
Christ the King Lutheran Church “Where We Are About God’s Grace For God’s People”

Special points of interest:

Annual Congregation



Join us on February

12th for the Senior’s


Joy Book Club begins

a new book for Lent

A Season of Prayer is

before us

Council Corner 2

In the Parish Family 3

Season of Prayer 4-5

Offerings & Attend-



Opportunities for



Those Who Serve 10

Calendar 11

Inside this issue:

February 2019

Annual Congregational Meeting—February 3

Christ the King’s Annual

Congregational Meeting to ap-

prove the reports of the commit-

tees, review the churches finan-

cial reports, adopt the 2019

budget and hold election of

church council members as well

as some other key committees

will be held Sunday, February

3rd at 11:45 a.m.

Prior to the meeting coffee, fruit and sweets will be served. It is

important that all confirmed voting members be present to carry

out the business at hand.

Reports are available and can be picked up in the church nar-


Senior Luncheon—Tuesday, February 12th

Join us on Tuesday, February 12th, 12:00 noon for the Senior’s

Luncheon. The menu will include Lasagna, Tossed Salad, Green

Beans, Garlic Bread, Coffee and Dessert. The

cost is $7. Mark the back of your worship re-

sponse card or call the church office to make a


Anyone wishing to take a turn preparing a meal

for these luncheons are asked to contact the

church office. It is our goal to bring on others who like to use their

skills in the kitchen.

Page 2 The King’s Herald

Council Corner

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the

Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give

you a future and a hope. Then you will call up-

on me and come and pray to me, and I will

hear you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12

These verses in Jeremiah are often looked

to whenever we feel uncertain about what our

future might hold. They offer re-assurance

that God has a plan for our future and that it

is good! We especially look to,

and perhaps have memorized

the first of these two verses –

Jeremiah 29:11.

I wonder though, how often

we look to the second verse, or

even know what specifically fol-

lows the 11th verse that so

many of us have memorized.

Like countless other places in

scripture, God’s promises are followed by an

invitation for us to be in prayer. “Then you will

call upon me and come and pray to me, and I

will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:12

God delights in our prayers! It is an invita-

tion he has given us to be in communion with

him. He promises that he will hear us when

we pray. Sometimes I forget what a great and

powerful gift this is, and what a comfort it is to

be able to approach the throne of God in pray-

er. It is humbling to realize that the God of the

universe wants to converse with us through


In reading about Jesus and his ministry,

each and every account includes time that Je-

sus spends in prayer. It was something that he

made time for, and often went off alone to pray.

He even prayed for those who betrayed and

crucified him. He taught his disciples to pray.

He teaches us to pray. Jesus himself gave us

the words to what we call “The Lord’s Prayer”.

Prayer in worship can sometimes seem like

words we just repeat without really thinking

much about what we are saying. We can be

quick to say; “I’ll pray for you” when someone

we care about is facing an illness or other diffi-

culty, but how much do we then pray? In mod-

ern times, the church is often criticized for of-

fering prayer in the face of tragedy when oth-

ers want action.

Clearly, the pow-

er of prayer is

misunderstood by


And in that

lies an opportuni-

ty for the Church.

Prayer is our life-

line – and a direct

line to the throne room of Heaven. As Jeremi-

ah 29:12 tells us, when we go to God in prayer,

He will hear us. He will act on our prayers and

will work through our prayers to change

hearts. I’ve experienced this on more than one

occasion, and my guess is you have too.

Because prayer is so important to our faith

and the ministry of the Church, we are plan-

ning some activities to help guide us through a

Season of Prayer. You can read more about it

in this newsletter.

In closing, I leave you with this verse that I

pray will bring you joy, patience and faith. “Be

joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in

prayer.” Romans 12:12

Yours in Christ & On Behalf of Your Council,

Lisa Temple, Council Vice-President & Luther

Seminary L.I.M. Student

Page 3 The King’s Herald

In The Parish Family

Hospitalized 2/1: none

Home from the hospital this month: Sophie Johnson

Those hospitalized or in need of prayer: During our pastoral vacancy it has been difficult

to stay on top of all that’s been going on with our members. If you or someone you know is in

the hospital or in need of pastoral care we encourage you to call the church office. Pastor Tom

Otis, our interim pastor is available when needed.

Prayer requests: Often times we would like to lift someone up in

prayer but don’t know where to turn. Especially with our focus on

prayer over the next several months we want to let everyone know

that we have a Prayer Group here at Christ the King. You can

make your request known by calling the church office or Sandy Pe-

terson (280-9264) and the prayer chain will be started.

Nursing Home Changes: John Herlik has been transferred to

Christian Park, Escanaba and Sophie Johnson is now residing at Soderman Nursing Home,

Gladstone. We learned that Anna Slade is now in a nursing home in Bessmer. Our calls have

gone unanswered to find out exactly which nursing home she is in. If you have any knowledge

of this please share with the church office.

Congratulations to Brandon & Kelsey Eis on the birth of their son, Kane Lee, born January

14th at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Green Bay. Kane was born premature and awaits the day he is

home with his parents. Kane is the first grandchild of Jerry & Donna Eis.

Lent Begins March 5th

The Lenten season begins this year on Ash

Wednesday, March 5th. Holy Communion will

be celebrated which will include the imposition

of ashes.

More information will be shared in the March

newsletter and Sunday bulletins as for the re-

maining Wednesdays in Lent.

Prayer for Inner Peace (ancient Celtic prayer for deep peace)

Deep peace of the running waves to you,

Deep peace of the flowing air to you,

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of the shining stars to you,

Deep peace of the shades of night to you.

Moon and stars always giving light to you.

Page 4

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”

Martin Luther

Over the next several months, February through May, we will be entering together into a

season of prayer. God promises in His word that He hears every word that we pray to Him.

Like a good parent, He is waiting, ready, and willing to listen to our worries, concerns, and

needs. Whether we are seeking forgiveness,

strength, or healing, prayer provides the channel to

communicate with God and receive supernatural

strength and power!

Christ the King has experienced many challeng-

es over the past several months, and there have

been a lot of questions about what our future might

hold. What better way to deal with this uncertainty

than to bring it to God in prayer! God does have a plan for our church, for each of us and our

families, and He will reveal it to us through prayer. Let us join together as Christ’s Church –

His body – and pray for guidance, healing, discernment, and greater faith to find and face

whatever future He has planned for us.

To aid in this, we will be providing some resources to assist you. You may decide you want

to pray individually, with a partner, or in a small group. You can pray as a family. We will

pray as a church. We will have a Lenten Focus on Prayer this year, and will provide opportuni-

ties to use the Sanctuary for silent prayer. We will provide opportunities to share what God is

revealing through our prayers, and will seek out ways to deepen our prayer lives individually

and as a congregation.

We will publish items in the newsletter during this season of prayer, and if you have some-

thing you would like to contribute, please don’t hesitate! To get us started, I have contributed a

poem I wrote several years ago about prayer. You can submit written prayers, verses about

prayer, and lines of songs about prayer – whatever you would like. We will include as much of

it as we can!

We will also post verses about prayer on the church’s Facebook page. If you have a favorite

you would like to have posted – please let us know! If you have some spirit filled ideas about

other things we can do to hold one another in prayer, or would like to contribute something to-

ward prayer resources – please let the office know.

Season of Prayer

Page 5

You may submit prayer requests via the prayer request page on our website. If you would

like it kept confidential or published in the bulletin, please specify your preferences. Either

way, we will pray for your requests! If you would like to join the prayer team, please let the of-

fice know.

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”

Oswald Chambers

Take Time to Pray When you rise in the morning to start your long day,

Before anything else – take time to pray.

When you are faced with a choice as you go your own way, Before you decide – take time to pray.

When your children are sick or they’ve gone astray, The first thing to do – is take time to pray.

When a problem is laid at your doorstep today, Approach it with power – take time to pray.

When the storms of life rage and your house falls away, Turn your face to the wind – take time to pray.

When a new day is dawning and hope fills that day,

Look up to the Heavens – take time to pray.

When blessings surround you and your faith grows each day,

Give thanks to the Lord – take time to pray.

When at last it is over and your life slips away,

Don’t fear the darkness – take time to pray.

Yes, Jesus will be there every step of the way,

He’ll lead you and guide you – if you take time to pray!

Lisa Marie Temple ~ c 2012

Page 6 The King’s Herald

Date 5 P.M. 10:30 Total

January 5/ 6 38 45 83

January 12/13 40 60 100

January 19/20 42 43 85

January 26/27 36 55 91

Average attendance for January: 90

January 5/ 6 $9,208.36

January 12/13 $3,361.83

January 19/20 $1,307.01

January 26/27 $1,815.07

Year-To-Date Income: $15,69227

Year-To-Date Needed: $13,986.04

Difference: $1,706.23


Received in January: $324.00

Loan Balance: $13,645.31

Offerings & Worship Attendance For January

Offerings For January

If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions, are out of town and would

like to give, missed worship and still want to give out of the generosity of your heart, we en-

courage you to check out our electronic giving option. As we get back into the routine of things

you may find electronic giving a most welcome routine and an easy way to make contributions.

To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate

the Online Giving button on the right side of the webpage. Thank you for your generosity and

support of God’s work through Christ the King!

Thankfulness: An Online Opportunity to Give

Page 7 The King’s Herald

WinSome Women Retreats

Come, be encouraged and inspired at the Win-

Some Women retreats. Enjoy best-selling author

Liz Curtis Higgs and award-winning musician

Tammy Trent along with speakers Peg Arnold

and Emily Klotz. Learn of God’s faithfulness and

compassion. Don’t miss out. Be sure to come

with your friends and experience enriching

speakers, uplifting worship, and the ambiance of

the Grand Hotel on beautiful Mackinac Island.

Mark your calendar for the spring retreats May

14 & 15, 15 & 16 and 16 & 17. Registration be-

gins soon.

The special rate for this retreat includes re-

treat registration fee, round trip Shepler’s Mack-

inac Island Ferry ticket, accommodations and

dinner on the day of arrival, breakfast and lunch

on the day of de-

parture, all tax-

es, gratuities,

and baggage

handling fees.

We have an

excellent lineup of presenters including a concert

in the evening with Tammy Trent. Come with

your mother, daughter, sister, or friend and ex-

perience the joy, the peace, and the Love of God.

Don’t miss out! Online registration begins

March 2 at

Because of This I Rejoice

For too long Lent has been thought of as a

season of self-sacrifice and discipline that


many Chris-

tians, author

Max O. Vincent

writes. Some-

times Lent can

feel like an end-

less list of spiritual chores.

Vincent lifts up the apostle Paul’s letter

to the Philippians as a way to find joy dur-

ing Lent. In Philippians Paul describes

spiritual practices that help him sense

God’s power and presence even in the midst

of persecution and imprisonment.

This six-week Lenten study of Philippians

offers a series of meditations about joyfully

practicing spiritual disciplines. A passage

from Philippians structures each chapter,

and additional scripture passage and reflec-

tion questions at the end of each chapter

will keep you connected to the material

throughout the week.

Perfect for an individual discipline or a

small-group study, Because of This I Rejoice

includes a Leader’s Guide for those who

want to practice Lenten joy together. Webster School Needs

The Parish Life Committee have been in conversation with the staff at Webster School in

regards to what their needs are concerning their students. Webster is now a school of Kinder-

garten students only so they have a great need for clothing. Boys and girls pants size 7-8 & 8-

10; long sleeve shirts, leggings, pull on pants. They could use boots sizes 11-12 or 1-2 and

snowpants 5-8. There is a table in the narthex for you to place your donations. Thank you for

your help in the past and look forward to your support again.

Page 8 The King’s Herald

Let Us Pray For those Celebrating Birthdays On:

February 2: Nancy Norberg, Tony Runkel

February 3: Anna Slade

February 6: Julie Irving, Vincent Orzel

February 9: David DeVet, Nathan Tufnell

February 10: Camree Bonifas

February 11: Phyliss Eastman

February 14: Fred Sundstrom

February 16: Mary Martinson

February 17: Dawn Martin

February 18: Sally Walker

February 20: Judy Anderson

February 21: Isaac Berthaume

February 24: Beth Carlson, Heather Leisner, Matt Olson

February 25: Ardy Ross

February 26: Ardis Anderson

February 29: Jean Arkens

Page 9 The King’s Herald

Cards of Thanks

Dear Friends at Christ the King,

Thanks for your continued support and pray-

ers. The visits are uplifting and appreciated as

the days can be long. The new address is Chris-

tian Park Health Care Center, 2415 5th Ave.

So., Escanaba.


John & the Herlik Family

Thanks So Much,

Thank you for all of your generosity. Our fam-

ily had a wonderful Christmas. We look forward

to taking our turn in giving in return. God bless

you all.

The Mathiesan Family

Dear Christ the King Parishioners,

Thank you for your wonderful donation of hats

and mittens to the students of the Webster Kin-

dergarten Center. They will keep our kids

toasty warm for the winter!


The Webster Staff

Readings for February

Feb. 3—The 4th Sunday after Epiphany

Jeremiah 1:4-10; Ps. 71:1-6; 1 Cor. 13:1-

13; Luke 4:21-30

Feb. 10—The 5th Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 6:1-13; Ps. 138; 1 Cor. 15:1-11;

Luke 5:1-11

Feb. 17—The 6th Sunday after Epiphany

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Ps. 1; 1 Cor. 15:12-20;

Luke 6:17-26

Feb. 24 —The 7th Sunday after Epiphany

Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Ps. 37:1-11, 39-40; 1

Cor. 5:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Eligible benefit members of Thrivent Fi-

nancial for Lutherans have until March

31st to direct any remaining 2018 Choice

Dollars. After that date the unused Choice

Dollars will expire.

These available dol-

lars can be directed

among thousand of

501 c non-profit or-

ganizations includ-

ing Christ the King.

You can easily take

care of this by going

on-line, making a

phone call to Thrivent or calling the local

office for their assistance. Act soon, before

these free monies go away. If you would

like to stop by the church office we also

will assist you with this.

Please be aware that your intentions

must be shared with Thrivent each year.

Page 10


February 2/ 3—5:00 Nancy K. Norberg 10:30 Sandy Jacobson

February 9.10—5:00 Lance Lindstrom 10:30 Liz Schlenvogt

February 16/17—5:00 Lin VanEffen 10:30 Roland Jacobson

February 23/24—5:00 Dawn Martin 10:30 Amy Swanson


February 2/ 3—5:00 Trevor Christensen 10:30 Abbie Boudreau

February 9.10—5:00 Leigh Anne Burdalic 10:30 Grady Iverson

February 16/17—5:00 Evan Burroughs 10:30 Elizabeth Brandel

February 23/24—5:00 Jillian Cobb 10:30 Caydence Carter

Altar Guild

February 2/ 3—Sandy Jacobson & Judy Anderson

February 9.10—Mary Jo Johnson & Beth Jacobson

February 16/17—Bob & Lin VanEffen & Judy Anderson

February 23/24—Laverne Picard & Connie Schmidt

Assisting Minister

February 2/ 3—5:00 Nancy K. Norberg 10:30 Sam LaMarche

February 9.10—5:00 Lance Lindstrom 10:30 Roland Jacobson

February 16/17—5:00 Bob VanEffen 10:30 Connie Schmidt

February 23/24—5:00 Mary Jo Johnson 10:30 Lynn Chylek

Communion Assistants

February 2/ 3—5:00 Nancy K. Norberg 10:30 Sam LaMarche

February 9.10—5:00 Lance Lindstrom 10:30 Roland & Sandy Jacobson

February 16/17—5:00 Bob VanEffen 10:30 Leigh & Connie Schmidt

February 23/24—5:00 Mary Jo Johnson 10:30 Lynn Chylek

Those Who Serve

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

5:00 Communion



9:00 Faith For-

mation Classes

9:30 Coffee Hour

10:30 Communion


11:45 Annual


4 5

1:00 Joy Book


7:30 Dartball


9:00 Quilting

9:30 Bible



10:00 Coffee

with the Staff

8 9

5:00 Communion



9:00 Faith For-

mation Classes

9:30 Coffee Hour

10:30 Communion


11 12

12:00 Senior


1:00 Joy Book


7:30 Dartball


9:00 Quilting

9:30 Bible



10:00 Coffee

with the Staff

15 16

5:00 Communion



9:00 Faith For-

mation Classes

9:30 Coffee Hour

10:30 Communion


18 19

1:00 Joy Book


7:30 Dartball


9:00 Quilting

9:30 Bible



10:00 Coffee

with the Staff

22 23

5:00 Worship


9:00 Faith For-

mation Classes

9:30 Coffee Hour

10:30 Communion


25 26

1:00 Joy Book


7:30 Dartball


9:00 Quilting

9:30 Bible



10:00 Coffee

with the Staff


1230 North 18th Street

Escanaba, Michigan 49829

CHURCH OFFICE ………………………..…………………………………..…………….…786-7400


Rev. Chris Johnson…………………………………………………………………………….786-7988

e-mail address: [email protected]


Arlene Cody………………………………………………………………………….………....786-5949

e-mail address: [email protected] Website:


Saturday—5:00 p.m. Worship

Sunday— 9:00 a.m. Youth Faith Formation; 9:30 a.m. Coffee Hour; 10:30 Worship

Holy Communion is celebrated at every Saturday and Sunday service. At the 10:30 a.m.

service communion will be distributed using continuous communion.

Address Service Requested

Phone: (906) 786-7400

E-mail: [email protected]

KING’S HERALD February 2019

We’re on the Web!

This issue of the King’s

Herald is given in loving

memory of the Stasewich

Family by Gayle Stoykovich

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