Page 1: Feasibility and Optimal Design of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Energy System for the Orphanage

Research Article

Feasibility and Optimal Design of a Stand-Alone PhotovoltaicEnergy System for the Orphanage

Vincent Anayochukwu Ani

Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Nigeria (UNN), Nsukka 410001, Nigeria

Correspondence should be addressed to Vincent Anayochukwu Ani; vincent [email protected]

Received 10 February 2014; Revised 2 April 2014; Accepted 10 April 2014; Published 30 April 2014

Academic Editor: Nuri Azbar

Copyright © 2014 Vincent Anayochukwu Ani. his is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Access to electricity can have a positive psychological impact through a lessening of the sense of exclusion, and vulnerability otenfelt by the orphanages.his paper presented the simulation and optimization study of a stand-alone photovoltaic power system thatproduced the desired power needs of an orphanage. Solar resources for the design of the system were obtained from the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy website at a location of 6∘51�N latitudeand 7∘35�E longitude, with annual average solar radiation of 4.92 kWh/m2/d. his study is based on modeling, simulation, andoptimization of energy system in the orphanage.he patterns of load consumption within the orphanage were studied and suitablymodeled for optimization. Hybrid OptimizationModel for Electric Renewables (HOMER) sotware was used to analyze and designthe proposed stand-alone photovoltaic power system model. he model was designed to provide an optimal system conigurationbased on an hour-by-hour data for energy availability and demands. A detailed design, description, and expected performance ofthe system were presented in this paper.

1. Introduction

Isolated (remote) sites are locations far from the places wheremost people live and oten lack grid power supply. heprice of conventional energy sources in remote areas, suchas candles, parain, gas, coal, and batteries, is oten moreexpensive than in places where most people live becauseof the remoteness of retailers. Providing grid electricity inremote areas is oten associated with higher costs to thegrid supplier. Power may be supplied through stand-alonesystems (serving just one or two users). hese systems canprovide power for domestic uses such as lighting, cooling,TV, radio, and communication.he power may be generatedfrom various resources, using diesel, biomass, wind, PV,or small hydrogenerators, or hybrid combinations of theseresources. Depending on the characteristics of a speciic use(i.e., the load proile) and the local supply options, the leastcost solution for an orphanagemay consist of any of the aboveoptions.he attraction of these sources lies primarily in theirabundance and ready access. Many of the isolated areas lying

remotely from the grid have a high potential of renewableenergy with solar energy being the most abundant.

Solar home system (SHS) typically includes a photo-voltaic (PV) module, a battery, a charge controller, wiringsetup, and a DC/AC inverter. A standard small SHS can oper-ate several lights, a television (black-and-white or coloured),a radio or cassette player, and a small fan. SHS can eliminateor reduce the need for candles, kerosene, liquid propane gas,and/or battery charging and provide increased convenienceand safety, improved indoor air quality, and a higher qualityof light than kerosene lamps for reading [1]. he size of thesystem (typically 10 to 100 Watts peak (Wp)) determinesthe number of “light hours” or “TV-hours” available. Forexample, a 35Wp SHS provides enough power for four hoursof lighting from four 7W lamps each evening, as well asseveral hours of are more than 500,000 SHSnow installed in rural areas of developing countries [2–7].

Orphanages are oten located in an isolated area andaccess to electricity can bring tangible social and economicbeneits to them.he possible beneits can include household

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Renewable EnergyVolume 2014, Article ID 379729, 8 pages

Page 2: Feasibility and Optimal Design of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Energy System for the Orphanage

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ad (


Daily proile




Figure 1: Load daily proile of typical orphanage electricity con-sumption.

(orphanage) lighting, the ability to refrigerate food and makewashing clothes more convenient. he presence of electricityin an orphanage also can result in better reading culture.Finally, electricity can have a positive psychological impactthrough a lessening of the sense of exclusion and vulnerabilityoten felt by orphanages, hence the need for the provisionof an alternative sustainable electric power supply system.It is always convenient to perform a thorough simulationof the energy system to obtain an optimal output using thenatural resources around it before its construction.herefore,the purpose of this paper is to simulate and optimize arenewable (PV-battery) energy system that will produce thedesired power needs of the orphanage, and the optimizationparameter proposed here as a base is the ofered service.

2. Methodology

In order to design a power system, one has to providesome information from the remote location of the orphanagesuch as the load proile that should be met by the system,solar radiation for PV generation, the initial cost of eachcomponent (PV panels, a charge controller, battery, andinverter), annual interest rate, and project lifetime.

2.1. he Reference Orphanage. From the acquired data, aproile of the orphanage was created. his proile consists ofthe orphanage load variations and electrical usage patternswithin the orphanage. Figure 1 shows the daily proile elec-tricity consumption in an orphanage inNsukka (Enugu State,Nigeria). he orphanage in Nsukka is simple and does notrequire large quantities of electrical energy used for lightingand electrical appliances. Table 1 shows an estimation of eachappliance’s rated power, its quantity, and the hours of use bythe orphanage in a single day.

2.2. he Pattern of Using Electricity Power within the Orphan-age. he lights in the orphanage will always be on as from6 am (06:00 h) to 7 am (07:00 h). By this time (6 am to7 am) the orphans start preparing for school. hey leave theorphanage to school by 8 am (08:00 h) and come back to theorphanage by 2 pm (14:00 h). By 7 am, the light will go of,since the rays of light come in through the windows during







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec0








ly r







Global horizontal radiation






Daily radiationClearness index

Figure 2: Graphics of monthly solar radiation proile for Nsukka.

day time [7 am–7 pm (07:00 h–19:00 h)]. he light comes onagain by 7 pm (19:00 h) till 10 pm (22:00 h) to enable themto read their books. Once it is 10 pm, there will be light outand they will go to bed. he light out will be there till 6 ambefore the light comes in again. Meanwhile, between 1 pm(13:00 h) and 2 pm (14:00 h), when the radiation is at the apex,thewashingmachinewill be used towash orphans clothes. Asfrom 4 pm (16:00 h), the orphans will be in the waiting roomwatching television (programmes from the satellite dish),while the television, the satellite decoder, and the fans will allbe ON till 7 pm. Once it is 7 pm, they will go and read theirbooks till 10 pm.

2.3. Study Area. his research focuses on the simulation ofphotovoltaic power generation system for an orphanage sitedin Nsukka located in a valley with poor wind but goodsolar energies. It is geographically located at 6∘51�N latitudeand 7∘35�E longitude with annual average solar radiation of

4.92 kWh/m2/d. he data for solar resource were obtainedfrom the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy website [8].For this study, only solar PV technology was considered.Figure 2 shows the solar resource proile of this location.February is the sunniest month of the year. During this

month, the solar energy resource is 5.7 kWh/m2/d while in

August it is only 3.9 kWh/m2/d. In the months of September,October, November, December, January, and February, thesolar radiation increases with diferences from month tomonth as (0.28), (0.38), (0.54), (0.35), (0.22), and (0.06),respectively, whereas in the months of March, April, May,June, July, and August, the solar radiation decreases withdiferences from month to month as (0.17), (0.32), (0.31),(0.4), (0.4), and (0.23), respectively. hese diferences will beconsidered during system sizing.

3. Modeling of Energy System Components

hemathematicalmodel of the proposed energy system com-ponents contains photovoltaic system with battery storage

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Table 1: he electrical load data.

Description of item Qty Load (watts per unit)Load (watts)

totalDaily hours of actualutilization (hr. per day)

Television 1 80 803 hrs.

(16:00 hr.–19:00 hr.)

Satellite decoder 1 20 203 hrs.

(16:00 hr.–19:00 hr.)

Fan 2 75 1503 hrs.

(16:00 hr.–19:00 hr.)

Electric bulb (lighting) 4 15 604 hrs.

(19:00 hr.–22:00 hr.);(06:00 hr–07:00 hr.)

Refrigerator 1 100 10024 hrs.

(0:00 hr.–23:00 hr.)

Washing machine 1 250 250 1 hr. (13:00 hr.–14:00 hr.)

system.he theoretical aspects are given below and based on[9–11].

Mathematical Model of Solar Photovoltaic. Using the solarradiation available, the hourly energy output of the PVgenerator (�PV) can be calculated according to the followingequation [9, 12, 13]:

�PV = � (�) × � × � × �PV, (1)

where �(�) is the hourly irradiance in kWh/m2, � is the

surface area in m2, � is the PV penetration level factor, and�PV is the eiciency of PV generator.

Mathematical Model of Charge Controller. To prevent over-charging of a battery, a charge controller is used to sensewhen the batteries are fully charged and to stop or decreasethe amount of energy lowing from the energy source to thebatteries. he model of the charge controller is presentedbelow [9]:

�CC-OUT (�) = �CC-IN (�) × �CC�CC-IN (�) = �SUR-DC (�) ,


where �CC-OUT(�) is the hourly energy output from chargecontroller, kWh, �CC-IN(�) is the hourly energy input tocharge controller, kWh, �CC is the eiciency of a chargecontroller, and �SUR-DC(�) is the amount of surplus energyfrom DC sources, kWh.

Mathematical Model of Battery Bank. he battery stateof charge (SOC) is the cumulative sum of the dailycharge/discharge transfers. he battery serves as an energysource entity when discharging and a load when charging.At any hour t the state of the battery is related to theprevious state of charge and to the energy production andconsumption situation of the system during the time from� − 1 to t.

During the charging process, when the total output fromrenewable sources exceeds the load demand, the availablebattery bank capacity at hour t can be described by [9, 12–14]

�BAT (�) = �BAT (� − 1) − �CC-OUT (�) × �CHG, (3)

where �BAT(�) is the energy stored in the battery at hour t,kWh, �BAT(� − 1) is the energy stored in the battery at hour� − 1, kWh, and �CHG is the battery charging eiciency.

On the other hand, when the load demand is greaterthan the available energy generated, the battery bank isin discharging state. herefore, the available battery bankcapacity at hour � can be expressed as [9, 12–14]

�BAT (�) = �BAT (� − 1) − �Needed (�) , (4)

where �Needed(�) is the hourly load demand or energy neededat a particular period of time.

Let � be the diference between minimum allowableSOC voltage limit and the maximum SOC voltage across thebattery terminals when it is fully charged which is equal to1 − DOD/100.

So, the depth of discharge (DOD) is as follows:

DOD = (1 − �) × 100. (5)

DOD is a measure of how much energy has been withdrawnfrom a storage device, expressed as a percentage of fullcapacity. he maximum value of SOC is 1, and the minimumSOC measured in percentage is determined by maximumdepth of discharge (DOD):

SOCMin = 1 − DOD

100 . (6)

Mathematical Model of Inverter. In the proposed scheme, thePV panel and battery systems are connected with DC buswhile the electric loads are connected with AC bus as shownin Figure 3.

he invertermodels for photovoltaic and battery bank aregiven below [15]:

�PV-INV,BAT-INV (�)= (�PV (�) + �BAT (� − 1) − �LOAD (�)�INV × �DCHG

) × �REC,(7)

where �PV-INV,BAT-INV(�) is the hourly energy output frominverter kWh, �BAT(� − 1) is the energy stored in the battery

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Figure 3: Schematic diagram of photovoltaic energy system.

at hour � − 1, kWh, �Load(�) is the hourly energy consumedby the load side, kWh, �INV is the eiciency of inverter, and�DCHG is the battery discharging eiciency.

3.1. Power Generation Model. Total power generated at anytime t is given by [9, 12–14]

� (�) =��∑

PV=1�PV, (8)

where�� are number of PV cells. his generated power willfeed the loads and when this generated power exceeds theload demand, then the surplus of energy will be stored inthe battery bank. his energy (battery) will be used whena deiciency of power occurs to meet the load. he chargedquantity of the battery bank has the constraint SOCmin ≤SOC(�) ≤ SOCmax. he SOCmin is at 40%, while that ofSOCmax is at 80%. he approach involves the minimizationof a cost function subject to a set of equality and inequalityconstraints.

3.2. Cost Model (Economic and Environmental Costs) ofEnergy Systems. he equation for estimating the level of opti-mization of photovoltaic energy solution being consideredfor the orphanage and a location is derived as economic andenvironmental cost (carbon credit of CO2) model of runningsolar-photovoltaic + batteries and calculated as [15]

�ann,tot,�+� =��∑�=1(�acap,� + �arep,� + �aop,� + �emissions)

+��∑�=1(�acap,� + �arep,� + �aop,� + �emissions) ,


where �acap,� is annualized capital cost of solar power, �arep,�is annualized replacement cost of solar power, �aop,� isannualized operating cost of solar power, �emissions is cost ofemissions,�acap,� is annualized capital cost of batteries power,�arep,� is annualized replacement cost of batteries power, and�aop,� is annualized operating cost of batteries power.

he mathematical model derived in (9) estimates thelife-cycle cost of the systems (solar-photovoltaic), which is

Table 2: Simulation results of electricity production, consumption,losses, and excess (kWh/yr).




Production from PV array 1,916

Losses from the battery 122

Losses from the inverter 234

Other losses such as cables 52

Consumption from AC load 1,329

Excess electricity 179

the total cost of installing and operating the system over itslifetime. he output when run with HOMER sotware/toolwill give the optimal coniguration of the energy system thattakes into account technical and economic performance ofsupply options.

Net Present Cost (NPC) for Energy Systems. he total netpresent cost (NPC) of a system is the present value of all thecosts that it incurs over its lifetime,minus the present value ofall the revenue that it earns over its lifetime. Revenues includesalvage value and grid sales revenue. he net present cost(NPC) for each component is derived using [9, 12–14, 16, 17]

�NPC = �ann,totCRF (�, �proj) , (10)

where the capital recovery factor is [9, 12–14, 16, 17]

CRF = � ⋅ (1 + �)�(1 + �)� − 1 . (11)

he economic optimization identiies the most inanciallyattractive solution. For this research paper, HOMER version2.8 beta has been used as the sizing and optimization sotwaretool. It contains a number of energy component modelsand evaluates suitable technology options based on cost andavailability of resources [18].

3.3. Coniguration and Optimization of Stand-Alone Pho-tovoltaic Energy System. Stand-alone photovoltaic systemtypically has an electricity generation device equipped witha wiring setup and supporting structure as well as thenecessary BOS (balance of system) components (i.e., thebattery bank, the charge controller, and the DC/AC inverter).he selection of components of energy system is doneusing Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables(HOMER)design sotware developed by theNational Renew-able Energy Laboratory, accurate enough to reliably predictsystem performance. HOMER is an optimization model,which performsmany hundreds or thousands of approximatesimulations in order to design the optimal system. hediagram of the completed stand-alone photovoltaic energysystem can be seen in Figure 3.

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Table 3: Simulation results of economic cost.

Component Capital ($) Replacement ($) O and M ($) ∗Salvage ($) Total NPC ($)

PV 2,800 0 1,606 0 4,406

Surrette 6CS25P 54,960 23,855 28 −4,989 73,853

Converter 200 0 0 0 200

System 57,960 23,855 1,633 −4,989 78,459∗Salvage value is the value remaining in a component of the power system at the end of the project lifetime; that is, the salvage value of a component is directlyproportional to its remaining life.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June July.Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.


er (


Monthly average electric production


Figure 4: Electrical production of PV energy system.








Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.May.June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov.Dec.40










te o

f ch





er (


Excess electricityBattery state of charge

Figure 5: Battery state of charge versus excess electricity.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Results. he optimization result shows that sixteen solu-tions were simulated; one was feasible, which is PV-batteryoption with 1.4 kW PV, 48 Surrette 6CS25P battery, and 1 kWinverter; iteen were infeasible due to the capacity shortageconstraint. Twenty-four were omitted (twenty-two due toinfeasibility, one for lacking a converter, and the remainingone for having an unnecessary converter). he obtainedresults provide information concerning the electricity pro-duction, consumption, losses, excess, and economic costs ofthe feasible system and are given in Tables 2 and 3 and shownin Figures 4, 5, and 6.

PV Surrette 6CS25P Converter0








t co

st (


Cash �ow summary

PVSurrette 6CS25P


Figure 6: Net present cost of component of PV energy system.

4.2. Discussion

Electricity Production. he PV array in this orphanage gen-erates 1,916 kWh of electricity per year which efectivelypowers the load demand of 1,329 kWh per year with littleexcess electricity of 179 kW per year as shown in Table 2, andthe electrical production of PV energy system is shown inFigure 4.

Losses from the System. A battery is used to store excess energyfor later use. he conversion eiciency of batteries is notperfect and energy is usually lost as heat during chemicalreaction, that is, during charging or recharging. Also, theamount of energy that will be delivered from the battery ismanaged by the inverter.he inverter connects directly to thebattery bank and converts the direct current (DC) electricalenergy from the battery bank to alternative current (AC)electrical energy, which is the energy that orphanages andmost residential homes use. During the conversion, energy isalso lost. Other losses, such as cables, were calculated and theamount of energy that is lost from the system was tabulated.From Table 2, it was shown that losses from the battery havea total of 122 kWh/yr, losses from the inverter have a total of234 kWh/yr, and other losses have 52 kWh/yr,making a grandtotal of 408 kWh/yr energy losses from the system as shownin Table 2.Excess Electricity. Excess electricity always occurs whenthe battery state of charge (SOC) is at 98% upwards andthis is between Januaries and Aprils. As of May when thesolar radiation is low, the battery is at 96% downward anddischarges much and there will be no excess electricity from

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Figure 7: HOMER simulator diagram of photovoltaic energysystem and the optimization results.

Figure 8: HOMER showing the simulation results of economic costof component of PV energy system.

Figure 9: HOMER showing the electricity production of PV energysystem.

Figure 10: HOMER showing the battery state of charge and losses.

Figure 11: HOMER showing the inverter losses.

Figure 12: HOMER showing the result of the emissions.

Figure 13:HOMER showing the battery state of charge versus excesselectricity.

Figure 14: HOMER showing the optimization report.

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this point downward.he battery state of charge versus excesselectricity is shown in Figure 5.

Economic Costs. Batteries are considered as a major costfactor in small-scale stand-alone power systems [15]. heoptimization of the system is carried out by modifyingthe size of the batteries until a coniguration that ensuressuicient autonomy was achieved with the least net presentcost (NPC). he salvage value was used to calculate theannualized replacement cost. Battery is the only componentthat has replacement cost (23,855$) and therefore has salvagevalue (−4,989$) because it did not last till project lifetimeand the replacement extended the estimated project lifetimewhich was deducted from the system cost (73,853$) as showninTable 3 and the net present cost of component of PV energysystem is shown in Figure 6.

he sotware solutions showing the runningprogram with the results are shown inFigures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.

5. Conclusion

he optimal design of PV/battery energy system was carriedout minimizing the net present cost (NPC) by varying thesize of the batteries until a coniguration that produces thedesired power needs of the orphanage is achieved. his opti-mization study indicates that energy requirements to provideelectricity for an orphanage in Nigeria can be accomplishedby 1.4 kW PV, 48 Surrette 6CS25P battery, and 1 kW inverter.he PV system is in signiicant mode during the day time,particularly in the dry season, but, at night and other cloudydays, the battery compensates. Due to the abundance of solarresource in Nigeria and having no environmental impact interms of CO2, solar energy can be a choice for green powersolutions in powering the orphanages located in remote areas.


NASA: National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration

HOMER: Hybrid Optimization Model for ElectricRenewables

SHS: Solar home systemPV: PhotovoltaicDC: Direct currentAC: Alternate currentSOC: State of chargeDOD: Depth of dischargeNPC: Net present costBOS: Balance of systemMin: MinimumMax: Maximum.


Wp: Watts peak�: Surface areakWh: Kilowatts hour

m2: Meter square�: Day�: Time.

Greek Symbols

�: Eiciency.

Conflict of Interests

he author declares that there is no conlict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


he author would like to thank Professor Chinedu Ositad-inma Nebo of Ministry of Power, Nigeria, for his usefuldiscussion on the subject.


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