Download - February2015


One of life’s realities that I’ve discovered is that, at my age, it’s a good thing to get

an annual physical. I won’t say that I necessarily look forward to it but I know it’s a

good thing to do. While I don’t mind the blood draw, I do find it an inconvenience

to fast especially if my physical is scheduled for later in the day. All in all, I endure

the poking and prodding to ensure that I’m in a relatively healthy state.

I believe that it’s appropriate for us to periodically examine the health and vitality of

the church as well. The Elders of New Hope Church do that at their monthly

meeting. So, what kind of metrics do we use to assess our spiritual health?

If you’ve been around New Hope for any length of time, I hope that you’ve discov-

ered that discipleship is our goal and key core value. So, we ask ourselves, are we

making new disciples? Are we developing our existing disciples as they become

involved in educational and spiritual growth opportunities? Are our disciples serving

Christ, particularly in externally focused outreach opportunities? These are not

rhetorical questions. They get at the heart and soul of what it means to be Christ’s

body, the Church.

With those questions providing our barometer of health and vitality, we faced some

sobering facts in our January meeting. During 2014 New Hope Church had a net

loss in the number of members and in average worship attendance, only the second

time in the 31-year history of our church that this has happened. As we consider the

number of adult disciples involved in educational and spiritual growth opportunities,

we believe that approximately 25% of the adults who consider New Hope their

church take advantage of these. And, anecdotal evidence suggests that 65 people

(give or take a few) are involved in some sort of externally focused outreach ministry.

Make no mistake about it, there is much good that is happening in the life of

New Hope and for which we’re grateful. Recently I was asked in a meeting of Powell

pastors if I was at peace with how things are at New Hope. My response was,

“I’m grateful but I always believe that we can do more and do better.”

We’re well into a new year. As we continue to grow in this life of following Jesus,

may the words of Paul to the Ephesians give us hope and also inspire us: Now to

him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more

than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all

generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Spiritual Check-Up Rev. Steve Norden · [email protected] · 614.766.5445


To Reach People for Christ · To Root People in Christ · To Release People to Serve Christ

F EB RUA R Y 2 0 1 5

Children’s Ministry ........................ 3

Youth Ministry ................................ 8

Adult Ministry.................................. 4

Music Ministry................................. 7

Administration ................................ 2

Fellowship ......................................... 9

Outreach............................................ 8

4739 W. Powell Rd.

Powell, Ohio 43065


See page 2

See page 9

See page 6


This Advent Season we shared the Good News to more than 1,200 people in our four Christmas Eve services.

As Christians the joy of this season is boundless. The gift our Father gave to us in the form of his Son has no

comparison. Please know that your financial gifts to New Hope Church have powerful impact in Reaching,

Rooting and Releasing for Christ. Because of your generosity we were able to give an additional $13,000 to our

benevolences. These gifts have reached hundreds of people in many ways. Your offerings support missionaries

in Hungary, Italy, and Oman, as well as provide scholarships for Northwestern College, Central College, Hope

College, and Western Seminary. We have given hurricane relief in the Philippines as well as supported our local

Columbus Tutoring Initiative. Our ongoing gifts to Habitat for Humanity have helped to change lives by provid-

ing homes to local families. Thank you.

Administration and Finance Sandy Moberger, Church Administrator · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x37

Church Administrator Job Opening

New Hope is looking to staff our part-time (30-35 hours a week) church administrator position. The position

reports to Pastor Steve and is responsible for managing the daily activities of the church including staff

resources, finances, communications, and physical facilities. A bachelor's degree and related experience is

needed as well as strong leadership, interpersonal, communication, organizational, and computer skills. Quali-

fied individuals must know Christ as their personal Savior and be able to enthusiastically support the ministry and

mission of the church. Interested candidates should contact Terri Forgy at [email protected] or 614.284.4042, or

Rev. Steve Norden at [email protected] or 614.766.5445.

After serving faithfully and well for nearly four years, Church Administrator Sandy Moberger is stepping down

from her official role at New Hope to spend more time with family. Sandy’s last day on staff will be March 31.

Please join us in thanking Sandy for her excellent work and tireless service to God and to New Hope Church.

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent, a time in the church’s calendar for reflection and prepara-

tion as we await the joy of Easter, begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18.

We will offer Ash Wednesday Services of Holy Communion and Imposition of

Ashes at 7:00AM (in the Mirick Library) and 7:00PM (in the Sanctuary). We

invite you to begin this most meaningful season in worship with us.


Children’s Ministry Josh Barna, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x13 ·

Sunday School

This January saw New Hope add a 2 year old class to our lineup of Sunday School

classes. This class uses curriculum specially designed for the growing, active minds of

toddlers and is off to a great start! Most of our other classes learned about how

people’s lives are changed when they are touched by Jesus. Please thank your child’s

Sunday School teacher and shepherd for their commitment to this important ministry!

Kids WOW (Worship on Wednesday)

After our Christmas break, we continued our journey with Moses and the Israelites

through the Sinai desert. In February, we will finally arrive at the Promised Land, learn-

ing that in all things, we most certainly can trust God!

Club 45 (4th and 5th Grade)

Unfortunately, January’s Club 45 event was cancelled due to inclement weather, but we are

looking forward to preparing Valentine Day Care packages for New Hope’s college students in


Easter Egg Hunt

This great New Hope outreach occurs on Sunday, March 29 from

1:30 to 3:00PM. Plan on hunting some of the 7,000 eggs, playing

games, making Easter crafts, bouncing through an obstacle course

and walking the stations of the cross. Invite your neighbors, and

be part of the fun through volunteering to continue to make this

event such a great success! Check the Children’s Ministry bulletin

board in the Narthex to see how you can help.

New Hope Preschool Lynn Riley, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.2446 ·

New Hope Preschool is currently registering children for the 2015-16 school year. We

continue to offer a Christian based preschool program incorporating play based academics.

We take great pride in the positive Christian atmosphere that we create through our daily

activities, treating each other equally with respect and kindness.

We will be celebrating Moms in February. This is an opportunity for Moms to come in and

spend a little time with their child while experiencing some of our day.

Come join us for Family Night on Tuesday, March 3 at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. We have a magician

coming to perform for us...everyone is welcome!


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·


Sundays at 11:00AM through February 15

Facilitated by Josh Barna

Join us for “Parentcraft,” a study designed just for parents.

We will use short clips from TV shows and movies, interesting

articles, lively discussion, and, of course, God’s word as we

engage with issues relevant to parenting. Childcare provided.

Wellness Group Study

Wednesdays 7:00PM to 8:30PM through March 4

Facilitated by Kathy Dunkin and Sandy Moberger

Meets in the Library

“Do you want to be made well?” Jesus gave this question to an ill man in Jerusalem, and this question continues

to echo through time to our lives today. Do you want to be made well? Come join this group study focused on

a Christ-centered lifestyle change for wellness. This group is for both men and women, and will focus on five

areas of wellness (faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends) using Rick Warren’s “The Daniel Plan” as a resource.

Sign up for any of these studies at the Welcome Center,

or online at

Men’s Bible Study - The Greatest Liar of All Time

Wednesdays 7:00PM to 8:30PM, February 4 through March 11

Facilitated by Dave Summers

Meets in the Youth Room

In “The Greatest Liar of All Time,” author Mark Gentry exposes the

lies of the devil, who has lied about the Son of God, salvation, sin,

and the Scriptures. The devil wants to counter God's plan for every person, and he pulls no punches. While God

created man to bring honor and glory to Himself and to make disciples of all nations, the devil does what he can

to keep lost people lost and Christians from being all that God wants them to be. Come discover God's purpose

for our lives and discuss why so many listen and follow the voice of lies instead of the voice of truth.


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·

Women’s Bible Studies

Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath by Priscilla Shirer

Mondays 7:00PM to 9:00PM through February 9

Facilitated by Terry Geist and Denise Loftus

Thursdays at 9:30AM through February 5

Nursery care available

Facilitated by Bonnie Fussner, Cheryl Vornbrock, and Michele Worthington

New Hope Women’s Bible Study Facebook Group

Join us for continued discussion throughout the week on Facebook

One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the

activities and busyness and just breathe. We are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the

limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. It is time for us to breathe and build

margin into our lives for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary,

worn out, and exhausted, the concept of Sabbath will change your life.

We are going to continue to offer the opportunity for continued discussion throughout the week on Facebook.

All you need is a Facebook account to be able to participate. This is also a way for you to take this study even if

you can't make the Monday evening or Thursday morning group. This is a secret group so there can be some

level of security and freedom in our conversations. If you’re not already a member of the group, contact

Pastor Sarah for an invitation.

Joseph by Michelle McKinney Hammond

Wednesdays 12:30PM to 2:00PM, January 14 through February 18

Facilitated by Pastor Sarah

Meets in the Library

We all have dreams for how our lives will – or should – turn out. “Joseph: Waiting on

God’s Timing, Living in God’s Plan” is a six-session video-based Bible study examining

the life of the biblical character of Joseph, the ultimate dreamer, giving you insight into

the power of your choices as you wait on God while pursing your dreams. In this enter-

taining and enlightening Bible study, Michelle McKinney Hammond will help you learn

how relationships affect our destiny, how to unite your desires with God’s purposes, and how to walk faithfully

with God as you wait on his timing. This fresh look at Joseph provides a powerful witness to God’s timing and

plan for you that will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and deeply valued.

Sign up for any of these studies at the Welcome Center,

or online at


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·

Adult Sunday School

Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton

Sundays at 9:30AM

Facilitated by Mark Dutton and Todd Alles

In “Making Sense of the Bible,” Adam Hamilton invites us into an honest conversation

about the Bible. The book begins with foundational questions such as how and when was

the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How

literally must we read it? And, is the Bible ever wrong? In approachable and inviting

language, Hamilton addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers

to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be

life-changing and life-giving.

Before Amen by Max Lucado

Sundays at 10:45AM

Facilitated by Rick Schuster

In “Before Amen,” Max Lucado, a self-professed “recovering prayer wimp,” reveals his

personal struggles with prayer. He will show you how he discovered that prayer is not a

privilege for the pious or the art of a chosen few but a simple tool all believers have been

given to have a conversation with God.

Discovery New Member Class

Are you interested in learning more about New Hope Church, or

becoming a member? Our Discovery Class is for you. Come join us for

this four-week class, which defines our core values, doctrine, structure,

strategy, history, and how you can become involved in the life and min-

istry of New Hope Church.

This session of our Discovery Class begins on February 22 and ends on March 15. Childcare is available. Sign up

at the church, or online at


Youth Ministry Bob Cline, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 ·

Generations Choir - Ages 6th Grade to Adult

Ever wanted to sing in the choir, but don’t have the time to participate every week?

Then sign up for Generations Choir, our quarterly mass choir event for ages 6th

grade through adult! We’ll have ONE rehearsal, Saturday morning, February 7 from

9:30 to 11:30AM, and participate in worship ONE Sunday, February 8 at 9:30 and

11:00AM. Childcare is available. Sign up at the Welcome Center.

Music Ministry Christine Loy, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x14 ·

Come to Our Fiesta!

On Saturday, March 7, the church youth will host the annual

Mexican Fiesta dinner from 5:30 to 7:30PM. The menu includes a

delicious variety of Mexican dishes, drinks, and desserts for a

suggested donation of $10 for adults, $5 for children under 12

(payable at the door). All proceeds benefit the summer youth

mission trip and camp programs. Please RSVP at the church,

online at, or by calling the church at 614.766.5445. Walk-ins are also welcome.

Please note any seating preferences and we will do our best to accommodate. ¡Hasta pronto (see you soon)!

Easter Choir

Spring is around the corner and so are our preparations for Easter! We

invite you to join us for a Special Easter Choir which will prepare to sing on

Palm Sunday (March 29), Maundy Thursday (April 2), and Easter Sunday

(April 5). Come sing ALL or ANY of these services! Music selections include

the Hallelujah Chorus, Crown Him With Many Crowns, Victor’s Crown, and

many others. Easter rehearsals begin Thursday, February 19 at 7:30PM and

run for six weeks. Spring break and travel schedules are easily accommodated, and childcare is provided for all

services. Please contact Christine Loy at [email protected] or sign up at the Welcome Center!



Monthly Prayer Meeting

Our next monthly Intercessory Prayer Meeting will be Monday, February 2 at 7:00PM in the

Sanctuary. If you need prayer, or would like to pray for others, please join us. For more

information, see Deborah Weiker or contact the church office.

The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. – James 5:16

His Place Community Dinner Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for His Place, a community dinner located

at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Town Street, on Wednesday,

February 18 at 5:30PM. Volunteers will serve the food and clean

up after dinner. Sign up at the Welcome Center or online at Contact LeAnne Siddell at

614.332.5080 with questions.

Gift Card Outreach

Beginning Sunday, February 8 the Elders will be collecting gift

cards for pediatric cancer patients at Nationwide Children's

Hospital and their families. These children are hospitalized for

many months at a time and have little opportunity for

shopping, and often family resources are limited. We'd like to

collect entertainment gift cards (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) along

with fast food gift cards to help ease their financial burden

and brighten their day. Gift cards may be dropped off at the

church office by Sunday, February 22.



Lenten Soup Suppers

Come join us for dinner on Wednesday evenings in the

Fellowship Hall through the season of Lent. This is a special

time of fellowship and devotions as we share a simple meal

of soup, salad, macaroni and cheese, and dessert. Invite a

friend or neighbor as we reflect on this meaningful season


Valentine Social and Bingo Bash

New Hope’s Senior Sages will gather together on Thursday,

February 12 at 1:00PM at Dublin Retirement Village, 6470

Post Road, Dublin 43016 for a Valentine Social and Bingo

Bash. Please RSVP to Office Administrator Nancy Green at

614.766.5445 x10.

Spring Prayer Breakfast

Join us on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:30AM at the Aladdin

Shrine Center to hear Lee Strobel, author of “The Case for

Christ,” speak about his spiritual journey from an atheist to a

strong defender of Jesus Christ. Tickets are $40 per person.

Sign up at the Welcome Center.


Sunday, February 1

9:30AM Contemporary Worship

9:30AM Children’s Sunday School

9:30AM Confirmation Class

10:45AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM The Journey: Stage 1

11:00AM Traditional Worship

11:00AM Youth Sunday School

11:00AM Parentcraft Bible Study

5:00PM Middle School Youth Group

Super Bowl Pregame Party @ Church

6:30PM High School Youth Group

Super Bowl Party @ Bob Cline’s

Monday, February 2

7:00PM Women’s Bible Study: Breathe

7:00PM Prayer Meeting

7:00PM Endowment Meeting

Wednesday, February 4

12:30PM Women’s Bible Study: Joseph

5:30PM Kids WOW

6:30PM The Journey: Stage 3

7:00PM Wellness Group Study

7:00PM Men’s Bible Study

7:30PM Beyond Bethel Bible Study

Thursday, February 5

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study: Breathe

6:15PM Band Rehearsal

6:30PM Tea Committee Meeting

7:30PM Choir Rehearsal

7:30PM AA Meeting

Saturday, February 7

9:30AM Generations Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, February 8

9:30AM Contemporary Worship

9:30AM Children’s Sunday School

9:30AM Confirmation Class

9:30AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM The Journey: Stage 1

11:00AM Traditional Worship

11:00AM Youth Sunday School

11:00AM Parentcraft Bible Study

5:15PM Middle School Youth Group

7:30PM High School Youth Group

Monday, February 9

7:00PM Women’s Bible Study: Breathe

7:15PM Preschool Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 10

6:00PM Deacon and Elder Meetings

7:30PM Consistory Meeting

Wednesday, February 11

12:30PM Women’s Bible Study: Joseph

5:30PM Kids WOW

6:30PM The Journey: Stage 3

7:00PM Wellness Group Study

7:00PM Men’s Bible Study

7:30PM Beyond Bethel Bible Study

Thursday, February 12

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study: Breathe

6:15PM Band Rehearsal

7:30PM Choir Rehearsal

7:30PM AA Meeting

Sunday, February 15

9:30AM Contemporary Worship

9:30AM Children’s Sunday School

9:30AM Confirmation Class

9:30AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM The Journey: Stage 1

11:00AM Traditional Worship

11:00AM Youth Sunday School

11:00AM Parentcraft Bible Study

5:15PM Middle School Youth Group

7:30PM High School Youth Group

Monday, February 16

7:00PM Outreach Team Meeting

Wednesday, February 18

7:00AM Ash Wednesday Service

12:30PM Women’s Bible Study: Joseph

5:30PM His Place Community Dinner

7:00PM Ash Wednesday Service

8:00PM The Journey: Stage 3

8:00PM Wellness Group Study

8:00PM Men’s Bible Study

8:00PM Beyond Bethel Bible Study

Thursday, February 19

9:30AM Women’s Bible Study: Breathe

6:15PM Band Rehearsal

7:30PM Choir Rehearsal

7:30PM AA Meeting

Friday, February 20

7:00PM Women’s Retreat

Saturday, February 21

8:00AM Women’s Retreat

Sunday, February 22

9:30AM Contemporary Worship

9:30AM Children’s Sunday School

9:30AM Confirmation Class

9:30AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM Adult Sunday School

10:45AM The Journey: Stage 1

11:00AM Traditional Worship

11:00AM Youth Sunday School

4:00PM Discovery Class

5:15PM Middle School Youth Group

7:30PM High School Youth Group

Tuesday, February 24

7:00PM Adult Ministry Team Meeting

Wednesday, February 25

6:00PM Lenten Soup Supper

6:30PM The Journey: Stage 3

6:40PM Children’s Music Rehearsal

7:00PM Wellness Group Study

7:00PM Men’s Bible Study

7:30PM Beyond Bethel Bible Study

Thursday, February 26

6:15PM Band Rehearsal

7:30PM Choir Rehearsal

7:30PM AA Meeting

New Hope Church Calendar


Contact Us

Rev. Stephen M. Norden, Senior Pastor

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Rev. Sarah Palsma, Associate Pastor

614.766.5445 x15 · [email protected]

Joshua Barna, Director of Children’s Ministry

614.766.5445 x13 · [email protected]

Bob Cline, Director of Youth Ministry

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Connor Curfman, Tech Coordinator

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Nancy Green, Office Administrator

614.766.5445 x10 · [email protected]

Gail Headlee, Communications Coordinator

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Holly McDonald, Accompanist

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Christine Loy, Director of Music

614.766.5445 x14 · [email protected]

Sandy Moberger, Church Administrator

614.766.5445 x37 · [email protected]

Lynn Riley, New Hope Preschool Director

614.766.2446 · [email protected]

Lara Valentine, Children’s Choir Director

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

4739 W. Powell Rd.

Powell, OH 43065


Sunday Worship Schedule

Living Water Contemporary Service 9:30AM · Traditional Worship Service 11:00AM

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