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Those that history best remembers

were faced with numerous obstacles that forced them

to work harder and show more determination

than others.

Pas tout le monde qui a réussi est arrivé là avec succès après succès.

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Famous people who have

shown determination

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He was a high school drop out and while working as a truck driver �he taught himself about special effects for movies.

Il a abandonné l'école secondaire. Tout en travaillant

comme chauffeur de camion, il a appris lui-même comment faire

des effets spéciaux dans les films.

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James Cameron Canadian Film director who directed Avatar and Titanic

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He was raised on the Dog Creek First Nations Reserve and had a troubled childhood. He was 8 years old when his dad drowned and two months later his mom was killed by a drunk driver.

Élevé dans la réserve de Dog Creek, il commence sa

carrière à 16 ans lorsqu'il fréquente le Manitoba

Theatre for Young People, à Winnipeg.

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Adam Beach Popular Canadian actor

Adam Beach défend activement les Premières Nations

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He lost his leg but continued running with pain and one artificial leg in order to raise money for cancer research.

Il a perdu sa jambe mais a continué à courir avec la

douleur et une jambe artificielle afin d'amasser

des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer.

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Terry Fox Canadian athlete,

humanitarian and cancer

research activist

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They were rejected by Decca recording

studios, who said “We don’t like their sound… and they don’t have any future in show business.”

Ils ont été rejetés par les studios d'enregistrement

Decca, qui a dit «Nous n'aimons pas leur son ... et ils

n'ont pas d'avenir dans le show business.»

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The Beatles The best-selling Band of all time

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When he was protesting to end Aparatheid, he went to jail for 27 years.

Quand il luttait contre l’Apartheid, il est allé en prison

pour 27 ans.

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Nelson Mandela The first black president

of South Africa

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He tried to bring independence to India but he failed and went to jail five times.

Il a essayé d'apporter l'indépendance à l'Inde,

mais il a échoué et est allé en prison cinq fois.

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Mahatma Ghandi Employing nonviolent civil

disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired

movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

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She had a baby at 14 years old and people said she was unfit for television.

Quand elle avait 14 ans elle avait un bébé et au

debout de sa carrière les gens disait qu’elle ne va

pas réussir.

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Oprah Winfrey Television icon for

over 20 years

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He tried to stop the genocide in Rwanda and 14 soldiers died under his command.

Il a essayé d'arrêter le génocide au Rwanda et 14 soldats

sont morts sous son commandement.

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Romeo Dallaire Canadian soldier and author.

He is famous for his efforts to stop the killing of 800,000

people in Rwanda.

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A leader of a band rejected him and told him that he was never going to make it as a singer.

Un chef d’un groupe a dit: «qu’il n’aura jamais

d’avenir dans la musique et qu’il ferait mieux de conduire un camion ».

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Elvis Presley The King of

Rock and Roll

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He was exiled from Tibet and lived in India.

Il a été exilé du Tibet et a vécu en Inde.

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The Dalai Lama Tibet’s political leader

who has strived to make Tibet an independant and

democratic state from China.

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At school his teacher thought his ideas were crazy and that he might have a learning disability.

A l’école son professeur a pensé que ses idées étaient fous et

qu’il pourrait avoir une difficulté d'apprentissage.

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Thomas Edison

He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the long lasting electric light bulb.

American Inventor

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When he was little he was a great hockey player but people were jealous and mean to him.

Quand il était petit, il était un très bon joueur de hockey

mais beaucoup de personnes étaient très méchantes et

jalouses de lui.

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Wayne Gretzky One of greatest hockey

players of all time

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He was fired from a newspaper company for “lacking imagination” and thought of as “having no original ideas.”

Il a été renvoyé d'une entreprise de presse pour

son «manque d'imagination» et pour «ayant pas d'idées


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WALT DISNEY The creator of Mickey Mouse

and founder of Disneyland and

Walt Disney World.

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Struggling to find work, he was rejected many times because producers said he was not funny.

Il a été rejeté à plusieurs reprises parce que les

producteurs ont dit qu'il n’était pas drôle.

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Jim Carrey Canadian actor and comedian

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In 1967 he refused to fight in the Vietnam war and got arrested.

En 1967, il refuse de se battre dans la guerre de

Vietnam et il est mis en prison.

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Muhammad Ali The world’s best

heavy weight boxer and a civil

rights activist

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Early on no one believed in him or his inventions.

Au commencement, personne ne croyait en lui

ou ses inventions

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Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor of the telephone

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She is famous for showing the importance of nursing but her parents discouraged her from becoming a nurse.

Elle est célèbre pour montrer l'importance de

soins infirmiers, mais ses parents l'ont découragé

de devenir infirmière.

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Florence Nightingale

Pioneer of modern nursing


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He dropped out of Havard University to start his own company. He was 19, restless, and driven by a single objective: to change the world.

Il a abandonné ses études et à 19 ans il

avait un seul objectif: changer le monde.

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Bill Gates

Co-founder of Microsoft, the world’s largest

computer software company.

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He was fired from the company he founded and helped build. Feeling rejected, he put his energy into new ideas.

Il a été viré de sa propre compagnie. Il se sentait rejeté mais il a mis son

énergie dans de nouvelles idées.

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Steve Jobs Inventor of some of

the most used electronics in the

world: the iPod, iPad and iPhone

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After trying out for his high school basketball team he was rejected due to his lack of height.

Il a essayé de jouer dans l'équipe de basket de l'école

secondaire mais il est considéré comme trop petit et

est écarté de l'équipe.

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Micheal Jordan

One of the best basketball

players in history

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He struggled in school because he learned very slowly. One of his teachers said he would never amount to much.

Probablement dyslexique,

il utilisait son imagination visuelle pour sa

créativité scientifique.

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Albert Einstein

He was famous for his Mathematical equation:


Scientist and regarded as a genius

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Paralyzed at the age of 15, he became the first student with a physical disability to graduate in physical education from the University of British Columbia.

Il a fait une tournée mondiale en fauteuil roulant

pour amasser de l’argent pour l’avancement

technologique dans la médecine pour les blessures

graves aux dos.

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Disability activist and former Paralympian

Rick Hansen

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She was a single mother whose first book was rejected by a dozen publishers.

Elle était une mère célibataire et son premier livre a été rejeté

par une douzaine de maisons d'édition.

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JK Rowling British author who has sold

over 400 millions copies of her books.

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He was 11 years old when he was cut from his soccer team after being diagnosed with a growth hormone defiency which made him smaller than other kids his age.

Il avait 11 ans quand il a été coupé de son équipe

de football car il était plus petit que les autres enfants de son âge.

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Lionel Messi Recognised as

the best soccer player in the world

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Her paintings of landscapes and native villages were unique and modern but her art was considered unusual for her era. Few people bought her art.

Son art a été considéré comme trop inhabituel pour les années 1900

alors pas beaucoup de gens ont acheté ses


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Emily Carr

Famous Canadian artist and writer

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His first book was rejected by 27 publishers.

Son premier livre a été rejeté par 27 éditeurs.

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Dr. Seuss The greatest cartoonist of

all time

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Suffering from motor neuron disease, he is confined to a wheelchair and speaks through a voice synthesizer.

Souffrant de la maladie du motoneurone, il est confiné à un

fauteuil roulant et parle au moyen d'un

synthétiseur vocal.

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Stephen Hawking Famous cosmologist

and considered one of the smartest people

on the planet

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A dream will not become a reality through magic.

It takes determination and hard work.

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Merci à la classe F04

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