
Fashion and Personal Identity

by Nikki Vergakes

Population / Sample

87 participants

totalanyone who does or does

not identify as a fashionable






qualitative methods Surveyintercoder reliability


- Self-perception,fashion, sense and fashion habit questions- Google Docs- open-ended multiplechoice, liker scale

Interviews- fashion bloggers- similar questions- email- two

Risks / Benefits / EthicsRisks



psychological riskstime taken awaysocioeconomic benefits to the fields

of comm and psych


ensure no discrimination in questions


Spreadsheet calculations

Survey dishonesty

69% of participants said they considered themselves to be fashionable.

Those who identified themselves as fashionable agree that they feel a connection between their personality and fashion sense.Even those who are “unfashionable” feels one.

Those who are think they’re fashionable seem to be more independent and confident.

71 % of survey participants do not hold compliments on clothes to a high standard

61% of those people who consider themselves fashionable disagree that their self-perception is based off of what others think of them, but 50% of those whoare “unfashionable disagree.

“You express your emotions and personality through your

fashion sense-it identifies you.”

- Interviewee 1

Interviewee 1 “[has] gained self confidence and assurance of myself [she’s]

began to care less and less what other people think.”

Whether fashionable or not, participants take minimal time to get ready. 43.4% between 10-30 minutes.

Same with money on clothes 41% of participants spendbetween $50 and $100 every six months

Clothing as A Social Construct

Stereotyped Clothing

“That’s so you”

Personality Words

Future Research

Does the clothes makes the identity or does the identity

make the clothes?Smart Consumers

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