Page 1: FEBRUARY 2017 AUETAA NEWS · 9940630602 / D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer ... FEBRUARY 2017 There was a good number of family participation during the event. There


Monthly Bulletin of Annamalai University Engineering Technology Alumni Association(For Private Circulation of Members)

Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 (SI.No.186/of1975)


G.DHANAPALAN, 81-M Secretary9698191988 / [email protected]

S. ILANAHAI, 76-T President9940630602 / [email protected]

D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer9282115909 / [email protected]






Dear Auetaan's It has been a turbulent time in Tamil Nadu over the last 6 months with setbacks happening quickly in succession on all fronts - emotional, political, social, traditional, natural and psychological; the end sufferers are the people of our State. If you don't know where you are going almost any road can take you there !! The State is now in a state of flux and i do hope a stable government would be formed soon to administer the affairs of the State in a good way and bring back Tamil Nadu to being a respectable and a responsible State. Jallikattu, the traditional sport was banned by the Supreme Court in 2014 in a decision citing animal cruelty based on a lawsuit filed by the animal rights activists group. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which asserted that the tradition violates the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act . On 8 ' th January 2017several groups organised by the social media conducted a protest in Marina beach to revoke the ban on Jallikattu. After several days of protests, jallikattu was finally legalised locally on 23 January when the Government of Tamil Nadu passed a bill to amend the PCA Act. Just for information India and Brazil are the largest exporters of beef !! The largely

peaceful nature of the protests received praise from all over the country conducted by students.. From our sidesome of our AUETAAns expressing solidarity to the student supporters of the Jallikattu protests joined them and distributed refreshments for a couple days. Traditions have to be followed otherwise we as a country would lose our identity and our uniqueness. Until about year 1990 there was more contentment amongst a lot of people here. Post 1990 or so there is so much of competition, aggression, violence and social anger that is affecting most of us. Satelilite familes started becoming the trend and joint family systems are things of the past. I am proud to say that our AUETAA has formed an association about 4 decades back which has become a source of becoming One with the entire set of alumni from from our great Annamalai University, Engineering and Technology; so much so that a lot of marriages take place between sons and daughters of our alumni more often now. A month back i went to Trichy and a lot of our alumni came to meet me. It feels great when someone comes to visit you just like that without any agenda, to share our thoughts, share our experiences and be of help somewhere sometime. See any healthy person, most of the times he would

have a lot of friends and so no emotional b a g g a g e ! ! O u r President Mr. Ilanahai knows this phenomenon too well and so he has come out with a lot of ideas to unite and integrate our auetaans together. "Family day" for our auetaans and their families was planned to be held on 26'th January at Blue Lagoon on ECR. That was a roaring success. The Family day programme was not just a day event on the 26th Jan 2017, it was a fortnight long exercise, AUETANNs talking to their fellow batchmates and friends inviting them to the programme, inducing interest / eagerness to meet amongst themselves after a long time. Mr. Dhanapal, our AUETAA Secretary, Mr. Gopi, our Tre a s u re r a n d M r. S h a n m u gh a sundaram our Joint Secretary with Mr. Ilanahai, our President at the helm made this an evening to remember. When the programme planning started, the numbers expected were about 200 from AUETAAn families. But as the day was nearing, all could feel the vibe growing and finally on the event day on 26th January, resulted in a turnout of nearly 350 members, proving again the bonding amongst the fellow Annamalaians.











Delegate Fee:`.5000/- $ 100

Page 2: FEBRUARY 2017 AUETAA NEWS · 9940630602 / D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer ... FEBRUARY 2017 There was a good number of family participation during the event. There



There was a good number of family participation during the event. There were at least 50 – 60 new members for the first time at the AUETAA event. The Programme day kindled nostalgic moments amongst fellow Auetanns. Even the families of Auetaans enjoyed the evening programme making it a grand success, this was a good start for the year 2017. The Employability Enhancement Programme for the AUFEAT (Employability Enhancement Training Programme for the final year students) took place in our campus at Annamalai Nagar. Mr Gopi and Dr. Saravanan took the lead role in making this a big hit. It

was a six day programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University for its final year students, Special training programme to enhance the soft skills of the aspirant final year students. The Programme was well accepted by the students and well appreciated by the faculty members at our college, It was a great feel to be present at our college, for such a programme. A ideal support to our fellow juniors when they need us the most. The success of this programme also depends on how many students get employment opportunity with the support of our fellow AUETAAns. We

from AUETAA can forward the resumes of such aspirant candidates to any of our alumnus who can support our fellow juniors with opening in their own organisations or associated companies. Request fellow AUETAAns for their patronage on this programme. After the grand two events, our team is boot strapping for the grand International convention scheduled during July 2017. Hoping many more programmes and events mark this year ahead of AUETAAns.

Yours lovingly, S. Ramkumar, 81 E&E

On 30th January 2017, a Beautiful luxury Volvo bus arranged by Janarduna Iyer started from Loyola college at 08:15 hrs with 39 senior citizens, left Chennai for Ocean Spray Resort for a grand gala meet, on the way picked up like minded fiends of AU mid sixties graduates at Agarawal, Malar, RTO Thiruvanmiyur and reached Ocean Spray at 11:45 hrs. More friends joined from Virudhunagar, Salem and Bangalore. A group of 54 (10 individuals and 22 couples ) made the five star Ocean Spray Resort vibrate with gaiety - starting by the noon of the 30th Jan 2017 and closing by the noon of the 1st Feb 2017 the group celebrated the golden Jubilee of their graduation. The event included a T12 cricket match where virtually every member of the team was bowling and batting with a proper man of the match etc award. At the young age of 70s friends hit fours and ran singles. Sixer was narrowly missed. Morning walk to see sunrise was a pleasant sight. The get together was filled with fun and joy . Good old memories of Rummy card playing, singing, jokes and exchanging old cheap thrills memories made the meet a memorable one and to remember for ever. It has gone to

the extend of asking “When is the next meet?” Mrs. Kamala Chandrashekar - one of the participants made sure that she brought her “Mehandi” kit from America and inked the hands of the ladies with lovely peacocks and what not. The ladies team headed by Mrs.Radha Seetharaman and Dr.Meenakshi Mahalingam went beyond Mehandi and set the tone for the get together's entertainment events and laughter. Fellowship in the evenings with ppt show and games by Radha Seetharaman group kept the days in high spirit. On the whole it was an enjoyable event and on 1st feb2017 all returned to home with sweet memories of the meet along with promises of a diamond jubilee meet in 2027.

“70’s Youngsters Playing Cricket”

GOLDEN MEET 2017 - Batch 67 & 68GOLDEN MEET 2017 - Batch 67 & 68

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I am Proud and Happy to inform all our classmates that the 2017 Reunion of 1956 - 60 Batch AUETAA held on 27-01-2017 at The Alumni Club, Anna University, Boat Club Avenue, Chennai - 600 028 was a grand success. While a good number of our local members, three NRI friends, Paul, Sampathkumar and M.V.Thegarajan Abu Baker from Calicut and Mrs. and Mr. Ramachandran from Trichy to be w i t h u s . I t wa s i n d e e d ve r y encouraging to note there is a deep desire among many of us to attend the reunion at least once in a Year. The proceedings started with Registration and Breakfast. The regular Reunion meeting started with a formal Welcome address by the coordinator. The members stood in silence for two minutes in memory of our classmates Mr.R.Chandrahasan, Mr. T. Jagadeesan and Dr.V. Ramamurthy who passed away since we met late in January 2016. Dr. G.S. Shanthi, Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Madras Medical College, Chennai gave an interesting Lecture with Power Point Slides on Wellness and health problems faced by senior citizens. She explained in detail how to take care of memory losses and how to prevent bone fracture due to falling. Diet and exercise seems to be very important for all of us who are hovering around 80 + or - 2. She answered several questions posed by

participants. She emphasized that organizing and Participating in such meetings are essential for graceful aging. It was a very interesting and useful lecture Sampathkumar and Jagadeesan made a presentation about the Dallas Reunion meeting and the details Dallas initiatives. Social Engineering as a concept is gaining importance and there is a need for all of us to pay back to the society at least during the fag end of our life Almost all o f u s h a v e f u l f i l l e d a l l o u r responsibilities and commitments. The project initiated by us last year in the Tribal school hostels in Yelagiri was highly Appreciated and made many poor Tribal school children happy. There are unfinished tasks in the school and the hostels attached. It is proposed to execute them in the next two years with the help, cooperation and contributions from amongst all of us. While Our NRI friends have always come forward to help in the execution of such worthy efforts it is sincerely felt that the local friends Should also contribute liberally for such good causes. Of course friends can contribute in Instalments if they so desire. Paul Pandian, Sampathkumar and Thegarajan will mobilize funds from NRI friends. Dr. Govindarajan will be the coordinator for the project and will be assisted by Jagadeesan, Pon Ve n k a t a c h a l a m , P a l a n i a p p a n ,

Krishnamoorthy, Rajaraman and Sathyanarayana. It was heartening to n o t e t h a t m a n y p a r t i c i p a n t s announced their initial contributions during the reunion meeting itself and all present expressed their support for the execution of the project Which will aid poor Tribal students in Yelagiri Higher Secondary School. The project envisages provision of adequate facilities to ensure proper and good education. It is proposed to create amenities like toilets, pure drinking water facilities, furniture for staff and students, laboratory equipments, library books, sport goods, cooking vessels for the hostels attached to the school etc. I am sure that friends who did not participate in the Reunion will also come forward to Contribute liberally to execute the project. Paul a d d re s s e d t h e g a t h e r i n g a n d expressed his support for the successful completion of the project. A team headed by Govindarajan will visit the school and the hostel shortly and ascertain the actual requirements. The total budget estimate is approximately rupees twenty Lakhs. The first Year(2017-18) project cost will be around Rupees ten lakhs. Mr. Ilanahai, President, AUETAA and Mr. Rabindranath, founder Member of AUETAA attended the meeting and addressed the participants. They were very appreciative of our efforts in ...





. 4


Mr. C. Arulmozhi 79-C celebrates the marriage of his son


on 9-03-17 between 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at M.M. SUITES & Conventions, (opp. Meenakshi Medical College),

Chennai-Bengaluru Highway, Ennathur , Kancheepuram. Reception : 6:30 p.m. on 8-3-17

HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES for life full of bliss and joy to the newly wed. - AUETAA

CU 56 HE T N 9R - A1I 6 O B0 NCU 56 HE T N 9R - A1I 6 O B0 NCU 56 HE T N 9R - A1I 6 O B0 N

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helping the poor and down trodden in the Area of Education. They said they will carry this message to the members of AUETA so that similar such projects may be undertaken in other schools. We had a sumptuous lunch. We had ladies events, organized by Mrs. Krishnamoorthy. Many of them won prizes. Dr. T. Natrajan organizes events for all of us. All of us were kept active and happy. Dr. Natarajan's efforts were highly appreciated by one and all of us. Sathyanarayana kept his promise to make us laugh with his good jokes. This time he delivered a number Of new ones. As mentioned laughter will keep us in good Health in the years to come. Balusamy gave some interesting episodes from Kambaramayanam. How he has memorized a number of the Kamban's renderings and can provide apt meaning. As far as he is concerned Poet Kamban excels Valmiki in style and fineness in content and delivery. Kandasamy was requested to say a few words about his recent book in which he is taunting Thiruvalluvar With questions. It was an interesting venture which had attracted the attention of many. Eyebrows have been r a i s e d A s n o o n e c a n d a r e Thiruvalluvar. Of course he is not there to answer the questions of Kandasamy. Good work and we wish him well To continue such literary pursuits. The meeting came to a close with thanks to all participants with a nice hot tea. It has been decided that the Next Reunion meeting will be in January 2018 around 26th in Yelagiri. If everything's goes well a Reunion might take place in North America in New York/ Toronto in Aug. 2018 Details will be worked out by Sampath,Kumar, MVT and Paul. Let us hope for the best. Ramalingam and Sampathkumar are being requested to Form a What's app group immediately 1956-60 AUETA Members. and rope in all members This will enable to be in touch with each other. I thank members of organizing committee who helped me make this 2017 REUNION a grand success. Good Bye till we meet the next .

R. Krishnamoorthy Coordinator

#šÈ¡f£LAUETAAn's supporting JALLIKATTU at Marina. 1500 packet of butter milk was distributed by Secretary Dhanapal, President Rathinam and their team.

Mr.VEERAPPAN,Mr.VEERAPPAN, 82 Donated a Refrigerator for ALUMNI CLUB.82 Donated a Refrigerator for ALUMNI CLUB.Mr. AVICHI,Mr. AVICHI, 90 Donated for renovation of two guest rooms for ALUMNI CLUB. 90 Donated for renovation of two guest rooms for ALUMNI CLUB.Mr.BALAKUMAR,Mr.BALAKUMAR, introduced systems and mechanism for ease of operations introduced systems and mechanism for ease of operations of club activities.of club activities.

Mr.VEERAPPAN, 82 Donated a Refrigerator for ALUMNI CLUB.Mr. AVICHI, 90 Donated for renovation of two guest rooms for ALUMNI CLUB.Mr.BALAKUMAR, introduced systems and mechanism for ease of operations of club activities.


Mr. M. SUNDARARAJANMr. M. SUNDARARAJAN (83 EEE) (Jury Special mention Mr. M. SUNDARARAJAN (83 EEE) (Jury Special mention Startups: VERSA DRIVES ) won the 2017 TIME INDIA AWARDfrom TIMES Inc. at the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) summit at ANDHRA PRADESH. The 2017 Time India Awards recognized the country's most exciting start ups and small and medium - sized businesses. Versa drives makes super fans saves 56% power, runs 29 hours per unit of electricity compared to 13 hours of others.


Congrats and Best Wishes for more awards - AUETAA


Dr. K. SarukesinDr. K. Sarukesin 67-M-332 addressed the Students of FEAT, AU on the Dr. K. Sarukesin 67-M-332 addressed the Students of FEAT, AU on the 30th.January 2017 on Career Guidance and Placement as part of our program on Employability Enhancement Training over there. His address which was nearly one and half hours was well received. Dr. Saravanan 91-T-1741, felicitated Dr. K. Sarukesi on this occasion.

CONDOLENCEWith profound grief we learn of the suddendemise of Mr. M.THIRUPATHI 80Mon 3-2-17 in chennai due to massive heart attack

Mr. L. KANNAPPAN - 90C of

VKN Structurals, Trichy. Passed away

on 5-02-17.


Page 5: FEBRUARY 2017 AUETAA NEWS · 9940630602 / D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer ... FEBRUARY 2017 There was a good number of family participation during the event. There



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Page 6: FEBRUARY 2017 AUETAA NEWS · 9940630602 / D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer ... FEBRUARY 2017 There was a good number of family participation during the event. There




Organisers / speakers




for Final Year Students of AUFEAT (2017)Event Co-Sponsor

Super Auto Forge

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It is a great pleasure and privilege to me in reaching you all through this News Letter.

I take this opportunity to thank and appreciate all office bearers and all E.C. members who are instrumental in organizing various programmes from September 2016. till now.

My special appreciation to Mr. Gopi - Treasurer, Mr.Shanmuga Sundaram – Joint Secretary for organizing the Family Day on January 26th and Employment Enhancement Training programme for more than 120 final year Engineering Students at Annamalai University Campus.

We have to appreciate the excellent co-ordination work by Professor Saravanan, Chemical Engineering Department for this project.

A team of including AUETAANSSecretary Mr. Dhanapal, Mr.Rabindranath and myself attended the Valedictory function of the training programme at Annalmalai Nagar on 18th February 2017, Saturday. We had the opportunity to interact with the Dean of Engineering and Technology Dr. C. Antony Jeyasekar, Faculties and Students during our visit. Five final year students were given appointment letters on this occasion.

AUETAA has initiated interviews by industries owners / led by auetaans for these students.

If all AUETAAns in good position come forward, we can provide employment to all eligible final year engineering students before

Dear AUETAANS,they get degree certificate.

During our visit to Annamalai University / we met Vice Chancellor, Registrar and other Senior professors and VCs office. The interaction were useful for both sides. Special lunch at Chidambaram for all visiting auetaans was organized by Mr. Kedernath, 84 batch. We have to appreciate his hospitality and the excellent arrangements made in the hotel.

After Chidambaram get-to-gether , we reached Pondy around 5 p.m. Mr. S. Subramaniam, M.D., Hotel Surguru hosted the meeting and dinner at Pondy in “Hotel Aditi; Apart from Chennai Auetaans (Ten) more than ten Pondy Auetaans attended the get to gether . Mr. Krishnamurthy is to be appreciated for the excellent arrangement.

We explained the need to strengthen Pondy Chapter and suggested to include Chidambaram/ Neyveli / Chidambaram Auetaans in Pondy chapter so that more than 200 members may be roped in. During the meeting at Chidambaram and Pondicherry we explained about the various activities undertaken by AUETAA and requested them to participate in big way. We provided information about “International Convention” proposed for July 8th/ 9th at Chennai then we requested into mobilize more then 100 delegates from that chapter. Every one appreciate the hospitality and excellent arrangements made by Sri. S. Krishnamurthy at Pondicherry.


Best WishesS. Ilanahai

President - Auetaa


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Photo Galleryon 26th January 2017on 26th January 2017on 26th January 2017“Family Day” “Family Day” “Family Day”

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Photo Galleryon 26th January 2017on 26th January 2017on 26th January 2017“Family Day” “Family Day” “Family Day”



Page 10: FEBRUARY 2017 AUETAA NEWS · 9940630602 / D. GOPI, 93-CSE Treasurer ... FEBRUARY 2017 There was a good number of family participation during the event. There

Published by Mr. M.Rabindranath on behalf of Annamalai University

Engineering Technology Alumni Association (AUETAA),

AUETAA HOUSE No. 7, P.C.M. Colony Street, St.Thomas Mount, Chennai - 600 016.

Ph : 22314730, 22334003, E-mail : [email protected]

Editor : H.ANBALAGAN (84 M&P) Ph: 94449 24586, Mail : [email protected] AUETAA NEWS


Much awaited 40th year Reunion meet of 1976 Chemical Engineering was organized during 6th - 8th Jan 2017. We could gather about 25 of our batch mates out of 54 and batch mates from USA and Dubai also participated in the meet. We had organized a bus to Chidambaram and started our journey from AU Club Chennai in the early hours of 6th Jan2016.We reached Chidambaram at about 11am and rushed to Nataraja temple , where a special dharshan was organized for us. Some of our members were honored with Shawl and Garlands by temple priest. Then, we proceeded to Rani Meyammai Hostel to have our lunch in the same mess where we took our food in our college days at AU. A Special lunch has been organized by Mr. Saravanan, Professor of Chemical Engineering at RMH. Hostel staff were amazed in our goodwill gesture of visiting our Alma matter after 40years.

G. Rajasekaran 76-T

Next item in our itinerary was the visit to Chemical Engineering Department and an interactive session with HOD Chemical Engineering.HOD asked whether we could be use in getting placement to their final year students .We have told them that whatever help we could render on this matter will be provided. Some of our team member's visiting cards were exchanged and they could help in getting some industrial training and skill developments to the willing Chemical Engineering Students. Finally a group photo session was organized in front of the Chemical Engineering Building . All together the visit was a memorable one and it will definitely boost up the confidence level of students. On winding up the journey to Chidambaram we proceeded to Pondicherry Hotel Ashok Beach Resort for our two days stay. 14rooms were booked for accommodation in the

Hotel and a get together party was organized on 7th Evening. In the party every one shared about their career experience and their achievements. Everyone moved like college mates irrespective of their positions in the Society. On 7th Jan we had also visited Manakula Vinayagar Temple,Aravind Ashram and Museum in Pondicherry.On 8th morning after Breakfast , we left Pondicherry and returned to Chennai via Mahabalipuram. En-route we visited the newly started Seashell Museum at Mahabalipuram. It was a wonderful well maintained private Musem. Entire journey from Chennai-Chidambaram-Chennai was full of fun as though we had once again gone to our college. It was wonderful experience and each one of us will cherish the memories of this trip and will definitely look forward to such get together in future.

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