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Fault detection and isolation from uninterpreted datain robotic sensorimotor cascades

Andrea Censi Magnus Håkansson Richard M. Murray

Abstract—One of the challenges in designing the next genera-tion of robots operating in non-engineered environments is thatthere seems to be an infinite amount of causes that make thesensor data unreliable or actuators ineffective. In this paper, wediscuss what faults are possible to detect using zero modelingeffort: we start from uninterpreted streams of observations andcommands, and without a prior knowledge of a model of theworld. We show that in sensorimotor cascades it is possibleto define static faults independently of a nominal model. Wedefine an information-theoretic usefulness of a sensor readingand we show that it captures several kind of sensorimotor faultsfrequently encountered in practice. We particularize these ideasto models proposed in previous work as suitable candidatesfor describing generic sensorimotor cascades. We show severalexamples with camera and range-finder data, and we discuss apossible way to integrate these techniques in an existing robotsoftware architecture.


One of the challenges in designing the next generationof robots operating in non-engineered environments is thatthere seems to be an infinite amount of causes that make thesensor data unreliable or actuators ineffective, from hardwarefaults (the sensor physically stops working; the driver isconfused), to software issues (one clock is skewed; the data isnot synchronized), to configuration problems (Joe mounted aspoiler obstructing the camera on his new autonomous car), toeven less predictable causes (a fly lands on the sensor). In prin-ciple, each of such problems can be solved using establishedtechniques: the Bayesian framework gives us a way to modeland identify all disturbances, if we are ready to devote designeffort and computational resources to the endeavor. However,trying to anticipate all possible nuisances (e.g., including inthe robot architecture a fly-detector continuously running onthe sensor data) seems an untenable option.

In this paper, we consider the question of what sensor andactuator faults can be detected using modest modeling effortand relatively cheap inference. Our underlying philosophy isclose to Sutton’s verification principle [1]: the only way tobuild reliable systems is making them able to verify the qualityof the models they are using. We start from the situationpictured in Fig. 1: we only have access to uninterpretedstreams of commands u and observations y. The “world” isthe series of robot actuators, the external world, and the robotsensors; this is also referred to as “sensorimotor cascade”. Wedo not assume to have a prior model of the world, apart fromstandard assumptions like causality. The theory we presentis general for any robot, but the particular models we usefor inference have additional assumptions on the kind ofsensors and actuators (they are tailored to kinematic modelsand exteroceptive sensors).

A. Censi and R. Murray are with the Control & Dynamical Systemsdepartment, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. E-mail: {an-drea, murray} M. Håkansson is with the department of Au-tomatic Control at Lund University, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected]








representation nuisances on observations

representation nuisances on commands


Figure 1. In this paper, we consider the problem of fault detection from abootstrapping perspective: we start from streams of uninterpreted observationsand commands, and no knowledge of a model of the “world” (the seriesof the robot actuators, the external world, and the robot sensors). We showthat many faults occurring in robotic systems can be detected using simplemodels that are versatile enough to represent different types of robotic sensors.The robustness of the approach is discussed with reference to “representationnuisances”, static invertible transformations of the signals that change therepresentation, but not the informative content of the data. This is a technicaldevice that allows to explicitly state the limitations of the method, by lookingat the transformation to which it is not invariant.

Temporary faults: In the established approach to fault detec-tion and isolation (see, e.g., [2, 3]) one defines faults of sensorsand actuators as deviation of their behavior from a nominalmodel, assumed to represent the “healthy” system, which canbe given or identified from the data. In a robotic system, thesefaults capture several scenarios of interest: a fly lands of thesensor; a driver glitch returns all readings as 0; a robot drivesover a bump, thus deviating from a planarity assumption.The established theory for fault detection mainly deals withlinear systems, which cannot represent robotic sensorimotorcascades. Regarding this kind of faults, our contribution in thispaper is showing that many of them can be detected using ablack-box modeling of the world using BDS/BGDS models,introduced in previous work [4, 5] as a generic representationof robotic sensorimotor cascades.

Static faults in sensorimotor cascades: The other contri-bution of this paper is the definition of what we call staticfaults (as opposed to the others, which we call temporaryfaults). These are some examples of static faults: the readingsof a range-finder are permanently occluded by other fixtureson the robot; the image given by an omnidirectional cameralooking into a conic mirror includes the reflected camera andpart of the robot. In these cases, the interested sensels (short for“sensory elements”) are technically working, but the implicitassumption that the sensor is perceiving the environmentis violated. Other examples of static faults we encounteredinclude: a sensor driver setting the first few readings alwaysto zero; a range reading that seems to oscillate for no apparentreason between a valid and invalid value; the last scan line ofa wireless camera always received as white noise. These areall cases in which one must mark the interested readings asinvalid before using the sensor data, and this is typically donein an ad hoc manner as part of a tuning process. In thesecases, one does not have a nominal model of the system touse as a reference; therefore, the established approach to fault

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detection is not applicable.Summary: Section II considers the problem of defining

faults in a sensorimotor cascade when a nominal modelis not available. From an information theoretic perspective,completely “faulty” sensels are those that do not provideinformation about the commands, and, symmetrically, com-pletely “faulty” actuators are those that do not help predict theobservations. Due to the ever present noise in the data, binarydefinitions of “faultiness” are not convenient; consequently, wedefine a continuous measure of sensel usefulness and actuatoreffectiveness. Section III recalls the definitions and proper-ties of two classes of models called bilinear dynamics sys-tems (BDS) and bilinear gradient dynamics systems (BGDS).Section IV shows that in the context of these models, senselsusefulness is readily computed from the correlation of obser-vations and predictions based on the model. Section V showsthe practical application of these notions for a robot equippedwith camera sensors. Section VI discusses how sensel fault de-tection and isolation can be integrated in an existing softwarearchitecture. Section VI shows experiments with a practicalimplementation of these ideas, using a robot equipped with arange-finder sensor. Section VII offers more discussion aboutthe assumptions of the method and its invariance properties torepresentation nuisances. Finally, Section VIII concludes thepaper and offers directions for future work.


In this section, we discuss how to characterize faults insensorimotor cascades from the black-box perspective of boot-strapping. We argue that static faults can be characterized froman information-theoretic perspective even without access to anominal model of the system, and we define the usefulness ofa sensel and the effectiveness of an actuator.

Static faults in sensorimotor cascades: We assume tostart from uninterpreted stream of observations yt andcommands ut, and no knowledge of the model of theworld (Fig. 1). In this context, we cannot define faults asdeviation from a given model, because no model is known.However, we can find an alternative formal characterization ofsensel faults, starting from an informal intuition: which senselswould we be fine in throwing away? The usual point of viewis that observations are used to estimate states. If a sensel doesnot help in observing the world’s state, then we can ignore it.However, in this formalization, we do not have access eitherto internal states of the world or the world model; what wehave are just observations and commands.

commands not influencing the observations

observations not revealing

the commands

x uaya




Figure 2. We give a characterization of “static faults” in sensorimotorcascades from an information-theory perspective. Completely faulty sensels(yb in the figure) are those that do not provide any information about thecommands applied to the system. Faulty actuators (ub in the figure) are thosewhose commands do not help in predicting the future observations. To dealwith noisy data, we use continuous versions of these conditions, called senselusefulness (Definition 1) and actuator effectiveness (Definition 2).

We argue that we can use the commands as a proxy forthe internal state, and that the usefulness of a sensel can bemeasured by the information it gives about the commands.This is illustrated in the diagram in Fig. 2, which shows ananalogous statistical version of the classical control-theoryconcepts of unobservability and unreachability. The obser-vations y are divided in two subsets ya and yb. There isno causal link from the commands u and yb; therefore theknowledge of yb does not give information about u. This givesa characterization of faults which works even if yb has veryrich statistics compared to ya. For example, ya could be theimage of a camera connected to the robot, while yb couldbe connected to a TV channel continuously looping reruns of“Friends”. Even though statistical measures (such as entropy)of yb would probably be higher than ya (most robots do notlive such interesting lives in a Manhattan loft), the knowledgeof yb does not give any information about u. The same canbe said for the commands ub: actuators that do not influencethe observations are useless. This characterization does notcover all possible faults, only those which are evident whenonly the input-output properties of the sensorimotor cascade;however, this is the best we can do without having a model ofthe world, and it seems to fit well the case of robotic sensors:commands ultimately cause the robot to move, and senselsmust give information about the robot motion.

Formal definition: We use subscripts to indicate time, andthe notation “:t” means “up to and including time t”. Thesuperscript in yi indicates the i-th element of the vector y(later on, if y is a continuous field on a manifold S, we indicateit with ys, s ∈ S); and y−i indicates the vector y with thei-th sensel removed.

We say that the i-th sensel of a sensorimotor cascade(u,y) is useless if u is conditionally independent on yi giventhe other sensels: p(u:t|y:t) = p(u:t|y−i:t ). However, thisdefinition is not convenient, as “independence” is a binaryproperty, and does not capture the reality that sensel qualitydegrades gracefully. One possibility is defining a continuousmeasure of “usefulness” as a distance between the distributionsp1 = p(u:t|y:t) and p2 = p(u:t|y−i:t ).

Unfortunately, to the best of our understanding, the only truewell-defined distance between distributions is that induced bythe Fisher information metric, which is difficult to compute,and it is really only definable for finite-dimensional family ofdistributions [6]. Therefore, we define usefulness of a senselwithout committing to a specific distance, but for a genericdivergence function.

Definition 1. The D-usefulness of the i-th sensel for a givendivergence D, is defined as usefulnessiD = D(p1, p2), wherep1 = p(u:t|y:t) and p2 = p(u:t|y−i:t ).

Actuator faults: The same ideas apply to actuators: ifknowing the commands given to an actuator does not helpin predicting the observations, that actuator is not “effective”.

Definition 2. The D-effectiveness of the a-th actuator fora given divergence D, is defined as D(p1, p2), where p1 =p(y:t|u:t) and p2 = p(y:t|u−a:t ).

This said, in this paper we are mainly concerned withsensels faults rather than actuator faults, so we will not havethe occasion of using this definition.

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This section recalls two classes of models introduced in [4,5] for representing robotic sensorimotor cascades.

Bilinear dynamics systems (BDS): In the BDS model, weassume that the observations and commands are vectors of realnumbers: y ∈ Rny , and u ∈ Rnu . The model is parametrizedby a tensor M i

ja, with three indices i, j, a, with ny×ny×nuelements. The dynamics are described by the relation

yit =∑




jtuat + εit, (BDS) (1)

where εit is assumed to be zero-mean gaussian noise. Thismodel assumes implicitly that the commands u can be inter-preted as kinematic velocities imposed on the system (if u = 0then y = 0). The “∑” symbols are redundant, becausethroughout the paper we respect the Einstein convention thatrepeated up and down indices are summed over.

Learning is done by computing three tensors N , P , Q:

N bik = E{ubyiyk}, P jk = E{yjyk}, Qab = E{uaub}. (2)

Table I summarizes the meaning of the tensors and theirdimensions. We take the symbol “E” to mean the expectationover the learning data. One can show that E{N bik} =∑



abM ijaP

jk, therefore an estimate of M can be com-puted as M i

ja =∑



bik(P−1jk )(Q−1ab ). For estimating u,note that, once y is fixed, (1) is linear in u, therefore it canbe recovered using linear least squares.

Bilinear gradient dynamics systems (BGDS): The BGDSmodels are a particularization of BDS models, in which it isassumed that sensels are characterized by their position in a“sensel space”, and their dynamics only depend on nearbysensels. Formally, we assume that the observations y are ascalar function defined on a certain manifold S. We write yst ,to indicate the value of the observations at a generic spatiallocation s ∈ S. For example, in the case of a camera, s rangesover the pixels. The gradient ∇y has dim(S) components.We indicate by ∇dyst the gradient of y in the d-th directionat location s at time t. The model is parametrized by twotensor fields B and G on S: at each point s ∈ S , Bsa ∈ Rnu

and Gdsa ∈ Rdim(S)×nu . The dynamics are described by therelation

yst =∑



dsa ∇dyst +Bsa) u

at + εst , (BGDS) (3)

with εst zero-mean gaussian noise. Learning is done by com-puting the tensors H , C, R, Q:

Hbse = E{ubys∇eys}, (4)

Cbs = E{ubys}, (5)Rsde = E{∇dys∇eys}, (6)

Qab = E{uaub}. (7)

Given these quantities, the tensors G and B can be recoveredas Gdsa =



e (Q−1ab ) and Bsa =∑

bCbs(Q−1ab ).

Here (R−1)sde denotes the point-wise inverse for the d, eindices for a fixed s. As in the previous case, for estimating u,note that, once y is fixed, (1) is linear in u, therefore it canbe recovered using linear least squares.

Note that the BGDS model is more complicated and lessgeneral than a BDS model; however it is more efficient,because the computational cost for learning and prediction islinear in the number of sensels (size of the domain S), whilethe cost for a BDS model is quadratic in the number of sensels.



indices domain ranges over. . .a, b 0, . . . , nu − 1 commandsi, j, k 0, . . . , ny − 1 discrete observationss S continuous observations

d, e, f 0, . . . , dim(S)− 1 gradient directions


tensor shape dimensionsMi

ja (1, 2) ny × ny × nu BDS dynamics.Nbik (3, 0) ny × ny × nu Proxy for M used during learning.P jk (2, 0) ny × ny Second moment of observations.Qab (2, 0) nu × nu Second moment of commands.


tensor shape dimensionsGsd

a (2, 1) |S| × dim(S)× nu Gradient part of dynamics.Bs

a (1, 1) |S| × nu Affine part of dynamics.Hsb

e (2, 1) |S| × dim(S)× nu Proxy for G during learning.Csb (2, 0) |S| × nu Proxy for B during learning.Rs

de (1, 2) |S| × dim(S)× dim(S) Statistics of gradients.


This section shows that the usefulness of a sensel in BDSand BGDS models can be computed as the correlation betweenthe observed sensel value derivative and the prediction givenby the model. This result depends heavily on the fact that thereis an instantaneous linear relation between y and u.

Proposition 3. Assume that: a) the sensorimotor cascade is aBDS or BGDS (this model assumption is denoted as “M”);b) the divergence d between two distributions used is thedifference of the trace of the relative information matrices;c) the second moment of u is isotropic (E{uu∗} = UInu );then the usefulness of a sensel is a function γ(ρ) = 1


1−ρ2 ofonly the correlation between the observed derivative yit andthe derivative ˆyi predicted by the BDS/BGDS model:

usefulnessid|M = γ(corr(ˆyi, yi)). (8)

The “M” subscript in (8) is a reminder that this is onlyvalid under the assumption of the system being BDS/BGDS.

Proof: We first note that BDS/BGDS models give aninstantaneous relation among the derivative y and the com-mands ut; because the commands at time t only influ-ence the derivative at time t, we can write p(ut|y:t,M)as p(ut| 〈yt, yt〉 ,M). Therefore, we can write the distancebetween p1 = p(u:t|y:t,M) and p2 = p(u:t|y−i:t ,M) as thetime average between the distribution of u conditioned to themeasurements of y and y at time t:

d(p1, p2) = Et{d(p(ut| 〈yt, yt〉 ,M), (p(ut|⟨y−it , y−it


Next, we use the fact that the dynamics is linear in u. We canwrite both (1) and (3) in the form:

yit =[f it]∗

ut + εit, (9)

where f it is a vector that depends on the current observa-tions yt. (For the BGDS case, the index i becomes s ∈ S andthe sums in the following become integrals over S).

Because (9) is linear in ut, an estimate of ut can be obtainedusing linear least squares. The information matrix of the least-squares estimate of ut is given by I = cov(u| 〈y, y〉)−1 =∑i([f


∗)/var(εit). Using the information matrix trace as

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(a) Robotic platform (b) Composite frame

mirrored image

(c) A sample of traversed environments


images are just spliced together

occlusions dynamic objects illuminationnuisances


high-frictionterrain bumpy


robot frame

Figure 3. (a) For the first set of experiments, we use an Evolution Robotics ER1. There are two webcams mounted on the platform. One is pointing forward,and the other is pointing towards the ground. There is a mirror mounted on the robot, so that the bottom camera sees the ground, the front environmentthrough the mirror, and part of the robot frame, including a wheel. (b) The input to the method (the array y = {ys}s∈S ) is the grayscale corresponding tothe composite frame. (c) The robot is driven through a variety of indoor and outdoor environments, containing dynamic elements and challenging terrains.

the distance between distributions, the increment in infor-mation given by the i-th sensel is Trace(f itf


∗)/var(εit) =∥∥f it∥∥2 /var(εit): letting p1 = p(ut| 〈yt, yt〉 ,M) and p2 =

(p(ut|⟨y−it , y−it

⟩,M), we have d(p1, p2) =

‖f it‖2

var(εit). This is

valid for a particular time t and particular observations yt.Averaging over time, we obtain

usefulnessid|M =E{∥∥f it∥∥2}var(εit)

. (10)

Not surprisingly, we find out that the usefulness is expressedas a kind of signal-to-noise ratio. Let ˆyi = f it

∗ut be the

predicted change in y given the learned model and the currentobservations, and let yit be the actual observations. It holdsthat yit = ˆyi+ εit, where εit is assumed to be independent of y.Let ρi = corr(yi, ˆyi) be the correlation between observationsand model prediction. For any three zero-mean random vari-ables a, b, c such that a = b + c and E{ac} = 0, it holdsthat corr(a, b) = (1 + var(c)/var(b))−1/2. For yi, ˆyi, εi weobtain ρi = (1 + var(εi)/var(ˆyi))−1/2. As a sanity check,note that as var(εi) → 0, ρi → 1, and as var(εi) → ∞,ρi → 0. An expression for var(ˆyi) can be found easilyassuming that the second moment of u is isotropic (E{uu∗} =UInu ), as we have var(ˆyi) = var(f it

∗ut) = UE{

∥∥f it∥∥2}.Substituting this in the previous expression for ρi, one getsρi = (1 + var(εi)/UE{

∥∥f it∥∥2})−1/2. From this, we obtain

UE{‖f i

t‖2}var(εi) = (ρi)2

1−(ρi)2 , which, together with (10) gives (8).Note that the right expression blows up for ρ→ ±1, but thiscorresponds to the case var(εi) → 0, in which also the left-hand side blows up.


In this section we show an application of the theory to thecase of a robot with camera sensors, using a BGDS model.Several kinds of static and temporary faults are identified withzero prior knowledge of the robot sensors and actuators.

Platform: The platform we use is an Evolution RoboticsER-1 (Fig. 3a). The robot has differential drive dynamics, andit is commanded in angular and linear velocity. There are twocheap USB web-cams mounted on board that give 320x240RGB images at ~7.5 Hz; one is pointing forward, the otheris pointing down towards the ground. Because of a mirrormounted on the robot, the camera frame includes part of therobot chassis, the ground, and the environment in front of therobot, reflected through the mirror (Fig. 3b).

Data: The robot is driven through a series of indooroffice-like, lab-like, and an outdoor campus environment,at day and night (Fig. 3c). The terrain went from smoothindoor, to slippery, to bumpy. There were occasionally movingpeople around the robot. The linear and angular velocitieswere chosen among fixed values: for the angular velocity,ω ∈ {−0.2, 0,+0.2} rad/s, and for the linear velocity v ∈{−0.3, 0,+0.3} m/s. Having a discrete number of velocitycommands values is not a requirement of the method, but itmakes the subsequent analysis simpler. The total length of thelogs is about 50 min (about 24,000 camera frames).

Learning: The observations y are set to be the luminancevalues of the composite frame obtained by splicing togetherthe two camera images (Fig. 3b). In this context, the domain Sis the 480 × 320 frame rectangle; when writing ys, s rangesover pixels. We do not assume to know the intrinsic calibrationof the camera, which would be the map from S to the visualsphere S2 (i.e., the direction associated to each pixel). Forthe commands u, we set u0 = ω, u1 = v. Observations andcommands are available only at discrete sampling times tk,in general not evenly spaced. The signals are synchronizedto obtain pairs (utk ,ytk) by using the frontal camera as themaster signal, and choosing the closest sample in time forthe other two signals.The learning algorithm (formulas (4)-(7)) needs to know y and ∇y. To compute y, we use a finite-time difference, setting ytk = (ytk+1

−ytk−1)/(tk+1− tk−1).

Before computing the gradients ∇y, we smooth the data usingan isotropic Gaussian filter with σ = 0.5 pixels. The additionalmaterials1 include videos of the logs, as well as ROS [7]Bag files containing the post-processed synchronized streamsof y and u. The tensors H and R learned are shown inFig. 4ab. From those, one recovers the tensor G (Fig. 4c). Thetensors C,B are not shown. The interpretation of the BGDStensors is not intuitive; in the case of a camera, they can beput in correspondence with average patterns of optic flow (butthis is not quite right, as we never define optic flow). What isintuitive to see is that corresponding parts of the environmentin the top and bottom frame are given the same intensity (asin Gs01 ). The sign is inverted if the image is mirrored alongthe direction of the gradient (as in Gs10 ).

Sensel usefulness: Fig. 4d shows the estimated senselusefulness, which captures a variety of phenomena. The fixedparts of the image are correctly identified (chassis and wheel).Also the border between the two camera frames is identifiedas an anomaly. Note that these are the pixels that one wouldwant to mark as invalid before processing the images. It is

1Available at

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(b) Slices of estimated tensor R

-1 +10

0 +1Legend: All tensors slices are normalized independently to [-1,+1] and displayed using a blue-red gradient.

Positive quantities are normalized in [0,1] and shown using a grayscale gradient.

(c) Slices of estimated tensor G (d) Estimated sensel usefulness

strong values for fixed features

robot frame and wheels

border between images

distant part of the environment

distant part of the environment

(a) Slices of estimated tensor H

(predicted to be 0; displaying noise)

Figure 4. (a-b) A BGDS model (equation 3) is parametrized by two tensors G and B. We estimate the parameters by first learning two tensors H and Rusing Hebbian-like learning, by computing the expectation of certain quantities, given by (4)–(7). The tensor Hsb

e can be interpreted as the expectation of theproduct of the b-th command and the e-th component of the gradient of y at sensel s. Intuitively, these depend on the distributions of the commands and ofthe sensory statistics and must be normalized. For this normalization, one needs the second moment of u (equation (7)) and the tensor R, which gives theenergy of the observed gradients (equation (6)), here shown in (b). Note that there is a strong energy associated to the edges of the fixed features. (c) Thisfigure shows the slices of the resulting tensor G. Each slice is associated to a command and a gradient direction.

Start of log 20100616_000059 (indoor)

(a) Disagreement between actual and predicted values of commands

Estimated scale is not correct.

commands delayslipping

(b) Command #0 (angular velocity) - actual and predicted values

(c) Command #1 (linear velocity) - actual and predicted values

time (s)


Estimated scale is lower.

robot drives over a bump

apparent rotation due to bump

synchronization issues

more excitingvisual pattern

not detected missing data


… and off the bump

Start of log 20100616_000059 (outdoor)

Legend: actual commands estimated commands

(d) Disagreement between actual and predicted values of commands

(e) Command #0 (angular velocity) - actual and predicted values

(f) Command #1 (linear velocity) - actual and predicted values

Figure 5. This figure illustrates the detection of temporary actuator faults. Figures a,b,c refer to an indoor run, and d,e,f refer to an outdoor run. Figuresb,c,e,f show estimated and recorded commands. Due to the limitations of BGDS models, the scale of the estimated commands are incorrect. Therefore, forfault detection we use a measure of disagreement that ignores the scale of the signals, given by (11). The disagreement between predicted and recordedcommands is shown in figures a and d. This disagreement signal detects a wide variety of actuator faults, both physical faults (wheel slipping, violations ofplanarity) as well as software faults (the delay between imposing a command and seeing the effects; and data synchronization/frequency issues).

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interesting to note that the distant parts of the environment(both in the front camera and in the mirrored image) are givena lower usefulness score than the rest of the image. This isprobably due to the finite resolution of the sensor: for theoutdoor environments, the robot sees almost no change due totranslational motion, while the BGDS model predicts motion,as it does not model the distance to the objects (a hidden state).This is a case in which the model slightly fails in representingthe dynamics of the sensor; still, the usefulness score for thoseareas is much larger than the score given to the actual faults.

Temporary actuator faults: Fig. 5 shows the temporaryactuator fault detection. We first learn the BGDS modelfrom data, and then we compare the estimated commandut, obtained via least squares from (3), with the recordedcommand ut. Subfigures a,b,c correspond to an indoor log,and d,e,f to an outdoor log. We had chosen these two logs todisplay because there is slipping in the indoor log, and bumpyterrain in the outdoor log; however, we discovered that mostof the detected faults come from other reasons.

We note that the estimated commands are, in general, ofthe wrong scale. This is due to the fact that the variation of yfor a camera depends on the distance to the object. By fittingan averaged model, the BGDS models estimates a reducedcommand outdoor and higher command indoor. However, thesign is generally correct. Therefore, we use the error function

e(ua, ua) =

{max{0,−uaua} if |ua| 6= 0,

|ua| if |ua| = 0,(11)

which detects a fault only if the signs of ua and ua disagree.The diagrams in Fig. 5a-d show that slipping and bumpyterrain are correctly detected; however, most of the detectionscorrespond to two unexpected effects. We discovered that, dueto the architecture we used for the logging (various Pythonscripts on two laptops, communicating via Spread [8]), thereis a large delay between the application of a command, andthe effect of the command, due to the delay in passing thecommands between computers and down to the various layersof drivers. Therefore, there is an inconsistency detected everytime that commands are switched; these events are detected byour method as temporary actuator faults. Another quirkiness ofthe logs which is detected as a fault is the occasional reducedfrequency of signals (caused by the non-realtime nature ofthe software). We do not show here the equivalent temporarysensels fault detection, which was already demonstrated in [5];as expected, the strongest signal one gets is for dynamicobjects that move independently of the robot.





sanitized ypanicsignal


(a) Traditional architecture

(b) Proposed architecture






Figure 6. In our architecture, an extra layer is put between a traditionalcontroller and robot. A bootstrapping agent builds an internal model ofthe sensorimotor cascade, and produces a “sensels usefulness” signal. Thetraditional controller is modified to include a “panic” signal, which signals to a“glue” component when no action can be taken based on current observations.The glue marks sensels as invalid in inverse order of usefulness until thepanic signals lasts. This minimal architecture change allows the robot to dealwith sensor obstruction and various failures modes, by progressively markingsensels as invalid, without committing to predefined thresholds.


We have described a fault detection method which is largelyindependent of the robotic sensor and tasks. Therefore, it isinteresting to consider whether it can be just “plugged in”in an existing architecture, with minimal modification of theexisting components. The architecture we are experimentingwith is shown in Fig. 6. There are three components:• The traditional controller is largely unchanged. For par-

ticipating in the architecture, one only needs to add a“panic” signal, and having the data format support thesemantics of an “invalid” sensels.

• A bootstrapping agent is included in a passive role:it reads observations and commands, and produces theusefulness measure. The model used internally by theagent is not important to the other components.

• A “glue” component is added, which marks as invalid thesensels with low usefulness.

The panic signal is used to implement a simple adaptive mech-anism that does not need fixed thresholds. The signal is giventhe semantics that the controller has detected inconsistenciesin the observations. The glue marks sensels as valid if theirusefulness is larger than a threshold α, which starts at 0: atthe beginning, all sensels are marked as valid. When the panicsignal is received, the glue component increases α by a fixedamount until it reaches a predefined maximum. This allowsto discard as few sensels as needed to make the observationsconsistent.

Platform: We use an iRobot Landroid, a small (~30cm)differential-drive robot with a Hokuyo range-finder onboard [9], as well as 4 cameras, and 4 IR distance sensorspointed in the four orthogonal directions. We disrupted thesensor using two different configuration, shown in Fig. 7a andFig. 7d. In the first configuration, the robot’s WiFi antennaspartially obstruct the sensor. Not all readings impacted endup with a fixed value because during motion the antennasvibrate; therefore, some sensels are reliable when the robotis still, and intermittently reliable during the motion. In thesecond configuration, we put some translucent tape in front ofthe sensor, spanning approximately 40° of the 270° field ofview.

Data: The model is learned using about 15 minutes ofdata. During this period, the robot is programmed to moveby randomly choosing all combinations in {−vmax, 0,+vmax}for left and right track velocities, for a total of 9 “canonical”commands. ({−vmax,−vmax}, {−vmax, 0}, {−vmax,+vmax},etc.). Each command is held for a random period, modeledas an exponential distribution with intensity 2s; the result issimilar to a Levy flight. If the robot is about to collide, anautomatic safety mechanism stops the logging and returns therobot to a safe position.

Learning details: To make things interesting, the bootstrap-ping agent is given a vector y ∈ R691 containing both the 687range-finder readings as well as the 4 IR-readings. All datais normalized in the [0, 1] interval. The commands u0, u1 asthe left and right track velocity. We model the sensorimotorcascade using a BDS, and we learn the model using (2). Theresulting tensors are not shown, but are very much similarto those reported in [4]. Fig. 7be show the computed senselusefulness. The occlusions are correctly identified, as well asthe 4 IR readings (pointing in the four orthogonal directions,these are too sparse to be fitted by a BDS model).

Page 7: Fault detection and isolation from uninterpreted data in


Results: In these experiments, the traditional controllerconsists of a simple sensor-based exploration algorithm thattakes the range-finder data as input to build a local map onwhich to plan. The algorithm sends out a panic signal if therange readings are inside a given threshold equal to the robotsafety radius. Fig.7cf show the results of applying the adaptivesensel selection algorithm on this robot. When the episodestarts, the bootstrapping agent already has a model of thesensorimotor cascade, based on which it computed a useful-ness measure of the sensels. In the beginning, the traditionalcontroller panics as there is no safe action to take. The adaptivealgorithm removes the need of defining a fixed threshold forreliability. The “glue” starts operating around t = 10. Itdetects the panic signal from the exploration agent, and beginsincreasingly marking unreliable sensels as invalid. In the firstcase (subfigure c), the problematic sensels are removed almostinstantaneously; in the second case (subfigure f ) one can noticethe gradual increase in the fraction of invalid sensels removed.When all the invalid sensels are removed, the explorationalgorithm returns in the normal operation mode and the robotstarts exploring.


When does this work—the evident assumptions: The methoddescribed in this paper works only under certain assumptions,which we recall here. Firstly, there is the assumption thatthe data comes from a robotic sensorimotor cascade. Thisassumption allows the information-theoretic characterizationof faults described in Section II. Then, one has to assumethat this theoretical notion of faults corresponds to the realphenomena of interest. We have shown that this is the casefor many faults (dead sensels, de-synchronized data, sensorocclusions, etc.), but there certainly are others that would notbe detected with this criterion. The definition of faults weuse is independent of the class of models used; however, inpractice, one has to commit to a class of models, and assumethat it is expressive enough to represent the physical systemsof interest. In this paper we used BDS/BGDS models. Albeitthey do not fully capture the dynamics of cameras (because ofthe hidden state of nearness) and range-finders (because of anunmodeled nonlinearity [4]), the approximation seems to begood enough to detect many of the common faults. Their mainlimitation is that they implicitly assume that the commands uare kinematic commands (velocities imposed to a rigid body),so they would fail if u represented torques/forces or was anonlinear function of kinematic commands.

...and the hidden assumptions: In a recent paper [10], weargued that, while the goal of bootstrapping is to design agentsthat have no prior assumptions on the model, it is actuallyvery hard to do so, as most methods have more or lesshidden assumptions about the world. One way to highlight thehidden assumptions of a method is to consider its sensibilityto “representation nuisances” applied to the observations andcommands; these are represented by GY and GU in Fig. 1.These nuisances are fixed, invertible transformations of thesignals; they change the representation but not the informativecontent. Therefore, one expects that the result of the method(in this case, the detected faults) be invariant to such changes.If this is not the case, it means that there are hidden assump-tions in the method, or that there are certain unstated biases.

In [5] we discussed the invariance of BDS models tolinear transformations of observations and commands, and

the invariance of BGDS models to reparametrization of thedomain S. However, it turns out that it is actually very hardto maintain these invariance properties in practice, as they canbe broken by seemingly innocuous operations. For example, inthe experiments in Section V, the images are smoothed with agaussian isotropic kernel of σ = 0.5 pixels prior to computingthe gradients. This operation is standard in computer vision,but it hides two arbitrary choices. Firstly, the filter contains anarbitrary scale. This means that if the image was scaled up totwice the resolution, the effective scale of the filter would behalved. In some sense, choosing an arbitrary constant biasesthe agent towards features of a certain scale. Even worse isthe effect of an arbitrary diffeomorphism: the gaussian filteris isotropic only for a certain parametrization and it is notinvariant even to simple linear transformations such as shear.As another example, for computing the derivative y, we usedthe usual finite-difference approximation, another operationabove suspicion. However, note that this is not invariant tothe time step used. This means that, if we had the sameobservations, but coming at twice the frequency, we could haveobtained different results, even though the sampling frequencyhas nothing to do with the faulty status of the sensor/actuator(using a higher-order filter would not help either).

The difficulty of maintaining the invariance properties iswhat keeps us sticking to simple models (BDS and BGDS), forwhich the invariance properties are easy to understand, ratherthan to look for more expressive models or more sophisticatedlearning techniques. For example, the elements of the varioustensors are estimated independently from one another, eventhough it is reasonable to expect that the variation be smoothin s, except at edges, which could be achieved by regulariza-tion techniques (see, e.g., [11]). We noticed the similaritiesof the BGDS models applied to camera data to “optic flowfields”; several improvements are possible to make estimationmore robust (see, e.g., [12]). Markov random fields [13] havebeen shown to learn very high-order statistics of raw data,and such techniques could help in fault detection. However,all these techniques come with a large amount of complexityand parameters, while we saw that, from a bootstrappingperspective, it is hard to justify in an absolute sense evensimple operations such as gaussian smoothing.


Designing agents that are more “aware” of the quality oftheir sensor data and the effectiveness of their actuators seemsto be one of the keys for a more widespread adoption ofrobots in non-engineered, natural environments. A zero-prior-information approach, such as the one described in this paper,seems an attractive option for those cases in which one expectsto not be able to model every possible disturbance that mightappear during the system operation.

As for future work, we mention the ever-lasting problemof studying models that are able to capture a larger class ofsystems (for example robots with dynamics more complicatedthan pure kinematics implied by BDS/BGDS models; see [14]for preliminary work) as well as with being invariant to a largerclass of nuisances (e.g., nonlinear scaling of sensel values).More on the engineering side, it is interesting to think of waysto give an active role of the fault detection mechanism (e.g., incase of doubts on the fault status, take control of the platformto do some self-diagnostic maneuver).

Page 8: Fault detection and isolation from uninterpreted data in


wi-fi antennascover the range finder

antennas vibrate during motion

translucent plasticin front of range-finder


time (s)


as invalid

panic mode normal operation

adaptive sensel blocking starts


time (s)


panic mode normal operation

proportionof invalid sensels

gradually increased

adaptive sensel blocking starts


translucentplastic antenna

antenna antenna

IR readings

time (s)

time (s)

(e) Sensel usefulness (correlation of data with prediction) (f) Observed behavior

(d) Second robot configuration

(b) Sensel usefulness (correlation of data with prediction) (c) Observed behavior

sensel #

sensel #

(a) First robot configuration

Figure 7. This figure illustrates the behavior of the architecture described in Fig. 6. In these experiments, the sensels y are the union of the range-findersensels plus 4 IR sensors. (a) In the first configuration, the range-finder is obstructed by the robot’s antennas. Moreover, the antennas vibrate during motion,so that the readings change in time. (b) The resulting sensor reliability curve (obtained by a BDS model) clearly shows the antennas and the IR sensors asstatic faults. (c) At the beginning of the run, the controller has no available action to take, because from its point of view the robot is already colliding withobstacles (the readings from the antennas appear to be inside the robot radius). The controller alerts the glue component in Fig. 6 of this impossibility witha panic signal. In response to the panic signal, the glue component raises the threshold (initially set to 0) for sensels to be consider reliable (this adaptiveresponse removes the need of defining a fixed threshold). (d) Invalid sensels are displayed her with black lines. Once those sensels are marked as invalid,the controller gets out of the panic mode and starts moving. (e) In the second sets of experiments, a translucent piece of plastic is suspended in front of thesensor. In (g) one can see that more sensels are progressively censored, until all problematic sensels are removed, and the controller gets out of the panicmode and resumes normal operation.

Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Larry Matthies,Thomas Werne, and Marco Pavone at JPL for lending the Lan-droid platform and assisting with the software development.Part of this research has been supported by the DARPA MSEEprogram.

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