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General FAQs

1. Who is a captive user? A "captive" user is one who can put through transactions affecting

the data of his SOL (branch) alone. He can also inquire into the database pertaining to other SOL provided the menu he is invoking is "free".

2. What is a work class? First User Roles are created like teller, head-cashier, supervisor, auditor,

DBA. User roles are further classified into work class. Work class is created depending on the access rights to be given to each user. In other words, work class of a particular user defines the access rights that he can have for the menus in Finacle. There are certain work classes, which will allow only database management but not to put through transactions. The user in the same designation can be assigned to different work class. The users in the different designations can also be assigned to the same work class. For example, a work class with teller rights can only have access to cash menus.

3. Who is a free user? A "free" user is one who can put through transactions affecting the data of

his SOL as well as other SOL, provided the menu he is invoking is also "free". It should be noted that the "free" user could put through transactions affecting only the customer accounts of other SOL and not office accounts. It should be remembered that even though the user is "free", he couldn't access the database of other SOL if the menu is "captive".

4. Data center has created the users for my branch during the migration

of the branch. What is the default password with which my users can log into the system?

The default password is the PF number of the respective users. As soon as the users log into the application for the first time, they will be forced to change their password.

5. My user id is locked. What can I do? In case the menu is locked and the user is not allowed to log into the

system again, then by going through the menu SAC we have to delete (unlock) the user.

6. I am not able to log into Finacle application. What could be wrong?

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Please invoke the menu HUPM and check for the value in the field "User disabled". If the value is "Y", modify it to "N". Also please check for the value in the field "Account Expiry Date" in the same menu. If the date appearing is prior to the current date, then change it to some future date.

7. I was transferred from another branch where I had a Finacle user id

and password. Do I have to take fresh user id in the new branch? Use menu option CSE. Before that remove the inventory from that user’s location.

8. I do not want certain users to access certain accounts. Can I restrict them?

Users can be restricted from accessing certain accounts through the menu AACM.

9. One of the users in the branch is going on long leave. I want to

disable the user for the period of leave. How can I do it? Please invoke the menu UPM and give the date up to which you want to

disable the user in the field "User Disabled up to". 10. I am going on a long leave and I intend to ensure that my password is

secure during my absence. How can I ensure that my password is not misused?

The user can lock his password through the menu APW for the duration of leave. This menu is available form user level 400 only.

11. I have identified certain users to perform teller duties. How do I

attach teller duties to a user? The users can be assigned teller rights through the menu GECM. 12. Is it compulsory that the details of the employees are entered in the

menu EFM for creating that employee as a Finacle user? Only those employees whose details are entered in this menu are allowed

to use the application. 13. I have to give the employee id for each employee in the menu EFM.

What should I input in this field? Bank has taken a decision that the id for all the employees will be their PF

number preceded with two initials of the employee. 14. I have created a user id for my cashier in charge. But still he is not

able to access cash. What could have gone wrong? Please check whether the field "Is emp head teller" has the value "Y". If

not modify his record and input "Y". Another user will have to verify this record.

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15. Today is a holiday but I want to work on Finacle. But the system is not allowing me to log in and is prompting for another user to verify. What do I do?

Any user can log into the Finacle application only if another user authorizes the login on any day marked as holiday in the SOL calendar through the menu CTM.

16. One of the users is not able to post transactions involving my SOL and

another. What could be the problem? Please invoke the menu UPM and check the value in the field "User

Tenor". If the value is "Captive" then the user will not be able to access the database of another SOL. Modify it to "Free" and the user will be able to post transaction involving two Sols.

17. Where is the expiry period of the password defined? The period is defined in the field "Life of password" in the menu

HSCFM (General Details).

18. How do I change the Application Password (the second password used during login process) Go to background menu (click on background option) and use PWMNT option to change your application password

19. Components of available balances are not known within an account.

How much is reserved by the system for clearing, how much is floating, how much can be withdrawn by the customer? • If you are in TM screen, use sub-option B in the middle part of the

screen and press Accept.

• If you are in ACM, go in Inquire mode, give account number and use sub-option ‘M’ and accept.

• Alternatively, use HACCBAL/ACCBAL menu-option and specify the account number for which you need the details.

20. I have opened an account under the wrong GL subhead code. How do

I rectify it? Use TACBSH to change the GL-Sub-head code of the given account 21. How to find out the Joint holder names for Joint Accounts?

Use ACM option and use sub option - > A – Joint holders names

22. How to reverse the Proxy Transactions? Use SPTR / SPTM option to reverse the proxy transaction 23. Cash is not balanced. Which reports to take to crosscheck the entries?

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Use PTW and generate the report using option C- Cash Waste and crosscheck the transactions or use FTI / FTR to check for particular amount by giving tran-type as C-Cash and tran amt low and tran amt high. Check for unposted trans, if any.

24. While closing the account, system gives message ‘Interest not up to date’? Use ACINT option and do the interest run for this account.

25. Can I adjust part-amounts against single credit available in Pointing type of accounts? Yes, you can go to additional details and pick-up the amount by selecting the amount o/s.

26. Unable to print reports from Finacle, where to check? • First check whether the IlinkWeb is active or not. If IlinkWeb is not

active, click on Ilinkweb.exe to activate the ilink. • Check the printer status.

27. What is a part tran?

Each transaction consists of a debit leg and a credit leg. Each voucher in each leg is knows as a “Part Tran”.

28. When does the system generate transaction serial number for the transactions initiated by the users? The transaction serial number is given after the transaction is committed and the system accepts it. The system generates a serial number for every set of transaction.

29. Whether the transaction serial number is SOL specific or Data Center

specific? The serial number is generated for all the SOLs in the data center and they

are not SOL specific. The system refreshes the serial number every working day.

30. What is an abnormal transaction? Upper limits are set for amounts for each transaction like debits and

credits for each scheme type. Similarly upper limits are also set for debit part tran of cash, clearing and transfer transactions. When the user puts through a transaction above these limits, such transactions are called abnormal transactions. Abnormal transactions can be viewed through the menu ATI.

31. I am not able to post debit transaction in a particular scheme code.

What could be wrong?

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It is defined whether a particular scheme allows only credit transactions or only debit transactions or both. Please inquire for the particular scheme in the menu GSPI. If it is not included, call data center.

32. I am not able to post a transaction beyond a certain amount in a

particular scheme code. What could be wrong? The upper limit for each type of transaction like cash, transfer and clearing

for both debit and credit is fixed. Please inquire for the particular scheme in the menu GSPI. If the amount is to be modified, call data center. The upper limit for each type of transaction like cash, transfer and clearing only for debits is also fixed for each user role in the menu RPM.

33. I am not able to enter a particular instrument type for a particular

scheme. What could be wrong? The valid instrument types for each scheme is specified in scheme level

parameters. Please inquire for the particular scheme in the menu GSPI. If an instrument type is to be added, call data center.

34. I am not able to post the debit transaction in a particular scheme.

What could be wrong? The user has to check for the value in the field "Scheme Cr Dr Indicator"

using menu option GSPI. The value "C" indicates that the credit transactions are not allowed in the

scheme. The value "D" indicates that the debit transactions are not allowed in the

scheme. The value "B" indicates that both credit and debit transactions are not

allowed in the scheme. The value "Null" indicates that both credit and debit transactions are

allowed in the scheme. 35. How do I differentiate between the user created transaction and

system generated transaction? A transaction generated by the system will have the prefix “S” to the

transaction number generated. A transaction created by the user will have the prefix “BI” followed by the number.

36. Can I delete a system-generated voucher? No. The user cannot delete a system-generated voucher. The user can

reverse the system-generated voucher using the menu HCRT. 37. The system generates certain transactions during the day. Do I have

to write the vouchers manually? Instead of preparing manual vouchers for bank induced transactions, the

user can take a print of the voucher VCHR. If the user wants the print of a single voucher he can go through the menu TM (Advice Print) and if he

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wants a batch printing of vouchers then he can go through the menu VCHR.

38. What is a "warning", "exception" and "error"? Before accepting the transaction and giving the transaction serial number,

the system will validate all the exceptions defined in the application. If the exception is defined as a “Warning”, the user can complete the transaction by overriding the warning. If the exception is defined as “Exception”, then the user who has sufficient work class to override such exceptions alone can complete the transaction. This is the same even in the case of system generated transactions. If the exception is defined as an “Error”, then no user can complete the transaction and even the system generated transactions will not go through.

39. While trying to post a transaction, I have encountered an exception.

How to deal with this? The minimum work class which is required to post an exceptional

transaction and the minimum work class, which is required to approve the exceptional transaction is defined in the menu EXCDM. If the user having sufficient work class, posts an exceptional transaction, then the user who is having sufficient work class to verify an exceptional transaction should verify the transaction. If the same transaction is posted by a user having sufficient work class to approve exceptional transactions, then the system will not prompt for verification. The verification of exceptional transactions can be done through the menu TEA. The user can inquire into the exceptional transactions through the menu TEI.

40. What is the difference between entering, posting and verifying a

transaction? There are three stages for completing a transaction, which can be

performed by the users depending on their work class. They are Entering, Posting and Verifying.

At the stage of "E – Enter", no data is updated. The system will generate a serial number for each part tran and is displayed in the screen at the top on the right side.

At the stage of "P – Post", the data is updated. The system will generate a tran id at the stage of entry or posting

depending on commit (F10) pressed by the user. The stage "Verify" does not have any significance in Finacle as far as data

update is concerned. But it should be noted that unless all transactions are verified, the end of day (EOD) couldn't be done.

41. Can all users enter, post and verify a transaction? No. Depending on the work class they are associated, the users can either

enter & post or verify the transaction.

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42. Can the same user do the entering, posting and verifying a

transaction? No. A single user cannot do the entering, posting and verifying a

transaction. 43. Can the same user do the entering and posting of a transaction? Yes. Depending on the work class some users can do only entering of a

transaction while some others can do both entering and posting of a transaction.

44. A transaction has been entered by one user and posted by another

user. Does this require verification by the third user? No. A transaction needs two users for its successful completion. When a

transaction is entered by one user, and posted by another user, the system updates the verifier field with the user who has posted it automatically and hence does not require verification.

45. How do I know whether a voucher is in entered, posted or verified

status? The user can use the menu HFTI/FTI and query on the transactions. There

are various criteria on basis of which the system will display a report. If the user clicks on any particular transaction in case of HFTI, the system will display the full details of that particular transaction. In the case of FTI, the user will have to select the transaction and press CTRL + E to explode the transaction.

46. Can the same user do the posting and verifying of a transaction? No. A single user cannot do both the posting and verifying of a

transaction. 47. I have wrongly posted a part transaction by pressing P and F4 but

I have not yet committed/saved the transaction. How can I set it right without redoing the whole exercise?

Use sub-option ‘R’ in the same place where you had used ‘P’ option while posting; now press F4 (Accept key). The part transaction will come back to unverified / unposted state. It will be reset. 48. How to see who has created / modified / posted / verified and

time when the transaction was posted? Use TM option and in the sub-option give O-Other part-tran inquiry and press F4 to know the details

49. When posting a transaction system gives error “Additional details not entered”?

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Use TM – sub-option – A – Additional details screen, enter the additional details and then post the part-tran 50. What is the difference between a back dated and a value dated

transaction? In a back dated transactions the GL gets updated from the back date given. In a value dated transactions the GL does not get updated as on the value

date but will have an affect only for the calculation of interest as of the value date even if the interest is already calculated for the account.

51. How do I go about putting through a value-dated transaction? The user can put through a value dated transaction. The user can input the value date in the " value date" field in the menu TM

or in other menus while entering/posting the transaction. On committing the transaction, the system will display the message to the affect that it is a value-dated transaction.

52. I have a future dated instrument on hand.Can I enter it in the system? A facility is provided for entering the future dated instruments through the

menu PTM.The user should note that he could only "enter" the transaction but cannot either "post" or "verify" the transaction.

53. Can I put through a transaction between two customer accounts

across two SOLs? Yes. It is possible to put through a transaction between two customer

accounts across two SOLs, provided the user is a "Free User" and the menu invoked is also "Free".

54. I am a user in Bangalore Branch. I want to put through a transaction

debiting a customer's account at Mumbai Main branch and crediting another customer's account at Chennai. Is it possible?

Yes. It is possible to post the transaction if the user is "free" and the menu invoked is also "free".

55. Can I put through a transaction between one customer account and

one office account across two SOLs? In the menu ACMDB, if the value in the field "Tran from other Sol alwd" is "Y" then the user can put through transactions into an office account of the other SOL. And if the value is "N", it is not possible to put through a transaction between a customer account in the primary SOL and an office account at the other SOL. But it is possible to put through a transaction between an office account at the primary SOL and a customer account at the other SOL. In other words, even a "Free User" cannot access the office account in another SOL.

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56. I have to put through around 500 transactions crediting various SB accounts across various SOLs. How can I do this?

The user can either post the transactions by uploading through floppy in the menu TTUM or TTUMP. The transactions encountering any exceptions or errors will not be uploaded. All the scheme level and account level validations will be done by the system. The system will give a report of successful and unsuccessful transactions.

The user can also invoke the menu BTP to post all the part trans in one shot. The user should invoke this menu with caution since he will not be in a position to view all the part trans before committing to post. The system will automatically generate a report giving all the part tran details.

57. I have one set of transactions consisting of various instruments

pertaining to same account. Do I have to post details of all the instruments individually every time?

The user can invoke TM menu and give "C" in the "Option" field. The system will copy the first voucher entry any number of multiple

times. The cursor will permit to modify the account number and the amount. The other leg of cash account (Dr or Cr) gets automatically updated with

the balances. The cash leg of the transaction cannot be copied. While resorting to "copy" the system will not take the user to additional

detail screen even if the information is required. In the case of office accounts the user can invoke TM menu and give "S".

The system will do the above. 58. Through which menu can I enter, post and verify a transaction? All transactions except for clearing are entered, posted and verified

through a single menu TM. Inward clearing transactions are posted/verified through ICTM menu and outward clearing transactions are posted/verified through OCTM.

Cash receipts can also be done through the menu HCASHDEP. Cash payments can also be done through the menu HCASHWD. Transfer transactions can also be done through the menu HXFER.

59. I want to delete a part tran in a particular set. How can I delete? The user will have to invoke TM menu, give the transaction serial number

and "D" in the "Option" field. The system will delete the particular part tran provided it is still in "entered" status.

60. I have "posted" a transaction in a wrong account. Can I cancel the

same? When the transaction is in "P - Posted" stage, the data base is updated.

Hence deletion and/or modification is not allowed.

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But if the user chooses, he can reverse the posted transaction through the menu HCRT. This facility is available for the scheme types SBA, CAA, CCA and ODA only. For any reason, if the system does not allow the reversal, the user has to pass the vouchers manually through the menu TM and invoke HCRT for marking the transaction as reversed.

In case of transactions pertaining to office accounts, there is a facility to delete even the posted transactions.

The deletion can be part tran by part tran and the entire set cannot be deleted at one go even if the entire set pertains to office accounts.

The deletion can be in respect of only current day’s transactions. If the office account is a Head Office Account then the transaction cannot

be deleted. This deletion of transactions can be done through the menu TD. 61. I want to delete the full transaction set. How can I delete? The user will have to invoke TM menu and give "D" in the "Function"

field and the transaction serial number. The system will delete the entire set provided it is still in "entered" status.

62. I have "entered" a transaction in a wrong account. Can I cancel the

same? When the transaction is in "E – Enter" stage, then only deletion or

modification is allowed. 63. A transaction has been posted in a wrong account and it is also

verified. Can I cancel the same? No. The transaction cannot be cancelled. But a posted transaction can be reversed using the menu HCRT. If for any reason reversal is not possible then the user will have to use TM

menu and pass the reversal vouchers manually and then mark the original transaction as reversed through the menu HCRT.

64. I have put through a transaction some time back. Now I require

modifying the particulars of that transaction. Is it possible? The user can change the remarks of any transaction, even back dated, if he

wants to. The user will have to invoke the menu TD and go for modification mode. The user will be able to change the particulars, remarks, etc of the transaction.

65. How do I post a transaction, which is denoted in foreign currency? The user will have to post the transaction through the menu TM. In case of cross currency payment and receipt transactions, the user will

put through all the part trans and the transaction will not be in a balanced status. For example Dr. Account No1 (INR) RS 4000 and Cr Account No 2 (USD) 100. In order to balance the transaction, the system automatically creates some additional transactions affecting trading accounts (position

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accounts) for balancing the user created transaction set. Once the user created transaction is posted, these system created transactions also get posted. The following examples will enable the user to understand the transaction creation

Example For currency involving home currency and one other currency:

User Created Dr Customer Account INR 4000 Cr Customer Account USD 100 System Created Dr Trading Account USD

100 Cr Trading Account INR 4000 For currency involving home currency and more than one other currency: User Created Dr Customer Account USD 100 Cr Exchange Account INR 4000 User Created Dr Customer Account INR 4000 Cr Exchange Account GBP 50 System Created Dr Trading Account INR

4000 Cr Trading Account USD 100 Dr Trading Account GBP 50 Cr Trading Account INR 4000 For cross currency transactions visit the "amount" field in the TM menu

and explode. It will display the block for doing data entry of currency received and the rate to be fed. The user will have to give the currency code, currency amount, and rate code. On feeding the rate code, the system, by default, picks up the latest rate for that currency pair from the rate table. If it is not the latest rate, the system will display a warning. The user can modify the rate displayed.

66. In an account there is some amount on which lien is marked. While

posting a transaction I find that the balance is insufficient and I want to release the lien so that I can complete the transaction. How do I release the lien on the earmarked amount?

To release the lien on earmarked amount the user can give "W" in the "Option" field in the menu TM and press F4.

The user can release the lien marked in the account in case of insufficient balance.

The release of lien can be for a part amount also. The availability of the option depends on the work class. 67. I have debited the customer's account for charges and I have to send

an advice to him. How can I print the advice? The user can print the transaction advice through the menu


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68. While uploading transactions through floppy, will the transaction be

in "entered" or "posted" status? Does this transaction require verification?

If the user uploads the transaction through the menu TTUM, the transactions will be in entered status and he will have to post every part tran individually or invoke the menu BTP for bulk posting.

If the user uploads the transaction through the menu TTUMP, the transactions will be posted status. The transactions encountering any exceptions or errors will not be uploaded. All the scheme level and account level validations will be done by the system. The system will give a report of successful and unsuccessful transactions.

69. I want to inquire into the transactions that are reversed. Where can I

get this? The user can inquire into the transactions that are reversed through the

menu HFTI/FTI.

70. What is type/sub type I should use while transferring cash from vault to teller or from one teller to another? C/CT – Type/subtype is used for Cash Transfer for internal transfer of cash, like from the vault to different tellers and vice versa.

71. I want to inquire into the transactions put through in an office

account, which is pointing type for reconciling the account. How can I do it? The user has to invoke the menu HIOT and give the criteria for selection. If the user clicks on the red coloured icon, the system will display the details of the original transaction and if he clicks on yellow coloured icon, the system will display all the reversal transactions. • Following are some of the useful tips for the convenience of the


• After opting for the Function A or M in the TM menu, from the account id field the user can explode by pressing CTRL E to get the additional details of the account.

• In the date field in any screen, press CTRL X to get the current date.

• In the amount field in any screen, press CTRL X to get the maximum

amount defined by the application.

• While posting cash receipts or cash payments, in the amount field in ONS menus the user can type 3C for 3,00,00,000.00, 2L for 2,00,000.00, 4T for 4,000.00, 3.54C for 3,54,00,000.00 etc.

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• For cross currency transactions come to the amount field in the TM

menu and explode. It will display the block for doing data entry of currency received and the rate to be fed.

• Type the short name in the account id field in any screen and press F2,

you will get the list of all accounts under that short name. This will make selection of account id easy.

• In which ever menu the user finds “V – Verify” in the field

“Function”, then the operations in that menu requires verification or else it does not require verification

72. How do I post a cheque for cash payment in an account? The user can either invoke the menu TM or HCASHWD for making cash

payment. In case of normal payment transaction, the user will put through only one

leg of the transactions, namely debit. The system will automatically put the other leg of the transaction crediting the teller cash account.

73. How do I make cash payment through the menu HCASHWD? This menu can be used only for withdrawing the cash from

SBA/CAA/ODA/CCA/OAB scheme type of accounts. The user has to first invoke the menu HCASHWD. If the transaction is for a single account, the user has to enter the amount

and click on "Go". If the transaction is for multiple accounts, the user has to enter the total

amount for all the accounts and click on "Go". Give the account number and amount to be paid from that account. If

there are more than one account, then the user will have to click on "Next" and enter the subsequent accounts and their respective amounts. Once the amount is tallied, the user has to click on "Submit" to create the transaction. The transaction created will be in "posted" status.

If the user wants to create TOD while making cash payment, he will have to click "Grant TOD". For this the user should have sufficient work class for creating TOD.

74. How do I accept a cash receipt to the credit of an account? The user can either invoke the menu TM or HCASHDEP for making cash

receipt. In case of normal receipt transaction, the user will put through only one

leg of the transactions, namely credit. The system will automatically put the other leg of the transaction debiting the teller cash account.

75. How do I accept cash receipt through the menu HCASHDEP?

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This menu can be used only for depositing cash into SBA/CAA/ODA/CCA/OAB scheme type of accounts.

The user has to first invoke the menu HCASHDEP. If the transaction is for a single account, the user has to etner the amount

and click on "Go". If the transaction is for multiple accounts, the user has to enter the total

amount for all the accounts and click on "Go". Give the account number and amount to be deposited into that account. If

there are more than one account, then the user will have to click on "Next" and enter the subsequent accounts and their respective amounts. The system will allow till the part tran amounts tally with the total amount. Once the amount is tallied, the user has to click on "Submit" to create the transaction. The transaction created will be in "posted" status.

76. What are the valid sub types for a transfer transaction? The valid sub types for a transfer transaction are as below: IP – Interest Paid SI – Standing Instruction BS – Bank Induced S I SC – Service Charge CI – Customer Induced BI – Bank Induced AR – Account Revaluation BT – Back Office Transaction EO–ECSOutwardTransaction EI – ECS Inward Transaction 77. I want to do a transfer transaction in an account. How do I proceed? The user has to post the transfer transaction through the menu TM or

HXFER. In respect of transfer transaction, the user has to enter both debit and credit

transactions and also has to ensure that the set is balanced. Posting of a transaction is not possible until the debit amount and credit

amount is matched. 78. How do I do a transfer transaction through the menu HXFER?

• This menu can be used only for transfers relating to SBA/CAA/ODA/CCA/OAB.

• The user has to first invoke the menu HXFER. • The user has to give the transaction sub type and click on "Go". • The user has to enter the details of all the part trans. The system will

always take the first part tran as debit and the next as credit. The user will have to click on "Next" to enter the details of all the part trans. After all the part trans are entered, the user will have to click on "submit" to create the transaction. The system will create a transaction only if the transfer set is balanced.

• The transaction created will be in "posted" status. • If the user wants to create TOD while entering debit part tran, he will

have to click "Grant TOD". For this the user should have sufficient work class for creating TOD.

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79. How do I know whether a transfer set is balanced or not? In the menu TM, the user will have to give U in the "Option" field and

press F4 to view the transaction and to know whether the transfer set is balanced or not.

The view displays only the consolidated debit and credit amount and individual transaction details are not given.

To get the individual transaction list, the user will have to give "L" in the "Option" field in the menu TM.

80. I have posted a transfer set. Now I find that one part tran is wrongly

posted. How can I rectify this? A posted transaction cannot be cancelled/deleted but it can be reversed

using the menu HCRT. One part tran in a transfer set can also be reversed through this menu.

If for any reason reversal is not possible then the user will have to use TM menu and pass the reversal vouchers manually and then mark the original transaction as reversed through the menu HCRT.

81. While entering a transfer set I want to come commit the unfinished set

and come out of the menu. Is it possible? A transaction can be committed even if the set is not balanced, i.e.,

unfinished so long as the user is only entering the set and not trying to post it.

82. A chequebook has been issued to a particular account. The regular

officer who normally verifies such an issue is on leave. What can I do?

Please invoke the menu UPM and check in the field "Auth User" where in an alternate authority will be mentioned. This authority can verify the issue of chequebook during the absence of the regular person.

83. I have posted a cheque in a customer account. Later I had reversed

the transaction. What will happen to the status of this particular cheque?

When the user reverses a transaction through the menu HCRT, the system will automatically change the status of the cheque from "paid" to "Unused". If, at the time of reversal of transaction through HCRT, the system does not update the status of the cheque, it will display appropriate message. The user will have to invoke the menu UCS and modify the status of the cheque.

84. I have received a court order for freezing the payments in a particular customer account. How can I ensure this?

Please invoke the menu AFSM and give "F" in the "Function" field. This option allows you to freeze or unfreeze all accounts of a customer, change

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the freeze reason code and the freeze code of accounts that have already been frozen using this option.

If the user wants to freeze at the customer level, user will have to give the customer id and if he wants to freeze only one or few accounts of a customer, he will have to give the account id.

All the accounts under the selected customer ID will be displayed and you can select/Deselect the accounts by pressing Down Arrow key + Shift F4.

This will require verification by another user. 85. I was moving an inventory from one location to another location. The

record is created but it is in entered stage. I do not remember the record number that was shown to me after entering the record. How to get that number so that it can be verified. Use option IMR and the filtering criteria ‘E’ to find the inventory movement records that have been “Entered but not verified”.

86. How to authorize the inventory when the inventory authorizer is on

leave? The user-id, which is mentioned as auth-id in UPM, can also authorize the

inventory password in absence of the original authorizer

87. Through which menu can I inquire into the transactions in a pointing type office account? The user can inquire into the transactions in a pointing type office account through the menu HIOT.

88. Should the transactions routed through intersol office accounts require being reconciled? When transactions take place between SOLs, the cashbook of the particular SOL cannot be balanced unless the transactions between the SOLs are reconciled. The branch that initiates a transaction between service outlets is called the initiating SOL and the other service outlet/s are called participating SOLs. One of the participant SOLs or a third SOL can initiate transactions. In case the initiating SOL is also a participating SOL, the reconciliation is a simple reverse transaction between the two SOLs. In case the initiating SOL is a third SOL, reconciliation is between the initiating SOL and both the participating SOLs. The RIST option is used for Inter SOL (ISO) reconciliation. This option should be executed before the ABH menu option is executed.

89. What is the workflow for creating an originating transaction in an office account of head office type? • Type TM in the Menu Option and press [Enter]. The Transactions

Maintenance screen is displayed. • Type A in the Function field of the Transaction Maintenance screen.

Enter the Type/Subtype field and press F4.

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• Specify the A/c No and the Amount involved in the transaction. • Specify the Part Tran. Type. (To access this field, enter the Amount

and press F4). Enter other general details on this screen. • The default value displayed in the Visit Screen field depends on the

HO account and the part transaction type you specify. • Enter the appropriate values in the Function field and press F4. The

Implicit Part Tran Details screen is displayed. The service charges calculated by the system are displayed but they can be modified.

• The cursor is positioned on the Actual Amount field of commission charges, on the bottom line of the screen. Enter the amount you want to charge for this part transaction and press F4. This amount is now reflected in the Actual Amount field on the top of the screen.

• Press F4. The Originating Tran Details screen is displayed with the cursor positioned in the Data field. Specify appropriate values in the fields here and press F4. The Transaction Maintenance screen is displayed.

• Press F10. The Post Commit Details screen is displayed.

90. What is the workflow for reversing an Originated or Responded Transaction in an office account of head office type? • Type TM in the Menu Option and press [Enter]. The Transactions

Maintenance screen is displayed. • Type A in the Function field of the Transaction Maintenance screen.

Enter the details of the transaction to be reversed. • Give the value "X" in the visit screen field and press F4. • Give the account number that has been entered in the Transaction

Maintenance screen. • Give the name of the account that has been entered in the Transaction

Maintenance screen. • In the field "Original Tran Prior To" a default date is displayed. If the

original transaction occurred earlier than this date, enter "Y" here or else "N". If "Y" is entered, entry in all the fields except the Original Tran Id. field is mandatory. If "N" is entered, it is mandatory to enter only the Originating / Responding field.

• In the field " Originating / Responding", specify whether the transaction is originating or responding.

• In the field "Advice Number", give the advice number of the original transaction that is being reversed.

• In the field "Bank Code" the code of the bank on which the transaction was initiated - for an originating transaction; or the responding bank for a responding transaction is to be given.

• In the field "Branch Code" the code of the branch on which the transaction was initiated - for an originating transaction; or the responding branch - for a responding transaction is to be given.

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• In the field "Extn. Cntr Code", give the code of the extension counter of the branch on which the transaction was initiated - for an originating transaction; or the responding extension counter - for a responding transaction.

• In the field "Category Code", the category to which the original transaction belongs is to be furnished here.

• In the field "Original Tran Id", give the Transaction ID of the original transaction.

• After entering valid data in the above fields, press F4 to accept. • The Transactions Maintenance screen is displayed with a list of all

transactions satisfying the specified criteria. Select the appropriate transaction.

• In the field "Create contra?" field indicate whether a contra transaction has to be created or not and press F4.

• If the "Default Contra A/c No" field has not been defined for the relevant category code, then the user will have to enter the contra account number.

• Press F4 to accept. The initial Transaction Maintenance screen is displayed.

• The user can view additional details of the selected transaction by selecting the Additional Details (A) option in the field "Specify Option" and pressing F4. This will display the transaction details screen.

• Press F10 to commit and to complete the reversal procedure. A reversal transaction cannot be modified. If modification is required the transaction must be deleted and re-entered.

91. Inward Clearing is not balanced. Which reports to take to crosscheck

the entries? Use PICS/PTW and generate the clearing report and cross-check the transactions.

92. I try to print a DD, it says, “inventory not in user location”.

Please use option IMC in consultation with your officer to get the inventory moved from (DL) to your location (EM) within the system.

93. I cannot issue a particular cheque book or DD book that is physically

available with me but I do not know within the system this inventory is at which location or in which user’s location? Use ISIA option and specify the inventory number available with you. The output will tell you the name of the location where the inventory is captured within the system.

94. How to issue a duplicate DD?

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Use DDLOST option to mark the DD status as L-Lost and do DDD to Issue a duplicate DD.

95. How to pass entry to DD account without creating a DD for printing, i.e. rectification entries to DD account?

Use DDT menu option 96. How to find the AOD number for an AOD printed on given date?

Use HOCIP and give the following inputs and get the report Ho.Tran Type as – O – Originating, Give bank / branch code and Tran date range.

97. Standing Instruction is not getting executed

Reason for this may be • Insufficient balance in the debit operative account at the time of

execution of SI • Exceptions in the Transactions while executing the SI

98. Wrong next execution date set in standing instruction. What to do?

• Check whether any transactions are in entered status for the said account and post if the same is available

• When no transaction is created check the SI parameter in HSSIM option

• If the next execution date is less than today’s date make the same tomorrow’s date (if execution time is during BOD) so that the same gets executed during the next BOD.

99. How to find out all the standing instructions given by a customer and

captured in Finacle? • Go to CUMM give the cust-id and use sub-option S - to know all the

standing instruction pertaining to this cust-id. 100. Give me the workflow for end of day activities of a SOL.

The user will have to: • Reconcile the intersol transactions through the menu RIST. • Check if there are any pending jobs that are to be completed for the

day through the menu SOLVAL. • Initiate the closing operations in the SOL through the menu CSOLOP. • Finally check the status of the SOL through the menu SOLSTAT.

101. What are the checks the system does during the process of SOLVAL? The following error checks will be done by the system: • 1-Checks if all transactions initiated by the SOL are posted. • 2-Checks if all transactions initiated by the SOL are balanced. • 3-Checks if any inter sol transactions initiated by the SOL are pending.

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• 4-Checks if all cash and transfer transactions have been closed. If the cash and transfer transactions are not closed, system will close them.

• 5-Checks for DD number is less than the DD number warning level • 6-Checks for any transaction against unverified accounts. • 7-Checks if EOD date is greater than the system date (cannot be

greater than system date). • 8-Checks if any caution holiday is marked for the SOL and also for

data centre. • 9-Checks for any user logged into the application. • 10-Checks if all transactions initiated by some other SOL on this SOL

are posted. • 11-Checks if all ISO trans initiated by some other SOL on this SOL

are pending. • 12-Checks for unverified transaction - (If defined in HSCFM). • 13-Checks for unposted inventory transactions - (If defined in

HSCFM) • 14-Checks for outstanding modifications (Pending authorisation) - (If

defined in HSCFM) • 15-Checks for outstanding verification of bills – (If defined in

HSCFM) • 16-Checks for inward clearing zone in unclosed status – (If defined in

HSCFM). • 17-Checks for outward clearing zone in open or suspended status – (If

defined in HSCFM). • 18-Checks for SI execution pending – (If defined in HSCFM). • 19-Checks for unprinted DD – (If defined in HSCFM) • 20-Checks for unprinted TDR – (If defined in HSCFM) • 21-Checks for unverified proxy transactions – (If defined in HSCFM)

102. I want to do "end of day" for the SOL. But I find certain transactions are still in "entered" status. How do I proceed? • At the end of the day, if there are any transactions in the entered status

it is not possible to do the "end of day" activities. • In such cases, the user has two options either to post the transactions or

delete the transactions. • The user can either post the transaction through the menu TM or delete

the transaction that is in "entered" status through the menu TM/HDTE. • But at the end of the day, if there are any transaction sets where some

of the part trans are in "posted" status and some other are in "entered" status then the user cannot delete such transactions.

• The user may have to resort to proxy posting of such transactions, which can be done through the menu PPT.

• The user can also invoke TM menu and give "Y" in the "Option" field for doing the proxy posting.

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• The user can do proxy posting only if it is allowed in the field "Proxy posting" in the menu HSCFM (General Details).

103. Through which menu do I have to proceed for completing "end of

day" for the SOL? The user can use the menu CSOLOP for proceeding with the end of day activities for the SOL.

104. While proceeding to do CSOLOP, I find there are so many entries

which are in entered status. I intend to delete them. Do I have to do it one by one? If the user decides to delete all the transactions that are in entered status at one go, he can do so through the menu HDTE. However, before clicking on "submit", the user is advised to go through all the transactions that are in entered status and satisfy himself that they are necessarily to be deleted.

105. I want to proceed to do CSOLOP of my SOL and I want to ensure

that no user is able to put through any transactions. How can I ensure? • The application provides a facility to stop all the transactions by any

user. There are various menus with various purposes, which are as follows:

• The user can stop the cash transaction through the menu SCST and the transfer transaction through the menu SXFT. In both the cases, the user is allowed to post, modify, verify and delete the existing transaction but will not allow him to add any new transaction.

• The user can also close the cash transaction through the menu CCST and the transfer transaction through the menu CXFT. In both the cases, the user will not be allowed to add any new transaction and they also cannot modify or delete the existing transaction.

• The menus can be invoked only before initiating the CSOLOP. 106. I have closed the transactions in order to initiate CSOLOP. But I

need to reopen to post certain transactions. Can I do it? The user can open the system for transaction through the menu OCST for cash transactions and OXFT for transfer transactions. These menus are automatically invoked by the system during the ISOLOP operation.

107. I have initiated CSOLOP of my branch. Can the users still put

through the transactions? Yes. The users will be allowed to put through the transaction even if the CSOLOP is initiated. But once the CSOLOP is completed successfully no user will be allowed to put through any transactions nor complete the existing transactions.

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108. Do I have to take up backup of SOL data on the completion of CSOLOP of my SOL? There is no need to take any backup at the SOL level. The backups are taken at the data centre for the entire database.

109. The system is not showing some of the accounts in the debit balance

report. The report is a part of EOD and hence the data at the time of day end is fetched for generation of this report. In case you want this report urgently, you may generate it after CSOLOP is completed for the day or at the time of day begin of next day.

110. How to find the account balance of a particular customer ID. Use CUSTBALP menu option.

111. While generating statement of account through PSP menu option the report is generated blank. Go in ACM menu option for modification of the concerned account. Select sub-option 0, 2nd page. Change the local calendar field as N and save. Verify the record and generate the report.

112. Which menu option should be used to know total deposit for a customer? User menu option ACSP spcify the cust-id you will get the all type of accounts opened under that cust-id

113. What is the menu option for interest certificate for the deposit customer? Use menu option INTCERT.

114. Wrong entries done in outward clearing are in verified status. How to rectify this? Open a new zone with similar latency period. Transfer this particular set to the new zone using menu option TROFSETS. Delete the entry from the new zone. Enter proper records in the correct zone.

115. How we can get the list for the teller a/c which are assigned in our branch. Use GECM menu option. In function List give the sol id & then press F4. System will generate the list.

116. An employee is deputed to our branch for a temporary period. We want to extend his period in our branch. Use menu option HUPM and extend his account expiry date as future date. Verify the modifications.

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117. In TM we are debiting some account and crediting HO account. System gives instrument not valid for the credit part transaction. For credit part transaction enter instrument type as VC.

118. How to undelete the deleted user id? In menu option HUPM, select the function undelete and enter the user id. Verify the record after undelete is completed.

119. What to do when one user is absent & we are transferring the inventory from his/her location? First see that authoriser ID for the person who is absent. The user ID of the absent person can be replaced by the authorisers user ID to complete the transfer. The password of the authoriser will be accepted by the system.

120. I want to assign another user as a head cashier in place of our regular head cashier. In EFM menu option change the field "is emp a head teller" as Y for new user and N for existing one. Also increase the work class in HUPM for the new head cashier.

121. How to change the SOL ID of the user who is transferred to other branch? Use menu option CSE.

122. I am not able to verify the standing instruction through the menu option SIM. Go to SIM menu option. Visit the debit & credit part transactions by putting down & up arrow key and save the record by pressing F10.

123. Transaction maintenance is giving the warning as memo pad exists. While working in TM menu option, when you are getting this warning, press CTRL + F9 and see the details why the memo pad is created.

124. Is there any provision to print particular pages of a report? After report generation go to PR menu option. Keep cursor on that record and give CTRL + E twice on it. It will save the soft copy to C:\FinacleFiles. Select print file and print a page.

125. We want to view the standing instruction for a particular customer ID. Go to menu option SII and inquire by giving the related customer ID.

126. How to find when a particular day's outward clearing was released/ regularised. In MCLZOH menu option transaction ID is created that gives date of the transaction when the clearing is released. To find the date of regularization

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press CTRL + E. That gives the date of transaction modification which is the date of regularisation.

127. We have paid the demand drafts drawn on us in Finacle through TM menu option by debiting the drafts payable account. The advices of drawings are also received by us. How to account for these advices? Use DDT menu option and credit the DP account.

128. How to deal with Outward clearing zone partially regularised? Due to some exception transaction may remain in entered status while released to shadow balance. This has to be taken care through TM and the transaction should be fully posted. Try regularizing the zone again after this.

129. How to cancel a pay slip which was issued in Finacle? Use menu DDC. Give transaction ID, part transaction detail & issue date for cancellation.

130. How to change the authoriser ID for the inventory location DL/DL? Use menu option IMAUM to change the authoriser ID.

131. How to generate a report for debits allowed against clearing effects? Use menu option EXCPRPT. Give the exception code GE5 and “on or off set” as A and exception type as F for financial transactions.

132. How to cancel pay slip issued prior to Finacle. Go to DDT menu option and debit PSI account and credit it to the customers account. Verify transaction in TM after giving remark for PS no.

133. Can I regularise today the outward clearing zone 06 that is released today? This is not possible. Only high value clearing zone can be released & regularised on the same day. Zone 06 is not a high value clearing.

134. A/c has been closed prior to migration and a cheque for the account is presented in inward clearing. How to deal with the return? In place of the closed account enter some office account and mark a reject of the same.

135. How to change my password without the system prompting for the same? Click on background menu. Enter PWMNT in select field. Press F4 system will take you to password change option. Put your existing password, press F4, put new password and repeat for confirmation. Press F10 to save.

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136. I want to reverse the stop payment charges taken by the system.

Once the transaction is posted you need to manually reverse the transaction through TM. However, for stop payment charges while entering the stop payment instruction in option field enter C, press F4 and edit charges displayed by the system.

137. We want the financial transactions report for amount above 10 Lacs in cash. Use menu option FTR, give transaction type as C, low amount as Rs. 10 Lacs, date for which you want to generate the list. After getting the list press F4 once again to take a print.

138. How to check if a DD is printed or not? Use menu option DDPALL Give the date. System will list all the unprinted DD’s for the date.

139. How to split the cheque book inventory? Use menu option ISI with function S- Split. Press F4. System will generate the list of inventory available at employee’s location. Select the inventory you want to split by pressing SHIFT + F4. Specify no. Items per unit and no. units and save by pressing F10.

140. How to download BDS data? Use menu option BDSDL. System will prompt for path; enter path where you want to download.

141. Want to download ALM in floppy. Use ALMDL option.

142. I want to know the cheque no for which stop payment is entered but not verified. Use menu option AFI, give the account no and authorised flag as N. System will give the unauthorised record with respect to account, you will come to know the cheque no from the given list. Or in SPPAU menu press F2 where system is asking for account no.

143. How to mark holiday? Use menu option CTM then modify it. Mark a day as holiday.

144. Can I give series of cheques for stop payment? While marking stop payment it will ask you begin cheque no. and no. of leaves.

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145. While debiting HO account and crediting GENSUS account it is asking for additional detail. How to enter the transactions? While putting the transaction for HO account you need to specify in the visit screen field if it is an originating or responding entry and put the additional details accordingly. For GENSUS account also you need to specify the original transaction being reversed. For this in additional details put start amount and end amount as blank. Press F4. Select the entry to be reversed with SHIFT + F4. Press F4 and complete the transaction.

146. An instrument is received in inward clearing that is not listed or a listed instrument is not received by us. How to deal with this situation? Enter the Bar amount as actually received by you. Enter the instrument normally in ICTM. System will automatically show in MICZ second screen (Statistics) as excess claim or short claim as applicable. You need to settle this claim in the respective accounts manually.

147. We issue DD/Pay Slips against cheques issued by the customers,

where the cheques are issued for the total amount of remittance and commission/ exchange. In case the cheque is for short or excess amount how to adjust it? Use DDCALC/ PSCALC option to calculate the exchange/ commission for the remittance amount and obtain the cheque for the total amount so calculated. In case the cheque is drawn for excess/ short amount, then in TM add a part transaction to refund/ recover the balance amount to customer account. Complete the transaction normally.

148. How to reverse a proxy transaction? Use menu option SPTM, Function R – Reverse. Select the transaction with SHIFT + F4 when you get the list of outstanding transactions. Do the changes as per your requirement in the reversal details and save using F10 key. Verify the transaction created.

149. How to cancel DD issued prior to Finacle migration? For canceling pre migration DD, debit the suspense account and credit customer account. The outstanding suspense entry is to be nullified by raising a DN / SCS to concerned branch.

150. Bar amount in inward clearing zone wrongly entered and zone posted. We are not able to modify the bar amount now. How to proceed?

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Since the zone is posted, the modification is not allowed now. Pass a manual voucher through TM. The difference amount lies either in short claim or excess claim account.

151. How to view and modify SI for an account. Use menu option SII. Enter the related account no and press F4. System will give a list of all standing instructions for the account. For account modification use HSSIM/ SIM.

152. Is there any report available where we can have the details regarding name of the customer, term deposit receipt no., and tax deducted amount (TDS details)? Use menu option TDSIP/ HTDSIP.

153. I want to reprint the passbook entries that are already printed. Use PBP menu option. In the date field, press CTRL + E key and press F2. Now select the specific transaction from the list. Change the new pass book field as N, specify the line number and press F4.

154. How to do revalidation of DD/ Pay order? Use DDSM menu, enter the details and press F4. Change the revalidation date and commit by pressing F10. Verify the revalidation done.

155. How to unlock an outward clearing zone locked while releasing the same? Use UNLKZ menu option for unlocking the zone.

156. What is the menu option for generating a report giving details of turnover, minimum balance, maximum balance & average balance in accounts? ATOR.

157. Can I print the DD’s after CSOLOP? Yes.

158. How do I find out the inventory transaction ID for any date? Use menu option IMR. Give the transaction date and other required details. Press F4. System will generate a list of inventory transactions.

159. We want all the DD advice nos. which are issued till date. Use menu option HOCIP.

160. A customer who was not using a cheque book facility now wants a cheque book. What is the procedure to be followed?

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Use menu option ACM, Sub- option S- Scheme details. Change the flag for cheque allowed field as Y. Verify the modifications made to the account. Issue the cheque book through ICHB.

161. I have forgot my password. What should I do? Use menu option HUPM which will be availabe for the users who have the workclass above 600. Modify the password. Verify the modification. The new password allotted will be given to the user. Use this password to login. System will force you to change the password.

162. I have wrongly posted the transaction for Pay slip instead of DD. How do I rectify this? Cancel the pay slip through DDC menu option. Transfer the amount to some office account and then issue the DD.

163. How to destroy the inventory like DD, pay slip etc? User menu option IMC. Give the location as EM to DS and give the details of the inventory to be destroyed.

164. How to issue a credit note and print it? Complete the transaction through menu option TM. Use HOCIP menu option to print the advice.

165. How to upload the transactions from a floppy? Copy the text file into C:\finacleupload folder. Use menu option FILETR for transfering the file if you are using credit only file then use menu option TTUMGEN2 for uploading file into finacle. Use menu option TTUM for uploading the transactions in finacle.if you are using debit/credit file then use menu TTUMGEN instade of TTUMGEN2

166. How to find out accounts opened and closed during a specific period? Use menu option ACS, enter the required data, and give open date low and high to get the periodical list. Similarly you can use the fields closed date low and high.

167. How to change the status of the account from dormant to other? Use menu option ACM, function modify, sub-option S- Scheme details, 2nd page. Change the status and save the record. Verify the modifications done.

168. Improper shutdown of finacle pose a problem user has already logged on. What is the solution? Use menu option SAC. Put the function D –Delete for the specific user ID. Press F4. Select the record by SHIFT + F4 and save with F10 key.

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169. A transaction is generated and system is not allowing to post one leg giving the message as " verification pending audit report exist”. It indicates that the concerned account has been modified and the same is still in unverified status. Verify the modification first and then try to post the transaction.

170. Can I cancel the DD that is not yet printed? Yes , you can cancel it by using menu option DDC and giving the transaction ID and serial no / date of the DD transaction.

171. How do we check if the CSOLOP is complete for our branch? Use menu option SOLSTAT.

And More FAQs by HOIT REMITTANCES 172. Q: Details of payslips issued is not shown in the report

It is available through menu option BCREPORT. Payslip report for reconciliation purpose is also available under CALLRPT Option 11.

173. Q: If payslip is issued to staff/for branch work commission is still

charged Commission amount can be made nil at the time of issue of payslip, in the menu option “HDDMI” .

174. Q: AOD printing prints only consolidated amount. Then another

report is to be printed but that too does not contain full details The AOD details are printed on a separate page and all the required details are available in this allonge.

176. Q: How to find out DD advice no. For particular DD cancelled.

Use menu option HOCIP and give all the detail of DD and press F4. explode a particular record. You will come to know the advice no. for this.

177. Q: A DD was issued prior to Finacle. It has come for cancellation now.

We have added the record in DDSM. Still we are getting the message: Non-system DD when we cancel it through DDC option. Since the DD was issued prior to Finacle, the AOD has to be added through menu option DDSMS.refer the PM 10 for the fuctionality

178. Q: Transaction created after the cancellation of DD is not getting

posted. While doing DDC, user has given the transaction type as T (transfer) but given the credit account no. as TELLER01. Now the transaction will not get posted as for TELLER accounts.

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Transaction type should be C (cash). RMIM done for the part-transaction and another part-transaction added with account as SUNDEP099 at DC and posted.

179. Q: We want to get the register of DD issued to customer for a specific

period. "Go in DDIR menu option, fill the following details . * Report to , * From date to date, * A/c id * Rpt code ,* Solid and DD are all printed as - N. The pressF4 and put background as F / print- Y and press F10"

180. Q:how to take out Statements of closed a/cs –

Use menu option PSP - in the field open/close a/c put C-Closed or B-Both instead of O.

181. Q: User want the list of all unprinted DD's & pay slip

User was told to use SOLVAL menu & in that check 17 number option & from there user can get all list of unprinted DD's & pay slip.

182. Q: We r required to generate list of s/i ignored on day to day basis.

Let us know thro' which menu option we can generate this. Through menu option SIETR, you can generate the said report on daily basis.

CASH 183. Q: Denominations are not available making balancing difficult.

The Bank has decided not to have denominations as it will have load on the system, the same should be written on the reverse of the pay-in--slip /chq/wdrl form.

184. Q: Want to appoint the above user as a Teller. How to make them as

an teller02 In EFM he has been marked as a head teller need to change it first with function as modify & verify the same. Then go in GECM menu option & add him as a head teller.

185. Q: Our cashier is going on leave & now we have to allot other user as

chief cashier. how to make the changes First go in EFM & make the earlier cashier as head teller "N" & add the new cashier over their as head teller & also make him as head teller work class in HUPM Menu & verify both EFM & HUPM respectively.

186. Q: User was not able to post the transaction, but while posting he is

getting error part transaction status has to be reset before granting TOD. Give 'R' in specific functions then F4 & then grant TOD & post it.

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187. Q: In a RD account instead of Rs. 1500 teller has wrongly posted Rs.

2000 in the transaction. so user want to know how to rectify it. User was told to do proxy posting in the RD account leg since the teller leg was already posted & after proxy posting user was told to reverse it through SPTM menu & kept that amount in any office account & from that office account transfer correct amount to RD account & balance amt. show as payment.

188. Q: Due to poor connectivity operators who could earlier enter 400

cheques for outward clearing average are now able to enter only 200 cheques. Where there is connectivity problem it should be immediately reported to Data Centre/BKC to restore it at the earliest. Since April 2005 we have not had any connectivity related issues.

189. Q: Difficult to return cheques in case of inward clearing which is also

slow due to poor connectivity. Presently there is no connectivity problem. Further, once all the branches in a Clearing Zone are on Core Banking, centralized upload of clearing instruments can be done. This exercise is already in place and working satisfactorily at Karnataka Zone for the last 3 months.

190. Q: System generated entries should be entered with verified status.

It gets verified for certain events and for others it remains in entered stage as TOD may have to be granted, as also there could be exceptions in the account.

191. Q: System posts some entries in proxy account how can branch know

what these entries are and where the same are to be actually posted? It happens on some occasions but presently this has been made as an error and this has to be reversed on the next working day without which day end will not be completed. Branch can enquire into “PROXY account and reverse it using option SPTM. Pl. refer to PSS/I/IOM/PAK/1563 Dated 28th October 2004

192. Q: While posting above transaction after pressing F10 user was getting error withdrawal amt. can not exceed bal, scheme update fail, sufficient Dr not posted User was getting above error because user was debiting one loan against TDR & for that account user has already debited the account more than sanction limit so either to post it by increasing the limit or by granting the TOD or kept that amt. in any office account.


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193. Q: Stop payments to be entered 1 leaf at a time. To stop 50 cheques would require 50 instructions to register and 50 instructions to authorize. What if cheque is presented and paid before all stop payments can be registered? Stop payment of a range of cheques is possible in one go. The inputs are start cheque number’ and ‘number of leaves’.

194. Q: Any cheque issued can be posted in any account. System does not

warn that cheque is not issued in this account. System prompts while posting that “cheque is not issued in this account”. We have to understand that in the system the validation/exception are done at the stage when the data gets updated at the Central Server. List of major and minor exceptions is available under EODREP. Detailed instructions to deal with minor/major exceptions are also issued from time to time.

195. Q: While issuing Chequebooks previous series is not shown which

makes it fraud prone. All the required details of Chequebooks issued to customer are available in CHBM and ACM Sub Option “Q”.

196. Q: While releasing clearing zone, system got hanged and exited from

that option. While releasing the zone, it gave message that zone is locked

Get it unlock through option UNLKZ and go for releasing the zone 197. Q: What is the menu by which we can find out the location under

which the instrument is lying and through instrument how we can get the a/c no. " INQACHQ is the menu to find the a/c no. to which it has been issued. ISIA is for finding the location . In that give function as I-inquiry, then F4 . Put the invent class/type. and F4"

198. Q: A Cheque book has already been issued to an account and verified,

and the same series issued to another account but not yet verified. Now system is not allowing to either cancel or verify the same. Since the cheque book is already issued to another account, the same cannot be issued to any other account. Please transfer the same series again from ZZ/EXT to DL/DL and then from DL/DL to EM/138120. Cancel the record and then move the inventory back to ZZ/EXT.

199. Q: A cheque was marked as Inward Reject in ICTM option as there were insufficient balance in the a/c But after verification client has deposited the amount in cash. How to change the transaction as normal clearing transaction. Please give the procedure First need to delete the above transaction which is marked as reject. So Use function "D' in ICTM menu option specify the cheque number & F4 .

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Select the transaction by SHIFT+F4 & F10. Then lodge the cheque again in ICTM as a fresh cheque of clearing.

200. Q: While posting a cheque in ICTM user was getting error could not

carved as there are scheme error. User was getting the error because the cheque no was already posted so user was told if they want to post it then first change the cheque status through UCS menu & then try to post it in ICTM.

201. Q: While regularising zone no. 02 user was getting error all part

transaction release to shadow bal. not posted. User was getting above error because in FTI menu some entries are pending in enter status so user was told to first post & verify it & then user can regularise the zone.

202. Q: Want to merge inventory of SB cheque.

Guided on phone to merge inventory by using menu option ISI >> merge option >> and then to give start serial no in 2nd box>> then to give quantity and commit.

203. Q: In ICTM zone code 02, an instrument was lodged in SUNCR

account with instrument as VC instead of VD. Now the transaction is not getting posted. User told to revoke suspend the MICZ. Then modify the ICTM instrument, modify the instrument type from VC to VD and transaction code from 20 to 40 and get it verified. The old part-transaction in the transaction will get deleted and new part-transaction with correct particulars will get added which will get posted.

204. Q: we regularised the clearing zone 06 of 11/07 & 12/07. both r showing partially released. entries marked in MARKPEND first revoke in the menu REVPEND then regularise again. in the zone 06 of 12/07 there was some return posted in the inward clearing. after closure of the zone that will be automatically regularised.

205. Q: While posting a system transaction user was getting error account frozen. User was getting error because account was frozen so user was told to unfreeze that account through AFSM menu & then try to post it.

206. Q: While realising zone no. user was getting error all part transaction realeased to shadow bal. not posted. For that zone some entries was there in entry status so first post & verify it & then go for regularise the zone.

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207. Q: User has issued cheque. book to wrong account physically issued to correct account but in system issued to wrong account. User was told to use the menu XFCHBAC to transfer the cheque. book to correct account.

208. Q: While releasing the Zones the system is hanged up, what are we suppose to do, please clarify. First sac there IDs & then again login & check the zone status in MCLZOH the status is already release to shadow.

209. Q: By mistake a cheque is posted twice in octm in a zone. Please confirm how to delete the same. As the zone is still in release to shadow bal... transfer the set to new zone through TROFSETS menu and delete the same

GENERAL 210. Q: System is not at all user friendly but is cumbersome to remember

all commands: By constant use the user will be able to remember the commands. The list of commands is also available on desktop of user. They also can get the menu by clicking on screen. We are also in process of sending a neatly printed and handy pamphlet (pocket size) containing the commonly used menus.

211. Q: Connectivity is poor resulting in customer dissatisfaction:

This issue has been now sorted out. 212. Q: Help Desk does not respond speedily and sometimes not at all:

On an average more than 1000 calls logged in Help Desk per day. Many a times, the call duration is around 15-20 minutes, as the users like to have on-line help. This results in the Help Desk Lines being busy and the user feels that they are not attended to. With more awareness on the part of the users, the calls on Help Desk are bound to come down. There has been lot of improvement in functioning of Help Desk and we are keeping a constant eye on it and hope it will improve further.

213. Q: Help desk asks officer for his password to solve some problem.

This is fraud Prone & Severe security risk: User should not give/ pass on password at any cost. If asked it should be brought to our knowledge with name of the person asking so.

214. Q: What will happen if 700 branches are connected:

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We are constantly monitoring the issues and hence are confident to ride over the situation. There are banks having such large number of branches using the same software.

215. Q: Connectivity between Finacle to MBB and vice versa is often

impossible leading to bitter customer complaints: There has been much improvement in MBB functioning and the same is stabilised to a great extent.

216. Q: Whether standing instructions are being executed correctly :

Standing Instructions are executed correctly, however the branch may revert back to us in case of any specific instance of failure.

217. Q: After migration CCIS data is also getting scrambled in some of

fields: Download of data from Finacle for CCIS purpose has been proper for the past so many months. Branches may be advised to bring to our notice specific cases.

218. Q: Forex bills collection schedule not having proper realization

instructions leading to US$ 15 as service charge by foreign correspondent: Separate schedule are available for bills sent on collection and bills negotiated. User can put the instruction in Message detail (sub option-4) which is to be reflected on the schedule. Branch to give additional clarification.

219. Q: Printing of foreign inward remittance certificate is to be done

manually: It can be printed through menu option FIRCR

220. Q: Advance Import remittance is not accommodated in Foreign Bills

Menu When we receive advance remittance we may enter the same in IRM. Later on when we lodge the bill the same may be entered as advance remittance and IRM no. should be linked here in sub option (F) at the time of realization.

221. Q: Foreign currency and traveller cheques encashed not able to be

entered in Finacle It can be entered through menu option IRM

222. Q: Generating SWIFT message is not possible despite assurances that

it can be done: Swift messages are being generated for MT950 and MT700. The vendors are customizing for other types and the same is expected to be released shortly.

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223. Q: Information KIOSK not functioning

Except for pass Book printing, the other functionalities of KIOSK can be made available. The customers will have to use their Internet Banking password for accessing the KIOSK. It will be hence necessary for the branch to identify and get the internet application from the customers.

224. Q: We want to take the printout of high value customer who has the

deposit above the specific limit. Please give the menu option for the same. Use menu option ACSP. Specify the code & amount range Minimum & maximum in CR & F4. It will generate the report.

225. Q: We want to take the Statement of FFD A/c for the above SB a/c but

the report which is coming is blank. Please confirm any other menu of the same. All the FFD A/c are closed so statement won’t come in FFDPSP. Use menu option PSP. Specify the date range & closed A/c field as "Y" & take the report of the same.

226. Q: Not able to post one leg of interest run in tran asking for report

code.after entering the same is gives msg is restricted In TM select function as M go to specify option, enter M and F4. Put report code then F4 and keep the blank and F4. Now select A and F4, give flow code as II (interest inflow), press F4 twice and go for posting

227. Q: While opening a Minor A/c system is not allowing to verify Temp A/c ID says Related party should be 10 year old. How to verify it ? User has been asked to feed Guardian Detail alongwith Cust ID in Persons Detail in CUMM & get it verified and then to auth. Temp A/c ID.

228. Q: We have one joint a/c. The Main a/c holder is expired. Want to

allot 2nd holder as main holder and add 2nd new holder . please confirm how to do? Create new cust id for the survivor and add to CCA menu option, put the a/c id. Now in ACM menu option. put the function as M-modify and a/c id Press f4 in sub option 'A'- related party. It will display the deceased (main) holder details in that page one field called DEL Flag should be Y-yes then press down arrow twice it will give new page for filling the details of new holder . commit and get it verified

229. Q: System is not generating statement for an a/c.

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Local calendar flag may be Y in this a/c as in India we are not maintaining any local calender. So remove this flag in ACM and then to verify it and commit it .

230. Q: how to get report for average turnover for an a/c

Use menu option ATOR or MISRPT>>other>>account turnover report. 231. Q: Want a list of NPA a/c

Use menu option ACS and on 2nd page by giving F6 give asset classification for NPA. This list will be displayed

232. Q: While verifying temporary account for NRE account user was

getting error the joint account holder has to be an NRI for this scheme. User was getting above error because in the customer ID of the above account user has marked the NRI flag as "N" so modify it & mark as a "Y", verify it then it will allow to verify the account.

233. Q: User want the menu to change the account status from dormant to

active. User was told to use the menu ACM give "M" function & in scheme details user can change the status.

234. Q: While generating the TDS report for a cust, its giving no record

tobe retrieved but there was an a/c which was closed but interest given is more than 5,000/- but it is not reflecting in TDS REPORT. In tdsip give the a/c closed flag as "Y" & F4 then generate the report.

235. Q: One of our staff is not able to login into finacle getting message

user profile deleted. first go to hupm and undelete the user id by selecting function as undelete and put the user id then click on accept. Now get it verified in same menu. If require change the password to six letters in hupm option function as M- and give user id. then this should be verified

236. Q: Want to get interest certificate for loan and deposit. Please confirm

what is the menu for it." The menu is INTCERT and it is same for both loan and deposit .

237. Q: User want to know how to change scheme code

Use the menu ACXFRSC to change the scheme code. 238. Q: "The BOISP a/c, sweepin period 46 days. Where as some a/cs were

opened for 7 days only. Why? In some of the a/cs sweepin didn't happened, eventhough sufficient balance was available. " You need to modify the ACM of these

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accounts and change the renewal period from 7 days to 46 days. Since these accounts were created before the ACM modification of SB account, thus the period is 7 days.

239. Q: How to transfer required amount from an account to another account (say OD a/c to CD a/c) in case of shortfall in CD a/c and vice a versa. Please guide us. You can create a memo pad for the same giving the remarks. Every time you put a transaction, or system will create a transaction, exception - memo pad exists will appear on the screen for which you need to go to memo pad by pressing <CTRL>+<F9> and view the message and accept (F4) to over-ride the exception (depending on the work-class of the user). Memo pad can be created for both the accounts by pressing <CTRL>+<F9> in either ACLI or ACM screen for that account. Also, please note that the transaction created by system for any of the account will not get posted automatically due to this exception which will have to be accepted manually.

240. Q: How to get the report for the total no of voucher passed in a day.

Main menu is MISRPT in that give module name - others and report code as Br voucher statistic and press F4 give date and F4 put the f in background print y and f10

241. Q: While closing an account user was getting error can not close the

account since authorisation is pending customer instruction exist for this account. User was getting the error because in the above account lien amt. was exist so user was told first remove the lien through ALM menu if the user want to close the account.

242. Q: Floppy posting procedure. Menu option: 1) FILETR to transfer the file. Then, TTUM for posting the transactions. PR to see the report. Then, verify the transactions. 2) ECST in case of ECS floppy then TTUM, PR & verification.

243. Q: when a transaction is wrongly credited to one account instead of another and also verified. How to rectify HCRT is used to rectify and Reverse it.

244. Q: In some of SB/CD accounts system marks lien on some amount. But no details as to why the amount is marked lien is gen. Branch is unable to explain to the customer why such lien is marked From ACM – option T

245. Q:How to see the totals of debits and credits of a transaction?

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In menu option TM select specify option U. For clearing entries go to option MICZ option S - Statistics.

246. Q:How to find out the operator user id and authorizer user id for a

transaction? Use menu option TM select specify option O

247. Q:Can a closed account be re-opened in Finacle?

It is not possible from front end.

248. Q:Is there a provision to suspend a user? Use menu option HUPM and enter the date in the field ‘User disabled upto’

249. Q:If changes are made in signature of a person, what is the chronological order in which the signatures are displayed? When a new signature is captured, old one should be deleted using menu option IMGMNT.

250. Q:Can a closed account be re-opened in Finacle?

It is not possible from front end.

251. Q:Is there a provision to suspend a user? Use menu option HUPM and enter the date in the field ‘User disabled upto’

252. Q:If changes are made in signature of a person, what is the

chronological order in which the signatures are displayed? When a new signature is captured, old one should be deleted using menu option IMGMNT.


Interest application is done by system so whenever any transaction is done in NRE a/c report code field has to be specified. for that system keep that transaction in entered status

254. Q:ECS - Posting through floppy - if has errors like balancing, wrong

a/c number then how to rectify after posting. Normally upload should be done in entered status, transactions should be checked & then posted through TM option. Once the transactions are in posted status, then no modification can be done, same has to be reversed manually.

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