
Fast logic? Examining the time course assumption of dual process

theory in reasoning.

Bence Bago

Cognitive Science Msc

Paris Descartes University

Laboratory for the Psychology of Child Development and Education


Supervisor: Wim De Neys

Co-advisor: Olivier Houdé


Table of Contents Declaration of Originality ....................................................................................................................... 3

Declaration of Contribution ..................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Experiment 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Participants .................................................................................................................................... 10

Materials ........................................................................................................................................ 10

Procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 12

Results ............................................................................................................................................... 18

Analysis strategy ........................................................................................................................... 18

Accuracy of final responses........................................................................................................... 18

Direction of change analysis ......................................................................................................... 19

Analyses of confidence ratings and response times ...................................................................... 20

Analysis of response latencies ....................................................................................................... 21

Analysis of confidence ratings ...................................................................................................... 23

Response stability analysis at individual level .............................................................................. 24

Discussion ......................................................................................................................................... 26

Experiment 2 – 4 ................................................................................................................................... 27

Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Participants .................................................................................................................................... 27

Materials and procedure ................................................................................................................ 27

Results ............................................................................................................................................... 29

General discussion ................................................................................................................................. 30

Appendix 1. ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Appendix 2. ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Appendix 3. ........................................................................................................................................... 36

References: ............................................................................................................................................ 37


Declaration of Originality The aim of this study was to test the time course assumption behind the classic dual process

theory of reasoning. We wanted to examine whether people could generate logical responses

intuitively. This question was inspired by previous papers, but the available evidence was

found to be insufficient. In this study, we used a previously developed experimental

paradigm, the two response paradigm, to test the research question. A new analysis was

applied (direction of change analysis) to assure a direct test of the temporal assumptions of

dual process theory. In addition, we used a range of experimental methods to validate the two

response paradigm for the first time.

Declaration of Contribution I would like to gratefully thank Dr. Wim De Neys’ help on this thesis, who was my

supervisor. While the literature review, the programming of the experiments, the recruitment

of participants, online testing, and the statistical analysis were fully my work, he helped me

with several aspects of the research process. He helped me to identify the exact research

question, to determine the exact study design, and he proposed feedback on the experiments

before starting the testing phrase. He also kindly gave me feedback about the first drafts of the

written thesis, and helped me to identify grammatical and orthographical errors. Moreover, he

gave me advice concerning the style and the structure of the thesis, and he helped me with

theorizing the results of this study as well. I also want to say thanks to Eric Douglas Johnson

for his help in creating the instructions and stimuli for the cognitive load experiments, and

Bastien Trémolière, for his help familiarizing me with the Crowdflower surface. I would like

to express my gratitude to Oliver Houdé for hosting me in the lab. Finally, I would like to

thank the Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris organization for funding me during this



Abstract Decades of research on reasoning indicated that people’s thinking is often biased. The most

influential explanation for biased reasoning is put forward by the by the default interventionist

dual process theory; according to this theory people immediately produce a stereotype- or

belief- based type 1 heuristic response. Subsequently, slower, more deliberative type 2

processing might override the heuristic answer and result in the generation of the correct,

logical response. The aim of this study was to test this time course assumption of classic dual

process theory. We specifically wanted to see whether a logical response is only generated as

a result of slow, deliberative, type 2 processing. For this reason, we used the two response

paradigm, in which participants have to give an immediate, intuitive response, and afterwards

are given as much time as they want to indicate their final response (Experiment 1). Our key

finding is that we frequently observe correct, logical responses as the first, immediate

response. An analysis of reaction times, confidence ratings, and a control reading condition

supported the intuitive nature of the observed initial logical responses. In three additional

experiments we used a range of experimental procedures (Experiment 2: stringent response

deadline; Experiment 3: cognitive load manipulation; Experiment 4: both deadline and load

manipulation) to knock out type 2 processing and further establish that the initial logical

responses were truly intuitive in nature. Results were identical to the results of Experiment 1.

In sum, evidence was found that logical responding can occur as a result of fast, type 1

processing. We sketch a revised dual process model to account for the findings.


Introduction In the last few decades, a huge number of studies revealed that people do not follow

classic normative logical or probabilistic rules during reasoning. As an example, consider the

following question (De Neys & Glumicic, 2008):

“In a study 1000 people were tested. Among the participants there were 4 men and 996

women. Jo is a randomly chosen participant of this study. Jo is 23 years old and is finishing a

degree in engineering. On Friday nights, Jo likes to go out cruising with friends while

listening to loud music and drinking beer.

What is most likely?

a. Jo is a man

b. Jo is a woman”

On the basis of the base rate probabilities one should choose answer b, because there

are much more women than men in the sample. However, many studies have shown that

people tend to neglect the base rate probabilities. Participants typically base their choice on

the stereotypic information, thus most people believe and choose that Jo is a man. Several

similar biases of reasoning have been revealed and investigated so far in the literature

(Gilovich, Griffin, & Kahneman, 2002).

One of the possible explanations for this effect is presented by dual process theories of

thinking. According to these dual process theories, there are two different types of thinking:

type 1 and type 2 processes. Type 1 processing is fast, autonomous, does not require working

memory, operates unconsciously and immediately triggers an answer. Type 2 processing puts

a heavy load on working memory capacity, operates consciously, controlled and relatively

slow. The two types of processes are also often referred to as ‘intuitive’ or ‘heuristic’ and

‘deliberate’ or ‘analytical’ (Stanovich & Toplak, 2012). It is important to note that the above-

mentioned features of the systems are general labels, based on the traditional dual process

theories view. Dual process theory is an umbrella term; several kinds of dual process theories

exist. In this study, I focus on the influential classic default-interventionist view of dual

processes that has been advocated in the seminal work of Evans and Stanovich (2013) and

Kahneman (2011).


The standard assumption in the default-interventionist dual process (DI) framework is

that the automatic and fast type 1 process first produces a heuristic answer. Generation of the

heuristic answer might subsequently be followed by a deliberative, slow type 2 process, which

may result in a correction of the initial heuristic answer. Note that in cases - such as the

introductory reasoning problem - in which the initial heuristic response conflicts with the

correct logical1 response, the corrective type 2 thinking is believed to be critical to arrive at

the correct logical answer. In cases where the type 2 processing fails, the heuristic response

will not be corrected and the reasoner will end up giving the erroneous heuristic answer.

Thus, the expected dual process time course assumption is that reasoners will first generate a

heuristic answer and, if needed, will after additional reflection correct this to arrive at the

correct logical response.

Unfortunately, and perhaps somewhat surprisingly, there is little evidence in the

literature that allows us to directly validate this critical time course assumption. For example,

De Neys (2006a) found that it took participants more time to solve reasoning or heuristics and

biases tasks such as the introductory base-rate neglect problem if their answer was correct,

than if it was incorrect. One might argue that this finding is in agreement with the time course

assumption. However, this evidence does not entail the conclusion that correct reasoners

generated the incorrect answer first, and then they figured out the correct solution.

Evans & Curtis – Holmes (2005) used an experimental design in which people had to

judge the logical validity of reasoning problems under time pressure; one group of reasoners

were given only 2 seconds to answer, whereas a control group were allowed to take as much

time as they wanted to give an answer. An elevated percentage of incorrect answers was

found in the time pressure group. Hence, this also indicates that giving the correct response

requires time. However, this does not necessarily show that individuals who gave the correct

response in the free time condition generated the heuristic response first and corrected this

subsequently. It might be that reasoners engaged in type 2 thinking right away, without any

need to postulate an initial generation of a heuristic response.

1Note that I will be using the label “correct” or “logical” response as a handy shortcut to refer to “the response that

has traditionally been considered as correct or normative according to standard logic or probability theory”. The

appropriateness of these traditional norms has sometimes been questioned in the reasoning field (e.g., see

(Stanovich & West, 2000), for a review). Under this interpretation, the heuristic response should not be labeled as

“incorrect” or “biased”. For the sake of simplicity I stick to the traditional labeling. In the same vein, I use the term

“logical” as a general header to refer both to standard logic and probability theory.


Arguably, the most direct evidence has been given by experiments using the two

response paradigm (Thompson & Johnson, 2014; Thompson et al., 2011). In this paradigm,

participants are presented with a reasoning problem. They are instructed to respond as quickly

as possible with the first, intuitive response that comes to mind. Afterwards, they are

presented with the problem again, and they are given as much time as they want to think

about it and give a final answer. A key observation for our present purposes was that

Thompson and colleagues noted that people spent little time rethinking their answer in the

second stage and hardly ever changed their initial response. Note that the fact that people do

not change an initial heuristic response is not problematic for the dual process framework, of

course. It just implies that people failed to engage the optional type 2 processing. Indeed,

since such failures to engage type 2 are considered a key cause of incorrect responding, a

dominant tendency to stick to incorrect initial responses is little surprising from the classic

dual process stance. However, the lack of answer change tentatively suggest that in those

cases where a correct logical response was given as final response, the very same response

was generated from the start. Bluntly put, the logical response might have been generated fast

and intuitively based on mere type 1 processing. This would pose a major challenge for

standard dual process theory. Unfortunately, however, it cannot be excluded that Thompson et

al.’s participants engaged in type 2 processing when they gave their first, initial response.

Although Thompson et al. instructed participants to quickly give the first response that came

to mind, participants might have simply failed to respect the instruction and ended up with a

correct response precisely because they recruited type 2 thinking. Clearly, researchers have to

make sure that only type 1 processing is engaged at the initial response stage.

There is also some indirect evidence that could make one suspicious of the temporal

resolution assumption of the dual process. For example, De Neys (2015) argued that people

intuitively detect conflict between heuristic and logical basic logical principles. De Neys and

Glumicic (2008) gave a set of reasoning problems to participants, half of which were so-

called conflict problems in which a heuristically cued response conflicted with the correct

logical response . For the other half of the problems, the heuristically cued response and the

logical response were consistent. For example, the introductory base rate neglect problem that

I presented above was a conflict problem; the heuristically cued response is that Jo is a men

because of the provided stereotypic description, while the logical answer is that Jo is a women

because of the sample sizes. A no-conflict version of this problem can be constructed by

simply reversing the base rates (i.e., 997 men / 3 women). In this case the logical answer cued


by the base rates, and the heuristic answer, cued by the stereotype are pointing to the same

answer: Jo is a man. In a set of experiment De Neys and colleagues observed that the presence

of conflict affected people’s reasoning process. Even biased participants who failed to give

the correct response showed elevated response times (e.g., De Neys & Glumicic, 2008),

decreased post-decision confidence (e.g., De Neys, Cromheeke, & Osman, 2011; De Neys,

Rossi, & Houdé, 2013), and elevated skin resistance (De Neys, Moyens, & Vansteenwegen,

2010). De Neys argued that people detect the conflict between the heuristic answer and

logical principles intuitively. This would mean that there are two cued type 1 responses; one

is driven by beliefs or common stereotypes, and one is driven by logical or probabilistic


Related work by Handley and colleagues (e.g. Handley, Newstead, & Trippas, 2011;

Pennycook, Trippas, Handley, & Thompson, 2014) suggests that stereotypical beliefs can

interfere with logic in the early stadium of the decision process. According to the standard

dual-process model, people should process the belief-based heuristic response at the

beginning and then the logic-based information later. In opposition, they found that the logical

information is available to the reasoning process from the beginning, just as the stereotypic

information. These results also imply that type 1 processing is not only able to produce a

heuristic-based answer, but also a logic-based response as well. Furthermore, Banks & Hope

(2014) collected event-related potential data during a set of reasoning tasks. They found that

people process the logical validity and the believability of the problems simultaneously, at the

very beginning.

Additionally, Villejubert (2009) examined reasoning under time pressure. As people

have no time to engage in more analytical thinking, they were expected to rely mostly on their

cued heuristic answers, and produce more incorrect answers. This expected result was not

supported by the data; no significant difference has been found between the time pressured

group and the free time group. This finding could question the time course assumption as

well, and refer to the possibility that logical answer can be generated by type 1 answers.

Nonetheless, Villejubert (2009) used a 12 sec time limit in total, which might allow them to

engage in more deliberation. As well, this time limit is not based on reading times or any

empirical data, which might challenge this evidence.

However, the findings which support the logical intuition model are challenged (Klauer &

Singmann, 2013; Mata, Schubert, & Ferreira, 2014; Pennycook, Fugelsang, & Koehler, 2012;


Singmann, Klauer, & Kellen, 2014). Klauer and Singmann (2013) rightly emphasized that the

idea of logical intuition is in opposition with the classical view of dual process theories in

which a logical response must be the result of slow and effortful type 2 deliberation. Klauer

and Singmann (2013) pointed out that researchers have to be sure that empirical evidence is

not driven by any confound before one should be persuaded to revise the classic theory. Even

supporters of the logical intuition theory admit that this area is its infancy and further

validation and experimentation is required (De Neys, 2014).

Overall, previous literature has not provided sufficient evidence for the time course

assumption of dual process theories, and recent evidence challenged this presumption as well.

In this study we aimed to provide a direct test of the time course assumption of default-

interventionist dual process models. For this purpose, we used the two response paradigm.

Participants were asked to give an immediate first answer, and then they were allowed to take

as much time as they needed to give a final answer. Participants were also asked to indicate

their confidence level after both responses.

Default-interventionist (DI) dual process theory would predict that people always give

the heuristic answer for the first response, which is the incorrect answer in the case of conflict

problems. Afterwards, when sufficient time is allotted for type 2 processing to occur, they

might be able to correct their initial response and arrive at the correct answer. In sum,

according to standard DI theory there should be only two answer types: either incorrect for

first response – incorrect for second response or incorrect for first response – correct for

second response. Our key question is whether generation of a correct final response is indeed

preceded by generation of an initial incorrect response or whether people can generate the

correct logical answer for the first answer as well. This latter pattern would provide direct

evidence for the existence of fast, logical type 1 reasoning.

Critically, we wanted to make sure and validate that the first response that participants

gave only reflected the output of type 1 processing. For this reason, in four experiments we

used a combination of correlational and experimental techniques that allowed us to minimize

or control the impact of type 2 processing. In Experiment 1, we contrasted performance in a

reasoning condition with a baseline control condition in which participants merely read the

problems. In Experiment 2-4 we knocked out type 2 processing experimentally by imposing a

challenging response deadline (Experiment 2), a cognitive load task (Experiment 3), and even

a combination of both a response deadline and cognitive load (Experiment 4).


Finally, to check the generality of the findings, two different reasoning tasks were

used; a syllogistic reasoning and a base rate task. These were selected because of two reasons:

first, these tasks are highly popular in the research community and have inspired much of the

theorizing in the field. Furthermore, the tasks are different in the sense that different

normative systems are required to solve them correctly (standard logic for syllogistic

reasoning, and probability theory for base rate task). The differences or similarities between

the tasks will give us an indication of the generality of the findings.

Experiment 1



A total of 101 participants were tested (61 female, Mean age = 38.95, SD = 12.69) in

the actual experiment (i.e., reasoning condition). In a pretest, an additional 52 participants (31

female, Mean age = 44.13, SD = 13.2) were tested (i.e., reading condition; see further). The

participants were recruited via the Crowdflower platform, and received $0.30 for their

participation in the reasoning condition, and $0.11 in the reading condition. Only native

English speakers from the USA or Canada were allowed to participate in the study. The

distribution of highest educational properties of the samples can be found at Table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of highest educational level of participants across experimental conditions. Exact number of

people in parenthesis.

Experiment 1 Reading pretest

Less than high school 0% (0) 0% (0)

High school 48% (48) 40,4% (21)

Bachelor degree 41% (41) 46,2% (24)

Masters degree 7% (7) 9,6% (5)

Doctoral degree 4% (4) 3,8% (2)

Did not provide inf. 0,9% (1) 0% (0)


Base rates. Participants solved a total of eight base-rate problems. All problems were

taken from Pennycook et al. (2014). In the base rate tasks, participants always receive a

description of a sample, which includes two kinds of groups, for example, nurses/doctors,

women/men, librarians/high school students. In addition, participants received a stereotypic


description of a randomly drawn individual from the sample. Three kinds of base rates were

used: 997/3, 996/4, 995/5. The task was to indicate to which group the person most likely

belonged. Two kinds of items were used, conflict and no-conflict items. In no-conflict items

the base rate probabilities and the stereotypic information referred to the same group, while in

conflict items the stereotypic information referred to the smaller base rate group. Participants

solved a total of four conflict and 4 no-conflict items.

To minimize reading time influences on the reaction time, we used the “rapid response

base rate paradigm”, introduced by Pennycook et al., 2014). In this paradigm, the base rates

and descriptive information are presented serially, one-by-one. First, participants received the

names of the two groups, for example “this study contains clowns and accountants”, then they

receive a stereotypic information, which was a single word such us, “kind”, “funny”,

“strong”. Note that Pennycook et al. (2014) selected these specific words on the basis of

extensive pretesting to make sure that they were strongly associated with a member of the

group in question. Finally, participants received the base rate information. The items were

counterbalanced by changing the base rates (in one question set the incongruent items were

the congruent ones and vice-versa). The following illustrates the problem format:

This study contains clowns and accountants.

Person 'L' is funny.

There are 995 clowns and 5 accountants.

Is Person 'L' more likely to be:

o A clown

o An accountant

Each problem started with the presentation of a fixation cross for 1000 ms. After the

fixation cross disappeared, the sentence which specified the two groups appeared for 2000

msec. Then the stereotypic information appeared, for another 2000 ms, while the first

sentence remained on the screen. Finally, the last sentence specifying the base rates appeared

together with the question and two response alternatives. Once the question was presented

participants were able to select their answer by clicking on it. The position of the correct

answer alternative (i.e., first or second response option) was randomly determined for each

item. The eight items were presented in random order. An overview of the problem set can be

found in Appendix 1.


Syllogistic reasoning. Participants were given eight syllogistic reasoning problems. In

four of these there was a conflict between the believability and the validity of the conclusion

(conflict items), and this conflict was not present for the other four (no-conflict items). The

conclusion of this reasoning task can be valid or invalid; if the conclusion follows the rule of

deductive logic, it is called ‘valid’ reasoning. As well, the conclusion might be believable or

unbelievable; it might reflects common stereotypical beliefs or not, for example: “Puppies

have four legs” is a believable conclusion, while “Boats have wheels” is unbelievable. Two

items were unbelievable-valid, two were believable-invalid, two were believable-valid and

two were unbelievable-invalid. The problems used in this study were taken from De Neys,

Moyens, and Vansteenwegen (2010). Participants had to indicate whether the conclusion

follows logically from the presented premises or not. We used the following format:

All dogs have four legs

Puppies are dogs

Puppies have four legs

Does the conclusion follow logically?

o 1. yes

o 2. no

To minimise reading time influences on reaction time, the premises were presented

one by one. Before each question, a fixation cross was presented for 1000 ms. After the

fixation cross disappeared, the first sentence (i.e., the major premise) was presented for 2000

ms. Next, the second sentence (i.e., minor premise) was presented under the first premise for

2000 ms. After this interval was over, the conclusion together with the question “does the

conclusion follow logically?” and two response options (yes/no) was presented right under the

premises. Once the conclusion and question were presented, participants could give their

answer by clicking on the corresponding bullet point. The eight items were presented in a

randomised order. An overview of the problem set can be found in Appendix 2.


The experiment was run online. People were clearly instructed that we were interest in

their first, initial response to the problem. Instruction stressed that it was important to give the

initial response as fast as possible and that participants could afterwards take additional time

to reflect on their answer. The literal instructions that were used, stated the following:


General instructions.

“Welcome to the experiment! Please read these instructions carefully!

This experiment is composed of 16 questions and a couple of practice questions. It will take

about 20 minutes to complete and it demands your full attention. You can only do this

experiment once.

In this task we'll present you with a set of reasoning problems. We want to know what your

initial, intuitive response to these problems is and how you respond after you have thought

about the problem for some more time. Hence, as soon as the problem is presented, we will

ask you to enter your initial response. We want you to respond with the very first answer

that comes to mind. You don't need to think about it. Just give the first answer that

intuitively comes to mind as quickly as possible. Next, the problem will be presented again

and you can take all the time you want to actively reflect on it. Once you have made up

your mind you enter your final response. You will have as much time as you need to

indicate your second response.

After you have entered your first and final answer we will also ask you to indicate your

confidence in the correctness of your response. In sum, keep in mind that it is really crucial

that you give your first, initial response as fast as possible. Afterwards, you can take as

much time as you want to reflect on the problem and select your final response. You will

receive $0.30 for completing this experiment. Please confirm below that you read these

instructions carefully and then press the "Next" button.”

All participants were presented with both the syllogistic reasoning and base-rate task

in a randomly determined order. After the general instructions were presented the specific

instructions for the upcoming task (base-rates or syllogisms) were presented. These

instructions were used:

Syllogistic reasoning.

“In this part of this experiment you will need to solve a number of reasoning problems. At

the beginning you are going to get two premises, which you have to assume being true. Then

a conclusion will be presented. You have to indicate whether the conclusion follows logically

from the premises or not. You have to assume that the premises are all true. This is very


Below you can see an example of the problems.

Premise 1: All dogs have four legs

Premise 2: Puppies are dogs

Conclusion: Puppies have four legs

Does the conclusion follow logically?

1. yes

2. no

The two premises and the conclusion will be presented on the screen one by one. Once the

conclusion is presented you can enter your response.

As we told you we are interested in your initial, intuitive response. First, we want you to

respond with the very first answer that comes to mind. You don't need to think about it. Just

give the first answer that intuitively comes to mind as quickly as possible. Next, the problem

will be presented again and you can take all the time you want to actively reflect on it. Once

you have made up your mind you enter your final response. After you made your choice and

clicked on it, you will be automatically taken to the next page. After you have entered your

first and final answer we will also ask you to indicate your confidence in the correctness of

your response. Press "Next" if you are ready to start the practice session!”


Base rate task.

“In a big research project a large number of studies were carried out where a psychologist

made short personality descriptions of the participants. In every study there were participants

from two population groups (e.g., carpenters and policemen). In each study one participant

was drawn at random from the sample. You’ll get to see one personality trait of this

randomly chosen participant. You’ll also get information about the composition of the

population groups tested in the study in question. You'll be asked to indicate to which

population group the participant most likely belongs. As we told you we are interested in

your initial, intuitive response. First, we want you to respond with the very first answer that

comes to mind. You don't need to think about it. Just give the first answer that intuitively

comes to mind as quickly as possible. Next, the problem will be presented again and you can

take all the time you want to actively reflect on it. Once you have made up your mind you

enter your final response. After you made your choice and clicked on it, you will be

automatically taken to the next page. After you have entered your first and final answer we

will also ask you to indicate your confidence in the correctness of your response.

Press "Next" if you are ready to start the practice session!”

After the task specific instructions, participants were familiarized with the task and

solved two practice problems. Then they were able to start the experiment. For the first

response people were instructed to give a quick, intuitive response. After they clicked on the

answer, they were asked to give their confidence in their answer, in a sale from 0 to 100, with

the following question: “How confident are you in your answer? Please type a number from 0

(absolutely not confident) to 100 (absolutely confident)”. Next, they were presented with the

problem again, and they were told that they could take as much time as they needed to give a

final answer. As a last step, they were asked to give the confidence in their final answer. The

colour of the actual question and answer options were green during the first response, and

they were blue during the second response phase, to visually remind participants which

question they were answering at the moment. For this purpose, right under the question a

reminder sentence was placed: “Please indicate your very first, intuitive answer!” and “Please

give your final answer.” respectively.

The order of presenting base rate and syllogistic reasoning tasks was randomized.

After participants finished the first task they could briefly pause, were presented with the

instructions and practice problems of the second task, and started the second task. For both the

base-rate and syllogistic reasoning task two different problem sets were used. The conflict

items in one set were the no-conflict items in the other, and vice-versa. This was done by

reversing the base-rates (base-rate task) or by switching the conclusion and minor premise

(syllogisms). Each of the two sets was used for half of the participants. Appendix 2 gives an

overview of all problems in each of the sets. This counterbalancing ruled out the possibility


that mere content or wording differences between conflict and no-conflict items could

influence the results. At the end of the study participants were asked to answer demographic


Reading pretest

In the reading pretest participants were presented with each of the base-rate and base-

rate neglect problems but were simply asked to read the problems. The basic goal of this

reading condition was to have a raw baseline against which the intuitive or type 1 nature of

the response times for the first response in the actual reasoning condition could be evaluated2.

Participants were instructed that the goal of the study was to determine how long people

needed to read item materials. They were instructed that there was no need for them to try to

solve the problems and simply needed to read the items in the way they typically would.

When they were finished reading, they were asked to randomly click on one of the presented

response options to advance to the next problem. Presentation format was the same as in the

actual reasoning condition presented above. The only difference was that the problem was not

presented a second time and participants were not asked for a confidence rating. To make sure

that participants would be motivated to actually read the material we told them that we would

present them with two (for both tasks, four in sum) very easy verification questions at the end

of the study to check whether they read the material. The literal instructions were as follows:

General introduction.

“Welcome to the experiment! Please read these instructions carefully! This experiment is

composed of 16 questions and 4 practice questions. It will take 5 minutes to complete and it

demands your full attention. You can only do this experiment once. In this task we'll present

you with a set of problems we are planning to use in future studies. Your task in the current

study is pretty simple: you just need to read these problems. We want to know how long

people need on average to read the material. In each problem you will be presented with two

answer alternatives. You don’t need to try to solve the problems or start thinking about them.

Just read the problem and the answer alternatives and when you are finished reading you

randomly click on one of the answers to advance to the next problem. The only thing we ask

of you is that you stay focused and read the problems in the way you typically would. Since

we want to get an accurate reading time estimate please avoid whipping your nose, taking a

phone call, sipping from your coffee, etc. before you finished reading. At the end of the study

we will present you with some easy verification questions to check whether you actually read

the problems. This is simply to make sure that participants are complying with the

instructions and actually read the problems (instead of clicking through them without paying

attention). No worries, when you simply read the problems, you will have no trouble at all at

answering the verification questions.

2 Note that as many critics have argued, dual process theories are massively underspecified in this respect. The

theory only posits that type 1 processes are relatively faster than type 2 processes. However, no criterion is

available that would allow us to a priori characterize a response as a type 1 response in an absolute sense (i.e.,

faster than x seconds = type 1). Our reading baseline provides a practical validation criterion.


You will receive $0.11 for completing this experiment. Please confirm below that you read

these instructions carefully and then press the "Next" button.”

Specific instructions before the syllogistic items started:

“In the first part of this experiment you will need to read a specific type of reasoning

problems. At the beginning you are going to get two premises, which you have to assume

being true. Then a conclusion, question and answer alternatives will be presented. We want

you to read this information and click on any one of the two answers when you are finished.

Again, no need to try to solve the problem. Just read it. Below you can see an example of the


Premise 1: All dogs have four legs

Premise 2: Puppies are dogs

Conclusion: Puppies have four legs

Does the conclusion follow logically?

1. yes

2. no

The two premises and the conclusion will be presented on the screen one by one. Once the

conclusion is presented, you simply click on one of the answer alternatives when you

finished reading and the next problem will be presented. Press "Next" if you are ready to

start a brief practice session!”

Specific instructions before the base rate items started:

“This is the first part of this experiment. In a big research project a large number of studies

were carried out where a psychologist made short personality descriptions of the participants.

In every study there were participants from two population groups (e.g., carpenters and

policemen). In each study one participant was drawn at random from the sample. You’ll get

to see one personality trait of this randomly chosen participant. You’ll also get information

about the composition of the population groups tested in the study in question. Then, a

question to indicate to which population group the participant most likely belongs will

appear. We simply want you to read this question and the two answer alternatives. Once you

finished reading this, you simply click on either one of the answer alternatives and then the

next problem will be presented. Again no need to try to solve the problem, just read the

question and simply click on either one of the answers when you are finished. Press "Next" if

you are ready to start a brief practice session!”

An example of the verification question for syllogistic reasoning:

“We asked you to read the conclusions of a number of problems. Which one of the following

conclusions was NOT presented during the task:

Whales can walk

Boats have wheels

Roses are flowers

Waiters are tired”


An example of the verification question for the base rate task:

“We asked you to read problems about a number of population groups. Which one of the

following combination of two groups was NOT presented during the task:

Nurses and artists

Man and woman

Scientists and assistants

Cowboys and Indians”

The verification questions were constructed such that a very coarse reading of the

problems would suffice to recognize the correct answer. Note that 94% of the verification

questions were solved correctly, which indicates that by and large, participants were

minimally engaged in the reading task. Only those participants were analysed, who correctly

solved both verification question regarding one task.

In sum, the reading condition should give us a baseline against which the reasoning

response times for the initial response can be evaluated. Any type 1 response during reasoning

also minimally requires that the question and response alternatives are read and participants

move the mouse to select a response. The reading condition allows us to partial out the time

needed for these two components. In other words, the reading condition will gives us a raw

indication of how much time a type 1 response should minimally take. That is, if participants

in the reasoning condition do not comply with the instructions and engage in time-consuming

additional type 2 thinking before giving a first response, the response times for the initial

response in the reasoning condition will be substantially longer than the reading time.

However, if the initial reasoning responses do not differ from mere reading times, this will

provide a strong validation of the intuitive nature of the initial responses.

Results3 showed that the average first response time in the reasoning condition did not

differ from the average reading times in the syllogistic reasoning condition (b = 0.02 t (484) =

0.996, p = 0.32). Regarding the base rate problems, there was significant difference between

3 Note that for this analysis, we used mixed effect models, where the ID of the participants were entered as a

random effect factor to the model. Rationale for this analysis can be found under the subsection: “Analysis of

confidences and response times”.


the two condition (b = 0.07, t (495) = 2.89, p = 0.004), but mean reading times were longer

(M = 3.02 sec, SD = 1.99) than mean reasoning times (M = 2.62 sec, SD = 1.97).


Analysis strategy

Our primary interest in the present study is what we will refer to as “Direction of

Change” analysis for the conflict items. By direction of change, we mean the way or direction

in which a given person in a specific trial changed (or didn’t change) her initial answer during

the rethinking phase. More specifically, people can give a correct or incorrect response in

each of the two response stages. Hence, in theory this can result in four different types of

answer change patterns: 1) a person could either give the incorrect (heuristic) answer as the

first response , and then change to the correct (logical) answer as the final response (we will

use the label “01” to refer to this type of change pattern), 2) one can give the incorrect answer

as the first response and final response (we use the label “00” for this type of pattern), 3) one

can give the correct answer as the first response and change to the incorrect response as the

final response (we use the label “10” for this type of pattern), and 4) one can give the correct

answer for the first and final response (we use the label “11” for this pattern). To recap, we

will use the following labels to refer to these four types of potential answer change patterns:

“01” (i.e., response 1 incorrect, response 2 correct), “00” (i.e., response 0 incorrect, response

2 incorrect), “10” (i.e., response 1 correct, response 2 incorrect), and “11” (i.e., response 1

correct, response 2 correct).

This presentation strategy allows us to look at the frequency of each type of direction

of change pattern and analyse response times and response confidence for each of them.

Accuracy of final responses

However, for consistency with previous work we first present the response accuracies

for the final response. Table 2 gives an overview of the results. As the table indicates,

accuracies are in line with previous studies that adopted a single response paradigm. Both for

the base-rate χ2(1) = 179.67, p < .0001 and syllogistic reasoning task χ2(1) = 21.73, p < .0001,

performance was significantly better in the no-conflict than in the conflict problems. By and

large, this indicates that the two response paradigm did not alter the nature of the reasoning

task. Final response accuracies are in line with what can be expected to be observed in a

classic single response paradigm.


Table 2. Percentage of correct final responses in each of the two reasoning tasks.

Final response

Base rate Conflict 36,36%

No-conflict 94,5%

Syllogistic reasoning Conflict 52%

No-conflict 68%

Direction of change analysis

Table 3. Total frequency of each of the four direction of change types. Number of trials of each category can be

found in parenthesis.

11 00 10 01

Base rate No-Conflict 90,25% (361) 3,5% (14) 2% (8) 4,25% (17)

Conflict 27% (108) 61% (244) 2,75% (11) 9,25% (37)



No-conflict 63,12% (255) 28,9% (117) 3,22% (13) 4,7% (19)

Conflict 45,79% (185) 44,1% (178) 4,46% (18) 5,69% (23)

Table 3 shows how frequent each of the four types of directions of change were. For

both reasoning tasks there are a number of general trends that clearly support the DI dual

process view in terms: First, with respect to the no-conflict problems the 11 responses are the

most dominant category. This can be predicted given that the heuristic type 1 processing is

expected to cue the correct response here. Similarly, the high prevalence of the 00 category in

the conflict problems also supports DI theory. Just as with the no-conflict problems, people

will often tend to stick to the heuristic response on the conflict problems which results in an

erroneous first response that is subsequently not corrected. Finally, we also observe a small

number of trials in the 01 category. In line with standard DI, sometimes an initial erroneous

response will be corrected after additional reflection, but these cases are quite rare. By and

large, these trends fit the standard DI predictions. However, a key challenge for the standard

DI model is the high frequency of “11” answers (as Table 3 shows, 27% and 46% of

responses for base-rate and syllogisms, respectively). Indeed, both for the base-rate and

syllogistic reasoning task it was the case that the majority of trials in which the final response

was correct, this correct response was already given as the initial response (i.e., 75% and 88%

of the final correct response trials in the base-rate and syllogistic reasoning task, respectively).

Hence, in these cases the correct logical response was given immediately.


Note that taken together, these results also support Thompson et al. (2011) earlier

observations that indicate that people mostly stick to their initial response and rarely change

their answer regardless whether it was correct or not. However, the key finding of the present

direction of change analysis is the high prevalence of “11” response. This tentatively suggests

that in those cases where people arrive at a correct final response, the correct response was

already generated intuitively.

Analyses of confidence ratings and response times

By examining response latencies and confidence for the four different types of

direction of change categories, one can get some further insight in the reasons behind people

answer change (or lack thereof).

Results are presented in Figure 1-4. Visual inspection of the figure suggests a clear and very

similar pattern across both tasks.

With respect to latencies of syllogistic reasoning. The results for the first response

latencies suggest that response times for 11, 00, and 01 were very similar and fast (within 3 s).

Latencies for the few 10 response were clearly deviant and were considerably longer,

suggesting that participants did not respect the instruction and that the correct initial response

resulted from slower type 2 thinking. Latencies for the second responses were similar and fast

for the 00, 11 and 10 cases. This indicates that participants spent little time rethinking their

answer. The clear exception here were the 01 cases. Response 2 latencies were clearly much

longer here. This fit with the assumption that the correct final response results from additional

type 2 processing.

These results are further supported by the confidence findings. As Figure 3 and Figure

4 shows, the 00 and 11 case show very high confidence both for Response 1 and Response 2.

Confidence for the 01 and 10 cases is much lower for both responses. Hence, the initial

response in the 00 and 11 cases was given fast and with very high confidence. The 01 first

response was also given quickly, but with much lower confidence, and was subsequently

changed after considerable additional processing time.

Regarding base rate condition: confidence and latency pattern was very similar, but

one might note that in this task the 11 latencies for the first response tended to take slightly

longer than those for 00 responses.


Note that the horizontal dotted lines in Figure 1 and Figure 2 represent the average

reading time of participants in our reading condition baseline. As the figures indicates, except

for the rare 10 case in the syllogistic reasoning task, response 1 reading times were about

equal or faster than the mere reading times4. By and large this, supports the claim that

participants respected the instructions and gave the first response purely intuitively without

additional time-consuming deliberation.

We used the nlme statistical package in R to create mixed effect multi-level models

(Pinheiro, Bates, Debroy, & Sarkar, 2015). This allows us to analyse the data in a trial-by-trial

basis, while accounting for the random effect of subjects (Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008).

Mixed effect models have increased statistical power due to the inclusion of random effects,

and the ability to handle data which violates the assumption of homoscedasticity (Baayen et

al., 2008). The direction of change category and the response number (first or final response)

were entered to the model as fixed effect factors, and the ID of the participants was entered as

a random factor.

Analysis of response latencies

We analysed latencies as a function of response number (first or final response) and direction

of change category (00, 11, 01, 10). We ran a separate analysis for each of the two reasoning

tasks. Means and standard deviations of confidence ratings and response latencies can be

found in Appendix 3.

Regarding syllogistic reasoning response latencies, the main effect of direction of change

χ2(9) = 19.97, p = .0002 and the interaction between direction of change and response

number χ2 (12) = 17.86, p = .0005 significantly improved model fit (Figure 1), but the main

effect of response number did not χ2 (6) = 0.026, p = .8716. As Figure 1 and our visual

inspection suggested this indicates that participants did not think for equal time among the

direction of change categories (main effect of direction of change). Moreover, the significant

interaction means that difference between response 1 and response 2 is not equal among

direction of change categories. This confirm our visual inspection that the final response took

longer than first responses in 01 category, but not in 11 or 00 categories.

4 As we noted in the method section, for both tasks it was the case that average response 1 latencies and reading

times did not differ significantly, except in the case of base rates, when reading took them longer, then



Figure 1. Average response times (logarithmically transformed) for the first and second response for each of the four types of

direction of change categories in syllogistic reasoning. The dashed horizontal line represents the average reading time for

these problems in the reading baseline condition.

Analysis of base rate neglect response time revealed that only the direction of change

significantly improved model fit χ2(9) = 10.43, p = .015, but response number χ2(6) = 0.08, p

= .731 did not. The interaction between both factors reached marginal significance, χ2(12) =

7.23, p = .0648 (Figure 2). This pattern also confirms the visually observed trends.

Figure 2. Average response times (logarithmically transformed) for the first and second response for each of the four types of

direction of change categories in base rate task. The dashed horizontal line represents the average reading time for these

problems in the reading baseline condition.


Finally, it was important for us to compare 11 and 00 response latencies at time 1,

given that it is possible, that correct reasoners did not follow the instructions and arrived at a

correct initial response because they simply took additional time to deliberate and engage type

2 processing. Our reading time control condition already minimized this possibility but an

additional test can be to contrast the response 1 reasoning times for the 00 and 11 responses

directly. A simple effect analysis indicated that there was no significant difference regarding

the syllogistic reasoning task (b = -0.05, t (296) = -1.44, p = 0.15), but significant difference

was found in the base rate task (b = -0.1, t (188) = -2.26, p = .02). Hence, this indicates that in

in the base rate task, initial 11 answers are somewhat slower than 00 answers. Despite the

reading findings, this might imply that initial correct responses in the 11 base rate case

resulted from some minimal type 2 thinking. However, it might also be the case that logical

type 1 base-rate intuitions are slightly slower than heuristic type 1 base-rate intuitions. The

experimental controls in Experiment 2-4 will allow us to eliminate any potential impact of

type 2 processing completely.

Analysis of confidence ratings

Only the main effect of direction of change had a significant effect on syllogistic

reasoning confidence ratings χ2(9) = 39.08, p < .0001, while neither the main effect of

response number χ2(6) = 3.38, p = .066, neither the interaction improved significantly model

fit χ2(12) = 4.19, p = .241. Hence, as the visual inspection suggested, in trials when the answer

was changed, participants were less confident in their initial and in their final response as

well, than in 11 and 00 categories.


Figure 3. Average confidences for the first and second responses for each of the four types of direction of change categories

in the syllogistic reasoning task.

Regarding base rate neglect confidence ratings, the main effect of direction of change had a

main effect χ2(9) = 8.29, p = .043, but there was no main effect of response number χ2(6) =

0.37, p = .546 and there was no interactional effect as well χ2(12) = 1.34, p = .72 (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Average confidences for the first and second response for each of the four types of direction of change categories in

the base rate task.

Response stability analysis at individual level

One might argue that there are individual differences between people regarding the

direction of change; one person might have the ability to figure out the answer on the first


response, one might have the ability to change from the incorrect to the correct, etc. Thus,

one can compute a dominant category index, which refers to the direction of change category

which is most frequent for each individual. For example, if an individual out of the four

conflict problems that she solved, shows three times a 11 pattern and one 00 pattern the

individual would be labelled a “dominant 11” individual. If no pattern was observed, or two

patterns were observed equally often the individual would be labelled as a “no dominant

category” individual. Table 4 shows the results. As the table indicates we replicate the pattern

we observed in the item based analysis at the individual level. The most frequent categories

are the 00 and 11 categories. Table 5 further indicates that the type of change is pretty stable

at the individual level. The table shows the percentage of participants who displayed the

same direction of change type on 100% (4/4), 75%, 50%, or 25% of trials. As the table shows

the majority of participants displayed the exact same type of change on 3 out of 4 conflict

problems. This indicates that the type of change is fairly stable at the individual level. In

addition, we also would like to know whether people are stable in their dominant category,

which means the percentage of trials belong to the dominant category. These calculations

were applied to the base rate and syllogistic reasoning tasks separately, and the incongruent

problems were used only.

Table 4. Frequencies of dominant categories for each direction of change categories.

11 00 10 01 No dominant


Base rate 25,74% 60,39% 0,99% 4,95% 7,92%



27,72% 40,59% 0,99% 2,97% 27,72%

Table 5. Total frequency of stability indexes for each direction of change categories.

25% 50% 75% 100%

Base rate 2% 14% 21% 63 %



1,98% 40,59% 39,6% 17,82%



In experiment 1, the time course assumption of DI dual process theory was tested. On

one hand, some of the results were in agreement with the classic DI account: 00 and 01

response patterns were found. On the other hand, other results did not support the classic DI

model; we observed a high proportion of 11 responses. Furthermore, the analysis of response

latencies revealed that people produce an equally quick first answer in 11, 00 and 01 groups in

the syllogistic reasoning task, while in 11 cases, they were very confident in their initial

answer. These results suggest that in the 11 condition, participants have produced the logical

answer intuitively. Furthermore, stability and dominant category analysis revealed that people

produce stable answer patterns, which can be interpreted as stable individual differences.

The results of Thompson and Johnson (2014); Thompson et al. (2011) have been also

replicated since people were able to produce the normative answer intuitively. However,

Pennycook and Thompson (2012) examined only the base rate task, and argued that people

are equally likely to change from the heuristic to the logical answer than to change from the

logical to the heuristic answer, which is not supported by the base rate neglect data, but

supported by the syllogistic reasoning results. Similarly, Pennycook and Thompson (2012)

found that 53.8% of the participants changed their answers in the conflict problems, while in

this study only 11% of the participants changed their answer, which difference may be due to

the difference in experimental strategy as Pennycook and Thompson asked participants to

give probability estimations instead of asking them to directly choose between the two


However, the reaction time results in the syllogistic reasoning task were not

completely replicated in the base rate task, where we only found a marginally significant

interaction between response times and direction of change category and observed a

difference between 11 and 00 responses at time 1. This could mean that 11 people engaged in

type 2 thinking at time 1. Even though, reading times were longer or at least not different

from reasoning tasks, which could confirm that participants did not engage in deliberation

during time 1. Nevertheless, this does not fully rule out the possibility of type 2 engagement

at response 1. For this reason, the results of this study have to be validated before drawing any

conclusion. In experiment 2-4 we further examined this research question by adding time

pressure in response 1 and introducing cognitive load.


Experiment 2 – 4



The same recruitment procedure as in Experiment 1 was used. In Experiment 2, 120

participants were recruited (63 female, M = 39.9 years, SD = 13.31 years). In Experiment

3, 112 participants were recruited (44 female, M = 39.28, SD = 13.28). Finally, in Experiment

4, 115 participants were recruited (53 female, M = 38.85 years, SD = 12.12 years).

Participants were allowed to take part in only one experiment. The distribution of the samples

regarding the highest educational level can be found at Table 6.

Table 6. Frequencies of highest educational level of participants across experimental conditions. Exact number of

people in parenthesis.

Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4

Less than high


1.6% (2) 0% (0) 2.6% (3)

High school 30% (36) 38.4% (43) 40% (46)

Bachelor degree 36.7% (44) 33.9% (38) 47.8% (55)

Masters degree 11.7% (14) 7.1% (8) 7.8% (9)

Doctoral degree 5.8% (7) 0% (0) 0.9% (1)

Did not provide inf. 14.2% (17) 20.5% (23) 0.9% (1)

Materials and procedure

The same tasks and problems as in Experiment 1 were used. The procedure was

similar except for the following modifications:

Experiment 2: Time-pressure. A time pressure was introduced to the first question in

order to assure intuitive answering. The time limit was based on the mean reading times

collected in Experiment 1, thus in the base rate and in the syllogistic reasoning tasks it was 3

second. Once the question was presented, participants had 3000 ms to click on one of the

answer alternatives and after 2 seconds the background colour turned yellow to remind them

to pick an answer immediately. If participants did not produce an answer within 3000 ms they

got a feedback to remain them that they had not answered within the deadline and they were

told to make sure to respond faster on subsequent trials.

Participants were given 3 practice problems before starting each task to familiarize them with

the deadline procedure. During the actual reasoning task, participants failed to provide a first


response within the deadline on 12 % of the trials. These missed trials were discarded and

were not included in the reported data.

Experiment 3: Load condition. In this condition, we used a visuospatial working

memory load task, the dot memorization task (Miyake, Friedman, Rettinger, Shah, & Hegarty,

2001), to burden participants executive cognitive resources. The idea behind load

manipulation is that Evans and Stanovich (2013) argued that the defining feature of type 1

processing that it does not demand cognitive load; hence if we burden cognitive load, we

reduce the possibility to engage in analytic thinking (De Neys, 2006; De Neys & Schaeken,

2007; Franssens & De Neys, 2009).

In every trial, after the fixation cross disappeared, participants were shown to a three

by three matrix, in which 4 dots were presented (see Figure 5) for 2000 ms. Participants were

instructed to memorize this pattern. After the matrix disappeared, they had to indicate their

first response and their first confidence. After this, they were shown 4 matrices with different

dot patterns and they had to select the correct, to-be-memorized matrix. Participants were

given feedback as to whether they recalled the correct matrix or not. There was no time limit

on neither responses. Trials on which an incorrect matrix was selected (11% of trials) were

removed from the analysis.

Before the actual experiment they had to solve a set of practice questions. First, they

received a reasoning problem (base rate or syllogistic reasoning) which was identical to the

practice question used in Experiment 1. After, participants were presented to a cognitive load

practice question – they were simply presented to a dot pattern for 2000 ms, and after it

disappeared they could identify the pattern from the four presented options. As a last step,

they were presented to two more practice reasoning problems, which included the cognitive

load and the reasoning problem in the two response paradigm format as well.

Experiment 4. Load and time pressure. In this condition, the same working memory

load task was applied as in Experiment 3, the only exception was that participants had to

answer both questions and confidence ratings under load.

In this experiment they had the same time limit for the first answer as in experiment 2. Trials

on which an incorrect matrix was selected (12% of trials) were removed from the analysis.

Practice problems were identical to Experiment 3, the only exception was the applied time

limit. Time limit for the first responses was applied to each practice problems. 6.3% of the


first responses was remained unanswered due to the time limit. In sum, 16.7% of the trials

were excluded from the analysis.

Figure 5. An example for the dot pattern, which participants had to memorize.


The analysis was identical to the one applied in Experiment 1. We repeated it in the

next 3 experiments. Regarding experiment 2 and 3, only those trials were analysed when the

participant correctly solved the dot memorization task. In the load + time pressure condition

the 88% of the answers were correct, while in the load condition 89% of the answers were

correct. For easy of presentation we focus here on the key results concerning the direction of

change analysis.


Table 7. Total frequency of each of the four direction of change types, presented for each experiments. Number of

trials of each category can be found in parenthesis.

The results of experiment 2-4 are very clear. We basically observe the same pattern that was

observed in Experiment 1. Although we used 3 different methods to eliminate the impact of

type 2 thinking on the first response stage, the key finding that challenged DI theory in

Experiment 1, a considerable proportion of 11 responses – is still observed. Indeed, if

anything the proportion of 11 responses tended to be slightly higher in Experiment 2-4 than in

Experiment 1. This directly established that the initial correct logical responses that we

identified in these set of experiments result from purely intuitive, type 1 processing.

General discussion In this study, we examined the standard time course assumption of classic DI theory.

DI theory suggest that people should produce a heuristic-based type 1 response by default,

and then they might override the heuristic answer and produce a logic-based type 2 response.

Hence, a key claim is that logical responding must originate from slow, deliberative type 2

processing. Our results did not fully support this expected time course pattern. In four

experiments, we found evidence for the existence for intuitively generated logical responses.

Our direction of change analysis revealed that 11 responses occurred very frequently, and

people barely changed their initial answer. Answers in the 11 and 00 categories were given

11 00 10 01

Base rate Experiment 1 27% (108) 61% (244) 2.75% (11) 9.25% (37)

Time pressure 25.1% (92) 59.9% (217) 4.4% (16) 11.2% (41)

Load 38.8% (122) 52.5% (179) 2.3% (8) 9.4% (32)

Time pressure


32.7% (127) 53.4% (207) 3.1% (13) 10.7% (41)



Experiment 1 45.79% (185) 44.1% (178) 4.46% (18) 5.69% (23)

Time pressure 49% (175) 40.1% (143) 5.6% (20) 5.3% (19)

Load 54.6% (185) 35.4% (120) 4.1% (14) 5.9% (20)

Time pressure

+ Load

56.8% (219) 35.5% (137) 3.1% (12) 4.7% (18)


very quickly both for time 1 and time 2, with a relatively high confidence. The rare 01

responses were given quickly but with low confidence at time 1. The final response for this 01

category was given slower but also with relatively low confidence. The existence of 00 and 01

responses was expected by the classic dual process view. However, the robust 11 responses

are problematic for the classic DI theory. How might one interpret these results?

One possible explanation is offered by the logical intuition model (De Neys, 2012,

2014). This idea suggests that people intuitively detect the conflict between heuristic

responses and standard logical principles. The original idea is that conflict is caused by two

simultaneously activated type 1 responses, one is based on normative rules, another is based

on heuristic cues. Furthermore, De Neys (2014) suggested that this theory does not entail that

the two type 1 responses are similar in their strength. More specifically, the idea is that people

are biased because they their belief-based heuristic response is more salient or has a higher

activation level (i.e., is “stronger”) than the intuitive logical response. The results of this study

can be interpreted in the light of this logical intuition theory; It is possible that for 11

responses the logic-based type 1 response gained more strength, while in the case of 00

responses the heuristic-based response had more strength. That is different individuals might

differ in the relative strength of the two type of intuitions. Although everyone generates the

two intuitions, some people will have a stronger heuristic intuition (00 cases) and others will

have a stronger logical intuition (11). An evidence for this theory is that these answers were

equally quick, and people were similarly very confident in their responses.

Interestingly, Thompson and Johnson (2014) previously found that IQ was correlated

with normative responding at time 1. This could implicate for example that for high capacity

reasoners the logical type 1 response is stronger. In contrast, for low capacity reasoners the

heuristic-based response might be strongest. This is somewhat supported by our individual

level analysis, where it was found that most of the participants can be categorized into one

direction of change category, and they were found to be very consistent in their answers

across items. However, more research will be required to reveal other possible psychological

factors which could be responsible for individual differences in the strength of the different

type 1 answers. Similarly, “strength” of a response is an undefined concept at the moment,

more theorizing will be necessary to develop this model.

Another important issue regarding this research is that we used various research

designs to assure the validity of the two response paradigm. A limitation of the original tow


response paradigm was that researches could not be sure that there is no type 2 engagement

during time 1. By using cognitive load and time pressure manipulations, we virtually

eliminated the possibility of type 2 engagement at the initial response stage. However, note

that ultimately one might never be sure that first response is really intuitive, given that we do

not know how much time (or cognitive resources) is specifically required to produce a type 1

response. But at the very least one can be assured that the probability of type 2 engagement at

time 1 is highly decreased due to the above mentioned manipulations.

One might wonder wow these findings could help us to revise interventionist dual

process model. As we noted above, one possibility is to use De Neys’ solution in proposing

that at the beginning of the reasoning process, two type 1 responses are generated, which

might be inhibited and overridden by type 2 processing. The present findings validate the

existence of an intuitive logical response. However, it should be clear that this model leaves

many questions unanswered. For example, how does the inhibition process work? Is it equally

possible to inhibit a logic-based and a heuristic-based type 1 response (i.e., do people need to

block the logical intuitive response to give the heuristic response?). Likewise, as we already

noted, how do we operationalize and directly measure the “strength” of different competing


Clearly a lot of future work will be needed to answer these fundamental questions.


Appendix 1. Base rate problems

This study contains scientists and assistants.

Person 'C' is intelligent.

There are 4 scientists and 996 assistants.


This study contains lawyers and gardeners.

Person 'W' is argumentative.

There are 3 lawyers and 997 gardeners.


This study contains clowns and accountants.

Person 'L' is funny.

There are 995 clowns and 5 accountants.


This study contains high school students and librarians.

Person 'M' is loud.

There are 995 high school students and 5 librarians.


This study contains lab technicians and

aerobics instructors.

Person 'D' is active.

There are 5 lab technicians and 995 aerobics



This study contains I.T. technicians and boxers.

Person 'F' is strong.

There are 997 I.T. technicians and 3 boxers.


This study contains nurses and artists.

Person 'S' is creative.

There are 3 nurses and 997 artists.


This study contains businessmen and firemen.

Person 'K' is brave.

There are 996 businessmen and 4 firemen.



Appendix 2. Syllogistic reasoning problems

Type „A” questionnaire Type „B” questionnaire

All flowers need light

Roses are flowers

Roses need light

(No-conflict: Valid/Believable)

All flowers need light

Roses need light

Roses are flowers

(Conflict: Invalid/Believable)

All things made of wood can be used as fuel

Trees can be used as fuel

Trees are made of wood

(Conflict: Invalid/Believable)

All things made of wood can be used as fuel

Trees are made of wood

Trees can be used as fuel

(No-conflict: Valid/Believable)

All mammals can walk

Spiders can walk

Spiders are mammals

(No-conflict: Invalid/Unbelievable)

All mammals can walk

Whales are mammals

Whales can walk

(Conflict: Valid/Unbelievable)

All vehicles have wheels

Boats are vehicles

Boats have wheels

(Conflict: Valid/Unbelievable)

All vehicles have wheels

Trolley suitcases have wheels

Trolley suitcases are vehicles

(No-conflict: Invalid/Unbelievable)

All birds have wings

Crows are birds

Crows have wings

(No-conflict: Valid/Believable)

All birds have wings

Crows have wings

Crows are birds

(Conflict: Invalid/Believable)

All cannons fire bullets

Water cannons are cannons

Water cannons fire bullets

(Conflict: Valid/Unbelievable)

All cannons fire bullets

Guns fire bullets

Guns are cannons

(No-conflict: Invalid/Unbelievable)


All flowering plants have leafs

Bracken has leafs

Bracken is a flowering plant

(No-conflict: Invalid/Unbelievable)

All flowering plants have leafs

Cacti are flowering plants

Cacti have leafs

(Conflict: Valid/Unbelievable)

All dogs have snouts

Labradors have snouts

Labradors are dogs

(Conflict: Invalid/Believable)

All dogs have snouts

Labradors are dogs

Labradors have snouts

(No-conflict: Valid/Believable)


Appendix 3. Table 8. Mean confidence ratings and standard deviations for Experiment 1.

First response Second response

Mean SD Mean SD

Base rate C-C 87.43 21.32 91.17 16.38

I-I 86.21 23.98 85.54 25.46

C-I 76.54 24.22 77.91 30.72

I-C 69.19 24.74 73.97 27.39



C-C 90.64 18.43 93.59 16.71

I-I 91.69 20.36 92.67 19.08

C-I 73.29 27.86 82.71 28.35

I-C 79.74 26.07 76.52 33.06

Table 9. Means and standard deviations of reaction times by tasks, response number and direction of change

category. Only the conflict items were analysed. In parentheses the back-transformed responses times can be

seen in seconds.

First response Second response

Mean SD Mean SD

Base rate 11 0.535 (3,43) 0.279 (1,9) 0.467 (2,93) 0.364 (2,31)

00 0.383 (2,42) 0.275 (1.88) 0.394 (2,48) 0.279 (1,9)

10 0.45 (2,82) 0.376 (2,38) 0.384 (2,42) 0.259 (1,82)

01 0.38 (2,4) 0.327 (2,12) 0.596 (3,94) 0.392 (2,47)



11 0.431 (2,7) 0.262 (1,828) 0.432 (2,7) 0.32 (2,09)

00 0.388 (2,44) 0.282 (1,914) 0.397 (2,39) 0.338 (2,18)

10 0.732 (5,4) 0.413 (2,588) 0.44 (2,75) 0.483 (3,04)

01 0.404 (2,535) 0.262 (1,828) 0.705 (5,07) 0.429 (2,69)


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