

Business Administration Department   



A. Introduction

Many businessman/businesswoman have been working with their personal computer, laptop or even netbooks. Some students, government officials, or employee and more, all people use some of those gadgets, some of us need some computer parts and accessories because it completes the function of the statement above.

This feasibility study will help us to get ease for this problem we don’t need to go too far, like in lucena city, manila or other city were some computer store placed, we don’t need to spend a lot of money for fare and get tired or fatigues in delivering some heavy parts of the computer to our home/office (shop).

Computer shops need also a maintenance to gain there business pride and get known by some costumers it repairs also to the good connection of internet by the used of inexpensive accessories. It connects to the general function to any units of the computer hardware and software. What is this store? It emphasized the section of truths and minimized the erroneous and troubles of the broken or unsafe software.

As a whole of the feasibility study it will trace the malfunction of all units and the better solution for this, the benefits given buy the computer services and the function of all parts and accessories of this computer. This will clear also the bad sector of transportation of delivering of the computer heavy parts like the printer, CPU’s and monitors.


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B. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS There will be no Competitors Here in Atimonan, It is too easy to establish because of

strong internet connection. It has less number of personnel needed WEAKNESSES The store should always be updated with the new products that the store/station needs

to provide. The warranty of the sales is always in the product. The software needs is always updated.

THREATS There will be no possible threats if there is a problem in internet connection and

transportation of delivering the prepaid goods OPPORTUNITY Computer parts and accessories store will surely attract a great number of customers

who own personal computer, computer shop, and a businessman who wanted to set-up a computer or internet shop.

The people from nearby town


Feasibility Study Of Setting-Up A Computer Parts And Accessories Store In The Town Of Atimonan, Quezon, Philippines 4331. SUB PROBLEMS


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The researcher aims to determine the following aspects of the computer parts and accessories store/station: 1. The potential and the size of the possible target market. 2. The location of the study where it will be accessible. 3. The marketing strategy and the program for the business. 4. The technical and operational requisites needed. 5. The government regulation pertaining to this kind of business. 6. The structure and manpower of the business. 7. The capital requirement for the business venture. 8. The financial feasibility of the proposed business venture. 9. The contribution of the Computer parts and accessories store/station to the



For the researcher, he may gain more knowledge on how to establish this kind of business For the entrepreneurs, this study will serve as a guideline on how to establish a similar

business For the readers, the researcher hoped that this study will improve their skill & thoughts

about Computer Parts and Accessories (store/Station) For the future researchers, the researcher hoped that the information gained from this

study will give them an additional knowledge if they want to undertake and work in a similar field…

E. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The computer parts and accessories store that the researcher would like to propose

in intended to the Personal Computer users (laptop, desktop, Etc.), Computers shops (proprietorship/ owners), and other business that needs the access of the computers. This study will serve as a guideline on how to establish a similar business, in Atimonan, Quezon. The growth of the technology in this modern or computer age will continue this study by reviving it for additional data.


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F. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK This figure 1 of conceptual framework shows the outline possible courses of action and presents a preferred approach to a proposed business venture


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Batteries A hardware device that supplies power to a device or appliance and enables that device or appliance to work without a power cord.

Blank Media & Mass Storage This refers to CD and DVD disc. CD, a compact disc is a flat round storage medium that is read by a laser in a CD-ROM drive. The standard CD is capable of holding 72 minutes of music or 650 MB of data. 80 minute CDs are also commonly used to store data and are capable of containing 700 MB of data.

Computer Cases/Chassis This is the housing that helps protect and organize all the components that make up your computer.


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CD/DVD ROM Drives CD-ROM drives are CD-Players inside computers that has the capability of playing audio CDs and computer data CDs. DVD-RW Drive is a technology that enables a user to read and write to a DVD+RW or DVD+R disc several times.

Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc, DVD or DVD-ROM is a type of disc drive that allows for large amounts of data on one disc, the same size of a standard Compact Disc.

Hard drive Computer's main storage media device, also called a hard disk drive or abbreviated as HD or HDD.


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Head set A hardware device connected to a computer's sound card that outputs sounds generated by the card. (It is use always near the ears).

Memory/RAM is a term commonly used to describe the memory within a computer.

Memory Stick Also known as a USB flash drive, is a portable memory disk, a small device (about the size of your index finger) that connects to a computer's USB port and often is capable of storing 512MB, 1GB, or more.


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Mice and Keyboards Keyboard is one of the main input devices used on a computer, a PC's keyboard looks very similar to the keyboards of electric typewriters, with some additional keys. Mouse is an input device that allows an individual to control a mouse pointer in a graphical user interface (GUI). Utilizing a mouse a user has the ability to perform various functions such as opening a program or file and does not require the user to memorize commands, like those used in a text-based environment such as MS-DOS.

Modems a hardware device that enables a computer to transmit and receive information over telephone lines.


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Monitor & Display is a video display screen and the hard shell that holds it. Is use to view or watch over someone or something.

Motherboard is a printed circuit that is the foundation of a computer and allows the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components to function with each other.

Network Card Network Interface Card, a NIC, also referred to as a "network adapter", is a printed circuit board containing the necessary hardware used to connect a computer to a network or other computer.


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Power Supply The PS is an internal hardware component used to supply the components within the computer with power. Besides properly supplying power to the computer and all its internal components, the power supply also converts the AC electrical current found in most standard wall sockets throughout the United States into a lower DC voltage that the computer components use.

Printers An external hardware device responsible for taking computer data and generating a hard copy of that data. Printers are one of the most used peripherals on computers and are commonly used to print text, images, and/or photos.

Processor/CPU was first developed by Intel in 1974. Unit. The computer CPU is responsible for handling all instructions and calculation it receives from other hardware components in the computer and software programs running on the computer.


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Scanners Hardware input device that allows a user to take an image and/or text and convert it into a digital file, allowing the computer to read and/or display the scanned object. A scanner is commonly connected to a computer USB, Firewire, Parallel or SCSI port.

Sound Cards Also known as a sound board or an audio card, a sound card is an expansion card or integrated circuit that provides a computer with the ability to produce sound that can be heard by the user.


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Speakers A hardware device connected to a computer's sound card that outputs sounds generated by the card.

TV Tuners A TV tuner card is a computer component that allows television signals to be received by a computer. Most TV tuners also function as video capture cards, allowing them to record television programs onto a hard disk.

UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) Uninterruptible Power Supply, UPS is a hardware device that provides a backup power source in case of a power outage (blackout), brownout, or a surge in power. A UPS provides enough power for the computer or computers to shut down properly or to remain up during a temporary power outage.


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Video/Graphic Cards Also known as a graphics card, video card, video board, or a video controller, a video adapter is an internal circuit board that allows a display device, such as a monitor, to display images from the computer.

Video Projectors A hardware device that enables an image, such as a computer screen, to be projected onto a flat surface. These devices are commonly used in meetings and presentations as they allow for a large image to be shown so everyone in a room can see.


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Webcams A camera connected to a computer or server that allows anyone connected to the Internet to view still pictures or motion video of a user.

Chapter II

Review of related Literature and Study

A. Computer in the Philippines

A computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and manipulates it for

some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.

Complex computers also include the means for storing data including the program, which is also a form of


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data for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer (and called

logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded

into its storage and then started by an administrator or user). Today's computers have both kinds of

programming. Most histories of the modern computer begin with the Analytical Engine envisioned by

Charles Babbage following the mathematical ideas of George Boole, the mathematician who first stated

the principles of logic inherent in today's digital computer. Babbage's assistant and collaborator, Ada

Lovelace, is said to have introduced the ideas of program loops and subroutines and is sometimes

considered the first programmer. Apart from mechanical calculators, the first really useable computers

began with the vacuum tube, accelerated with the invention of the transistor, which then became

embedded in large numbers in integrated circuits, ultimately making possible the relatively low-cost

personal computer.

Modern computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored program laid out by John von Neumann in

1945. Essentially, the program is read by the computer one instruction at a time, an operation is

performed, and the computer then reads in the next instruction, and so on. Recently, computers and

programs have been devised that allow multiple programs (and computers) to work on the same problem

at the same time in parallel. With the advent of the Internet and higher bandwidth data transmission,

programs and data that are part of the same overall project can be distributed over a network and

embody the Sun Microsystems slogan: "The network is the computer."

B. History of the Computer in the Philippines

Computers were introduced in the Philippines in the late 60's by Inc., this computer was big and a whole

room was needed to accommodate this computer, more commonly known as mainframes, their basic

function was more on data storage, and not just anyone can operate the computer, it needed a highly

trained technician to use it and translate its data, the language used by these computers were Binary

language a series of 0's and 1's,it was not a user friendly machine and it was very expensive, in the

Philippines only multi-national companies had one, in the mid 70's a highly evolved computer came in to

the scène, Apple with its Apple1 had a great impact on the Philippine market, this new computers were


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compact and space needed was very small, these computers were called mini's or personal computers

popularly called PC's, this started an era of computerization in the Philippines, because of its affordability

and the introduction of a new Operating System developed by Mr. Bill Gates, who’s company was soon to

be known as {Microsoft),made the use of computers very easy and almost all the companies as well as

individuals made full use of them in their homes and in their business, the Windows 3-11 was born a new

operating system that was very easy to use, during the 80's and 90's control for the computer market in

the Philippines was intense, Apple came out with their Apple 11,Apple 11+,Apple 11 C's and the Apple

mac's, In which IBM retaliated with their 256,286,386,486 and eventually with their Pentium class units P-

1,P-2,P-3,which made IBM predominant in the field of computers in the Philippines, Before the turn of the

century computers was a necessity rather than an luxury in the Philippines more and more schools are

incorporating computer as part of their curriculum, the Filipinos has evolved to a new breed of men

women and even children who are dependent on computers for their researches and school activities,

companies in the Philippines are now relaying on these computers in their day today activities from

payroll to communication via E-mail to their clients, and Filipinos are more and more aware of the

importance of these gadgets in business and the country’s economy, In the early part of the 21rst century

more and more different types of computer are being introduced to the Philippines, there are now laptops

mini desktop's and more, proving the Philippines and its people the Filipinos are now part of the hi-tech


C. Computer Companies and Distributors in the Philippines

Hitachi Global Storage Philippines Corporation

IBM Philippines, Inc.

Wistron Infocom (Philippines) Corporation

Acer Philippines, Inc.

Fujitsu Philippines

( )






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A computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and

manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is

to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data including the

program, which is also a form of data for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable

and built into the computer (and called logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different

programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and then started by an

administrator or user). Today's computers have both kinds of programming. Most histories of the

modern computer begin with the Analytical Engine envisioned by Charles Babbage following the

mathematical ideas of George Boole, the mathematician who first stated the principles of logic

inherent in today's digital computer. Babbage's assistant and collaborator, Ada Lovelace, is said

to have introduced the ideas of program loops and subroutines and is sometimes considered the

first programmer. Apart from mechanical calculators, the first really useable computers began

with the vacuum tube, accelerated with the invention of the transistor, which then became

embedded in large numbers in integrated circuits, ultimately making possible the relatively low-

cost personal computer.

Modern computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored program laid out by John von

Neumann in 1945. Essentially, the program is read by the computer one instruction at a time, an

operation is performed, and the computer then reads in the next instruction, and so on. Recently,

computers and programs have been devised that allow multiple programs (and computers) to

work on the same problem at the same time in parallel. With the advent of the Internet and higher

bandwidth data transmission, programs and data that are part of the same overall project can be

distributed over a network and embody the Sun Microsystems slogan: "The network is the





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Computers were introduced in the Philippines in the late 60's by Inc., this computer was

big and a whole room was needed to accommodate this computer, more commonly known as

mainframes, their basic function was more on data storage, and not just anyone can operate the

computer, it needed a highly trained technician to use it and translate its data, the language used

by these computers were Binary language a series of 0's and 1's,it was not a user friendly machine

and it was very expensive, in the Philippines only multi-national companies had one, in the mid

70's a highly evolved computer came in to the scène, Apple with its Apple1 had a great impact on

the Philippine market, this new computers were compact and space needed was very small, these

computers were called mini's or personal computers popularly called PC's, this started an era of

computerization in the Philippines, because of its affordability and the introduction of a new

Operating System developed by Mr. Bill Gates, who’s company was soon to be known as

{Microsoft),made the use of computers very easy and almost all the companies as well as

individuals made full use of them in their homes and in their business, the Windows 3-11 was

born a new operating system that was very easy to use, during the 80's and 90's control for the

computer market in the Philippines was intense, Apple came out with their Apple 11,Apple

11+,Apple 11 C's and the Apple mac's, In which IBM retaliated with their 256,286,386,486 and

eventually with their Pentium class units P-1,P-2,P-3,which made IBM predominant in the field

of computers in the Philippines, Before the turn of the century computers was a necessity rather

than an luxury in the Philippines more and more schools are incorporating computer as part of

their curriculum, the Filipinos has evolved to a new breed of men women and even children who

are dependent on computers for their researches and school activities, companies in the

Philippines are now relaying on these computers in their day today activities from payroll to

communication via E-mail to their clients, and Filipinos are more and more aware of the

importance of these gadgets in business and the country’s economy, In the early part of the 21rst

century more and more different types of computer are being introduced to the Philippines, there

are now laptops mini desktop's and more, proving the Philippines and its people the Filipinos are

now part of the hi-tech community.


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Hitachi Global Storage Philippines Corporation

IBM Philippines, Inc.

Wistron Infocom (Philippines) Corporation

Acer Philippines, Inc.

Fujitsu Philippines


The first use of the word “computer” was recorded in 1613 in a book called “The yong mans

gleanings” by English writer Richard Braithwait I haue read the truest computer of Times, and

the best Arithmetician that euer breathed, and he reduceth thy dayes into a short number. It

referred to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with

the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century the word

began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations.


Main article: History of computing hardware

Rudimentary calculating devices first appeared in antiquity and mechanical calculating aids were

invented in the 17th century. The first recorded use of the word "computer" is also from the 17th

century, applied to human computers, people who performed calculations, often as employment.

The first computer devices were conceived of in the 19th century, and only emerged in their

modern form in the 1940s.

B.2 First general-purpose computing device6

                                                            3 4 Fuegi, J. and Francis, J. "Lovelace & Babbage and the creation of the 1843 'notes'". IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 25 No. 4 (October–December 2003): Digital Object Identifier 5 Randell, Brian (1982). "From Analytical Engine to Electronic Digital Computer: The Contributions of Ludgate, Torres, and Bush". Retrieved 29 October 2013.  

6 a Kempf, Karl (1961). Historical Monograph: Electronic Computers Within the Ordnance Corps. Aberdeen Proving Ground (United States Army).


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A portion of Babbage's Difference engine.

Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable

computer. Considered the "father of the computer",[4] he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical

computer in the early 19th century. After working on his revolutionary difference engine, designed to aid in

navigational calculations, in 1833 he realized that a much more general design, anAnalytical Engine, was

possible. The input of programs and data was to be provided to the machine via punched cards, a method

being used at the time to direct mechanical looms such as the Jacquard loom. For output, the machine

would have a printer, a curve plotter and a bell. The machine would also be able to punch numbers onto

cards to be read in later. The Engine incorporated an arithmetic logic unit,control flow in the form

of conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first design for a general-purpose

computer that could be described in modern terms as Turing-complete. The machine was about a century

ahead of its time. All the parts for his machine had to be made by hand - this was a major problem for a

device with thousands of parts. Eventually, the project was dissolved with the decision of the British

Government to cease funding. Babbage's failure to complete the analytical engine can be chiefly attributed

to difficulties not only of politics and financing, but also to his desire to develop an increasingly

sophisticated computer and to move ahead faster than anyone else could follow. Nevertheless his son,

Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888.

He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906.


                                                            7 Felt, Dorr E. (1916). Mechanical arithmetic, or The history of the counting machine. Chicago: Washington Institute.  


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Sir William Thomson's third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81

During the first half of the 20th century, many scientific computing needs were met by

increasingly sophisticated analog computers, which used a direct mechanical or electrical model

of the problem as a basis for computation. However, these were not programmable and generally

lacked the versatility and accuracy of modern digital computers.

The first modern analog computer was a tide-predicting machine, invented by Sir William

Thomson in 1872. The differential analyser, a mechanical analog computer designed to solve

differential equations by integration using wheel-and-disc mechanisms, was conceptualized in

1876 by James Thomson, the brother of the more famous Lord Kelvin.

The art of mechanical analog computing reached its zenith with the differential analyzer, built by

H. L. Hazen and Vannevar Bush at MITstarting in 1927. This built on the mechanical integrators

of James Thomson and the torque amplifiers invented by H. W. Nieman. A dozen of these

devices were built before their obsolescence became obvious.


The principle of the modern computer was first described by computer scientist Alan

Turing, who set out the idea in his seminal 1936 paper,[9]On Computable Numbers. Turing

reformulated Kurt Gödel's 1931 results on the limits of proof and computation, replacing Gödel's

universal arithmetic-based formal language with the formal and simple hypothetical devices that

became known as Turing machines. He proved that some such machine would be capable of

performing any conceivable mathematical computation if it were representable as an algorithm.

He went on to prove that there was no solution to the Entscheidungsproblem by first showing that

the halting problem for Turing machines is undecidable: in general, it is not possible to decide

algorithmically whether a given Turing machine will ever halt.

He also introduced the notion of a 'Universal Machine' (now known as a Universal

Turing machine), with the idea that such a machine could perform the tasks of any other machine,

or in other words, it is provably capable of computing anything that is computable by executing a

program stored on tape, allowing the machine to be programmable. Von Neumann acknowledged

                                                            8 Felt, Dorr E. (1916). Mechanical arithmetic, or The history of the counting machine. Chicago: Washington Institute.  


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that the central concept of the modern computer was due to this paper.[10] Turing machines are to

this day a central object of study in theory of computation. Except for the limitations imposed by

their finite memory stores, modern computers are said to be Turing-complete, which is to say,

they have algorithm execution capability equivalent to a universal Turing machine.

C. HARDWARE9 Main articles: Computer hardware and Personal computer hardware

The term hardware covers all of those parts of a computer that are tangible objects. Circuits, displays, power supplies, cables, keyboards, printers and mice are all hardware.

C.1 History of computing hardware Main article: History of computing hardware

First generation (mechanical/electromechanical)

Calculators Pascal's calculator, Arithmometer, Difference engine, Quevedo's analytical machines

Programmable devices Jacquard loom, Analytical engine, IBM ASCC/Harvard Mark I, Harvard Mark II, IBM SSEC,Z1, Z2, Z3

Second generation (vacuum tubes)

Calculators Atanasoff–Berry Computer, IBM 604, UNIVAC 60, UNIVAC 120

Programmable devices

Colossus, ENIAC, Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine, EDSAC, Manchester Mark 1, Ferranti Pegasus, Ferranti Mercury, CSIRAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC I, IBM 701, IBM 702,IBM 650, Z22

Third generation (discrete transistors and SSI, MSI, LSIintegrated circuits)


IBM 7090, IBM 7080, IBM System/360, BUNCH


PDP-8, PDP-11, IBM System/32, IBM System/36

Minicomputer VAX, IBM System i



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Fourth generation (VLSI integrated circuits)

4-bit microcomputer Intel 4004, Intel 4040

8-bit microcomputer Intel 8008, Intel 8080, Motorola 6800, Motorola 6809, MOS Technology 6502, Zilog Z80

16-bit microcomputer Intel 8088, Zilog Z8000, WDC 65816/65802

32-bit microcomputer Intel 80386, Pentium, Motorola 68000, ARM

64-bit microcomputer[65] Alpha, MIPS, PA-RISC, PowerPC, SPARC, x86-64, ARMv8-A

Embedded computer Intel 8048, Intel 8051

Personal computer

Desktop computer, Home computer, Laptop computer, Personal digital assistant (PDA),Portable computer, Tablet PC, Wearable computer


Quantum computer, Chemical computer, DNA computing, Optical computer, Spintronics based computer


C.1 Other hardware topics

Peripheral device (input/output)

Input Mouse, keyboard, joystick, image scanner, webcam, graphics tablet, microphone

Output Monitor, printer, loudspeaker

Both Floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, optical disc drive, teleprinter


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Computer busses

Short range RS-232, SCSI, PCI, USB

Long range (computer networking)

Ethernet, ATM, FDDI


Main article: Computer software

Software refers to parts of the computer which do not have a material form, such as programs, data, protocols, etc. When software is stored in hardware that cannot easily be modified (such as BIOS ROM in an IBM PC compatible), it is sometimes called “firmware.”

Operating system

Unix and BSD UNIX System V, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Solaris (SunOS), IRIX, List of BSD operating systems

GNU/Linux List of Linux distributions, Comparison of Linux distributions

Microsoft Windows

Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8


Mac OS Mac OS classic, Mac OS X

Embedded and real-time

List of embedded operating systems

Experimental Amoeba, Oberon/Bluebottle, Plan 9 from Bell Labs


Multimedia DirectX, OpenGL, OpenAL

Programming library C standard library, Standard Template Library


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Protocol TCP/IP, Kermit, FTP, HTTP, SMTP

File format HTML, XML, JPEG, MPEG, PNG

User interface

Graphical user interface(WIMP)

Microsoft Windows, GNOME, KDE, QNX Photon, CDE, GEM, Aqua

Text-based user interface

Command-line interface, Text user interface


Office suite

Word processing, Desktop publishing, Presentation program, Database management system, Scheduling & Time management,Spreadsheet, Accounting software

Internet Access Browser, E-mail client, Web server, Mail transfer agent, Instant messaging

Design and manufacturing

Computer-aided design, Computer-aided manufacturing, Plant management, Robotic manufacturing, Supply chain management


Raster graphics editor, Vector graphics editor, 3D modeler, Animation editor, 3D computer graphics, Video editing, Image processing


Digital audio editor, Audio playback, Mixing, Audio synthesis, Computer music

Software engineering

Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter, Debugger, Text editor, Integrated development environment, Software performance analysis, Revision control, Software configuration management

Educational Edutainment, Educational game, Serious game, Flight simulator


Strategy, Arcade, Puzzle, Simulation, First-person shooter, Platform, Massively multiplayer, Interactive fiction


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Misc Artificial intelligence, Antivirus software, Malware scanner, Installer/Package management systems, File manager


There are thousands of different programming languages—some intended to be general purpose, others useful only for highly specialized applications.

Programming languages

Lists of programming languages

Timeline of programming languages, List of programming languages by category, Generational list of programming languages, List of programming languages, Non-English-based programming languages

Commonly used assembly languages

ARM, MIPS, x86

Commonly used high-level programming languages

Ada, BASIC, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Pascal, Object Pascal

Commonly used scripting languages

Bourne script, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl


As the use of computers has spread throughout society, there are an increasing number of careers involving computers.

F.1 Computer-related professions


Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Telecommunications engineering, Optical engineering, Nanoengineering


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Computer science, Computer engineering, Desktop publishing, Human–computer interaction, Information technology, Information systems, Computational science,Software engineering, Video game industry, Web design

The need for computers to work well together and to be able to exchange information has spawned the need for many standards organizations, clubs and societies of both a formal and informal nature.

F.2 Organizations

Standards groups ANSI, IEC, IEEE, IETF, ISO, W3C

Professional societies ACM, AIS, IET, IFIP, BCS

Free/open source software groups Free Software Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, Apache Software Foundation





The study used the descriptive method of research to determine the Feasibility Study of

Setting-Up a Computer Store in Town of Atimonan, Quezon. This method helped the researcher to

gather more information in order to have a better understanding about the research.

In addition, the researcher undertook a feasibility study which covers marketing feasibility,

technical and operational feasibility, organizational and manpower feasibility and financial

feasibility. The researcher also analysed the contribution to the community and the corporate social

responsibility of the proposed business.



B.1. Method of Collecting Secondary Data

The researcher utilized these methods to gather secondary data:

B.1.1. Library research


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The researcher sought information from the library to get the necessary details and

information related to the thesis topic. ______________

B.1.2. E-library Research

This is a research program with the used of internet. The researcher browsed from the

internet to complete the content of the review of related literature and study.

B.2. Method of Collecting Primary Data

The researcher also makes use of the primary data through the questionnaire, interview and

observation from the target respondents.

B.2.1. Interview

Its objective is to determine the aspects of business regarding the market strategies,

operations, manpower as well as the financial with relevance to the Computer Store. The

researcher used the interview with the owner of the BOB & DZ Computer Center in

Bonifacio St. Barangay Rizal Gumaca, Quezon ,Mgr. Robert Jodavar Iglesia; and with the

Sales and Operational Manager of the Quickfox Computer Sales and Services in 05 E.

Aguinaldo St. Gumaca, Quezon Engr. Jean H. Ravanzo. The interview was conducted last

October 29, 2014. The data gathered are used to improve the study.

B.2.2. Observation

The researcher used the Process observation method and Customer Behavior

Method that was conducted in the same establishments. The researcher observed the

behaviour of the persons (customer) who go to a Computer Center or Computer Store.

The observation was done last October 30, 2014 at BOB & DZ Computer

Center/store in Bonifacio St. Brgy. Rizal Gumaca, Quezon and October 31, 2014 at

Quickfox Computer Sales and Services in 05 E. Aguinaldo St. Gumaca, Quezon.

The researcher also used the Foot Traffic Observation Method that was conducted

in Sergio Osmiña St. Atimonan Quezon. The researcher observes the number of person

who could be a customer in the future.

B.2.3. Questionnaire


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This aims to know the needs, feelings and attitude of the possible target markets

and also to know if the proposed business is possible to the researchers target place through

the responses of a large number of respondents.

The researcher used the stratified random sampling from Brgy. Zone I, Zone II,

Zone III, Zone IV, Talaba, Malusak and Lakip, Atimonan, Quezon. The researcher choosed

the Brgy. Talaba, Malusak, Lakip because of a large number of the respondents who wanted

to have a computer without effort to go to the city and also to be updated to the latest

computer ideas. The computer shop owners also wanted to have a nearest dealer or supplier

of computer products.


The population of the study consisted of seven Barangays. The table displayed the

actual number of persons per Barangay. The number of respondents will be chosen to get

the sampling design; the researcher used the given formula.

The size of study population in this study is composed of 15,750 from Brgy. Zone I,

Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, Talaba, Malusak and Lakip Atimonan, Quezon.



n= N/1+Ne2


n= Sample Respondent

N= Size of Study

e= Margin of Error

n= 15750/ 1 + (15750) (0.05)2

n= 15750 / 1 + (15750) (0.0025)

n= 15750 / 1 + 39.4

n= 15750 / 40.4

n= 390

The researcher limited his study to 100 respondents considering the amount of time allocated for

the study and to lessen the cost incurred in the study. The researcher focuses his study to Brgy. Talaba


Business Administration Department  

and Malusak because most of the respondents in those barangays wanted to have a computer shop

they wanted the nearest supplier of the computer related products for the start of their business. The

researcher also observe the behavior of those Barangays, it is easy to the researcher to observe to

those barangay because he lives in those barangay.




Brgy. Zone I Poblacion 3708 15% 58 15 Brgy. Zone II Poblacion 3458 14% 55 14 Brgy. Zone III Poblacion 1786 7% 27 7 Brgy. Zone IV Poblacion 3145 12% 47 12

Brgy. Talaba 1543 22% 86 22

Brgy. Malusak 1586 21% 82 21

Brgy. Lakip 524 9% 35 9 Total 15750 100% 390 100

Table A: Percentages and Respondents Information by each of the Barangay Number of Population

over the Total Number of Population


C.1. Percentage Distribution


P= (n/N) × 100%


P= Percentage Distribution n= number of responses N= Number of Respondents

The researcher used the percentage distribution to determine the demographic profile of

the respondents as well as in assessing the competition and the reporting days and time. To

present the data, the researcher used the pie chart.

C.2. Frequency Distribution


Business Administration Department  

The researcher used the frequency distribution to determine the services that the

respondents are looking for in a Computer Store. To present the data, the researcher used the

bar graph.

C.2. Weighted Mean

Formula: WM= 5f+4f+3f+2f+1f

n Where:

WM= Weighted Mean F= Frequency Responses n= total number of response

Table B The scale below was used to interpret the total weighted mean.

Range Descriptive Analysis

4.20-4.99 Strongly Agree Most Preferred

3.40-4.19 Agree Preferred

2.60-3.39 Undecided Somewhat Preferred

1.80-2.59 Disagree Least Preferred

1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Not Preferred

The weighted mean is used in determining the attitudes and perception of the market toward the proposed business. 




This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of information gathered by the researcher

from the respondents through survey, interview and observation. The data gathered were tabulated and

computed to get the percentage and weighted mean to rank the data from the responses.


A.1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

A.1.1. Age Distribution of the Respondents


Business Administration Department  

Table 1.1 Responses According to the Respondents Age Group


No. Of Responses

Percentage Distribution

Below 13 years old 3 3%

14-16 2 2%

17-19 29 29%

20-22 16 16%

23-25 10 10%

26-28 11 11%

29-31 13 13%

32-34 4 4%

35-37 4 4%

38-40 0 0%

41-43 3 3%

44-46 2 2%

47-49 1 1%

50 and above 2 2%

Total 100 100%

Figure 1.1 Responses According to the Respondents Age Group


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Table 1.1 and Figure 1.1 show that 29% of the respondents are 17-19 years old, 16% of the respondents are 20-22 years old, 13% of the respondents are 29-31 years old, 10% of the respondents are 23-25 years old, 4% of the respondents are 32-34 years old, 4% of the respondents are 35-37 years, 3% of the respondents are below 13 years old, 3% of the respondents are 41-43 years old, 2% of the respondents are 14-16 years old and, the another 2% of the respondents are 44-46 years old, the another 2% of the respondents are above 49 years old. Therefore the potential markets for a computer










2% 1%


Responses According to the Respondents Age Group

Below 13 years old













50 and above


Business Administration Department  

parts/accessories business are those who are 17-19 years old that usually in college level.

A.1.2. Gender Distribution of the Respondents

Table 1.2 Responses According to the Respondents Gender

Gender No. Of Responses Percentage Distribution

Male 64 64%

Female 36 36%

Total 100 100%

Figure 1.2 Responses According to the Respondents Gender

Table 1.2 and Figure 1.2 show that 64% of the respondents are Males and the 36% of the respondents are Females. Therefore the potential markets for a computer parts/accessories business are those males.

A.1.3. Civil Status Distribution of the Respondents



Responses According to the Respondents Gender




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Table 1.3 Respondents Response According to their Civil Status

Civil Status No. Of Responses Percentage Distribution

Single 70 70%

Married 27 27%

Widow 3 3%

Total 100 100% Figure 1.3 Responses According to the Respondents Civil Status

Table 1.3 and Figure 1.3 show that 70% of the respondents are single, 27% are married and only 3% is widow.

Monthly Family Income Distribution of the Respondents

Table 1.4 Responses According to the Respondents Monthly Family Income




No. Of Responses




Monthly Family Income

No. Of Responses Percentage Distribution

below Php4000 2 2%

Php4000-6000 16 16%

Php6001-8000 2 2%

Php8001-10000 12 12%


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Figure 1.4 Responses According to the Respondents Monthly Family Income

Table 1.4 and Figure 1.4 show that 39% of the respondents have monthly family income of above Php14000, while 16% has Php4000-6000 and Php12001-14000 each. 13% of the respondents have monthly family income of Php10001-12000 and 12% has Php8001-10000. Each of the following has 2% respondents; Php6001-8000 and below Php4000.

Therefore the potential markets for a computer store business are those who has more than Php14000.00 monthly family income.







Responses According to the Respondents Monthly Family Income

below Php4000






More than Php14000

Php10001-12000 13 13%

Php12001-14000 16 16%

More than Php14000 39 39%

Total 100 100%


Business Administration Department  

Occupation Distribution of the Respondents

Table 1.5 Responses According to the Respondents Occupation

Occupation No. Of Responses Percentage


Office Worker 2 2%

Teacher 4 4%

Fishermen 3 3%

Vendor 14 14%

Driver 3  3% 

Dressmaker (designer) 2 2%

Cook 1 1%

Nurse 1 1%

Bus Conductor 2 2%

Government Worker 5 5%

Operator 3  3% 

Farmer 13  13% 

Sales Lady 1  1% 

Security Guard 4  4% 

Housekeeper 1  1% 

Seaman 1  1% 

Saloon Owner 1  1% 

Barbers (hair dresser) 2  2% 

Un-employed 3  3% 

Student 34  34% 

Total 100 100%


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Figure 1.5 Responses According to the Respondents Occupation

Figure 1.5 shows that 34% of the respondents are students, 14% of them are Vendors. Only 13% of them are farmer, 5% are government workers. Teachers and Security Guard are 4%; about 3% are the following fishermen, driver, operator, and unemployed. Each of the following has 2% respondent; Office Worker, Dressmaker, Bus Conductor, and Barbers (Hair Dresser). Each of the following has 2% respondent; Cook, Nurse, Sales Lady, Housekeeper, Seaman and Saloon Owner.

2% 4%3%
















Responses According to the Respondents Occupation

Office Worker Teacher Fishermen Vendor

Driver Dressmaker (designer) Cook Nurse

Bus Conductor Government Worker Operator Farmer

Sales Lady Security Guard Housekeeper Seaman

Saloon Owner Barbers (hair dresser) Un‐employed Student


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Therefore the potential markets for a computer parts/accessories business are those students for educational purpose.

A.2. Products in a computer parts and accessories store.

Table 2.1 Products that the respondents look for in a computer parts and accessories store and how much they willing to spend. 

Products (Parts and Accessories)

No. of Responses

Percentage Distribution

Rank Average Amount

Full Package Laptop 76 76% 6.5 -P19735.25

Full Package Desktop 68 68% 11.5 -P25730.15 Batteries (Laptop) 3 3% 32.33 -P350.00 Blank Media (CD-ROM) 56 56% 15.5 -P15.00

Card Reader 67 67% 13.5 -P76.67

Computer Cables and Connectors 45 45% 17.5 -P95.67

Computer Cases/Chassis 78 78% 5 -P890.25 CD/DVD ROM Drives 45 45% 17.5 -P399.25

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD-ROM) 31 31% 19.5 -P19.00 Electronic Games (installer) 23 23% 21.33 -P250.00 Hard Drive 23 23% 21.33 -P2900.00 Head Set 99 99% 1 -P367.25 Joystick 12 12% 26.33 -P250.33 KEYBOARDS 74 74% 9 -P134.25 Memory/ RAM 75 75% 8 -P2890.75 Memory Stick(Memory Card) 86 86% 3 -P452.79 Memory Stick (Flash Drive) 89 89% 2 -P350.67 Microsoft Software 4 4% 31 -P348.33 Modems 12 12% 26.33 -P255.50 Monitors & Display 31 31% 19.5 -P1148.25 Motherboard 21 21% 24.5 -P2693.75 MOUSE 82 82% 4 -P142.75 Network Card 5 5% 30 -P434.25 Power Bank (Portable Charger) 12 12% 26.33 -P450.00 Power Supply 3 3% 32.33 -P300.00 PRINTER 67 67% 13.5 -P4545.75 Processor/CPU 21 21% 24.5 -P3005.25 Scanners 3 3% 32.33 -P1035.25 Sound Cards 1 1% 36 -P300.00 Speaker 68 68% 11.5 -P210.00 TV Tuners 2 2% 35 -P345.00


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UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) 56 56% 15.5 -P125.75 Video/Graphic Cards 23 23% 21.33 -P456.75 Video Projectors 73 73% 10 -P7600.25 Webcams 76 76% 6.5 -P375.50 Other software 10 10% 29 -P250.00

Note: The prices indicated above are not generally fixed. This only shows the limit on how much the respondents would be willing to spend for the products.

Figure 2.1 Product the Respondents look for in a Computer Stores.


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A.3. Attitudes and Perception of the Market toward the Computer Parts/Accessories Store

Table 3.1 Respondents Response Pertaining to their Attitude toward the Computer parts/accessories store.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Full Package LaptopFull Package Desktop

Batteries (Laptop)Blank Media (CD‐ROM)

Card ReaderComputer Cables and Connectors

Computer Cases/ChassisCD/DVD ROM Drives

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD‐ROM)Electronic Games (installer)

Hard DriveHead SetJoystick


Memory Stick(Memory Card)Memory Stick (Flash Drive)

Microsoft SoftwareModems

Monitors & DisplayMotherboard

MOUSENetwork Card

Power Bank (Portable Charger)Power Supply


ScannersSound Cards

SpeakerTV Tuners

UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)Video/Graphic Cards

Video ProjectorsWebcams

Other software

No. of Responses

No. of Responses


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Analysis Rank

1. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store when I want to buy Parts/Accessories for myself

13  13  6  67  1  2.7 U 10

2. I go to a Parts/Accessories to buy parts and accessories as a gift

45  12  12  30  1  3.7 A 7

3. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to relax and window shop

12  56  15  16  1  3.62 A 9

4. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store when I want to buy a complete package of computer for the family or business purposes

89  10  0  0  1  4.86 SA 1

5. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store with my friends

6  64  23  5  2  3.67 A 8

6. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to upgrade and repair my computer

45  30  24  0  1  4.18 A 5

7. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to check and compare the prices

64  23  7  5  1  4.44 SA 4

8. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to test and be updated in the latest Parts/Accessories

67  26  6  0  1  4.58 SA 3

9. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to compare the quality of Parts/Accessories to other store

9  65  25  0  1  3.81 A 6

10. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to install useful application and latest games

78  20  1  0  1  4.74 SA 2

This table shows the market attitude toward going to a martial arts school. The respondents strongly agree to the following attributes:

I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store when I want to buy a complete package

of computer for the family or business purposes. It has a weighted mean of 4.86, rank 1.


Business Administration Department  

I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to install useful application and latest games. It has a weighted mean of 4.74, rank 2.

I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to test and be updated in the latest Parts/Accessories. It has a weighted mean of 4.58, rank 3.

I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to check and compare the prices. The weighted mean is 4.44, rank 4.

They also agree to these following statements: I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to upgrade and repair my computer. The

weighted mean is 4.18, rank 5. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to compare the quality of

Parts/Accessories to other store. With the weighted mean of 3.81, rank 6. I go to Parts/Accessories to buy parts and accessories as a gift. It has a weighted

mean of 3.7, rank 7. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store with my friends. It has a weighted mean

of 3.67, rank 8. I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store to relax and window shop. It has a

weighted mean of 3.62, rank 9. The respondents are undecided to this attribute:

I go to a Computer Parts/Accessories Store when I want to buy Parts/Accessories for myself. It has a weighted mean of 2.7, rank 10.

Table 3.2 Respondents Response to the Characteristic of the Place that the Market looks for a

Computer Store.


MP P SP LP NP WM Descriptive

Analysis Rank

1. With variety of models, parts and accessories

89 3 0 8 0 4.73 SA 4


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2. With properly organized display of computers, parts and accessories

54 41 0 5 0 4.44 SA 8

3. With unique styles of computers, parts and accessories like Mice, Keyboards, Speakers

34 33 0 33 0 3.68 A 10

4. Air conditioned 98 2 0 0 0 4.98 SA 1

5. Well lighted 79 20 0 1 0 4.77 SA 3

6. Spacious 67 30 0 3 0 4.61 SA 6

7. With testing area 78 3 0 19 0 4.4 SA 9

8. With friendly and approachable staff 56 44 0 0 0 4.56 SA 7

9. Secured Location (CCTV) 98 1 0 1 0 4.96 SA 2

10. Good quality of services 86 4 0 10 0 4.66 SA 5

This table shows the characteristics of the place that the market looks for in a Computer

Store. The markets most preferred characteristics are: Air conditioned. With a weighted mean of 4.98, rank 1. Secured Location (CCTV). It has a weighted mean of 4.96, rank 2. Well lighted. The weighted mean is 4.77, rank 3. With variety of models, parts and accessories. The weighted mean is 4.73, rank 4. Good quality of services. It has a weighted mean of 4.66, rank 5. Spacious. With a weighted mean of 4.61, rank 6. With friendly and approachable staff. With a weighted mean of 4.56, rank 7. With properly organized display of computers, parts and accessories. With a

weighted mean of 4.44, rank 8. With testing area. It has a weighted mean of 4.4, rank 9.

Respondents also Agree the statement below. With unique styles of computers, parts and accessories like Mice, Keyboards, and

Speakers. It has a weighted mean of 3.68, rank 10.

1. Table 3.3 Respondents Response to the Characteristic of Parts/Accessories that the Market looks for a Computer Parts/Accessories Store.

Characteristics of Computers, Parts And Accessories

MI I NSP LI NI WM Descriptive

Analysis Rank

1. Computers, Parts/Accessories are branded

27 68 0 0 5 4.12 A 8


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2. Computers, Parts/Accessories are affordable

19 75 0 0 6 4.01 A 10

3. Computers, Parts/Accessories are attractive

76 24 0 0 0 4.76 SA 1

4. Computers, Parts/Accessories are freely to test

47 46 0 0 7 4.26 SA 7

5. Computers, Parts/Accessories are warranted

89 4 0 0 7 4.68 SA 2

6. Computers, Parts/Accessories are high quality

85 2 0 0 13 4.46 SA 4

7. Computers, Parts/Accessories have unique functions

56 35 0 0 9 4.29 SA 6

8. Computers, Parts/Accessories availability

41 56 0 0 3 4.32 SA 5

9. Computers, Parts/Accessories are latest models

11 86 0 0 3 4.02 A 9

10. Computers, Parts/Accessories are durable

57 42 0 0 1 4.54 SA 3

The table shows that the respondents most important these Characteristics of

Computers, Parts and Accessories:

Computers, Parts/Accessories are attractive. With a weighted mean of 4.76, rank 1. Computers, Parts/Accessories are warranted. With a weighted mean also of 4.68,

rank 2. Computers, Parts/Accessories are durable. It has a weighted mean of 4.54, rank 3. Computers, Parts/Accessories are high quality where it has a weighted mean of 4.46,

rank 4. Computers, Parts/Accessories availability. The weighted mean is 4.32, rank 5. Computers, Parts/Accessories have unique functions. The weighted mean is 4.29,

rank 6. Computers, Parts/Accessories are freely to test. It has a weighted mean of 4.26, rank

7. Computers, Parts/Accessories are branded has a weighted mean of 4.18, rank 8. Computers, Parts/Accessories are latest models. The weighted mean is 4.02, rank 9. Computers, Parts/Accessories are affordable. It has a weighted mean of 4.01, rank


A.4. Understanding the Competition

Table 4.1 Respondents Response on where do they go when they want to buy a computer and computer parts.

Competitors No. Of Responses Percentage Distribution

CD-R King Stores 54 54%


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Quickfox Computer sales and services plus+

1 1%

Bob and DZ Computer Center/store

2 2%

Computer store in Manila 3 3%

SM Lucena (Computer store) 18 18%

Pacific Mall Lucena (Computer store)

22 22%

Figure 3.1 Respondents Response on where do they go when they want to buy a computer and computer parts.

Table 4.1 and Figure 3.1 54% of the respondents went to CD-Kings Stores when they want to buy computers, the other 22% are regular customer of Pacific Mall (computer store), and 18% for the respondents are more comfortable to SM Lucena (Computer Store). 3% of the respondents bought their computers, parts and accessories in Manila while 3% are regular costumer of two stores in Gumaca, Quezon the followings; 2% at BOB and DZ Computer Center and 1% at Quickfox Computer sales and services plus+.





Respondents Response on where do they go when they want to buy a computer and 

computer parts

CD‐R King Stores Quickfox Computer sales and services plus+

Bob and DZ Computer Center/store Computer store in Manila

SM Lucena (Computer store) Pacific Mall Lucena (Computer store)


Business Administration Department  

A.5. Willingness of the market to go to a New Computer Store

A.5.1. Respondents Response to their Willingness to go to a New Computer Store

Table 5.1 Respondents Response to their Willingness to go to a New Computer Store

Willingness to go No. Of Responses

Percentage Distribution

Yes 89 89%

Maybe 10 10%

No 1 1%

Total 100 100%

Figure 4.1 Respondents Response to their Willingness to go to a New Computer Store

Table 5.1 and Figure 4.1 show that 89% of the respondents are willing to go to the proposed business, While 10% are not sure if they will go to a new computer store and the remaining 15% are not willing.




Respondents Response to their Willingness to go to a New Computer Store

Yes Maybe No


Business Administration Department  

A.5.2. Respondents Response on how frequent they want to go to a New Computer Store

Table 5.2 Respondents Response on How Frequent They Want to go to a New Computer Store.

Frequency No. Of Responses Percentage


Daily 1 1%

Weekly 8 8%

Monthly 34 34%

Yearly 1 1%

Whenever needed 56 56%

Total 100 100%

Figure 4.2 Respondents Response on How Frequent They Want to go to a New Computer Store.

Table 5.2 and Figure 4.2 show that 56% of the respondents are frequently want to go whenever they needed the assess of the new computer store while 34% wants to visit it monthly to be updated with the latest computers, parts, and accessories. 8% of the respondents are willing to go weekly and 1% of respondents wanted in the store daily, another 1% of respondents is in the yearly scheduled visit.






Respondents Response on How Frequent They Want to go to a New Computer Store

Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Whenever needed


Business Administration Department  

A.5.3. Respondents Response on How Much Time They will Spend to a New Computer Store

Table 5.3 Respondents Response on How Much Time They will Spend to a New Computer Store

Time No. of Responses Percentage


less than 1 hour 78 78%

1-2 hours 19 19%

3-4 hours 1 1%

more than 4 hours 2 2%

Total 100 100%

Figure 4.3Respondents Response on How Much Time They will Spend to a New Computer Store

Table 5.3 and Figure 4.3 show that 78% of the respondents want to spend less than one hour in a Computer Store, 19% of them wants to take a look in 1-2 hour/s. There are 2% who are willing to spend time in a computer store for more than 4 hours. And 1% wants 3-4 hours.



1% 2%

Respondents Response on How Much Time They will Spend to a New Computer Store

less than 1 hour 1‐2 hours 3‐4 hours more than 4 hours


Business Administration Department  

A.5.4. Respondents Response to their Preferred Days of Going to a New Computer Store.

Table 5.4 Respondents Response to their Preferred Days of Going to a New Computer Store.

Preferred Day No. of Responses Percentage


Monday to Sunday 2 2%

Monday to Saturday 78 78%

Monday to Friday 17 17%

Saturday and Sunday 3 3%

Total 100 100%

Figure 4.4 Respondents Response To Their Preferred Days Of Going To A New Computer Store.

Table 5.4 and Figure 4.4 show that most of the respondents’ preferred days of going to computer store are Monday to Saturday with the response of 78%. 17% of them want to go from Monday to Friday. There are 3% of those who want to go in Saturday and Sunday. And only 2% prefer from Monday to Sunday.





Respondents Response to their Preferred Days of Going to a New Computer Store

Monday to Sunday

Monday to Saturday

Monday to Friday

Saturday and Sunday


Business Administration Department  

A.5.5. Respondents Response to their Preferred Computer Store Hours

Table 5.5 Respondents Response to their Preferred Computer Store Hours

Preferred Time No. of Responses Percentage


7am to 8pm 8 8%

7am to 9pm 5 5%

7am to 10pm 67 67%

8am to 8pm 7 7%

8am to 9pm 8 8%

8am to 10pm 3 3%

9am to 8pm 0 0%

9am to 9pm 0 0%

9am to 10pm 2 2%

Total 100 100%

Figure 4.5 Respondents Response to their Preferred Computer Store Hours





3% 0% 0% 2%

Respondents Response to their Preferred Computer  Store Hours

7am to 8pm

7am to 9pm

7am to 10pm

8am to 8pm

8am to 9pm

8am to 10pm

9am to 8pm

9am to 9pm

9am to 10pm


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Table 5.5 and Figure 4.5 show that most of the respondents prefer hours to go to a computer store are between 7am to 10pm that has 67% of responses. 7am to 8pm and 8am to 9pm has both 8% responses, 8am to 8pm has only 7% of respondents, 7am to 9pm has 5% and 8am to 10pm has 3% only. There are only 2% respondents to 9am to 10pm while 9am to 8pm and 9am to 9pm has no respondents.

B. Result of interview

B.1- Results of the interview with Mr. Robert Jodavar Iglesia the owner of Bob and DZ Computer Center in Bonifacio St. Baranggay Rizal Pob. Gumaca, Quezon held within the said Computer Store on October 27, 2014.

a) Personal data. 1. Name: Mr. Robert Jodavar Iglesia 2. Name of Establishment/business: BOB and DZ Computer Center 3. Address: Bonifacio St. Brgy. Rizal Pob. Gumaca, Quezon 4. Date of interview: October 27, 2014

b) Questions.

A. Business Background The owner of the BOB and DZ Computer Center choose this kind of business because it is connected to his job as a computer technician and it is also his wife suggestion, he has also the traits of being a Computer Whiz. This business has started 5 years ago. The Bob and DZ Computer Center are started located at the house of the owner, with a small amount of products. The owner also thought that these businesses are in demand because of industrial age and the youth are more interested in the same field.

B. Marketing Aspects of the Business The Bob and DZ Computer Center treat their customers with approachable and bright conversation, being polite to the customer are more important than setting an affordable product. It is how they handle their customers who are mostly Computer Shop Owners and College Students. The services that Computer Center offers are Computer Repair, Free Checkup and setting the products to the most affordable prize. It is unique to the other Computer Store because it has faster service and simple, more benefit and warranty to the products, the business has also have more affordable products than the other store has. The Bob and DZ Computer Center has existing competitors who are the following; Quickfox, CD-R King Lucena, computer shop with computer part and accessories sales; they also use the affordability of the products and services to compete against competitors. To get the loyalty of the customer the good attitude of the employee are the attraction of the business to build a loyalty between the business and the customer. In month of March and April they encounter the highest income while in month of June and February has the lowest income (based on 2013 income record).


Business Administration Department  

C. Operational and technical aspects of the business. The Bob and DZ are settled at Bonifacio St. Brgy. Rizal Pob. Gumaca, Quezon because of crowd, and there are more customer can be attracted to the store. The operating days of the Computer Center are everyday at 8oclock in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon but in the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) it is at 8oclock in the morning to 12noon. The location of this business most affects the market profitability because more people can be attracted to the store, and it is important to be known by many customers. Most common problem of this business is the warranty returns because the profit for that product is at risk. They get their supplies in the Computers, Parts and accessories manufacturer at Manila; they have no permanent producer because they want to have the other brand of the product. The owner starts that kind of business with the following requirements; Baranggay Certificates, Municipal Cetificate, DTI, BIR. With those requirements the government policy mostly affects the business are the Taxes or BIR and also the employee benefits.

D. Organizational and manpower aspects of the business. The BOB and DZ Computer Center is a Sole Proprietorship that manages by the owner of the business. The primary rules of the business for the employee are no Loitering, and overpricing; there are three employees in the business without the owner. The primary jobs of the employee are to repair the computers and to guide the customers. The monthly salaries of the employee are between P 7000 to P 8000 it depends upon the performance, with the benefits of 13th month pay, and SSS. The employee should be industrious, diligent and approachable to be able to stay in the Business. The common problem encountered to the employees is sleeping while in the middle of the job to solve it the salary deductions are applied as a penalty.

E. Financial aspects of the business. The starting Capital of the BOB and DZ Computer Center is Php 98, 500, the operating expenses are follow; Transportation Expenses- 20,000 Employees’ Salaries- 21,000 Taxes- 3,500 Total- 44,500

The fees from the government are the following: BIR- Taxes, Employee Benefits 107,975.25 is the average monthly income of the business (Year 2013).

F. Future Directions

The owner of the BOB and DZ Computer Center has a plan to expand his business to have a Franchise in Lopez, Atimonan and Calauag Quezon and air conditioning in a bigger and better spacing location.

G. Advice to entrepreneur The owner of the BOB and DZ Computer Center advice for new entrepreneurs who want to start a business “Be positive and don’t forget to pray to God before starting a business”


Business Administration Department  

B.2- Results of the interview with Engr. Jean H. Ravanzo the manager of Quickfox Computer Sales and Services Plus+ in Ravanzo Rich Building, 05 E. Aguinaldo St. Gumaca, Quezon held within the said Computer Store on October 28, 2014.

a) Personal data.

1. Name of Interviewee: Engr. Jean H. Ravanzo 2. Name of Establishment/business: Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ 3. Address: Ravanzo rich building, 05 E. Aguinaldo St., Gumaca,

Quezon 4. Date of interview: October 28, 2014

b) Questions.

A. Business Background The manager of the Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ choose this kind of business because it is connected to her job as a computer Engineer and it is also her Husband suggestion, she has also the traits of being a Computer Whiz. This business has started 6-5 years ago. The Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ are started with the capital from her savings. The manager also thought that these businesses are in demand because of industrial age and most of the youth has a computer whiz traits .

B. Marketing Aspects of the Business

The Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ treat their customers with approachable and bright conversation, being friendly to the customer. It is how they handle their customers who are mostly Computer Shop Owners businessman who wants to buy computers and College Students. The services that Computer Center offers are Computer Repair and Free Checkup. It is unique to the other Computer Store because they sales not only computer services and products but also sales motor cycle parts, the business has also have more affordable products than the other store has. The Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ has existing competitors who are the following; Bob and DZ, CD-R King Lucena, computer shop with computer part and accessories sales; they also use the uniqueness of the products and services to compete against competitors. To get the loyalty of the customer the good attitude of the employee and great warranty extension are the attraction of the business to build a loyalty


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between the business and the customer. In month of March to June they encounter the highest income while in month of February and March has the lowest income (based on 2013 income record).

C. Operational and technical aspects of the business. The Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ are settled at Ravanzo rich building, 05 E. Aguinaldo St., Gumaca, Quezon because privacy or private transaction between costumer, and there are more customer can be attracted to the store. The operating days of the Computer Center are Monday to Saturday at 8oclock in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon but in the weekends (Saturday) it is at 8oclock in the morning to 12noon. The location of this business most affects the market profitability because better communication inside the store is satisfied, and it is important to be known by limited customers. Most common problem of this business is the warranty returns because the profit for that product is at risk. They get their supplies in the Computers, Parts and accessories manufacturer at Manila; they have no permanent producer because they want to have the other brand of the product. The owner starts that kind of business with the following requirements; Baranggay Certificates, Municipal Cetificate, DTI, BIR. With those requirements the government policy mostly affects the business are the Taxes or BIR and also the employee benefits.

D. Organizational and manpower aspects of the business.

The Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ is a Sole Proprietorship that manages by the Manager of the business. The primary rules of the business for the employee are no Loitering, and sleeping in the job; there are 9-10 employees each branch in the business. The primary jobs of the employee are to repair the computers and to guide the customers. The monthly salaries of the employee are between P 8,000- P 10,000 it depends upon the performance, with the benefits of 13th month pay, and SSS. The employee should be industrious, diligent and approachable employees are the qualities that make the business expand. The common problem encountered to the employees is sleeping while in the middle of the job to solve it always checking the employees.

E. Financial aspects of the business. The starting Capital of the Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ is Php 200,000-250,000 in the main branch and Php 100,000-150,000 to other branch, the operating expenses are follow; (monthly) Transportation Expenses- 40,000 Employees’ Salaries- 100,000 Taxes- 7,000 Total- 147,000 The fees from the government are the following: BIR- Taxes, SSS Employee 188,976.50 (present average monthly income year 2013, only in the Gumaca Branch)

F. Future Directions


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The owner of Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ has a plan to expand his business, air conditioning in a bigger and better spacing location.

G. Advice to entrepreneur The owner of the Quickfox computer sales and services plus+ advice for new entrepreneurs who want to start a business “The entrepreneurs have a different techniques in establishing a better business but we should have a unity with the same respect to the government law in taxes weather the government official are corrupt or honest”


Behaviours of Costumers inside the Computer Store



Behaviours of Employee inside the Computer Store

Types of Products and Services offered

Building Lay-outs


Staff’s place   




(accessories, motor cycle parts and accessories)


Cabinet for computers, parts and accessories



Cabinet Staffs 


Rest Room  Stock Room 


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Figure 5.1 Building Lay-out Quickfox computer sales and services plus+.

Processes in a Computer Store

Figure 5.2 Processes of the People in a Computer Store

This figure show the process of the people in entering a computer store, first step is identifying who are the customers. Second let the customer enter the store and third is to entertainment between the staff and the customer. After the entertainment the customer will select a product, and pay for it; after the payment is preparing for the sold product and the delivering of the product. The process is repeated every time they were attending the lesson.




A Computer



Enter the


Entertain the


Pay for the


Give the

product to the






Select a

Product to



Glass wall


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D. Result of the foot traffic observation from October 27, 2014-November 2, 2014, the foot traffic located at Sergio Osmiña St. Atimonan Quezon. 

Time:  Monday  Tuesday   Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 


7:00‐7:30  9  8  12  9  16  6  34 

7:30‐8:00  31  33  35  32  31  11  45 

8:00‐8:30  12  14  17  13  17  25  20 

8:30‐9:00  11  10  18  16  12  34  31 

9:00‐9:30  22  25  27  23  23  19  12 

9:30‐10:00  18  17  19  28  19  23  23 

10:00‐10:30  14  14  15  13  15  22  23 

10:30‐11:00  12  15  12  10  13  25  34 

11:00‐11:30  45  39  47  42  46  21  12 

11:30‐12:00  33  35  29  36  34  30  22 

12:00‐12:30  36  31  28  21  37  23  12 

12:30‐1:00  21  23  27  36  21  24  23 

1:00‐1:30  14  12  11  15  11  34  35 

1:30‐2:00  13  10  9  18  12  23  28 

2:00‐2:30  16  10  14  15  17  5  18 

2:30‐3:00  11  9  4  11  11  3  16 


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3:00‐3:30  9  12  3  9  10  4  17 

3:30‐4:00  9  11  35  7  8  11  17 

4:00‐4:30  31  29  23  34  35  23  21 

4:30‐5:00  21  28  35  27  23  21  23 

5:00‐5:30  34  38  34  32  29  34  24 


5:30‐6:00  23  27  26  25  24  36  11 

6:00‐6:30  27  21  30  26  27  23  14 

6:30‐7:00  22  27  24  24  9  21  23 

7:00‐7:30  11  8  29  9  10  34  25 

7:30‐8:00  23  27  23  20  25  26  22 

8:00‐8:30  12  21  18  14  23  21  18 

8:30‐9:00  32  39  24  23  34  6  19 

9:00‐9:30  35  31  36  37  40  12  19 

Total  607  624  664  625  632  600  641 




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The researcher conducted the foot traffic observation to measure and observes the number of people who pass by in the target location of the proposed business through the help of the residence in same location. The observation was conducted from 7:00 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening of October 27, 2014 to November 2, 2014. The table and graph shows that more pedestrian pass by in the target location during Wednesday because it is the regular day of classes and most of the pedestrians are students and Sunday because it is worship day (Weekends).












Number of Pedestrian



Foot traffic Observation Result









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This study considered the size and scope of the market, wherein the researcher used 100 randomly selected respondents from the number of households in Barangay Zone I, Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, Talaba, Malusak and Lakip Atimonan, Quezon.

The Computer business here in Atimonan is in growth stage. Consequently the nature of the industry of Computer stores in the town is stable because there are Computer Store existing in town and there are also few competitors like the sellers of second hand computer from the local computer owners.

The selling price of an computer, parts or accessories would be mark-up based on the terms of payment preferred by a customer. Prices of products may vary per brand. This kind of business has seasonality. The price of a computers, parts or accessories decreases due to discount offers during lean month.

During lean seasons, existing competitors due offer promos such as product bundling, giving freebies and also giving more discounts so as to encourage the market to buy the product. A new Industry player cannot easily enter this kind of business because huge capital is needed in establishing this kind of business. But the researcher still wants to pursue this business because of the opportunities present in the locality.

Based on the result of the survey, the attributes that the market preferred are free warranty and free delivery. So the proposed business will grant an extended warranty for the parts and labor, an offer that existing competitors do not have. Upon delivery of the product, the business could also do free repair of the computers, and parts or accessories within the warranty period.


The proposed business is stored-based. The researcher will establish a store with showroom, where people can go to buy products. The potential buyers for the proposed business ventures are teenagers who are 14 and above years old residing in Atimonan, Quezon. Other residents of the nearby islands like Alabat and Perez, Quezon may be potential buyers also, because they may rather go to Atimonan which is nearer to them than go to Lucena City.


The Computer Store source of supply would be the following:

Electricity - Quezelco Atimonan, Quezon

Water - Think thirst and Water Station in Atimonan, Quezon

Computers, parts and accesories -Lucena City and Manila


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Telephone - GTSI Atimonan, Quezon

Internet Connection – (F1 internet CATV Atimonan Branch)

D. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE BUSINESS To start up a Computer Store the following government requirements are needed.

SEC Registration & Articles of the Partnership and by laws if the Partnership. Verification of the business name with SEC Registration of BIR Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Registration of the employees with the SSS, Phil Health and Pag-IBIG Business Permits from the LGU

Mayor’s Permit

Sanitary Permit

Building Permit

Health Certificate

Electrical Inspection

Plumbing Inspection


The proposed Products, business would sell both major and small Products. Based on the result of the survey, the proposed would sell products items that the markets commonly look for, such as Full Package Laptop, Full Package Desktop, Batteries (Laptop), Blank Media (CD-ROM), Card Reader, Computer Cables and Connectors(terminals), Computer Cases/Chassis, CD/DVD ROM Drives, Digital Versatile Disc (DVD-ROM), Electronic Games (Installer), Hard Drive, Head Set, Joystick (for PC or PS2), Keyboards, Memory/ RAM, Memory Stick (Flash Drive), Memory Stick (Memory Card), Microsoft Software, Modems, Monitors & Display, Motherboard, Mouse, Network Card, Power Bank (Portable Charger), Power Supply, PRINTER, Processor/CPU, Scanners, Sound Cards, Speaker, TV Tuners, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), Video/Graphic Cards, Video Projectors, Webcams and Other software

The target market are teenagers of age 14 and above years old, residing in Atimonan Quezon and has a family income bracket of Php 14,000 and above The proposed business will offer the following attributes “offering free warranty”, “friendly and knowledgeable staff, “good location” and offers affordable price”, to encourage customers to buy the product.


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The main targets of the proposed business are computer users, computer shop owners, teenagers

and children who want to play any kind of computer games. The proposed business is also for all people

who want to purchase computers. That is reason why the proposed business also offers free check-up of the

computers for the benefit of other customers.



Talaba 1543

Malusak 1586

Lakip 524

Zone I 3708

Zone II 3458

Zone III 1786

Zone IV 3145

TOTAL: 15750

The proposed Computer business had a target market of 15750 numbers of Household. The

researcher then assumes that 20% out of 89% of the respondents who said that they are willing to go to the

projected Computer Store will be the potential market. The researcher assumed the following total number

of target market (15750)*(89%)*(20%) which is 2803.5 or 2803 number of households.


89% (willing to go to Computer Store)* 15750 (total number of respondents)* 20%

(percentage assumed by the researcher)

= 89%*15750*20%



= 2803.5 or 2803 (market base)


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It is new year, the people buy new computers to replace their former computers, parts and accessories which last for a year(s)

FEBRUARY AVERAGE The market looks for a product during Valentine’s Day

MARCH PEAK This month has many activities like online studying, thesis project completion, and other related to computer.

APRIL PEAK This month has many activities like online studying, thesis project completion, and other related to computer.

MAY PEAK This month has many activities like online studying, thesis project completion, and other related to computer.

JUNE PEAK Start of the class from summer vacation, computers, parts and accessories are in demand.

JULY LEAN Ordinary month

AUGUST AVERAGE The market looks for a technological products because of the town fiesta of Atimonan

SEPTEMBER LEAN Ordinary month

OCTOBER LEAN Ordinary month

NOVEMBER LEAN Ordinary month


Christmas season, people receives money such as cash gift and 13th month pay, thus this is the month they buy computers, parts, and accessories they want.



LEAN 10% 156

AVERAGE 30% 469

PEAK 50% 782


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