Page 1: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Federalism Powers

Page 2: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Recall… Geographic Location

• Unitary- all power at the National level– Ex- Cuba, Iran

• Federal- there is a division of power between the National and Local levels– Ex- U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, India

• Confederate- All power at the local level– Ex- The European Union, The United States under

the Articles of Confederation

Page 3: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Powers of the National Government• Exclusive Power- powers only the national government has• Expressed Powers- powers given to the national government

in the Constitution– Article 1 Section 8– Examples- declare war, coin money

• Implied Powers- powers not stated in the Constitution but are suggested, stretches the power of the National Government– Necessary and Proper Clause/The Elastic Clause– Examples- have an air force

• Inherent Powers- powers the national government naturally has because it is a country – Examples- decide citizenship requirements

Page 4: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Powers of the States

• Reserved Powers- powers not given to the National government and not denied to the states– 10th Amendment – Examples- regulate marriage and gambling

Page 5: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Shared Powers

• Concurrent Power- powers shared by the national and state governments– Supremacy Clause- in a conflict national law wins– McCulloch v Maryland– Example- collect taxes, enforce laws

Page 6: Federalism Powers. Recall… Geographic Location Unitary- all power at the National level – Ex- Cuba, Iran Federal- there is a division of power between

Types of Power

Exclusive Powers

Reserved Powers

Concurrent Powers

State Gov.National Gov.

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