Page 1: Feb. 27, This Week at FBC

February 27, 2014February 27, 2014February 27, 2014February 27, 2014

Preparing for Worship

March 2, 2014March 2, 2014March 2, 2014March 2, 2014

Transfiguration SundayTransfiguration SundayTransfiguration SundayTransfiguration Sunday

“Bring Your Crash Helmet”

Rev. Meredith Holladay


Matthew 17.1-9

Church Leadership

Our ministers and lay leaders are

available to answer any questions you

may have to help you connect with

the ministries of First Baptist Church.

Rev. Matt Sturtevant

Senior Pastor, x. 202

[email protected]

Rev. Dr. Meredith Holladay

Associate Pastor of

Spiritual Formation, x. 204

[email protected]

Jenny Purvis

Office Manager, x.203

[email protected]

Nathan Benfield

Volunteer Building Manager, x.201

[email protected]

Jim Davidson

Chancel Choir Director

[email protected]

Holly Grassy


[email protected]

John Pauls


[email protected]

Evelyn Falen


[email protected]

Buddy Langford


Church Office:


[email protected]

Out of the Whirlwind: Questions from Job

Lenten Worship Series; March 9-April 6

“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind...” Job 38.1“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind...” Job 38.1“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind...” Job 38.1“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind...” Job 38.1

This Lenten season, as we open our hearts to God through contemplation and

self-examination, we turn to one of the greatest stories in Scripture to invite us

to both: Job. The story prods us, confuses us, and invites to ask honest ques-

tions about where God is when all we see around us is the whirlwind. As we

prepare for Holy Week this year, let us ask together:

“Have You Considered My Servant Job?”

Job 1-2 (March 9)

“How Long?”

Job 19 (March 16)

“Where Are You?”

Job 23 (March 23)

“Where Were You?”

Job 38-42.1-6 (March 30)


Job 42.7-17 (April 6)

“Job and His Friends,” Vladimir Borovikovsky

“Christ Leading

Peter, James, and

John to the High

Mountain for the


Giovanni Domenico


Page 2: Feb. 27, This Week at FBC


The Intouchables

French Language (with Subtitles)


Rated R


113 min.

After he becomes a quadriplegic

from a paragliding accident, an

aristocrat hires a young man from

the projects to be his caretaker.

Based on a true story.


Saint Ralph English Language


Rated PG-13


98 min.

Saint Ralph is the unlikely story of

Ralph Walker, a ninth grader who

outran everyone's expectations

except his own in his bold quest

of trying to win the 1954 Boston



A Serious Man

English Language Comedy/Drama

Rated R 2009

106 min. Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern

mathematics teacher, watches his life unravel over multiple sudden incidents. Though seeking mean-ing and answers amidst his tur-moils, he seems to keep sinking.

Volunteers Needed for AB Men’s Work Days

AB Men are planning four work days at Cross Wind Conference

Center in 2014 (March 15, May 3, September 20, October 25),

and volunteers are needed.

On March 15, work will begin at 9:00 a.m. Participants will be

doing various types of spring cleanup, including removing brush

and cutting firewood. For more details or to volunteer, please

contact AB Men’s president, Vince Herriman, at

[email protected]

Sanctuary of the Cinema Returns!

Sunday evenings, on the dates below, we will gather at 6:00 pm in the Judson Room and watch a movie together, and

then join in thoughtful conversation about the movie and its themes and ideas. During this season of contemplation

and preparation for Easter, we invite real and frank conversations around life and struggle and faith. Join us!

First Sunday of the Month:

Food Pantry In-Gathering

Food pantry needs:

Diced tomatoes

Chili beans

Chicken noodle soup

Page 3: Feb. 27, This Week at FBC

Central Region Camping 2014

Central Region camping

for kids begins June 2. A

variety of camp themes

and locations is available.

Check out the schedule

below or pick up a sched-

ule and registration form

in the church office. Early

bird discounts apply through May 1 (for camps in June)

and June 1 (for camps in July). Please call the church

office to inquire about ‘tuition-share’ amount.

Liturgist Training

March 2, 12:15 pm

Roger Williams Room

If you are a current liturgist or would like

to learn more about worship leadership,

you are invited to participate!

Lunch will be provided.

Childcare will be available.

Preparing for Lent

The Christian season of Lent begins Wednesday,

March 5, on Ash Wednesday. That morning, the

church will be open early and our pastors will offer

the imposition of ashes and a quiet space for medi-

tation. Join us in the sanctuary at any time between

6:00 am and 8:00 am Wednesday morning.

That evening, we will offer a church-wide meal at

6:00 pm, followed by an Ash Wednesday service at

7:00 pm.

On March 9, the first Sunday of Lent, we will begin

a worship series, together exploring the story of

Job. As we turn toward a season of inward focus,

the ancient story of Job will serve as our guide.

As we near this season of preparation and contem-

plation, let us prepare together for God’s presence.

Chupper Schedule:

3/2: Herndon

3/9: Johnson

3/16: (No ABY-Spring Break)

Summer Camp Deposit is due ASAP!

Please let Pastor Meredith know if your student(s)

will be going. Also please let her know if you need

financial assistance.

Spring Retreat Sign-Ups Due Soon!

The total cost for the Spring Retreat is $25. Dates:

May 9-11, Tall Oaks Conference Center

Remember in Prayer

International Ministries Missionary: Mike Matt, serving in


Regional Minister: ABC of Los Angeles, Dr. Eduardo Font,

serving in Glendale, California

Local congregation: Cornerstone Southern Baptist Church

Page 4: Feb. 27, This Week at FBC

First Baptist Church

1330 Kasold Drive

Lawrence, Kansas 66049


785/843-0021 (fax)

By the Numbers…Feb. 23, 2014


Weekly Receipts: $7,825.00

YTD Receipts: $53,574.00


Weekly Receipts: $1,048.00

Cumulative Giving: $22,7381.00

If you would like more detailed financial information, please

contact our bookkeeper at [email protected].

Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to

make our many ministries possible.

Wednesday Night Supper

March 5

6:00 p.m. Roger Williams Room,

prior to Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Nursery 9:30 a.m.—Jane Miller

11:00 a.m.—Amy Munsterman

Extended Care Sherry Bernhardt

Life of the Church

Sunday, March 2

8:30 a.m.—Worship

9:30 a.m.—Sunday School

11:00 a.m.—Worship

12:15—Liturgist Training

Monday, March 3

7:00 p.m.—Evening Women’s Group, at

home of Melisa Lord, 928 W 14th, Eudora.

Tuesday, March 4

11:00 a.m.—Newsletter announcements due

Wednesday, March 5, Ash Wednesday

Between 6:00a.m. and 8:00 a.m.—Imposition

of Ashes in Sanctuary

6:00 p.m.—Church-wide dinner

7:00 p.m.—Ash Wednesday Service

Thursday, March 6

7:30 p.m.—Chancel Choir rehearsal

Martha Gage March 1

Annie Merriam March 2

Paul Winter March 3

Nancy Burt March 5

Amber Lehrman March 6

D.W. Acker March 10

Neal Purvis March 14

Betty Thomas March 14

Anita Tingle March 14

Charlene Winter March 14

April Hite March 23

Isaiah Hite March 25

Paul Lee March 25

Patrick Grassy March 26

Lucy Reimer March 28

Joanna Gillette March 30

Paul Loupe March 31

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