  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Editor: Easy ECheesyRobManGatorFan83

    Cartographers: Easy E

    Story: Easy E

    Rules: Easy EKelsik

    Contributors: MonticusZoring

    Special thanks to the many members of the Airspace Forumcommunity for their help and support in getting this

    project off the ground.

  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Content Page


    A Brief History 6

    A Historical Timeline 22

    A Terragraphic Record 24

    Warzones 27

    Notables 33

    =Playing the Campaign=

    New Units 38

    Squadron Lists 72

    New Scenarios 76

    New Advanced Game Rules 81

    Campaign Rules 88
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet



    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Old Guard Stars

    The Rutilus System



    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Bin Mazar


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    A Brief History

    The Old Guard stars have been at the fringes of

    the Imperium for millennia. They were talked of

    in hushed whispers. Ancient star charts simply

    had them labelled with the old saying, Here be

    Monsters!. Few had the courage, wherewithal,

    or insane drive to stray so far into the darkness

    and away from the guiding light of the


    However, driven by desperation or madness, the

    Rogue Trader Hans Digitalis and his cartel began

    to probe the dark reaches and forgotten space of

    the Old Guard Stars. Their explorations were

    slow and cumbersome. However, they returned

    with riches, strange stories, and archeotech. The

    Cartel was catapulted to fame and status enough

    to last another two millenia before the Digitalis

    Cartel faded again into obscurity.

    Some historians claim that the beginning of the

    end of the Digitalis Cartel was when the

    Administratum of Terra declared the Old Guard

    Stars as a new sector of the Imperium. This

    opened the Old Guard Stars up to competing

    interests, and soon the sector that had once been

    thought cursed, was a buzz with activity. Much

    of it was quasi-legal and frontier, but the Old

    Guard Stars were seen as a booming frontier


    Wracked by visions and prophecy; the woman

    who would become St. Augustine began to rally

    and gather a fanatical following, bent on purging

    the Old Guard Stars of the taint of the xeno, the

    mutant, the heretic, and reclaim the faithful for

    the Emperor. Her origins are shrouded in

    Ministorum legend, and it is hard to separatemyth from reality. However, what is clear is that

    St. Augustine managed to gain official Imperial

    St. Augustine

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    sanction. With the authority of the Imperium,

    and at the head of a fleet cobbled together from

    various Rogue Traders, Inquisitorial agents,

    faithful pilgrims and crusaders, and elements of

    Battlefleet Pacificus. She set out on her mission

    to purge the Old Guard Stars once and for all.

    The crusade was no easy task. Again, the truth is

    shrouded in Ministorum doctrine, local myths,

    and distant legend. The battles were hard

    fought, with the forces of the Imperial Guard,

    Space Marine Chapters, irregular Frateris

    Militia, Militant Orders of the Sisterhood, and

    Mercenary forces leading the thrust on planetafter planet. Most of the worlds that housed lost

    colonies from the Dark Age of Technology

    gladly joined the Imperium of the God-Emperor

    with joy in their hearts. Xeno infested planets

    were ruthlessly purged.

    In 485M 36, we have a definitive date. Ancient

    records indicate that St. Augustine and her fleet

    believed they had purged 75% of the Old GuardStars. The Crusade lasted for another decade,

    but the extent of the gains were unclear. It was

    at this point, that St. Augustine herself was

    supposedly martyred to the side of the Emperor

    at the forefront of the Crusade. Her body was

    placed in stasis and returned to Ophelia IV.

    St. Augustines Crusade paved the way for the

    future Imperial colonization efforts.

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    The Colonization of Rutilus

    The story of the planet Rutilus begins with theExplorator FleetAltar of Discovery first making a

    routine warp jump into the system. The fleet was

    following on the heels of Hans Digitalis and his

    cartel in an attempt to capture valuable resource

    for the Priesthood of Mars.

    This routine Explorator survey discovered Rutilus

    amongst the star system of her fellows. After a

    cursory and brief scan of he system, the AdeptusMechanicus fleet moved on. However, the fifth

    planet of the newly discovered system was

    identified and catalogued into Ad-mech cogitator

    banks as being potentially suitable for industrial

    gas mining at some future date. The world that

    would become Rutilus was first logged as

    OGS/System 456/Beta/Planet: Quintus.

    After the turmoil of the Augustine Crusade, a

    second more thorough Explorator Fleet movedthrough the system. This time, the Torch in the

    Darkness discovered that several rare gaseous
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    elements were floating amidst the mid-

    atmosphere. Without this discovery, it is likely

    that Rutilus would have languished in obscurity.

    However, with such rare elements present on the

    planet the Adeptus Mechanicus grew interested

    in harvesting these materials for their own

    mysterious purposes.

    The masters of the Tech-priests of Mars

    methodically went about preparing for a

    colonization effort. They allied with the

    Administratum of Terra, and used their joint

    resources in the region to prepare. The Ad-mech

    provided ships, leadership, and technology whilethe Administraum provided menials,

    infrastructure, and other necessities.

    With the aid of two powerful bureaucracies it

    was only a matter of time before colonization

    efforts would bear fruit. In 368.M39, the first

    station was projected from orbit into mid-

    atmosphere of the Gas Giant. The Adminstratum

    dubbed the new planet Rutilus; and the AdeptusMechanicus christened the station as Alpha. The

    Imperium of Man had established itself.

    Station Alpha naturally became the government

    center for the planet. From this hub, other

    stations were slowly constructed and set-up

    around the globe. It was a long, difficult process

    but eventually four other station settlements

    were created and deployed.

    It wasnt long until the stations ofRutilus had a

    decidedly Adeptus Mechanicus flavor. As a

    result, the Mechanicus leadership within the Old

    Guard Stars petitioned to have Rutilus annexed

    fully to the Adeptus Mechanicus. After delicate

    negotiations and political maneuvering the

    Sector Commander granted the petition, and the

    Administratum was compensated elsewhere.

    Rutilus was declared an Ad-mech protectorate in101.M41.

    The Decline of Rutilus

    For hundreds of years, the planet harvested and

    exported its rare gaseous element cocktail to the

    Ad-mechs vassal worlds. For the most part, life

    on the planet was routine and proscribed by the

    tenants of the Cult of the Machine-God. Each

    member a part of the mining machine.

    Then, the rare gas elements eventually became

    exhausted in 542.M41. The one thing that made

    Rutilus an important asset for the Adeptus

    Mechnicus was no longer present. Instead, the air

    mines of the gas Giant were just another common

    resources amongst hundreds available, others thatwere much easier to extract and maintain.

    The eyes of the Ad-mech went elsewhere, and the

    importance of Rutilus was reduced to just another

    backwater world in the Old Guard Stars of the

    Eastern Fringe. Even the High Templum of the

    Adeputs Mechanicus of the Old Guard stars began

    to ignore the planet. As a result, trade pacts were

    created with Rogue Trader cartels to ship gaseouselements in exchange for food stuffs and other

    supplies. The Rogue Trader cartels took the place

    of the Ad-mech itself in supplying the operations

    of the mining facilities. This further isolated the


    The censuring of Magos Konstanz Cy-Belle by

    the High Templum of the Old Guard Stars in

    674.M41 brought purpose back to Rutilus. The

    Magos Cy-Belle had been pushing the boundaries

    of the Cult Mechanicus for years. The exact

    nature of his experiments and research have been

    purged, but the Magos himself was officially

    censured by the High Templum. As punishment

    for his crimes, the Magos was reassign to be the

    Station Primus of Severus on Rutilus.

    The High Templum reasoned that on such an out-

    of-the-way planet of little value, there was littletrouble that Magos Cy-belle could cause. This

    solution of exile became a popular tool.
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    And in the preceeding centuries, a number of

    political opponents, radicals, and out-of-favor

    Magos found their careers reassign to be a

    member of one ofRutiluss five stations. Thegas mines again had a purpose in the

    Omnissiahs Cogs.

    Of course, such a policy of exile would

    eventually lead to a critical mass of resentment,

    radicalism, and tainted teachings on one

    location. Rumors reached the ears of the High

    Templum that proscribed research, dark

    experiments, and foul blasphemies against the

    Omnissiah were taking place on Rutilus. Such

    dark tidings had to be investigated, as the

    number of rumors increased. There were reports

    of political unrest, as the various Station Primus

    vied for influence and control of the planet.

    In 838,M41, The High Templum assigned Magos

    Deanarus to go to Rutilus, and ascertain the truth

    of the rumors. He was declared the new Station

    Primus of Station Alpha, and acting ImperialGovernor of Rutilus.

    As soon as the Magos landed on Rutilus, he

    began his investigation. All the Station Primus

    were summoned to Station Alpha. Magos

    Deanarus was displeased when only Magos

    Breston of Station Epsilon heeded his summons.

    Undeterred, the new Governor conducted a tour of

    all the stations. Magos Deanarus carried out a

    thorough inspection of each station, starting with

    the wily old Magos Cy-Belles Station Severus.

    His review was meticulous, his envoys went overrecords carefully, interviewed menials and junior

    tech-priests, and interrogated the stations core


    Magos Deanaruss investigation was slow and

    methodical. After two long years, he finally

    composed his final report for the High Templum.

    His conclusions against his rival Station Primus

    was damning. As news of the contents of the

    report were leaked, Rutilus exploded into

    rebellion as Magos Cy-Belle, Magos Archivald,

    and Magos Zigzmund all declare Deanarus unfit

    to rule.

    Magos Deanarus browbeat Magos Breaton into

    supporting him, and the planet erupted into civil

    war as doctrinal differences split the planet. The

    High Templum authorize Magos Deanarus to use

    all available force to bring the renegade Stationsinto line. 851.M41 ends with Rutilus in chaos.

    The Madness of Magos Cy-Belle

    676.M41 turned out to be a fateful year for

    Rutilus. The High Templum of the Old Guard

    Stars condemned Magos Konstanz Cy-Belle into

    exile. He became station Primus for Severus. In

    late 647, the Magos arrived to take his new post.

    The Magos had long pushed the bounds of

    acceptable research and development. He

    guarded his ideas closely, but even his closest
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    acolytes began to question his sanity as he began

    to dabble in proscribed warp tech. It was these

    same confidants who betrayed Magos Cy-Belle

    to the High Templum. This led to his secret

    hearing and subsequent banishment.

    Once ensconced at Severus Station, the Magos at

    first drew inward. He rejected the advances of

    his subordinates, and retired into his quarters.

    No one knows what exactly the Magos was

    doing, and he remained in isolation for six

    hundred and sixty six days, before emerging

    once more.

    His attention towards managing the station and

    its mining facilities was cursory at best. Instead,

    the Magos attention was drawn to the strange

    storm like phenomena of the Cyclops Eye.

    The Magos organized a number of expeditions to

    the Cyclops Eye to study the strange wonder up

    close. Many of the lower ranking adepts on

    Severus speculated that the Magos wasexecuting search patterns, as if looking for

    something within the storm formation itself. Of

    course, the Magos himself refused to reveal his

    true aims and was under no requirement to do so.

    On his fifteenth journey to the Cyclops Eye, the

    Magos himself ventured from his observation

    craft and entered the storm in a custom designed

    craft. Immediately, communication with Magos

    Cy-Belles craft was lost. The crew of the

    observation ship waited patiently, but as the

    hours stretched by; many doubted that Cy-Belle

    would return.

    Calculi adepts busily tried to calculate the flight

    time sustainable by the estimated fuel capacity of

    the Magos craft versus the conditions inside the

    Cyclops Eye. Even by the most liberal estimate,

    the Magos was long overdo. It was with heavy

    heart that the observation craft commander

    prepared to return to Station Severus with the


    Then, the vox net broke into static; that slowly

    built itself into the Magos Cy-Belles familiar

    bass drone. The Magos craft burst from the

    swirling wall of the Cyclops Eye, and dashed

    back towards the observation craft.

    As the ship settled into the hangar, the Magos

    emerged and banished all but a handful of

    servitors from the area. From what the tech-

    adepts managed to observe before their

    banishment, the Magos had retrieved

    something from the storms core.

    After returning to Severus, the Magos againretreated to his personal lab. No one was allowed

    to view what he had discovered. From there, the

    Magos began to dismantle everything associated

    with his work on the Cyclops Eye. First, his own

    exploratory craft was melted down into raw

    materials. Then, he ordered his observation craft

    similarly destroyed. Next, the Servitors he used

    were destroyed.

    The Magos stayed working in his lab for another

    six hundred and sixty six days, on the decade
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    anniversary of his arrival at his new post, Magos

    Cy-Belle emerged from his lab. A new era

    dawned on Severus Station. Now, the Magos

    was animated with an inner fire that had not

    been present before. He bent to his task as

    Primus with a new enthusiasm.

    The Magos personally began negotiating with

    the Rogue Traders and Chartered ships that

    brought supplies to Severus. He began to have

    the manufactorums of the station retooled and

    updated. The Magos personally took an interest

    in managing the day-to-day operations of the

    station. For the first time in a decade, the Magoswas asserting his true authority.

    Then, the strange deaths began to occur. Low

    level tech-adepts slowly began to succumb to

    accidents on the manufactorum floors. Others,

    disappeared after routine inspections of air

    mining scoops, etc. At first, few took notice.

    Deaths like these were simply part of the normal

    attrition of the station. However, when the tech-priest formerly in charge of the Magos

    Observation Craft disappeared; other tech-adepts

    began to ask questions amongst themselves.

    Magos Cy-Belle began holding conclaves with

    key tech-priests of Severus Station. Here, he

    challenged the orthodoxy of the Machine Cult.

    He passionately preached against the shackles of

    the STC templates. At first, his message was

    subtle, and imbedded in honeyed word and code.

    However, as the Magos gathered more adherents

    to his creed, the radical words were expressed


    The more orthodox of the Tech-priests were

    aghast at the Magos words! However, due to

    the Magos careful selection process, there were

    many all to willing to cross the line between the

    sacred, and the profane. At the final Conclave,later to be known as the Conclave of the

    Winnowing; Magos Cy-Belle unveiled his latest

    creations; blasphemous murder-servitors. Thus,

    the Magos Cy-Belle launched his bloody purge

    of Severus Station. Cy-Belles opponents were

    caught completely by surprise, and most were

    slaughtered en mass during the conclave. Those

    that could, fled; but they were only prolonging

    the inevitable. After several days of violent

    skirmishes, vile assassinations, and outright

    murder; Magos Cy-Belle was the undisputed

    Primus of Severus.

    By 740.M41, Magos Cy-Belle began turning his

    station into a workshop and development center

    for his insane designs. This would increasingly

    bring friction with his fellow station masters,

    until the extent of his treachery would be

    revealed by Magos Deanarus. By then, the madMagos was well on his way to creating his new

    vision of STC templates for humanities future.

    By the time of Magos Deanarus investigation,

    Magos Cy-Belle had long been at work creating

    his own warped vision of STC templates, and

    reconfiguring his stations manufactorums to

    create them. He worked hard to cover his tracks

    upon word of Deanarus visit, but he could notsimply hide a century of progress in a matter of

    days. Instead, Magos Cy-Belle began planning
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    for the inevitable reprisals.

    Magos Cy Belle was no fool. He knew that

    alone he would stand no chance against Magos

    Deanarus and the strength of the High Templum.

    He calculated that the High Templum would try

    to keep the turmoil on their vassal world under

    wraps. Therefore, Magos Cy Belle embarked on

    a dangerous path to take Rutilus for himself.

    He sought out alliance with the Primus of the

    other stations. He knew the others were

    renegades who had likewise been exiled to

    Rutilus. He hoped he would find a sympathetic

    audience with them. His calculations proved

    accurate as Magos Archivald and Magos

    Zigizmund were willing to join forces with him.

    However, Deanarus had gotten to Magos

    Breaton first, and convinced him to oppose theRadicals.

    This launched the Feud of the Red Clouds.

    However, Magos Cy Belle was not content. He

    knew that in order to survive, he would need

    more powerful allies than just his fellow station

    Primus. Instead, he began searching further


    The Old Guard Stars are a wild and frontier

    place. It was not long until Magos Cy Belles

    search found allies in the form of Mistress

    Mercievaux and her renegade band. They vowed

    to help Magos Cy Belle claim all of Rutilus as his

    new workshops. In return, the Magos would serve

    her and provide her troops with his new, mad

    designs. Magos Cy Belle knew he had little

    choice, and agreed.

    Mistress Mercievaux and her allies made way for

    the planet of the Red Clouds. They were eager to

    put an end to the feud, and unite Rutilus for the

    glory of Chaos and their Mistress.

    The Ork Taint

    Magos Breaton had been a long standing memberof the Magos Biologis Xeno. This branch of the

    Adeptus Mechanicus is focused on the biological

    workings of the various alien foes the Imperium

    of Man faces. Magos Breatons area of expertise

    was the Orkoid menace, and especially research

    into Anzions Theory of Latent Psychic Fields in

    the Ork species.

    Just by researching Anzions Theory, MagosBreaton was all ready treading on the outside

    edges of Adeptus Mechanicus philosophy.

    Afterall, Anzion himself had been sanctioned long

    ago. However, Breatons fall and subsequent

    exile had little to do with his strange research.

    Magos Breaton had been authorized by the High

    Templum to the Ork infested world of Dratz Fall.

    The planet was all ready under quarantine by the

    Imperial Navy, and a special dispensation had to

    be arranged for the Magos visit.
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    The High Templum and Battlefleet Old Guard

    Stars limitations were clear. The Magos was

    only allowed to observe from high orbit. Magos

    Breaton agreed, and with haste made his way to

    Dratz Fall.

    Once there, the Magos and his staff set-up orbit

    and began using the Ad-mech ships rare and

    specialized Augur arrays to scan the planet and

    its savage inhabitants. After several years of

    high orbital observation, Magos Breaton was

    excited to see the Orks technology base begin to

    increase. He surmised that such growth was due

    to the emergence of Ork Oddboyz such asMekaniaks into the population.

    Despite the restrictions placed on his expedition

    by the High Templum of the Adeptus

    Mechanicus, Magos Breaton decided to land a

    party and try to capture the emerging Mekaniak


    The expedition to the planets surface proved tobe a disaster. The entire expedition was killed,

    and Magos Breaton was lucky to escape with his

    life from the hordes of feral Orks. It was only

    the futile last stand of his elite skitarri bodyguard

    that allowed the Magos to board his transport

    and escape into orbit.

    The Magos attempted to cover-up the incident,

    but word reached the High Templum, and the

    Magos was recalled for judgement. There,

    Magos Breaton was condemned to exile as the

    station Primus of Epsilon station on Rutilus.

    In early 680.M41, Magos Breaton officially

    assumed control of Epsilon Station. Unlike

    Magos Cy Belle, he immediately set about

    establishing his authority, and his wishes to

    continue his research on Orkoid biology.

    To this end, Magos Breaton negotiated an illicit

    contract with one of the Rogue Traders that

    supplied his station with a research supply of Ork

    spores. In exchange, the Rogue Trader received

    favorable trading rights for the stations gas

    mining. Within a year, the Rogue Trader

    delivered on his part of the bargain.

    Magos Breaton set-up a specially constructed lab

    where the Magos could attempt to cultivate a

    control population of Feral Orks. The lab was

    specially sealed, isolated, and protected to avoid

    contaminating the rest of the station.

    The Magos continued his wretched experiment in

    isolation and secret from the majority of his

    stations staff. Only a select handful knew of his

    radical ways. The Magos was fascinated by the

    developments he saw. The entire Orkology was

    revealed, and their symbiotic relationship with

    squigs, gretchin, and the Orks themselves. The

    way their small community developed revealed

    amazing insights.

    However, in 684.M41 Magos Breaton was

    horrified to learn that Orkoid spores had been

    detected in the sub-levels of the station. Aghast,

    he immediately ended his experiment and purged

    his Ork control groups. He had servitors sterilize

    the rooms, and then had the servitors themselves

    sterilized. He then organized sterilization teams

    of Servitors to enter the sub-levels of the station

    and purge any signs of the Ork infestation. Likehis failure on Dratz Fall, he tried to cover it all up.
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    This time, Magos Breaton reviewed his notes

    and the experiment, and realized he had

    committed a grave sin against the Omnissiah.

    He had let his personal obsession cloud his

    judgment. Caught by surprise at the magnitude

    of his sins, the Magos was uncharacteristically

    wracked by guilt and failure. He destroyed all of

    his research, and focused all his energy into

    productive gas mining.

    When Magos Deanarus arrived to inspect Station

    Epsilon, he found the station in good working

    order. However, it wasnt long before his

    investigators revealed the dark experiments inthe stations recent past. Magos Breaton admitted

    to his past sins readily once revealed, and

    pledged to aid Deanarus in exchange for


    However, unknown to the two Magos; the Ork

    eco-system was surviving and thriving in the

    sub-levels of Epsilon Station. There small,

    isolated communities of Feral Orks and Gretchinsprung up in the damp shafts and ducts deep in

    the interior. They survived off the ork eco-

    system that naturally evolved in the damp, dark

    environments. Far from the routine patrols of

    the purge-servitors sent out by the unwary

    inhabitants of Station Epsilon.

    As is the Ork way, the more Orks that were

    spored, the more they were drawn together by

    the growing Waaagh! Energy. One boss had

    seen the future. He had secretly followed one of

    the servitor kill teams, and saw them return to

    the surface. He knew that above the tunnels lay

    a new world for the Orks to inhabit.

    He cunningly brought his message to the Orks of

    fellow tribes. He promised a new world of

    fighting, against the over-enemies. Many of his

    rivalsboyz were drawn to this message. As a

    result, low intensity fighting broke out between

    the tribes. After a series of cunning ambushesagainst his rivals, Boss Badaxe had established

    himself as the Undanob of all the Orks on


    As the Feud of the Red Clouds heated up, much

    of the military power of Epsilon station was

    deployed to battle the radical Primus of the other

    stations. Undanob Badaxe had been amazed at

    the abilities and weapons of the overworlders.However, as the Feud continued, he recognized

    the weakening of his foes, even as his own Orks

    were spawning more rapidly than ever.

    In 856.M41, the Undanob led his horde to the

    surface. Ork warriors sprang from vents, long
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    forgotten manholes, and tore their way through

    the stations floors. The sudden ferocious attack

    caught the lightly defended station completely

    by surprise. Unarmed Tech-priests fell beneath

    the crude axes of the Feral Orks with a squeal of

    binary protest. Blood, machine oil, and sacred

    unguents painted the stations walls as the

    greenskin hordes ravaged through Epsilon.

    Only the stations main operations center held

    out for long. There, the remaining Skitarri

    rallied and held the lines. Combat servitors

    proved devastating in the confined spaces of the

    stations central corridors. However, the Orkknew their way through the secret places of the

    station, places that the Tech-adepts didnt even

    know about.

    Ork huntas maneuvered their way into the main

    ventilation shafts of the Command Center. They

    fell on the surprised tech-adepts and slew them.

    Magos Breaton was one of the first to fall to the

    products of his own dark experiment. Theskitarri defenders outside tried to move to help

    those inside, and the Orks overwhelmed their

    stretched lines. The Command Center and the

    defenders of Epsilon Center were overrun.

    Badaxe da Undanob had succeeded. As

    promised the overworld was theirs, and his

    followers were jubilant. However, as the

    Undanob reviewed his boyz handiwork in the

    Command Center, the Ork began to realize that

    there was more to the overworld then just this


    As this realization dawned on da Undanob, other

    Orks surveyed the manufactorums of Station

    Epsilon. Innate memories buried deep in some

    of the Ork shaman triggered. Their minds were

    suddenly ablaze with images of flying machines,

    guns, and other things that could be createdusing these overworlder machines. With innate

    curiosity, the burgeoning Mekz began to puzzle

    out the secrets of the Ad-Mech.

    The Orkoid threat had struck on Rutilus. A new

    menace was emerging from the carcass of Station

    Epsilon. Like a plague, the Orks of da Undanob

    Badaxe would emerge to leave their mark on the

    Feud of the Red Clouds.

    The Greater Good of the Omnissiah

    As a young tech-priest, Magos Kurness Archivald

    was assigned to the retinue of an Ordos Xeno

    Inquisitor. These years proved to be formative for

    the young tech-priest, as he was exposed to a vast

    array of xeno technology. The mysterious andblasphemous ways of the alien were astounding to

    him, and became a life-long obsession.

    After the Inquisitor was killed under mysterious

    circumstances, Archivald returned to the High

    Templum of the Old Guard Stars to continue his

    research. There, he quickly began to gather

    political adherents and allies; as his exotic service

    with the Inquisition made him charismatic and

    popular with younger tech-priests.

    The Magos was able to leverage his political
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    connections which allowed Archivald to fuel his

    desire for Xeno tech. At the High Templum, he

    dug deeply into the heretical machines; each day

    growing more convinced that a great mystery of

    the Omnissiah was hidden within the alien

    technology. Naturally, such views made him

    powerful enemies on the High Council.

    The Magos Archivalds own allies gave him

    protection. However, the Magos overstepped his

    political bounds when he published and

    distributed his work for peer review. His book,

    On the Nature of Tainted Technology; crossed

    the line. Even his allies were shocked at howdeeply the Magos had debased himself with the

    alien technology. He seemed especially

    enamored with the radical ideas and abilities of

    Tau technology.

    The wise members of the High Council knew the

    lessons of the ancient screeds of their sect. To

    become enamored of the upstart Tau could lead

    humanity to repeat the mistakes that had broughtit low during the Dark Age of Technology. They

    knew that such fascination must be squashed,

    and that Magos Archivald made an example of.

    Luckily for the Magos, his allies were able to

    persuade the High Council that exile would be

    sufficient punishment. The Magos was spared

    death. Instead, he was banished to be Station

    Primus of Ro on Rutilus.

    Archivald realized how close he had been to

    death. However, he also felt he was incredible

    close to uncovering long hidden mysteries of the

    Omnissiah in the Xeno tech. Despite his best

    efforts to focus on his core function as Primus,

    the Magos again was drawn to heretical tech.

    The terms of Magos Archivalds exile would not

    allow him to leave Station Ro. So, instead; hesent emissaries out into the stars to find what he

    needed. For years, these emissaries returned

    returned empty handed, or with only token Xeno

    technology. However, the efforts ofArchivalds

    emissaries soon came to the attention of agents

    allied to one of the Taus Exploratory Fleets. The

    Water Caste Envoys aboard realized an

    opportunity to cultivate a new resource.

    Using their network of sympathizers, spies, andtraitors; the Tau arranged for Rogue Trader Grace

    Voo to make a run to Station Ro on Rutilus. Once

    there, he tempted Magos Archivald with relatively

    mundane Tau technology. With the Magos own

    attempts to source such technology failing, he

    quickly negotiated a contract with Voo. On the

    surface, the contract was completely normal and

    well within the rights of a station Primus.

    However, Archivald also arranged for Voo to

    provide more exotic tech to him personally.
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    In exchange, Magos Archivald began to cultivate

    his station staff to his own views tolerating Xeno

    technology. He carefully selected loyal followers

    and demoted or exiled those who did not share his

    views. To him, the xeno technology was not a

    blasphemy, but a varied avenue for the pursuit of

    knowledge in the name of the Machine-God.

    In 781.M41, the Tau Water Caste began to send

    envoys directly to Station Ro to negotiate trade

    deals with Magos Archivald, using the Trader

    Hrax Voo (the new holder of the charter) as a

    cover for their activities. For his part, the Magos

    welcomed direct access to the Taus technologyand technicians.

    The two factions played a delicate game, as

    Magos Archivald used the Tau to upgrade his

    stations facilities so he could observe and

    research their technology and how it interacted

    with the Machine Spirits of his own station.

    Meanwhile, the Tau were secretly influencing the

    menials and tech-priests with their ownpropaganda of the Greater Good.

    The Tau knew the Tech-priests maintained and

    manufactured all of the Imperiums technology.

    They hoped to exploit the Magos into revealing

    his knowledge of the Warp. However, the Water

    Caste Envoys did not believe that Magos

    Archivald would reveal such secrets to them

    freely. Instead, they sought to corrupt the

    common inhabitants of Station Ro to their cause

    and eventually take over the station. As a result, a

    strange hybrid religion blending the teachings of

    the Omnissiah and the Greater Good became

    fashionable on Ro.

    The coming of Magos Deanarus threatened to ruin

    the great work being done by both parties. It was

    clear that they could not hide the extent of the

    taint from Magos Deanarus prying eyes. The Tauand Magos Archivald had been playing their great

    game for far too long. Archivald felt he was close

    to uncovering some great secret of the Omnissiah,

    while the Tau had all ready invested too much to

    simply abandon their hold on Station Ro.

    Magos Deanarus denounciation to the High

    Templum came as no surprise to Magos Archivald

    and his Tau allies. Magos Cy-Belles offer of

    alliance came at a critical time, as the Tau were

    preparing to leave Archivald to his fate. However,

    with the growing alliance against the Imperium of

    Man, Water Caste Envoy Twala saw a chance to

    exploit the Taus assistance in exchange for the

    Warp tech they sought.

    In addition to Tau forces coming to support the

    station, Magos Archivald began to integrate Tau

    technology and weapon systems into his own

    defense craft in an effort to beef them up. The

    result, was a handful of strange hybrid aircraftmanned by those eager to prove their worth to the

    Greater Good of the Omnissiah.

    The Corsair Strikes

    The final station Primus on Rutilus was Magos

    Zigizmund. He had formerly been a high ranking

    member of the Great Explorator fleets. Late in

    791.M41 the Magos returned with a small fleet

    that had explored the far edges of the Old GuardStars. The fleet had been assembled and sent in

    search of Xeno artifacts by the High Council in
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    M581.M41. Magos Zigizmund took command

    when the previous Magos died under strange

    circumstances during the mission.

    Upon their return to the High Templum, the

    Fleets data-arks were filled with new

    information, and its holds contained ancient relics

    from the edge of the Old Guard Stars. However,

    the mood of the High Council of the Adeptus

    Mechanicus had changed since Magos Zigizmund

    had departed.

    The cache of Xeno artifacts brought displeasure

    from the reigning Magos. When Zigizmund was

    ordered to destroy his discoveries, he balked. For

    his recalcitrance, he was banished to Rutilus as

    the station Primus of Lambda.

    There, Magos Zigizmund settled in to do penance

    for his crimes against the Omnissiah. He bent

    himself to mastering his new role. However, his

    dealings with the Rogue Traders that picked up

    and deposited cargo proved to be too tempting for

    the Magos.

    Out of curiosity and boredom, he began helping

    some of the captains analyze their data-arks. Inexchange, they often gifted the Magos with some

    of their rare discoveries. The Magos began to

    amass a small, rare, and forbidden collection of

    of xenotech.

    Of course, Magos Deanarus inspection uncovered

    the truth, and Magos Zigizmund was condemned

    like his fellow Station Primus. The appeal ofMagos Cy-Belle to join in his rebellion seemed

    the only logical way to survive, maintain his

    collection, and allow himself to continue his

    search for knowledge. He committed his station

    to support the rebels.

    For the most part, pilots from Station Lambda

    participated in the back and forth air battles that

    characterized the Feud of the Red Clouds.However, in 857.M41; a group of pilots patrolling

    near the Whips Crack discovered an anomaly

    caught in its swirling vortex.

    Upon further review of the augur results, Magos B

    Zigizmund determined that the strange signature

    was of a Xeno artifact. Eagerly, the Magos

    ordered it recovered and returned to the station.

    An entire hangar bay was sealed off for

    quarantine as the stations servitors moved the

    mysterious device into the hanger. Magos

    Zigizmund went to view it himself. After

    performing some cursory tests, he was convinced

    it was of Eldar manufacture. However, Magos

    Zigizmunds fascination turned to horror as

    energy readings from the artifact began to read off

    the scale.

    The Artifact opened forth, allowing the witnesses

    to look into the unblinking eye of the Eldar

    Webway. It was nothing like the Magos or any of

    his Ad-Mech crew had ever seen before. Indeed,

    such an event had scarcely been recorded in Ad-

    Mech histories. Unfortunately, his wonder was

    short lived as Eldar Corsairs stormed out.

    The xeno raiders butchered all they came across.The stations defenses had been weakened from

    years of fighting in the Feud of the Red Clouds.

    In addition, Magos Zigizmund death early in the
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    battle left the few defenders confused and

    unorganized. Within hours, the station was under

    control of the Eldar CorsairEiryuan. However,

    the mopping up operations lasted for a few more


    The new commander of Station Lambda had the

    hangars and flight decks cleared of the Monkeigh

    craft, and his own pilots, crews, and aircraft were

    brought in via the Webway. By the time Magos

    Zigizmunds allies felt something was wrong, the

    Eldar were safely ensconced within the station.

    Eiryuan had come from across the Galaxy to takepart in this war. The wandering ranger had been

    content to follow the Path of the Outcast, until he

    came across the ancient Eldar Shadow Seer

    known as the Faceless One.

    After that fateful meeting, Eiryuan renounced his

    craftworld ties, and took up the Path of the

    Corsair. The young Corsair worked his way

    through the ranks to command a Corsair fleet ofhis own, and following the prophecy of the

    Faceless One, turned it towards Rutilus.

    Once there, he sent out a message to all stations

    on the planet. They were to surrender their

    Station Primus to him, or be destroyed. Of

    course, his warnings went unheeded. The Feud of

    the Red Clouds took on yet another new


    The Furor Imperialis

    The Imperium is a very political place. The

    Imperium of Man itself is monolithic. However,

    its hierarchies and bureaucracies are always

    shifting and ever-changing. Political movements

    and factions vie for everyday control, seeking for

    their ideas to gain ascendancy over that of their


    The highest echelons of the Old Guard Stars areno different. One such faction was known as the

    Furor Imperialis. They derive their name from a

    text published anonymously called the Codeci

    Furor Imperialis. This tract claimed that the times

    the Imperium was the most unified, strongest, and

    most devout where after it had purged taint such

    as renegades and xenos from its body. The fury of

    the Imperium should be turned to banish those

    unwanted and corrupting elements wherever theywere found with righteous fury. The heretic and

    the xeno had no place in the Galaxy, and it was

    the Fury of the Imperium of Man to throw such

    savage and corrupt creatures from the stars


    On the face of it, such a policy would seem to fit
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    fit in perfectly with existing Imperial policy.

    However, the Imperium is a dynamic place.

    Different, more tolerant, and less militaristic

    views often gain dominance for a time.

    The Codeci Furor Imperialis began to circulate

    in the higher power structures of the Old Guard

    Stars in 151.M41. How it came to the sector is

    unclear, but it became the topic for atrium chats,

    reading circles, and other leisurely philosophical

    discussions and hence began to gain adherents.

    Such advocates felt that the Old Guard Stars

    themselves could be testing grounds for the

    policy prescriptions of the Furor Imperialists.

    In 348.M41, Admiral Severus Volsk was a

    founding member of the official Furor

    Imperialist political wing. The Admiral became

    a leading proponent of the doctrine, and quickly

    found political allies in the Adeptus

    Munitorium, Mechanicus, and Ecclesiarchy.

    However, the Furor Imperialists were still

    considered a fringe faction within the Old GuardStars.

    The Furor Imperialists were one of several

    political factions vying for dominance within the

    Segmentum High Command, High Templum,

    The Cathedral of the Ascendant Saint Augustine,

    and at the Sector Governors Palace. Slowly,

    they gained converts and political power. Their

    rise was helped by the growing instability on the

    edges of the Old Guard Stars due to hostile alien

    incursions, pirates, and renegade fleets.

    After the brushfire wars on Ammoriss, Zephyrus,

    Bin Mazar, and a host of other systems; it

    became increasingly clear to the Segmentum

    Governor that some action would need to be

    taken. In 852.M41, he shook up his cabinet and

    appointed a host of political figures directly or

    indirectly connected to the Furor Imperialists.

    With such appointments, the path to war was

    was clear. Almost immediately, war plans that

    had been drafted in advance; began to rumble into

    motion. Orders went out by Astropath and courier

    boats. Ships, men, and material began to

    assemble at pre-arranged muster points.

    The Furor Imperialists plan was simple. Per their

    doctrines, they were going to launch a crusade to

    purge the Old Guard Stars of all heretics,

    renegades, and xenos. They dubbed this assault

    the Furor Imperialist Crusade.

    At the head of the Crusade would be HighAdmiral Domnatus Volsk. The latest in a long

    line of a naval Dynasty that stretched back before

    old Severus Volsk himself. The High Admiral had

    decided to break his force into several spearheads

    that would thrust deeply across the Old Guard

    Stars, and purge any non-Imperial elements they

    came across. Each spearhead would be a mighty

    war host in its own right. These many prongs

    would sweep across the Old Guard Stars, and upto the edges of the Wilderness Space beyond.

    Early in 855.M41, the High Admiral himself held

    a review of ships above the Segmentum Capital.

    There, the Segmentum Governor, and other

    Imperial dignitaries reviewed the vast armada and

    gave praise to the God-Emperor. Over the next

    several days, the various Spearheads of the Furor

    Imperialis Crusade departed, each intent on

    bringing the Emperors wraith to the Old Guard

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    Three Standard Terran Years later, one of the

    spearhead fleets of the Furor Imperialis Crusade

    entered the Rutilus system. Taskforce 351 had

    all ready blodded itself rooting out several Pirate

    bases in the Lasts Hope Asteroid Belt of the

    Apex Pointe system. However, their cruise had

    been relatively uneventful compared to that of

    some of their comrades.

    The taskforce came upon Rutilus, unaware of the

    Feud taking place in the swirling clouds below.

    The High Templum of Adeptus Mechanicus had

    kept the situation on the planet secret, even from

    the crusading fleets. However, the arrival of thefleet had been anticipated by Magos Deanarus.

    Soon after the warships of Taskforce 351 entered

    the Rutilus system, they were hailed by Magos

    Deanarus. He urgently requested the Taskforces

    aid against the rebellious fellow Magos.

    Naturally, Rear-admiral Volsk agreed.

    This would be his Taskforces greatestopportunity to gain honor in the Furor Imperialis

    campaign thus far, and the Rear-admiral

    intended to make the most of it for his future

    career and reputation. The threat seemed

    minimal, and he ordered the majority of

    Taskforce 351 onwards to continue the greater

    mission while his command ship and a few

    support vessels stayed on station to support the

    pacification of Rutilus. The Rear-admiral

    calculated that it would not take much time and

    effort to subdue such a backwater.

    Of course, the arrival of the Imperial Taskforce

    upped the ante in the Feud of the Red Clouds.

    With most of the Taskforce jumping out of the

    system to continue the crusade, the situation was

    not hopeless. Instead, the rebels acted decisively.

    Magos Archivald pleaded with his Tau allies for

    aid. Magos Cy-Belle did likewise with MistressMerciveaux. Both responded with forces capable

    of matching the remaining Imperial forces.

    Upon realizing his error, Rear-Admiral Volsk fell

    back; and called for reinforcements from his

    Taskforce. However, after leaving the system;

    they would be delayed in returning. In the

    meantime, the renegade and xeno forces were also

    moving to reinforce their positions.

    The Feud of the Red Clouds had escalated to

    more than just a internal Adeptus-Mechanicus

    dispute. Now, it had turned into a flash point in

    the battle for influence over the Old Guard Stars.
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/789/ZetaReference: Investigation of Bin MazarAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    A Historical Timeline649.M35

    Rogue Trader Hans Digitalis and his cartel beginto explore the area of the Eastern Fringe referred

    to as the Old Guard Stars.


    Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator FleetAltar of

    Discovery locates and scans the planet Rutilus

    (OGS/System 456/Beta/Planet: Quintus) and

    mark is suitable for industrial gas mining.


    The Administratum declares the Old Guard Stars

    as a Sector of the Imperium, and it is divided up

    into smaller Sub-sectors.


    St. Augustine, at the head of a Crusade fleet;

    pushes Xeno taint out of 75% of the Old Guard

    Stars, hence preparing the way for Imperial

    colonization efforts.


    The Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet Torch

    in the Darkness performs follow-up

    investigations on Rutilus. Rare gas elements

    discovered near the core of the Gas Giant.


    Adeptus Mechanicus leadership in the OldGuard Stars deems Rutilus suitable for gas

    mining for rare elements. Suitable preparations

    are begun.


    The Adminstratum agrees to support Adeptus

    Mechanicus colonization efforts.


    The initial colonization efforts of Rutilus begins

    with the deployment of Station Alpha into the

    mid-atmospheres of the Gas Giant.


    All five of the primary mining stations have been

    constructed on Rutilus.


    The Adeptus Mechanicus petition for full

    sovereignty over Rutilus from the joint-rulership

    of the Adminstratum is accepted by the Sector

    Commander of the Old Guard Stars.


    The Codeci Furor Imperialistis published andcirculated amongst the ruling elite within the Old

    Guard Stars.


    The Furor Imperialist movement founds its own

    political wing to push their agenda within the

    Old Guard Stars and the greater Segmentum.

    542.M41Rare elements found on Rutilus appear to be

    exhausted. Industrial gas mining continues.


    Adeptus Mechanicus creates trade deals with

    Rogue Trader Cartels to provide transport and

    freight for Rutilus.


    Magos Cy-Belle lands from off world and begins

    to investigate the strange phenomena associated

    with the Cyclops Eye.


    Orkoid spores are discovered in the lower

    reaches of Station Epsilon


    Tau Explorator Fleet reaches Rutilus. Usesallied Rogue trader vessels to infiltrate Station


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    Reports of growing unrest between various

    political and religious groups upon Rutilus

    reaches the Adeptus Mechanicus. Magos

    Deanarus is sent to investigate.


    Magos Deanarus reports that the unrest upon

    Rutilus is being fomented by xenos and heretics.

    He is commissioned with restoring the True

    faith to the planet.


    The doctrinal differences between the tech-priests of the various stations explodes into all

    out civil war as Magos Deanarus demands that

    the stations Ro, Lambda, and Severus renounce

    their ways and conform to the Cult of the

    Omnissiah presented by Station Alpha and



    The Furor Imperialist gain the approval fromSegmentum High Command and the Sector

    Governor of the Old Guard Stars to begin final

    preparations for the Furor Imperialis to cleanse

    the Old Guard Stars.


    The Furor Imperialis Campaign begins in the Old

    Guard Stars to purge xenos and heretics and their

    allies from the Domains of the Emperor of



    An Ork uprising surges out from the underhull of

    Station Epsilon.


    As civil war rages, pilots of Station Lambda

    discover a bizarre augur anomaly locked away

    inside the swirling winds of the Whips Crack.Shortly after all communication with Station

    Lambda is lost.


    Elements of the Furor Imperialis fleet reach

    Rutilus. There the fleet finds the Adeptus

    Mechanicus elements there locked in a bitter

    doctrinal feud fuelled by xenos and heretics.

    Per the fleets mandate, they launch their attack to

    purge the xeno and heretic. However, the heretics

    and xenos have plans of their own.
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    A Terragraphic RecordRutilus is a Gas Giant. Like most such planets,

    it is composed of various gases around a rockcore. In the case of Rutilus, the majority of the

    atmosphere is Hydrogen and Helium. These two

    gases make an outer atmosphere envelope, and

    act as a wall to keep the other gases closer to the

    center of the world. The different gases inside of

    Rutilus make different layers within the

    atmosphere of the planet.

    In addition to the layers inside of Rutilus, thereare also several, bands and zones visible. The

    lighter bands tend to have an internal up draft,

    while the darker bands have an internal down

    draft. These are high and low pressure

    atmospheric conditions that cover large areas.

    However, there are also pockets of different

    pressures within these bands and zones.

    There are no solid surfaces on Rutilus that is

    reachable. The core of the planet, is so deepwithin the atmosphere, that the pressure is

    immense. Since there is no surfaces, there is no

    land masses to cause local heating, most of the

    planets surface conditions are dictated by the

    planets spin.

    The Crimson Path

    The planets structure has lead to interesting

    banding and zone structure once the outer layerof Helium and Hydrogen has been breached.

    Beneath this outer envelope is layers of various

    gases. At the outer edge of the atmosphere, the

    air pressures are much lower, and become denser

    the closer you move towards the planets core.

    As a result, the navigable passage for air travel is

    bracketed by a ceiling of gaseous clouds before

    reaching the upper atmosphere, and a floor of

    clouds, below which conventional aircraft would

    be crushed. This passage of navigable air space

    is know as the Crimson Path.

    It is not uncommon for cloud banks to make their

    way into the Crimson Path from the cloud

    formations above or below. These drifting

    stragglers can form an impediment to air travel,

    until they are dispersed by the natural

    gravitational pull of Rutilus gravity and spin.

    In addition to the clouds of gases moving throughthe atmosphere by up and down draft, it is not

    uncommon to run across locations with strange

    atmospheric phenomena taking place. This is

    typically due to local conditions such as the

    interaction of gases, pressure, and gravity, and


    It was this area between pressure layers that was

    slated for colonization. The great stations of

    Rutilus were placed within the Crimson Path.

    Stations of the Machine-God

    The rare gaseous elements found on Rutilus were

    the main draw and push for colonization. The

    Crimson Path was the only practical location for

    placing the mining stations. Essentially, the rest

    of Rutilus was unsuitable due to atmospheric

    instability or low/dense pressure.

    The core of each station was simply launched

    from orbit into the proper altitude. From there,
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    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    construction crews were sent down to build

    outward from the stations core. Each station was

    built to support the mining operations first, and

    all other functions second.

    Each Station has at its core a powerful ionic

    scoop that it can lower into the depths of the Gas

    Giant. This scoop extracts gas into the refining

    chambers at the center of the station. These

    refining chambers are then connected to Space

    Elevators. The Space Elevators are then used to

    pump valuable gaseous cargo to freighters in the

    upper atmosphere.

    Around the mining component were added vast

    storage tanks filled with gaseous material. These

    created a belt of buoyant tanks that allowed

    the station to float in The Crimson Path. These

    tanks can be emptied and filled to allow the

    station limited mobility up and down, with the

    natural wind currents. Therefore, the planet is

    slowly pushing the stations around the


    The outer rings of the stations are made up of the

    necessities of life. That includes hydroponic

    farms, living habs, cathedrals to the Omnissiah,

    landing pads, augur arrays, and anything else the

    station needs to survive. Over the years, these

    outer structures have grown organically. This has

    led to bizarre outgrowths, which means no two

    stations on Rutilus look exactly alike.

    In addition, as the core mining elements ran out,

    the stations had to begin to diversify their

    mining capabilities. This led to the construction

    of manufactorums that built semi-autonomous

    harvester balloons. These balloons would deploy

    from the Stations and go on autonomous routes to

    harvest gaseous materials from other parts ofRutilus.

    To properly deploy these mining vehicles, an

    extreme outer layer of service docks and hangars

    sprung up. This makes each station a huge

    prickly mass of metal, antennae, and lights.

    Now, these mining blimps form the backbone of

    each stations economy. Without these vehicles, aStation would be unable to gather enough gaseous

    materials to effectively trade off world.
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    The Aerial Platforms

    As the local deposits of gases were depleted each

    station slowly began to expand their mining

    territory outward. This led to the construction of

    a variety of outlying aerial platforms. These

    platforms created a logistical network to support

    each Station with gas mining activities.

    Initially, these forays away from the main station

    were light. However, as the rare gases of Rutilus

    depleted rapidly, the need to expand into Gas

    Harvesting accelerated the rate of expansion intothe Crimson Path.

    Naturally, as the Gas Harvesting platforms grew

    in number, additional support platforms began to

    be needed. These included weather stations to

    predict the strange wind patterns, and move

    Harvesters out of danger. Relay stations and

    storage platforms were created so that supplies

    could be ferried to the outlying platformswithout coming form the main station. Storage

    platforms would also act as way stations to get

    the vital gas back to the main Station so the Space

    Elevators could load it to outbound freighters.

    Of course, as the elaborate web of support

    platforms grew around the great stations of

    Rutilus, the need to defend these stations from

    wayward xeno and renegade pirates also grew.

    Early warning augur stations and defense weapon

    installations were built and towed into positions

    across Rutilus. As the Feud between Station

    Primarus grew, the militarization of the planet


    Now, the great stations of Rutilus could no longer

    survive without the network of aerial platforms

    that spiral outward from each station like the

    points on a grid. This various, isolated platforms

    are now the backbone of each Stations economic

    viability. If enough of these platforms were

    disabled, the Great Station would be unable to

    harvest the needed gas to support its economy,leading to eventual ruin.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Warzone 1 Warzone 2

    Warzone 3

    Warzone 4 Warzone 5











    Geltz Rift

    St. Abelgard


    The Doldrums

    The RoughAnd Tumble

    Eye of theCyclops

    The Eddies




    The WallOf Faith

    The WhipsCrack

    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta


    The Warzones
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Rutilus has been sub-divided into the following

    six warzones to ease prosecution of the Feud of

    the Red Clouds. Due to the nature of the situation

    on Rutilus, they will be referred to as Warzones.

    Warzone 1- Station LambdaThe Crimson Path is a band of tolerable pressure

    within the larger atmosphere of Rutilus. Like all

    the Warzones, this one is composed entirely

    within the Crimson Path.

    The atmosphere of Rutilus is composed of various

    regions of high and low pressure, up and down

    drafts, and areas with varying degrees of wind.The Warzone surrounding Station Lambda is well

    known for having high winds compared to other

    sections of Rutilus. The reason for this is unclear,

    but some speculate that the very spin of Rutilus

    itself, in relation to her orbit around the systems

    central star leads to increased gravitational forces

    being exerted in the area.

    The Tech-adepts of Station Lambda wereconsidered the local experts at weather divination

    and augur. Their location within such a

    windswept part of Rutilus made this s necessity

    for survival. They guarded their secrets zealously,

    and few other tech-adepts on Rutilus ever tried to

    recreate their knowledge base. Their destruction

    at the hands of the vile xeno Eldar was a great

    loss for the Cult Mechanicus on the planet.

    Areas of Note

    The following areas are of note in this Warzone:

    Station Lambda:

    Of course, the most important feature is the

    presence of Station Lambda. Of all the great

    stations of Rutilus, it is the smallest. The station

    was the last to be built during the colonization

    phase of the planet.

    In addition to being the smallest, it is also the

    most symmetrical. The centuries of expansion

    at the station was well-regulated by the station

    Primarus. The constant danger of Tidal Winds

    made the need to regulated construction

    paramount during expansion.

    Finally, Station Lambda frequently moves aroundRutilus as it is pushed by the frequent high winds

    of the Region. This means that navigating to the

    station unaided by its navigation beacons can be

    difficult. The station may not be in the same

    place twice.

    The Whips Crack

    The Whips Crack is an area of particularly high

    and steady wind flow. It is the fastest recurring

    current of air on Rutilus. Other currents exist,and are frequently used to aid in long-distance air

    travel. However, none is considered more

    tempestuous or dangerous as the Whips Crack.

    It was a considered a right of passage by Skitarri

    pilots of Station Lambda to be able to navigate the

    Whips Crack. Without successfully

    accomplishing this feat, promotion opportunities

    would be limited. However, most of thenavigation charts of the Whips Crack were lost in

    the Fall of Lambda.

    The Wall of Faith

    The Wall of Faith is a curious column of

    incredibly dense pressure that literally geysers up

    through the Crimson Path before dispersing into

    the upper atmosphere. Any craft who have

    entered the wall, have never been heard from

    again; and presumed crushed. From the outside, it

    looks like a huge column of red, like a huge,

    billowing thunderhead cloud.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Warzone 2- Station RoThis Warzone is the operational territory of

    Station Ro. It is a large territory, but it is

    sparsely populated with aerial platformscompared to the airspace around Station Alpha

    and Severus. Station Ro was able to harvest the

    rare gases deep within Rutilus the longest of all

    stations, and was subsequently late to the

    construction of aerial platforms and gas


    However, the station Primarus of centuries past

    was aggressive in staking out his territorial

    claims, even if he was slow to populate it. Thisaggressive policy became somewhat of a

    tradition, and hence the Tech-adepts of the

    Station have a reputation for being particularly

    stand-offish with members of the other stations.

    For the most part, this section of the Crimson

    Path is dull and quiet. However, colossal cloud

    banks in the upper atmosphere occasional block

    out the filtered light of the systems star. Thiscan plunge large sections of this Warzone into

    prolonged periods of darkness.

    Areas of Note

    The following areas are of note in this Warzone:

    Station Ro

    Like all Warzones, the main feature is the great

    station that monopolizes the region. Station Ro

    has the largest Ionic Scoop of all the stations,

    and it is capable of reaching deeper into Rutilus

    than any other. This ability has allows Station

    Ro to supplement its gas harvester income with

    the last traces of rare gases from the planets

    center. Therefore, Ro is one of the richest

    stations on Rutilus.

    Viewing the station from the outside, its relative

    wealth is obvious. The outer structures are wellmaintained and ornamentation to the glory of the

    Machine-God is common. However, this same

    ornamentation gives the station a bit of a

    haphazard look. In addition, elements of strange

    Xeno tech have been mixed into the far exteriors

    of the station, blaspheming against the

    Ommnissiah and God-Emperor.

    Zrukers Overlap

    The Overlap is a unusual meteorological

    phenomenon. At the point of the overlap a high

    pressure and a low pressure front are constantly

    crashing into each other. This leads to an amazing

    and constant storm front along the Overlap zone.

    This storm front is unusual on Rutilus, as itactually generates lightning. The exact cause is

    known only to the Tech-adepts that study such

    things. However, the prevailing theory has to do

    with overly charged particles in the atmosphere

    coming into contact.

    Priests Fall

    The phenomenon known as Priests Fall is an

    unusual level of low pressure that creates a holethrough the lower cloud banks, and goes deeper

    into Rutilus than other point on the Gas Giant.

    Traditionally, the inhabitants of Station Ro have

    used the site as a place for ritual executions and

    suicides. The plunge into the depths of Rutilus

    being symbolic of ones fall from the grace of the


    On lip of the site is a large aerial platform that

    serves as a penitentiary. This location is also

    referred to as Priests Fall. This penal colony

    housed the Tech-priests and Menials who fell foul

    of the authorities on Station Ro. This platform

    would house them until their ritual execution in

    the Fall.

    Now, with the spread of the quasi-religion of the

    Greater Good of the Machine God, Priests Fall

    house a great many Tech-adepts who failed toconvert in a timely fashion, and have stayed loyal

    to the true faith in the Omnissiah.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Warzone 3- Station AlphaThe first of the Great Stations to be placed on

    Rutilus was that of Alpha. As a result, it

    maintain a central position on the planet,bestride its equator. Therefore, the corriolous

    effect leads to strange wind currents near the


    This can make the winds around Station Alpha

    unpredictable and difficult to manage. In

    addition, it is rough on airframes, pilots, and fuel

    consumption as the winds can cause

    unpredictable turbulence and delays no matter

    the flight plan. Where it was steady flying oneday, can become a rough patch the next.

    Therefore, the Adeptus Mechanicus of Station

    Alpha rely heavily on Servitors for flight

    operations. They have proven to be able to

    withstand the constant physical battering better

    than the more human Skitarri pilots.

    De to the range limitations placed on aircraft

    departing from the Great Station, the operationalranges the station can control are limited.

    However, the space it can control has been

    artificially fortified with a number of aerial

    platforms and relay stations. No airspace has

    more clutter in it then the space around Station

    Alpha. During an unexpected series of

    turbulence, a quick landing on one of the many

    aerial platforms can be a needed respite.

    This rough turbulence is a source of

    consternation to the Tech-adepts of Station

    Alpha. However, in this dangerous times, they

    also have helped protect the airspace and

    inhabitants of Station Alpha. Attacking forces

    have had difficulty in navigating the rough air

    and rapidly changing air currents.

    Areas of Note

    The following areas are of note in this Warzone:

    Station Alpha

    This is the oldest of the Great Stations. Its

    surface is pockmarked and scoured by time.

    Despite the tech-priests diligent efforts, it still

    appears ancient and baroque compared to its

    contemporaries. It is also the largest of the five

    Great Stations.

    Housed in this old station is the Cathedral of the

    Red Descent. It is the largest place of worship for

    the Machine God on the planet. This serves not

    only as a temple, but also a databank, laboratory,

    logis engine, and manufactorum.

    Geltz RiftThe rift is unusual, in that it is a break in the

    normal cloud cover of Rutilus, that leads directly

    to the upper atmosphere of the gas giant, and out

    into space. It is the only place in the Crimson

    Path, where one can look up and see the stars.

    At the bottom of the Rift, previous Station

    Primarus of Alpha had a small and rudimentary

    space port built. This space port allows StationAlpha to export more gas than any other station;

    thereby securing its dominance over the other

    Great Stations. Now, in these dark times, Magos

    Deanrus can use it to resupply his war efforts

    directly from orbital assets.

    The Rough and Tumble

    As the name suggests, this area is a constant mass

    of turbulence and difficult flying. Despite the

    changing conditions elsewhere in the Warzone,

    this area is always wracked by turmoil. Aircraft

    entering here do so at their own peril, as the

    turbulence is great enough to smash an air frame

    to bits.

    In addition, the area is a relative blank spot for

    navigation. No records exist to map out the

    interior of the Crimson Path inside the Rough and

    Tumble. Some report that instruments within thearea are notoriously unreliable. Others speak of

    ghosts and nameless monsters haunting the area.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Warzone 4- Station EpsilonThe warzone surrounding Station Epsilon is

    relatively calm and peaceful compared to other

    portions of Rutilus. The winds are mild, andstorm are infrequent. Travel across the warzone

    is easy, except for the large distances involved.

    However, for all this ease of movement, this area

    has the lowest concentration of valuable gas

    deposits to mine. Therefore, it is relatively poor,

    with vast distances separating aerial platforms

    from each other. Instead, the aerial platforms

    cluster around pockets of rich cloud banks, like

    small boom towns.

    Areas of Note

    The following areas are of note in this Warzone:

    Station Epsilon

    As noted, this area is the poorest, and Station

    Epsilon reflects this. It is a large station, but

    much of it has been abandoned over the decades,

    and left to fall into disrepair. Vast underhullsstretch through out the structure where few if

    any venture.

    The outside looks decrepit and ancient. The

    paint is mostly peeled away, and corrosion is

    visible across the underbelly. The upper reaches

    are a stark contrast, with fresh paint, and no

    noticeable corrosion. However, closer

    inspection will reveal a number of quick, cheap,

    and crude patches put in place on the hull.

    Now, with the takeover of the Orks, crude and

    shabbily constructed outgrowths have sprung up

    all over the outsides of the Station. This make

    sit look like a great log, infected with fungus.

    These shabby structures serve as makeshift

    living spaces for the burgeoning Orkoid

    population. The perimeter of the station is now

    bristling with crude cannons and guns. Theyhave even gone so far as to paint a huge and

    garish red glyph on the outer hull, despoiling the

    Machine Gods creation.

    The Doldrums

    This area is well known for having little in the

    way of meteorological activity. However, the

    Doldrums take this to new lows. There has

    never been any recorded wind activity in this

    region, and a strange stillness settles the air.

    However, the area is one of the most productive

    for gas mining in the Warzone, and a

    hodgepodge of aerial platforms cluster around

    and in the dead zone. The rules and laws of

    Station Epsilon were poorly enforced in thisregion, and local racketeers and gangsters sprung

    up, monopolizing the profits of the gas mining.

    Typically, the Primaris of Epsilon turned a blind

    eye, as long as tithes were met. With the coming

    of the Ork, this has become a wild region with

    no law, but that of the knife.

    St. Abelgard Vortex

    Unlike the rest of the Warzone, the Vortex is adangerous area to navigate. Some unknown

    cause sucks air from this warzone down into

    the lower depths of Rutilus. The Vortex exerts

    an incredible pull all around it, and unwary

    aircraft can be pulled in and swallowed up.

    Where such aircraft end up, or what happens to

    them is a mystery. However, no aircraft sucked

    into the Vortex has been heard from since.

    Thankfully, the Vortex is a known issue. In

    general, it can be easily avoided.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Warzone 5- Station SeverusThe final warzone on Rutilus surrounds Station

    Severus. It has long been a region considered to

    be cursed. The area is frequently wracked byunexpected wind storms, cyclones, and other

    assorted nasty weather patterns. Pilots in the

    region have reported ghost readings, mysterious

    sightings, Comm whispers, and instrument


    Aircraft and entire aerial platforms occasionally

    disappear without a trace. Even more

    mysterious, entire platforms have been found

    devoid of any crew with no explanation for theirdisappearance.

    As a result, the people of the Warzone are a

    superstitious lot. They tend to gather trinkets

    and amulets, and use those to help placate the

    Machine-spirits. The use of fetishes is also

    common. Their rituals are especially elaborate.

    Lastly, the Tech-adepts of Station Severus were

    prone to the use and veneration of idols in anidealized or artistic form of the Machine God.

    Tech-adepts from other stations found these

    habits unnerving and barbaric; but these visitors

    did not hail from a region of Rutilus rumored to

    be cursed.

    Areas of Note

    The following areas are of note in this Warzone:

    Station Severus

    Over the course of years since Station Severus

    was first inhabited, it has grown to be an ugly

    eye sore. Its outlines are sharp and hard. Its

    coloration mottled and ugly. The general shape

    has become misaligned and grotesque.

    The outside of the structure is covered with

    seals, sacred texts, iconography, statuary, and

    other fetishes. There is no longer any smoothplanes, as it has now been decorated with the

    superstitious symbols of the Adepts inside.

    The Eddies

    This area of the warzone is full of naturally

    occurring, small, cyclones. These cyclones tend

    to appear and disappear at random in the region,

    but are regular enough where one is almost

    always visible. The Tech-adepts of the region

    have competing theories as to why this occurs,

    varying from the mundane to the spiritual.

    No matter the cause, these cyclones make

    travelling the Crimson path through this area

    dangerous. The Cyclones exert a great deal of

    destructive power in a relatively small area. Their

    unpredictable nature means they can appearanywhere and wreak mayhem in the area. As a

    result, no aerial platforms have been built nearby,

    and air traffic tends to bypass the Eddies.

    Eye of the Cyclops

    This is the largest storm on Rutilus, and it has

    been present since the founding of the colony.

    From the outside, it is a huge billowing cloud

    form that bulges out at the center. When seenfrom orbit, looks like a huge unblinking eye

    staring into the void. The storm seems to ignore

    all the natural elements of Rutilus such as gravity,

    pressure dynamics, physics, etc. and seems to

    exist in defiance of nature itself.

    The Eye seems to exert amazing force and

    influence on the surrounding weather patterns,

    and cloud banks, smaller storm systems, tidal

    wind, and cyclones constantly spin off. These

    smaller weather patterns have been recorded to

    persist independently for hours and even up to

    weeks later. In addition, pressure systems tend to

    be repelled by the Eye.

    Those who get to close to the Eye of the Cyclops

    find their instruments to become untrustworthy,

    machine-spirits become restless, and even

    servitors begin to glitch and spasm. The moresuperstitious claim that the Eye of the Cyclops is

    the source of all evil on Rutilus.
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    NotablesMagos Cyril Deanarus- Adeptus Mechanicus- Station Alpha

    The Magos Deanarus is well known proponent of strict orthodoxy regardingthe tenants of the Machine God. It was his reputation as a purist that inspired

    the High Templum of the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Old Guard Stars to send

    the aging magos to Rutilus. Many thought that his brand of conservative

    thought would bring the radical tech-magos exiled to Rutilus to heel.

    After his departure to Rutilus, some whispered that the council of Arch-

    magos were effectively exiling Deanarus himself, under the guise of

    investigation. His rabid conservatism had made him enemies on the council.

    Some claimed that manufactorums put under his oversight actually lostproductivity and efficiency due to his purges.

    Whatever the truth, Magos Deanarus has led the charge to restore the true

    purity of faith to the Omnissiah on Rutilus. Once the fleets of theFuror

    Imperialis campaign entered the system, he was eager to reach out for their


    Vice-Admiral Nils Volsk- Imperial Navy- Faithful Servitude

    TheFaithful Servitude is the flagship of one spearhead of the sprawling

    Furor Imperialis campaign. The spearhead that reached Rutilus was calledTaskforce 351, and was led by Vice-Admiral Nils Volsk.

    Nils is a second son of a serving fleet admiral, and hails from the infamous

    Volsk Naval dynasty. For a vice-admiral in the Imperial Navy, he is a

    relatively young man. His youth has led him to an inflated sense of personal

    honor, which has thus far caused friction with other officers. He is not a

    popular figure.

    Vice-admiral Volsk has long been an advocate for theFuror Imperialiscampaign. Thanks to his advocacy and the political connections of his family

    dynasty, it was only natural that he would be the commanding officer of one

    of the Crusade taskforce elements.

    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta
  • 7/29/2019 Feud of the Red Clouds Booklet


    Commander Markus Plegabo- Imperial Navy- Aeronautica Imperialis

    The Plegabo family were loyalist to the Imperial cause during the uprising on

    Graingo. After the planets fall to the rebels, the Plegabo family was

    evacuated off planet. In return for their loyalty, they have become a

    hereditary naval family, serving in the Aeronautica Imperialis.

    Markus is the latest in a long line of officers to serve in the Aeronautica

    Imperialis of the Imperial Navy. Unlike some of his fellow officers, Markus

    is not a pilot. This has led to grumbling from some of the pilots under his

    command. However, he is a shrewd logistician and a veteran campaigner.

    Commander Plegabo is tasked with leading the Aeronautica Imperialis

    squadrons on Rutilus.

    Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/betaReference: Feud of the Red CloudsAccess Code: ********** Level: Magenta

    Magos Konstanz Cy-Belle- Adeptus Mechanicus- Station Severus

    No one is sure exactly how old Magos Cy-belle actually is. However, of all

    the station heads, he has been on Rutilus the longest. He has been on station

    for so long, no one is exactly sure what got him exiled to Rutilus to begin

    with. However, he has long been an advocate for pushing the boundaries of

    the Ad-Mechs faith.

    As station Primus, Magos Cy-belle has spearheaded efforts to investigate the

    strange phenomenon localized around the lightening clouds of the CyclopsEye. There he uncovered a terrible secret, a secret that is said to have infused

    him with a new energy. A mad genius for design has since consumed him

    and the Magos purged all who stood in his way.

    Now, the work stations of Station Severus have been refitted to produce his

    mad designs. The Magos has forcefully refused Magos Deanarus calls to

    halt his crazed production.

    Mistress Mercievaux- Chaos Renegade- The Harsh Mistress

    The Mistress is a powerful rogue psyker wanted by the Imperium for hermany crimes against humanity. However, her origins are shrouded in

    mystery and legend. Some claim she hails from the outer stars, others that

    she is a former Imperial servant, while others claim darker origins of mixed

    xeno heritage. The only known truth is that she is

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