Page 1: FAQs in methodlogy Teaching of Science-2...Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10. Subject: Teaching of Science – II. District Institute of Education and Training,

Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10.

Subject: Teaching of Science – II.

District Institute of Education and Training, Lawspet. Puducherry-605008.

Unit -I

Heuristic method

2 Mark Questions:

1. What is meant by Heuristic method ?

2. Write the definition given by Armstrong for Heuristic method

3. Write the steps in heuristic method.

4. Listout the objectives of Heuristic method.

5. Mention the procedures in heuristic method.

6. Write about the role of experimentation in heuristic method ?

7. Mention the role of teacher in heuristic method.

8. Listout the merits of heuristic method.

9. Mention the limitations of heuristic method.

4 Marks Questions

10. Explain the steps in heuristic method with its flow chart.

11. Explain the importance of teachers’ attitude and responsibility in heuristic method.

10 Marks Questions:

12. Explain the heuristic method with an example from the subject Physics.

13. Explain the implementation of heuristic method with an example.

Unit -II

Co-curricular activities

1. What are co-curricular activities ?

2. Why co-curricular activities are felt important ?

3. What are the objectives of co-curricular activities ?

4. What will be the role of teacher in co-curricular activities ?

5. What is called Science club ?

6. Write the importance of Science club in the school.

7. Write short notes on types of Science club.

8. Mention the objectives of Science club.

9. Give an account of the organizational structure of a Science club.

Page 2: FAQs in methodlogy Teaching of Science-2...Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10. Subject: Teaching of Science – II. District Institute of Education and Training,

Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10.

Subject: Teaching of Science – II.

District Institute of Education and Training, Lawspet. Puducherry-605008.

10. Tabulate the duties and responsibilities of committee members in a Science


11. Explain the Procedures of a Science club.

12. Summarize the activities of a Science club.

13. Define: Field trip.

14. Write the importance of Field trips in a school.

15. How do you select a Place for a field trip.

16. How will you evaluate the field trips

17. What are the activities to be finished after Field trip?

18. Mention the limitations of field trip

19. List out the advantages of field trip

20. Explain about the Field trips and its steps to be followed.

21. What is called Nature walk ?

22. Why nature walk is considered important for primary school children.

23. How will you organize a nature walk in your School.

24. What are the important things to be concentrated during Quiz sessions

25. What is called Science Quiz.

26. Mention the objectives of Science Quiz.

27. Mention the levels / stages in organization of Quiz.

28. What is called Science exhibition ?

29. Mention the Objectives of Science Exhibition

30. List out the merits of Science Exhibition

31. Mention the limitations of Science exhibition

32. Explain the organization of a Science exhibition.

Unit -III

Project method

2 Mark Questions:

14. What is Project ?

15. Listout the functions on the basis of Project method ?.

16. Write the definition provided by Kilpatrick for Project method.

17. Listout the objectives of Project method.

18. Mention the main principles of Project method.

Page 3: FAQs in methodlogy Teaching of Science-2...Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10. Subject: Teaching of Science – II. District Institute of Education and Training,

Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10.

Subject: Teaching of Science – II.

District Institute of Education and Training, Lawspet. Puducherry-605008.

19. Write about the principle of Utility in Project method ?

20. Mention the types of Projects can be applied in the schools.

21. Listout the various steps uses in the project method.

22. What are the essential features of an academic project ?

23. Write about the role of teacher in Project method.

24. Listout the merits of Project method.

25. Mention the limitations of project method.

26. Write short notes on Principles of Purpose and activity in Project method.

4 Marks Questions

27. Explain the essential features of a good project.

28. Give an account of Use of Project method in Schools.

10 Marks Questions:

29. Explain the project method with an example

30. Explain the steps of Project method with example.

Unit -IV

Inductive method and Deductive method

2 Mark Questions:

31. Define inductive method ?

32. Detective method – define.

33. What will be the role of teacher in Inductive method.

34. Mention the roles of teacher in deductive method.

35. Mention the merits of deductive method.

36. What are the objectives of Inductive method ?

37. List out the merits of Inductive method.

38. Mention the objectives of deductive method.

4 Marks Questions

39. Listout the steps in Inductive method.

40. How a problem is made to be realized in deductive method.

41. How will you analyze the situation in inductive method of teaching.

42. Write notes on Collection and organization of data or information.

43. Give a suitable example for framing possible questions.

Page 4: FAQs in methodlogy Teaching of Science-2...Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10. Subject: Teaching of Science – II. District Institute of Education and Training,

Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10.

Subject: Teaching of Science – II.

District Institute of Education and Training, Lawspet. Puducherry-605008.

44. What is the importance in the step `verifying the solutions` in inductive method.

45. Why the generalizing the solution is felt important ? Give an example.

46. List out the merits of Inductive method.

47. Mention the limitations of inductive method.

48. Mention the objectives of deductive method.

49. Listout the steps in deductive method.

50. Write about the understanding of the problem in deductive method of teaching.

51. Write notes on collecting information.

52. How will you review the general principles in deductive method. Give an example.

53. Write notes on drawing inferences.

54. Why the verifying the principles in life situation is important in deductive method.

55. Write about the limitations of deductive method.

10 Marks Questions:

56. Explain any of the subjects (topic) in Science with deductive method.

57. Explain the steps of deductive method with an example.

58. Explain the inductive method with its steps with an example.

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Unit -V


1. Define: Multimedia

2. Differentiate the mass media with multi media

3. What are the objectives of multimedia in education?

4. Write the importance of ICT in education ?

5. Mention the advantages of ICT in education.

6. What are the limitations of ICT in education.

7. Mention the components of multimedia.

8. Explain the steps and preparation of a multi media package for Class room


9. Mention the merits and advantages of multimedia

10. Listout the limitations of multimedia in Teaching.

11. Define CAI (Computer Aided Instruction)

12. Mention the uses of Computer Aided Instruction.

13. Explain how CAI will be useful in class room teaching.

Page 5: FAQs in methodlogy Teaching of Science-2...Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10. Subject: Teaching of Science – II. District Institute of Education and Training,

Frequently Asked Questions for D.T.Ed., Second Year. 2008-10.

Subject: Teaching of Science – II.

District Institute of Education and Training, Lawspet. Puducherry-605008.

Unit -VI

Active Learning Method

1. What is an Active learning ?

2. Differentiate the active learning with traditional learning.

3. Why do we need Active Learning Method in Schools?

4. Define: SQ4R

5. What are the objectives of Active learning method ?

6. Mention the merits and advantages of active learning method.

7. List out the activities performed during the active learning method.

8. Explain the steps of Active learning method with its organization chart.

9. What is called mind mapping ?

10. Explain any one of the unit in Science using mind maps.

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