Page 1: Feng Shui Wealth | Red Lotus Letter - About Kathryn Weber · 2018-09-10 · Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist. Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn
Page 2: Feng Shui Wealth | Red Lotus Letter - About Kathryn Weber · 2018-09-10 · Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist. Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn

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About Kathryn Weber

Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist

Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn Weber, is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter feng shui e-Zine, the Web's top-rated, longest running weekly feng shui e-Zine. Katie's weekly newspaper column, Living Space, is syndicated by Tribune Content Agency and appears in newspapers and online editions across the country and the world.

Katie's goal is to help readers create more beautiful, efficient and enjoyable homes for more successful living.

She has also published the following books: Living Space, Simple Steps to Transform Your Home, 2012 Feng Shui Forecast, the Year of the Dragon, 2013 Feng Shui Forecast, the Year of the Snake, and the 2014 Feng Shui Forecast, Year of the Horse. All are available on Annual forecasts are available at her website

Katie offers online consultations, business consultations, personal and business coaching, and feng shui consultant training online and at workshops.

Join the 28 Days Program and be signed up to receive her daily tips right here

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What’s Easy Money? It’s just that…easy. Feng shui can help you create money more easily, more effortlessly….you don’t have to work long and hard when your home is in harmony with the environment around it. That’s because the energy of the environment in and around your house either supports your prosperity or it doesn’t. The Chinese have known this for thousands of years. They take their feng shui seriously – and look at what good businesspeople they are and the powerhouse China has become. I mean, haven’t you wondered why some people seem to have everything and do so well and others with the same opportunities, don’t? It could be their feng shui is holding them back. There are many complicated formulas to feng shui, but I’m happy to tell you that the simplest feng shui is often the most effective! It just takes your willingness to apply it and to make changes to your home and office – and it will do the rest. I want to help you create the kind of environment that allows you to Live Abundantly. By employing feng shui and by magnetizing your home for wealth and prosperity, you can make all your money easy money. Love,


Page 4: Feng Shui Wealth | Red Lotus Letter - About Kathryn Weber · 2018-09-10 · Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist. Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn

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Wealth Activator No. 1:

How to Improve Your Financial Prospects with Feng Shui

Whether you want to go on a luxurious vacation or you need to buy braces for your daughter, everyone simply wants more money. Well, did you know that by making some simple changes, you can improve your financial prospects? You can. Find the southeast (SE) portion of your house. Get out a compass to help you find this corner. (Note: If you don’t have a compass it’s important that you buy one. A decent compass only costs a few dollars and you can buy them wherever camping supplies or sporting goods can be found, such as Target or Walmart.)

Page 5: Feng Shui Wealth | Red Lotus Letter - About Kathryn Weber · 2018-09-10 · Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist. Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn

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What’s in this part of your house? If it’s your bedroom, dining room, living room, or study, you’re in luck. If it’s a bathroom, garage, or kitchen, then we’ve got work to do. IF THE SE CORNER OF YOUR HOME IS YOUR LIVING ROOM, you need a good, healthy green plant in this room. If you have a brown thumb, then use a silk plant. Something tall and leafy, such as a ficus tree, is a good idea. Just make sure the plant is healthy and lush and that it stays that way. Weak, thin, spindly plants will do nothing to enhance this – or any -- portion of your home. So, if your plants look pitiful, throw them out and buy new ones. IF THIS CORNER IS YOUR BEDROOM OR BATHROOM don’t place any plants or water features or elements here. If the SE corner of your home is a bathroom, treat it the way you should always treat bathrooms (according to feng shui, that is), and keep the toilet lid and seat down (always), and keep the door closed. If this bathroom happens to be in the center of the house, such as under the stairs, add wood elements here. Wood or metal colors and elements will help to drain the negative energy of the toilet and bathroom. Never display plants in a bathroom, though. Plants should not be placed in a bathroom because this is where bodily wastes are carried away and you don’t want a plant to “symbolically” live off the wastes that are eliminated here.

Page 6: Feng Shui Wealth | Red Lotus Letter - About Kathryn Weber · 2018-09-10 · Feng Shui Entrepreneur & Nationally Syndicated Columnist. Feng shui consultant and entrepreneur, Kathryn

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IF YOUR WEALTH CORNER IS IN THE KITCHEN, be sure to keep the kitchen very clean. You can also put a beautiful lush plant on the counter as well as a bowl brimming with fruit, which is a symbol of abundance. Clear, glass canisters filled with rice, cookies, or other foods is also a nice touch in this area and symbolizes abundance.

It’s also a good idea that the refrigerator and the stove are not too close to one another. If they are, place a large wood cutting board between them. This kitchen has a stove opposite the sink – this causes MAJOR problems – like fights about money between the man and woman of the house. Hang a faceted crystal in between them on the ceiling to stop arguments and hostility. IF YOUR WEALTH CORNER IS IN THE GARAGE make sure the garage is clean and clutter-free. This is especially important, because garages often are the repositories for all the junk we don’t want to keep in the house. Clear out and organize as best as possible. If you can, move all as much as possible to a storage shed in the yard. Try to clean out and streamline enough to park both cars in the garage (if you have two cars and a two-car garage) and use the garage as it was intended: as a place to park cars. IF YOUR SE WEALTH CORNER IS AT THE FRONT DOOR, an attractive plant is always nice here, as is a water fountain or fish tank. A fish tank needn’t be elaborate. Keep 9 gold fish (8 gold, 1 black) in the tank and be sure to keep it very clean. Or, you can place a fountain here to boost your wealth and prosperity. Figurines of turtles, fish, or frogs are excellent choices in this location. Placing a frog in a dish of coins, with the frog facing the door, is a good idea as it symbolizes a money bag.

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Use these ideas here even if your front door isn’t in the SE sector of your home, that is, unless your front door is facing south. If it’s, water and water symbols placed here is not a good idea. Enhancing your front door area enhances the career, according to Black Hat feng shui, and something that has worked for me and my clients. It’s a Black Hat secret that every door is enhanced by black. And I’ve seen it work miracles! But there are two door directions you should NEVER paint black – and that’s a south facing door and northwest facing door. This could create serious loss financial, so don’t do it. THE FRONT DOOR IS AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT FOR WEALTH, so try painting your door an auspicious color. If your door faces SE, consider painting it purple or a shade of purple. You can also paint it a rich green color. If it faces north, paint it black. I did this once to enhance my career and within hours of painting it black, my phone rang off the hook! If your door faces south, paint the door red to enhance your reputation and renown. Make sure your front door is always clear and unobstructed. It should also be clean and welcoming. Use this door yourself as often as possible and as your main entrance for coming into the house. We often use main entrances for guests and don’t use them ourselves. As the homeowner, we should treat ourselves the best and that includes making a nice entrance for ourselves. If you have a beautiful chandelier or light fixture here, be sure to keep it lit. If you use another entrance as your main entrance, then treat it like a front door and make it as attractive as possible. This is because the main entrance or front door represents your career – and that’s what brings money to us – as well as career opportunities.

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What does your front door area look like? Is it neat and tidy? Is it attractive and welcoming or is it narrow, small and pinched? Take a good look at it to see what you can do to make it as nice and as welcoming and easy to get into as possible. Now, when you come into your house, what do you see? Is it your dining room? If so, place a screen or a curtain or something there to block the view. If you can see your dining room or a toilet from the front door, your wealth is draining away. Maybe you have a mirror in the foyer. If

so, move it. It’s a common practice to put a mirror in the foyer, but this symbolically pushes the “wealth” that comes in to the front door right back out; this is especially true if you have a mirror directly opposite the front door or if the front door is reflected in the mirror. Instead, place a beautiful picture here. If you face a wall when you come in the door, place a picture of a landscape here so that you’re symbolically looking into the distance instead of being pushed back out. A friend came to me because she had no luck selling her home. When I visited her house, I noticed she had a mirror facing the front door that pushed everyone who came to see the home right back out again. I suggested she put the mirror over her fireplace and the landscape picture over her fireplace at the front door -- and VOILA! -- she had a buyer. Lastly, can you see from your front door to the back of the house? If you have windows or a door that allows you to see to the back of the house, you’re losing money. Opportunity might come to you, but then it’s quickly lost. Or, if your back door lines up directly with the front door, you have a rush of energy known as a “poison arrow.”

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These are very bad for the direction that the door faces. For instance, while on vacation we rented a house with a poison arrow in the east, which is the health direction. Not 15 hours after arriving, my husband shattered his leg. I immediately placed a globe I found in the house on a table between the two doors to stop the poison arrow. If you have an arrangement where there is a front door that is lined up with a window or a back door, it’s vital that you stop the view to the back of the house. Hang a curtain, place a table with a floral arrangement in the center to block the view, or place a floor screen here. If you don’t you will never be able to accumulate wealth. Money will come in and then go right back out. FUN PROJECT FOR ENHANCING PROSPERITY If you want to improve prosperity and have a fun weekend project, build a fountain on the left-hand side of the door (looking out from the door), or the right hand side as you approach the door from the outside, and make it so that the fountain appears to flow toward the door. If you build a fountain with a waterfall, try to make the water fall and water flow appear to move toward the door. This symbolically moves the wealth toward the house. Make sure the water is kept full, clean and clear at all times.

Your personal feng shui Do you have lucky direction for health, love…and money? Yes! Find out your personal KUA (kwah) directions for wealth and success here: Red Lotus Letter KUA calculator (

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Wealth Activator No. 2:

BOOST YOUR WEALTH WITH WATER How to Improve Your “Money Luck”

PLUS How to Activate Your Water Corners for Income

It’s said that everyone has money luck. However, just like all luck, money luck is different from one person to another. That is where feng shui can help: it can help you hasten and enhance the money luck in your life. What element most helps money luck? Water. In feng shui, when it comes to wealth, water equals money. And to get more money, you must activate the water corners of your home.

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If you want a quick boost for your finances, consider adding a water feature to your home. It’s like an Energizer Bunny to your finances! This can be in the form of a pond, an aquarium, or a tabletop fountain. Of course, before adding any water feature to your home, you should make certain that you do not have water leaking anywhere. Water loss equals money loss, making it important to detect any leaks or losses of water. Water is commonly found leaking in basements, utility or laundry rooms, and outside faucets. Sometimes, there is water leaking under a foundation. All too often, we’ll often tolerate a dripping tap or faucet for far too long, without thinking about either the feng shui consequences or the loss of this important natural resource. If you’d like to improve your finances, be sure to attend to your water leaks by having them repaired as quickly as possible. Once this is done, consider adding a water feature, like those mentioned above. I find that having a tabletop fountain to be an easy and suitable alternative to installing a large and intricate fountain. However, if you’re so inclined, don’t let that stop you from installing a larger water feature. Do bear in mind, though, that water chi (energy) is strong energy and that it must be placed just so. If you’re uncertain, go smaller rather than larger with your water feature. Where to Place a Water Feature

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North sector: This is the single best sector to introduce a water element, as it brings opportunities, which usually bring money. If your north sector is a bedroom, however, do not place water here… not even a picture of water! This will damage relationships if this is a marital or partnership bedroom. Water in a bedroom is also known to cause health problems. So, if the water sector (N) is in a bedroom in your house, place a water feature in the north corner of your office or living room instead. In fact, you can do both.

You may find that after you place a water feature in your north sector, you receive calls or invitations for a better job, a business proposition, etc. Be ready once you have activated this sector. East sector: The east sector is the sector of growth. Its element is wood and wood grows by being watered. So, adding water here is beneficial. Water in the east sector is especially beneficial for those whose kua number is 9. This is 9’s best direction. Activate this sector for improved health, family relationships, and personal growth. Southeast sector. This is the wealth sector. Consider adding water in this sector to improve your wealth feng shui and entice it to grow! For more serious wealth, create a small “wealth vignette” that includes a fountain, a green dragon close to the water, and surrounding this area with four small plants. I often recommend that people make a “love shrine” area in the SW corners of their home or bedroom, well, consider creating a wealth vignette to make your prosperity intentions clear. Make it look attractive and auspicious and appealing to you! Find a green dragon at Chinese emporiums or new age shops. Include a lush green plant,

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a picture of water or a seashell…any of the feng shui symbols of wealth that appeal to you. Place Water in a “Lucky Corner” The “lucky corner” to any room is the corner diagonal to the door. If this corner is in the east, SE, or north sectors, then, by all means, place your fountain there! You will double the effect! Facts about Fountains and Water When it comes to having water in the house or office, you must be sure to follow certain principles in order to be sure that it’s effective water. Otherwise, water can be harmful. Follow these guidelines below for making an effective water scene.

• Always, always keep the water clean. Dirty water creates bad health and loss of income. Keep water clean by changing it regularly. I buy distilled water for my fountains because it remains clean and clear for a long time. You can use a few drops of bleach in the water to clean the water, but using distilled water is best and only costs about .60 per gallon.

• Don’t put water in a bedroom. I can’t say this enough. This is very important for the reasons outlined above.

• Make the fountain easy to keep. Most inexpensive tabletop fountains are more trouble than they are worth, and usually end up in a garage sale, so don’t bother with them. Instead, buy a large ceramic bowl (approximately 12” across), put in your own pump (or one from an inexpensive fountain), and take off the diffuser. Cover the pump with black river stones (carried at most home improvement/gardening centers), and let the water trickle out quietly and smoothly. If you really want to add extra oomph to your fountain, place an aquarium light in the bottom so the water is illuminated! Very good feng shui!

• Keep water away from stairwells. It’s not good to have water running underneath stairwells, as it can harm the children of the house.

• Water by the front door is beneficial…. But only if it on the left side of the door (looking out from the door). Water to the right of the

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door can create infidelities and roving eyes for married couples. Water outside the front door is very good feng shui, just make sure it’s to the left of the door. Water on this side of the door is supposed to ensure lasting prosperity for generations.

Note about water features – Like disappearing money? That’s what a disappearing fountain symbolizes. If you decide to build a water feature, make sure you have a water generating portion of your water feature and a water collecting feature. These represent the two types of money you want: generating (income, salary, commissions, winnings, inheritances) and collecting (401K, stocks, real estate, savings, investments).

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Wealth Activator No. 3:

THE ENTRANCE: Where Wealth and Opportunity

Enters Your Home or Business

The entrance to any home or business is the most important area of the whole building. That is because this area is where energy, or “chi”, enters the building. If there are problems, such as blockages caused by trees, buildings, or other impediments, then energy will not flow properly into the home. Or, if there are a number of entrances, the energy is confused and does not know where to flow, making it important to establish one main entrance. When it comes to feng shui, entrances have a number of factors that must be met. That is, there must, as already mentioned, be no blockages, no

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difficulties, such as oncoming roads or harsh structures, there must be beneficial views, and the entrance must be clean, bright, unobstructed. Second, it’s important to try to harmonize your entrance. That is, make the entrance harmonious with its direction. If you did no other feng shui for your entire house, just making the entrance harmoniously in line with feng shui, you will gain a great deal by working on this one area alone. What do you need to know about your entrance? I’ve outlined some of the critical features as well as some of the finer feng shui points about entrances. These are by no means a complete list, but they are some of the more important points. Make sure you address the critical features first and then address the fine points to really energize your entrance. Happy energizing! Critical Entrance Requirements Obstructions & Poison Arrows. The entrance to a home or business must be free of obstructions. These can be in the form of trees, walls, walkways, etc. Even the points of roofs, corners of houses or buildings that appear to point toward your entry are malicious and are called “poison arrows.” So, too, are trees that are opposite a front door, including columns, posts or pillars. Work to make sure there are no obstructions or poison arrows. Even a neighbor’s front door that is exactly opposite yours would be considered confrontational. Plant a hedge or other screen to deflect the negative energy. Water flow. Water can help or hinder a house. Good water flow means money is washed toward your door. Poor water flow means money washes away from your house and financial difficulties can ensue. If your house faces a cardinal direction, N, E, S, or W, the water should flow from left to right as you look out from the house. If it’s in a subdirection, NE, SW, NW, or SE, the water should flow from right to left. If the water flows incorrectly, you can remedy this by planting a low hedge or making a wall to block the view of water from the front of your home.

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Roadways. Roads should not appear to terminate at your house, such as T-junctions. Culdesacs, dead-ends, and other roads of this nature are very inauspicious. If you have this kind of a road, consider planting a row of hedges or creating a wall to stop the energy from rushing at your home or entrance. Someone I had talked with told me she lived on a “dead-end” and that all the neighbors lots were triangular-shaped! Talk about poison arrows. Very sadly, her husband died in her arms in the driveway. She has said she was going to put her house up for sale.

Walkways. Walkways that are arrow-straight and terminate at the door can be dangerous. Walkways should be curving and meandering. If not, introduce plants on the side to slow down the chi with a planting bed in the form of a circle, with half the circle on one side of the walk and the other half of the circle on the other side of the walkway.

Open areas. Entrances that have an open area in front of them are said to enjoy a “bright hall” effect. There should be open space directly out a front or main door. Something taller than your house at the front. If you face a house or other building that is taller than your house or office, combat this by keeping the lights in front turned on, or by having a lamp post installed. Planting trees is another way to handle this, as is hanging a windchime. Bright, clean, and attractive. Your entryway should be bright and not in the shadows. It should be clean and swept, and look attractive with pretty plants or other decorations. Entryways that are dark, unswept, full of spider webs, leaves and peeling paint or burned out light bulbs, are very inauspicious. They should have the appearance of being well-maintained.

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Entrances should enjoy good views. When you step out of the house, what do you see? One house I did a consultation for had the view of a neighbor’s fence that enclosed the neighbor’s house like a fortress. Gates kept everyone out. The fence was made of iron railings that were painted white and looked like snarling teeth. This is definitely not a good thing to look at. I recommended planting a tall hedge so that the view was then a pleasant one when stepping out of the house. Look around your front entrance and, if you don’t like the view, create one that is uplifting and beautiful.

Enhancements Worth Making to Your Entrance Color. Painting your front door with the

correct color for its facing direction is one of the fastest, best ways to instantly change the feng shui of your home.

Determine the facing direction of your

doorway. Then, paint it the color that is enhancing for this direction. Painted the wrong color, the doorway will bring problems rather than benefits.

If your door is North: Paint blue, black,

gray, or white. Black is best. Avoid red. If your door is NW/West: Paint metal

colors, such as white, grey, silver, or gold. White is best. Strenuously avoid red.

If your door is SW/NE: Paint yellow or stone-colors of taupe or beige.

Yellow is best. Avoid green and wood-grained finishes. If your door is East/SE: Choose green, brown, black or purple. Green is

best. Avoid white and yellow. If your door is South: Paint the door red, terracotta, or orange; red is

best. Or, if it’s a wood door, leave it as wood. Avoid white, black, and blue.

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Door orientation. Tap a lucky direction. There are certain degrees that can be enhancing and others that bring trouble and difficulties. Make sure your door is not on a cardinal degree line (N, E, S, W).

That is, make sure it’s not at 0 degrees north or, on the subdirections, such

as 22.5 degrees NE, for example. The cardinal degrees are the ones to be most concerned about. This is too much energy coming at you. Do what you can to push the door to either side of north.

Remember, degrees can be moved up by the addition of metal, like metal

flashing, a storm door or brass kickplate around the door. Use the front door. Stimulate the flow of chi into your home by actually

using the front door. Too many people go through the back door and only reserve the front door for guests.

However, this is the home that you pay for and that houses you and your

family, so shouldn’t you, more than anybody, use this door? Double that if the door faces one of your personal feng shui directions!

Make sure the door opens inwards. Front doors should open inwards.

Check to make sure yours do, too. Flank your front door. Flanking the front door with two objects, such as

two beautiful plants, two fu dogs, two statues of some kind or other feature, such as lights, is excellent feng shui.

It shows the prominence of the door and makes it more inviting by having

objects on either side of the door. Want extra good chi? Flank the door with two urns or large vases!

Invite more money chi into your home. Simply place a black carpet

outside the front door. This is an excellent way to invite and encourage more chi (and wealth!) into your home.

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It's because the prosperity energy in their home is activated and engaged. After years of working at feng shui and refining it, I've put together my most potent wealth-enhancing information such as where and how to.... 1. LOCATE the wealth and prosperity in your home that has been so frustratingly hard to find. (I reveal which homes are money homes, which homes are locked for prosperity and much, much more!) 2. ACTIVATE the feng shui wealth energy in your life and home so that you and your home are in the flow of money (no more "trickle down" living). 3. MAGNETIZE YOUR LIFE AND HOME FOR WEALTH Because if you can move energy, you can make money.

I know this because I have unlocked the prosperity in every house I’ve lived in by moving the energy in my home.

It wasn’t always this way though.

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When my husband and I got married, we bought a run-down house that reeked of urine.

That nasty, stinky house was so disgusting that I had to hold my breath when we first bought it.

Two years later, my husband had a new high-paying job and we made over $40,000 on that house.

Next came another house that netted us $80,000 and enabled us to move across the country to high-paying jobs.

I went from earning next to nothing as a freelance writer (and there was a lot of FREE in freelance) to an $85,000 a year job for me and my husband tripled his salary.

Was it just our jobs? Was it moving across the country?

By then, I had learned a lot about feng shui and I put it to work in every house.

It enabled us to move into ever-bigger, nicer houses and sock more money away – even save for retirement.

We have a secure financial future because we worked on our feng shui.

Sure, lots of people make money. The problem they have is hanging on to it.

The goal of the Money Map is to help you make more money and KEEP more of your hard-earned money.

My step-by-step program—”THE FENG SHUI MONEY MAP: How To Locate And Activate The Prosperity In Your Home & Manifest More Wealth” will help you to create the kind of wealth that has escaped you — yet was surrounding you the whole time.

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I know how difficult it is to work so hard and struggle with money and create the kind of financial freedom that gives you peace of mind.

Feng shui showed me a way out of the financial hole my husband and I were in — and it was literally in our own home!

We kept trying to “think” the right financial thoughts.

It wasn’t until we began employing feng shui earnestly that we began getting financial traction in our life.

Learn more and grab YOUR copy of the Feng Shui Money Map here:

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