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VT FASA presents the 24th annual culture show

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Table ofContents



















History of FASA

President Letter

Vice President Letter

Executive Board

Officer Committees

Culture Show Committees

National Anthems

Synopsis/Show Order

Major/Minor Chacters


Rhonyll Seballos Scholarship


General Members




Thank Yous


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History ofFASA

How It All Began …

It was the first meeting with FSA, the graduate Filipino association: older alumni, with families and good Filipino home cooking. Fun, laughter, stories and friends, what more could a young group of Filipino undergraduates ask for? Well, the age difference kicked in. FSA had their own memories and lives. This group of Filipinos wanted something else, something more in their league.

Ten years ago, in the fall of 1988, this small group of tight-knit Filipino friends started the tradition, potlucks and gatherings of their own. As they met more and more Filipinos, the events got bigger and better. It seemed that the only question that came up every week at the gatherings were, “Where’s the next meeting, Hunters Ridge or Terrace View?” And someone comes out with, “Why don’t we come up with a club of our own? An undergraduate Filipino Student Organization.” If FSA could be an organization doing all the things this undergraduate group wanted to do, like hanging out, eating home-cooked food, and playing basketball, then why couldn’t we do the same? At this point, FASA was already a club; it was just a matter of getting it down on paper and coming up with the actual name—FASA. Here comes FASA.

One evening, Gary Encarnacion called a meeting at Hunters Ridge. It was time. Gary wanted input on what the name of the organization should be, what the constitution should be comprised of, and of course, should there be dues? The following people who came to this meeting and helped in the planning process were the original founders of FASA: Gary Encarnacion, Elaine Castillo, Darlene DeVera, Randy Padilla, Kim Nicdao, Hedssen Serrano, and Marlene Mangosing.

Through these founders, FASA officially became a club at Virginia Tech by January of 1989. It became full-force meetings, events, and officers, from hanging out at different apartments, to organizing meetings in classrooms to plan such events. One big event was the International Fair. Food, fun, articles of culture, the fair incorporated it all, and gave FASA the chance to present its club to the public at Virginia Tech.

1st Annual Cultural Night

In the Fall of 1988, FASA had its First Annual Cultural Night. It was held in the Baptist Student Union and was funded by the initial FASA members themselves. There was no stage, people sat on the floor, and people in the back had to stand up to see what was going on. Costumes for the guys consisted of sweat pants rolled up, white T-shirts, and bandanas around the neck. But even with these constraints, this was their show, and they just wanted to make it happen. It was the first show and it turned out a success! The hard work and dedication led to the tradition that it is today. With Cultural Night being such a big hit, it was a sign that FASA was definitely here to stay.

Written for the 10th Annual Culture Night (1998)

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Letter from The PresidentDear Family and Friends,

I would like you all to know that your son/daughter/brother/sister/niece/nephew/best friend is doing well. How would I know? Because they’ve decided to join FASA. What FASA is, is a home away from home, a place to relax and get away from the stressors of school, a family. We are unlike any other organization on campus because we strive for excellence, are proud of our now 24-year legacy, and focus on the happiness of our members. We create an atmosphere where all are welcome regardless of racial or ethnic background. I am most proud to say that FASA espouses the best values of Filipino culture: hospitality, food, and family.

When I became president, I was excited for the challenge of continuing FASA’s growth and adding value for the members. I was joined by a great executive team and wonderful group of officers who shared my passion for the organization. Together, we were able to set goals and achieve them. This resulted in a very successful fall semester where we were able to welcome a very large freshman class into our FASA family. FASA is growing. So long as we continue to show prospective members that FASA is family, we will continue to grow.

Unfortunately, college does end and we will all eventually leave Blacksburg. We decided that to add value for members, more professional opportunities were needed for FASA. My team and I were able to start building connections with school administration and professionals in FASA’s alumni network. Our meetings with school administration got FASA’s name out to the highest members of Virginia Tech’s leadership. These relationships will serve as an invaluable resource to future FASA leaders. Our familiarity with school administration will allow FASA to take on bigger and more ambitious projects. We were already able to host a mixer this year where school administration met students from all the AASU organizations and saw how passionate we are about making a difference at Virginia Tech. We have also begun projects to give our members more and better job opportunities. This work was facilitated by FASA alumni Patricio Tanyag. Our goal is to give the future leaders of FASA recognition and rewards for their dedication and love of FASA.

I am sad that I will be leaving FASA so soon after Culture Night. Truthfully, the best thing any of us can and have ever done for FASA is to graduate. Graduation allows a new generation of passionate leaders to take the reins and make FASA their own. I believe that this year was outstandingly successful and that the future leaders of this organization are filled with love for the organization. I love FASA and hope that you, the friends and family, understand why your son/daughter/brother/sister/niece/nephew/best friend also loves FASA as well. I would like to thank all of you for continuing to support VT FASA as we complete our 24th culture night. I would like to especially thank the alumni for giving us such a special legacy to take part in.

Best Wishes,Grant Black

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Letter fromThe Vice President

Welcome to the Filipino American Student Association’s 24th Annual Culture Night!

Today, Culture Night (CN) turns 24. That’s 24 long years of legacy, history, and tradition. I couldn’t be more thankful to have been a part of this organization for the past 4 years. Tonight will be the last time I preform on this stage. Tonight marks the culmination of my involvement with FASA. You would think that after two years of being an officer and one year as VicePresident that I would be relieved to finally be free of all my responsibilities for FASA. My emotions right now don’t even come close to that. A huge part of me is sad because I know that this is the beginning of the end.

Tonight’s show is twelve weeks in the making—twelve weeks of sacrificing our own personal time for dance practices, script practices, run-throughs, and behind the scenes stuff. When we came back from winter break, I was more than ready to get the CN season started. The season started off just like every other—full of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming weeks. But then the weeks went by and CN wasn’t so fun anymore. People started to lose sight as to why they signed their life away for Spring Semester. I asked myself during this time, “Why did I want to do this again?” It all came back to me as soon as I set foot into the first practice back from Spring Break. Watching the dancers with their inside jokes, laughing, and bonding helped me realize that this is why I wanted so badly to be VP. The people that will be performing for you tonight have inspired me throughout this entire journey. They are my purpose for Culture Night.

Every smile, laugh, tear, and breakdown was worth it because of the people that have helped put this show together. Yes, CN is about showcasing our Filipino heritage. There’s no doubt that we will accomplish this; however, it’s so much more than that. CN is FASA’s way of showing all of you how much we’ve grown into a family throughout this whole process.

I am so unbelievably proud of the members and participants. Let tonight be a representation of all of our hard work, dedication, and heart for this organization. More importantly, let tonight be a representation of our love for each other.

With that, I’d like to take some time to say thank you to a few people who have been by my side since the beginning. First and foremost, thank you to the two people who have influenced me over the past 21 years. Mommy and Daddy, it is because of you that I am the person that I am today. To my roomies, thank you for putting a smile on my face at the end of a stressful day. And of course, I’d like to say thank you to Ralph. Ralph, thank you for your constant patience and for always pushing me to be the best person that I can be. Last but definitely not least, thank you to my wonderful performers, participants, officers, and general members. It’s been a long twelve weeks and an even longer school year but we made it… together. I am honored to have been your VP and CN coordinator this year. All of you have surpassed my expectations for this show and have made my final year with FASA an extremely memorable one.

Now, let’s get this show started! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the Virginia Tech Filipino American Student Association’s 24th Annual Culture Night: Ang Aming Sakripisyo!

Love always,Mary Ann Calica

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Grant BlackPresidentSeniorFact: I know all the words to Liz Phair’s “Why Can’t I.”

Mary Ann CalicaVice PresidentSeniorFact: Culture Night Feels like Christmas to me.

April SantosSecretarySeniorFact: I never grew out of my *NSYNC & Justin Timberlake obsession.

Aileen DolleteHistorianJuniorFact: I’m a Police Explorer.

Jessica EstarizHistorianJuniorFact: I don’t like vegetables.

Chris TamTreasurerJuniorFact: I am forever a Michael Jackson fan.

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Off icerCommittees

Jared Dura & Timothy AdamosD7

Bryan Garcia & Rona FrillesCulture

Aisa LedesmaEvents

Quio GallegosHospitality

Mark ManaguioPromotions

Josh Tuparan & Tommy DacanayFundraising

Josh Gozum & Roxy MagalongPublic Relations

Dean Nunez & Maria RilloService

Ivan Linatoc & Ogi de GuzmanSports

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Culture ShowCommittees

Mary Ann Calica & Larry FrancoHead Choreographers

Aileen Dollete & April SantosCostumes

Aisa LedesmaHospitality

Maria Rillo & Roxy MagalongFashion Show

Dean Nunez & Maria RilloPhilanthropy

CJ Riculan & Mark ManaguioPromotions

Bryan Garcia & Rona FrillesScholarship

Ivan Linatoc & Jared DuraScript

Josh Tuparan & Quio GallegosStage Design

Grant Black & Tommy DacanayTechnical

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The Star-Spangled BannerNational Anthem of the United States of America

Sung By Vincent Fronteras, Hannah Johnson, and Alice Park

Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early lightWhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Tagalog VersionBayang magiliw,

Perlas ng SilangananAlab ng puso,

Sa Dibdib mo’y buhay.

Lupang Hinirang,Duyan ka ng magiting.

Sa manlulupig,Di ka pasisiil.

Sa dagat at bundok,Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,

May dilag ang tula,At awit sa paglayang minamahal.

Ang kislap ng watawat mo’yTagumpay na nagniningning,

Ang bituin at araw niya,Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim.

Lupa ng araw ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,Buhay ay langit sa piling mo,

Aming ligaya na pag may mang-aapi,Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo.

English TranslationBeloved country,Pearl of the Orient,The heart’s fervor,In your chest is ever alive.

Chosen land,You are the cradle of the brave.To the conquerors,You shall never surrender.

In the seas and mountains,In the air and your blue sky,There is splendor in the poemAnd [in the] song for beloved freedom.

The sparkle of your flagIs the victory that shines.Its stars and sunShall forever never dim.

Land of the sun, of glory and our affections,Life is heaven in your arms;It is our joy, when there are oppressors,To die for you.

Lupang HinirangNational Anthem of the Republic of the Philippines

Sung By Vincent Fronteras, Hannah Johnson, and Alice Park

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Synopsis/Show Order

ABOUT THE SHOWThis story is about a young accountant named Amaro who works hard to provide for his family after the death of his father. Amaro’s mother is sick and bed ridden so his sister, Myra, is forced to stay at home to take care of her mother while Amaro goes out to work. Myra nags at Amaro to focus more attention to his family instead of work but Amaro argues that he needs to focus on work so that he can get a raise so that he can comfortably provide for his family.

One day Amaro is on his way to the District Attorney’s office to let him know that he is trying to take a case involving the audit of the current mayor of Lipa City, Lorenzo Florentine. The DA warns Amaro that perform-ing an audit of the mayor in current times could reveal things that could incite a riot. Amaro acknowledges how crucial this audit is but reasons that he feels that there is something wrong with the system. However, Amaro believes that if he has the opportunity to prove to the public sector that the mayor isn’t corrupt, then he is willing to take the risk.

INTRODUCTIONOpening Speech by President Grant BlackSinging of the United States National AnthemSinging of the Philippines National AnthemWelcoming Speech by Vice President Mary Ann Calica

ACT IScene 1Dance: Sayaw sa BangkoScene 2Fashion ShowScene 3Dance: Jota de ManileñaScene 4: Roll CallScene 5Dance: Sagayan & Magigal-PaunjulayScene 6Dance: Modern A

INTERMISSIONPhilanthropy Presentation by Dean Nunez and Maria RilloRaffle & Presentation of Rhonyll Seballos Scholarship

ACT IIScene 6Dance: LumagenScene 7Scene 8Scene 9Dance: Kadal TahawScene 10Scene 11Dance: Tinikling

CLOSINGThank You’s by Vice President Mary Ann CalicaSlideshowDance: Modern BClosing Remarks by President Grant Black

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Major & MinorCharacters

Jared Dura“Amaro Cruz”

Minor Characters:Leo Patino, Anthony Malizia, Joey Diaz, Joshua Gozum, Hansen Li, Raisa Hidalgo,

Leilani Green, Jennifer Nguyen, Carrie Vergel De Rios, and Marlon Agno

Angie Vergel De Rios“Myra Cruz”

Kimmie Cenzon“Maria Anna Cruz”

Alaina Herrera“Missy Rodriguez”

Jasmine Antolin“Tina”

Phil Corallde“Jake Balas”

Albert Rull“Lorenzo Florentine”

Michael Bellavance“Mr. Pete”

Josh Tuparan“Hozell”

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Modern A/Modern BModern ASongs: “What Up Man” - The Cool Kids “So Into You” - Fabolous Ft. Tamia “Toxic” - Britney Spears “Strip” - Chris Brown

Choreographers: Jasmine Bautista, Jaime Milo, Jose Robles, Michelle Dumadag

Dancers: Timmy Adamos, Jasmine Antolin, Jaclyn Basanes, Daniel Bui, Kimmie Cenzon, Joanna Cruz, Tommy Dacanay, Denny Decastro, Ogi de Guzman, Van Do, Michelle Dumadag, Jared Dura, Rachel Estariz, Naomi Filio, Michael Fong, Rona Frilles, Joshua Gozum, Leilani Green, Grace How Yew Kin, Alex Kim, Isabella Lacsamana, Jerold Magana, Katrina McCarthy, Alicia Min, Jennifer Nguyen, Dean Nunez, Maria Rillo, Luigi Santos, Celina Sena, Pedro Sorto, Paola Tandoc, Brandon Torres, Colette Tran, Shanel Tsuda, Astrid Unson, Angie Vergel de Dios, Angela Vilamonh, Erin Young, and Devon Youngblood

Modern BSongs: “Bad” - Michael Jackson “Here We Go” - NSYNC “Don’t Mess with My Man” - Nivea “All Night (Don’t Stop)” - Janet Jackson “Uh Huh” - B2K

Choreographers: Larry Franco, Mikey Bellavance, Anne Dumadag, Kelsy Dominick, and Tim Reyes

Dancers: Jinelle Baldorado, Jasmine Bautista, Michael Bellavance, Grant Black, Rosemarie Bundoc, Mary Ann Calica, Stephanie Carlson, Arlene Chung, Joey Diaz, Kelsy Dominick, Anne Dumadag, Jessica Estariz, Larry Franco, Olivia Franco, Quio Gallegos, Bryan Garcia, Monica Gonzales, Richard Gonzalez, Alaina Herrera, Raissa Hidalgo, Aisa Ledesma, Ivan Linatoc, George Llames, Roxy Magalong, Anthony Malizia, Mark Managuio, Jaime Milo, Christine Nguyen, Kim Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen, Tim Reyes, Jose Robles, April Santos, Chris Tam, Kim Tam, Tina Tran, Josh Tuparan, Katrina Villavicencio

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Sayaw sa BangkoRural Suite

Choreographers: Jessica Estariz & Josh Tuparan

Dance Description: This dance is native to the barrio of Pangapisan, Lingayen, Pangasinan, and demands skill from its performers who must dance on top of a bench roughly six inches wide.

Dancers: Joanna Cruz, Joey Diaz, Jessica Estariz, Aisa Ledesma, Dean Nunez, Chris Tam, Paola Tandoc, and Josh Tuparan

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Jota da ManilenaMaria Clara Suite

Choreographers: Mark Managuio & Maria Rillo

Dance Description: A dance that originated in the capital city around the 19th century. Like the other Jotas in Philippine folk dances, this is an adaptation of the Castillian Jota, but the castanets are made of bamboo and are only held, not fastened, to the fingers. It is recognizably Iberian in flavor.

Dancers: Ogi de Guzman, Joey Diaz, Vincent Fronteras, Leilani Green, Josh Gozum, Grace How Yew Kin, Maria Rillo, Luigi Santos, Erin Young, and Devon Youngblood

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Kadal TahawTribal Suite

Choreographers: Joanna Cruz & Monica Gonzales

Dance Description: A bird dance performed by the T’boli during planting and harvesting which simulates the flights and hops of the tabaw bird.

Dancers: Joanna Cruz, Kelsy Dominick, Anne Dumadag, Monica Gonzales, Roxy Magalong, Jaime Milo, and Christine Nguyen

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Sagayan Magigal-PaunjulayMuslim Suite


Choreographers: Jasmine Bautista, Mary Ann Calica, and Darryl Spencer

Dance Description: Sagayan: Performed by very fierce warriors carrying an elaborately painted shield and a double-bladed sword. The dance involves leaping, turning, jumping, kicking and the rolling movements of a warrior ready to defend his master in battle. This dance is performed before any celebration or gathering to drive away evil spirits and to welcome good fortunes or omen. Magigal-Paunjulay: Native to the Yakan tribe of Basilan Island, Magigal-Paunjulay is a pre-nuptial dance, performed before the wedding ceremony. Both the bride and groom dot their faces with white paint in order to conceal their identity from evil.

Dancers: Timmy Adamos, Jasmine Antolin, Daniel Bui, Michelle Dumadag, Jared Dura, Olivia Franco, Rona Frilles, Bryan Garcia, Jennifer Nguyen, and Jose Robles

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LumagenCordilera Suite

Choreographers: Timmy Adamos & Rona Frilles

Dance Description: The Lumagen dance imitates birds flying in the air. It is a traditional thanksgiving dance performed by the Kalinga tribe to celebrate good harvest and events such as birth of a first-born child, victory in battles, weddings, or a budong (peace pact).

Dancers: Marlon Agno, Jaclyn Basanes, Kimmie Cenzon, Tommy Dacanay, Denny Decastro, Van Do, Rachel Estariz, Naomi Filio, Michael Fong, Mike Gibbs, Hannah Johnson, Alex Kim, Isabella Lacsamana, Jerold Magana, Anthony Malizia, Katrina McCarthy, Alicia Min, Khanh Ngo, Celina Sena, Pedro Sorto, Nikko Tanap, Brandon Torres, Colette Tran, Shanel Tsuda, Astrid Unson, Angie Vergel de Dios, Carrie Vergel de Dios, Angela Vilamonh, and Dag Yeshiwas

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TiniklingRural Suite

Choreographers: Grant Black & April Santos

Dance Description: A “Tikling” is a bird with long legs and a long neck. The “Tinikling” dance imitates the movements of the “Tikling” birds, which farmers attempt to trap in the rice fields. The bamboos are meant to trap the birds as they walk between grass stems or run over tree branches. The skill is demonstrated in dancing between the bamboos and in keeping the feet from being caught between the bamboo poles, there is much fun, however, when the bamboo players catch the feet of the dancers. This dance is a favorite in the Visayan Islands, especially in the province of Leyte.

Dancers: Jinelle Baldorado, Jasmine Bautista, Michael Bellavance, Grant Black, Rosemarie Bundoc, Mary Ann Calica, Stephanie Carlson, Arlene Chung, Josh Embrador, Lawrence Franco, Quio Gallegos, Richard Gonzalez, Alaina Herrera, Raissa Hidalgo, Thao Le, Ivan Linatoc, George Llames, Mark Managuio, Thanh Nguyen, Kim Nguyen, Leo Patino, Tim Reyes, April Santos, Darryl Spencer, Kimberly Tam, Tina Tran, and Katrina Villavicencio

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Rhonyll SeballosScholarship

EJ Bernabe started this scholarship fund in 1990. The first recipient was a Filipino American high school student in the Philip-pines. In 2000, the Virginia Tech Filipino American Student Association renamed its annual scholarship award the Rhonyll Seballos Memorial Scholarship to honor the life of one of the organization’s greatest advocates. Affectionately known by his family and friends as “Bong,” Seballos was an active member of FASA, dedicating much of his time to the club during his undergraduate years. His appreciation for his culture inspired other young Filipino American students to learn more about their heritage. Unfortunately, while visiting his homeland in January 2000, Seballos unexpectedly suffered cardiac arrest and died with his cousin at his side. Although his life was cut short at the age of 28, Seballos touched countless lives.

He was one of those individuals who never met a stranger. Seballos’ closest friends (most of whom are FASA alumni) and family members finished raising the $25,000 needed to endow a scholarship honoring Seballos and his commitment to enriching the FASA program at Virginia Tech. In a true community effort, the group hosted grassroot fundraising efforts—including concerts, socials, raffles, and yard sales—to meet their goals. Fundraising drive organizers said the experiences have proved valuable in promoting higher education and helping to foster a sense of accountability within the bicultural community. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and maintain a 2.5 overall quality credit average. Seballos dreamed of accomplishing great things, and through the scholarship he will. This scholarship fund is a way of keeping his spirit alive, while helping others reach their scholastic dreams.

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SeniorsClass of 2012

Jinelle BaldoradoJasmine BautistaMichael BellavanceGrant BlackRosemarie BundocMary Ann CalicaStephanie Carlson

Arlene ChungRoy DysangcoJosh EmbradorLawrence FrancoQuio GallegosRichard GonzalezAlaina Herrera

Raissa HidalgoMeredith IvesMichael LeThao LeIvan LinatocGeo LlamesMark Managuio

Thanh NguyenKim NguyenLeo PatinoTim ReyesApril SantosDarryl SpencerKimberly Tam

Jennifer ToddTina TranKatrina VillavicencioGino Vivalda

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Jasmine AntolinJinelle BaldoradoJaclyn BasanesGrant BlackDaniel BuiTimmy AdamosMarlon AgnoNatalee AngMichael BellavanceStephen BocchicchioRosemarie BundocMary Ann CalicaTyler CapilStephanie CarlsonKimmie CenzonJack ChaconLinda Chan-LokDarcy CheesmanRebekah CherryEdward ChoiArlene ChungPatrick CifuentesJoanna CruzTommy DacanayOgi De Guzman

Denny DecastroJoey DiazVan DoAileen DolleteKelsy DominickAnne DumadagJared DuraJessica EstarizRachel EstarizKevin EverettNaomi FilioMichael FongLarry FrancoOlivia FrancoRona FrillesVincent FronterasQuio GallegosBryan GarciaMike GibbsMonica GonzalesRichard GonzalezJosh GozumLeilani GreenMatt HainesTherese Harding

Katrina HerbertAlaina HerreraRaissa HidalgoGrace How Yew KinAndy HuynhMeredith IvesZsharlene JimenoHannah JohnsonAlex KimJoe KnobleIsabella LacsamanaNora LamPedro LamAlex LapianChristina LeMichael LeThao LeAisa LedesmaKatrina LimsonGeorge LlamesMargaret MabutasRoxy MagalongJerold MaganaAnthony MaliziaMark Managuio

Katrina McCarthyAlicia MinCourtney NgoHenry NgoKhanh NgoChristine NguyenJennifer NguyenThanh NguyenDean NunezCiara OcampoEasha PatelLeovictor PatinoTim ReyesCarmiliza RiculanMaria RilloAlbert RullApril SantosLuigi SantosCelina SenaHubert ShangMichael SorianoRaymond SorientePedro SortoDarryl SpencerNattasha Srikongyos

Heather SwansonChris TamKimberly TamNikko TanapPaola TandocJennifer ToddBrandon TorresJon TranKen TranTina TranColette TranShanel TsudaJosh TuparanAstrid UnsonAngie Vergel de DiosCarrie Vergel de DiosAngela VilamonhKatrina VillavicencioGino VivaldaFlorentine WelteDag YeshiwasErin YoungYin Zhou

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Events/ActivitiesAugustHokie Helpers: Move-InWelcome Back Grill-OutGobblerfest: Student Organization ShowcaseSeptember1st General MeetingAASU Fall MixerWelcome Back PartyFall PicnicIntramural Flag Football (Co-Rec & Men’s)Lumpia SaleMarine 5K Mud RunD2 Dinner2nd General MeetingD7 Olympics at VCUD7 General Meeting at VCUDeet’s Ice Cream SocialGame NightOctoberBig/Little MingleDay of FunBig/Little Clue WeekKristina Wong PerformanceIntramural Volleyball (Co-Rec & Men’s)Intramural Soccer (Co-Rec & Men’s)Big/Little RevealLumpia SaleHomecoming ParadeHalloween Meeting with VSASuperstitions WorkshopPig EventNovemberLumpia SaleAASU Culture ShowAASU Charity World CupHeritage Hall VisitHomeplaceThanksgiving DinnerBalik Bata BoxAASU’s Got TalentCandlelight Vigil4th General Meeting (Christmas/Secret Santa)DecemberTagalog 101 ClassJanuaryIce Skating with FASA

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Alumni Happy Hour in NOVA1st General Meeting

CAEE/AASU/FASA Spring MixerFebruary

D7 Charity BallMr. D7 Pageant

Carnations for the Cure2nd General Meeting

AASU Date AuctionD7 Charity Tournament

AASU Semi-FormalCulture Movie Night

Joint FASA/KASA General MeetingRhonyll Seballos Scholarship Due

ECAASU at Duke UniversityMarch

Big/Little WeekDeet’s Night

D2 DinnerPurpose of Culture Night Meeting

Big Appreciation DayJCA Culture Show

Lumpia SaleScavenger Hunt

Mr. FASABig Event

International Street FairCAS Culture ShowUVA Culture Show

KASA Culture ShowApril

24th Annual Culture NightCulture Night Brunch

SIA Culture ShowODU Culture Show

2012-2013 Executive Board ElectionsRelay for Life

VSA Culture ShowVCU Culture Show

AASU Spring ConcertHabitat for Humanity

Fun Day/Spring PicnicMay

Class of 2012 Commencement/GraduationRoadtrip

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FASA AlumniJohn AbadCarissa AbastillasMelissa AbastillasHien AceronJohn AceronFrancis AcuLeo AcuestaEd AdamosKevin AdamsValerie AdmanaEmily AfricaTricia AgloroMichelle Africa AgnoliAaron AguinaldoArlene Merino AgustinGerard AlcantaraAleth AlemorKats Portillo AlfersPatrick AlgireMarco AlinoEileen Lozado AltizerRichie AmacioJennifer AmoresChuck AndradaMarlene AndradaJohn AnhLanti AntolinAndrew AquinoDeacons AquinoPaul AquinoIan AranzaJon Andrey ArcetaAmanda ArnettJen AugustinMarianne AujeroAudrey AwaChristine BagtasChris BalalloR.J. BalangaRoberto BalatbatJennel BaltazarHino BanzonMay BaoBetty Abad Barnuevo

Dennis BaronganJennifer BarredoRodney BarredoRon BarredoTeresa BartolomeDina BatoLuzette Espedido BatuJ.R. BautistaRoberto BautistaSherry BautistaCedric BernabeChi BernabeDani BernabeAudrey BernadinoAudie BlancaflorScotty BrennanRoel BuenaventuraCharlene BuensucesoTricia BuktawEugene BuotStefanie BurnsBianca BusanteIris CabatitMike CabreraKatie CabungcalKatherine CachaperEmily Castillo CahoonMary Ann CalicaRex CalilungRoxanne CalilungRoy CalilungAbigail CamachoAmelia CamachoMark Anton CancioSean CandaAbby CandelariaAmante CanonizadoNello CaramutYvette CastilloBobby CasumbalSteven CasupananAlejandro ChanTricia ChavesAaron Chen

Jessica ChenRoberto ChoRob ChoJay ChoiChris ChuJeff ChuangJasmin Dizon CiesielskiPatrick CiesielskiChris ClamorZach CoffrenRommelyn CondeBrian CortezDerrick CruzMarko CruzKathryn DalidaStephen DasherDerek DavidJeanette de JesusDaryl De La AlasMeliza de LeonArt DecenaLuis Dela RosaApril DelossantosRandy DelostrinoRobert DelostrinoDarlene DeVeraCheryl Ramos DiakunMichelle DionelaAngela DizonJaye DollCorey DonohoeReo DouglasAllan DumoSandra DyJoann EdwardsChris ElbowBarbara ElefanteGary EncarnacionLeah EnriquezLeo EsguerraWilma EspirituKelvin EstiokoKristina EstiokoPete Ewald

Veronica EwaldPhil Fadul ChorChing FanMike FavisCha FernandezClarissa FernandezPJ FernandezMarisa FerraraAnn Marie Delostino FloresGil FloresCathy FortesAlex FortunoChristina FrancoEdlene FronterasVincent FronterasAlyssa GallardoGrace GamboaZharlyn GarciaJesse GatchalianGail GaviolaKat GeeZofeea GenotaBrian GerardoMart GervacioCharisse GhattasJamaal GilaniCrystal Tanyang GoinsMelanie Recel GonzagaPaulo GonzagaArt GonzalesGreg GonzalesDaniel GonzalesCynthia GonzalezErik GonzalezJerel GutierrezCamille HarveyJosh HarwoodRichelle HerediaAnna Bantug HererraHeraida HernandezHercerina HernandezHertricia HernandezAcey HerreraRose Mateo Herrera

Leander HicksDennis HoangLisa HoangMichelle HollandDerik HolmanJeremiah HustonJoy JacobMelanie JacobsonRoderick JaurigueFaye Wong JaurigueDennis Cruz JimentoNandina JinnoharaWalter JohnsonMalou JoseChris JosonDanielle JoveJennifer KalichMicheal KalichJon-Jon KamantigueErin KebortMichelle Lim KendallPhil KendallGregory KiddChristina KoRebecca LacaonAbigail LaxaJennifer LeTammy LeChristie LeJen LiangStephanie LieuJason LimRyan LimpinMolly LineDanny LintotHubert LiuRhea Domingo LombosHao LuuBrian MacanRachel MacasiebDru MadridOmar MaglagangAnna MajorHosannah Malubay

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Chris MamarilMark ManaguioAlvin ManaloNick MaputolAlvin MarayaJoyce Magpantay MarceloCarmela Oquendo MatiasNeil MatiasRosal McCannApril MedinaSarah MejiaMadonna MendozaNicole MendozaAngeli Espiritu MillerDavid MoRon MondarezVivianne MondarezCynde MontillaRobert MontonJohn MoradaMichae MotohashiNadel MusniKurt NarioBert NavarezRalph NavarreteNate NavascaEileen NaveDai NguyenElain Castillo NguyenKhoa NguyenMike NocIris ObispoDanilo ObusanDaphne ObusanMarcus ObusanNicole OddoJoy Daquilanea OdomYong OhSam Olbes LaskowskiAshley OllerChris OlsonEric OlsonBryant OngNannette Oquendo

Edgar OrdonezChansy OrkLoumarie OrtegaMarcia OrtizRandy PadillaJeremiah PaglinawanEsvith Palomino-QuillamaRamel PanaguitonRaphael PanlilioBrian PannoneDebbie Anne Flores ParasJimmy ParasJohn ParasJoseph ParedesJean PascualEileen PelaezMichelle PelaezAgnes PeregrinoJen Medina PerkinsGerlyn PerlasNgoc PhamTuan PhamRudy PicardoKaye PioquintoSherlynn PlacidoMiguel PobleteChristian PortilloSargent PrestonCarol Resurreccion PunsalanRyan PurezaVivian PurezaEilynn QuagliataNoel QuiambaoPhil RaguindinLiza Mercado RatanaMonica RaugitinaneDelia RaymundoJoe RaymundoEdmond RecelNedie Llames RecelAicel ReyesKim Nicdao ReynoldsCarmiliza RiculanKim Riculan

Vanessa RigorosoMary Jane RigueraEdsel RiveraJason RiveraMarc RiveraLisa RobinsonErnest RodriguezPat RonderoJan RoqueJohn RoqueJustin RoqueRenee RubioAndrew RybakJoyce SalazarAaren SalidoCatherine SalvadorChrissy SalvadorLeah SalvadorVince SamacoMike San JuanRoland San LuisDianne SanidadAdrian Santo DomingoAnton Santo DomingoKatrina Santo DomingoMarco Santo DomingoRachelle Santo DomingoRyan Santo DomingoRosie Santo DomingoJesselee SantosJeffrey SarmientoJonathan SarmientoArash SarvghadiRachelle SawalCara SeballosPatty Adam SeballosPercy SeballosRhonyll SeballosYvello SeballosHedssen SerranoHarry Sherman, IIChristina ShiuVerna SiosonJordan Sisson

Harold SolisKim SorianoAimee Matias SpencerWill SteinJeyfe SucgangJennifer TabonesBobby TajanBrian TajoAlex TalomaEd TanJohn TangParticio TanyagChris TaporcoEdward TecsonRon TeodoroNathaniel TerreLan-Chi ThanJoe ThornburgJudee Tiamzon-ClamorLee TiyEdgar TolentinoFerdinand TolentinoMohana Aranza TorresThao TranVicky TrinhChristian TrozadoMarie TrozadoSunny TsangJela Quicho ValenciaErnest VelasquezJustin VelasquezMaria VelasquezSonya VelasquezWalter VelasquezJania VenturaKim Vera CruzErika VicencioMadeline VicenteJulie VillanuevaRay ViloriaEunice VirayEmmanuel VocesChristina WakefieldPammie Wang

Taylor Lifsey WilmothCindy Lopez WladykaDiana WrightChris WursterJeanne Zaptin

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Fashion Show/Vendors

The name “Manila Gorilla” came from a play off the founder’s initials. It has been around for the better part of a decade but the inspiration goes back to ancient times. It simply means quality goods - since creation. Manila Gorilla isn’t about Manila or wildlife more than it is about bringing you quality goods from our workshop in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Service is our only product.

In 2006, ETHNIKROOTS came onto the fashion scene with one goal in mind: to educate others through fashion. Blending street culture with the traditions, symbols and characteristics of different ethnicities across the world, ETHNIKROOTS strives to give the world something it has been seen before: a true mix of the traditional with the contemporary. We focus on bringing the cutting edge designs, while paying homage to those who came before us. Giving everyone the ability to wear history is our mission. Breaking barriers between cultures is our passion. That is the mission statement of ETHNIKROOTS.

Founded in 2009 by Virginia Tech Alumnus JR Bautista, “AiReal Appar-el” is a Virginia based clothing brand specializing in streetwear clothing and accessories. AiReal Apparel products draw inspiration from sports, music, hip hop culture, and cultural roots. The name AiReal is a deri-vationof the two words “air” and “real.” “Air signifies being “fly,” setting aspirations high and believing that “the sky is the limit” for everything in life. “Real” signifies staying true and “keeping it real” with one’s self, family, friends, and roots. Through out clothing, products, and initiatives in the community, we push out fans and friends to “Keep it AiReal!”

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FASAThank You’s

The Filipino American Student Association of Virginia Tech would like to recognize the following people and organizations in their contributions and support for this year’s Culture Night and throughout the year:

_ Our family, friends, and alumni who have traveled from afar to join us on this special night and to celebrate our 24th Annual Culture Night

_ All of our alumni for their continued support, guidance, and involvement

_ To the past FASA presidents and leadership who have inspired us to be the passionate leaders that this organization needs

_ The Seballos Family for creating the Rhonyll Seballos scholarship; thank you for believing in the potential of our organization and may we carry on Rhonyll’s legacy for many years to come

_ The Asian American Student Union and all other organizations for their support and contributions throughout the year

_ Our District 7 family--OYFA of UVA, FASA of W&M and ODU, and FACT of VCU; thank you for traveling many miles to our show and for your continued D7 love

_ All of the vendors for providing us with the apparel for the fashion show

_ The promotions committee for creating the flyer, program, and all other promotional material for our Culture Night

_ Gerry Llames for producing and printing our Culture Night program.

_ Kevin Ayoub and the Event Planning staff for working closely with FASA for our Culture Night and general reservations throughout the year

_ Brian James and the Production Services team for providing us with the resources to create tonight’s show

_ Last but not least, the performers, behind the scenes crew, Culture Night committee heads, officers, and general members of FASA. It is because of your hard work, dedication, and sacrifices that we have been able to put together this amazing show. More importantly, together as a family we have accomplished great things this year.

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The Cellar Restaurant302 North Main StreetBlacksburg, VA 24060

(540) 953-0651Open 11am-2am Daily

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201 College AveBlacksburg, VA 24069


AppetizersTraditional Greek Specialties

Spanakopita (span-a-KO-pi-ta) $4.25Phyllo dough stuffed with spinach & Greek feta cheese with a side of our cucumber sauce

Tiropita (tee-RO-pi-ta) $4.25Flaky Phyllo dough stuffed with Greek feta cheese with a side of our cucumber sauce.

Grilled Pita with Cucumber Sauce $1.59A freshly grilled pita with a side of our cucumber sauce

Grilled Pita with Hummus $3.00A freshly grilled pica with a side of hummus

SaladsOriginal Greek Salad $4.25Crisp, fresh lettuce covered with feta cheese, Greek olives, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, pepperoncini and served with a side of our homemade Greek dressing.

Greek Salad with Chicken $4.75Our great Original Greek Salad topped with marinated chicken.

Chef Salad $4.75Crisp, fresh lettuce covered with ham, turkey, cheese & tomatoes served with a side of our home-made Greek dressing.

Pita Wrap SpecialtiesServed with lettuce, tomato, onions & our home-made cucumber sauce

Gyros (YEE-ros) $4.25A blend of special meats & spices, rolled in a pita.

Souvlaki (soo-VLA-key) $4.25Marinated pork tenderloin rolled in a pita.

Combo $3.90A Gyros & Souvlaki wrapped together in a fresh soft pita.

Marinated Chicken $4.50Tender marinated chicken breast rolled in a fresh pita.

Vegetarian $4.25Mozzarella and cheddar cheese wrapped withlettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots and green pep-pers in a pita.

Chicken Salad $4.50Tender chunks of chicken, celery & mayonnaise wrapped in a pita.

Tuna Salad $4.50Tender chunks of tuna, celery & mayonnaise wrapped in a pita.

Falafel $4.25Deep fried chickpeas and spices served in a warm pita.

Hummus $4.25Pureed chickpeas served with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, & green peppers served in a pita.

Super SubsServed hot with Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions & our homemade Greek dressing 8 in. 16 in.Vegetarian $4.25 $6.25Ham & Cheese $4.25 $6.25Salami & Cheese $4.25 $6.25Turkey & Cheese $4.25 $6.25Roast Beef & Cheese $4.50 $6.50Deluxe (all of the above) $5.50 $7.50Tuna Salad $4.50 $6.50Chicken Salad $4.50 $6.50Philly Cheese Steak $4.50 $6.50Philly Cheese Chicken $4.50 $6.50

Pita SubsA soft pita wrap filled with your choice of ham, salami, turkey or roast beef with lettuce, tomatoes, onions & our homemade Greek dressing.

One Meat $4.00Two Meats $4.25Three Meats $4.50

Pita PizzaA baked pita with marinara sauce & mozzarella cheese

Cheese Pizza $2.75One Topping Pizza $3.00

Additional toppings are $0.50Toppings: pepperoni, gyros, souvlaki, chicken, feta, cheddar, olives, onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, green peppers, pepperoncini

Souvlaki’s Famous Shish KabobsPork Shish Kabob $4.00Marinated pork tenderloin, charcoal grilled, served with a pita & our cucumber sauce.

Chicken Shish Kabob $4.00Marinated chicken, charcoal grilled, served with a pita & our cucumber sauce

EntreesGyros Plate $5.50Slices of Gyros meat with lettuce, tomatoes, pepperoncini, feta cheese, & Greek olives served with wedges of pita bread and a side of our cucumber sauce

Pork or Chicken Shish Kabob Plate $5.50Your choice of marinated pork or chicken on a skewer with lettuce, tomatoes, pepperoncini, feta cheese & Greek olives served with wedges of pita bread and a side of our cucumber sauce

Add golden curly fries for just $1.50

ExtrasGolden Curly Fries $1.85Chips $0.85

DessertBaklava $1.75A Greek delicacy with walnuts, honey & sweet spices layered with phyllo dough.Cheesecake $3.50Cookie $0.60 or 2 for $1.00

Souvlaki opened for business in the fall of 1982. The original location was across the street on Draper Road. Souvlaki was associated with the original Greek’s Restuar-ant, established in 1920 by the late Nick Kappas. Through the years the faimly has owned and operated four restaurants in the town of Blacksburg. While some continue under different management, Souvlaki still remains with the original family.

The Souvlaki management, staff, and familly appreciate your patronage and hope you enjoy the variety of specialties we offer.

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Healthful Natural Mediterranean Cuisine

*free wireless internet*235 N. Main St.Blacksburg, VA 24060Phone: 540-552-9222 / 540-552-9200

Appetizers• Labni Platter: $6.95Homemade Lebanese cheese topped with olive oil, a fresh baked pita, garnished with black and green olives, tomatoes and shredded cheese • Feta Platter: $6.95Feta cheese served with tomatoes and lettuce with green and black olives all drizzled with our classic cedar HOUSE dressing, served with a freshly baked pita • Lebanese-Style Eggplant: $6.95Baby eggplants stuffed with garlic, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts, pickled in oil & a mix of Mediterranean spices, served with a freshly baked pita • Foul-Medamass: $6.95Fava beans simmered in olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, topped onions, tomatoes, parsley and served with freshly baked pita • Balila: $6.95Chick peas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, topped with onions, tomatoes, parsley and cumin, served with a freshly baked pita • Hummus and Pita: $6.95Homemade hummus served with a freshly baked pita • Baba Ghanouf: $6.95Baked eggplant whipped with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and tahini sauce served with a freshly baked pita • Maza Tray: $6.95Your choice of any three: balila, foul, eggplant, feta cheese, labni, baba ghanouj, hummus served with a freshly baked pita bread and a side of fresh vegetables • Chicken Fingers: $6.95Fried white strips of chicken served with ranch dressing • Mozzarella Sticks: $6.95Homemade mozzarella cheese sticks, served with hot marinara • Basket of French Fries: $4.25A hearty portion of our crispy French fries • Cheese Fries: $6.95Our classic French fries smothered with mozzarella and cheddar cheese served with a side of ranch dressing

Specialty Sandwiches• Lahm-b-ageen: $7.95Lean ground beef, tomatoes, onions, parsley, pomegranate sauce, spices, served on our fresh hang toss dough• Philly Chicken or Beef: $6.75Chicken or beef grilled with spices, onions, green peppers, mushrooms and mozzarella cheese, served with lettuce, tomatoes and mayo on a sub roll or pita bread• Suguk Wrap: $6.50Ground beef mixed with seven authentic Lebanese spices, im-ported from Lebanon, grilled and wrapped in a pita bread with hummus spread and topped with lettuce and tomatoes• Chef ’s Special: $6.50Grilled Beef with onions and bacon on a sub roll with lettuce, tomatoes, mayo and American cheese• Grilled Fish Sub: $6.50Grilled Tilapia topped with melted mozzarella, served on a sub roll with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and may• Shish Tawook: $6.50Grilled Chicken wrapped with garlic spread, French fries, lettuce and tomatoes on pita bread• Tzatziki Grilled Chicken Wrap: $6.50Served with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cucumber sauce on a pita bread• Gyros Wrap: $6.50Select cut of beef marinated with herbs and spices on pita bread with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cucumber sauce• Italian Sub: $6.50Ham, turkey, pepperoni, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mayo, house dressing and mozzarella cheeseHam or Turkey Sub: $6.50Ham or turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mayo, house dressing and your choice of cheese• Beef Shawarma: $6.75Marinated beef, grilled wrapped in a pita with onions, parsley, pickles, tomatoes and tahini sauce• Chicken Shawarma: $6.50Marinated chicken, grilled wrapped in a pita with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles and tahini sauce

Vegetarian Sandwiches• French Fry Pita: $6.45French fries, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, black olives and creamy garlic spread on a pocket pita bread• Grilled Veggie Pita: $6.45Grilled mushrooms, green peppers, black olives, onions and tomatoes on pita bread with hummus spread• Hummus or Baba Wrap: $6.45Spread of hummus or baba, lettuce, tomatoes and black olives on pita bread• Labni Wrap: $6.45Homemade Lebanese cream cheese topped with olive oil, tomatoes, lettuce and black olives on pita bread• Spinach Wrap: $6.45Grilled spinach with onions, mushrooms, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, spices, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese on pita bread • Zatar: $6.45A special Mediterranean blend of thyme, sumac, and sesame seeds with olive oil baked on a fresh pita with mozzarella cheese, topped with fresh tomatoes and lettuce (served rolled or open)• Feta Cheese Sub: $6.45Feta cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, and house dressing on a sub roll• Foul-medamass Wrap: $6.45Fava beans simmered in olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, wrapped in a pita with lettuce, tomatoes and onion• Falafel Wrap: $6.50Falafels served on a pita bread with lettuce, tomatoes, banana peppers, parsley and tahini sauce• Fresh Mozzarella Sub: $6.45Fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, black olives, and basil drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar on whole wheat sub roll

EntreesKabob Platters• Chicken Kabob: $9.75Grilled chicken kabob with tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, green peppers, and onions served with side of hummus, Basmati rice, freshly baked pita bread and a side salad• Beef Kabob: $10.50Grilled beef kabob with tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, green peppers and onions served with side of hummus Basmati rice, fresh baked pita bread and a side salad• Mixed Kabob: $10.50Grilled beef and chicken kabob with tomatoes, fresh mush-rooms, green peppers and onions served with a side of hummus, Basmati rice, freshly baked pita bread and a side salad• Falafel Platter: $7.75Falafel croquettes with veggies, served with a side of tahini sauce, hummus, freshly baked pita bread and a side saladFor any platter: extra chicken or beef $4.50, fresh mozzarella ball, hummus labni or baba ghanouj $3.75

Salads• Classic Cedar: $7.95HOUSE dressing with spring mix, tomatoes, green peppers, kalamata olives and mushrooms, sprinkley with feta • Chef: $7.95Turkey and ham with cheddar cheese on a bed of tomatoes, kalamata olives and springs mix• Fatouch: $7.95Crispy pita bread mixed with green peppers, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, parsley, spring mix, lemon juice, olive oil and spices• Garden: $7.95Spring mix, spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, green olives, car-rots, chick peas and feta cheese• Gorgonzola: $7.95Spring mix, tomatoes, fresh, basil, green peppers, and kalamata olives sprinkled with gorgonzola cheese • Nutty: $7.95An array of cashews, almonds and peanuts mixed with dried fruits and cheddar cheese on a bed of spring mix • Spinach: $7.95Spinach, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, green peppers, kalamata olives and feta cheese• Fresh Mozzarella: $7.95Spring mix, tomatoes, green peppers and kalamata olives topped with fresh mozzarella and fresh basil • Side Salad: $4.25Spring mix, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumber and cheddar cheese• Panache: $9.75Asparagus, heart of palm, sweet corn, diced beets, artichoke heart, tomatoes and fresh mushroom on a bed of spring mix, served with lemon vinaigrette dressing

Choose from our wide variety of homemade dressings:Cedar HOUSE dressing (with Mediterranean spices, fresh gar-lic, olive oil and lemon juice), Buttermilk Ranch, Chunky Blue Cheesse, Honey Mustard, Parmesan Peppercorn, 1000 Island, Raspberry Vinaigrette, Zesty Italian, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Garlic Lemon

PizzaHand-tossed dough with our marinara sauce & mozzarella cheese• Small 10” $6.25 • Large 14” $8.25 • Extra Large 16” $9.25

Calzones: $6.75Made with mozzarella cheese and served with a side of marinara each topping add $0.95 chicken or shrimp add $2.50• Suluk Calzone: $8.85Feta cheese, swiss chard, spinach, onions, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and special spices

each topping add $0.95 chicken or shrimp add $1.50

Toppings:artichoke hearts, bacon, banana peppers, black olives, corn, extra mozzarella, feta cheese, green peppers, fresh basil, fresh garlic, broccoli, gorgonzola cheese, green olives, ham, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, onions, pepperoni, pineapple, fresh tomatoes, ricotta cheese, roasted red peppers, sausage, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, beef, chicken, shrimp

each topping add $1.25 chicken or shrimp add $2.00

each topping add $1.50 chicken or shrimp add $2.50

DessertsTiramisu $4.75 Cheesecakcs (assorted glavors) $4.75 Oreo Stack $4.75 Baklava $1.00

A healthy way of eating

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It seems like just yesterday we were

both in high school, hanging out

during 4th block and waiting for

everyone else to get out of school.

And I still remember coming to visit

during my senior year to watch you

dance in a loincloth for your first

FASA Culture Night :) Look at how

far we've come since then. These

past years have been quite an

adventure, but I'm glad to have

experienced so much with you.

Live up the rest of your time here

and congrats on your last Culture


<3 Jessica Estariz

I'm proud of you roomie!

You're an awesome friend, strong

person, and overall great person.

Who knew that two years ago

when we met, we would become

such good friends, let alone

roommates? You might be leaving

when you graduate, but we'll be

friends for a long time.

1204C for life!

Joey Diaz

To one of the nicest, most humble

guys I know…

It's been 4 years already? Congrats

on graduating, Marky Mark! You're

gonna rock your last culture show. Love always, Anessa Caalim

Hey Mark! SUP DOE! This is your big

year where you move on & do big

things. It is great having you as a

friend for so many years and I hope

we will continue to stay in contact.

Jeff Chow

Congrats on your last Culture Night, Mark!    


Markus! I will feel forever

responsible for giving you that

nickname! haha Congrats on the

last 4 years at Tech and 4

wonderful culture shows! Thanks for

all the great memories and all the

funsies we've had! I'll miss you lots!

Love Always,

Anne Dumadag :)

Hey, Mark! Congraduations! I don't

know quite how to say this but

something about being free of

school and now able to go create

the future he wants. Then be

awesome. Then end it with


I suck at these things.

Eric Chen

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It seems like just yesterday we were

both in high school, hanging out

during 4th block and waiting for

everyone else to get out of school.

And I still remember coming to visit

during my senior year to watch you

dance in a loincloth for your first

FASA Culture Night :) Look at how

far we've come since then. These

past years have been quite an

adventure, but I'm glad to have

experienced so much with you.

Live up the rest of your time here

and congrats on your last Culture


<3 Jessica Estariz

I'm proud of you roomie!

You're an awesome friend, strong

person, and overall great person.

Who knew that two years ago

when we met, we would become

such good friends, let alone

roommates? You might be leaving

when you graduate, but we'll be

friends for a long time.

1204C for life!

Joey Diaz

To one of the nicest, most humble

guys I know…

It's been 4 years already? Congrats

on graduating, Marky Mark! You're

gonna rock your last culture show. Love always, Anessa Caalim

Hey Mark! SUP DOE! This is your big

year where you move on & do big

things. It is great having you as a

friend for so many years and I hope

we will continue to stay in contact.

Jeff Chow

Congrats on your last Culture Night, Mark!    


Markus! I will feel forever

responsible for giving you that

nickname! haha Congrats on the

last 4 years at Tech and 4

wonderful culture shows! Thanks for

all the great memories and all the

funsies we've had! I'll miss you lots!

Love Always,

Anne Dumadag :)

Hey, Mark! Congraduations! I don't

know quite how to say this but

something about being free of

school and now able to go create

the future he wants. Then be

awesome. Then end it with


I suck at these things.

Eric Chen

You will always be my other big!

Thanks for all the good memories,

especially during my Freshmen

year at Tech. I definitely miss those

nights where we’d just hang out

with our HS friends at someone's

dorm & do random stuff, whether it

be making stupid videos, cracking

jokes at each other, or making fun

of the girls. Or that time when we

walked for miles in deep snow just

to get a can of spam? CHEERS TO

GREAT TIMES! I think the picture of

us sleeping together on the floor

defines our friendship very well.

Good luck in the future! Show 'em who's boss. Nik Buela

love always, The Courtyard Kids

Dear Markus, it’s been so awesome

getting to know you these past

couple of years and getting to go

to VT with you! It’s nice having

someone who can appreciate

Chinese frogs, playdoh, avatar,

and graphic designing! Espeially

since Jessica’s lameeee

(sometimes), haha. I’m excited we

have another year in Blacksburg

together so we can do things like

get smoothies together (did you

know the Trop Smoothie in

Haygood is the only one with a

drive thru?). Congrats on

everything you’ve accomplished,

Mark. You’re awesome!

Rachel Estariz

Dear Mark,

I love you. Good luck with the real

world and know that I got your

back anytime!

Love, Alex Ung

Instead of suggesting a PedoMark

photo, I suggested one where we

are displaying our forged bond of

BroHood. Because that's what real

friends do. Congratulations on your

achievements - you've done so

much & yet have so much more to

accomplish. I'm proud of you. I also

look up to you. This is getting too

emotional. Congrats again!


Matt Veland


Mark!! I can't believe you’re about

to graduate! It feels like just

yesterday that we were back in HS

walking in the hallways of PA. From

high school to now, it has been an

incredible journey with laughter,

memories, & our countless

adventures with the Courtyard

Kids! I know there are many more

memories to come!

Easha Patel

I'm so glad we got to have girl talk

even though Jaime was trying to

sleep. Nicole Mayaen

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PS. Thank you Aileen “Clutch City” Dollete for taking care of pictures and cameras.

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