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Famous People

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Martin Luther

Place: Germany Goal: to reform Roman Catholic Church Action: posted 95 Thesis, believed in faith

alone for salvation Protestant Reformation shattered

religious unity in Europe

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John Locke

Enlightened thinker: government by the consent of the people.

Natural rights: humans have unalienable rights. If the government does not protect those rights you can rebel.

Influenced the writing of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence

Other enlightened philosophers: Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu: civil liberties

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Louis XIV

Country: France Policies:

Absolute monarch ( divine right) Persecuted Huguenots (Protestants) Built Versailles Palace Pushed France to the verge of bankruptcy Fought many wars. French culture becomes the model for the rest of


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Peter the Great Place: Russia Position: Czar Important Policies and events:

Desired to westernize and modernize Russia Successful in westernization Desired a warm water port Oppressive ruler Builds St. Petersburg

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Catherine the Great

Country: Russia Position: Czarina Important Events and policies:

Westernization Defeats the Ottoman Empire and wins a warm

water port on the Black Sea Partitions Poland with Austria and Prussia

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Napoleon Bonaparte

Country: France Policies:

Napoleonic Code: legal code that included many Enlightenment Ideas.

Legal equality and religious toleration University of France: established a government supervised

public school system. Supported new industry and built roads and canals. Nationalism: increased French nationalism. Nationalism

spread throughout Europe.

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Karl Marx

Place: great Britain during the Industrial Revolution

Philosophy: Communism Class warfare rich abuse the poor Haves vs the have nots Peasants (proletariat) needs to overthrow the rich

factory owners ( bourgeoisie) Need to take the means of production Form a classless society

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Adam Smith

Wrote the Wealth of Nations Advocated Laissez faire economics Capitalism: private property Government should leave businesses alone Natural laws of Economic: supply and

demand and competition would spread wealth to everyone.

Invisible hand controlled economy

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Supporters of Westernization Russia: Catherine the Great, Peter the

Great Iran: Shah Rezi Pahlevi Turkey: Kemal Ataturk Japan: Emperor Meiji

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Otto von Bismarck

Country: Prussia Position: Chancellor Policies and important events

Lead unification of Germany Blood and Iron: unite through warfare Real Politik Social Security Kulterkampf: fight for civilization against Catholic


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Nelson Mandela

Country: South Africa Position: leader of the fight against

Apartheid and 1st President. Important Events: Apartheid: separation of

the races, pass laws, non violent approach to over throw apartheid

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Bishop Tutu

Country: South Africa Position: leader against Apartheid Important Events: non violent approach. Demanded that other countries pass

economic sanctions against South Africa Successful Wins Noble Peace Prize

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Totalitarian leaders: Communism: government control of economy(command), “classless” society Russia/Soviet Union, V.I. Lenin, Stalin: M. Gorbachev,

1917-1990 China, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping: 1949 Cuba, Fidel Castro:1959 Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh: 1975 Cambodia: Pol Pot North Korea: Kim Jong Il

Communist Dictators

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Country: Russia/Soviet Union Position: communist revolutionary leader/

supreme leader of Russia Important events:

Russian Revolution: communists take over Russia Civil War NEP: New Economic Policy combined elements

of capitalism and communism

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Joseph Stalin Place: Soviet Union Position: Supreme leader of Soviet Union Important Events:

5 year plans: wanted to boost industrial and agricultural production

Purges: eliminate opposition to Stalin Gulags: slave labor camps Ukrainian Genocide: 10 million killed or

starved to death World War II

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Mikhail Gorbachev

Place: Soviet Union Position: Supreme leader of Soviet Union Important Policies and Events:

Glasnost: new openness: freedom of speech and religion

Perestroika: economy plan that combined capitalism and communism

Lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union and the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe.

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Jomo Kenyatta

Country: Kenya Position: nationalist leader/ 1st President Important Events: uprising to overthrow

British colonialism in Kenya. Leader of the Mau Maus

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Kwame Nkrumah

Country: Ghana Position: nationalist and independence

leader; 1st president Important Events: fought against British

control; first African nation to achieve independence from colonial rule

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Mao Zedong Country: China Position: Communist revolutionary leader;

supreme leader of China Important Events:

Communist Revolution: wins it because of the support of the peasants and women.

Great Leap Forward: program in China in 1958 to increase agricultural production and industrial output. It was a failure. 20-30 million Chinese die

Cultural Revolution: program lunched in China to renew loyalty to communism and purge opponents of Mao. Hurt the Chinese economy

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Deng Xiaoping Country: China Position: Supreme leader of China Important Events:

Reform of the economy; mixing elements of capitalism with communism.

The responsibility system, special economic zones

Tiananmen Square Massacre: 1989 students killed and jailed because they protested for democracy

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Kemal Ataturk

Country: Turkey after WW I Important Policies

Overthrew government headed by a Sultan Westernized Turkey Secular (non religious) government industrializes

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Mohandas Gandhi

Country: India Position: Nationalists leader Important events and policies:

Lead Indian National Congress against British Rule Salt March: nonviolent protest of tax on salt by British Homespun Movement: produce own clothes and boycott

British goods Civil disobedience, passive resistance Gained independence for India

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Pol Pot

Country: Cambodia Position: Communist leader Important Events and policies:

Lead the Khmer Rouge Communist leader killed 2 million people Purged any enemies of communism and sent

them to the rural areas. Genocide

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Slobadan Milosevic

Country: Serbia Position: President Important Events and Policies:

Ethnic cleansing: of Croatians and Muslims in Bosnia

Ethnic cleansing of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo On trial for war crimes

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Ayatollah Khomeini

Place: Iran Goal: remove Shah Reza Pahlavi and western

influence and replace it with an Islamic Fundementalist state

Set up a Theocracy Impact: Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Government required strict adherence to Islamic law and enacted anti-western policies, held American hostages for over one year, women lost rights

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Fidel Castro

Country: Cuba Leader: Communist leader Policies and events

Totalitarian Dictator Lead Communist Revolution Conflict with US Cuban Missile Crisis

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World Leaders: Indira Gandhi (India), Benazar Bhutto (Pakistan), Golda Meir (Israel), Margaret Thatcher (Great Britain)

Humanitarian Concerns: Mother Tereasa (India), Aung Su (Myanmar), Rigoberta Menchu (Guatamala)

Enlightened thinker: Mary Wollstonecraft

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