Page 1: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport



No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY Lql.ird${ifTt

Government of lndia

vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {TrdcMinistry of Road Transport and Highways

Transport Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001'

Dated the 1"t of MaY, 2019

The Principat Secretaries/The Secretaries, Department of Transport

The Transport Commissioners

of att the Statesi UT Administrations'

Subject: Standard Operating Procedure for the process of registration of vehicles

ffiil;; -ulv'itt"" 't"tun'fatt""rs or through their authorized

representatives in lndia


The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways through an amendment in T-"-::nt'utMotor vehicles Rutes, 1989 rCmvni maoe tnrorgn csR 870(E) dated 13th september, 2018 (copv

enctosed) has provisioned tor *,e import of cJrtain timited number of vehictes under various

categoriesbythevehicte,an'fuct're,.directlyorthroughtheirauthorizedrepresentativeforthe purpose of further sate or research or Uy tne organization / citizen for personal use'

demonstration, testing, research or scientific use'

2.withtheMinistry,sonlineregistrationofvehiclessystemprovidedthroughNlCviz.VAHAN system in operation in itre staLs, the process of registration of vehictes is being carried

through an lT based ryrt"r. rn" 'Vii"mis

tint<ea with the homotogation system being provided

bytheMinistrythroughNlC,*n"."inthedomesticVehiclemanufacturerprovidesthedetaitsofeach vehicte sotd in the country and those detaits are.used by the deaters setting the vehicles

to the citizens. Further, tn" n"gi't"'ing Authorities also uses the same detaits for completing

the process of Registration of V-enictes' The system is secured' with onty the authenticated

users having access to the system for updating'

3. With the requirement to facititate the Vehicte Manufacturers / lmporters or

organisations/citizenstonavetnevehictessoimportedaSpertheabovesaidnotification,beregisteredandfurtherthatthedetaitsofthevehictesarecapturedproperly'afacilityisbeingprovided through VAHAN '

4. The Standard Operating Procedure for the process is hereby attached to be fottowed for

the process of registration for-such vehictes imported as per GSR 870 (E) dated 13th sep 2018 by

the Vehicte Manufacturers 'or.

ih.ugh their authorized representatives in lndia.or by the

organization / citizen for personal usi, demonstration' testing' research or scientific use'

Page 2: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

5. lt is atso requested that the registering authorities in the State be directed to ensure

that the information on customs duty payment and ctearance from Directorate General ofForeign Trade (DGFT) must be checked before permitting registration.

(Dharkat R. Luikang)Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia

Ph.No.011-23715211Emai[: dharkat@nic. in

Enct: 1 . Copy of GSR 870 (E), 13th September, 20182. Standard Operating Procedure

Copy to:1. Director, CIRT (Centrat lnstitute of Road Transport) for information and necessary

action.2. DDG, National lnformatics Centre, Delhi3. Directors of ARA|, ICAT, VRDE and other Testing Agencies under CMVR 19894. DGr Society of lndian Automobite Manufacturers, New Dethi5. CEO, Federation of Automobite Dealers Association, Delhi

Copy/o: Director General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi

Yours faithfutty,

Page 3: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

{fuS do So (€o-33004uggREGD. NO. D. L._33004/99

ffirrdq quA


etteOhe 6oz of SrLdio,*r*ffio*,

eTrq II_€!g 3_3rr_Errg (i)pART ll_Section 3_Sub-section (i)

crftr*.R + [firtrrd

s. osol rE Amt 22, .te4oNo.636l NE{DEIIII4URSDAY, SEFTEMBER 13, 2018/BHADRA22, ts40

rffi qR{E{ qh eqqr,f {-{ril{qftSnr

Tt frrffi, ra ft-a-qr, zora

sr.rr-fr. g7o(q).-h-*{ *e-< cm fr+c, rg89 m *r sqfrm 6-{i + frq mz{ q.o 3{tsft*q,1988 (1988 fl 59) fi errtr zlz fr u-fttr{t (1) fi erq?rr-dtrR, Trcd tr 6rt h uro cF{6T .x< rrqrr-.tqTrq-q fi qf*FqT Tid6 qr.6.r.ft. s2g(BT) er0q o qo, 201g dRr rrr<a *.vqqz, wrTqr(qr, rTTq.Ir, ds3' sc-<is 1iy fr r*:'rfim ft'q rrq t, s-{ s* qfuiil fr, frq+ s-{fr s1nEr *t ft rirrrf,{r fi, ss ilrftq fr,ftrrqi s-o. oft=qfir fr T+ qrET{ fr yftqi. wq-m fr BrrFr-erJ +q * G *, frq F{ fr Br+f$ * or+cm frff qr&c eirgEr1-q3Tr{'ftilfrq.rq t;

*< vm { v*-r ufa6-41 6 vR-qt wffir E} 6 w, 20 1 g Et sqq-.Er +-, ., fi .d ff ;

*t s-o xrsq ftdi fi qrq-o q-{il t hti BTrsH +( {wr-+i c{ *-flqqcfirt ara fr-str +r fr*,or t;

tskr:' qq ?dq ccw<, *e< qr+ Bieftqc, 19BB (1988 {,r s9) fi erra 1 10 tr1qr s-{f, qrftqt sr rfrq.+; ct gq, +*q fi--< qr,r ft{q, 1 989 s r *< *qfrerr {ti + Frq ftFrRfud ft-{q e-irfr t, .r.fE .-

I . f&s rrc aNk crcq- (1) r-< ffi r, r df,Ss rrc Mq fra.. qril FrR-f-{i dqterq) fr-qq, zo t a t r

(2) t n.rq-t t s-{+ s-$lsFr fr ilftq +1s-rd *trZ. h*q +er qrr ftqq, 19Bg (ftil qqi fq+ qErE sr ft+q 6-{T r*r il + nq- 92 + wfr*c (3)* errq c-( ftFfrfud scn=qc {qT qrgin, qqiq :-

54t2 cu20t8

Page 4: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport


"(3) qq fr{ wrq, dq-6 qr ffifi eii-d$q qrq.F qq ftqm * 3{fSfq-d qpa6 } erm q< qeTl(

*tfi qr tfi-{ qr qrcrff fi wgrn-* +-<m t, Qg vm, {qr+ qr ffiw{ fr q-Srrffir *1ftffi rrfu?-{srRq<ur qr rtqrkf, rIITEI;I 3rfum-rur ar<r qrft gdrm rra-+ * ergqrcr{ Tqrurq=i + ftq ftqq 12a 3ft-(

ftqq 1 26 + s-fr-sr{ + frq enft'-d ETSTT nrr(Fn t"l

3. cm ffiF + fr-{q 126 + (st qt-il6 * +qrrq w ffiFso (w qrqrn, qqtq :-

'c-{g qE *( ft rrrfr AMTr, fr u-gs-{6 1o|dqr frffid qsrriqt 1ft$=$ qr Xqfu{r qir:s srs{qsrtrt' (fid), fr Eiq ER{ + fuftT fuTq.rrc t, {,r rizrHd: Tr crqt rrf-f?-d yftftfr * qreqs tTqfNrft', qr 1 qr qq !-flt h Tr-fr fi 2599 q+.riqi {,r *( q;q r+rff + THi fi soo l+-rtqi sr onqt.r

q-cm t, fr sta-<tqlq qnq 3T?TfE *{fr qr t*{ zn qrqrft q-;Bii q1 sl-{rrm{ 6G t, tt qrti +3r{Trd{I 6 ffi srFft-f, Brfr+lur qr s-.{rftil FrTUlr 3rk*-rlT 6ru qrfr g+irm rn-* q-dcrfiTqrurqrr ar<r fr-+q 47 + BT?ff{ frm:q 3itr {Grss-<or + Rq Frrfr-d fr{r rrfi rrrrsrT vnq{n :

T.g r€ tft fr <i'q 6rrT h ffirr ft-4rur +r& a-1rg+ Trqr * frg, fr Biod*q qrrfi, ereTtE

ttfr qr t#{ qr wrw+ qrq-6 * t, fril+r wrce it wfaqr frffid q6r$d (*ffB } sc if ffidsqfrnr, r<qtr, rfte{or, srgit{r{ qr ffi-{ frrd + frq ar+m frqI qril t, tt qrfr fr argqrffir +fuff'Trfh"fd qftqrur {n ra{rfrf, Trrrq?r BTft-+-<uT 6r<r qrft g*iq-o vm+ q-dqrqilr rqrurrr Er<rftqq +z + sT?ftq <fu$-rrw + frq pr-R-d Hrsr qrqrr :

T.E TA $ fu {'frqirlT srren-{ qFT (*{O qr ffirr fr?iTur ffi }ft 1'16 61s A q+rn :

s{g qE fr fr qil-ffifta vEfrq qrq-+ (WG(r,q), fr-sq q-{fi-qq cfrqT t 1st116,1fl-a.frq qr+fi(qdq0 efrr qrq-fr'{tur qrq-fi 3i.r(i*q *q-6{ (qdqqfl Cr{m ai+q +d{ qrq frqq, 1989 h G{sft{

Brffi{d frqr rrqr t, + {Bsr, +iqfrnc ur gqfteTq g{fteTor t M + fu cqnqfrfi yft{r\qrtq{-ooO :2013* er{sq trft r"r

tHr. Ti. Bn &-11036/82017-rgfrqqlarrqErf,i, TiTtrqFc-{

fucqur:- a"r fr'qq wr<a * rJqqT, BRrTE[r{vr, $n{r II Eis 3, sq{iis (i) fr qftq-q-{r d. 590(3{),n-rfte z tr{, 1989 ar<r u-rrfim fu q t *{ 3tR'c fr's}tr{ Ti. 749 (eT), ilrftq ZBFrkr, 2018 anr ft-+r rrqr r



New Delhi, the l3th Seprember, 20l g

G'S'R' 870(E).- Whereas, the draft rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989 were published, as required under sub-section (l) of section 212 of the Motor Vehicles Act,1988 (59 of 1988), vide notification of the Government of lndia in the Ministry of Road Transport andHighwaysvidenumber G.S.R.528(E),dated the 6tr'June, 2018, in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary,Part II' Section (3), Sub-section (i), inviting,objections and suggestions from all persons likely to beaffected thereby before the expiry of the period of ttrirty days from-tie date of which copies of the Gazettecontaining the said notification were made available to tt

" prUti";


Page 5: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

Iqrq ll-lgo-s 3(i)] qt(f, t6-l IsltPt : SIHTHIWI

And whereas, copies of the said Gazette notification were made available to the public on the 66 June,2018;

And whereas, the objections and suggestions rcceived from the public in respect of the said draft ruleshave been considered by the Central Government;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section I l0 of the Motor VehiclesAct, 1988 (59 of 1988), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend theCentral Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely:-

1, (1) Short title and commencement.- These rules may be called as the Central Motor Vehicles(Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 201 8.

(2) These rules shall come into fbrce on the date of their tinal publication in the Oflicial Gazette.

In the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (herein after referred as the said rules), in rule 92, for sub-rule (3), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely. -"(3) Whenever a part, component, or assembly is compliant with the international standard namely,EEC or ECE or Japanese, in lieu of the standard notified in the rules, the compliance of such part,component or assembly shall be deemed to be established for the purpose of rules 124 and 126, by acertificate of compliance for the relevant standard issued by an authorised agency or accreditedcertifying agency.".

In the said rules, in rule 126, tbr the second proviso, the fbllowing shall be substituted, namely: -

"Provided further that in respect of vehicle manufacturer, importing into India unusedcompletely built units (CBU) or completely knocked down units (CKD) of right-hand steering controlvehicles, directly or through their authorised representative, up to 2500 units of Ml or L category ofvehicles, as the case may be, and up to 500 units of other categories of vehicles annually, compliant withthe intemational standard, namely EEC or ECE or Japanese, the compliance of such vehicles shall bedeemed to be established for sale and registration under rule 47, by a certificate of compliance for therelevant standard issued by an authorized agency or accredited certifying agency:

Provided also that in respect of unused right-hand steering control vehicles compliant with theinternational standard namely, EEC or ECE or Japanese, imported into lndia as completely built units(CBU), fbr the purpose of personal use, demonstration, testing, research or scientific work, the complianceof such vehicles shall be deemed to be established for registration under rule 47, by a certificate ofcompliance for the relevant standard issued by an authorised agency or accredited certifying agency:

Provided also that the construction equipment vehicles (CEV) may have steering control oneither of the side:

Provided also that the administrative procedure to deal with corrigendum, amendments orrevisions to Automotive Industry Standards (AIS), Type Approval Procedures ll5l116,Indian Standards(IS) and Intemational Organisation fbr Standardisation (ISO) standards, which are notified under theCentral Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 shall be in accordance with AIS-000; 2013.,,.

lF. No RT- l 103618212017-MVLI


Note.-The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3,Sub-section (l),vide notification number G.S.R.590(E), dated the 2'd June, 1989 and lastly amendedvide notification number G.S.R. 749(E) dated rhe 7'h August, 2018.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-l 10064and Published by the Controller of publications, Delhi-l,o0to

ALOK ilri,i&r,fl^.i_KU MAR ?;:";,i?'.1?'il?

Page 6: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

RT-1 1036/82/201 7-l{VLGovernment of lndia

Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysTransport Bhawan, New Delhi 1 10001

SOP lor the process ol registration of lmported

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the process of registration of vehiclesimported by the vehicle manufacturers or through their authorisedrepresentatives in lndia or by the organisation / citizen for personal use,

demonstration, testing, research or scientific use etc.

lntroductionThe Ministry of Road of Road Transport and Highways through an amendment in

the Centrat Motor Vehictes Rutes, 1989 (CMVR) made through GSR 870 (E) dated 13th

Sep 2018 has provisioned for the import of certain limited number of vehicles undervarious categories by the vehicle Manufacturer directty or through their authorisedrepresentative for the purpose of further sale or research, or by the organisation /citizen for personal use, demonstration, testing, research or scientific use.

With the Ministry's online registration of vehictes system provided through NIC

viz. VAHAN 4 system in operation in the States, the process of registration of vehictesis being carried through an ontine process. The system is linked with thehomologation system being provided by the Ministry through NlC, wherein thedomestic vehicte manufacturer provides the detaits of each vehic[e sotd in the countryand that detail is used by the dealers selling the vehicles to the citizens. Further, theRegistering Authorities also uses the same detaits for compteting the process ofRegistration of Vehictes. The system is secured, with onty the authenticated usershaving access to the system for updating.

Purpose and ScopeThe homotogation portal under VAHAN hetps in maintaining transparency,

genuineness and standards in a motor vehicle.There is now a requirement for providing facilitation to the Vehicte

Manufacturers / lmporters or organisations / citizens to have the vehictes so importedbe registered through VAHAN and further that the detaits of the vehictes are capturedproperty in VAHAN.

Key Objectiveso To facititate the process of registration of vehicles so imported.. To ensure that the correctness of detaits entered in the VAHAN database.

Page I of 5

Page 7: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

RT-1 1036/82t2017-MVLGovernment of lndia

Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysTransport Bhawan, New Delhi 1 10001

SOP for the process of registrotion of lmported Vehicles

. To Maintain common standard across the country amongst various stakehotders.

o To ensure that onty the authenticated importer is abte to have the vehictesregistered in lndia.

o To ensure that onty the limited number of vehictes attowed to be importedunder the rutes or the poticy under the category attowed are registered.

Standard Operating ProcedureThe fottowing woutd be the Standard Operating Procedure with the rotes andresponsibitities for the process:

Stages Manufacturer /representatives / citizens



Stage - 1

(Homotogation portal forlmportedVehictes

The Vehictes areimported and registeredthrough CMVR, 1989 asper GSR-870(E), dated13th Sept 2018

MORTHProvisions ofCMVR, 1989 arecomplied with.

Provide technicalsupport to stakehotders bydeveloping thesoftware andproviding supportfor thehomotogationmodute forfacititating theregistration oflmported vehictes.

Stage- 2(LoginCredentiat)

o The company / firmwishing to lmport oralready imported has toappty in the prescribedproforma as attached forobtaining a logincredential forhomologation to theDirector, Central lnstituteof Road Transport (CIRT).This would be done ontineuptoading att retevantdocuments or providine a

CIRT wittexamine theapptications withretevantdocuments andsend anapprovat,digitatty signed,to NIC

NIC witt providelogin credentiats tothe respectivemanufacturer

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Page 8: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

RT-1 1036/82t2017-MYLGovernment of lndia

Mini:stry of Road Transport and HighwaysTransport Bhawan, New Delhi 110001

SOP for the process of registrotion of lmported Vehicles

Stages Manufacturer /reDresentatiYes / citizens



request to the Director,CIRT, Pune. lntimationwould be sent to CIRT as

and when apptication ismade ontine.. The following aremandatory-(i) CIN /LLPIN of thecompany(ii) IEC Code: This is a

Computer generatednumber as per procedure

outtined in the Handbook

of procedure of DGFT

mandatory forundertaking any

export/ import activities.(iii ) Date oflncorporation of a

Company [as per

Companies Act 2017 &

Detaits of registeredoffice.

Note-. There woutd be NO

requirement for an'individual' importing toobtain a login credential.

Stage - 3(TAC


Manufacturer witl uptoadthe TAC (Type ApprovatCertificate) given by theauthorised agency oraccredited certifyingagency and map with themaster form by providing

. The Centratlnstitute ofRoad Transport,Pune (CIRT) wittapprove thedetaits providedin TAC and the

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RT-1 1036/8212017-MYLGovernment of lndia

Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysTransport Bhawan, New Delhi 1 10001

SOP for the process of registration of lmported Vehicles

Stages Manufacturer /representatives / citizens



att the technica[parameters required.

uptoadedtechnicatparameters ofeach mode[ ofthe MotorVehicle so

uptoaded bythe !mporter.

o For anlndividualimporting thevehicte, woutdappty online onVAHAN underthe category of'Registration oflmportedVehicle' anduptoad theretevantpapers. Thiswoutd bepassed on toCIRT to vatidatewho woutdenter thevehicteparameters ontheHomotogationportal for thevehicte underthe 'lndividuallmportcategory'.

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RT-1 1036/82t2017-MVLGovernment of lndia

Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysTransport Bhawan, New Delhi 1 10001

lOP for the process of registration of lmported Vehicles

Stages Manufacturer /representatiYes / citizens



apptication feeof Rs. 10,000/'for each modelmay be chargedby CIRT from theManufacturer orlndividuat.

Stage - 4(inventorydetaitsuptoading )

The Manufacturer wittuptoad inventory detaitsin respect of their modetsand ctass of vehicles.

Att the detaitsuptoaded by amanufacturer Iimporter are madeavaitabte forregistration.

To ensure thatspecified number ofvehictes ofparticutarmanufacturer in ayear are registeredmust be validatedas per the rules.

A webtink for the process woutd be made avaitabte in the website of the Ministryand on VAHAN which provides the detaits of this procedure.

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Page 11: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

Format of application for Login Id creation for the "National Transport Portal" foruploading inventory of the Imported vehicles to be submitted by the Companies orFirms Importing vehicles into India on oflicial letter heads

UESTING: Id Creation Information

1. Name of Applicant Organisation:

2. Name of Officer APPIYing

3. Designation of Officer:

4. Office Address:

City & PIN Code:

5. Telephone No: (O)

6. E-Mail Id:

7. FAXNo:

8. Current/Prior Login ID (if anY):


9. Documents Attached :

Note: l. The application should be submitted by the Head office on official letter head to the Director, Central

lnstitute of Road Transport (CIRT), Pune, Maharashtra

2. CIRT will verify and approve the applications. Once approved, the applications wlll be sent to NIC for Greation of

User lD and Password.

3. Only one user id/ password will be issued to an organization by Nlc. The oryanisation may, in turn, ffeate sub

user lds and passwords, if required, for its constltuents/branches etc. Prescribed terms and conditions for the

acceptance of the documents are attached.

Signature of the ApplicantDate


Page 12: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport

For CIRT / NIC use

The given information verified and login id be created on the portalhttns ://vahan.Dariyahnn,gor'.in/makermodel

Application No:

Signature of CIRTOfficial with date and seal

['or CIRT / NIC use

The given information verified and login id created on the portalhttrrs://r,ahan.

Login Id Given: Application No:

Signature of NICOfficial with date and seal

Page 13: ffi' {sb - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways · ffi' {sb To, No. RT- 1 1 036 I 821201 7 -MY L ql.ird${ifTt Government of lndia vgoqff*f+sfrr{lqqrtf {Trdc Ministry of Road Transport


l. Users are requested to keep the given Login id and password a secret.

2. Please change your password immediately. Thereafter change the password as frequently as possible, at

least once in every three months.

3. Not doing I & 2 above may compromise security on account of hackers. Hackers can use the same

account for getting vehicle information. NIC is neither responsible nor accountable for any type of

misuse of the compromised user accounts. Detection of misuse by automated monitoring tools may

result in deactivation ofthe account.

4. Users are requested, to install the personal firewall software to secure their machine.

5. Users are requested to install the Antivirus software with latest paffern update periodically and OS

patches in their system.

6. NIC will take all possible measures to prevent data loss, however, due to unforeseen technical issues, if

the same happens, MORTH or NIC cannot be held responsible'

7. Applicant shall maintain the security and integrity of information received. MORTH / NIC is neither

responsible nor accountable for any type of misuse of the compromised user accounts.

8. Applicant shall maintain and update current list of persons and entities authorized to access the

information or to whom such information may be disclosed. This list shall be made available to

MoRTH/NIC upon request.

g. Applicant shall not use, sell, retain, distribute, provide, or transfer any restricted information or portion

of such information accessed except as authorized by the MORTHNIC.

10. The NIC on behalf of MoRTH reserves the right to audit Applicant's compliance with set rules/acts.

I 1. The applicant understands and agrees that NIC shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in

any way connected with applicant's access or use of information'

We accept the above terms and conditions.





Note: Kindly send approval letter from the concerned organization on letter head along with this application

to respective Authorised Signatory. List of Authorised Signatory along with Postal Address can be found on

the link available on https ://

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