  • 7/23/2019 Fate is a Cruel Mistress


    Fate is a Cruel Mistress

    by Davonne Burns

  • 7/23/2019 Fate is a Cruel Mistress



    The ground still shook with secondary explosions. Smoke

    partially obscured the giant warship hovering over what had been

    my son's second home. Wrapping my arms around my middle I tried

    to control the shaking.

    "It's gone . . ." A tear burned its way down my cheek.

    "The Autobots . . . they're gone . . ."

    "We can't know that. We have to assume they made it out."

    "Jack . . ."

    "Mrs. Darby, Optimus would do anything to make sure your

    son was safe."

    That's what I was afraid of. Jack was smart and brave.

    He'd grown up so much since meeting the large aliens. He was

    everything I'd ever wanted him to be. I knew he was alive. A

    mother knows. But Optimus . . .

    I yelped flinching as two aircraft roared by overhead. One

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    looked like an F-15 the other was most definitely alien.

    "Megatron." Agent Fowler growled even as he put an arm

    around my shoulders. I turned into the comforting embrace.

    "What do we do now?"

    "There isn't much we can do."

    "No, I suppose not." What could we, two small humans, do

    in the face of these beings?

    "I'll find Jack, I promise you that, June. But we need to

    go before we are spotted."

    He flew us back to Jasper. It was eerie. The streets

    deserted. A stray dog barked in the distance. Even from my

    house I could see the giant structure that Agent Fowler had told

    me was probably Megatron's new fortress. What kind of power

    could build something on that scale in a matter of moments? One

    hand clutching the front of my shirt I tried to contain the well

    of terror threatening to drown me.

    Once in the house I wandered. I knew I should pack. Agent

    Fowler would be back to escort me to what we hoped was a safe

    house. At the moment I didn't think I would ever feel safe

    again. Going to my closet I pulled out a few garments, not even

    bothering to look at what I grabbed. It all got shoved into a

    suitcase. Something prompted me to go to Jack's room and do the

    same with his clothes. I had to believe I would see him again.

    I had to.

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    An hour later I found myself sitting on the couch staring

    at the television. I hadn't even bothered to turn it on.

    Shaking my head I got up. Instead of going to finish the

    packing I ended up in the garage standing in the middle of the

    empty space. Jack's bicycle was still leaning up against the

    wall. I covered my mouth as a soft sob escaped.

    No. No he was not gone. Optimus had promised and if I

    knew anything about that stoic red and blue being it was that he

    valued his word.

    "Oh Jack . . ."

    Wiping away the tears I looked at the bicycle. Taking a

    deep breath I nodded to myself. Going back inside, I wrote a

    quick note for Agent Fowler.

    It took me nearly an hour and I was exhausted by the time I

    reached the crossroads. Rubble still smoldered on the ground

    around me. The smell of burnt wiring and melted metal filled

    the air. The ship was gone as were the support aircraft.

    Propping the bike against the stop sign I started forward,

    picking my way around boulders and other debris. I had to climb

    once I reached the side of the mesa, but only about twenty feet

    or so. The hollowed out base lay exposed reminding me of

    patient with their chest cavity cracked open. Nothing looked

    like it should. Steel girders lay warped and twisted amongst

    the rubble like compound fractures. In the middle nearly

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    covered with soot and debris was the Autobot's symbol.

    Climbing down I skirted what had been the ground bridge.

    The command console was nothing more than a few bits of broken

    glass and some metal sticking up from the floor. Standing in

    the middle of the devastation my nerve nearly failed me. There

    was no way anything, human or Cybertronian could have survived

    the epicenter of the explosion. Looking toward what had been

    the medical bay I glimpsed something through the wreckage. It

    was probably just my imagination but I might as well look while

    I was here. It was why I had come, wasn't it? To prove to

    myself that none of the bots had been inside the base and

    therefore neither had my son.

    I hissed as I accidentally touched a still hot piece of

    metal. Was I seriously doing something this dangerous? What if

    those Decepticons came back? Though looking at the level of

    destruction, they had to believe there was nothing here to find.

    Ducking under what looked like a mangled section of catwalk

    I straightened and nearly cried aloud. No. No this wasn't

    possible, I knew that arm, that hand.


    Before I had time to consider it I was tugging at the sheet

    of metal. It slid a few feet and stopped. Nearly whimpering in

    frustration I climbed over it and shoved from the other side.

    It fell back with a resounding clang. I found a section of

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    metal pipe to start dislodging the chunks of concrete and rock.

    I didn't realize my hands were bleeding until the pipe was too

    slick to hold.


    Looking down I could barely see his head under the debris.

    The soft blue light was gone. Closing my eyes for a moment, I

    gripped the pipe harder.

    "How dare you. How dare you die on me you giant lumbering

    idiot." Jamming the end of the pipe between two pieces of

    rubble I pulled, throwing all my weight into it. After what

    seemed like ages the small boulder started to move. The rest of

    the pile thundered down with it, leaving Optimus' head and upper

    torso exposed. That was when I saw the steel girder sticking

    out of his abdomen.

    "Oh Optimus . . ." Climbing down until I was standing on

    his chest I looked at the damage. It was catastrophic. No

    human could have survived and it seemed not even a massive,

    intelligent robot could either. Letting my gaze travel up I met

    the dark optics. The lower half of his face was covered by his

    battle mask. Carefully walking forward I reached up till I

    could touch the side of his face. The once living metal was

    soft and chill under my touch. My hand looked so small and I

    felt a smile tug at my lips as I thought about the first time

    I'd seen him.

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    He'd been so imposing, yet there was also vulnerability in

    his eyes, something I never would have believed possible if I

    hadn't seen it for myself. For a being millions of years old,

    he'd seemed so young. Battle weary yes, but there was an

    innocence and a yearning there that couldn't be missed.

    "You tried didn't you. You really tried. If you are here

    then I know Jack is safe. I know it's not fair but I'm glad in

    a way. I know Jack. If it was up to him he would have given

    his life to save yours. I know he would. So thank you. Thank

    you for trying so hard. Thank you for everything you've done.

    For what you've stood for and fought for. Your sacrifice won't

    be in vain. Your friends will see to that. So will I. I admit

    I wasn't sure about you when I first met you. You just seemed

    too alien, too different. I know better now. You are-were one

    of the bravest-" I paused to catch my breath as a sob wracked

    me. "you didn't deserve this."

    Leaning forward I rested my head on the top of his battle

    mask and let the tears come. Of everything that had to happen

    this was the one thing I had not expected. He'd just seemed so

    competent and invincible.

    "I wish there was something, anything I could do." I let

    my fingers trail over the scared edge of the mask, leaving

    behind bloody smears. I knew I should leave, yet I didn't want

    to leave him alone like this to be found by his enemies. If

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    they returned there would be nothing I could do to stop them, I

    just didn't want him to be alone.

    "I never gave you the credit you deserved. It was just so

    hard to comprehend. Millennia of war? It's hard for us humans

    to even comprehend a century of conflict. Yet you struggled

    through it all, through the terrible losses and setbacks that I

    am sure you faced. How hard must it have been for you as the

    leader? You never shirked your responsibility, never wavered in

    your ideals. You made the hard decisions and then had to live

    with the consequences but I have a feeling you never once

    complained." I patted the mask and sat up looking down into his

    face. "You have to be the most amazing person I've ever met

    Optimus Prime. And I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to know you

    better. It is truly my loss."

    Wheeljack stood in the middle of what had been the Autobot

    base, vents cycling rapidly as he looked around. There were no

    life signs, not even a flicker. Brushing at the trickle of

    energon down his chin he limped forward. He had to believe

    someone had survived. The Autobots weren't stupid, they would

    have evacuated. That's when he heard the voice. Someone was

    speaking, but he didn't recognize the voice pattern. It wasn't

    one of the Autobots, it sounded human. Recalibrating his

    sensors for human life signs he nearly flooded his engine when

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    he saw the signature pop up.

    "What the scrap . . ." Moving as silently as possible

    through the debris he peered down. What he saw made his spark

    clench. Optimus lay partially buried under rubble, impaled by a

    steel beam, his optics dark. Laying curled up under Optimus'

    chin was a dark haired human woman. Her eyes were closed as she


    "I will miss you Optimus Prime. You gave Jack hope and

    someone to look up to."

    I sighed, this must be Jack's mother. Bulkhead had

    mentioned her. What was her name?

    "Excuse me?"

    She jumped a startled scream echoing around the debris. He

    stepped back startled as she suddenly brandished a length of

    pipe. "Don't come any closer! He's already dead just leave him


    "Whoa, easy there lady. Name's Wheeljack, I just came to

    see if there were any survivors."

    "Wait . . . Wheeljack? Agent Fowler mentioned you. You

    are a rogue."

    "Uh, yeah well . . . about that . . ."

    She was glaring up him now, tiny hands on her hips. "And

    just where have you been, mister? They needed you."

    "Hey! I showed up!"

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    "Late I might add. They obviously needed your help or I

    wouldn't be here standing on Optimus Prime's corpse!"

    "Well the comm goes both ways ya' know!"

    Her eyes narrowed and for a moment Wheeljack thought she

    was going to come after him. "Don't you even take that tone

    with me. You and I both know that Optimus would never- would

    never . . ." Her voice faded and she let the pipe fall,

    kneeling down she buried her face in her hands. "Oh my god,

    he's dead. He's really dead."

    Wheeljack stood there watching her sob shifting his weight

    as he tried to decide what to do. He really needed to make sure

    that Optimus was indeed offline and not just in stasis. Going

    to a knee beside Optimus he touched the big bot's grill. There

    was a faint warmth under his hand. Optimus' spark was still

    there but very, very weak.

    "Hey lady."

    "The name is June. June Darby."

    "Okay, June. Optimus is not dead. Not yet, but if we

    don't move him and get him triaged he is going to go offline."

    "What do you need me to do?" She wiped her face in her

    sleeve and ran her hands down her jacket leaving trails of red


    "Stay here. I'm going to go see if I can salvage anything

    in the medical bay."

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    "You aren't a medic though, Ratchet-"

    "Oh yes, the good doctor. Well he's probably thousands of

    miles away and I do have training as a battle medic. Us

    Wreckers didn't depend on the Autobot docs to tend our wounds."

    "You certainly have a way of inspiring confidence."

    Wheeljack raised an eyebrow. "No need to be sarcastic.

    Just stating a fact. I'll be right back."

    "I'm not going anywhere."

    Leaving the pair behind Wheeljack wondered what he was

    getting himself into. Treating the gravely injured Prime was

    going to be difficult enough without help and with the

    Decepticon army literally a stone's throw away, but now he had a

    human to contend with as well.

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    Chapter 1

    Wheeljack grunted as he pushed aside the rubble. The

    medical bay was a complete loss. He'd found a few scattered

    items and a battered case of emergency energon. Half the vials

    inside had shattered but three remained intact. Carefully

    stowing them he continued his search. He was going to need

    something to seal the wounds so that Optimus didn't lose too

    much energon when they removed the steel from his torso.

    Glancing over his shoulder he glared at the monolith on the

    horizon. The setting sun glowed on it's surface, the spires

    seemingly on fire. If only.

    His foot knocked against something and he bent down to

    inspect it. It was a human sized chair the plastic melted and

    warped around the metal frame. How in the Pitts had Prime

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    survived the blast at all? Though if he didn't find some synth-

    mesh to patch his wounds the Prime wouldn't survive much longer.

    How had he gotten himself into this situation? Oh yeah, the

    doctor. Shaking his head, Wheeljack knelt to shift through the

    debris and was rewarded with a mostly intact first aid kit.

    "Thank Primus."

    He'd meant what he'd said to Ratchet. They were on the

    same side so of course when he'd discovered their dilema he'd

    rushed to help. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was

    disappointed they hadn't contacted him before things got so out

    of hand. No use sulking about it now. He had an Autobot to


    June looked up from her defensive position over Optimus'

    spark as Wheeljack approached. "Did you find anything."

    "Not nearly as much as we need, but it will have to do.

    Everything is destroyed."

    "Yes, I noticed that. Now what do you need me to do? I am

    a trained nurse."

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    "I assist doctors in their procedures."

    "Oh . . . Humans right?"

    "Yes, but I know trauma when I see it."

    Wheeljack nodded. "A'right well first thing I need you

    outa the way so I can finish getting this scrap shifted."

    He held out a hand and for a moment the two looked at each

    other. June finally nodded and hopped up into the offered palm.

    He set her within reach but out of the way of any shifting

    debris. Turning his attention back to the fallen Prime he

    scanned the wreckage.

    "Do your kind suffer crush trauma like humans?" June's

    worried tone was not lost on him.

    "I don't think so. His circuitry might be damaged but

    unless something is severed it shouldn't be too hard to fix."

    He wouldn't know till he uncovered Optimus' legs the extent of

    the damage. Though that steel girder was going to be very

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    tricky and he wasn't entirely sure that Prime would survive

    having it removed. It was either take the risk or watch Optimus

    fade away right before them. Gripping the steel beams over the

    Autobot's legs, Wheeljack heaved. The whole pile shifted and

    then caught.

    "Scrap! Where is Bulkhead when you need him."

    "Well, I'm pretty sure that Megatron would notice if more

    of you showed up to help."

    "Yeah, don't remind me." Moving closer to Optimus' hip

    actuators, Wheeljack peered at the twisted wreckage. Taking out

    one of his blades he centered his focus before bringing it down.

    The weakened steel split under the blow. "There, should be

    easier now."

    Reaching down he pulled. The steel slid apart with a

    squeal of tortured metal. He glanced over to see June hunkered

    down holding the sides of her head. Shrugging he went back to

    extracting Optimus. There were several long tense moments when

    a slab of concrete proved heavier than it looked. Thankfully it

    wasn't laying directly on Optimus' legs, merely on a beam that

    needed moved. There were no other impalements much to

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    "Why don't you just cut off what we need and before that is

    there anything I can use to debride and sanitize the wounds?"

    "Yeah, sure . . . Umm, this work?" He held up the

    emergency welder and a bottle of diluted energon.

    June looked at it for a moment before taking a breath. "I

    tell you what. I'll get the debris out of the worst of the

    wounds. When I'm done you wash them out, seal them up and put

    the bandage on. Got it."

    "Yes ma'am." He winked at her and got a half hearted glare

    in response. She shook her head and turned back to Optimus but

    not before he'd seen the small smile. He watched her work at

    pulling the small pieces of concrete and shrapnel from Optimus'

    mesh. Each time she got a large piece removed, Wheeljack would

    run the cleansing solution over it before welding it closed and

    applying the synth-mesh. After the seventh such wound he

    realized June was wincing each time she went to use her hands.

    "Hey, you alright? You're getting red stuff everywhere."

    "I'm fine. The red stuff is blood. I cut my hands

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    "Hold up a sec. You can't tend to him when you are


    June turned and glared up at him. "Wheeljack, I appreciate

    the concern but these scrapes can wait."

    She wasn't about to tell him that the energon was burning

    her every time she touched it. She didn't trust those massive

    blunt fingers to this more delicate work. She'd handled similar

    situations in the ER. Okay, maybe not but this was a war zone

    and she knew that Optimus' life depended on her staying focused.

    She could tend to herself and Wheeljack once he was out of

    eminent danger. Looking over the long legs and the obvious

    damage to his knee she forced down a sigh. She would do her

    best with what she had and hope it was enough until they could

    get him to Ratchet. Where ever and when ever that might be.

    Finding the last of the larger wounds she directed

    Wheeljack to wash it out, noting that the bottle was

    disturbingly low on fluid. "Okay, thats enough. We've got to

    save the rest for his stomach."

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    "Or whatever you guys call it." She gestured toward

    Optimus' chest. "Finish that up please and then we need to work

    out a plan on how to get that removed."

    Balancing on his leg, June walked toward his torso, careful

    to avoid any wounds. Reaching the puncture site she knelt to

    get a better look. There was little to no leakage at the site.

    Which meant the beam was keeping pressure on any fuel lines.

    Once the beam was removed she was worried that Optimus would

    bleed out within moments. Brushing hair out of her face she

    winced. Looking down at her hand she flexed it. It was

    stinging, but nothing she couldn't handle. She had to figure

    out how to remove the beam without killing Opimus in the

    process. She just wished she had some sort of monitoring

    equipment so that she could keep an eye on his vitals. All she

    had to go on was Wheeljack's assurances that Optimus was still

    alive and the slow steady trickle of energon from his wounds.

    "All done. What now?"

    She looked up at Wheeljack surprised that the rogue bot was

    looking to her for instructions. Though she had pretty much

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    taken charge. Looking back down she bit her lip.

    "Now comes the tricky part. Do you have anyway of

    monitoring his vital signs?"

    "Yeah, sort of. I mean I know he's there and I can sense

    his spark. Its just really faint."

    June nodded. "Okay. Is there anyway you could sit him up,

    or lay him on his side so we can see if the beam is all the way


    "Sure. Here." He picked her up and set her on a stable

    boulder near Optimus' head. "Maybe laying him on his side would

    be easier for you to reach."

    "Good call. Just do it slow and don't move the beam."

    "Got it."

    She watched him as he manuevered the quiescent bot onto his

    side. The jagged end of the beam emerged just above his rear,

    nearly bisecting where a humans spine would be.

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    "Okay, hold him steady for a moment please." Climbing down

    from her perch she approached the downed Autobot. "This doesn't

    look good."

    "Well it definitely looks bad."

    June shot a look at Wheeljack and got an unapologetic one

    back. "Do you guys have a central nervous system or a-"

    "We have circuits and it looks like from this angle that

    the beam just missed cutting though Optimus' main line. He

    still might be paralized."

    June nodded. "That's what I'm afraid of. So basic anatomy

    is similiar, I just need to think of it like a human shaped


    "Hey, whatever works and gets the big bot back on his feet."

    "You don't have bones but there has to be some sort of

    internal frame . . . " Touching Optimus' back she winced seeing

    the jagged and broken metal. Looking around she spotted some

    loose wiring. Wrapping a length around her arm she looked up at


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    "Alight get ready to pull it out, just don't let him fall

    back and crush me."

    Wheeljack nodded, his lips nearly invisible as he pressed

    them together. "Give me a sec."

    Taking a medium sized chunk of concrete he wedged it behind

    Optimus' shoulders. "There, now get ready. I'm going to do this


    June tensed. "Go."

    The screech of metal burned her ears and she flinched as

    Optimus shuddered his whole body convulsing. Running forward

    she grabbed the edge of the wound and pulled herself up.

    Immediately she spotted several leaking energon lines. One was

    larger than the others and looked like it lead down to his legs.

    "Dammit. I hope your limbs don't suffer from blood

    deprivation." Using the wire she quickly tied off each leaking

    line. She shuddered as she looked up. She could see

    Wheeljack's leg where he stood on the other side of Optimus.

    How was there any chance that Optimus could survive this?

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    Crawling forward she yelped as something cut her forearm.


    "I'm fine. It's just a little tight in here. Not exactly

    the way I'm used to working. You got that sanitizer handy, I'm

    almost done."

    "I'm ready just let me know when you are clear."

    Finding the last line she sealed it off. Careful not to

    jostle anything lose she slid out of the wound. How odd was

    that? She'd just been inside a giant alien. No time to really

    ponder it. Wheeljack was bathing the wound, small bits of metal

    a debris clattering to the floor.

    "Scrap, this looks really bad."

    "I thought we already established that."

    "Yeah I know but . . . He's almost cut in half."

    "Focus Wheeljack. He's still alive. We have to make sure

    he stays that way. I for one am not about to let Megatron win."

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    "Me neither."

    "But . . ."

    "But what?"

    "I heard it, 'me neither, but'."

    Leaning over Optimus' side Wheeljack carefully applied the

    synth-mesh, making sure to seal the edges so that no debris

    could get in. "But there is just the two of us. We have no idea

    where the other Autobots are. My ship is wrecked, I'm wounded

    and you're-"



    "Lets look at this another way. There are just the two of

    us. No one else knows that Optimus survived so we can be fairly

    safe in saying that there probably won't be a pursuit if we

    leave quickly. I am human therefore I can get us help that

    won't compromise the two of you. Now, we need to figure out

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    where to hide him until Ratchet can operate."

    "I get it. We are fewer and therefore more manueverable

    and harder to track."

    "Good boy, I'm glad to see you were paying attention."

    June smiled to take the sting out of her words and got an

    answering one. "Now, do you know of anywhere we could hide him

    that is safe."

    "Not just safe but would keep him undetectable and would

    also be defensible should we be discovered."

    "That's a tall order."

    "Don't I know it. That and we have to figure out how to

    move him. My alt mode isn't exactly a truck."

    "I'll work on that. You finish here. I need to make some

    phone calls. And I hope you guys have the equivalent of a

    painkiller. He's going to be in agony when he wakes up."

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    Chapter 2

    Wheeljack watched, his spark heavy as the human stumbled

    and slid over the rubble as she returned from making her phone

    calls. He knew the signs of exhaustion. Reaching out he

    steadied her as she staggered. She caught herself on his out

    stretched hand.

    "Sorry Wheeljack. It's been a long day." A smile barely

    flickered across her face as she looked up at him. "Will you be

    alright till morning?"

    She gestured to the deep gash on his leg. He glanced down

    then back over at her. "I've had worse. I'll be fine. Do you

    have somewhere you can recharge in safety?"

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    "I'm staying here."

    "No. I will stay. You go and rest. I can protect him, but

    I will need you tomorrow."

    June nodded. "I understand. I will get what supplies I

    can and return first thing in the morning. I may have an idea

    about how to move him but I have to check on things first."

    "I understand. Would you like my personal comm code?"

    She did smile then. "Yes please and thank you. Agent

    Fowler was detained. Apparently the military is mobilizing.

    This is going to be a hot zone very soon and he's the only

    official liaison the government has. I do not envy him at all

    right now. I didn't tell him that Optimus is alive. I'm not

    sure how many people need to know that right now."

    Wheeljack flexed his fingers slowly inward, cradling her.

    "I think that was a really good choice. Especially if he's the

    human who has to confront Megatron at some point."

    Getting to his feet he climbed over the rubble. Once they

    were free of the worst of the damage he set her down. "Are you

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    sure you'll be alright? I can give you a lift home."

    "And leave Optimus here alone? No, I'll make it." She

    patted his leg. "Thank you though. I will try to be back by


    He watched her bike away until she was lost in the

    darkness. Turning back to the broken shell of the base he

    vented slowly. Rechecking the jamming signal he settled in to

    stand watch for the night.

    June nearly fell off the bike as she came to a stop outside

    her house. He legs shook, knees threatening to buckle as she

    walked down the driveway. Once inside she collapsed on the

    couch. The complete silence was unnerving. Even in a quiet

    town like Jasper there were still the noises of life, of

    civilization. Now there was nothing. Looking down at her arms

    she realized there were ugly raised blisters forming were the

    energon had touched her skin. It was reacting like a chemical

    burn. Then there were the abrasions. Sighing she pushed

    herself up off the couch wincing as overused muscles threatened

    to rebel at the movement. Shuffling to the bathroom she ran a

    lukewarm tub. Too much heat would agravate the burns, but she

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    needed to relax and clean up. Who knew when she'd next get a

    chance to take a bath? A tremor shot through her as she lay

    there, the water up to her chin. How was this even possible?

    She'd never imagined that anything like this might happen. Sure

    finding out about the aliens had been a massive shock, but she'd

    quickly learned that aside from their size and obviously alien

    make-up they were very human.

    Finished with her bath she treated the burns and cuts and

    changed into dark clothing. She'd watched enough movies to know

    that's what you always did when on the run. Dark clothes and

    layers. Going to the kitchen she got out the phone book.

    Looking down through the listings of tow companies she

    highlighted three of them and wrote down their addresses.

    "This is crazy! I can't believe I'm getting ready to go

    steal a tow truck to help an injured alien." Her laugh was

    pained. "Well at least I know I won't get caught."

    Looking out the window she pressed her lips together. "No

    time like the present June Darby. Optimus may not have all


    After making herself a strong pot of coffee she gathered up

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    the things she'd packed earlier that day. Had it really been

    just a few hours? Too much had happened and now that she was

    at home, none of it seemed real. Working at the hospital she

    was used to long stress filled days, but this was pushing it.

    Going to her pantry she pulled out all the non perishable food

    items she could easily carry. Stuffing it all into Jack's

    backpack. Standing at her front door she looked back at the

    house. Something told her that once she stepped out that door

    her life was never going to be the same.

    "Goodbye." She whispered.

    Walking into town she passed the KO Burger and the other

    deserted businesses. She made a note of which ones she needed

    to visit on her way out of town. The hardware store, the

    electronics store, a car parts store and the army surplus. She

    would have to figure out how to get food as they went. Coming

    to the first mechanics shop she frowned seeing the small tow

    truck parked to the side of the bay. That was no where near big

    enough to haul a 30 some odd foot injured alien. She didn't

    want to damage him any more than he already was. She really

    needed to find one of the flatbed trucks with a winch. She

    The sound of engines reached her. Ducking down behind a

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    dumpster to the side of the building she held her breath. Two

    matching silver sports cars shot down the main road.

    "Decepticons . . . They must be patrolling. Scrap."

    This was going to make things harder. It also made her

    certain that there was little time to waste. Leaving her bags

    behind the dumpster she took off toward the next address. It

    took her a good thirty minutes to get across town, having to

    hide every so often to avoid the patrols. Reaching the wrecking

    company's address she groaned in frustration seeing the high

    fence topped with razor wire. Walking around the perimeter she

    was surprised to find the front gate closed, but not locked.

    "Must have left in quite a hurry." The office was unlocked

    as well and she took down several sets of keys hanging by the

    door. "Lets go see what you guys have to offer."

    Much to her surprise and delight there was a large diesel

    truck with a flatbed loader sitting behind the shop. "Well, I

    guess this will have to work. I just hope you are a standard

    and not a stick."

    She shook her head, laughing at herself. "Now I'm even

    talking to the non alien machinery."

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    Climbing up into the cab she looked at the keys, picking

    out the set labeled Ford. Taking a deep breath she started the

    engine, cringing at the loud rumble of the diesel. Looking down

    at the gear shift she shook her head. "Well, I guess I'll learn

    as I go."

    It took a lot of stops, starts and killing of the engine

    before she got the hang of the stick shift. By the time she was

    pulling out of the lot she was certain she'd be facing down a

    squad of Decepticons come to investigate the noise. Thankfully,

    that was not the case. The streets were once again completely

    deserted. Stopping at the first mechanic's shop she got her

    supplies. After that she made stops at each of the shops she'd

    noted on the way in. The crowbar from under the seat made short

    work of the plate glass windows.

    "Well I just stole a truck so I guess breaking and entering

    is next." Gathering up everything she thought might come in

    handy, she soon had the cab and rear seat of the truck full.

    She just hoped the portable welding torch was compatible with

    Optimus' physiology. The same with the tubing and fiber optic

    cabling she'd found at the electronics store. It looked similar

    but she had no way of knowing if the materials were similar at

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    all. The last thing she needed was a pair of large tarps from

    the hardware store. Parking the truck at the delivery entrance

    she looked around the empty parking lot before getting down.

    She knew she was running on her last reserves at this point.

    She'd been up for over twenty four hours now and she was

    definitely starting to feel it. The blurring vision and

    difficulty concentrating were two large hints that if she didn't

    sleep soon, her body would shut down forcing her to rest.

    "I just need to get back to Optimus. Then I can rest."

    It took her a while to find the tarps. Wandering through

    the large warehouse like store with only a flashlight set her

    nerves on edge. She found herself jumping at the slightest

    thing. Once she found the tarps she grabbed as many as she

    could throwing them into the cart. Four should be enough. She

    hoped. Walking back through the store a sudden thought struck

    her and she made a detour to get tie downs. If Optimus didn't

    wake up anytime soon she didn't want him falling off the back of

    the truck. Going over the list of stuff in her head she tried

    to think of anything else they might possibly need. Nothing

    came to mind. If she had to she'd buy what they needed. Or beg

    it off William. If she could get a hold of him.

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    Once everything was finally loaded she sat in the cab, her

    head resting on the steering wheel. It was nearing three in the

    morning. "At least I don't have to bike all the way back out


    Though she was worried about being spotted by any patrols

    as she headed for the destroyed base. Any vehicles in the area

    would immediately be suspicious. Looking down at the shotgun

    and boxes of shells on the seat next to her, she cringed. "Well

    it might at least shock them. Daddy would never believe this.

    Those weekends shooting skeet might just come in handy."

    The truck rumbled to life and she stopped herself from

    turning on the headlights. There was no other traffic and

    though the electricity was out city wide, the moon was still

    bright as it hung low on the horizon.

    "Well it's now or never."


    Wheeljack sprang to his feet as his sensors picked up an

    earth vehicle. A few minutes later the low rumble of a diesel

    engine cut through the chill night air. Tensing he drew his

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    dual blades and crouched in the shadow of the ruined mesa. The

    truck crested a low rise, the dark shadow of the cab silhouetted

    against the night sky. It wasn't any vehicle he recognised.

    Switching his scanner he let out a slow vent as June's bio-

    signature glowed on the display.

    "About time lady. I was beginning to wonder if I was going

    to be on my own."

    The truck stuttered to a halt, gears grinding hard enough

    to make Wheeljack wince in sympathy. The door swung open and

    June stepped out.

    "You planning on waking the entire Decepticon army?"

    "Hush, I'm not used to driving a manual and this thing is

    hard to drive."

    Wheeljack walked around the large vehicle, noting the

    design. "Interesting choice."

    "Its a wrecker."

    "Huh?" Wheeljack jerked around to see June grinning at

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    him. "A wrecker you say? Not my kind of wrecker."

    "Not quite. So, shall we get him loaded up? I don't want

    to wait until daylight. There were Decepticon patrols in the


    Sheathing his swords, Wheeljack had to reassess his opinion

    of the diminutive native. Sure he knew she was courageous and

    skilled but going alone on a snatch and grab in Decepticon

    territory . . . That was a whole 'nother level for a human.

    "If I'd known that-"

    "You what? Would have went yourself? And got this back

    how? By dragging it behind you. No, I had to be the one to go.

    Besides, I got us a bunch of supplies." She gestured to the cab

    of the truck. "I tried calling Agent Fowler again, but it just

    goes straight to his voicemail. Unfortunately, I think we are

    on our own."

    "Well in that case, we better get moving. We are behind

    enemy lines after all. I'll go get the big bot. You stay here

    and alert me if you see any movement."

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    With a nod June got back in the cab. "I'll honk."

    Wheeljack shrugged, whatever that meant. Climbing the

    blasted rock he was careful not to create any rock slides. It

    was hard enough getting around the rubble. He took a few

    minutes to clear a path so that he could safely walk and carry

    the large bot. Optimus was quite a bit taller and maneuvering

    through the debris field was going to be tricky. For his size

    Wheeljack knew he was surefooted, but carrying several tons of

    bot while trying to climb out of the smoking hole was going to

    be difficult at best and impossible at worst. Then there was

    his leg injury. He'd just have to tough it out. He'd seen bots

    go through battles missing limbs. He could deal with a scratch.

    Reaching Optimus he stood over the downed bot for a moment,

    trying to determine the best way to move him. No one way was

    going to work the best, it was just going to have to be trial

    and error at this point. Reaching down he grabbed Optimus'

    right arm and pulled him up into a sitting position. Crouching

    down, he pulled the massive bot onto his shoulder. Surging

    upward he shuffled for a moment trying to find the center of his

    balance with the extra weight. He just hoped he wasn't hurting

    Optimus further. Turning slowly he traversed the path he'd

    created. Coming to the hill of rubble he paused and filled his

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    intakes. Now for the really hard part. The rubble shifted

    under his feet forcing him to test each step before committing

    to it. He was nearly at the top when a piece of concrete

    disintegrated under his foot. All his weight came down on his

    injured leg and he struggled to keep from toppling over

    backward. Throwing himself forward he fell on top of Optimus.

    "Scrap!" Something had torn, the circuits of his left leg

    were on fire.

    "Wheeljack! Are you okay?"

    "Fine, just stay put." He could see the top of the rock

    pile. Getting back to his feet he winced. Fresh energon was

    seeping from the gash. There was no way he was going to be able

    to pick up Optimus again. Moving up the hill, behind Optimus'

    head he grabbed his back struts and pulled. Metal grated over

    stone as he managed step by step to pull Optimus out of the

    hole. Once his feet hit the soft loose sand of the desert floor

    he let Optimus down and took a moment to let his fans cool him

    down. Venting hard, he gestured to June to pull the truck

    closer. He wasn't sure he could drag Optimus any further and he

    still had to get him up on the bed of the truck. He narrowed

    his eys as she backed the truck up but left several feet of

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    distance between the bot and the truck. She got down out of the

    cab and went to a section of levers on the side of the truck.

    What was she doing? He grunted in surprise as the bed of the

    truck started tilting up and then sliding back.

    "Alright help me get this winch attached to him, then we'll

    pull him up on the bed. He's going to be too big, but we'll

    have to make it work somehow."

    Wheeljack nodded and took the cable she offered him.

    Looping it under Optimus' arms and around his chest he clipped

    the carabiner to the cable. Nodding to June he stepped back,

    ready to assist if things should start to go wrong. She turned

    on the engine and starting winching Optimus onto the bed.

    Thankfully it went smoothly and he was soon helping her by tying

    the dangling arms over his chest. His legs were hanging off the

    end of the bed, his rear tires nearly touching the ground. Next

    he threw the tarps June had brought to cover Optimus. He waited

    until the rest of him was secure before pulling the plastic over

    his head.

    "That should do it."

    "I hope so."

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    "So where are we headed?"

    "I honestly have no idea." For a moment June looked lost,

    then the determination resurfaced. "I have a map but I don't

    know where the rest of the Autobots are."

    "Well I think what we talked about earlier would be best

    for now. We need to hunker down and see if we can contact


    June thought for a moment and then pulled a map out of her

    pocket. Laying it out on the ground it showed the entirety of

    the United States. She pointed to the middle of the map.

    "Kansas and Missouri are our best bet."

    "Why is that?"

    "They have the highest concentration of decommissioned

    missile silos. That would be the safest place to hide him,

    wouldn't it? That and I think there are several military bases

    so that should help keep the Decepticon's off our back somewhat."

    Wheeljack peered down at the map, quickly scanning and

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    memorizing it. "At this vehicle's safest speed it will take us

    nearly three days to reach Kansas."

    "I guess we better get going then." She paused, her eyes

    narrowing. "Are you okay to drive?"

    "I was just going to ask you that."

    "I have coffee and if I need to sleep I'll pull over at a

    rest stop. But you are injured and leaking. Maybe I should see

    to that before we go-"

    "I don't think we have time." He pointed to the south were

    lights strobed across the surface of the fortress. "They are


    "Scrap. Alright, lets get a move on. You lead Wheeljack."

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    Chapter 3

    The sun had risen as they drove east. Wheeljack kept one

    mirror trained on the wrecker behind him as he drove. They'd

    finally reached the Interstate and while traffic was light for

    the moment he was worried about June. Every so often the truck

    would drift toward the shoulder, hitting the rumble bars etched

    into the surface and jerk back onto the road.

    Spotting a sign for a truck stop, Wheeljack put on his

    blinker. It was time to get some rest. Finding a spot where

    they were mostly hidden by other eighteen wheelers, Wheeljack

    parked. The wrecker stuttered to a stop next to him. The

    window rolled down.

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    "Are you getting tired?"

    "No, but you are. I'll take the first watch."

    A grateful smile crossed June's face. "Thank you. I'm

    just going to run in and use the restroom, then I'll be right


    After she'd left, he did a careful scan of the area. Once

    he was sure the coast was clear he transformed and when to check

    on Optimus. He frowned noticing that the faint pulse of his

    spark was more a fluttering now. "Not good."

    Getting out the emergency energon he pulled back the tarp.

    "I did not go to all that trouble saving your aft to let you die


    Once the container was empty he waited. The fluttering

    evened out into soft pulses once again and he hung his head, one

    hand resting on Optimus' arm. "Hang in there Optimus. I know

    I'm not much of a team player anymore, but I'll be scrapped

    before I let Megatron win like this."

    After a moment he touched his helm activating a private

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    comm to Ratchet. "Ratchet are you there?"

    There was static for a long moment and his spark seemed to

    dim. He jerked as there was a burst of feedback. "Wheeljack?!

    Did you make it out alright? Where are you? I can't seem to

    contact anyone else. Have you heard from Optimus?"

    Wheeljack shook his head. Of course the medic wouldn't

    think to jam his own signal to avoid detection, which is

    probably what the others where doing. Especially since they

    were most likely guarding the children as well.

    "You need to jam your signal, doc. If I could find you so

    can the Decepticons."

    There was silence on the other end. "Don't call me 'doc'.

    I'm not worried about that right now. I'm not exactly high

    priority for them."

    "Don't sell yourself short Ratchet."

    "Whatever." A huff. "Have you heard from Optimus?"

    "Actually . . . About that . . . Where are you?"

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    "Why? Do you need me? He's hurt isn't he."

    "He's stable now, thanks to June."

    "Nurse Darby? What could she possibly-"

    "She saved his life Ratchet!" Wheeljack surprised himself

    by snapping at the medic. "Now, where are you?"

    "I-I'm not sure. I'm still on the northern continent but I

    don't know the name of the state . . ."

    Wheeljack shook his head. "You didn't even think to

    download a map?"

    Ratchet sputtered on the other end of the line. "I-I

    rarely was out of the base! Why would I need a map when I had

    the computer?"

    "Well ya' need one now dontcha?"

    "You don't have to take that tone with me."

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    Wheeljack frowned hearing the hurt in Ratchet's voice.

    "I'm sorry. It's just been a rather stressful day."

    "Don't I know it." Came the soft mutter.

    "Listen, I'm sorry. You've got access to the World Wide

    Web right? Download a map and pinpoint your location. While

    you are at it set yourself a designation and get an email

    address. That would be a safer way to communicate than leaving

    our comm lines open for detection by the Decepticons."


    He gave Ratchet his email address along with further

    instructions to stay in touch before signing off. He knew the

    medic was upset but he didn't have time to coddle him. Not

    right now. Sitting down next to Optimus he leaned back against

    the truck tire.

    "Ya' know, I don't think we've ever been in this tight a

    pinch in the whole war. Yeah, there've been some pretty tight

    spots but . . . But nothing like this. You were always there,

    even if us Wreckers didn't acknowledge you formally, we

    respected you. Bulkhead is proof enough of that. Who woulda

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    thought the war would end on a little dirt ball like this?"

    "It's not over yet, Wheeljack."

    He turned to look at June a smile crossing his faceplate.

    "Not as long as even one Autobot or Wrecker is alive."

    She returned his smile and walking over placed a hand on

    his knee. "As soon as I wake up, I'm going to take care of your


    "Sounds like a plan."

    She patted his knee and after a quick check on Optimus

    climbed up into the cab of the truck. Once his scanners showed

    she'd fallen into recharge he transformed back into his alt mode

    keeping his sensors alert for any movement around them.

    Periodically he would check his email address to see if Ratchet

    had figured out his location yet. Two hours later he finally

    got one.

    "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He growled. "Who the

    scrap decided to send you to Minnesota? That's way out of our

    way. I guess you'll have to come meet us."

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    Sending a return email he gave Ratchet the rundown on their

    plan to hide Optimus along with a map of how to get to a meeting

    point. "Huh, going from the state Nevada to the town Nevada, at

    least its not much bigger than Jasper."


    June woke to the sound of voices. Two men were arguing

    just outside her door. Sitting up she kept her head down.

    "I'm telling you that's not a street legal car."

    "Look, I just looked it up on my phone. See its a Lancia."

    "What the hell? What's a concept car doing out here


    "Probably some high roller from Vegas or something."

    "Yeah, hey take my pic will ya. I gotta show my kid this."

    June's eyes widened. If that picture got onto the internet

    . . . Would anyone recognize Wheeljack? She couldn't risk it.

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    Grabbing the shotgun from under the seat she rolled down her

    window and laid on the horn. Both men jumped, the phone

    clattering to the ground.

    "Holy shit!"

    "You guys get away from my car."

    "Whoa, take it easy lady." Both men held up their hands

    seeing the double barrel pointed out the window at them. "We're

    leaving. No harm done."

    She didn't put the gun away until there was no sign of the


    "We better leave." She jumped at the sound of Wheeljack's

    voice. "They might call the authorities."

    "Right." She glanced down at the clock. She'd slept for

    nearly five hours. It wasn't near enough, but it would have to

    do for now. At least she didn't feel like she was going to pass

    out at any moment. "You really need a less conspicuous look."

    "Whoa, don't knock my looks lady. I may not be as flashy

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    as the rookie or Knockout but I got my pride."

    "Oh brother . . . Seriously? Who is Knockout?"

    "Not a bot you wanna meet. He's Megatron's medic, of


    "Of sorts?"

    "You'd have to meet him to understand."

    "Lets not."

    "Yeah. You ready?"

    "As I'll ever be. Is Optimus alright?"

    "He's not moved, but he seems stable for now."

    June started the truck. "Well then lets not waste time."

    They made it back to the interstate without incident. It

    was after dark when she followed Wheeljack into a rest stop. It

    was nearly deserted, only about five big rigs idling in their

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    spaces. Pulling all the way to the end of the parking lot she

    shut off the truck and got out. Wheeljack pulled as close as he

    could get to the truck.

    "Wake me in two hours."

    She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure. I slept a

    lot longer than that-"

    "I don't require sleep like you, I just need a short


    "Right." June couldn't quite keep the skepticism out of

    her voice. "Alright I'll be in the truck if you need me."

    There was no response. She smiled to herself and after

    checking on Optimus got back in the cab. After setting the alarm

    on her phone she pulled a blanket over herself and tried to nap.

    The nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right would't

    leave and she finally tossed the blanket off. Getting down out

    of the truck she walked around it checking all the tie downs and

    pulling the tarp tight. A puddle of glowing blue energon

    greeted her as she walked around Wheeljack.

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    "Oh my god!" He was bleeding-leaking and hadn't said a

    word about it. "Wheeljack, wake up this instant!" She slapped

    his trunk and staggered back as he instantly transformed,

    weapons drawn before she could even blink. She held perfectly

    still as he turned a slow circle, optics bright with pain and

    wariness. As soothing as possible she called out to him.

    "Wheeljack, calm down. I'm sorry I woke you like that, but

    you are leaking energon everywhere."

    He blinked a couple of times as if he couldn't quite focus

    and then sat down rather heavily, shaking the ground under her



    "You could say that again. Dammit Wheeljack! Why didn't

    you say something? I didn't mean to neglect your injury."

    He seemed to look right through her. "It's not important."

    "Like hell! And don't give me any of that crap about being

    a wrecker and taking care of yourself. I cannot afford to have

    my only back up on this trip wind up as scrap because he was too

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    prideful to take care of himself. Now shut up and let me see

    that leg."

    Wheeljack stared at her for a moment longer before slowly

    shifting around so that the gash was visible. Seeing the damage

    June shook her head.

    "If you were human I'd smack you, boy."

    "B-boy! I'm millenia older than you human!"

    "Then start acting it!"

    Wheeljack glared for a moment then looked away. June hid a

    smile, ducking down to get a better look inside the twisted

    metal. Shining her flashlight into the wound she frowned.

    "Well it looks like a couple of lines are pinched and the leak

    should be easy to fix. Let me get my stuff and we'll have you

    patched up in no time."

    He was silent the entire time she worked on him. The

    tubing she'd brought seemed to handle the energon fine, though

    she wanted to keep a close eye on it. Lugging the welder over

    she looked up at him. He was staring off into the distance,

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    seemingly lost in thought. If he was human she would have said

    he looked depressed, eyes vacant, shoulders slumped.

    "I'm going to close the wound now." After careful study of

    the manual she pulled on the helmet and gloves. Once she got

    the hang of the mixture, sealing the punctured metal went fairly

    quickly. Turning off the tanks she stood back admiring her

    handiwork. "Alright, I want you to let me know if there is any

    continued pain or if something feels wrong. For now, rest."

    He turned to look at her then down at his leg. "That was

    fast. Feels fine now."

    "It might but I had to use some plastic tubing and I'm not

    sure if your body will reject it or not, so take it easy."

    He shrugged, a half hearted lift of his shoulders. "It'll

    be fine. I'm going to recharge a bit longer then we can get


    "Sure. I'll let you rest then."

    By the time she was back in the truck he was already in his

    car mode. Sighing she turned on the radio but didn't really pay

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    it much attention. The last thing she needed on this trip was a

    moody guard. For aliens with such long life spans they

    certainly seemed to take a long time to grow up. Then it struck

    her. She wasn't dealing with just any person. Wheeljack was a

    soldier and from what she'd heard, a good one. This situation

    must really grate on him. He was used to calling his own shots

    and only looking out for himself. To suddenly be responsible

    not only for their comatose leader, but her as well must seem

    like a tremendous burden. Finally shutting the radio off she

    got out of the truck, grabbing a blanket to take with her. His

    passenger side door was unlocked and she gently opened it,

    slipping inside as quietly as possible.

    "Huh . . . Wazzat-"

    "Shhh, go back to sleep. I'm taking this watch." She

    patted his dash and smiled as the lights brightened for a moment

    then dimmed to a soft blue. They'd make it through this.


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    Chapter 4

    The bridge of the Nemesis was deserted except for a few

    Vehicons at their stations and Soundwave at his console. Slim

    digits danced over the pressure pad, information scrolling too

    rapidly for the optic to follow. Soundwave didn't need to read

    the data to know what it contained. The Autobots had dispersed,

    their signals scattered across the northern continent. One by

    one the signals vanished. He knew the bots were still online,

    they were hiding. Who could blame them? Optimus was dead,

    their base was destroyed, now all that was left was a slow

    lingering death from energon starvation or a quick pain filled

    death at Megatron's servos.

    He didn't move as the door opened, Megatron and Starscream

    entering the bridge. The Vehicons on duty saluted then went

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    back to work.

    "I just don't understand, Lord Megatron." Starscream's

    voice held none of the whining tone so prominent before his

    return and reinstatement as second in command. "I know the

    signal was faint but it was there last night. Now it's gone."

    "I will not be satisfied until I have his corpse before

    me." Megatron nodded to Soundwave as he passed. "I will not

    allow the Autobots any shred of hope."

    "Of course my Lord. I will have the Eradicons search the

    rubble again. Their base was rather thoroughly destroyed."

    "Take Knockout with you."

    "Eh- . . . Okay."

    "Drag him if you have to, but I want confirmation.

    Soundwave, do you have a fix on the others' coordinates."

    Soundwave tilted his head slightly to look at Megatron and

    pulled up the map. Four locations glowed on the screen.

    Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota and New England.

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    Megatron nodded. "Good job. Optimus' singal?"

    Soundwave looked back at the map. Zooming it in he pointed

    to the mesa where the base had been. Megatron grunted in


    "He has to be there, my Lord. If he got caught in the

    explosion then he might be buried under the rubble."

    "If he's still alive, I want him brought here."

    A thrill went through Soundwave's circuits at the threat

    implied in those words. Having Optimus on the Nemesis when he'd

    lost his memory was one thing. It was going to be quite another

    to actually capture and imprison the Prime. Wounded or not, the

    bot was a menace.

    "Of course my Lord. I shall go at once."

    The door closed marking Starscream's exit. It was silent

    for several long moments, just the clicking of digits and the

    soft hum of the ship.

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    "Soundwave, make sure you track the medic. If the others

    are injured they will try to get in contact with him."

    Soundwave stepped back from the console and lightly touched

    Lazerbeak who immediately disengaged from his chest. The mini-

    con hovered at optic level for a moment before tilting its wings

    in acknowledgment. Soundwave watched it leave and turned to

    look at Megatron who was grinning.

    "Open the space bridge, there is someone I need to speak



    Starscream landed in the midst of the rubble, the three

    Eradicons following suit. It was raining, the few fires still

    burning hissing and crackling. Metal popped as it cooled and

    the whole area smelled of burnt plastic and wiring. It was

    disturbingly reminiscent of some of the battle zones on


    "Hurry up Knockout!"

    There was a clatter of falling rock and a curse.

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    "Why am I even here? Scrap!" The red and white con slid

    into view nearly tumbling aft over heels as he climbed down the

    steep slope. "If this is some kind of joke-"

    "Shut up already." Starscream stomped his foot ready to

    hit the medic. Again. "Lord Megatron wanted to make sure that

    Optimus is indeed dead and if not we are to take him back to the


    "Oh please, look at this place." Knockout waved his servos

    in the air. "No one could have survived this."

    Starscream narrowed his optics and advanced on the medic

    who tried to back away without getting caught in the debris.

    "Need I remind you that Lord Megatron himself survived being at

    the center of a space bridge explosion? We cannot afford to be

    lax when it comes to our enemies. If Optimus is indeed alive

    then we will bring him before Megatron. If he is offline then I

    will bring his head back as a trophy for Lord Megatron."


    Starscream raised an arm smirking as the medic flinched and

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    ducked. "Eradicons, start moving that rubble."

    He and Knockout watched as the Eradicons methodically

    cleared the main staging area. After several minutes Knockout

    started to fidget.

    "There's nothing here Starscream."

    "Go make sure."

    Throwing Starscream a dirty look, Knockout picked his way

    through the piles running his sensors over them. He let out a

    low whistle as he came across a pool of energon. It was

    decaying rapidly in the rain, but he could tell it was still

    fairly fresh. Less than twelve hours old.

    "Well someone was here and they were definitely injured."

    He motioned Starscream over. "There is a large pool of energon

    here. There is a trail of it going this way. Whoever was

    injured left sometime last night or early this morning. Look at


    He pointed to a section of metal beam. "There are traces

    of erergon from here to here. My expert opinion is that someone

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    was impaled by it."

    "So either Optimus was able to get himself out or-"

    "Or he had help."

    Starscream scowled. "Lord Megatron is not going to be

    happy. Can you track the energon trail?"

    "Well of course-"

    "Then do it. I'm going back to report this to Megatron."


    "I said to track down Optimus. He is badly injured so he

    couldn't have gone far. Now move it!"

    Knockout ducked out of the way and with a parting glare

    climbed out of the wreckage. Starscream called off the


    "Back to the Nemesis. We have to report this to Lord

    Megatron. You there, you follow Knockout and make sure he

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    doesn't get distracted."

    "Yes sir, Starscream sir!"

    Knockout muttered a few choice words as he watched the jets

    head back for the ship. "Why doesn't he track down Optimus?

    He's the flyer. He knows I hate getting water spots on my


    Starscream had been insufferable ever since they'd returned

    from Cyberton. Of course they'd all been shocked and upset by

    the destruction of the Omega Lock, but Knockout had never seen

    this kind of rage from the seeker. On the other hand Megatron

    seemed almost gleeful, as though he'd foreseen Optimus doing

    that very thing. But, how could he? How indeed?

    Shaking off the insubordinate thoughts Knockout pulled up

    the map and overlaid the direction the energon trail was

    heading. "So . . . It looks like you were trying to put some

    distance between us, hmm? Its not going to save you."


    Soundwave closed the spacebridge behind Megatron. The

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    massive gladitor's grin wasn't like anything Soundwave could

    remember seeing. He knew who Megatron had gone to see but he

    wasn't quite sure why. None of them wanted much to do with the

    mad scientist who'd been left in charge of Cybertron.

    "It's almost upon us Soundwave! Our victory is nearly

    complete. Shockwave has assured me he has the means to

    eradicate every last Autobot spark in existence. Has Starscream

    reported back."

    Soundwave nodded and held out the datapad.

    "How . . . Punctual of him. Maybe those months scrounging

    for scraps have taught him the lesson he wouldn't learn from me."

    Soundwave remained silent as Megatron scanned through the

    information. "Well Knockout isn't my first choice to go after

    him, but it makes sense. He's got the most delicate sensors."

    He handed the datapad back. "What about Lazerbeak?"

    Soundwave shook his head and pointed to the screen. A map

    popped up showing a blinking red dot as it homed in on a

    blinking green dot.

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    "Yes, I suppose it is a rather long distance to cover. You

    could have ground bridged him closer, but that might have given

    us away. I'll await your reports once the medic is found."

    Soundwave nodded and turned back to monitor the mini-con's

    progress. Lazerbeak was still a couple of hours out from the

    Autobot's location, but the jetstream was helping him conserve

    energy. He'd have the medic's location by nightfall. Though

    what Megatron would decide to do then was anyone's guess.

    Soundwave glanced over at where Megatron was standing looking

    out at the desert. He appeared to be deep in thought. Not an

    unusual occurrence. Megatron was a genius. An expert tactician

    and a masterful manipulator. The first time Soundwave had seen

    him in the gladiatorial pits he'd just defeated his sixth

    opponent in a row. The crowds had been screaming for more and

    Megatron-Megatronus at the time-had worked them into a frenzy

    with his rhetoric. But it wasn't his charisma or obvious

    strength that had drawn Soundwave to his side. No, it was the

    moments like this, when he was quiet, contemplative and at his

    most dangerous.

    Soundwave had witnessed it for the first time after a long

    battle with an Insecticon that had nearly killed Megatron. Even

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    the crowds had been shocked at the ferocity of the battle. It

    had been a very hard won victory and Megatron had not engaged in

    his usual posturing afterward, but had went straight to the

    gladiator's barracks. It was there sitting on his own narrow

    berth that Soundwave had watched the gladiator meditate on the

    battle. He knew that was the case since his unique abilities

    allowed him to read the electromagnetic fluctuations that every

    Cybertronian emits. Some called it telepathy, but he knew it

    was nothing that precise. He could sense the subtle emotional

    changes and Megatron had been reliving the battle down to the

    nanokilk. It was then that he knew there was something very

    different about the gladiator and had worked to prove himself

    worthy of his notice. So far he had not been disappointed.

    He turned his attention back to his console as an Eradicon

    signal beeped. He gave the go ahead for the report knowing

    Megatron would want it.

    "Lord Megatron sir, Starscream asked me to provide Knockout

    with back up, but he's stopped and is parked under an overpass.

    What should I do?"

    "That prissy little-" Megatron hissed, then shook his

    head. "Stay with him. Is it still raining?"

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    "Yes sir and the temperature has dropped with the

    elevation, but I don't see-"

    "Knockout is very sensitive to weather changes." Megatron

    ground out. "Just stay with him. If he doesn't get moving in

    the next hour make him move."

    "Sir, yes sir!"

    Soundwave cut the communication and looked at Megatron.

    Megatron vented heavily and shook his head. "Of all the bots to

    send on a cross country mission . . . Well, maybe it will do the

    preening little glitch some good to get his mudflaps dirty with

    some real work for a change. I haven't forgotten his

    indiscretions when it comes to where his loyalty truly lies."

    Neither had Soundwave. It was all safely stored away

    should the need to retrieve it arise. He didn't forget and he

    didn't forgive, not when it concerned Megatron and the

    Decepticon cause.

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    Chapter 5

    Blue light filtered down into blurred optics. The gentle

    vibration of tires over concrete was occasionally broken by a

    slightly harsher jolt. It was almost enough to lull the mech

    back into recharge. However his always overactive processor

    wouldn't slip back into that blackness quite so easily. Where

    was he? Why was there a sensation of movement? And why the

    scrap did it feel like someone had tried to cut him in half.

    The pain brought the mech fully online, his vents stuttering as

    he tried to move. Captured. That was the first explanation that

    flitted across his processor. Why else would he be restrained?

    Though why his enemies would see fit to transport him like

    this didn't make sense. Of course it didn't. Megatron would

    not keep him prisoner. The vehicle jolted and he barely

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    suppressed a yelp of pain. Enough pondering the how and why.

    The more pressing concern was the growing pain in his circuits

    and the horrible realization that all responses stopped just

    above his hip actuators. He'd been wounded in battle before,

    but a quick diagnostic had him wondering how he was even still

    online. Not even during the worst fighting on Cybertron had he

    sustained such catastrophic damage. Every system was red

    lighted with various warnings and damage reports. He by-passed

    several and then shut down the majority of his pain receptors.

    The relief was immediate, yet there was still a lingering

    unease. Refocusing his optics he realized he was covered with a

    plastic tarp. Had M.E.C.H. found him? No, they were disbanded.

    Then who? He'd sent the children away. The last time he'd

    heard from Agent Fowler he'd been heading into a firefight with

    the Eradicon armada. He growled in frustration, even his

    chronometer was malfunctioning.

    The vehicle slowed. He turned his head, trying to get a

    view of where they were. There was nothing to see but more

    tarp. Patience. All would be revealed in due time. He did

    another quick diagnostic. The last thing he remembered was

    turning to destroy the ground bridge controls. After that . . .

    Nothing. What had happened since then? How long had it been?

    Had the others found safety? And why in Primus' name was he

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    still functioning?

    He clutched at the tie downs crisscrossing his chest as the

    truck suddenly lurched to a stop. Tensing his servos he waited.

    A door slammed, the vibration running through his frame.

    Voices, indistinct but somehow familiar. Was something wrong

    with his audial sensors? Another inspection of the list of

    damages showed 80% loss in receptive capabilities. That was

    alarming. At least his optics seemed fine. Only a 15% loss

    there due mostly to dust still caught in them.

    The voices returned, coming from right next to him. He

    could make out words this time.

    "I know we can't afford to lose any more time, but this

    snowstorm means that the mountain passes will be closed. We'll

    just have to wait it out."

    "Yeah but where?"

    "Honestly, I'm not sure. Another truck stop?"

    "Great I get to freeze my aft off and get soaked. I'm not

    a truck in case you hadn't noticed."

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    "Wheeljack, I'm sorry. But I'm not risking it."


    "Ah, excuse me . . ."

    Both voices fell silent and the tarp was ripped back. He

    blinked several times turning to look at the bot next to him.

    "Optimus! You're awake."

    "It's good to see you Wheeljack." Optimus allowed the

    small ember of hope that had been dwindling to rekindle at the

    sight of the wrecker. "May I ask what is going on?"

    "Help me up Wheeljack."

    Optimus couldn't help the smile at the sight of June Darby

    sitting in Wheeljack's palm. "Ms. Darby, I was not expecting to

    see you considering-

    "Honestly you are doing good to be seeing anyone.

    Optimus . . ." Words seemed to fail her and Optimus felt the

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    smile fade.

    "I know the damage, Nurse Darby. I have run my internal

    diagnostics multiple times. Though I cannot seem to get any

    response from my legs." He watched as June and Wheeljack

    exchanged a glance. "Is it that bad?"

    June reached out and touched his shoulder. "I promise I

    will do everything I can to help. We are on our way to meet up

    with Ratchet, but it will be at least another two or three days."

    "I understand."

    "So you are probably wondering what happened . . ." June

    looked down, her tiny fingers fisting the front of her jacket.

    "Yes, I was. The last thing I remember is using the Star

    Saber to destroy the ground bridge controls."

    "Oh . . . That's why you were still there."

    "Yes, I was not going to let that information fall into

    Decepticon hands."

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    "Well . . . It wouldn't have even if you hadn't destroyed

    it. They blew up the base with you it in."

    Optimus was silent for a long moment. "That would explain

    the extent of my injuries. At least the others escaped."

    He raised his optics to see June looking down at him with

    tears in her eyes. "Have I said something wrong Nurse Darby."

    "Will you please just call me June already!" She snapped

    and then promptly hid her face in her hands. Turning away from

    him she ordered Wheeljack to put her down.

    Optimus frowned as the cab door slammed. "I have upset


    "No, well yeah but not really. She's the one who found you

    . . ."

    "I see."

    "I'm not sure you do Optimus. She went to make sure Jack

    wasn't hurt and found you instead. She dug you out and then

    patched you up as best as she could. With my help of course."

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    "You were there?"

    "Yes I was. Found her standing guard over you. She about

    attacked me thinking I was a Decepticon come to finish you off."

    "She is-formidable for one so small."

    "You could say that again." Wheeljack muttered. "Anyway,

    we got you out and now we are about a day and a half out from

    Jasper. We are going to meet Ratchet near the middle of the

    continent. June thinks we might find some abandoned missile

    silos to hide out in. If that doesn't work, the state called

    Missouri is full of caves. Highest concentration on the planet

    if you'd believe it. Gotta be one we could use."

    "Are you sure that transporting me that far is wise. You

    would make much better time with-"

    "Don't you dare even finish that sentence Optimus Prime!"

    Both bots jumped.

    Optimus tilted his head, trying to see her. "All I was

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    going to say was that you would make better time if I was in my


    "Ah . . . I hate to break it to you Optimus but I don't

    think you can."

    "Oh? I'm sure once I get my circuits fully back online-"

    "You can't." June cut in. "Optimus, you might be huge and

    metal but the injuries you suffered were very nearly fatal. I

    was only able to stop your ble-leaking, I couldn't repair


    "She's right Op, you've got a huge hole right through your


    "A hole?"


    "Through me?"


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    "A hole?"

    "Are you glitching? Yes, you got impaled! And you're

    slagging fortunate it wasn't right through your spark chamber."

    Optimus took a moment to consider the information. "Well I

    guess that would explain the level of pain."

    "Oh my god! Optimus!" June wailed. "Why didn't you say

    something sooner? Wheeljack do we have anything we can give



    "I am fine Nurse Dar-"


    "I am fine, June. I turned off my pain receptors."

    "You did?"

    Wheeljack raised his eyebrows as he looked down at where

    June stood, just out of Optimus' line of sight. "What? I don't

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    like that look."

    The only answer was the slam of the cab door. Again.

    "Did I do something wrong?" Optimus kept his voice down as

    he looked to Wheeljack.

    Wheeljack shook his head. "No. She's tired and worried

    about you. That's all."

    "Have you had any contact with the others?"

    "Besides Ratchet? No. Everyone is maintaining comm


    Optimus let his optics fall closed, they were starting to

    hurt. "You didn't happen to see the Star Saber when you were at

    the base did you?"

    "No. The base was completely slagged. I don't know how you

    managed to make it out in one peice. More or less."

    "All I'm concerned about is whether the others are safe or


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    "And all we are concerned about is getting you to safety."

    Optimus let out a soft vent. "I'm not worth your lives."

    "You aren't. But that's not going to stop me from

    protecting you. The Autobots need you. They need to know you

    are alive. Without you, Megatron has won. Maybe not in the

    fullest sense, but you are the one everyone looks to. If a

    Prime can't survive him, then who can?"

    "So no martyring myself?" Optimus couldn't help the slight

    smirk as he cracked an optic to look at Wheeljack.


    "So where are we?"

    "Colorado, though it looks like we are going to have to

    hole up for a day or so till this storm passes. June doesn't

    like driving the truck and driving it in bad weather is just

    asking for a mishap."

    "I understand. I don't suppose there is anyway I could sit

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    "Not without her permission and I'm not askin'."

    "Fair enough."

    It was quiet, the temperature dropping as the humidity

    rose. Soon flakes began to fall and Wheeljack returned to his

    altform settling in next to the truck. June finally rolled down

    the window.

    "Wheeljack, I found a place we can go that's got covered


    "What are we waiting for?"

    June reappeared and Optimus opened his optics to watch her

    as she pulled the tarps back over him. Their gazes met and she

    forced a smile. Then he saw nothing but blue. Closing his

    optics again he wondered what the human was thinking. She was

    obviously upset to be so burdened by this situation. It had not

    been his intention to create such a problem. If he was honest

    with himself he'd never expected to live much beyond destroying

    the ground bridge. Even if Megatron had not destroyed the base

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    he would have infiltrated it and Optimus had been prepared to

    fight till his very last to keep the others safe.

    He was a failure as the leader of the Autobots and as a

    Prime. Many Cybertronians had believed he had no right to be

    named as Prime. Most times he agreed with them. He'd only

    fully accepted it once he'd been granted the Matrix, but that

    didn't mean that there weren't times when he felt like it was

    all one huge mistake. What had he really accomplished?

    Nothing. He'd accomplished nothing. He'd merely drug the war

    to another planet and ensured that his home would forever remain

    desolate. All in the name of Primus and the All Spark. Blunt

    servos tightened almost painfully on the straps over his chest


    It would have been best if they'd left him to his fate.

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    Chapter 6

    The snow was coming down thicker. Big fat flakes splatting

    on the concrete just beyond Wheeljack's headlights as he sat in

    the parking garage. June sat on the ledge next to him looking

    back toward where she'd parked the wrecker. Optimus was

    recharging again, which suited her fine right now. Looking out

    at the snow coming down she was glad they'd found the parking

    garage. It was cold but at least Wheeljack and Optimus weren't

    totally exposed to the elements. She pulled the blanket closer

    around her shoulders.

    "He seems different . . ."

    "He was barely conscious. You're lucky you got anything

    out of him."

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    It was silent for a long moment, the snow seeming to muffle

    even the noise from the road.

    "I have a car cover, do you want it?"

    "You . . . Really?"

    "Yes, it's in the truck, do you want it? I saw it at the

    automotive shop and thought it might come in handy."

    "Umm, yeah sure I guess."

    June smiled and hopping down off the ledge patted

    Wheeljack's hood. "Be right back."

    It felt better to be doing something rather that just

    sitting around knowing that Wheeljack was cold. She at least

    had the blankets she'd found at the army surplus. Grabbing the

    tarp and a snack she paused looking at the covered Prime. There

    was a rhythmic movement near his chest. With a start she

    realized it was his fingers, or rather servos, he was drumming

    his fingers on his chest plate. Her heart clenched and looking

    toward Wheeljack she wondered what to do. Optimus was obviously

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    awake again and hadn't said anything. Patiently waiting for one

    of them to check on him. Part of her wanted to just leave him

    there but another, larger part, knew he was upset and in pain.

    She couldn't let that continue any longer than necessary.

    Heading over to Wheeljack she unfolded the cover and tugged

    it down over him, securing the fitted corners under his bumpers.

    She didn't let herself dwell on how awkward it was, though she

    was reminded of tucking her son into bed.

    "Is that alright?"

    "It feels weird . . ."

    "Think of it like wearing clothes. I'm going to go check

    on Optimus, he's awake."

    "I can go-"

    "No, I want to talk to him. I need to apologize."

    Not wanting to give an explanation she got up and with a

    soft pat on Wheeljack's hood left the bot to recharge.

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    Climbing up on the bed of the truck she pulled back the

    tarp covering Optimus' head. His optics were closed but his

    fingers were still tapping out a rhythm. It reminded her of a

    nervous habit common for humans

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