immaculate Queen, the little daughter of Divine Will lies at your feet in thanksgiving for your Conception as our honored Queen. I summon the Angels and Saints, the sun and stars in the heavens and all of Creation to come circle your head like a crown. We honor Your Highness, for we are your subjects.”

“Celestial Mother and Queen, look at how all created things run to surround you and declare. ‘We hail you, our Queen. At last, after so many centuries, we have the Empress we were promised.’ The sun hails you as the Queen of light and the heavens call you the Queen of the stars in their vastness, the wind hails their Imperial Queen. The sea announces the Queen of purity, strength and justice as the earth hails you as the Queen of flowers. We all hail you in chorus, ‘Welcome our Queen, our smile, our glory and joy. Your every wish is our command.’”

As I was saying this, I started thinking more of my usual nonsense.

I thought, “I am celebrating my Celestial Mom. I wonder if She would ever celebrate the little daughter of the Divine Will? There’s nothing I’d like better than sitting on Her lap like a little child so She could give me the life of the Divine Will as air to breath and food to eat.”

I thought about that for a while, among things, until my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “Little daughter of My Will, when someone lives in My Divine Fiat, everyone celebrates by having a feast in her honor. I notice that you started celebrating My Mom’s coronation as Queen, right from the beginning, at Her Conception. That’s because She began Her life within the same Divine Will that brought Her to you in the present moment as the glorious Queen. Then It inspired you to celebrate Her coronation with Her subjects, all created things, and that feast began with Her Conception.”

“Once a festival has begun in the Fiat, it never ends, so someone who comes to live in It sees them still celebrating, so she joins the festivities. Right from the beginning, starting with Her Conception, the little Queen of Heaven could see that everyone revered Her by their smiles. Not only did they like her more than anyone else, they had a deep longing for Her birth. At first, however, She didn’t know anything about becoming My Mother, that mystery had not yet been revealed to Her. It wasn’t until much later that an Angel made the announcement that She would become the Mother of the very One She had been yearning for so long. Nevertheless, She knew all along that My Divine Will reigned as Sovereign within Her and that explained why everyone treated Her as His Royal Queen and Empress.”

“Whenever you celebrate Mom’s Sovereignty, Mom rejoices with Her daughter for being newly born in the Fiat, something She loved more than Her own life. The two of you are more alike than you know, because She is celebrating something about you that you are unaware of now and won’t be revealed to you until later. She longs to have many little daughters of My Will as queens as Her peers to help Her celebrate the great feast that has been prepared in Her honor.”

July 23, 1928

The soul who lives in the Fiat is the luminous point in the world. How everything was created for the soul.

I was abandoned in the Supreme Fiat as usual, trying my best to embrace everyone and everything so that it would all become Divine Will. Then my sweet Jesus came out from inside me. He said, “My daughter, when the soul lives in My Will, she is the most luminous spot in the world. She is just like the sun you see under the vault of the heavens. They both permeate the earth with their rays, penetrating everywhere with a living light that embellishes everything with colors as they nourish the whole world. However, of the two, it is she that is more radiantly beautiful and bright. My Divine Will reigns within her, sending out its rays so far and wide that they embrace everyone and everything.”

“Looking on from far up in Heaven, it is so very beautiful to see these points of light on the globe. It hardly seems like the earth, it’s more like Heaven. That’s because the Sun of My Fiat lives there. Its rays scatter a broad array of Divine colors, transforming the planet through cultivation and adorning it with the Creator’s beautiful living light. These points of light disrupt the current of evil wherever they shine, changing affliction into grace; they even disarm My Justice with their power. These points herald peace. They paint a smile on the earth, bringing tranquility, beauty and the sanctity of life everlasting.”

“They are the blessed parts of the earth with an upwelling of life and light that never fades. The earth is a dull place without these points of light. There may be luminous patches, but these feint lights do not shine without a powerful source to spread their rays far and wide. They’re not much good for anything at all. Without a reliable source of energy, the lights go out. The earth becomes murky, hidden in thick darkness because of the human will, the herald bearing evil and chaos. It’s nothing but trouble.”

“Darkness billows out of the agitated soul without the rule of My Will. When she comes out of the shadows for something good, toxic smog follows her. Her fruit never ripens, her beauty is deformed.”

“Everything is different for the soul who is controlled by My Will. She is the legitimate queen with dominion over everything. She keeps the peace and brings prosperity to all. She is very popular. My Will is the source of her benevolent generosity. She needs no one else.”

Then I continued making my rounds in the Divine Volition, gathering up all created things for my Creator. From the sky, I collected everything under the sun as a sign of my profound adoration. I wanted to address my God, “Sun, sea, stars and sky You gave me, and I give You everything in return with all my love.”

As I was thinking this, my sweet Jesus responded.

He said, “Yes, My daughter, I created everything as a gift to you. Every time I created something, My first thought was that I would give it to you; then it would come into being. I gave you so many of them that you had no place to put them. However, I didn’t want to encumber you, My Love, so I made a space for you to keep them so that you could access everything whenever you pleased. That way you could enjoy them with being overburdened with the clutter.”

“If you only knew how much satisfaction We get from seeing Our little daughter take off and fly into Our Will to bring to Us everything under the heavens. You reciprocate Us with the sun, moon and stars, along with all the other gifts that We had already given you. We feel Our own Love and Glory being multiplied as you duplicate Our works. We are know that if you had the power to make all these things for Us, you would. Our Love is always excessive for someone who lives in Our Fiat. We give her all the credit, as if she were the one who made the heavens out of love for Us, the sun, sea, wind and everything else. We repay her as if she were the one who holds all of Creation just to give Us glory. We want to reward her whenever she tells Us that she loves Us.”

“My Will loves the one who lives in It so much. Everything It does says to the soul, ‘Let’s do it together’. Then It can say, ‘All I have done out of love for her, she has done for My sake.’”

July 29, 1928

Meaning of the blessing and of the sign of the cross.

Every day that goes by without my sweet Jesus seems longer and more depressing. Hours seem like centuries and days feel like they’ll never end. As I’ve been making my usual rounds throughout Creation, I’ve taken to begging everyone to cry out, on my behalf, for the One who flies away from me. He leaves me abandoned and all alone to suffer the painful martyrdom of living without the One who is my true life.

My bitterness makes me ask the sun to cry tears of light to move my Jesus with compassion, so He’ll come back to His little exile. I call the imperious wind to moan tearfully, to scream and holler loud enough to assault Jesus’ ears until He relents. I call on the sea to help me by changing water into tears and that its waves rise tumultuously into His Sacred Heart until He

decides to return with His Life. It means everything to me. He makes me so crazy that start talking out of my head. It’s stark raving madness, but I can’t help it!

I implore ever one to save me by making Jesus return by any means necessary. Yet nothing seemed to work, He still wouldn’t come back, so I continued my rounds within His adorable Will. I followed all of His Actions when He was on earth until I saw Jesus blessing children, His Celestial Mom and crowds of people. So I prayed that Jesus would bless His little daughter. I need it bad.

Then He moved inside me and raised His arm to give me His profound blessing.

He said, “My daughter, I bless you, body and soul, from My Sacred Heart, may it be verify Our Likeness within you and so confirm the Divinity’s design in creating man. “Everything I did during the course of My mortal Life, I blessed, always. Renewing the first act of Creation, I call My blessings down upon creatures in the Name of the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. My Sacraments live by these blessings and invocations. As call out to the Creator’s Likeness within souls, My blessing beckons the life of My Divine Will to resume Its reign in souls as It was in the beginning. Only My Will has the artistic power to paint the Creator’s Likeness in vivid detail within the creature and preserves its Divine colors as the soul progresses.”

“That’s what blessings do, they authenticate Our creative work. Once We design something so beautiful, sublime and so full of wisdom, We love to replicate it over and over. Besides renewing Our confirmation of what We want to do, Our blessings reflect the longing in Our Heart to see Our Image restored in creatures. The sign of the cross that the Church teaches to the newly faithful is an appeal to Our Likeness on behalf of creatures. They echo Our blessing as they repeat, ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit .’ Whether they know it or not, the Church and all the faithful are harmonizing with the Eternal Creator. We all want the same thing. God, by pronouncing the words of His blessing, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’ shows His desire to give His Likeness to creatures. In turn, creatures appeal to it by making the sign of the cross and pronouncing the same words.”

August 2, 1928

How it is absolute Will of God for these writings to come out. The work of Redemption and the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat are linked together. The field of the Divine Will.


I worry about these blessed manuscripts. The very idea of letting them be published keeps tormenting me. Besides, there’s other stuff going on in the background, if not one thing, it’s another. Sometimes I wonder if it’s really the Will of God that they be published, considering all the unnecessary complications. Who knows, perhaps the Lord only wants me to sacrifice by

writing words. It’s conceivable that He only wants to spare me such overwhelming pressure that I would say, ‘Fiat! Fiat!’, only because I felt coerced by His Divine Will.

As I thought about it, my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the Will of God that the Writings of My Divine Will published is absolute. No matter what happens, Its eventual triumph is assured. It knows how to arrange everything so that Its absolute Will shall be fulfilled, even if it takes years and years. The time required to become well known depends entirely on how long it takes for creatures to get ready for something this great. There also has to be people willing to sacrifice their time and reputation to publicize It. Only then will It bring the longed for era of peace, the true Sun that forever dispels the clouds of evil and begins a new day.”

“If you only knew how much grace and light I have prepared for those who are willing to spend their time with them. They will be the first to be consoled by the living light of My Fiat. My hands have prepared food, clothing and other accessories as gifts for those who work on them. Moreover, I am watching over those who are truly committed to them so I can give them everything they would ever need to accomplish such holy work. I will encourage them with My love to do what has to done.”

“However, let this be warning, ‘Woe to those who get in the way or try to obstruct it.’”

“I don’t want you to change anything, not even a single comma of what is so necessary to prepare the Kingdom of My Divine Will. We are both doing our part to provide what is needed to give this great blessing to creatures, We leave nothing out. This way, as soon as the creatures are ready, they will find everything they need right in front of them.”

“I did the same thing in the work of Redemption. I prepared everything through My suffering, in spite of every obstacle. Even My own Apostles were wavering. At times they were doubtful and so timid that they ran away when they saw Me in the hands of My enemies. They abandoned me before they had a chance to see the fruit of My labor while I was on earth. Regardless, with due diligence, I did everything necessary and sufficient to fulfill the work of Redemption. So when they finally opened their eyes to look at what I had done, they could see that everything they needed to be redeemed had been prepared for them. There was nothing holding them back from enjoying the fruit of My coming upon earth.”

“My daughter, the Kingdoms of My Redemption and My Will are very closely linked. They go hand in hand together. The main thing they have in common, however, is human ingratitude.Don’t pay any attention to it. It’s important that those who are responsible for something so important should never be deterred by these kinds of stumbling blocks. Yet we must finish the job without overlooking anything. We have to make certain they have everything they need so they can take delivery of the Kingdom of My Will.”

So I continued acting within the Divine Volition, even though I was still depressed. Then my sweet Jesus reappeared, holding three or four Priests in a bear hug. He was squeezing them close to His chest so He could inject His Sacred Heart into them.

He said, “I just wanted to show you how closely I hug those who are busy working on these Writings about My adorable Will. As soon as I see someone who takes a strong interest in promoting them, I hold them tight so I can infuse them with whatever they feed for such holy work. So don’t worry about a thing.”

After that, He appeared way down deep inside me in a space as huge as a planet made of clearest crystal. The Baby Jesus was in there, surrounded by light, however; there was one of Him every two or three steps apart. What a beautiful sight, this immense crystal full of Babes, each of them with His own radiant sun all to Himself. I was amazed to see so many avatars of Jesus there in the depth of my soul, each of them happily bathing in the light of His own sun. He noticed my surprise.

He said, “Don’t be surprised, My daughter. This crystal field you are looking at is My Divine Will, and each Jesus you see is another revealed Truth about My Fiat. My life is bi-located in the radiance of every one of these suns that illuminate the Babes, their rays spreading endlessly, announcing to all that I am the streaming fountainhead of Truth.”

“Notice how many of My Lives I have bi-located, one for each truth I have revealed to you, and every one of them is the life-force of a sun, a simple lantern would never do. I have remained among them so everyone can feel the strength of My creative power within these truths. I love each one of them as much as I love Myself. Those who won’t acknowledge My Life, My sun or My creative power in these truths about My Fiat are either blind or have lost their ability to reason. You should be greatly consoled by having one of My Lives within you for every truth I have revealed.”

“Just acknowledge the greatest treasure I could ever entrust to you, and don’t worry. The sun knows how to make its own way, and no one can prevent its light from marching on.”

Then His voice took on a more tender tone.

He said, “My daughter, Our Adorable Majesty loves the creature so much that We put Our Life at her disposal so she can become Our replica. Our Life should act as a mold for the creature to pour into and become a replica of Our Life and resemble her Creator. We have so many strategies and tactics in love. With amazing grace We induce the creature to become Our double. We shall never be satisfied until Our Divine Will conquers the creature with Our Love.”

August 6, 1928

How operating in the Fiat is source of Divine Life. Difference from the human operating. How Its light empties the soul of all passions.

I continued acting in the Divine Fiat, and I did, I began to reflect on what I was doing.

I thought, “How is doing something good within the Divine Will so different from the human will trying to doing it?”

That’s when my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “What’s the difference?! They are different beyond belief. This means you’re still don’t comprehend just how important it is to operate from within My Divine Will. Operating in My Fiat is what gives life to the soul, Divine Life, life lived to the full as it springs from the fountainhead of all goodness. For each and every action performed within My Will, the soul enfolds another life without beginning or end. That very action then becomes an inexhaustible fountain pouring out all that is good in this world.”

“This fountain is the source of an ever growing sanctity full of the same beauty and joy that all Divine Qualities have in common. If you could take all the good works ever done by creatures over the centuries, they could never equal one single act done in My Will. Life itself reigns within such an act, while works done outside of My Will are lifeless.”

“Think about it. When you work at something, you put your work into it, not your life. When someone looks at your work, or takes possession of it, they see or own your work, not your life. That’s what humans do, they work; they don’t actually put their life into it, and such works are perishable and can be consumed or even lost.”

“My Will has a great love for such operations performed by the soul, and It is so jealous of them that It makes Its own Divine Life central to that work, right in the very heart of it. The soul who carries out all her actions within It comes into possession of another Divine Life for every additional act she performs within My Supreme Fiat. A soul like this populates the Divine Will as she bi-locates within the endless Sea of My Eternal Volition.”

“No matter how much work creatures may do, regardless of any personal sacrifice, if I can’t see the life of My Will flowing within them, I am not pleased. I would never be satisfied with such lifeless work. An acceptable sacrifice must have an elegant beauty and constant love smiling with joy. Even if they live in the present as they operate, when work is done, they are no longer alive within it. If their life doesn’t continue within their work, I find it tasteless and it gives Me

no pleasure. I long for the soul who lives in My Divine Will when I find her works full of Divine Lives with a constant love. These are not silent works, they speak. They know how to talk about their Creator so well because they have the same Divine Will. Hearing them gives Me every pleasure and I continue loving them simply because it would be impossible for us to part. My very Life binds Me to them with indestructible ties.”

“You can’t imagine how important it was for Me to call you to live in My Will where you can serve the greater good. If you could understand the wonders and infinite treasure you can hold within you, or the love that compels My affection, you would be more grateful and pay attention. If you did, you would yearn for My Fiat to be well known so It can establish Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. It alone will sow Divine Life in Creation.”

Then I continued abandoning myself in the Fiat where my mind became lost in seeing how endless It is. Its light permeates everything, Its power can do anything, It wisdom prepares and arranges all events. My poor little mind wanted to take so much from that endless Sea of light, but it could take but a few drops. I can’t even explain it in human terms, let alone Divine. I’m just not capable of putting it into words. While I was immersed in that Sea of light, my Beloved Jesus appeared within Its glowing radiance.

He said, “My Will is a powerful light, and Its function is to empty the soul of every passion, if she would only let It do so. This life-giving light takes its place in the center of her being where it burns way the human dross until there is nothing left but a seed of pure light. Thus the soul is regenerated with new life, pristine and holy, sifted of every evil seed, just as she was made by Our creative hands. This fortunate creature no longer has to fear that she might harm anyone.”

“True light not only harms no one, it brings the blessings of My vivifying Light to everyone. Furthermore, she needn’t fear that she might be harmed herself, because no shadow could ever dim true light, not in the least. All she has to do is enjoy her good fortune and spread her light over everyone.”

August 12, 1928

One who lives in the Divine Fiat rises back into the acts of innocent Adam and possesses the universal virtue. How the Fiat is order. How the life of one who lives in It is precious.

I continued my rounds throughout Creation, stopping here and there to follow the progress of what God had done in Creation. When I came to the actions Adam had performed while still innocent, I grew nostalgic.

I thought, “I wish I could do what our father did in his innocence. Then I would love and glorify my Creator just as he could before his original sin.”

As I pondered my ardent desire, my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, in his innocence, he possessed the life of My Divine Will. That means he also had universal life and power. Everyone and everything were united by their love, which was focused in one central location, Adam, where I could easily find it and meld My own Love with it. The same was true of his actions, as well, an amalgamation of every act in Creation, including My own. I could find everyone and everything operating within Adam. He was filled with every shaded nuance of love and his demeanor reflected a mastery of serene supremacy.”

“Even now, someone who lives in My Will rises up and goes back into Adam’s innocent actions, making universal life and power her own. Not only that, she also rises up and back through time into the acts of the Queen of Heaven. Ultimately, she rises up into the acts of her very Creator, and then, flowing within them, she centers herself in the Act of acts.”

“Then she says, ‘Now that everything is mine, and I shall give it all to my God. Just as His Divine Will belongs to me, so does everything else. Everything that has ever come out of It is all mine. It is only by having nothing of my own that, with Its Fiat, I have everything and I can give God to God. I feel so happy and gloriously victorious within the Eternal Volition. I own everything, and I can give it all away without using up my immense wealth in the least.’”

“There’s not one single act, either in Heaven or on earth, where I don’t find someone who lives in My Will.”

Then I continued following the acts of Divine Fiat until my always lovable Jesus started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, My Will arranges everything in just the right order, especially where the soul lives under Its reign and is herself totally rearranged according to Its Divine order. That’s why such creatures are so lucid in thought, work and deed. They are harmonic in everything they do.”

“The Divine Will keeps order in all work originating from within the Supreme Being; hence they are so cross-linked that they seamlessly operate as a single unit. Even though every work serves its own unique mission, they are so tightly knit that none of them actually does anything independently of the others. They can’t even live without each other because they are all animated in parallel by the same one Will. By operating through the power of Fiat, the soul can sense her Creator’s plan being developed internally. Bu transfusing Himself into her, she feels so tightly linked in this union with Him that she cannot distinguish between the two.”

“She feels akin to the sky, so everything she does in thought, word or deed seems as if they were stars flowing within her like a beautiful necklace of pearls. Becoming a sun, she runs toward everyone to give them her light. She identifies with the earth, enjoying the scenic beauty of flowers and a sea of grace flowing through her soul. She wishes she could share all

these enchanting scenes of flowery fields, so everyone could enjoy the great advantages of being ruled by My Divine Will.”

“A sure sign that My Fiat reigns within the creature is that you won’t see anything clashing about in chaos. Everything harmonizes in perfect order simply because everything she does originates from her Creator. All she has to do is take her cue from Him in whatever she might do.”

“The life of someone who lets My adorable Will live within her is precious to Me because it is so rare. Such striking beauty is impossible to find elsewhere. She does everything We do and nothing else. She would do anything for Our undying Love and Glory. She would recreate the heavens anew and replicate all of Creation for Us. By flowing through the works of Redemption and Sanctification, she would recreate them for Us. Since the Divine Will did already this within Ourselves, We can do the same in a creature living under Our dominion and rule.”

“We called all of Our works into being out of the void, and We can do the same out of the creature’s own nothingness. We will do more than just repeat all of Our works, you can expect even more amazing things. Our Supreme Being knows this creature can give Us anything through the power of Our Fiat, and We feel loved and glorified as if she were actually doing it for Us. Actually, We look at more than what she does for Us, We anticipate what she can do for Us.”

“She encapsulates so much that is precious to Us, and We notice how bold she is in performing all of her actions. Her many shades of beauty enrapture Us with the most delightful scenes as Our Divine gaze rests upon her. Carried away by love, We emphatically exclaim, ‘Bravo, bravo, marvelous, delightful! We love to watch You perform in the creature under Your control. Concealed under the veil of her existence, You direct the most beautiful scenes for Our enjoyment. They are such a delight.’”

“So she is indeed the most fortunate creature who gets her God’s attention and invites Him to celebrate by enjoying His own works. She is the one who has finally made it far enough to say, ‘By the power of Your Will I have come into possession of everything, and I bring it to You as a gift. I want nothing for myself, because what is Yours is mine.’”

August 15, 1928

The living in the Divine Fiat is communism between Creator and creature. The Virgin: Her insuperable glory. The Sanctity in the Divine Will known in Heaven.

I abandon myself in the Fiat more or less continuously these days. It wants me to be there in all of Its actions, acting as either antagonist or spectator in various scenarios. Naturally, Eternal Volition never stops acting, nor could it. Being Its little child, I’m welcome either on stage or off, It just likes having me there.

Anyhow, I continued making my rounds throughout Creation, wondering.

I thought, “Is this really necessary, does Jesus really want me to follow Him around everywhere?”

Then my Beloved moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, living in My Divine Will means allowing God to find you within each created thing. The Supreme Being expects to find His beloved within all of His works, after all, it was out of love for her that He called Creation out of nothingness. She was the inspiration for so much of the beauty He put into His marvelous works.”

“Without you, the echo of your love and gratitude within His works would be silenced as soon as you stopped flying around in them. It would be as if He hadn’t performed them especially for you. That was precisely Our goal when We called you to live in Our Divine Will. We want to find you in Our works, and We want you to find Us within each created thing so you can give Us your dear little love. Creating so many wonderful things was a sign of just how much We love you. Our aim is to unite your love with Ours and fuse them together as one single love. Then We shall announce, ‘See how much the little daughter of Our Divine Will loves Us.’

“Otherwise, Our Love and Our works would be at odds. We created everything for you so We could enjoy your company. Living in the Divine Will is a communal relationship between Creator and creature. We will always be together, wherever one is, the other shall be as well. The creature has found her little niche in everything God does. So if you want a part to play in all the works of Creation and Redemption, then you must continue your flight by letting My Fiat carry you in Its arms. It will cast the little newborn as an actor within each of Its works.”

After that, I accompanied the Sovereign Queen as She was assumed into Heaven. My sweet Jesus knows when I’m thinking about Her, so He moved inside me. He was singing the praises of His Celestial Mother.

He said, “My daughter, the glory of Heaven’s Mom is supreme. No one else in the Celestial Regions has such seas of grace, light, beauty and sanctity, nor Her seas of love, power and science. What’s more, She holds all these seas within the endless Sea of Her Creator.”

“Compared to Her, the other inhabitants of the Blessed Fatherland only have a few drops, or a small fountain perhaps, a little creek at most. She is unique, since She was the only one to live Her life in the Divine Fiat. Human volition could never take root in Her life of Divine Will.

She used Its power to centralize all creatures within Herself by spiritually conceiving them in Her maternal Heart. Every time She did that, She would bi-locate Her Son Jesus and give Him to each creature She had conceived within Her virginal Heart. Since Her Maternity is expansive enough for all, each one can boast, ‘The Mother of Jesus is my Mother as well. She is so sweet, kind and lovable. She gives Her Beloved Son to each one of us as a sign of Her maternal love.’ Only My Will could give Her the power to spiritually conceive all creatures as Her children and replicate Her Jesus for each individual child She had.”

“Her Highness, the Sovereign Mother in Heaven, is the keeper of grace-filled seas. Playing the game of love, She is constantly generating enormous waves of love, light and sanctity until they flood the throne room of the Supreme Being. He, in turn, generates even higher waves from His own Sea, which is deeper and wider. They swell up from beneath the seas of the Virgin Queen and drench Her with love. So She sets further waves in motion, and then God yet more. Before you know it, all of Heaven is flooded by waves of love, light and beauty as everyone joins in the general melee, laughing their heads off. The Blessed in Heaven know full well they can’t make waves, simply because they haven’t their own seas. They understand that their Queen Mother rules the waves of Her own sea by virtue of Her life sanctified in Divine Will.”

“With the Virgin as their example, the Saints know what it means for the creature to have the Sanctity of Divine Will within them. So their ardent hope is that other creatures will draw Her rising tide into the Celestial Fatherland so they can play in the waves. The world still doesn’t know about the sanctity of My Will and I’ve been yearning so long to make It known. It’s well known in Heaven simply because the Sovereign Queen reveals the Sanctity of My Fiat to whoever beholds Her. Through Its power She became the symbol of grace on earth for the whole human family, and a sign of glory in the Celestial Fatherland. There’s no one even remotely like Her.”

August 18, 1928

Pains in the Fiat are drops, and one reaches the point of snatching them. Example. How the truths about the Divine Will are Divine Lives, and are all in waiting to perform their


I was making my usual rounds until I got to the works of Redemption where I paused every time creatures inflicted pain on Jesus and the Celestial Queen.

I thought, “I can’t imagine how much suffering their Hearts endured. They must have been drowning in pain when the Virgin sacrificed Her own Son and He gave up His very Life.”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, since the Divine Fiat was sovereign in My Mom and I, so We know what it meant to act within It and to suffer while doing so. That’s just what it takes to acquire such great blessings. In fact, the gain would be so decisive that the pain was like a drop of water in an immense sea. Furthermore, We had a deep longing for any opportunity to work or suffer, if it would only maximize Our advantage. ‘No pain, no gain’ creatures say, though actually, no amount of pain, not even the sacrifice of one’s own life, could ever match the great advantage of acting within My Divine Will.”

“Imagine that someone were offered the opportunity to do something, even if it meant working to the point of exhaustion, provided it would help save the world. The more heroic would give their very life just to have the opportunity to volunteer for such a noble mission. It the fate of the entire world depended on such a sacrifice, they would anxiously look about for any opportunity to seize the day. If a citizen of a country were offered the throne if he could successfully resolve a national crisis in one day, most anyone would be glad to do his patriotic duty. He would be praised as a national hero.”

“Of course, the Fatherland already belonged to Me and the Celestial Lady, but We were still more than happy to oblige. After all, no amount of pain and suffering could ever affect the happiness of those who possess the Divine Fiat. Actually, everything was Ours. Nevertheless, We knew that the work We did and the pain We suffered in Our Divine Volition was the price We paid to purchase such a Kingdom for the human family. With every pain We suffered, their rights as citizens were further consolidated. We did it out of love for them, to make them happy. To spend even one day of Our Life working and suffering down here was a glorious victory for Us.”

“There was another reason we did it, however, besides the well-being of creatures. By operating within the Fiat, We give the Divine Volition complete freedom of action to enfold the sun as the heavens revolve. Indeed, It will encapsulate as many suns as needed for such immense wealth to pour out, because the Divine Fiat owns everything and can do whatever It wants with it.”

Then I continued to abandon myself in the Supreme Volition, thinking about all the many truths my Beloved Good had revealed to me, until I heard Him sigh.

He added, “My daughter, every time I reveal a truth about My Will, another Divine Life of My Will gushes out for the well-being of creatures. There are already enough of these lives in existence to fill the whole world with the life of Divine Will, sufficient to bring the treasures they hold into the midst of creatures.”

“Yet they are still unknown, however, dormant lives hidden away, and until they are revealed to the world, the treasure within each of these truths does no one any good. They are all waiting with Divine patience for someone to open the doors and let them out. They will eventually be released by whoever will take the time to reveal these lives to the world. When these doors

finally open, they make their way into the midst of creatures where they can fulfill their mission. Only then will their hidden treasure come to light.”

“Right now these truths have feet that don’t go anywhere, hands that can’t do anything and mouths that have yet to be heard. I will settle accounts with anyone holding them back. They shall have to answer to me. Look at them, My daughter. They want to walk around and do things, but they’re grounded. They have a lot to tell us, you can see their lips moving, even if nobody’s paying any attention. They may as well have been gagged with hands and feet tied.”

I was really touched when I saw how many living truths there were, more than I could count. They were trying their best to move, you could see them stretching out their hands toward the creatures, trying to get close enough to tell them good things about the Divine Fiat. They offered them the kiss of peace.

August 23, 1928

Certainty of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. Rights of God and of the creature. The new Gospel: the truths on the Divine Fiat. Human prudence causes the

most beautiful works to fail. Loneliness of Jesus; the ones who kept Him company.

I thought, “Could it really be true that the Kingdom of the Will of God will come upon earth?”

Then my lovable Jesus, moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, what are you saying? God has every right to give His Kingdom to creatures, and humanity has the right to accept It. When God created man, He gave His Will to man as his inheritance. He also gave His Divine Will the right to reign on earth as It reigned in Heaven. The first man’s life began in the Fiat, that’s true, and he vowed to work within his Divine patrimony, and that pledge still exists as an indelible act within My Will. Even when solitary man broke his promise by leaving It, that agreement remained intact for the rest, and as long as it does, humanity has the right to reenter the Kingdom he had lost.”

“We don’t look at man as an individual however; We look at the whole human family as if it were one person. Even if one of them should detach himself from society or be ostracized by it, humanity as a unit retains the patrimony disowned by the lone rebel. They have not been disinherited; they still have their rights, but then again, Our Kingdom holds on to Its privileges as well. Otherwise, It would exist in name only, rather than as an undeniable fact. Its reality is not in dispute, in fact, human life derives from It.”

“You still don’t understand how powerful one single act can be when performed within My Will, it is immeasurable. All the acts of My Humanity and the Queen of Heaven were done in

the Kingdom of Our Divine Will. As the leaders of the human family, that’s how We reaffirmed the creatures’ right to re-enter Our Kingdom.”

Later on, I started to worry about the publication of the Book of Heaven on the Will of God because of some controversy. As I began to pray, my sweet Jesus appeared. He looked so upset that He was clutching His Heart in sorrow.

He said, “I feel so sad, My daughter. They get all the glory for having the high honor of publishing true revelations about My Holy Will. I’ve given them this glorious mission and you’d think they’d be bragging about instead of trying to hide what they’re doing.”

“My Heart is aching so bad it feels like it’s going to burst. These revelations about My Fiat are the new Gospel of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Creatures can learn the way of the Sun from these noble teachings so they may rise up to their original state, as they were created by God at the beginning of Creation. This is the Gospel that takes them by the hand and leads them to true happiness and everlasting peace. My Will shall be the only Law. Its love dips its brush in the vivid colors of Its light to restore man’s image in the Likeness of his Creator. You’d think they’d crave such great goodness and call everyone’s attention to It, yet they do just the opposite.”

“During the Redemption, the Evangelists were honored to be known as the ones who wrote down the Gospel so the whole world could know about It. Their names were glorified by It whenever someone begins to preach the Gospel by mentioning the author’s name before It is they quote from It. That’s the way I want the truth about My Will to be evangelized, so everyone shall know the names of those who brought such treasures to world.”

“This has nothing to do with human discretion. All that’s ever done is undermine Divine works until they fail before the eyes of creatures. It’s just an excuse for sluggards to hold back from the holiest works. My Will shall nevertheless triumph over all obstacles. Then they will be the ones who look like fools. However, such ingratitude for these great gifts still makes Me sad.”

Then, I continued making my rounds in the Fiat, following my lovable Jesus in His earthly Life. I felt sorry for Him whenever He was all alone without even His Celestial Mom to console Him. He would sometimes withdraw from the world by going out into the desert. Even during His Public He would leave His friends behind in town and head out to the countryside where He would pray alone. At times I would see Him crying for our salvation.

I thought, “My Jesus, your little daughter cannot bear leaving You alone. I want to be near You, even if there’s nothing I can do but whisper in your ear, ‘I love You, I love You.’ For your own sake, give me the Kingdom of Your Will so you won’t have to cry such tears all alone. Please, hurry! Look at how the world is falling apart, only Your Will can save it.”

As I was thinking about it, my Beloved Jesus came out from inside me and threw Himself into my arms. I could see that He just wanted to enjoy my company for awhile.

He said “Thank you, My daughter. Whenever I act, I wait for you so I can tell everyone, ‘The little daughter of My Will never left Me alone.’”

“You know how heavily My loneliness weighed on Me. Everyone sought the One who looked for them, even though everybody abandoned Me all alone. My sorrow is still vivid. My gaze kept vigil, watching for anyone who might be searching for Me so they could show their love by keeping Me company, though I often sought in vain for this comfort. Regardless of My abandonment by creatures, however, I was never really alone, since I had the company of My Mom, the Queen, with Her Angels. It didn’t matter that She was far away, My Divine Will brought Me Her heartbeat. Everything She did would keep Me company. I was surrounded with Her actions as My royal courtiers.”

“Even back then, Divine Will would bring Me the newborn of My Fiat with a full retinue to keep Me company, the children of My Kingdom. Then is now, because all time belongs to My Divine Will and It has the power to bring every point in time into the present, making them all one continuous, never ending action. Moreover, the soul remembers what I did and wants to be close to Me, so she prepares the emptiness within herself to store the fruit of what I did with all My suffering.”

August 26, 1928

The Divine Will is more than Mother. How It grows together with the soul and forms Its life in her. The lightning of the act done in It. The return of the breath of Jesus to make

the Divine Will reign.

My flight in the Eternal Fiat is non-stop, not that I have any control of it, no matter what I do, I always end up flying into It. It’s more real than my own life, inside and out. Wherever I fly, or run, there are His works, ranging far and wide endlessly. It is a land without boundaries, where It life pulses in everything everywhere. So high, you can’t get over It, so low, you can’t go under It, Divine Will captures and keeps everything. It is both actor and spectator of everything that ever happens.

I felt so small as I wandered around in the Divine Fiat. I went everywhere in Creation making my little “I love You” reverberate within each created thing as it asked for the Kingdom of Divine Will on earth. Then my lovable Jesus appeared out of nowhere, carrying me in His arms so we could follow the acts of His Divine Will together.

He said, “My Will loves you so much, My daughter. It carries you in Its arms as your Mother, holding you tightly to Its bosom, all the while inside of you, growing along with you. It pulsates in your heart, circulates in your blood, walks with your feet, thinks in your mind and

speaks with your voice. Its jealous love is so great that, when you are little, It becomes little, as you grow, It grows with you so that when you operate, It makes you big enough to extend all of Its works within you.”

“A mother can leave her daughter behind and go someplace far away; My Will would never do that, ever. It makes Itself the very life of the daughter and they become inseparable. It couldn’t leave, even if It wanted to go elsewhere, because It has formed Its own life in Its daughter and resides there. No earthly mother could ever have the kind of supreme power that loves to form her own life and live within her daughter, only My Will can do that. It possesses creative virtue and eternal love, so It can form Its life within someone reborn who wants nothing else but to be Its daughter.”

“That’s why you go all around throughout Creation. My Divine Will, your Mother, wants nothing more in Her actions than the life She has formed in you, Her daughter. Someone who lives in My Divine Fiat flows together with the whirling race of Creation, with harmonic order throughout. The systematic revolutions of the spheres perform the most beautiful harmonic melodies, while the soul who runs through them sounds her part in harmonic counterpoint. Such music echoes over the Celestial Fatherland and captures the attention of all the Blessed. I can hear them say, ‘The music of the spheres sounds so beautify because the little daughter of Divine Fiat accompanies them. She sounds a distinctive cadence that only we can hear because Divine Volition brings it right to us in our Celestial Regions.’ So it’s not you who flows in the current of a running stream; My Will does that. You just go with the flow.”

Then I meditated on the sublime miracles of the Divine Fiat until I was dissolved in It. Meanwhile, my Beloved Jesus continued teaching me.

He said, “My daughter, lightning is unleashed by clouds to illuminate the earth, only to recoil back into its wispy womb with a flash that lights up the earth again. Sometimes it does that a lot. The soul who lives in My Will is like that. She unleashes her actions as lightning from the womb of her humanity, intensifying the Sun of My Divine Fiat. Moreover, she lights up the earth darkened by human volition.”

“However, the lightning that the clouds unleash is attenuated, while the lightning produced in My Divine Will is boundless; it must be, to carry such knowledge within. Anything that operates in My Will has universal power, the same strength underlying new creations unleashed by Divine Life. The lighting unleashed by her actions has the power to open all the doors of My works. It thereby allows entry to a new creation illuminated by the lightning unleashed by the creature operating in My Fiat. All My works are thus renewed and twice glorified so everyone can exult in their newfound creative power over them.”

A bit later, my always lovable Jesus appeared as a little child in the depths of my poor little soul. As He hugged me, kissed me and breathed on me, I felt new life with fresh love being infused inside me, and then I did the same for Him. In between kisses, He told me what He was doing.

He said, “Little daughter of My Will, as My breath wafts over you, it brings renewal. It destroys the infectious seed of human volition and It germinates the seed of My Divine Fiat with its vivifying power. My breath is the origin of the creature’s human life and that’s what man lost when he withdrew from My Will. He was still alive, in manner of speaking, he no longer had the strength of My vivifying breath to preserve the freshness and beauty he had been given, the Likeness of his Creator. Without My breath, man was like a flower deprived of sun, wind and rain, it withers and fades, head drooping as it dies.”

“To restore the Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures, My steady breathing must return to them, inside and out. My breath is the powerful wind that clears the skies so the Sun of My Will can enter into them with Its heat and destroy the bad seed of human volition. Only then may man return to being as beautiful and fresh as he was when newly created. When My Grace rains down upon it, the flower rights itself up on its stem, raises it head, flush with vivid colors, and faces the life of My Will rather than death.”

“If creatures knew the abundance of good things I am preparing for them, with astonishing love and amazing grace, they would surely be more attentive. Those who know about these revelations of My Will would gladly lay down their lives if they could just fling them out among the creatures the world. They would to anything to prepare a grand reception for such plentiful bounty. Such revelations have the power to transform human nature to be worthy of receiving the greatest of treasures. Yet human ingratitude never seems to change. They’d rather think about anything else but the preparation they need so badly. Instead, they hurl themselves into sin.”

August 30, 1928

Difference between Humanity and Divinity of Jesus. How the Kingdom of the Fiat has all been prepared by Him; nothing else is needed but those who would inhabit It. The

language that Jesus used in Redemption and what He uses for the Kingdom of the Divine Will—one different from the other.

My lovable Jesus appeared as a lovable little child who clung to me, wanting to cuddle. It was beautiful to see Him in His baby Humanity, so trusting and full of love. The soul trusts Jesus entirely because of His Humanity which is so much like her own that they bond like close siblings. They identify themselves with each other so much they’re almost interchangeable. The veil of Jesus Humanity covers His adorable Divinity, disarming the poor creature’s fear enough to trust Him. They love Him as much as any child in the arms of his Celestial Father.

The Love of Jesus says to the creature, “Don’t be scared, I’m just like you, clothed in the same kind of body. It’s a sign of My great Love that I hide the infinite light of My Majesty inside My Humanity so I can have you with Me as a little child in my arms.”

However, when my Beloved Jesus lets His Divinity shine through, His Humanity is lost in the glare of infinite light. That seems to put a great distance between me and my Creator. The blaze of His Divine Majesty annihilates me so that I plunge into my own primordial dust. Even if I tried to escape His Light, I wouldn’t know where to go, since there’s nowhere He is not. I am only a mere atom submerged within His Light. I’m just babbling nonsense at this point, so I’d better move on, because then Jesus, my highest Good, began to clarify things.

He said, “My daughter, the Kingdom of My Will is always ready to go within My Humanity, and I can reveal It to creatures at any time. Imagine that I laid the foundations and built factories full of endless rooms, decorated and well lit. However, instead lights, I illuminated them with one sun for every truth I have revealed about the Divine Fiat. All it lacks are inhabitants; there is enough space for everyone to have their own apartment because it is truly vast, bigger than the whole world.”

“Everything in Creation will be restored within the Kingdom of My Will, back to how they were when they originally created. That’s why there are so many punishments, with more to come. Divine Justice has to restore the balance to synchronize the world with My Attributes. The Kingdom of My Will needs equilibrium to maintain Its peace and happiness. So don’t be surprised if the paradise I am eagerly preparing to give is preceded by so many scourges. My Justice lays claim to Its rights, and once equilibrium is reestablished, It will once again be at peace with creatures without bothering about them anymore. More importantly, the children in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat will no longer be offensive to It. Then My Divine Justice will transform Itself entirely into love and mercy toward them.”

Then I continued following all the Acts Jesus had done in Redemption until my sweet Jesus resumed.

He said, “My daughter, the language I used in Redemption was very different from what I say about the Kingdom of My Divine Will. In fact, in Redemption, when I spoke, I had to adapt to people who were pathetically helpless, sickly, deaf, dumb and blind, practically on the verge of the tomb. I had to speak to them in parables and similes about the lower world that they could touch with their own hands. Sometimes I spoke to them as a Doctor dispensing medicine to cure them of their ills. Sometimes I had to give them a Fatherly talk, waiting for these unruly children to come back to their senses. I often had to be the Shepherd in search of His lost sheep, or a stern Judge who, when loving indulgence failed, had to resort to threats to scare them into behaving. Subliminal metaphors usually worked best.”

“I had to use this manner of speaking because they did not know Me, nor did they love Me, much less do My Will. They were so far away from Me. I deployed My parables to search for them and lower the net to catch them and then give each one of them the remedy they needed to

heal them. Yet so many escaped Me. So I intensified the search and honed My teachings to give light to all the blind, that they might be healed of their obstinate blindness.”

“You can see how different my manner of speaking is now that I am revealing the truths about My Divine Will in order to provide for all the children of Its Kingdom. The way I talk about Fiat has been like a father among his dear, loving children, each of them in good health. Since they all have My very life within them, by the power of My Will they shall be capable of understanding My most difficult lessons.”

“I have moved beyond, since then, setting before them beautiful similes of the sun, the heavenly spheres and a Divine way of operating that extends beyond infinity. By having My Divine Fiat within them, they have the One who created the sun and the heavenly spheres. He will give them the power to copy within themselves everything He created and as well as His technique of Divine control. They will actually replicate their Creator. That’s why I reveal the truth about My Fiat in such detail, something I didn’t do in Redemption. Those were parables encapsulating finite human methods, so I didn’t have enough material to go into such detail.”

“The similes regarding My Will are concern Divine procedures, so there’s no end of things to talk about. No one can sufficiently describe the vastness of the sun’s light or the intensity of its heat, nor could anyone set a boundary to the heavens or the range of My Divine works. If you only knew how much wisdom, love, light and grace I have invested in revealing the Truth about My Divine Fiat. You would drown in ecstasy and not survive. You would die of yearning for the work of your Jesus to be known so the pricelessness of such exuberant work may be glorified. It is imperative that Its favorable advantages be communicated to the other creatures.”

September 2, 1928

How, by virtue of the Divine Fiat, the created things are like members to man, and It gives to man their reason; and how, by withdrawing from It, man gave a blow and severed all

these members. How the Divine Will forms His mothers for Jesus.

I was making my rounds throughout Creation as usual, following the Divine Will’s past deeds. It was so beautiful. The Divine Fiat exulted in Its glorious triumph with universal dominion extending Its life far and wide. It is the pristine light of living light, growing in power within all created things according to plan, along with all the rest of Its Divine Qualities. Every created thing is more sacred than the relics of a saint because they encapsulate the Creative Power and Will of their Creator. All the while I went around in loving adoration, wanting to hug and kiss the sun, moon and stars over the windy seas, for they were all dwellings with veiled enclosures for their Creator.

I was still wandering around Creation when my sweet Jesus spoke.

He said, “My daughter, look at the pristine beauty of Our holy works, all of them perfectly designed. We use Creation as a vast dwelling where We can look out from behind the curtains. We gave man intelligence, so there was no need reason to give it to Creation. We made It all for man and he would have the capacity to reason on Its behalf. He is the one who will glorify Us with the light of the sun as the wind blows through the heavens on Our behalf. We allocated all created things as extensions of man, their reason for existing. He would use them to open the curtains to see the King inside His dwelling and present Him with the glorious love of the creating things that had been given to man as his own.”

“However, the only way he could use the requisitioned intelligence of the sun, moon and stars would be to incorporate everything in nature as extensions of his own being. That would allow him to take possession of the very life of Our Divine Fiat with all Its dominions. That gives him the immense intellectual capacity he needs to reason on behalf of all Creation, so It can maintain the functional integrity of Its myriad parts. Only Our Divine Will fully understands the reasoning behind everything It has done, so We gave It to man so he could understand Our works well enough to know how they function, and why. We created everything in detail according to a comprehensive plan from the beginning of Our Wisdom and integrated them as extensions of man’s being. He was Our first love and We designed all of Creation specifically for him. That’s why We made man the focus of all the intelligence he would ever need.”

“When he withdrew from Our Divine Will, he lopped off the intelligence extended to him via his dear and holy members with a single blow. Now knows very little about the powerful advantages of the sanctity and light extended to him through his members, even though he used to have them as his own. Meanwhile, the Divine Maker has been deprived of the love and glory He used to receive from the grateful head of Creation’s members. So you see how important it is for man to reintegrate My Divine Fiat into his being and once again become the mind of Creation as We intended. He must cease and desist with this suicidal barbarity of his willful severance.”

“By now you can understand that only My Will has the power to put you in communication with all of Creation. As It takes you flying around in It, you come to understand what light is all about and how things are for the heavens, sea and wind. All created things, large or small, invite you to speak for them on behalf of My Will, so you repeat your love song, to their delight. ‘I love You and glorify You from within the heavens, sun, sea and wind. I sing with a tiny bird’s voice or the bleating of a little lamb. My words go up to You with the fragrance of a flower.’ You go on and on like that. The life of My Fiat encapsulates everything living in Creation, and since It exists within you, It makes you love from within all things, because they already to It.”

I thought about what He said, that by the power of the Fiat, man can have all the intelligence that was supposed to belong to the sun, sea, wind and everything else in Creation. I wasn’t quite sure about what my Beloved Jesus was trying to tell me, so He continued.

He said, “My daughter, man does the same thing. When he builds something, his intelligence doesn’t leave him to take up residence in what has been built. If he builds a home for himself, or plant trees and flowers on his own land, neither the house nor the vegetation takes on his ability to reason; he keeps it as his own. However, he can give it to his family, especially his children. He wants them to understand the reasoning that went into his work, so they can bring glory to their father by assembling whatever he wants them to build. It is a testament to the skill he has passed on to his children.”

“Humans do this, and so do I, though I do it more often and much better, all for the greater good of mankind. I do it this way to keep him close to Me, just so we can be together. I want him to unite with Me, inside and out, God as the head, and the creature, the limbs and torso, just as he is the head of Creation with all Its members.”

Then I continued my sustained flight, now acting within Redemption, until I stopped to watch my charming Baby Jesus when He was in Egypt. My Celestial Mom was rocking Him in His humble cradle as She was sewing a garment for Her Little Baby. I came close to the my dear Queen Mom and sent my ‘I love You’ flowing into the thread that She was using to make the little garment for Jesus. I rocked the cradle for Her so my Celestial Baby and sang lullabies of Love so He might fall asleep, all the while asking Him for the Divine Fiat. Then, just as He was closing His eyes to sleep, He suddenly raised His little head, and looked intently at me and Our Divine Mom and spoke to us tenderly.

He said, “My Divine Will keeps us all together, my two Moms, my own Mother and the little daughter of My Will. This union makes both of them My Mom.”

“The Celestial Queen is truly My Mother because She possessed the life of My Divine Fiat, the only way for Her to be given the seed of Divine fertility. That is how I could be conceived in Her womb and become Her Son. Without My Divine Will, there would be no way for Her to become My Mom. No one else in Heaven or on earth possesses the fertile seed of Divinity, the only for the Creator be conceived within a creature. My Divine Will formed My Mom for Me, so it was I who made Myself Her Son, and now It is transforming Its little daughter so she can also be My mom. I always encounter her close to My first Mother, where she is replicating Her actions and braiding them together so they can more effectively beg for Its Kingdom. In the process, she is replicating Its Divine seed and thus, the fertility of the Fiat Voluntas Tua within creatures. Only My Will can do everything so It can give it all to Me.”

Then He closed His eyes and went to sleep, then, after a while, He started talking in His sleep, saying “My two Mamas, My two Mamas,” over and over again. It was heartrending experience to hear the tenderness in His voice. “You are so lovable, Divine Will. I have the greatest admiration for Your power. Come down into all of our hearts, please. Plant Your Divine seed

there, where its very fertility will surely allow it to grow into Your Kingdom so You may reign on earth as You do in Heaven.”

September 5, 1928

Pains of Jesus and contest of light. The acts in the Fiat are pebbles and breeze in the Sea of the Divine Will.

I felt so alone without my sweet Jesus. I was in agony, waiting for Him to come back; it was sheer torture. But then the pain in my poor heart suddenly doubled when my Beloved Jesus appeared. He was covered in wounds and crowned with thorns that were pounded in so deep that I couldn’t bear to look at Him. It was a powerful scene, dripping with sorrow. He threw Himself into my arms and I tried to sooth Him as He writhed and moaned in agony. I held Him in my arms as I tried to pull out the thorns from His head, but I couldn’t, they were pounded in so deep. Sobbing all the while, He told me what happened.

He said, “I suffer so much, My daughter. If you only knew how much creatures offend Me. All they’re doing is arming My Justice. It’s bound to strike, eventually.”

As He spoke I could see lightning, fire and ice coming down from Heaven to strike the creatures. I was frightened, yet it was even more terrifying to see Jesus treated in such a barbaric manner. All I could do is pray.

I thought, “I want to change everything into the Will of God, every thought, word and deed, every step creatures take, the whole lot, so that sin may cease to exist. I want them to get lost in the blinding light of Divine Will. May they be captivated and filled with the radiance of Divine Light. Somehow creatures have to lose all those fierce passions that willfully offend my sweet Jesus.”

I was wracking my brains over this until my Beloved Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, as the soul takes on the commitment and desire to conform all human actions to My Will, she sends out her rays, far and wide, to take over the entire world. From there they shall rise up to Heaven, stronger than any solar rays, to fill the Sun of My Will. Plunging into It, they shall merge as one single Sun. From there it becomes an enchanting sport where all of Heaven and earth race into the Sun of My Will to be lost in the glare of Its light. Even My Justice shall be eclipsed by this light, so that many are spared It consequences.”

Later, after writing for quite some time, my sweet Jesus came out from inside me and held my face in His hands.

He said, “My daughter, I want to reward you for sacrificing so much time and effort writing for Me.”

I answered, “I have been writing for three straight nights without compensation, and I’ve been wondering if it was worth it. You don’t seem to appreciate my writing as much as you did before. You used to command me imperiously to write, in Your own loving way. Something’s changed.”

Jesus answered, “I never change. It wouldn’t be natural for the Divine to be modified in any way. Human nature changes, the Divine, never. You can be sure that there’s nothing different about Me. I’m going to give you My very Life as a reward for all your hard work. Each truth I reveal to you is a gift of Divine Life, and you’re free to keep It, or replicate as many times as you wish for whomever you want. For that matter, whoever wants It can have It.”

“You should know that every thought, word or deed of a creature in My Divine Will is another pebble thrown into Its Sea that ripples outward for the good of all. Sometimes they are like crosswinds that cause the Sea of My Fiat to either swell or generate waves, big and small, depending on the angle of the breeze the creature sends over the deep. The ebb and flow of these waves undulate over the surface and, at times, surge up past the shore and flood the land. We delight in watching as the creature casts her pebbles into Our Sea, puffing out a breeze every so often. The Sea smiles at her by rippling, putting on a festive for her enjoyment by using her breeze to roll waves over Its surface.”

“The soul who lives and operates within My Fiat gives Us a reason to make Our Sea swell, and the freedom to irrigate Heaven and earth. When the Divine Will flows, It persuades creatures to ask for Its Kingdom. That’s reason enough to throw a party with all the fun and games she played with her Creator at the beginning of Creation. Everything is legitimate for someone who lives in Our Will, so We let her do anything her heart desires. Actually, all she wants to do is Our Will, and when she does, Our echo resonates within her. You can tell when she lets herself be carried by Our Divine echo, because she starts throwing pebbles to make ripples in the water. She sends out a breeze as she moans over the undulating waves of Our Sea. We hear her speak of Us, praying that Our Divine Fiat be known and loved as It rules the earth.”

September 8, 1928

Interest of God in one who lives in His Divine Will. Example of the sun. How everything will be known of the sacrifices that Luisa has made in order to make the Divine Will


I was feeling depressed because my Beloved Jesus hadn’t come to see me. I wanted to leap into the Celestial Regions and never leave. Better that than a living death without Him, blessed or

not. If, by His Goodness, Jesus lets me reach His Fatherland, He won’t be able to hide from me anymore. I’ll never be without Him again, not for a moment. “So hurry, my Love; let us end this torture once and for all. Come back; I can’t take it anymore.” This bitterness is worse than a sharp sword run through my poor soul.

That’s when my Beloved Jesus came out from inside me.

He said, “Courage, My daughter, We have a great interest in someone who does My Will and lives in It. We keep her exclusively for Ourselves, she can never leave. Our Divine Volition does not exist without Us. No matter how far It goes, It begins and ends within Us. We are symbolized by the light of the sun that spreads far and wide over the entire planet. It holds this light in Its hands to keep it from disintegrating, so not a photon is truly lost. For all practical purposes, light as you know it cannot be separated without breaking it into different colors. Daylight cannot be detached from its source, so the sun can boast, ‘All this light is mine.’ That goes for Us too. The light of Our Divine Will goes on forever and cannot be detached from Us. When We control the soul, she belongs to Us and can never leave.”

“It is a point of honor that We keep her for Ourselves, so We set up all of Our Divine Qualities within her as an example for everyone, saying, ‘There is Divine Life in this creature simply because the light of Our Fiat dominates her.’ It’s in Our interest that everything about her beauty be pure and holy. Being so full of Our Happiness is a sure sign of Our Divine Will.”

“The earth loses its darkness when it is filled with the regal sunlight of the domineering queen who nourishes its life her light. When Our Divine Will reigns within the creature, evil is dispelled and darkness put to flight along with its miserable herd of pain and suffering. The Queen conquers with a strong, wholesome light that fills the creature with health, wealth and happiness. When someone comes to live in Our Fiat, the human will is dethroned along with its minions of bitter oppression. The light of Our Fiat simply will not tolerate anything that doesn’t belong to It.”

“Our Divine Will takes such an interest in the creature only because she belongs to It. Meanwhile, the creature replaces all human interests with Divine awareness. You can tell whether My Divine Will reigns in someone if she no longer has any self-interest. If she does, it means that the soul still doesn’t enjoy My Fiat in full because there are still dark little voids interspersed within Its light, like Swiss cheese. Human interests clamor for attention as the soul become ever more entangled in them. Eject the tyranny of bitterness from your soul; it doesn’t have anything to do with you anyhow. What rightfully belongs to you is the light of My Will and everything related to It.”

It was some time later that I began to have my doubts.

I thought, “There are so many sacrifices required for this Kingdom of Fiat, so much sleep deprived writing and ceaseless prayer. Suffering never rests until human volition finally dies. Only then will the Divine consent to reside in you forever. This doesn’t include all the other

things that only Jesus knows. Yet, after all is said and done, there’s no guarantee that anything good will come of it. I can’t even be sure that God will be glorified, no matter how much sacrifice I make. This could be just another useless endeavor that comes to nothing.”

I was still worrying about it when my always lovable Jesus came out from my inner sanctum and gave me a big hug.

He said, “My daughter, what are you saying? Everything sacrifice you make has its own its precious effects, because everything done in My Will to make it better known acquires Divine Life. That in itself naturally gives you more power of expression to accomplish your mission. Everything you have ever done is present at this moment before God, as is all the pain you have suffering during your life. These installment payments support your petition asking God to prepare creatures for the coming Kingdom that He concedes to them.”

“My Will shall become known and Its Kingdom eventually established thanks to all the words you have written during your night vigils. People will come to appreciate your ceaseless prayer as an example for themselves. You can expect general astonishment at all your tours following the works of Creation and Redemption so you could replicate them. All those long bedridden years of pain and suffering as sacrificial victim will shine forth with brilliant sunbeams sparkling like priceless diamonds and gemstones. Little by little, those who are blessed with knowledge of My Will and come to live in Its Kingdom shall acknowledge your great sacrifice on their behalf. They will know that the bejeweled foundations of their heavenly mansions were cemented with the sacrifice of someone trustworthy enough to make known the Kingdom of My Will.”

“Everything you did will be clearly understood, as will the contributions made by those who have directed and advised to you write. Everyone who has helped by speaking or writing about My Divine Fiat shall be richly rewarded. Furthermore, all the good done by those who possess the Kingdom of My Fiat will rain down on the people who saw this mission through to publication. All the glory they give Me will exalt those whose hard work and sacrifice has in any way contributed to such a good cause.”

“You shall have the opportunity to thank them even from Heaven because My Will has lived in you on earth, and It has the power to hyperlink everything together. Lines of communication between you and the others will always be open. Your whole life will be on display there, with everything you did, or experienced, including all your pain and suffering. For those who live within the Divine Will, everything they do will be an extension of what you did, since they are all one anyhow. If you knew how much glory you would have, how delightfully content you would be, your love would propel you toward further sacrifice for the sake of My Will. Once It becomes better known, It shall reign in dominion in the midst of creatures.”

September 10, 1928

One who operates in the Divine Will opens as many doors between Heaven and earth for as many acts as she emits. The glory of Adam in Heaven. How his acts prior to his fall

into sin remained intact and beautiful, while he remained wounded. How, in Adam, it is known in Heaven what God did in Creation.

I was following everything the Divine Will had done in both Creation and Redemption. I didn’t want to leave even one of Its actions without my corresponding act to keep It company. I was determined to pay eternal homage to such a holy Will with all my love. It is a glorious mission indeed.

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, I’m glad you don’t let My Divine Will do all this work alone, especially since I really don’t need to do anything for Myself; I only do it out of love for the creature. We watch you move from one of Our works to another, searching out Our Love so you can give Us Our own love and glory in return. We acknowledge you as the one who repays Us for Our works with Our own love.”

“It is such bitter sorrow to do good out of pure love without it ever being acknowledged. When We do find someone who acknowledges Our work, We feel compensated for what We have done. We gave love, and received it in return. Someone who lives and operates within Our Divine Will is free to establish as many bonds between Heaven and earth as she likes. Let her open the doors and greet Us. She can lower a chain to let her actions climb up into Heaven, while all sorts of grace can be lowered down for the benefit of creatures. Though Our works of Creation and Redemption were done on the face of the earth, they have the power to open up Heaven. However, We wanted a creature to open It, so We chose the one who operates in Our Divine Will.”

As He was describing them, He showed me lots of open doors in Heaven with gold chains hanging down from them. Each of them was attached to one of the many works my sweet Jesus had done on earth. Then I continued touring the works of Supreme Majesty, and when I arrived at the point of man’s creation, I began to reflect.

I thought, “Adam started out living his life in the Divine Will, so his every thought, word and deed was animated by the Unity of the Fiat with every step he took. It holds everything in Its embrace and nothing escapes It, so all of his actions could do everything on behalf of everyone, bringing them every possible advantage. One single act done in the Unity of this Fiat that embraces everything is greater than all the actions ever done by all creatures put together. Who

knows how many acts Adam was able to do during that period of his life when He dwelt in Unity of Fiat.”

“His glory in Heaven must be great, perhaps surpassing every other except for that of the Sovereign Queen who developed Her life completely within the Divine Will. While it’s true that Adam left the Unity of Divine Will when he had sinned, his actions remained nonetheless. I don’t believe that either the human or the Divine has the strength to undo even one action done in the Unity of the Fiat that holds everything in Its embrace. God Himself cannot annihilate such an act without destroying His own Divine Will, and He can’t do that either. Something eternal and infinite, without beginning or end, is untouchable by anyone or anything.”

My poor little mind kept wandering around among all these ideas until I decided to leave them behind and move on to something else. That’s when my Beloved Jesus appeared.

He said, “Daughter of My Supreme Volition, I won’t hide anything from you because My Will always reveals what It has done out of love for creatures. It also makes known what the creature has done in It, because It carries them in Its womb as the triumph of Its works.”

“Now you know that, as holy as he was, Adam did indeed possess a distinct glory in Heaven not given to anyone else except for My Celestial Mom. No one else has possession of even one act within the Unity of My Divine Will. It was right and just that Our Divine Majesty should give the first creature leaving Our creative hands more glory than all the others. Moreover, since he lived the first part of his life the way We wanted, you could say that Our Life worked in him in accordance with Our Will. So there was no reason for Us destroy the first part of Adam’s life, since it was more Ours than his. It doesn’t matter, though, because whatever is done in Our Divine Will cannot be challenged. It is untouchable because these actions become infinite when they enter the Divine.”

“Even though Adam eventually slipped and fell, whatever he did up to then remains intact and just as beautiful as ever, like he was still doing them. It was his own fault that he fell sick and was injured. Our Image imprinted within him became disfigured because Our Divine Will was no longer committed to preserving the beauty and freshness he had when he was still strong and holy. Adam rejected the perfection of what We created in him. However, all the work he had done up to the moment he suffered his fall was untouched because they were done in the Unity of Our Fiat. We kept them for Ourselves because We were so were jealous of those acts that had given Us such glory. They put Us in a festive mood whenever We saw this man, who was Our Son, reaching up to Us so he could adopt Our Likeness by learning Our Divine behavior. He brought joy and happiness to Us in the Unity of Our Will by retrieving the smile of all created things for Us. We were in constant rapture watching Our dear son, the work of Our hands, feeling right at home living in Our Will and helping himself to everything We had. He was constantly bringing Us ever new happiness and joy.”

“My daughter, the first part of Adam’s life is cherished by all of Us in Heaven, and by him as well. After he fell into sin, he was like a blind man who had performed innumerable beautiful works before losing his sight, enough to fill Heaven and earth. No one would ever say that he hadn’t accomplished anything, just because he lost his sight, even if it was his own fault. There’s no reason to think that what he had done was worthless, since a blind man could never replicate them. It’s like someone who diligently worked at scientific studies until he eventual changed his career. There’s no reason to assume that whatever progress he made had become worthless because he decided to follow other pursuits. If that’s true by human standards, this way of thinking certainly has more validity in the Divine order.”

“In the innocence of his early life, he had all the virtue he needed to perform within the Unity of Our Fiat. To this day, the beauty of his glorious life has had no equal. A mere glance was enough for all the Blessed to acknowledge the rich beauty and majestic grace of the first man created. Just by looking at him, they could see the immeasurable goodness of the Divine Will embedded within the creature. For the Blessed, it was like looking in a mirror. They could see how We had enriched man with an abundance of exuberant love when We created him. We gave him everything, which was so much more than the creature’s capacity that its overflow would flood the entire planet.”

“We wanted to show off all the magnificence of Our creative hands when We made Adam. That was the only way that those in Heaven could appreciate the great things We did in Creation. It was important that they know what the creature could do within Our Divine Will, in fact, Our Love demands it. Our Justice wants everyone in Heaven to understand the reality of Our Image created in man so they wouldn’t confuse him with anyone else. They had to know exactly who it was that came out of Our creative hands, so that, even if the earth didn’t know him, at least Heaven would. Looking at their origin in Adam, they are grateful and thank Me. They pray that My Fiat may come to reign upon earth and craft other images even more beautiful than Adam. They understand that he was not a complete work within My Divine Will, it was but one phase of his life.”

“The Sovereign Queen was the only one to live her whole life working in My Fiat; She has no equal. My Will wants to create more creatures that can live completely within It, so I can repeat what It did in Creation. I want the earth to know exactly how and why I formed creatures so they can understand how great and beautiful they can be when My Divine Will makes them holy.”

“I want you to know that, up till now, I have not revealed Adam’s sublime qualities to anyone. You are the first to know about his great sanctity for having lived the first years of his life in the Unity of My Will. His virtue came directly from the actions he performed in It. The world should know the great glory he enjoys in Heaven. They are wrong in believing that, having slipped into sin, he could only have the glory common to all the other Blessed, at most. It is supposed that it was much less. Since I want to restore the Kingdom of My Divine Will, I am impelled by love to reveal the first epoch of Creation, and the first phase of Adam’s life spent entirely within My Divine Will. Other creatures should know about the glory he enjoys in

Heaven because of It, so they may understand what great goodness awaits them. We will know that they are ready when they begin to yearn for the Divine Fiat on earth as It is in Heaven.”

September 16, 1928

In conceiving, the Virgin conceived the Kingdom of the Fiat; in being born, She gave back to us the rights to possess It. Difficulties in writing. Wounds that Jesus receives.

I abandon myself into the Fiat without interruption. As I was following Its action, my poor mind stopped to think about the Conception of the Celestial Queen and Her great privilege to be exempt from original sin.

Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the seed used for the Celestial Sovereign’s conception was entirely human, since She was physically no different than any other creature, nor was I, for that matter. There was one big difference, however, which was not conceded to any other creature. At the time Her beautiful soul was conceived, My omnipotent Fiat concentrated the heat and light of Its rays on this seed to annihilate the evil within, killing it. Once the seed was completely purified, it was holy and free from original sin, sothe Immaculate Baby Girl was conceived from it.”

“The miraculous Immaculate Conception was completely under the control of My Divine Will. It did not replace one human seed with another, nor did It destroy it, rather, It purified it. Its heat and light removed every defect this seed inherited from Adam’s sin, so that it was as pristine as when it came out of Our creative hands before it germinated within Her. The Kingdom of My Divine Will began when the little Virgin Queen was conceived, and from Her It followed all future human generations. When We create such astonishing grace for one person, We see her as a surrogate for the entire human family, all of humanity as if it were one and the same creature. Then, as the Virgin was conceived from this seed exempt from every stain, Its Divine Kingdom was once again conceived within humanity by Divine Fiat. When the Immaculate little Virgin was born, the right of possession was reinstated; It was there for the asking.”

“I came upon the earth to take on human flesh through this seed from the Sovereign of Heaven. We worked together to reestablish Our Kingdom for generations of human beings. Creatures only need to learn about It to have possession of It. I am revealing what pertains to My Kingdom on behalf of My Divine Will so creatures may follow Our steps as It goes along Its paths until they can take possession of It. My Divine Will continues Its miraculous cleansing with Its heat and light until the human seed is pristine. Then, just to be sure, I will remove the kernel of Its heat and light from this seed and replace it with the Divine Will’s very life. They

will exchange their possessions. My Divine Will shall take the seed and splice the ardor and sanctity of Its living light inside it. In return, the creature will take possession of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat once again.”

“Everything is ready, My daughter, all that’s needed is to make It known. That is My deepest longing. I yearn for the time when creatures come to know all about My Divine Will. But first I have to instill in them a strong craving for such great treasure. My Will shall satisfy their deepest desire by focusing Its radiant heat to perform the miracle and reinstating their title to possess Its Kingdom of peace, happiness and sanctity.”

I’m supposed to write everything Jesus tells me, yet for some reason, I couldn’t, even after starting over again twice. No matter how hard I tried, my writer’s block held its own, so I thought perhaps my blessed Jesus no longer wanted me to write, and if He didn’t, then neither should I. After admitting defeat, I thought maybe I should try a bit harder, and oddly enough, the words started flowing better than ever.

I thought, “Strange how, after struggling so hard and starting over again several times, straining myself to the limit, it suddenly got so easy.”

Then my sweet Jesus came out from inside me.

He said, “Don’t worry about it, My daughter. I just wanted to have a little fun by squeezing out a bit more of your sweet sacrifice. After watching you trying so hard to write without success, and heroically persevering, I was deeply touched by the loving sacrifice you make to carry out My Divine Will by writing. I was enjoying it so much that I even made it impossible for you to keep your eyes open as you struggled against your fatigue. I hope you don’t mind Me amusing Myself every now and then.”

“Any noble sacrifice made to fulfill My Will forms pure, Divine Blood for the soul, just like food helps the body make blood. I dip my brush of love in this blood to touch up My Image in the creature to make her more beautiful and charming; it’s a hobby of sorts, for My own amusement. So let Me take care of things; all you have to do is think about doing My Divine Will. Meanwhile, I’m going to do something even more beautiful in the little newborn of My adorable Will.”

September 21, 1928

How, from the beginning of Creation, God has always given to man. The siege of the human will. Value of the acts done in the Divine Volition. Example of the sun.

I continued making my rounds throughout Creation so I could accompany all the works of Divine Fiat. I experience a luxurious light when I do that, feeling like I own everything. It seems like all mine because the Divine Will gave me everything. All I have to do is go around in It and collect whatever I want.

Then my sweet Jesus came out from inside me.

He said, “The little daughter of My Divine Will is becoming wealthy in the midst of Our works. It’s because she is so decisive. There’s so much of it that she can’t hold it all. We are delighted to watch her among Our works and We telling her, ‘It’s all yours, We created it just for you because We like seeing you rich, beautiful and in control.’”

“You are such a good sport and We’re glad that you keep playing. We like it when you show your appreciation by telling Us, ‘I have so many beautiful works to give You because all of Your works are mine. I love to gather them up and bring them back to You so everyone may know the triumphant glory of Your works.’”

“From the moment We created the World, We have always been generous to man, constantly giving him whatever he needs, yet he has never given Us anything in return. Now and then he would offer Us something worthless that We can’t use; more of an insult than anything else. Nevertheless, when Our Divine Will is finally acknowledged and the creature comes to live in It, she will take full possession of Our works. After that, there will be no reason to give her anything at all, because she will already have everything she could possibly want, certainly more than she could use. At that point, the creature will begin to give back to her Creator, and by that I don’t mean useless things that are beneath Our dignity. She will give Us what actually belongs to Us, the fruit of Our own labor. At long last, We will feel glorified and honored. We shall be loved.”

“Once the Divine Fiat becomes known, Its living presence will return into the midst of creatures. So let the games begin, a friendly competition between Creator and creature. Once she proves her competency as an administrator, she can have whatever she wants, since she’s going it to give to Us anyhow. Then Our works shall reenter Our womb. Let your flight through Our Divine Fiat be nonstop, so We can give you everything, and you may give it all to Us in turn.”

“Anyone who resides in Our Will lives through the power of Its light. It has the power to knock out every evil and deprive any passion of its life by banishing all darkness. The light streaming from Divine Will has the power to prevent a creature from harming anyone or being injured herself. No one would imagine trying to waging war against light. Nobody could ever say, ‘I can stop light in its tracks.’ If anyone tried to do something so foolish, the light would just laugh at him in triumph as it saturated him with radiance from above, below and every side. Without deviating from its path in the least, it would mock him as he tried to avoid the light’s powerful force, until he at last hides himself in some dark crevice. Such is the analogy of the sun. Now consider the Sun of My Will. The soul who lives in this light continually expands

her intellectual capacity for the sole purpose of learning how to heighten her perception of It. Light from each act performed within My Divine Fiat develops a part of the human mind to better facilitate its ability to process ever more light.”

After that, I began to wonder exactly how this Kingdom of Supreme Fiat would come, and my sweet Jesus explained it to me.

He said, “My daughter, I hold in My hands all the tools I need to make sure that My Divine Will becomes known and establishes Itself among creatures. I will act like a king who demands that a city surrender to his authority. He lays siege to it, giving them a taste of what will happen if they don’t surrender; death by starvation. When the population sees that they are running out of food and water, they capitulate, hoping to stay alive. The king lifts the siege and enters the city in triumph, placing it under his direct control. Under the auspices of his benign authority, he declares a holiday festival with bread and circuses, to reassure them that they will have more than enough to live. The people are pleased with his policy.”

“I’m going to lay siege to the human will by destroying its sustenance, leaving only a bitter taste in their mouths. Then the real punishment begins as mount the assault on everything that is human. Once they are exhausted, their disillusionment will awaken their need for My Divine Fiat to reign in their midst. When their yearning for It is satisfactory, It will take control and provide them with more than enough to make them happy. So, don’t worry, I know how to take care of everything we need to meet our objective.”

Later on, I was contemplating the great treasure of our acts done in the Divine Fiat. One single action done It can effect everything.

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the light of the sun, with a single gesture, fully illuminates the creature. Instantaneously, with just one solitary action, it gives light the eyes as the mouth speaks its approval. It shines on their hands so they can work, and on their feet that they make walk in safety. It does this for the entire planet without having to send another beam of light for each and every part of the creature’s body. One single act of light is enough for everything, yet each part of every creature has that sunbeam all to itself. That’s a good analogy for actions done within My Divine Volition. The children of the light that comes from My Divine Will can create enough light for everyone, everywhere with one single act. The attributes inherent in the light of My Divine Fiat have the power to provide light to the world with one isolated gesture.”

“The only difference is in the attitude of the potential beneficiary, depending on if they are prepared to take full advantage of the light, or not. Some creatures could be filled with light and still be oblivious to its benefits. It’s like the sun; it gives light to everyone, so no one can truthfully say, ‘It doesn’t give me any light.’ Moreover, anyone can have it, so there’s no reason why anyone should be jealous. There is one big difference though, only some of them make the most of the light so their work will bear fruit. Others merely bask in the sun light

without doing anything worthwhile, or they just like to play out in the sunshine. Some even manage to use it for sinful purposes.”

“Light doesn’t change; it’s always the same everywhere, with the exact same mission. However, not everybody uses it in the same way and it’s totally wasted on some of them. That’s the situation with My Divine Will and the actions performed within It. They are all made of light, however, only those who are prepared do anything worthwhile with It.”

September 24, 1928

How it is Will of God for Him to give His Kingdom, but the creature must dispose herself. Example of a father. The only purpose of the whole Creation: that the Fiat reign in the

midst of creatures. The way that Jesus has in telling His Truths.

I thought, “Jesus has such a great desire to give us this amazing Gift, the Kingdom of His Fiat. He yearns for It constantly. So why do we have to pray for Him to give It us?”

Then my always lovable Jesus moved inside me,

He said, “My daughter, it is indeed My Will that the Kingdom of My Divine Volition be given to humankind. It is My yearning desire, and I can’t help wanting to give everyone this great Gift. That’s just the way it is. My desire for this is so great that there’s no way I could deny man entrance to the Royal Palace of My Divine Will. It would be contradictory for Us to deviate from the plan for Our creative work. From the very beginning, holy wisdom had determined that the life of created man would depend on what belongs to Us. He will dwell in the Kingdom of Our Fiat that We gave him as his inheritance.”

“By leaving It, man brought disorder to Our creative work, however, We cannot tolerate anarchy in such an elegant work as Ours. We have never deviated from Our plan over the centuries, nor shall We in the coming era. It will always be Our first priority, in fact, Our only one. Our creative work shall be restored to what We intended when it came out of Our creative hands, so it may live in the Kingdom of Our Divine Will.”

“Our own Adorable Majesty is like a father whose son’s rare beauty was a parent’s greatest joy and happiness, and his progeny was thankful to be the sole heir of his family estate. Yet this young man willfully abandoned what he was to inherit, tearing asunder the bonds of pure joy between father and son. Imagine the sorrow of that father’s tearful sighs in the face of such determination that his dear son return to happier days. Until then, he holds custody of his child’s inheritance, keeping it intact, longing for the day when his son might reclaim his possessions.”

“Yet withstanding the tears and sighs of the father’s sorrow, he is firmly resolved that his forlorn son will someday want his family inheritance so badly that he will pray for it. The father’s fondest desire is that his lost happiness may be returned to him. Seeing this, the son changes his mind and begins to appreciate how happy he could be if he were to take possession of his inheritance. The father, drowning in paternal love, will say to his dear son, ‘Your prayers have made a claim on my heart, and it burns for you. You deserve to reclaim what you lost. I’m glad to see you happy; now I can say, ‘My son is no longer sad, he is my joy.’’”

“We are so much more than a father, his love is a mere shadow compared to Ours. Our Divine Will in unshakeable, we cannot be moved by anyone. Man’s unhappiness sows confusion in the work of Creation. We demand exclusive rights to Our work unmodified. We want it returned to Us just as We made it. We drown in Our own Love because Our Justice demands that Our Goodness reclaim it. Our Happiness ardently longs for it and We would never tolerate discontent with Our work. Our Divine Will surrounds Us like a crown that sustains Us unchallengeable, with insistence that Its Kingdom be reclaimed as the creature’s possession.”

“Yet in spite of all this, We want the creature to pray, longing for the goodness We want to give him. That is what would establish valid rights over Our paternal Heart. We want to build a shelf within his heart where We can place the gift We want to give. Our emphatic love would like to say to him, ‘My son, since you deserved it, We have bestowed what We wanted to give you.’ Someone who prays prepares himself, and what is obtained by praying is appreciated enough to be kept safe and secure.”

“Knowledge of My Divine Will and possession of Its Kingdom is not just for the individual, It can belong to everyone, and that’s why I have you pray for everybody. I urge on each thought, word and deed of every creature, so they may establish their right to Our Divine paternity and receive the Kingdom of Our Fiat as their own. I will help them prepare themselves until they are capable of ownership. That’s what the Queen of Heaven did when She begged for the Kingdom of Redemption. She had a prayerful sigh as She acted on behalf of each and every creature, without neglecting even one of them. No one escaped Her attention. That’s how She gave everyone the right to be given their Redeemer, so I saved them. Now I want you to do the same for the Kingdom of My Divine Will.”

Then I began to wonder why.

I thought, “Why is the Lord so interested in all this? He would obviously love to have His Holy Will be known well enough to reign in the midst of creatures.”

He came back and tried to explain it to me.

He said, “My daughter, the alpha and omega of Creation was that Our Divine Will should reign as sole sovereign, and for that to happen, It had to become known. Our Will entered the field of action in Creation to impose Itself on ‘nothingness’ with Its inspired Fiat to create the heavens, the earth and many other beautiful works, such as mankind. It placed the seal of Its Omnipotent

Fiat on all the works It created as an indelible sign that It would remain inside each of them as ruling Monarch within his own Kingdom.”

“The purpose of Creation was not Our attributes of Power, Goodness, Justice, Immensity and such; they were merely incidental to Our intention. Furthermore, if We fail to reach Our goal, then It was all for nothing. All created things were made for man, and man for Us. It was done through the force of love with righteous justice for Our own dignity and honor within all of Our works, in order to fulfill Our grand design. We want Our Divine Will to reign within man as his primal origin, his life and the culmination of his whole being.”

“If you only knew how much My Fiat suffers as I gaze at mankind. It watches in vigil with this sorrowful plaint, ‘I made him in truth with My creative hands. He is My work, he is truly the one whom I so much delighted in creating. Yet, I still do not reside within him as I shall in My Kingdom. He broke My seal and put Me out. He sabotaged My sole purpose in giving him life.”

“So you can see how crucial it is that My Divine Will be understood as sovereign. Until It does, Our most beautiful works cannot provide mankind with the goodness inherent within them, so the work of Redemption remains unfulfilled until then.”

I had still other questions.

I thought, “Why doesn’t my Beloved Jesus talk about His Fiat as often as He did before?”

Jesus answered, “My daughter, We usually dispense the truth We want to reveal sip by sip, because the creature couldn’t take it all at once. Her soul still doesn’t have the capacity to hold all of Our Truth. Just the same, We use this hiatus to let the truth about this life mature within her as We have revealed it thus far. We already take great delight in the creature as We watch her mature. Our living Truth generates beautiful work. We are drawn by the beauty of Our revelations to disclose more truth yet. We created time just to have delightful occasions to teach mankind how to live within My Will.”

“We did the same thing during Creation. We could have brought everything into existence all at once with one single Fiat, yet, We did not. When We pronounced Our Fiat, Our works began to develop, to Our delight. They were so beautiful and truly magnificent that We got carried away and continued to articulate ever more beautiful works.”

“So that’s what I’m doing with you. Everything about My Divine Will and Its Kingdom is a continuation of Creation, a narrative of what could have been had man not sinned. After all, he started out with My Kingdom of Fiat as his own. However, his rejection of My Divine Will, interrupted the narration story of My Will; there was nothing more to say at that point, because he had left Its Kingdom. Now, after so many centuries, My Will has resumed the narrative about Itself, signaling that It is ready to give Its Kingdom back to creatures by first making It

known. So, whatever I reveal to you about My Divine Will is just another chapter in a continuing narrative about the life of Divine Will that started with Creation.”

September 28, 1928

One who lives in the Divine Will can form light. Each truth about It contains a happiness, one distinct from the other.

It seems like My abandonment in the Divine Fiat is becoming more or less permanent. I feel Its light permeating me inside and out. Even though Its creative strength only lives inside of me, It is constantly enriching everything about my life. It is a constant source of new light that continues to nourish my creative powers, and that living source is Itself growing. I feel like a sponge soaked with Divine Will. My sweet Jesus still deprives me of His adorable presence most of the time. I only catch a glimpse of Him in a fleeting flash. Nevertheless, the light of His Divine Fiat never leaves me. Sometimes my poor heart feels like it’s drowning in pain, that’s how lonely I am without Him. But then the Fiat’s light darts through me with such ferocity that it masks whatever pain I might have had. I am so firmly attached to It that I can’t help following Its Divine Actions. Resistance is futile.

Then, as I was still following the acts of Divine Volition, my Beloved Jesus, my highest Good, came out from within the light of His Fiat.

He said, “My daughter, sometimes the soul begins to act in a hypnagogic reverie deep inside of her own actions, doing so while in the depths of My Divine Will. She goes into the source of Its light and shines her own light within It. Someday you may learn what it means to be the source of your own light. It would be glorious if you had the honor of being given the power to emanate light on your own. Only someone who lives in My Divine Will is given such an honor.”

“My Will nourishes the soul with light, and by feeding on its brilliance, she becomes naturally gifted with the ability to cast her own light. It is a great delight for Us to watch the creature emanating her own light from within the source of Our uncreated Light and then giving it to Us. She says, ‘Adorable Majesty, You are Eternal Light, the source of the light You give me as my own, and now I bring it to You, as little as it is, the greatest tribute I can manage. I offer You this most ardent love that I have wrung from my miniscule being as if it were a sponge that you have soaked in Your Light. I have modeled my own light on Yours, and dim though it be, I offer it to You.’”

“So many gorgeous scenes appear between the soul and her God, all of them projected by this light, perfectly composed with every tint and shade of color in the spectrum. Light has the sweetest poetic attributes, with synesthesic colors in every flavor and fragrance. One scene

follows another with intensifying beauty. This way of living in My Divine Fiat recalls within itself the beginning of Creation as the first joyful festival starts once again. By making Our Actions her own, the creature enters into Our mode of being, giving Us happiness and joy.”

When He grew silent, I continued acting within the Divine Volition until my sweet Jesus started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, through you, I have given the world such abundant grace by revealing all these truths about My Divine Will. The fact is, My Truths are Divine Lives in their own right. As My highest Goodness reveals them, It bi-locates Its very life within each and every truth It discloses. Furthermore, each one of these lives is a manifestation of a particular kind of happiness, all of them unique and glorious in their own way. You must make this fact known to the world so that creatures can take possession of these truths and return them to the One who reveals all.”

“However, creatures will only come to enjoy such forms of happiness when they learn about these truths. Each type of happiness is like a queen, none of whom resemble the others in the least. They are just waiting for people to get to know them and their wonderful attributes. When they do, they will yearn to be made rich and happy by them, and they would richly deserve such kindness. After all, such royalty only came into being from Our Divine womb so they could help humankind.”

“If you only knew how stifled Our Love has been. Even after releasing so many kinds of happiness from Our paternal womb, one for each truth We have revealed, creatures still aren’t able to enjoy them, let alone celebrate. They have ignored the treasure offered, and as a result, We have been denied the glory We are due. They could care less about acquainting the world with all the grace associated with such greatness goodness. Our sorrow is beyond your comprehension. So keep praying. Ceaseless prayer is what is required for My Divine Will to become known. Only then shall It come down and reign in the midst of creatures. Then, as their Father, shall I break the bread of happiness with My children.”

October 3, 1928

Exchange between Jerusalem and Rome.In creating man,

God placed as many seeds of happiness in him for as many things as He created.

My poor mind was trying to grasp so many things about the Divine Will, especially about just how exactly, Its Kingdom would come, and how should It spread. There were a lot of other things as well; however, I don’t need to write any of that down.

Then my Beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, Rome has primacy in My Church because of Jerusalem, since that’s where Redemption began, in My Fatherland. I chose My Virgin Mother from a small town of Nazareth, not far from there, and I was born in the little town of Bethlehem, in the same general area. All of My Apostles were from around there as well. She was ungrateful, however. She refused to acknowledge Me and she rejected the saving grace of My Redemption. Nonetheless, no one can deny that It originally began in the Greater Jerusalem metropolis where the people there were the first to be blessed with Its great goodness. The first heralds of the Gospel, the ones who first established Catholicism in Rome, were My Apostles, and they were all from around Jerusalem, My earthly homeland.”

“So it’s only fair, since Jerusalem gave the living religion of Redemption to Rome, that Rome should now give the Kingdom of Divine Will to Jerusalem. Back then I chose a Virgin from the little town of Nazareth for Redemption, and now I have chosen another virgin from a little town in Italy governed by Rome. I have entrusted her with this mission to help establish the Kingdom of Divine Fiat. It must become known in Rome just like Jerusalem had learned about My coming upon earth. Rome will have the great honor of repaying Jerusalem for the great Gift of Redemption, by teaching her about the Kingdom of My Will.”

“Jerusalem will show repentance for her ingratitude and embrace the living religion that she had given to Rome. Then she will gratefully accept from Rome the great Gift that comes from living in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Jerusalem will be just one of the many nations to receive this great Gift from Rome, the Kingdom of My Fiat. The Eternal City was home to the first heralds of Its Gospel, creatures filled with the peaceful joy that comes from the restoration of man’s creation.”

“My revelations will bring the peace and happiness of joyful sanctity. Moreover, all of Creation will have a friendly competition as they unleash all the happiness inherent within each created thing and pouring it all over each other. When creating man, We planted all the seeds of happiness that We harvested from every other creature. His soul was a fertile field sown with seeds taken from every variety of happiness. He was like a gourmet who is able to taste and savor a wide assortment garnered from the happiness of created things. Without these seeds, he wouldn’t have such a refined sense of taste and smell, so he would have been deprived of everything that God shared with all of Creation for man’s enjoyment.”

“God imbued man with all these seeds of happiness when he was created, however, his sin made them rot. He hasn’t had a taste for them since, so he no longer enjoys all the happiness inherent in Creation. It’s like someone who has lost his appetite because he’s sick and can’t appreciate the flavor in food. If he swallows it at all, it weighs heavily in his stomach and begins to hurt. Just the sight of food makes him nauseous. He knows he has to eat something, or he will eventually die, so he eats, but he doesn’t enjoy it one bit.”

“If he had a healthy appetite, he would eat with gusto because he can savor the taste of a nice hot meal. His digestion is good, so good food gives him strength and he relishes eating his meals. It’s the same for man’s spirit. Sinning rots the seeds of happiness, which ruins his appetite completely, and if he eats them anyway, he feels even worse.”

“Once man returns into My Divine Fiat, the seeds will become healthy again and he will regain his strength. Then he will understand why there is so much happiness embedded in Creation and he can begin to enjoy It. A joyful contest will begin as man competes with everything else in a quest for the happiest smile. That was God’s plan all along.”

Deo Gratias.

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