Download - February 15 1928

Page 1: February 15 1928

Eightieth Year


'OLU MBUS, OIlI O- The liij t of t hu"c whu succcs. fuUy JI,, "sud the reCent uXllmi ll lllio ll of Ih ' ~tul' civil service 'o lll ll1isNion for uJlPo inllne nt to po~i t io n 8 in t he state highway de­part ment wi ll be C · I·ti fi cd wi thin u VC I'y shor t time. Exa minors of the cOlllmi.sion lire now busily engugod in gl'lld ing t he pa per s of t ho more tha n 500 a ppliClln ts. Bcenusc of the Jurge umount of highway co nst ruc­lion work co nte mplute d dUI'ing t he year, a Jarge num be r who J1U~S the examination will be ap poi nted. Two Jottings for new construct ion wO I'k have bee n sc heduled fo r Murch tho first on Murch 2. and the other on Mllrch 30. P lans arc fo r s tnr li ng every job possible j ust as soon as wealher cond itions will permi t .

A nother $I 0.000 hos been ' nppro­printed by the sLute boa rd of contro l for the Ohio Nutiona l GU llrd in r e­lic! work in the Hocking vu lley. This makes a total of $40.000 t ha t hos been IIPproprintcd t o the gUll rd since IlLSt July. The money comes out of the $160.000 set aside by the last legisla ture tor the g Ull r d' s emerge n­cy appropriat ion. No one will ven­ture a gues!\ a s to how much will be r equired for the guurcl in t he min ­ing district before their work is con­lIidered ended. It is cer ta in that the end is not in sight ut the prCtlc nt time.

Hepublitans of ench district will s elect their own delega tes to the Na­tionol convention and without being handpicked by Senator Willis. A prompt denial is mode thot delega­tions would be handpicked by t hose in authori ty. At the same time the statement Is mad e thot the se nator does not ask or expect t he delegates to vote for him if it should develop that he has no chance to win the presidentiol nomination. But the friends of Senator Willis do oppose the delegates being t ied up for ony other candida te , but desires they be f ree to vole . f or whom th ey please should he wilhdruw from the co n­t est. or a major ity of the Ohio del­egation decide t hat thero was no chance for the nomin&t ion . Efforts are being made by 6yndicn te news­paper s to spli t thl' Ohio delega tion In an effort t o nominate thei r favor­ite candidat e. If the advice of those who have morc considerat ion fo r pllr­ty success than that Qf ony candidate is heeded, there will be no contest in Ohio for the delegutcs t o Kon sos City, but they will go as loyol sup­porters 'of Senotor Will is just as long all he remains a cundidate.

Population of the Ohio peni ten­tiary hll1l passed t he 4.000 mark f or the first time in t he history of t his great prison_ And the vorious coun­ty and district courts of t his stute nre s till sending t hem in . No t a day passes but what ' new prisoners arc added to the list. The surprising f eature is the number who are be­Ing committed for long terms, many of them for life. liD that there is no hope of a r ead j ustment tha t will find the pri son with facilities ample to meet the requ i r emen t .

G. F. Schl esinger , director of h igh­ways. colis attention to the fn ct thn t the recent decision of the Uni ted States Suprmee court placing t he r e­sponsibility for grade crossing acd dents On the motorists will relieve the railroads of mony damage and indemnity c1eims. In the past these . payments have unqu estiona bly amounted to considerable und the railroads ·will be r elieved of this bur­den. They should now be in better position. nat urally. to participat e with the public ·in the elimination of hazardous railroad grode crossings. With the responsibility oppnrently placed where it has been the demand on the part of t he mot or traveling publi~ for separation of the grodes of the highway and railroad at cross­ings will be greatly intensified. The decision of the Supreme Court hn., received wide publicity and the mo­torists individually and through their organizations have taken the view that railroad grade crossings elm inn­tlon is more necessary than ever be-fore. •

T! • -



Hvys Still Send Valentines ,~--~~-==~~= fly ALf.,erl 7 ~ Re·tJ WEEKLY REPORT

Mr. lind Mrs. Ha r ry ,' haw celebra­ted t.heir s il v"r wcddiJl )! "nniver~ary on t he eVllninK uf I"ehrua ry I It h. wit h a s ix o' c1 uck din Ill'''' AR Lho gucs t~ uJ'l'lved t hey \\' ' I' e welcomed iJ~ tJ,e bl'i d a nd g room of twcn t~'­fh 'c ycurs ago.

1' ho bl'i dc Wtl ~ hum!. ome in u ulu(l ~a lin go wn. 'I'hu gu~s l~ 1 nUl1Juct'ing IlUullt seventy. were inviled t o t he dini ng room which WIIS beautiful wit h dccoralion~ in k cping with ~ 11t'

valentinI! ~cuson ; I' d hOll l'ts. silvcl' und rod canrlles lind growing plu nts lind wh ' I'e W!l S laid t he h()Untl'UUS wedding d inn,·r. The co lnr schcll1e was cu rried out in th e nll·nu . which was served cufl!t ·\'i ll. T hl' icl' c rt!unI IlllVing U rcd hea rt fruze n in the cont eI' a nd th· fa\'lIrs we re red bus · kets fill ed wi lh hC,lrL-shupetJ cundy ..

Mr. a nd 1I1 r~ . Shaw receiver! many beautiful pi eces of sih' r. Th ev­ening passed a ll t oo quickly wi t h co n test ~ li nd ~am('~ . T hey Wl'fa II S ­

sis ted in en terlll in in~ by thei r son". Cha rleij IIl1d lIuny .Jr .• and ~I i s~cs Thelma a nd Lor rai ne Bl'I\nnock and Dora Doggett.

'rhosl! p resent were Mr . lind 1\'Ir'8. F red Hau ff, Spri ng-fi el d ; Mr . a nd rol l'S . B. Smit h. 1111'. und IItI·S. Roy Buh r ­man. Mr. lind MI'. Alf .. d ,Huy, uf Osborn; Mr. und MNl. Joh~ La mb. Mr. on d Mrs. Ruy Ma in ous. Mr. and Mrs. L. Day. 1111'. li nd Ml's. C. E. An­derson . Wu ynesville; MI'. a nd Mrs. L. E. I~urnhnrt . L£'bu non; Mr . and Mrs. C. Gilmol'e, an cl Mrs. 1I1aidn

orwin, Morrow; M ... lind Mrs. W. A. wnrtzell , Mr. und Mrs. Ross Bla ir .


Of HIGH SCHOOL Lnst Friday ufte rnoo n the H igh

, chn,iI \\us nssl'llIbl rI duri ng t he 1Mt pHi" d in Mdl' I' thll t the entir e school mig- ilL h,,\·,· nil npportu n ity of heur ing Dr . \\'u tkin ~ disculls H umlet. Th is disc u~, ion hilt! been especially nr­r!ln~('d ("or thl' En~lish li te ratu r e class wh ich had just completed reud in" it ..

Dr. WUI kins ' discussion was the r · "u~hl)r intt' rl'KU n~ to literoture stu­de ll ls . as ",ell II~ thnse who had not I'(' IHI all \. u f t he heavie r ShukespeuJ'" ill ll 1'1:t ,:~ . The hour \\'us pl easlln t ly

• IIlIrI pr" ti lah ly spC' nt [lnd many (OX ­

pre!-lH'd !l dcsir(! to huve th~ same l"orl u r wu,-k uJ{ain s oon.

Th(' .J unior and 'enior cllls~e ~ h ,,;) 11 11 Ullu, ul\1 opportunity to hear :1 flr ,le ticni tu lk on t he "Opportun iti.' s 'If till! II i~h . "hool." wh E' n Mr. Will 1-lurI· i,; . ..( lhe Duyto n POW"I' unrl I "i~ h t om)Jun y was in tr oducc(l. MI'. Harr'is ~ui d. in part. thut he hnd "l­It' nded ,IllY ~ choo l up t o t.he (OUI it gmde. Since thl.'n his work had 011 ueen in night school a nd t hat he wus I\t IIJ'cse nt e llrolh·d in the Daytull nighL t-;c hon] working un n cour:,d c f advuncacl mathematics as opp lied tu electrica l engineering. He f UI t'Jal' Hi sted that t.he HUl{gcsted plan of abulish ing ni~h t Hchoo ls in Duyto .... woul d be a blow to many ombitio us you ng peop le. His parting ntlvice t o Lhe classes waH thut the ulJpOrlUni ­t i c~ offered to t hem wer r of the ver y best, uut thal t.hl! benefits to be cl l'­ri\-ed t herefro m cll·pended upon ap­plicat ion a nd st uely.

The Eighth Grada nnd the Com­merc ial Geography classes were shown II set of slides on cement and crete. whi ch were fu rnished t he perintendenl by the A ll1 erican Associatio n. of Chicugo. They sh ed quile cleurly muny steps in munufac t ure of . t his com mod which now rllnks fo urth in valu e in the United SlIItes .

Mr. ond Mre. R. F. Ba llu ll dger. Mr. an d Mm . T. B. B\'IIn nock. lII r . and 1111'S .• J. P. Shenvood. Mr . und JIl l's. Charles Bradb ury . J\'Ir. lin d Mrs. W. C. Kersey. Mr. a nd Mrs. L. F razier. Mr. on1l Mrs. Omnr Hollingswo rt h. Mr. ond Mrs. Ed Noble. Mr. lin d Mrs. Zain Arrlli tnge. Mesdame~ Ann ie Au lt Emma Kersey. Minn ie Hctnlli ck. Er­ma Minst. ML~ses Dora Doggett. Bell­brook ; Mur y Sherwond. Ger t r ude Ker sey. lII essrs. I\enn eth Reta llick. J ames Brannock. Harold oble a nd Her bor t Aul t. ------ .. ---- I At a purchase price of $9.D99. the ========--======

l\lJ\~. Groce L. Smi t h was in Day· Board of County Commi~5ion~rs J\i rs. Earl COII II<.> r is on the sick

Lust Wedn sday und T hursday the class in f Ul-m engineering went Lebanon a s gucsts of the Rum Muchine Com puny, wher e u ser ies lectures a nd demo nstrations on WOMAN'S AUXILIARY

fEBRUARY MEETING The Womnll 's Auxi li lll'Y of SL Mu­

ry's church met on Fricluy afternoon . Feb t'ual'Y 10. with Mrs. J . E. Mc­Clu re und Mrs. Bl'rt Hartsock. a t the home of Mrs . Ie lu rc .

The me ' ti ng wus ope ll e t! by lIlrs. Ca dwa ll ader. who eOllducted tht! de­" oliono l service. Scriptuml quotll­t ions_ were gi\'en in r e.sponse to roll coli.

At th e close o f the business ses­s ion l he fo llclwing program \\'U 5 ren­dered:

. Reading'- "New Lend",' fo r chu rch In Dominic,, " . 11 11'S. Lee HlIwkc.

Reading- "Cook Book Lends t o B i­ble in J al)un·,'lIh s. George HlIr ~­sllck.

"Surf Boa t Traveling in L ilH!riu."

t on. Monday. bought th e . Warren Cou nty foi l' list.

Mr. nnr! Mrs_ N. P. Jordon are ground#! ;from the Warren Co unty spe nding the week in Piqua. Fair And Park Company. at t he reg- Mrs. L. V. Bra n ~ trllto r spent Tues

. duy in Lebanon. ular meeting o f th e cu mmissioner s,

Rus.~e ll Snlisbur y was a business visito r in Pluin City. Tuesday. Monday. The park cor pom t ion to ok

ing parts 0 f the tractor Wer (l i Li vely given by exper t I\IJlchinist~ . The class a nd in ~tru ctor report the time w II a nd profitab ly spent.

Have you seen .the beoutiful line of Gru en pocket a nd strap wutches lit Co ry's J ewelry hop. Lebanon, O.

immedjate steps to dissolv.e lind t he property will go in to th e hands of t he county a s soon as legal negotia­tions can be closed! .

Miss Smi t h lin d 1I1r. Florl ll n wer e Mr. lind Mrs. Carl Duke wore Day- ubsent MOlldIlY. The gri p seems to

Ion visilOI'S, T u('sdIlY . be the cause.

!\Irs. W. O. Rapel' is vi siling rela­utives in Cinci nnati .

Adam Mell oh und family were gues~ of r ela tivcs at Hamilton.


Henry Wieehers. of near Xenil1. was 0 business visito r in Waynes­vill e. Tuesday.

J. H. Wutkins. of Rushylvania. Ohi o is \·isiling h is brother, Dr. Aaron S. Watki ns and wife.

Our girt tables arc full of specials for your selection. Cury's Jewelry Shop. Lebllnon, Ohio.

This importa nt move. which will ossure a fair f o r t h is county in t he .J. T. Liddy f Dayton. was a Way-fu t ure·. has been made possible by n('s \' illc vis ito r. u IIdny. economic spendi ng ond " culting the corners" in expendi turcs on t he pllrt W. '. Sellrs and (a"lily spent Sun-of the commissionel·s. day aftel'lluon in Dayto n.

Twenty perso ns hold 60 sha r l's of the Warren County F llir and Park Company stock. Officers of the com panyare: J ohn O'Donnell. pre ident; Frank Elbon . Woynesville. vice-pres­ident and t reosurelr ; I ' G. I~ . Brown. secretary; J . K . SpE!IlCer. Ed M. J ohn Bon and John W. Dunnam. board of directors.

"Bright Eyes"

Mrs. A. T. Wr igh t attended t h fun erul o f her · sister a t Middle town Friday. •

Mr. a nd 111 1'S. Motr is Raper. o f Day to n.spent S unday wi t h Mr. and Mr~ . ·W. O. Raper.

lIlr. ond Mrs. R . P. Alcxund er . of Spr ing Vall ey. wcre Sunduy dinn er guests of Mr. an d' Mrs. G. D. 111 ills.

----Friday night.

our bors wi t h n belt. when th~y won a hurd gallle fl'ol\l .·)Jrin~boro, the ~ line l'nding with the scor e. 22 to 15. Tu rner loop d the loop with fo ur field goa l" und ona f ou l ond E llis lik e wise with fO Ul' fil' ld gouls und 11 0 fouls. Henk le went thorugh with one fi~l d gon l and a foul. Sher wood copped a l ou l shot und Berry li ill pluyct! a br ill innt game ut sUJnd in guurd. · Chr ismu n WIIS the rnu in go fo l' the losl'l's.

' ext Friday nig ht our t cnm jour­neys to OLtI· rbc in to pIny \II£! III ·t J:rmllc Il f th· ~cnsu n . The score:


Whole Numb r ,5792



l mportunrc d"pends nn endurance Endurnnc (' is thl' I t" nl i,) n through ti me . o( nn ur hi(lvC'rnt·nt of \'n lue . T hus suy~ Whitdll'a d in Sci('ncl' un1 t he Mn,ll' rn \I .. rl d.

Enduran ,· ' i ~ L1 1 ~ rea l tC3t nf a Illlln. It is sn n1l'lhing Lhat we can nil II!I \· L·. ff we clln rln nothing eise we' Ca ll 1,>:111>: I, n alld remain the flame. ~ f ' IlH't i m (> ~ l hi s is IlH!re :lIId .- nld, .. rnl·' S. But in t his world 1.( Ilu l'llIalll1g \ ' ldlJl'~ and Ou ctuuLinr: 111(' l l it is /I pleasure to find somc ~h i .1 g <tahle .

(JII.· 'o f lhe sll'l n~est pl eas of tlle <,hu rdl is Iha t it ha H ('ndur",1 lhrough n Ul l h~ I\j.! .. ~ li nd i ~ .ti ll going s'. 'l ng.

II' hat ", " I' ha s cn ,lu rcd fu r a lent;t h of t illll' 11I\l ~ t huvc Ho me meri t tr:. it.

1''''' lif. · rof a n or K>lni sm d l'pt nd~ upon iI, a hility to adju, i l~ ~ lf t" its , urrnllnrl ingH. Lif" is a t J'u l~edy fo,' Ihe unlil.

A Illun is in perfect hC'nlt h whe n he CUll br 'nthe th e ai r. enjoy t he ~t1n ­~h ille !l nt! pOI·take of the fn ud th !1 t is ufT"r d him. und his lungR his Rtomnch and his ot her organs are atlunt·d to his enviro nm ent. .

If they become out of t une or, in other words. he becomes un fit . nn­tu r e elimi nates hi m.

El11el'son says t hat thl! best test of a book nnt! the fin est cri t ic wus tim e. nnd advised UR, os a whole. to :-ead no book thnt had not bee n printed twenty year . .

T ime has deall ha rshly with some popu lar favor ites. while other s bave survived.

Some of lhe pop ular 80ngs our un cestors sling arc still popular. No on e cou ld tell ut the time which they were. but the passing of the years has tested them.

It is perhaps a wise thing not to build a monument to a man before he is den d. Tlml' mUBt have its op­port uni ty to pass upon him.

Ther e is something in mere endur­a nce. and the mon who is able to stick a thing out to the bi tte r end has the od vontuge over one who is con­sto ntiy changing.

Do not stick to a t hing simply b e­cuuse you hove chosen it. but after choosing it wisely keep your f eet firm an d do not voccillate.


William Thomlls Kemp. son o! Richard a nd Cathe rine Kemp, was

20. 1866. un ci depurted t his life at 10 :15 o. m .• T hursday, Feb. 9. 1928, In early li fe he was married and this union wos blessed with one son. his entire fa mily havi ng preceded him Tn death_ .

1I1rs. W . H: All en. The co nditio n of C. H. Sherwcod, After II djournmall t an hou r o f de- \\'ho has becn confined t o his bed for

lightrul socinl converse was enjoyed, severul weeks. is improving. The chorus is generall y thl.' la~t during which delicious refreshments thing that is mentioned in mak in ~

Mr. and l\.trs. Poul, H(! iney and fami ly. of Dayton. spent S unday wi t h . Mr. a nd Mrs. B. F. Mills a nd dtlugh- F. lhs. I' f

W AYNES\, l LLE B. 4

F o 1 o 1 o

Bro. Kcmp was the fif ty-nin th child r ece ived into the Soldiel's and Suilors Or\lhull Home, after its e~· tabJishmen t in Xenia, Ohio. in 186a . It was in t his home t hot he laid the fo undat ion of his education un,l t rude, that of 0 linneI'. which he f ol­lowed until the ti ny of his death . He had no church affiliatio ns. but gave evidence before his death of his sal· vation a nd acceptonce of the Christ .

T He died wi th the words on his lips, 4 Jesus sa ves.

were serve·d by the holessess. ussist- Mr. and Mrs. George Dakin arc the announcement!! of 0 bu rlesque tel'. Turner. I f 4 He wus 8 mcmber of t he fra ter-

ed by Miss~sMory Lenh and ' Mal-jorie sick with g r ip at the home of their att raetion. In the cast of " Br ight Ed\" a rds 'lnd Betty l'ar t"ock (laughter. M rs. l\£. L. Parshall. IIfr. and Mrs. Clorenco McConnell

and son, of pring fi e ld. wel'e g uests of Dr. an d Mrs. H. E . Hatha wl1Y on Su ndny.

1 ~ . ' Eyes" the chorus is to be the first 1111'S. W. E. Co rnell,"--''''"-I_-=-_ _ --;--~-~;;'_-;--,.----.._h'''''''==_=

Hawke and Mrs .• Johll F~o llllll were Mr. and Floyd Savage an mg Int roduced becouse it is wor thy guests o f t he afternoo n. famil y spen t . u lldoy with Mrs. Belle of t hat distinction. The sixteen


Quite an exci tement was crcatl'd a t noon. today. when three mochin es sped t hrough ,tOWII . regllrdlcss o f the safety lights. passengers or nny thing else.

Dinwiddie a nd dau ghter. Miss -Olive. Greenwich Village sylphs selcctcrl to g ive youth. beauty olld vivacity '0 ,1\11'5. Laurn Zell had IU! di nn er thc ensemble numbers ill " Brigh t ~uests Sunday. I\~r . und 'Mrs. Hal'vey Eyes" ut the Lyri,c. Doyto n, next Sac~ett nnd fa mIl y. Mr. alld 1\I rs. F.

Si\ verwure. Sta r t your hope chest now. Be:,u ti fu l putterns to &elect f rom nt Cury 's J welry Shop. Leba­non. Ohio.

Mi ~ 'es E I~ ic Hawke and Esther Hen" cr~rr n sl'l'nt Fri day night and Sat urday in cdur ville and Dayton.

Mr. nnd Mrs. B. S. Howell have returned t o the il' home in Port Wil­liom. spe nding s everal months a t th <.> ir r ll nch In Alabomo.

COlllmencing Morch G, Dr. E. M. Rud olph, the eyesight specialist . will be ut Cary 's Jewelry Shop every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday.

weck. are-. all professio na l models H. 1-arr. who hovo adopted t:his a \'cnuc of en - : t rance to the theat ricol world. Olll (! . Mrs. Dudl ey Keev~r, of . Ce nter­of them are college g raduntcs. oth "I's \'r1I~, and MISS Lydlo Wnght . of hail from seminories ; others have J'e- SI'J'Ingboro. were ,"'cek:end gUl's ts of ceived their diplomos in the ":ll'i o G~ Ih. and Mrs. 1\ . 1 . WrIght . exprllSsions of art. a nd ull have been engaged because of comely IIJ1J1en r ­ance and faultless figures. As nn aggregution they lI:re sure t o be l!.l' best . coterie ·of singers and dance~~

Mrs. Ll! lIJ'u Shid!lker. of HO\,\, II Ys­hU I'{:r. and Mr. and Mrs. ForrcRt Gru­ham W re dinn er guests of Mrs. Mamo Hatfield on Sunday.

her wood, c H enkl~ , l' g Berryhil l. I g ..

.. 1 1

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Tola l 10


Cllr isnulIl . c Mitchr' ll , I If Sell:!rs .' ,. g Gr('i!'g. I f :';outh .. r f

T otHI

B ;j

o o o

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To' o o o 1 ~


na l order of ons of Veterans. of Ohio; also the L. O. O. Moose

22 a mong US have not 1 H is noble, ma n-ly qualities pl'edomilloted lint! out­

T weighed h is f lllllls. wh ich made f ol' :I him 1\ hORt of fri e!lu~ . He b oo gone <I La jo in hi s schoolnllltl's o f ea rly dflYs o a-nd will b grcutly mis5cd by t hose o l ~ fI behind . Let us con ole our­r- sol\' es with the b VlI utiful t hought of

lh(' PO()t , who says:

]f. ' r hcl'l! b no dcath.


Who L ~ l' e l1l ~ ~() . i5 t ransition. -\ ng-e l ~ walk · ,,'c r the eut'lh, \I·it h sile nt sLcllllhy tread. Thuy beHt' llllJ' !Jes t loved ones oway, .\lI d then we .. all them dcu d.

It developed. however. that twc men coming tlnough Spring Vulley. hud stopped nt Dr. A. N. Vun dulllan's where one of the men swiped two valuable guns from his office. Imme­diately the Doctor missed the g11ns.

Fishing reservoirs are possible for And after urousing several of his these counties having no natural neighbors started in pursuit of the streams and lakes and se\'eral hove two men who were caught below olready been installed through su- ,town. pervlsion of tlle Bureou ' of Fish and Upon scorching' the machine one Game. . Old abandoned canal beds of the guns WIlS missing, but was and 'natural water basins will be util- found above town. where it hod been ized for the purpose and will hp. thrown out.

Mrs. Annie Gibbons, Mrs. Julia Berg>!n . Miss Lucy Emley and Mr_ Jllmcs Gi bbons spent Sunday in Xenia the guests of Mrs_ T . E. Cummings.

on the circuit. "Bright E yes" i8 en- Messrs. R. H. Hartsock. F. B. Hen­tirely new. with p rincipal pOl' fu r m- d ' l', un. W. C. StJ ohn. A. F . Melloh, er s incl~lding Hor:ry Levi\ll!. Ki.ltY O. H. Unglesby, F H. Moolllow. F . Starr, Ednu SommElr s nnd Lcw. RIce. L. Thomas and C. H. Har,"~o c k n t~':md One .of the feature~ n~mbe~s IS th c ' cd inspectio n of Harveysburg lodgo offerlJl~ of accordl.on ploylJlg nnd las I F ri day night songs mtroduced by Mannetl e und Cooke. Another high spot is t he comedy devised and delivered by the Eclipse trio.

MI'. and ·Mrs. G. D. Mills and MrR. Lloyd Duvis called on Mr. oud Mr~:

Mr. Herbert .r. ':11'1' . JT:l rv(' y ~h UI'g, not o'nly op'encd h. · s\' li lt! growers' in st it ute. bu t nl"" ell l'l i .. d uwny the pocket-kn ife gh"' " liS first pr i1.e in t he hog-cu ll ing ('(\nlf'<' • which clused t he mcetings la't Thursday_ B. B. Ball. MaRon . \1',)11 sl'cond prize . an rl R. L. P oppe. of the ga me cOlll muni ty was give n u third r eward out of II

Se rvices we re h 1<1 at the McClure func ra l pal'lor s Sundlly at 1 p. m .• in t· hurge or UJ'. Aaron S. Watkins. os· <isted by the L. O. O. M. and S. c-f \ '. OJ',i ' 1',. T hroe beautif ul Jll'm ­h"rs W I.' I e :- lIng by eight girls from (I ' Xen ia Home. Interment W;l3 e.t Hlanchcstl! r.

stocked with mature fish from the in- Thll men were t UKen before Squire land hatch~ries. ~he year 1928 WIll Hathaway. who ordered them locked find th~ distributIon ?f fish aim OAt up ·to await the arrival 01 th e Green double over theprecedlllg year, mad.! county sheriff. possible by the , additional hatcheries _ _ ___ ... ----

Vegetable Cooking which have been erected under state supervision. The state distributed 6.000.000 fish from the hatchery last year and near a million from the ,Ruggle Lake hatchery in The thi rd meeting of Ve~e.t~blc Summitt. Illd Portage counties. Sev- Cooking of the Greenbrier dIVISIon. eral-"mUJloJll! w,ere al80 distributed. will. be held at the home of Mrs. Ross from · the · Inland lake hatcheries an:l BlaIr',. February 23_ The first ariq the ·nliy olles to be ,built will gr~atlv se~0!ld les80n will be brie fly gone ov­.increUe"tJl"·' oDWut_ ,. . ~r. Mrs. T. B. Brann9ck. le:l~er ,

~ -'---. _ .:- ~ '-. - - ., L!le Earnhart and Mrs. W. A. 'C' . .:.....1 f' Th k Swartzel. i\silistants. .' .01 0 an I ' ·e_---

"t . "r - '10

We muintain a high-class watch repair depurtment and rej:rair every­thing in jewelry and solicit your spec­ial Ol'der wo.rk. Cary's · Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio.

Farmers Club Meeting

Israe l SHlterthwaite. of Dayton. Fri· doy . of lORt week. Mr. Ollt! Mrs. Sa~­t~ r thwu ite have both been quite ill but ure bctter ot present.

Happy Hour Club gr oup of tWf' l\ly who ell ter l'd the Mrs. Fmnk Broddock and Mu . contest . ElI rl Hockel ve~y pleasontly enter-

The W T h · F hlll'll' s T. E llis. Wuy n eKvi11e. ably tUI' ned t he L[ ',\I' PY Ho ur club at the ayne ,~wns IP a rlll~ J' s M G D u'll h b II I ,. , rs . . . ml B as ecn cu 0 1 d i se u ~s('d Lhe problems u f bJ' tlo d $('W home of the f,ll'lller Tuesday. Feh~-club and a number of gucs~ spe nt to Xenia on account of the illness o f mnno" ement. housing and can! uf thc V D ' " ury 1. Thi3 UO illg alentine u~·;

LA. Zimmerman has sold hilf res- Thursdoy. February 9. a t the~c her siste r, Mrs_ J. ]0'. Ayers. Conse- yo ung lit ter s. The vari ous "~ l'lI kers euch me mber r l':po nded to roll call idence through W. N. Sears. to Har- of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. quenUy the L. T. L. meeting which pla ced ch id emphusis up ou cl J>n1i - with a vall.ntinc g reeting. After vey L. Rye. who will take possession After a social time and a most ex- was to hove been he ld IL t t he home of lIess and . a ni tat ion, t he u~< of .wl' lI - th c busi ness 8cssi n t he. followin:r about May 1st. The Zimmerman's ceUent dinner the program of the of _ Cecil Davis . has been Jlos~poned. bala nced ration~ and up· · : ""lIlyinl' progl.'Um was given: expect t o moke their future honie in te~noon was ope.ned with prayer by the government estimall'.< ;' 1'11 r~ -Colifornia. Rev. Washburn. All but four faml - und Mrs. Ray Mninous had as ports concerning the UFi) I,ig ~ 'J r - Rending . " Origin of olen t ine Day ... ·

. . . lies were. present. th ir Sunday dinnel' gUllsts. Mr. and \'eys.. . . ....... . .... F!sther Mitchener The frI ends of MISS Helen Dukel , Mr. Olark introducted Dr. Wat- Mrs. E arl Ki.mberla in ond two boys. Plllns for secu r ing UlllI tin3 giv- Hccltatr II ..... Betty Braddock

are cO,ngmt ulating her on successful· kins and' M,r. Moomaw as speaker s 1111'. a nd 1\11'8. Tiff' Chllsteen lind t,wo in~ the latest info r llllltio n UP<l 1 f ' l!d- Read ing. " . lOJ· ies of L incoln." . .. ' ly passing the Nurl!E!s State exam-l for the a fte rnoon. Dr. Watkins gave quughtel's. Pea rl ond Madalene. of ing a s well os sanitolio I nnd mauage .. : . . .... ... . ,,, . .oP1l1 R ellson nation which she took. recent1~ at a. .beautiful . eulogy' On countl'y li fe . Fra nklin. Mi': arid .Mrs, Chas teen ment to prevent ),l'IulHi worms wo re RClld lllg .. ... .. ... Be rnIce Bartln n Oolumbus. In a. class of 36 M~amj as: he I8W it on III vncation to the brought with them their musical in- &Xllluined by C~lI n !.y .. , g,. n~ 'lass in Hcc'.i.lntl n-. ...... MOl'y Eva L~MII,Y Valley nurses. Miss Duke received the country from a luge. and noisy city. struments, violin and guitar, o1\d a resppllse to whIch oV' r 1.00 Tequ~s:H MUS1C ..... " .. ............. . .... .. ...... hig!lst grade. Mr. Moomaw, gave' nn account of vel'y pleusant nfternoon wos spent. · WOl'e reeeh'ed. Th~ ' e WIll hI! mall~ A delicious tWO-COlusa luncli ' wiu

some interesting thing~ t hnt .have \!~ o~t a t all ea rly dnlt' . .Others who scrve(~ :by t he tiollwssell, w'hjejl w •• The following relutivge ,of Mrs. been sqggellted to solve a f ew of the On Monda:!;'. Februory1 3. ·M~. and dId not attend I'h: III eting CJt S - ghly enjoj yed by all.. • MJ;a.

Mary Gustin. who 'is sick.' ;"jsl~d her far-mers' problems_ ~Irs. ~ . F .. MIlls c~lebrater,l theU' sbt. cure them by culli ng at the County Ft:ank 'LeMay ' anll Mnr.y Eva were 'The Ladie8 Aid 01. the M. E. church Sunday: Mrs. Laura Kunze, Bond Special Topic: "Possibilities in het h w~ddl'ng anlllvel'68ry • . Mr. and Agent's offiec. invi tcd gu 5tS. . .

Will give a chicken pot pie supper, Hill. Ohio; Mrs. Rye McClenan and Rome and Country Life" was dillcuss· Mrs.. Mllls .\lTe 81 and 80 years of - - - • T ho March meQting .will be. hold with, trlmminp in the church base· daughter Middletown: Mr. and Mrs. ed In a very able alld interest ing man- age respectIvely. Those prelHlnt were SOON with Mrs. Fred Gons.

and ment, on Wednes!\ay evellinlrt' Fell· Harota Hensel, ~.yton; Frank :Bow~ net' by MillS Ne11le '\Votts_ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman ·and • -----.. ~ .". ofBcient mary 22nd. 6 to 8 o'clOCk. era and lIf. E. G'ustill. Lebanon; Mr. Thla closed the p~ogram, and tho sOn. ~oyd! Ruth Pille. Mary Jilllia .ud Riff- " Doe thi- road go to Dur- 118s J eannette WlJ/IOn spent 1I0D0

the se.rytC81.l __ • and Mrs. Franl£ ' Gustin, :1led Lion.; clUb adjourned to llIeet In March at Carne Mills. In th·, evenlq Mrs. ham?" da-v ni"'bt wilh ho .. coUIIiD. J-- _____ . 1i~~.f'iiai;-D and OhUdreu. . Mr, and Mrs. E. ·M. Beihler, Sharon- QlIi l10ma of lin. Rebecca Fum... Marne Batfield caUts«! with .coDpat- Rafl'- "Y A," n do ........ . l a - ... ! 'J .. ~ _ .......

.! na.w Fetter.· .. _ tile IIIuIl a.... t~ .,.....~.. . • •• u1atiODi ~ beat wfUl)8L , ll!iff-:-"Wcll .,vb ....... _. DUo .;:

Page 2: February 15 1928

' ..,

llull {or r" .... I"nll

----KSHEEPI hut - "

.'u l'\! (>n'" I"h t I und the G\1\' TIl l' b CIIllIe . uddcnl), II mlln e) f ncli ,)nl. l'nc(·ling dO(", h e <1 1't.ache ,1 11 'il W York lie nse tag fro lll th ~ mn~hil\c, .Irc \\, f rom his pocke t Ju ille lull' mal atlac;hed i t,


Why be satisfied with less ~ Merecli'th Nicholson'

... "r .... tOt'" ft.;:" '" •

1l.\P1'EIt 111

Archio Meetl "The G()Y~rnor"

". ;, ,1' S'l lwu1illg ! Bad enoug h J('\\'

\"1I t.· r",,1 1II w it h thu t whistl e' wit h­:'Ill I lliong 1\ 11' 1111 . 'ow you g .. t \'i ~ht "q l' tt1l'I " by Lhe fe nce wllllrc 1'111

. The fiT'St glillllllCI' If c1:1 ': 11 \\ ,t- i' ..... " ,"~. li nd ",c 'll clJn~idcr llI utl" r, breaking OVI'r II gray ",,,rid. II I",n " "I .'. curious wh ist le, n long pip" a lid t h. 11 .. I \I'll' j ll ~t walkill~ to P Mt, · a . hort quick on e, in tit,· ",a.I-\,h' !l II ' '.1 10." h'·I-.'1,n Arch ie, in a bl iLhl' litt.le way ah ad brought An h '., t .. alt, IW j,.. 10' '1 ,,,,1 wuuld prove co nvil'" hult. H e drew his J::un frunt h" 'I'g II,; .·"ptor luughed Iron ically . ovel'coat pocket and ~lo()d IIl- d",·II.\· ":\ .. " \ ,, " lis t 'n to m e ! Y ou 've quiet . 1n a f ew ~ecolld~ thl' II'h i"l1(' J,~"II " " ,om vthi ng. so don' t lell WIIS repell t ed anel Archie, growlI . -ud - 1110 ' Iii,, ' , .. " .... ulk ill~ ao little IJcfor' den ly Lold, checked I\n imp lse til tl y l,n'lIki" l ,tl'o ll t o POl'tmollth t o Wil l'I; and imi tll t ed it. " I' ,,·'!,!,Nite. In the first pIIlCl·.

A man rose from behind n stunl' ,,:I\,/, :., I ,,, .. n 1I mun about yo U!' ~izl' wall on lhe righ t ond w/l lked towllrd 1I1 ,,",! Ill\' ron d a nywhe r e '" h im. • .

"That you, Hoky ?" he called shur !, .. " . L II "'U I!" d .. clared Archie ~(lI· l'lHt 1\", Iy, lleer ing through the m"'\,

Seeillg that he Wll fi 1I 0t H ok y lJut n stranger with a pistol, 10 0 sprang f ol'­ward and wrl!nched the g un f)'om Archie's hand.

") Ii.:hly qllccr Hoky doesn ' t show Ul': 1\\'1I1'I1('d the beggar against I).' ·~ '· sefls id e villas; t hey're a ll oul· fitt ed with funcy bllrglar 1I111rmS

Full Value For Your Feed Dollar

When you payout money for a dairy feed you expect to get your money back in bigger milk production, You'll find that Miami Dairy combihes good results with low cost. All of the ingredients needed to increase the milk Rowand to maintain the cow's body are contained in this popular 16% protein cohcentrate. pur~ cane molasses gives appetizing flavor to Miami Dait:y. It's a feed that your herd will relish and prosper on straight through the year. How about ordering a supply now?

to r tb e TUUdO


Everett Early, Lytle, Ohio

Miami Dairy16% n e T/lXedo Line of Fe«ls:


Tu xedo Dairy Tu xedo St ortlna Peed. Tuxedo Scratch J Co-re-a·l lo Swede Tu xcdo Growioa M41hea T u xf:do Dt3vc loper Miami Dairy Tuxedo Allmaeh Tu.mio Pou ltry Tuxedo Chop Tuzcdo Egl{m •• hn Fattener Tuxedo Hoa: Ration Tuaedo Chick - aDd alber,

w. H.l\1adden & Co. Ohio

h UlIlm inj: me allwhll l.'. COMMON PLEAS PROCEED INGS

III like, n d~\lr~ of 11 r ow when you - IVI' "" t he wi r('. I t rings II gong 1",,,1 l' l1 oUgh 10 Wilke thl' deild lind II,, ' n ,," nil' dllll' j \l IllP ~ out of beel a lld t\l,.n ~ Oil nil the lighltl in tl, o h" \l"~ alld !'cry likely OI' I'I1S UI' wirh a J!lIll lH'fun~ you ntH !'\ay J e rll~ "l \·n l. 11 1/ ' Iltlky thoug ht hI' kncw·.bett<'1'. '

Archie l'illt d 'ed III the slon i.'ncc 1I1!1Iill"1 whkh his capl ol' hud (lu i hc,. him lI lIlI hid breat h cUllI e in iong Ka:-.p ~ ,

"Yuu mcau." he fa\t {, l'cd, "th"t ~"u I t'a r y ou r friend has been sho ~! "

"T ha t, my dcnr sil', is e xactly whac Irl)u hh.·~ n \C !"

Ar chio 's tun gue clllng to Lhe rClOr ,. f h i5 n",ulh U ti he I ri .. d to mur11111 hi~ Hyml'a thy for the stl'llnger' s ~(lr rOl w . Th,' Lhnught Ihllt hI! was prob · ably tn lk ing to th e 8('co mpli cc of th <.' ili o n he had ~ l\(lt wos t (,I'Tif ying; '.hp stTilngel' ~ cllwd e n o l'lll o \l ~ l y fond o( Hoky alHI if he knew thllt he had within hi;; gra~p t he pcr~on who WII S

re~I,ol1 ~ i1Jl(' ((01' I! " ky ' ~ fa ilure to tllrn f \'l'1ll hi > \'i>il 10 Hai ley Harbo he WOllld wry li ke ly mak e haste to Il l'en ge hii. ft:il' n ( I' ~ dcath . It seemed to An'hiE' t lml thl' ~nds were playing slmngc \.r i ks IIflon him indeed. The IIlnn'" specch WIIS not the argot he hurl II.! sIlmNI from his rellding of cr ook sto ries t o be the common ut-

"The ruin l police hlWI'Il't lo"lIl'1lerl 'ourt co nfirm d Ih e r por l of ]I II \\,-

ih iM si mple <.levier ." lw (·I(plui nl'd. 'a s a .... 1 Jl'ulk rth lIa . l·ccci\,or f Georg he H " lit Lht' tl i~cl)l'd~<I tug Mkinmming W. 0 1' 1' t III.

inl o a curn li ('hl. II ~ j Ulllp 'd In and MllrLi!! tepp pleudeu Iliul e Archi l' In k .. t.hl' ~(, IIL IJ ill e him. \l C nOn snpport lind t r iol 'rhe Cil .. WH . ~,)(1 n b U l1\pin~ merrily Mllrch 3. QV('r a l'ough road t hut wOlllld l:l.nYing withdril' ... ·n his plen of not tlll'ough n pine W(l11 11. 1'hcy fllllow .. d !:uilty, B1'IIdley Grifl1n nn d 'J'hcIHlor ' n I-(ras~-g rowlI trll ii Ihat end d ab- Garri son wer e giv cn I'e nt.c nrc o f fi ix rupt1y II I ti n uhnndo l1 cd IUl\lbl1 r cam]). m n nlt'N for IlSSIIUlt lint! batt ry.

"We' ll shoot th" cu r a roun ,l b,,· Theodore Garrison WIIS fined $400 hind tha t llyr ll mirl IO F ~lIwd lJ~ t nnd nnd ·SClItl' I1C d t o thl'~ months in jllil wulk a bi t lo stre Ich our I o n chnrge of aiding pri sonel' l o es-Go vornol' in f" rm ed AI' ·hie. cnpt' . WIIS nn t race of II pn t h wlwro he COIll'l Sl' ts thl' time for helll'inl! of "truck "rr i n t~ the \'· (h)( I~ . b.ut ho Illotion for Feb"uary II. in th e' U!W

Mlrod{' III ng. w,th I.lw en~y l·o ~hdl'.nc l' lIf Mllry H" frer vs. Will iam HlI ffl!r. or on(' who IS sure o f h ,~ ,Iesl 'nnlton. lIoword HulTner WIU; lin .. d $ 100 They lJrou ~ht liP p l'('"~n t Iy b,·si.le a r il l' P"H" .. ~sing lif\u nl'. hrook 1111,1 1I\ 1\ mOll1l' nl 111 0 ",' !'t' uched Cunqw n~alion for :lPPl'lli~I' I' ~ "'"" II lug hilt pl:onl\·d " II llll' edge o f lh(' "eL lit $ 10 in Ih(' ell Sl' or t hl' K ~Il'Z high hllnk. Ka~h (' II . \'~. Ihe Van li on,,' e.,.

"Whut do you t hin k <I f thn l. Sir The jury ~l'unL(' d :f.;l OlJ dIIlIlU~( ~ 1<' Archilollld?" iIr'l) u irl' d t h£' GII \'ernor, Fr .. d Bnll er and John Paul ill 11"';1' c(\l'cl ('~. ly . 1'h,·n . • " Arch ie pau sed, suit Iljruinst J oseph J. Fl·lIcrlmch . he ndd C'lI, "O h. yuu l' IIfllIl e. " Perfect- Mrs. George GOl'kl er WII S fin erl Iy {'usy! Archihald 8 enn£' tt W IIS neat- $300 nlltl cost ~ for selling lif\\lor. Iy sewed in yo ur nlflt pOIe kl'l by YOllr Sam lind Arch Abn"r' wCI'e f('­

\.ail or nfi I 1' ''" ''1'\' 1'(1 wh" n J rubbed I('ascd front (he liubililY o f Ihe bond Ill y hnnd~ u\'t' l' ~' Oll \, \\' llisteoll t tn seo (If J nhn Willilll11 ~ . if yo u wo ro it hncl~ (}. 1t Sen'i cc of puhlication wus 1I1uLle

"I got th e,,~ du,l , o ut of u HuiLcu~c on Lillian Sheehnn. T Hl1 PHkcu - - on d 1ha t' ~ no n a me of

NEW SUITS mille ," Archil' ('x"bci nNI hurripdly. still on , illus t o c lJ nl' incl' th e Gnl'ern- / or lhn t. hI) W II S " thip f. WilliulIl ~heehn n \·s. Lliliun hee-

"Very cu re l c!o'~ or yo u no t to rip hnn, rli\'urcc. out till' la bc!' M"n hnH Lc en hn c d on ~ I i~hte l' l,\· illellrc . But Archi · bill II is 11I, t :I I1n III (' t(, "nC!c7.I' nl, und I r llthl!r like A rchic. so A l'Chie I shall continll (' 10 ca ll yn u. ;'\"11'. we'll (we what we cll n d" to ~ hllk~ 1I \> u break­fast."

He .Ire ll' out a ' key IIn .1 opened the door of t he hu t.


Apprni.ers were appointed for th .. estate or J ohn H. Hunkinson.

Proof o f publicution of the 111'­pointment of Co rde lia Cros' .lS ad­minis lru t rix oC the est.nte of Churlcs Cross; l"rederick T Friebe rg a~ ex­('c utor of the estate of Ada Frieberg.

Appraiser. were appointed for t he l'state of Alice 1\1. Blair.

Apprnisers were appointed for the estllte of FloTS Belle Frazer.

The will of Hnnnuh M. McFlldden WU/l admitted to probllte. Eli Mc­Creary was appointed executor, ap­pl'Uisers were appointed.

No application for upproisement having been made, court determined Lhe gross 1'11111 0 of the estate of Charles Holland .

Ralph W. Frazer was namcd ex­ecuto r of the estate of F lora Belle Frazer.

W. E. Gruham flied applicat ion for the admission of Dan Bates .inLo t he Dayton State hospital.

Howard 'V. Ivins filed invenLory lind appraisement of the estate of Ethel B. Linder.

A DIa n rOle fro,", behind. Iton" wan on the right and wall<ed toward him. "Tbat ),ou, Ho .. ,7" h" "aUe cl.charpl)', peerin g throug h the milt .

Cordelia Cross fil ed inventory and opprnisement of the estate of Churles Cr oss.

.Jacob Anderson filed illventol'Y ane! "pproisement o f the e. tate of COl'll

Anderson . terance of the underworld. There bl d . Louis KlIlbe filed itl\'e ntory nnd e UPOn It n cOllpl e "f yea rs ago WlIS so met hing attraotive in the lel- "Not a bud pla ce, Archie. T stum npprnisement of the e lllte 11 r Mllry low. He cllrrlod bl'msel! jaunLl' ly, 't b . I Elizabeth Knlb",. ~ qUI e y ucel .. ent and use it occasion-and hi. dellnshaven, rounded face li lly." H e o pe ned It cupboa rd rl _ The will of Lewis C. Mllhnn WIIS

nnd flne gray eyes would not have veaUng Il quantit y of provisions, lind a dmitted to probate . A. ~~dward suggest ed his connection with burg- they prepnrl'd Iheir breakfast . Hoppe wa ~ nllm ed exec utor . Apl'l'IIi ' -lary. He was an engaging BOrt of OJ'S were appointed.

(To· be con Linul'd) TI i I' fL' H G pe rson, lind Archie decided Bu(Jden1y -----. -- - Ie w 1 0 eWls . mnt wos tha t the man might be of service to --- - -.---- lIdmitted to probate . him. He was in pressing need of a ~ . The will of Willinm Curr wu s nd-change of clothes, but he wiiS- in no t~~~-. '~, r milted to probate. condition to proceed to Pommouth ~ The will of Carrie B. Conklin was Lo redeem his s uitcase ; an Impres- admitted to problltl!. sion that was confirmed unexpectedly Court fixed the price of certllin

t ~ al1 'Buick' \vt~2n Bu~ck is priced so low

You c:: n 1'. Uy :t nick clo .. ed· car for as little as $1195; ~ .o. t,. ial ccry. In fact, }' m l c;> n have your choice of three popular Buid rn ~ dels <.)t this low price­Sedan, Coupe or Spl)rt Road!>ter. These cars effe r c cry thing that is 6uick­The princely luxury and beauty of low. swung bodies by Fisher. The supreme riding comfort of Buick can­tilever springs, Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, and form-fitting tailored seats.

The brilliant perfonnance of the famous Buick ~ix-cylinder Valve-in-Head engine.

Come in! Let ~ put a Buick at your disposal for a trial. SEDANS,t 195 10' 1995 COUP ES '1195 co'leso

SPORTMODELS'1195Io'1525 . IU/pria.j. • • h. Ft;.,. Mhh .. "., ....... "'" .... ,. 6..JdoJ. T6. Go .... "" Co

fi •• ~n plll,._ Ihl •• " 4.s;,..IJ_, u • ....u..J..

f .O. B. FACfORY

Keelor Motor Co. Lebanon Ohio

E. Shellerley. le lep hon .. opcrulor. of 80 ; L. B. WillillIllS. 100 1 repuir, $3.50 Pleasant. PI"in. F. M. Collins, puy roll , $35.45; P. B.

---- Monee , sume, $ 15; @hio Central REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Phone orp., r ent , $48.50; sante,

J S . Hidd ell to Denny and Lil.zi ... to lls, $36.50 ;trusLees of public affairs Morris I town 10 1 in Fl'!lnklin. \\'oLl' r rent, 10; Hersc hel F. J ames,

Luci'lI~ A. n nd Eliznbeth Bow1'I"a n ' rl.lpairs, $2; Geo. W . Larrick, sai­to Harri snl1 IIlId Lydin E. Bevan, IIr~,y, $20; Trustees of Public ~f-61.35 RCI'eS in nion Tp. fUll'S, $7.06;;Bert Buckley, supplies,

Edwtlrd F. lind Mabl!l - Rout t o $2.U5.; Columbus Blank Book Co ., Frederick Friebel'g, 5fJ.U2 IIcrc; tn supphes, $9.~5; same, .65c; Fred O. Hamilton Tp. James, supplies, $2.50; Cha~les Frll­

Joseph McCouley to Ethel 1. Mc- S(,l', gas. 96c;, Dayton . StenCIl Works Ca ul ey, 7 'h town IIcr 's in Deerfield Co., treasurer s s~pphes, $1.?5 ; AI­townsh ip. fred Brant, washtng .for prl80n~rs,

Teresa find J oh n Dont ~ iLz to 1. G. $ 17. t 4; Harve Wa,rwlck, grocerIes. ond Julia Lllln, 3 town lot.s in Frank $ 173.76. lin.

E, R. Dnd Bessie ]\!. Waldeck t o l\llIry Hi lton, 69.!J nc re in ICI\r-creek Tp.

Frunk Hicks to I\r·.1 Hicks. 171 acres in Hurlan lind Sa ll' lII Tp5. , Grant nnLl Lnum .I(, nes La L. G.


nnd Mattie MeCrl'llry, !lfdj;! ncres in 5 % Wllyne Tp. Farm

" -- . Loans

Clifto n W. nl! lcsby by ",xecu tor , to John T. Dis hun, 53,_2 acres in Fr ll nklin Tp. __ _

C. Parker Leak and Ednn E. Rillgl.l to Muhlon Ridge, 2. 10 town aere~ in Waynesville.

Mahlon und Orpah Ridge to W. A .. arrie and Eva Lippincott, 2.10 town

aCres in Wayn esv ille.

LONG OR SHORT TIME-Easy terms. Also Su rveying and Ab­

stracting. Write and I will call and see you. Sam D. Henkle, Waynea­ville, Ohio. jll_

LOANS on Chattels,Stocks. Sec:lll'f.. ties and Second Mortgaru. NoUlt

boug ht. John Harblne Jr.. XenNi. Ohio. ·mSO-'2" by his ca ptor. ' /\r1C",,,, 'j( 'TlIING TIlE £Vlr oll. stock of the estate of Edward 1\1.

"You will pardon my candor , but HAS T0 t3E THANKFUL FOIL IS Thirkield. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCF.S you certainly look like the devil. Let THI'\T Hf DOESN'T HA",,- TO Eli McCrell ry fi led inventory lIT\d Farmers. Attention! me introduce myself to you as the /lr1!'W(R. appraisement of the estate of Hlln- OregonIa Bridge Co:, tool repair Gm·ernor. Among the powers t~at 1\~;UN"'r /\,'10US nah M. McFadden. $4.55 ; Waites GArage, truck repair, prey that is my proud cognomen, not LETTCRS '- An nu D. Hankinson filed inven lory $52: J. K. Spencer, bridge lumber, to snt alias. Now please be frank, .] a nd appr.nisement of t he estale of $60.40; ' um D. Henkle, 'inspection, what misc hief brings YOIl h erll at this John H. Hankinson. $7.60; Earl Barnhouse, g-ravel,$9.60 : hour?" Flavilla Whllacre was IIppol n ted. V. W. Tompkins , pay roll, $106.21\;

Archie gave serious thought to hfa udministrlltrix · of the estate of Clay- Eden Terry, same, $223.65; same, Ilns\vcr. If he could convince ~ ton C. Whitacre. Apprllisc rs were $17.90 ; C. E. Bradbury, sallie, $60.-person that lIe was a crook he would .. '\ named. 85; Jo seph W. Davis, same. $53.10;

't- ':;... Court authorl' zec\ tile' ". llle of eer- Barrett Bro ~ . , clerk of court supplies, lJe le~s lik ely to suspect t hat he had . - . , been the instrument of Holey's undo- tain property or th e estate of Cllro· $ 13. 10; A. T . Rettig, pay . roll $131.95 ing. L ... --. ..!!::...L~:::~.-1i8&1iiilllil line Rogers . F. M. Collin s, truck r epairs, $2.7 0;

Farmers of W.rren and acUelnln. countiel may obtain mone), en lona time loans, at 5 per ' cent · Inter •• t. Coat of securinr the 111m. I. ver)' re .. , Ion able ,throurh The Federal ~ Bank. For further Information eaI on or .ddren M. C. DRAKE, Tn ... urer, phone ll16-X, Lebanon, Ohio.

WANTED "I've /rot to make Il getaway and Court confirm ed the report of E. Manley Jameson, garage rent, $8 ;

bo in a hurry about it," declllred C. Dunham as executor of the Franklin Vulcanizing Co., tool ~- MAKE $50.00 WEEKLY- Man want Archie in n confirlential air. SOON of Joseph B. French. pair, $3 .52 ; S. C. Alexander, truck cd 'with ambition , industry and

"A little trollble of some 8ort, eh? repair, $L.66; Famou8 Auto !Supply small capital. You ' can make above.


Waynesville, It rather occurreti-t6--·me thlat--)'<IHI-~~:.;r. .... ...=.=,,,-=::....==...!!.=--t::o~D:....::Il.:..r-+ ___ PlIAIUUJU.ilL.wQ~.u..:t.. _ _ _ I Co., ?attery, $8.95; R . :So Co nover, amount or more distributing Heber.. were not promenading for mere plea- I L D L t su~phes, $8.39; JohR Law &eSon, re- ling' s quality products to steady ..... ",,- -':c- - --- ;

Rllff- "Yel!. " A bert . . yons, cemen palTS $ 1 5n ..... t rnatlonal Harvas .,v sure," replied the Governor. "A R .,. '" n." ,. - sumers. A fine opening now av.l1a~


Riff- "WeH ,11.'hen does 'it leave." t ractor, West Alexandria, and ubi t el' "'~ rennirl! '"11 97' ·ame .201 fashionable dc!aulter, perhaps? No? 'I!-., """.. ... .. ,.. . , . ,.. .- ble in Warren Count y. We teaell and Then let it go at murder, though I ____ help you to build up a penraanent,. eonfllss you don't look as though you 8 C M PAYNE profitable and pleasant bUIIlne88. would hllVe a s tomach f or ljqmicide," S'M~~TTER fOP . The Umbrella Problem Solved I y • • Give age, occupation, roference. G.

" I came damned near gettina C. HEBERLING CO., Dopt. 1890 .. , ------... .............. - -. ~ ,-:-:=:=::r-.;i-.--...;,------~~.EII HI· t 111 ~~~~e~~~B !I;:~~teltr~r~~ietha~to:o~ r J)C~'Y ~:;.;~ -~'~~.T Ie) oomlllg on, . 122

gave me a hard )'[111 f or it. I <"r'C A~()v-r T11'~ U ..... ~or.oE FOR SALE. jUl!t Cfllwllng t hrough the window of '01 ,., .,'

u drug store when there comes R chnp '"PWo~J..e."'1! I'M 5u~£ \'0 tiptoeing thrnugll the alley, and ' I ~ D'R ~ E--r bolted for the tull t imber as hard as 1'5 I could spring. The t\re bell rang, nnel t he whol e lown woke up. There will be a whole nrl11Y lookin g for me; I1nd if your friend H oky's belln killed t1tey 'jJ be k~ n to pin ch me lIB an­u t he r member of the gang." . Th.e Govern or listened patiently. "An amllteur, I tpke it?" he r e-l11arked. .

"Hell , no," gl'umbled Archljl licorn flllly. "But I alway s play t he game alone; I never hud IIny usc for pals . rhey get in the way."

" WWf1g, my, boy, wrong! A good partner li ke me is e sgential. As myself I rarely vcmture to eX'p0se myself in these little affairs; but I advise and counsel the brethren. You haven't t he judgment of a month-old infant. A stormy night always makes honest householders wakeful. Your attempt, my son, speaks courllge, but not di&cretion.. You ehould always ask me about such thln l,"S."

" r'm sorry," replied Areble meek­Iy, "Lhat I didn't run in to you soon-

" . "The IOS8 .Is mine!" eried the

ernor heartily. "But let UII be tical. We must make: a son, for the .coast will ring . particularly if Hoky is lying cold at the undertaker' s." .

FOR SAL'E-New ani! old eom, rood and sound. Fran kBraddoc::k, R. D.

2, WaynC6ville, Ohio. .m FOR SA LE-Good antique c:heft71

3-cornered cupboard. Appl¥ to Mrs. James Kerrick, Waynesvill, Ohio. .'15 )o' OR SALE - Electric doubl ... tub

washing machine, in good condl. t ion, $a5 . Mrs. W. N, Set\1'8, phone 79. . .fl5

SPRAYING IS AT HAND-Whe~ III need of a new spray pump, no.mat.­

tel' how large or small, spray lIo~ nozzl es, complete pumps, leathen, r ubber pa.ckinp, etc., 'call on THE ­BOCKLET-KING CO., 416 W. Kalil St., Xenia, Ohio.

FOR SALE-Little Red elover lied. Frank Braddock, phone 86Fll, Wa)'-nesville, . -122

FOR RENT-Houae 'on HI.h etreet, next to Christian church. ' Inquire

at Gazette office. -f8

FOR SALE-Trees, Shrubl, . Vinet and Evergreens THAT WILL

Gl~OW, .delivered to you 'at wliole­sale prices, Equipped I'to fimla .. plans and do all the w:ork, If de­sired. Cal! 66F41;: C. Il' Duke, Waynesville,' . Ohio. ' .. ' J" BABY CHmt FOR' MLE-,-Call or , write .. A ... A. Du"ah"., . 898 Eo

Pearl St.reet , Mlamblbul'l', 0., ' pho!!, . 105, Buyer of Llv. PoultrJ. eal6

PJPE; VA::FE8 AND nTTm .... • lor all p I_ .... Id ........ £:bl~D .a~_VIJ."" .. 411 .W."~c&...~

) , ,

Page 3: February 15 1928

- ....



.;aSRtJIJn EVERY WEDNE~A Y ... ----_. . ----------,,, •• ,.~ .f ell. eo"ollic:~ at WO)'fi«.tJ;U.

9lt/o • •• S.cond C ia •• Mo:it Mur'i r ,.' -D. L. CRANE ' Publi.b .. r

It's hord to RCe how even 0 ground hog could pr cllet tho kind oJ weath­er " 'C' re huving_

- :-Now thlLL 'll'llP y('nr i ~ here lhe

yn ieul bal'llclln'l\ should I;le cal'erul Qf t h\!o cOlHplln~' huy k('cp.

----. -- -- (),'t.>l ~ who lalk ubuu,1.. u ' vo-Sub.crlption· Price. $I'.SO··.pe r · Yen. Ill tl ll 'K' I)c,inj{ ill lilt' hOll1 o r eu lly

f'EllItUARY ,I i), l!1 2~ __ ~lllll\n it. i~ in the kiLchen ..

. ------- ------- . 1


..:.- -- ~ .' -,--


I. I 1\11''' . I{a ymu.nd Wilsu n i ~ improving ---- -- • s lllwly.

MI'. IIlI d M r~. 7.i llll' i lIain c~ sP('Il :· Presi dent Coolidge , ill II I' "ce ll t $ undny with Walt!'I' Wilsu ll lind fum ­

llddrcs~ at th· dcdiculi nn "I' till' Na· il y. tiol1ul Prl!ss c1uh' s nQw nraj{ni li ce ll t Washington hum e, gave it us hi ~ opinion that the A IllCriClI1I press has b~CLJ IIHl ill valuahl e tu bus iness, but hll ~ lust Illuch " I' its ]lowe l' in 1110111-illg pUblic up inilln.

T Ill! )l1'e~s "uppeul'~ I () hn ve lost much of il s puw er li S II direc tor of public thought, " .l et'la ,·,·d th., PI'l'S­id enl, und Mince he mud e the declara ­tion n~WHpIIIH! " S thl'oughlJut lhl' country huv!.' beell debuti ng the ques· tion.

We do nut shaH! the alul'I11 evi tlent­Iy felt by the lIat iu n'R leall cl'. We think the smull town press . ut l e a~ t . hu~ lllwuys bel' n, is. lind always will be II mora l, s()c iul Hnd polit ical guill,' to its rou(\('I' " as well " " lin c"l'I'·ill · creasing force fOI' the ul' tt(!nnent of busin ess.

The P<twer of The l' re"s as u for­mativ e instrument in directing lhe public cun not, shull not die . Often we ht!lu the persu ns laml'nt the good old days, when Dan,t and Greeley li nd others, with tht!ir so-ca ll~ d )l cr~o nlll

journalism, hud a trf;!ll1ent.ious intla · cnce. Today therll IIr c new Danas. new Greeley 'S, new Benn etts- l I lt they have not uboat t hem the halo of rOlllllnce which alwuys hover. abo ut the past and muk cs it seem someh()w more glorious , more color­ful than the present.

When the hands of the dinl have turned often enough, and this present generation become a past and fondly remembered time, pel'So ns will P9int t o the ed itors of today, as now they point to the editors of yesterday. and declare loudly : "I n those day s neW8-papers were newspapers. They had r ell l influence." ----_ .. _----

Mi s" Jellll ll, ·ttl! Wils '!!1 !'I,,'nt ]\'\ lIn­.IllY lI ight with hL' r ClHlsin, Jean Fur­nu}\.

Mis" Mary Kuth" y n Wilson s)lenl the weck-l'n tl with 1\1 is~ 1\lal>el Mc J\1 i II un.

Mr. 1111.1 I\1 rs. J. A. ll" rtnlllll'S chil ­d"en spen t ~lIllll'llllY III I hI' hOllle of II l'n ry Satterthwait e.

1\11'. and Mrs. ,' . Lcs lie Su l.l c l'lh ­wuill! sf' l'nt Sut urday and ::\unduy lit the IWnIC or tlll'il' I'urc nt" .

Kell er Huke' has irllpl'ovl!d He is at his hUnll' helping COl"" for the ir s ick children, \\'ho III'" bell" ),.

Mr . lind 1\11''' . ('. J(, llullIll'lI and 1I'li ~s Munill1ia BUli nl'" ~Pl' lIl (' I-iday evelling a t lI e lll'Y' Satterthwaite's.

Mr. lind Mrs .. J. (~. Get ns ultended t he Fllnners clu h, Thursday. lit t h ... home of MI'. und 1\hs. Wilbul' Clark.

!III'. IIncl Mrs W. T. Wil Ko n, Miss Mu f'Y Kathry n 'Wibun !l nu J eannette Wil "on. and Mrs. . R. Bunnell at ­tenued QUllrte rl y meeting at Sp r ing Vulley, Sllt u,·dIlY.

Mr. and Mrs . . J. n. Hartman took t he ir litll' SOli. Gcorge Nll than , Lo II nle's hospilnl. Thur, t1 uy, nnt! had the peg I'emoved from hi s I g, that was put in last A ulju~t when hi s leg wa s broken . He was bro ught home Sunday even ing and is doing nice ly.

Call ers a t the hOll1 e of Hllymond Wilson and fa mily Sunday afternoon were: Mr. lind Mrs. Cliff l'tliurs and fUlI1ily . l\1r~ . Daisy Hain es lind daugh le r. o f New Burl il1Kton; Mr. nnd Mrs. Everelt Huin t'~ a nd fumily. Mrs. Rob-ert Furnus a nd chil tln·n. o f Way nes­ville. and MrK. lifT F.\·ans a nd duugh­

.------- -------. t el', of Xenia. I I 1


I ._------ - -----_. Life is full of paradoxes, and

fiVE POINT among the!!e may be li sted the fact Miss li e len Krue r hus been sic l: for that the noted bnllyhooer Sinclair the past week. Lewis, who lIome years ago made himself famous · by punching Main Street in the jaw, so t o speuk, Is him­self a product of that very "Main

1I1r! . H. Hanson's moth er. lIIrs. Croft. of Duyton, spe nt Su nday al Hanson's.

Street" for which he expressed such Mr. antl 1Il1·s. Wal ter KI'uer mo­contempt. This in itself would not tored to Dayton Ills t Th ursdny On

be significant. But one co uld string business. a list of nllmes across the continent Mr. and Mrs. WillIa m Ross ~p e ll t and every name would ' bethnt of a ' unday with 1\11'. and Mrs . Frank Hill successful and worthy ~on whose and family " t Red Lion. birth place was some Main Street or other. Mr. and Mr~. Arthur King have

Main Streets arc not only charm- ta ken th eir ~on Eugcne,--.UL Milldk­ing places, American satirists to the town to ha ve his tonsil s remov~d . contrary, but they are bree ding 5POtS 111r. and l\'iI'~ . John McCullou,gh ~f genius. Our small towns, aid ed spent S unday afte rn oon with his sis­by the little red school-houses. ha" c ter, Mrs. Henry Watkins, who has turned out many men who a rc ~hap- been ill fo l' sonre ti mo. ing the destinies of America toduy. _____ •• ___ _

TIT FOR TAT Colonel Lindbergh, our aviator ex­

traordinary and Ambassador oJ Good Will, ftu.t- saw the Iigh tof day in .a small town; Calvin Coolidge, the Pres ident of these United States, ill another oC many exal11ples' of Mllin Strecters that might be given; and t here are too, John J. Persh ing, Hen­ry Ford, James .A. Reed, .Charles G. Dawes a nd William E. Borah.

Tid- "I[ a burg-Inr should br euk into the bll ~e ment, would the COllI chute 1"

Bit-" aw; but lhe kindlint; wood ."

And so Main StI'cet hus much of which to bOllst. True Mllin Street is not inhabited entirely by geniusefi , but neither is BroadwllY.

Mllin Street heeds no defense. The caliber of its I;itizens, bolh those who still live on it und tho~e who have

• left it for lurgc!r spheres , speaks for itself.


"Officer. you ' ca n 't hluff me. a n A. B. and an A. lIf ."

"Fine ! Now we'll give yo u third deg ree."




Rold your head high, !llain street! Those who fluunt your fai lings ure too blind to see your virtues.

"One more crllck Iiko that and you are through," murmured th e fe llc\\' on shore liS he watched t he ice crack under t he skater.

---_ .. - ... ----.------- ------. BEWARE, LENA, BEWARE! 1

I 1

FILLERS AND SHORTS I Dnughter- "lI10ther, at the circu ~ .'------- the human skeleton tried to kiss 111') ."

-------. Mother- "Daughter. I t old you t o

Talk may be cheap, but not wli!!'n , you talk back to a policeman.

beware of strange men. " - _.- ... -- .- -OFTENTIMES

- ;- One of the differences ' between II

Probably the biggest traffic prob- liar and a publicity agent is thut !lUl 10m of sll is how to buy thl! gasoline. publicity ugent sometimes gels paid.

F. T.· Martin Jesse Stanley .l\uctioneer s

See' V, Earh' for Your S8IeID8t.s. We Cuarant .. e . Satisfart:i'on or Char'ge Nothing.

Centerville, 0., . .anon. No.·2

New Burlington,O. Phone No. 32n

-.- '*=-- '.

~. ~ l .


R~ad· :~it the Ads. i • . • ;t"~..,~ .

. In

'·The Gazette.

.. If y'o~ want. ~dvertis. "';" .. I . •

," .,. iog, ·call 112 alid~ . w,e

attend to your

flARVEYS8UHG lI u';nll'cI MII('I) nll ld ,\'"M host to

hiH SU llcllly schoo l clt\ss 'I'u!! day e \'­cni a". -~. -

. TIll' t 1 IIi <>11 Ill', tl'tl~tell nH'('lil}g~ will ! bl'gln ,'u ltduy, I,'c1ll'ullI'Y 1)1. nt .Ton­u h' ~ RUII dlUr h .in chnrge o f Re v. rtohill ~OI I .

The! i'l l , E.! Ai,1 me " rhul'~cl~j nf­I "fIll)"a. A II ullu sually i nteresting pr")!I'lI nl \I'M hriv'n Ilnd '.l delectab le lund) '-I1.,.v,-d

MI'. und Mrs. A. S. (' olleU nttend­, • .1 \Ill' I' l'gulal' I1lcN inl\" uf he Wuyne TIlwllship FUI' Il IC I ' ~ ' c1u l, Thursday, lit lhl' home of ~h. !lull ~Irs. Wilbur ('l ark.

I)"l'" eighty I'u tl'otl s wi,tncsscd t he l' xn·l lent I,·dun· hour prog"llm fur­lli ~l1\' cI by Spri ngI.H)I·U· Gl'allg Slitur­ay ni)!' ht. " i, h"rs \\'" ,'l! pn'sc' ll l from :-:prin)!,burll. WU Y'H'""illl', Sligo, und (: 1"1'1" , ille Gran)!'l·s .

Th L' t'ollllHunilY wus ind('(:!,l CUl'l l!· 11111(1 \\'l' dlll· .. day t,\ · pnin~, wh~n th~

~I" n's COlll lilUll ily duh held an open 11'P(1t.i Il~ and h:ul as tllc lr ~ p euker, Hl'\'. A. S. Walldl'l H. o f . Wuynesville. . II \l' h .. failed lu hear him mi ssed :1 !'aI'C ll'~lll.

T\\'l' nl.~' lI igh . 'c hou l pupil s r ead in the I. i ll t'o ln l:ssay contesl . spo nRe re I 1)\' tlw rIl inoi s Wutch company, Fri-1\;1 v ufll· rn " "II. (, h a rl e~ MacDonald \\'~ Il till' l. illl·" ln lIit,d,,1 unu J)urth .. a 111l\' i, \\UII Ihl' set'"nd pl'ize, a boo k. Hllthanna Co lli ns and Luurenc~ .r.l­('obs \\'<)11 hunul'IIbl c mention. The judgl! s \\'cre Mrs. II . J . Ca rr, Rc\,. Tucker alltl MI'. McKay .

following In' ;nllrness, til II k, saddle goods. 'ee

One hone, bu .... harrQws, gbllOline

a lot of household billa for terms, :etc.

M, HAWKE, Frl\nk LU. LeMay

ExecutPl'S of tho- estate of , Charlcs '1'. Huwke.

& SiIllP~O I\ , Aucts,


Curled is her h"ir lIS 8n uirdale 's coat A nd black as printe~"s ink. He l' ey cs n rc brown as oozy mud , or Oy~t. ... s fri ed, I th ink. Hc r li ps IlI'e red us a baby's toe, Her voice as soft liS mush . That is the gi rl with whom 1 go­On Whom I have a crush.


Ki nd Old L'ady- "And what are you going t o do yhen you grow uP. my little mun 1"

Ur'chin- " Full <! l' in mc fother' s fing rpriuls ."

Subscribe to 1th. Miami Gazette.


\Yith spik sand pihcers, flIes and hooks,

M;y dentist lately ~optured me. \ ' hila close hiB ugly hend he poked,

A nct 5mil d at m'c with honid g lee.

Thereon . I vowed revenge to have To mak e 'h im curso his adverae - fat;

~'(' x t ti m before r culled lIn him, 1 half' a pQund Ii ( onions lll~ .


Sweet Mllbel stl'u ms the mandolin, Clarise play~ the cello ;

While little Eunice twangs the uke, T o fascinate a fellow.

But Polly, with her liquid tones . (The little cal'tivulor) .

Mnkes sweelest mus ic of them all -She perks th e percolator.

Dr. W. E. Frost


Tuesday, 9 a'.m, 4 p.m Saturday 9 a,m. 8 p,rn

Carys Jewelry Shop "The Hom .. of Gifta."





Harveysburg Fertilizer Co . Phooo 8 HARVEYSBURG. 0_


NolbiD. but RoU.bI" S.rUm •• d V'inu V •• d Phone 81




W., .... III. N.t1o ... t B •• 1r Btl • .

DR. C. W. · HENDERION Offlce- Am.n Bldl.


9 to 11 8. m, 9' to:5 p, m. 7 to 9 p . m.

Telephones. (,~flce. • 30 fJesldence • • _ 69F'2

Waynesville; Ohio

Walter ~Mt;Clure J~ E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


=-Fully Equipped tor Good

. Service. Large Display Room.

Ambulance Service TELEPHONE 7 DAY Olt NIGHT


N.tlooal B.Dk

Will. Dr.wD .... .. .... E.t.t •• S.ttl.d

Waynesville. Ohio .

Send the Gazette to some friend.

---.. The la"t Il'adel"s meeting in the Nutr ition co urse wa s he ld lit th e Aid 1'I)0 m Tuc"I\ HY. with Miss Watts in churg('. "Pla nning u Community ~'1 ea l " wa s the topic o f the lesson. The loca l llI ~eti!lg will be as fo llows: }Irs. C mham und MI·s . C leaver, Feb­ruury 14; 111 rs. Shidakor lind Mrs. ~Inc f'arlnnd, Feb l'ulIl'y 2 1; MI·s. Tal­mage and Mrs. Rich, Febl'uury 22; and Mrs. Blackf ord and Mrs. Mac­Donald, FcbrullI'y 23.


Mrs. Bernice Dakin extended cor­dia l hospitalily to a number of ladies Wcd nesduy, when the Baptist and Friends Missionary societies met' in joint SoCssion f or a review of the st udy book<! for the yea r. The mem­bers of the Methodi st Missionary so­cipty were ' invited guests. In the mOI'ning th e devotiona l was conduct- l ed by Mrs. Oba Welch . The differ- ' ('nt chapters of "The Story of I\fis­sions WCI'C ably handled by Mrs. Lida Hatton, Mrs. Minnie Oglesbee, Mrs. Ma rie Gray, Mrs. Mary Denny, Mrs. Lilliun Carl' and Mrs. Anne Cos­_um: Th en followed a n elnborate cO \'e red dish dinner which was done ' a mple justice by all present. Mrs. Cussic ollett led the devotions for the nf1.ern oon sessio n. . The discus­s ion of the chapter of "A Straight ' Way Toward Tomorrow," was given hr Mrs. Mary Doster. Mrs. Eva MllC­

DOhn ld ,. JI1 iss May Harlun, Mrs. Nel­lie Gillalll and Mrs Anna Randall. A Ii,' Iy di sc ussion followed and some I'm'Ro nnl ('x p e l' i e nce~ in foreign mis­sion work were given by Mrs. Cos-su m. -----. ---- - - ---

Public Sales As I have sold my farm, I will sell

at public auction a t my place, 2 milcs so uth of Waynesville, on the River Road, near Te legraph Mills, on

THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 16, 1928, Commencing at 12 ;30 o'clock, the

foll owing : !) milk cows; 33 head of shoat.s; grain and feed; Ford car; fanning implements, etc .

. R. E. S I,MPKINS. Scn rs & Simpson, Aucts.

As I a m going to quit farming I will ~e ll 11 11 my chatte ls, on the John ~pence l' far m, 6 miles east of Leba­no n. 3 miles west o f Oregonia on the MOI'l'l\W a nd \\ ayncsvi\le pike, near Turtl ccreek chu rch, on

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1928 o llllncncing at 10 o '<; loek sharp. Horses- Pail' black mares, :wt. ..rotH fOl/o l, gruy gelding, wt.

1300, black 111111'0 , ·wt . 1400, with fonl; brown mare, wt. 1300, with foul. brown gelding, wt. 1100, two dmft col ts. 8 months old. These hor­ses "1'1' a ll good workers anywhere hitched.

2 Cattle- 2 Holst ei cows in milk, J6 HOg's- 2 Poland China sows, due

to furrow in April: J 3 feeding shoats I Poland China boar.

Fe ed- GOO bushels good yellow corn in crib; 30 bushels oats; 10 tons a lfa lfa hay, 5 tons timothy hay, 10 bu~hels homc grown Li ttle Red Clo. er seed.

Impl ements-U. S. four roll corn husker, 2 farm wagons complete, 2 farm wagons without beds, 2 double disc hurrows, 2 hay riggings, Supe­riol' 8-hoe fcrtilizer wheat drill, 1 Deering mower, 'Milwaukee mower, M.ilwaukec binder, h"y tedder ,IIteel hny rake, Black Hawk fertilizer corn planter with bean attachment, 2-row .lH nosville cultivator, 2 "ne-row' cul­tivators, Hamilton walking tongue­ICNS 'cultivator, Syracuse gang -plow, .rohn Deere stOll' sulky plow, 'Jah~s­ville sulky plow, Oliver 14-in.· walk. ing plow, steel roller, 3 section har­row. 3 two-section horrows, 3 small shovel plows, 2 gravel beds, long shaft breaking enrt, pair log bolsters.


A lea rned legi slator says married women ought not to work, and il their husbands earn as much as $2,000 a year. the woman's earnings should be iaxed 20 per e:en!.

Under old laws a could take what his wi fe earned; even now In England he c:oatrols tbe children Clhat she produce:s,

For the State' to rebuke her in­du stry by taxing her earnings 20 per cent would lie something new.

B.:>lshc\'ism de,cides that little girls must not play wi 'th doll •• because that encourages the 1>~~rgeo i 5 or capitalist id~'l of fami:v li lfe, dcveloping a tll,te for motherhOOd and household duliel. ---. Bollh~'ism inler(lrets the little girl

with a doll corrc:<:tly, but will no more overcome the ICive of dolls than it could 'overcome the instinct of lell preservation. Maternity is planted ' in the hearts of little girls by a Power far above Bol9h,evism, just as ambi­tion of another Ilind is planted in the hearts 01 little b<oys. And that ambi ­tion is what ma, CommWlism an inlpossibility.

Dr. M. S. Ta~'lor wires from au· ogo, "Contrrout:e your opi nion on legalizing companionate marri:lge.

That que'tion was se ttled when Eve appeared from I\dam's rib.

W=an is nal:u rally monogamous. is determined to make man so, 'Will do it eventual ly. alnd marriage i. the .chool of monog:amy. .

A companionate marriage expresses douht, proves :a.:k 01 the confidence CD wbich marr iage soould be based. and, while it is perfectly legal now. divorce belng Icg:al, it is a poor, co.\d­blooded sort of marriage.

Fortunately. me ave rage )'oun{ couple have nc doubts whatever, and only regret the 1m~rriage cannot lalt • million years, :;ust to prove it. .Sometimes th.!y are disappointed.

nearly always through tlse husband's fault. But men,nwhile the children have been borr., blened witla the in-luence of trun and affccr iuQ. •

111t .,":ue uf 21 man deptnda on tile rr·JJ!(ct o~ 1m {uther and his moilier fer cac.ll 'othu •

If hU5blllld and wife start marrillgll in doubt, each Ic!a ving the door open for ' escape, the children'l inferiority will reflect their parents' "I may de· c:.ide to quit" ma,rriage.

The. important; thinl( in marriage i, the quality of the children, and the nat generation.

WilUam Fox lbu bought 307 moro theatres, aeatinlr 350,000 for $100,. ~(OO.

'iwenty-five Yl:ars ago Fox got into the theatre busil~ess because bit em­ployer refused to raise his $17 a wrek salary. Fox had just married. The emJllo)'er said, "Not only I can't raise f~ur $17 a week; but you arc gettirqf $2 too mud!. I :un §oing to pay what you are worth, ~~I 5.'

Fox had savc<ii' $580 on $17 a wrek. lot control of a tiny moving picture theatre. that couId take in $7.30 when packed.' Now hI: has 356 theatres.

Always .save something. If)'lOU have brains it lIriU increase. I£ nol, saving .,iII keep you out of the poor house, anyhow.

The Prince of Wales. hopeflllly dilCussinl trad,= revival, wonden wbether human beings invented ear­rings or troule!'!' fir st. Man's passion for adornmcnt, he lho,lght, probahly produted eurinl~s before c1othcs.

He II right nbout that. Darwin lells of Patagonilan ladies, living in II­climate often bitter, that would not think of cominl: £rom their huts to let a stran~r ~! them until they hael painted their fac.e. and arnanged then­balr.· ·But ,they did come out without one .tltell of dothing.

It.. Britim n<Ulleman. by the war, own. 'a pearl enring taken frOUl the ear of Kinl( Charles ·tbe PInt .Cter hi, bead ha~ bec:u cut off. Harness- 3 sets breeehing haM\ess ,

eOil1lllete, 1 set pipe 'harness com· "I'1Ie United S:tatn S-)'S mere to-plete, 1 set buggy harness, 1 saddle, ward tile Openllet of tile Leque of 6 good leather collars, like new. Nallions than aIllr other cOIUItry ex-

Chicken incubntor lind braoder, -tept Brf~lt:bOuab we are lIot in Sure Hatch incubator 100 ' egg, 011 the League. . That', ulual. We paid orooder, 500 chicks. Many otoer ar-"< more than· UIJ' oth.r nation for that tiel es ·too .numerous to mention. tig war-eout fifty-nine million dol-

Terms made known on doy of ilale. lars a day wlailt. we were In it. and , . ZAIN AR~ITAGE. , we len.t the alIi1Ki liabters ten thou-

Karl M. Brqwn" Auctionelll'. .and mUtioni of dolla,....,et It waln't Corwin anti Pil i-kel-, Aucts, ' . ,.0u~., WII'. ; . ':._ . Lunch- Served .by . the Ladies Olir troubles' ,;iI\ c0I'l111 in .Am~rIca

the 'Oregonia Aid 80cietf' we!! our natuml resources are u· . ~ hausted-coal, oiil" . iron, fo~st .. e~

. The undersigned, in settlement"'of At pretent we' :are busy us,ng" wut· ' 'the eRtate of Cha'rhis. T: How~e, de- . ing . . Seine dar ' :Wc lIlay be bust ' re~ cealled,. will oft'er for sah; at putillc . g''. ,Em; j[{ekicb. sent to Swe­aut!tion lit his late re8{de~ce on Third '. 'lden W 'H,erbert l!loover'. Deparhtl3nt streetj in Waynesville ' Warr~D Co · of ~onIftle~ I:epOrt. that Swe eo Ohio, on ' . ., has .o1-.lller f'oreat problem. • .

. ':. ' ?'he ann\I8J a:rowth of ,Imber m SATURDAY, F~B~UARY la,' I,ZI Swec;ten aceedi, the .anD~ cuttinr

COJDDIenc l"- at 1 o'dock -1.-- ..... - &»~ooo.ooir c;Ubio felt. or I,2Q)io

.... ""-I'!..... ~f." · .. _'


Spo.laUai.. I. the Flttm. of CJUI.. for BeUer VI.loa.

Write for Fr.e Booklet

MYoar Moat Prlcel •• a Po ..... lo ....

Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio

" • GRAND f"EATER, Lebanon Two SIlow8 Daily

8:30·_ •• d 1130 p. Ia.



~ o o

~ o o o

~se 1jOar&1elo thlsNm. Pllih·'lt

wilhrl., gou ,,"en

Our Mr. Go-Getter Says-


That a Classified Ad. in this paper is really worth a

Lot of To You

If you will use the columns both in commercial and Classified Advertising. ,

CALL 112


Page 4: February 15 1928

Late Classifieo ~d SAl .\-' j W 11I11'rriul 1,,, c 1.'/'

t )" : h l ll' l) ~ ,itlH.~I · sil t I '_I h. H'r! ul : brl) !Is I 000 ~hil'k.. 1.' 1)( h

Ji G, F" B. ni1y~ r,

) ,' R ALE ·-71) ,"'hill' Lt'll'hol'll h, ·l\-. $1.00 nch. l 'hunc HIt E. B. lI a:.

Jy. 'r~

l~OR ALr..-IlIa k 'elllh~l' dH I·,·'I· pOl·t , in I!non comliti('n. I·"r~ I'"

son a bl(' , Inlluirc at la ; ,.'~ t\."\ ~\I i , I. I . ! "" I


Taking t he G'uess Out of Gasoline


DEATHS . LYTLE JI1 rs. Ed Lo.ngocr e is ill at lhis tim

I -;1[7Je r&'ona/~

Mrs. F.lizolJ th Tl (,lIcht'y p lI!'~ed CI ~'d c Whnrton W IIS in "" .- -= =~.. -=-==- oway at the F n l'm!t< Ht1llrrii ll g Homc 1'hur~dny.

R ,II " lll' f>l~ " II ill ~p nd th nQxl lus t ' Fril luy ItIO l lllll!!:. ' rlll ,u~h !l ick, JI1 rs .. Clllni 1'hompMon ,.pen t \'\1 <'11-. \ll~ ,C·k .' in I \In. lonely II nl l .h~~l ri ddc n .. h .' ~h ~wed p~- neMday in Daylon. \

b l u li e « Ii .nt ~ Ub llll ,~ I \ln 10 , ,,d q wlil. S" ' . , ~I Clu\'!' "llC,"lcd n fun er· much ~1I11 /{li (Jill n f l ir~ Ih" l I ,'. n 'HI 111 ,'1\ . ,J. F.. "nth W{'!' 'I • um~'~ I:'~~ ~lc eti llJ.: III W ilmi ngton, worltl m llY IH'C(lllll' n Ion Iy ~I Hl r('. DlIytu n vi sit () rN W ,oncsduy.

~: dlrlC

I .' I l hu t this l o ne line~~ 11' •. Beachey kept .T he Sunday Schoo l conl 'st st llrlt.d . \l nt "Y IIlJ.: I . l o h er~e lf , brc lIll~ I' "h" W. II ld no l ofT !:iundny with UII a ttendllnce of 85.

\\'., ,ll',. nll W n ' lIdy to tuk _ orders sha dow I hI' Iii'" al","t he ,'. , . ( I l ' " t ·1 " NH '·~ . W" ll e r Ke nr ick II IIU F:\i fur '·l'lllt.- syrll l\. . lInn, ld Sur nce hl' o(((' n ,l'cm " to )(. II I ~P' fI " , Q

' 2 I RnsHull W(l re Lehu ll on v iNitorN. T hu rs \ "y nesl·ill,'. Hnnt" .\. ' t touch wil h th l' UIlSl'Cn c ,,,"po n ~ /I nc lhu ~ c~cl\"e(\ th lonel llll'!;S of li fe . tiny.

M !'" . ('\y d" Wntkins 'In d Mrs. Wal·· Tho fn ncrnl ~e l':ic~ wns Il l·l.! un HuLh Enrly W /I 0 hix.o' clock di n-H' r WlIlki n, ~Jen t Fridny a nd Snt- ~I ondll~· . unrl. t he .", tl·rmI' 1I1 Wl\ ~ /:\ n~r Kues l Sa l unlny , of Berni ce C" I" 1I!'I I .. y wit h ~II·~. M llm~ I1 nt ficlcl . Lehan"". I1I1IH.

~I r,. II. E . Hnthaway rece ived word 11\1111)' wf Lh e ~c l' i ous illncs of Mrs. C,' III hi .. E \' nn ~ . III ill(' h ome o f her n:·phcw In f' i tl ~hul· !! .

On n{'x l F ridny {'"enin g, Fehrua ry 17. lit o'c!llc k, W. H. Boyll . IIf Dlly' lu n. will ,,,Idress the h rine cluh, In

till' MII" Jllk hall. A 11 l\tuso ns li nd thei r wi\"{}s arc in\' it ·d.

Mrs. Kalc olema n hnrl us. her ,din. n" r !-tues ts toelay. M \'S. E lVin )0 l1'e5, 1111'S, Sarah Zim lll ('rma n, 1\1 r~. Luuru Zell , Mrs . Amllndu i\lofll U: l\1 ,ss Flos· sic F ires. r.t iss Emma II Il;h",uy a nd Mrs. U. L; era·ne. - -- -


F UIlI',·,, 1 F!.' rv i c('~ were h el ,l Mon· dn \' a f 1· .. m Hl ll ru .. G. lItari on Coh·in . iH: f,"' lIle r u '101 (' rtn kur. whn dieu :-;lItu rol ,,,· li t. t he hOlll e l.f hi s son-in­law. II n'fTV 'iL.: h,'r~o n . ~nllth u f ~ '-'w Hur linl;'tP'; . 1I f' WII ~ 1.1 chnr ter m C/l1-

hl'T " f th(' Nt'w I3 l1rlingt on ~ 1 1I ~o n it· lodg-.· :a li t! /I I'lIstmll "ll' r ill th" ludgc. Rur i,,1 11' [1" ,/I lid I' in SUll'nr Cl'o\'e (' 1.'111

l' tHY . Wil millg1u n.

J "hn A. Kuhn s, of nenr O r !'~oni1 . die d ~u cld nly Ill"( F riday IIbout no on , Il l' b ~u r\' i \'[ ·d by his wife. Fu n ~ rn l "cn'i rl'~ wer c held MI. ndny. with Mrs ({uth l\!u "rny offi c iat ing , Buria l 1/

~I ill llli ceme tery.

Feeds and Feeding

l\Ii s~es leo Hawke /l 1ll1 DO I'olh ~' Rrown spent unda y with Miss H(' lcn Eurly.

l\Ir. and Mrs. Hurry Gruhnm lin d Mrs. Su"nn ::ia ylor spent F ri dllY in Leba non.

A lar~e a ud il· nc !.' ('n joyed th c' plll Y ·'Go· ' Iow 111 II ry ," a t Ly tl e hull, Slit · urduy l'Y ening.

Mr. und Mrs. Ha rry Gra ham sp!'nt undny wilh Mr. and MI·s. Rudd Suy

lor in Lebanon.

Dr. H. H. Herm an. of. Duyto n, hilS purchased the Roy E ur nha rt farm sout h of Lytle .

l\Ir". W, r. Stroup, of Ingomur. is I'isiting he r da ughtl' r , Mrs. My r t le Cox, and hu ~hand .

Mr. IIiHI Mr~ . Cly,le 'W harton a nd dnughte r lind Mr. Claude Lewis spent Wednesday in Lehanon.

Cole's Chats Vol. 1

PubU. hed In t~ .. in ­ter ... t. of the peopl. of W.yaenille and tb. f arma .vd fa rm. e re of thi. Yicinily .


w" b"ve he' ll ov.' r hll ul ing » eLu\'a l ~(')JUl' II 11J r~ nil dllY, Muny DeLa" ,,1 own­cr~ t ook nt!van lage of Lh i ~ free sen 'icc nn d 1I0W hn ve t he- ir ~c f1l1 ra t orR in KOOt! ;v" "kinJ,: co ndi\ ion.

S AD BUT TRU E Whl' is it thut II

r ed.hellded woman a l ways 1l1urri c'.i U ve n ,' met'k !l Ul U ?

S h ~ docsn' t. li e just ge ls t hllt WilY.

T h re i ~ n oth i ll ~ mor!' expensive Ihun u crculll chcnt',". 1 f yo u n r e lo~ i n g t h l'(' l­cen ts a milking the I O~5 for II yell r is $ 2 1. !J O.

Young B l' i d <'­

hNo\v, denr i~ , what

j"ehrullry 15, 192

wi ll 1 ~et i r I Ct.o \{

u .linnel· lik' I h i~ f ,\!' YU U \-' Vt1 r : : lIll Y t1 1i ~ yell r '!" Answe " -"~I y l if ~

in\ urn ncc."

WI' nn l determin c .! lo ~(! !I a lot of Farm l mp lemcnt" this ~}Jri llg, and are ma rkin J,: duwn neu r Iy a ll ou r slock. Te n Blul'k Hnwll ')

f;pl' cllde rs wil l I,e sold a t $ 16 0.00 ClI l' h

S('ven Buckeye 2· row Cult iva tors lit $110 ,() O eac h. T lu'l'c s ing le dis.;

IIUlTOWs ut $40 .(.0 l·lI ch.

Six Cu ltipacker t>ll t $75. 00 eac h.

Pour 12-7 Drills, complete , fo r $ 175 ellch. Th e~e a re r eul bur·

!rll ins.

Pro r. A b bo t t _. " A ny ahnorma l stu· dents in your clllss "

No. l ·J

PrOf. Ell g l!' - " I ·ha ve two who h", "" uxecllent mnu n(,J·;; ."

Ot hel' blll'gll ins wi ll he II nnounctJd !!lIch week Wl spu~'C per­mits, It will pay you to look the~e over .

nlld may he cnre­less "bout his nuilij ancl huir, but ot her­wi se he doesn't suf­fer for wun t of t r im ­ming.

The Ladi ,," Aid of :hc Met hodis t chur'cn 'will g i v~ a chickc.1 suppor in Lhe church n e x l Wcdn o.dllY night, Feh. 22 .

I f yo u II rc li n ler ­nourished this will be u good chanco! t o i,re t blll'k to nom18 J.

Fred M. Col. Hardwar .. , Farm 1m

pl.mea •• Pbone 32

Wayae .. iIl., Oiaio

Now! You can get Blue Sunoco in your locality; a premium motor fuel in performan~e- at regular gas price.

ST. AUGUSTIN E CHURCH Sundny. F ehruary 10, services at

8 :30 H. m.

On Monday cv(' ning the Ni gh t Class in F ee ds and Feeding studied cor n !;ubst itutes an d thei r compar utiVl' values. Next Monday evening they expcct t o tak e lUp u stu dy of supple­niental f eeds a nd th ei r physical val­ues.

Mrs. Kerr Routzahn, of M i llmi~­burg, i~ visiting ,al the home IIf he r '- ------------- ....:....------ - -----=------------------.

A. F. MELLOH Phone 47 Waynesville, Ohio


Be'ginning February 1, 1928, Tele­phone Bills will be m.ade up month­ly. Anyone desiring to make' pay­ments beyond current month may do

'80 if they wish.

F ather Bien, PaBtor.


Quinquage!lima Sunday, Febru~ry ======:=====::....=== 10, Ch urch ch ool a t 9 :30; MornlDg Prayer a nd ser mon at 10:30. Ash Wednesday, Februar y 22. service at 7 ,30 p. m.

All are cor dially invited to t hese ser vices.

Rev. John" J. Scbaelfer. Rector.


Sunday School at 9:90. Every-body cordiallY invited.


A ser ies of r evival Berviqes open Friday ,,-vening, F ebruary 17. Workers Rev. G. G. Phillippe and Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Harvey . . Special mu sic and s inging every service. The Young Lad ies Qua r tet f rom God'. Bible School will be with us over next Sun dBY·

Note t he following change in out Sunday services, beg inning Sunday, February 19th.: Sunday School, at !) :30 a. m. ; preaching, 10 :30 a, m.; RevivlII services da ily at 7 :30 p. m., and 10:3 0 a. m. Sunday.

C. R. HARVEY, Pastor.

Biggest Ear Extant

~ la x ~ I' ~ •• r old . bov cJf LnWr e 11(' t! , Kn ll i ai , with the 16;inch ar of co rn that won fo, hi m fir-, pr iz c ill t he 31111ual ·:ni · ·Oht·o Central· Tele' phon'e C·ofJJ9r!lIlRII--a.J-..... ""7i""'rnt1t-1i1i""u-ttnftrrr'E~~gC S l.....-:Hl ' .. . ~'f COf1MI1t;-:" i"'-co~n est c inHI~~d\ Yellol' 11,!I1 ' <I edes. Young Mc, Clure r" i,~d ~ n Oll llh co rn in IQ2i to feed all Ih e hogs on his fa rlll a ll l pay hi s way th rough 5choo l.

For ~ Job wOl'k of aU leind., plea.e Ii •• ua • call. ReaaoDable prle ..

DID you eyer aay to a Life Inaurane.alent, IT COSTS TOO MUCH? If Jou did, then permit m .. to .. Y, "Why ? SIX CENTS A DAY

will inaure the life of a man 3S yeara of If." for $1000. Y01l apead more th an dUlt upon a dozen u . .. le.. luxuri.. . . Will yo'" Dot .aeriSe .. 00" or mor .. of them to '''cur" Your family from waat in the event of your . udden death 1"

The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of-New York RAYMON F. HATFIELD'

All Kind. of Inauranee. W A YNE~VILLE. OHIO


0: 15 . Sunduy School; 10:30. Ser­mon, suh ject , " Four Different Prtt.J­e rs : 6 :16 , Epworth League; 7:00. Patriotic subject, " King Saul :lnd Pr esiden t George ."

Aaron S. Watkins. L.H.D., Pastor.

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible Scheol a t 10 :3 0 a. m. Get

into lhe inter e!lting oonteat with Leb­a non school. Bro. J ohnson will prellch for us nClI l Lords Day at the morn ing sel'vice. This will probably be his last sermon in Ferry Church for some t ime. All welcome.


It i. h ard di ri '! w'ork la n d cc-sts ; ·j .'1ey. 'Buy Gel1luine Raven Red ,Asib coal and you g et the lowest

son, Guy Houtza hn und fll mil y.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hill , w'ho' live on Sides' place. had a sa le Wednes­day, and will soo n move on a far m near Cincinnat i.

Mr . and Mrs. For est Gr aham and Mrs. W . ]11. Colema n were Monday dinner guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Sher­ma n Dyke , in Dayton.

Mr. B!) c1 Mrs. Ben Hawke, IIfrs. Fran k Kur tis lind Mrs. Clu ude Lewis attended t he funeral of Vema Mae F isk in Kent ucky , Monday.

Mrs. Ma ry Carmony att ended t ho] Way ne Township Fll rmers cl uh, 'In Thursday , at t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs. W, F . Clar k, in Wa ynesville.

About forty friends and old neigh­hors of Emery Cha rl ton galh. er ed at his home Saturday evening as a surprise in honor of his birt h­day.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J ones I\nd Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Gra~am lind dtlugh­ter were FridllY evening gue8ls at the home of Mr , li nd Mn . Ed Long­acre· .

Mrs. Allen E mrick , nceompnniNI Mr. a nd Mrs. Har ry Corntlll to IIIiam­isburg F riday, where they visitc.1 l\1rs. Cathe rine Cornell a t the home of Mrs. J oseph McCray.

Mrs , Rlliph Stowe a nd daugh ter , and Mrs. C. W. Al brigh t of Spring· horo, spen t W ednesday with Mrs. Kesler Graham, while Mr. Stowc and Mr. Albr ight at~ended IIfr. H ill 's salc.

Mr.· and Mrs. Charles Olark a t­tended a birthday dinn er a t t he hom ·~ of Mr. and Mrs. Romo Riggs, a t Belmont, in hon or of t he hirthdays of Mrs. Cla rk and Mrs. P erry Thom­tl5.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith had as their Sunday guests, Roy Burhman 'and family a nd Ben Smith a nd fam· i1y , of Osborn, Mr. a nd Mrs. E lsworth Smith an d daughter , of Dayton; Gc,' . Smith and family, of near Dayton .

Everett Early was in Columbu~ Wed nesday a t t he hea ring of t he Pennsylvania railroad be for e t he Utili t ies Comm issio n. The passenger trnin t hrough Lytle will be taken off April 1's t , bu t t he freight train~ wiI! cont inue.

Charles Clark, H. M. Cla rk and Walt er Clark in company wi th Mr . a nd IIlrs. Milton Sheehan , of Center­ville and W. F . Clark, of Waynes­ville, attended the funeral oC t heir cOlUl in, Fra nk Mormon, at Winches­ter, Ind. , Monday. - PERRY THOMAS, Supt.

, aah coal.nined. What Illttle YOUi find will be reduced to-a~ finely powdered red ash,. easy to remove and Iv.ery small in quan­tity.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman en· t er tain ed on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Klotz and children, E t ta and J ack, of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. S. E . South and children, Virginia and Hazel, of Madeira ; Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kellis and son, Billy, of Mt. Holly .. Public Sale Dates ..

Feb. I5- Frank DeardoIT, 2 miles North of Springboro. Feb. IS- Large Household, 'ale in Spring Valley (very

best goods) Mrs. Anna Anderson. Feb . 20- Noab Leis, 1 mi. N. W. of 1'l'liamisburg. Feb. 21- Roy Gilliam, 4 mi. N . W. of Bellbrook (large

Closing Out Sale of very best Live Stock and Farm Chattels .

Feb. 22- J . R. Rahbert, 6 mi. S. E. of X eAlia, on Stone road.

Feb . 2~ -Admini s trator ' s Sale, at edge of X enia. Feb 25-Ad lll. Sale of Peter Lesher, on Dayton & Leb­

anon pike, 1.!1 miles South of Oakwood car loop. Feb. 2S-- F letcher Bros. Big ClQsing Out Sale, East of

Roxanna . .

-- ------- -----_.-------------------We have been conductin g sales nearly every day,

an our gua rantee to sa t isfy or charge nothing still holds good . See us fi rst for terms and dates. If we . don ' t make and save you money on your sale, it will cost you notbing.l .. Jauuar'y 10th, we sold the highest priced farm a t auct ion ' in the coun try. We did all the advertising aud sold the fartn fo r $9505.00. We work to get you the most .DoUars out of your sa.te,

Write, or call at .Q.ur expense.

Public Sales ,Having decided to quit farming on

acco un t of ill health. wi ll offe r at pub lic outcry Ilt r eside nce on fo r m, known us the old Foste r ompton furm, now owned by Geo. Har t man heira, on the WaYllesvlllc a nd New Bu rlington pikc, Cour mll cs north­east of W ay nesvill c, 3 mlles south­west of New Burli ~gton, at 10 a . JD . on


4 Horses- Two bla ck mares, gray mare, bay gelding, 6, sound. All good wor ker s.

1 Cow- Red cow, giving good fiow of milk . 60 B ogs--I0 brood /lOWS, bred; 40 shoats, ",t. 60 Ibs. each.

Feed- 10 t ons of mixed bay, r; tons of t imothy hay.

Hulfmpn t ruck, 1 % ton, with bed and stock rack.

Implements-Jobn Deere tractor plow, McCormick binder, 7-ft. cut, Deering corn binder, Superior wheat drill, 12-7 Buckeye corn plow, two­row, John Deere corn plow 2-row, Buckeye disc com plow, corn plow, !lIngle row, J. I . CaM! sin gle r ow, J'anesvilhi com ph~nter, hoy t edder, hay rake, spike-toot" har­row, Disc harrow, Endgate .eeder. new last year, rotary hoe, new lut year , F ordson tractor hitch, E. B. manure spreader, Deeri!)g mower, ft. cut, BUCKeye low-wheel wagon,



IPhone us for a truckJ load of real coal.

Hard Coal for your Brooder :5tove can be had In any qua.n,.ty.

Wayne ,Cllick Starter , farm wagon, iron wheel wagon with platform bed, sled, S Heating stoves, p ower washing m'achil1e, Fairbanke

en 'ne 1 ' one tOIl.J-4HIII.llllrn ... ~u.lIl.. Farm' ers of; junk and . many o.ther articles . .

Mr. and MrR, Wliiter Kenrick had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. a nd Mrs. All en Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J ohns, Mr. and Mrs. Berne Jones , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duke, r-4rs . Mattie Duke, MeBllfs. Therl!! Jon llB and Rob­ert Duke.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young, Mr. lind Mrs. Leonard Gray and Clarence Gray, were called t o Newport, Ky., Friday, by the iIIneM and death of t he form­er's granddaughter, Miss Verna )iae Fisk, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk, formcrly of this comm\lIlity. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will remain for awhilo. ... .. Pruning Demonstration

Representat ive farmers and fruit growers from all parts of the county attended the prunIng demonstration ani! orchard meeting. arranged by F. H. Beach and County Agent elMS IWlt week. The latcst prlnclrle3 :n fruit growing, Involved the use of ammonium ' sulphate,. fertilizer r ,)1\ emulBion, dry and liqu id lime sulphur t o !, spray purposes, and t he advanta­ges of dusting, pruning, thinning, etc., were fully discussed. A num­ber of the fruit growers . of Warren count y ~xpreflBed their willingDIl~ to co-operilte In tr~ lng out 'a dilute ~ix ture ot dry lime sulphur spray in a ft ....... h .... of orchards the :I))t:igg ~ell-

/lOft, - --.. - .. ---mentioned. . I. Exch C Ha ... nc '!-_Four Bet. of work bar- ange ompan'V

neas, collars, bridles, Iinee, etc. . f1 NEARLY DROWNED Terms made known on day of sale. Ph 25

FLETCHER BROS. Olne , "One more crack like that and you· are through," murmured the fellow

Colli. Martin and Stanley, Aucta. Waynesville .• Ohio on more .. he watched the ice crack W. C. Smith, Clerk. .1 __ .... __ ....... _

Lunch Ii,. New BarlJDPln p.'1'oA. '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;"iiIIII"liIi&I{J UD.....- - -~.



Is past the experimental stage. .It is dn art which, when executed by skil­led w cff mef!, will give you many more miles on-that "Best Tire VOli' Ever Had."

We have installed one of the latest and best Vulcanizing Mac'hines on the market, and have expert work­men in this line.

Bring in the Old 'Ones and let us make them into live new "Spares." Better Still, Phone Us and Let Us Call for Your Work.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105 Waynesville, Ohio




The 'Miami' 'Gazette


Top Related