Page 1: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization

Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin

Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Page 2: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)


Refresher: MWMBackground: Switch SchedulingAlgorithm and Main ResultUnsolved Problems, Extensions, Other ApplicationsConclusions

Page 3: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Maximum Weight Matching in a Bipartite Graph

Weight for each edge

Weight of matching =Sum of weights of matched edges

MWM maximizes the weight of the matching

Popular algorithms for obtaining MWM are O(N3)

Page 4: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Scheduling in Input Buffered Switches

Slotted System Slot Duration=Packet transfer time

At each slot, an input port can deliver packet to at most one outputAn output port can receive packet from one input portThe schedule corresponds to a matching

Page 5: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Popular Scheduling Schemes

iSLIP (used in Cisco Routers) Low complexity and High Delay

Batch Scheduling Apply MWM once every L slots Does not provide good tradeoff between delay and complexity

MWM based on queue-lengths High complexity and low delay

Page 6: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Why MWM?Excellent Delay Properties

Comparable to output-buffered switches

Total queue-length grows linearly with switch size

Provides 100% throughput

Page 7: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)


Can we improve the complexity of MWM? Use matching from the previous slot Queue-lengths do not change by much in successive slots

Page 8: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Model and Notations

An arrival happens at an input port i and destined to output port k in a slot with probability ik Stability if and only if

qik(t) is the number of packets at input port i, destined for output port k at time t

Page 9: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Primal and the Dual Problem


Subject to


Subject to


1. Can ignore the integrality constraint

2. There exists integral dual solutions

Page 10: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Key Idea

(x,r,p) optimal if xij=1 ) dij=ri+pj-qij=0 (complementary slackness CS) (x,r,p) feasible (F)

As the qij ‘s change by +1 or –1, adjust the r’s and p’s by adding +1 and –1 so that CS and F are maintained

Page 11: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

Page 12: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 13: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 14: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 15: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 16: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 17: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Basic Algorithm

Suppose q11 increases by +1

If d11>0, CS and F not violated

If d11=0, add +1 to r’s and subtract –1 from p’s till CS and F are satisfied

Page 18: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)


Run the basic algorithm for each qij that changes

Complexity is O(N2 + NE) where E=no of non-empty queues Need to take special care of nodes having zero queues

Page 19: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)


If < 0.5, given an MWM from the previous slot, a new MWM can be computed in expected O(N2) operations

Conjectured to be true for <1 Require total queue-length to be O(N) under MWM (simulations suggest so)

Conjecture: The expected complexity is O(Nlog(N))

Page 20: Fast Matching Algorithms for Repetitive Optimization Sanjay Shakkottai, UT Austin Joint work with Supratim Deb (Bell Labs) and Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Extensions and Applications

Improve the complexity bound

Devise good incremental MWM algorithm for a more general graph

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