
Federal Aviation Administration Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) DCL Trials T e s t S t a t u s Presented to:DCIT, Meeting #18 Presented by:Pete Muraca Date:September 26, 2012 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Agenda End to End Functional Testing to date Documentation to date Lab Test Environment DCL Trials Test Timeline Lab Photos 2 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) End to End Functional Testing to date DTAP Build 2 (adds UM79 : CLEARED TO (position) VIA (route) & AOC Dispatch Out Copy ) - Run system test cases with Tech Center bench avionics -Run system test cases with Boeing and Airbus labs (multiple flight deck configs) -Exercised test scenarios with DCIT aircraft -Conducted Regression testing Documented / Socialized Findings Resolution(s) -All High PTRs and most others being addressed / resolved in DTAP Build 3 (Oct 1, 2012) -Build 3 also adds UM80 -Continue system testing for added functionality, and Regression 3 Outstanding PTRs High6 Medium10 Low12 3 Total discovered to date: 37 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Documentation to date Concept / Requirements -Requirements Document -SSS System Test Cases - Exercising defined test procedures associated with testable requirements -Pass / Fail test cases are being tracked VRTM -Traceability with Requirements -Mapped with Test Cases -Association with documented PTRs -Categorized in association with DTAP Build / Releases PTRs / Reporting -All PTRs are being documented, tracked and socialized -Internal Data Comm program reporting on a weekly basis -E-E Functional Test Report (planned) -E-E Functional and Operational Test Report (planned) Working Schedule -Following test schedule to the extent possible. Adapting as constraints and programmatics impact the working schedule 4 4 Note: contract deliverables are being managed / documented between Thales/ITT and FAA personnel Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Lab Test Environment Currently running DTAP Build / Release 2 HADDS connectivity and simulation capability FNTB connectivity for external FAA G/G communications Ground/Ground and Air/Ground Communication service via ARINC Ground/Ground and Air/Ground Communication service via SITA is planned (work in progress) Full utilization of Boeing configurable flight deck Full utilization of Airbus configurable flight deck Full utilization of FAA Technical Center bench avionics DCIT Airlines Participation (Jerry Smith / Andy Fry will cover with greater details in related brief) Internal and External resources allocated Plans and Procedures in place 5 5 Tech Center DTAP E-E Functional Testing Tech Center DTAP E-E Functional Testing DCL Trials MEM Timeline (updated: 9/24/2012) pDTAP and Update pDTAP / HADDS vin box test pDTAP / HADDS via FNTB Failover / Rev # test pDTAP / HADDS / CSP Interface via FNTB + bench Avionics pDTAP (applicable reqs/VRTM) testing with bench avionics pDTAP testing via Boeing + Airbus air labs PTR fixes / regression Test Cases document final Sept 17 OT&E Sept MEM Nov 12 Trials Start MEM Training DTAP 1&2 setup/prep Dry Run & Prep Conduct Controller OT (Prep / Dry Run & Conduct) System test case / bench avionics System test case / Boeing air lab System test case / Airbus air lab System test case / DCIT aircraft Error conditions / failover PTR fixes / regression 8/23/1012: Security Assessment Regression with B2 (in lab) Regression with B3 (Oct 1 in lab) Regression with B4 (Oct 23 in lab) E-E Functional Test Report Install & checkout MEM / FDX Training 11/2/2012: Facility / User Review SAT sub_test cases final SAT sub_test cases functional testing/ FedEx aircraft E-E Operational scenarios based on DCIT doc / Live aircraft Error conditions / failover in field 9/27/1012: Security Assessment Regression with B3 (in lab & in field) SAT Test Report May 10 (B1) Aug 17 Aug 22Sept 7Sept 14 DCL & AFN attempt with DCIT aircraft pre-arranged event # 1 (Aug 28, 29 & 30) AFN and CPDLC connect with Boeing event (July 31, Aug 3, 7, 11) Video Tech Center event (Sept. 13) (B2) Sept 3 (B3) Oct 1 (B5) Nov 30 (B1) = CAF, Revised DCLs other than route, CHI, AFN (B2) = Adds UM79, AOC DC (no ack) (B3) = Adds UM80 (B5) = Adds UM83 & gate response processing AFN and CPDLC connect with Airbus event (Aug 6-8) Oct 29 Nov 10 Video MEM event (Sept. 24) Controllers early look & feel (Aug. 29) Func. Regression & Operational OT&E SAT Oct (B4) Oct 23 DTAP 2 setup/install&ch MEM (B4) = Adds FIDO AFN, DCL, Revisions with DCIT aircraft event # Tech Center (Oct. 10 & 11) Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Lab Photos 7 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Lab Photos 8 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) 9 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) 10 Federal Aviation Administration DCL Trials Test Status DCIT #18 (September 26, 2012) Lab Photos 11

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