
Falling For You Again

First Meetings

First Meetings - main story image

“Hurry up you guys. I don’t want to be late of my first day of college” Tiffany yelled as she ran to the gates, fixing the last strands of her hair into a neat pony tail. Two others were running behind her, one who was puffed and one who was waiting for the worn out. Jessica was trying to catch her breath as SeoHyun was patting her back. Tiffany stood 20 metres before them with her hands on her hips.

“Jessica… You really need to get fit” Tiffany sighed as she crossed her arms, waiting for the other two to catch up.

“Hey! My figure is fine thank you very much.” Jessica yelled back, waving her fist at Tiffany.

“Your stamina isn’t” Tiffany rolled her eyes as she laughed.

“Shut up!” Jessica yelled back.

“Unnie… We have to hurry in order to make the entrance ceremony” SeoHyun helped Jessica get to the college gates. Tiffany was already bounding towards the college buildings as she gave a little spin in the middle of the court.

“SM College, here we come!” Tiffany yelled as she gave an air fist pump. Jessica and SeoHyun behind her just laughed at their dorky friend. Just then a group of people walked in between the gap of Tiffany and the two behind her.

“Jessica! SeoHyun!” Tiffany tried to yell over the top of the other people’s heads.

“Tiffany! Unnie!” she heard voices yell as they got further and further. Soon the crowd of people passed and Tiffany was dragged into an unknown place on campus beneath the shadows of the towering buildings.

“Jessica? SeoHyun?” Tiffany looked around the corners of buildings, trying to find her way back to her friends.

The campus was dark as the shadows of the buildings fell to the floor. No one was anywhere to be seen as they were all preparing for the entrance ceremony. Tiffany brushed the dust off of her skirt and cardigan and decided to go look around to find out where she was. She walked pass building after building, tree after tree and yet she did not seem to get anywhere. Tiffany looked at her watch as it struck 8:30am.

“Oh no, 15 minutes left till the entrance ceremony. I need to find help quickly otherwise I won't be able to make it on time” Tiffany quickly picked up the pace, trying to find someone to help her. As she went around the corner and she bumped into something, making her stumble back a few steps.

“Owww” Tiffany rubbed her head where she has impacted and groaned.

“Are you okay Miss?” a soothing voice asked.

“Yeah… sorry” Tiffany then quickly looked up to see who or what she bumped into. In front of her were two girls in black and white uniforms, one with her arms outstretched to help Tiffany up. The girl who was helping Tiffany had a calm atmosphere around her, not to mention her good looks. Tiffany then looked at the other girl beside the calming girl.

This girl was much different to the calming girl. She had a cold attitude towards her as her back was faced towards Tiffany. Although she was shorter she was not any less stunning. She had light brown hair which would go past her shoulders; her arms were crossed as they highlighted the perfect figure that she had. Tiffany was still studying this cold girl when the first girl interrupted her.

“Do you need help with anything? Oh my how rude of me. I’m Kwon Yuri and this here is my friend, Kim Taeyeon” Yuri quickly did the introductions. Taeyeon just gave a small nod that was barely noticeable before she turned around again.

“Ah… yes, I was separated from my friends before and now I don’t know how to get back to the entrance ceremony.” Tiffany explained as she kept looking at Taeyeon. Taeyeon then suddenly started walking as Yuri followed.

“Ah…” Tiffany stood where she was, scared that the two were abandoning her.

“Hurry up” Taeyeon finally spoke as she walked off silently. Yuri turned back to face Tiffany and gestured her hand for Tiffany to follow. Tiffany’s face immediately lit up as she smiled, feeling relieved that she would be getting back to the entrance ceremony.

“I think we know where your friends are” Yuri spoke again as she followed close behind Taeyeon.

“I wonder if their a couple” Tiffany thought to herself as she saw how close the two were.

“There they are” Yuri pointed towards three figures in the distance.

“There are only two of them” Tiffany told Yuri when she saw the three figures in the distance.

“Yes, the third member there is part of our group” Yuri smiled back as they approached the three figures. Indeed two of them were Jessica and SeoHyun. The other was a cute girl who was smiling brightly next to them. The girl suddenly ran up to Tiffany and shook her hand.

“You must be Tiffany. I'm Im Yoona. You must be the friend these two were looking for” Yoona smiled diligently. Yoona was about the same height as Yuri and was very cute but there was just something about her that made Tiffany keep her distance. In fact, every one of the girls in the black and whiteuniforms had the same intimidating aura.

“Yoona” Taeyeon spoke out sternly.

“Ahhh. Sorry Taeyeon. I guess I went overboard” Yoona scratched the back of her head as she stuck her tongue out. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun couldn’t help but feel a little at ease at Yoona’s smile. Taeyeon didn’t respond, she just turned around and started heading somewhere.

“Ah. Could you tell us where the entrance ceremony is held?” Tiffany called out. Yoona and Yuri ignored her as they followed Taeyeon. Tiffany pouted at the three’s rude attitudes and turned around to greet her other two friends.

“I'm so glad I still have you two. Let’s go find the hall.” Tiffany said as she dragged the two by their necks of their shirts.

“Ermm. Tiffany… air… please” Jessica choked as she slapped Tiffany’s arm lightly.

“Oh. Sorry” Tiffany quickly let go of her arms and put it behind her back.

“Now… to find the crowds and follow them” Tiffany looked at her watch again, there was still 5 minutes until the meeting time. SeoHyun didn’t move as the two left her.

“SeoHyun, we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.” Jessica said bluntly as she crossed her arms. SeoHyun shook her head as she pointed to the building in front of her. On the building there was a large banner which said ‘Entrance Ceremony’. Jessica and Tiffany quickly ran over to SeoHyun’s side and stared up at the large banner with wide open jaws.

“Well what do you know, they actually helped us” Jessica sarcastically smiled.

“Guess so” Tiffany answered, feeling a little guilty for being mad at the three girls before. The three girls then walked into the hall. The hall was as big as a house by itself. There were then two double doors that were open on the other side of the hall. On the wall the signs were pointing towards the doors as it read‘New comers welcome’. The two smiled and sighed with relief as they knew they were on time for the ceremony.

“Hey, Tiffany. You have to admit, those three were really pretty” Jessica thought as she put her hand up to her chin. Tiffany just giggled finding it odd that Jessica had paid any interest towards them.

“I guess so.” Tiffany replied.

“What about you SeoHyun?” Jessica eyed the calm SeoHyun. SeoHyun just shrugged her shoulders as Tiffany and Jessica rolled their eyes. The youngest one never paid any interest to anyone at all.

“Let’s go inside” SeoHyun suddenly said as she walked into the double doors.

Inside there were chairs lined up neatly in rows. In the front there was a large stage, set up with microphones and a stand.

“Everyone please take a seat” an elderly woman said from the front.

“Welcome, I’m the dean of this school. I would just like to say congratulations for entering the all-girls college, SM College, the college for the elite and talented.” The woman smiled. From the front a row of girls were cheering with banners in their hands.

“I wonder who they cheer for. The dean, maybe?” Jessica said bluntly as she twisted her hair. Tiffany and SeoHyun just smiled as they put their fingers on their lips, telling Jessica to keep it to herself. The dean in the front only smiled at the cheering.

“I guess I should leave the speech for the Elites then” she smiled as she stepped back. The whole hall suddenly started cheering as three girls in black and white uniforms walked out.

“Oh.” SeoHyun said as she covered her mouth in surprise

“What is it?” Tiffany asked.

“You’re kidding me.” Jessica said this time as she raised her eyebrow at the stage. Tiffany followed the two’s gazes, only to have her attention drawn to the three figures now on stage. The crowd went wild with excitement even though the three have not done anything. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun recognised the three on stage; it was hard not to remember them. On stage were Taeyeon, Yuri and Yoona. They were standing majestically as they smiled and waved to the cheering crowd.

Tiffany realised that Taeyeon was still the same as she was before. Her cold attitude was still present but it created a great sense of charisma around her. Yoona stepped up first to the microphone.

“Good morning new students. We are the three Elites. As some of you know, we are considered the group of student above the student body council.” Yoona said confidently. The whole hall cheered in excitement.

“Aren’t they a bit too full of themselves?” Jessica mumbled. Tiffany nudged Jessica with her elbow, reminding her to keep it to herself.

“But however, that is not entirely true. We have no say in what happens during the events and have absolutely no power above any of the students. The three Elites consist of me, Im Yoona, the calm Kwon Yuri and the leader Kim Taeyeon.” Yoona continued as she gave a wave to the overreacting crowd. She then stepped back as Yuri stepped forward.

“We Elites want to congratulate you all for making into the girls’ SM College.” Yuri started clapping and the whole hall clapped along.

“As for the rules, they are basic rules of which any college would have, although we do not have a uniform policy. We do have one condition which was set by the elder sister of the Elites. You may not socialise with the Elites at any given time.” Yuri said seriously. Everyone in the crowd gave a sigh of disappointment.

“So full of themselves” Jessica mumbled again. This time SeoHyun nudged Jessica.

“It’s true” Jessica replied to SeoHyun’s nudge.

“I'm sure they have their reasons.” SeoHyun said calmly. Tiffany on the side remained silent. She couldn’t stop staring at the shortest of the Elites, Kim Taeyeon.

“Now our leader will address you on behalf of the dean and the Elites” Yuri said as she stepped back. The whole crowd cheered five times louder when Taeyeon stepped onto the platform.

“As the representative of the dean, I would wish you all to study well and take good care of yourselves. On behalf of the Elites, I would like to ensure you that if you have any problems during college that there are many people who can help you. On behalf of everyone else on the staff, I would like to say that this school is meant for the elite and talented. Lack of obedience is not tolerated in our college grounds, on a further note; make sure you enjoy your college life too, as it is a very important time in your life.” Taeyeon’s speech was serious and charismatic. Everyone was drawn in by Taeyeon’s cold atmosphere and nodded with every remark she made.

“Tiffany” Jessica clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany. Tiffany immediately snapped out of the semi-trance she was in.

“Stop spacing out.” Jessica said as she rolled her eyes. Tiffany just smiled as she stuck her tongue out at Jessica.

“Sorry, I forgot, that’s your specialty” Tiffany teased. Jessica raised her foot and aimed for Tiffany’s right foot but missed as Tiffany dodged it once she stomped down.

“I'll get you back after” Jessica muttered as one of the professors walked pass them.

“Still can you believe we got to talk to the Elites?” SeoHyun said as she kept staring at the three beautiful figures on stage.

“It might as well be our last one too. You heard them, we can't socialise with the almighty Elites” Jessica said sarcastically.

“I'm sure they have their reasons. Besides there’s nothing wrong with thanking them right?” Tiffany beamed at the two. Jessica just hit her forehead with the palm of her hand as SeoHyun clapped her hands in excitement.

“Still you have to admit, the three of them together create quite a scene.” Jessica nodded as she crossed her arms.

“Hence why they are called Elites?” Tiffany replied. Jessica just rolled her eyes while SeoHyun just giggled to herself.

Change of Heart

After the entrance ceremony every started to leave the magnificent hall and take a tour around campus. As the girl’s trio was walking out they saw a crowd of girls waiting in front of a door. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun decided to go up and take a look at what the fuss was about. As they got closer they heard the door open and the crowd began cheering and squealing at the top of their lungs.

“Taeyeon! Yuri! Yoona!” The fan girls screamed. Jessica just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she walked away from the crowd.

“Jessica, try to be nicer” Tiffany said as she grabbed Jessica’s arm back. Jessica turns around and glared at Tiffany.

“Hey look. SeoHyun~ Tiffany~ Jessica~” a cute voiced cried out to them. The whole crowd stopped cheering when they heard the voice. The voice came from the one and only Yoona as she was waving to the three girls at the back of the crowd. Taeyeon nudged Yoona as they kept walking off. Yuri then pulled onto Yoona’s ear, dragging her out of the crowd.

The crowd of girls were still silent as they all turned around and stared at the three girls at the back of the group. One of the girls stepped out from the crowd, wearing a headband which had the three faces of the Elites printed on the top of it. She crossed her arms and gave the three the elevator look.

“How did you know the Elites?” she said, not bothering to introduce herself.

“Ermm…” SeoHyun immediately fell back, hiding behind Tiffany.

“They helped us reach the hall.” Tiffany said assertively

“Did you get permission from us before you talked to them?” the girl asked again.

“Erm…. No?” Tiffany answered, confused about what she meant.

“Here are the rules newbie. No one gets within 5 metres of the Elites. No one talks to the Elites unless allowed to. No one…”

“No one has the right to tell us what to do” Jessica blurted out, frustrated at the girl lecturing her friends.

“Unnie” SeoHyun tugged on Jessica’s arm, telling her to stop. Jessica yanked her arm out of SeoHyun’s grip as she stepped forward.

“I'm sorry, but we are not self-absorbed fans of the Elites like you guys are. You really need to find a better life then grovel at the stuck up Elites feet.” Jessica glared at the crowd. The crowd was silent for a whole minute. Tiffany ran in front of Jessica as she waved her hands furiously.

“Hahaha sorry. Jessica doesn’t mean it. She’s just… straightforward. Please don’t take what she said seriously” Tiffany apologised. The girl with the headband stepped forward and pushed Tiffany aside.

“You dare speak to me like that? Do you know who I am?” the girl crossed her arms as she stared down Jessica.

“Let me guess… the president of the Elites fan club?” Jessica said sarcastically.The girl was taken aback that Jessica guess was perfect.

“Yes. I am Linda Choi. President of the Elites fan club.” Linda replied as she clicked her fingers. In response to the click the crowd stepped forward and surrounded the three in the middle.

“And you have no idea about what we can do to you if you go against us” Linda smiled evilly.

“I'm so scared” Jessica said sarcastically. Tiffany quickly stood in front of Jessica as Linda raised her hand. SeoHyun gripped onto Jessica’s arm.

“Unnie. I think you should stop” SeoHyun begged as she looked around at the girls who were glaring at them.

“Why should I? I'm not doing anything wrong” Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

“Girls!” Linda yelled. The girls then moved Tiffany and SeoHyun out of the way and aimed for Jessica. As all the girls surrounded Jessica, they grabbed her hair and arms, leaving her vulnerable to the president in front of her. Linda stood in front of her, positioning her hand high, ready to slap Jessica.

“Anything to say?” she said to Jessica

“I dare you to” Jessica glared at her. Tiffany tried to get through the crowd which was creating a barrier around Jessica, but failed as there were too many of them

“Suit yourself.” Linda smiled as her hand started to swing towards Jessica’s face. Jessica waited for the sharp pain that was supposed to come upon her, but she felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes to see what was going on. Right in front of her was Kim Taeyeon having her hands outstretched as though she was protecting Jessica.

Jessica looked around to find Linda on the floor holding onto her arm. Her arm was turning red from what seemed to look like a hand print.

“Do you girls have nothing better to do than to gang upon one helpless girl?” Taeyeon spoke with an aggressive tone towards the crowd. The crowd immediately backed off as Linda stood up

“Ah. Elite Kim. We were just talking to Jessica here.” Linda lied. Just then Yuri and Yoona joined the group.

“What’s going on here?” Yoona asked in a curious tone.

“Yuri, suspend student Choi Linda for two weeks. Bullying is not acceptable in SM College.” Taeyeon spoke to Yuri. Yuri nodded as she took out her phone and made note. Taeyeon then turned around to Jessica and took out a comb from her pocket. She then started combing Jessica’s hair into place.

“You okay?” Taeyeon asked once she finished fixing Jessica’s hair. Tiffany and SeoHyun managed to break through the crowd as they dashed towards Jessica as Tiffany tackled Jessica to the floor.

“Oh my god. You're okay” Tiffany sighed with relief.

“Naww. Let me join in the hug” Yoona said as she outstretched her hands towards the two on the floor. SeoHyun and Yuri stood on the side and just smiled at them. Taeyeon then outstretched her arm towards Jessica.

“You okay?” Taeyeon repeated. Jessica was speechless.

“Yea…” Jessica mumbled as she took Taeyeon’s hand. The girls around them gasped with jealousy. As Jessica stood up Taeyeon brushed the dirt off Jessica. Tiffany stood behind Jessica as she looked at Taeyeon.

“I'm glad you’re okay then.” Taeyeon said slowly in a dull tone. Tiffany’s and Jessica’s heart stopped for a moment. Taeyeon’s voice was dull and stern but it made their ears ring at the sound of her voice. Her perfect teeth showing as her lips perfectly curled around them. Yuri then tapped onto Taeyeon’s shoulder and whispered something into her ear.

“Okay. Yoona let’s go.” Taeyeon’s smile quickly faded as she returned to her cold self.

“But I want to play with them longer” Yoona whined. SeoHyun giggled at Yoona’s childish attitude.

“Come on Yoona. Taeyeon doesn’t like repeating herself” Yuri said calmly. Yoona just sighed as she dragged her feet to follow Taeyeon. She then suddenly stopped and ran towards SeoHyun.

“SeoHyun, come to the rooftop during lunch break. Invite your friends too. The password to the door is 2543.” Yoona said quickly as she shook SeoHyun’s hands. Tiffany, SeoHyun and Jessica just stared as Yoona quickly skipped towards Taeyeon’s side. They saw Taeyeon roll her eyes and Yuri knock Yoona’s head lightly.

Jessica suddenly felt her face flush. SeoHyun and Tiffany went up to see how she was going. To their surprise Jessica was bright red.

“Jessica?” Tiffany put her hand on Jessica’s forehead

“Unnie… you're burning up. Are you okay?” SeoHyun asked as she tugged on Jessica’s sleeve

“Huh? Errr yeah…” Jessica shook her head.

Once she stopped she saw Taeyeon looking back at them from a distance and started going red again. She didn’t understand what was going on.


“Unnie. During lunch Yoona told me to bring you guys up to the rooftop. The password is 2543. But I don’t think we’ll go. Jessica doesn’t like the other unnies.” SeoHyun sighed. Jessica quickly snapped her head up and looked at SeoHyun.

“We’re going.” Jessica said sternly. Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Jessica’s outburst.

“Yah. I thought they were full of themselves. Why the sudden change in attitude?” Tiffany asked as she grabbed onto her arm. Jessica didn’t answer.

“I guess we have no choice then. It’s rude to not turn up after that. We should thank them for helping us this morning and just now” Tiffany crossed her arms as she nodded. SeoHyun clapped her hands once and nodded too. Jessica just nodded once as she began to wonder why she was feeling so excited to see them.

“Well… I guess they’re not all that bad” Jessica mumbled. Tiffany’s eyes popped at Jessica’s statement but she quickly regained her composure.

“Haha” Tiffany just laughed as she slapped Jessica’s back.

“That Taeyeon is cute when she smiles. She should lose her cold attitude. Doesn’t suit her at all.” Tiffany pouted.

“So I'm guessing you're going to do that?” Jessica said sarcastically.

“Maybe. With the help of you and SeoHyun here” Tiffany pulled SeoHyun closer to them.

“Unnie. Remember we’re not allowed to socialize with the Elites.” SeoHyun reminded them. Jessica and Tiffany stopped in their tracks, remembering the rules during the entrance ceremony. Tiffany thought for a while.

“We’ll thank them for today first. We’ll take one step at a time.” Tiffany nodded to herself. SeoHyun and Jessica just looked at her with curiosity

“Let’s go explore campus for now” Tiffany jumped with excitement as she ran and dragged the two girls behind her.

“Slow down” complained Jessica.

“Unnie” whined SeoHyun.

“First day of college here we come!” Tiffany yelled as she let go of Jessica’s and SeoHyun’s hands.

“Unnie…” SeoHyun whined.

“Such an embarrassment knowing her” Jessica said as she gave a long and disappointed sigh.


“SeoHyun what was the passcode again?” Tiffany poked at the electronic security system on the left of the door that was supposed to lead to the roof.

“2543” SeoHyun recited perfectly.

“That brain of yours is really something.” Jessica mumbled as Tiffany keyed in the passcode. The door made a beeping noise as a click was heard. The door then began to open and the three girls stared at the scenery behind the door. The floor was paved with pearl white bricks, making a pathway to some tables and chairs which were under the shade. Beside the pathway was a batch of perfect green grass, not even a sign of a weed living in it. Tiffany’s, Jessica’s and SeoHyun’s jaws dropped as they saw three perfect figures sitting in the shade, drinking what seems to be red cordial. Yoona then came bounding up to them with outstretched arms.

“Tiffany. Jessica. Seo…” Yoona was then interrupted by Yuri’s hand pulling on her ear.

“Ow! That hurts Yuri!” Yoona yelled as she slapped Yuri’s hand. Yuri just gave a smirk before she went back to Taeyeon’s side again. Taeyeon was now looking at the three girls with a cold gaze.

“Yoona…” Taeyeon turned her head and glared at Yoona.

“What? I thought they would want some personal time with us. Besides it’s not like anyone will know about this besides us. It’s only us six who know the passcode now.” Yoona pouted as she went to sit beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon gave a loud and long sigh before she turned her attention to the vast scenery again over the campus and city again. Yuri then bowed to the three girls politely.

“I'm sorry. Our leader isn’t very… social.” As Yuri got up she swung her long black hair out of her face. SeoHyun and Jessica’s were awestruck at how beautiful Yuri had looked when the wind caught her hair and started blowing onto it. Tiffany on the other hand was staring at Taeyeon. She walked up to Taeyeon and slammed her hand on the table. Taeyeon looked at her with wide open eyes.

“Could you at least say hello to us? Don’t ignore others, it is very rude” Tiffany said sternly. She had a large sense of manners and justice and was ticked off by Taeyeon’s rude attitude. Taeyeon looked at the hand which was on the table. She traced up the arm it was attached to and finally to Tiffany’s face. Taeyeon then just whipped her head around and put her hand on her cheek, resting her elbow on the table.

“Yah!” Tiffany slammed her hand on the table again. Taeyeon then slammed both her hands onto the table as she stood up. She then started to walk to the other side of the roof, where there was another table set up. Tiffany clenched her teeth as Jessica than ran up to her and tugged her arm.

“Tiffany… why are you being like this?” Jessica mumbled.

Yoona just took another sip of the cordial and skipped over to the grassy area and sat down on the floor as she stared up at the sky. Yuri just sighed as she went over to Taeyeon.

“Unnie. We’re here to thank them, remember?” SeoHyun reminded Tiffany. Tiffany then clenched her fist and then finally relaxed. She slowly walked over to Taeyeon and Yuri with her fists still clenched tightly together.

“Thank you for what you did today. Thank you for helping us find the entrance hall and for saving Jessica.” Tiffany said stubbornly. She then gave a bow before she headed to the door. Jessica reached out her hand and quickly stopped her.

“Stop being so stubborn” Jessica tugged on Tiffany’s arm hard, making Tiffany start to fall back. She then tripped on the side where the grass met the paved bricks. Slowly, Tiffany began to fall backwards. Before she could hit the floor, a pair of arms caught her on time and quickly put her onto her feet. Tiffany turned around to see Taeyeon standing behind her, having her back faced to her.

“Yah. Tiffany. Thank her properly” Jessica grumbled and stepped on Tiffany’s foot. SeoHyun then appeared in front of them and was bowing graciously at Taeyeon.

“Thank you for saving Jessica and Tiffany today. Thank you for this morning too.” SeoHyun said sincerely. Tiffany was still a little mad at Taeyeon’s attitude but nevertheless she had stopped her from falling.

“Sorry about what I said earlier. I just get worked up when I find things improper. Thank you for today” Tiffany said with an arrogant tone.

“Yes, Thank you Taeyeon-shi, for helping me with the girls” Jessica said a little quieter than the first two. Taeyeon then turned around and looked at the three girls behind her.

“No problem” Taeyeon answered back.

Everyone was shocked to see Taeyeon even answer the three girls. Yuri even dropped her drink and Yoona immediately looked down from her sky gazing. Soon Taeyeon’s cold expression was back again, as she walked to the benches again but the shock still remains. Yoona then quickly snapped out of the daze and went to hug Yuri.

“Yuri! Taeyeon answered them! She hasn’t answered to anyone beside us in a hundred ye-” Yuri’s hand then stopped Yoona’s mouth. Taeyeon gave her two members a fiery glare. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun just looked at the three confusingly. Yoona quickly got the message from Taeyeon’s glare and smiled.

“Taeyeon isn’t much of social butterfly, but you have to admit she has a really nice voice, right? It’s very rare hearing her voice outside of a speech.” Yoona winked to the three. The three girls just unconsciously nodded at Yoona’s question. Taeyeon then turned her back and went back to drinking her cordial. Yuri this time didn’t follow her. She just kept staring at the three dumbfounded girls. Yuri crossed her arms and started to think. Yoona just smiled at Yuri and SeoHyun was starting to get intimidated with the silent conversation the two Elites were having.

“Alright!” Yuri suddenly exclaimed with a cheerful cry, followed by an excited clap. This was strange for Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun, as they never thought that Yuri could be so energetic. She would never say anything unnecessary. Yoona just gave out a loud laugh when she saw Yuri’s expression.

“Would you girls mind doing Yoona and me a favour?” Yuri returned to her calm expression. Jessica just stared at Tiffany hesitantly. Tiffany, in return, just turned her head to the side and SeoHyun hid behind Tiffany.

“We would like you three girls to hang around us longer. I have a feeling that Taeyeon has a liking to you three. Although it may not show, Yoona and I have a feeling that she wouldn’t mind you three joining us. Hopefully, we can get Taeyeon to open up a little to the public” Yuri gave a charming smile. SeoHyun stepped out from behind Tiffany and looked at Yoona who was nodding her head. Yoona caught her gaze and SeoHyun quickly diverted her eyes. Yoona just smiled at the cute and shy SeoHyun.

“Don’t worry. No one will know about this. Besides, being around these two can be such a downer sometimes” Yoona pouted. Yuri gave a quick small slap across Yoona’s head as Yoona’s expression became overly shocked.

“Unnie. Stop bullying me so much” Yoona said in an unusually high pitched voice. Taeyeon from the back then threw a ball of paper towards Yoona and Yuri’s fingers just curled as goose bumps ran up her arm.

“No whining!” Taeyeon yelled from the back with an annoyed voice. Yoona just smiled and ran towards Taeyeon and leaned in towards Taeyeon’s ear.

“Unnie” Yoona said in her voice again. Taeyeon’s fingers then started to curl as she stood up and ran to the other side of the roof.

Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun just started laughing silently as they saw the more playful and relaxed side of the Elites. Taeyeon then threw a bottle at Yoona and Yoona quickly caught it before it had the chance to hit her face. Yuri was now behind Yoona as she wrapped her arm around Yoona’s neck, pretending to choke her.

“You know how much we hate that voice.” Yuri growled as she released Yoona. Yoona pouted and ran behind Tiffany.

“Tiffany, they’re bullying me” Yoona pouted as she pointed her finger towards Taeyeon and Yuri.

The two just looked at each other before they sat down again, tired from all of Yoona’s annoying voice. Tiffany just smiled and Jessica leaned on SeoHyun for support as she held her laughter in. Taeyeon then looked at Tiffany and saw her eyes turn into crescents from her smile. Taeyeon was stunned for a second, but then she cleared her throat and returned to her calm exterior. Yuri now walked up to Jessica and SeoHyun, leaving Yoona behind Tiffany.

“So what do you girls say?” Yuri asked as she turned her head to the side. Yoona then mischievously took Tiffany’s arm and waved it in the air.

“We’re in” Yoona let out a mangled cry as she tried to imitate Tiffany’s voice. Tiffany turned around and looked at Yoona, who was now smiling brightly. Yuri was still looking at her expectantly, wanting her real answer. Tiffany looked at Jessica and SeoHyun behind her, rubbing their hands together, begging her to accept the proposition that Yuri had brought up. She then looked at Taeyeon who was completely ignoring her. Tiffany then gave out a quick huff of breath and nodded towards Yuri.

“I want to try change Taeyeon’s attitude” Tiffany mumbled. Yuri, Yoona and SeoHyun just giggled. Jessica on the other hand, somehow felt uncomfortable. Taeyeon then turned around and saw Jessica’s uneasy expression. She thought that she felt intimidated around the Elites and wanted to help her. Truth was Taeyeon could not stand to see a girl in distress, despite her cold exterior appearance. She walked over to Jessica. Yuri, Yoona, Tiffany and SeoHyun froze, scared that Taeyeon might of heard them. Instead she walked passed them and looked at Jessica. Jessica then stopped breathing once Taeyeon was in front of her. Taeyeon lifted her hand up. Jessica flinched, not knowing what was happening. Taeyeon then started patting Jessica’s head.

“Calm down” Taeyeon muttered as she walked pass her and went out through the door. Jessica turned around, watching the back of Taeyeon’s back. She then started breathing again when the door closed behind her. Tiffany and SeoHyun sighed with relief.

“I thought she was going to slap you for a second” Tiffany sighed as she held onto Jessica’s hand.

“Yeah…” Jessica didn’t have much more to say. Yuri and Yoona started giggling.

“Taeyeon would never hit anyone.” They said in unison, finding the statement Tiffany made ridiculous. The end of lunch bell rang.

“We should get back now. The Elites have training with the every-so-hungry teacher. If you can excuse us” Yuri said politely. Yoona’s smile faded and she rolled her eyes.

“Meet again tomorrow, same place same time” Yoona said as she quickly gave everyone a hug and ran out the door, following Yuri. Jessica remained still, trying to calm her fast beating heart.

“College is going to be fun” Tiffany clapped her hands with excitement. SeoHyun just nodded awkwardly as she played with her fingers.


“Why are you girls late?” Sooyoung stood there with her arms crossed across her chest.

“We…” Yuri looked at Yoona.

“We were…” Yoona bit her lip

“We needed to use the restroom” Taeyeon said bluntly as she took her seat next to the window.

“Taeyeon, I'm not stupid. You know we don’t need to use the restroom” Sooyoung huffed as she walked over to Taeyeon. Taeyeon remained silent as Yuri and Yoona let out a tired sigh. They knew what was coming next so they lazily took their seats and sat down quietly.

“Who knows, maybe we might one day need to” Taeyeon said sarcastically.

“Taeyeon. You will never ever need to use the restroom again, nor eat or sleep” Sooyoung reminded Taeyeon as she sat at her own desk. Taeyeon just flexed her jaw as she clenched her teeth.

“Taeyeon. We’re immortals. There is nothing we can do to reverse that.” Yuri added silently. Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Yuri’s remark and rested her feet onto the table. Yoona came bounding to Taeyeon, trying to calm her down.

“Look on the bright side. We won't have to waste our time sleeping.” Yoona smiled.

“No sleep for all eternity. Wow that’s nice” Taeyeon mumbled sarcastically. Yoona and Yuri were defeated. They couldn’t stand up to their leader for long.

“Taeyeon get over it. You’ve been like this for over a hundred and fifty years now.” Sooyoung rolled her eyes. Taeyeon slammed her hands against the table as she stood up.

“Maybe I want to be human again. We spend our days doing the same old things over and over again and all our nights doing whatever we can find. Seeing humans fight each other for years on end and seeing the whole world change while we remain the same until the end of time! Don’t you find it boring? We don’t change at all. We have nothing to look forward to.” Taeyeon yelled with anger. Yuri and Yoona got out of their seats and stepped back five feet, scared of the enraged Taeyeon.

“Come now it’s not that bad. Humans would do anything to live forever. Consider yourself lucky.” Sooyoung was still calm as she started opening her text books. This statement angered Taeyeon even more.

“They don’t know the true horrors of living forever. They don’t know what it is like to see your loved ones and those around you pass on and age as you remained the same. You cannot do anything but just watch each day pass and the people around you disappear!” Taeyeon was now yelling at the top of her voice. From the side, Yuri and Yoona could see Taeyeon’s eyes slowly morph into a blue shade.

Sooyoung sighed as she already knew what Taeyeon was talking about. Yoona looked at Yuri and Yuri just looked back at Yoona, confused at what Taeyeon meant by ‘loved ones’.

“That is why I tell you not to get too close with anyone. If you get involved with any humans, they are just going to pass on by and leave you behind.” Sooyoung had an angered tone in her voice.

“That is now, but what about over a hundred years ago?” Taeyeon glared at Sooyoung.

“What's passed is past. Now turn your textbooks to page fifty four.” Sooyoung shrugged

“What’s the point? We have all the time in the world to learn about this. I have read and re-read that same textbook forty times during the night.” Taeyeon gritted her teeth. Yuri and Yoona just nodded, as they too have done the same with every other text book.

“Image” Sooyoung answered bluntly. The three Elites just rolled their eyes. They had an image of the elite and talented to uphold. With the depressing thought in their minds, they went to their tables and sat down but they did not bother to open their textbooks.

“Yuri! Yoona! Tell me what is on page fifty four. I’m sure since you forty times already you should remember” Sooyoung said annoyed as she pointed the stick towards the two Elites. Yuri yawned and Yoona flexed her jaw.

“Polynomials. General form of a polynomial in x: anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + . . . + a2x2 + a1x1 + a0, where the ai, i = 1, 2, . . ., n are real numbers. n is a whole number. Degree of a term is the sum of the exponents on the variables in the term. The term 4x3y5 has degree 8 since 3 + 5 = 8.” Yuri and Yoona recited with perfect sync. Their books were not even out on the tables thought the two of them had already remembered it off by heart.

“I told you. There’s no point” Taeyeon muttered as Yuri and Yoona pretended to nod off to sleep. Sooyoung just sighed as she rubbed her temples.

“I can't believe I have dealt with you guys for sixty years. And Taeyeon for 100 years” Sooyoung complained. Taeyeon then took something out from her desk. It was a chocolate bun. Taeyeon waved the bun around in front of her.

“I wonder who wants this” Taeyeon muttered. Sooyoung immediately eyed the bun, her eyes following it as it swayed from side to side. Taeyeon caught Sooyoung’s gaze and smiled.

“I guess I'll just chuck it then” Taeyeon said slyly, tempting the trainer. Sooyoung immediately ran up and grabbed the bun from Taeyeon and started eating it.

“You're always hungry” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“I'm not hungry. It’s just that I love food.” Sooyoung answered back. Yoona has been wondering for a while why immortals can eat even though they didn’t need to.

“Sooyoung, where does the food go if we eat?” Yoona asked curiously. Yuri then nodded, agreeing with Yoona’s question. Sooyoung just froze and so did Taeyeon.

“We don’t know.” Sooyoung answered slowly. Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders.

“Just one of the many things immortals can do I guess” Taeyeon said as she turned her attention to the sky outside as Sooyoung had now finished with her chocolate bun.

“So what do you guys suggest we do during our so called study time?” Sooyoung turned her attention to Yuri and Yoona.

“We can just hang around and play games” Yoona said enthusiastically. Yuri just nodded once in agreement.

“Taeyeon, what do you suggest?” Sooyoung looked at the girl who was paying no attention to her

“They can do whatever they want. I told you, I'm only the leader in image. They’re free to do whatever they like.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“You know I can't allow that to happen. Someone has to look after these two.” Sooyoung rebuted.

“Yeah Unnie. Lead us” Yoona whined.

“I'm not going to be the leader of anything ever again.” Taeyeon growled. This took Yuri and Yoona aback.

“Again?” Yuri questioned Sooyoung.

“Taeyeon that was over a hundred years ago, you should just forget about what happened.” Sooyoung said calmly as she shrugged her shoulders. Yuri and Yoona just stared at each other, completely excluded from the conversation Taeyeon and Sooyoung were having.

“Don’t tell me what to do” Taeyeon was now yelling at Sooyoung.

“I'm your guardian, it’s my job” Sooyoung growled back

“No one asked you to be. I still haven’t accepted you as my guardian! You don’t understand a thing about me. How much pains me to keep living. Why don’t you hurry up and tell your elders to find a way to revert us back into humans!” with that Taeyeon left the room. Yuri and Yoona were now holding onto each other. They rarely saw Taeyeon that mad. Sooyoung slouched back onto her chair.

“Sooyoung, what happened 70 years ago?” Yuri asked. Sooyoung just sighed and shook her head. Yuri and Yoona had only known Taeyeon for ninety years, when they first joined the Elites. Taeyeon had been an immortal for over a hundred and fifty years, but Yuri and Yoona has only been an immortal for a hundred years. Both of them did not have any idea what happened to Taeyeon’s past

“You girls are dismissed” Sooyoung then sighed as she grabbed her stuff and walked out of the room. Yoona held onto Yuri’s hand.

“Yuri… I'm worried for Taeyeon.” She whispered.

“I am too.” Yuri replied.

“Let’s go find the three girls, maybe they can make Taeyeon smile again.” Yoona dragged Yuri along, leaving the room empty.

“What about Taeyeon?” Yoona stopped in her tracks.

“I think she needs her time alone. Let’s play with SeoHyun for now.” Yuri gave a wink. Yoona’s jaw dropped and then she slapped Yuri’s arm playfully.

“What do you mean by that?” Yoona growled.

“What do you mean? I didn’t mean anything” Yuri gave a mischievous laugh.

“Yes you did” Yoona pouted.

“What did I mean then Yoona?” Yuri challenged.

“That I….” Yoona then stopped, realising what she got herself into.

“Never mind” Yoona walked pass Yuri and towards the class rooms.

“Haha” Yuri laughed silently as she went after Yoona. As they were walking down the hall way, the sound of chairs being dragged against the floor echoed. The students in the rooms were rushing out of their seats to the windows to get a peek at the famous Elites. There were some sighs of disappointment when they saw that Taeyeon wasn’t with them.

‘I don’t understand why they like Taeyeon so much.’ Yuri laughed as she walked pass the classroom, keeping her calm expression.

Yoona however was blowing kisses and waving her arms around greeting the students. She then gave a cute wink and thirteen of the students fainted. Yoona laughed as she headed to Tiffany’s, Jessica’s and SeoHyun’s classroom and knocked on the classroom door. This classroom had their windows shut so the people inside did not know who was outside the door.

“We are in a middle of a lecture. Please come back after we’ve finished” said a stern voice from inside. Yuri had now caught up with Yoona and smiled. She then whispered something into Yoona’s ear and Yoona nodded at Yuri’s idea.

“Is that so? I guess the Elites won't visit then” Yoona turned around from the door.

“Excuse our intrusion” Yuri said after Yoona as she too turned around. The door immediately opened behind as girls rushed to see the Elites. Even the professor was surprised with the appearance of the Elites. Yuri and Yoona laughed at their enthusiasm.

“We’re here to pick up tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun. They have a few things they need to do for us” Yuri said as she bowed to the professor. The professor shot a fiery glare towards the three students who weren’t struggling against the crowd.

“Are you sure they can do? Maybe I can help” the professor offered with a smile. The other girls starting squirming too, wanting to be picked by the Elites.

“Pick me too please” they screamed in excitement. Yuri and Yoona laughed as they held their hands up to stop the crowd.

“We specifically want Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun. But thank you for your enthusiasm.” Yuri replied calmly as she took a step back from the overwhelming crowd. The crowd of students and a teacher got more restless. Yoona sighed, a little tired of the attention. She took out her whistle from her pocket and blew on it causing the students immediately stopped to cover their ears.

“I'm sorry but we need Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun now” Yoona said darkly. Yoona had split personalities and most of the college knew this. She would usually be the cheerful and carefree type of person, but when she got annoyed or was angry, her personality is the complete opposite. The classroom could feel a cold chill blow throw the room as Yoona shot a glare at the teacher. The teacher froze and waved her hands for Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun the three girls stood up immediately made way for the two Elites. Tiffany looked at them confusingly until she saw Yoona’s look. All three girls were stunned when they saw the dark expression on Yoona’s face whilst Yuri was just standing there calmly as she motioned for the three girls to follow her. As soon as Yoona managed to get the three girls out of the room, she returned to her normal self.

“Girls!” Yoona yelled as she hugged them with a bright smile. While in the hug Tiffany looked at Yuri with a confused look. Yuri just put her fingers on her lips and smiled, telling her she’ll tell her later.

“Yoona, you can take Jessica and SeoHyun first. I'll direct Tiffany then I'll join you girls later.” Yuri grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand. Yoona gave a salute as she put her arms around the other two girls and dragged them outside.

“What is it Yuri? Where is Taeyeon?” Tiffany looked around.

“That’s what I need you to do. Taeyeon is throwing a fit at the moment. I want you to go and calm her down.” Yuri put her hands together and closed her hands, begging Tiffany. Tiffany just smiled hesitantly and nodded.

“Where can I find her?” She said questionably.

“She’s most probably on the roof.” Yuri pointed towards the roof. Tiffany gave a small nod before she started making her way for the roof.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon was on the roof staring up into the sky with a solemn expression.

“Forget about the past? Forget those you’ve met? Forget all the memories you made? Forget the most important thing to you?” Taeyeon muttered to herself.

“Like hell I would!” Taeyeon growled as she punched her fist against the wall. Her hand was received a few cuts but it healed quickly the wall now had a hole in it.

“Why couldn’t I be a human like she was? Why did it have to be me alone who would live forever?” Taeyeon gritted her teeth. She then reached into her shirt and grabbed her necklace. There was a key on the chain. Taeyeon held it up to the sky and stared up at it as memories started rushing back to her.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon whispered to herself as she felt her heart ache and her eyes start to water.

“Taeyeon!” called a voice from the roof.

Taeyeon immediately put the necklace back into her shirt and looked to see who the person who interrupted her was.

“Taeyeon!” the voice called again. Taeyeon then saw a figure come from the door of the roof. A brunette girl came up and was searching the area. Taeyeon immediately recognised her as the Tiffany girl who stood up against her earlier that day.

“What do you want?” Taeyeon growled. Tiffany stopped in her tracks as she heard Taeyeon’s voice and faced her. She then crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows at Taeyeon.

“That is no way to greet someone” Tiffany pouted.

“Yes. But it is a way to greet something.” Taeyeon muttered back. Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Taeyeon referring to her as a thing.

“What did you call me?” Tiffany was shocked.

“None of your concern” Taeyeon turned her back towards Tiffany and stared up into the sky. Taeyeon’s attitude towards Tiffany made her hands clenched together in annoyance. She reacted by stomping up to Taeyeon and pulled on her ear.

“Apologise now” Tiffany growled sternly. Taeyeon remained calm, as though Tiffany’s pinch to the ear was nothing. And it really felt like nothing.

“Why should I?” Taeyeon glared into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany glared back at Taeyeon. Taeyeon then saw something familiar and paused. The chocolate brown colour of Tiffany’s eyes, and the way her eyes turned from bright crescents to a dark glare. Taeyeon’s body tensed when she saw the familiar features on Tiffany’s face.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon muttered

Past Lover

“Miyoung” Taeyeon whispered ever so slightly. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon strangely, wondering why Taeyeon suddenly dropped her guard.

“Yah! Taeyeon, are you listening?” Tiffany yelled towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon didn’t answer as her eyes became distant. Tiffany waved her hands in front of Taeyeon until finally; she came out of her daze.

“Well?” Tiffany crossed her arms expectantly. Taeyeon didn’t want to stay a minute longer; her past wounds were opening again for every second she was standing there. She turned around and tried to leave but Tiffany stopped her. Tiffany had amazing strength as she was able to stop Taeyeon, an immortal.

“I'm not letting you leave until you apologise” Tiffany glared. Taeyeon gave a defeated sighed. She didn’t want to stay there for any second longer as her wounds were opening up even more with each moment that passed.

“I'm sorry for the way I acted. Now if you please, I need some important things to attend to” Taeyeon gave a formal bow, making sure Tiffany would accept her apology. Tiffany’s face immediately lit up as she showed her smile.

“Good” Tiffany nodded once. Taeyeon immediately left the roof and ran to the room she was in before where her dispute with Sooyoung was moments ago.

“Just my luck” Taeyeon growled as she slammed onto the table. Taeyeon gave a long sigh before she sat herself down onto the table. She took out the necklace from before.

“Miyoung… You have no idea how much I miss you right now.” Taeyeon gripped onto the necklace. Her head started to show images of her past, of her life back then, and of her lover.

“Tae. Let’s go! I want to show you something!” A brunette eye smiling girl cried as she grabbed onto Taeyeon’s hand. Taeyeon smiled the impatient girl and allowed herself to be dragged away by the eager girl.

“Alright, alright” Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she kept getting pulled by over excited girl. The two of them went up onto the roof, where there was a piano set up. Taeyeon looked at the girl questionably.

“This is for…?”

“I’ve been practicing for you. I knew you loved the piano so I took lessons. Although I'm not good at it though” The girl bit into her lip feeling a little embarrassed. Taeyeon didn’t know what to say. She was touched that the girl would do this for her.

“Here sit next to me, I'll be less nervous like that” the brunette pulled Taeyeon to sit next to her on the piano seat. She then slowly set her fingers onto the piano keys and started playing Minuet by Bach. The notes were simple and yet they still sounded perfect and gentle. Taeyeon looked over at the girl as she looked like she was enjoying playing the piano as she smiled while playing the keys. Taeyeon smiled along after seeing the latter’s perfect eye smile. She then too started to play along with her. The girl then

accidently hit a wrong key, surprised to see another set of hands on the piano, but managed to calm down after Taeyeon professionally started to play along. The two of them kept playing for half an hour, smiling at each other when their eyes met.

Slowly, Taeyeon started to end the song and the other girl followed her lead. After the two ended their piano piece they looked up into the sky.

“It’s amazing isn’t it” Taeyeon whispered to the latter beside her.

“I guess so” she answered back, not quite sure what Taeyeon was talking about. Taeyeon took the latter’s hand and held both their hands up into the air.

“The sky that is amazing in its own way. It connects everyone to each other, even if you are on the other side of the world; you still see the same sky as the other people do. It is just this one sky that connects every single person with each and every other person in the world.” Taeyeon smiled as the sun started to set. The brunette beside her leaned her head against Taeyeon’s shoulder as she listened to Taeyeon’s explanation.

“I don’t need the sky. I will always be here with you, no need for the sky to connect us together, because we already are connected” she whispered to Taeyeon. Taeyeon then dropped her hand and wrapped her arms around the mortal human.

“That’s true” she said as she kissed her forehead.

Taeyeon then started to feel her eyes sting as tears started to fall down her cheeks once the memories started to fade again.

“Miyoung you’re liar! It was all lies! You said you’d be with me forever. The sky doesn’t connect everyone together. The past was just full of lies” Taeyeon slammed her fist onto the table as she put her head onto her arms. Outside the classroom Yuri, Jessica and Tiffany just watched as Taeyeon kept tormenting herself about her past. Yuri then pushed Jessica and Tiffany away from the door. As soon as they were a safe distance away from Taeyeon they let out a loud sigh, they were too scared to breathe as they retreated from Taeyeon. Yuri then bit into her lip and stared at Tiffany hesitantly.

“Tiffany. Did Taeyeon do or say anything?” Yuri asked.

“Not really. I was kind of harsh on her. I made her apologise for not greeting me properly” Tiffany began to think of anything that would’ve caused Taeyeon to break down.

“Ah!” Tiffany slammed her fist against her palm when she remembered something about her encounter. “While I was telling her to apologise she muttered something and started spacing out. I think she said something like Miyoung”

Jessica was now sitting down after standing up for so long.

“Maybe I should talk to her. I won't snap like Tiffany does here” Jessica said as she looked up at Yuri from the floor.

“Maybe later, Taeyeon isn’t in the mood to see anyone at the moment” Yuri bit her lip as she hesitantly glanced back at where Taeyeon was before.

“Miyoung… Hmmm” Yuri hummed silently. She then remembered the encounter between Taeyeon and Sooyoung. They had mentioned something about loved ones and forgetting the past. Finding it rather odd, she whipped out her phone and texted Sooyoung.

To: SooyoungSooyoung. Do you know who Miyoung is?Taeyeon seems to be a little edgy and muttered something like ‘Miyoung’

Yuri waited for a few moments before she received a text back.

From: Sooyoung.Don’t worry about her. It’s nothing, just leave her be for now

‘She’s hiding something’ thought Yuri as she put her phone away. Just then they saw Taeyeon walking pass them.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri yelled out to her.

Taeyeon didn’t bother to turn around. She just waved her hands in a careless motion and walked off, not uttering a single word in return. Jessica then stood up and chased after Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon-shi” Jessica called out. This time Taeyeon turned around seeing whose voice it was. When she turned around to see Jessica puffing her lungs out she stopped and waited for Jessica to catch her breath.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked as she stood in front of Jessica. Tiffany and Yuri stared at the two and decided that they should probably leave the two by themselves and hurriedly walked to the other side of the hallway.

“I'm sure they’ll be fine. Let’s not make Taeyeon uncomfortable.” Yuri said as they were walking off. Tiffany looked back at Taeyeon worriedly but followed Yuri to leave Jessica alone with the leader of the Elites.

“I'm fine” Jessica puffed as her breath slowly came back.

“Your stamina isn’t that good then” Taeyeon said bluntly as she held out her hand. Jessica hesitated to grab hold of Taeyeon’s hand and got up by herself. She found that Taeyeon’s hands were rather warm and couldn’t help but feel a little giddy at the touch.

“Was there something that you needed?” Taeyeon said calmly, trying to keep up her Elite image. Rather than coming out calm, her voice came out rather demanding and it frightened Jessica slightly.

“Nothing… I just wanted to thank you properly.” Jessica smiled awkwardly.

“Is that so? There really is no need. You can return to whatever you need doing” Taeyeon said coldly as she turned her back on Jessica. Jessica grabbed hold onto Taeyeon’s arm.

“Please let me thank you properly” Jessica said quickly as Taeyeon pulled her arm away from Jessica instinctively.

“It’ll only be dinner. Promise” Jessica pleaded. Taeyeon sighed she stared at Jessica. She was in no mood to be talking to anyone but she knew that if she were to say no, she would be bothered in the future. So, wanting things to be over and done with quickly, Taeyeon nodded slightly, looking a little annoyed. Jessica’s heart was starting to beat faster as her face started to heat up when Taeyeon accepted

“Meet at the diner two blocks from here at six” Jessica blurted out as she dashed off with embarrassment. Taeyeon stood there a little confused at what had just happened.

“Just like Sooyeon…” Taeyeon uttered slightly when Jessica was running away. Once Jessica was out of sight Taeyeon let go of her facial mask, revealing her sorrowful expression. Slowly Taeyeon turned around and started heading to her car, cursing the world for bringing such coincidences back into her life.


At around six o’clock Taeyeon was standing in front of the diner waiting for Jessica, hoping that she would come soon so that things could be over and done with quickly. Then, from a distance, she spotted a girl running up to the diner.

“Sorry. There was traffic on the way here” Jessica puffed as she stood next to Taeyeon.

“It’s okay” Taeyeon answered with a bored expression.

“Let’s go.” Jessica smiled hesitantly walked into the diner. Taeyeon was not in the mood to be joking around but followed Jessica’s lead. The two sat down at a table in the corner of the diner. Taeyeon and Jessica ordered their meals and sat there in silence.

“Thank you Taeyeon. If it wasn’t for you I probably would be in hospital by now” Jessica gave an awkward smile.

“No problem” Taeyeon gave a fake smile, trying her hardest to keep up her image and not snap at Jessica.

“So… is there anything in particular you need to be an Elite?” Jessica continued, not wanting to end up in an awkward silence again.

“I guess…” Taeyeon answered bluntly.

‘I'm boring her’ Jessica thought to herself as she gripped onto her dress nervously.

The waiter then brought out the food. He was quite a tall guy and had a handsome smile. He spotted the two girls and decided to pull a few moves on them. He gave Taeyeon her dish along with a flirtatious wink, hoping to maybe set some bait. Taeyeon however, just pretended as though she didn’t see it. He then did the same to Jessica, hoping to get a reaction but instead Jessica gave him a cold threatening glare in return. The waiter immediately felt goose bumps and stepped back away from Jessica. He then saw

Taeyeon flip her hair and decided to try on her again. He pretended to reach over to Taeyeon’s wine glass but his arm brushed against Taeyeon’s chest. Taeyeon immediately stood up and grabbed his hands bending it back in a painful angle.

“I would appreciate it if you don’t try anything on anyone” Taeyeon glared at him. The waiter stepped back, taken aback that the girl who was silent before had turned violent. The whole diner started staring at the waiter, shaking their heads in pity. A waitress then came running up to the waiter and pulled him into the kitchen.

“That’s Kim Taeyeon you retard. The leader of the Elites in SM College” the waitress hissed at the waiter. The waiter’s mouth immediately dropped open and ran into the kitchen with embarrassment. After everything had settled down Taeyeon sat back down on her chair as she saw Jessica’s shocked face.

“Can't stand rude people like him” Taeyeon gave a fake smile.

“You remind me of Tiffany” Jessica laughed. Taeyeon immediately froze

“Did her social justice rub off on you?” Jessica was starting to relax around Taeyeon slowly.

“I guess…” Taeyeon became awkward.

‘Miyoung taught me about social justice’ Taeyeon let out a long sigh. After the two had finished eating they left the diner.

“Thank you again” Jessica thanked Taeyeon once they were outside.

“No problem. Just don’t let anyone know about this. You might endanger yourself again” Taeyeon put her finger on her lip, motioning for Jessica to keep quiet. Jessica just nodded before she turned around to the bus stop. She then realised that Taeyeon wasn’t heading back to her car.

“Taeyeon?” Jessica asked curiously.

“Just visiting a place” Taeyeon took out her necklace.

“Okay” Jessica smiled before she left Taeyeon behind. Jessica then looked back to see what necklace was in Taeyeon’s hand. It was a key.

“Tiffany has a lock” Jessica mumbled herself, thinking it to be very ironic.

Taeyeon then started making her way down the road and Jessica boarded the bus and looked back at Taeyeon from the window to see Taeyeon walking past the car park and down the street.

Taeyeon was heading towards the old piano shop down the street. She opened the door of it as it was never locked. She walked into the back corner of the shop where there was a white elegant piano. On the side was inscribed with the words ‘Miyoung Lee’.

Taeyeon ran her fingers down the keys. She then sat herself down and started playing Minuet again. When she finished she heard someone come from the storage room in the corner of the shop.

“Who’s there?” Taeyeon stood up immediately, bracing herself for whatever it was.

“Minuet in G Major by Bach” the person said as they slowly exited the cupboard.

“Beautifully played” the figure could now be seen clearly now. Taeyeon’s jaw dropped slightly as she saw a brunette standing at the door of the storage room with a cardboard box in her hands.


The brunette stepped out of the dark closet and into the faint light of the shop. Taeyeon immediately recognised that it was Tiffany and stiffened. An all too familiar sight was facing her as her body began to react on its own.

“Miyoung?” Taeyeon called out slowly as her body unconsciously walked up to Tiffany.

“I beg your pardon?” Tiffany looked back at Taeyeon confusingly.

Taeyeon saw images of when she met Miyoung again. It was exactly the same. She had been playing the piano by herself in a shop when Miyoung came out to greet her. Tiffany then put down the box she was carrying and put her hand onto Taeyeon’s forehead.

“You okay?” Tiffany asked a little worried, feeling that Taeyeon’s temperature was rather warm. Taeyeon came back to reality and backed away from Tiffany’s hand quickly.

“Yeah. Fine” Taeyeon let out an awkward cough.

“You play the piano perfectly” Tiffany complimented with a smile.

“Thanks” Taeyeon answered back bluntly. Tiffany stared at Taeyeon who was now avoiding eye contact with her.

“You should look at the person when you’re talking to them” Tiffany said sternly with a slight pout.

“Ah sorry… just a habit” Taeyeon lied.

“So what are you doing here at this late hour?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany as she looked at the shelves behind Tiffany, making it look like she was looking at her.

“I know you're not looking at me” Tiffany interjected bluntly as she crossed her arms.

‘Was worth a try’ thought Taeyeon, getting herself ready for another lecture. Tiffany really was going to lecture Taeyeon, but stopped herself remembering what happened earlier.

“I come here often to clean the storage room or to find a new piece of music to play” Tiffany pointed to the box. Inside the box were sheets of music.

“Well actually… I don’t know how to play but I know a program in which you just enter the notes and it plays it for you.” Tiffany continued. Taeyeon just nodded slowly, not entirely listening to what Tiffany had to say.

“What about you?” Tiffany asked Taeyeon.

“…” Taeyeon remained silent.

“Well? What brings you down to this old run down place?” Tiffany urged on.

“I just… wanted to play the piano again. The piano at my place doesn’t sound anywhere near as good as this” Taeyeon traced her fingers on the white piano.

“That really is a beautiful piano” Tiffany answered awkwardly.

“Well… I should be going if I want to be home on time. Sunny is going to hang me if she finds out I’m out late” Tiffany joked to herself. She picked up the box and headed out to the streets. Taeyeon then noticed Tiffany sit on the bus stop bench. She knew the timetable of the buses well and she knew that there would be no buses around this time. Rolling her eyes at the girl’s naivety to not check the bus timetable, she walked out towards the bus stop.

“You want a lift?” she asked bluntly. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with a rather surprised expression.

“No thanks.” Tiffany answered, not wanting to be in a car alone with her.

“When you want a ride come up the streets.” Taeyeon pointed up the street where her car was parked.

“I won't need it” Tiffany answered back bluntly. Taeyeon rolled her eyes at the answer and waved her hand carelessly.

“When its eight o’clock start heading up to my car. That’s the only hint I'm giving you” Taeyeon then left Tiffany alone at the bus stop.

“What’s her problem?” Tiffany whispered to herself when she saw Taeyeon leave. She waited then for ten minutes. Tiffany then thought it would probably be a good idea to check what time her bus would be coming, so she looked to the side of the bench and found the bus timetable.

“Should be bus number…” she mumbled to herself as her finger traces down the timetable. When she checked the schedule there were no more buses heading in her direction let alone the bus that she was going to catch

“That’s what she meant” Tiffany uttered upon realising Taeyeon’s statement before. She then looked at the time on her watch to see that it was now eight o’clock. She then looked at the box she brought out with her and sighed.

“I can't walk home now… Ugh” Tiffany whined before she grabbed onto the box and started heading into Taeyeon’s direction. As she was nearing Taeyeon’s car she heard a joyful chuckle. Tiffany narrowed her eyes to see what was creating the noise and from a distance, she could see someone in a white blazer playing with an abandoned puppy.

“Down boy. That’s enough” the voice called out. Tiffany focused her eyes even more at the person in hopes of identifying who it might be. To her surprise, she saw Taeyeon sitting in front of the puppy in her Elite uniform with a slight smile on her face. Tiffany immediately stopped in her tracks and hid behind a bush as she began to spy on Taeyeon. Taeyeon, oblivious to Tiffany’s presence, lifted up the puppy up to her face. The puppy reacted and started licking her face as Taeyeon gave out another low chuckle.

“Yah! You want to kiss now?” Taeyeon stared at the puppy sceptically. Tiffany’s jaw dropped wide open when she saw Taeyeon playing with the pup.

“Haha. You can't. These lips are private property. You hear?” Taeyeon pretended to frown at the puppy. The puppy’s tail stopped wagging as his ears drooped low. Taeyeon then gave out a wide smile as she rubbed behind the dog’s ear with her hand. Tiffany had never seen Taeyeon smile like that even though she had just known Taeyeon for a day or so. It didn’t look like the usual Taeyeon at all, nor did it suit the cold exterior she had during college. It was like an innocent child’s smile on Christmas morning.

“Want to come with me?” Taeyeon asked the puppy. The puppy started wagging its tail again happily. Just then Tiffany rustled the bush, causing Taeyeon to look at the bush that Tiffany was hiding behind. Taeyeon could see Tiffany’s cardigan hanging out from the bush and let out a long sigh. Taking a few deep breaths, she slowly regained her cold persona of her Elite image.

“Come out. I know your there Tiffany” Taeyeon said sarcastically. Tiffany knew that Taeyeon wasn’t happy so she slowly peered over the bush to see that Taeyeon’s face was cold as she began walking up to Tiffany.

“Please don’t hit me” Tiffany yelped as Taeyeon stood right in front of her. Taeyeon let her hand extend in front of Tiffany and waited.

“Get up. It’s dirty there” Taeyeon said as she grabbed Tiffany’s hand and pulled her up. Tiffany took a few steps back after she got on her feet and flinched from Taeyeon’s grasp. Taeyeon crossed her arms and lifted her eyebrow up at Tiffany.

“What happened to the tough Tiffany?” Taeyeon said sarcastically, finding the cowering Tiffany completely different from the girl she had encountered that day. Tiffany then regained her confidence back and straightened her back up.

“Hurry up and get in the car. We’ll talk there. You don’t want to be late for Sunny now.” Taeyeon just said coldly as she turned her back and picked up Tiffany’s box before putting it into a car nearby. Tiffany followed slowly as she did not have any other means of transport. As Taeyeon walked past the puppy her expression became soft again. Taeyeon clicked her fingers and the puppy immediately ran up to her.

“You're not allergic to dogs, right?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany without bothering to look at Tiffany.

“I'm fine” Tiffany answered slowly.

“Sit in the passenger seat.” Taeyeon opened the passenger door open. Tiffany stood there looking at Taeyeon with a slightly alarmed expression. Taeyeon then just continued to open the back door of the car and took out a spare jacket she had. She wrapped it around the puppy as Tiffany got into the car. Taeyeon then took the puppy out and closed the back door where she then headed towards Tiffany.

“Do me a favour. Hold onto him until we get back” Taeyeon passed the puppy to Tiffany. Tiffany’s eyes opened wide open at the sudden request.

“Me?!” Tiffany exclaimed loudly.

“I don’t have anything I can put him in to make sure his safe at the back. So just do me a favour and hold onto him for a while” Taeyeon then just passed the puppy to Tiffany, forcing her to grab hold. She then closed the passenger door and headed to the driver’s seat.

“Where do you live?” Taeyeon asked bluntly.

“I'll show you the directions” Tiffany answered back, not quite sure as to how well Taeyeon knew the area around here. Whilst Tiffany was busy giving directions to her home, the puppy in the jacket started struggling and popped its head out of the jacket. It froze when it saw Tiffany instead of Taeyeon as Tiffany matched the puppy’s stare. She noted that it was a small Pomeranian with white fur and pink ears. Tiffany found the puppy really adorable and started rubbing its chin in admiration. The puppy responded to the chin rub and rubbed its head onto Tiffany’s palm.

“Cute” Tiffany smiled with her eye smile. Taeyeon looked across to see Tiffany’s eye smile and couldn’t help but note that it wasn’t like the ones she had seen before. Tiffany’s was much brighter and it seemed as though Tiffany had no care in the world. It reminded Taeyeon all too much of ‘her’.

Taeyeon reacted quickly by biting onto her tongue trying to forget about the thoughts.

“Turn left here” Tiffany said as she pointed towards the road. Taeyeon followed the directions whilst Tiffany kept playing with the puppy.

“Taeyeon, can I ask you something?” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon curiously

“Let me guess. It’s to do with the way I treated the pup?” Taeyeon sighed, knowing that the question would come up soon. Tiffany just nodded once.

“Guess I can't relax around people” Taeyeon gripped onto the steering wheel even harder.

“Well I think you should show this side of yourself more.” Tiffany lifted up the pup and rubbed her nose against its cheek.

“I have my reasons” Taeyeon answered coldly. Tiffany gave Taeyeon a confused expression. To her, she found that there was absolutely no reason why someone should hide their true selves.

“Ah. It’s the third house on this street” Tiffany pointed to a turn in the street when she saw a familiar street sign. Taeyeon parked up in front of the house where Tiffany specifically asked before cutting the engine. She then reached over picked up to pup from Tiffany’s lap.

“Don’t you dare tell anyone” Taeyeon said coldly. Tiffany stopped trying to undo her seatbelt and looked at Taeyeon with a challenging stare.

“Why not? You shouldn’t be someone you're not” Tiffany frowned. Tiffany was then cut short as a thought ran through her head.

‘You hypocrite’ said the voice in her head.

“Don’t tell anyone. This was just a onetime thing” Taeyeon was now glaring at Tiffany. Tiffany felt shivers go down her spine when she met Taeyeon’s gaze before giving a defeated sigh.

“Fine. IF! You treat me better” Tiffany put out her pinkie finger. Taeyeon stared at the finger and raised her eyebrow.

“Promise” Tiffany gestured to her finger again. Taeyeon just turned her head around and ignored the pinkie. Tiffany was persistent and held her finger up in front of Taeyeon’s face. The puppy in Taeyeon’s arms reached for the hand and tapped it lightly with its paw.

“If you don’t, who knows what I will spill.” Tiffany said cunningly. Taeyeon immediately glared at Tiffany as Tiffany smiled back. Reluctantly, Taeyeon lifted her hand up to Tiffany’s and wrapped her pinkie with the other latter’s. She couldn’t risk her image to be ruined by just one new girl.

“All good then” Tiffany let out a giggle. Taeyeon just gave off a huff of disapproval whilst the puppy on Taeyeon’s lap was now licking her again with a whining voice. Taeyeon stared into its eyes and her cold attitude immediately melted away.

“Fine” Taeyeon answered to the pup with a roll of her eyes. Tiffany covered her mouth as she smiled at the other side of Taeyeon. She quickly grabbed her box from the back seat and waved back at Taeyeon before exiting the car.

“I won't tell anyone” Tiffany held her pinkie up from outside the car.

“Better not” Taeyeon answered coldly. Tiffany’s face immediately became a frown.

“Fine… thank you” Taeyeon bit onto her tongue, trying to treat Tiffany better.

“Pinkie promise Tae!” a voice rang in her head. Taeyeon then began to start the car and drive off, thinking that it was Tiffany’s voice.

“Pinkie promise Tae” the voice repeated a little louder. Taeyeon now knew all too well whose voice it was. She had only ever made a childish pinkie promised with one other person. Taeyeon stepped onto the gas pedal and sped down the highway. Her knuckles began to go white from gripping onto the steering wheel to hard. The puppy gave out a loud yelp as it began to get scared. This knocked Taeyeon out of her memories again as she began to slow down. She patted the pup’s head, thanking it for stopping her.

‘Why are these memories coming back again’ Taeyeon slammed her fist against the horn letting out a loud horn to echo down the road.

As Taeyeon arrived at her home she opened her door and chucked her keys. The sound of keys echoed through the halls of her house. It was completely empty. Not a soul or being resides in her house except her. She was used to the sound of emptiness in her house already, but it still hurt her each time. The

puppy then crawled underneath Taeyeon’s feet and started bounding into the house, barking happily. Taeyeon smiled slight as bent down to pick it up.

“I'll name you Chubby” Taeyeon smiled. The puppy immediately dropped its tail and whined in disagreement.

“Hmmm. Bubz it is then” Taeyeon smiled. The puppy didn’t respond at first but it barked happily afterwards.

“You have a nice personality don’t you?” Taeyeon gave the pup a serious glance. The puppy then barked happily as it reached its paw up to Taeyeon’s face. As it lifted its paw up, it caught onto Taeyeon’s necklace and pulled it from underneath her shirt.

“Bubz. No. This is important to me…” Taeyeon slowly trailed off as she kept staring at the key. The puppy immediately got off and started running around the house. Taeyeon stared after the pup and sighed. She then stood up and headed to her bedroom and changed out of her Elite uniform. After she finished readjusting her hair from the collar of her shirt, Bubz had bounded into the bedroom. Taeyeon then remembered the object that the canine had caught onto moments before and slowly pulled it out of her shirt again. She then sat down onto the side of the bed and patted the mattress.

“Jump up” Taeyeon ushered the pup up onto the bed. Bubz willingly followed Taeyeon’s orders and sat beside its new owner. Taeyeon patted its head a few times as it slowly started drifting off to sleep. Once Bubz had lulled gently to sleep, Taeyeon turned her attention to the key. She held it up to the moonlight and allowed the key glistened in the moonlight and started reflecting it around the room. She then held onto it in the palm of her hand, stopping the lights reflecting off the metal.

“How I wish I was human” Taeyeon sighed as she tucked the key back into her shirt whilst gently getting off the soft bed. She then walked to her table and turned on her laptop to start talking to Yuri and Yoona through instant messaging. Taeyeon looked back at the puppy sleeping comfortably in the bed. She didn’t understand why she had a bed. She never slept during the nights nor did she need to.

For the rest of the night Bubz was fast asleep while Taeyeon was trying to entertain herself for another night.


After a whole night of emailing Yoona and Yuri, Taeyeon started to see the sunrise outside her window.

She decided to get ready for college early since there was nothing else she could do. She put on her Elite uniform and fixed her hair.

Taeyeon then grabbed a bowl and poured some food in it for Bubz.

After she put the bowl down she left the house and started walking towards SM College.

Tiffany on the other hand had woken up late. She jumped out of her bed and ran around the house trying to get ready.

“Sunny~ where are Jessica and SeoHyun~” Tiffany yelled out while she did her hair.

“They left already” Sunny answered back bluntly

Tiffany let out a loud groan.

“Bye Sunny” Tiffany ran across the table and grabbed a piece of toast as she left the house.

“Bye” Sunny answered back.

Tiffany dashed down the road while eating the piece of toast in her mouth. She checked the time on her wrist watch

“I could probably still make it” Tiffany encouraged herself

As she turned around a corner she bumped into someone.

“Mianhae” Tiffany apologised as she bowed to the stranger.

She looked up and immediately froze.

In front of her was a young male college student.

“SM College for girls huh?” The man asked.

Tiffany didn’t answer. She wanted to move but her legs wouldn’t allow her to.

“I heard SM College had the best girls in town. Guess they weren’t wrong” he smirked to himself

Tiffany finally got the courage to bow and run off.

The college student then held her arm back.

“How about a sorry kiss” he smiled

Tiffany was too scared. A man was holding onto her, touching her. Her legs gave way as she fell to the floor.

The college student stepped closer to Tiffany with a wide smile on his face.

“BACK OFF!” yelled a voice from behind him.

“No way. I want my fun” he answered without bothering to look to see who it was.

“I'm serious. Back off her this instance” said the voice again.

The college student turned around and was trying to land a punch on the mysterious person

“Leave me a…”

His arm was stopped by a girl shorter than him.

“K-K-Kim Taeyeon” he muttered as Taeyeon threw his arm off.

“I will repeat myself one more time. Back… Off” Taeyeon shot a cold glare at him

“Y-Y-Yes” the man fell back and quickly scrambled to run off.

Tiffany was still on the floor, terrified

Taeyeon looked at the girl on the floor and held out her hand.

“Come. We’ll be late to class soon” Taeyeon said

Tiffany didn’t move. Her body was still scared.

Taeyeon then grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand to pull her up. Tiffany swatted Taeyeon’s hand away as she was about on the verge of tears.

“Don’t touch me” Tiffany sobbed

Taeyeon froze. No one had ever denied her hand before.

She was about to walk away from Tiffany but then she heard Tiffany crying.

Taeyeon walked back to her and crouched down.

She moved Tiffany’s bangs away from her eyes to see tears pouring out her eyes.

“Tiffany?” Taeyeon was starting to worry.

Tiffany covered her eyes with her hands, embarrassed that Taeyeon was seeing her weak side.

“… You're scared of men…. Aren’t you?” Taeyeon tried to sooth her

Tiffany just nodded in her hands.

Taeyeon gave out a long sigh.

“Don’t worry he’s gone now. Let’s go to class where there are NO guys.” Taeyeon rubbed Tiffany’s shoulders.

Tiffany didn’t move.

Taeyeon bit her lip. She couldn’t just leave her here. She then had an idea.

Taeyeon turned her back towards Tiffany.

Tiffany had thought that Taeyeon was going to leave her and felts hurt. But then Taeyeon crouched down again and picked Tiffany up on her back.

“You’re going to class whether you like it or not” Taeyeon said sternly.

When Tiffany was successfully on Taeyeon’s back, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany’s hands and wrapped them around her neck.

“If you fall it’ll be your fault” Taeyeon then stood up.

Tiffany quickly tightened her grip on Taeyeon’s neck, not too tight that it would choke her.

Tiffany felt Taeyeon’s cheek brush against her arm as Taeyeon smiled.

Taeyeon then started walking up to the college. Taeyeon shuffled Tiffany’s weight a few times.

“I'm sorry. I must be heavy” Tiffany tried to get off.

“No no it’s fine. You were just slipping that’s all. Hold on tighter” Taeyeon reassured.

Tiffany leaned her had against Taeyeon’s back and held onto Taeyeon.

They were almost at the college gate when Taeyeon stopped.

“Tiffany… I think you should get off. The others wouldn’t be happy to see this” Taeyeon said awkwardly.

Tiffany immediately let go of Taeyeon and jumped off.

“Err Thanks” Tiffany bowed to Taeyeon.

“No problem.” Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany’s face lit up when she saw the kind and sweet Taeyeon. But that didn’t last long. Soon Taeyeon returned to her cold self.

“Make sure you tell no one about this and about last night” Taeyeon said coldly.

Tiffany just nodded once, a little scared of the cold Taeyeon.

Taeyeon then walked pass her and patted her head.

“I'll keep your secret too.” She said as she walked to the gates.

The gates were immediately filled with girls as they squealed at the sight of Taeyeon.

Somehow Tiffany felt lonely without Taeyeon by her side.

Tiffany let out a long sigh before she headed for class.

As soon as Taeyeon was out of the crowd she clenched her fist together

“Why did you lower your guard down around her” she mumbled to herself as she threw her arms up in frustration.

“She looks a lot like her, doesn’t she?” a voice came from behind Taeyeon

Taeyeon turned around to see Sooyoung

“What do you want?” Taeyeon turned her back towards her again

“Nothing. I just saw you this morning with that girl. Tiffany was it?” Sooyoung stood closer to Taeyeon.

“What about her?” Taeyeon asked bluntly as she moved away.

“Nothing. It’s just amazing how much she looks like her. But you have to remember. She isn’t her. If you were to get close to her, history would only repeat itself” Sooyoung walked pass Taeyeon as she put her hand on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

As soon as Sooyoung left Taeyeon fell to her knees.

“I know that.” She slammed her fist against the grass

The bell then rang to signal the students to head for their first class.

Taeyeon slowly walked to the Elites classroom.

As she walked in she saw 5 people in the room.

“What is this?!” Taeyeon yelled

In the classroom there was Yoona, Yuri, Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun

“Oh Taeyeon” Yoona quickly ran over to hug Taeyeon.

Yuri just stood there and smiled.

“Since the three girls were majoring in mathematics and chemistry, I asked the dean to allow us to teach them” Yuri said calmly.

“What about Sooyoung?” Taeyeon looked around looking for her

“Well since we already learnt everything, they re-assigned her to teach the other students” Yuri answered

SeoHyun got up and bowed to Taeyeon

“Sorry Elite Taeyeon” she apologised

Jessica then stood up too and apologise

“We’ll leave now if it’s too much of a hassle” she said as she made her way to the door.

Tiffany got up her seat and was about to leave too.

“Taeyeon~ Please teach them” Yoona begged and whined

Taeyeon stared at Yoona.

“Or would you rather read through the text books another 158 times before the year ends” Yoona’s cold personality came back when she whispered into Taeyeon’s ear.

Taeyeon immediately closed the door behind her.

“We’ll teach you whatever you need.” Taeyeon tried to sound calm.

Yuri let out a laugh behind the room and Yoona kissed Taeyeon’s cheek.

“Eugh” Taeyeon moved away from Yoona.

Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun stood there dumbfounded.

Taeyeon looked at them

“No need to leave. Us Elites will be tutoring you” Taeyeon reassured them

“Let’s draw names out of the hats. Just so you know Taeyeon is the best tutor you can get.” Yoona yelled out as she took out three toothpicks.

“Blue is Taeyeon, black is Yuri and I'm red” she said as she held to toothpicks towards the three girls.

“Pick one” Yuri said from behind.

Tiffany held onto the left one, Jessica on the right and SeoHyun with the middle.

They pulled the toothpicks out.

Tiffany ended up with blue, Jessica with black and SeoHyun with red.

Yuri looked at Yoona suspiciously

Yoona just smiled back innocently and shrugged her shoulders

“It’s settled then. TaeNy, YulSic and YoonHyun.” Yoona clapped

Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“I change my mind” Yuri and Taeyeon said in unison.

Yoona then suddenly shot them a cold glare.

“Yuri… I sometimes think that Yoona is the scariest of them all” Taeyeon froze and whispered to Yuri

“I think so too” Yuri said on the side of her mouth.

“You're lucky Tiff. You get Taeyeon” Jessica sighed

Tiffany looked at Jessica weirdly.

“Err… not that I should be jealous or anything” Jessica quickly turned around and walked over to Yuri.

“Well Jessica, what are you up to?” Yuri said calmly.

Jessica opened her text book and pointed to a question.

“That.” Jessica said bluntly

To be honest Jessica wasn’t really happy with the pairings.

Yuri looked at Jessica.

“How about we get to know each other first. Otherwise this is going to awkward” Yuri smiled

“Sure” Jessica answered back bluntly again.

Yuri bit her lip. She didn’t know how to deal with Jessica.

She has only dealt with calm people before in her life. But Jessica was as cold as the artic.

“I'm Jessica Jung. I major in mathematics and chemistry. There. Introduction over. Now let’s get back to working”

Yuri just stayed silent and did as Jessica wanted.

On the other side of the room was the YoonHyun pair.

“I'm Im Yoona, 21 years old. Major in well… everything really” Yoona greeted with a smile.

“I'm S-SeoHyun, 21 years old. Major in mathematics and chemistry.” SeoHyun smiled awkwardly.

“No need to be shy. Just think of us as any other student. No class, no badges, no honours or Elites” Yoona took her blazer off. She now looked like a normal student.

She had no Elites blazer on, nor did she have the Elites badge on.

SeoHyun smiled at Yoona’s friendliness

“Let’s get started~” Yoona yelled with excitement

The other four in the classroom looked at Yoona.

“Yoona, lower your voice” Taeyeon said tiredly

Yoona giggled and nodded

Taeyeon then turned her attention back to her student.

“No need for intros?” Taeyeon asked as she lifted her eyebrow up

Tiffany just nodded once as she opened her text book.

She felt as though she didn’t have anything to stand up against Taeyeon anymore. Taeyeon had known about her weakness now and could use it against her at any moment.

“What happened to the social justice Tiffany that scolded me the day before?” Taeyeon clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany

Tiffany jumped up a little startled.

“If it’s about this morning then I can just forget about it, like it never happened.” Taeyeon put her elbow on the table and leaned her head against her hand.

Tiffany looked up into Taeyeon’s eyes.

She saw that Taeyeon was trustworthy enough to not tell her about her secret.

“It’s okay. I trust you.” Tiffany said timidly.

“As long as you keep quiet about the puppy and piano last night” Taeyeon reminded her.

“Yeah… By the way, what did you name it?” Tiffany asked curiously

Taeyeon got off her arm and opened the book.

“None of your concern” she said embarrassed at the name she named the puppy.

“Naww. Come on tell me” Tiffany begged

“No” Taeyeon answered back bluntly.

“I bet it’s a cute name and your just embarrassed, aren’t you?” Tiffany teased.

Taeyeon stopped flipping through the book for a second but resumed shortly after.

Tiffany let out a quiet giggle, finding Taeyeon cute.

Taeyeon then wrote something down on a piece of paper and passed it to Tiffany.

‘Bubz’ was written on it.

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon strangely engrossed in the chemistry text book.

“Cute” Tiffany smiled.

“Eugh. Let’s start” Taeyeon tried to change the subject.

For the rest of the period the three pairs started to feel more comfortable around each other. Well the YoonHyun couple were. TaeNy and YulSic were still awkward.


The private study sessions with the Elites had now ended. Jessica and Tiffany sighed with relief while SeoHyun groaned with disappointment.

“You sure enjoyed yourself” Jessica shot a glare at SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just smiled back innocently

“Yoona was quite helpful. And it was fun studying with her.” SeoHyun explained calmly

“You don’t need help. You're already smarter than your unnies.” Tiffany said bluntly.

“Unnie~” SeoHyun swang Tiffany’s arm.

“Well at least one of us is getting something out of this.” Tiffany sighed.

“Let’s go eat” Jessica grumbled

As the girl’s trio left the Elites were still in the classroom.

Taeyeon and Yuri were laying their heads on the table with exhaustion while Yoona was skipping around the classroom.

“That was fun. We should’ve done this sooner” Yoona beamed

Yuri and Taeyeon just gave out a groan.

“Unnie?” Yoona stopped skipping and turned her head to the side innocently

“Do you not like your pairs?”

Yuri and Taeyeon looked at each other and sighed

“Tiffany doesn’t see me as the same anymore, but she still doesn’t hesitate to lecture me about my manners” Taeyeon rubbed her temple.

“Jessica really does suit her nickname, Ice Princess. She isn’t willing to talk to me or anything. She just keeps giving one word answers” Yuri slammed her head against her arm in frustration.

“Oh. Well me and SeoHyun had a great time. SeoHyun is actually very intelligent. She probably has no trouble keeping up with me” beamed Yoona.

“Maybe we should switch maknaes then” Taeyeon grumbled.

“Wei. Unnie. You know that can't happen. I have something that SeoHyun doesn’t.” Yoona pouted

Taeyeon stood up and headed to the door.

“Immortality right? Lucky SeoHyun then” Taeyeon gave a smirk before she left the room.

Yuri and Yoona just looked at each other.

“I don’t see what’s so wrong about immortality.” Yuri sighed.

“Maybe Taeyeon has her reasons” Yoona shrugged.

“I'm still grateful towards Taeyeon though. If it weren’t for her, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me” Yuri smiled at the memories.

“I am too.” Yoona smiled.

“Do you still remember how you met Taeyeon Yoona?”

“Yepp. I was cornered by a crowd of at least 50 people. Just remembering it gives me the goose bumps.” Yoona shivered.

“Letme guess, they were against monsters like us?” Yuri let out a sarcastic laugh.

Yoona just nodded once.

“Happened to me every red moon. I was cornered that time and had nowhere to run. Until Taeyeon popped out and took me here.”

Yoona just traced the edge of the table.

“What about you?” Yoona looked at Yuri who was still lying on the table.

“I guess my story is similar to yours. Only I wasn’t being hunted by others. I was kept in a chamber below a house as they ran tests to see how I gained my immortality.” Yuri let out a sigh.

“What was worse was that it was my own family who did that to me”

Yoona’s jaw dropped.

“Haha. Yeah pitiful I know.” Yuri’s eyes started to water.

“One night Taeyeon burst through the door of the basement. She took me out of my chamber but my family tried to stop her. Taeyeon wasn’t completely cold. She knew it was my family so she just swiftly moved through them, not hurting anyone. For many days after that she would take me back to see my family. She told me that no matter how bad they treated her, they were still her family.” Yuri felt a tear run down her face.

“Why would you want to see them after they did that?!” Yoona yelled

“That’s what I thought. But after they passed on I do sort of miss them. I'm still thankful towards Taeyeon for doing all that for me. I guess she regretted neglecting her family and didn’t want me to go through the same pain. What helped me most was after my parents passed on; Taeyeon said that she would become my new family.” Yuri wiped her tears and smiled.

“She said that to me too” Yoona jumped up and hugged Yuri.

“Haha. Ever since then, I've always had the need to protect and follow Taeyeon. She’s the only thing I have left.”

Yoona pouted

“What about me?” she asked

“Taeyeon was the only thing I had then. But now I've got you too.” Yuri rustled Yoona’s hair.

“Haha” Yoona started laughing and Yuri joined in shortly afterwards.

“But lately Taeyeon’s been getting edgy isn’t she?” Yoona pulled away from Yuri.

Yuri bit her lip.

“Hey Yuri, how did you become an immortal” Yoona suddenly asked

“Huh? Err… Now that I think about it… I don’t really remember” Yuri crossed her arms to think.

“All I remember is that it happens during a red moon. And that’s about all I know” Yuri sighed

“It really is a mystery huh? Oh well. Let’s go. I want to taste the new menu.” Yoona clapped her hands excitedly

“You don’t even need to eat” Yuri sighed as she was dragged by the younger girl.

“So? We don’t gain weight do we? Might as well make use of it” Yoona beamed

At the cafeteria Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun were sitting down and eating their lunch.

Tiffany let out a long sigh.

“I'll get going. I don’t feel like eating” Tiffany pushed her food aside.

“What’s wrong?” Jessica asked

“Not in the mood” Tiffany answered back bluntly

“Unnie is it indigestion? I've got something that might help” SeoHyun dug into her bag for something.

“No no, it’s fine. Just don’t feel like eating” Tiffany waved her hands furiously towards SeoHyun.

SeoHyun stopped rummaging through her bag.

“Might be PMS” Jessica said bluntly

Tiffany decided to go along with that excuse

“Yeah maybe. Meet you guys at Sunny’s place.” Tiffany got up from her seat and headed down the college halls.

The girls in the hallway were giving her glares and stares.

“Why would the Elites choose her?” one of the girls whispered too loudly

“Nothing is special about her. Psh” another girls whispered back.

Tiffany was starting to get pissed at the girls, but decided to ignore them and head down to the music room to calm down.

Tiffany opened the door and to her surprise, she saw the music room all dusty and messy.

“Doesn’t anyone ever use the music room?” Tiffany said to herself as she made her way through all the dust.

She then realised some foot prints, that weren’t hers, leading up to a piano.

“I guess someone does use this room at least.” Tiffany saw that the piano was the only thing that wasn’t so dusty in the music room.

She lifted up the key’s cover and sat down on the piano chair.

“How did it go again?” Tiffany thought for a while.

She then remembered.

Tiffany slowly started playing Minuet on the piano.

Although there were a few mistakes it sounded beautiful.

Tiffany decided to practise it a few more times.

Meanwhile, outside the music room, there was a loud ruckous

Taeyeon was walking down the hallway crowded full of girls squealing to get her attention.

Then a sound caught Taeyeon’s attention.

Although it was faint, Taeyeon knew what it was. It was Bach’s Minuet being played on a piano.

Taeyeon quickly fastened her pace towards the music room.

For some reason the girls stopped following her once she got to the music room.

“I heard that room is haunted” one of the girls murmured

“I heard that a girl died in there” another girl murmured

The girls kept whispering and murmuring to each other as they slowly backed away from the room.

Taeyeon was standing in front of the door.

*Close but yet so far* she thought to herself as she ehard the rumours of the room.

The piano could now be heard clearly.

Taeyeon stood there for a minute taking in the sound.

She then heard a mistake in the song.

Her memories then started replaying again.

Taeyeon’s memory

MiYoung was playing Minuet but kept making errors in the notes.

“Tae~ I just can't get it” MiYoung pouted

“Haha. Take is slow. Here” Taeyeon put her hand under MiYoung’s and began playing the piano.

MiYoung’s fingers followed Taeyeon’s.

“Ohhh.” MiYoung exclaimed.

“You try” Taeyeon took her hands away as MiYoung started playing herself.

She still made the same mistakes over and over.

“Aish” She threw her hands in frustration.

Taeyeon laughed when she saw the mini fit.

Memories end

“That’s the same mistake MiYoung makes” Taeyeon whispered to herself.

As she heard the mistake again she quickly opened the door.

She saw in the afternoon light a girl playing the piano.

Determined to get the notes right, and yet still making the same mistakes.

“MiYoung…” Taeyeon took a step closer

The girl playing the piano suddenly stopped

“Oh. Taeyeon.” Tiffany lifted up her head.

Taeyeon got a clearer look at Tiffany’s face. It wasn’t the girl she was expecting to see.

“Oh ermm. I just heard someone playing the piano and was curious that’s all. Since no one ever uses the music room besides me” Taeyeon shuffled her feet awkwardly

“I can see that” Tiffany looked around the messy music room.

“Hey Taeyeon. Can you help me play this? I can't seem to get this part right” Tiffany patted the seat next to her.

“Errr…” Taeyeon hesitated

“Please?” Tiffany pouted.

Taeyeon just stood there, not willing to move

“Just this once. I won't ask again.” Tiffany begged again.

Taeyeon sighed as she slowly moved closer

Tiffany pulled Taeyeon’s arm down.

“Fine” Taeyeon let out a sigh

Taeyeon started playing the piano slowly

Tiffany sat next to her and watched attentively

“Try it” Taeyeon motioned towards the keys.

Tiffany started playing it but Taeyeon suddenly stopped her.

“Start off slowly.”

Tiffany nodded once and started playing the piano slower.

Tiffany made the same mistake as before.

“Aish” Tiffany rubbed her hair in frustration.

Tiffany then tried again and made the same mistake.

“Gah!” Tiffany slammed her head against the keyboard.

Taeyeon was holding in her laughter but couldn’t hold it anymore. She let out a loud laugh before Tiffany’s glare stopped her.

“Here.” Taeyeon smiled

She put her hand on the keyboard and then put Tiffany’s hand on top of hers.

“I'll guide you” Taeyeon then started playing Minuet.

Tiffany just followed Taeyeon’s fingers, making sure she remembers every key that Taeyeon hit.

Once the song ended Taeyeon took her hand away from Tiffany’s

“Try it now.”

“Thanks” Tiffany smiled awkwardly

She started playing the piano when it finally got to the part wehre she makes the mistakes. Amazingly Tiffany got it right and played it all the way through.

Taeyeon was also surprised that she got it.

*MiYoung never got pass that* Taeyeon thought to herself.

“Haha. I did it” Tiffany clapped with excitement

She then started playing it again a little faster.

Taeyeon sat there and listened to Tiffany play. She played it through again without mistakes and kept going.

As Tiffany kept playing Taeyeon started accompanying her. Taeyeon took the unused side of the piano and started playing along with Tiffany.

Tiffany couldn’t help but smile as the two’s music merged together to create perfect harmony.

Taeyeon in that moment had forgotten everything. She didn’t care that she was immortal, she didn’t care that she was playing the piano with someone else other than MiYoung and she didn’t care about what Sooyoung said about getting close with someone. She was just enjoying the short time she had to enjoy herself.

Little did Taeyeon and Tiffany know that the others were outside watching them, including Sooyoung.

*This isn’t good* Sooyoung thought to herself.

Jessica up in front clenched her hand together.

She then turned around and bolted out the hall.

Yuri stared at Jessica’s back. She then decided to follow her.


Jessica quickly ran out of the college grounds and bolted straight for the park.

She settled herself on one of the empty swings.

She then heard footsteps approaching her.

“What do you want?” Jessica said bluntly when she saw Yuri standing there.

“Oh nothing really.” Yuri took the swing next to her.

There was only the sound of the swings squeaking as Yuri started swinging herself.

“Why are you here then?” Jessica asked again bluntly

“Oh, just worried about my student”

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Why are you worried?”

“I notice things earlier than others Jessica. I know what you're feeling.”

“Oh then tell me. What am I feeling? Because I myself don’t know what I'm feeling.” Jessica asked sarcastically

“Jealously” Yuri just answered back bluntly as she swung her feet again

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“I'm pretty sure though, what you feel towards Taeyeon isn’t love.” Yuri suddenly said

“Mwo?” Jessica let out a sarcastic laugh.

“She protects you and acts kind towards you. But what you feel towards her isn’t that kind of love. And Taeyeon probably doesn’t love you in that way either.”

“Who are you to lecture me?” Jessica stood up from the swing and went over to slide

“Your tutor.” Yuri flashed a smile.

“Okay then. What do I feel towards Taeyeon?” Jessica turned around and glared at Yuri.

Yuri remained calm.

“Sisterly love” Yuri flashed a smile.

“What a joke.” Jessica smirked

“Well. Do you want to kiss Taeyeon? Marry her?” Yuri got up from her swing and stood closer to Jessica.

Jessica hesitated. She never really wanted that

“No? See? It’s not that kind of love” Yuri crossed her arms and smiled.

“You're suddenly the expert?” Jessica defended herself.

“Yepp. I was the same. I used to think that I liked Taeyeon, but I soon realised that it was a different kind of love.” Yuri took a step closer to Jessica.

“Anything else you want to ask?” Yuri smiled

Jessica just turned her back

“Well whatever it is, you have to realise it sooner or later. Taeyeon doesn’t love you romantically. Nor do you love her romantically. The sooner you realise this the sooner you will be able to enjoy your life freely” and with that Yuri left Jessica alone.

Jessica stood there for a while, thinking about what Yuri said.

She never wanted to date Taeyeon, nor intend to marry her. She just admired her and wanted to be protected by her.

Jessica let out a sigh as she climbed up the slide and sat down.

“What do I think of Taeyeon?” Jessica muttered to herself.

Back at the music room Sooyoung was starting to pace up and down in front of the door.

“This isn’t good” she kept muttering to herself.

“Sooyoung? What isn’t good? Isn’t it better that Taeyeon starts to get closer to everyone?” Yoona questioned.

“No it’s not. Nor is it good for any of you to get close to anyone” Sooyoung answered back coldly

This took Yoona and SeoHyun aback.

“What’s wrong with them getting closer to us?” SeoHyun asked innocently.

“Because you become attached” Sooyoung answered back again.

“And… what’s wrong with that?” Yoona was confused.

Sooyoung stopped pacing and glared at Yoona.

She then shot a look at SeoHyun.

Sooyoung opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone.

“I won't get close to her” said a voice coldly

Behind Yoona and SeoHyun the music door was open and Taeyeon was standing there with a cold look on her face.

“I should know better than anyone to get close to a human” Taeyeon quickly shut the door behind her and left.

“Human?” SeoHyun looked at Yoona.

“Aha… Taeyeon was just being spiteful, that’s all” Yoona lied.

From inside the music room they could still hear Tiffany playing the piano.

Yuri had now returned to them

“What’s up?” Yuri asked.

“Yoona, Yuri, my office now” Sooyoung quickly disappeared down the hall towards her office.

Yuri looked at Yoona as she gave a shrug.

“SeoHyun stay here with Tiffany then. Jessica’s just thinking for a bit” Yuri said to SeoHyun

SeoHyun just nodded as she entered the music room with Tiffany.

Yuri and Yooona had now entered Sooyoung’s office.

“Sit” Sooyoung ordered them bluntly

The two Elites quickly took their seats.

“I am reminding you again. Do not get close to any human being. It will only cause hurt in the future.” Sooyoung was being serious

“I don’t see how it can hurt. I mean IF, and I mean IF, we do get attached to them, can't we just turn them immortal too?” Yoona shrugged her shoulders

“No!” Sooyoung slammed her hand against the desk

“It isn’t as simple as that. Do you know how hard it is to create an immortal? It’s the reason there aren’t immortals running around the streets” Sooyoung threw her hands up in the air.

Yuri and Yoona bit their lip

“You guys have no idea how lucky you are to successfully become an immortal. Though you aren’t full blooded”

“What do you mean?” Yuri spoke up

“Explain to us how to become an immortal then. All we know is that it happens during a red moon.” Yoona spoke this time.

Sooyoung sighed

“Well firstly you need a human. Secondly you need a pure blooded immortal. The immortal then gives some of their blood for the human to drink” Sooyoung gritted her teeth

“Then what’s so hard about it?” Yoona questioned

“Well one, there aren’t too many pure blooded immortals out there. And two, there is only a small chance that it will work. You two are part of the lucky 5%. Taeyeon is the lucky 0.1%”

“Why is Taeyeon 0.1?” Yuri was curious

“She’s pure blooded”

“Wait. If she was human, how can she be pure blooded?”

“We immortals are special in a way I guess. Pure bloods are created the same way normal immortals are. It’s just something that happens during the red moon that causes them to be pure blooded. In all the 200 years I've lived, I've only met 2. Taeyeon included”

Yuri and Yoona dropped their jaw as they said ‘ohhh’

“Then why does Taeyeon want to be human so badly? Isn’t it lucky that we get to live forever?”

“I guess you can say we were. But Taeyeon has experienced things that would otherwise change her view on immortality.”

“MiYoung?” Yuri questioned

“Yea…. Err No” Sooyoung quickly changed her answer

“Something happened to Taeyeon. And all we know is that it involved MiYoung. Why won't you tell us Sooyoung?” Yuri now crossed her arms

“It’s Taeyeon’s business who knows and who doesn’t. If she doesn’t tell you than I have no right to tell you either. You're dismissed” Sooyoung left her office.

“Yuri… I think I know what Sooyoung is trying to say.” Yoona tugged on Yuri’s sleeve


“Well, if we were to get close to anyone, they would die before we do. If we chose to make them immortal there is a 95% chance that it won't work.” Yoona started lowering her voice.

“I guess so” Yuri patted Yoona’s back.

“I’m starting to think being immortal sucks” Yoona suddenly said.

“We never chose to be one though. Guess fate just loves to mess with others” Yuri hugged Yoona.

“Well at least I got someone like you to look after me.”

“Haha. Tell you what. Why don’t you be my kid then?” Yuri looked into Yoona’s eyes.


“Well since we can't have kids of our own, why don’t I become your parent? I mean I will always look after you.”

Yoona paused for a while, thinking about Yuri’s offer

“Sure why not?” Yoona beamed

The two of them started laughing at their new family arrangements.

That sun started to set as Taeyeon was sitting on top of the roof.

When the sun had set there was nothing but the light of the full moon.

Taeyeon’s eyes then started to glow a bluey color.

“Ugh. Full moon.” Taeyeon complained.

She then receive a text from Yoona and Yuri.

To: Taeyeon

Full moon again huh?I hate what it does to our eyes. You're lucky you get blue.

From: Yoona

To: Taeyeon

Woot Full moon. Not.Enjoying your blue eyes? Cause I'm not enjoying my red eyes

From: Yuri

Because Taeyeon was a pure blood, her eyes would go blue in the full moon, the only sign which showed her pure blood.

Yuri and Yoona however did not have blue eyes in the full moon. They only had red eyes.

The three of them would avoid being seen during the full moon as they didn’t want the humans to see their weird eye colors.

There was an exception to that rule though.

Whenever there was a red moon, Taeyeon’s eyes would go red while the others go blue.

To: Yuri; Yoona

Wait till the red moon then

From: Taeyeon

Taeyeon sent the message and then stared up at the bright full moon.

*Another lonely night* Taeyeon thought

Yoona and Yuri were in their own rooms as they received the text from Taeyeon.

Yuri smiled as she closed her phone and started watching TV.

*Another long night* she thought

Yoona pouted at the message as she started taking out a skipping rope

*I'm going to try and break my record of 4 hours* Yoona smiled as she began skipping non-stop.

Jessica was in the lounge with Tiffany and SeoHyun.

SeoHyun decided to go sleep early which left Tiffany and Jessica alone.

She couldn’t sleep however as she remembered what Taeyeon said about ‘getting close to HUMANS’

She spent all her night trying to figure what Taeyeon meant.

*Why won't it be tomorrow already?* SeoHyun dug her head into the pillows

The two of them kept thinking about Taeyeon.

*Do I really think of her as s sister?* Jessica thought

*Why does she act so differently at times?* Tiffany thought

The two of them decided to go to sleep.

“Night Tiff”

“Night Jess”

Jessica lay in her bed as she tossed and turned, thinking about what Yuri said.

*Long night this is going to be* she thought to herself as she couldn’t get any sleep.

Tiffany did the same as she finally gave up and checked the time on her phone.

Only 3 minutes has passed since she last checked.

*When will this night end?* she groaned

All six of the girls were restless that night as the full moon watched over them


The next morning, the three girls were meeting up with the Elites for another class.

Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun were slowly falling asleep as Yuri, Taeyeon and Yoona were trying to teach them.

“SeoHyun? Wei” Yoona shook SeoHyun’s arms gently, trying to wake her up.

“Hm?” SeoHyun whipped her head up, her eyes heavily drooping down.

“Did you not sleep last night?” Yoona smiled

“Err. No. I had too much to think about” SeoHyun gave a quick stretch.

“Araso. You can go back to sleep if you want. I'm sure it’s fine if you miss a class.” She patted SeoHyun’s back.

“But what if I can't catch up on time?” SeoHyun worried.

“Don’t worry. I'll be sure to make sure you learn the things you need to know for the exams.”

*I’ve been here for 90 years, I think I should remember what’s going to be in the exams* Yoona smiled to herself.


“You won't be able to study properly half asleep. And by the looks of it, neither will your unnies” Yoona laughed as she saw Tiffany and Jessica sleeping on their arms.

Yuri was trying to wake Jessica up but she slept like a log.

Taeyeon just sat there and started reading the text book. Not bothering to wake up Tiffany.

Taeyeon then slammed the book down on the table loudly. So loud that even Jessica jumped awake

“Class dismissed. Go take your rests. Don’t stay up late next time” Taeyeon ordered sternly.

Tiffany stared up at the girl in front of her.

*If she could learn to control her temper and smile a little more, I'm sure she’d be even more popular* Tiffany thought to herself tiredly.

She then began nodding off to sleep.

Taeyeon stared down at the limp body next to her.

She rubbed the side of her temples as she sighed.

Jessica and SeoHyun slowly trudged out of the classroom and back to their place to take a nap.

Yoona and Yuri gathered next to Taeyeon in front of Tiffany.

“Well aren’t you going to wake her up?” Yuri asked as she crossed her arms

Yoona took a pen next to Tiffany and started poking her cheeks.

“Omo~ Her cheeks are soft” Yoona exclaimed loudly

Even though Tiffany was poked and prodded she didn’t stir.

“You guys go on ahead. I'll look after her. She deserves the rest” Taeyeon pulled out a random text book from the shelf and took a seat in front of the classroom

Yoona kept poking Tiffany’s cheeks.

“Come now. Let’s play a game. Whoever can skip the longest without a mistake?” Yuri put her arm around Yoona

Yoona stopped poking Tiffany and quickly stood up clapping her hands.

“Yay! My best time was 6 hours last night” Yoona smiled

“Aish. Mine was 5 minutes off 6 hours. Let’s verse” Yuri quickly ran out the classroom.

“Haha” Yoona let out a playful laugh.

*There is only a certain amount of years before you two get bored of that game* Taeyeon thought to herself.

The classroom suddenly became quiet. Only the low breathing of Tiffany could be heard.

Taeyeon glanced at Tiffany to see Tiffany smiling.

She rolled her eyes as she saw Tiffany start giggling.

Taeyeon took out her necklace again and stared fiddling with it.

After about another ten minutes Tiffany let out a sneeze

Taeyeon jumped out of her seat at the sudden noise. She got up and fixed her hair as she rolled her eyes at Tiffany

“For someone like her, she sure knows how to sneeze like a man” Taeyeon stood up and brushed the dirt off herself.

Taeyeon walked over to Tiffany and felt her arm.

Her arm was freezing cold.

“She’s gunna catch a cold at this rate.” Taeyeon bit her lip.

She then took off her blazer and put it around Tiffany’s shoulders.

“Be grateful.” Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at Tiffany.

Taeyeon took her seat back up in the front again. Little did she know that the necklace was caught onto the blazer.

Three hours had passed and Taeyeon had managed to go through 5 books.

“How long does she intend to sleep?” Taeyeon let out a sigh.

She put her elbow onto the table and put her chin onto her hand.

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany’s sleeping face.

*Wish I could fall asleep again.* Taeyeon thought to herself

Taeyeon took out her necklace again and stared fiddling with it.

Then were was a sudden noise outside of girls cheering.

She quickly ran to the window to see Yuri and Yoona skipping on a skipping rope. There was a large crowd of girls around them cheering.

“Eugh.” Taeyeon face palmed herself.

*They shouldn’t skip for more than 2 hours when there are students around*

She then looked at Tiffany who was still sleeping soundly.

*Won't hurt if I leave her here. It’s the Elite’s classroom anyway.* Taeyeon thought to herself

She then went out the classroom and headed towards Yoona and Yuri.

As Taeyeon walked towards Yoona and Yuri in the courts, the girls started crowding around her

“Yahhh~! Kim Taeyeon! Kyahhh!” the crowd yelled with excitement.

They were surprised to see Taeyeon without her blazer on.

“Where’s Taeyeon’s blazer” One of the whispered

Taeyeon heard this and immediately thought of an excuse

“It’s hot today.” She answered bluntly

*As if we could get hot* Taeyeon rolled her eyes

The crowd let out a long ‘ohhh’ before they started cheering again.

As she got close to Yoona and Yuri, the crowd made a runway for Taeyeon to walk through.

She then saw Yuri and Yoona balancing random objects on themselves as they skipped.

Taeyeon crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at how ridiculous they looked

She walked up close to Yoona and Yuri’s skipping ropes and raised one of her eyebrows at the two.

Yuri and Yoona saw Taeyeon and immediately swallowed hard.

They knew what Taeyeon was going to do if they didn’t stop. But they couldn’t. if they were to stop the things they were balancing would collapse on them

“Err… another hour?” Yoona asked innocently

The crowd’s jaw dropped.

“Yoona, Yuri, you have three seconds. One….. two….” Taeyeon began counting

“We can't stop.” Yuri exclaimed


Taeyeon took a step forward and stopped the skipping rope with her bare hands. She then quickly tied the two ropes together in multiple knots.

She then held up the large knot up at Yuri and Yoona.

“You know what to do” Taeyeon smiled evilly

Yuri and Yoona’s objects started crashing down but Taeyeon quickly caught them.

She then stood in between them

“2 hour was the limit, was it not? As punishment you will have to untie this knot. You remember how hard it was last time? Well it’s 3 times harder.” Taeyeon dropped the skipping ropes in front of them

“You know what to do” Taeyeon said coldly as she turned her back and headed back to the college classrooms.

The crowd cheered as Taeyeon walked pass

“Kyahhh! She’s so cool. Leader Kim Taeyeon. AHHHH!” they cheered

Yuri and Yoona looked at the impossible knot in front of them

They groaned

“Well at least we have something to do tonight” Yoona tried to lighten up the mood as she lifted the knot

“I don’t know how she managed tie a killer knot in a matter of seconds” Yuri poked at the knot

“Wanna get started now? We might have to if we want to be able to enjoy tomorrow” Yoona sighed

“That Taeyeon is deadly I tell you. Deadly” Yuri stuck her tongue out but did not let the crowd see.

Meanwhile Tiffany was still in the classroom. She began to stir from her sleep and slowly open her eyes.

From outside the window she could see that it was afternoon already. She stretched her arms and was surprised to see a blazer drop onto the floor.

“I wonder whose this is” Tiffany rubbed her eyes before she bent over to pick up the blazer

She gave the blazer a quick brush as her finger ran across the badge on the arm.

Tiffany took a closer look at the badge.

“Elites. Leader Taeyeon” she read aloud

Tiffany’s eyes opened wide

*Taeyeon was… I fell asleep after class was dismissed… I guess she looked after me* Tiffany started to make sense of things.

She stood up with the blazer when she suddenly heard a metal chain fall to the floor. Tiffany looked down to see what she had dropped. To her surprise it wasn’t something of hers. It was a necklace with a key on it.

Tiffany bent down to pick up the necklace. She held it up and started examining it.

“I wonder if this belonged to Taeyeon.” Tiffany mumbled to herself.

She fiddled with the necklace for a while.

“I wonder…” Tiffany slowly started unravelling something on her wrist

It was a necklace that she had made into a bracelet. It had a locket on it.

As Tiffany slowly started to put the key closer to the locket’s key hole she was interrupted

“What do you think you're doing?” a cold voice ran through the classroom.

Tiffany quickly whipped her head up to see Taeyeon standing at the door.

“Oh I just found this and was wondering… if by chance it…”

Taeyeon didn’t let her finish. She walked up to Tiffany and yanked the key away from her.

“Never touch things that aren’t yours” Taeyeon shot a cold glare towards Tiffany.

Tiffany took a step back, scared of the cold glare that she received

“Th-Thank you… for lending me your blazer” Tiffany stuttered as she held the blazer up to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon grabbed her blazer and quickly put it on her. She then attached the chain around her neck.

“Class was dismissed long ago. Go home and don’t stay up late” with that Taeyeon left the classroom abruptly

Tiffany fell back into her chair

*And here I thought she was nice* Tiffany let out a disappointed sigh.

She then stared at the locket on the table

“Nahh it couldn’t be” Tiffany laughed off the crazy idea she had.

She re-attached the necklace to her wrist again and held her wrist up.

“Still I can't forget what that note told me to do” Tiffany murmured

Tiffany started remembering how she got the necklace


Tiffany was walking through the rain. Her father had just finished beating her up. She felt the side of her cheeks throb where her father hit her.

“Stupid men.” She mumbled

Tiffany then walked across a dark old shop. She peered inside the window door. To her surprise the door opened

“Hello?” Tiffany called out through the shop.

There was no answer. She then began walking through the shop; examining the things around her.

Suddenly something caught her eye. At the end of the shop was a piano which was gleaming in the dim moonlight.

Tiffany stepped up towards the piano.

“Woah.” She gasped in awe.

Tiffany sat down on the piano and started pressing the keys on the piano. She then started to play a tune on the piano which she learnt during her high school years.

“It really is a beautiful piano” Tiffany complimented the piano.

She then let out a sneeze.

As she slowly opened her eyes she saw something that caught her attention.

It was a small music box.

Tiffany walked up to the music box. It was rusty and seemed to be over a hundred years old. There was a pile of dust a centimetre thick on the top of it. Tiffany blew the dust off it and slowly opened it.

Although the hinges were rusty she managed to get it open. Inside there was a necklace and a note.

To: Whoever may find this

Here lies a rusty music box and an old locket.It is my wish that I have my last request fulfilled.Here is a locket in which is very dear to me. There is a key which fits with this locket.They key is also the key in which would make this music box play again.To whoever is reading this note, please find the key for this locket.May you love the person who owns the key in my place.This is my last request and I hope that it may be fulfilled.Only those who are fated to be with the owner of the key will be able to find this note.Please do not disregard this message.


The note is burnt at the bottom, cutting off the sender’s name.

Tiffany held up the locket.

“Woah. It’s pretty” Tiffany touched the locket.

She noticed a small key hole in the middle of it. Tiffany then re-read the note.

She could tell that the sender really wanted to have the locket find the key.

*I accept* Tiffany said in her mind as she put the music box in her pocket and attached the necklace to her wrist

*At least it will give me a purpose in life* Tiffany smiled at the small hope she had.

End flashback

*I won't let you down* Tiffany gave a small air fist pump, determined to find the key of the locket and music box.

Rain Rain

It was Friday morning and the sky was covered with dark gray clouds.

"I hate Fridays" Jessica complained

"Not that bad" Tiffany flashed an encouraging smile

"At least it's not hot" SeoHyun added

Jessica just rolled her eyes. She never really could stand hot weather.

The three of them then made their way to the Elite's classroom. As they walked in they saw three perfect figures sitting at the tables talking to each other.

"Omo~ Are we late? We're sorry" SeoHyun apologised

Yoona jumped out of her seat and ran towards SeoHyun, tackling her with a hug.

"Nope you're just on time. We just come here early that's all" Yoona said as she broke from the hug

Taeyeon glanced over to Yuri and Yuri just shook her head.

"Come. Time to start" Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany bit her lip. She had a feeling that Taeyeon was still mad at her for the necklace yesterday.

"I'm not mad if that's what's worrying you." Taeyeon put her elbow onto the table and put ehr chin into the palm of ehr hand.

Tiffany gave a small nod before she took her seat in front of Tiffany.

Jessica was also awkward with Yuri. She stood in her place while she stared at Yuri.

Yuri walked up to her and stared at her

"You had a thought about your feelings towards her yet?" Yuri asked

Jessica looked behind Yuri's shoulder and stared at Taeyeon. She still wasn't sure of her feeligns towards her.

"I'll help you out." Yuri smiled

"Tae! Swap partners with me today." Yuri suddenly called out.

Tiffany popped her head up and stared at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just gave a small shrug before she left her seat and stood in front of Jessica.

"Only for a day right?" she asked Yuri.

"Yepp. Just a little change. And i doubt Yoona would want to change" Yuri laughed

Yoona shot a look at Yuri before she returned her attention back to SeoHyun.

Jessica held her breath as she stared up at Taeyeon. Taeyeon on the other hand seemed indifferent. she sat down on the seat and motioned Jessica to sit back down.

"Okay. Your in the same courses and Tiffany right? We'll start here" Taeyeon opened the text book and pointed towards the question.

Jessica nodded once before she bowed her head and read the text book.

"Understand everything?" Taeyeon asked after a few minutes

Jessica just nodded once again and Taeyeon went back to reading her own book.

Yuri kept an eye on Jessica, making sure that she was making process. But when she saw that Jessica wasn't making any process she decided to help her.

"Tae, come with me to the restroom for a bit" Yuri said as she got off her seat

"You're fine with this aren't you Tiffany?" Yuri asked Tiffany

Tiffany just smiled as she returned to her text book.

"You okay with this?" Taeyeon bluntly asked Jessica.

Jessica just replied with another nod as Taeyeon left the room behind Yuri

Yuri led Taeyeon down the hall before she pulled her into one of the empty rooms.

"Woah. What's up?" Taeyeon said in surprise

"It's about Jessica. She's a little unsure about some things with you." Yuri just smiled casually

Taeyeon sighed. She knew what it was.

"Sisterly or actual love right?" Taeyeon had sharp senses

Yuri just nodded once and smiled brightly

"Okay. I'll do it after class, she won't focus if I do it to her now" Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she turned back towards the classroom.

Yuri skipped along behind her.

As Taeyeon walked back into the classroom she took her seat with Jessica again and Yuri took her seat with Tiffany.

Yoona and SeoHyun were still giggling in the corner of the classroom.

"They sure have it easy" Jessica mumbled

Taeyeon smiled at Jessica's comment. Tiffany saw Taeyeon's smile and felt a sense of something inside her

Yuri smiled as she saw Tiffany's face change expressions.

*Jessica's not the only person who needs help* Yuri thought to herself.

After class had ended Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun packed up their books and started to head off.

Taeyeon suddenly stopped Jessica

"Come with me to the roof" Taeyeon said as she made her way out of the classroom.

Jessica was confused with Taeyeon's sudden meeting but followed her anyway.

Tiffany stared up at Taeyeon and Jessica and wondered where they were going.

Yuri suddenly tapped Tiffany's shoulder

"Their meeting up at the roof. But remember this, this is just a test for Jessica. They won't actually do it" with that yuri just left Tiffany.

Tiffany was confused with what Yuri had said.

*Do what?* she thought to herself

When Jessica and Taeyeon were no longer in sight, Tiffany decided to go up to the roof.

There was an urge in her to follow and find out what they were doing together.

Up on the roof Taeyeon led Jessica to the chairs on the left of the roof.

"So you're still unsure about how you feel?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Jessica as she crossed ehr arms

Jessica's jaw dropped

"H-H-How'd you know?" Jessica stuttered

"I'm not that dense Jessica" Taeyeon joked.

Jessica then just nodded with her face blushing furiously.

"I think i might have a way of determining your feelings" Taeyeon smiled

Taeyeon then started standing closer to Jessica.

On the other side of the roof Tiffany was spying on them.

*What are they doing?* Tiffany thought.

Taeyeon then started to lean in towards Jessica.

Jessica closed her eyes tight and Tiffany's jaw dropped open.

Taeyeon stopped about 2cm away from Jessica's lips. Jessica was trembling.

On the other side of of the roof Tiffany didnt see Taeyeon stop. She really thought that Taeyeon had kissed Jessica.

*What the hell?!* she thought.

The feeling she had before started to come back to her.

With that Tiffany quickly left the roof to calm herself down.

Meanwhile Taeyeon was still smiling at Jessica.

"Well? What are you feeling? Scared?" Taeyeon asked Jessica

Jessica popped one of her eyes open to see Taeyeon's face so close

She quickly took 5 steps back and tried to calm herself down.

"You didn't want that kiss did you?" Taeyeon stood up straight and smiled at Jessica

Jessica thought for a while.

Taeyeon was right. She really didn't want that kiss. It felt so wrong to her.

She didn't want to lose her first towards Taeyeon.

Jessica stared up at Taeyeon and bowed

"I'm sorry" she apologised

"Haha. It's okay. I'm just happy that you got your feelings straight. And it's a good thing that you don't like me like that. To be honest I would only end up breaking your heart" Taeyeon said bluntly

Jessica stared up at Taeyeon. Her expression seemed to be lonely.

"Does anyone have a chance?" Jessica asked out of curiosity

Taeyeon thought about it for a while.

"I guess not." she flashed a smile.

Jessica just bit onto her lip. She thought that Taeyeon must have her reasons for that.

"You can return to your friends now. I'm going to stay here for a bit" Taeyeon turned her back towards Jessica

Jessica nodded before she went back to her friends.

She took a look back at Taeyeon to see her let out a long sigh.

*I wonder what's wrong* Jessica thought to herself before she left the roof.

Meanwhile Tiffany had just reached the canteen area where she met Yoona, SeoHyun and Yuri.

Her face was still flustered.

*Why am I feeling like this? I don't even like her. She's just a uptight girl who doesn't care for anyone but herself* Tiffany thought to herself.

She then remembered about the incidents where Taeyeon had helped her. When Taeyeon drove her home from the piano shop, when she took in that poor dog and when she helped Tiffany with her fear of men.

Tiffany then looked up at Yuri. She was looking at her concerned.

She then remembered what Yuri had said to her before.

"Yuri come with me for a bit" Tiffany said as she walked out of the canteen.

Yuri followed after her.

After they were out in the canteen Tiffany didn't waste any time.

"When you said they weren't actually going to do it, did you mean kiss?" Tiffany got straight to the point

"So that's how she determined it" Yuri smiled

"What do you mean?" Tiffany asked

"Jessica was just unsure about some things and Taeyeon was just helping her clear things up. Besides Taeyeon would never kiss anyone else. The furthest she would go is hug them. Rest assured" Yuri patted Tiffany's head.

Tiffany felt a sense of ease inside her for some reason. She shook her head

*Why was i so worried about that?* she thought to herself.

"I know someone else who needs to clear things up too." Yuri just said as she walked back into the canteen.

Just then Jessica came back to meet up with Tiffany.

"Hey Jess" Tiffany waved

Jessica was smiling

"Hii~" Jessica smiled back

"What happened to you? Weren't you all depressed this morning?" Tiffany asked

"Yepp. Just sorted a few things out. I feel so much better now" Jessica beamed as she walked into the canteen.

Tiffany just let out a small laughter as she walked in after Jessica.

At around 4 o'clock the weather started turning bad. Rain was now pouring down heavily.

Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun were standing under the cover of the college classrooms.

Yuri and Yoona suddenly walked pass

"Want us to help you get throught this rain?" Yoona beamed as she held up three umbrellas.

"Really?" SeoHyun exclaimed

Yuri and Yoona just nodded.

"Share an umbrella with your tutors. Oh Tiffany you can have one to yourself. Taeyeon is staying back after." Yuri passed the blue umbrella to Tiffany.

"Where is she?" Tiffany asked

"She said she's staying back to play with the piano a bit" Yoona answered as SeoHyun jumped under her umbrella.

Some other girls caught glimpses of the Elites and started hating towards Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany.

They whispered to each other with jealousy.

"I think I'll stay back a little longer" Tiffany suddenly said as Jessica popped under the umbrella with Yuri.

"You sure?" Yuri asked

"Taeyeon doesn't have an umbrella does she? The rain doesnt look like it's going to lift soon" Tiffany smiled at Yuri

"No she doesn't... but she seems to like the rain. Anywho suit yourself" Yuri just shrugged

The other four then started to head our the gates while Tiffany stayed back under the cover of the classrooms.

After about an hour Taeyeon left the music room.

She went out to the exit and stretched. To her surprise there was a figure crouched over on the side of the door.

"Ermmm.... Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked as she went over to the figure.

Taeyeon patted the girl's back and jumped back when she realised it was Tiffany.

"God why does she resemble MiYoung so much" Taeyeon muttered as she saw the familiar figure.

Taeyeon then looked back at Tiffany.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Taeyeon rolled her eyes

She crouched in front of Tiffany and wrapped her arms around her neck. Taeyeon then took the umbrella next to Tiffany and put it over themselves.

"You owe me for this" Taeyeon muttered as she carried the sleeping Tiffany out to her car.

As Taeyeon slowly put Tiffany into her car she realised that Tiffany was starting to stir

"Shhhh" Taeyeon quickly tried to put Tiffany back to sleep

*I don't wanna be caught like this. This is like kidnapping* Taeyeon thought to herself.

Tiffany then stopped stirring and went back to sleep. Taeyeon gave a sigh of relief

She then put the seatbelt on her and moved over to the driver's seat.

"If I'm not wrong she lives...." Taeyeon muttered to herself

As she drove down the street she realised that Tiffany was talking in her sleep.

"Key.... Locket... Music box" Tiffany kept muttering.

*What?* Taeyeon looked over to Tiffany

"Key... note... must find key... fit with locket.... and music box" Tiffany muttered again

*This girl is mad* Taeyeon laughed to herself.

But Taeyeon couldnt help but feel as though it had something to do with her.

When Taeyeon reached Sunny's place she decided to leave Tiffany to sleep for a little longer.

"I have nothing better to do" Taeyeon gave herself a sarcastic smile.

She glanced over at Tiffany. For some reason she couldn't stop looking at Tiffany.

Taeyeon started to lean in closer to Tiffany to take a closer look.

Tiffany suddenly started stirring awake and Taeyeon immediately went back to her seat. Shifting uncomfortably

"Mmmmm. Where am I?" Tiffany asked as she rubbed her eyes

Taeyeon bit onto her lip. She couldn't help but think Tiffany was really cute when she did that

"You fell asleep at the classroom doors, so i decided to take you home" Taeyeon regained her composure and answered Tiffany bluntly

"Ohh..." Tiffany said still half asleep.

"Wait so I'm home now?" Tiffany looked outside the windows

"Yeah. I remember your address from before" Taeyeon re-assured

"Ohhh.... That's right how's the puppy?" Tiffany suddenly turned her attention to Taeyeon.

"His fine" answered Taeyeon bluntly

"Anything more?"


"Aw" Tiffany felt disappointed

"Well I should be going in... Sunny is probably mad right now" Tiffany bit the bottom of her lip.

"I'll come in with you" Taeyeon offered

"Really?!" Tiffany jumped

"Yeah. I should re-assure her that you were with me"

"Oh my god... Thank you!" Tiffany squealed excitedly

By now the rain had only become a light sprinkle

Tiffany and Taeyeon quickly got out of the car and up to the Sunny's place.

A petite figure opened the door

"TIFFANY DO YOU KN....." the figure was cut off when she saw Taeyeon at the door.

"Oh... Hi there" the figure smiled at Taeyeon.

"You must be Sunny?" Taeyeon asked politely

*Woah total attitude change* Tiffany thought.

"Yes that's me" sunny answered

"I'm here to re-assure you that Tiffany was with me the whole time. She was helping me get some paper work done. I'm really sorry for causing her to be late" Taeyeon lied flawlessly

*Wow* Tiffany stared at Taeyeon.

"Oh really? Oh that's okay then" Sunny smiled as she let Tiffany in.

"Thank you for bringing her home"

"No problem" with that Taeyeon left.

Jessica who was inside greeted Tiffany

"Welcome home Tiffany!" Jessica exclaimed

"Haha. Thanks" Tiffany replied a little confused at Jessica's reaction

"How long were you planning on sleeping in Taeyeon's car?" Jessica sneered.


"Taeyeon arrived here long ago. But then she let you sleep a little longer" Jessica replied

"Oh my god.... Really?" Tiffany had no idea

"Yepp. And to think she lied ot get you out of trouble too" Jessica's smile was getting wider

Tiffany bit her lip.

*Maybe i caused her too much trouble* Tiffany thought.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Clean up a bit first" SeoHyun yelled from the kitchen

"My my Tiffany. You know how to reel in the good-looking ones" Sunny suddenly came in and winked at Tiffany

"What?! Me and her have nothing going on" Tiffany waved her hands defensively

"Sure sure" Sunny waved her hands and went back into the kitchen

Jessica then followed Sunny leaving Tiffany alone

*I mean i don't like her in that way.... and neither does she.... right?* Tiffany sighed

Key to the Locket

On Saturday morning SeoHyun and Tiffany were already up watching the Saturday cartoons. Jessica was still asleep in her room and Sunny had gone out to meet her friend.

"You're close to Yoona a lot now aren't you?" Tiffany suddenly asked

"I guess" SeoHyun started blushing

"Hahaha. You can't lie to your unnie now. Tell me what do you think of her?" Tiffany fixed her attention towards the younger girl

SeoHyun hesitated

"Aww come on SeoHyun. I'll support you with whatever, you know that" Tiffany pouted

"... I just envy Yoona for her outgoing personality that's all." SeoHyun avoided Tiffany's eye contact

"I guess it is something to envy. She is the most open person I've met." Tiffany thought for a while

"It's just that I never have the guts or anything to be who I really am or say what I really want. But Yoona is able to speak her mind. I envy her for that" SeoHyun gave out a long sigh

"You don't know for sure. I mean everything has their own weaknesses that they hide. Their true self eventually comes out" Tiffany patted SeoHyun's back

Just as they finished talking the Saturday cartoons had ended. Tiffany stretched on the couch as SeoHyun got up from her seat.

"Where you off to?" Tiffany asked

"Yoona asked me to meet her today." SeoHyun replied bluntly

Tiffany's jaw dropped

"Well aren't we close now?" Tiffany smirked

"It's nothing big" SeoHyun started blushing again.

"Haha. Just make sure you smile naturally and you'll be fine." Tiffany yawned

"Okay~" With that SeoHyun went off into her bedroom to get ready.

Tiffany sat on the couch and lifted her wrist up. The locket was glistening in the morning sunlight which was leaking through the curtains.

"I still have to find the key" Tiffany sighed, thinking of how many keys there were out there.

*Maybe I should look again at that shop. I also need to find new music sheets to practise* Tiffany stared at the box at the end of the room.

"Okay!" Tiffany yelled as she got up and went to her bedroom.

She changed out of her pink PJ's and wore some jeans and a top. She then put a coat around ehr and took her scarf off the rack. Tiffany picked up the cardboard box of music sheets and walked out of the house

Tiffany started to walk to the bus stop and to her luck, there was a bus ready and waiting to take her.

As Tiffany walked down the bus aisle there were a few boys sitting on the sides staring at her. As she passed one of them they gave out a loud wolf whistle

"Damn" Tiffany heard him mutter

Tiffany quickly made her way to the back which was isolated from everyone in the bus. The boys and even an elderly man kept staring at her. Tiffany trembled in her seat. She never really liked men.

When she was little her father had always abused her mother. Her mother would warn her that men were beasts. Her mother was then mudered by a burglar on the roads. Tiffany was only 10 when that happened.

"Never trust men" her mother's words rang in her head again.

Tiffany let out a long sigh to try and calm herself down.

After 15 minutes one of the boys decided to approach her. As he got closer and closer Tiffany got even more uncomfortable.

When he was right in front of Tiffany, she decided to get off the stop. She quickly got her box of music sheets and walk pass the boy.

Tiffany sighed with relief as she got off the stop. Her heart still beating fast.

She then took a deep breath to calm herself down. Tiffany looked down at the street. She recognised this place. The piano shop wasn't too far away.

"I guess it'll give me some exercise" Tiffany muttered to herself as she began setting down the street.

Meanwhile at the piano shop Taeyeon was looking around.

She trailed her fingers along the wall, picking up dust as her finger ran across it.

Taeyeon then walked over to the piano. She looked on the side where the word MiYoung was inscribed.

"No matter what I do, I'll never be able to see you again" Taeyeon whispered to herself

She could feel her eyes water.

"This will be the last time I'll play this song..." Taeyeon started playing a tune on the piano.

It was the song that Taeyeon had composed.

(song i had in mind: Can you haer me - Taeyeon [piano cover])

Memories started coming back to her.

Memories of her past lover MiYoung... the times that they spent together... the images kept replaying in Taeyeon's mind.

They kept playing along with the piano's tune. Their first meeting, their first date, the time they spent together playing the piano.

Then the very last day they spent together.

The day MiYoung was supposed to be an immortal. The day where the two had put everything they had on the small chance they had.

Taeyeon suddenly slammed the keyboard and stopped palying the song.

Tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Shouldn't have let her go ahead." Taeyeon sobbed.

For about 5 minutes Taeyeon tried to forget about the last day. She took the key from her necklace.

She walked over to the shelf and took her necklace off.

"There is no point in just keeping a key that doesn't open anything" Taeyeon muttered.

Slowly Taeyeon put the necklace down on the shelf and left the piano store, hoping that it would take away all the bad memories she had of her past.

Not long after Tiffany had reached the piano shop. The door wasn't locked as usual and she walked into it.

She put the box down on an empty spot on the floor and proceeded into the piano at the back.

Tiffany started hitting one of the keys as she sighed. She was starting to lose her hope in finding the key.

As she sat down on the piano chair she rested her elbows on the keys.

Tiffany closed her eyes for a while. Then something caught her eye.

There was a bright light shining towards her eye. The light was coming off the reflection of something.

At the other side of the room there was something reflecting the light coming through one of the broken windows. Tiffany found this familiar.

It was how she found the locket and music box.

Tiffany got off her seat and walked over to the source of light. As Tiffany got closer she realised that it was a key on a chain.

*Isn't this Taeyeon's?* Tiffany thought as she held the chain up

The key twirled and the light reflected off its sides.

At the same time the locket was also relfecting off some light.

Tiffany bit her lower lip. She took a quick look around the store, making sure that Taeyeon wasn't going to scold her any time soon.

As soon as the coast was clear Tiffany took the necklace off her wrist. Slowly Tiffany held the key and put it into the lock.

The key seemed to fit perfectly into the key hole of the locket.

*Calm down now Tiffany* Tiffany re-assured herself.

She was starting to feel nervous.

Slowly she turned the key.

The locket opened

Tiffany couldn't believe what was happening.

After years of searching she had finally found a key that would open the locket

She felt a sense of accomplishment run through her.

Tiffany's knees gave way and she fell to the floor.

After a few minutes or so Tiffany finally came back to reality

*Wait it still has to open the music box* Tiffany quickly got up onto her feet.

She had brought along her music box just in case Sunny would chuck it away. Tiffany ran to the cardboard box and took out a rusty old music box.

She flipped the box around a few times to find the key hole.

Tiffany finally found it and stopped.

*What do I do if it is the key?* Tiffany suddenly thought

Tiffany held the key up. She was sure that it was Taeyeon's

*Why would she leave it like this if she didn't let me touch it* Tiffany wondered

She then quickly shook her thoughts and continued to open the music box.

As she opened the box it started playing a tune.

(Yepp again :D)

It was sad but loving.

Tiffany could feel the feelings inside the tune.

She sat there for a few minutes listening to the tune.

Her heart felt warm and she started to hum along towards it.

After the tune had slowly ended Tiffany sat there in confusion.

Now that she had found the key she didnt know what to do.

*The note said to love the person in their place... how am i suppose to love the person that I don't even know. I'm not even sure if it's Taeyeon's key* Tiffany started to wonder

She sat there wondering about what to do next.

*I'll keep these things for later. I'll figure things out when I'm ready* Tiffany decided

With that she put the locket and key into her pocket. She then put the music box back into the cardboard box and went home.

Taeyeon however had decided to come back to the piano shop.

She couldn't leave the key that was so precious to her like that, so she decided to go back and take it.

As Taeyeon went to find it she realised that it was missing

"Where is it?!" Taeyeon exclaimed searching the whole shop to find it.

After 2 hours of searching she had finally given up.

*Stupid Taeyeon! Why did you leave it?!* she scolded herself.

Taeyeon decided to text Yuri and Yoona.

To: Yuri; Yoona

Guys I can't find my key necklace!What do I do?!

From: Taeyeon

To: Taeyeon

Maybe it's a sign to let go of it.I mean it is really old.

From: Yoona

To: Taeyeon

Taeyeon, I think you should forget about it.You should focus on the present. You can't change the past.I'll still help you look for it though.

From: Yuri

"Their no help!" Taeyeon muttered to herself

As she left the store in rage she started to feel hot tears come from her eyes.

*MiYoung, I'm sorry I lost the only thing you left for me* Taeyeon mentally apologised

Taeyeon regretted leaving the key there.

She had wished that she had never done that in the first place.

Yuri's Plan

"Why did I have to leave it there?" Taeyeon sighed as she walked to he college grounds

She didn't particularly feel like going to class that day, but she had nothing else to do to take her mind off the necklace

As she walked into the classroom she saw Yoona and Yuri sitting at their tables

"Did your find your necklace yet?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon just ignored her and took her seat

Not long after the girls trio came in

They all seemed particularly happy that day while Taeyeon was in misery

Tiffany sat in front of Taeyeon smiling.

"Morning tutor Tae" Tiffany beamed

"Turn to page 87" Taeyeon ignored the greeting and bluntly ordered Tiffany

Tiffany was taken aback for a bit but did as she was told

All through the lesson Taeyeon acted coldly towards Tiffany. The two had never been so awkward together

Yuri and Jessica however were getting to know each other a little more

"Thanks Yuri, for helping me sort out my feelings" Jessica let out a small smile

"You're not such the ice princess after all" Yuri laughed

Jessica immediately stopped smiling and glared at Yuri

"Well you're not such a calm and mature elite either" Jessica answered back

"You gotta keep your image I guess" Yuri just shrugged

There was then a loud squeal that broke through the room

The squeal had come from Yoona

SeoHyun immediately covered Yoona's mouth with her hand and shook her head pretending that nothing was wrong

The others went back to their own business when Yuri realised there was an awkward silence at Taeyeon's corner. She saw Tiffany biting onto her lip nervously and Taeyeon just staring out the window

"Hey Jessica. Wanna help me sort out the feelings of two others?" Yuri whispered to her partner

Jessica just shrugged

"Who are they?" Jessica asked uninterested

Yuri smiled as she pointed to Taeyeon's and Tiffany's table

This time it was Jessica's squeal who caught the attention of everyone in the room

Yuri did what SeoHyun did with Yoona. She quickly covered Jessica's mouth before she could blurt anything out

"What do they need to realise?" Jessica said quietly

"That they like each other" Yuri answered bluntly

Jessica froze

"You serious?" Jessica took a peek at the two

"At times it seems they wanna rip each others throat out, but deep down inside they have feelings for each other. Even if it is really small" Yuri just said calmly

"And you would know this.... how?" Jessica raised one of her eyebrows

"I got a talent for it" she answered proudly Jessica rolled her eyes

She then took a peek at the 'targets' Tiffany seemed to be struggling with a question and Taeyeon was helping her with it

"Just mute their voices" Yuri whispered from behind Jessica didn't know what Yuri meant but tried it anyway

When she blocked out Taeyeon's cold voice and Tiffany's nervous stutters she realised something

The two actually looked cute together

"Cute aren't they?" Yuri interrupted Jessica's thoughts Jessica quickly turned around when

Taeyeon caught her staring Yuri just smiled back and waved

"Yuri focus on teaching. We're not here for fun" Taeyeon said sternly

"A okay leader" Yuri gave a childish salute Taeyeon just rolled her eyes and fixed her attention to the tree outside he window again while Tiffany resumed her nervous studies "

So you in?" Yuri asked quietly Jessica hesitated

"You want your older sister and friend to be happy right" Yuri referred to Taeyeon Jessica nodded

Deep down inside she knew Tiffany was starting to like Taeyeon

And she knew that Tiffany would be able to make Taeyeon happier... Somehow

"Count me in" Jessica finally answered

"Haha good. First ask Tiffany to come to the park outside the college campus. I'll bring Tae" Jessica nodded as she got back to her studies

After the classes has ended, Jessica immediately rounded up the girls

"You guys free this afternoon?" Jessica asked SeoHyun bit her lip

"Unnie I'm meeting up with Yoona now. Maybe another time?" SeoHyun clapped her hands together and closed her eyes

Jessica mentally thanked Yoona for that

"It's okay Seo" Jessica just gave an awkward smile

"What about you Tiff?" Jessica turned her attention to her best friend next to her

"I'm free" Tiffany just shrugged

She was relieved hat he lessons had ended

"Good! Meet at the park in front of the campus" Jessica blurted out before she bolted out the door to find Yuri

Tiffany stood here dumbfounded for a while, wondering what just happened

"Tae, this afternoon at the park in front of campus" Yuri just said calmly while the three of them were walking through the crowd of girls around them.

Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders

"What about me?" Yoona pouted

"You've got a date with SeoHyun" Taeyeon said bluntly

Yoona immediately smiled

"Chincha? Do I?" Yoona smiled innocently

"Don't think that we couldn't hear you" Yuri rolled her eyes

"Haha." Yoona laughed nervously as she scratched the back of her head and poked her tongue out

"Ewww." Taeyeon stuck her tongue out in disgust

"Haha. You know how Taeyeon hates aeygo" Yuri laughed as she patted Yoona's head

Yoona gave an evil smirk

"Unnie~" Yoona called out in her aegyo voice

Taeyeon stopped in her tracks and shot a glare at Yoona.

"Don't you d..."

Before Taeyeon could finish Yoona pouted and tackled Taeyeon to the floor

"Unnie~ Buy me an icecream please" Yoona said again in her voice

Yuri just stood there laughing.

Taeyeon quickly got up and blocked her ears

"No more" she shook her head

"Unnie~ I want icecream" Yoona said again as she followed her

Yuri was starting to laugh even louder

Taeyeon quickly bolted and left Yoona behind

"This afternoon rememebr!" Yuri called out to Taeyeon

Taeyeon just nodded and waved her hands. She couldn't take Yoona any longer.

Yoona stood there and pouted. She then looked to the side to see Yuri crossing her arms. Yoona gave a small smirk

"Yuri Appa~" Yoona started to annoy Yuri

"Oh god..." Yuri gave Yoona a worried stare

"I want some ice cream" Yoona used her most annoying voice

"Go get some yourself...." Yuri said cautiously as she pushed Yoona away from her.

"But I want ice cream from you" Yoona gave a pout

"..." Yuri quickly bolted

"Appa!!!" Yoona chased after her.

"Araso! Araso! I'll get you anything! Just stop!" Yuri yelled out

"I want a new car and a new house and..." Yoona started listing her things

Yuri stopped

"Don't push your luck" she growled

Yoona then turned on her split personality

"Oh really?" Yoona smirked

"I'll put you up for adoption" Yuri threatened

"Only Immortals are older than me." Yoona reminded

"..." Yuri stayed silent

"Shouldn't you be going to your date now?" Yuri quickly said

Yoona immediately snapped out of her split personality and checked her watch

"Oh my god. You're right. Bye Appa" Yoona quickly ran out

Yuri gave a quick sigh of relief.

She was then joined by Jessica.

"So how'd it go?" Yuri asked

Jessica gave the thumbs up and smiled

"All good" she answered

Yuri smiled and gave Jessica a hi-five.

The sun was starting to set and Yuri was already at the park with Jessica.

"So you remember the plan?" Yuri asked Jessica

"Yepp" Jessica replied

Just then they saw Taeyeon arriving at the park

"What is it you want Yuri?" Taeyeon said bluntly

"I needed you to help me with something. You'll see soon enough" Yuri smiled

Taeyeon sighed and took a seat on the bench. Just as she did Tiffany arrived

"Hi Jess!" Tiffany squealed as she hugged Jessica

"Tiff!" Jessica hugged back.

Tiffany then spotted Taeyeon sitting on the bench

"Jessica... What is Yuri and Taeyeon doing here?" she whispered

"You'll see" Jessica winked

Taeyeon suddenly stood up from her seat and walked off

"Yuri I know what you're doing. There is nothing to confirm" Taeyeon glared

"Confirm? Confirm what?" Yuri asked innocently

"Yuri I've been with you for ninet..... a long time. I think I should know you by now"

"Then you should know that I don't like to eat alone" Yuri smirked

"Well then bring Jessica and Tiffany then." Taeyeon started to walk off

"You should also know about where I eat!" Yuri called out

Taeyeon stopped and turned around. Yuri smiled while Tiffany bit her lower lip

"Two's company, Three's a crowd, Four's a party" Jessica suddenly called out

Taeyeon sighed

"You're eating there again aren't you?" Taeyeon then stared at Yuri

"Yepp. With only me, you and Yoona there isn't enough people. Since Yoona and SeoHyun are out on a date I thought us four should go"

Taeyeon paused for a moment.

"Fine" she finally gave up

"Wait... SeoHyun's on a date?" Tiffany suddenly asked

Jessica shrugged

"Okay it's settled then." Yuri clapped and lead the way off the the restuarant

Taeyeon just walked behind slowly while Tiffany and Jessica skipped behind her.

Jessica then suddenly let go of Tiffany's hands

"I'm going to go with Yuri. You can walk with Taeyeon. Okay?" Jessica winked

She then ran up to Yuri and linked arms with her.

The two of them smiled to each other, glad that the plan was going so well

"Jessica, just ditch me for Yuri huh?" Tiffany mumbled

She then looked at Taeyeon. Tiffany felt as though Taeyeon had a 'Don't come near me' sign on her back.

She sighed and started to keep her distance away from her. In doing that she started to fall behind.

*I was going to ask her about the necklace, but I guess she's not in the mood* Tiffany thought to herself

Tiffany then found herself alone when she looked up. She had fallen behind the crowd so much, that she couldn't see them anymore.

"Uh oh" Tiffany said to herself as she dashed forward looking for the group.

Meanwhile Yuri and Jessica were giggling away and talking about some random stuff while Taeyeon was trudging behind them.

*Is it just me, or is it suddely quiet behind me?* Taeyeon thought to herself

She turned around to find that Tiffany was missing.

Taeyeon took a quick turn to see if Tiffany was sidetracked but couldn't see her.

*Stupid girl. It's getting dark and you go off by yourself! Your even scared of men!* Taeyeon mentally scolded Tiffany.

"You guys go on ahead. Me and err.... Tiffany will join you later" Taeyeon said, trying not to alarm Jessica and Yuri

Luckily the two just waved their hands and nodded. Taeyeon then dashed back to find Tiffany.


"Where is she?" Taeyeon quickly searched around trying to find the lost Tiffany.

Meanwhile Yuri and Jessica were giggling to themselves

"Worked out better than I planned" Yuri laughed

"So what do we do now? We can't get into the restuarant if there are only two people can we?" Jessica asked

"Oh we can. The restuarant only allows an even number of people to enter. Interesting huh?" Yuri beamed

"So we're still going to eat?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Of course. This place is one of a kind." Yuri took Jessica's hand and dashed off

"Besides, Taeyeon and Tiffany might return there."

Jessica was being pulled by Yuri. She felt something travel up her hand and into her stomach.

There was a wierd feeling coming from Jessica and all because Yuri was holding her hand.

Yuri looked back to see Jessica looking uncomfortable

"Oh sorry. I must be hurting you" Yuri then quickly let go of Jessica's hand and walked ahead, excited about eating

When Yuri's hand left Jessica she felt a sense of disappointment.

"You okay?" Yuri stopped and asked

"Ermm.. yeah. Just hungry that's all" Jessica lied as she pulled a fake smile

"We're almost there" Yuri re-assured her

"Great" Jessica tried to smile

"Where am I?" Tiffany trudged through the streets.

Tiffany had been walking for about half an hour already and she still didn't know where she was. She then passed a bus stop and decided to rest there for a while.

"I should probably call Jess" Tiffany said to herself

She reached to her pocket and found that her phone wasn't there

"Forgot my phone again. Aishhh" Tiffany sighed and leaned on her arm

"I'll call a taxi then" Tiffany sighed

"Where is that girl?!" Taeyeon grolwed under her breath

Taeyeon had retraced their steps and yet she still didn't find Tiffany anywhere.

There was then a boy who walked pass Taeyeon

"Excuse me, have you seen a girl who looks completely lost anywhere?" Taeyeon grabbed his arm and asked

"Huh?" The boy turned around again

"Oh sorry. Have you seen a girl who seems to be lost anywhere?" Taeyeon let go of his arm

"Is she cute?" The boy asked

*What the...* Taeyeon thought to herself

"Because there were a few. There was only one cute girl though" He smiled

"Yeah... She is pretty cute" Taeyeon said quietly

"She went that way" He pointed down the road

"Thank you" Taeyeon quickly bolted

"Judging by the uniform... She's from SM College. Interesting" The boy said to himself before he walked off

"Why is she down this road?" Taeyeon mumbled as she followed the boy's directions

"So tired" Tiffany yawned

She still wasn't able to flag a cab down and it was starting to get late

Just then a drunk middle aged man walked up to Tiffany and slouched down next to her. Tiffany uncomfortably shifted away from him

"Hey there -hic-" The man waved a half empty bottle as he waved at Tiffany

"Err.. Hey" Tiffany greeted back nervously

She started getting chills down her spine.

The man walked up and stood in front of Tiffany looking at the bus schedule

"There won't be any buses around -hic- this time. How about you come with me?" the man asked sleezily

"I'm fine, but thank you" Tiffany tried to sound polite but her voice failed her

"Don't worry. My wife's on business trip so there's nothing to -hic- worry about" he gave a sleezy smile

*All the mroe reason not to* Tiffany thought to herself

"I'm fine thank you" Tiffany waved her hand and started walking off.

The middle aged man then quickly grabbed onto her arm and pushed her against the bus stop

"Why is it that I am being turned down so much today?" The man's voice was suddenly loud and violent

"Let me go please" Tiffany struggled

"No! I'm going to have a fun time tonight whether you like it or not" The man growled back

He dropped his bottle and his hand landed on Tiffany's thigh

Tiffany started crying

"Please stop! Let me go!" Tiffany tried to get out of his grip

"Why should I? It's not like you have anyone to come and help you" The man smiled

Tiffany's arms started to feel limp

"Please" Tiffany begged again

"Who's going to help you huh? You're all alone in this world aren't you? Might as well have some fun in your life" The man then slid his hand up Tiffany's thigh

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" a voice yelled out

"Go away!" The man yelled out and continued

Tiffany closed her eyes and suddenly felt the man let go of her. She opened her eyes to see a girl holding onto the man's hands and pulling him away from her

"Tae.. yeon?" Tiffany sobbed

"Stay there. I'll deal with you after I deal with him" Taeyeon looked around and glared at Tiffany

Although Taeyeon's glare was cold, Tiffany felt as though Taeyeon really worried for her. Tiffany's knees gave way and she fell to the floor.

Taeyeon gave a small sigh of relief to see Tiffany okay before she turned to the man before her.

"I guess I'm going to have twice -hic- the fun" The man pulled his arm away and threw himself at Taeyeon.

"You sick bastard" Taeyeon growled as she kicked his stomach.

"Fiesty one aren't you" The man smiled as he held his stomach in pain.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes before she dragged him onto the bus stop seat.

"You move and I swear I will make sure you NEVER have kids" Taeyeon threatened

The man shut up as soon as he heard the threat and closed his legs

"I'm glad we straightened that out" Taeyeon gave a sarcastic smile

"And you!" Taeyeon turned her attention to the girl on the floor

"Come with me!" Taeyeon growled as she grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the drunken man.

*Shit. You're in big trouble Tiffany* Tiffany quickly warned herself

Soon they were back at the park in front of the college. The park lights were dimly lighting up the area

Taeyeon then stopped and let go of Tiffany's arm

"Taeyeon before you say anything. I know I was stupid to go off by myself. I'm really sorry. I will do an extra 3 pages of homework and learn 1 chapter in advance. Just please don't yell at me so much" Tiffany clapped her hands together and closed her eyes, hoping that Taeyeon would let her off lightly

Taeyeon remained silent and still.

"I'll even do anything you want for a week" Tiffany added

Taeyeon let out a small laugh

"Why was I even worried for you" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany opened her eyes to see Taeyeon completely relaxed

Taeyeon then suddenly sat on the floor with her head in her hands

Tiffany then walked up to Taeyeon.

"Just leave me be for a while." Taeyeon said coldly

Tiffany remained where she was

"Thank you.... For helping me" Tiffany said slowly

Taeyeon gave another sarcastic laugh

"Why was I so scared once I couldn't find you? Why was I so relieved when I DID find you?" Taeyeon started to question.

Tiffany was taken aback

"You were worried for me?" Tiffany asked

Taeyeon quickly realised what she was saying and stood up

"Come, Yuri and Jessica probably went home by now. I'll walk you home" Taeyeon quickly changed the subject and lead the way

Tiffany stood there for a while

*Taeyeon actually worried for me?* Tiffany could feel a smile creep onto her face

"Don't think that I was worried for you or anything" Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany's smile faded

*Could she read my mind? TAEYEON IS A BYUN!!!!* Tiffany mentally teased Taeyeon

Taeyeon suddenly turned around and glared at Tiffany

-gulp- Tiffany swallowed hard, thinking that Taeyeon heard her thoughts

"I just don't get you. How can you be so happy after what happened?" Taeyeon asked

Tiffany let out a sigh of relief and smiled

"No use worrying about the past. What's done is done, there's nothing you can do" Tiffany answered proudly

Taeyeon tilted her head to the side and shrugged

"Everyone has their own opinions" Taeyeon replied as she continued to walk back to her car

As they got in the car a question popped up in Tiffany's head

"Where was it that Yuri wanted to eat at?" Tiffany asked

"It's a restuarant that only allows an even number of people to enter. The manager is a good friend of Yuri, Yoona and I" Taeyeon just answered

"Ohhh. Sounds interesting"

Just as Tiffany finished talking her stomach growled

*Stupid Stomach!* Tiffany mentally yelled at her empty stomach

Taeyeon let out a laugh

"Wanna go eat there?" Taeyeon asked when she managed to stop laughing

Tiffany blushed and turned her face away.

The car then made a quick U-Turn, narrowly avoiding a car in front of them

"I don't want to die hungry!" Tiffany quickly yelled in fright as she gripped onto the sides

Taeyeon let out another laugh

"Araso. Dinner's on me tonight" Taeyeon was still smiling

Tiffany looked over at Taeyeon smiling

"You know, Taeyeon... You look cute when you smile" said Tiffany

Taeyeon stopped smiling and raised her eyebrow at Tiffany

Tiffany quickly covered her mouth and looked away

"Well thank you for your compliment?"

"You're welcome" Tiffany answered embarrassed

Taeyeon then flicked Tiffany's forehead

"Dork" She said

Tiffany felt her face flush a red as she made contact with Taeyeon

*Why are you like this?* Tiffany closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down

For the rest of the ride Tiffany and Taeyeon remained silent

An Awkward Evening

"Yuri are we there yet?" Jessica complained

She was starting to get tired from the constant walking

"We're here. Leeteuk's restuarant" Yuri said excitedly

Jessica looked at the restuarant in front of them

It had a large rowd gathering at the front and the sign on the door saying 'Even numbers only'

"We going to have to wait in that line?" Jessica asked as her eyes followed the continuous line

"Haha. Do you want to?" Yuri raised her eyebrow

"No" Jessica made a disgusted look

"Then follow me" Yuri pulled on Jessica's hand again

Yuri pulled Jessica to the front of the line where a bouncer was standing

"Yo~" Yuri smiled and waved at him

The bouncer nodded once and let Yuri in

"LEETEUK!" Yuri yelled out

"What are you doing Yuri?!" Jessica hushed and tugged on Yuri's arm

Just then a smiling man was standing in front of them

"Ew it's Yuri" he said in disgust

Yuri laughed

"Ew it's Leeteuk"

Jessica looked at the man in front of them

He was quite handsome for someone who owns a restuarant

Leeteuk and Yuri then bursted out in laughter. Yuri let go of Jessica's hand and hugged Leeteuk

"Still causing trouble I see." Leeteuk laughed

"You know it" Yuri smiled

"Is this your partner for tonight?" Leeteuk looked over Yuri's shoulder

Jessica bowed politely

"Nice to meet you I'm Jung Jessica" she introduced herself

"You're a friend of Yuri's right? No need to be formal. Yuri never brought anyone besides the Elites here." Leeteuk smiled and shook Jessica's hand

Jessica smiled at his friendliness

"Speaking of which. Where's Taeyeon?" Leeteuk looked around

"Haha. Why only Taeyeon huh?" Yuri teased

"Oh and Yoona too" Leeteuk gave a sheepish smile

"Manager!" one of the voices called out in the kitchen

"I gotta get going. In the same room upstairs right?" Leeteuk waved towards the kitchen

"Yeaps. The usual too please" Yuri smiled

"Coming right up" Leeteuk then disappeared into the kitchen

"Come" Yuri smiled at Jessica and pulled her upstairs

Jessica remained silent, a little confused

As they came in and sat down Yuri took the seat across from Jessica and smiled

"Leeteuk is a really good friend of the Elites so we get in easily." Yuri expained before Jessica could get a chance to ask

"He looks young" Jessica commented

Yuri froze for a moment

"Aha.. Yeah I guess he does look young" Yuri smiled

*Considering his 350 years old* Yuri laughed to herself in her mind

"What was the thing about Taeyeon?" Jessica asked curiously

"Ohhh that. Haha. Keep this a secret will you?" Yuri leaned forward and motioned Jessica to do the same

Jessica leaned her head forward and Yuri whispered something in her ear

"Leeteuk has a little crush on Taeyeon" Yuri whispered

Jessica's jaw dropped

Yuri laughed and returned to her seat. Jessica too returned to her seat.

"Does Taeyeon know about it?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Yeah. Who doesn't know about it." Yuri smiled

Jessica was still confused

"He's happy as long as their friends" she re-assured

Jessica nodded her head slowly, taking in all the information

Then there was a knock on the door

"Yuri-ah" Leeteuks voice came from behind the door

Yuri jumped up and opened the door to see Leeteuk glaring at her

"Way to rub salt into a wound" Leeteuk commented as he walked in and put food onto the table

Jessica couldn't help but let out a small giggle. Yuri soon joined her

"Anywho. I'll get going. More orders to fill. Thank you Jessica for accompanying this kid" Leeteuk smiled

"My pleasure" Jessica smiled back

Leeteuk froze for a moment

*She looks like SooYeon* Leeteuk thought to himself

Yuri nodded as though she read Leeteuk's thoughts

"Re-incarnation" Yuri just said

Leeteuk nodded finally understanding while Jessica was confused

"Haha. Don't worry. Let's eat" Yuri sat in her seat

Jessica smiled and nodded

"Have fun you two. Oh Yuri, how's Tae? Oh and Yoona" Leeteuk quickly added

"Tae's actually starting to smile these days. As for Yoona, she's busy with SeoHyun" Yuri winked

"I see. I wish I could see her smile. I missed that smile" Leeteuk gave a sad smile

"You might soon. Taeyeon might be joining here soon"

"Really? I'll get the food ready then" Leeteuk somehow got really excited

"Remember to make it for two though. And Taeyeon doesn't eat much" Yuri reminded

Leeteuk nodded and walked down the stairs. He suddenly stopped halfway

"For two?" he mumbled

He then just disregarded the thought and continued

Meanwhile Jessica and Yuri were starting to eat

"Now that I think about it... I never see you, Yoona or Taeyeon eat" Jessica suddenly realised

*Because it's not neccassary* Yuri commented in her mind

"Guess your timing is bad" Yuri smiled

Jessica just shrugged her shoulders

"Maybe that's why you guys have perfect figures" Jessica mumbled

"Haha. I'll let you in a little secret" Yuri leaned forward again

Jessica leaned her head in too

Yuri then put her lips right in front of Jessica's ear

Jessica started to blush at their close contact

"No matter how much we eat. We remain the same. Not a gram heavier or lighter" Yuri whispered

Jessica didn't pay attention to what Yuri said, she was just focused on the pair of lips that were so clsoe to her.

"Oh" Jessica just answered before pulling back

Yuri also pulled back, and to her surprise she saw Jessica all flustered

"What's wrong?" Yuri asked as she put her hand on Jessica's forehead

"Ahhh nothing. Just a little hot" Jessica lied

"I know you're lying" Yuri stared at Jessica

Just the Yuri's phone went off

"Sorry. Letme take this" Yuri excused herself

On the phone was Yoona

Yoona: Yuri? Oh my god! I had the best night of my life! Eeeek!

Yuri: Woahh. I'm not deaf okay. Lower your voice a little

Yoona: Haha. Mianhe. I just wanted to share it with everyone that's all

Yuri: Haha. That's good to hear

Yoona: Is Taeyeon there?

Yuri: Nope, I'm at Leeteuk's with Jessica. Taeyeon's probably with Tiffany at the moment

Yoona: Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yuri: Haha. Yeah. So don't call them yet.

Yoona: Okay~ By the way. What are we doing tonight?

Yuri: Hmmm. Wanna play at Leeteuk's place? That 350 year old needs some excercise

Yoona: Hahahaha. Okay. At 12?

Yuri: Yeaps. I'll bring Tae.

Yoona: Okay. Byee

Yuri: See you later

Yuri then returned in the room to see Jessica on the phone

"SeoHyun?" Yuri asked

Jessica nodded and smiled

"Is that so Seo? Wow, lucky" Jessica said

"Put it on speaker" Yuri whispered

Jessica nodded and turned it on speaker

SeoHyun: Yeah. Yoona got me a Kekoro doll. It's sooo cute

Jessica: You sounded like you had a lot of fun

SeoHyun: Neeh~ Unnie where is Tiffany Unnie by the way?

Jessica: She's off with Taeyeon. Don't call her though. I'll tell her everything tonight

SeoHyun: Neeh~ Unnie, Yoona will be driving me home. I'll see you there

Jessica: Araso. Have fun

SeoHyun: Byyyeee

Jessica: Bye

"They sounded like they had fun" Jessica mumbled as she put the phone away

"Haha. Yoona called me too. It's getting late. Want me to take you home?" Yuri asked as she outstretched her arm

Jessica froze looking at the hand

"I'm not going to hurt you. Sheesh" Yuri rolled her eyes and laughed

Jessica hesitantly took her hand as she led her to her car.

While Yuri drove Yuri home Taeyeon's car drove pass

Yuri then let out a laugh. Jessica looked at her confusingly

"Tiffany won't be home for like 2 hours. Taeyeon just drove her to Leeteuk's" Yuri smiled

Jessica smiled along

"Haha. Okay"

In Taeyeon's car Tiffany and Taeyeon remained silent.

"We're here" Taeyeon interupted the silence

Tiffany nodded as she took her seatbelt off. She then looked outside the car to see that the restuarant was so packed

"We're going to have to wait?" Tiffany asked nervously

"Nope. Follow" Taeyeon said as she walked out of the car

Tiffany followed Taeyeon, a little nervous of the attention she was starting to get

"Kyahhh. That's Elite Taeyeon!" she could hear a voice in the crowd

Taeyeon just walked on and ignored it

She then walked up to the bouncer and patted his back.

"Long time no see huh?" Taeyeon joked with the bouncer

The bouncer took off his classes and smiled at the smaller girl in front of him

"Leeteuk's been expecting you" he answered

"Is that so? Can't keep him waiting" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany was a little surprised at Taeyeon's change in attitude

"You remember the rules don't you" the bouncer asked

"Yes. My partner is here" Taeyeon nodded her head towards Tiffany

"I see." the bouncer then let Taeyeon and Tiffany through

"Manager!" the bouncer yelled

"What is it?" came an annoyed tone

"Taeyeon is here" the bouncer replied with a hint of tease in his voice

"Really?" the voice sounded excited

"You should know the way" the bouncer looked at Taeyeon

Taeyeon just nodded as she walked in. She then stopped when she realised that Tiffany wasn't following her

"You coming?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany

"It's just... I don't like pushing in line" Tiffany took another look at the line

"We're not. We have our own room upstairs so it won't disrupt the line" Taeyeon re-assured

Tiffany then dropped her jaw as she said 'ohhhhh'

Just as they walked in Leeteuk greeted them

"Long time no see Tae. Thought you left me" Leeteuk smiled

"Maybe I wanted to" Taeyeon just shrugged

"You're still cold to me as always" Leeteuk then gave a pout

"You know how old you are? Pouting isnt suitable at your age" Taeyeon joked

"I guess not" Taeyeon said as Leeteuk pouted even more

"So you eating with me today?" Leeteuk returned to his serious state

"Nope. Got a someone" Taeyeon then looked at Tiffany

Leeteuk froze. He then looked at Taeyeon

"No I do not like her" Taeyeon said quickly

Somehow Tiffany felt hurt from that comment, although she already knew it.

"I'm Tiffany Hwang. Nice to meet you" Tiffany greeted

"It's my pleasure" Leeteuk replied

"I've prepared everything. Please make your way up" Leeteuk patted Taeyeon's shoulder

"Come" Taeyeon called for Tiffany

Tiffany followed obediantly. She had so many questions running through her head

*Who was he? Why do they seem so close? Why did I feel so hurt when Taeyeon bluntly said she didn't like me?* Tiffany kept thinking

"His a friend of Sooyoung's and also a friend of ours." Taeyeon answered Tiffany's mental thoughts

"I see." Tiffany just answered

Taeyeon returned to her cold attitude and acted as she would during class. As they entered to room Taeyeon took the seat across from Tiffany and focused her attention on the decor around them. Tiffany just fidgeted in her seat.

Just then Leeteuk came in with their food. He place the food down and suddenly took a seat next to Taeyeon

Tiffany felt something in the pit of her stomach as she saw how close the two were.

"How's school life Tae? Nothing bothering you?" Leeteuk asked

"Sooyoung is" Taeyeon answered bluntly

"Ah. Well I can't help you with that. She bothers everyone" Leeteuk joked

Taeyeon remained calm.

"Can I talk to you please Tiffany?" Leeteuk suddenly got up and asked

"Yea sure..... errrm" Tiffany realised she never got his name

"Leeteuk" he answered cheerfully

"Haha. Leeteuk" Tiffany said before she followed him outside

They went into the kitchen where they were sure Taeyeon couldn't hear them

In the kitchen Tiffany stood 2 metres away from Leeteuk, a little nervous of him

"As you may know, I'm a good friend of the Elites. Like an older brother" Leeteuk started seriously

Tiffany nodded

"One thing you may not know, is that I've got a crush on Taeyeon" Leeteuk said sheepishly

Tiffany's jaw dropped

"Unfortunately she turned me down. But we still remain friends. I'm actually surprised she brought someone outside the Elites to come eat here. Honestly I'm a little jealous" Leeteuk let out a laugh

Tiffany laughed along

"She doesn't like me, don't worry. Taeyeon just tutors me during class." Tiffany felt hurt at how true that statement was

She honestly wanted to be more

"I highly doubt it. There are so many things I could tell you now but I can't." Leeteuk crossed his arms

Tiffany looked at him questionably

"I'm just here to tell you a few things about Taeyeon. They might come in handy one day." Leeteuk suddenly smiled

Tiffany just smiled along

Leeteuk took a step forward wanting to whisper something in her ear but Tiffany stepped back

"You can just tell me here" Tiffany said sheepishly

"Haha. You really are alike" Leeteuk mumbled

"Pardon?" Tiffany asked questionably

"Nothing. So number one, Taeyeon loves peas. Number two, she is a really big dork behind that cold mask of hers. Number three, she's really caring and nice" Leeteuk started

Tiffany smiled at number three

"I know" she answered

Leeteuk raised his eyebrow

"You know? Wow, I guess I didn't have to tell you. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't hate her or anything"

"I can't hate her. She saved me a few times. And she accidenlty let me see the caring side of her" Tiffany let out a giggled remembering Taeyeon the day they met at the piano store

"Heyyy. You've got an eye smile" Leeteuk suddenly said

Tiffany stopped smiling

"Oh sorry. I'm a little straight forward. Oh and trust me, when Taeyeon said she didn't like you, she was bluffing. Sooner or later she'll open up to you. Have you seen her smile truthfully? Not her image smile but the smile she shows when she's truly happy" Leeteuk was curious

"I've seen glimpses of it." Tiffany admitted, remembering the cute smile Taeyeon let out every once in a while

"Lucky you. It's been a long time since I've seen it. I just wanted to make sure I was leaving her in capable hands" Leeteuk then started to make his way out the door

"Excuse me. But what do you mean by that? Taeyeon is just my tutor." Tiffany asked

"For now she is" he replied as he winked

Tiffany was a little confused at the gesture

"Taeyeon is probably waiting for you. Go on, I need to prepare some things" Leeteuk pointed to the stairs

"Thank you" Tiffany bowed before she made her way back up

As Tiffany opened the door she saw Taeyeon stretching. Her shirt lifted up as she did

Tiffany could see Taeyeon's toned stomach and perfect figure. She swallowed down hard as a warm feeling started running through her.

"What did Leeteuk talk to you about?" Taeyeon sat back down and stared lazily at Tiffany

"Oh just wondering a few things about me" Tiffany gave a small smile

"Turns out Yuri and Jessica left here not too long ago"

"Is that so?" Tiffany sat down nervously

"Oh sorry for leaving you with Leeteuk like that. With your fear and all" Taeyeon suddenly said

"Ahhh no it's fine" Tiffany waved her hands defensively

Tiffany felt a little happy that Taeyeon was caring for her

There was suddenly an awkward silence in the room

"Tell me about yourself" Taeyeon broke the silence

"Err...." Tiffany hesitated

"I can maybe help you get rid of your fear of men"

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon. There was nothing but honesty in Taeyeon's eyes.

She then told her everything about her father and her mother and how she developed a fear of men.

"I see" Taeyeon said as Tiffany finished

TIffany fiddled with her fingers

"Well I can't really give any advice about parents. They passed away long ago and I don't remember anything about them." Taeyeon sighed

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Nahh it's nothing. Letme ask you this. How do you plan to have kids if you're scared of men?"

Tiffany blushed at the thought of having kids

"I never really thought about that" Tiffany stuttered

"So you'll stay single forever? Or do you plan on going the other way?" Taeyeon asked

Tiffany froze

"Guess you never really thought about that either huh?" Taeyeon said

Tiffany just nodded sheepishly

Taeyeon started to laugh

Tiffany started to relax as she saw Taeyeon lose her cold mask

The two then started to eat

Outside Leeteuk was smiling in front of the door

*Been a while since Taeyeon has smiled let alone laugh. Tiffany hwaiting* Leeteuk thought to himself as he walked off.

Midnight Meeting

"I'll take you home again. Explain everything to Sunny for you" Taeyeon stood up and headed out

"Err. Okay" Tiffany quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind

"Thanks Teuk" Taeyeon called out towards the kitchen

"My pleasure" Leeteuk replied

Tiffany bowed towards Leeteuk and he just smiled

"Hurry up" Taeyeon called out

"Nehh~" Tiffany hurriedly caught up with Taeyeon.

As they walked out they saw that the line had died down. Tiffany quickly checked the time

"Woah! 11:30pm... Sunny is gunna kill me" Tiffany bit her lip

"Don't worry" Taeyeon re-assured as she opened the car door for Tiffany

Tiffany popped inside as Taeyeon went to the drivers seat

"I can get you there in 10. Make sure you have your seat belt" Taeyeon warned

Tiffany gripped onto her seatbelt as Taeyeon stepped onto the accelerator. Tiffany's whole body rammed back into the car seat as Taeyeon sped down the street.

"Breath." Taeyeon suddenly said

Tiffany then realised that she was holding her breathe and quickly released it, lungs burning for air.

"You're not going to die." Taeyeon said bluntly as she smiled at Tiffany's reaction

"You never know" Tiffany answered

Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany's remark. She made one last turn before she stopped

"We're here. Told you you're not going to die" Taeyeon undid Tiffany's seatbelt

Tiffany glared at Taeyeon. She then walked out of the car and towards her house. Taeyeon followed behind closely

-Knock knock-

"I'll get it" SeoHyun's voice rang through the house

"No! It's Tiffany. I need to talk to her for coming home so late" another voice called out

Tiffany swallowed down hard

"Sunny" Tiffany mumbled

Taeyeon then stepped up next to Tiffany, waiting for Sunny to open the door

"Tiffany you!...." Sunny opened the door and froze when she saw Taeyeon at the door

"Nice to meet you again. Tiffany was accompanying me to dinner. No one else was able to go with me so I asked Tiffany to come with me. I'm sorry that I brought her home so late" Taeyeon smiled politely

"Oh is that so?" Sunny gave a smile

She then glared at Tiffany. Tiffany winced at the sudden eye contact

"Thank you for bringing her home. Would you like to come in for a bit?" Sunny suggested

"I'd love to, but I've got a meeting with Yoona and Yuri" Taeyeon replied

*At this time?* Tiffany thought

"Ahhh. Well you better get going then. Don't want to be late" Sunny then dragged Tiffany into the house

"Sorry again" Taeyeon spologised before she made her way to the car

Sunny closed the door and turned around at Tiffany. Tiffany slowly started backing away from Sunny

"I-I-I'll go clean up" Tiffany quickly said before she dashed into her room.

Sunny laughed at Tiffany's reaction.

"Aigoo. That kid" Sunny mumbled as she went to do her own business

Taeyeon made her way back to Leeteuk's restuarant where she met up with Yuri and Yoona

"Unnie~!" Yoona yelled as she tackled Taeyeon

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Taeyeon asked coldly

"Haha. Taeyeon, drop the act." Yuri laughed

Taeyeon looked up at her confused.

"There's no students around here, you don't have to be so cold towards your members right?" Yoona pouted

Taeyeon patted Yoona's head

"So what's the occasion? We rarely meet up at night" Taeyeon asked as they walked into the restuarant

The bouncer was still standing at the door

"Even numbers only" he reminded

Yuri and Yoona laughed. The bouncer took off his glasses and laughed too. He gave a stretch and then walked into the restuarant

"Forgot. The Elites are an exception" the bouncer rolled his eyes

"Leeteuk!!!" Yoona yelled

"Yoona!!!!" Leeteuk came out and hugged Yoona and Yuri

"Where were you? Yuri and Taeyeon were here." Leeteuk asked

"I'll tell you once we get into the room. Care to join us?" Yoona smiled

"I don't know.... Hanging around a split personality girl...." Leeteuk hesitated

"Hey" Yoona playfully slapped Leeteuk's shoulder

"Haha. Araso. I'll join you later" Leeteuk smiled

"Need any help with the dishes?" Taeyeon asked

"No I'm fine, thanks though" Leeteuk then disappeared into the kitchen again

"I swear he lives in there" Yuri said bluntly as they walked up into their own room.

"So what's the occasion again?" Taeyeon asked, pretending to yawn

"Does there have to be an occasion?" Yuri asked innocently

"We rarely meet up during nights" Taeyeon shrugged

"That's you. Me and Yoona meet up all the time" Yuri laughed

"I really wonder what you do during nights Taeyeon-ah. You don't sleep do you?" Yuri put on a shocked face

"I wish" Taeyeon scoffed

Yoona laughed

"So what's your skipping record?" Taeyeon asked

"6 hours 32 minutes" Yoona answered proudly

Yuri's jaw dropped

"6 hours 29 minutes" Yuri mumbled

Yoona started celebrating

"Still no where close" Taeyeon said bluntly

Yoona stopped celebrating and her shoulder dropped

"12 hours 43 minutes" Taeyeon smirked

Yoona's lips drooped down into a sad face while Yuri started laughing

Yuri went over to pat Yoona's back

"There there. She's live over 60 years more than us" Yuri tried comforting

"Oldie" Yoona's face lit up

"You're not so young yourself. Miss 111 years old" Taeyeon smirked

Yuri burst out into laughter

"Well you're 122 years old" Yoona slapped Yuri shoulder

Yuri stopped laughing and shrugged

"But at least I'm no where near 185 years old" Yuri glanced at Taeyeon

"Yeah yeah whatevers. Our bodies remain the same age so who cares" Taeyeon shrugged

"The plus side of being immortal" Yoona put up her thumbs

"But without a doubt, the youngest looking immortal is Leeteuk." Yuri beamed

"Someone talking about my good looks?" Leeteuk suddenly appeared at the door.

"Well sort of" Yoona giggled

"Their saying how a 382 year old can still look like a 25 year old" Taeyeon said bluntly

"Oh. Thanks for the compliment" Leeteuk smiled

"You didn't do anything for it" Yuri raised her eyebrow as she crossed her arms

"Haha. I guess" Leeteuk laughed sheepishly

"So what's the occasion? You guys rarely come visit me" Leeteuk gave a pout

Taeyeon glared at Leeteuk, Yuri's fingers curled up and Yoona stuck her tongue out pretending to puke

"Please. You're 860 years too old to be pouting." Taeyeon scoffed

"Forever 25" Leeteuk shrugged

"I really do wonder where that serious Leeteuk 70 years ago went" Taeyeon sighed

"You know where it went." Leeteuk laughed

"It disappeared the moment you turned him down" Yoona shrugged

"Gone within a click of a finger" Yuri clicked

"It will return as soon as Taeyeon opens up" Leeteuk shrugged

"What?" Taeyeon asked

Yoona and Yuri giggled with each other

*He means as soon as Tiffany and her start dating* they thought in unison

"If there's nothing else I'll be leaving" Taeyeon stood up

"Wait! Unnie!" Yoona pulled on Taeyeon's hand

"I have good news" Yoona smiled

Taeyeon sat back down in her seat as everyone took their places

Yoona took a deep breathe

"I think I've fallen for SeoHyun" Yoona blurted out quickly

There was a short silence of mixed feelings

"Hahaha. Good for you Yoona" Yuri hugged Yoona

Leeteuk looked over at Taeyeon. Taeyeon was starting to get furious

"No" Taeyeon answered bluntly

Yuri and Yoona stopped celebrating

"You can't fall for a human" Taeyeon shot a deadly glare at Yoona

Yoona's mood immediately dropped

"Why Unnie? It's not going to do any harm" Yoona whined

"Why are you so against it Tae? Love is a wonderful thing" Yuri stared at Taeyeon

Taeyeon immediately had images of a girl flash into her head when Yuri mentioned 'love'

"I said no." Taeyeon repeated

"Leeteuk why is Taeyeon being so stubborn?" Yoona asked Leeteuk

Leeteuk just sighed

"At least tell me why I shouldn't" Yoona asked Taeyeon again

"She's human. We remain forever unaging. What about SeoHyun? She will only live another 80 years max. But after 40 years she would be weak. What can you do then? Also the fact that she will find something wrong with us after 10 years when she sees we havent changed." Taeyeon said angrily

"We can just turn her into an immortal" Yoona said stubbornly

Taeyeon's temper snapped

She slammed the table with her hand

"It's not as simple as that!" Taeyeon growled

Yuri and Yoona jumped in their seats. Leeteuk just shook his head.

"Taeyeon. Forget the past. You can't do anything to fix it" Leeteuk tried to calm Taeyeon down.

"Easy for you to say." Taeyeon mumbled

"Why can't you just let me do what I want?" Yoona raised her voice

Taeyeon stared into Yoona's eyes. She could tell Yoona was very hurt

"Fine just let me be the bad guy. I still won't allow it though. Not for anyone" Taeyeon shot a glance at Yuri

"Tae. Can't you just support Yoona?" Yuri was starting to loose her temper as well

"Whatever" Taeyeon walked out of the room.

Yoona just started to sob while Yuri comforted her

"Why is Taeyeon like that?" Yuri mumbled

Leeteuk went over to soothe Yoona

"Don't hate Taeyeon for that. She's just looking out for you. She doesn't want you to be hurt like she is" Leeteuk rubbed Yoona's back

"Like she is?" Yuri asked

"Taeyeon has her reasons for not allowing you or Yoona fall in love with humans" Leeteuk just replied

"What do you think then?" Yuri asked

"Honestly.... I don't know. I've never fallen for a human. But i understand what Taeyeon is saying. Humans' lives are short. Not even a fraction compared to ours. She's worried about what Yoona would be like after SeoHyun outlives her life" Leeteuk shrugged

"Well enjoy it while you can. That's what I think" Yuri just replied

"Haha. Not as simple as that" Leeteuk gave a sympathetic smile

"Can't we just turn her into an immortal? Why did Taeyeon snap when I said that?" Yoona sobbed

"Taeyeon couldn't handle her emotions once you said that. You know that there is only a small chance that it would work" he replied

"It's better to take chances isn't it?" Yoona wiped her tears

Yuri was in deep thought

"Leeteuk. By chance, has Taeyeon experienced all this?" Yuri asked curiously

Leeteuk just gave a nod

Yoona and Yuri remained silent

"I'll tell you the story... But you have to act like you don't know it. Taeyeon doesn't like people knowing her past." Leeteuk lowered his voice

Yuri and Yoona just nodded once, curious as to what Taeyeon was hiding.

"It was before Taeyeon came to meet you guys. Before the incident Taeyeon was a dorky little kid. Always smiling and laughing with others. She accepted her fate as to being immortal and enjoyed it.That was until she met a girl. Her name was MiYoung. The two were really good friends at first, but then MiYoung started to fall for Tae. Tae didn't accept it at first but MiYoung kept pushing her feelings, trying to make Taeyeon accept them. Eventually Taeyeon began to love her too.They were a cute couple. Always laughing and playing with each other. MiYoung even accepted Taeyeon for being immortal.Eventually though, they started to wonder about their future. There was no way that they could be together when MiYoung was still human.Sooyoung suggested that they turn MiYoung into an immortal.MiYoung desperately wanted that fate, but Taeyeon was afraid to loose her lover. The two fought for a week. They were so cute when they ignored each other even though they were dying to speak to them.Eventually Taeyeon gave in and decided to turn MiYoung into an immortal." Leeteuk paused

Yuri and Yoona knew where the story was going.

"Taeyeon used her own blood to turn her into an immortal.... Unfortunately.... MiYoung never made it" Leeteuk's voice broke at the word 'never'

Yuri and Yoona put their hands over their mouth, shocked at Taeyeon's past

"She never forgave herself for taking that risk, nor has she forgotten about MiYoung. Since that say she locked up her emotions and her true self" Leeteuk finished off

Taeyeon in her room sitting on the window sill.

"MiYoung-ah" Taeyeon cried as she clenched her fists.

Getting Attached

As Taeyeon was staring out the window, Bubz came up to comfort her

The puppy was growing fast. It was no longer a puppy but a grown dog now

"Heyy." Taeyeon gave a sympathetic smile as she patted its head

Bubz whined a little

"They just don't understand me. The pain of loosing someone dear to you" Taeyeon explained

The dog licked Taeyeon's hand trying to comfort her.

"You know perfectly well that I'm not human. And yet you don't run from me like the other dogs do" Taeyeon smiled

Bubz just gave a loud bark as it wagged its tail

"Soon you're going to leave me too aren't you" Taeyeon looked at it with saddened eyes

Bubz immediately dropped its tail and whined

"Haha. I promised myself to not get too attached to you. But I guess you're just too cute to leave alone?"

Bubz whined a little before it started nodding off to sleep.

Taeyeon picked it up and put it on the bed.

"Getting attached doesn't do good to anyone" Taeyeon mumbled before she went into the kitchen

She filled Bubz's food bowl and changed its water.

Taeyeon then turned on her iPad and started playing a new game that she downloaded

"Thank you technology" Taeyeon mumbled sarcastically as the night passed on

Meanwhile Yuri, Yoona and Leeteuk were still discussing some things.

"Lately I see Taeyeon changing" Yuri crossed her arms in thought

"That Tiffany girl right?" Leeteuk asked

"Yeah. Taeyeon seems completely different around her" Yoona joined in

"Wouldn't be surprising. Tiffany looks exactly like MiYoung." Leeteuk just shrugged

"Coincidental...." Yuri mumbled

"That Jessica girl looks similar too, right Yuri?" Leeteuk turned his attention to Yuri

Yuri nodded as she pulled out a photo

In the phot was Taeyeon along with a girl who looks exactly like Jessica

"I went to get the photo fixed and printed in color" Yuri smiled

Yoona took the picture and took a good look at it

"Tae's smiling with Jessica?" Yoona asked confused

"Haha. I wish. That's SooYeon" Leeteuk laughed

Yoona raised her eyebrow


"SooYeon. Taeyeon's little human sister" Yuri explained as she took the photo back

"Taeyeon sure loves attracting her past" Yoona mumbled

"I guess that's why Taeyeon acts sisterly towards Jessica. Instinct I guess" Yuri shrugged as she put the photo away

"Wait... Why do you have that photo?" Yoona raised her eyebrow

"I found SooYeon cute. And also it motivates me" Yuri smiled

"Motivates?" Leeteuk raised his eyebrow now

"I've always wanted to be a sister towards Taeyeon. Trying to make her smile. But I haven't been able to. Looking at how happy Taeyeon was with SooYeon motivated me to try harder" Yuri smiled

Yoona went over to hug Yuri

"Nawww" Leeteuk's expression became admiring

"Haha." Yuri laughed

Leeteuk crossed his arms

"Jessica and Yuri do make a good couple" Leeteuk mumbled

"I know right?" Yoona joined in

Yuri's jaw dropped

"Noooo. The ice princess? Please" Yuri scoffed

"Well you find SooYeon cute. That means Jessica is cute in your eyes too?" Yoona teased

Yuri was about to say something but nothing came out.

Leeteuk and Yoona burst out into laughter

"Aishh. Anywho, what's going to happen in the morning? We only have 3 hours left before we face Taeyeon again" Yuri changed the subject

"We'll tease her later." Yoona mumbled

"Well what's you point of view on Taeyeon right now?" Leeteuk asked

"Before you told me the reason... I was really mad at Taeyeon for not supporting me.... But after hearing her past, I guess I understand where she's coming from. Thing is... I don't know how I should act." Yoona bit her lip

"She would know something's up if we started acting as though we understood what she was saying" Yuri added

"Act as thought you're really mad at her then. Ask her to talk to you" Leeteuk suggested

"I really want to see the real side of Taeyeon" Yoona pouted

"Me too" Yuri pouted

"Me three" Leeteuk pouted

Yuri and Yoona threw whatever they could at Leeteuk

"Eww" they said, disgusted at the 382 year old pouting

"I'm forever 25. Leave my pouts alone" Leeteuk laughed

The sun was starting to rise.

At Sunny's house SeoHyun was having a hard time waking up Jessica and Tiffany.

Sunny walked into the room with a bottle of ice cold water

"..." SeoHyun remained silent, knowing what was going to happen

She blocked her ears as Sunny opened the top

"Last warning you two." Sunny said sternly

"Ughh. Go away shorty" Jessica groaned

SeoHyun back away a little as Sunny started getting angry

Sunny walked out of the room and came back soon later with a bucket of ice and water

Just then Tiffany opened her eyes. She saw a short figure holding a large bucket, ready to pour it over them.

Tiffany quickly rolled out of bed as Sunny started pouring the water onto the bed

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jessica's loud dolphin scream came out as she was soaked with ice and water

"I have to waste precious ice and water each morning for this" Sunny mumbled as Jessica was still taking in what happened

"What was that for?!" Jessica's voice cried out

She saw Tiffany and SeoHyun on the side of the bed perfectly fine

Jessica glared at them

"Unnie I tried to wake you up" SeoHyun pleaded

"Hey don't look at me. I just missed that ice shower by a second" Tiffany put her hands up defensively

Sunny just shrugged her shoulders as she put the bucket over her shoulder and walked out

"I suggest you get out of those clothes soon. You're going to catch a cold" Tiffany stretched as she made her way to the bathroom

SeoHyun ran out and came back in with a towel to help Jessica

"Thanks" Jessica yanked the towel and tried to dry herself

As everyone met up in the room there was an awkward silence with the Elites.

Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany stopped at the door as they saw Yuri and Yoona on one side of the room while Taeyeon was on the other side

Jessica just shrugged her shoulders as she went to her seat.

SeoHyun went up to Yoona and smiled

Taeyeon shot a glance at Yoona.

Tiffany sat in front of Taeyeon, a little worried about the situation

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany waved her hands in front of Taeyeon.

"Page 421" Taeyeon just said as she put the chemistry book in front of her

"Your exam will be coming up soon" Taeyeon reminded as she returned to staring at Yoona

Yoona could feel Taeyeon's eyes digging into her but she disregarded it. She had to keep up the angry act.

Yuri on the other hand just kept her back faced towards Taeyeon but once in a while gave Taeyeon a worried look.

"What's going on with you three?" Jessica clicked her fingers in front of Yuri.

"Oh nothing" Yuri smiled innocently

She saw that Jessica seemed to be really mad

"What's wrong with you?" Yuri asked

"Had an ice bath this morning" Jessica sighed

Yuri raised her eyebrow

"I didn't wake up early so Sunny dumped a bucket of ice and water on me" Jessica explained

Yuri bit her lip as a laugh threatened to escape her lips.

"Ahem. I see" Yuri tried her best to keep her laugh in.

Jessica just sighed as she opened her text book.

30 minutes into the lesson SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica started to realise something going on.

"Spill it. What's up with Taeyeon?" Jessica shot a deadly glare

"Nothing" Yuri looked at her innocently

"Don't lie Kwon Yuri."

Yuri tried to keep her composure

Eventually she gave in

"Just a little argument that's all" Yuri shrugged

"When did this happen? I swear it couldn't have happened unless it was after midnight" Jessica recalled Taeyeon being at their house around midnight

"It was" Yuri smiled

Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Late night" Yuri added

Jessica stared at Yuri. She could see no signs of her having a late night.

Yuri quickly caught on and pretended to yawn.

Jessica rolled her eyes as she began studying again

At TaeNy's table Tiffany was just staring at the page. Not making sense of anything on the page.

"Don't understand something?" Taeyeon suddenly asked

"Ah. No its fine" Tiffany quickly replied

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

"Can I ask you something?" Tiffany boldy asked

"What?" Taeyeon replied coldly

Tiffany collected up all her courage

"What's going on between you and Yoona?" Tiffany quickly asked

"Nothing" Taeyeon replied bluntly

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon staring at Yoona again. She followed the gaze to see Yoona and SeoHyun enjoying themselves

Tiffany then had a thought run through her mind

*Does Taeyeon like Yoona or SeoHyun?*

Tiffany quickly shook the thought out of her mind not wanting to believe it.

"I hate it when people lie to me Taeyeon" Tiffany suddenly said

"I hate it when people don't mind their own business" Taeyeon answered back

Tiffany was taken aback. She was wondering where the girl who saved her last night was.

"You go through a lot of mood swings" Tiffany mumbled

"Mood swings, arguments, past experiences. All have same effect" Taeyeon unconciously answered

"Huh?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon.


Tiffany was starting to get pissed with Taeyeon's attitude. She got up and held Taeyeon's hand trying to pull her out of her seat.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taeyeon remained unmoved

"Come with me. I need to talk to you" Tiffany tugged on Taeyeon's hand again.

Taeyeon reluctantly followed.

Tiffany pushed the numbers 2543 into the roof's security door lock.

The door opened and she pulled Taeyeon up onto the roof.

"Surprised you still remember" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany then turned around and stared at Taeyeon

"Why do you always do that" Tiffany asked as she crossed her arms

"Mumble?" Taeyeon asked

"No. I mean put up the act"

"I don't know what you mean" Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

"Number one, you like peas. Number two, you're a really big dork. Number three, you're really kind and caring" Tiffany recited Leeteuk's words

"Leeteuk" Taeyeon growled under her breath

"He was just playing with you" Taeyeon lied

"I know his telling the truth. I've seen parts of your kind and caring. As for the other two. I never see you eat and there was never really a chance for you to act dorky." Tiffany was being serious

Taeyeon was determined not to lose her image

"Don't know what you're talking about"

Tiffany scoffed

"Sure. Then what about the puppy? Why did you save me last night? Why did you take me to eat? You could've just left the puppy there. You could've just walked on by and left me there like many others did. You didn't even have to take me to eat. But you did"

Taeyeon didn't have anything to answer that

"So... Do you possibly like Yoona or SeoHyun?" Tiffany gathered her courage again

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany and started laughing

"I'm not going to love anyone anymore" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany remained silent wanting a definite answer

"Answer is no. Yoona's just a really close friend of mine" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany somehow felt some relief run through her

"But don't go telling everyone about it. No one has a chance. No matter how pretty or how nice they are. I'm not going to like them in that way" Taeyeon added

Tiffany felt her ears ring as she heard Taeyeon's comment.

"Course not. No one would like a cold natured person like you" Tiffany added

"Guess that's why I keep up the image" Taeyeon shrugged

"Guess so" Tiffany was starting to hurt inside

"Is there anything else?" Taeyeon asked a little annoyed

"What's going on with you and Yoona then?" Tiffany asked

"I said nothing." Taeyeon quickly answered

Tiffany stared into Taeyeon's eyes. Taeyeon quickly looked away from Tiffany's gaze.

"You're lying"

"Maybe so. But it's none of your business" Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at Tiffany.

Tiffany froze at Taeyeon's sudden child-ish act

Realising what she did Taeyeon quickly changed the subject

"You should get back to your studies. Your exam is coming up" Taeyeon bit her tongue

*Why are you so relaxed around her?!* Taeyeon scolded herself, regretting showing her tongue

Tiffany was still a little dazed

*Well I guess that's number two and three checked out* Tiffany thought as she came back with reality

"One last thing" Tiffany said

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow, hoping that it was nothing related to her childish act

Tiffany took a deep breath

*It's now or never* Tiffany closed her eyes as she began to talk

"What do you think of me?" Tiffany said quickly

Taeyeon paused for a moment

Tiffany opened her eyes to see Taeyeon thinking.

"You have a good sense of justice. Scared of men. Nice smile though." Taeyeon listed

Aside from scared of men part, Tiffany felt really happy with Taeyeon's reply

"But..." Taeyeon suddenly said

Tiffany's happiness suddenly vanished

"That's what you're like to others. In my opinion.... you're just annoying" Taeyeon turned around stood in front of the door

"Mwo?!" Tiffany was surprised at the last comment

"You hear me. You're annoying" Taeyeon repeated

Tiffany could feel sadness building up inside her.

*Why do you care about what she says?* Tiffany asked herself

Taeyeon was still standing at the door.

"You coming?" Taeyeon asked

"Why should this annoying brat follow you?" Tiffany mumbled

Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany's remark.

"Don't take it too seriously. Just means I've accepted you as a friend. Trust me Yoona and Yuri are more annoying" Taeyeon re-assured


"Since we're going to be seeing each other a lot due to studies.... I accepted the fact that your group are friends of the Elites." Taeyeon shrugged

"Why the sudden change in attitude?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"Just don't want you blurting out nonsense on campus about me" Taeyeon gave a smirk

She then stopped

"Nothing more though" Taeyeon quickly added

*Pabo Taeyeon. Stop being so comfortable!* Taeyeon mentally scolded herself again.

Taeyeon took another look at Tiffany who was smiling.

"Better than nothing I guess" Tiffany exclaimed as she walked pass Taeyeon and back to class.

Taeyeon remained in her place. She honestly couldn't control herself when she was around Tiffany.

It was as if she was around MiYoung again.

*Don't kid youself Tae. You know better than anyone else that MiYoung can't return* Taeyeon smirked to herself

*Friends nothing more. Getting attached never did anyone good* she reminded herself

Meanwhile Tiffany was unusually happy.

As she walked into the classroom everyone looked at her expectantly

"Elites and the Girls Trio are officially friends." Tiffany exclaimed

Yoona looked at Yuri with a confused expression.

"Nothing more though" Tiffany quoted

Yoona pulled Yuri over to the side

"Has Taeyeon ever done this is the 90 years we've know her?" Yoona whispered

"Nope.... But Tiffany said nothing more...." Yuri bit her lip

Yoona clicked her fingers

"She's probably saying that we can be friends with them just not fall for them" Yoona whispered

"Haha. She's smart. But won't that burden you? You and SeoHyun won't be able to advance" Yuri looked at Yoona

Yoona bit her lip

"I'll postpone my feelings for now. Just like Tae wants. But she'll change her mind soon enough" Yoona pointed at Tiffany

"She's going to help us" Yoona smiled

Yuri smiled and nodded

"Besides. Seems like she's got the feelings ready" Yuri smiled at Tiffany who seemed overjoyed

"We'll start the day after tomorrow. We make up with Taeyeon today, let her have a rest tomorrow and start the day after" Yuri whispered

Yoona nodded

"First we'll use the train" Yoona took a piece of paper as she wrote things down.

"When is it going to snow this year?" Yoona suddenly asked

"Within this month or the next. It's really starting to get cold" Yuri answered

"Okay so Plan Train first. Then visit at.... who's house?" Yoona couldn't decide

"Mine" Yuri answered

"Okay so Train, Yuri, Festival, Christmas, Snowfall" Yoona wrote down

"We can change the timeline a little if snowfall comes early" Yoona added

"If after all that it doesn't work then we'll add more" Yuri smiled

"Deal" Yoona smiled along with Yuri

Just then Taeyeon walked into the classroom and stared at Yoona.

Yoona hid the paper and just gave Taeyeon a wink and a thumbs up.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she took her seat again.

"This is going to be the best year we ever experienced in our 90 years of being Elites" Yuri smiled

"Hell yeah!" Yoona said in a hushed voice

Forever Elites

As the study session was about to finish Yoona and Yuri decided to talk to Taeyeon.

"Tae. Meet at the roof?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon just shrugged and nodded her head.

"The roof is popular today" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany let out a small laugh.

"Focus" Taeyeon scolded Tiffany

Tiffany immediately stopped laughing and looked at Taeyeon. She had her cold attitude again.

"Taeyeon.... You don't have to put your mask on around me. I already know your true self" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"I do what I want" Taeyeon shrugged

Tiffany frowned

"I don't let my guard down around anyone, including Yoona and Yuri" Taeyeon explained

"But you let it down in front of me" Tiffany smiled

"Bad timing" Taeyeon rolled her eyes

The bell rang to signal that class was over.

"Thanks Taeyeon." Tiffany smiled

"For?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"Teaching me?" Tiffany mimicked Taeyeon's actions

"What's gotten into you today?" Taeyeon asked

"You just never seemed like you wanted to see me the other days" Tiffany shrugged

"Tiffany!" Jessica called out impatiently

"Your welcome. Now go, I need to meet up with Yuri and Yoona" Taeyeon got up from her seat and made her way to the roof

As Taeyeon made her way to the roof there were crowds of girls corwding around her. Taeyeon just looked ahead and ignored them

*They don't understand you* Taeyeon thought to herself as she saw the girls screaming their heads off.

Suddenly from the crowd she heard a familiar voice

"Taeyeon! Wait!"

Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany struggling in the crowd. She immediately turned around and walked towards her.

The crowd began to thicken and Tiffany was struggling even more.

"Excuse me" Taeyeon said coldly as she reached Tiffany.

The crowd immediately stopped cheering and looked at Taeyeon pulling Tiffany out of the crowd

"Need something?" Taeyeon asked as Tiffany brushed the dirt off her clothes

"Huh? Oh. I was going to give you this" Tiffany held out her hand.

In her hand was a green cushion

"A cushion?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"Haha no." Tiffany opened the zip on the side of the cushion

Inside were three peas

"Found it this morning and forgot to give it to you." Tiffany smiled

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany.

The crowd of girls around them were starting to get jealous that Tiffany was so close to Taeyeon

"Don't worry she won't accept. She never accepts gifts" one of the girls whispered

The others nodded in agreement

"Thanks" Taeyeon took the pea and smiled a little

All the girls dropped their jaws

"I gotta get going. Bye" Tiffany waved before she made her way back

Taeyeon looked at the pea in her hand and smiled

The crowd glared at Tiffany's back as she ran back to Jessica.

Taeyeon then turned around and made her way to the roof. The crowd followed.

"Sorry no access beyond here" Taeyeon asid coldly before she made her way up the stairs towards the roof's door.

The crowd behind her quickly whispered with each other

"Who does she think she is?"

"Why is she so close with our Taeyeon?"

"I've notices her and her friends really close with the Elites lately"

"She's not going to get off this easily"

The girls kept whispering

Taeyeon stopped at the roof's door and looked at the gift that Tiffany had just given her.

"Cute" Taeyeon smiled before she put her cold mask back on and push the passcode to open the door

There on the roof Yuri and Yoona were skipping on their skipping ropes

"Hey Tae." Yoona smiled

Taeyeon stood there staring at them

"We're not angry anymore don't worry" Yuri re-assured as she did a crisscross with the skipping rope

"Show off" Yoona said aloud

Yuri stuck her tongue out

Taeyeon was still confused

Yoona eventually stopped skipping and Yuri smiled

"Don't think you've won. I just wanted to talk to Taeyeon" Yoona glared

"Sure" Yuri smiled

Taeyeon made her way over to the table and sat in the shade. Yoona took the seat across from her

"Thanks for agreeing to being friends" Yoona beamed

Taeyeon remained silent

"You know I was thinking that you were going to abolish the whole tutoring thing and forbid us from meeting them again. But instead you agreed to being friends" Yuri laughed

"Even if I did that you guys wouldn't listen to me would you?" Taeyeon smirked

Yoona smiled widely

"You bet" Yoona beamed

"But only friends. Nothing more" Taeyeon said sternly

"Of course" Yuri re-assured

"Yoona?" Taeyeon turned her attention to Yoona.

"I don't agree 100% with that. But it's better than nothing" Yoona sighed

"I'm surprised you guys are listening to me now" Taeyeon suddenly said

"Tae. We've been with each other for like 90 years now. Once an Elite always an Elite" Yuri patted Taeyeon's back

"Always? I can abolish this anytime I like and leave for like the states or something" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"If you wanted to you would've done that long ago" Yoona shrugged

Taeyeon smiled

"Heyy. You're smiling today" Yuri pinched Taeyeon's cheek

"No I'm not" Taeyeon said defensively as she slapped Yuri's hand away

"Unnie knows how to smile. Wow" Yoona teased

Taeyeon scoffed as she fiddled with the pea

Yuri yanked the pea away from Taeyeon's hand and Yoona huddled around to see what it was

"Ooo~ This is cute. I didn't know you buy these types of things" Yoona played with the peas inside the zip

"I didn't" Taeyeon answered bluntly

On the inside was a note.

"Hey Tae. Did you know this was here?" Yuri asked as she pulled the note out

"Nope. Just got it" Taeyeon didn't even look to see what it was

Thanks for helping me last night TaeyeonFrom: Tiffany

Yuri's and Yoona's jaw dropped

"Taeyeon-ah. What did you help Tiffany with last night?" Yoona teased

"Nothing. Why?" Taeyeon acted oblivious

"Then what's this for?" Yuri smiled as she waved the ntoe in front of Taeyeon

Taeyeon immediately grabbed the note and hid it


"Don't lie Taeyeon." Yuri smiled

"Unnie~" Yoona used her aegyo voice

"Oh god. Yoona don't" Taeyeon looked at Yoona warily

"Unnie~ What did you help Tiffany with~" Yoona continued

Yuri smiled

"I guess I can stand your aegyo for now. Yoona charge!" Yuri pointed to Taeyeon

Taeyeon imemdiately blocked her ears

"Unnie~" Yoona turned her aegyo voice on max

"Yah! Go away!" Taeyeon yelled as she got up from her seat

Yuri blocked Taeyeon's way so she couldn't run

"Yuri please don't. Let me go" Taeyeon was starting to beg as Yoona put her mouth near Taeyeon's ear

"Unnie~" Yoona said again

Taeyeon's face looked like she was in agony

"Fine!" Taeyeon finally said giving up

Yuri and Yoona hi fived one another.

"She got lost and I went to find her. That's all there is to it" Taeyeon slouched in her seat

"Ohhhh. So that's where you went. WAIT! Tiffany was lost?!" Yuri suddenly said

"What's this Unnie?" Yoona asked a little confused

"The four of us decided to go eat at Leeteuk's but Taeyeon suddenly said she'd meet up with me and Jess later with Tiffany. I thought they were going out by themselves" Yuri explained


"Her sense of direction is as good as a blind duck" Taeyeon muttered

"Nawww. Well at least she had her knight in shining armour to help her" Yuri laughed as she patted Taeyeon's back

Taeyeon scoffed

"Hey Taeyeon-ah. What do you think of us?" Yoona suddenly asked

"I swear you guys planned this out or something" Taeyeon muttered

"Huh?" Yuri and Yoona said in unison

"Tiffany asked me that earlier too." Taeyeon explained

"Oh really? What was your answer?" Yuri was suddenly interested

"I told her the truth. Annoying"

Yoona dropped the peas and Yuri dropped her jaw

"Mwo?! How come she was so happy then?" Yuri asked

"It's better than not thinking anything of her" Taeyeon explained

"Guess you're right. How'd you agree to be friends then?"

"I don't get annoyed with many people. Only you and Yoona. But I suddenly found Tiffany very annoying. So I accepted her as a friend." Taeyeon shrugged

"Ahhh. So annoying equals friends?" Yoona exclaimed

"Yeah. Also it was to stop you from getting anywhere further with SeoHyun" Taeyeon reminded

"Ah yes" Yoona pouted

"So what do you think of us Taeyeon?" asked again

"The most annoying people I've ever met" Taeyeon answered bluntly

"Technically we're not people" Yuri smiled

"Immortals whatever" Taeyeon waved her hands lazily

"Is that all you think of us?" Yoona pouted again

Taeyeon paused for a while as she thought.

"Guess no... I mean without you guys, I wouldn't have anyone to look out for." Taeyeon talked to herself

Yuri heard this and immediately smiled and hugged Taeyeon

"Nawww" Yuri exclaimed

"Yah! What are you doing??" Taeyeon struggled out of Yuri's grip

"You think aloud Taeyeon" Yoona also heard it


"I wouldn't have anyone to look out for" Yoona mimicked Taeyeon's voice

Taeyeon immediately froze

"As if I look out for you" Taeyeon defended

"We heard you Taeyeon~" Yuri let out a loud laugh

"You heard wrong. All you guys ever do is get into trouble. I'm always getting you out of it" Taeyeon tried to frown

"That means you do look out for us~" Yoona said in her aegyo

"Aish" Taeyeon gave up and slammed her hands against the table

Yuri and Yoona started laughing

"Well you have to look after us. We're forever Elites" Yuri hugged Yoona.

Taeyeon ignored them

"Naw come one Tae. We look out for you too. Even though you mostly don't need to be"

Yoona started giggling

"She's starting to act differently today" Yoona whispered

"I think it's because of the person who gave her this" Yuri picked up the pea

"I'm glad though. Taeyeon actually cares for us" Yoona played with the peas again

"Took her 90 years to admit that" Yuri laughed

"What are you guys whispering about?" Taeyeon said coldly

"Oh nothing. Just playing with the peas" Yuri said as she shrugged her shoulders

"So you guys aren't mad at me?" Taeyeon asked

"Nope" Yuri and Yoona said in unison

"Good. I gotta go." Taeyeon then left the roof

Yuri and Yoona were left giggling amoungst themselves

"This is going to be easier than I thought. First plan was train right?" Yuri took out the piece of paper they were writing on before

"Yeapp." Yoona beamed as she wrote down the plan.

"Execute plan. YoonYul Hwaiting" Yuri exclaimed as she did a fist pump

"YoonYul Hwaiting" Yoona repeated


"Where were you?" Jessica tugged on Tiffany's ear as Tiffany entered the cafeteria

"Ow ow ow. I was just giving something to someone" Tiffany winced at Jessica's abuse

"Full explanation please. You just suddenly got up and dashed off without saying anything." Jessica didn't let go of Tiffany's ear.

"Let go first. You don't even know your own strength. I swear my ear is about to rip off" Tiffany tried to get Jessica to let go of her ear

Jessica finally let go and sat in her seat again

"Was just thanking Taeyeon that's all" Tiffany rubbed her ear which was now throbbing.

Jessica suddenly lost all ehr annoyance and was smiling at Tiffany

"What?" Tiffany asked

"Look's like someone has the hots for Taeyeon." Jessica smiled

"Pfft. No way." Tiffany let out a sarcastic laugh

"Oh really. Well why not? Others seem to like her" Jessica nodded her head to a group of girls who had Taeyeon fan signs

"She's arrogant, selfish and a total liar." Tiffany explained

"Is that so?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Y-Yeah" Tiffany stuttered

"You're eyes are telling me a different story" Jessica smiled as Tiffany closed her eyes

"Don't know what you're talking about" Tiffany backed away

"You never gave anyone a present of thanks before. You only gave presents to me and SeoHyun and that's only during our birthdays" Jessica moved closer to Tiffany.

"I give presents to others too...." Tiffany voice trailed off realising that what Jessica said was true.

"Haha." Jessica burst out into laughter

SeoHyun then came back with their food.

"Something funny unnie?" SeoHyun asked as she passed around the food.

"Tiffany here mmmmbmmmm" Tiffany put her hand over Jessica's mouth before she could finish off.

Jessica bit into Tiffany's hand

"Oww!" Tiffany yelled pulling her hand away.

"What was that for?" Jessica wiped her mouth

Tiffany glared back

"Unnie?" SeoHyun was confused with why the two of them were acting so cold to each other.

"It's nothing. Don't worry" Tiffany gave an innocent smile

"Tsk" Jessica scoffed as she started eating

As the girls started eating the Taeyeon fanclub were whispering behind them

"That's them" one whispered

"Follow them. I want to know their relationship with the Elites" the other whispered

Turns out that the girl who ordered her to follow the girls was Linda Choi.

After lunch was over Tiffany decided to head to the library and SeoHyun and Jessica decided to follow.

"Hey Tiffany, how'd you manage to crack Taeyeon?" Jessica asked as they walked down to the library

"Don't know. Never asked her to be my friend but she just said she'd accept me as her friend along with you guys. She even called me annoying" Tiffany pouted

"You are" Jessica said bluntly

"Unnie" SeoHyun tugged on Jessica's arm

"What? She is" Jessica raised her eyebrow

Tiffany just rolled her eyes as she pushed the door into the library, oblivious to the fact that there were two girls following her.

"Did you hear that? Their friends with the Elite? One of the rules states that their not allowed to socialise with the Elites though" one girl whispered

"Thinking that they're better than us" the second growled

"Oi we're loosing site of them" the first girl slapped the second girl's arm

"Okay fine. Sheez" the second girl rubbed her arm

The two girls continued to follow Tiffany

Wherever Tiffany went the two girls would follow, taking note of all the things she said about Taeyeon and the other Elites.

After the day was over, Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun made their way back to Sunny's house

Meanwhile the two who were following them reported back to Linda

"Woah" Jessica suddenly said

"Hm?" Tiffany stared at Jessica who had stopped in her tracks

"All through the day I felt like something heavy was on my shoulders. But just now it got lifted" Jessica explained

"Maybe it's a ghost" Tiffany shrugged

"Maybe it is." Jessica knew that Tiffany was scared of horror stuff

"I'll bring the ghost into the house then. GHOST~! WHERE ARE YOU~!" Jessica called out

"Yah!" Tiffany slapped Jessica's shoulder

SeoHyun just giggled beside them.

The two girls handed over the notes they took on Tiffany to Linda.

Linda took a look at it before she threw it aside

"We'll talk to her tomorrow" Linda decided as she started to make her way back to her home too.

"Gather the girls up tomorrow" added before she exited the room

"Why is it that she's the president of the fan club?" the first girl asked as soon as Linda was no where in site

The second girl shrugged

"She came in one day and said 'I'm your new president' from my knowledge" she answered

"Aish" the first girl ruffled her hair in frustration

The next day Tiffany was in a very good mood as she skipped to classes

"Disgusting" Jessica said as she stuck her tongue out

Tiffany stopped skipping and slapped Jessica's arm

"Can't I be in a good mood?" Tiffany critisized

"No" Jessica answered bluntly

"SeoHyunnie. Jessica's being mean again" Tiffany ran over and grabbed SeoHyun's arm.

SeoHyun giggled

The two kept arguing with each other as they reached their classrooms.

"Morning Taeyeon~" Tiffany exclaimed as she waved at Taeyeon

Taeyeon just gave her a weird look

Tiffany slumped into her chair

"Why is everyone so against me being happy" Tiffany complained

"Because it's scary" Taeyeon answered bluntly

Yuri heard from the otherside of the room and started laughing.

"Fine." Tiffany put her elbows onto the table and sighed

"By the way. One of your friends told me to give this to you" Taeyeon took out a letter

"Friends?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

Apart from Jessica, SeoHyun and the Elites Tiffany didnt know anyone else

"Dunno. They just said they wanted to give this to you." Taeyeon placed the letter in front of Tiffany.

Tiffany opened the letter

To: Tiffany Hwang

Meet outside the hall at 4pm. Don't bring anyone else

From: Anonymous

*Huh?* Tiffany thought to herself

"Something wrong?" Taeyeon asked

"Oh nothing. Just came from an anonymous person" Tiffany scratched her head

"Might be a confession" Taeyeon shrugged


"Someone might be confessing" Taeyeon repeated


"It's an all girls school? Happens all the time. Nothing out of the norm" Taeyeon interrupted

"And you know this how?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"I'm the leader of the Elites" Taeyeon smirked as she took out another bunch of letters

"Woah" Tiffany gawked

"Their all?"

"Yeah" Taeyeon shrugged

Tiffany felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of Taeyeon having so many confessions.

"You get this many each day?"

"Nah only every month. There are only a certain amount of people in this college"

"So what should I do?" Tiffany asked looking at her letter

"I suggest you go. You might meet someone nice, and their a girl" Taeyeon said lazily

Tiffany's heart ached when she heard Taeyeon telling her to meet someone else

"You have no objections to me meeting someone else?" Tiffany asked warily

"Why would I?" Taeyeon gave Tiffany a weird look

Tiffany felt another sharp pain pierce her heart.

"Fine I'll go" Tiffany said a little annoyed

"Don't make it seem like you're doing it for me. You decide whether you want to or not. Now turn to page 200, we need to revise that" Taeyeon pointed to the book as she took her letters and put it back into her pocket

"You read those?" Tiffany asked


Tiffany smiled a little.

*She actually cares for other people's thoughts* Tiffany thought

*Too bad she doesn't care about mine* Tiffany sighed

"What do you do after you read them?"

"If I have time I meet up with them and turn them down. If not I write a letter back. You going to open your book or not?" Taeyeon pointed towards the text book again

Tiffany quickly opened the book to the page.

As Tiffany was studying the page Taeyeon was opening the letters

She suddenly called out to Yuri who also seemed to be reading letters

"Yuri, you up for today?" Taeyeon asked

"Yea. I've got three this time" Yuri called back

"Yoona?" Taeyeon asked Yoona

"Two today" Yoona called back

"Okay, won't meet you guys after class then" Taeyeon then turned back around as packed her letters up

"What was that about?" Tiffany asked a little confused

"You get distracted easily don't you? I'm not the only one who gets confessions." Taeyeon made it sound like it was obvious

"You get them all at the same time?"

"I dunno. Just happens like that"


"Focus" Taeyeon pointed to the book again.

Tiffany fumbled a little before she returned to her studies

*I guess I should go and meet up with whoever it is* Tiffany sighed

*Still hurts to think that Taeyeon doesn't care.... Yah! Tiffany!* Tiffany shook her head

Taeyeon pulled her head back and stared at Tiffany who she thought had gone mad.

Letter of Challenge

The bell rang through the classrooms as the students started packing up their things

Taeyeon stood up front her seat and gave a stretch

"Getting too old for this" Taeyeon mumbled

Yuri patted her shoulder and laughed

"Centuries too old" Yuri commented

Tiffany just thought that they were joking. She checked her watch which said 3:30pm

"I gotta get going" Tiffany said unenthusiastically

"Who knows. You might like the person" Taeyeon shrugged

Tiffany shot a glare at Taeyeon

"Gee, thanks" Tiffany said sarcastically as she took her stuff and left

"Something I said?" Taeyeon turned to Yuri

"Yes Taeyeon. Something you said" Yuri facepalmed

Taeyeon just shrugged

"How many you got this time?" Yuri asked

"Three" Taeyeon said indifferently

"Don't you ever consider any of them?"

"Nope" Taeyeon answered bluntly

"But you keep them?"

"Never let someone's thoughts go to waste" Taeyeon shrugged as she made her way to the door

Yoona then came up behind Yuri and pouted

"What's up?" Yuri patted Yonna's head

"I only got two this month" Yoona complained

"Haha. This time seems special though. All three of us meet at different sides of the campus. And all of then ask us to meet us at different times..." Yuri thought

"I found that weird too. Usually they would all meet under that big tree and then it gets all muddled up. Guess it makes things easier" Yoona shrugged

"Something doesn't seem right though" Yuri then just shrugged her thought away

"Tiffany~!" Jessica called out

"I'll meet up later. Need to meet up with someone first" Tiffany called out before she made her way to the hall

"What's up with her?" Jessica mumbled

"Haha. Unnie let's go" SeoHyun smiled as she pulled Jessica away

"Sorry" Taeyeon said at the girl in front of her.

"I haven't said anything yet" the girl looked hopeful at Taeyeon

"I know, but I can't accept your feelings." Taeyeon said bluntly before she turned around and headed to the next location.

"Thank you though" Taeyeon added

The girl started to tear up but smiled shortly afterwards

"Hahaha I'm really sorry but I'm not looking for a relationship" Yoona scratched the back of her head and smiled

"But..." there was a girl who was crying in front of Yoona

"I'm really sorry. You should try to find someone else. I'm not really interested in a relationship for now. Mianhe" Yoona bowed to the girl and left

"Thank you but I can't" Yuri said

There was yet another girl in front of her

"Can you just give me a chance?" the girl asked

"I could, but it wouldn't change anything. Sorry" Yuri said calmly before she turned away

For the next hour the elites met up with the girls and turned them down. Some reacted more than others.

They all then met up in the park in front of the college

"That tires me every single time. Can't we put a rule saying that you can't confess to us? These girls don't know a thing about us and yet want us to accept their feelings" Yoona complained

"I see your dark Yoona has appeared" Yuri smiled as she stretched

Taeyeon just let out a long sigh

"We can't put rules like that. We can't stop them liking us" Taeyeon said bluntly

"I'm surprised that Taeyeon gets confessions even though she's so cold towards them" Yoona raised her eyebrow

Taeyeon shrugged

"As long as you where this blazer you're sure to be popular" Taeyeon said bluntly

"Where did they ask to meet you?" Yuri asked curiously

"Left wing, right wing and labs" Taeyeon answered

"Music room, maths department" Yoona sighed

"... That's strange... Why those places? I got english department, front office and dance hall" Yuri poundered

"Maybe" Yoona shrugged

"Imma go. I've had enough today. The girls kept holding me back for as long as they could. I hate seeing girls cry" Yoona sighed again

"They seemed a lot more clingy this time round. Like they wanted to hold me back for as long as they could" Taeyeon added

"Mine too...." Yuri joined in

"Something's not right" Yuri bit her lower lip

"Oh and i over heard another girl saying that there were a group of girls gathering in front of the hall." Yoona sat up straight

"Maybe they didn't want to show us something." Yuri frowned

Just then Jessica and SeoHyun walked pass

"You guys look like you ran a marathon" Jessica commented

"Worse" Yoona sighed

Yuri laughed

"Where's Tiffany?" Yoona asked

"Unnie said she had something to do" SeoHyun answered

"I see. You guys want a lift home?" Yuri pointed to their cars

"Sure" Jessica shrugged

Taeyeon remained unmoved

"Tae?" Yuri clicked her fingers in front of Taeyeon

"Huh? Oh I forgot I've got one more. You guys go on ahead" Taeyeon took out a letter

"Okay. Be quick though." Yoona then lead SeoHyun to her car

"Kay" Taeyeon then made her way to the college hall

*Why did it hurt so much when Taeyeon told me to meet others...* Tiffany thought as she sat in front of the hall, waiting for the anonymous person.

"You Tiffany Hwang?" a voice called from behind

"Eh. Yeah" Tiffany turned around

When she turned around she saw a group of six girls standing behind one girl

"Linda?" Tiffany gawked

*Ewww* Tiffany thought in disgust

"Let's just get to the point. What's your relationship with the Elites?" Linda said bluntly

"Huh?" Tiffany was confused with the sudden question

"Why did Taeyeon accept you gift but never accepts any of ours? Why does Yuri and Yoona talk so friendly to you and your group?" Linda added

Tiffany remained silent, not knowing how to answer

Linda and the girls took a step towards Tiffany. Tiffany stepped back


"We're just friends" Tiffany stuttered

"Oh really? How come you guys get to be their friends while others are not allowed to even talk to them?" the girl from behind called out

"I-I don't know" Tiffany answered a little overwhelmed

Linda smirked as she took another step forward and raised her arm

"Well I'll guess we'll have to MAKE you know, won't we?" Linda began to move her hand towards Tiffany's face

"Elite Taeyeon! Haha... What a surprise!" a girl called out

Taeyeon was standing about 10 metres away from where Tiffany was

"Excuse me" Taeyeon said as she tried to move around the girl. The girl moved and blocked Taeyeon's way.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Errr" The girl started to panic

"Answer is no. Now please" Taeyeon quickly went around the girl who started panicking

The girls around Linda started fumbling around and panicking as well

"Tiffany?" Taeyeon called out lazily

She then saw Linda's hand raised above Tiffany and Tiffany moving away from it.

Taeyeon stepped in front of Tiffany and stared at Linda

"Would you mind telling me what's going on? Linda Choi?" Taeyeon asked coldly

"We were just..." Linda tried to find an excuse

"She was just waiting for me to hi five her." Tiffany quickly interrupted

Linda's jaw dropped at Tiffany's defense

Taeyeon looked around her shoulder to see Tiffany smiling innocently

"They've accepted me into their friends group. That's all" Tiffany added

Taeyeon turned around to the girls and saw them nodding in unison

"So what brings you here Taeyeon? Shouldn't you be going?" Tiffany quickly changed the subject

"You're friends went home with Yuri and Yoona. I decided to wait for you in case you didn't have a ride home" Taeyeon shrugged

Some of the girls gritted their teeth. Linda clenched her fist

Linda then put on a fake smile and turned to Tiffany

"Tiffany, there's a piano challenge coming up soon. I'm sure you know what happens to those you loose right?" Linda held her hand up as a hint

"Next week same day same time" Linda added

"I'll be there" Tiffany said nervously

Taeyeon gave another stare at the girls who were now moving off.

Tiffany gave a long sigh

"You sure their your friends?" Taeyeon looked back at Tiffany

Tiffany put on another fake innocent smile

"Yeahs" Tiffany answered back

Taeyeon shrugged as she turned around

*Thanks Taeyeon* Tiffany mentally thanked before she followed Taeyeon

"So it wasn't a confession?" Taeyeon suddenly asked

Tiffany jumped at the sudden noise

"err... Ahaha nope." Tiffany smiled

"I see" Taeyeon said

*That's good* Taeyeon unconciously thought

Taeyeon then stopped walking and stood still

*What the... Why did I just think that?" Taeyeon asked herself

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany waved her hands in front of her

"Huh? Oh, was just thinking. Let's go" Taeyeon said before she walked off again

Tiffany just shrugged and followed

*Piano challenge....* Tiffany remembered Linda's challenge

"Taeyeon, do you know if Linda's a good piano player?" Tiffany asked

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany

"Didn't you know? She's on a full piano scholarship here. Not that her parents can't afford it. Her parents are really powerful and rich. But she's won quite a few awards" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany bit her lower lip.

"Worried about the challenge?"

Tiffany just nodded once

Taeyeon took a look at Tiffany. Tiffany obviously was worried about the challenge.

"Tell you what. As thanks for the peas, I'll teach you a few piano tricks."

Tiffany immediately looked up at Taeyeon but had a weird look on her face

"What's gotten into you?" Tiffany asked

"Nothing. Just sick and tired of chemistry and maths" Taeyeon made a quick excuse

"You'll really help me?" Tiffany's face lit up

Taeyeon backed away a little overwhelmed with Tiffany's reaction

"Errr, yeah... Don't think I'm doing this for you though. I just want to hate that Linda girl's ego." Taeyeon shrugged and smirked

"Why don't you beat her yourself then?" Tiffany challenged

"I would, but it's just too easy. And I'm pretty sure she would just flunk it so I would win" Taeyeon bit her lower lip

"So you'll help me?"

"I guess"

"Kyahhh. Thank you Taeyeon" Tiffany squealed

"Yah!" Taeyeon blocked her ears

Tiffany giggled a little

*I won't loose* Tiffany smiled

As Tiffany was dropped home, she remembered something

*The necklace!*

As Tiffany tuend around Taeyeon was already out of sight

"Aish" Tiffany stamped her feet

*I'll ask next time* Tiffany decided before she entered the house

Piano Lessons

"Hey Jessica, can I ask a favour from you?" Yuri suddenly asked

Yuri was driving Jessica back from college and decided to ask Jessica to help her and Yoona with the plan.

"Depends on what it is" Jessica answered back bluntly

"Haha. It's to help Taeyeon and Tiffany"

"Help them? Yeah I understand Tiffany may need help but Taeyeon?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Not help them seperately. Don't you think the two make a good couple?" Yuri laughed

Jessica thought for a while

"I guess. But you can't force feelings you know."

"We won't be forcing them. Their already there. They just need a little push to reveal it."

Jessica sighed. She knew that Tiffany had started to like Taeyeon.

"Why are you trying to get them together then? Do any of us get anything out of this?" Jessica still wasn't sure

"Well I know Yoona will. Oh and Tiffany will get the best thing out of this, haha, she gets Taeyeon" Yuri sighed

"You jealous?" Jessica teased

"Yep" Yuri answered bluntly

Jessica slapped Yuri's arm

"Ow. What was that for?" Yuri complained

Jessica remained silent. She didn't know why her body had acted like that.

"Taeyeon is Tiffany's" Jessica quickly covered up

"Haha. Araso. So you in?"

Jessica just nodded

When the two cars reached the house, they decided to go in and discuss the details of the plan ready for the next day

"So we all clear on that?" Yuri finished up

Everyone nodded in unison. Just then there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it" Jessica got up lazily and went to open the door

Standing in front of the door was Tiffany and Taeyeon

"Oh. Sorry Tiffany troubled you again Taeyeon" Jessica apologised

Tiffany just gave a sarcastic smile before she entered the house

"See you tomorrow Jess" Taeyeon said before she turned around and headed back to her car

"UNNIE~!" Yoona called out

Taeyeon froze in her spot and turned around warily

Yoona came out of the house and tackled Taeyeon

"Eugh. Yoona" Taeyeon said as she rolled her eyes

"Aren't you happy to see your maknae?" Yoona pouted

"I've seen you every day for the past 90 years" Taeyeon growled

Yoona just laughed

"Yuri is here too. YURI!" Yoona called Yuri out

Yuri was standing at the door laughing

"Hi Yuri" Taeyeon waved

Yuri waved back while Yoona dropped her jaw

"You've seen her for longer than you've seen me but you say hi to her and not to me?" Yoona complained making sure Jessica and the others couldn't hear her

"She's easier to deal with than you" Taeyeon shrugged

Yoona just glared at Taeyeon. Her split personality had come out

"Yoona, Yuri may be scared of your split personality but I'm not. So don't try to threaten me with that" Taeyeon answered bluntly

Yuri on the side was nodding

"Taeyeon is wayyyy scarier when she's mad" Yuri commented

Taeyeon shot a glare at Yuri

"See?" Yuri pointed before she hid behind Jessica

Yoona just started laughing.

"Whatever. I need to go now. Got some things to clean up" Taeyeon took her arm from Yoona and went back to her car.

Jessica and SeoHyun were watching the whole thing

"They look like they've been friends for like 50 years." Jessica suggested

"The perfect group. Looks, intelligence, talent, a fan club." SeoHyun listed

Tiffany jumped up behind them and joined in the conversation

"Some people are just luckier than others. And I swear they drive a new car each week" Tiffany pouted

"Why thank you" Yuri suddenly appeared in front of them

"And yes we do drive new cars, but it's every month not week" Yoona came up behind Yuri and rested her head onto her shoulder

Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany had forgotten that they were till there

"So tomorrow remember. We gotta get going and talk to some people" Yoona said as she waved

"Remember what?" Tiffany asked

"Our... extra text books" Jessica lied

Tiffany was tired so she shrugged and walked to her room

"Phew" SeoHyun and Jessica sighed with relief

As Tiffany opened the door to her room the music box caught her eye. Tiffany smiled remembering the sweet song that it played

"I wonder who wrote and played it" Tiffany mumbled as she grabbed it along with the key and locket in the drawer

Tiffany put the key into the music box and it started playing the song again

"I'll ask Taeyeon about this after this whole mess is over" Tiffany decided as she closed the lid

The next day as Tiffany and the others entered the room, they noticed Taeyeon wasn't there.

"Oh, Taeyeon asked you to go to the abandoned music room." Yuri told Tiffany as she walked into the door

"Okay thanks" Tiffany smiled as she made her way over to the music room

"What was that about?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Dunno" Yuri shrugged

"Gives us a chance to finish off the details on the plan though" Yoona smiled

SeoHyun nodded in agreement

As Tiffany was walking down the hallway she saw a group of girls blocking the way

*Urgh. Fan girls again* Tiffany rolled her eyes

"Oi there she is." one of the girls whispered

All the girls turned around and faced her at the exact same time

*Creepy much?* Tiffany staggered back at the sudden awkward action

"Excuse me" Tiffany muttered as she tried to get passed them

None of them moved. One of the girls then decided to put a foot out ready for Tiffany to trip over.

As Tiffany walked pass her she didn't see the girl's foot and tripped over it.

A loud scream escaped Tiffany's mouth as she started falling towards the floor.

It was suddenly silent.

Tiffany was expecting the cold hard floor slam against her but instead she felt something different

It was warm and soft instead of hard and cold.

Tiffany realised that she wasn't on the floor but leaning against something. She looked up to see what it was that broke her fall.

"Taeyeon" Tiffany muttered

Taeyeon had her arms around Tiffany and her body pressed up close against her

"Who did that?" Taeyeon growled

The girls stepped back, frightened at Taeyeon's dark aura around her

She helped Tiffany back to her feet and glared at the guilty looking girl

"May I ask why you did that?" Taeyeon asked coldly

The girl just bowed her head down low

"I'm sorry" she apologised and moved to the back of the crowd

Tiffany was still in shock, trying to figure out what was happening

"Go back to your classes." Taeyeon ordered

The girls immediantly nodded and went their own ways

"You okay?" Taeyeon's voice softened as she talked to Tiffany

"Ermmm. Yeah" Tiffany took a quick assessment of her body, checking for any bruises

Taeyeon nodded and then walked into the music room with Tiffany behind her

As Tiffany walked in her jaw dropped.

What was once a dusty old room which was thought to be haunted was now a high classes music room. The grand piano in the corner of the room, music stands stacked neatly on the left of the room, guitars and other instruments in which Tiffany never knew they had were all put away neatly.

"Who did this?" Tiffany asked

Taeyeon let out a small laugh

"You make it sound like its been vandalized. Besides me, no one else bothers to walk up here so it's safe to say.... I did?" Taeyeon replied

"We had all of this?" Tiffany plucked one of the guitar strings

"Most. I decided to give the college a few of my instruments. You going to keep asking questions?" Taeyeon took at seat at the piano

"Oh. Sorry" Tiffany quickly took a seat next to Taeyeon

Taeyeon moved over a little uncomfortably

"So what song are you playing?" Taeyeon hit the C Major key boredly

"I don't know yet... I still haven't mastered all of the piano skills yet" Tiffany sheepishly answered

Taeyeon slammed her hand agains the piano

"And you're picking a piano challenge with Linda?!" Taeyeon yelled

Tiffany just nodded once

Taeyeon let out a long sigh

"I suggest you give up" Taeyeon put her fingers on the temples of her head

"No!" Tiffany raised her voice

"I don't see how you can beat someone who has played advanced piano music since she was 10"

"I can't lose." Tiffany answered sternly

"You that desperat to win? What is in it for you?"

Tiffany remained silent

*What is in it for me? If I lose I won't be able to see Taeyeon again.... That's nothing isn't it? We haven't known each other for long... Why do I want to remain friends with the Elites? Why am I trying so hard?* Tiffany thought long and hard

"If it's for popularity I'm not helping" Taeyeon crossed her arms

"It's not for popularity.... Please Taeyeon... I don't want to loose"

Taeyeon sighed and stared at Tiffany. In her eyes she could see Tiffany was determined to win no matter what

"Fine. But you're going to have to work even harder than I thought" Taeyeon bit her lower lip

"I will" Tiffany smiled uneasily

Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany's determination

*Exactly like her* Taeyeon thought as she sighed

"If you lose I won't forgive you" Taeyeon smiled

"I won't" Tiffany relaxed to see Taeyeon smiling

Plan Train

As Tiffany hit the last note of the song she clapped with excitement

"Yay. Thank you Taeyeon" Tiffany exclaimed

"Why you so excited? You finished playing twinkle twinkle little star" Taeyeon said raised her eyebrow

"I've learnt the all the skills" Tiffany smiled

Taeyeon let out a short laugh

"You can't control both your hands yet. You're going to need to learn to use both your hands seprately" Taeyeon held up both her hands

"I'd like to see you do better" Tiffany stuck her tongue out

"Same song?" Taeyeon smiled smugly

"Yeah" Tiffany challenged

Taeyeon shrugged and turned her torso towards the keyboard. She cracked her knuckles and started playing a note on the keyboard

*Making such a show* Tiffany scoffed

Taeyeon started playing the melody first but then started to add the accompanist. She then added extra notes to the melody and sped up

Tiffany started to drop her arms

Taeyeon smirked and started playing faster.

Within less than a minute Taeyeon had finished

"Tsk" Tiffany turned her head away from Taeyeon who was smiling triumphantly

"Now you know how much of a difference it is." Taeyeon got up and stretched

"Class isn't over yet" Tiffany got up as well

"Three seconds" Taeyeon held up three fingers and walked out of the room

Within exactly three seconds the bell rang

"Lucky" Tiffany muttered as she packed her stuff up

"Okay so we clear? I've talked to the station managers. He agreed to help us" Yoona whispered

SeoHyun, Jessica and Yuri were gathered around her

"How'd you manage that?" SeoHyun asked

Yuri and Yoona gave each other a smug smile

"We've got our ways" Yuri bit her lower lip and winked

*Ah yes. Seduction* Jessica rolled her eyes at the thought

Just then Taeyeon walked in

"What are you guys up to?" Tiffany asked

The circle disbursted and Jessica just smiled innocently

"Just discussing a few things"


"Oh. Just what you and Taeyeon could be doing alone" Jessica shrugged

"Yah! We're not doing anything" Tiffany slapped Jessica's arm

"Oww! How do you know what we assumed? We just thought you guys wanted to play the instruments instead of study. Sheez" Jessica smiled

"You really shouldn't jump to conclusions unnie" SeoHyun bit her tongue to hold her laugh in

Tiffany just rolled her eyes and sighed


"Hey Tiffany. Wanna hang out tonight? I asked Sunny and she said we could stay out late" Jessica suggested

"Sure. When and where?"

"Meet at the train station 9pm sharp" SeoHyun answered

"Why so late?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"Thought it'd be fun" Jessica shrugged and walked out of the room

"She really needs to learn how to answer in full sentences" Tiffany growled as she followed

SeoHyun just giggled at the two

Yuri and Yoona on the otherside of the room laughed and gave each other the thumbs up

Taeyeon then walked into the room lazily

"I never kenw immortals could get tired" Yoona teased as they went up to her

"The little brat decided to pick a fight with someone twenty times her size" Taeyeon sighed

Yuri's eyes popper open

"Wow.... Do we have someone that.... big in our college?" Yuri asked Yoona

Yoona just shook her head and shrugged

"Not in that way. In skills" Taeyeon flicked Yuri's forehead

Yuri laughed

"I know. Hey Tae you free tonight?" Yuri rubbed her forehead

"Guess so. What else is there to do that I haven't done before." Taeyeon muttered

"Great. Yoona and I found a really cool place which we could hang out during the full moons. 9:30 tonight at the station?" Yoona clapped

Taeyeon just nodded groggily

"Okay. See ya tonight" Yuri and Yoona exited

Yoona then took out her phone and texted SeoHyun

To: SeoHyunnie

Stage one done (y)

From: Yoongie

"Where you guys going? Why can't we go there together?" Tiffany questioned as she saw SeoHyun and Jessica leaving the house

"We agreed to meet Yuri and Yoona for a bit" Jessica waved and then shut the door

"Tsk" Tiffany rolled her eyes

She then decided to go up into her room and listen to the music box again

"I wonder why the writer of the note told me to love the person in their place. I mean they couldn't have loved the person. It's been like over probably 50 years since the person wrote the note" Tiffany held the box up to the light

"Why do I love the person in their place then? Aishhh" Tiffany shook her head in frustration

*But I really would like to meet the person who played this song* Tiffany thought as the song started to end

Meanwhile Taeyeon was playing with her puppy, Bubz.

Bubz was no longer fit to be called a puppy. It had grown and was now an adult pomerian.

"Do they have hormones in the food I give you? You grow too fast" Taeyeon laughed as she patted its head

Bubz wagged its tail and whined in happiness

"I know I'm not suppose to keep pets. But you're the only animal that actually likes me. Tsk" Taeyeon smiled

Just then a song started to play in Taeyeon's head again.

She then started to see a girl waving at her

"TaeTae~ Smile!" the faint voice called out

"MiYoung?" Taeyeon whispered

The girl nodded

"I will be with you" MiYoung smiled and then started to wave

As she waved her figure started to wisp away like sand in strong wind

"MiYoung.... no!" Taeyeon got up and reached her hand out

She then returned to reality and saw that it was already dark.

Bubz was in her bed sleeping

"What time is it?" Taeyeon checked her watch

It was 15 minutes pass 9

"Wow" Taeyeon muttered as she started to make her way to the station.

To: Sica

Where are you?

From: Fany

Tiffany put her phone back into her pocket

It was 9:20 and Jessica and SeoHyun had still not arrived at the station

"Trust Jessica to come on time" Tiffany muttered sarcastically

The wind started to blow and Tiffany shivered

"I'm going to kill her" Tiffany growled

Taeyeon had just entered the station. She checked her watch. 9:31

"I'll wait here" Taeyeon shrugged and took a seat on one of the benches

Time slowly passed and no one entered the station

"Yoona's probably off eating ice cream" Taeyeon muttered

Then from the corner of her eye she could see a girl shivering in the cold.

*What's she doing here?* Taeyeon thought as she walked over

"You?" Taeyeon exclaimed when she saw Tiffany

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany stood up from her seat.

Taeyeon just nodded

Tiffany rolled her eyes and sat back down

"What brings you here?" Taeyeon asked

"Jessica and SeoHyun wanted to t-take me out somewhere tonight" Tiffany stuttered

"I see" Taeyeon just nodded slowly

"Mind if I sit here?" Taeyeon motioned to the seat next to Tiffany

"Suit yourself" Tiffany answered back

5 minutes of silence passed

Taeyeon looked over to Tiffany to see her starting to turn blue.

Taeyeon took her jacket off and put it over Tiffany

"This should warm you up" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany felt something warm against her shoulders and shot her head up at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was just wearing a sleeveless top

"No no. What about you?" Tiffany shrugged the jacket off

Taeyeon shrugged

"My body maintains the same temperature. Unless you want to freeze by the time the others arrive, I suggest you wear that" Taeyeon put the jacker over Tiffany's shoulders again


"No buts" Taeyeon interrupted

Tiffany just closed her mouth and nodded

The jacket was warm and made Tiffany stop shivering

"Th-thanks" Tiffany muttered

Taeyeon just nodded once acknowledging her thanks

Tiffany decided to send another text to Jessica

To: Sica

WHERE ARE YOU? You're like an hour late

From: Fany

Just then a station manager was walking pass

"Excuse me Misses. Are you okay?" he asked the two

Tiffany and taeyeon just nodded

"If you want you can wait in the train. There's only one operating at this time and If you're waiting for someone you won't miss them" he suggested

Taeyeon looked over to Tiffany who still looked cold

"Thanks" Taeyeon smiled

"Oi Tiffany. Get on" Taeyeon ordered bluntly

Tiffany shot a death glare to Taeyeon

"Don't tell me what to do" Tiffany growled

"Wow. I don't think the cold is doing any good for you. Just sit on the train to warm up at least" Taeyeon held her hands up defensively

Tiffany bit her lower lip. She was still cold even with Taeyeon's jacket

"Oh, aren't you cold?" Tiffany got up and held Taeyeon's arm

To her surprise it was as warm as the jacket was when she first put it on her

"Does it feel like I'm cold?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow and stared at the hand touching her

Tiffany immediately retracted her arm and bit her lower lip

"Get on" Taeyeon ordered again

Tiffany just rolled her eyes as she grabbed her stuff and jumped onto the train

Taeyeon remained outside

"I'll wait here" Taeyeon told Tiffany

Tiffany hesitated but nodded anyway

As she made her way to one of the seats a man walked into the train and sat close to Tiffany.

Taeyeon stared at the man on the train. She then noticed a few more dodgey looking men in the train.

Taeyeon clenched her teeth and entered the train

*Her and her fear of men* Taeyeon thought as she took a seat 2 place behind Tiffany

The train door started closing

"Yuri, Yoona, You are going to die" Taeyeon grolwed under her breath

After a few rounds Taeyeon saw no sign of Jessica, SeoHyun, Yuri or Yoona. She took a look at Tiffany who seemed to be nodding off to sleep.

Tiffany started leaning towards the empty seat. Taeyeon immediately got up and sat in the empty seat next to her.

Tiffany's head landed on Taeyeon's shoulder

*You owe me* Taeyeon made a mental note

She then let out a long sigh

Tiffany then started mumbling in her sleep

"I... won't... lose"

Taeyeon smiled

*Determined even while asleep*

"Can't... lose... Tae....yeon" Tiffany continued

Taeyeon's eyes popped open at the mention of her name

*What does this girl dream about?*

Taeyeon just disregarded it and continued to let Tiffany sleep

*You're going to need it tomorrow.*

From the station Yuri, Yoona, SeoHyun and Jessica were standing behind a pillar

As the train halted to a stop they waited

"Last stop" The station manager called out

They then saw Taeyeon exit with a sleeping Tiffany on her back

"Honestly" Taeyeon muttered as she piggybacked Tiffany

Yuri and the gang hid from Taeyeon's view

"Score!" Yoona whispered and everyone did a fist pump in the air.

Never Give up

Three days have passed since Tiffany encountered Linda.

Everyday Taeyeon would make her play for hours non-stop and she would obediantly follow. And each and every single day there would be at least one girl standing outside the door spying on them.

"So have you decided on which song you want to play yet?" Taeyeon asked

"I was thinking of something not too hard. But knowing Linda's skills...." Tiffany trailed off

She started losing hope of ever beating Linda.

"If you feel like giving up you should leave now." Taeyeon said bluntly

"No no. I don't want to give up. I'm just not sure if I can beat her" Tiffany sighed

"Why do you want to win so badly? Aren't you guys friends or something?"

"We had a bet... kinda" Tiffany lied

"If I lose I'll have to give up something important to me" Tiffany smiled

"Nice friendship that is" Taeyeon made a disgusted look

"Haha. I guess" Tiffany lied

"Is that something really important to you?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"... I guess it is" Tiffany didn't want to tell Taeyeon about what she was going to lose

Taeyeon sighed and patted Tiffany's head

"Araso. So what song?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not that good with the piano yet" Tiffany sighed

"To me it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of whether you can make the audience like it. Flashy fast songs are meaningless to me" Taeyeon shrugged

"So which song do you suggest?"

"How about we compose a song. I can get one for you by tomorrow if you'd like" Taeyeon gave a little stretch

"Really?! You'd do that?!" Tiffany exclaimed excitedly

"Sure. But on one condition. No music sheets of the song are to be kept after the competition."

"Why not?"

"It'll be easier in the future for me" Taeyeon shrugged

Tiffany sighed


"Great. Now keep playing. You need to control both hands sperately" Taeyeon got up and took a few music sheets and started writing

Tiffany smiled

"Thanks Taeyeon"

Taeyeon shivered

"Please.... don't"

Tiffany laughed

Meanwhile Yuri and the others were outside the music room's door

"Why doesn't she write songs for us?" Yoona whispered

Yuri shrugged

"The plan worked but I still don't understand why their still not getting any closer" Yuri bit her lip

"Well I regret helping you guys. Tiffany is STILL mad at me. I swear she was about to grab a knife and stab me" Jessica complained

Yuri and Yoona gave a nervous laugh

"You're just lucky you didn't have Taeyeon." Yoona commented


"Yuri... Yoona" Taeyeon growled

"Ahhh.... Hey Taeyeon. Listen sorry about the thing yesterday. We just got caught up in a few things and...." Yuri backed away and Yoona just waved her hands defensively

"I know what you were doing. Knew it from the moment I saw her. What I don't know is why you're doing it" Taeyeon took a step closer to them

"We just wanted you guys to bond a little, you know." Yoona tried to give an innocent smile as she took another step back

"Listen we're sorry about that. The cold didn't affect you though. Nothing bad happened" Yuri tried to reason

Taeyeon smirked

"Besides having to deal with another 3 hours more that night and having to carry her all the way back explaining to Sunny what was going on, yeah sure it didn't affect me" Taeyeon growled

Yuri and Yoona swallowed hard

"We'll take any punishment. Just don't rip our throats please" Yoona begged

"Any punishment?" Taeyeon took a step forward

"Any!" Yuri agreed

"Alright then. Take the couch over there and lift it. Don't put it down until I say. Carrying Tiffany home was such a drag" Taeyeon rolled her shoulders

Yuri and Yoona immediately grabbed each side of the couch and lifted it. Yuri raised her eyebrow wondering what type of punishment it was

"Comfortable?" Taeyeon asked the two

The two nodded

"Good" Taeyeon gave an evil smirk

She then jumped onto the couch with her ipad and layed down on it

"Don't drop it until I say so remember" Taeyeon called out

Yuri and Yoona groaned. They knew that Taeyeon wasn't going to let them off anytime soon

-End Flashback-

Yuri and Yoona groaned at the memory

"I swear I couldn't move my arms at all. My body is too old for this" Yuri complained

"You and me both" Yoona added

Jessica and SeoHyun looked at them curiously

A thought popped into Yuri's head

"Did you know there was a competition of some sort?" Yuri asked Jessica

Jessica just shook her head along with SeoHyun

"Wasn't Linda the one who Taeyeon saved you from on the first day of college?" Yoona asked

Jessica thought for a while

"... The stuck up president... yeah I think that was her"

Yuri bit her lower lip

"I don't think Tiffany would be friends with her... I have a feeling this isn't a friendly competition either..." Yuri thought

"Let's go investigate" Yoona tapped on Yuri's shoulder

Yuri nodded as she made her way to find Linda. Jessica and SeoHyun followed but Yuri stopped them

"They'll think that Tiffany told you guysif you came along. I think Tiffany kept this a secret for a reason" Yuri gave them a stern look

Jessica and SeoHyun nodded

"Come Yoona. She's in class 2A"

"Stalker-ish much?" Yoona teased

"Well what else is there to read besides the school's administration book" Yuri shrugged

Yoona laughed

As they knocked onto the door they opened it.

Everyone in the room gasped with suprise

"Sorry to disturb your lecture but we're here to see Linda Choi" Yuri said calmly

The teacher groaned

"Linda" the teacher called out

Linda excitedly jumped out of her seat and ran to Yuri and Yoona

Yuri moved away from the excited girl

"Do I get to join your gang?" Linda blurted out

Yuri and Yoona rolled their eyes

"Yoona if you please?" Yuri smiled at Yoona

Yoona nodded and stared at Linda. Her split personality was starting to come out

"I'm going to ask this once. What is this competition you're having with Tiffany?" Yoona asked coldly

Linda was a little surprised with Yoona's cold attitude but nevertheless answered

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Tiffany's been practising piano lately. We over heard her saying she needed to win over you in a competition. She said it was a friendly competition but I myself don't believe it" Yoona glared

Linda took a step back

"It's just friendly competition" Linda defended

Just then the bell rang

"Why would you of all people suddenly be friends with Tiffany?" Yuri ignored the bell

"I guess we connected" Linda lied

Just then Tiffany was running up to them

"Yuri? Yoona?" Tiffany stopped in her tracks

She saw Yuri and Yoona leaning over Linda

"What's going on?" Tiffany asked

"We;re not completely convinced that the competition is 'friendly'" Yoona shot another glare at Linda and Linda flinched

"Oh that. It's 100% friendly. I just wanted to see how I play under pressure that's all" Tiffany lied

Yuri and Yoona gave a wary glance

"What Tiffany said" Linda added

Yuri and Yoona stared at Linda and she immediately backed down, not saying a word.

"You don't have to worry. Taeyeon wanted to see you by the way" Tiffany pointed down the hall

Yuri and Yoona didn't move

"Tiffany don't lie" Yuri said sternly

Tiffany stared at Yuri's stern look

"I'm not" Tiffany lied

She didn't want the Elites to be interferring with her own problems

"Taeyeon said something about a couch" Tiffany added

Yuri and Yoona immediately dropped their stern look as their eyes popped open

Tiffany pointed down the hallway again

"If there's anything you need remember to talk to us. Yuri hurry, Taeyeon's gunna punish us again" Yoona quickly made a dash to find Taeyeon with Yuri behind her tracks

Tiffany gave a sigh of relief and stared at Linda

"You've been practising hard? Just so you know if you lose you..."

"I won't be able to see the Elites again. I figured" Tiffany interrupted

"I'm glad we understand each other. What was it that you wanted?" Linda crossed her arms

"I'm just here to confirm the time"

"2pm sharp. Just so you know, the judges will have no connections to the Elites so you won't be able to use them to your advantage" Linda smirked

"I didn't plan to" Tiffany smirked back

"That little..."


SeoHyun covered Jessica's mouth

"We don't want her to find out we're here" Seohyun reminded

Jessica rolled her eyes

"Jessica, SeoHyun?" Tiffany had caught them

"Ahhh. Unnie~ We were wondering where you were" SeoHyun smiled

Jessica bit her tongue, knowing that they were in a lot of trouble

"You guys heard?"

Jessica and SeoHyun hesitantly nodded

Tiffany sighed

"Just don't tell anyone. This is my problem and I'll fix it" with that Tiffany left them

Jessica and SeoHyun exchanged worried looks

"We'll see how it goes for now" Jessica patted SeoHyun's back

SeoHyun nodded

*I'm sure I'll win* Tiffany gave a determined fist pump

Taeyeon caught glimpse of this and smiled

*Cute* Taeyeon thought

Friendly Competition

The day had finally come where Linda and Tiffany were to have their competition.

Taeyeon and Tiffany were going through the last rehearsal.

"I'm surprised myself that you could get that right" Taeyeon nodded proudly

"Thanks" Tiffany stuck her tongue out

Tiffany then gave a nervous sigh

"You've been a nervous reck lately. What is going to happen if you lose anyway?" Taeyeon asked curiously

"Nothing that important" Tiffany lied

"Besides you wouldn't let me live for long if I lost to her" Tiffany joked

"Got that right" Taeyeon played along

Tiffany then began to think of all the possibilities. Most of which were negative

"Hey Taeyeon. Can I ask a question?" Tiffany whispered

"Sure what?"

"What were to happen if I was no longer your friend?"

"What do you mean?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"I was just wondering. Like after we graduate and all" Tiffany tried to look sincere

Taeyeon paused

"I dunno. I mean if you really didn't want to be my friend I guess I would accept it" Taeyeon admitted

*You won't be around for as long as I will be anyways* Taeyeon mentally thought

Tiffany's heart ached

*Do I really mean that little to her?* Tiffany bit her tongue

"Well why wouldn't you want to be friends with me?" Taeyeon asked her

Tiffany fumbled a little, coming out of her thoughts

"Oh erm... I dunno. Was just curious. I gotta get going" Tiffany gathered her stuff and walked out

"We haven't finished yet!" Taeyeon called after her

"I'll practice myself" Tiffany answered as she ran to the restrooms.

As Tiffany entered she locked herself in one of the cubicles as the stress started to hit her

*Today's the day. I'm not even sure if I'll make it. I don't want to leave the Elites though... Taeyeon doesn't care either way so what's the point?* Tiffany suddenly felt tears running down her cheeks

Jessica and SeoHyun were outside the restroom. They saw Tiffany running in there so they followed.

"Unnie" SeoHyun whispered to Jessica

"I don't care if she kills us I'm telling them" and Jessica left them and went to find the Elites

"Taeyeon?" Jessica burst into the music room

"Hm?" Taeyeon lifted her head up

"It's about the competition Tiffany's in"

"It's not a friendly competition I know" Taeyeon interrupted

Jessica's mouth was still open as she tried to remember what Taeyeon just said

"Linda and Tiffany are competing because of jealousy" Taeyeon continued

"Are-Aren't you going to do anything about it?" Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Nothing I can do"

"When did you know?"

"Since the beginning. Only thing I don't know is the consequences" Taeyeon got up and walked up to Jessica

"Mind filling me in?"

Jessica bit her lip

"It involves you" Jessica started slowly

"I figured that. A date with Linda? Elites spend one day with her?" Taeyeon guessed

Jessica shook her head

"It affects only Tiffany... She won't be able to.... see you guys again" Jessica sighed at the end of the comment

"What was that? Not see us again. Haha" Taeyeon laughed it off

"There's no way she would follow that"

Jessica bit her lower lip

"Tiffany's sense of justice is really high. She never breaks an agreement" Jessica commented

Taeyeon remained silent

"Where's Yuri and Yoona?" Taeyeon said suddenly

Jessica shrugged

"Thanks" Taeyeon thanked as she exited the room

She checked her watch. 4:00pm

Taeyeon frowned and picked up her pace, trying to find the other Elites

Meanwhile Tiffany exited the restroom and bumped into a bunch of girls

"Ooof. Jeez. Oh, it's you. I suggest you pack your stuff. You have no hope of beating Linda" the girl scoffed

Tiffany just ignored her and walked passed them

She then bumped into Taeyeon

"Ah hey Taeyeon" Tiffany wiped the tear and smiled

Taeyeon shot her a glare

"Why didn't you tell me the consequences of loosing?" Taeyeon growled

"Huh?" Tiffany was taken aback by Taeyeon's sudden question

"Jessica told me everything. Don't go to that competition" Taeyeon shook Tiffany's shoulders

"Why do you care?!" Tiffany raised her voice

"Why SHOULDN'T I care?!"

"I asked you before. You would just move on without me"

Taeyeon remained silent

"I said if you didn't want to. Do you really want to give up?" Taeyeon was starting to lower her voice again

Tiffany bit her lip

"I don't want that. That's why I asked for your help" Tiffany gritted

Taeyeon sighed

"Cancel it"

"I can't." Tiffany then walked pass Taeyeon

Taeyeon growled under her breath and then checked her watch


Taeyeon then ran to the music room and started scribbling down new notes

Meanwhile Tiffany was making her way to the hall where to competition was going to be held

She then reached into her pocket and pulled out the locket

"Wish me luck" Tiffany mumbled as she put the locket on

She took a deep breath and entered the hall.

The hall was already filled with anticipating students. As Tiffany entered they started whispering to each other secretly

Tiffany started doubting herself again. She walked pass the crowd and up onto the stage where there were two pianos.

As she sat herself down onto the seat the crowd started to quieten down.

A host then came up onto the stage and introduced the competition

"Welcome girls to the event of the year. Elites fanclub's president, Linda, will be battling it out with the self proclaimed friend of the Elites, Tiffany, in a piano challenge." She introduced

Tiffany scoffed at her introduction

"Our judges will...."

"Stop this event immediately" a voice interrupted

Everyone gasped at who was standing on the stage

It was Yuri and Yoona

"The Elites do not approve of this challenge. You have no right to tell someone whether they can be our friends or not" Yoona growled

"Stop this right now" Yuri added

All the girls started bickering with each other

"She's using the Elites power to stop this." one of them whispered too loudly

Tiffany heard this and felt a wave of guilt rush over her

"Yuri, Yoona, don't worry about it. I agreed to this anyway" Tiffany stood up and tugged on their arms

"But Tiffany, it's Linda. You've been only playing the piano for a week." Yuri tried to reason

"A week with Taeyeon. I'm sure her teaching skills would be able to help me win this" Tiffany gave a nervous smile

"Tiffany, they're not only going to forbid you from seeing us. Their going to be bullying you for the rest of your college life" Yoona added

"I know. But this is my problem. I don't want anyone else getting involved. If I don't take this challenge their going to start targetting SeoHyun and Jessica"


Tiffany smiled and then took her seat next to the piano again

Yuri and Yoona just sighed

Tiffany took a look at the crowd and noticed that Taeyeon wasn't there.

*Guess she doesn't think I'd win anyway* Tiffany thought

"Wait!" a cold voice called out

All the girls started squealing when they saw who stopped the competition. It was Taeyeon

Tiffany groaned but felt some sense of happiness

Taeyeon jusst walked over to Tiffany

"Taeyeon I'm not going to stop this challenge" Tiffany groaned

Taeyeon flashed a smile

"I know you're not. So I got something that will make you win" Taeyeon waved the music sheets in front of her

Tiffany's eyes popped open

"But I haven't been practicing that song" Tiffany whined

"I think you're fit enough to play this. You just have to impress the judges right?"

Tiffany stared at the music sheets.

She then let out a long sigh and took the sheets

"Good. Now..." Taeyeon's voice trailed off

Taeyeon's eye had caught sight of something familiar

"What's... that?" Taeyeon reached over to Tiffany's necklace

"Excuse me Elite Taeyeon. We have to start now" The host interrupted

Taeyeon shook her thoughts and went off the stage

*That looked like MiYoung's....* Taeyeon remembered Tiffany's necklace

*Can't be* She shook the thought away.

"Now we will start the battle!" the host called out

The crowd cheered with excitement

Tiffany let out a nervous sigh

"Linda will go first" and with that the host exited the stage


The crowd cheered for Linda as she started playing the piano.

The spotlight focused on Linda's black grand piano as Linda stretched her fingers. She then gave Tiffany a quick smirk

She then started playing Lunatic Princess

(Link btw: )

The Elites fanclub smiled, thinking that Linda had already won the competition

Tiffany bit her lip nervously as Linda started to speed up.

She took a look at the judges and could see that they were nodding seriously

*I've got no hope* Tiffany sighed

In the corner of her eye she could see someone in the front row trying to get her attention.

She turned to see Taeyeon pointing at something. Tiffany followed Taeyeon's gesture which led to the music sheets she had just given.

Taeyeon then mouthed the words "Study it"

Tiffany sighed, she had lost all hope of winning.

Taeyeon frowned at Tiffany's discouraged look.

"Yuri got a paper and pen?" Taeyeon whispered.

As Linda was playing Taeyeon wrote something down on the paper, rolled it into a ball and aimed at Tiffany.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yuri grabbed Taeyeon's arm

"Making sure Tiffany wins" Taeyeon answered back with a smirk as she threw the paper at Tiffany's piano.

"If you win I'll give you a surprise. I know you can win. That's why I gave you those music sheets" Tiffany read

Tiffany smiled a little.

Her heart was starting to warm up from Taeyeon's kindness.

*I can't let her down* Tiffany determined

She quickly scanned through the new music sheets and stopped halfway

*These......* Tiffany found the music VERY familiar

Just before Tiffany could remember where she knew the song the crowd began clapping as Linda finished

The judges scribbled down notes on their papers and clapped as soon as they finished. They still looked as though they were bored though.

Tiffany took a few deep breaths

"Now.... It's Tiffany's turn" the host said with a hint of disgust in her voice.

There was no cheering but Tiffany could see the Elites, Jessica and SeoHyun cheering for her in the front row.

Tiffany smiled knowing that there were still people supporting her.

She had a lot more confidence in this song because she would listen to it every night before she went to sleep.

As she started playing the whole hall went silent.

Taeyeon started remembering the past again. How she composed this song for MiYoung.

How the two spent so much time mucking around. Taeyeon smiled at the memory of MiYoung tripping over herself.

She looked up at Tiffany and saw something glisten in the spotlight. It was the locket

Taeyeon suddenly saw MiYoung playing the piano while she was smiling.

"Tae?" Yuri waved her hands in front of Taeyeon.

Taeyeon came out of her memory and saw Tiffany playing again. She let out a long sigh.

As Tiffany continued to play she got more confident.

Sooyoung was at the back of the hall watching as Tiffany played

*Never thought I'd hear this song again* Sooyoung thought as she smiled

She then glanced at Taeyeon who seemed to look a little uncomfortable. But Sooyoung saw that Taeyeon was starting to change.

She then started to worry

"Tae.... don't get too attatched to a human" Sooyoung whispered before she left the hall

Tiffany continued to play and some of the fan girls were changing their view on Tiffany.

The judges started smiling as they put down their pens and enjoyed the sweet piano music

Linda just scoffed

*She won't be able to win with that slow song* she thought

Yuri, Yoona, SeoHyun and Jessica were speechless

"Tae. Did you write that?" Yoona nudged Taeyeon beside her

Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders

Tiffany started smiling towards the end of the piano piece.

*I've found her* Tiffany thought of the writer of the note. Feeling accomplished because she was able to find the owner of the key.

As Tiffany ended the song with the last note the crowd started cheering.

Linda shook her hands and mouthed the words "No No No"

Tifafny just smiled nervously at the crowd's cheer.

The host came out again with a shocked expression

"Well... That was.... good" she hesitated at the word good

"We'll get the representative of the judges council to announce the winner"

A short, bald man came up and took the mic.

"Just to clarify, this was to impress the judges right?" the man asked the host

The girl just nodded

"Okay then. Our thoughts on Linda were that she is a very talented piano player. She showed definate skills in her piano play and great control over her hands. Definately a great pianist"

Linda smiled smugly as she fanclub cheered

"As for Tiffany... Well what can I say."

Tiffany clenched her fists and bit her lip nervously

"For someone who has just been playing piano for a week, I say she has done an excellent job. Not only was the song touching, but to think she could play that on the first time was amazing" the man praised

Tiffany just smiled as Yoona gave a loud cheer.

Yuri pulled on Yoona's ear telling her to be quiet

Tiffany let out a small laugh at the two.

"The final results. It was a close one I can tell you. For one person the judges gave a 26/30 score. For the other, 28/30."

The crowd gasped with anticipation

"I'm the 28" Linda said proudly

Tiffany let out a sigh.

*This is it* she thought

"The winner is... Tiffany Hwang" the man finally announced

Yoona, Yuri, Jessica, SeoHyun and a few other girls cheered loudly

Tiffany's and Linda's jaw dropped

"How can that be?! She played such an easy song and..." Linda complained

"Piano is about trying to capture the audience's hearts. Your skills were excellent. Top notch. But Tiffany's song was the one that appealed to us the most. It is a mystery song and gave us quite a shock" the man explained

Linda just threw her hands in rage

Yoona and Yuri jumped on stage to congratulate Tiffany as they tackled her down.

Tiffany started jumping for joy as Jessica and SeoHyun joined in the celebration.

Taeyeon stood from behind and gave Tiffany the thumbs up.

Tiffany nodded thanks to her and smiled

Linda then came up to Tiffany and glared

"Don't think this is over" she warned as she walked off.

"Actually...." Taeyeon stepped in Linda's tracks

"You're stripped from your position as Fanclub president" Taeyeon gave a cheeky smile

"What?" Linda raised her eyebrow in disbelief

Taeyeon then pointed to a random girl in the crowd

"She's the new president. You are not allowed to be in the fanclub either" Taeyeon then left linda there in disbelief

Yuri then nudged Yoona

"Plan Yuri?" she whispered

Yoona smiled widely

"Celebration at Yuri's house!!!!!" Yoona yelled at the top of her lungs

Everyone around her just smiled.

Tiffany caught sight of Taeyeon and ran up to her.

"Taeyeon.... I wanted to..."

Sooyoung then stepped in and interrupted them

"Taeyeon. Office. Now" Sooyoung said seriously

Taeyeon rolled her eyes

"Ask me at the party" Taeyeon told Tiffany as she followed Sooyoung.

Tiffany just nodded

She took the locket out and felt the chain.

*Found her* Tiffany smiled

"Tiffany!" Jessica called out

Tiffany turned around to see everyone smiling

"Let's go get stuff for the party" Jessica pulled on Tiffany's arm and pulled her away

Yuri, Yoona and SeoHyun smiled at each other

"Okay so plan Yuri...." Yoona started

Plan Yuri

"What is it now?" Taeyeon groaned as they entered Sooyoung's office

"I think you should know what it is, Danshin" Sooyoung smiled

Taeyeon growled under her breath as she took a seat and slumped onto it

"I've heard something that I haven't heard in a long time" Sooyoung started

Taeyeon rolled her eyes

"That doesn't mean anything. Just wanted her to win the competition. She's destroying the music sheets later" Taeyeon answered bluntly

"I never said it meant anything. I'm just wondering why you would suddenly give that song to her JUST so she could remain being your friend." Sooyoung gave a skeptical look.

Taeyeon froze. She had no idea why she wanted to keep Tiffany as her friend. She has only ever been close to Yuri, Yoona and the other immortals. She never wanted to socialize with anyone else.

*Why did you Taeyeon? It was just the blur of the moment. Yeah I'm sure that's it* Taeyeon thought through

"Didn't think. You know I hate things getting taken away from me right?" Taeyeon gave a cold stare at Sooyoung.

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened. I really am. But I really had faith that she would make it through" Sooyoung sighed.

"Whatever" Taeyeon mumbled

Sooyoung stared at the stubborn Taeyeon.

"And because I'm sorry about what happened I'll give you this warning. Don't get attatched with any humans." Sooyoung's sounded like she was begging.

"I'm not getting attatched" Taeyeon spat back

"Then stop seeing that Tiffany. I can see that she's starting to change your resolve." Sooyoung threw her arm in the air

"She's not." Taeyeon answered again

"Taeyeon could you give me a full answer instead of statements. You gave that girl the song you composed for MiYoung so that she could remain being your friend. You've been seeing her for everyday tutoring her. You take her home whenever it's late. You've even started letting your guard down around her" Sooyoung raised her voice

"Wait... How'd you know I take her home?" Taeyeon sat up straight and stared into Sooyoung's eyes

"A bunny told me." Sooyoung answered bluntly

"Bunny? I thought the saying was A birdie told me" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"Well this time I talked to a rabbit." Sooyoung answered back sarcastically

Taeyeon bit her tongue to hold back the curses she was about to release.

"I'm just saying don't get too close to those humans. That Jessica girl looks like SooYeon too. Don't let the past take over Taeyeon." Sooyoung's voice sounded sincere

"Just stay out of my life like you should have 150 years ago" Taeyeon stormed out of the room.

"I'm really sorry Taeyeon" Sooyoung whispered as a wave of guilt washed over her.

*She still doesn't forgive you for what you did to MiYoung.* Sooyoung let out a pathetic laugh.

Meanwhile Tiffany and Jessica were running down the aisles of the grocery store, picking up anything they could get.

"Jessica... I don't think we can pay for this" Tiffany stared at the full trolley

"We can't, but Yuri can" Jessica smiled as she took out a few hundred dollar bills

Tiffany's eyes popped open

"Yuri gave these to us so we could buy stuff. Don't go thinking to wrong thing" Jessica frowned

Tiffany smiled. She knew how rich the Elites were

"By the way. That locket is pretty cute" Jessica stared at the locket on Tiffany

"Haha, thanks" Tiffany smiled

She held the locket in her hands and smiled even more.

*Finally found her.... wait.... That song was over 50 years old right?* Tiffany stopped walking

Jessica stopped and stared at her strangely

"Forgot how to walk or something?" Jessica crossed her arms

*.... Taeyeon can't be....* Tiffany tilted her head to the side

".... This girl has gone mad" Jessica scoffed

*I'm sure her grandma gave it to her. Yes. That's probably it* Tiffany nodded and smiled

Jessica went up and clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany

"Do you need a doctor? I'm sure I can afford your hospital bills. You really need help" Jessica raised her eyebrow at Tiffany

"Huh? Why would I need a doctor?" Tiffany stared at Jessica with curious eyes

"First you forget how to walk, then you start tilting and nodding your head in the middle of a store. Yeah sure that sounds pretty sane to me" Jessica said sarcastically

"Oh that. I was just thinking" Tiffany gave an embrassed smile

"Sure. Let's go" Jessica rolled her eyes and continued to the check out.

*I'll ask Taeyeon about it at the party* Tiffany decided as they left the grocery store.

"Okay so we got enough alcohol?" Yuri concluded

Yoona held up four bottles and SeoHyun held up another two.

"Remember our target." Yoona warned

Just then Jessica and Tiffany entered

"Woahh... Is this where you live Yuri?" Tiffany's jaw dropped

Jessica just stood there with her arms beside her and an 'are you serious?' look on her face

"Well me and Yoona. If this amazes wait till you see Taeyeon's. She lives there alone too" Yuri smiled

Jessica shook her head and headed to the kitchen. Shortly though she came out with a pout

"What is it Jess?" Tiffany patted Jessica's head

"I can't find the kitchen" Jessica whined

Tiffany laughed

"Here." Yuri came and took the groceries to the kitchen

The kitchen was huge

"Now this is just mocking us" Jessica commented as she stared at the designer kitchen

"We got it put in not long ago" Yuri smiled

"Put in?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"She meant renovated" Yoona came up from behind and nudges Yuri's rib

"Yeah, renovated" Yuri smiled

"Watch what you say" Yoona whispered from the side of her mouth

"Sorry" Yuri whispered back

"Where's Tae?" Yoona looked around for Taeyeon

"She had to talk with Sooyoung" Tiffany answered as she took the stuff out from the shopping bags.

SeoHyun started blowing up balloons and decorating the living room.

"Letme help you SeoHyunnie~" Yoona exclaimed as she skipped to SeoHyun

SeoHyun giggled as Yoona popped a balloon in her face

*Dangerous things this century has* Yoona shook her head

"You don't blow too much. Stop when it's big enough" SeoHyun laughed as she held up the remains of the balloon.

Yuri and Jessica were in charge of the food and snacks.

*How to work this thing* Yuri stared at the stove

"Don't you know how to cook?" Jessica came up and stared at Yuri

"Not really no." Yuri sighed

"What do you eat?"

*Nothing* Yuri thought cheekily

"Taeyeon cooks for us" Yuri lied

"I honestly wonder how she can deal with you two" Jessica sighed

*For 90 years too* Yuri chuckled

Tiffany was looking through her ipod for music and creating a playlist.

"Hey Yuri. Do you have a dock?" Tiffany called out

*Now that's something about technology I do know* Yuri smiled as she went to get the iPod dock

"Chodings!" a voice called out

"Appa Tae!" Yoona cried out

There was a grunt of disgust

Tiffany and Jessica laughed

"Yuri's your appa." Taeyeon pushed Yoona away

Yoona pouted

"Hey Taeyeon. How do you look after these two?" Jessica laughed

"I honestly don't know myself. Hey SeoHyun, how do you deal with Jessica and Tiffany" Taeyeon scratched her head

Jessica threw a chip packet at Taeyeon while Tiffany threw a pillow. Taeyeon naturally dodged them all

"Oh Taeyeon. You're here." Yuri came out with the dock

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she made her way to the kitchen

"Woah." Taeyeon exclaimed at the new kitchen

"Taeyeon. Help me please. Apparently you're the only one who can cook in the Elites" Jessica shot a glare at Yuri

Taeyeon also shot a glare at Yuri. Luckily though, Taeyeon helped Leeteuk at the restuarant

"I thought I was here for a party.... not to prepare it" Taeyeon mumbled

"hey same goes for me" Tiffany shrugged

Jessica nodded in agreement

Soon they were finished with the cooking and the party was starting

"Congratulations to Tiffany, who beat that stuck up Linda at her own game. Cheers!" Yuri yelled

Everyone laughed as they took a sip at their drinks except Tiffany

Yuri nudged Yoona and Yoona nodded

"Hey Tiffany. Drink up. We're celebrating your success here" Yoona persuaded

Tiffany just smiled and took a drink from her cup

Yoona turned around and gave Yuri the thumbs up

Taeyeon however was not celebrating. She was sitting in the corner of the couch and watching movies on her iPad.

Tiffany decided to go thank Taeyeon and sat next to her.

"Why aren't you celebrating?" Tiffany asked

Taeyeon just looked up at Tiffany and back down to her iPad

"Not much of a drinker" Taeyeon answered

"Ahhh" Tiffany nodded her head slowly

"Well, I just wanted to say... Thank you..." Tiffany's voice trailed off

Taeyeon lifted her head and looked at Tiffany curiously

"Sorry what was that?" Taeyeon didn't hear what Tiffany was saying

Tiffany took a deep breath

"ThankYouForHelpingMeWinAgainstLinda" Tiffany sped through her sentence

"Slow down I didn't catch any of that" Taeyeon shook her head

Tiffany pouted

"Thank you Taeyeon. For teaching me piano... and for helping me win.... and for never giving up" Tiffany said sincerely as she looked down at her fingers

Taeyeon smiled at the embarrased Tiffany

"No problem. Now go party with YoonYul" Taeyeon nodded her head towards Yuri and Yoona who were waving at Tiffany to come join them

"Nehh~" Tiffany smiled and joined the party while Taeyeon refocused on the iPad

As the party went on Yuri, Yoona and Jessica kept making Tiffany drink more and more.

By 9:30 Tiffany was already drunk and Yuri and Yoona decided that she was drunk enough for the plan to proceed

"Taeyeon-ah!" Yuri called out

Taeyeon put her iPad down and went over to them

"Yeah, what?" Taeyeon said annoyingly

"Can you take Tiffany home? She looks like she's had enough. We'll clean up here" Yoona pointed to the limp body on the couch

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Tiffany

Yuri and Yoona escaped to the kitchen before Taeyeon could ask them anything.

"Why do I always end up carrying you?" Taeyeon mumbled as she popped Tiffany onto her shoulders.

Yuri, Yoona, SeoHyun and Jessica were watching from the side of the wall as Taeyeon exited Yuri's house

".... Tae's going to punish us again" Yoona said worriedly

"..... I can imagine it now" Yuri winced at the image

"She's gunna make us drink the river next" Yoona suddenly said

"Or dig for gold in the middle of the park....." Yuri added

"Or maybe even make us carry her to Europe on the couch" Yoona let out a scream

Jessica looked at them wierdly

"Well whatever you guys are talking about stop it for a while. We need to clean up" Jessica then went back to the living room and started cleaning up.

Yuri and Yoona's shoulders slumped as they dreaded their punishment

Found you

"Why do I always end up carrying you?" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany just let her rest in the crook of Taeyeon's shoulders as they left Yuri's house

"And why did I have to forget my car today" Taeyeon growled again

Tiffany just let out a giggle and Taeyeon just rolled her eyes

Taeyeon took a look back at Yuri through the window and saw them hi fiving each other.

*Yuri......* Taeyeon glared

"Wooot~ Party all night~" Tiffany suddenly yelled

Taeyeon let out a long sigh as she shift Tiffany's weight and walked down the street

"What do you think is a good punishment for YoonYul Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked

"Put them in a bucket~" Tiffany slurred

"What else?" Taeyeon smirked

"Shave them bald." Tiffany giggled

"Haha. Maybe I should ask you for punishments everytime your drunk" Taeyeon let out an evil grin

"I am NOT drunk" Tiffany sat up straight

Taeyeon quickly shifted her body so that Tiffany would lie on her back again

"Yah! Watch what you're doing. You're going to hit your her like that" Taeyeon scolded

"Hehe. I'll be fine. TaeTae will look after me" Tiffany poked Taeyeon's cheek

Taeyeon moved away from Tiffany's finger and gave her a weird look

"TaeTae?" Taeyeon asked

"My nickname for you. TaeeeeTaeeee" Tiffany slurred

Taeyeon sighed

"Please don't"

"Why not? It's cute" Tiffany pouted

Taeyeon bit her lip

*Just let her for now. She's drunk. She won't call you that when she's sober* a voice told Taeyeon

"Fine" Taeyeon sighed

Tiffany giggled even more and pulled on Taeyeon's cheeks

"Soft" she commented

Taeyeon shook her head and stopped walking. She then set Tiffany down

"Letme set the rules. No touching my face, no jumping around and absolutely nothing that will irritate me" Taeyeon listed

Tiffany stood unsteadily nodded

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she set Tiffany on her back again

"On the TaeTae Express~!" Tiffany yelled

"I seriously will shave YoonYul bald after this" Taeyeon growled as she set off again

For a while Tiffany fell asleep on Taeyeon's back

"Finally peace and quiet" Taeyeon muttered

They then walked pass a bus stop where there were a group of drunk girls and boys

As Taeyeon walked pass the girls squealed with excitement which caused Tiffany to wake up.

*Oh god* Taeyeon thought

The girls then turned their attention to the boys and slapped them

"Why can't you be like that?" they scolded

Tiffany sat up which caused Taeyeon to awkwardly bendover more so that Tiffany could land safely on her back.

"What did I say about doing that?!" Taeyeon yelled

"Mianhe" Tiffany rubbed her eyes and pouted

Taeyeon just remained silent as she went on her way again. A thought suddenly passed her

"What did you want to ask again? Before Sooyoung interrupted" Taeyeon shifted Tiffany's weight again

"Hehe. I've found you~~~" Tiffany giggled as she poked Taeyeon's cheek again

"Yah stop that. What do you mean you've found me?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

"I've found you~ Music the same~ Same key~" Tiffany was slurring her words

"Found me? What music? What key?"

Tiffany just mumbled a few unaudible words before she drifted off to sleep

Taeyeon just scoffed at how easily Tiffany could fall asleep

"Softie......Tae" Tiffany mumbled as she nuzzled her head further into Taeyeon.

*Yep. Definately shaving Yuri and Yoona* Taeyeon mentally noted

For the rest of the walk home Tiffany would occasionally wake up, say a few ridiculous sentences then fall back to sleep. Taeyeon would occasionally shift Tiffany's weight and groan at Tiffany's comments

They finally reached Tiffany's home and knocked on the door but there was no answer

"Sunny gone party~" Tiffany giggled

Taeyeon sighed

"So we have to stay out here till she's home?" Taeyeon dreaded that comment

"Noo~ Key in back pocket" Tiffany pointed to the pocket in the back of her shorts

"Can you get it?" Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany made a disappointed look as she got off Taeyeon and reached into her pocket. She missed a few times but on the thrid try she got it

"Gotcha" Tiffany smiled

She reached up to the door and tried to put it into the key-hole. Because she was so drunk she missed it each and every single time.

"Give me that" Taeyeon yanked the key after the 8th try

Taeyeon opened the door and guided Tiffany into the house.

"You okay by yourself?" Taeyeon asked as Tiffany stumbled into the house

"Okie dokey" Tiffany held her hands up in an 'ok' sign

She then made her way to the stairs. Taeyeon immediately stood in front of her

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Clean up in room" Tiffany pointed to a door upstairs

Taeyeon dropped her arms and gritted her teeth. She bent in front of Tiffany again, telling her to get back on

"TaeTae Express~" Tiffany clapped excitedly as she got on

*Cutting off their hairs and making them swim to America. Definately* Taeyeon mentally noted

"Which room?" Taeyeon asked as soon as they made it pass the stairs

Tiffany had already fallen asleep again

"How fast can this girl fall asleep" Taeyeon scoffed

"Pink...." Tiffany muttered in her sleep

Taeyeon then saw a pink door in the end of the hall

"..... really?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany

Tiffany didn't respond.

Taeyeon shifted her weight again as she headed to the pink door.

As soon as she opened the door she stuttered back a few steps, the pink decor blinding her.

Taeyeon took a deep breath as she walked in and set Tiffany down.

"I'll go get a wet towel... Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" Taeyeon lectured

She then disappeared into the kitchen trying to find a towel. Just as she was about to return upstairs she heard the door open.

*Thank god... Jessica should take care of her* Taeyeon thought hopefully

As the door opened Taeyeon dropped her towel.

Standing in the door way with her jaw hanging low was Sooyoung. Behind her was Sunny

"You!" Taeyeon and Sooyoung said in unison

"Me?!" They said in unison again

Sunny rolled her eyes as she stood in the middle of them

"Sooyoung meet Taeyeon. Taeyeon meet Sooyoung. Done?" Sunny said sarcastically

"What are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked first

"I should ask you what you're doing. I thought I told you not to get attatched with humans!" Sooyoung scolded

"What about you?" Taeyeon nodded her head towards Sunny

"Hey hey hey. Don't go assuming I'm a human now" Sunny waved her hands defensively

Taeyeon tilted her head to the side confused

"Meet Sunny. She's a friend of mine... and she's one of us" Sooyoung rubbed the side of her temples

Sunny just smiled and waved before she sat on the couch lazily

"Why are you here?" Sooyoung glared

"Yuri had a party and Tiffany got trashed" Taeyeon pointed upstairs

Sooyoung sighed

"Now if you excuse me" Taeyeon went back upstairs

Sooyoung just slumped onto the couch next to Sunny

"Awkward much?" Sunny commented

"Long story" Sooyoung leaned her head into Sunny's neck and sighed

When Taeyeon entered Tiffany's room she noticed Tiffany not on the bed.

Taeyeon quickly scanned the room and outside to find her but couldn't see anyone. She then noticed the window wide open.

"Oh god... please don't" Taeyeon ran and stuck her head outside the window.

To her relief Tiffany wasn't there.

"TaeTae Express~" Tiffany called out as she jumped on Taeyeon's back

Taeyeon held onto the side of the windows to stop herself falling out.

Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany smiling and holding up a peace sign

"Honestly you are the most impossible person to deal with when you're drunk" Taeyeon growled

"Bed!" Taeyeon pointed to the bed

Tiffany pouted and dragged her feet

As soon as Tiffany was lying down Taeyeon put the wet towel on her forehead

"Sleep. You've got studying tomorrow"

"Nehh~" Tiffany smiled

Taeyeon then saw the necklace again. She leaned in closer to get a closer look but something stopped her.

A pair of lips pressed against hers

"Kissu~" Tiffany giggled as she pulled away

Taeyeon's eyes popped wide open.

"What the!" Taeyeon stopped herself cussing.

Tiffany made a cute peace sign before she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Taeyeon growled under her breath

*Shaving them bald, swim to America and back and then I'm going to make them rebuild the pyramid of Giza* Taeyeon listed

As Taeyeon stormed out of the room she knocked over the music box on Tiffany's desk.

"Oops" Taeyeon muttered as she picked it up and put it back onto the table

Taeyeon titled her head a little as she had a thought

*That looks familiar*

Just then Tiffany mumbled something in her sleep

"Found you... same song.... key~" she giggled afterwards

"I'm staying any longer for this" Taeyeon muttered as she left the room.

"Love you~" Tiffany sang in her sleep

Cold Shoulder

"Ughhh" Tiffany groaned as she got up from her bed

A throbbing pain was coming from her head

Tiffany blinked a few times as she saw the towel drop into her lap.

She checked the time. 8:15am

"Woah I'm late!" Tiffany quickly ran to get ready

As Tiffany ran into the classroom she could see everyone groaning

"Too much alcohol Yoona" Yuri complained

Yoona just nodded groggily

Tiffany scanned the room to see Taeyeon totally fine

She sat in from of Taeyeon again and saw Taeyeon shoot her a glare

"Page 226, 311 and 363." Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Taeyeon's sudden coldness

Nevertheless she opened the text books and did what she was told

Yuri and Yoona were still whispering to each other as they peeked at Taeyeon and Tiffany

"Did something happen?" Yoona nudged

"I don't know. But I can see we're in for it" Yuri nodded her head to Taeyeon

Taeyeon caught sight of YoonYul and gave them the coldest glare she could.

Yuri and Yoona swallowed down hard

"Psst, get back to tutoring hurry" Yuri fumbled with the books and went to tutor Jessica.

Jessica was half asleep on the table

"I thought it was only Tiffany drinking" Jessica groaned

Yuri laughed

"Never drink alone I guess" Yuri shrugged

"I'm just glad Tiffany doesn't remember anything." Jessica sighed as she slowly opened her texts books.

Yoona was whining to SeoHyun about her headache

"Seo~~" Yoona whined

SeoHyun just patted Yoona's head

"How come you're completely fine?" Yoona raised her head up

"I don't drink..." SeoHyun smiled

Yoona just sighed heavily as she started writing down some notes.

*Something's not right* Tiffany thought

She slowly peeked through her bangs to take a peak at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon had her arms and legs crossed as she stared out the window.

*You should ask her something* Tiffany thought to herself.

Tiffany then remembered the note that Taeyeon gave her.

"Taeyeon-ah~ Remember the note you gave me?" Tiffany said in a cheerful tone

Taeyeon just stared at the note before she frowned

"I think you got enough last night" Taeyeon muttered as she went back to staring out the window

*Last night?* Tiffany tilted her head to the left

Her head then throbbed

"Aishh" Tiffany complained as she grabbed her head in pain.

Taeyeon just sat there as though nothing was happening.

Yuri peaked at Taeyeon's desk and started poundering.

"Jessica did Tiffany give any hints of happened last night?" Yuri whispered

Jessica just slowly lifted her head up and shook it slowly.

"Don't remember anything after they left the house" Jessica yawned

Yuri bit her lower lip.

She then saw SeoHyun writing down notes while Yoona was complaining.

Yuri got up and went to talk to SeoHyun

"SeoHyun, did you hear Tiffany say anything about what happened last night?" Yuri asked quietly

SeoHyun stopped writing and thought for a while.

"She was asleep by the time we got home." SeoHyun answered innocently

Yuri gave a defeated sigh

"But..." SeoHyun suddenly said

Yuri and Yoona leaned their heads in closer to listen to SeoHyun

"She was mumbling a few things in her sleep. She said something like 'I've found you~ Soft cheeks~ Comfortable back'" SeoHyun listed

Yuri and Yoona gave each other weird looks

"What was the most interesting though was when she said 'TaeTae Express~ Kissu~"' SeoHyun pouted

Yoona dropped her pen while Yuri stuttered back a few steps.

"TaeTae Express?" Yuri accidently said too loudly

She then felt something hard hit the back of her head. Yuri turned around to see a pen on the floor and Taeyeon glaring at her.

"Uh oh...." Yoona swallowed

"We're dead..." Yuri added as she slowly turned around and made her way back to Jessica

"Listen Jessica. I enjoyed my time with you really. Today's the last day we'll ever meet. Hope you live a happy life" Yuri then pretended to cry

Jessica just stared at Yuri before she returned to her studies.

A piece of scrunched up paper then landed on Yuri's table. She slowly opened it to see a note written on it

"Do you know what this is?"

Yuri turned the paper around to see the pyramid of Giza and another note under it.

"Get your building tools ready"

Yuri dropped her hands and slammed her head onto the table

"I'm going to die~" Yoona complained

Yuri looked over to see Yoona holding a similar piece of paper

*At least I won't die alone* Yuri thought optimistically.

Tiffany was feeling a little awkward around Taeyeon's cold self again. She was starting to get annoyed with it too.

Tiffany slammed her hands against the table and let out a frustrated cry

"Mwo?!" Taeyeon jumped from her seat

"Why are you suddenly cold to me?" Tiffany stared directly into Taeyeon's eyes

"That's none of your concern" Taeyeon mumbled as she shifted her seat back

"Did I do something wrong?"

Taeyeon remained silent.

"You were fine when we were at the party. Why are you like this now?" Tiffany started raising her voice

"Lower your voice!" Taeyeon growled

"No." Tiffany crossed her arms

Taeyeon sighed

"Just calm down already. I don't think you want to remember it anyways"

"Remember what?"

"What happened after you got totally trashed" Taeyeon gave a sarcastic smile

"This isn't getting anywhere" Tiffany muttered

"And it never will. Now go back to your studies. You got question 6 wrong" Taeyeon pointed to the paper.

Tiffany looked at the paper and raised her eyebrow.

All she had written was a formula.

She then finally sighed and gave up arguing with Taeyeon.

After the classes were done Yuri and Yoona stood in the corner far from Taeyeon

"What's up with you two?" Tiffany asked

"Taeyeon's going to punish us" Yoona whined

Yuri pretended to sob

"For?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"We don't know" Yuri answered

Tiffany titled her head to the side

"Tiffany do you remember anything about last night? Maybe a TaeTae Express?" Yuri asked hopefully

Tiffany bit her lip trying to remember what happened last night

"TaeTae Express?" Tiffany had no clue about what that was

Yuri and Yoona whined

Just then they saw Taeyeon walking up to them. Yuri and Yoona swallowed down hard.

Taeyeon walked straight pass Tiffany and reached for YoonYul's ears. She grabbed onto them and pulled them out of the classroom.

Tiffany stood there dumbfounded when she was joined by Jessica and SeoHyun

"For some reason I feel scared for them" Jessica commented

Tiffany and SeoHyun just nodded slowly

"Ow ow ow ow Taeyeon ease up a little" Yoona complained

"I'm not a crab. I won't be able to re-grow my ear once you pull it off" Yuri whined

Taeyeon just ignored them and headed to the rooftop. She quikcly punched in the numbers and dragged YoonYul up

She them let go of their ears and crossed her arms.

Yuri and Yoona were rubbing on their ears in pain.

"Lucky for you we're not allowed to knock down the pyramid." Taeyeon said coldly

Yuri and Yoona just looked at each other worriedly.

Taeyeon then walked over to a table where there were scissors and razor blades.

"How'd you like a haircut?" Taeyeon smiled evilly.

Yuri and Yoona then made a run for the door but was stopped when Taeyeon tugged on their collars.

"Anything but a haircut Please" Yoona yelled

Yuri just tried to make Taeyeon let go of her.

"You have no idea what happened last night." Taeyeon growled

"Well we ain't taking punishment for something we know nothing about" Yuri yelled as she waved her legs in the air.

Yoona saw a little hope in this comment and joined in

"We didn't do anything wrong. Tiffany didn't do anything bad anyway!" Yoona started kicking her legs.

They then saw Taeyeon's face slowly change. Taeyeon was remembering the incidents that happened and was starting to get even more annoyed

"At least tell us what we're getting punished for" Yuri managed to break from and keep a distance from her and Taeyeon.

Taeyeon let go of Yoona and grabbed Yuri's collar.

"Do you WANT to know what happened? I had to endure hours worth of torture! Carrying a drunken girl on my back as she played with my cheeks, made ridiculous comments and even managed to steal a kiss!" Taeyeon growled

Yuri's and Yoona's eyes popped open.

"... Steal... a... kiss?" Yuri raised her eyebrow

Taeyeon growled and showed her teeth aggressively

Yuri and Yoona gave each other a quick glance before they burst out into laughter.

Taeyeon just sighed before she dragged Yuri and Yoona over the table

"Wait Taeyeon!" Yuri stopped laughing and started struggling again

Taeyeon ignroed them

Yoona then got an idea

"TAETAE EXPRESS!" Yoona cried out

Taeyeon stopped and glared at Yoona

Yoona smiled evilly

"TaeTae Express~ Softie~ Kissu~" Yuri quoted Tiffany's lines.

Taeyeon clenched her teeth.

"Let's make an agreement. No punishment then no teasing" Yuri smirked

Taeyeon glared at Yuri

"Fine. I guess I can put up with wearing a cap for a few months. TaeTae Express" Yoona sneered

Yoona and Yuri gave each other a sneeky smirk before they turned to Taeyeon again.

Taeyeon had her hands clenched up in a fist and her eyes had a fiery look to it.

"Fine" Taeyeon said in between her clenched teeth

Yuri and Yoona gave each other hi five before they started laughing again.

"Wow... Tiffany actually kissed you" Yuri laughed

Taeyeon swung a blow to Yuri's stomach but stopped just in front of it

Yuri gasped before she fell back.

Yoona laughed so hard she fell to the floor too

Yuri took a few deep breaths.

"So that's why you've been so cold to Tiffany today?" Yuri managed to calm herself down

Taeyeon just sat down silently

Yoona smirked before she pulled Yuri to the side to talk privately

"What do we do now? Taeyeon's pissed at Tiffany" Yoona whispered

"I'm sure she'll forget it soon enough" Yuri shrugged

"Let's hope so" Yoona bit her lip

Meanwhile Tiffany was in the cafeteria playing with her locket.

*I'll bring the note and everything tomorrow. Maybe then she won't be mad at me anymore* Tiffany thought

Meanwhile Jessica was thinking about some things that were bothering her.

*Yuri's so close to Tae. Why does she always worry about Taeyeon? Why am I asking these things?* Jessica shook her head

"Atchoo" Yuri sneezed

"Woah. I didn't know we could catch colds" Yoona patted Yuri's back

"Me neither" Yuri rubbed her nose

Taeyeon scoffed and then resumed playing with her iPad

Locket, Key, Music, MemoriesTo: Whoever may find this

Here lies a rusty music box and an old locket.

It is my wish that I have my last request fulfilled.

Here is a locket in which is very dear to me. There is a key which fits with this locket.

They key is also the key in which would make this music box play again.

To whoever is reading this note, please find the key for this locket.

May you love the person who owns the key in my place.

This is my last request and I hope that it may be fulfilled.

Only those who are fated to be with the owner of the key will be able to find this note.

Please do not disregard this message.


*Fated to be with the owner of the key* Tiffany repeated in her mind.

She sighed a heavy sigh as she re read the note

*Love the person who owns the key in my place*

Tiffany turned in her bed again and let out another sigh

*This all seems to surreal* Tiffany thought as she looked at the music box.

Tiffany reached out for the key and the locket. She held them above her as the light reflected off the

necklaces and onto the walls.

*What happens if it isn't Taeyeon? What will I do then?* Tiffany started worrying

*Why am I hoping that it IS her so much? It's not like it's going to change anything.... is it?* Tiffany bit

her lower lip

"Bubz~ Where are you?" Taeyeon called out through the house

A dog then started bounding towards Taeyeon with it's tail wagging furiously and it's tongue sticking

out to the side

"Haha." Taeyeon cuddled Bubz and patted it's head.

"Want to go for a walk?" Taeyeon held Bubz up in front of her

Bubz just wagged its tail and gave a small bark of approval.

Taeyeon smiled as she put a collar and leash on the excited dog.

She then walked the dog to the piano store where she originally found Bubz

"Remember this place?" Taeyeon chuckled as she saw Bubz start darting around.

"Come" Taeyeon led Bubz into the piano store and sat down near the counter

Bubz then started climbing onto Taeyeon's lap but stumbled back a few times. Taeyeon laughed at

the cute dog and lifted it onto her lap.

"What am I to do? Someone who I haven't known for long just stole a kiss from me" Taeyeon sighed

Bubz tilted it's head to the side and gave a small bark

"But for some reason... I don't totally hate her. If it was anyone else I probably would've just left

them" Taeyeon stared into Bubz's eyes

Bubz then leaned it's head in and kissed Taeyeon.

Taeyeon froze for a moment before laughing

"Don't try me" Taeyeon laughed


Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany standing in the doorway

"Tiffany?" Taeyeon stood up as Bubz jumped off her lap

"Kyahh~ It's the puppy" Tiffany put down a small box and cuddled Bubz

Taeyeon awkwardly shuffled her feet.

Tiffany looked up and saw that Taeyeon was still awkward with her.

"Listen Taeyeon? I don't know what happened last night. But I really am sorry if I did anything wrong"

Tiffany closed her eyes

Taeyeon just sighed defeatedly

"Don't worry. Just never drink alcohol around me again"

Tiffany instantly had a smile on her face.

"Oh. Taeyeon I wanted to talk to you about something..." Tiffany's voice trailed off

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany and then saw the small box she put down earlier. It was the same music

box that Taeyeon had knocked over the night before.

"What's that?" Taeyeon pointed to the box

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." Tiffany mumbled

She then stood up and took two necklaces out of her pocket as Bubz just disappeared into the piano


As Tiffany held the two necklaces in front of her, she saw Taeyeon's expression change rapidly.

"That's..." Taeyeon reached her hand towards the necklaces.

It was indeed the locket and key.

Tiffany took a deep breath as she reached down towards the box. She took the key and turned it in

the box.

The box then opened and started playing a tune all too familiar to Taeyeon.

"Before you say anything... Can you please answer this... Does this key belong to you?" Tiffany


Taeyeon was still in a state of shock as she slowly nodded

"Now hear me out before you start raging at me" Tiffany closed her eyes tightly as she saw Taeyeon

about to say something

"I found the locket and box back when I was still in high school. As for the key I found it on the table

over there just recently" Tiffany said without a breath in between her words.

Taeyeon didn't know what to say.

*Why is the locket with her? Why is that music box with her? How does she know about the key?*

were the thoughts running through Taeyeon's mind

Tiffany just remained silent as Taeyeon slowly started to breathe again

She then saw Taeyeon falling to the counter and sitting down again

Tiffany took a step closer but stopped immediately when she saw something she'd never thought

she would ever see.

A lone tear was running down Taeyeon's right cheek as she held her head in disbelief

*Tiffany do something. Say something. Do anything!* Tiffany scolded herself

"Taeyeon.... Is something wrong?" Tiffany mustered up all her courage to approach her.

Taeyeon just remained still.

Tiffany sat in front of Taeyeon and stared into her eyes. She could see that Taeyeon was hurt but

she had no idea from what.

Taeyeon stared back at Tiffany and couldn't help but see her past lover in her again.

*It's all too familiar. All too painful. Everything is just.... unfair* Taeyeon shook her head in frustration.

*Maybe I shouldn't have told her about it....* Tiffany bit her lip guiltily

The Taeyeon whom Tiffany thought she knew wasn't there in front of her anymore. The strong,

arrogant and emotionless Taeyeon was completely gone. All that was in front of Tiffany was a

broken down girl.

"Tiffany... Please.... could you leave me be for a while?" Taeyeon whispered

Tiffany felt a wave of guilt rush through her. Had she caused Taeyeon to become like this?

Either way Tiffany just nodded slowly as she got up and walked away from Taeyeon. As she looked

back she saw another tear run down Taeyeon's face and couldn't help but cry along with her.

Tiffany held her breath as she quickly left the store, leaving behind the locket, music box and key

As she walked down the street she bumped into someone

"Mianhe" Tiffany quickly apologised before she made her way around the person

"Tiffany?" the person called out

Tiffany stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to see Yuri and Yoona standing behind her.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Yoona quickly wiped away Tiffany's tears

Tiffany just shook her head

"It's nothing" she replied but her voice betrayed her

Tears started falling even more when she remembered the one lonesome tear that ran down

Taeyeon's face

"It can't be nothing" Yuri frowned

"Come. We can talk about it" Yoona dragged Tiffany along the street and entered an empty cafe

"Now spill" Yuri said bluntly as soon as they sat down.

A waiter came up and started asking for their orders

"Three orange juices" Yoona just said without looking at the waiter

The waiter just wrote down the order and went back to the counter

Tiffany wiped away more tears but she couldn't help but remember Taeyeon's expression when she

told her about everything. She couldn't help but feel responsible for causing such pain in Taeyeon's


"T-Taeyeon... I hurt h-her" Tiffany stuttered in between her sobs

"Tiffany what do you mean you hurt her? What happened?" Yoona patted Tiffany's back

"I found a l-locket and music b-box when I was younger. Taeyeon's key fit into the locket and music

box... I-I told her about it... and she started to... cry" Tiffany sobbed

"Taeyeon cried?!" Yuri raised her voice a little too loudly

Tiffany just nodded guiltily

"What do you mean by a lock and music box? What about Taeyeon's key?" Yuri calmed herself

down and pressed on.

Tiffany took the note that she found with the locket

"..." Yuri and Yoona looked at each other with worried expressions

"Tiffany...." Yoona didn't know what to say.

"It's not your fault. Taeyeon.... she just..." Yuri hesitated

"She's just been through a lot..." Yoona finished off for her

Tiffany just shook her head.

*Pabo Tiffany. Now you've made everything worse. You always do* Tiffany scolded herself.

Yuri and Yoona kenw why Taeyeon was hurt but they couldn't say anything to Tiffany. They couldn't

tell her that Taeyeon had a past lover since it was obvious that it would've been over 10 years ago

before Tiffany found the locket.

Yuri and Yoona let out a defeated sigh.

"What do we do now?" Yoona whispered

Yuri just shook her head

"I don't know"

There was an awkward silence as Tiffany's sobs filled the silence

Yuri bit on her lower lip but suddenly had an idea

She pulled Yoona's ear down to her

"We have to make Taeyeon forget about the past" Yuri whispered

"Yeah I figured taht Yul. But how do we do that when Tiffany here looks exactly like MiYoung" Yoona

whispered back sarcastically

Yuri smirked

"That just makes it easier"

Yoona looked at Yuri like she had gone mad.

"Wait" Yuri held her finger up to tell Yoona to wait

"Tiffany.... do you by chance.... have any feelings for Taeyeon?" Yuri turned her attention to Tiffany

Tiffany raised her head up and looked into Yuri's sincere eyes

*Do you?* Tiffany asked herself

Yoona stared attentively at Tiffany

"Anniyah... she's just a tutor and a friend of mine... That's all" Tiffany decided

Yoona saw in Tiffany's eyes a hint of loneliness when she said that. She snapped her fingers and

turned whispered to Yuri

"She does" Yoona whispered

Yuri just smiled and nodded twice

"Tiffany don't worry about Taeyeon. She'll return to normal soon." Yuri re-assured

"Really?" Tiffany wiped her tears away

"Just give her some time. Leave her be for a week or so." Yoona smiled

Tiffany just sighed

Yuri and Yoona got from their seats and went over to pat Tiffany's back.

Just then the waiter came back with the drinks

"Your drinks" he said politely before he put the drinks down and returned to the counter

"Everything will be fine" Yuri re-assured again

Taeyeon picked up the key and slowly put it down again.

She reached for the music box and opened it with the key. As the song played old memories were

rushing back to her.

The most significant one was the first Christmas they ever spent together

*Why does the past always come haunting you? Heh. Taeyeon.... You're pathetic... You caused your

only loved one to disappear and yet you still dare to live on?* voices in Taeyeon's head kept

haunting her

"I didn't want it to be like this either. If I knew it wasn't going to work I wouldn't have done it!"

Taeyeon smashed her hand into the counter

Bubz in the otherside of the store whined as it slowly backed away from Taeyeon

Taeyeon then took the locket and tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Our first Christmas" Taeyeon mumbled as the pain in her heart started to grow

First Christmas

"Atchoo" MiYoung let out a cute sneeze

The town clock then struck 6pm.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding

The sound of the loud clock ran throughout the small town

MiYoung looked to the left and right, trying to see if she could see a figure that would look familiar.

Then just down the road there was a lost looking girl, searching left and right.

"TaeTae!" MiYoung cried out, waving her hands furiously

"MiYoung!" The lost girl's face immediately lit up

MiYoung just smiled as the girl ran up and hugged her

"Sorry I'm late. I still don't know this town very well" Taeyeon apologised

"Hence why I'm taking you out today" MiYoung flashed her signature eye smile

Taeyeon smiled dorkily as MiYoung started dragging her to the first destination.

The night was cold but the two girls were happily walking through the street. MiYoung was cuddled up close to Taeyeon's warmth.

"My own personal heater" MiYoung smiled as she pulled Taeyeon closer to her

Taeyeon just laughed. Being an immortal did have its own benefits afterall.

MiYoung stopped dragging Taeyeon as soon as they reached the town hall where the clock had rung just minutes before.

"Come" MiYoung smiled as she pulled Taeyeon into the hall and up the flight of stairs that stod in front of them

"Araso Araso" Taeyeon chuckled at her impatient girlfriend

As soon as the two of them reached the top MiYoung had to stop to catch her breath

"Really MiYoung. You don't need to match my pace" Taeyeon frowned

MiYoung let out a tired laugh as she slowly walked to the balcony

"I just get really excited everytime I come here." MiYoung stuck her tongue out as she scratched her head

Taeyeon just chuckled as she patted MiYoung's head as she pulled her to the balcony

The sun had now started to set

"The sun sets early during winter doesn't it" Taeyeon sighed as she closed her eyes

"Guess what? It's a full moon today" MiYoung cupped her hands on Taeyeon's cheek

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she check the sky.

Indeed there was a full moon appearing. Taeyeon then closed her eyes shut

"TaeTae~ You don't have to hide them" MiYoung giggled

Taeyeon slowly opened one eye to see MiYoung waiting for her. As the moon started to take it's full appearance Taeyeon's eyes slowly started to change colors

Taeyeon quickly shut them again.

"TaeTae?" MiYoung tilted her head to the side wondering why Taeyeon was being so shy

"I just don't want to scare you" Taeyeon stuttered

MiYoung laughed

"Last time it caught me by surprise that's all. I think your shade of blue is pretty" MiYoung pulled her face closer to Taeyeon's

"Really?" Taeyeon opened one eye

As her eyelid pulled over her eye the bright blue shade finally showed itself. Taeyeon waited for MiYoung's reaction but to her surprise she saw her smiling.

Taeyeon then finally opened both eyes to take a better look at MiYoung

"Pretty" MiYoung exclaimed as she traced her thumb under her eyes.

Then she pouted and sighed

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked curiosly, her blue eyes glancing over at MiYoung

"It would've been better if it was a shade of pink" MiYoung sighed

Taeyeon let out a loud chuckle before she took her into a hug

As they broke the hug they stared out into the balcony again

"Remember when I confessed to you here?" MiYoung suddenly said

"Ah yes. They same day I rejected you" Taeyeon teased

MiYoung frowned as she pushed Taeyeon's shoulder playfully

"But I kept to my word once you rejected me. I said I would make you change your mind" MiYoung sighed at the happy memory

"A lot of grief you gave me for it too" Taeyeon muttered

MiYoung just smiled

"Oh" Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed as she dug into her pockets to find something

"A little Christmas present" Taeyeon smiled as she held out two necklaces

One with a locket and one with a key

"Turn around" Taeyeon whispered

MiYoung just nodded as she turned her back towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon moved away any strands of hair in the way as she put the locket onto MiYoung. MiYoung fiddled with the locket before she returned the favour and put the key onto Taeyeon.

"Merry Christmas" Taeyeon smiled

"Tae... Their beautiful" MiYoung murmured before she pulled Taeyeon into a hug

Taeyeon just patted MiYoung's back.

The platform they were standing on then started to shake as the clock struck 7pm.

"Let's get out of here" Taeyeon laughed as she pulled MiYoung onto her back

MiYoung let out a hearty laughter as the two desperately escaped the hall, not wanting to be around for when the bells rang.

After they had safely exited the hall they headed to a deserted area where there stood one lonesome oak tree.

As they started laughing and teasing each other Taeyeon tripped over her own feet and landed flat on her stomach right into a pile of snow

"Ooof" Taeyeon felt the air get knocked straight out from her lungs as MiYoung landed right on top of her

"Omo. TaeTae. Are you okay?" MiYoung quickly got up and pulled Taeyeon along with her.

"I think you broke my back" Taeyeon whined

"Omo. Really?!" MiYoung instantly started checking Taeyeon's back

"No not really" Taeyeon smirked before she made a dash for the oak tree.

MiYoung chased after her but didn't have enough stamina to catch up. She quickly bent down and gathered up a handful of snow and patted it into a ball. For a human she had pretty amazing aim.

As Taeyeon was still running away from her, unaware of the dangerous snowball in MiYoung's hand, she aimed carefully for the back of her head. MiYoung closed one of her eyes as she threw the snowball towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon felt something cold and hard smash the back of her head. She stumbled forward and fell face first into the snow again. From behind she could hear a girl laughing as she clapped her hands loudly

Taeyeon grumbled as she got up on her feet. A pair of hands instantly started brushing off the excess snow in her hair and clothes

"Mianhe" MiYoung said cutely as she stuck her tongue out to the side

*How could you stay mad at that?* Taeyeon thought as she pulled MiYoung into a hug.

"Nice and warm" MiYoung commented at Taeyeon's body temperature

Taeyeon laughed as she slowly pulled away from the hug. As MiYoung pulled away she was suddenly captivated by Taeyeon's bright blue luminous eyes.

Taeyeon tilted her head to the side as she blink a few times

"I could stare into those eyes forever" MiYoung smiled

Taeyeon let out a small smile

"Too bad it only happens during a full moon" Taeyeon pouted

MiYoung pouted. She then bent down and suddenly stood up

"Hm?" Taeyeon looked at her weirdly

MiYoung gave a quick smirk as she raised both her hands above Taeyeon. She then released her hands as a heap of snow fell on top of Taeyeon

Taeyeon's mouth fell open as she snow kept piling on top of her

"Yah! MiYoung! Who do you think you are?" Taeyeon growled as she chased after MiYoung who was already making her getaway

MiYoung then started climbing the lonesome oak tree to try and get away from Taeyeon with a few snowballs ready to defend herself

"Halt! Who dares pass these premesis" MiYoung put on a deep voice

"Kim Taeyeon! Seeking revenge on MiYoung" Taeyeon saluted

"Access denied" MiYoung laughed as she threw a snowball towards Taeyeon

Taeyeon swiftly dodged as the two started a snowball fight. She was careful to make sure that MiYoung didn't fall off the branch, but it seemed sturdy enough.

Soon MiYoung ran out of ammo and surrendered

"I give up!" MiYoung cried out

Taeyeon tossed the snowball in her hand up and down a few times, threatening MiYoung. But she decided not to and dropped the snowball

"MiYoung-ah! Come down. You might hurt yourself" Taeyeon yelled up to the tree

"Wait!" MiYoung held up a finger to stop Taeyeon.

"I have a confession!!" MiYoung yelled out on the top of her lungs

"You can confess later! You're going to fall!" Taeyeon yelled back

"My confession is!!!!!............. That I, Lee MiYoung loves Kim Taeyeon!!!!!! Whether she be human or not I don't care!!! I will love Kim Taeyeon for as long as I shall live!!!" MiYoung screamed at the top of her voice

Taeyeon on ground floor was smiling widely at MiYoung's confession.

MiYoung on the branch gave a wide smile

Just then there was a cracking noise. MiYoung looked down to see the branch starting to break off

"Uh oh" she exclaimed

As the branch snapped off MiYoung started falling to the floor. Instead of landing on hard cold snow she landed on something rather warm and soft.

"Huh?" MiYoung looked down to see herself sitting on top of a body

"Yep. Definately broke my back that time" Taeyeon whined

"TaeTae?" MiYoung quickly got off and examined Taeyeon's back

Taeyeon let out a small laugh as she slowly got up

"What did I tell you?" Taeyeon flicked MiYoung's forehead

MiYoung stuttered back a little before she returned to checking the damage

"Gwenchana." Taeyeon re-assured

"Mianhe" MiYoung pouted

"It's okay" Taeyeon laughed

MiYoung just kept her head down low

Taeyeon frowned at little before she got an idea.

She made a dash for the tree and climbed up to the nearest branch

"I Kim Taeyeon loves Lee MiYoung. I promise to love her for....ooof" Taeyeon felt a snowball hit her face

*No Tae.... don't promise....* MiYoung thought to herself as she tried to pull a smile

"Yah!" Taeyeon yelled from the branch

MiYoung just pulled an innocent look

"I will love Lee.... ack" another snowball interrupted Taeyeon's confession

Taeyeon shook the snow off herself and saw MiYoung prepare another snowball

"You're going to get it MiYoung!" Taeyeon yelled before she hopped off the tree and chased her

MiYoung smiled at her success


"MiYoung... Why didn't you let me ever promise to you?" Taeyeon sighed

Bubz came slowly up to Taeyeon and licked her hand

Taeyeon scratched the bottom of its chin and gave a sympathetic smile

"I'm not as strong as people think I am Bubz. I'm just a coward" Taeyeon scoffed

Bubz whined as it climbed onto Taeyeon's lap.

"Taeyeon.... Saranghae" a really faint voice called out.

Taeyeon looked over to where she heard the voice

Bubz gave a loud bark as a faint image appeared in front of the piano.

It was MiYoung

"MiYoung?" Taeyeon got up

"Taeyeon-ah. I love you. I said I would love you for the rest of my life. But TaeTae... you have to move on..." MiYoung gave a sad smile

"Why MiYoung? Don't leave" Taeyeon uttered

"I left my stuff there for a reason Tae. I wouldn't let just anyone find it. You have to move on Taeyeon-ah. I have" MiYoung nodded her head towards the music box.

Her image then slowly started to fade away

"MiYoung-ah....." Taeyeon whispered

Tiffany layed in her bed as she tossed and turned in her sleep.

"Please help Taeyeon" a voice faintly whispered to Tifafny

Tiffany got up and quickly scanned the room

"Who..." Tiffany pulled the covers over herself

"Please... help Taeyeon....." the voice slowly faded away

Tiffany pulled her knees up to her chest

"I wish I could" Tiffany mumbled to herself

"We clear?" Yuri pointed to the paper

Jessica and SeoHyun nodded sleepily while Yoona gave Yuri an enthusiastic thumbs up

"We'll start this plan as soon as things settle down. For now, the YoonYul squad will take a vacation" Yuri smiled

Jessica slammed her head to the table before she started dozing off

SeoHyun just nodded off to sleep.

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other and shrugged




Tiffany and Taeyeon were having their study session again.

No one in the room even uttered a noise. Not even so much as a squeak or scratch could be heard. Just the sound of the clock ticking away the seconds.

"Ahem..." Yuri shifted in her seat

Yoona just bit her lower lip at the sudden noise.

Jessica scribbled down something on some spare pieces of paper

Why is it so quiet?

I don't know... why are you so quiet?

Because it's so darn quiet I don't want to make any noise to disrupt it.

I guess that goes for everyone else then.

Jessica couldn't take anymore

She let out a frustrated scream as she shook her head.

SeoHyun, Yoona and Tiffany looked back to see what the ruckus was.

Yuri just smiled and bowed her head apologetically as she pulled Jessica's hand down

"Keep it down" Yuri whispered harshly

"TaeNy are always causing trouble with each other and it effects everyone. So annoying" Jessica whispered back.

Taeyeon smirked at Jessica's remark.

"Tiffany, let's study somewhere else" Taeyeon sighed as she walked out of the room with her hands in her pocket.

Tiffany quickly fumbled around trying to gather all her stuff and follow Taeyeon.

Yuri and Yoona face palmed as SeoHyun sighed

Jessica just bit her lip guiltily

"Ooops." she muttered

Yuri slammed her head against the table.

"About yesterday.... Mianhe" Tiffany bowed to Taeyeon in the middle of the hall.

Taeyeon turned her head around at Tiffany and gave a pathetic smile

"It's fine... I guess my image is ruined for you huh?" Taeyeon rocked on the balls of her heels.

Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon.

"Not technically. It's just.... changed" Tiffany tried to find the right words.

"Come... we don't want to disturb the YulSic and YoonHyun" Taeyeon started walking off again.

Tiffany sighed

*Taeyeon-ah. It hurts seeing you like this* Tiffany thought as she stared at the floor while following Taeyeon.

She then found herself on the Elites' rooftop again.

"We can study here." Taeyeon mumbled as she walked over to the tables.

Tiffany waddled over awkwardly as she put her books down and took out her notes.

Taeyeon took the notes from Tiffany and scanned through it.

"This equation is wrong. It's 6.022x1023 not to the power of 24." Taeyeon said glumly as she pointed out the error

Tiffany just nodded as she fixed her mistakes.

"What do you mean by my image changing?" Taeyeon suddenly asked curiously

Tiffany jumped a little in her seat, juggling the pen that slipped out of her hand.

"M-My first image of you was a stubborn and arrogant girl. But as I got to know you more.... I realised that you were actually kind and caring" Tiffany mumbled

Taeyeon smiled a little.

"You don't know that much about me" Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon, the same hurtful eyes she saw before were still there.

"That's why I will try to learn more about you" Tiffany gave a nervous smile

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Some things are better left unlearned" Taeyeon rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

Tiffany frowned at Taeyeon's comment

"Why are you still here Tiffany? Not many people would've survived being with me for so long" Taeyeon tilted her head to the side curiously

"Not many people know how to deal with you" Tiffany smiled trying to lift the dull atmosphere.

The bell then rang to signal that classes wer over.

Taeyeon got up from her seat and left first. Still having her hands in her pocket.

She suddenly stopped and walked back to Tiffany

"I believe this is yours?" Taeyeon said as she put the locket necklace down in front of Tiffany.

She then turned around and made her way to the door.

"It hurts Taeyeon-ah!" Tiffany suddenly yelled as she got up from her seat

Taeyeon turned her head and shrugged

"What hurts?"

"It just hurts Taeyeon... seeing you like this...." Tiffany held the locket tight in her hands.

Taeyeon sighed

"I don't know who hurts more. Me or you?" Taeyeon said sarcastically

Tiffany frowned

"Why does it hurt you Tiffany? Someone's pain isn't shared so easily" Taeyeon turned her whole body around to face Tiffany

Tiffany looked at the floor as she tried to find the right words

"I don't know" Tiffany finally mumbled

"Some things are better left unlearned" Taeyeon repeated as she headed to the door and closed it behind her.

Tiffany sighed as she slumped back into her seat. She held the locket up to the sun and started to question herself

"Why does it hurt you Tiff? You don't know anything and yet it still hurts you" Tiffany then rested her head on top of the open text books and pouted

"Jessica you have to learn how to control yourself" Yuri scolded as the class ended

Jessica had been lectured by Yuri ever since Taeyeon and Tiffany left the room and was starting to get sick and tired of it

"I know I know. Now can you please just let me go?" Jessica whined

Yuri sighed at Jessica's whines

"Taeyeon's going through some hard times so try to give her some sympathy" Yuri said bluntly

Just then Taeyeon walked pass the classroom and stared at Yuri

"Something wrong Yuri?" Taeyeon's voice sounded dead

"Ah. Nothing Taeyeon" Yuri gave an innocent smile

Jessica glared at Yuri

"Why do you always care Taeyeon!?" Jessica threw her hands in the air as she left the room.

Yuri was left dumbfounded at Jessica's sudden temper

"Did I do something wrong?" Yuri turned to Yoona

Yoona just shrugged whilst Taeyeon shook her head worriedly

*This isn't good* Taeyeon thought to herself as she watched Jessica's back storm away from them.

Jessica's Feelings

"Why do you always care about Taeyeon?!" Jessica yelled before she ran out

"Did I do something wrong?" Yuri asked Yoona

Yoona just shrugged

Yuri then noticed Taeyeon sighing

"What's wrong Taeyeon?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon shook her head

"This isn't good. We're getting too attatched as it is" Taeyeon growled

"Attatched?" Yuri gave Taeyeon a wary glance

"Yuri come with me." Taeyeon muttered as she went after Jessica

Yoona and Yuri stared at each other.

Yoona shrugged

"Taeyeon's mad..." Yuri whispered as she followed Taeyeon

As the two of them followed Jessica they noticed that she went to the back of the campus.

Taeyeon and Yuri stood behind her, careful so that she wouldn't see them

Jessica sat down on the grass and was holding her knees close to her chest

Yuri felt sorry for Jessica and was about to go comfort her when Taeyeon stopped her

"I don't think we should be tutoring them anymore" Taeyeon whispered

Yuri stared at Taeyeon's eyes

"Why not?" Yuri asked

Taeyeon nodded her head towards Jessica

"They're getting attatched. And so are you and Yoona" Taeyeon muttered

Yuri raised her eyebrow

"We're not getting attatched" Yuri defended

"Oh really? Well Jessica sure is." Taeyeon shot Jessica a glance

"What are you getting at?" Yuri whispered

"Come" Taeyeon said before she dragged Yuri in front of Jessica

Jessica slowly looked up to see Taeyeon and Yuri standing in front of her

"Oh Yuri... Taeyeon... I didn't mean what I said...." Jessica started explaining but was soon cut off

Taeyeon pulled Yuri down and kissed her

Jessica's jaw dropped

Yuri pushed Taeyeon away

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yuri yelled

Taeyeon just smirked as she wiped her lips

Jessica sat there. Her heart was aching

"Who was the person you thought of when I did that?" Taeyeon smirked

Yuri froze. The moment Taeyeon leaned in on her the first person who popped up was Jessica.

Jessica started to cry as she got up and started running

Yuri gave Taeyeon a glare

"Just because your love life didn't go well you shouldn't take it out on us" Yuri growled

Taeyeon lost her smirk


"Can't belive you Taeyeon" Yuri finally said before she chased after Jessica

Taeyeon just gave a sarcastic laugh

"Leeteuk" Taeyeon muttered

Taeyeon then let out a long sigh before she walked off

Not too far away Tiffany was leaning against a tree, trying to hold back the tears pouring down her face

"Jessica!" Yuri called out while chasing her

Jessica didn't even turn around. She just kept running away from Yuri

*Pabo. Pabo. Pabo Yuri* Jessica kept saying through her head

Yuri then finally caught up with Jessica and held her shoulders

"Jessica. Please listen to me" Yuri said sternly

Jessica just shook her head, refusing to look at her

"Jessica!" Yuri said again

Jessica slowly opened one of her eyes to see Yuri staring straight at her

"Why don't you go back to Taeyeon. All you ever wanted was to be with her that's why you told me what my feelings towards her were! You were just eliminating any threats!" Jessica yelled

With each accusation Yuri felt a knife stab her heart

"No Jessica that isn't it.." Yuri tried to soothe but Jessica refused to listen

"Taeyeon was just..." Yuri didn't know what to say

"Don't bother" Jessica whispered as she shrugged Yuri's hand away

Yuri stood there, not moving as Jessica walked away from her.

Her knees then finally gave way as she fell to the floor

*Pabo... You've fallen for the wrong person Jessica* Jessica told herself

"Ooof" Jessica bumped into someone and fell backwards

"Watch where you're going!" Jessica yelled as she got up

She was then embraced by a pair of arms


It was Tiffany. Her eyes were red and swollen as well from the crying that she did

Jessica patted her back as she started feeling her eyes water again

That night Jessica and Tiffany were in their room talking to each other

"Jessica...." Tiffany hugged onto her Totoro

Jessica just nodded slowly

"I... think... I like... Yuri..." Jessica finally confessed

Tiffany smiled as she slowly hugged Jessica

"It was ... Taeyeon who made the move... I'm sure Yuri will explain everything" Tiffany re-assured although it strained her to admit it was Taeyeon who kissed Yuri

Jessica sighed

"It's impossible anyway. They're way out of a league" Jessica sighed

Tiffany rubbed Jessica's arms

"Don't give up to easily. Besides you don't know if Yuri likes you back or not" Tifafny encouraged

Jessica just shook her head

"She only cares for Taeyeon..." Jessica dug her head into her knees

"She cares for Taeyeon but I'm sure she doesn't ONLY care for her. She ran after you didn't she?" Tiffany tried to cheer Jessica up

"But she had nothing to say." Jessica wiped her eyes

Tiffany sighed

"I'm sure things will clear up tomorrow" Tiffany patted her back

Jessica just gave a sympathetic smile

"What about you Tiff? Why were you crying?" Jessica changed the subject

Tiffany froze, her hand still on Jessica's back

"Don't tell me..." Jessica started smiling at Tiffany

Tiffany averted her eyes away from Jessica

"You're crying caught onto mine" Tiffany quickly answered

Jessica didn't believe it and gave a sly smile

"Come on Tiffany. I confessed. Now it's your turn" Jessica tackled Tiffany down and started tickling her

"No hahaha. There's nothing to confess" Tiffany struggled

"Unnie?" SeoHyun popped through the door

"Oh SeoHyun-ah" Jessica got off of Tiffany and smiled at the maknae

"Dinner is ready" SeoHyun said politely before going out again

Tiffany gave a sigh of relief

"Tsk" Jessica shot Tiffany a glance

"What?" Tiffany said innocently

Jessica then sighed and gave up

"You'll admit it soon" Jessica muttered before disappearing

"Admit what?!" Tiffany yelled back chasing her

"Would you girls calm down?!" Sunny yelled at them

The house then echoed with screams, squeals and laughter as Tiffany and Jessica became chasing each other

"It's about time" Sooyoung smirked

Taeyeon shrugged

"Don't think that this makes us any closer" Taeyeon muttered

Sooyoung just smiled

"Of course not. But it's a start"

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she left

Sooyoung sat at her desk and chuckled

"You're eyes were red Taeyeon. If you're going to act tough at least erase evidence of crying"

Taeyeon was outside and walking to her car

"Mianhe Yoona, Yuri. It's for your own good" Taeyeon sighed as she got into the car


Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun were walking to their classroom when Jessica suddenly stopped

“Jessi?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow as she turned around and stared at the frozen Jessica

Jessica took a deep breath and then sighed

“I don’t want to do this” Jessica admitted as she gave a pleading look

Tiffany gave a sympathetic smile as she went over to Jessica and linked their arms

“SeoHyun you can go first. Unnie needs to talk to each other for a while” Tiffany said as she pulled Jessica to the side

“Don’t be too long” SeoHyun said as she continued walking to her class

Tiffany then stared into Jessica’s eyes

“You want to see Yuri again don’t you?” Tiffany asked seriously

Jessica bit her lower lip

“I do... But then again I don’t” Jessica said slowly

“And why is that?”

“Because... I want to know exactly what happened yesterday... but then again I’m scared of what Yuri’s explanation’s going to be” Jessica admitted

Tiffany smiled as she hugged Jessica tightly

“Well are you going to avoid her and forever wonder what really happened? Or are you going to confront her and ask her so you can get things over and done with earlier?” Tiffany asked as she patted Jessica’s back

Jessica shrugged

“Unnie! Unnie!” SeoHyun yelled as she came running back to them

Tiffany broke the hug as the two of them looked at SeoHyun. They’ve never seen her so flustered before

“Classroom door. Note.” SeoHyun said hurriedly

“Wait. SeoHyun calm down. What note? What classroom door?” Tiffany tried to calm her down

SeoHyun shook her head as she pointed down the hallway to the classroom where they were supposed to be

“Our classroom?” Jessica asked

SeoHyun nodded as she motioned for them to follow her

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other confusingly before they ran after SeoHyun

As they got to their classroom they saw SeoHyun looking at a note on the door

‘Notice to the Elites, Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun.As from today your classes with each other have been terminated.You are to return to your usual classes while the Elites are to meet in Sooyoung’s office.No exceptions are made.’

Jessica’s jaw dropped while Tiffany’s eyes were wide open

“MWO?!” They both exclaimed

Just then a girl walked past them and smirked as she crossed her arms

“Looks like the Elites no longer have an interest in you” the girl said smugly

Jessica shot the girl a cold glare and launched herself at her. Luckily Tiffany still had her arm linked with Jessica so she managed to pull Jessica back, just inches away from the girl’s face

The girl then just smirked again before she walked off

Jessica flared her teeth at the girl who was walking away smugly

She then turned her attention to the note again

“This is probably just their pranks” Jessica growled as she ripped the note and pushed the door open and froze when she saw what was inside

Tiffany and SeoHyun stood behind her as they noticed Jessica’s sudden freeze. They peered inside and gasped

Inside the room was completely ruined. Tables were turned and chairs were flipped. Books were ripped up and flung everywhere on the floor. The board was scribbled with the writing ‘Go back to your normal classes’

And the most shocking thing of all, was a figure, standing in the middle of the classroom, ripping up more books

“... Taeyeon...” Tiffany whispered, recognising the culprit

Taeyeon slowly looked up at the door. When she saw the three shocked girls she stopped ripping the book and slowly set it down on the table

“Y-You did this?” Jessica stuttered, referring to the mess

Taeyeon took a look around the classroom and sighed

“Well?” Tiffany’s voice broke

Taeyeon looked up to see hurt in all of their eyes.

“Unnie, calm down” SeoHyun cooed

Taeyeon took a deep breath

“Yes. I did do it. Something wrong?” Taeyeon said smugly

Silence filled the room as the three girls tried to take in what was going on

Finally when the words finally sank into their heads they stared at Taeyeon

“What about the note?” Jessica asked

Taeyeon gave a smirk

“I asked Sooyoung to do that. It’s legitimate.” Taeyeon confirmed

Tiffany’s arms dropped to the side

“What about Yoona?” SeoHyun spoke up

“And Yuri” Jessica added

Taeyeon shrugged

“I talked to them earlier. They’re probably at Leeteuk’s place now” Taeyeon said bluntly

“You really are despicable” Jessica growled as she turned around and walked off

Tiffany tried to hold her back but ended up standing there with her mouth open. She then turned to Taeyeon and stared at her

“I thought you were different” Tiffany said before she chased after Jessica

SeoHyun was just shocked. She didn’t have the nerve to speak up to Taeyeon. Instead she just shook her head and walked off

Taeyeon chuckled sympathetically to herself as she walked back to the book she was ripping up

It was Miyoung’s diary. A diary which held her happiest memories and her darkest secrets. A diary which had words that had just ripped up Taeyeon’s hear t into smaller pieces

“It’s all for the best” Taeyeon sighed

She then put the diary down and looked around the room. Taeyeon put her hands on the side of her waist as she saw the destruction

“Time to clean up this mess” Taeyeon whispered to herself as she started fixing the chairs


“Yuri? You okay?” Yoona asked as she waved her hands in front of Yuri’s face

Yuri just sighed and shook her head as she went to the classroom

*When Jessica comes in I’ll apologise and tell her everything that happened* Yuri thought to herself determined

“Unnie....” Yoona suddenly said as she stopped Yuri from walking in

“Hm?” Yuri looked at Yoona to see her eyes glued to the door

Yuri followed her gaze and saw a note on the door

‘Notice to the Elites, Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun.As from today your classes with each other have been terminated.You are to return to your usual classes while the Elites are to meet in Sooyoung’s office.No exceptions are made.’

“What is this?” Yuri said as she chuckled

She then pushed the door open to see Taeyeon sitting down with her feet rested against the desk reading a book

“Did you not read the sign? Classes are terminated. Go meet with Sooyoung” Taeyeon said bluntly, not taking her eyes off the book

Yuri just scoffed as she took her seat

Taeyeon then slammed her book against the table and stood up

“Yuri... Yoona... outside... we need to talk” Taeyeon said sternly as she walked out

Yoona raised her eyebrow as she looked at Yuri

“What happened to you two?” Yoona asked innocently

Yuri just shook her head

Taeyeon then popped her head back in

“Come NOW. That’s an order form your leader” Taeyeon said angrily

Yuri and Yoona jumped back with surprise when they saw Taeyeon’s iris flutter a bluish colour

Yuri got up and stood next to Yoona

“She’s never used her leader’s powers before... nor has her eyes fluttered that blue colour on a normal day” Yuri whispered

Yoona nodded as she gulped

As the three of them stood on the rooftop Yoona could see the awkwardness between Yuri and Taeyeon

“I cancelled the classes, not Sooyoung. You two are not to befriend those three girls anymore. Do I make myself clear?” Taeyeon suddenly said

“What do you mean?” Yoona said as she tilted her head to the side

“She means. We return to our normal lives and ignore the girls.” Yuri growled

“What?!” Yoona exclaimed with surprise

Taeyeon turned around with a stern look on her face

“You know I rarely use my position as leader. But I forbid you, as a pure blood immortal and the leader of the Elites to socialise with those girls”

Yoona’s control snapped and her dark personality came out. She launched herself at Taeyeon and grabbed her collar

“You can’t do this” Yoona yelled

Yuri held Yoona’s hand back to stop her

Taeyeon looked into Yoona’s eyes

“I already have. Now back down” Taeyeon growled

Yoona felt a cold wind blow across her as she saw Taeyeon glare at her. Her eyes shining a bright blue

“You can’t make us” it was Yuri’s turn to speak

“Can’t I?” Taeyeon chuckled

Yoona let go of Taeyeon’s collar and backed down. Not even her dark side could go against Taeyeon

Yuri and Yoona could feel anger build up inside them

“Taeyeon. I know you’re trying to protect us from getting hurt. You’ve experienced it before. But I believe that you should just move on and face what’s ahead of you” Yuri said sympathetically

“I’m sure Miyoung wanted you to move on as well” Yoona added

Taeyeon clenched her teeth as she shot a deadly glare

Yuri and Yoona stepped back a few steps

“So you’re going to be with these girls until they pass away. After they do you’re just going to find new people?” Taeyeon asked seriously

“That’s not what we meant” Yoona defended

“So you will be with these girls and then when they pass on you’re going to have to bear the scar that they leave behind?” Taeyeon asked again

“That’s not what we meant either” Yuri defended

Taeyeon crossed her arms and took a deep breath

“Those are the only two paths you can choose. I am not willing to risk anymore lives with my blood. I’m doing this for your own good. Before you can get too attatched.”

“Why won’t you let us do what we want for once?” Yoona grumbled

“Pack your things. We’ll be moving. I think a few seniors find it suspicious that we haven’t aged yet. And I’m sure that the professors are finding it weird that the Elites 90 years ago look exactly the same as us.” Taeyeon said abruptly

Just then there was a loud crashing noise coming from under them, right where the classroom was suppose to be

“I guess someone else isn’t happy about this either” Yuri mumbled

“No...” Taeyeon said as she felt a cold chill down her spine

She then rushed out of the rooftop and headed straight for the classroom. Yuri and Yoona were curious to see what it was and followed

Taeyeon kicked the door open and standing there was a figure in a dark cloak. The room was a complete mess and was completely destroyed

“Who are you?” Taeyeon growled

The figure froze and turned around

“Ah... There you are” the figure smirked

“Who are you!?” Taeyeon growled louder

Yuri and Yoona then came in and gasped. They slowly looked up to see a figure smirking

“Taeyeon. Long time no see” the figure took off the cloak off his head and outstretched his arms, ready to give a hug

“Gikwang....” Taeyeon muttered as she recognised the figure

“Oh so you remember me? I thought you had completely forgotten” Gikwang chuckled

Yuri and Yoona were still in shock and were wondering how Taeyeon knew such a guy

“What do you want?” Taeyeon said as she took a step forward, her eyes were burning in blue

Gikwang just smiled

“You’re not the only one who can do that” Gikwang said as her narrowed his eyes.

His eyes then started to flutter a blue colour, similar to Taeyeon’s

“H-His... a pure blood?” Yoona stuttered

Gikwang calmed down as he took a look at Yoona

“I see you have two fakes”

Taeyeon let out a loud growl

“Don’t you dare call them fakes” Taeyeon narrowed her gaze

Yuri and Yoona stood behind Taeyeon

“What do you want?” Taeyeon repeated

Gikwang held his hands up in a surrendering motion

“I don’t want anything... not this time anyway. I just wanted to give you this” Gikwang tossed Taeyeon a book

Taeyeon caught it and read the front cover

‘Miyoung’s Diary’

“What’s this?” Taeyeon asked

Yuri and Yoona peered over her shoulder to take a look

“It’s proof. That girl just played you. Read the last 50 pages. You will see. It’s what we warned you about.” Gikwang shrugged

“We?” Yuri raised her eyebrow

“Yes we. I guess Taeyeon hasn’t told you everything about the immortals. Low lives like you wouldn’t need to know about it”

Taeyeon threw the book at Gikwang, but Gikwang managed to dodge it

“Leave them alone” Taeyeon warned

Gikwang chuckled

“We pure bloods are waiting Taeyeon. We have all of eternity to wait. No rush” and with that Gikwang jumped out of the window

Yoona gave a sigh of relief

“What was that Tae?” Yuri asked as she picked up a damaged book

“You two go back to Leeteuk. You’ll be safer there. If you see anyone wearing a cloak like his, avoid them” Taeyeon said sternly

“T-Taeyeon?” Yoona started to feel nervous

“Just go to Leeteuk’s now. I’ll meet up with you two later” Taeyeon said as she pointed to the door

Yuri went over to Yoona and held her hand

“Let’s go. We’ll probably get some answers there” Yuri whispered

Yoona just nodded hesitantly as Yuri pulled her away, leaving Taeyeon alone in the damaged room

Taeyeon then went over to the book that she had just threw

‘Read the last 50 pages. You will see. It’s what we warned you about.’

Gikwang’s words rang in her ears

“She wouldn’t” Taeyeon whispered as she picked up the fragile book

She was tempted to open it but at the same time she was scared about what may be inside

*What are you hesitating about? His just bluffing* Taeyeon thought to herself as she flicked towards the end of the book

‘I really don’t want to go through with this anymore. Immortals... Non-human... To be honest I don’t believe in all this. Dear Diary... how do I get myself out of this mess? Taeyeon seems too into this and I’m scared if I do break it, her friends would come after me. I did like her at first, it was just something to kill time but....’

Taeyeon didn’t read any further

She had read enough

She held the book up high with the pages in between her hands as she began to rip the page

Just then the door opened and three girls came in

“...Taeyeon....” Tiffany uttered

End of Flashback

“Did you give her the book?”

“Yes” Gikwang smiled as he kissed the hand of his master

“Good. She should come to us soon”

Gikwang sighed

“She still has a soft heart. I thought it’d be stone cold by now” Gikwang said to himself

“It will be. Once we’re done”

Gikwang shrugged

“I don’t mind either way.”

“She shouldn’t be hanging around those... low lives. We are out of their league” the master scoffed

“She defended them though. Which was surprising because I could’ve sworn they were arguing earlier” Gikwang rubbed his chin

“Doesn’t matter now. We just have to wait” and with that Gikwang and the master walked off

Another Past

“Sorry, we’re in a hurry” Yuri said rushed as she walked pass the guard at the front and walked straight into the kitchen where Leeteuk was happily cooking

“Oh. Girls… I see Taeyeon has skipped again” Leeteuk chuckled disappointedly

“We don’t have enough time for that” Yoona said rather flustered

Leeteuk raised his eyebrow as he went to wash his hands

“What’s up? You look like Taeyeon yelled at you again” Leeteuk said worriedly

Yuri quickly pulled Leeteuk away from all the mortals of the kitchen and up into their own private room, Yoona wasn’t too far behind them

As they walked in Yuri hastily pushed Leeteuk inside while Yoona quickly locked the door behind them

“Woah. What’s going on?” Leeteuk said as he brushed off some dirt off his arm

“Gikwang appeared” Yuri said quickly

Leeteuk stopped brushing his arms off midway and gave Yuri a questionable look

“Please, stop kidding around” Leeteuk chuckled as he fixed his shirt

The room was silent

Leeteuk looked at Yuri and Yoona seriously. He saw the grim and worried expressions on their faces and his happy mood began to fade

“You’re serious?” Leeteuk asked as he raised his eyebrow

Yuri just nodded once

Yoona went over to the chair and rested her arms onto the table as she ran her fingers into her hair in frustration

“Why is so much happening within a span of a month” Yoona exclaimed

Leeteuk looked straight into Yuri’s eyes, hoping that the two were just joking

“What did he look like?” Leeteuk asked again

Yuri and Yoona remained silent as the memory of the unknown figure ran through their minds, shivering at the thought

“An average height male… And…” Yuri looked at Yoona worriedly

“A pure blood” Yoona finished off

It was then that Leeteuk knew that they weren’t joking

“Where’s Taeyeon?” he said abruptly

“Back at college with him” Yoona answered

Leeteuk clenched his hands into fists and grinded his teeth

“Would you mind filling us in on anything? I feel like I barely know anything about Taeyeon anymore” Yuri pleaded

Leeteuk paced up and down the room

“First that MiYoung girl. Now this. How much more is she going to hide from us” Yoona sighed

Leeteuk then took out his phone and started dialing a number

“Hello Sooyoung? Yes it’s Leeteuk here. You’re still at the college right? Check to see if Taeyeon is still there… This is serious Sooyoung… The Legion has returned… Gikwang came… Yes, hurry please. I’m worried” Leeteuk hushed through the phone

“Legion?” Yoona raised her eyebrow

Yuri went over to take a seat next to Yoona and rested her head against the desk

Leeteuk put his phone away and rubbed the bridge of his nose with the tip of his finger and thumb.

“I was really hoping that we would never have to deal with this. But what with living for all eternity, I guess it’s unavoidable” Leeteuk mumbled to himself

“Well fill us in here. I feel like world war three is starting and I’m still playing out in the open on enemy territory” Yuri growled

Yoona patted her back to calm her down as Leeteuk went over and sat in front of them. He folded his hands into a ball as he rested his forehead against it, trying to find where to begin

“Do you remember that Taeyeon was immortal before she met MiYoung? And that she was fine with the way immortals lived?” Leeteuk started

Yoona rolled her eyes

“How many lives is Taeyeon going to hide from us” Yoona exclaimed

Yuri nodded in answer to Leeteuk

“And you also know that there are pure bloods out there. Not as many as normal immortals, but a few right?” Leeteuk lowered his voice to a mere whisper

Yuri and Yoona nodded

“Well… They all joined together to form a group, known as the Legion. They are also the creators of you and well, every other immortal out there…” Leeteuk paused

“After they create the immortals they check to see whether they are pure blooded or not. If they are not, they are usually left there for humans to hunt or abandoned in the middle of nowhere, hence why you don’t remember anything about them… As for pure bloods, as soon as the pure blooded immortals wake up they are automatically accepted into the Legion and secluded from other immortals. They occasionally have contact with humans, but is usually only when they need new recruits.”

Yuri and Yoona felt as though they were transferred back in time and were watching the scene as a group of immortals gathered around a limp body, waiting to decide the fate they would chose.

“Taeyeon was part of the Legion. She was created using the leader’s blood and since the transformation worked… She was made the next leader of the Legions.”

Yoona gasped while Yuri’s eyes popped wide open

“The new leaders of the Legions are to train for about a hundred years or so, but Taeyeon learned quickly and her process was cut to 30 years. After 30 years she was already slowly taking over the role of the Legion’s leader”

Yuri then remembered an argument Sooyoung and Taeyeon had

“I’m not going to be the leader of anything ever again”

Taeyeon’s words rang through her head

“She followed the rules of the Legions really well, until she met me and Sooyoung. She then started to learn about the harsh fate that the non-pure bloods had to face and started to question whether the Legion was what she wanted. The Legion started to catch on and moved the whole group to another country, which coincidently was Korea. And then, much to the Legion’s dismay, she met a girl. A girl which helped her open her heart a little more and showed her the real world. It was from there that Taeyeon stepped down from the position of leader and left the Legion. Ever since that day the Legion have been trying to get Taeyeon back because they do not have a leader” Leeteuk ended

He looked up from the table to see Yuri’s and Yoona’s frozen faces. He then sighed as he buried his face into his hands

“We’re going to find Taeyeon” Yuri said suddenly as she stood up and headed for the door

Leeteuk quickly stopped her

“You can’t. Taeyeon sent you here right? You should stay here for a while longer” Leeteuk said seriously

“Taeyeon is out there with a bunch of… I don’t know. We can’t just leave her there” Yuri growled

Leeteuk shook his head sternly

“They called us fakes…” Yoona said slowly

Leeteuk slowly looked at Yoona

“They don’t like non pure bloods… do they?” Yoona asked with sorrow eyes

Leeteuk pressed his lips together

“And am I right in guessing they will stop at nothing to get rid of us?” Yoona said bluntly

Leeteuk nodded twice

“They have a set of principles though. They never go looking for normal immortals. But if they encounter one they will not stop at anything to annihilate them.”

Yuri slammed her hand against the wall in frustration, feeling helpless and useless

Just then she got a text on her phone

To Yuri,

It’s safe to leave now. Just… be careful. We’ll talk about the girls tomorrow

From Taeyeon

Leeteuk turned Yuri’s phone to take a look at the text and sighed with relief in knowing that Taeyeon was safe

“We’re going back” Yoona said as she pressed her hands against to table to stand up

Leeteuk didn’t object this time

“Please check on Taeyeon. She isn’t good with dealing with her past” Leeteuk said solemnly as he shook his head

“We know” Yuri reassured as she pushed the door open

“And here I thought she was an okay person” Jessica muttered as she kicked a rock across the park

Tiffany and SeoHyun were holding hands behind her and rested their heads against each other

“You’re not the only one” Tiffany called out

“I never even got to sort things out. ARGH” Jessica yelled as she kicked a rock with full force

“Omo” SeoHyun exclaimed as she saw the rock head for two people in the distance

“Watch out!” Tiffany squealed

Jessica watched in horror, hoping that her bad aim wouldn’t fail her

Amazingly though, the person on the left caught the rock with their bare hands, just inches away from the person on the right’s face

“Watch where you aim your rocks please” the one who caught the rock called out

Tiffany and Jessica opened their eyes at the familiar voice

“Who threw that?!” the one on the left yelled in rage

“Yoona?!” SeoHyun exclaimed

From the distance the two figures stared at each other before they looked back at the three girls. It was indeed Yuri and Yoona

“Tiffany? Jessica? SeoHyun?” Yuri called out as she ran towards them

Yoona quickly ran over to SeoHyun and hugged her

“Our classes were cancelled” Yoona whined

SeoHyun patted Yoona’s back slowly

“We heard…” Tiffany interrupted the two maknae’s little bonding

Yuri and Jessica stared at each other before looking away again. Awkwardness filled the air

“We met Taeyeon not long ago… She told us” Jessica said nervously

Yuri just nodded, not really listening to what she had to say

Yoona pulled away from her hug and stared at the three girls.

“Why do you three look so disappointed?” Yoona asked innocently

Tiffany stared at Yoona’s sincere face

“Shouldn’t you two be in a rage right now?” Tiffany asked as she tilted her head to the side

Yuri and Yoona shrugged

“Untrustworthy user” Jessica muttered

Yuri looked at Jessica curiously

“I don’t know why you two stay around her after all she’s done. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. It was wrong of us to even pair her with Tiffany” Jessica spat

“What?” Yoona exclaimed

“She thinks she can just do whatever she likes and no one has the guts to even stop her. So... ARGH… Annoying” Jessica yelled

“I can’t believe I thought she was a nice person” Tiffany sighed

SeoHyun just nodded along with them

Yuri and Yoona raised their eyebrows

“You’re talking about… Taeyeon?” Yoona asked slowly

“Well who else do you think” Jessica growled

Yuri’s jaw dropped

“She does care about others!” Yuri yelled in defence to Jessica’s earlier statement

Jessica was startled by Yuri’s sudden outburst and stepped back two steps

“You are in no position to be calling her annoying” Yoona added

Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun stepped back and stared at the two Elites

“Well why not? She kissed you out of nowhere and cancelled our classes without any reason!” Tiffany yelled

Yuri turned her head to Tiffany, wondering how she knew about her and Taeyeon’s little exchange

“She does have reason” Yoona defended

Jessica glared at Yoona

“You should respect your elders” Jessica muttered at Yoona

Yoona felt her blood boil at Jessica’s comment. She knew that she was much, much older than her

“You should think before you talk like that” Yoona glared

Jessica just whipped her head to the side ignoring her

Yoona was about to launch herself onto Jessica but was interrupted by Yuri

“Taeyeon was right. We shouldn’t be hanging around these humans” Yuri said as she tugged on Yoona’s arm

Yoona looked at Yuri with a confused look, then at SeoHyun

“Yoona. You shouldn’t talk to your unnie like that. I know you’re defending Taeyeon because she’s your leader but I believe that Taeyeon unnie has gone too far this time. Could you please talk to her about this?” SeoHyun said sternly, but politely

Yoona’s jaw dropped as she felt betrayed

“Taeyeon trashed the room this morning and yet you two don’t even care. I’m starting to think this was all a set up so that the Elites could get some entertainment” Tiffany said bluntly

Yoona’s dark side was rapidly emerging. Although she was mad at Taeyeon for cancelling their classes, she knew that she didn’t deserve this kind of treatment behind her back

“I don’t think you’re in any position to say that Tiffany” Yuri said calmly, half blocking Yoona’s path towards Tiffany

“Well why can’t she?” Jessica jutted

There was a pause

“Well one. Because Taeyeon did NOT trash the room. Two because we know Taeyeon’s reason behind cancelling the classes. And three, because she would never play with anyone’s feelings just because she was bored. You think too lowly of Taeyeon and I cannot accept that. Think about what you said, we will be awaiting your apology soon” Yuri said calmly as she dragged Yoona away

“Taeyeon didn’t trash the room! Get your facts straight! She was just protecting you three and us! Don’t come near us if you still think that Taeyeon’s a low life!” Yoona yelled at the top of her lungs, her dark side finally being released

Jessica kicked another rock towards the two leaving them angrily

“Lot of good they did for us. They only caused us trouble. Tiffany especially” Jessica muttered as she turned her chin up at the disappearing figure

SeoHyun felt a little sad that Yoona had done what she had done and was starting to feel disheartened

“Come. They’re obviously siding with her” Jessica muttered as she walked in the opposite direction

Tiffany stood there for a while as she recalled what Yuri and Yoona had said

“Taeyeon didn’t mess the room…” Tiffany said slowly

“They’re probably just lying. Let’s just forget about them. Not worth stressing over them” Jessica said angrily

SeoHyun just sighed as she nodded in agreement

Tiffany stood in her place

“Do you two really think that they would do this to us?” Tiffany asked seriously

Jessica walked up to Tiffany and flicked her head

“Wake up Tiffany. Did you not see what they just did? All the evidence was there. Taeyeon ripping up a book and the place being trashed. Is there any other explanation?” Jessica said harshly

“But we didn’t see her trashing the room” SeoHyun said softly

Jessica was caught short and remembered that she hadn’t seen Taeyeon trash the room herself

“Well then why was she ripping up the book?” Jessica asked back

SeoHyun bit her lip trying to think of a logical reason

“Why don’t we go ask her” Tiffany said suddenly

SeoHyun and Jessica raised their eyebrows at Tiffany’s idea

“She admitted it herself Tiffany. That’s all there is to it. I’m done with the elites. See you at home” and with that Jessica left with her hands in the pocket of her jacket

SeoHyun bowed to Tiffany and followed Jessica

Tiffany sighed as she sat on a bench nearby as she started to remember all the time she spent with the Elites.

She then started to feel doubt as to whether the Elites were what they accused them of. In her memories Tiffany did not see anything which would make Taeyeon a bad person. Taeyeon had taught her whole heartedly, carefully explaining it until she understood and never scolding her for not doing what she was told. There was the occasional awkward classes, but even so Taeyeon would always be helping Tiffany, even if she didn’t seem like she wanted to.

Tiffany then remembered when she had encountered the men and how Taeyeon was always there to help her and even piggy back her to school when she was too frightened to walk.

“Taeyeon’s not a bad person” Tiffany sighed as she tried to find a flaw in Taeyeon’s actions

Then a distinct image came into her head.

The memory of when she caught Taeyeon playing with the abandoned puppy, the smile which Taeyeon wore when the puppy played with her.

“The owner of a smile like that would never do something like that” Tiffany said softly

Tiffany looked at her watch and checked the time


She still had time to find Taeyeon and clear things up.

Tiffany grabbed her stuff and made a dash for the college again

‘She’s an immortal. I mean a REAL immortal… What am I to do? I know I said I was okay with it… But really I’m not. She’s a total freak. I mean who wouldn’t be scared of those who had blue freaky eyes. I don’t know if I can keep this up. I tried cutting connections with her but her friends keep finding me…’

Taeyeon’s heart felt as though it had been stepped on with each sentence and passage written in the diary

“Why didn’t you just rip it…” Taeyeon said to herself pathetically

Truth was that she had only ripped out the pages that she had read. Each page got worse as MiYoung’s thoughts were revealed

‘No human can accept you’

The former Legion’s leader voice rang in her head. Taeyeon dropped the diary as she grasped her head, trying to get rid of all the painful memories

“No human! No human!” Taeyeon yelled as she shook her head in frustration

She then eyed the diary before picking it up and throwing it towards the board

“The only human I trusted… The one I loved… betrayed me” Taeyeon whispered as she crouched down and hugged her knees

Her eyes began to water as she remembered all the things she had done with MiYoung and started to see all the things she couldn’t see before.

Why they had never got passed two kisses, why MiYoung was never the one who came to her, and why MiYoung had stopped wearing the locket

What didn’t make sense to her was why MiYoung remained with her even though she was scared of her, and why she was so persistent in risking her life to become immortal

*She couldn’t stand living with you anymore so she killed herself* a small voice inside her head said bluntly

Taeyeon shook her head, not wanting to believe it. She turned her head to the side as she saw the sky start to darken to a blood red colour

Just as she sighed the door behind her burst open and a gasp was heard

Taeyeon quickly looked around to see Tiffany standing there looking flustered

“MiYoung?” Taeyeon called out mistakenly

Tiffany looked around to see Taeyeon sitting on the chair hugging her legs and looking at her with expectant eyes. She then realised that the room was all neat and tidy again

“You didn’t trash the room did you?” Tiffany hadn’t realised what Taeyeon had called her

Tiffany’s blunt question snapped Taeyeon out of her short delusion and quickly wiped away the wet marks near her eyes and turned her head around so Tiffany couldn’t see

“What if I did?” Taeyeon asked back, hoping her voice wouldn’t fail her

“Why would you trash this room and clean it up again?” Tiffany asked back coyly

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

“Maybe I felt like I needed something to do.” Taeyeon answered back. “And if you hadn’t got the message you’re no longer learning with the Elites so don’t come back here”

Tiffany crossed her arms and huffed

“Yuri and Yoona told me that you didn’t trash the room. That you had your own reasons for doing whatever you do”

Taeyeon was about to turn her head around but stopped herself

“They’re just looking out for me, trying to not get me into trouble”

Tiffany shook her head

“For the short period of time that I know you, I don’t think you’re the type of person to do that type of thing. Why won’t you just give up your tough act and act natural” Tiffany blurted out as she turned Taeyeon around to face her. “It’s no polite to have your back turned while someone is talking to you either” Tiffany added

Taeyeon just smirked

“The term ACT natural. You have to act to be natural? Ironic” Taeyeon scoffed as she stood up

“Just go back to your normal life. I’m no longer trusting any humans.” Taeyeon growled as she walked over to the diary on the floor

“Human?” Tiffany questioned

“Human” Taeyeon reconfirmed, not caring if Tiffany found it suspicious

The sky outside began to darken as silence filled the room

“It’s getting late. Go back” Taeyeon ordered

There was a short paused before Taeyeon’s phone went off

Taeyeon opened the phone and it came up with a reminder

‘Full Moon’

Taeyeon’s hand froze as she stared at the reminder

She quickly whipped her head around to see the full moon peeping out. She then looked back to see Tiffany blocking the way to the door, stopping her from running out of the room.

“No no no no” Taeyeon growled as she looked into the reflection of her phone

Her eyes began to slowly turn blue as the moon rose higher and higher

“What? What is it?!” Tiffany said rather alarmed and took step closer to Taeyeon

Taeyeon took a step back and quickly shut her eyes

*This can’t be happening!* Taeyeon panicked

What are you?

*This can’t be happening!!!* Taeyeon yelled in her mind

The only exit was blocked by Tiffany and the full moon was appearing real quick.

Tiffany was wondering what was wrong with Taeyeon and decided to take a step closer. Taeyeon took quick steps to avoid her while keeping her eyes closed

“Go away!” Taeyeon growled with her back turned towards Tiffany

Tiffany stood there, confused and puzzled

“What’s wrong Taeyeon?” Tiffany said in a worried tone

Taeyeon opened her eyes to see the full moon brightly shining through the window

“It’s late. Go back home” Taeyeon said harshly

“Not until I get what I want” Tiffany said sternly

Taeyeon clenched her hands into fists, hating Tiffany for having such a stubborn attitude. She then heard Tiffany move closer to her and quickly closed her eyes again.

Tiffany moved to stand in front of Taeyeon and saw that she was keeping her eyes closed tightly.

“Do your eyes hurt or something?” Tiffany asked worriedly

Taeyeon shook her head

“Just… I don’t want to look at you” Taeyeon said bluntly

Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Taeyeon’s remark

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tiffany said sceptically

*This isn’t helping Taeyeon* Taeyeon told herself. *Just get her out of this room*

“You’re not worth my time. Just go away. You and I have no reason to see each other anymore. I’m no longer your tutor and you’re no longer my student” Taeyeon turned around again

Tiffany’s heart throbbed at Taeyeon’s comment

“But you said we were friends…” Tiffany said softly

Taeyeon took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“I don’t need friends like you. If you are ever in danger, I won’t be there to help you. When you need to talk to someone I won’t be there to listen. When you have something to celebrate about I won’t be there. Overall I won’t be there at all so there is no point in keeping the friendship” Taeyeon felt her throat go dry after saying everything. Even if she did have a cold image, she would never say that to anyone

“Y-you don’t m-mean that… Do you?” Tiffany stuttered

Taeyeon looked over to see Tiffany starting to cry. Her heart ached to see the wet trails start to develop under her eyes

“What if I did?” Taeyeon turned her head back and sighed

With that Tiffany ran out of the room, wiping her tears as she bumped into Taeyeon’s shoulder.

Taeyeon watched as Tiffany started to leave. Something in her started to stir and before she knew it, she had reached her hand out and grabbed Tiffany’s

Tiffany turned back with tearful eyes as she stared into Taeyeon’s blue eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw the luminescent blue glow in the irises of Taeyeon’s eyes.

Seeing Tiffany’s shocked face Taeyeon quickly let go and turned her torso around.

Tiffany’s tears stopped as her whole body was filled with confusion. Not only because of Taeyeon’s eyes but because she was wondering why Taeyeon had stopped her

“J-Just… Don’t come near me again” Taeyeon stuttered as she quickly left the room, stopping to pick up the diary.

Tiffany stood there, jaw slightly hanging and her eyes never blinking

“B-Blue eyes?” Tiffany mumbled as the image of Taeyeon’s piercing blue eyes flashed through her head

Taeyeon quickly ran out of the college grounds and bumped into a person near where her car was parked.

Taeyeon closed her eyes as she bowed and walked off, but her hand was held back

“It’s me” Sooyoung’s voice called out

Taeyeon peeked from the side of her eye to see a tall figure with blood red eyes looking at her.

“What do you want?” Taeyeon said bluntly

Sooyoung just gave a concerned look as she slowly released her grip

“Leeteuk told me to check up on you” Sooyoung said slowly

Taeyeon took her arm back as she stared at her

“His gone” Taeyeon said bluntly

“Did he do anything….” Sooyoung asked hesitantly

Taeyeon averted her gaze from Sooyoung as she felt the cover of the diary

“He didn’t do anything…” Taeyeon whispered

Sooyoung looked at Taeyeon worriedly

“Burn this for me” Taeyeon said as she handed Sooyoung the diary

Sooyoung’s eyes opened wide as she saw Miyoung’s name on the cover. When she looked up she saw Taeyeon entering her car and driving off

Sooyoung then heard the ground move behind her and quickly hid from behind a car close by. As she watched she saw that the person who was making the loud walking noises was Tiffany.

Tiffany was stumbling out of the college ground, dragging her feet along the cold hard floor

“What’s she doing here?” Sooyoung whispered as she put the diary into her pocket and quickly walked off.

Tiffany was mumbling to herself, still confused as to what was happening

“Blue eyes… humans…”

Tiffany shook her head roughly

“It’s probably just your imagination… You’re under too much stress…” Tiffany tried to convince herself

She took three deep breaths before she started walking again

Taeyeon was walking down the street, heading for the abandoned piano shop again where no one could find her. As she pushed the door open she gave a sigh of relief.

“The one place I can relax” Taeyeon whispered as she walked to the back of the room

She walked to the white piano and opened the keyboard cover. Running her fingers along the keys slowly. She stopped her finger suddenly as she slowly pressed down on the C key. The note echoed through the empty store.

Taeyeon pressed the key again as she listened to the sound it made. She then moved into the piano seat and hit the key three times repetitively with her left hand, she then moved her right

hand up to the piano and as she hit the key a fourth time her right hand started to play the notes C, D and E.

Without even thinking Taeyeon began to play more smoothly, soon the song started to pick up as she played a little faster, hitting the right chords and notes to create a perfect harmony.

Before she knew it she was playing 0330 by UKiss. The lyrics were somehow fitting towards what she was feeling during that moment and totally immersed herself into playing the song.

As the song came nearing to an end she sang the last part aloud.

“The sound of raindrops keep hitting the window of my heart, the place that you left me. I really miss you. And I can’t sleep at all at night.” Taeyeon sang softly as the song finished

Silence surrounded the shop as Taeyeon took her finger off the key. She stood up slowly and walked to the side of the piano, where the name of the person she was thinking of was still inscribed there.

Anger boiled up inside her as she remembered the diary that was given to her. Taeyeon was tempted to trash the piano right then and there in front of her, but she didn’t have the courage to.

Taking deep breaths to control her temper, she walked over to one of the shelves, passing a vase that showed the reflection of her bright blue eyes.

“A total monster!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she smashed the vase off the shelf, shattering it in her hand.

It was then that Taeyeon had lost her self-control. She hated herself for being who she was as she broke everything and anything that would show the reflection of her eyes, most of which was glass.

After her rage was over, Taeyeon’s hand was bleeding furiously as there were still some shards inside her hand.

She held her hand up in front of her face as she watched the skin quickly heal, pushing the pieces of glass out and sealing the wounds.

“A freak of nature” Taeyeon chuckled as she turned her hand around.

Blood was still coated around her hand but the wounds her completely healed

Suddenly Taeyeon heard a gasp from behind her as a body slammed against the floor board.

She quickly turned around to see who it was

“Who’s there?!” Taeyeon yelled out into the darkness.


“Just a figment of your imagination. Something must’ve reflected off her eyes” Tiffany kept telling herself as she was walking down the streets

As she walked down she noticed a display in one of the windows for contacts.

An idea suddenly struck her

*They were contacts!*

Tiffany went up closer to the window as she examined the display. A particular colour caught her eyes in the back corner.

It was a bright blue colour, similar to that of Taeyeon’s

“She must’ve been wearing contacts” Tiffany thought happily, glad that she hadn’t gone mad

“Excuse me Miss, was there something you wanted?” a woman asked politely

Tiffany jumped a little at the sudden noise but just gave a warming smile and shook her head

“No thanks. Just looking” Tiffany answered as she bowed and walked off

Her sense of relief was only temporary as she then had to worry about what Taeyeon had told her. Tiffany slowed down her walking and pouted. She stared at the floor to see a reasonably big rock in front of her.

‘I don’t want to look at you… You’re not worth my time… You and I have no reason to see each other anymore… I don’t need friends like you… Overall I won’t be there so there is no point in keeping this friendship’

Taeyeon’s harsh words ran through her head

“Jerk!” Tiffany yelled as she kicked the rock with all her might

“What is wrong with you?! Kim Taeyeon!! You are seriously driving me mad!! Aishhh!!!” Tiffany shook her head in frustration.

She then ran up to the rock she kicked earlier and stood in front of it

“One minute your kind!” Tiffany kicked the rock a little gentler. “The next you’re depressed” Tiffany kicked again “And now you’re a total ass!!” Tiffany kicked the rock a little harder

“LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR PMS!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs as she kicked the rock with all her might, sending it eighty metres down the street

The people around her gave her a worried look, wondering what that girl was up to.

Tiffany just ignored them as she continued mumbling to herself and walking down the street.

“Stupid Taeyeon. Telling me to go away and then stopping me at the last minute. Make up your mind!”

As tiffany approached a traffic light she looked into the reflection of the shop’s windows across from the road. She noticed that there was a man approaching her.

Tiffany looked back at him to see him pretending to be interested in the night sky. She disregarded the thought and stood there waiting for the light to turn green.

When she looked in the reflection again she saw that the man was moving towards her again. Luckily though the lights had turned green and she was able to cross the road.

While walking down the road she looked into the windows to see if the man was following her. Every time she looked back he would always be talking to someone or looking another way.

Tiffany started to panic and began to walk faster. She made a right turn into a small passageway and came out to the other side of the block before making a left.

She looked back to make sure that the man wasn’t there but to her dismay he was.

Tiffany then quickly dashed across the road, narrowly avoiding a car and made a run for the piano shop which was nearby.

As she approached the shop she quickly opened the door and closed it behind her, grabbing the wooden stick close by to jam the door.

“Thank goodness” Tiffany sighed quietly as she tried to catch her breath

During the time she was catching her breath she heard a faint sound of a piano from the back of the room.

*Who could that be?* Tiffany thought to herself as she walked cautiously towards the white piano at the back

As she walked pass a stack of dusty books she saw a figure playing the piano passionately.

Tiffany covered her mouth with her hand as she held in her gasp

It was Taeyeon playing the piano.

Tiffany hid behind the stack of dusty books as she watched Taeyeon play. She noticed that Taeyeon’s eyes burned into a darker shade of blue but still glow as she got further into the song

*She must’ve got the expensive contacts* Tiffany thought to herself

As the song started to end she heard Taeyeon sing

“The sound of raindrops keep hitting the window of my heart, the place that you left me. I really miss you. And I can’t sleep at all at night.” Taeyeon sang softly as the song finished

Tiffany’s eyes widened, not only was it the first time she had heard Taeyeon sing, but she could tell that Taeyeon was really depressed when she sang those words

*I wonder what’s wrong* Tiffany thought to herself

She was about to turn her head to take a look at Taeyeon again but when she saw Taeyeon approaching her she quickly hid again.

Her heart started beating even faster as Taeyeon stopped right in front of her.

“A total monster!” Tiffany heard Taeyeon growl before a loud smashing sound followed

Tiffany quickly ducked and moved to a safer place behind Taeyeon.

More smashing could be heard as Tiffany watched Taeyeon smash the glass cupboards, vases and décor. She then watched as she threw a book at a mirror.

Taeyeon then held her blood covered hand up to her face

Tiffany gasped internally as she saw how much blood was coming from Taeyeon’s hand.

“A freak of nature” Taeyeon chuckled as the sound of glass pieces hit the floor

Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she watched Taeyeon’s hand

The wounds from under the blood were closing up rapidly, pushing out any pieces of glass that was obstructing it.

Tiffany couldn’t hold it anymore. Nothing made sense to her anymore.

She let out a loud gasp as she moved back, tripping over a music stand and landing hard onto the floorboards underneath her

“Who’s there?!” Taeyeon yelled, facing Tiffany’s direction

Tiffany did not move from her spot as Taeyeon’s eyes were piercing through her

“Y-Your h-hand” Tiffany stuttered as she pointed to Taeyeon’s hand in horror

Taeyeon looked at her hand and then smiled a sad smile

“You saw that?” Taeyeon chuckled

Tiffany was scared. She was starting to think that her fear of men was nothing compared to what she was facing with.

“B-But that’s not p-p-possible” Tiffany said softly

“Shouldn’t have you been scared when you saw the eyes?” Taeyeon asked as she grabbed a cloth from nearby and wiped her bloody hand

“I thought th-they were contacts” Tiffany said as she moved back

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she took a step closer to Tiffany

“Contacts?” Taeyeon didn’t know what they were

“T-To change the colour of your eyes” Tiffany tried to remain calm but her stomach was twisting painfully with every step that Taeyeon was taking towards her

Taeyeon stopped walking as she looked at the piece of shard next to her. She picked it up and held it near her face.

“Witness it yourself Tiffany” Taeyeon said with a smirk as she cut herself on her left cheek with the shard

Tiffany shook with fear as the blood dripped from the shard. She was scared to look but yet her body didn’t allow her to look away

Taeyeon then threw the shard behind her and pointed to the wound on her cheek

“This is evidence Tiffany. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it” Taeyeon said in a sinister voice.

Tiffany watched as the wound quickly healed, not even allowing the blood to dry up before it was completely closed.

Taeyeon used the back of her hand to wipe the blood.

“I should probably explain to you now huh?” Taeyeon smirked

Tiffany pushed herself back even further using her feet, dragging her backside against the floor.

Taeyeon took three quick steps before she reached Tiffany. Her irises were brightly shining

Tiffany gasped with fear as Taeyeon used her finger to trace her cheek.

“N-No” Tiffany stuttered

“As you probably saw… I’m not human…” Taeyeon’s voice said softly

Tiffany’s stomach was twisting even more as her fear of Taeyeon grew.

“You are a mere human. You cannot even compare to what I am.”

“D-Don’t” Tiffany tried to move but her body wouldn’t respond

Taeyeon traced her finger down Tiffany’s jaw line to her chin, before flicking her finger off and moving herself away from Tiffany

“I told you to stay away Tiffany. You should’ve listened. Immortals and humans do not mix well. It is like mixing sand and water. No matter how much you try they cannot be mixed.”

“I-Immortal?” Tiffany’s voice broke

Taeyeon nodded as she turned her back away

“Immortal. And since you found out that I am an immortal, I cannot allow you to spread that around” Taeyeon lowered her voice

“Wh-What are you going to do to me?” Tiffany’s voice was quivering as she tried to move her body again

Taeyeon chuckled

“You’re scared of me aren’t you?”

Tiffany didn’t answer

Taeyeon looked back at Tiffany

“Even more then your fear of men” Taeyeon added

Tiffany swallowed down hard

“Typical” Taeyeon chuckled as she walked away from Tiffany

“From here on, you and I will never see each other again.”

Tiffany managed to regain her ability to move her feet once Taeyeon was a safe distance away. She got up and started slowly making her way to the door

“Y-You’re not going to do anything to me? Are you?” Tiffany was scared that she may not see the sun rise.

Taeyeon chuckled

“You’ll see tomorrow. Enjoy your night” Taeyeon smiled sarcastically as she walked pass Tiffany and out of the shop, heading towards her car

As she entered her car she revved up the engine and sped down to the highway

Taeyeon laughed to herself sympathetically

“It was time to move from this dump anyway” Taeyeon mumbled as she took out her phone to call Yuri and Yoona

YoonYul Confrontation

“You’ll see tonight. Enjoy your night” Taeyeon smiled sarcastically as she walked pass Tiffany

Tiffany let out her breath suddenly as her legs gave way and fell to the floor. She heard the door behind her close as a car drove away

Tiffany sat there, trying to understand what was happening. She scanned the room, seeing pieces of broken glass everywhere.

“I-Immortal” Tiffany stuttered as she distinctly remembered Taeyeon’s healing cheek

She stayed there for half an hour, trying to get enough sense back to get back home. Finally she began to get the will to move again. As she reached her hand out to the self to pull herself up, she noticed Taeyeon’s bloody cloth not too far from her

Tiffany then saw the image of Taeyeon’s wounded hand and her stomach began to twist again. Not bearing the pain anymore she quickly ran out of the store and made a run for the bus stop.

She waited impatiently for the bus to come so that she could get home earlier. The world around her wasn’t safe to her anymore. For some reason, after finding out Taeyeon’s identity she no longer felt safe.

As long as Taeyeon was near Tiffany didn’t have to worry. But now that she had seen the truth, no one or nothing could make her feel safe again. As the bus pulled up to the stop Tiffany quickly jumped on and moved to the back, avoiding everyone else on that bus.

That night Tiffany didn’t talk to anyone. She just ran into the house and into her room, locking the door behind her.

“What’s up with her? It’s like she’s seen a ghost” Jessica snorted

SeoHyun just shrugged her shoulders innocently

“Maybe we shouldn’t have left her alone?”

Jessica pursed her lips together and frowned

“She’s not in tears though… I wonder what happened” Jessica then just shrugged as she went to the kitchen to find something to eat

“Bring the food up to her room tonight. I don’t think she’s in the mood” Jessica ordered SeoHyun

SeoHyun nodded as she proceeded to making Tiffany’s dinner

“Unnie. Your dinner is ready. Please open the door” SeoHyun said softly through Tiffany’s pink door

Tiffany inside was on her bed crawled up into a ball, hugging her knees

“G-Go away” Tiffany called out

“Unnie it’s not good to skip your dinner. Please at least eat something” SeoHyun said concernedly

“Leave it there. I’ll get it later” Tiffany answered

SeoHyun pouted at the door but followed Tiffany’s instructions and left the tray of food in front of the door

“It’s in front of your door, please don’t step on it” SeoHyun warned

Tiffany just dug her head in between her knees as she tried to calm her breathing

“Just what is happening” Tiffany sighed as she shook her head

That night Tiffany remained awake the whole night, trying to sort herself out. She didn’t even bother opening the door to get the food that SeoHyun had left her. Her body was never hungry as it was now fully numb, feeling nothing at all

To: Yuri; Yoona

From today the Elites no longer have a leader. You can sort your own leader out…

From: Taeyeon

When Yuri received the text message she stopped playing on her computer and stared at her phone.

“What kind of joke is she playing” Yuri scoffed as she disregarded the message and put it on her bed. She then put her headphones on as she listened to some new music that she had found.

When Yoona received the text message, she too thought it was a joke, thinking that Taeyeon was just trying to get them in line.

“We’ll fix ourselves up later” Yoona groaned as she put her phone on the table next to her and went to take a midnight shower

To: Yuri; Yoona

Take care of yourselves

From: Taeyeon

This time neither Yoona nor Yuri read the message as they either couldn’t hear their phone or was busy inside the showers

Taeyeon sighed as she turned her key to enter her house. She looked to her left to see Bubz sound asleep

She walked over to the sleeping dog and patted its head softly, not wanting to wake it up

“We’re going on a little trip Bubz. Hope you don’t mind” Taeyeon whispered as she got up and headed to her room

She turned the knob of her bedroom door and pushed the door open. As the door opened Taeyeon looked up to see a figure with glowing blue eyes standing at her open window

“You’re willing to come back with us. Humans are nothing but trouble.” The figure smirked, revealing their white teeth in the darkness

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she chucked her bag at the figure

“Go away Gikwang” Taeyeon groaned

Gikwang chuckled as he caught Taeyeon’s bag before it could hit his face

“You can’t say that to your brother now can you?” Gikwang chuckled

Taeyeon just gave a fake sweet smile

“Oh sorry Oppa. Would you like to be kicked out or thrown out?” Taeyeon said in a sarcastic sweet tone

Gikwang smiled even wider

“That’s the Taeyeon I knew. Even if we aren’t blood related you’re still my sister” Gikwang walked over to the bed and sat down as he played with Taeyeon’s bag

“I’m not part of the Legion anymore. I’m not your sister. And you can tell your leader to find someone else” Taeyeon said bluntly as she went to her wardrobe and pulled out a new luggage bag she bought recently

“It’s amazing what humans come up with nowadays. I remember when such things didn’t exist” Gikwang raised his eyebrow at the luggage

“You talk like humans are completely different to us. We were once humans too you know” Taeyeon muttered as she started packing her clothes

“WERE human. But now no longer. By the way, why do you get so defensive when you’re around those two low lives. You shouldn’t have anything to do with them. You’re the leader, I repeat, LEADER, of the Legion” Gikwang said matter-of-factly

Taeyeon kicked her luggage to silence Gikwang

“Ex-leader” Taeyeon emphasized the ‘ex’

“Once a leader always a leader” Gikwang shrugged

“Gikwang you have five seconds before I throw you out the window” Taeyeon sighed

Gikwang gave an innocent pout

“You’re not going to throw your own brother out aren’t you?” Gikwang was in a hurt tone

“You are no longer my brother. Go bother one of your other sisters in the Legion. I’m not going back” Taeyeon growled as she walked over to Gikwang

Gikwang held his hands up in defeat

“Okay okay. No need to go agro. But just in case though, here” Gikwang took out a card from under his sleeve and gave it to Taeyeon. “We’re always waiting to welcome you back. Time is the ultimate healer, and… well we have all the time in the world.” Gikwang gave a wink as he exited the window

Taeyeon looked at the card in the palm of her hand

‘We’re waiting for you, Leader’

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she scrunched the paper up and threw it at her table

“Waste of paper” Taeyeon muttered as she continued packing.

The sun began to rise and Taeyeon’s eyes slowly turned to the onyx brown colour she usually had. Taeyeon blinked a few times before her irises were back to normal

Her eyes stung a little so she used her hand to rub her eyes.

From the door she heard a whining sound. Taeyeon looked at the door to see Bubz pawing at it

She smiled as she walked up to the dog and patted it

“You’re coming with me, don’t worry” Taeyeon whispered

The dog dropped its ears and gave a long whine

“It’ll be fun. I promise. And I won’t be moping around the place anymore and will spend more time with you” Taeyeon tried to smile

Bubz just turned around as it bounded towards its bed again, burying itself below the pillows and blanket

“You really are a unique dog” Taeyeon chuckled as she continued to pack.

That morning Yoona and Yuri met up at the college grounds and were about to walk to the classrooms when they remembered that the tutoring was cancelled

“What do we do now?” Yoona pouted as they stood in the middle of the hall

Yuri just shrugged

“Those three were the only ones who made each day different” Yuri sighed as she patted Yoona’s head

“I don’t think we’ll see those three after yesterday though. They seemed pretty convinced that Taeyeon’s a user” Yoona sighed

“Oh!” Yuri suddenly said as she took out her phone. “Did Taeyeon send you a text telling us to sort our own leader?”

Yoona nodded slowly as she took her phone out too. The two then noticed they had a text message

‘Take care of yourselves’

Yuri raised her eyebrow while Yoona squinted her eyes at her phone’s screen

“Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing? She’s telling us to take care of ourselves?” Yoona said in a confused tone

Yuri jutted her bottom lip out as she nodded slowly.

“Something’s not right…” Yuri said slowly as she dialled Taeyeon’s number

“Tiffany! Hurry your ass up! We have teachers now! We’re going to get in trouble!” Jessica yelled from the bottom of the steps

As SeoHyun came up to stand behind her Tiffany started to walk down the stairs. The bottom of her eyes had two large dark circles under it as her eyelids drooped over her eyes

“WOAH!” Jessica exclaimed with wide open eyes

SeoHyun frowned as she walked up to Tiffany and felt her forehead

“Unnie you’re going to get sick like this” SeoHyun warned

Tiffany just nodded as she took SeoHyun’s hand away

“I’m fine. I’ll be going first” Tiffany said slowly as she walked pass Jessica

“Ermm… Your breakfast” Jessica said in a concerned tone

Tiffany shook her hand

“I’ll eat later” Tiffany answered before she walked out

Jessica bit her lower lip as SeoHyun tugged on her arm

“I’m worried for her” SeoHyun whispered

Jessica nodded in agreement.

“Also…” SeoHyun said slowly. “I think it’s because of the Elites…” SeoHyun added cautiously

“What?!” Jessica exclaimed as she took her arm away from SeoHyun’s. “If that stuck up Elite did anything to Tiffany I swear they’d be lucky to just get a scratch” Jessica growled furiously

SeoHyun tried to calmed Jessica down

“No… I mean… I think Tiffany unnie likes… Taeyeon-shi” SeoHyun said quietly

Jessica raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun

“You just found out? Wait… What does that have anything to do with anything?”

SeoHyun averted her eyes

“M-Maybe Tiffany misses Taeyeon?” SeoHyun said unsurely

Jessica just rolled her eyes as she knocked SeoHyun’s head

“Stop daydreaming. Let’s go” Jessica said bluntly

Tiffany was walking towards the college. She had not slept a wink that night and hadn’t eaten dinner either, but her body didn’t seem to mind. As Tiffany walked towards the college she remembered where she was.

It was the same place where she had bumped into a boy and Taeyeon came to save her. It was also where Taeyeon had carried her all the way to the college when she couldn’t move.

As the memory ran through Tiffany’s head she started to think about what it was that was going through her. She feared Taeyeon, but at the same time, she wanted to be with her

“Why are you doing this to me” Tiffany whispered as she shook her head in confusion


A body slammed against Tiffany’s body, making her fall back flat on her backside

“Sorry” The person who ran into Tiffany apologised

“Yuri come on. We don’t have time” a voice said with urgency

Tiffany looked up to see Yuri picking herself up from the floor and Yoona standing over her with a worried look on her face

Tiffany froze as she watched Yoona and Yuri brush the dirt off Yuri’s blazer

“Oh it’s Tiffany…” Yoona said with disappointment

“Let’s just go. We don’t have time to deal with these small matters.” Yuri said quickly as she started to speed walk off again

“W-Wait!” Tiffany yelled

Yoona and Yuri froze as they turned to look at Tiffany

“We don’t have time. And if it’s the apology then don’t bother” Yoona said darkly as she turned around

Tiffany could feel fear build up inside her again

“I-I know about Taeyeon!” Tiffany quickly blurted out

Yuri and Yoona stopped in mid-air when they heard Tiffany’s confession. They mechanically turned around and faced Tiffany

“Y-Your… not h-humans” Tiffany said quietly

Yoona’s eyes popped wide open as her jaw dropped while Yuri started choking on her own spit

Urgently Yuri and Yoona dragged Tiffany aside where no one else could see them. As soon as Yoona grabbed Tiffany her stomach began to react again

Tiffany quickly shrugged Yoona’s hand off and started to shake

Yoona raised her eyebrows as she looked at Yuri. Yuri sighed and bit her lower lip

“Come over here so we can talk…” Yuri said softly as she walked off, beckoning Tiffany to follow

Tiffany stiffly moved her legs as she followed Yuri but she kept a distance between them

“Y-Your… immortals too… aren’t you?” Tiffany asked nervously when they were away from the spectators eyes

Yoona growled under her breath as Yuri pinched the bridge of her nose

“No wonder this is happening” Yoona muttered

Yuri put her hand on Yoona’s shoulder to calm her down

“When and how did you find out?” Yuri said lowly

Tiffany looked up to see Yuri’s serious face

“L-Last night… at the piano shop… Taeyeon’s w-wounds…” Tiffany trailed off

“Well that’s great” Yoona exclaimed as she threw her hands and crouched on the ground

Tiffany took three steps back

“What are you going to do?” Tiffany asked alarmed

Yuri looked at Yoona to the side and joined her

“Well not much we can do” Yuri sighed

“I meant t-to me…” Tiffany took another step back

Yoona glared at Tiffany

“Sick humans” Yoona muttered softly

Yuri nudged Yoona as she got up and stood a few feet away from Tiffany

“Sorry that you had to find out… Taeyeon was right though. She told us there was no point in being nice or getting close to you mortals. When you find out the truth you just fear us and start to hate us” Yuri gave a sad smile

Yoona got up abruptly and clenched her teeth

“Hence why she’s warned us not to get close with you… I thought you of all people would be different Tiffany…” Yoona said disappointedly

Tiffany looked at the two girls standing in front of her. They looked disheartened and saddened, unlike how Taeyeon was that night.

Yuri gave a formal bow towards Tiffany

“We’ll be taking our leave now” Yuri said politely as she got up and started walking off

“Aren’t you going to do anything?” Tiffany questioned

Yoona scoffed

“We’re immortals, not demons. For your information we were once human too, we still experience feelings like you do too. Doesn’t matter anymore. No matter what I say you wouldn’t believe me. I really had hoped you’d be different, that you’d be able to change Taeyeon… Sorry for mistaking you” Yoona said spitefully

“Yoona come. We have to find Taeyeon…” Yuri called out from behind

Tiffany’s stomach suddenly relaxed but her heart was now taking the pain.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked urgently

“None of your concern. Taeyeon’s not going to do anything so don’t worry” it was Yuri who gave the harsh comment this time

Tiffany’s heart took a blow from Yuri’s comment.

Had she been worried that Taeyeon might’ve done something to her? Why did she fear Taeyeon so much?

Yoona couldn’t take it anymore. She walked up to Tiffany and slapped her across the cheek

“Taeyeon took such good care of you. She did nothing to harm you. She agreed to tutoring you, staying back to look after you when you slept, going through the books that she read over fifty times again and spending her time helping you. She made sure you got home safely when she could’ve just made you take a taxi. She helped you beat Linda when she could have just left you there and not have to waste her time with you. She carried you home from the after party and even after you made such a ruckus she still stayed around you. Do you have any idea how much she suffers every time she’s around you? And after all that you still think she’s a monster” Yoona let all of her anger out in her speech

Tiffany held her hand up to her cheek where Yoona had slapped her. She was thankful for Yoona for that. It had waken her up to the reality around her.

“Taeyeon may be immortal, but she’s as sensitive as any other human, even more maybe. And you just trampled all over her last night” Yuri added slowly as she pulled Yoona away from Tiffany

Tiffany remembered all the times when Taeyeon had taken care of her. The times when Taeyeon would pretend not to care yet still worry for her.

Tiffany’s head began to clear as she began to build her resolve

“We’ve wasted enough time. We have to stop Taeyeon, or at least make her take us with her” Yoona said after taking a deep breath

Yuri nodded as the two started to walk away from Tiffany

“Please! Yuri! Yoona! Tell me where Taeyeon is!” Tiffany suddenly blurted out with urgency

Yoona let out a groan as she rolled her eyes

“We don’t have any time to waste Yuri. Let’s go before it’s too late” Yoona said as she pulled Yuri’s arm and continued walking

“Please! I beg of you! I made a huge mistake!” Tiffany yelled out

Yuri stopped and pinned her feet to the ground, Yoona stumbled back as she felt Yuri tug back on her arm

“She’s going to send people at us Yuri…” Yoona whispered

Yuri gave Yoona a doubtful look

“I need to apologize to her. I need to apologize for many things. If I don’t, I don’t know how I can live with it.” Tiffany said confidently

Yoona looked past Yuri and at Tiffany. Tiffany was standing firm, her hands gripping the sides of her shirt and her body bowed at ninety degrees

“Please” Tiffany begged

Yoona’s dark side began to slowly disappear as she began to see wet drops drop from Tiffany’s eyes.

“How do we know we can trust you” Yuri asked sternly

Tiffany blinked a few times trying to find a reason for them to trust her. Only one thing came to her head but she couldn’t say it out aloud

“I need to tell her something” Tiffany answered

Yoona blinked a few times as she watched Tiffany’s face

Yuri crossed her arms and smirked at Tiffany. She then made a stern look

“I’m sorry but I can’t allow that” Yuri said bluntly

Tiffany and Yoona looked at Yuri in a shocked matter. Yoona mostly

“Taeyeon doesn’t let us tell anyone that she lives in the white two storey house west of the city and that her house number is 122” Yuri shrugged

Yoona smiled at Yuri’s tease

“And she also doesn’t want others to find out that there’s a train that leaves in 10 minutes that will take them directly to her street and that it’s only a 5 minute walk to her house form there” Yuri added as she walked to the college

Tiffany looked at Yuri with disbelief

“We’re still waiting for the others’ apology. If you can manage to stop Taeyeon than we accept your apology. But Jessica and SeoHyun still need to confront us” Yoona winked as she quickly jogged to Yuri’s side

Tiffany was left there dumbfounded by what was happening

“Hurry up Tiffany! We won’t forgive you for being late!” Yoona yelled out

“Taeyeon won’t be too happy either” Yuri added with a chuckle

Tiffany gave a determined nod before she made a dash for the train station.

*I’ve made a huge mistake… Please don’t let it be too late* Tiffany prayed as she jumped onto the train, not caring that there were men surrounding her. All she cared about was getting to Taeyeon’s house on time


“West side Seoul. Last stop. Please exit to your left” the intercom said through the speakers

There weren’t that many people left on the train, Tiffany was part of the few

She quickly got off the train and dashed for the exit. She ran past a map on the side of the wall. Realising that it would probably be a good idea to look at it before she left the station, she quickly stopped and ran back to examine the map

“122…” Tiffany mumbled as she tried to find the right house

She then saw where she needed to go and made a run for it.

Tiffany moved one foot in front of the other as fast as she could, narrowly avoiding the people around her. Occasionally apologizing when she bumped into someone

She huffed and puffed as she forced her body to run even faster. Realising that she made a wrong turn she got even more frustrated

*Stop playing with me God. Just let me see her* Tiffany mentally said as she retraced her steps and ran in the right direction

“So you’ll be coming with us?” Gikwang smiled as he twirled Taeyeon’s car keys on his finger

Taeyeon shot him a glare as she grabbed the key back

“Answer is still no. Now go away before I really do give you the boot” Taeyeon growled

Gikwang just shrugged as he walked out of Taeyeon’s room and downstairs

Taeyeon sighed as she looked at the luggage near the side of her bed. Bubz then came bounding into her room and into Taeyeon’s arm

“How does Japan sound to you? Maybe China? Or do you want to go big and move to America?” Taeyeon smiled as she asked the clueless dog in her arms

Bubz gave a short whine before it jumped out and ran out the room again.

Taeyeon gave a small smile

“Guess we could spend some time here taking everything in” Taeyeon said to herself

Tiffany huffed as the exhaustion from not sleeping or eating started to kick in. Her lungs began to burn as she desperately tried to find Taeyeon’s house.

“I swear I studied that map properly” Tiffany huffed as she looked left and right to find a two storey white house

Tiffany looked at the side to see the street number 92.

“30 blocks down” Tiffany said with hope as she started making a run for it. Pushing herself as far as she could

As she began to get closer and closer to her destination, she hoped, wished, prayed that Taeyeon had not left yet. She already had started to regret even thinking about being scared of Taeyeon. Taeyeon was her saviour, the one who saved her, looked after her, owned the key to her locket and taught her so many different feelings.

Tiffany couldn’t lose Taeyeon just yet.

Tiffany started to slow down as her legs couldn’t move anymore, starting to numb and go weak from all the running she did. But she could see the house she was looking for just right up ahead

Tiffany checked around to see if she could find Taeyeon’s car. When she saw it parked in the driveway she gave a quick sigh of relief before she pushed herself to walk up to the house.

From the top of her eye she saw Taeyeon sitting on the balcony looking out onto the scenery

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs, not wasting any time to catch her breath

Taeyeon jumped at the sudden voice calling her and looked down. She gave a groan when she saw Tiffany standing below her in front of her house

“What do you want?!” Taeyeon yelled at Tiffany in an angry tone

Tiffany took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for last night. I’m sorry for blaming you for the classroom. I’m sorry for troubling you with my problems. For making you waste your time on me. And for being annoying.” Tiffany yelled at the top of her voice as she bowed down in front of Taeyeon

Taeyeon’s eyes popped open as she watched Tiffany

“Don’t lie. Just go” Taeyeon muttered as she turned her back around

“I’m not!” Tiffany yelled back as she stared up at the balcony

“Soon you’re going to send people after me with your pitchforks. Oh wait, you’re probably going to call the army and chase me with your new high tech technology” Taeyeon said sarcastically

“I will never do that! I’m here to apologize and…” Tiffany paused

“Don’t bother I’m not listening” Taeyeon yelled back harshly as she walked back into her room and grabbed her luggage

“Joaheyo!!!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs

Taeyeon stood still as she raised her eyebrow, not sure whether she heard right

“Joaheyo! Suki desu! I like you! And every other language there is! Joaheyo Taeyeon!” Tiffany confessed at the top of her lungs

Taeyeon gripped on the handle of her baggage tightly

“It doesn’t matter to me whether you have different colour eyes. Or that your body reacts differently to mine. It doesn’t matter. I just can’t deny the fact that I like you!” Tiffany clenched the sides of shirt and closed her eyes, waiting for an answer

Instead she heard the front door open as Taeyeon emerged from behind.

Her vision started to blur as Taeyeon’s figure started to fade into the background and turn into incomprehensible shapes

Taeyeon watched Tiffany confusingly

Suddenly Tiffany began to pass out and fall heading face first ito the ground.

Taeyeon quickly ran to catch Tiffany’s shoulders, just fast enough to stop her smashing her face into the ground. She gave a sigh of relief before she held Tiffany up.

“Tiffany? Tiffany?!” Taeyeon said worriedly as she softly shook Tiffany’s body

Tiffany didn’t respond. She had now fallen into unconsciousness due to exhaustion, lack of sleep and because she didn’t eat yesterday, her body couldn’t take it anymore

Taeyeon quickly carried Tiffany on her back and piggy backed her into her house. Bubz came bounding up to Taeyeon excitedly as Taeyeon carried her up the stairs and into her room where she had an unnecessary bed.

As she laid Tiffany down onto the bed she quickly ran down to get some cold water and a towel.

“This girl, honestly” Taeyeon muttered as she wet the towel and put it on top of Tiffany’s forehead

Bubz was at the side of the bed trying to jump onto the bed, but the bed was too high for it

Taeyeon chuckled as she held it by its side and put it on the bed

“Behave yourself” Taeyeon warned

Bubz gave a loud bark before it walked over to Tiffany’s stomach to lie on top of her

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she walked down her house and into her useless kitchen. She opened the cupboards but found nothing

Taeyeon groaned as she remembered she never really kept any food in her house

Taeyeon stood there for a while wondering what to do. She couldn’t leave Tiffany alone with Gikwang always popping in unwelcomed.

Finally she made up her decision

She took out her phone and dialled the grocery store.

“Hello? Yes its Kim Taeyeon here. I’d like to ask for a delivery to my house please? I’m willingto pay triple the amount. Yes. Yes. A few potatoes, a pumpkin, garlic, onion, coriander, vegetable oil, thick cream, vegetable stock, mangoes, bananas, milk, and some strawberry and ice cream please. Strawberry and vanilla. Yes I’m willing to pay triple. House number 122 down the street, thank you” Taeyeon ordered through the phone

She sighed as she ended the call

“Reading recipe books weren’t so useless after all” Taeyeon muttered as she tapped the table top, waiting for the ingredients to come

There was a knock on Taeyeon’s door as the delivery man came.

Taeyeon grabbed her purse as she walked to the door and opened it; there was standing a man holding a box of supplies.

“Thanks” Taeyeon said bluntly as she handed the man the money with a lot extra

“Keep the change” Taeyeon added as she grabbed the box and kicked the door closed

The man at the door still hand his hand outstretched as though he was still carrying a box, though now he had four fifty-thousand won notes

Taeyeon carried the box into the kitchen and dropped it onto the table. She stared at the box for a while, wondering why she was doing this in the first place when she should’ve been on her way to the airport

“Well it’s too late now” Taeyeon muttered as she took the pumpkin and potatoes out and started peeling them.

As she was doing that she put oil into a large saucepan over a low heat and added chopped onions into it.

When the onions were softened Taeyeon chucked in the spices and stirred it. When that was done she added the potato and pumpkins in along with the vegetable stock. Once it was boiling she lowered the heat and let it simmer for about thirty minutes.

During the thirty minutes Taeyeon was chopping up the mangoes and bananas before putting them into a blender with some milk, ice cream and ice.

She paused for a moment before pressing the on button on the blender

*Why am I going so far?* Taeyeon questioned

Bubz then came bounding down the stairs and barking at Taeyeon’s feet.

Taeyeon turned to the excited dog and smiled

“Bubz. Behave. Tiffany isn’t going to stay here long okay?” Taeyeon warned

Bubz lowered its tail and whined

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she pressed the on button on the blender. The blender started spinning but there was a slight problem. Taeyeon had forgotten to put the lid on top of the blender, hence making everything splatter everywhere

Bubz gave a loud yap as it wagged its tail and licked a bit of the smoothie off the floor

Taeyeon quickly turned off the machine and stood there in shock, covered in banana, mango, milk and ice cream

“I’m not doing this anymore” Taeyeon exclaimed as she flicked her hands

Bubz started growling towards Taeyeon

Taeyeon gave Bubz a look

Bubz then barked at Taeyeon ferociously

“Oh ho no.” Taeyeon chuckled as she shook her head

Bubz barked again, this time louder

“I am not continuing this. Look what it did” Taeyeon argued

Bubz closed its mouth and turned its head upwards as it walked off in a strutting matter

Taeyeon’s jaw dropped as she watched her pet give her attitude

Taeyeon looked at the stove that was simmering and quickly realised that it was starting to get overcooked. She quickly stopped the heat and sighed

“Might as well.” Taeyeon growled as she cleaned up the mess.

Twenty minutes later Taeyeon had finished making the pumpkin soup and smoothie for Tiffany. She put it onto a tray along with a few painkillers and pills.

As Taeyeon took the tray up the stairs Bubz came and greeted her again.

“Yes I did make it properly if you’re wondering. I honestly wonder who’s the owner and pet between you and me” Taeyeon joked

Bubz just barked happily as it bounded up the stairs and waited impatiently for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she approached her room. She walked in and placed the tray beside her and took the towel off of Tiffany’s head

*Mental note. Don’t get too close to her* Taeyeon told herself, remembering the last time she was in this situation

She then decided that Tiffany had to wake up in order to regain her strength. So Taeyeon carried Bubz up to the bed and looked into its eyes

“I want you to give Tiffany one of your showers. Okay?” Taeyeon told the dog

Bubz just wriggled out of Taeyeon’s hands as it stood next to Tiffany’s face. It then began licking all over Tiffany’s face

Tiffany twitched her nose at the sudden smell and wetness on her face. She slowly opened her eyes only to have it closed again by a wet, smelly tongue.

Tiffany opened her mouth to scream, Taeyeon quickly pulled Bubz away as Tiffany sat up and let out a loud scream.

Bubz who was in Taeyeon’s hands let out a high squeal along with Tiffany. Its sensitive ears hurting at the high pitched scream.

Taeyeon closed her eyes as the sound penetrated her ears

“YAH!” Taeyeon yelled, silencing Tiffany.

Tiffany quickly stopped and looked at Taeyeon. She then scanned around herself, only to be found inside a foreign room.

“Woof” Bubz gave a sad bark, its tail hanging low and its ears dropped down.

Taeyeon gave Bubz a pat on its head and chuckled

“Is she still your favourite?” Taeyeon asked

Bubz just let out a whine

Tiffany blinked a few times, just to make sure she was awake

“Here. Eat. Before you pass out again” Taeyeon ordered as she put the tray onto Tiffany’s lap

Tiffany’s eyes popped open at Taeyeon’s sudden kindness

“Don’t think too far. When you finished eating and taking your pills I’ll give you my answer” Taeyeon added quickly

Tiffany then began to giggle as she noticed something on Taeyeon’s face. She took her finger and wiped the piece of ice cream off of her face before licking her finger

Taeyeon coughed uncomfortably at the gesture and use her hand to wipe her cheek before standing up abruptly

She then put Bubz beside Tiffany

“Sorry I had to use him. Only way to wake you up. Bubz. Behave” Taeyeon emphasized before exiting the room

Tiffany looked at the Pomeranian beside her. It was much bigger than the puppy she saw Taeyeon hold before. But when it turned around she knew that it was the same pup. It was still white, cute and fluffy

Tiffany giggled as she picked up the dog and cuddled it

“Long time no see Bubz. Has Taeyeon been taking care of you?” Tiffany asked

Bubz just gave a loud yap as he licked Tiffany’s cheek. Tiffany giggled at the dog’s gesture

She then looked over to her left to see the food that Taeyeon had left her. Her stomach growled from the lack of food as she held her stomach in embarrassment

Bubz went to nudge the spoon in Tiffany’s direction

“Araso” Tiffany chuckled as she grabbed the spoon and began to eat.

Taeyeon walked down the stairs and into the kitchen again. She was about to clean up the dishes when she suddenly saw Gikwang eating some ice cream near the table. Taeyeon stumbled back with surprise.

“You have got to learn how to knock” Taeyeon growled as she recovered and walked over to him to slap the back of his head

Gikwang frowned at Taeyeon as he held the back of his head with a spoon in his mouth

“You’d never let me in if I did” Gikwang complained

“Then why do you come in anyway?” Taeyeon argued back

Gikwang just shrugged

“By the way. We have a new leader” Gikwang said boredly

Taeyeon’s eyes popped open and stared at Gikwang intensively

“It’s another she. She wanted me to take you back to the Legion as soon as possible though. Wanted all pure bloods there for when she receives her role as leader”

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she wondered who would’ve been the leader

“Curious?” Gikwang said teasingly

Taeyeon scoffed as she rolled her eyes

“As if”

From upstairs Bubz was giving off loud happy barks. Gikwang looked in the direction and raised his eyebrow curiously

“Who’s that mutt with?” Gikwang asked

“With whom?” Taeyeon tried to act calm.

Having Gikwang find out that Tiffany was in the house as well would only cause more problems

“That dog sounds like someone is with it” Gikwang narrowed his eyes

Taeyeon shook her head slowly

“Bubz is always like that. By the way tell your new leader congratulations but sorry I can’t attend. I’m not part of the Legion anymore so it doesn’t concern me.” Taeyeon said innocently as she tried to push Gikwang out

“Who are you hiding?” Gikwang planted his feet to the ground and stopped Taeyeon behind her

“What makes you think I’m hiding someone?” Taeyeon asked back

Gikwang stared into Taeyeon’s eyes, not believing anything she says

“It’s the fakes isn’t it?” Gikwang was referring to Yuri and Yoona

Taeyeon shot Gikwang a glare

“Okay I’m serious now. You really have to leave.” Taeyeon muttered as she kicked Gikwang’s backside

Gikwang stumbled forward a few steps towards the door

“A pure blood never approached a low life” Gikwang said proudly with his hands up defensively

Taeyeon bent over to take off her shoe as she threw it at Gikwang’s head

“Out” Taeyeon growled

“Fine fine” Gikwang whined as he walked out of Taeyeon’s house

“Who was that?” a husky voice asked from the steps

Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany with the tray of empty bowls and a cup on top of it.

“Ermmm… Nobody” Taeyeon sighed as she walked up to grab Tiffany’s tray, careful not to touch her.

Tiffany stood there as she watched Taeyeon place the tray into the sink and wash it. Tiffany then began to worry about what Taeyeon’s answer towards her confession was going to be as her heart started to prepare itself for the worst.

Taeyeon finished washing the dishes and walked over to Tiffany carefully, standing a good metre away from her.

“Yuri and Yoona told you didn’t they?” Taeyeon asked

Tiffany nodded once, hearing the grim tone in Taeyeon’s voice

“And you do know… that they are…” Taeyeon trailed off

Tiffany nodded again

Taeyeon sighed

“So why are you still here? No guns, no knives, no bombs. If you’re not here to kill me then why are you here?” Taeyeon stared into Tiffany’s eyes

Tiffany took a deep breath as she prepared herself

“Because, I… like you” Tiffany said hesitantly as her cheeks started to flush with red

Taeyeon didn’t react

“You helped me ever since the first day I went to SM College. You helped me find my way, save my friend, save me from countless incidents, helped me with my work, helped me with my problems and helped me throughout the past few months. Even after all that though, when I found out, I disregarded all your past actions and judged you for what you are and jumping towards conclusions…” Tiffany paused as she saw Taeyeon tense

“But Yuri and Yoona helped me see past all that and wake me up to reality again, Yoona especially. It doesn’t matter if you’re a human or whether you’re in immortal. To me, you’re just Taeyeon. And Taeyeon to me, is someone really important.” Tiffany smiled

Taeyeon let out a tired sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose

“I’m sorry but I really can’t accept your feelings” Taeyeon said bluntly

Because Tiffany had already known that Taeyeon wasn’t going to accept the blow wasn’t as harsh as she thought it would be, but it still hurt her

“Just because you say that you like me, it still isn’t convincing for me. Second, I really don’t harbour any feelings for you so there really is no point in me accepting your feelings if you don’t get any back in return” Taeyeon said harshly

Tiffany just chuckled at the reality behind Taeyeon’s words

“Best if you find someone else” Taeyeon finished as she walked pass Tiffany and grabbed her car keys

“I can’t…” Tiffany chuckled

“You will have to” Taeyeon answered without looking back

“Wait!” Tiffany suddenly said as an idea came to her

Taeyeon’s hand was paused right over the door handle of her front door as she turned around and looked at Tiffany

“You said you don’t harbour any feelings for me right?” Tiffany asked hesitantly

Taeyeon just gave a blunt nod

“Then what if I make you start have feelings for me?” Tiffany’s voice shivered

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany’s idea

“You really don’t expect me to give up on you without a fight right?” Tiffany tried to give a coy smile. “From here till the end of Christmas. I will try everything I have to make you fall for me”

Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany

“You really expect that to work? If you haven’t already forgotten, I’m not your average human”

Tiffany pursed her lips together as she gathered up all her courage

“I don’t care Kim Taeyeon. From now till the end of Christmas” Tiffany slowly raised up her index finger and pointed at Taeyeon. “I will do everything I can to make you fall for me”

Taeyeon walked up to Tiffany quickly and stood in front of her, letting her pointed finger touch her chest where her heart was located

“If you can make this heart fall for you. It will be all yours. But just so you know, this heart is as cold as the Artic” Taeyeon said in a soft husky tone

Tiffany quickly took her finger back as she saw Taeyeon smirk

“From here till the end of Christmas. If I you can make me start to develop feelings towards you. You will win. If you don’t however…” Taeyeon then slowly moved her eyes to the luggage that was now in the lounge room. “I will leave and shall never see you again”

Tiffany shuddered at Taeyeon’s voice. She then started to see a sly smirk on Taeyeon’s face and her courage began to reform inside her

“Deal!” Tiffany stood up straight as she leaned against Taeyeon, challenging her

“Oh and…” Taeyeon held up her finger

Tiffany looked at it curiously

While she was looking at Taeyeon’s finger she felt something soft against her lips. Her eyes opened to double their size as she saw Taeyeon’s face up against hers. It wasn’t until Taeyeon moved back that she realised that Taeyeon had kissed her

“That was for stealing a kiss the night you got drunk. As they say… An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss”

Tiffany’s face turned into a bright red colour as she used her hands to cover her mouth

“Till the end of Christmas. I will be anticipating your approach Hwang” Taeyeon chuckled as she gave Tiffany a wink and walked out of the house

Challenge Accepted... Again

“I’ll be anticipating your approach Hwang” Taeyeon chuckled as she gave Tiffany a sly wink and exited the house.

As she closed the door behind her, Taeyeon lifted up her hand and used her finger to touch her lower lip.

She then began to slowly escape reality and enter her own world as she asked herself why she was doing this

*Why are you urging her on? Why aren’t you leaving the country tonight? And WHY DID I KISS HER AGAIN!?*

Taeyeon shook her head and rustled her hair in frustration

*Just like HER*

A voice said through her head. Taeyeon then let her hand trail over her fingers again

*They’re warmer though…* Taeyeon thought unconsciously

With one last deep breath Taeyeon twirled the key in her hand and walked to her car.

‘It doesn’t matter if you’re a human or whether you’re in immortal. To me, you’re just Taeyeon. And Taeyeon to me, is someone really important’

That one line rang through Taeyeon’s ears and caused her body to unconsciously freeze


Two friends were standing next to each other in the old bell tower.

One was Taeyeon and the other was Miyoung

“Taeyeon… Joaheyo…” Miyoung said shyly

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at the girl standing in front of her

“I like you too Miyoung” Taeyeon smiled innocently, obviously not understanding what Miyoung had meant

Miyoung raised her arm and hit Taeyeon’s shoulder

“I’m being serious. Can’t you take me seriously for once? It took me a lot of guts to say that you know” Miyoung whined

Taeyeon remained silent

Miyoung took another deep breath as she turned her whole body towards Taeyeon

“I know that liking the same gender is frowned upon. But I can’t help it Taeyeon. Ever since you fell in front of me that day and helping me get through this miserable life, I just don’t think I can see you as a normal friend anymore”

Taeyeon took a few steps back from Miyoung and chuckled

“Come one Miyoung-ah. There is a limit as to how far a joke goes” Taeyeon said jokingly

Miyoung furrowed her eyebrows as she pouted

“Kim Taeyeon! Listen to me! I… Like… You… As… More… Than… A… Friend” Miyoung pronounced each of her words clearly

It was then that Taeyeon managed to get the message

“You’re being serious?” Taeyeon’s face immediately dropped

Miyoung just nodded shyly

Taeyeon brought her hand up to her forehead as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

*She doesn’t even know what you truly are yet Taeyeon* Taeyeon thought to herself

“T-Taeyeon?” Miyoung asked hesitantly

Taeyeon snapped out of her thought and immediately bowed her whole body towards Miyoung

“I’m really sorry. But I really cannot acknowledge those feelings” Taeyeon said bluntly with her eyes closed

Miyoung just gave a sigh before she started giggling

Taeyeon opened one of her eyes as she peeked at Miyoung

“I knew you were going to say that” Miyoung said sadly

Taeyeon closed her eyes again and bowed again

“I’m really sorry” Taeyeon said again

She then felt something knock the crown of her head


“You don’t have to apologise. It’s not your fault” Miyoung smiled as Taeyeon got up

Taeyeon looked carefully at Miyoung, worried that she would break down into tears in a matter of seconds.

“We’re still friends… right?” Taeyeon asked hesitantly

Miyoung chuckled as she crossed her arms

“No” Miyoung said blatantly

Taeyeon’s face immediately dropped

Miyoung turned her whole torso around and faced her back to Taeyeon before taking a few steps

“You’re really selfish Taeyeon. Someone just confessed they like you and you bluntly reject them. Not only that, but you ask her to remain friends with you” Miyoung said in a sly tone

Taeyeon bit her lower lip as guilt rushed over her

“But…” Miyoung started. “I cannot remain friends with you Taeyeon. From where things are, I don’t think you would ever fall for your friend”

“Sorry” Taeyeon apologised again

“Stop apologising Taeyeon. It’s not your fault that you don’t like me” Miyoung shrugged her shoulders

“I do like you!... Just… As a friend” Taeyeon hesitated

“I can’t live like this Taeyeon. To be forever friends with the person you like… Don’t you think it’s even more harsh than liking someone who you will never see again?” Miyoung turned around and raised her eyebrow

Taeyeon swallowed hard, trying to find a solution to the problem

Suddenly Miyoung pointed a finger at Taeyeon

“Just you wait Taeyeon. I will make you fall for me. This Miyoung never goes down without a fight” Miyoung pronounced proudly

Taeyeon jumped at Miyoung’s sudden challenge

“I have until the last leaf of that tree falls” Miyoung nodded as she pointed out the balcony of the tower towards the oak tree outside the town

Taeyeon followed the finger and looked at the barely naked tree outside. It only had around 20 leaves left on its branches

“Till the last leaf falls” Miyoung repeated

“And what if I still don’t like you… in that way?” Taeyeon asked as she kept staring at the tree

“Then I will stop liking you. It will take time. But if I can’t make you fall for me, then there is no point in trying. You’re a real stubborn one you know?” Miyoung joked

“And our friendship?” Taeyeon added

Miyoung shrugged

“From here till the last leaf, we are no longer friends. But after that, it’s up to you what our relation will be”

Taeyeon hesitated at the idea

“Prepare yourself Kim. I, Miyoung, will be working really hard to capture your heart. Be ready” Miyoung said as she gave the thumbs up sign with her fingers

Taeyeon chuckled at Miyoung’s childishness

“Until the last leaf falls” Taeyeon confirmed as she held her hand out

Miyoung took Taeyeon’s hand proudly and shook it once

End Flashback

Taeyeon chuckled at the memory. The situation between Miyoung and Tiffany were so similar and yet they were so different

For one, Miyoung didn’t know that Taeyeon was an immortal.

Taeyeon wondered if things would’ve been different if she had known. Suddenly the memory of the diary ran through her head.

She slammed her foot against the brakes as she stopped in the middle of the road

The diary, which was written by Miyoung, revealing all her secrets

“Time is repeating itself…” Taeyeon whispered as she gripped onto the steering wheel

From afar, two figures were standing and watching over Taeyeon, one of which was Gikwang

“Looks like that diary scarred her” Gikwang chuckled

“How long does she intend to stay away from the Legion? The Legion is the only place where she can belong.” The second figure growled

Gikwang shrugged

“Why don’t you just give her up? I mean it’s been like over a hundred years since she left us. I don’t think she’s coming back anytime soon” Gikwang said as he stretched his arm

He suddenly felt a hard slap behind his head as he toppled forward

“I won’t be able to take over the Legion unless she passes it over to me!” the figure growled

Gikwang frowned as he rubbed the back of his head

“Then go and beg her. What are you scared of?” Gikwang answered back

The figure glared at Gikwang, causing him to whimper backwards

“Okay okay. No need to go agro at me. I’ll try to get her back as soon as possible” Gikwang held his hands up defensively

The figure then gave a quick nod before walking away from Taeyeon’s car

Meanwhile, Tiffany was still inside Taeyeon’s house, her hands still covering her mouth

‘An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss’

Tiffany began to blush an even darker red as the scene of Taeyeon kissing her replayed. The thought suddenly stopped when she began to realise something

“A kiss for a kiss?” Tiffany whispered as she lowered her hands and furrowed her eyebrows

Bubz came up behind Tiffany and nudged the back of her leg

Tiffany smiled as she turned around and picked it up

“Bubz. Can you tell me what Taeyeon meant just then?” Tiffany asked innocently

Bubz stared at Tiffany curiously, wondering what Tiffany had said to him

“An eye for an eye… that usually means revenge… a kiss for a kiss…” Tiffany began mumbling

Tiffany then held Bubz up to her face and narrowed her eyes

“You’re around Taeyeon a lot. Tell me”

Bubz just tilted his head to the side and gave a short whine

Tiffany giggled as she put the dog back down and pat its head

“You don’t even know what I’m talking about, do you?”

Bubz just gave two loud barks before it started licking Tiffany’s hand

“What am I to do? For one I don’t know a thing about Taeyeon and her… immortality” Tiffany whispered

She then remembered that she had a helpline that she could use. Yuri and Yoona.

Tiffany quickly took out her phone and began dialling Yuri’s number

“ Yobosayo?” Yuri answered the phone curiously

“Yuri~! Help!” Tiffany said urgently through the phone

“Tiffany?! Are you okay?! What’s wrong? Taeyeon didn’t hurt you did she?!” Yuri panicked when she heard the urgency in Tiffany’s voice

“No she didn’t. I need help with something else” Tiffany quickly answered, calming Yuri down

“You got me worried there for a moment” Yuri sighed with relief

“Mianhe… But Yuri… can you tell me the basics… to… ermm…”

“Immortality?” Yuri intruded

“Y-Yeah… If you don’t mind that is…”Tiffany stuttered

“May I ask why I should spill the Elite’s darkest secrets?” Yuri asked mockingly

Tiffany paused

“B-Because… I want to understand Taeyeon more” Tiffany said in a barely audible tone

“And why do you want to understand our leader more?” Yuri urged on

“Just tell her!” Tiffany heard Yoona yell in the background

“I want to know WHY!” Yuri yelled back

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she prepared herself

“Because… I need to… make Taeyeon… fall for me” Tiffany blushed furiously at the last three words

There was silence on the other line

“YOONA! COME HERE! I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU!” Yuri yelled with excitement through the phone, almost deafening Tiffany

Tiffany crouched over and covered her face with her hand with embarrassment

“Spill the beans!” Tiffany heard Yoona say urgently through the speaker of her phone

“Why do you have to make Taeyeon fall for you? What’s going on?” Yuri added

Tiffany shook her head furiously, not wanting to tell Yuri and Yoona everything

“We’ll trade information. You tell us what happened, and if it’s worthy, we’ll tell you the basics” Yoona offered

Tiffany remained silent as she debated in her own mind

“I… confessed to Taeyeon… that I liked her” Tiffany’s voice was so soft that neither Yuri nor Yoona heard it

“Errr…. What?” Yoona said bluntly

Tiffany pouted. She really didn’t like repeating herself. And she especially didn’t like repeating the fact that she had confessed

“I confessed to Taeyeon” Tiffany repeated

“Didn’t hear that. Repeat please” Yuri said innocently

“I confessed” Tiffany said in a normal tone

Yuri and Yoona had heard the first time but they felt like they should tease Tiffany a little

“Tiffany we can’t hear you. Can you speak up?” Yoona clenched her teeth together at the end to stop her laugh coming out

Tiffany gritted her teeth. She took on deep breath before she took the phone off her ear and held it in front of her face

“I confessed to Kim Taeyeon that I like her!” Tiffany yelled

On the other side of the phone, Tiffany could hear Yoona and Yuri laughing hysterically

“No need to yell! We heard you the first time” Yuri chuckled

Tiffany tightened her grip on the small device in her hand

“So why do you need to know about immortality? You confessed didn’t you?” Yoona asked

Tiffany fell silent

“Hello? Hello~” Yuri looked at her phone to make sure that they weren’t disconnected

“Taeyeon… rejected…” Tiffany sighed

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other with wide open jaws

“WHAT?!” They exclaimed together

“Taeyeon rejected me” Tiffany whined

“Why did she do…”

“When did she…”

“Give me that”

“No I’m talking to her!”

Tiffany held her phone and looked at it while she heard the two on the other side of the line fight for the phone

“Yah!” Tiffany yelled

The other side fell silent

“Taeyeon rejected me… But… I told her I wasn’t going to give up… So I told her that I would make her fall for me… by the end of Christmas…” Tiffany explained rather hesitantly

Yuri and Yoona were still silent

“That’s why I need to know about Taeyeon more. I don’t want to be making a fool of myself.”

Yuri looked at Yoona and smiled

“Well why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Yuri said in a teasing tone

“Of course we’ll tell you the basics” Yoona added

Tiffany gritted her teeth at the two teasing her

There was a sudden awkward silence

“Yuri? Yoona?” Tiffany waited for a response

“Tiffany?” Yuri’s voice turned grim

“Yeah…?” Tiffany answered unsurely

“Jessica and SeoHyun don’t know… do they?” Yuri lowered her voice

Tiffany’s breath hitched

Jessica and SeoHyun.

She had totally forgotten about the two

“Tiffany… they don’t know about what we are… on top of that… they’re still mad at us” Yoona reminded

Tiffany slammed the bottom of her hand against her forehead

“What am I to do?” Tiffany asked in a rather high pitched tone

“… Are you going to tell them?” Yoona asked worriedly

“I don’t know…” Tiffany sighed

Just then an incoming call was going through Tiffany’s phone.

“I’ll call you back Yuri. I’ve got a call coming” Tiffany said quickly

“I think I know who it is…” Yoona said quietly

“Huh?” Tiffany didn’t quite hear what she said

“Answer it before the princess rages” Yuri said quickly before she hung up

Tiffany blinked a few times before she was interrupted by the ring again. She quickly pressed the accept button and held the earpiece up to her ear


“TIFFANY? WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!?” Jessica yelled through the phone

Tiffany jumped and juggled the phone in her hand as though it was covered in butter

Bubz who had just returned from his toilet break flopped its ears down and whimpered at the high pitched scream through the phone

“Calm down Jess. I’m err…” Tiffany took a quick look around

She was still in Taeyeon’s house

“Westside Seoul” Tiffany answered

“What are you doing there!?”

“Stop yelling!” Tiffany yelled back at Jessica

“Well I wouldn’t be yelling if you weren’t on the OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY”

Tiffany sighed. Jessica was not in the mood to be ordered around at the moment

“I was checking up on a few things. How was class?” Tiffany asked, realising that she had totally skipped out on her classes

“Oh gee great. We came into class fifteen minutes late WAITING FOR YOU. The teacher was in a bad mood and gave us a really GREAT lesson. The girls around us were so nice too. They made sure that their feet were ready to trip us over and made sure that we heard their WONDERFUL comments about us and the ALL SO GREAT ELITES!” Jessica said sarcastically through the phone

Tiffany could tell that Jessica was breathing heavily with rage

“Great?” Tiffany honestly didn’t know what to say


Tiffany dropped her phone accidently as she blocked her ear. As she dropped her phone, it ended the call with Jessica

Tiffany picked up the phone and stared at the screen

‘Call EndedCall Duration: 5:32’

“Uh oh…” Tiffany muttered

Tiffany sighed as she walked up to Bubz and patted its head

“I really don’t think I’m going to live until the end of Christmas once Jessica is through with me”

Bubz just ignored Tiffany as he got up and bounded towards his food bowl

“Yah! You’re supposed to comfort me!” Tiffany yelled after it

Bubz lifted its head from the bowl and looked at Tiffany. He then just lowered his head again and continued eating

Tiffany pouted at the harshness the dog was showing her

“You’re catching onto your owner’s traits” Tiffany said as she gave a sigh of defeat


“Hello? Hello?!” Jessica yelled through the phone

“What is it?” SeoHyun asked innocently

“Tiffany just hung up on me” Jessica said with disbelief

SeoHyun bit her lower lip as she turned her gaze away

“I bet she’s with the Elites…” Jessica grumbled as she put her phone away

SeoHyun just nodded slowly at Jessica’s comment. She then saw Yuri and Yoona exiting the college laughing together and suddenly felt something inside her move.

Jessica followed SeoHyun’s gaze and rolled her eyes when she saw Yuri and Yoona

“Let’s go” Jessica muttered as she walked off

SeoHyun stood still as she watched the two walk pass. She saw Yoona’s mouth drop wide open as she laughed at Yuri. For some reason, she really missed Yoona’s laugh and was beginning to doubt whether ignoring her was the best thing to do

“SeoHyun!” Jessica said aloud as she stomped her foot

SeoHyun jumped with surprise as she turned to look at Jessica who had her arms crossed

“Sorry…” SeoHyun apologized as she ran up to Jessica

“We did perfectly fine without them. Just pretend we never met them” Jessica mumbled

SeoHyun just nodded slowly at Jessica’s advice. She then looked back to see Yoona being attacked by Yuri and sighed

Yoona who was under Yuri’s arm and receiving a harsh punishment from Yuri caught SeoHyun’s gaze and sigh and immediately stopped laughing. Yuri noticed Yoona’s sudden change and released her

“Something wrong?” Yuri asked as she fixed Yoona’s hair

Yoona gave a long sigh as she shook her head

“Nothing really” Yoona whispered

Yuri raised her eyebrow as she searched around to find what could’ve unsettled Yoona. As she looked around she noticed two figures walking away from them, Jessica and SeoHyun. She gave a sympathetic smile as she patted Yoona’s head

“Don’t worry about them. I’m sure Tiffany will help with the problem” Yuri reassured

Yoona just nodded her head as she walked to her car. Just as she was about to open her car door Yuri’s phone rang

“Hello? Oh Tiffany… They started walking back… Not quite sure…” Yuri said through the phone

“Oi Yoona. Where should we meet Tiffany” Yuri called out

Yoona took her hand back from the car door and stared at Yuri confusingly

“She said she wants to know as soon as possible” Yuri shrugged

“This after… Nevermind…” Yoona trailed off

Yuri raised her eyebrow

“She should go back to SeoHyun and Jessica. We can tell her another time” Yoona said dully as she got into her car and started her car

Yuri bit her lower lip as she watched Yoona drive away

“Hello Tiffany? Could we do it another day? Yoona thinks that with the way things are between us and your friends, you won’t get very far… You should probably go back for today and we’ll tell you when we’re free… Sorry” Yuri apologized

“It’s okay…” Tiffany answered slowly

“Good luck” Yuri encouraged

“Thanks” Tiffany chuckled as she pressed the end button

Yuri put her phone back into her pocket as she got into her car and drove back home.

“I guess I should get going” Tiffany sighed as she rubbed Bubz’s chin

Bubz rubbed its head against Tiffany’s hand and gave a small whine

“Taeyeon will be back soon. I need to get back to my friends before they get really angry” Tiffany chuckled

As if understanding Tiffany’s words, Bubz slowly walked to its bed on the side of the room and rested inside it.

“I’ll be sure to visit” Tiffany smiled as she grabbed her stuff and exited Taeyeon’s house, making sure to lock the door behind her

She then quickly hurried to the streets, trying to retrace her steps back to the train station. After twenty minutes of walking and jogging though, Tiffany was in the middle of nowhere, not recognising anything around her

“… Uh oh” Tiffany said to herself as she checked the time

It was starting to get late again and she just knew that Jessica was going to hang her if she didn’t get home before dinner

“You and your sense of direction” a voice chuckled from behind

Tiffany quickly turned around and had her handbag ready to attack

“Need a lift?” Taeyeon chuckled as she pointed to her car

Tiffany felt her heart jump at Taeyeon’s sight and her body started to feel warmer than usual

“No?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

“Y-Yes please” Tiffany quickly interjected

“Get in” Taeyeon used her thumb to point to her car as she went to the driver’s seat

Tiffany quickly scrambled to Taeyeon’s car. As she was walking, or stumbling, towards Taeyeon’s car her ankle decided to give way as she stepped onto it. Her ankle rolled as she fell to the floor, her stuff flying everywhere

“Oww” Tiffany exclaimed as she held her ankle

Taeyeon heard Tiffany’s cry of pain and automatically walked back a few steps to find Tiffany on the side with her stuff scattered everywhere and holding her ankle which seemed to be turning a little red. She rolled her eyes as she walked over to Tiffany and picked up all her stuff before throwing them into the car. She then returned to Tiffany and checked her ankle

“Why are you so clumsy?” Taeyeon growled under her breath

Tiffany held her breath as Taeyeon touched her leg. Her hands were just as warm as they were that day at the train station

“Can you walk?” Taeyeon asked, stopping Tiffany in mid thought

“Y-Yeah” Tiffany said as she quickly got up

As soon as she put pressure onto her injured leg she winced in pain and fell back down, only to have Taeyeon stop her from having her injure her backside by holding onto her arms. Before Tiffany could even register that Taeyeon had caught her, she threw her arms around her shoulder and carried her to the passenger seat of the car

“I-I’m fine. Really…” Tiffany stuttered as she felt Taeyeon’s body warmth against hers

Taeyeon just ignored her as she set Tiffany down into the passenger seat and put the seat belt onto her.

Tiffany gripped onto the sides of the chair nervously as she waited for Taeyeon to move away from her. When she finally did, she let out a sigh of relief

Taeyeon popped into the driver’s seat and started the car

“Minus twenty points” Taeyeon suddenly said

Tiffany looked to the side at Taeyeon with her eyebrow raised

“I’ve decided on a little system that might help. We’ll use points. Every time you do something and I start to like you from that action, I’ll give you points. If you do something to make me like you less, I’ll deduct points” Taeyeon said calmly

Tiffany’s eyes popped wide open at Taeyeon’s system

“Once you’ve reached five-hundred points, it’ll mean you’ve succeeded in making me fall for you” Taeyeon continued

“Five hundred?!” Tiffany exclaimed

Taeyeon just nodded as she started driving down the street

“You have until Christmas. I give and take points easily too, so it’s a win or lose situation”

Tiffany was speechless

Not only had things just gotten harder, but now she had minus twenty points

“I’m sure you’ll be able to remember the points. Or would you like something to record the points on?” Taeyeon asked as she turned her attention to Tiffany

Tiffany knew that she wouldn’t be able to forget her points that easily, but she wanted to make sure

“What do you have that can record the points?” Tiffany said determinedly

Taeyeon just nodded as she reached her free hand to the back of the car and pulled out two new iPads. One with a pink cover and the other with a blue cover.

“There’s a counter app installed on that iPad. You record the points on yours and I’ll also record the points on mine, that way neither of us can cheat. Every time we add or deduct points…” Tiffany winced at the word ‘deduct’. “We’ll check the scores to see if they’re both the same” Taeyeon said without taking her eyes off the road and handing the pink one to Tiffany

The iPad looked as though it was just bought. Not a single scratch or marking on it

“Did you just buy these?” Tiffany asked curiously as she lifted the iPad up

Taeyeon just nodded briefly

“You probably also called Yuri and Yoona to ask about immortality right? You can record them onto there, there’s a file in which you can save the information you collected. That file is protected by finger print pass code so only you’ll be able to access it” Taeyeon explained

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows

“I don’t think such an app exists” Tiffany interjected

Taeyeon just chuckled

“I’ve got my ways. I think I know more about IT than all of Microsoft’s and Apple’s designer’s combined”

Tiffany blinked a few times, trying to understand what Taeyeon had meant

“I won’t be giving you information. You have to find it yourself. That iPad will be your personal iPad. Do whatever you like with it. As long as you don’t accidently leak the files or tamper with the counter that is”

“Why are you doing all this?” Tiffany asked sceptically

Taeyeon shrugged

“We’re here” Taeyeon said as she undid her seat belt

Tiffany looked out to see that they were in front of Sunny’s house

“I only needed to go to the train station” Tiffany said slowly

Taeyeon opened the passenger seat door and undid Tiffany’s seatbelt as she helped her up

“With an ankle like that? I don’t think so” Taeyeon said with a serious tone

Taeyeon, with Tiffany’s arm over her shoulder, reached to grab Tiffany’s new iPad and stuff from the back of the car before proceeding to help Tiffany up to the door

Tiffany started blushing as she felt Taeyeon’s breath close to her cheek. The image of Taeyeon kissing her replayed again in her mind.

“Wait” Tiffany suddenly said as she planted her feet to the ground

Taeyeon stopped and gave Tiffany a weird look

“Close your eyes” Tiffany said softly

“Why?” Taeyeon asked bluntly

“Just do it please?” Tiffany whined

“Why?” Taeyeon asked again

“I said I’ll be trying to make you fall for me right? I want to try something” Tiffany bowed herhead low

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow but then just sighed as she closed her eyes

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon’s eyes closed

*An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss* Tiffany thought determinedly

She then leaned in against Taeyeon and pressed their lips together

Taeyeon’s eyes immediately popped open as she felt Tiffany’s lips touch hers. She immediately pulled back and used her arm to cover her mouth

“What are you doing?!” Taeyeon said with her eyes wide open

Tiffany tilted her head to the side and gave Taeyeon a curious look

“An eye for an eye, a kiss for a kiss right?” Tiffany said innocently as she began pouting

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany as she tried to understand what Tiffany was saying

“A kiss for a kiss” Tiffany said bluntly as she used her finger to touch her lips

Taeyeon sighed with disbelief

“Are you serious?” Taeyeon said in a sarcastic tone

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows

“I was repaying YOU the kiss. I didn’t ASK for a kiss” Taeyeon emphasize

“Repaying me?”

Taeyeon just scoffed and stuck her tongue into her cheek

“That night when I carried you back home drunk. You pulled me into you and pressed your lips onto mine. I only kissed you back then as revenge for that night” Taeyeon explained in an annoyed tone

Tiffany blinked a few times as she tried to remember that night

Taeyeon then just rolled her eyes again as she took Tiffany’s new iPad out and unlocking it. She then opened the counter app and deducted twenty points.

“Minus twenty from before” Taeyeon whispered before deducting another fifty points. “Minus fifty now”

Tiffany’s eyes popped out of their sockets as Taeyeon turned the iPad around, revealing her minus seventy points. She opened her mouth to argue but was stopped when Taeyeon held up her finger

“I can easily deduct more” she interrupted

Tiffany automatically closed her mouth and pouted

Taeyeon smirked at her new found power and locked the iPad.

“Hurry up. I don’t want Jessica to have another reason to come after me” Taeyeon muttered as she took Tiffany’s arm and threw it around her neck again, helping her up to the door

*This sucks* Tiffany complained as she hopped along

“Hmmm. Looks like she’s found a new toy” Gikwang snickered from afar

The dark figure was also with him

“Toy?” The figure asked as they turned around and looked at Taeyeon who was carrying Tiffany to the door

“Looks like they were doing something with points” Gikwang shrugged

The figure narrowed their eyes as they focused on Tiffany

“She’s going to slow down the process of getting Taeyeon back…” the figure whispered

“Most probably” Gikwang shrugged

The figure slapped Gikwang from the back of the head

“Ow!” Gikwang exclaimed

“That’s not a good thing” The figure growled

Gikwang rubbed the back of his head and mentally cursed the person who had hit him

“Well if it happens it happens. Not like we can do anything about it” Gikwang complained

The figure this time pulled on Gikwang’s ear

“Owwww oww oww!” Gikwang whined as he followed his ear which was being ripped from his head

“We can do something about it. For now observe what the relationship between the two are. And if needed, interfere” the figure growled before letting go of Gikwang’s ear and walking off

When the figure was nowhere in sight Gikwang stuck his tongue out in their direction and rubbed his ear

“What a bitch” Gikwang cussed as he turned his attention back to Taeyeon.

“You’ll be fine from here” Taeyeon said as she set Tiffany’s stuff down

“Aren’t you going to apologize to Sunny again?” Tiffany asked quickly

Taeyeon shook her head

“Maybe next time” Taeyeon said as she walked back to her car

Tiffany pouted as she watched Taeyeon get into her car.

The door behind her opened suddenly as Taeyeon’s car drove away

“Finally!” Jessica yelled as she opened the door widely and let Tiffany in

Tiffany bent over to get her stuff and hopped inside

“Where were you?” Jessica wasted no time in asking

“I told you. West side Seoul” Tiffany grumbled as she hopped to the nearest chair

Jessica watched curiously before taking Tiffany’s stuff away from her

“Did you fall over again?” Jessica sighed

Tiffany just bit her lower lip and nodded

Jessica rolled her eyes as she proceeded to put Tiffany’s stuff onto the table while Tiffany hopped, limped and dragged herself there

As Jessica put the load of stuff down, she noticed a pink casing that caught her eye.

“Well what do we have here?” Jessica said as she took the pink casing and lifted it, revealing the new iPad

“Don’t… I mean… I got a new iPad” Tiffany quickly said as she took the iPad back

Jessica raised her eyebrow at Tiffany

“Since when were you earning money?” Jessica asked suspiciously

“I had been saving up for a while…” Tiffany lied as she put the iPad back

“Oh welcome back Unnie” SeoHyun greeted, unofficially ending Jessica and Tiffany’s discussion

“Oh Hyunnie. Could you get me the first aid kit? I rolled my ankle recently” Tiffany smiled sweetly as she point to her ankle

SeoHyun just nodded slowly as she went to find the first aid kit

“What’s up with her?” Tiffany said, noticing SeoHyun’s glum aura

Jessica shrugged

“You know how she’s like. Never gets mad at anyone for too long. I think the guilt is getting to her” Jessica said casually

Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Jessica

“I told her that we got along fine without the three, we can get along fine now” Jessica shrugged again

Tiffany frowned at Jessica’s theory

“What?” Jessica said innocently

Tiffany was about to say that Yuri, Yoona and Taeyeon were innocent. That what they were doing was for their own goods and that they had no right to be mad at them or blame them for anything. But SeoHyun came back in before she could even open her mouth

“Which foot is it Unnie?” SeoHyun asked as she opened the box

“It’s fine I’ll do it. Thanks SeoHyun” Tiffany smiled as she took the bandages out

“I’m going to tell Sunny to make the food” Jessica said tiredly as she walked out to find Sunny

SeoHyun let out a long sigh as she sat on the floor beside Tiffany’s legs

“Unnie… You’ll listen to me right?” SeoHyun said quietly

Tiffany blinked a few times, surprised that SeoHyun would ask such a question

“Of course I will. Why, what’s wrong?” Tiffany asked sincerely as she sat down beside SeoHyun

SeoHyun pulled her knees up and rested her chin against her knees

“It’s about Yoona and the others” SeoHyun said slowly

Tiffany waited for SeoHyun to continue

“Jessica says that we’ll get along fine… And I really think that she’s right… But somewhere inside me… I feel like I’m going to regret this in the future” SeoHyun said sincerely

Tiffany just smiled as she patted SeoHyun’s back

“Why do you feel like you’re going to regret it?” Tiffany asked as she returned back to bandaging her ankle

SeoHyun just shrugged

“I don’t know” SeoHyun whispered as she hid her face into her knees

Tiffany clipped the poorly wrapped bandage in place, promising to do a better job later, and shuffled closer to SeoHyun

“You know SeoHyun, you have to learn to think for yourself. As your Unnie I’m glad that you listen to your elders and do what we tell you to, but you really have to learn to stop relying on our decisions” Tiffany said quietly, making sure that Jessica couldn’t hear

“But I’m scared that if I decide for myself I’ll get things wrong” SeoHyun mumbled

Tiffany just chuckled

“SeoHyun, you’re old enough to know what’s right and what’s wrong. I’m sure you can make decisions on whether one action is right or not. And besides, everyone is allowed mistakes once in a while.” Tiffany smiled

SeoHyun took her face from out of her knees and looked at Tiffany

“Unnie… I want to talk to Yoona again” SeoHyun whined as her eyes began to water

Tiffany smiled brightly as she brought SeoHyun into a hug

“I’m sure you’ll be able to talk to her soon. You just have to make the first move” Tiffany said in SeoHyun’s shoulder

SeoHyun just nodded as she buried her head further into Tiffany’s shoulder

“What are you two doing?” Jessica interrupted

She was standing at the doorway with a piece of bread in her mouth

“Just sisterly bonding” Tiffany smiled as she pulled away from the hug

SeoHyun quickly controlled her emotions and put on a smile

“I’ll help Sunny” SeoHyun excused herself as she scuttled to the kitchen

Jessica stopped chewing the bread in her mouth as her eyes followed SeoHyun

“What’s up with her? Wasn’t she depressed a minute ago?” Jessica asked curiously

Tiffany just shrugged

*One more to go* Tiffany thought to herself as she stared at Jessica

Introducing Bubz

~ The place we went together, it’s my merry-go-round. My memory is still fresh with this appearance, always…

“Hello?” Taeyeon picked up her phone with her free hand, whilst she kept the other on the steering wheel

“So Taeyeon. I heard you’re giving Tiffany a chance” Yuri chuckled through the phone. “Whatever happened to ‘never get close to a human’?”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes

“Just for the record she doesn’t have a chance. I just thought that this would be something that could pass time easier. After Christmas though, I doubt she’ll still like me” Taeyeon answered bluntly

“Omo” Yuri faked a gasp before giggling. “You’re so heartless Tae~” Yuri teased

“I have a heart. I choose not to use it” Taeyeon replied as she stopped at a red light

“Well just for the record, I’m siding on Tiffany with this game. Yoona too” Yuri said seriously

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow unconsciously

“May I ask why you’re choosing her over me, your LEADER” Taeyeon emphasized

“Well for the record, LEADER, if it weren’t for Tiffany you would’ve abandoned us. This is a little pay back for that. Don’t worry we’ll still follow you, just we’ll be helping Tiffany along the way” Yuri chuckled

Taeyeon gritted her teeth as the light turned green and she made a left turn

“Was that all you wanted to call for? I’ll be hanging up if there’s nothing else” Taeyeon said through her teeth

“Oh and…” Yuri said urgently before pausing

“And…?” Taeyeon urged on

“Yoona’s persona is stuck I think. Dark Yoona’s been activate for quite a while and no matter how much ice cream I offer she declines it” Yuri whispered through the mic of the phone

“Have you tried teasing her? Making her laugh?” Taeyeon asked as she pulled up to her house

“Tried it. Doesn’t work”

“Offered her anything she wants to eat? Skipping competition? Speed racing?” Taeyeon said indifferently as she tried to find her house key

“Been there, done that” Yuri faked a yawn

“Have you tried turning her on and off?” Taeyeon chuckled as she stuck her key into the keyhole

“Yeah I… Wait… Yah!” Yuri yelled through the phone

“Were you even listening to me in the first place?” Taeyeon raised her shoulder to keep the phone in place as she took off her jacket and put it on the rack

“I was. I told you I tried everything. Dark Yoona’s been raging at my game console for the past half hour, cussing like a sailor at that too” Yuri sighed

Bubz immediately came bounding up to Taeyeon and greeted her by standing on its hind legs and reaching for her

Taeyeon bent over and patted its head and smiled

“She’s at your place right?” Taeyeon asked Yuri

“Yeah… Why you visiting?” Yuri asked curiously

Taeyeon looked at Bubz and smiled even wider

“Yeah, I’ll be visiting. Don’t go anywhere” Taeyeon said sternly

“I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere. Yoona’s busy beating up 2D characters and it doesn’t look like she wants to stop” Yuri chuckled. “But wow, THE Kim Taeyeon is visiting us. Leader of the pure-bloods is visiting my house. I wonder if I should be honoured” Yuri teased

Taeyeon knew Yuri was just teasing but yet she still tensed up

“Should be. Clean up your house while you wait. I’m not cleaning it for you again” Taeyeon said before hanging up on the phone

She then turned her attention to the dog who was lying flat on its back, wanting a tummy rub

“We’re going for a little visit. Go fluff up your fur, or whatever it is you need to do” Taeyeon chuckled as she clicked her fingers

Bubz immediately sat up and ran to its toy stack and pulled out a squeaky toy bone. He bit into once, letting the loud squeak echo through the room.

Taeyeon laughed at her unique pet as she went to get some dog snacks and a collar.

“I can’t believe I’m actually going to reveal you to those two” Taeyeon muttered under her breath as she put everything into a bag

She then walked pass a photo of her with Yuri and Yoona and paused in front of it.

“Chodings” Taeyeon chuckled before proceeding to the door, clapping her hands to signal Bubz to follow

Bubz immediately ran up to Taeyeon and jumped into her open arms.

Taeyeon, with Bubz in her arms, closed and locked her doors and heading for her car. As she turned away from her door she bumped into Gikwang again

“Ew. Dirty mutt” Gikwang said as he looked at Bubz

Bubz growled at Gikwang before letting out a loud threatening bark

Taeyeon just smirked

“His bite is worse than his bark by the way” Taeyeon warned as she walked straight pass Gikwang

“Where are you going?” Gikwang asked curiously

Taeyeon just shrugged

“None of your concern” Taeyeon said bluntly before entering her car and driving off

Gikwang stood there with a frown on his face as he watched Taeyeon drive away.

“Well there goes my excuse” Gikwang groaned as he walked into the night

-Knock knock knock-

“Coming” Yuri called from behind the door

“Bubz stay for a while okay. Shhhh” Taeyeon whispered to Bubz as he hid in the bag on Taeyeon’s back, having an opening so that he won’t suffocate

“Oh Taeyeon” Yuri greeted as the door flew open

Taeyeon just raised her eyebrow at Yuri and walked pass

“Tsk. Still haven’t changed yet” Yuri muttered

Taeyeon just chuckled quietly as she walked into the lounge room where Yoona’s eyes were fixed onto the screen as her fingers smashed the buttons of the game controller

“Have you thought of buying a wii? It will prevent button smashing” Taeyeon said as she nodded her head towards Yoona

Yuri just shrugged

“I don’t see any point in trying to get fit.” Yuri lifted up her shirt and poked her stomach. “This is the fattest it gets and also the skinniest”

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she gently set her bag on the couch and sat next to Yoona

“Yoona. Snap out of it” Taeyeon said tiredly as she watched the TV screen

Yoona didn’t flinch

“Dark Yoona has taken over” Yuri sighed from behind

Taeyeon stood up and stood in the way of Yoona’s view of the TV.

“Snap out of it before I make you carry the couch by yourself. WITH me and Yuri on it” Taeyeon smirked as she pointed to the couch

Yoona just shot Taeyeon a glare and shuffled to the side, focusing on her game again.

Taeyeon then told Yuri to come closer and stand next to her, blocking Yoona’s way again.

Yoona just growled under her breath as she shuffled right beside Taeyeon’s bag and continued playing

“Bubz. Attack!” Taeyeon suddenly said as she pointed to Yoona

Yuri looked at Taeyeon worriedly, with her eyes wide open.

“What are you doing?” Yoona said coldly as she stared up at Taeyeon

“Punishing you” Taeyeon shrugged

Just as Yoona was about to ask, something wet was on the side of her cheek

“Omo!” Yuri exclaimed as she saw a white fluffy animal climb onto the lap of Yoona and started licking her face

Yoona froze as she smelt the putrid smell of Bubz’s saliva all over her face. She focused on the black nose of the dog right against her cheek, hearing nothing but Bubz’s panting noises, seeing nothing but a black nose and smelling nothing but horrid dog’s breath

“What is this?!” Yoona yelled as she quickly stood up

Taeyeon quickly moved to catch Bubz before he could get injured

“Oi watch it will you?” Taeyeon shot Yoona a quick glare as she held Bubz in her arms

Yuri was still standing on the side, admiring the white fluffy thing in Taeyeon’s arm

Yoona used her sleeve to wipe the wet marks on her cheeks in disgust

“What did you do?!” Yoona growled as she looked at Taeyeon

Her anger slowly started to die down as she saw something moving in Taeyeon’s arms. Bubz’s tail was wagging furiously against Taeyeon’s stomach and it’s pink tongue stood out from the background of white fur. The dark round eyes showed pure innocence as its pointed ears twitched every once in a while

“I’ve brought you a little visitor” Taeyeon chuckled as she held Bubz up

“Awwww” Yuri finally reacted as she moved closer to Taeyeon

Yoona watched from afar, admiring the unstoppable dog in Taeyeon’s hands. Her dark persona slowly began to fade as a smile crept onto her face

“Kyahhhh” Yoona screamed as she ran and took Bubz from out of Yuri’s and Taeyeon’s grasp

Taeyeon and Yuri’s eyes popped open as they saw the white fluff ball disappear from their sight

“His sooo cute” they heard Yoona say from the side

Taeyeon just smiled contentedly as Yuri joined Yoona

“Am I right to assume normal Yoona is back?” Taeyeon asked teasingly

Yoona held Bubz up high and nodded quickly

“Where did you get him? It’s rare to find a dog who won’t bite us” Yoona chuckled as she cuddled Bubz

Bubz gave a short whine as it felt out of breath

“Yah!” Yuri yelled as she hit Yoona on the head. “You’re suffocating it”

Yoona loosened her grip and smiled guiltily. She then stopped and stared at Taeyeon

“Since when did you have a pet?” Yoona asked curiously

Yuri stopped patting Bubz and raised her eyebrow

“Aren’t you supposed to have a soft spot if you have pets?” Yuri added

“Urrr…” Taeyeon opened her mouth to give an explanation but nothing came out

A smirk began to grow on Yuri’s and Yoona’s faces. Bubz gave an excited bark and wagged its tail, sensing the atmosphere around him

“I-It’s not what you think…” Taeyeon quickly said

“Oh really?” Yuri chuckled as she checked Bubz’s collar

“Bubz” Yoona read out aloud

Taeyeon gulped as she took a few steps back

“Wow leader. Not only were you planning on abandoning us, you hide stuff like this from us too?” Yoona said accusingly

“Hey I was not abandoning you. I was planning to come back after a hundred… years…” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off

“A hundred?! What did you expect us to do during that time?” Yuri said in a shocking matter

“I don’t know… travel? Make the record for skipping reach 20 years? I don’t know” Taeyeon waved her hands in defeat

Yoona took a seat back on the couch with Bubz laying on her lap and smiled widely

“So what made you stay? If we were right… You should’ve left before Tiffany even got there” Yuri chuckled as she pulled Taeyeon down to sit

Taeyeon awkwardly cleared her throat

“Were you waiting for something? Miss your flight?” said Yoona

Taeyeon didn’t answer

“You couldn’t leave yet, could you?” Yuri said sincerely

“What?! Why couldn’t I leave?” Taeyeon quickly said in a fake shocked expression

“Because you’ll miss us” Yoona answered cheerfully

Bubz gave a bark in response

“See? Even he says so” Yoona chuckled

Taeyeon frowned and turned her head away

“Why would I miss you two?” Taeyeon said bluntly

“Beeecause~ We’re the hottest, sexiest, greatest beasts you’ve ever seen?” Yuri said hopefully

Taeyeon made a face of disgust towards Yuri

“Beast yeah. The other adjectives… I don’t think so” Taeyeon replied coldly

“Aww come on Taeyeon. Stop being such a Grinch” Yoona pouted

Taeyeon looked to the side at Yoona and saw Yoona pouting with sorrowful eyes

“Besides you purposely came here and revealed one of your secrets to us in order to help Yoona right?” Yuri nudged Taeyeon’s arm

Taeyeon’s resolve slowly began to break away as she knew she was being cornered

“Just kidding~” Yuri suddenly smiled as she stuck her tongue out

Taeyeon stared at Yuri confusingly, and so did Yoona

“You didn’t stay back because of us. You stayed back because of Tiffany” Yuri winked

Taeyeon gritted her teeth and glared at Yuri

“Tiffany sure has an influence” Yoona added with a nod

“You two seriously!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she slammed her hand against the couch and stood up

The two just gave an innocent pout

“You two are the most annoying people I’ve ever met” Taeyeon growled

Yoona just shrugged

“Either you live with it or not” Yoona smiled

Taeyeon gritted her teeth as she headed for the door

“Taeyeon! What about Bubz!?” Yuri yelled after her

“Babysit him!” Taeyeon called back

Yoona looked through Taeyeon’s bag to see a blanket and a bag of dog food inside it

“Looks like she planned it” Yoona said aloud

Yuri just sighed and slumped back onto the couch

“Hey pass me him for a while” Yuri clapped her hands, waiting for Yoona to pass Bubz to her

Bubz gave a yawn and a whimper as it was passed to Yuri

“His so cute” Yuri said again as Bubz slowly fell asleep in her lap

“So you okay now?” Yuri finally said after Bubz was asleep

Yoona rested her elbow against the arm rest and rested her chin against her hand

“Yeah I guess…” Yoona said slowly

“Want to talk about it?” Yuri offered

Yoona just sighed

“I wish things were the way they were before… well… whatever it is that caused all this” Yoona waved her hands carelessly

“When we were still tutors?”

Yoona nodded

Yuri smiled

“You’re missing SeoHyun aren’t you?” Yuri said sympathetically

Yoona just nodded grimly

“Just wait a little longer. I’m sure Tiffany will sort things out. She knows that we weren’t the ones with the wrong doings so she’ll be able to persuade them.” Yuri smiled

“What about you Yuri?” Yoona suddenly asked

Yuri tensed

“What about me?” Yuri asked innocently

“What’s your view on this? Should we continue keeping in contact with them? You saw Tiffany’s reaction. If I didn’t slap some sense into her, she would’ve probably organized the military to hunt us down already” Yoona sighed

“My view?” Yuri lowered her voice. “I don’t really know. Jessica has more reasons to be mad at me than anyone else…”

“Why don’t you try talking to her then?” Yoona suggested

Yuri shook her head

“And say what? Hey Jessica guess what, I’m not human and that I’m about a hundred years old?” Yuri said sarcastically

Yoona chuckled

“I’d love to see that”

Yuri rolled her eyes

“What are we going to do tomorrow?” Yuri pondered

“College. We have an image to keep up you know”

“Yeah but what are we going to DO there? I know every nook and cranny of that old place” Yuri frowned

“We have to teach Tiffany remember?” Yoona smiled

“Ohhh right. That” Yuri nodded

“Well where should we start with her?” Yuri asked

Yoona shrugged

“Just let her ask the questions” Yoona replied dimly. “Should we tell her about Taeyeon’s past though? If she ever asks that is…”

Yuri shook her head sternly

“Best not to. Last thing we want is for Tiffany to be trying to be like Miyoung. The fact that she looks like her is enough already” Yuri chuckled

“Well we should put Bubz to bed. Taeyeon would probably kill us if we didn’t look after it” Yoona said as she nodded her head towards the sleeping dog in Yuri’s lap

Yuri just nodded as she carefully carried Bubz to the couch and put a blanket over him

“His so cute” Yuri squealed again

Yoona just smiled as she walked to the door

“See you tomorrow Yuri.” Yoona called out

“See ya” Yuri replied as Yoona exited the house

“Taeyeon’s gone somewhere so that left me with nothing to do” Gikwang groaned as he stood before the figure

“Well instead of provoking Taeyeon and making her even madder, why don’t you find a way to get her back?”

“What do you expect me to do? I already gave her the diary, what else is there that I can do to make her come back to us?” Gikwang complained

“Well THINK of something” the figure growled

“Well if we had a certain SOMEONE help. You’re not the leader yet so you have no right to tell the others what to do. No one listens to you besides me because I’m probably the only one who even talks to you. Great leader you’re going to be” Gikwang said sarcastically

“My cover will be blown if she sees me. It will cause a lot more trouble. I will reveal myself to her once she hands over the leader role.”

Gikwang sighed

“Can’t you wait another fifty years? It’s not like you’re getting any older”

“I think I’ve waited for some time now. Trying to make others not suspect me isn’t an easy task to do. The low class immortals mustn’t know that I’m a pure blood either. It will cause a lot of ruckus and my chances to get Taeyeon to return will drop”

Gikwang face palmed himself

“Screw the Legion’s leader system” Gikwang muttered

“Keep an eye for that Tiffany girl. She might come in handy later” the figure finished off

“Whatevers. I’d rather be doing something better with my time” Gikwang grumbled as he walked off

“Things are going to fall in place soon” the figure whispered as they grasped their hands into a fist


“Hurry up you two. Even though I hate going to class we still have to go” Jessica said angrily as she waited beneath the stairs for Tiffany and SeoHyun

“She’s up early” Tiffany muttered as she fixed her hair

“Coming” SeoHyun called from the bathroom

Tiffany and SeoHyun then met up upstairs and walked down together

“What took you two so long?” Jessica grumbled

Tiffany just clutched onto her bag which had something hidden in it and shrugged. SeoHyun shrugged along as she shuffled her bag which was rather heavy that day

“Why you up so early?” Tiffany asked back

“Because I was. Now let’s go” Jessica answered back sharply before heading out the house

“Jessica Unnie didn’t get much sleep last night either” SeoHyun whispered into Tiffany’s ear

Tiffany just nodded and smiled widely

“Hurry up you two!” Jessica yelled from outside

“What do we do now?” Yoona pondered as she stood above the sleeping Bubz beside Yuri

“Do we bring him to class?” Yuri whispered

“I was asking you” Yoona turned her head and stared at Yuri confusingly

Just then Yoona’s phone got a message

To: Yoona,Leave Bubz a bowl of food and some toys. He’ll be fine till afternoon, I’ll come pick him up after classFrom: Taeyeon

“Well that saved us a lot of trouble” Yoona smiled as she showed Yuri the text

Yuri nodded as she proceeded with pouring food into a bowl and leaving it besides the sleeping dog.

“We should get to class now. I really don’t like crowds” Yoona stretched as she fumbled for her keys

“I’ll meet you there. I need to lock up, I don’t want to risk any chances of losing Bubz” Yuri chuckled

Yoona nodded as she walked out and drove to the college

“Move it” Jessica said coldly as she pushed pass a few girls at the college gate who were waiting for the Elites

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she and SeoHyun bowed an apology to the girls and walked through.

Just as they got pass the whole crowd, the crowd started to squeal and began to move frantically as a car pulled up in the parking lot and a skinny figure stepped out

“Elite Yoona!!” the girls screamed

Jessica stopped and looked back at the crowd, making a disgusted face and yet still looking for something. SeoHyun took a deep breath as she grasped tighter onto her bag.

“Disgusting” Jessica finally said and stormed off into the classroom

SeoHyun sighed and was about to follow Jessica when Tiffany stopped her, pulling her back to whisper something into her ear

“This is your chance” Tiffany whispered with a wink before pushing SeoHyun into the crowd

Tiffany stood there and watched as the crowd engulfed SeoHyun, looking like a sea drowning a body.

“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to push her into that…” Tiffany immediately regretted. “Yoona will look after her” Tiffany finally said determinedly as she left with her fingers crossed

“Ahh” SeoHyun squirmed as the girls around her pushed and shoved trying to get a closer look at one of the school’s role models

When she was finally able to get her footing, she used her arms to cover her bag and protect it from the girls around her

“Yoona! Elite Yoona!” the girl next to her screamed

SeoHyun closed her eyes as her ears began to rang, her body beginning to feel hot and sticky from the body heat of the others.

Suddenly she was pushed more as the girls became more frantic

“Over here Yoona-shi!” the girls screamed

SeoHyun raised her head to see Yoona walking not too far from her

“Girls please. I need to get to my class” Yoona said with a chuckle

SeoHyun bit her lower lip as Yoona slowly walked pass her.

“Yoona!” SeoHyun suddenly yelled, hoping that somehow Yoona would look her way

But unfortunately Yoona walked straight pass her as if she was part of the crowd. SeoHyun’s heart sank as all she could see was Yoona’s back and silky hair. She gripped onto her bag even tighter to her chest as all her hopes were starting to disappear

Suddenly from behind someone tapped on her shoulder

“Go for it”

It was Tiffany

Before SeoHyun could even look at Tiffany, she had already been pushed to the path that the girls had created, closer to Yoona

The girls around her shot her glares and immediately started closing the path

*It’s now or never* SeoHyun thought determinedly as she pushed through the girls, not forgetting to apologize after

“Don’t apologize!” Tiffany cheered from behind

The crowd began to get more and more difficult but Yoona was getting closer and closer.

Finally Yoona’s shirt was within a metre from SeoHyun and her determination began to grow even more, but so did the crowd’s

One of the girls decided to kick the back of SeoHyun’s leg, making her legs give way and tumble back a little. The girls than used this chance to distance her from Yoona again. But SeoHyun didn’t lose her determination. She ploughed through the girls and was in arm’s length of Yoona now

SeoHyun was then about to push in order to get in front of Yoona, but she tripped over someone’s foot and started falling forwards

She used her hand to grab onto something to steady herself and stop her falling. As she caught onto someone’s back she steadied herself and gave a sigh of relief.

“Sorry” SeoHyun apologized as she let go of the person’s shirt

For some reason the crowd began to calm down. SeoHyun blinked a few times before looking at the person that she had grabbed. The person was no other than Yoona

“Gotcha” Tiffany cheered silently from behind before moving out of the suffocating crowd

“May I help you?” Yoona said coldly as she raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun

SeoHyun began to tremble at Yoona’s sudden cold attitude, but she knew she deserved it.

“I-I’ve… I’ve come to…” SeoHyun tried to get her mouth to move but they just hung open.

“Please be more careful next time” Yoona gave a small smile before turning around and walking off again.

She was stopped again by the same hand grabbing onto the back of her blazer

“I’m sorry Yoona!” SeoHyun quickly blurted out with her eyes closed

Yoona slowly turned around and stared at SeoHyun curiously

SeoHyun, now flustered and embarrassed, quickly retreated her hand and hung her head low

“Student go back to your classes” Yoona suddenly said sternly as she began to walk off again

SeoHyun’s heart sank into her stomach as Yoona walked away from her

As the girls walked pass SeoHyun, they bumped into her deliberately and muttered under their breaths

SeoHyun stood there by herself, loosening the grip on her bag

Finally giving one last sigh, she put the bag over her shoulder and began walking to class.

As she approached the door in front of the building, her hand was held back

“Tiffany unnie… I’m not going through with it anymore” SeoHyun sighed

“Really? That would be a waste” a voice chuckled

SeoHyun’s eyes opened wide as she turned around to the familiar voice

“Y-Yoona…” SeoHyun stuttered as Yoona stood in front of her

“We can’t go causing a scene in public now right? Come I need to talk to you” Yoona smiled as she pulled SeoHyun’s hand and towards the side of the building

SeoHyun’s heart began to beat faster with nervousness

When they were safely at the side of the building Yoona turned around and smiled at SeoHyun

“Apology accepted” Yoona said proudly

SeoHyun blinked two times and stared at Yoona

“No need to get in detail. All I wanted was an apology, that’s all” Yoona reassured

SeoHyun slowly felt a smile on the side of her mouth.

“Also… I’d like to apologize too” Yoona suddenly said slowly

“I was a little harsh on you and your unnies that day… and I’m really sorry…” Yoona said hesitantly as she kicked the dirt

SeoHyun giggled at Yoona’s awkward smile

“I’m not really good with apologies… So… Overall, I’m sorry” Yoona finally said embarrassed

SeoHyun finally felt a full smile on her face as she watched Yoona’s awkward gestures

Yoona just smiled back as she rubbed the back of her neck

“So… we’re all good?” Yoona said hesitantly

SeoHyun just nodded

“Oh wait” SeoHyun suddenly remembered something as she reached for something in her bag

“I got you this… as an apology” SeoHyun said nervously as she pulled out a medium sized Rilakkuma plush from her bag and held it out for Yoona

Yoona looked at the plush in her hands

“For me?” Yoona asked as she pointed to herself

SeoHyun nodded quickly

Yoona chuckled as she took the plush from SeoHyun’s hands and smiled

“Thanks. I love it” said Yoona as she gave the plush a hug

SeoHyun’s cheeks began to flush a slight pink

The two were than interrupted by the sound of the bell going off. The two shuffled awkwardly, waiting for the other to talk first

“You should go back to your class… Before you get into trouble” Yoona said slowly

SeoHyun just nodded, a little sad that they had to separate

“I’ll try to get the tutor classes back as well…” Yoona said barely audible

SeoHyun’s face than immediately lit up

“Really?” SeoHyun said all too excitedly

Yoona used her hand to cover her mouth as she snickered at SeoHyun’s enthusiasm

“Yes really. Now go before your teacher gets mad. I’ll catch up with you during break” Yoona smiled reassuringly

SeoHyun gave a smile and a nod before hurrying off to class

Yoona threw the Rilakkuma up in the air and caught it again

“Cute” Yoona chuckled as she walked to the Elite’s classroom

“Sorry I’m late” SeoHyun apologized as she reached the classroom door

“You’re just on time. Take a seat” The professor said bluntly as they turned back to the board

SeoHyun took her seat next to Tiffany and quickly got her stuff out

“So how’d it go?” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun just smiled and nodded

Tiffany chuckled and gave a fist pump in the air.

“Now would you help me with something?” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun leaned her head nearer to Tiffany. Tiffany nodded her head towards Jessica’s direction

“We only need one more” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun looked at Jessica to see that Jessica was blankly staring at a blank lined paper in front of her. Her pen was scribbling circled on the top of the page and looked as though it was about to rip from so many circles being drawn in one place.

“I thought she didn’t like them…” SeoHyun whispered

Tiffany just giggled

“It’s Jessica. He inner self doesn’t match with her outer self” Tiffany explained

“What are you two up to?” Jessica said tiredly as she rested her head against her wrist

“Scolding SeoHyunnie for being late” Tiffany lied smoothly

“Well finish up. That old teacher isn’t going to ignore you forever” Jessica said in a monotone voice

“Will do” Tiffany smiled as she turned her attention back to SeoHyun

“Bring Yoona to the library and discuss a plan. I’ll distract Jessica” Tiffany said sternly

SeoHyun gave one nod before leaning back and focusing on her work

Tiffany then looked towards to the side where her bag was

*Hope Taeyeon is here today* Tiffany thought to herself

She then unlocked her iPad and opened the counter app that was installed for the purpose of her mission.

‘-70 points’

Tiffany groaned after looking at her score

“Instead of 500, I need to get 570 now…” Tiffany whispered as she closed the app

She than saw a file named ‘Things To Remember’

Tiffany’s curiosity struck as she pressed on the app. The app then came on with a scanner like screen with the words ‘Scan thumb’ on the bottom

Her brain then clicked as she remembered Taeyeon had told her about the files

*Wow. High tech* Tiffany said as she looked at the scanner

“Tiffany Hwang” the professor suddenly said aloud as she slammed the marker down onto the table

Tiffany jumped up in shock

“Yes?” Tiffany said quickly

“Would you mind doing this for the class?” the professor said as she pointed to the board

Tiffany gulped as she slowly got out of her seat and walked to the board, grabbing a marker on the way. She stood in front of the board and stared at the question. Tiffany blinked a few times, finding it strange that it seemed so easy

*Rule one of maths. If it’s easy than you’re doing it wrong* Tiffany thought to herself

But nevertheless she did whatever she was thinking and wrote all the working out on the board. In the end she ended up with the answer being a simple, 2x + 35

Tiffany looked at the professor warily, scared of getting a lecture from her, but instead the professor looked impressed

“Well done Tiffany. Looks like you were paying attention after all” she complimented as she motioned for Tiffany to sit back down

A smirk grew on Tiffany’s face as she walked back to her seat.

“How’d you do that?” SeoHyun whispered

Tiffany put a finger on her lip and winked

“Special tutoring teacher” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun’s jaw dropped slight as she nodded. She then smiled after realising who Tiffany was talking about.

“Yoona was right. Taeyeon is the best tutor” SeoHyun giggled

Tiffany just nodded proudly as she began to focus back on the lectures.

YoonYul vs Taeyeon

“Okay. Remember to read chapter 8 tonight. I’ll be giving you a test on it tomorrow morning” the professor concluded as she packed up her books

The whole class began to pack up their stuff and slowly exit the classroom. Jessica was still sitting in her seat asleep.

“Jessi… Jessica” Tiffany urged as she nudged Jessica’s arm

“Urmm” Jessica rubbed her head against her arm as she slowly began to open her eyes

“The lecture ended” said Tiffany as Jessica shot her a glare. “Don’t get all angry at me. It’s not my fault you didn’t sleep last night” Tiffany said defensively

Jessica then softened her expression and nodded

“Yeah… sorry for being a little edgy” Jessica mumbled as she slowly got up and grabbed her stuff

“Unnie. I need to go off the library to catch up on my studies. I’ll meet you two later” SeoHyun excused herself and left first

“When’s our next class?” Jessica said with a yawn as she and Tiffany slowly walked out

“Not till the afternoon. Four hours to kill till then” answered Tiffany as a smirk crept to the side of her face

“Maybe I can sneak a nap then” Jessica said tiredly

*Highly doubt it* Tiffany thought to herself with a smile

SeoHyun walked casually down the hallway towards the stairs that led up to the Elite’s rooftops. She glanced back to make sure that no one was following her before she pushed the passcode in and went to the rooftop where Yoona was waiting

SeoHyun closed the door behind her and as she turned around she saw Yoona sitting crossed legged at one of the tables with the Rilakkuma balancing on her knee

“Oh SeoHyun” Yoona smiled as she spotted SeoHyun standing at the door

She jumped off the table and caught the plush toy perfectly in her hands and walked over to SeoHyun

“Where’s Yuri and Taeyeon?” SeoHyun asked when she noticed that there was no one else here

Yoona shrugged

“Taeyeon said she had something to talk to Yuri about. I offered to come but they said it was personal” Yoona pouted

“That’s good then” SeoHyun smiled as she grabbed Yoona’s hand and led them to one of the seats

“Good?” Yoona asked confusingly

“Tiffany told me to talk to you about a few things” SeoHyun briefly explained

“Ooo~” Yoona’s jaw dropped and nodded, yet still not understanding anything

Taeyeon and Yuri were walking to the back of the campus where there was a martial arts practice room. Taeyeon swiftly walked in when there were a group of girls practicing their Tae Kwon Do. They quickly stopped their session when they saw Taeyeon and Yuri enter the building

“What are we doing here Taeyeon?” Yuri whispered as she caught the girls staring at them

Taeyeon didn’t answer; instead she just chucked Yuri a uniform before getting one for herself. Yuri automatically caught the uniform and raised her eyebrow at Taeyeon who was now taking her blazer and shirt off, revealing her tank top underneath

The girls gasped as they saw Taeyeon’s figure, but to their dismay Taeyeon quickly put the uniform on before they could take pictures

“Put it on” Taeyeon ordered sternly

Yuri just blinked three times before she took off her blazer. She then started unbuttoning her top but stopped hallway, feeling a little nervous at all the cameras pointing at her, waiting.

“Cameras down” Taeyeon said coldly

The girls sighed with disappointment as they slowly put their cameras down. Yuri used this chance to quickly change before anyone can pull their cameras out again. She then walked onto the mat where Taeyeon was waiting for her

“A little competition between me and you” Taeyeon said briefly as she motioned Yuri to come to her and whisper something

Yuri moved closer to Taeyeon and moved her ear closer to Taeyeon’s mouth

“This is your chance to get you revenge back at me for that kiss” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri gasped, but before she could even blink Taeyeon swiftly used her left leg to lock behind Yuri’s and tripped Yuri backwards

“Oof” Yuri exclaimed as her backside hit the mat

The crowd gasped and held their hands over their mouths

“But I won’t give you that revenge easily” Taeyeon smirked as she put her hands on her waist

“Tsk” Yuri clenched her teeth and got back onto her feet quickly

“I don’t want to do this” Yuri muttered as she began taking her uniform off

Taeyeon chuckled behind her

“Coward” Taeyeon said bluntly

Yuri froze

“What are you scared of Yuri?” Taeyeon mocked

The crowd’s eyes popped out of their sockets. They always thought that the Elites were the closest people ever, but now to their surprise Taeyeon was insulting Yuri.

Yuri shook her head and continued walking off

“If you don’t take me on Yuri, I’ll consider you a coward. I don’t like looking after cowards you know” Taeyeon said coldly as she began taking off her uniform

As she reached down to her belt, she saw Yuri turn back to her

“I’m not a coward” Yuri’s voice shivered

Taeyeon smiled mockingly at Yuri

“Really?” Taeyeon crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow

Yuri just nodded sternly

Taeyeon nodded slowly and closed her eyes. She then quickly charged at Yuri and pinned her down to the mat.

“Prove it” growled Taeyeon.

Yuri could feel the grip on her wrist getting tighter

Taeyeon then leaned in against Yuri’s ear “A coward would never be able to look out for me” she whispered

Yuri felt as though a two tonne rock had dropped on her. Taeyeon slowly got off of Yuri and brushed herself and turned her back against Yuri. Slowly, she began walking away from the stunned Yuri on the floor

The crowd watched silently as though they were watching an intense drama plot. From the corner of their eyes they saw Yuri’s body move.

“I’m not a coward” Yuri’s voice said with more confidence

Taeyeon ignored Yuri’s statement and kept walking

Yuri quickly ran and aimed for Taeyeon’s back. As she reached Taeyeon she was about to trip Taeyeon but Taeyeon quickly moved, making her attack fail

“You’re going to have to do better than that” Taeyeon said tiredly

Yuri quickly threw a punch towards Taeyeon’s stomach but Taeyeon stopped her in one swift movement and flipped her over to her back again

“I’ll probably find someone else to look out for me in the States” said Taeyeon as she stretched as though she had just woken up

Yuri quickly got up and charged at Taeyeon again. This time Yuri threw multiple attacks, but they were all blocked by Taeyeon before she was flipped over again

“Argh!” Yuri exclaimed in frustration as she slammed against the mat and got back up again

She stood there and watched Taeyeon carefully, as she blinked Taeyeon was suddenly beside her ear

“Do you really think that Jessica could be able to like you?” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri threw her hand sideways towards Taeyeon but Taeyeon was now suddenly behind her

“Look at the way she’s acting now” Taeyeon chuckled before making Yuri fall flat on her stomach this time

Yuri’s rage began to build. Frustration from being flipped over and over again and now the addition of Taeyeon’s remarks

“Well Yuri? This is your chance to get at me. You’re really mad now aren’t you” Taeyeon stood in front of Yuri and mocked

Yuri quickly got up and threw a blow towards Taeyeon’s stomach. Taeyeon grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back

“As soon as Christmas comes round we’ll move from Korea. It seems that there are just too many risks here” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri clenched her teeth in pain and rage. Taeyeon let go of Yuri calmly and stood in front of her. Yuri shot piercing glares at Taeyeon.

“I have a challenge” Yuri gritted through her teeth

“I’m listening” Taeyeon said indifferently

“If I manage to flip you one out of five times, you have to recognise me as not a coward. If I manage to flip you three out of five times than we stay here in Korea” Yuri said sternly as she pointed toward Taeyeon

“Some confidence you got there” Taeyeon chuckled

“I’m being serious” growled Yuri

Taeyeon smiled sideways and nodded. “Challenge accepted. Come, coward Yuri” Taeyeon provoked

Yuri quickly charged towards Taeyeon and swiftly moved behind her and positioned her leg right in front of Taeyeon’s ready to flip. She then began to put Taeyeon’s arm around her neck and started to flip Taeyeon. When she felt the weight of Taeyeon roll of her shoulders, she huffed, thinking that it was successful.

But as she looked up she saw Taeyeon standing perfectly straight as she gave Yuri a mocking pout

“I caught myself” Taeyeon whined

Yuri’s jaw dropped. Taeyeon then used this chance to put her leg behind Yuri’s and trip Yuri backwards

“One, nil” Taeyeon chuckled as she offered Yuri a hand to help her up

Yuri, while still on her back, used her foot to kick the back of Taeyeon’s knee. She then pulled her leg up and sat up before pushing Taeyeon down on her back

“I’m no longer a coward” Yuri growled into Taeyeon’s ear

The crowd broke their silence and gave a loud cheer.

“Yuri! What are you doing?!” A voice yelled out from the door

Yuri got off of Taeyeon and looked at the door to see four people standing there

“Kyah. Elite Yoona” the girls screamed as they spotted Yoona standing in the middle of the group of four

SeoHyun was standing to her left, Jessica was beside SeoHyun and Tiffany was on the right of Yoona.

Taeyeon got up swiftly and brushed the dirt off her arms and aimed her fist towards Yuri’s stomach. Yuri flinched quickly and held her breath, waiting for the bone breaking punch. Taeyeon stopped just barely in front of Yuri’s stomach, so close that her fist touched Yuri’s stomach.

“Focus Yuri. If you don’t manage to get two more we will be moving to the States. I heard that it was nice there” Taeyeon chuckled as she took her hand back

Yuri let out her breath as she backed away from Taeyeon quickly

“What are you two up to?” Yoona interrupted

Yuri put her hand on her chest as she tried to calm herself from the shock of Taeyeon’s faint blow

“Just a little challenge. Would you like to help Yoona?” Taeyeon offered in a sincere voice

Yoona raised her eyebrow suspiciously

“Flip me two out of three more times and we won’t be moving to the States” Taeyeon said casually with a shrug

“Wait what?” Yoona said surprised as she looked at Yuri

“I’ve decided the Elites are being transferred to America soon. Yuri challenged me and said that if she could beat me three out of five times we would stay. She lost once and won once. Would you like to help? Dear maknae” Taeyeon smirked

SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica moved to the front of the crowd and gasped when they saw the three way fight going on

“I thought you said…” Tiffany trailed off

“Nothing will happen till after Christmas, so things will go as promised” said Taeyeon sternly

Tiffany fell silent as Jessica shot her a glare

Yuri then started charging forward again. Yoona stepped back and watched as Yuri’s attacks were blocked easily by Taeyeon. Yuri then backed away to catch her breath

“One defeat will be if both of you lose. Make it a little easier” Taeyeon said confidently as she stood behind Yuri and rolled Yuri over her back. Yuri landed onto the mat, worn out

Taeyeon then focused onto Yoona and slowly took steps closer. Yoona immediately got into a defensive position and tensed

The crowd fell silent. Tiffany stared intensely at Taeyeon, Jessica at Yuri, and SeoHyun at Yoona

Taeyeon stood right in front of Yoona.

“Well?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

Yoona smirked at Taeyeon, accepting her challenge. She stepped back a few steps and waited for Taeyeon to make the first move.

Taeyeon stepped up three steps and threw a straight punch, Yoona stopped it with her bare bands, catching it in her palm.

“Dark Yoona activated yet?” Taeyeon chuckled

Yoona shook her head

Taeyeon threw another punch and was stopped again. From the side Yuri got up and quickly threw a blow to the side of Taeyeon’s neck, stopping centimetres away

“One, Two” Yuri huffed

Taeyeon looked casually over to the side where Yuri’s hand was.

“I’m impressed” Taeyeon nodded

Yoona smirked

Taeyeon grabbed Yuri’s hand and threw her over the shoulder again, on top of Yoona, knocking them both down

SeoHyun and Jessica gasped

“But you won’t win that easily” said Taeyeon as Yuri rolled off Yoona

“This is the last round” the girls whispered with anticipation

Yoona held her stomach as she slowly stood up. Her dark side was now fully activated, her eyes began to have a tint of red as rage burned inside her

Yuri too got up and steadied herself.

“Last round” Yuri huffed

Taeyeon just nodded as she walked to the side and got three fencing sabres.

“Let’s make things a little more interesting” she said as she chucked them towards Yuri and Yoona. The two of them caught them

“She’s so different from last night” Yuri whispered

Yoona just nodded, agreeing

“Focus” Taeyeon raised her voice as she swung her sabre

Yuri and Yoona immediately took their positions and focused

“This is where it starts” Taeyeon smirked

SeoHyun and Jessica tensed, Tiffany trembled

Taeyeon made the first move and swung her sabre, Yuri blocked it and Yoona threw the attack. Taeyeon moved back and swiftly dodged and knocked Yoona’s sabre away

The fight then began to get intense as the three started getting serious. Everyone watched, not knowing what the outcome was going to be

Jessica watched Yuri non-stop. Her heart began to clench as she saw Yuri’s tired and worn out side

*Don’t do this Jessica* Jessica thought to herself and shook her head

Five minutes passed and not one of the three had scored.

Yuri and Yoona were getting tired, whilst Taeyeon was still fine

SeoHyun clenched her hands in fists and shivered

Yuri bent over as she tried to catch her breath again. She was putting so much effort in that even her immortal body couldn’t cope. Her sabre didn’t look like it could take it either. The grip of the hilt was now dented with her hands and the edge of the blade was dented from the impact of Taeyeon’s sabra

Jessica brought her hands up to the collar of her shirt and gripped onto it tightly

“Yuri! Don’t give up!” Jessica unconsciously yelled into the silence

Yuri looked towards Jessica’s direction

“Don’t give up Yuri” Jessica said a little quieter

“Yoona. Don’t give up either” SeoHyun joined in

Tiffany remained silent. She knew this wasn’t the appropriate time to cheer for Taeyeon

Yoona looked over to Yuri. Yuri gave her a smirk and held out her hand

“It’s now or never” Yuri smiled as Yoona clapped her hand

Yoona nodded proudly as she stood up straight and prepared herself

Taeyeon smiled as she saw the two stand up tall and regain their composure

*They’re finally growing up* Taeyeon thought to herself as she took her stance

Yoona was the first to attack now, Yuri attacked quickly after. Taeyeon quickly knocked them away and moved back.

The battle went on for another three minutes.

Everyone held their breaths as they watched, every once in a while taking a breath

“We are not going to go down easily” Yoona growled

“We choose to stay…” Yuri and Yoona attacked at the same time

“Here!” They said in unison

The room fell silent

The sound of something falling onto the mat echoed

Taeyeon had dropped her sabre. Yuri’s sabre was aimed on the left of Taeyeon’s neck. Yoona’s was on the right. Both of them had their eyes closed

The crowd, one by one, began clapping

Yuri opened one of her eyes to see Taeyeon smiling in front of her with two sabres aimed at her neck

“Congratulations” Taeyeon whispered

Both of Yuri’s eyes opened and Yoona’s too.

“To hold a weapon against your leader…” Taeyeon chuckled

Yuri and Yoona immediately dropped their sabres and the shock finally sank in. They had scored the last point. They had beat Taeyeon in the challenge. Everything slowly began to sank in as the whole practice room cheered

Taeyeon took a step closer in between them. Yuri winced and Yoona flinched.

“You’ve finally grown up” Taeyeon chuckled in their ears as she turned around and walked off casually

Tiffany watched as Taeyeon left the practice room, no one going after her because they were busy congratulating Yoona’s and Yuri’s win.

She quickly clutched her bag and ran after Taeyeon.

She walked out of the practice room she saw Taeyeon walking to the carpark

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany quickly called out

Taeyeon slowly turned around to see Tiffany running up to her

“What do you want?” Taeyeon asked bluntly

Tiffany stopped in her tracks and pouted at Taeyeon’s attitude

“I saw what you did” Tiffany disregarded Taeyeon’s rudeness and continued

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

Tiffany smiled innocently

“You could’ve easily won. You held back many times” Tiffany accused

“Mwo?” Taeyeon said shockingly

“At the final attack you smiled and let them attack you, pretending that you reacted slow. After how many times you caught me, I know your reflexes are faster than that” Tiffany giggled

Taeyeon coughed awkwardly

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Taeyeon denied

“You can’ hide it Taeyeon. You were testing them, pushing them to the limit. I could see it” Tiffany said proudly

Taeyeon just turned her back around

“So where’s your iPad?” Taeyeon changed the subject

Tiffany turned her head to the side, but then took the iPad out of her bag

Taeyeon took the iPad and unlocked it

Tiffany’s heart sank as she saw Taeyeon open the counter again

*More minus points* Tiffany thought to herself disheartedly

Taeyeon then passed the iPad back to Tiffany

“I’ll be going now. I have to pick up a few things” Taeyeon said quickly and walked off

Tiffany sighed as she took the iPad back

Something then caught her eye

‘+30 points’

Tiffany’s eyes popped open. She quickly looked up to look for Taeyeon but she was already gone. A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she hugged the iPad

“No minus points” Tiffany squealed as she looked again

*She added 100 points* Tiffany thought to herself

She then pressed the home button and saw something in the notes app

‘+100 points for being observant~ Taeyeon’

Tiffany’s smile grew even wider.

“I might have some hope after all” Tiffany told herself before locking her iPad and putting it back

Yoona blinked

“What just happened?” Yoona asked

Yuri was still dumbfounded

Yoona was then tackled by SeoHyun

“Good job Yoong” SeoHyun squealed

Yoona laughed at SeoHyun’s sudden act. SeoHyun immediately backed off and coughedawkwardly

“I ermm…” SeoHyun hesitated

Yoona just smiled and hugged SeoHyun

“We’re staying” Yoona said excitedly

SeoHyun smiled and hugged Yoona back, despite all the people around them

Yuri smiled on the side and patted Yoona’s back. She then looked away as someone caught her eye.

“Yuri… can we talk?” Jessica asked nervously

Change of Plans

“Can we talk…?” Jessica asked nervously

Yuri gave Jessica a confused look as she stood perfectly still

Jessica was still looking down onto the floor, waiting for Yuri to answer. The two stood there silently and awkwardly for a whole minute.

“If you don’t want to talk fine” Jessica said with embarrassment as she turned around and walked off

“Nice going Yuri” Yoona interjected from behind

Yuri turned around and shot Yoona a piercing glare

“What?” Yoona said back bluntly as she shrugged her shoulders

Yuri just sighed and shook her head

“I’m going to get going” Yuri said quietly as she patted Yoona’s shoulders and walked out

Yoona stood there watching the glum Yuri walk out of the practice room, ignoring the girls around her as though she was completely deaf

“Yuri doesn’t seem too happy… nor does Jessica…” SeoHyun sighed

Yoona just nodded slowly

“Elite Yoona-shi. Will you go to the festival with me?!” one of the girls in the crowd screamed

“No! Me! Go with me!” The others started screaming

Yoona just chuckled as the girls started going frantic, moving closer and closer to SeoHyun and Yoona. She quickly flashed an evil smirk as she grabbed SeoHyun’s hand and ran outside.

“Yoona! Yoona!” SeoHyun yelled desperately as she tried to avoid hitting into anyone

SeoHyun’s pleads just fell on deaf ears as Yoona started walking faster. She was practically jogging behind Yoona.

Yoona then made a sharp right turn behind the college ground and started to slow down. Finally she stopped, but as she did she turned around, causing SeoHyun to bump into her

“Oww” SeoHyun whined as she rubbed her forehead

“No one can hear us here” Yoona chuckled

SeoHyun just nodded absentmindedly with her hand still on her forehead. Yoona smirked to herself and crossed her arms as the atmosphere became silent

SeoHyun noticed the silence and took her hand off her forehead slowly, thinking that she did something wrong. Just as her hand left her forehead, Yoona leaned in and kissed her forehead.

“That should make it better” Yoona whispered as she pulled back

SeoHyun’s breath got caught as she felt her heart jump into her throat

Yoona stood in front of SeoHyun with a cheeky grin pasted all across her face

“Yoona!” SeoHyung whined as she pushed Yoona’s shoulders playfully

Yoona just laughed loudly as she patted SeoHyun’s head

“I’ll be going back to my unnies if you don’t need anything” SeoHyun pouted

Yoona quickly stopped laughing immediately and gave an awkward cough

“There is something I need you for” Yoona said awkwardly

SeoHyun just remained quiet, waiting for Yoona to continue

“Well… you know Yuri and Jessica right… They seem a lot more depressed lately…” Yoona started off slowly

SeoHyun nodded solemnly

“And well… I was thinking of getting them to reconcile… and also to get the tutoring classes back”

SeoHyun raised her eyebrow at Yoona

“You know how hard it is having an unstable Yuri? One minute she’s as dead as a sloth, the next she’s as happy as a kid in Disneyland” Yoona sighed in frustration

SeoHyun brought her hand over her mouth to cover up her giggling

“Jessica has a more stable attitude but it’s much harsher. She always scolds us for the small things and gets mad at us for no apparent reason” SeoHyun said glumly

Yoon put her hand up to her chin and pursed her lips in thought.

A smile then grew on her face as a plan formed in her mind

“Plan Festival!” Yoona exclaimed as she slammed her fist against her palm

“Excuse me?” SeoHyun said confusingly

“Instead of using plan festival on Taeyeon and Tiffany, we’ll use it on Yuri and Jessica” Yoona said brightly

SeoHyun remained silent

“SeoHyun, you know there’s a festival coming soon right? Not too far from here?” Yoona asked excitedly

SeoHyun just nodded slowly

“I was planning on inviting Jessica and Tiffany but I don’t think we’ll be able to go…” SeoHyun said cautiously

“Why?” Yoona’s expression immediately dropped

SeoHyun shrugged

“Tiffany seems to be busy preparing something lately and Jessica… well… Jessica’s being Jessica” SeoHyun frowned

Yoona nodded cautiously

“I’ve got an idea. SeoHyun you just have to invite Jessica. Taeyeon and Tiffany would probably be going by themselves anyway. I’ll invite Yuri. Don’t tell Jessica that we’re coming okay?” Yoona put her finger on her lip and winked

“Erm…” SeoHyun was still confused

Yoona just smiled warmly as she flicked SeoHyun’s forehead

“And here I thought you were intelligent” Yoona teased. “And yet you still don’t know where I’m going with this”

SeoHyun held her forehead again and shot an intense stare at Yoona

“I will tell you the details soon. The festival is a week away. Make sure you get Jessica to come along, no matter what, okay?” Yoona raised her eyebrows hopefully

SeoHyun just nodded with a sigh

“Jessica doesn’t like going outside that much though…” SeoHyun mumbled to herself

“Force her out of the house. Do whatever you need to. Even if it does damage to property. I wil pay for all your expenses” Yoona said confidently as she patted SeoHyun’s head

SeoHyun shook her head

“I’ll make sure she comes without having to cause any financial issues, don’t worry” SeoHyun reassured

Yoona nodded approvingly

Just then Yuri sent her a text

To: YoonaTaeyeon said she wanted to see us.Meet at Leeteuk’sFrom: Yuri

“Eww” Yoona grumbled to herself as she locked her phone and put it away. “I’m really sorry Hyunnie but I need to go. Could you come to class a little earlier tomorrow? Come up to the Elites classroom, I will send a message to your professor. No one uses that room at the moment so it will be safe” Yoona said quickly

SeoHyun just nodded with a content smile

“I’ll be there early. Promise” SeoHyun said confidently

Yoona smiled adoringly

“You should probably get to your second lecture. You don’t want to be late again” Yoona chuckled

SeoHyun quickly checked her watch to see that she had five minutes left

“Uh oh!” SeoHyun exclaimed

Yoona patted SeoHyun’s head teasingly. She then put her arms on her shoulder and turned SeoHyun around 180 degrees.

“Run Hyun Run!” Yoona chuckled as she gently pushed SeoHyun away

SeoHyun obediently started running towards the classrooms, leaving Yoona alone again

“Now what does Taeyeon want” Yoona said to herself as she gave a stretch and lazily started walking to the car park

“Teukie where’s Taeyeon?” Yuri called out as she walked into the restaurant with Yoona right beside her

“She’s in the top floor this time. She said something about serious business” Leeteuk called out through the kitchen

“Thank you” Yoona said aloud in English as they made their way to the stairs

They could hear Leeteuk’s husky laugh echoing through the kitchen

“I have a feeling we’re going to be punished…” Yoona said quietly as they reached the top floor

Yuri just nodded

“I may never be able to use my arms again. Immortals still have limits you know” Yuri sighed

Yoona just swallowed down hard at the image of Taeyeon standing inside with a heavy solid metal couch right beside her and an evil smirk on her face

-Knock, knock, knock-

“Taeyeon?” Yuri said unsteadily through the door

“Come in” Taeyeon said glumly

“This isn’t good” Yoona whispered as the door opened

As the two walked in they were greeted by loud barks and a fluffy white animal at their feet

“Bubz!” Yuri exclaimed as she bent over to pick up the Pomeranian

Yoona looked pass Bubz and saw Taeyeon sitting comfortably on a couch with her legs crosses elegantly and a game controller in her hand

Taeyeon looked up at them and raised her hand with the controller in it

“Anyone up for a round of revenge?” Taeyeon said mockingly as she shook the controller

Yuri stopped playing with Bubz for a short while as she looked at the TV screen which the controller was attached to

“Mario kart?” Yoona exclaimed when she saw the bright letters upon the screen with a character wearing a red uniform and an M on its hat appeared driving a car.

Taeyeon just nodded casually

“The deed must be repaid one way or another right? And really, I don’t want to lose fellow followers” Taeyeon had an evil smirk on her lips

“You know you’re starting to abuse your power as a leader a lot more you know?” Yuri said accusingly as she picked up Bubz and took a seat beside Taeyeon

“What happened to being our family Taeyeon?” Yoona chuckled as she jumped over the back and landed on top of Taeyeon.

“I am still your family. Just the dysfunctional type” Taeyeon chuckled as she pushed Yoona off. “So, are you in or not?” Taeyeon asked with an eyebrow raised as she picked up the two extra controllers

“I’m in!” Yuri said immediately as she took the right controller

“I still hadn’t finished my other game” Yoona pouted as she took the other remote

Taeyeon just shrugged

“Starting off with rainbow road” Taeyeon said confidently as she hit the ‘A’ key on the remote

“Eww” Yoona and Yuri said in unison as the colours immediately started flashing

The three of them started racing each other through the track. Taeyeon was Yoshi, Yoona was toad and Yuri was Diddy Kong

Throughout the whole race the three them were always in front of the CPU players. They threw turtle shells at each other, planted bananas in front of the other’s tracks, pushed them off railings, stole each other’s item boxes and used as many speed boosts as they could.

After a minute of playing they were nearing the finish line. They drove their characters as fast as they could towards the finish line.

“Ahhhhhh” Yoona said as she pressed the button harder to try and go faster

“Come on. Come on!” Yuri chanted as she shook her remote

Taeyeon just remained calm and slouched on the couch.

As they passed the line they waited for the results table to show up.

Yoshi: 1:02:04Toad: 1:02:29Diddy Kong: 1:02:52

“Arghhh!” Yoona exclaimed as she rustler her hair in frustration

Yuri’s jaw just dropped as she watched their characters do a victory lap around the course

Taeyeon just put her controller down calmly and cracked her fingers

“Okay. That’s it for today. You can go back to whatever it is you need to do” Taeyeon said boredly as she picked up Bubz and sat back down on a beanbag nearby

“So close” Yoona whined as she stood up with her shoulders hanging low

“You called us all the way here to play one round?” Yuri said accusingly

Taeyeon just shrugged and nodded

“Pretty much” she answered bluntly

Yuri gave a sigh of relief

“I thought we were going to get a punishment for beating you in the competition.”

Yoona chuckled

“Yuri… stop lying to yourself. You saw Taeyeon flinch at the last moment” Yoona said disappointedly

Yuri raised her eyebrow at Yoona, then shot a glance at Taeyeon

Taeyeon just shrugged

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said innocently

“Sure, sure” Yoona said lazily as she waved her hands. “You could have ended that competition within 15 seconds. It only takes you 3 seconds for you to flip us and pick us back up before flipping us again.”

Yuri’s jaw dropped as the realisation finally hit her

“I honestly don’t know” Taeyeon shook her head sternly with her eyes closed

“Yeah… Why did you do that?” Yuri asked slowly

Taeyeon opened one of her eyes and looked at Yuri

Yuri had a stern look on her face

“Maybe I had a cold” Taeyeon answered coldly with a shrug

Yoona burst out into laughter

“You and your sarcasm Taeyeon-ah” said Yoona through her laughs

“You two can play a few more games. I need to get going” Taeyeon said as she got up with Bubz in her arms. She walked over to the side to pick up a bag and began walking out the door

“I locked your house up by the way. You left the back window open” Taeyeon added as she walked pass Yuri

Yuri just sighed as she pressed the ‘A’ button on her remote.

A message popped up on the screen

‘Nice to see that you two have learnt to stand up against me.I’m really proud of you Yuri and Yoona.Don’t be afraid to face me.From: Your ‘family’

Yuri’s and Yoona’s jaw dropped open

Taeyeon, who was just barely at the door, started to grin to herself

“REMATCH!” Yuri yelled as she pointed to Taeyeon’s direction.

Before she could even finish her word, the door had closed and Taeyeon had left

Yoona slowly went up to the controller and pressed the ‘A’ button again

‘P.S. We will stay in Korea for the time being as promised’

Yuri growled under her breath

“Taeyeon and her hacks” Yoona chuckled “Maybe she hacked during the racing too” Yoona suggested

Yuri just shook her head

“She’d beat us easily without hacks” Yuri sighed

Yoona slumped onto the couch and sighed

“She’s so unpredictable. We’ll need hundreds of centuries to be able to understand her” Yoona sighed

Yuri just nodded in agreement

“One century down, a few hundred and ninety-nine more to go” Yuri groaned

Yoona suddenly jumped in her seat

“We had to teach Tiffany today didn’t we?” Yoona suddenly said urgently

Yuri quickly sat up straight with her eyes wide open

“Is that today?!” Yuri exclaimed

Yoona nodded slowly

“Aww” Yuri groaned. “My body isn’t healing fast enough from Taeyeon’s attacks” said Yuri as she rubbed her shoulders

Yoona winced at Yuri’s complaint

“She got you that bad?” Yoona asked cautiously

“She probably broke so many bones. It’s amazing how she avoids the vital parts though” Yuri chuckled as she cracked her neck

Yoona smiled to herself

“How about I teach Tiffany for today then?” Yoona suggested

Yuri raised her eyebrow at Yoona

“You’d really do that?” Yuri asked suspiciously

Yoona nodded proudly

“Of course” she answered with a loud and proud voice.

Yuri still wasn’t convinced

“But…” Yoona added

Yuri hit the bottom of her palm against her head

“How did I know there was a catch?” Yuri complained

Yoona just chuckled

“It’s simple.” Yoona reassured. “You just have to come with me to the festival next week”

Yuri furrowed her eyebrows

“That’s it?”

Yoona nodded

“That’s it” she reassured

“Something’s not right here…” Yuri said slowly as she eyed Yoona

Yoona opened her mouth and made a hurt expression

“I just wanted you to help you” Yoona said defensively

Yuri narrowed her eyes even more

Yoona gave an innocent smile

“Besides. You are in no condition to be moving” Yoona said as she poked Yuri’s shoulder

“Fine” Yuri gave a long sigh. “I’ll come to the festival with you. So long as there are no other strings attached”

Yoona held her hand up

“No strings attached” Yoona promised

Yuri then rolled her eyes as she rested herself against the back of the couch

“I should probably get going. I’ll tell Leeteuk you’re resting and to not let anyone up here” Yoona said softly as she patted Yuri’s head

“Yah! I’m your unnie. You shouldn’t be doing that” Yuri complained

Yoona just turned her head around and stuck her tongue out whilst pulling her lower eye with her finger

Yuri just rolled her eyes and sat back on the couch

“What is that girl up to” Yuri sighed

Yoona walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. As she did she did a small jump of joy

*Taeyeon and Tiffany’s Plan Festival is going to backfire to Yuri and Jessica’s Plan Festival* Yoona thought excitedly as she skipped to the stairs happily

I'm Running out of chapter names T_T

“That’s the end of today’s lesson. Make sure you revise your notes tonight” the professor said lazily as he packed up his books

“Finally” Tiffany rolled her eyes as she quickly grabbed her books and shoved it into her bag. She then took out her new iPad and made a run for the door.

“Jessica! SeoHyun! I have to go! See you at home!” Tiffany yelled hurriedly with a quick flick of the wrist for a wave

SeoHyun and Jessica had barely even gotten out of their seats as they sat there, confused at Tiffany’s sudden rush

“Who cares? She can do whatever she likes” Jessica said coldly as she threw her bag over her shoulder, hitting the person behind her

“Excuse me?!” the girl said in an annoyed tone

Jessica just shot the girl a glare before she walked away from her

SeoHyun behind her bowed in apology and quickly ran up to catch up with Jessica.

As they were walking down the hall, Jessica noticed a poster up beside one of the walls.

‘Festival of the Lights. Come one Come all’

“Hey SeoHyun?” Jessica suddenly said slowly as she turned around and face SeoHyun.

SeoHyun looked curiously at Jessica.

“Yes?” SeoHyun answered curiously.

“Do you feel like going out next week?”

SeoHyun blinked a few times.

“There’s a festival going on. I thought we might be able to get our minds off a few things there.” Jessica shrugged.

SeoHyun couldn’t believe her luck.

“Or maybe not…” Jessica said as she misunderstood SeoHyun’s silence.

“Wait Unnie. Of course I’d like to go.” She answered all too hurriedly.

Jessica raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun’s enthusiasm.

“I thought we should have a little bonding moment… That’s all” SeoHyun said hesitantly.

Jessica just nodded slowly.

“Next week it is then. You can invite Tiffany for me.”

SeoHyun nodded as Jessica started walking away. When Jessica was a safe distance away SeoHyun let out a high pitched squeal of excitement.

*That was so much easier then I though* she celebrated.


“Ooof” Taeyeon exclaimed as she walked out to the car park of Leeteuk’s restaurant.

She looked up and shot a glare at the person who walked into her. As she got a good look at the person she rolled her eyes.

“What do you want Gi Kwang?” Taeyeon sighed.

Gi Kwang just smiled down at Taeyeon and shrugged.

“I thought it would be nice to eat here once in a while” he answered innocently.

“Sorry in even numbers only” Taeyeon gave a fake smile as she pushed Gi Kwang away from the restaurant.

“Aww. Come with me then” Gi Kwang answered back cheekily.

Taeyeon just ignored him as she walked pass him and towards her car.

“I found something that might interest you by the way.” Gi Kwang suddenly said as he gave a stretch.

“There’s nothing that you have that will interest me” Taeyeon said coldly as she opened her car door.

“Oh?” Gi Kwang challenged as he flashed a smirk. “What if I said there is a picture of you and Miyoung somewhere in the library?”

Taeyeon froze.

“I was searching through some old documents. I found you and her in the background of one of the newspaper articles. Quite a cute picture too.” Gi Kwang shrugged.

Taeyeon closed her car door and turned her body towards Gi Kwang.

“I’m sure I looked through all of them” Taeyeon said quietly as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Gi Kwang smiled.

“A certain someone saw that some newspapers of the 1900’s were missing. Do they decided to help the library out” Gi Kwang explained.

“What?!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she walked up to him.

“Well the library was looking for donors. There was no point in us looking after it. So the new leaer-to-be decided to donate it.” Gi Kwang defended.

“Who is this new leader of yours?!” Taeyeon growled.

Gi Kwang just kept a straight face as he raised an eyebrow up at Taeyeon.

“Well. You could see for yourself if you want. They’re waiting to meet you” he offered.

Taeyeon threw him away by the collar and made a sound of disgust.

“I want nothing to do with your leader.”

Gi Kwang brushed his collar down and straightened his shirt again as he frowned at Taeyeon.

“This is my best shirt you know?!” He said in an aggressive tone.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

“Well. I can take you to the library and show you the documents. From there it’s up to you what you do with it” Gi Kwang suggested as he took his car keys out.

Taeyeon sighed as she used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Why would you want to do that?” she asked with frustration.

Gi Kwang shrugged.

“Until the new leader is officially MADE the leader, I still have a duty to protect you, my official leader”

Taeyeon kicked a rock towards Gi Kwang’s direction.

“I’m not your leader. How many times do I have to say that?!”

Gi Kwang flinched backwards as he held his hands up defensively.

“Woahh” he chuckled. “Okay you’re not my leader. But do you still want me to take you there? I’ve got an eternity of time to kill you know”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Gi Kwang’s sarcasm. She then reached in her pocket to pull out her own car keys as she headed to her own car.

“I’m driving” she said bluntly.

Gi Kwang just shook his head as he stopped her.

“I’m bad at giving directions. Let me drive instead. It will be with your car too, so don’t worry, I’m not taking you back to the Legion” he reassured.

Taeyeon glared at his from the car door but nevertheless she backed away from the door and chucked the keys at him. Gi Kwang got into the driver’s seat as Taeyeon walked around to the passenger seat.

As they buckled their seat belts and started backing out the driveway Gi Kwang had a mischievous thought run by him.

“But first! We’re going to get some scissors” he suddenly exclaimed.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow at him.

“Well we’re not going to take the whole document. Just cutting the picture of you and her out. Right?” he said innocently.

Taeyeon just sighed and rolled her eyes as she leaned her head against the car window.


Tiffany quietly walked up to the library and stood at the door. She made sure she had her iPad to take down her notes and prepared herself as she entered the library.

As she looked around the library she noticed a group of girls surrounding an area and knew that that was where she needed to go to find Yuri and Yoona. As she pushed through the group of girls she noticed that there was only Yoona sitting on the table waiting for her.

“Oh. Tiffany. Come” Yoona smiled as she patted the seat next to her.

Tiffany awkwardly moved between the walls of girls and sat beside Yoona, conscious of all the eyes staring at her.

“Don’t you think we should move somewhere else?” Tiffany asked hesitantly.

Yoona just chuckled.

“Nahh. It’s fun like this. Watch their reactions when I do this…” Yoona whispered as she slowly leaned in towards Tiffany’s ear.

Tiffany’s eyes opened wide as she worried about the girls’ reaction. She watched as she got mix reactions. Most of their jaws dropped in unison but some people had looks of disgust, frustration, humour and there was even a girl picking her own nose.

“We’re over a century old”

Tiffany suddenly jumped as she heard Yoona’s raspy voice in her ear. She brought her hand up to her ear as she flipped her head around and shot Yoona a frown.

Yoona pulled back innocently as she rested her elbow onto the table.

Yoona’s words then slowly started to process in her head.

“… A century?” Tiffany asked again to confirm.

Yoona just nodded.

“Taeyeon’s almost two centuries actually” Yoona shrugged.

Tiffany’s eyes popped out of her sockets.

“Taeyeon is 185. Yuri is 122 and I’m like 111 this year. You lose count after a while.” Yoona smiled innocently.

This time it was Tiffany’s jaw’s turn to react. It dropped as though it had a tonne of metal pulling it down.

“Yeah… So that’s why I don’t really call you guys Unnies… It’s kind of awkward” Yoona scrunched her eyebrows together and shook her head.

“But you guys look… Much younger” Tiffany said hesitantly.

Yoona smiled as she pinched her own cheek.

“Forever twenty two. Yuri and Taeyeon are forever twenty three. We just don’t age.” Yoona explained.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as she unlocked her iPad. Her eye then caught back to the group of girls staring at her.

“I don’t think it’s safe to talk here…” Tiffany swallowed down hard.

Yoona then noticed that the fans were now staring at them even more intensely.

“Okay. Pass me your iPad and I’ll write it out. These files won’t be leaked right?” Yoona asked curiously as she took the iPad.

Tiffany nodded.

“Taeyeon put a finger scanner on it somehow…” Tiffany pouted.

“Yeah. Taeyeon hacks a lot of things” Yoona chuckled as she opened the app and waited for Tiffany to scan her finger print.

When the app was finally opened Yoona got onto type out a few dot points.

‘- Taeyeon is forever 23 but in human years is 185 (really old huh?)- Immortals heal really fast (you already knew that… probably)- Immortals never sleep… Ever

- Immortals do not have the need to eat so you can probably cancel your cooking ideas. (Taeyeon doesn’t like eating that much)- Our eyes change during a full moon so you can’t go moon watching. (we don’t like to be known)- Pure bloods eyes change to a blue colour, normal immortals change to a red. (Yuri + Yoona = normal, Taeyeon = Pure blood)- Don’t ask Taeyeon about how to become one of us. You will risk your chances with her.’

“I think that’s all of it” Yoona said proudly as she passed the device to Tiffany.

Yoona watched as Tiffany read through the notes.

Tiffany’s expressions changed from perplexed, to confused, to surprised, to disappointment and finally back to confusion.

“So… Taeyeon has lived around ninety times my age… Never has to eat or sleep… and really has no interest in anything?” Tiffany asked slowly.

Yoona gave a shrug before a nod.

“Pretty much yeah”

Tiffany gave a defeated sigh as she rested her head against the top of the table. Yoona patted her back comfortingly.

“Don’t worry. You have Yuri and me with you. We’ve had around a hundred years of experience” Yoona chuckled.

Tiffany just nodded sadly against the table.

“This is harder then I originally thought” Tiffany sighed.

Yoona just shrugged.

“You really didn’t expect us to be like others did you?”

Tiffany remained silent.

“Did you…?” Yoona opened her eyes wider.

Tiffany bit her lower lip with embarrassment.

“Kind of…” Tiffany admitted.

Yoona shook her head with disappointment.

“Oh right!” Yoona suddenly exclaimed as her eyes caught sight of the poster on one of the shelves of the library. “You’re going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival right?”

Tiffany lifted her head up and gave Yoona a confused look.

“What Festival?” she asked innocently.

Yoona’s jaw dropped. She then used her hands to mechanically turn Tiffany’s head towards the shelves, telling the people blocking the view to move with a simple hand gesture.

“What’s that?” Tiffany asked again.

Yoona gave a sigh of disbelief.

“The posters have been up for weeks and you didn’t even look at any of them?” Yoona asked in a critical voice.

“They’ve been up for weeks? Really? I guess I never noticed” Tiffany shrugged.

Yoona used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Okay let’s just forget about when you noticed them. Are you going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival? That’s all that I’m asking.” Yoona sighed with defeat.

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she began to think about what possibilities there were at the festival. As the ideas flooded her mind her face lit up.

“Yes! I’m going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival!” Tiffany exclaimed a little too loudly.

The group of fan-girls around them all gasped. They then started getting rowdy and moved towards Tiffany.

“You can’t ask Elite Kim out. She’s ours.” They all said something similar towards those lines.

Yoona quickly grabbed onto the back of Tiffany’s shirt as she dragged her away from the crowd.

“Everyone! At ease!” Yoona yelled trying to calm them down.

As they saw Tiffany being defended by Yoona they got even more rowdy and started advancing even faster. Yoona pulled Tiffany even closer to protect her from the rage of the other girls.

“Excuse me ladies” a sudden deep voice said aloud.

The whole crowd stopped moving and turned their head towards the voice.

“Thank you” the voice thanked as two figures walked into the middle of the crowd.

As Yoona caught sight of the owner of the voice she immediately backed up. She then looked across to see someone else and gasped.

Tiffany was still trying to straighten herself up from Yoona’s grasp as Yoona froze. Tiffany finally managed to steady herself as she looked at Yoona.

“Yoona?” Tiffany waved her hand in front of Yoona’s face.

Yoona didn’t even flinch. Tiffany decided to follow her gaze and look behind her.

“Oh Taeyeon” Tiffany smiled as she caught sight of Taeyeon behind her.

That smile soon disappeared as she looked at the figure beside her. The figure had an arm around Taeyeon’s waist and was escorting Taeyeon through the crowd with a wide smile on his face. As they reached the opening Tiffany got a good view of the figure’s features. He was incredibly handsome, his side-ways smile was as bright as pearls, the sides of his eyes wrinkled with the stretching of his smile and his arms had impeccably muscles.

Tiffany wasn’t interested in his features. She was more concerned with the fact that he seemed a lot more comfortable with Taeyeon then anyone she has seen.

“T-Taeyeon… What is he doing here?” Yoona stuttered as she took a step back.

Taeyeon had a frown on her face as she slapped the male’s hand away from her waist. A sense of relief rushed through Tiffany as she saw Taeyeon’s actions, but was still lingering as she saw him smile whilst rubbing his sore hand.

“Relax Yoona.” Taeyeon reassured Yoona as she walked away from the male and towards the ‘archives’ section of the library. As she walked pass Yoona she handed her car keys to her, sending a silent message towards Yoona.

The girls around them then started whispering to each other. Starting rumours that Taeyeon now had a new boyfriend and how cute the two looked together.

Yoona remained stiff as she and Tiffany were left alone with the male. She quickly tugged on Tiffany’s arm, signalling her to step back.

“Gi Kwang! Where is it!?” Taeyeon exclaimed from the archives.

Tiffany watched as the male just smiled as he walked pass her towards Taeyeon. Yoona gave a sigh of relief as soon as he was out of sight.

“Tiffany let’s go.” Yoona whispered as she grabbed Tiffany’s things and started heading out.

“But Yoona…” Tiffany tried to pull back but Yoona would not allow her to.

“I’ll explain” Yoona’s voice sounded grim as they passed through the door.

Tiffany looked behind her to see Gi Kwang standing over Taeyeon’s shoulder looking over some old newspapers. She couldn’t help but feel her jealousy rise at the scene.

*Who is he? Why is he with Taeyeon? How did they meet? When did they meet?* the questions flooded Tiffany’s mind as Yoona pushed her into the passenger seat, seeming very urgent in getting away from them.

As Yoona was driving out of the carpark and down to the streets, the atmosphere in the care was very awkward. It was mixed between Tiffany’s jealousy and Yoona’s worries.

“Tiffany I suggest you stay away from him… He’s no good news” Yoona said grimly as they were a safe distance away from the library.

Tiffany remained silent.

Yoona just bit her lower lip as she took out her phone to find a text from Taeyeon.

To: Yoona,

Make sure you are always with Yuri next time.

From: Taeyeon.

“Who was he?” Tiffany suddenly asked, causing Yoona to jump a little.

Yoona looked over to see a grim expression on Tiffany’s face.

“He’s… he’s…” Yoona tried to find the right words to reassure Tiffany. “Just another immortal…”

Tiffany just nodded slowly at Yoona’s answer.

“He’s known Taeyeon for quite a while?” Tiffany continued.

Yoona pressed her lips together.

“Longer then you and Yuri?” Tiffany said when she noticed Yoona’s expression.

Yoona just nodded once. Tiffany nodded once as well before the atmosphere became even heavier.

*I have no hope now…* she thought dejectedly

“It doesn’t mean anything though. There’s nothing going on between the two, I can assure you… Taeyeon and he… have been through… some things” Yoona tried to sound reassuring but she didn’t seem to have the ability of finding the right words to describe the situation.

“Yeah…” Tiffany sighed.

Yoona slowly pulled up to an empty street and took off her seat belt as she turned to face Tiffany.

“Listen to me Tiffany. You have something that no one else Taeyeon knows has. You have Taeyeon’s trust. Immortals don’t mean as much to her as you do right now. You are the only human to have accepted her for who she is. Gi Kwang, Yuri and I are immortals as well so we don’t have the same connection you have with her. And I can reassure you, from the bottom of my heart that Taeyeon will NEVER pick Gi Kwang over you. She hates her past with him too much.” Yoona gave a long lecture towards Tiffany.

Her expression was serious as she tried to convince Tiffany that Gi Kwang and Taeyeon were not together.

Tiffany blinked with confusion at Yoona’s sudden long speech.

“There have been a few humans back then who have known about our immortality. All of them reacted the same. They brought their whole family against us, driving us out of the town. By understanding Taeyeon by itself is enough. But the fact that you have feelings for her as well is by far more than enough.” Yoona continued.


“No buts Tiffany. If you don’t believe me, then you can stop trying to make Taeyeon fall for you here and now. There’s no point in trying to achieve something if you don’t believe you can achieve it yourself.” Yoona’s eyebrows furrowed.

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she looked down towards her lap. Her eye caught onto the glistening chain on her wrist. She pulled up the sleeve to see the necklace that had somehow connected her and Taeyeon together. Her confidence began to grow slowly as she remembered the reasons behind trying to make Taeyeon fall for her.

“So what is it going to be Tiffany?” Yoona broke Tiffany’s train of thought.

Tiffany looked up at Yoona confidently.

“Uhn~” Tiffany exclaimed as she gave a confident nod.

A smile grew on Yoona’s face.

“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint us” Yoona nodded proudly.

Tiffany smiled even wider as she opened her counter app. Seeing 30 points on her counter made her heart warm up immensely.

*You have to finish what you started Tiffany. You may never get another chance to restart in the future* Tiffany thought to herself as she hugged her iPad.

Yoona just chuckled as she put her seatbelt back on and started the car again.

*Being a matchmaker is fun* Yoona thought proudly.

Chapter 45

“Where is it?” Taeyeon muttered coldly as she opened the file cabinet for Gi Kwang.

“Should be right about… here” Gi Kwang chuckled as he pulled out an old newspaper.

Taeyeon took the newspaper away from his hands and turned her back towards him as she scanned the newspaper. As she reached the third page she noticed a picture of the town hall with a news article under it. In the top of the tower there were two figures standing there. Not even bothering to take a closer look Taeyeon took out the scissors and started cutting out the picture.

“Cute isn’t it?” Gi Kwang smiled from behind.

Taeyeon just ignored him as she finished cutting the two figures out. She saw her and Miyoung talking casually in the town hall with Miyoung smiling brightly. Within a second Taeyeon scrunched up the cut out and put it into her pocket.

“Was that it?” Taeyeon asked bluntly.

Gi Kwang’s jaw dropped as she stared at the pocket where Taeyeon had put the ruined cut out.

“That was heartless” he remarked.

Taeyeon just shrugged as she put the newspaper back and slammed the cabinet shut.

“If that’s all you had to show me, I suggest you stop hanging around here. For the final time I’m not going back to even so much as visit the Legion. I know what you’re capable of.” Taeyeon turned her back as she headed out of the library.

The girls who were still watching were now staring at Gi Kwang. He just gave them a fake smile back whilst on the inside he was filled with disgust.

*Humans are even worse than the fake immortals* Gi Kwang thought to himself as he also exited the library.

As he was walking out he saw Taeyeon walking down the street with her hands in her pockets. He then looked around to see that Taeyeon’s car wasn’t there.

Gi Kwang chuckled to himself as he watched Taeyeon kick a rock on the floor.

*I don’t know why she looks after them so much. Hmm…* Gi Kwang then remembered that there was someone else with Yoona in the library. *What was that girl doing there?*

A sudden smack was then heard as Gi Kwang toppled over and fell face first into the pavement, cutting his cheek.

“Oi!” he yelled as he covered his scratch as it healed.

“Don’t use that tone of language with me!” the person who slapped Gi kwang rebutted as they raised their chin up at him.

“Oh… It’s you” Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he wiped his cheek, the scratch now fully healed. “What do you want now?”

The figure glared at Gi Kwang’s rudeness.

“How did she react when she saw the picture?” they asked suddenly as they crossed their arms.

Gi kwang just shrugged.

“I don’t see how a picture of her and Miyoung will change anything. I mean it just makes her hate the Legion more in my opinion” said Gi Kwang in a bored tone.

“Well. The Legion did warn her about being with a human right? She will eventually see that the Legion was protecting her.”

Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow at the figure.

“And that concerns you how? I know you weren’t part of that”

The figure just smiled.

“Well, I may not have been part of that. But all we are concerned about is getting Taeyeon back. That’s all I care about.”

“Taeyeon seems really ticked off by us though. If we keep pushing she won’t even come close to us even more.” Gi Kwang informed.

The figure just nodded.

“That’s why we will use that human girl. And if needed, those two impure immortals.” They smirked.

Gi Kwang rolled his eyes.

“Sure. What do you plan on doing? Kidnapping her? Those impures and Taeyeon will be around her a lot more with the Legion being so close.”

“That’s what I plan on doing. As for Taeyeon and the other two, it’s easy. I’m sure Sooyoung is willing to help with it”

Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow curiously.

The figure just smiled innocently at him.

“Let’s go now. Those humans seem to be drooling a lot” said the figure as they pointed their thumb towards Yoona’s fangirls behind them.

“They just can’t resist something they can’t have” Gi kwang chuckled as he started walking away.

The figure turned back at the group of girls and shot all of them a glare. Each and every one of them froze at the cold stare that was noticeable under the hood of the figure’s jacket. They could have sworn they saw a hint of blue in the person’s eye.

*Humans…* the figure growled as they hurriedly walked away.


Yoona dropped Tiffany off at her own home and allowed Tiffany to gather her stuff and walk into her home.

“So do you have any plans you need Yuri and I to help with?” Yoona offered as Tiffany exited the car.

Tiffany just shook her head proudly.

“I think I can manage. Besides it’s me that I want her falling for. I don’t want to risk her falling for you or Yuri instead” Tiffany joked.

“Haha. Please. Yuri and I are the last people she would fall for. You think after a century our relationship would be better. Seems to be doing the opposite though” Yoona chuckled.

Tiffany just smiled as she gave a small bow to Yoona.

“Thank you” Tiffany thanked.

Yoona raised her eyebrow curiously at Tiffany.

“Please don’t act polite around me. It reminds me of my human age.” Yoona said bluntly.

Tiffany just giggled.

“Forever twenty two. Every girl’s dream” Tiffany nodded.

Yoona nodded as she held up a peace sign.

“I guess I am every girl’s wish” Yoona said cheekily.

Tiffany just rolled her eyes as she waved at Yoona.

“Bye Yoona. Thanks for the lecture. Honestly without you I really don’t know where I’d be right now.”

Yoona just shrugged.

“Well if I hadn’t then Yuri, Taeyeon and I would probably be in Alaska or the Amazon forest”

Tiffany stopped smiling.

“That is not something to joke about…” Tiffany said seriously.

Yoona nodded in agreement.

“Knowing Taeyeon, we’d be wrestling leopards or something right now” Yoona shook her head to get rid of the mental image.

“Okay so are you leaving soon? My feet are getting sore from just standing here” Tiffany suddenly sighed.

“Oh right. Well bye Tiffany. If you need anything you can just call us or you can just tell SeoHyun to find me” Yoona smiled innocently.

Tiffany just smirked at the last statement and nodded.

“Bye” Tiffany waved finally.

Yoona returned the wave before driving off in Taeyeon’s car down the street. Tiffany blew onto her fringe tiredly as she walked up to her door and knocked.

“Who is it?” Jessica’s voice yelled out lazily inside the house.

“Who else do you think it is?” Tiffany chuckled from the outside, waiting for the door to burst open.

The door remained shut for another minute as Tiffany raised her eyebrow at it.

“Stay out there” Jessica yawned from the inside.

Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Jessica’s laziness.

“Jessica. Open up” Tiffany whined as she started knocking again.

Tiffany could hear Jessica turn up the TV even louder, trying to block out Tiffany’s voice.

“Honestly” Tiffany scoffed as she put her stuff down and tried to open the door.

As she tried to pry the door open she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see SeoHyun standing there with a bag of groceries.

“Oh Tiffany unnie. Welcome back” SeoHyun greeted as she joined Tiffany onto the front porch.

“Did you bring your keys SeoHyun?” Tiffany begged as she helped SeoHyun with the bag.

SeoHyun just shook her head.

“Jessica said she’d open the door for me” SeoHyun answered innocently as she knocked on the door.

Sadly though, Jessica couldn’t hear with the TV blasting up so loud.

“You can try Seo. But Jessica is in her lazy mode again.” Tiffany giggled as she saw SeoHyun’s bewildered expression.

SeoHyun looked at Tiffany with her eyebrows raised high.

“Here, stay here. I’m sure one of the windows is open” Tiffany huffed as she handed the bag over back to SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just watched as Tiffany walked around the house, trying to open any of the windows, hoping that one of them was unlocked.

SeoHyun sat down on the porch and waited.

“Why did Sunny have to go out all day” SeoHyun sighed.

“Got it!” SeoHyun heard Tiffany yell.

Soon a loud thud was heard from inside of the house, followed by running footsteps.

SeoHyun waited patiently from the front porch as she took out an apple and took a bite from it. She jumped out of her socks when she heard a loud high pitched scream.

“AHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL TIFFANY?! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!” SeoHyun heard Jessica yell on the top of her lungs.

“This is what you get for locking me and SeoHyun outside!!” Tiffany yelled back.

“OM MY GOD! OH MY GOD! GET IT OFF ME!!! EWWW IT’S CRAWLING EVERYWHERE!!!” Jessica yelled hurriedly as SeoHyun heard her running around the lounge.

“No thank you. It took enough guts to put it ON you. What makes you think I’m going to take it off you?” Tiffany’s voice was moving closer towards the door.

SeoHyun then heard the door click open as Tiffany’s head peered out and took her stuff in.

“Come Seo. We don’t want you freezing outside” Tiffany smiled innocently as she walked into the house.

SeoHyun jumped up from her seat as she walked in. She looked to her left to see Jessica standing there, solid stiff. She then noticed dirt all over her clothes and floor and especially on her hair.

“Ahhmm….” SeoHyun said confusingly.

“Get it off me SeoHyunnie” Jessica whined as she closed her eyes shut.

It was then that SeoHyun realised what Tiffany had really done. Not only was there dirt all over Jessica but there were noticeable earthworms on her too. SeoHyun looked to the side to see a bucket which was used to hold the dirt and worms.

“Ewww gross” Tiffany shivered from the kitchen as she began cleaning her hands rapidly.

SeoHyun really had a hard time keeping in her laugh at the scene. Tiffany had a mad expression on her face as she was focused on cleaning her hands whilst Jessica was standing there, petrified with the worms crawling all over her.

“Oh look, one’s crawling down your shirt” Tiffany suddenly called out as she pointed her soapy fingers towards Jessica.

That was all that was needed to trigger Jessica. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she shook all the worms off her and started shaking everything off her. She then bolted upstairs to immediately get into the showers.

“Now that’s the most energy I’ve seen Jessica ever had” Tiffany giggled as she washed the soap off her hands.

SeoHyun nodded in agreement, she then sighed when she saw the trail of dirt all over the floor.

“Don’t worry SeoHyun. I’ll clean it up… but can you please get rid of the worms first?” Tiffany pleaded as she dried her hands.

SeoHyun just nodded as she put the groceries down and started to put the worms back into the bucket using a dustpan whilst Tiffany went to fetch the vacuum machine. From upstairs they could hear Jessica’s whining and the water running from the showers.

“I’m just glad Sunny isn’t home at the moment” Tiffany chuckled as she pushed the vacuum out.

“Sunny would kick us out if she knew…” SeoHyun whispered.

Tiffany nodded.

“That would be the least of our problems”

“Ewwww… Tiffany!!! I’ll get you back!!!” they heard Jessica yell from upstairs.

Tiffany held up the vacuum stick and rested her chin against it.

“I don’t think so~” Tiffany mused as she tilted her head to the side and smiled brightly.

SeoHyun giggled along at her two older friends being so childish.


The next morning Jessica woke up especially early. Not because she couldn’t sleep, but because she still had a score to settle with Tiffany. She crept up to Tiffany to see her sleeping soundly with her pink heart plush toy.

“We have a score to settle” Jessica muttered as she held up a water balloon filled with orange juice above her head.

She lifted the balloon above her head, aiming for the sleeping Tiffany and making sure she wouldn’t miss.

“One… two… thr” Before Jessica could even finish Tiffany sat up from her sleep and was about to rub her eyes lazily except for the fact that she had bumped into Jessica’s forehead.

Jessica felt the impact of the two skulls colliding and dropped the orange juice filled balloon. The balloon came falling down onto Jessica’s head, bursting upon impact.

The juice burst everywhere all over Jessica’s head and Tiffany’s head as well.

“Unnies… It’s time to…” SeoHyun’s voice slowly trailed off as she saw the two completely soaked with orange juice.

SeoHyun couldn’t hold in her laughter as she laughed at the two. Jessica’s mouth was hanging open as the orange juice was dripping down her head. Tiffany sat there with her hands apart as she saw her whole body soaked.

Tiffany and Jessica exchanged a glance with orange juice filled eyes.

SeoHyun was now laughing so hard that she was crouching over the floor, holding her stomach in pain. Jessica and Tiffany had a smile growing on their face as they realised how stupid they must’ve looked in front of SeoHyun.

The two of them then joined SeoHyun in laughing as the orange juice started to become sticky against their clothes and bodies.

Tiffany stopped laughing for a while as she watched Jessica keep laughing. She pinched Jessica’s cheeks and smiled.

“It’s been a while since you smiled. Then again, you always have delayed reactions. Better late than never though” Tiffany smiled when Jessica looked at her.

Jessica lifted her hand up to pat Tiffany’s wet hair.

“Let’s get cleaned up. It’s getting uncomfortably sticky” Jessica smiled as she slowly moved out of the room.

Moving her arms and feet stiffly in a mechanical motion as the uncomfortable stickiness was getting worse.

SeoHyun finally started to calm down as she stood up again, wiping the tears from her eyes from laughing too hard.

“You think that’s funny SeoHyunnie?” Tiffany smirked as she stood up next to SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just smiled innocently and nodded.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at SeoHyun as an evil expression came onto her face. She then attacked SeoHyun with a sticky hug as SeoHyun squirmed in her arms.

“Ewww sticky!” SeoHyun squealed.

“Just giving the cute maknae a warming hug” Tiffany chuckled as she tightened her grip.

“Arghhh” SeoHyun yelled as she tried to get Tiffany off her.

After SeoHyun was just as sticky as she was she let her go.

“Let’s get cleaned up” Tiffany smiled as she left SeoHyun who had a look of disbelief on her face.


The bell rang to signal that the classes were over for another day.

Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun smiled at each other as the smell of orange juice still lingered around them.

Tiffany then suddenly remembered something.

“Oh right. I won’t be coming home tonight.” Tiffany said bluntly.

Jessica dropped her bag as she looked at Tiffany with disbelief.

“What?!” Jessica yelled, causing the whole classroom to look at them.

Tiffany shook her hand quickly, telling Jessica to keep it down.

“It’s not what you think I swear. I need to… It’s like… It’s hard to explain” Tiffany stuttered.

“Who are you with Tiffany?” Jessica glared at Tiffany.

Tiffany shook her head defensively.

“Nooo. I’m not with anyone. I’m just staying over someone’s house that’s all” Tiffany explained.

“I don’t think that’s helping…” SeoHyun whispered from behind as Jessica crossed her arms.

“I’m going over their house to help them that’s all… They suffer from insomnia” Tiffany tried to make up an excuse.

Jessica’s jaw dropped as she took Tiffany’s explanation the wrong way. Tiffany hit her forehead with the bottom of her palm with disbelief.

“I swear on my own life I’m not sleeping with anyone” Tiffany suddenly promised as she held her hand up in oath.

Jessica narrowed her eyes sceptically.

“And if I am then I am to burn all of my pink belongings” Tiffany added.

Jessica considered the offer.

“Fine.” Jessica sighed, knowing Tiffany would never risk her pink belongings. “Tomorrow is a Saturday, so I guess it’s okay.”

A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she hugged Jessica.

“Knew you’d understand. See you tomorrow” Tiffany hurriedly said as she dashed out of the classroom again.

Jessica sighed as she stood next to SeoHyun.

“She’s hiding something” Jessica muttered.

SeoHyun just bit her lower lip nervously.

“Do you know what it is?” Jessica asked.

“Hm?” SeoHyun exclaimed innocently as she looked at Jessica.

Jessica raised one of her eyebrows at SeoHyun’s strange reaction.

“You know don’t you?” Jessica queried.

SeoHyun just shook her head innocently.

Jessica narrowed her eyes.

“Oh look. It’s getting late. Let’s go” SeoHyun suddenly changed the topic as she pointed to the clock on the wall and pulled Jessica along.

*They’re hiding something* Jessica thought to herself as SeoHyun dragged her out.

Overnight Stay

Tiffany hurriedly ran out the classroom, pulling her bag over her shoulder as she took out her phone. She searched through her contacts to find the number that Yoona had just recently given her.

To: Taeyeon.Please meet me at the park as soon as possible.From: Tiffany

Tiffany smiled widely as she hugged her phone and made her way the park outside the college. She skipped towards the middle of the park where the fountain was located and took her seat on a bench nearby as she waited.

Taeyeon was walking down the college hallways when she received a message. As Taeyeon read it a confused expression grew on her face.

*What does she want now? Moreover… How did she get my number!?* Taeyeon thought deeply as she locked her phone.

“Good afternoon Elite Kim” one of the students bowed as they passed.

Taeyeon paid no attention whatsoever towards them as she slowly started walking towards the park, taking her own time to get there.

As Taeyeon approached the middle of the park she noticed something blowing in the wind that caught her eye. She turned her head to the side to see a bright pink scarf blowing in the wind. At the end of the scarf was a girl who was nuzzled warmly into it.

Taeyeon walked up slowly and knocked the girl’s forehead with her knuckle.

“Was there something you needed?” Taeyeon asked.

The girl looked up and gave her a bright smile. It was no other than Tiffany.

“Not something that I needed.” Tiffany answered back smugly.

Taeyeon just nodded slowly as she watched the sky slowly turn a bright orange as the sun was beginning to set. She then turned her attention to Tiffany with an accusing look on her face.

“How did you get my number?” Taeyeon asked bluntly.

Tiffany backed up at Taeyeon’s sudden question but just smiled sweetly back in response.

“I asked Yoona” Tiffany answered back innocently.

She watched as Taeyeon’s expression slowly turned into an annoyed one.

“Please don’t take any points!” Tiffany suddenly begged as she held her hands up in a begging position.

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany weirdly. She then started chuckling at the worried Tiffany.

“I won’t take any points off this time” Taeyeon reassured. “So if you didn’t need anything was there anything else?”

Tiffany lowered her hands with a sigh of relief. She then stood up next to Taeyeon and nodded.

“Yoona told me that immortals don’t sleep. She also told me that you get easily bored during the night” Tiffany started.

Taeyeon just nodded hesitantly, not knowing where Tiffany was going with the situation.

“Well… Since tomorrow is Saturday, I thought I should entertain you for one night” Tiffany gave a bright innocent smile.

“No thank you” Taeyeon immediately rejected as she turned away.

Tiffany’s expression dropped immensely.

“You would probably fall asleep as soon as the clock strikes three” Taeyeon shrugged as she began walking away.

Tiffany ran in front of Taeyeon and stopped her as she shook her head furiously. She then reached in her bag to pull out a jar of coffee.

“I’ll be awake” Tiffany announced determinedly.

Taeyeon looked at the jar curiously.

“What do you plan on doing that will keep me entertained then?” Taeyeon challenged.

Tiffany held her index finger up, telling Taeyeon to wait as she put the jar back into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper. The paper was listed with things Tiffany had planned to do with Taeyeon during the night, including playing games, star gazing, inviting Yuri and Yoona over and even some movies to watch.

Taeyeon looked at the list curiously.

“You probably know I do that most nights right?” Taeyeon suddenly said as she pointed at the list.

Taeyeon saw Tiffany’s smile droop down to a frown.

“Aww…” she sighed.

Taeyeon then just smirked as she took the list from Tiffany’s hand.

“I guess things could be different with someone else around. Oh but Yuri and Yoona are not allowed to come over” Taeyeon nodded as she took a pen out of her pocket and crossed out ‘Invite Yuri and Yoona’

Tiffany raised her eyebrow curiously at Taeyeon.

“Let’s make some points available for this then. If you can manage to stay awake until ten in the morning, you will receive fifty points. Yuri and Yoona are not allowed to come as they will keep you awake and hence would be called cheating” Taeyeon explained as she held the list up in front of Tiffany’s face.

“Fifty points?” Tiffany asked again.

Taeyeon just gave a nod.

“Deal!” Tiffany accepted without any hesitation as she took the list back.

“I hope you had a nice long rest yesterday. Because if you fail, it will be minus fifty points” Taeyeon chuckled as she walked away.

Tiffany stuck her tongue out behind Taeyeon’s back.

*Challenge accepted* Tiffany remarked as she followed behind Taeyeon.

Taeyeon suddenly stopped in her tracks as she turned around and faced Tiffany.

“And may I ask what you are doing now?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Going to your place?” Tiffany answered back innocently.

“You didn’t think I’m taking you did you?” Taeyeon smirked.

Tiffany blinked three times.

“Find your own way to my place Hwang. I’m not making it easy for you” Taeyeon smiled as she walked away.

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Taeyeon walk away. She then gave a loud huff as she started making her way to the train station.

Taeyeon stopped walking to her car as she saw Tiffany walk towards the train station. She just chuckled to herself as she opened her car door and hopped in. She then watched as Tiffany shifted the weight of her bag on her shoulders again.

*Must be heavy* Taeyeon thought unconsciously.

She then saw Tiffany bend over to massage her ankle which had been injured not too long ago before getting up even more determined than before. Taeyeon bit onto her inner cheek as she watched Tiffany struggle to get to the train station.

“Aish” Taeyeon exclaimed as she opened the car door again and locked it before following Tiffany.

Taeyeon followed Tiffany from behind, keeping a safe distance away and making sure she wasn’t seen as she watched over her. She noticed that Tiffany walked pass a few men and even bumped into one without any problems. She smiled to herself upon realising that Tiffany was slowly starting to get over her fear and felt proud of her for once. Realising what she was thinking about Taeyeon shook her head to get rid of the thoughts as they entered the train station.

Tiffany took out her train card as she scanned it and started walking to the train platform. Taeyeon didn’t have a train card so she had to buy a ticket. She just paid the server with whatever she had and told them to keep the change as she took the ticket and hurried to follow Tiffany.

Tiffany sat down on a bench as there was five minutes left before the next train came. She sighed as she started massaging her ankle again.

“Tiffany Fighting~” Tiffany cheered herself as she rested her ankle.

Taeyeon wasn’t too far from her as she was leaning against a pillar near Tiffany. She started to wonder why she was there in the first place and why she had just left her car in the park.

*I can just get a new car* Taeyeon shrugged off the idea as she waited for the train to come.

Finally the train came up and pulled up in front of them. Taeyeon stood back as she watched Tiffany hop into the train. Luckily the train was relatively empty, there was just enough people for Taeyeon to remain hidden and not too much so that Taeyeon could keep an eye on Tiffany.

Taeyeon took a seat a few rows behind Tiffany as the train started to move again.

Tiffany sighed as she rested her head against the chair. Beads of sweat was visible on her forehead from the weight of the bag and the strain of her ankle.

Taeyeon bit her lower lip, feeling a little guilty that she was causing someone to push themselves so far. She looked to the side to see a young student gawking at her. An idea popped into her head.

She motioned for the child to come closer to her. The child looked at her with an alarmed expression but Taeyeon just gave a soft smile to reassure them that she wasn’t dangerous, well mostly. The child slowly shuffled over to Taeyeon, still a little cautious.

“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you. I just need you to do a favour” Taeyeon reassured.

The child remained stiff.

Taeyeon just chuckled quietly as she reached for her handkerchief and handed it to the child.

“You see that woman over there? She’s sweating and I want you to give her this. Can you do that for me?” Taeyeon smiled.

The child looked up at her weirdly.

“I would do it myself but I’m playing hide and seek with her” Taeyeon winked.

The child just shrugged as they took the handkerchief and walked up to Tiffany as Taeyeon watched from behind. The child held their hand out and offered Tiffany the handkerchief, startling Tiffany a little.

“Noona…” the child saw from behind Taeyeon telling him to keep quiet about her and just shrugged. “You seem to be sweating. Please use this” the child acted kindly as he motioned for the handkerchief again.

Tiffany blinked a few times as she looked at the small kid before a smile grew on her face.

“Thank you” Tiffany thanked as she patted his head.

The child just smiled and walked back down the train to where Taeyeon was. Taeyeon just smiled at him as she gave him a pat on the head.

“Thank you” Taeyeon thanked.

The child looked at her expectantly.

“Yes?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrows at the kid.

“Do I get a reward?” he asked innocently.

Taeyeon blinked a few times at the child. She didn’t have any toys or lollies on her and giving him a 100,000 won bill was just too suspicious.

“Noona doesn’t have any lollies or toys on me. Is there something else I can give you?” Taeyeon bargained with a sheepish smile.

The child was obviously disappointed but they thought for a while before he smiled up at Taeyeon again. He then leaned to the side as he leaned his cheek in.

Taeyeon chuckled at his bold approach but just accepted it anyway. She slowly leaned in against his cheek and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She could see that the kid’s cheeks were turning red with embarrassment.

“Thank you again” Taeyeon thanked as the kid just nodded and shyly walked away.

The train then slowly pulled up to their stop.

“Westside Seoul” the speaker announced.

From the front Taeyeon saw Tiffany slowly get up and walk over to the door unsteadily. Taeyeon quickly got up and stood at the door one down from Tiffany’s as she waited for it to open. As they slowly exited the train Taeyeon returned to her spying mode as she tailed behind Tiffany.

As they were going out onto the streets Taeyeon noticed that there was a rip at the bottom of Tiffany’s bag. Things slowly started falling out of the hole. Taeyeon rolled her eyes while she began picking up all the stuff that was trailing behind Tiffany. Meanwhile Tiffany was rather happy, she noticed her bag was getting lighter but didn’t realise there was a rip in the bottom.

*I must be getting stronger* Tiffany thought optimistically.

Meanwhile Taeyeon was bending over and picking up different objects. She then noticed the coffee jar was slowly slipping out. She quickly ran up to catch it before it smashed into pieces before quickly returning to her safe distance behind Tiffany.

*when is she going to notice that her bag is getting lighter with each step she takes?* Taeyeon thought annoyingly.

She then took a look around to see that they were going in the wrong direction from her house. Taeyeon just rolled her eyes at Tiffany’s sense of direction.

Tiffany was walking along confidently as she walked down the street where she thought Taeyeon’s house was. As she made a turn she ended up in front of a dark alley.

“Excuse me” Taeyeon finally said in a rather deep tone, annoyed from Tiffany’s ignorance.

Tiffany froze, mistaking Taeyeon for some criminal.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Taeyeon called out again as she took a step closer.

Tiffany let out a scream as she used her bag to hit the person behind her. To her dismay the bag was completely empty as it just floated onto Taeyeon’s face.

Taeyeon blew the bag off of her face with an annoyed expression on her face as she stared at Tiffany.

“Oh Taeyeon. What are you doing here?” Tiffany smiled innocently.

She then noticed all of her stuff in Taeyeon’s arms and raised her eyebrow.

“I decided to follow you because I knew you would cause trouble on your way to my place. And I was right. Your bag had a rip in the bottom of it, dropping everything behind you.” Taeyeon gestured towards the stuff in her hand. “And you’re walking in the completely opposite direction from my house too” Taeyeon added.

Tiffany’s jaw dropped.

“Hehehe….” Tiffany let out a nervous laugh.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she put the stuff down beside her and took her blazer off.

“Pass me the bag.” Taeyeon said coldly as she held her hand out.

Tiffany quickly handed Taeyeon the bag and waited.

Taeyeon put the bag inside her blazer, lining the rip with the back of the blazer. She then held the arms up along with the straps of the bag, stopping the hole at the bottom from dropping anything. She then loaded everything back in and held the bag in her hand with a blunt expression on her face.

“Smart” Tiffany remarked at Taeyeon’s smart thinking.

Taeyeon then suddenly turned her back towards Tiffany and bent over.

“Get on” Taeyeon said bluntly.

“What for?” Tiffany asked confusingly.

“Your ankle still isn’t healed yet. I really don’t want to be responsible for making your leg worse” Taeyeon explained.

“I can walk by myself” Tiffany defended, remembering she lost points for injuring herself before and had to have Taeyeon carry her.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she mounted Tiffany onto her back and stood up and began walking to her house.

“Wait!” Tiffany exclaimed.

Taeyeon remained strong as she kept Tiffany in place.

Tiffany sighed in defeat.

“I’m going to lose points again… aren’t I?” Tiffany asked hesitantly.

To her surprise Taeyeon answered with a shake of her head.

“The only thing that can make you lose points tonight is if you fall asleep” Taeyeon answered.

Tiffany felt a wave of relief wash through her. She then leaned herself against Taeyeon’s body, a little surprised at the warm temperature of her body which felt oddly familiar.

She then remembered a statement from somewhere.

“TaeTae Express…” Tiffany whispered.

Taeyeon stopped walking and froze.

“You’re drunk as well?” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“Huh?!” Tiffany answered back, startled.

“Did you drink while you were on the train?” Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany shook her head.

“No. Why?”

Taeyeon just shook her head and started walking again.

“I just heard someone say TaeTae Express that’s all…” Tiffany explained.

Taeyeon’s jaw stiffened but remained silent.

Tiffany remained silent as well as she tried her best to remember the streets they were walking on so that she wouldn’t get lost next time. The only thing was that everything looked familiar to Tiffany, including all the houses. Then finally she noticed something different. Taeyeon’s house somehow stood out from all the other houses as it seemed a little more modern.

Taeyeon walked them up to the door as she easily reached for her keys and opened the door before setting Tiffany down.

As soon as Tiffany’s feet touched the floor she was greeted by loud barking and the sound of small quick feet running towards her.

“Hey Bubz” Tiffany giggled as she greeted the dog at her feet.

Taeyeon proceeded with putting Tiffany’s stuff onto the kitchen’s unused bench top as she took back her blazer and chucked it into the laundry machine in the room next door before proceeding to her own room to change.

“Just so you know Bubz sleeps early. So don’t count on him to keep you up” Taeyeon called out from the bedroom.

“I didn’t plan to” Tiffany answered back confidently.

“Sure” Taeyeon answered back sarcastically as the door opened.

Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she saw Taeyeon still without a top and wearing only her under garments. She then saw Taeyeon turn off the light as she grabbed an over-sized shirt and put it over herself.

Tiffany swallowed down hard as she turned away from Taeyeon’s attire.

Taeyeon rustled her hair as she looked at Tiffany. She saw Tiffany fidget uncomfortable and chuckled silently to herself.

“Well. What are we going to do first?” Taeyeon asked suddenly as she walked over to Tiffany and crouched beside her.

“Ermm… We’re going to ahh…” Tiffany was flustered as she tried to find her list. “Play games” Tiffany suddenly exclaimed as she thought up of an idea.

Taeyeon nodded as she stood up again.

“Well then? Let’s go” Taeyeon held out her hand for Tiffany to hold onto.

As Tiffany stood up she stumbled over a little as the blood came rushing into her legs, causing her to get pins and needles.

“Ack… Dead leg” Tiffany said as she shook her leg.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she made her way to her wide screen TV and turned it on while Tiffany hobbled over to the couch.

“So, which game do you suggest we play?” Taeyeon asked casually.

“Super smash bros brawl!” Tiffany cheered excitedly.

Taeyeon gave a nod as she scanned her shelf. She then pulled out the game and put the disk into the Wii console as the game started up.

“I get Kirby!” Tiffany immediately took the controller and whizzed through the menu so that she could pick her favourite character.

Taeyeon just slowly scrolled down to Yoshi as they entered their characters. As they waited for the game to load, Taeyeon lazily rested her head against the arm rest of the couch and rested her legs against the couch. Tiffany tried her best not to look over at Taeyeon as her legs were completely exposed right next to her. Tiffany then finally peeked over at Taeyeon, but at the same time Taeyeon decided to look at Tiffany. Tiffany quickly turned her head back to the TV and couldn’t be happier when she saw two other computer players on the screen and the countdown starting.

Taeyeon slowly turned her head towards the TV again as the countdown finished and the game started. Having played the game many times before, Taeyeon easily knocked off the competitors off the screen, thought she didn’t completely try her best. Tiffany on the other hand was having more than enough trouble keeping on the screen rather than try to knock anyone off.

She stuck her tongue out to the side as she turned her whole controller, hoping that it would help move Kirby around the screen. Taeyeon decided to take it easy and stand on the top platform of the game map and wait. For any CPU player who attacked her, she just hit a few buttons and sent them flying off the screen again whilst Tiffany was once again knocked off the screen. Taeyeon couldn’t help but laugh as she watched Tiffany get knocked back off as soon as she spawned back onto the map by the computer players.

Finally the first round was over and Taeyeon was easily in the lead whilst Tiffany was miserably last by a long way.

She pouted as she lower her hand and stared accusingly at the TV.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone play as bad as you” Taeyeon chuckled bluntly.

“Rematch” Tiffany grumbled as she selected a different map.

Taeyeon just shrugged as she waited for the game to start. As the game started Taeyeon decided not to do anything but dodge the attacks of the CPU’s. Tiffany this time was trying to knock

them off before she got knocked off. Taeyeon watched as the fight remained in one spot. Most of the characters were ganging up on Tiffany’s Kirby even though it was a free for all. Finally Tiffany managed to knock the CPU’s off with a special move as they flew off the screen.

“Yay!!” Tiffany cheered as she jumped in her seat.

Taeyeon just watched as Tiffany got better and better at the game. Each victory caused Tiffanyto do a small victory dance on her own. On the sixth CPU character she kicked off the screen Tiffany jumped from her seat and cheered. Feeling a little bored with the game Taeyeon decided to hop down and push Kirby off while Tiffany was still celebrating. A smile grew on her face as she watched Kirby fly off carelessly off the screen. Tiffany finished her little victory danced and turned back at the TV to see her character flying off. She then glared at the Yoshi that was standing proudly on the platform and immediately turned towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just shrugged in response as the game results came up again.

Tiffany just slumped back onto the couch as she gave a long tired sigh.

“Anything else to do?” Taeyeon asked in a bored tone as she held the controller up by the wrist strap and stared at it lazily.

“Ermm…” Tiffany checked her list to see what was next on her list. She then looked at the clock to check the time and smiled to see that it was still early.

“I saw a market down the street before. I was wondering maybe we should make some food.” Tiffany smiled. “Oh, I know you don’t have to eat, but the process of making it will be fun” Tiffany quickly added.

Taeyeon looked up at her wall clock to see that it was 8 o’clock. The market down on her street would close at around 9 o’clock.

“What do you suggest?” Taeyeon turned her attention back at Tiffany.

Tiffany just gave a cheeky grin as she took out a recipe and showed the picture to Taeyeon.

“Macaroons” she announced proudly.

“Macaroons?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow.

Tiffany nodded excitedly.

“They’re like small treats that you can buy from a few places. But I wanted to try making it myself one day. So I thought why not try it with you since I highly doubt Jessica can cook and SeoHyun wouldn’t allow me to even touch the oven.” Tiffany pouted.

Taeyeon remained silent as she put the controller onto her coffee table.

“Well?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down at her oversized shirt.

“I don’t want to get changed again” Taeyeon let out a childish whine.

Tiffany was caught off guard at Taeyeon’s sudden voice and lazy act. Realising that she had done something that wasn’t like herself, Taeyeon quickly stood up and brushed down her shirt.

“I mean… I’ll just go change my clothes…” Taeyeon quickly muttered as she walked to her room.

Tiffany blinked as Taeyeon walked pass her. She then giggled to herself when she heard the bedroom door close.

*Cute* Tiffany thought to herself as she remembered the childish and lazy act Taeyeon just did.


Taeyeon quickly changed her clothes in her room before she walked out again. Tiffany was waiting patiently near the door with her phone and bag ready.

“Go?” Tiffany asked excitedly.

Taeyeon just nodded as she grabbed the keys that were on the table and walked towards the door.

“I’ll be leading the way though” Taeyeon said bluntly as they exited the house.

“I have no objections” Tiffany giggled as she closed the door behind her.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she began making her way down to the market with her hands in her pockets, expecting Tiffany to follow behind her. To her surprise she felt a sudden weight on the right side of her arm. Taeyeon turned her head around to see Tiffany locking their arms together with an accomplished smile on her face.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyeon asked coldly.

Tiffany just turned her head up and gave an innocent smile.

“I don’t want to get lost. And besides I’m not going to lose any points for now, might as well make the best of it” she answered confidently.

Taeyeon just chuckled at Tiffany’s boldness. Little did she know though, Tiffany’s heart rate was beating three times the average human’s. Her cheeks were flushed bright red as her body started to shiver with the excitement.

“Beats carrying you that’s for sure” Taeyeon remarked as she shrugged and made a turn on the street.

Tiffany pulled away from Taeyeon to raise her eyebrow at her.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tiffany said accusingly.

“Even immortals have their limits. Mine is about a tonne” Taeyeon answered back with a smirk.

Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she slapped Taeyeon’s arm.

“I’m not that heavy” Tiffany exclaimed.

Taeyeon just laughed as she started running off ahead.

“If you don’t want to get lost you’d better hurry up” Taeyeon mused in a teasing tone.

Tiffany let out a whine as she hurriedly tried to catch up with Taeyeon again. When Tiffany finally managed to catch up she noticed that they were already at the market.

“Took you long enough” Taeyeon chuckled as she stepped through the door.

The door opened automatically as it made a loud -Ding Dong- noise as Taeyeon passed the sensor. Tiffany took a deep breath as she walked in behind Taeyeon. As they walked in Tiffany noticed all the eyes of the people in the store glued to Taeyeon. She looked at Taeyeon and noticed that there was a stiff expression on her face.

“Taeyeon?” Tiffany took a step closer to Taeyeon and nudged her hand.

Taeyeon just shook her head reassuringly as they made their way to the flour, sugar and cake mix section.

“Do you remember what we needed?” Taeyeon asked as she studied the rows and rows of flour, cake mix, sugar, chocolate and other desserts.

Tiffany froze for a few seconds before finally giving herself a face palm.

“I left the recipe at home” Tiffany admitted slowly as she peeked on the side to see Taeyeon’s expression. To her surprise it seemed rather amused.

“I know you did” Taeyeon chuckled as she held up the recipe from her pockets.

Tiffany blinked innocently a few times, processing the recipe in front of her.

“Oh! You brought the recipe?” Tiffany finally reacted.

Taeyeon just let out a sigh as she crouched down to find the ingredients they needed.

“This requires a lot of sugar” Taeyeon commented as she took the bag of sugar.

Tiffany just nodded proudly.

“Would you mind going to the fruits section to get the berries?” Taeyeon suddenly asked as she stood up with the ingredients.

“Oh right. I’ll go get them” Tiffany exclaimed as she skipped down the aisle towards the fruits section at the end.

As she reached the berries section a woman approached Tiffany. Tiffany raised her eyebrows curiously as the woman gestured for Tiffany to lean in closer.

“Are you a friend of hers?” she asked politely in a whisper.

“Whom?” Tiffany questioned back, taken aback by the sudden question.

“That other girl you walked into the store with” the woman kept her voice to a whisper.

“Oh. Yeah I guess you could say that…” Tiffany answered hesitantly.

The woman narrowed her eyes at Tiffany.

“I think she’s involved in something not too good if you ask me. Every few weeks she always has a new car. She remains unseen to those around the neighbourhood and has this evil dark aura around her. She’s known as the ghost of this town. No one knows where she goes or what she does. I suggest that you rethink your friendship” she warned.

“I’m sorry but I think I know what’s best for me” Tiffany politely rebutted as she picked up a box of berries and walked off back to where Taeyeon was.

As she reached the aisle she noticed Taeyeon was missing from the aisle where she left her. Thinking that Taeyeon must have moved aisles, she moved down the store, scanning up and down the lanes to find Taeyeon. On the fifth lane down she noticed a girl taking some honey off of the shelf. She didn’t have to look long before she knew it was Taeyeon. Feeling a sense of relief wash over her she quickly skipped over to Taeyeon’s side again.

“What’s that for?” Tiffany asked as she pointed at the honey.

“Bees” Taeyeon answered bluntly.

“Bees?” Tiffany poked at the honey.

“Yeah. I’ve got a whole hive behind my house” Taeyeon answered casually.

Tiffany’s eyes popped wide open.

“Really?!” Tiffany exclaimed.

Taeyeon nodded casually as she proceeded to the checkout.

*I didn’t know she kept bees* Tiffany thought to herself as she shuffled behind Taeyeon.

As they approached the counter Taeyeon just put the basket onto the counter and waited on the other side of the till, totally ignoring the uncomfortable gazes to woman at the counter was giving. Tiffany popped the box of berries into the basket as well before moving to the end and waited for the items to be scanned.

“I’ll be outside” Taeyeon murmured as she passed Tiffany a few bills to pay for the groceries and left the store.

Tiffany shot an accusing glare at the woman at the till.

“Ermm… Could you please hurry? I have to be home soon.” Tiffany suddenly cleared her throat.

The woman just nodded as she started scanning the items and putting it into the bag. Tiffany passed the bills to the woman and just walked off, not caring if she had given extra. When she walked out of the store she noticed Taeyeon standing there with her hands in her pockets and rocking on the back of her heels, staring up at the sky.

Upon hearing the sound of the bags rustling Taeyeon turned around to meet Tiffany’s eyes.

“Well?” Taeyeon smiled as she held out her left elbow.

Tiffany didn’t have to ask to understand what Taeyeon had suggested. She held the bag of groceries in one hand and reached to link arms with Taeyeon. Taeyeon however just easily reached over to grab the bags and help Tiffany carry most of it and began to make their way back to Taeyeon’s house. The walk home was relatively quite as Tiffany felt Taeyeon’s tense aura around her.

“Taeyeon…?” Tiffany murmured as she nudged Taeyeon’s elbow.

“Hm?” Taeyeon answered back, still looking straight ahead.

“Why are you allowing me this chance? You could have just easily left me if you had no interest.” Tiffany asked curiously.

Taeyeon just smiled slightly.

“I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to see what you could do. I still have an eternity to do all the things I want to anyway and I don’t think Yuri and Yoona would let me live it down” she explained.

Tiffany just nodded slowly at Taeyeon’s answer.

“Well… I’m thankful for it…” Tiffany smiled. “Even though you may see this as a joke, it’s really important to me. Who knows, I may be able to convince you before Christmas” Tiffany let out an excited giggle.

“We’ll see. Where things are going now… I doubt it” Taeyeon shrugged.

Tiffany just nodded in acknowledgement.

*I still haven’t given it my best yet though* she thought to herself.

“Okay… We’re here” Taeyeon’s voice interrupted Tiffany’s thoughts.

Tiffany blinked a few times to see themselves in front of the door of Taeyeon’s house. She then saw Taeyeon looking down at her arm and immediately let go of it. Taeyeon then took out the key and opened the door and pushed it open.

Tiffany was expecting to see Bubz running up to her and greet her but the house was oddly quiet.

“I told you. Bubz sleeps early.” Taeyeon answered Tiffany’s unasked thoughts.

“Oh…” Tiffany nodded slowly as the sound of the bags echoed through the house.

“So Tiffany… Should you get started?” said Taeyeon as she put all the groceries onto the kitchen bench.

“Oh right. You can rest now. I’ll start up” Tiffany hurriedly walked over and dug into the groceries bag.

Taeyeon gave a stretch as she walked back into her room and got herself changed again, wearing the oversized shirt again. She then walked over to her iPad and turned it on to search for new movies whilst Tiffany started preparing the macaroons. Taeyeon opened up a video and started lazily watching it.

All of a sudden, there was a loud noise coming from the kitchen. Taeyeon wasn’t at all surprised. What was surprising to her though was the fact that it didn’t happen earlier on. Giving off a loud sigh Taeyeon paused her movie and casually walked over to the kitchen where Tiffany was staring down at the mixing bowl which was tipped upside down on the floor, all the mixture spilt everywhere.

“Oops…” Tiffany murmured as she bit her lower lip and lowered herself to the mess on the floor.

She then slowly picked up the bowl and winced at the mess on the floor. Taeyeon just slowly passed Tiffany a dustpan so she could scoop up the mess and the mop from the cupboard nearby.

“I think I should be the one handling the cooking…” Taeyeon said bluntly as Tiffany threw the ruined mixture into the bin.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as she started wiping the floor while Taeyeon walked over to the cupboard to get another bowl. As Taeyeon reached for the top cupboard, Tiffany looked up to face Taeyeon’s shirt lifted up slowly, threatening to reveal more than was needed. Flustered, she quickly looked down again and pretended to be busy while Taeyeon finally reached the bowl.

“You done?” Taeyeon asked as she turned around to face Tiffany.

Tiffany had her head bowed low as she gave a quick nod.

“Want to help? I’m not good with human cooking materials…” Taeyeon admitted as she held up the electric mixer.

“O-Okay…” Tiffany answered hesitantly.

Taeyeon accurately measured out all the ingredients and let Tiffany handle all the electronic work, making sure that things wouldn’t get out of control when she pressed the ‘on’ button. While Tiffany was beating the mixture Taeyeon decided to prepare the berries. She washed the berries and cut the ones that were too big before putting it into a bowl and putting in the completely empty fridge. Tiffany was trying her best to control the electric beater as she stuck her tongue to the side in concentration. When the mixture was done they started to make the macaroons and putting them onto the oven plate so they could bake.Tiffany let out a huff as she blew her fringe away from her face. When it wouldn’t move she used the clean part of her hand to attempt to move it but it did no good.

“Taeyeon…” Tiffany whined as she turned around to face Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked up from her macaroon to see Tiffany with hair all over her face and an annoyed expression behind it all. Understanding what was needed, Taeyeon moved Tiffany’s fringe away from her face, allowing Tiffany to breathe properly.

“Thanks” Tiffany smiled as she turned back to her macaroons.

Taeyeon just smiled smugly as she saw that she had gotten some of the mixture onto Tiffany’s forehead from using her hand to move away the fringe.Feeling something odd against her forehead, Tiffany used her arm to wipe away the remains that Taeyeon had left behind. As she pulled her arm down she saw bright purple macaroons mix all over her arm. Dumbfounded, it took her a few seconds before she finally understood what it was.

“Hey! Taeyeon!” Tiffany suddenly yelled.

“Hm?” Taeyeon turned innocently towards Tiffany to see her forehead now being covered with the mix. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from laughing at the site.

“You got some onto me” Tiffany whined as she showed Taeyeon her arm.

“Who me?” Taeyeon raised both her eyebrows high as she pointed to herself.

Tiffany gave a short nod as she frowned.

“Anniyo” Taeyeon chuckled as she waved her arms and set down her macaroon onto the oven plate.

From the side she felt something cold against her cheek, her eyes opening wide at the contact. She whipped her head around to see Tiffany with a smug expression on her face and a finger which was unusually clean compared to the rest.Taeyeon’s jaw hung open as she wiped away the wet substance off her cheek with the back of her hand, only to reveal the purple substance spread all over it.

“Suits you” Tiffany gave a cheeky nod.

Taeyeon let out a low grumble as she glared at Tiffany. Then using one of her fingers, she smudged some more of the batter onto Tiffany’s nose.Tiffany looked down at her nose as she saw it at the end of her nose, her eyes crisscrossing in the process.Taeyeon let out a loud chuckle as pointed at Tiffany’s expression. Wanting to get even, Tiffany added another smudge on Taeyeon’s chin. Taeyeon stopped laughing immediately as she attacked with a smudge to the cheek. Tiffany attacked back as the two started covering each other’s faces in purple macaroon mixture. Taeyeon then decided to move away from Tiffany to stop the childish fight.

“Okay that’s enough. There won’t be enough to make the macaroons later” Taeyeon laughed as she wiped some of the mixture off of her face.

Tiffany looked over at the oven plate to see sixteen already made.

“It’s enough anyway” Tiffany reassured as she walked over to the sink to wash her hands.

Taeyeon just nodded as she joined Tiffany. An awkward silence was exchanged as the two stood close to each other and washed their hands, their hips almost touching.

Taeyeon washed her hands faster than Tiffany’s so quickly moved from the awkward position and started to put the oven tray into the oven so the macaroons could cook.As she turned around, water droplets hit her face as Tiffany flicked them onto her.

“Heheh” Tiffany giggled as she quickly ran out of the kitchen.

“Tsk” Taeyeon scoffed as she wiped away the water droplets from her face.

Tiffany peeked from the side of the wall to see if Taeyeon was going to attack her. When she saw the coast was clear she walked to the groceries bag and took out the next ingredients she needed to make the cream.

“Can you handle things from now?” Taeyeon suddenly asked as she dried her hands.

“Ah… Yeah I can. Don’t worry” Tiffany answered confidently as she held up a peace sign.

Taeyeon narrowed her gaze at Tiffany, not trusting her to leave her alone in the kitchen by herself again. Finally deciding that she wanted to keep the house in one piece, she took the ingredients out of Tiffany’s hands and tipped them into a glass bowl.

“I don’t want to have to buy a new house later” Taeyeon murmured as she handed Tiffany the bowl.

“I’m not THAT bad” Tiffany remarked as she pouted as started beating to make the cream.

“No. You’re worse” Taeyeon answered bluntly.

“Gee, you’re nice” Tiffany replied sarcastically as she stopped the beater.

Taeyeon just shrugged carelessly as Tiffany covered the cream and put it into the fridge. She then cleaned up the mess that she had made and washed any dishes that weren’t needed as Taeyeon stood on the sides and watched her.When she was finished she gave a proud nod at the kitchen as she held her arms at her hips.

“So what now?” Taeyeon asked tiredly from the side.

Tiffany looked at the oven’s timer to see that they still had around ten minutes left before the macaroons were done.

“How about we just talk?” Tiffany suggested as she sat on one of the stools at the kitchen bench top.

“Talk?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow curiously.

Tiffany nodded.

“This is my chance to get to know you better after all” Tiffany reasoned.

Taeyeon just shrugged as she hopped onto the bench top to sit.

“What would you like to know?” Taeyeon started.

“What your favourite things are.” Tiffany answered curiously.

Taeyeon shrugged in response.

“Don’t really have any”


“Anything is fine”


“Don’t care”


“They don’t come near me”


“Don’t really know”

Tiffany frowned at the uncertain answers that Taeyeon was giving.

“Are you going to give me a solid answer?” Tiffany changed the question.

“Maybe” Taeyeon answered back again.

Tiffany let out a defeated sigh.

“Okay. You ask the questions then” Tiffany decided.

“Okay then. Why are you trying so hard to get me to like you?” Taeyeon didn’t hesitate to ask the questions.

“I think you already know that” Tiffany giggled.

“No I don’t actually. I mean shouldn’t you be scared of me? The fact that I am a thing from the legends and stories. A minion of Satan” Taeyeon said in a mocking tone.

Tiffany shook her head.

“I have to admit I was scared at first. But after I thought through the short time I spent with you, I knew that you were normal just like the rest of us. Your body just reacts differently to a normal

person’s, but the fact still remains that you have feelings like everyone else.” Tiffany explained patiently.

“But why? Even if… and I repeat IF… we were to get together, by the time you’re 30 I still would be at the age of 23. When you’re 60 I will still remain 23. Do you really think you can be happy about that?” Taeyeon asked seriously.

Tiffany just took a deep breath as she thought about what Taeyeon had said. It was true what she was getting at. No matter how young she looked for her age Taeyeon would remain forever unchanged.Tiffany looked up straight into Taeyeon’s eyes and let out a sigh.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be? To be able to spend my life with someone I love without having to fear that I may lose them is like a dream come true.” Tiffany answered with a bright smile.

Taeyeon just scoffed.

“Then what am I to do when you do leave? Just leave me here to get along with life?” Taeyeon retorted.

Tiffany blinked curiously.

“I guess you would move on afterwards. Time heals all wounds.” Tiffany answered with a puzzled expression.

“So you’re fine with me moving onto someone else and forget completely about you after you’re gone?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow.

“N-No…?” Tiffany really hadn’t thought about all of the scenarios.

“So you want me to remain loyal and not find anyone else?”

“N-Not that either…” Tiffany bit her lower lip at the corner she had reached.

The oven’s timer then went off, signalling that the macaroons were over. Taeyeon walked pass Tiffany to pat her head before she opened the oven.

“Just forget what I said. I was just trying to pass the time…” Taeyeon reassured as she pulled the desserts out and let them cool down on the stove nearby.

Tiffany tilted her head to the side as Taeyeon’s questions remained in her head. What was she going to do about the future? What was Taeyeon going to do?

“You going to help?” Taeyeon’s voice once again interrupted Tiffany’s thoughts.

Tiffany shook her head to and hit her cheeks to calm herself down. She then looked to see Taeyeon already bring the berries and cream out of the fridge.

“What do we do now?” Taeyeon asked with a clueless expression as she held up the berries and macaroons.

“We put the cream onto the macaroons and then the berries and finally top it off with another macaroon” Tiffany answered confidently.

“So like this?” Taeyeon said hesitantly as she scooped some of the cream onto the macaroons and put some berries onto it before putting another macaroon on top.

“Yepp” Tiffany answered as she decided to help.

She picked up the warm macaroon and followed Taeyeon’s actions before setting it onto a plate nearby. Seeing it stand perfectly on the plate, Tiffany started to make the others.

“Tiffany…?” Taeyeon’s voice suddenly called out slowly.

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon staring at the plate where the macaroons stood. She followed the gaze to see a demented macaroon and a melted one too.

“…” there was a short silence as they stared at the mess on the plate.

“Were we supposed to let them cool down before we put the cream on?” Taeyeon asked hesitantly.

Upon realisation of what they had done wrong, Tiffany gave herself a face palm.

“The melting tower of macaroons…” Taeyeon commented as she poked at the ruined macaroons which her bathing in the melted cream.

The Night

“We should probably let them cool down…” Taeyeon commented as she tried to put the macaroon back on top before it slid down the cream again.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as she put back the macaroon and spoon down. Taeyeon just gave up with saving the two macaroons that were already ruined beyond repair. Tiffany then looked up at the clock to see that it was still rather early. It was only a few minutes pass ten and she was already starting to feel a little dazed. Deciding that it was time to freshen up, Tiffany decided to make a cup of coffee.

“Already?” Taeyeon chuckled as she raised her eyebrow.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as a yawn escaped her mouth. She was worn out from all the extra exercise she had done that day and was starting to feel it slowly slow her down. As she was adding sugar and water into her coffee, Taeyeon had walked back to the couch and resume her movie watching on her iPad. The dull and quiet atmosphere wasn’t helping Tiffany’s tiredness at all. Usually she would be up until late because either Jessica or SeoHyun was keeping her up, now it was just a silent house with no one but the company of Taeyeon.

*This is going to be a long night* Tiffany thought to herself as she took the mug and walked over to Taeyeon.

“Want some?” Tiffany offered as she held the cup up at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just shook her head as her eyes remained focused on the screen. Tiffany then just shrugged as she took a sip and sat beside Taeyeon, leaning over to take a peek at the movie. Taeyeon saved her the trouble by moving it over so that it was between them.Tiffany gave a content smile as she could feel her body radiate with heat.

*Feels like we’re already a couple* Tiffany thought deliriously.

Sensing that they were getting too close, Taeyeon put the iPad onto Tiffany’s lap and walked off.

“Just going to check on Bubz” Taeyeon lied as she walked over to her room where Bubz was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Tiffany sat on the couch dejectedly as she continued to watch the movie. Taking a sip of her coffee every few minutes. Not long after Taeyeon walked out of the room again and sat on the couch opposite Tiffany with a book.Nothing but the sound of the iPad’s speakers filled the whole room. Even with the coffee she felt even more tiring than counting sheep.

As time ticked by, Tiffany had finished her coffee and Taeyeon had amazingly finished her book.

“I think it’s cool enough” Taeyeon’s voice resounded through the house, breaking the stillness in the air.

“Yeah I think it is” Tiffany answered all too quickly.

Taeyeon just nodded awkwardly as she put the book down on the side of the bench top and took out the cream and berries from the fridge again. Tiffany paused the movie on the iPad and carefully put it onto the couch, not wanting to damage anything accidently, before hurriedly scurrying over to Taeyeon’s side.

The macaroons were now cool and they were able to put the cream on without it melting away like a while creamy river. Taeyeon skilfully put the cream onto the bottom macaroon and

decorated it with a few berries before topping it off with another macaroon piece.Tiffany was trying to imitate Taeyeon’s skills by following very precisely Taeyeon’s actions, but she would always end up with one being lopsided, too tall, overflowing with cream or just plain unstable.

Once she put her ‘master pieces’ against Taeyeon’s, she felt disappointed in the difference between the two. Feeling jealously flow through her, she decided to make it seem a little less taunting by tipping Taeyeon’s perfect macaroon with her finger.She watched it tip over ever so slightly before collapsing against the plate. A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she saw the falling dessert.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes at Tiffany’s childishness and ignored Tiffany destroying her dessert. Instead she just started to make another and put it against Tiffany to emphasise the difference between the two’s skills again.Tiffany just remained stubborn as she tipped over Taeyeon’s one over again. Sticking her tongue out mockingly towards the fallen dessert as though they would be able to see her.

Taeyeon just then attacked back by picking up some cream with her finger and putting it against Tiffany’s cheek.

“Stop killing my minions” Taeyeon retorted as she gave Tiffany a stern look.

Tiffany just giggled as she wiped away the cream on her face, missing a spot completely.

Taeyeon just chuckled as she used her thumb to wipe away the remains.

“You and your aim” Taeyeon commented before she licked off the cream on her thumb.

Tiffany remained stiff as she could feel the heat slowly rising on her face. On the plus side she didn’t really feel tired after that event, she felt rather refreshed and flustered. That feeling was lost however when she saw Taeyeon’s face change dramatically.

“What is that?!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she held her tongue out in disgust.

Tiffany tilted her head to the side curiously, wondering what Taeyeon had meant.

“What is what?” Tiffany asked.

“That” Taeyeon said accusingly as she pointed to the bowl of cream.

Tiffany just looked at the bowl confusingly before dipping her finger in to taste a bit. The taste was beyond words. It was even saltier than the salt in the salt container and was the most horrid thing that Tiffany had ever tasted.

“Ewwww” Tiffany exclaimed as she held out her tongue and scrunched her forehead.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she walked over to the sugar they were supposed to put in the cream. It turned out to be completely sealed. She then slowly turned to the open bag nearby and turned it around to see the brand.

‘Uncle Brian’s Cooking Salt’

“…” Taeyeon couldn’t believe what she was reading on the label.

“Salt?” Tiffany exclaimed from behind as she read the label.

Taeyeon just let out a defeated sigh as she moved away from the bag of salt and towards the macaroons.Disappointment was felt through Tiffany and Taeyeon. The macaroons were now ruined by the cream that was sandwiched between them.

“It was just an experiment I guess. I can’t cook and you don’t cook. Was to be expected” Tiffany chuckled nervously as she stared at the plate.

“Guess so” Taeyeon sighed disappointedly.

Tiffany just gave a short nod as she picked up the plate.

“I don’t think anyone would want to eat these anymore” Tiffany pouted as she started heading towards the bin.

Taeyeon stopped her abruptly and took the plate from her hands.

“I’ve got two volunteers” Taeyeon beamed as she stared evilly at the plate.

“Two volunteers?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow.

Taeyeon just nodded as she put the plate back down.

“I’ll give them some tomorrow” Taeyeon smirked as an evil thought ran through her head.

“Okay then…” Tiffany replied hesitantly.

“So what do we do now? We’ve still got around 11 hours left before this ends” said Taeyeon as she covered up the deadly macaroons.

“I’ve got some movies we could watch” Tiffany suggested as she walked over to her bag and pulled out a few DVDs.

“Okay. We’ll probably have enough time to watch them all.” Taeyeon shrugged as she walked over to the TV and prepared the DVD player.

Tiffany followed behind with the DVDs in her hands as she knelt down and spread the DVDs across the floor.

“Which one?” Tiffany asked as she pondered.

“Any is fine” Taeyeon answered indifferently as she opened the disc player.

“One of my favourites. White Chicks” Tiffany smiled as she picked up the middle cover. “Have you watched these before?” Tiffany asked as she put the disc into its rightful place.

Taeyeon just shook her head and pressed the close button.

“I really don’t like American movies… Or modern movies at that” Taeyeon admitted before standing up and heading for the couch.

“Aww” Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows disappointedly.

Realising that Taeyeon had just revealed information about her likes and dislikes, Tiffany decided to quickly get her iPad and type down what she had heard hurriedly.

Taeyeon just raised her eyebrow at Tiffany crouching over her iPad in the corner suspiciously but just shrugged it off once the movie had started.

Once she was finished with her notes Tiffany put it away and walked over to take a seat on one of the empty couches, the movie starting just in time.

Taeyeon leaned her elbow against the arm rest and leaned her head against it as she folded her legs up to the side. Tiffany slouched in the couch and rested her head against the armrest alone.

As the movie started Tiffany started to feel discouraged.

*Well this is entertaining* Tiffany thought sarcastically as gun shots were heard through the movie.

*Beats the other nights* Taeyeon thought to herself as she saw Tiffany watch the movie tiredly.

Tiffany was starting to feel the coffee wear off again as her eye lids slowly became heavier.

*Time for another coffee* Tiffany thought to herself as she pulled herself off the couch and made herself another cup.

“You know coffee isn’t good for you” Taeyeon informed as Tiffany sat back down.

Tiffany just nodded knowingly.

“But I’m not giving up that easily”

Taeyeon just nodded in response as she turned her attention to the movie again.

As time passed the movie had ended and Tiffany had finished two cups of coffee. The coffee didn’t seem to take effect on her anymore as they began to make her sleepier. She would even occasionally slap her cheeks to wake herself up when she was close to nodding off.

“Do you have anything else that might be interesting?” Taeyeon chuckled as she clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany.

Tiffany rubbed her eyes tiredly as her lower lip pouted.

“Most of the other things included Yuri and Yoona” Tiffany quietly mumbled through her sleepiness.

“Ohh” Taeyeon exclaimed. “We’ll watch another movie then”

Tiffany nodded childishly as Taeyeon went to change the DVD.

“Maybe that macaroon might wake me up” Tiffany whispered as she got up her couch a third time and headed for the plate on the bench top.

She lifted the cover and was faced with the innocent yet deadly looking macaroons. Bravely, she took one from the plate and covered it up again. Tiffany then held it in front of her face as she stared at it. Slowly and reluctantly, she opened her jaw slightly as she took a bite of it.

She was immediately faced with the strong salty taste of the cream burning her tongue.

“Oh god!” Tiffany exclaimed as she covered her mouth.

Taeyeon walked in with her arms crossed and her eyes staring weirdly at Tiffany.

“Did you just eat that?” Taeyeon asked as she pointed at the bitten macaroon.

Tiffany just nodded as she tried to swallow.

“I just needed something to wake me up” Tiffany tried to smile as the deadly cream ran down her throat.

Taeyeon just nodded unsurely before she pointed at the clock.

“You still have ten hours” Taeyeon reminded.

Tiffany nodded knowingly.

“Just reminding” Taeyeon mused cheekily as she walked casually back to her seat and waited for the movie.

As soon as Taeyeon was out of the kitchen Tiffany dashed for the tap and grabbed the cup on the rack. She filled the cup with water and chugged it down like no tomorrow, trying to get rid of the taste in her mouth.

When half of the taste was gone Tiffany let out a relieved sigh. She could hear people conversing from the lounge and knew that the new movie was starting.She stared down accusingly at the macaroons and sighed.

“I wanted her to at least taste something I made” Tiffany admitted.

Taeyeon from the lounge was wondering what was taking Tiffany so long so decided to take a look. She saw Tiffany have a solemn look on her face as she had a staring contest with the bitten deadly dessert.

“She’d never eat them” Taeyeon heard Tiffany sigh before she walked out into the lounge.

Taeyeon turned her head towards the TV and acted casually as Tiffany slumped onto the couch again.

This time the movie was a lot calmer and sadder than the last. It was also longer too. It was proving to be a difficult task for Tiffany to pay attention to the movie, she was starting to regret not picking action movies instead.

Taeyeon on the other hand was quite glad she had picked a tiring movie. It gave Taeyeon some entertainment as she watched Tiffany try to stay awake. She checked the clock nearby. It was almost three o’clock.

*She isn’t going to last much longer* Taeyeon mused to herself as she went to change the movie again.

This time Tiffany didn’t take the chance to refresh. Her body was already limp. She just had to make sure she was awake for another seven hours.

*You can do it* Tiffany thought tiredly as she pried her eyes open using her fingers.

Taeyeon started up another sad and tiring movie. She knew that Tiffany was going to fall asleep soon yet she couldn’t help but push Tiffany that little bit further.

Throughout the whole movie Taeyeon just watched Tiffany nod every few minutes before waking up temporarily.

Finally as she movie was nearing the end and the clock was slowly reaching four thirty, the low breathing could be heard from Tiffany as she drifted off to sleep.

Taeyeon just chuckled to herself as she went over to the sleeping Tiffany.

“Failed~” Taeyeon whispered as she poked Tiffany’s cheek.

Tiffany was in a much too deep sleep to feel anything.

Leaving her alone, Taeyeon returned to her seat and finished off the movie.

*Another lonesome night* Taeyeon thought sadly as she looked over at the sleeping Tiffany.

She had high hopes that Tiffany would’ve been able to make at least one of her nights different but she knew that it was high unlikely. The fact that she also had to walk to her house and to the market carrying a heavy bag and an injured ankle just made the chances decrease to almost impossible. Remembering about her injured leg, Taeyeon decided to check up on Tiffany’s ankle to see if it had gotten worse. She pulled up Tiffany’s pants as she examined the now red ankle.

Frowning at the result, Taeyeon went to grab some ice from the fridge and wrap it around Tiffany’s ankle carefully and kept it in place using some bandage she had. She was careful not to wake Tiffany up from her sleep as she knew Tiffany would go haywire for falling asleep.

Taeyeon then carefully put her arms behind Tiffany’s neck and knee as she slowly picked up Tiffany and carried her easily, making sure she didn’t wake up. She then proceeded to her room where the bed that was only used by Bubz was located. Carefully, Taeyeon set Tiffany down onto the bed before covering her with the blanket, making sure she didn’t disturb Bubz not too far from them.

Taeyeon then quietly walked out of her room and closed the door behind her before she walked to the kitchen. She saw the half eaten macaroon on the table and chuckled at Tiffany’s determination.

Curious, she decided to take the cover off and take one of Tiffany’s macaroons. Slowly and cautiously Taeyeon took a bite from the dessert, expecting the worst possible taste to fill her mouth. To her surprise it wasn’t as bad as she had thought. It was still salty but she could taste the sweetness inside the macaroons too. Deciding that she could bear the taste Taeyeon popped the rest of the poisonous dessert into her mouth and swallowed it wilfully.

Having nothing else to do, Taeyeon took her iPad again and decided to read this time.

Six books later, Taeyeon noticed that the sun was slowly starting to rise.

“Another night gone past” Taeyeon said indifferently as she got up and walked to the kitchen.

She noticed Tiffany’s stuff lying next to the bench and saw the iPad still outside her bag.

*Deduct 50 points* Taeyeon thought to herself as she picked up the iPad and unlocked it.

She then opened up the counting app and looked at the points Tiffany had.

30 points.

Taeyeon typed in the negative sign and the digit number five. She then paused.

*She did try her best…* Taeyeon thought to herself as her finger hovered over the 0.

As Taeyeon debated about how much she was going to take, she decided to backspace everything.

She then hit the addition key and added fifty points.

*I can take it away later* Taeyeon reasoned as she opened the reminders and decided to add a note for Tiffany to read.

‘Don’t expect me to be as nice next time’

Saving the reminder and locking that iPad again, she put the device back into Tiffany’s bag and walked to the cupboards where she some flour, eggs and vanilla essence.

She then began mixing the ingredients together and cooking it to make pancakes. She tasted each batch and would throw out any horrible tasting ones.

Deciding that it was probably better to follow a recipe Taeyeon decided to search up some pancake recipes on her iPad. As soon as she found a simple recipe she followed the instructions accordingly, making sure that this time she put the sugar in instead of the salt.

When she looked at the clock she could see that it was nearing ten o’clock.

Carefully, Taeyeon cooked the pancakes and laid them onto a plate perfectly before she went to the get the honey that she had bought the night before and drizzle it over the top.

She then got a pen and a piece of paper to write a note.

‘Eat this before you go. I have to go meet up with someone’

Closing the lid on her pen Taeyeon crept into the room carefully and went to her wardrobe where she pulled out a set of clothing. She quickly changed into her clothes before walking out and leaving Tiffany to continue sleeping in the room.

She grabbed her car keys near the kitchen cupboard and poured some food into Bubz’s bowl ready for him to eat when he wakes up.

By the time she was finished it was already ten past ten.

Deciding that she had already done enough, Taeyeon took her keys and exited the house, making sure it was locked as she left.

Tiffany in the meanwhile was still in a deep sleep, the comfortable bed and blanket lulled her to sleep and didn’t allow her to escape from the dreams she were having, completely oblivious to the fact that she had failed to stay awake the whole night.

“Tiffany… Hwaiting…” Tiffany murmured in her sleep.


“Have you ever wondered why things happen? Why each snow flake has their own unique pattern, why it decides to form around a piece of dust and why it majestically drifts down and land gently before melting?” Tiffany smiled as she held out her hand and caught a snowflake in the palm of her hand.

“Things happen because of a reason… Everything has a purpose in this world... As long as they have a purpose there is no need to ask why they happen” Taeyeon chuckled as she held her hand out next to Tiffany’s.

“Then what is my purpose? Why am I here?” Tiffany asked quietly as the snowflakes melted off her hands.

“Because…” Taeyeon started, “You’re here for me.” She smiled as she grabbed Tiffany’s hand tightly and pulled it to their sides.

“I’ve waited over a hundred and eighty years for you. You’re the one who completes me, the one who saved me from this lonesome world and the one who means everything to me.” Taeyeon answered wholeheartedly as she brought up Tiffany’s hand and kissed it.

Tiffany could feel herself tearing up at Taeyeon’s words. She then threw her arms around Taeyeon’s neck and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go even if a tidal wave was to knock them over. Taeyeon turned her head to kiss the side of Tiffany’s cheek.

She then felt something wet against her cheek where Taeyeon kissed, similar to a tongue.

“Taeyeon” Tiffany chuckled as she pulled away.

Taeyeon just remained persistent and kept licking Tiffany’s cheek.

“Taeyeon-ah” Tiffany laughed as she pulled away.

Finally the smell of putrid breath started to waft through her nose as she quickly sat up. She scanned around her to see in a big empty room with nothing but a dog beside her with its tongue sticking out of its mouth.

Tiffany could then smell the horrible smell over her face again.

“Ewwwww” Tiffany yelled as she used her sleeve to wipe her cheek. “Dog breath”

Bubz just gave a loud proud bark as Tiffany ran to find the bathroom. As she washed her face she realised that the bathroom seemed oddly different.Taking a quick scan of the bathroom, she finally realised that she was still inside Taeyeon’s house.

“Oh no…” Tiffany sighed as she gave herself a face palm. “I fell asleep!”

After being able to get the dog saliva off her face she quickly ran out of the bathroom and out to the lounge room. She noticed that it was oddly quiet.

“Taeyeon?” Tiffany called out into the empty room.

No answer.

Tiffany’s eye then caught onto something on the table. She slowly walked over the table to see a plate of pancakes and a note beside it.

‘Eat this before you go. I have to go meet someone’

A smile then grew on Tiffany’s face as she saw the honey covering the pancakes on the plate.

*Guess I’m the bees she was referring to* she thought happily to herself as she grabbed a fork and started slowly eating.

As she was eating, Bubz came from the bedroom and was heading towards the bowl of food that Taeyeon had set out for him. Happily, he began eating it, not bothering to notice that Tiffany was in the house with him.

A loud tone was then heard throughout the house. It came from Tiffany’s iPad which was located in the corner of the kitchen. Tiffany sighed as she got off her chair and walked over to her bag, feeling dejected about failing to keep her promise and having fifty points taken off her.

*Minus twenty points… Minus numbers again* Tiffany sighed as she took out her iPad.She saw on the iPad there was a reminder.

‘I won’t be so nice next time’

“Huh?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow at the note.

She then unlocked her iPad and opened the counter app.

“Eighty points?!” Tiffany yelled loudly as she stared at her counter.

Bubz looked up from how bowl and stared at Tiffany. Tiffany meanwhile was just staring at her now eighty points.

*I’m getting closer* Tiffany thought excitedly as she hugged her iPad closer to herself.

“Yuri! Yoona!” Taeyeon yelled from in front of a house and threw a rock at the window.

Yuri came out of the house and stared down at Taeyeon.

“Yoona’s not here. Can I take a message?” Yuri teased with a smile.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

“I know she’s here. She always is. Come down so I can talk to you two” Taeyeon yelled back sternly.

Yuri just shrugged as she walked back into the house, shortly coming out to the front porch where Taeyeon was.

“Where’s Yoona?” Taeyeon asked again.

“I told you she’s not here. She told me she was going to meet up with someone” Yuri shrugged, “So what did you want to talk about?”

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Yuri but just shrugged and proceeded.

“I’m just here to say that Gi Kwang is still around this area. Apparently the leader of the Legion is too. I just wanted to warn you and Yoona to not go off by yourself. Do you know where Yoona might be?”

“Nope” Yuri shrugged and shook her head.

“Okay. Call her. Make sure she’s not alone. I’m going to find Sooyoung” Taeyeon then turned around and gave Yuri a wave.

“So demanding” Yuri chuckled as she gave a stretch and walked back into her house.

As Taeyeon got into her newly car she noticed that there was a dark shadow on the side of Yuri’s house in her car side mirror. She narrowed her eyes to see a grey cape covering the figure. Before she could turn around to make sure what it was, the figure vanished. Taeyeon turned around to face forward as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Not wanting to risk anything she got out of her car again and rushed to Yuri’s door, slamming her hand against the door, waiting for Yuri to open.

“I’m coming. Sheez” Yuri complained as she opened the door.

“Oh Taeyeon. Did you forget something?”

Taeyeon just grabbed Yuri’s hand and pulled her out of the house, not answering Yuri’s question.

“Woah! Taeyeon! What’s…? Ow, hey! What’s going on?” Yuri complained as Taeyeon dragged her to the car.

“I don’t think I should leave you alone. Besides, we need to find Yoona. I don’t like being alone with that kid” Taeyeon huffed as Yuri stood in front of her.

Yuri just rolled her eyes as she went over to the other side of the car and hopped into the passenger seat. Taeyeon turned her head back around to check the area where she had seen the figure, making sure it wasn’t there anymore before she got into the car again.

“A new car again?!” Yuri exclaimed as she raised her eyebrow. “What happened to the other one?”

“I left it somewhere. Probably taken by now.” Taeyeon answered indifferently as she revved the car to life.

“Don’t you think the bank gets suspicious that they’ve been giving interest to the same person for like ninety years? You probably should be long off the records.” Yuri asked accusingly.

Taeyeon shrugged.

“That’s why there are many banks around. Besides, would you rather go to work? Or gain a steady income coming from the bank’s interest rates?” Taeyeon challenged as she made a sharp turn left.

“I don’t mind” Yuri sighed as she stretched her arms.

“Still a little rusty. I think one of the bones healed backwards. Feels weird.” Yuri commented as she rubbed the side of her rib.

“I’ll fix it into place later. Just a snap here and there” Taeyeon gave an evil smirk as she focused on the road ahead.

Yuri immediately backed up against the window and shook her head.

“I think I’ll get Yoona or Leeteuk. I’ve had enough from your hands” Yuri stuttered.

Taeyeon just gave a shrug as she pulled up against an apartment.

“Sooyoung’s?” Yuri asked as she looked up at the apartment.

Taeyeon just nodded.

“I need to warn her too. She can warn Leeteuk for me later.” Taeyeon explained as she took her keys out and got out of her car.

Yuri let out a groan as she followed out behind Taeyeon. They walked into the building and towards the elevator, waiting for it to open. When it did they got in and pressed floor 5 where Sooyoung’s deluxe apartment was.

“I don’t see why she doesn’t just get a house. I mean why an apartment?” Yuri complained as she crossed her arms.

“She moves every few months. Sooyoung has a short attention span so she moves apartments quite often. If she bought houses, even my funds wouldn’t be able to last long.” Taeyeon explained in a monotone voice as the elevator reached floor 5.

They were greeted with a door to Sooyoung’s apartment as soon as they took a step out. Taeyeon raised her hand to press on the buzzer.

“Hello?” Sooyoung’s voice called through the intercom.

“Sooyoung open up. I need to talk to you” Taeyeon replied through the intercom.

“Okay. Wait one moment.” Sooyoung answered as the intercom fell silent.

Shortly afterwards the door opened with Sooyoung standing there.

“Yes?” Sooyoung answered bluntly as she blocked the doorway.

“Can we come in?” Taeyeon asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Sooyoung gave a backward glance into her house. She then flicked her head back to face Taeyeon and Yuri and shook her head sternly.

“Nope. Busy” Sooyoung answered.

Taeyeon crossed her arms as Yuri tried to peek over Sooyoung’s shoulders. Sooyoung swiftly moved to block Yuri’s view of her apartment inside. Taeyeon then used this chance to walk right under Sooyoung’s arm and into the apartment.

“Her shortness” Yuri chuckled as she saw Sooyoung’s jaw dropped.

As Taeyeon walked into the apartment she found a figure standing in the kitchen. She took a step closer towards the figure to identify who it was.

“Sooyoung who was it?” the figure turned around and faced Taeyeon.

It was none other than Sunny.

“Taeyeon and Yuri came to visit” Sooyoung sighed from behind as she scratched the back of her head.

“Oh Taeyeon” Sunny smiled nervously as she walked over to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at Sunny accusingly.

“May I ask why you’re here?” Taeyeon asked gruffly.

Sunny’s expression dropped as she looked up at Sooyoung with a bewildered expression.

“I won’t repeat myself” Taeyeon growled again

“I just came to ask Sooyoung to do a favour. That’s all…” Sunny answered hesitantly.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows at Sunny as she took a step closer. From behind the counter she could see a grey cape laying on the countertop of the table. Taeyeon reached back and pulled it into Sunny’s face as her eyes slowly became fierce.

“May I ask why you have this?” Taeyeon growled.

Yuri came in from behind to see the tense situation around the kitchen. She turned to Sooyoung for an explanation but Sooyoung had a tense look on her face as well.

“Well?” Taeyeon’s voice echoed off the walls.

“I found it in front of the building before. I thought I might as well bring it up here so that Sooyoung might be able to return to” Sunny explained innocently.

Taeyeon threw the cape onto the ground as she took a step closer to Sunny.

“How do I know you’re not part of them?”

Sunny took a step back, surprised at Taeyeon’s fierceness.

“Part of whom?” Sunny stuttered.

“The Legion. Who else?” Taeyeon yelled.

Yuri and Sooyoung jumped at Taeyeon’s sudden tone. Yuri took a step closer to Taeyeon and put a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

“Why would I be part of the Legion? Doesn’t the Legion hate non-pure bloods?” Sunny rebutted.

Taeyeon’s eyes flashed a shade of blue as she glared at Sunny.

“Taeyeon-ah. You’re making a scene. Tell Sooyoung what you have to and let’s go find Yoona” Yuri persuaded as she stroked Taeyeon’s arm up and down.

Taeyeon made an arubpt turn as she faced Sooyoung.

“Have you ever seen Sunny during a full moon?” Taeyeon asked bluntly.

Sooyoung’s eyes opened wide open as she stuttered back a few steps, taken aback from the sudden question.

“Sunny was always busy…” Sooyoung started to explain.

“Have you seen her during a full moon?!” Taeyeon repeated.

Sooyoung opened her mouth to explain but nothing came out, just inaudible stutters.

“She hasn’t. I was never around when the full moon was around. I had other things to attend to.” Sunny interrupted.

Taeyeon clenched her jaw as the suspicion for Sunny grew.

“Taeyeon. Let’s go” Yuri pleaded as she started to pull Taeyeon away.

Taeyeon threw Yuri’s hand away roughly as she stared at Sooyoung again.

“I came here to tell you about the Legion… Make sure you watch your back” Taeyeon warned as she gestured towards Sunny.

“I think I should know…”

“I’m just telling you Sooyoung. You should know better than anyone else to not create more mistakes during their life”

Taeyeon then headed straight out for the door with a flustered Yuri left alone in the apartment. She bowed apologetically to Sooyoung and Sunny before she ran out to catch up with Taeyeon again.

When Yuri reached the elevator she saw Taeyeon rapidly pressing the down button of the elevator, almost breaking it.

“Taeyeon… calm down” Yuri soothed as she took Taeyeon’s hand off the button.

Taeyeon shot Yuri an ice cold glare, the rims of her eyes were dulling in a blue colour.

“I don’t trust that Sunny girl…” Taeyeon growled as she faced the closed elevator doors.

Yuri just awkward soothed Taeyeon by running her hand up and down Taeyeon’s back.

As the elevator door opened Yuri and Taeyeon entered and hit the ground floor button.

“Call Yoona. Ask her where she is” Taeyeon growled bluntly.

Yuri just nodded as she slowly took out her phone to call Yoona.

*Taeyeon doesn’t seem all too happy…* Yuri mentally noted as she held her phone up to her ear.

Sooyoung let out a sigh as she heard the door close. She walked over to the cape on the floor and put it back onto the counter before proceeding to the couch.

Sunny walked over to Sooyoung and hugged her around the waist as she rested her head against the crook of her neck.

“I’m sorry Sooyoung. Maybe I should’ve come a little later.” Sunny apologized.

Sooyoung just shook her head.

“I’m sorry for Taeyeon’s behaviour, and you just got here too…” Sooyoung whispered.

Sunny just shook her head.

“It’s nothing. By the way, what did Taeyeon mean by creating more mistakes?” Sunny asked curiously.

Sooyoung shifted a little as she reached behind the couch and pulled out the small diary Taeyeon had given her. Sooyoung held it in between her fingers as she stared at it.

“I caused someone to lose their life earlier… Not only that, but it was someone important to Taeyeon too…” Sooyoung explained sadly.

Sunny just took the small diary from Sooyoung’s hands and flipped through it.

“Hwang Miyoung?” Sunny questioned.

Sooyoung used her arms to cover her eyes as she nodded.

Sunny just sighed as she put it back onto the table.

“Don’t worry. That’s all in the past. You couldn’t help it anyway” Sunny comforted as she patted Sooyoung’s arm.

Sooyoung just shook her head.

“It was because of the Legion… They said that it was certain to work. They promised so. And yet… It caused me to break all of Taeyeon’s trust for me and this whole world… and to have shortened one’s innocent life…” Sooyoung clenched her teeth together as the painful memories came back.


‘You promised me Sooyoung! You promised that it would work! Look what you’ve done! Her body lays there cold, unmoving, not breathing! Not only that… But now I have to live… with the fact that… she died… because of MY BLOOD!’ Taeyeon screamed as she held Sooyoung’s collar.

‘I’m sorry Taeyeon! They assured me it would work! They promised! They swore an oath! We did everything they told us to do! Nothing was even an inch out of place!’ Sooyoung defended.

Taeyeon let go of one hand and pointed at the body laying limp nearby.

‘Does that look like it worked?! Tell me Sooyoung. Which part of it worked? The pain she had to go through as she whole body was being attacked by my own blood? The slow painful death she had to go through while I watched?! Or is it just involved with me? Seeing all my hopes and dreams die within those last few seconds. Tell me Sooyoung!’ Taeyeon shook Sooyoung by the collar.

Leeteuk ran up to pull Taeyeon back from Sooyoung as Sooyoung stood there, watching her friend slowly collapse in front of her, and all because of her own stupidity and stubbornness.

‘Miyoung…’ Taeyeon whimpered as she crouched down with her head in her palms. The world could have fallen around her and she wouldn’t care.

She was nothing but an empty shell. An empty shell that was to live by itself with a crack in its outer shell.

End Flashback

“I was so gullible to believe them” Sooyoung said through her teeth as her tears threatened to fall.

“It wasn’t your fault Soo. You wanted them to be happy right? You were trying your best…” Sunny comforted.

Sooyoung just nodded as her arm still covered her eyes.

“Sunny… could you leave me alone for a while?” Sooyoung suddenly whispered.

Sunny just pouted as she patted Sooyoung’s arm.

“I just want some time to myself.” Sooyoung added.

Sunny let out an audible sigh as she nodded and slowly got off the couch.

“I’ll bring the cape to the admin then…” Sunny whispered as she took the cape off the countertop.

“Thanks Sunny…” Sooyoung thanked barely audibly.

“Rest up Sooyoung. I can tell you tomorrow anyway” Sunny smiled as she gave Sooyoung one last comforting pat.

Sooyoung just gave a stubborn nod. Sunny then proceeded out the apartment with the cape in her right arm and the left holding the diary right under it.

As Sunny reached the elevator a smile reached her mouth.

“I remember writing this…” Sunny murmured as she held the diary in her hand and flipped through it.


“So I’ll bring Yuri to the store. There I will distract her with the few stalls and that’s when you bring Jessica. Make sure you’re there within ten minutes of the agreed time. I think Yuri will get

suspicious if I insist on staying in that one area.” Yoona explained as she pointed to the map she recently got regarding the festival that was coming up.

“So I’ll walk through this gate with Jessica. Let her take in the view for a while, and then usher her to where you are?” SeoHyun reconfirmed.

Yoona gave an excited nod. SeoHyun frowned as she bit her lower lip and stared at the map. Just then Yoona’s phone rang.

“Hello?” Yoona answered in a monotone voice.

“Yoona, it’s Yuri… Where are you at the moment?” Yuri responded through the phone.

“I’m with a friend at the moment. If there’s something you need I can get it on my way back later”

“No I don’t need anything. I just need to know WHERE you are. Taeyeon and I are going to have to talk to you.”

“Talk to me? Why is there something wrong?”

“Kind of… Listen just tell me where you are. I don’t think Taeyeon is in a decent mood today…”

Yoona let out a long sigh.

“I’m at the café two blocks from Leeteuk’s restaurant. I’ll wait here for you guys”

“No need” the phone then cut off.

Yoona pulled her phone from her ears and stared at the screen to see that Yuri had hung up on her.

“Yoona!” Yuri’s voice then called from behind.

Yoona turned around to see Yuri entering the café with Taeyeon behind her with a displeased look on her face.

“Yuri. Taeyeon.” Yoona smiled as she waved.

SeoHyun looked up at Yuri and Taeyeon. She got up from her seat and gave a bow of greeting. Yuri smiled back nervously while Taeyeon just gave a short nod in acknowledgement. Taeyeon then looked at Yoona seriously as she gestured her head towards the counter and walked there slowly.

Yuri mimicked Taeyeon’s actions, telling Yoona to follow Taeyeon.

Yoona rolled her eyes as she slid her chair out and walked to where Taeyeon was.

“Mind if I take over to Yoona for a while?” Yuri chuckled as she took Yoona’s seat in front of SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just gave an innocent smile as she took the festival’s map and shoved it under the table quickly.

“Of course you can. I’m in no position to oppose it” SeoHyun answered innocently.

Yuri just chuckled as she gave an awkward scan around the café. SeoHyun bowed her head low as she peeked from the top of her eyes to look at Yuri.

“I’m s-sorry…” SeoHyun suddenly apologized quietly.

“Hm?” Yuri responded, still looking elsewhere.

“I’m sorry… For that day…” SeoHyun said a little louder.

Yuri turned her head this time to face SeoHyun with a confused look on her face.

“I thought ill of Taeyeon and offended you and Yoona… I now know I shouldn’t have done that and… I’m sorry for the way I acted…”

A smile grew on Yuri’s face as she reached her hand over to pat SeoHyun’s head.

“I really do wish we could switch maknaes” Yuri remarked.

SeoHyun lifted her head up and gave Yuri a curious look.

“Apology accepted. On one condition though” Yuri added. “No more formal talk. Reminds me too much of the old days” Yuri chuckled.

SeoHyun giggled along as she nodded her head slightly.

“So. What is it that you and Yoona plan on doing?” Yuri raised one of her eyebrows and gave a mischievous smirk.

SeoHyun tilted her head to the side in response.

“I saw you hide… whatever that was. Are you and Yoona secretly dating without telling us?” Yuri winked.

SeoHyun’s face blushed red as she shook her head furiously.

“It’s not like that…” she defended.

“Oh? Then why are you blushing such a deep red?” Yuri continued.

SeoHyun brought her hands up to cover her face with embarrassment.

“Aww. Come on. Share with me. I’m not going to tease or anything. I’m just curious as to why Yoona seems to be spending less time with me” Yuri tilted her head and stuck her tongue out cheerfully.

“Yuri. What are you doing to SeoHyun?” Taeyeon’s cold blunt voice interrupted.

Yuri and SeoHyun turned towards the source of the voice to see Taeyeon holding onto Yoona’s left ear. Taeyeon had an annoyed expression on her face while Yoona was desperately trying hard to not get her ear ripped off.

“Erm…” Yuri furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Yoona.

“I won’t do it again! I promise!” Yoona pleaded loudly as she used her hand to try and pry Taeyeon’s hand away.

SeoHyun giggled at Yoona whilst Yuri just shook her head disappointedly.

“What did you do now Yoona?” Yuri sighed as she stood up and walked behind them.

“Don’t think about helping her Yuri. It will be your ear next” Taeyeon interrupted as Yuri lifted her hand up to help Yoona.

Yuri slowly treated her hand back down as bit her lower lip nervously.

“I was just helping Taeyeon out that’s all. No harm was done.” Yoona explained in a strained voice.

“No one asked you to” Taeyeon interjected as she pulled Yoona’s ear and let her go towards the chair.

Yoona fell onto the chair and held her hand over her ear as she pouted.

“If I hadn’t you probably would have been flocked by them by now” Yoona whined as she nodded her head towards the group of people behind them.

Yuri looked behind to see a group of young teenagers gathered around talking quietly towards each other. SeoHyun raised her eyebrow, wondering what Yoona could have possibly done to make Taeyeon mad at her.

“They didn’t have any intentions Yoona. Even if they did you didn’t have to pull off the whole act and throw yourself onto me shamelessly. You still have an image to uphold, whether it be on campus or off” Taeyeon lectured as she flicked Yoona’s forehead.

Yuri burst out into laughter as soon as Taeyeon had finished her sentence.

“Yoona. Did you call Taeyeon ‘Honey, darling, cutie and seobang’? You know Taeyeon hates it when you’re like that” Yuri strained through her laughs.

“Well… I didn’t want Taeyeon to go off with some teenagers and leaving us behind. I saw the looks they gave Taeyeon. I knew what they were thinking” Yoona stuck her tongue out towards Yuri.

Yuri leaned on Taeyeon as her laughs continued.

“That’s not even the least of it” Taeyeon growled as she crossed her arms.

“I don’t see what’s wrong with just giving a peck on the cheek and a little hug” Yoona defended as she finally let her hand which was covering her ear go.

SeoHyun and Yuri laughed together this time as they saw the comical duo argue with each other.

“Omo…” Yuri suddenly stopped laughing as she spotted something outside the café window.

SeoHyun, Yoona and Taeyeon followed her gaze as they saw Jessica and Sunny outside talking to each other.

“I wonder what Sunny is asking Jessica” SeoHyun mumbled as she moved to get a better look.

As the four of them watched they saw Sunny hand Jessica a note and a small book. Jessica rolled her eyes as she put the two items into her bag. Sunny gave her another small lecture before walking off again. Jessica then gave an annoyed expression as she mimicked Sunny. She then turned around and entered the café.

“Yuri… come” Taeyeon said urgently as she started to make her way to the door.

Yuri didn’t hesitate. She swiftly followed Taeyeon, making sure that she avoided Jessica as they passed.

Yoona and SeoHyun sat there dumbfounded, wondering where the two could have gone.

“They honestly… I’m never involved with anything” Yoona complained as she leaned her head against the table.

“I’m sure they didn’t want to bother you” SeoHyun reassured as she patted Yoona’s back.

“SeoHyun?” Jessica’s voice interrupted.

“Oh. Jessica” SeoHyun smiled.

Yoona looked up with a blunt expression as Jessica stared at her intensely.

“I think I better be going…” Yoona muttered quietly as she slowly slid sideways and away from the table.

SeoHyun bit her lower lip as Jessica’s gaze was averted to her.

“Seo? Why was she here?” Jessica asked bluntly.

“She was… I was… We just…” SeoHyun stuttered.

“I know you can’t lie. Seo, Tell me now.” Jessica demanded.

SeoHyun let out a long sigh.

“We just met here coincidently and decided to talk” SeoHyun lied thoroughly.

Jessica just nodded as she took Yoona’s seat.

“I wonder what Tiffany is up to” Jessica sighed as she stared at the table.

“I’m sure she’s having fun with her friend” SeoHyun smiled, relieved that Jessica had believed her lie.

“I wonder if she has a boyfriend…” Jessica wondered.

“I doubt it” SeoHyun shook her head.

Jessica chuckled.

“Right. Her fear. She said she was going to get rid of that but by going to an all-girls college, I highly doubt it.”

SeoHyun just shrugged in response.

“Oh I saw Sunny earlier. Can you call her for me? Sunny needed to see her about something” Jessica asked tiredly.

“Sunny wanted to see Tiffany?” SeoHyun raised her eyebrow.

Jessica nodded as she turned to her bag and pulled out a book.

“Also can you give this to her as well. I really don’t feel like explaining to Tiffany.”

SeoHyun took the book into her hands and looked at it.

“What’s this for?” SeoHyun asked curiously.

“I don’t know. Sunny just said ‘Give this to Tiffany and make sure she’s at home tonight’” Jessica mimicked in a higher pitch tone.

SeoHyun let out a giggle as she put the book into her pocket.

“Oh right. Are you free tonight?” Jessica suddenly asked.

SeoHyun looked up from her pocket and up at Jessica curiously.

“Yeah I think I am. Is there something you needed?” SeoHyun asked back innocently.

“Great. Can you come with me to pick up some shoes I ordered from a shop nearby? I would’ve asked Tiffany to come with me, but she doesn’t seem to like shopping with me” Jessica explained.

“Sure. I’d love to come” SeoHyun smiled.

Jessica let out a high pitched squeal as she hugged SeoHyun gratefully.

“What are we doing now Taeyeon?” Yuri whined as they stood close to an alley wall.

“There’s something up with Sunny… I’m going to find out what it is.” Taeyeon whispered as she peered to the side of the wall.

Not too far from them, Sunny was standing on the side of the street, waiting for the light to turn green before crossing the road. Taeyeon and Yuri swiftly followed behind, hiding behind people and objects to make sure they weren’t seen. Sunny turned around a few times, sensing something following her, but each time she did she saw nothing suspicious.

Finally they reached the outskirts of the city and onto an open field. Sunny jumped over the fence and walked towards the middle of the field and stood there, waiting. Taeyeon and Yuri were not too far away behind the fence and bush. They kneeled down low so that they were out of sight.

“What’s she doing here?” Taeyeon whispered.

Yuri just grabbed a stick nearby and started digging a small hole in the ground out of boredom.

“What’s so special about Sunny? Isn’t she just someone who looks after Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun?” Yuri complained.

Taeyeon scoffed.

“Apparently, she’s not a plain old human. She’s also known Sooyoung for a while… Something doesn’t add up though.” Taeyeon explained.

Yuri just huffed as her stick snapped in half.

“Is everything done yet?” a voice suddenly asked from the field.

Taeyeon whipped her head up and peered over the bush to see who it was.

“Of course it is. Who do you think I am Gi Kwang?” Sunny chuckled.

Yuri’s eyes popped open as she turned around and leaned behind Taeyeon to take a look. Taeyeon clenched her hand into fists as the figure in the cloak took off his hood. It was none other than Gi Kwang with a proud smile on his face.

“It’s not long till you get what you want now isn’t it? I can finally relax after all this is done” Gi Kwang chuckled as he gave a stretch.

Sunny gave him a sharp slap across the back of the head.

“Don’t slack of now. Not until all this is over.” Sunny scolded.

Gi Kwang cowered from the attack and muttered a curse under his breath.

“What?!” Yuri exclaimed.

Taeyeon quickly used her hand to cover Yuri’s mouth and shot her a deadly glare.

“Shhh” Taeyeon hushed.

Yuri gave a quick apologetic look with her eyes. They then heard a twig snap from behind them and the shuffling of feet. Yuri closed her eyes tightly as Taeyeon held her breath.

“What is it?” Gi Kwang called from behind.

The shuffling of the feet stopped for a moment.

“I heard something…” Sunny muttered.

Gi Kwang peered over to where Sunny was looking. He could see a pair of feet towards the side of the bush and smirked as he walked towards them. Taeyeon clenched her teeth tightly as Yuri started to shake.

“I’ll take a look for you” Gi Kwang offered as her quickly jumped across and stood in front of both Taeyeon and Yuri.

He glowered down at them, pretending to be looking for something.

Taeyeon shot him a murderous look as she flared her teeth.

“Just a few field mice. Nothing to be worried about” Gi Kwang suddenly announced with a proud smile.

Yuri opened her eyes and stared at him curiously, while Taeyeon’s jaw dropped.

“Dirty rodents. Now come we have to finish off out plan” Sunny said bluntly.

Gi Kwang just gave a shrug as he walked pass them and back towards Sunny.

Taeyeon finally let go of Yuri’s mouth, leaving a noticeable handprint over her jaw as she peered over.

There was nothing but the leaves blowing in the wind.

She let out a relieved sigh as Yuri was rubbing her sore jaw.

“So she is part of the Legion…” Taeyeon grumbled.

“How come you didn’t know she was? I’m pretty sure you knew most of the Legion right?” Yuri asked.

Taeyeon just gave a short nod as she focused on a rock on the floor.

“I haven’t seen Sunny before… and Gi Kwang never mentioned anything about new recruits. The only new person he mentioned was… the new leader…” Taeyeon’s voice slowly railed off.

“So… are you suggesting that…”

Taeyeon gave a quick nod as Yuri trailed off.

“Oh my god…” Yuri murmured.

“Let’s go” Taeyeon announced as she abruptly got up.

“Where?” Yuri asked as she looked up.

“The Legion are known to especially hate humans. They all bear grudges against the human world. If Sunny is part of the Legion… the humans won’t be safe.” Taeyeon explained.

“By humans you mean…”

“Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany…” Taeyeon interrupted.

Yuri’s shoulders dropped.

“Hang on… didn’t they say they had a plan?” Yuri suddenly realised.

Taeyeon turned to Yuri and raised her eyebrow.

“They said that it wasn’t long before Sunny got what she wanted… and that Gi Kwang could relax after all this was done… not only that but Sunny was with Jessica before this…” Yuri said slowly.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as things slowly sank in.

“Yuri! Call Yoona!” Taeyeon growled.

Yuri didn’t waste any time. She quickly got out her phone and dialled Yoona’s number.

“Hello~” Yoona’s voice chimed through the phone’s earpiece.

Taeyeon quickly took the phone into her hand.

“Yoona. Are you still with SeoHyun?!” Taeyeon said urgently.

“Oh. Hello Taeyeon. Ermm… I’m not with her at the moment. Jessica’s there with her…” Yoona answered innocently.

Taeyeon let out a groan.

“Could you arrange for them to come over your place tonight? Or Yuri’s doesn’t matter.”

“I can try. Is there something going on? You sound worried.”

“Don’t worry about that now. Make sure they are at your house as soon as possible. Yuri and I still have some issues to figure out. Do not leave those three alone. Okay?” Taeyeon growled through the phone.

Yuri sat there in front of Taeyeon as she poked at the ground with another stick.

“Taeyeon you’re starting to worry me. Is there something I should know?” Yoona pondered.

Taeyeon let out a sigh.

“I’ll explain later. Can you just… do what I’ve asked you to do?” Taeyeon used her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“I uhmm…”

“Please…” Taeyeon muttered.

Yuri looked up at Taeyeon with surprise and Yoona froze on the other side of the phone.

“O-Okay…” Yoona stuttered.

“Thanks…” Taeyeon then hung up the phone.

“Wow” Yuri whispered.

“What?” Taeyeon growled.

“I thought you were the one who said, stay away from humans.” Yuri gave a cheeky grin.

Taeyeon turned her back towards Yuri.


“Just wondering about the change in attitude… that’s all” Yuri smiled.

Taeyeon turned her head to the side to look at Yuri.

“We were once human too. If the Legion is planning on hurting any of them… I can’t allow it to happen.”

Yuri just nodded as she got up from the ground.

“Well… I have to say, I agree with you on this one. Even if the three aren’t involved, it’s better to be safe than sorry”

Taeyeon just faced forward again and nodded.

“Let’s go.”

The Chase

“Tiffany. Sunny said stay home tonight. She needs to talk to you or something, I don’t know” Jessica said tiredly as Tiffany walked pass the lounge.

“Sunny? Really?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Jessica. Jessica just nodded as her eyes were still fixed onto the TV in front of her. Tiffany started to wonder why Sunny would want to talk to her as she took a bite from her chips.

“Did she say what it was about?” Tiffany asked.

“Something along the lines of, ‘giving Tiffany a little talk to’ thing” Jessica waved her hands carelessly, telling Tiffany to be quiet. Tiffany gave a huff as she took out her phone and fiddled with it. She then remembered the poster Yoona has pointed out to her in the library. Suddenly feeling excited, Tiffany unlocked her phone and opened up a new text message, direct to Taeyeon.

To: TaeyeonThere’s a festival next week and I was wondering if you and I could…You know… Go together ^^From: Tiffany

Tiffany’s finger hovered over the send button as she reread he message. She hesitated as she wondered whether the text was too casual.

“Unnie” SeoHyun suddenly said from behind, causing Tiffany to jump and slip her phone. She juggled the phone a few times before she managed to secure it in the palm of her hand, letting out a sigh of relief before examining whether her phone was okay. Tiffany froze when she saw the notice on the screen.

‘Message Sent’

“Urgh…” Tiffany groaned as she slouched on the couch.

“What is it?” Jessica asked bluntly.

“Nothing” Tiffany sighed.

“Ermm Unnie” SeoHyun said again as she stood behind Tiffany. Tiffany and Jessica looked up curiously at SeoHyun.

“The Elites have invited us for a private study session with them this afternoon…” SeoHyun said slowly. Tiffany and Jessica sat up straight on their chairs and stared at SeoHyun curiously.

“Really?” they said in unison. SeoHyun nodded as she took out her phone and showed the three text messages which were from Yoona, Yuri and Taeyeon, all inviting them to a study session.

*Hang on. How come I didn’t get a…* Tiffany’s thought was interrupted as her phone beeped three times. She took out her phone to see three text messages similar to SeoHyun’s, only difference was Taeyeon’s message. Tiffany bit on her lower lip as she slowly opened up Taeyeon’s message.

To: TiffanyWe’ll see. I’ll give you a mini test at the study session. If you manage to pass, I’ll come with you to the festival along with an extra ten points.However, if you fail I will not come with you to the festival and I will deduct fifty points.I won’t be nice to you like before.Deal?From: Taeyeon

*She sure loves to make a game out of everything* Tiffany thought to herself as she felt her blood boil at the challenge.

To: TaeyeonDeal!From: Tiffany

After sending the text Tiffany gave a loud huff of proudness and locked her phone. SeoHyun and Jessica gave Tiffany a curious look, wondering why she was so intent on a text message.

“Ermm… So, are we going?” Tiffany laughed nervously trying to change the subject.

“Count me out” Jessica said bluntly as she turned back to watch her program.

“Aww, why not?” Tiffany whined.

“Well one, because you have to see Sunny this afternoon, two because I need to pick up my stuff and three because I don’t want anything to do with the three.” Jessica listed with annoyance.

Just then Tiffany got another text message.

To: TiffanyPlease pass the next text onto Jessica.From: Taeyeon

A little confused, Tiffany passed her phone to Jessica.

“The next one is for you” Tiffany explained slowly as Jessica stared down at the phone. Just as she held the phone a new text message came.

To: TiffanyHello Jessica,I’m sorry for the way the Elites have acted. To compensate for our behaviour, we are willing to

restart the study sessions.Please take this into consideration.From: Taeyeon

Tiffany peeked over Jessica’s shoulders to read the text message that was sent to Jessica. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the text, knowing that there was no way that Taeyeon would willingly apologize for something she didn’t do.

*Something’s up* Tiffany thought to herself. Just as she finished her thought Sunny came through the door with her keys breaking the small silence of the lounge.

“Oh Tiffany. You’re here. I need to talk to you for a bit.” Sunny smiled as she took the keys out of the keyhole.

“SeoHyun let’s go.” Said Jessica as she passed Tiffany her phone and stood up.

“Where to?” SeoHyun asked curiously.

“I’ll pick up my stuff… and then, if we have time, visit the Elites.” Jessica shrugged as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

“Hey, what about me?” Tiffany exclaimed as she stood up.

“You can catch up with us later.” Jessica waved her hands and then disappeared through the door.

“We’ll meet up at Yuri’s house” Tiffany told SeoHyun. SeoHyun gave a nod before quickly following Jessica outside, leaving her and Sunny by themselves.

“Makes things easier” Sunny nodded approvingly.

“So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Tiffany asked cheerfully as she sat on the couch.

“We’re going somewhere first. Get ready; when I come down we’ll leave.” Sunny explained as she went upstairs. Tiffany just gave a shrug as she started to get ready.

“Where are they?” Taeyeon growled under her breath as she impatiently paced up and down the lounge. Yuri and Yoona were sitting on the couches playing their own game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, with punishments involved for losing, to entertain themselves.

-Knock, knock, knock-

Taeyeon, Yuri and Yoona all whipped their heads towards the door when they heard the knock. Yoona got up from her seat and walked towards the door to open it, expecting to see all three girls standing there. To her surprise, and Taeyeon’s, there was only SeoHyun standing there with a sheepish smile on her face.

“Hey…” SeoHyun greeted shyly. Yuri and Taeyeon walked up to the door and looked out, hoping to find Tiffany and Jessica behind her. When they couldn’t see any signs of anyone else behind her they looked back at SeoHyun with a curious look.

“Jessica… Didn’t want to come…” SeoHyun explained. Taeyeon, Yuri and Yoona nodded slowly before whipping their head back at SeoHyun.

“Where is she?” Yuri asked cautiously.

“She’s going back to Tiffany. I tried to bring her here but she didn’t seem like she wanted to.” Said SeoHyun.

“And Tiffany?” Taeyeon added.

“Oh, she said she will join with us as soon as Sunny was finished talking to her.”

Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s eyes opened wider after SeoHyun’s statement.

“Sunny?!” They exclaimed.

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows as she turned and faced the two behind her.

“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Yoona accused as she turned her body fully towards Yuri and Taeyeon. SeoHyun nodded as well, agreeing with Yoona’s accusation.

“Wait… so Tiffany is alone with Sunny… and Jessica is going to join them?” Yuri asked SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just gave a short nod. Taeyeon brought her hand up to her head as she realised the dilemma she was in.


“You don’t have to ask me twice” Yuri interrupted Taeyeon before she could even start. Then, without hesitation, Taeyeon and Yuri grabbed their keys and walked out the door.

“Look after SeoHyun, Yoona. We’ll be back soon.” Taeyeon called back before getting into her car, leaving Yoona and SeoHyun alone and bewildered. In less than a minute Yuri and Taeyeon were out of sight with Yoona having an annoyed expression on her face and SeoHyun wondering what was going on.

“Do you know what’s happening?” SeoHyun asked slowly. Yoona gave a short huff and shook her head.

“If I knew I wouldn’t be so annoyed right now”

“Stupid Yuri. Stupid Taeyeon. Stupid Yoona” Jessica muttered as she kicked a rock on the floor down the street.

“Thinking that everything is fine after one text. I’m not so fickle you know!” Jessica yelled as she kicked the rock as hard as she could. Her eyes followed the rock towards a retail store where she saw three people talking. As she got closer she recognised two of them.

“Sunny? Tiffany?” Jessica called out as she squinted her eyes.

“Oh Jessica” Sunny greeted as the other two turned around.

“Who’s he?” Jessica asked as she nudged her head towards the unknown figure.

“Oh he’s Gi Kwang. Just a friend of mine.” Sunny explained quickly. Jessica just nodded slowly, not caring for her explanation as she looked over at Tiffany who seemed to be cowering away from them.

“Is… everything okay?” Jessica hesitantly as she moved towards Tiffany. Sunny and Gi Kwang exchanged glances of annoyance before turning and smiling towards Jessica.

“Yeah everything is fine. You two should probably get home now.” Sunny beamed. Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he walked away from them, making Tiffany sigh with relief.

“Make sure you look after the house tonight… I’ve got another meeting with someone.” Sunny’s mood changed as she glared at Jessica. Jessica shot Sunny back a glance before turning her full attention to the shivering Tiffany.

“Are you okay? Why are you shivering?” Jessica asked worriedly as she tried to find something wrong with her. After a quick once-over Jessica found nothing apparent that would make Tiffany shiver.

“S-Sunny…” Tiffany started but slowly stopped once she saw Sunny’s gaze.

“Sunny wanted to see me urgently… so I forgot my jacket” Tiffany lied as she tried to pull off a smile. Sunny gave an approving nod towards Tiffany’s lie and smiled sweetly.

“You two run along now. We wouldn’t want something to happen to you two now do we?” Sunny smirked before walking off towards Gi Kwang’s direction.

“L-Let’s go” Tiffany stuttered as she pulled Jessica away.

“What did she talk to you about?” Jessica asked as her arm was pulled away forcefully. Tiffany just remained silent as she was focused on getting away from the place and back home.

“We’ve driven around the city five times already. I still see no sign of them” Yuri sighed as she got out of her car. Taeyeon got out of her car and leaned against it as she let out a defeated sigh.

“They’re not picking up their phones either…” Taeyeon growled under her breath.

“Wait…” Taeyeon suddenly said as she took out her phone and called Yoona. On the third ring Yoona picked up.

“Yoona. Has SeoHyun received any text or some sort yet?” Taeyeon said quickly, not allowing Yoona to start.

“You know I have no idea what’s going on here. And yet you and Yuri are off somewhere telling me to do this and that without any information. Aren’t we supposed to be a team?” Dark Yoona answered through the phone.

“Yoona I really don’t have time for this. Can you ask SeoHyun if she has any information about either Jessica or Tiffany?” Taeyeon said impatiently.

“Hang on” Yoona growled.

“SeoHyun. Did you get any messages from Jessica or Tiffany?” Yoona called back.

“Nope” Taeyeon heard SeoHyun’s faint voice through the phone. Not waiting for Yoona she hung up again and let out a frustrated groan.

“Nope” Yoona answered through the phone, only to be greeted by the beeping tone. Her grasp on the phone tightened as her dark side started to rage.

*Relax… You can get them back later…* Yoona thought to herself as she relaxed her grip.

“Is everything okay?” SeoHyun asked curiously. Yoona turned around and gave SeoHyun an innocent smile.

“Yeah everything’s fine. So did you get the question it asked you?” Yoona changed the subject towards SeoHyun’s studies.

“One last round” Taeyeon told Yuri as she got back into the car. Yuri just nodded as she got back into her own car and started up the engine and headed down towards Tiffany’s, Jessica’s and SeoHyun’s place, wasting no time with the speed limits hung up on the side of the road.

Taeyeon’s grip on the steering wheel was firm as she started to wonder about the possibilities that could have happened to Tiffany and Jessica. Yuri in the other car was expressing her stress in a rather different way. She channelled her anxiety towards the pedal and hence causing the car to speed pass many different cars. A few honks of the horn was heard as Taeyeon and Yuri whizzed pass them, just inches away from crashing into the other cars.Finally they reached their first stop. Taeyeon didn’t bother cutting off the engine as she hurriedly walked up to Sunny’s door and knocked on it impatiently. Yuri then came up to her with both her own and Taeyeon’s car keys in her hand as they waited for the door to open. Not expecting any answers Taeyeon decided to continue the search when suddenly, they heard a noise inside the house. Taeyeon turned around to face Yuri, thinking that it was her making the noise, but Yuri was also facing backwards towards the door with a puzzled expression on her face.Yuri slowly walked back up to the door and held her ear against the flat surface of the door and listened carefully. She could hear feet shuffling around the house and the TV turned on at a moderate volume, evident from the sound of audience laughter. Yuri motioned for Taeyeon to come up as well as she put her hand onto the door knob. Taeyeon gave a short nod as Yuri slowly tested the door knob. To both their surprise, the door was unlocked.Taking caution, Yuri continued to open the door, careful to not make any sounds.

“Stop what you’re doing!” Taeyeon yelled as soon as they barged into the house.

“Ahh!” a scream echoed off the walls of the house as a figure stood in the middle of the lounge, flustered and scared.

Taeyeon and Yuri were caught off guard when the figure turned out to be Tiffany.

“What the…?” Yuri whispered as she relaxed her shoulders.

“Oh Taeyeon… Yuri, I thought you were someone else” Tiffany gave a sigh of relief.

“You were here all along?” Taeyeon asked bluntly as she quickly scanned the house.

“Well I was talking to Sunny first. And then I came back here.” Tiffany explained calmly.

“What about Jessica?” Yuri added. Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Yuri’s question but quickly relaxed.

“Oh her. She’s upstairs sleeping.” Tiffany beamed as she pointed upstairs.

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany.

“I’ll go check on her” Yuri excused herself as she walked upstairs, leaving Taeyeon and Tiffany alone in the lounge.

“Taeyeon~ Was there something you wanted?” Tiffany chimed as she skipped over to Taeyeon. Taeyeon crossed her arms with annoyance as she stared at the cheerful Tiffany.

“So I asked you to come over for a study session and you said that you were coming but decided to stay home. Not only that but we had a little test that we had to do and you just disregarded it like it meant nothing?” Taeyeon scolded as she glared at Tiffany. Tiffany bit her lower lip guiltily as she swallowed down hard.

“M-Maybe?” Tiffany shrugged innocently. Taeyeon let out a long audible sigh as she walked over to the couch and slumped over it, using her hand to cover both her eyes tiredly.

“I swear, even I would collapse from tiredness chasing you around. Tell me where you plan on going next time!” she groaned. A smirk grew on Tiffany’s face as she walked over to Taeyeon’s side.

“Were you worried about me?” Tiffany asked cheekily as she poked Taeyeon’s cheek. Taeyeon got up abruptly from Tiffany’s poke and raised her eyebrows at Tiffany.

“Admit it, you were worried.” Tiffany beamed.

“You wish” Taeyeon scoffed as she crossed her arms and looked away. Tiffany stuck her tongue out cheekily as she stood up beside Taeyeon.

“Then why were you chasing me around? If you weren’t worried you wouldn’t need to chase me” Tiffany rebutted.

“That’s what you think. I didn’t want to lose my source of entertainment that’s all” Taeyeon quickly reasoned.

“Entertainment?” Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows.

“So I’m just a little game to you?” she added.

Realising what she had said, Taeyeon quickly froze.

“Maybe… besides it’s not like I’m forcing you or anything. You can call the deal off anytime you like” Taeyeon muttered.

“What would you do if I did call off the deal?” Tiffany smiled.

“Then I would pack my bags and leave this place, like I said.” Taeyeon answered calmly as she sat up and crossed her legs.

“Do you really think that I will be able to win though?” Tiffany asked with more seriousness. Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany staring straight into her eyes, waiting for her answer all too eagerly.

“Maybe. Anything is possible” Taeyeon shrugged as she stood up. At the same time Yuri came down from the stairs quietly, giving Taeyeon a nod indicating that Jessica really was asleep upstairs.

“So Sunny has already talked to you has she?” Taeyeon quickly asked as she stood next to Yuri. Tiffany gave a quick nod.

“Nothing suspicious about her?” Yuri asked with her eyebrow raised high. Tiffany responded with a shake of the head.

“Okay then… We’ll let Yoona bring SeoHyun home soon… If there is anything… out of the ordinary… make sure you call m-…. Yuri” Taeyeon quickly changed her last word of the sentence. Tiffany let out a quiet giggle as she nodded obediently.

“Yes, I’ll be sure to call Yuri” Tiffany emphasized Yuri’s name.

Taeyeon scoffed to herself at Tiffany’s antics before she headed for the door.

“See you tomorrow Taeyeon~” Tiffany chimed cheerfully. Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she turned the knob of the door and exited the house with Yuri following close behind her.

While they were halfway to their car Yuri decided to ask Taeyeon something.

“Hey Taeyeon… Do you think that maybe… we’re over thinking things?” Yuri asked curiously. Taeyeon stopped walking for a moment as she gave a sideways glance to Yuri.

“Well what would you do if a group of immortals, who seriously despises humans, were lurking around these areas and were doing everything they can to get you to re-join their small little group?” Taeyeon asked back bluntly.

“Good point” Yuri chuckled as she continued to walk to her car.

Taeyeon remained where she was as she did another quick scan of the house, making sure that it was safe for the time being.

*Should be fine* Taeyeon thought to herself as she threw her keys up into the air and caught them again.

The Test

“Oh. Found it. You forgot to bring this over here and that’s why it ended up being wrong.” Yoona said calmly as she pointed towards SeoHyun’s work. SeoHyun nodded slowly as she fixed her mistake and worked through the rest of the question. Just as SeoHyun was about to go onto the next question they heard the sound of car doors closing.

“They’re back” Yoona growled as she got up quickly and opened the door. As the door opened slowly, Yuri and Taeyeon were standing in front of the door with unamused expressions on their faces.

“What happened to you two?” Yoona asked curiously as they walked by her. Taeyeon just waved her hand carelessly as she flopped over the armrest of the couch. Yuri chuckled as she walked towards the dinner table where SeoHyun was studying and decided to check on her work.

“Fine… ignore me… again” Yoona said sarcastically as she closed the door with annoyance. She then was about to walk back to SeoHyun when she noticed Taeyeon still bent over the arm rest of the chair. A smirk grew on her as an idea popped into her head.Yoona slowly crept up to Taeyeon’s legs where her backside was completely vulnerable as Taeyeon was still unmoving. Yoona bent over a little to take a look at Taeyeon’s lower back, which was exposed as her shirt was pushed up from her position.

“I see our leader likes to wear lacy underwear” Yoona said all too loudly as she tugged on Taeyeon’s shirt. Yuri’s and SeoHyun’s head remained unmoved as they stared at Yoona curiously. Taeyeon on the other hand, did not act so calm.

“Yoona!” Taeyeon yelled as she stood back up. Yoona gave a quick squeal as she ran as fast as she could. Taeyeon ran after her, trying to grab whatever part she could to stop Yoona. Yoona ran past Yuri and SeoHyun quickly, the wind blowing both their hair sideways and into their face. Before they could even fix it Taeyeon ran past, making another gust of wind come through. Yoona then decided to run back around Yuri and SeoHyun, making her and Taeyeon run in circles.Yuri sat there as her hair was being messed up by the two running past her. Finally, having enough of the childish antics, she stuck her foot out in front of Yoona, causing her to fall face first onto the floor boards. Taeyeon wasn’t far behind her as she fell over Yoona’s feet. She fell on top of Yoona giving out a loud ‘oof’ as their bones collided.This was however an advantage to Taeyeon as she grabbed Yoona’s arm and bent it backwards.

“Ow!! Ow, ow ow!!!” Yoona yelled as her other hand slammed against the floor.

“M-Mercy! Please. I like my arm where it is!” Yoona exclaimed in pain as Taeyeon pulled it back even further. SeoHyun winced as she watched Yoona’s arm bend in unnatural ways whilst Yuri was busy fixing her hair.

“Why are you getting worked up for? It’s not like you wear lacy underwear right?! I didn’t see anything!!” Yoona admitted as she tried to get Taeyeon off her. Taeyeon’s grip slowly started to release her as she realised what Yoona said.

“Oooo~” Yuri cooed with amusement as she gave a mischievous grin. Taeyeon quickly let go of Yoona’s arm and got up, brushing off any dirt off of her. SeoHyun quickly got out of her seat as she went over to help Yoona, who was half dead as she laid flat against the floor.

“Well Taeyeon? Do you wear lacy underwear?” Yuri mused as she tilted her head to the side innocently.

“Mind your own business” Taeyeon muttered as she glared at Yuri.

“Aww come on. You can tell us. We’re like sisters. There’s nothing wrong with wearing a few daring pieces of lingerie once in a while.” Yuri continued.

“Then I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with dislocating a few bones right?” Taeyeon rebutted with an innocent smile. Yuri immediately stopped as she swallowed down hard at Taeyeon’s threat.

“R-Right. Whatever you chose to wear is up to y-you” Yuri stuttered as she gave a salute.

“Yoona, get up from there it’s dirty. Take SeoHyun home as well. It’s getting late.” Taeyeon called back to the dead Yoona.

“Yes Taeyeon” Yoona groaned as her arm was healing.

“I’ll explain everything to you tomorrow. Meet up at my place tomorrow. I’ll get going now.” Taeyeon added before leaving for the door again. Yuri gave a sigh of relief as she went over to Yoona and gave her a sympathetic pat on the back.

“Yoona…” Yuri sighed disappointedly. Yoona slowly propped herself up from the floor and sat up crossed leg.

“Are you okay Yoona?” SeoHyun asked worriedly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I kinda deserved it” Yoona chuckled as she moved her arm. She then looked over to Yuri who had a disappointed look on her face.

“You knew she was going to kill you if you peeked.” Yuri shook her head slowly. Yoona just nodded shamefully.

“So…” Yuri then looked up with a smirk on her face.

“What type was it?” Yuri winked. SeoHyun looked at Yuri with shock at her question.

“Hahah. It was black and blue. It had bit of frilly bits on the back, looked really expensive” Yoona giggled as she described it to Yuri.

“Ah… Erm…” SeoHyun stuttered at the two talking about Taeyeon. Yoona chuckled at SeoHyun’s expression and patted her shoulder.

“I bet you didn’t expect the all cold Taeyeon to be like that did you?” Yoona mused.

“Our leader has a very weird personality. It’s fun though, seeing her try to keep up her image” Yuri giggled. SeoHyun all the meanwhile was still confused about what was happening around her. Yoona then gave herself a few slaps on the cheek before she stood up quickly.

“Let’s take you home.” Yoona beamed as she held her hand out for SeoHyun. SeoHyun took her hand willingly as they both stood up. Yuri smiled at the small scene in front of her.

“Just like a gentleman, right SeoHyun?” Yuri mused. SeoHyun’s eyes opened with surprise as Yoona shot Yuri a death stare.

“Don’t mind me. You should bring your princess home Prince Yoona” Yuri gave a wink and then mockingly, walked up to her room. SeoHyun stood there blushing while Yoona beside her gave an awkward fidget.

“W-We should get going” Yoona stuttered as she pulled SeoHyun out towards the door.

“O-Oh” SeoHyun replied before exiting Yuri’s house.

*If they weren’t after those three… then who are they after?” Taeyeon thought to herself as she opened her door to her house. As she walked in she heard a growling noise coming from the kitchen. As she slowly put her keys onto the side table, she slowly walked towards the kitchen. As she was a few feet away from the entrance of the kitchen, she saw Bubz in a defending position and growling at something inside the kitchen. Taeyeon stuck to the wall closely as she crept into the kitchen.

“Who’s there?!” Taeyeon growled as she flicked the lights on. As the lights came on she saw a male figure sitting at the kitchen bench with a half-eaten macaroon and a disgusted expression on his face. Taeyeon lowered her guard as she sighed tiredly.

“Gi Kwang what are you doing here?” Taeyeon muttered as she walked over to calm Bubz down.

“I was coming to get a snack… but it seems that all you have is poison.” He remarked as he put the salty macaroon down.

“I’m serious. What are you doing here?” Taeyeon answered back sternly with Bubz in her arms.

“I’m just here to warn you about the three humans.” Gi Kwang shrugged innocently. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at the mention of the three humans.

“You should probably keep a good eye on them. Our new leader plans on using them against you.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Taeyeon interrupted before Gi Kwang could continue. A smile grew on Gi Kwang’s face as he took a step towards Taeyeon.

“Well… for one, I still have an allegiance with you. Until you willingly give up your leader status to someone, I’m still supposed to abide by your will. And two, well… I really don’t like the new girl.” Gi Kwang chuckled as he made a disgusted expression.

“Girl huh?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Gi Kwang.

“I don’t suppose the new leader is Sunny now, is she?” she continued. Gi Kwang was caught short from Taeyeon’s question and began choking. Taeyeon let out a smile at the sight of Gi Kwang slamming his hand against the table top trying to stop choking and struggling miserably.

“Well?” Taeyeon urged as she put Bubz down on his feet. Gi Kwang cleared his throat before he took a deep breath.

“Ahem… why do you ask?” Gi Kwang strained.

“Just curious as to whom they are and why they won’t leave me alone?” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she narrowed her gaze towards Gi Kwang.

“That’s one thing I can’t tell you. If you found out she would kill me. Literally.”

“You’re a pure blood immortal… She can’t kill you.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes. Gi Kwang just shook his head furiously at Taeyeon’s response.

“She can. She’s already done it to our old leader before you. I’m telling you it’s possible.” Gi Kwang’s voice suddenly became serious.

“Well what’s wrong with telling me now? It’s not like she can hear.” Taeyeon crossed her arms as she watched Gi Kwang. Gi Kwang however, thought otherwise. He walked up to Taeyeon andleaned in against her ear.

“She can… she has this thing where she knows everything I say…” he whispered in Taeyeon’s ear. Taeyeon leaned away from Gi Kwang and wiped her ear annoyingly.

“She’s Sunny isn’t she? I saw you…” Taeyeon blurted out bluntly. Gi Kwang ran up and covered up her mouth before she could continue.

“Shhh. You weren’t supposed to be there remember?” Gi Kwang growled into Taeyeon’s ear.

“If she finds out you were there…” he didn’t continue as he imagined the horrible images flash through his head. Taeyeon roughly pulled Gi Kwang’s hand away from her mouth and gave a loud huff.

“I-I should be going now… Later Taeyeon…” Gi Kwang said urgently as he quickly escaped through the door.

“What was that about?” Taeyeon huffed as she straightened out her clothes.

“What was that?” Sunny asked roughly as Gi Kwang stood beside her.

“Sh-she’s just guessing who the new leader is… that’s all” Gi Kwang answered hesitantly. Sunny turned around and raised her eyebrow at Gi Kwang.

“So does she know?” Sunny asked. Gi Kwang just responded with a quick shake of the head.

“Good…” Sunny smiled as she started walking.

“As for those three… Why didn’t we just grab them both? It would’ve caused us a whole lot less trouble.” Said Sunny.

“Th-there’s always a next time…” Gi Kwang stuttered. Sunny just shook her head slowly as she began to think to herself.

“Let’s go back. We’ll rethink our plan. I should probably stay away from Tiffany for a while too… I’m sure the Legion wouldn’t mind if I bunked with them for a while.” Sunny smirked. Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he followed Sunny into the darkness, wishing he was somewhere else.

The next day, SeoHyun was busily cleaning up the house whilst Tiffany was sitting on the couch and painting her nails. Jessica still had not come down from her room and it was almost noon.

“Unnie… Do you think it’s time to wake up Jessica Unnie yet?” SeoHyun asked curiously. Tiffany looked up from her nails and just shrugged at SeoHyun.

“I think we should leave her to sleep a little longer.” Tiffany said indifferently as she blew on her wet nails. SeoHyun just nodded as she continued to clean up the house. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“SeoHyun can you get that? My nails are wet at the moment” Tiffany smiled innocently as she showed SeoHyun her nails. SeoHyun just obediently nodded as she walked to open the door. As the door swung open she saw Taeyeon and Yoona standing on the front porch.

“Oh, Taeyeon… Yoona” SeoHyun said with surprise.

“Taeyeon and I decided to come and visit. Yuri has gone to visit Leeteuk so she couldn’t come with us today. Hope you don’t mind” Yoona smiled as she gave a wave at the door.

“Taeyeon~” Tiffany squealed from the back as she hurriedly ran to the door. She smiled widely as she saw Taeyeon standing crossed armed at the door. Taeyeon however, greeted her in a different manner. She shoved Tiffany a booklet into her hands and walked into the door, pushing Tiffany backwards a few steps. Tiffany stumbled a few steps before Taeyeon finally stopped. She then looked down at her hands to see equations and questions in the booklet.

“Errr…” Tiffany held the booklet up carefully with her hands and raised her eyebrow at it. Taeyeon took it back and put it onto the table nearby and took a pen out of her pocket and put iton the paper.

“The mini-test I was talking about. If you manage to pass it, I’ll come with you to the festival.” Taeyeon said bluntly as she nodded her head towards the test papers. Yoona and SeoHyun peeked over Taeyeon’s shoulder to take a peek at the test paper on the table. It looked around ten pages long and had some complex questions that SeoHyun found difficult.

“All of it?” Tiffany said slowly as she stared at the booklet.

“Yepp. Oh and you only have an hour to finish it. Time starts….” Taeyeon held up her wrist as she was about to time.

“Waiiiit! I just did my nails. Can I do it some other time?” Tiffany whined as she held up her nails to show Taeyeon. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany and just shook her head.

“Now” Taeyeon said abruptly, signalling the time to start. Tiffany whined as she turned around and held up her pen carefully, trying not to ruin her nails. SeoHyun and Yoona behind them started giggling as they proceeded to the lounge room.Taeyeon tried to hold back her smile as she watched Tiffany try to hold the pen in between her fingers and pounder at the questions she’s given.

“I can’t do this” Tiffany whined as she looked at the first question. Taeyeon went over to the other side of the table to watch over Tiffany.

“That’s not like the ‘all determined’ Tiffany. Usually you would tackle this test no problem” Taeyeon chuckled mockingly. Tiffany pouted as she laid her head against the papers.

“But this is a test that is beyond possible. Not everyone is as smart as you Taeyeon” Tiffany complained.

“Just do whatever you can. All you need is a pass anyway.” Taeyeon urged on as she knocked the back of Tiffany’s head. Tiffany hesitantly propped herself back up as she frowned at the booklet in front of her. Taeyeon then smiled to herself as she sat back and scanned the house. She noticed Yoona and SeoHyun whispering to each other over what seemed to be a map. Taeyeon didn’t want to pry any further, not caring much for what they are doing. She then realized that there was someone missing from the group who wasn’t Yuri.

“Tiffany… Where’s Jessica?” she asked curiously as she refocused her attention back to the half dying Tiffany.

“Still asleep” Tiffany answered back lifelessly as she sighed at the booklet.

“Still?” Taeyeon remembered that when Yuri had checked on her last night she was also asleep. Tiffany just nodded slowly as she tapped the pen against her head.

“She could sleep for days and still wake up complaining about not having enough sleep.” Tiffany chuckled. Taeyeon just nodded slowly in response before folding her arms and leaning back against her chair, amused at expressions Tiffany was making.

An hour had passed already. Yoona and SeoHyun had gone out to buy some snacks whilst Taeyeon was checking through the booklet which Tiffany barely managed to scrawl over. She marked large circles where Tiffany had managed to get things wrong, which ended up marking the whole booklet with circles. Tiffany sighed disappointedly as Taeyeon handed back the booklet with a large red ‘F’ on the front of it.

“Horrible…” Taeyeon remarked as she shook her head sadly. Tiffany just nodded slowly as she held the booklet up limply. Taeyeon then looked on her watch to see that it was past lunchtime.

“Hey Tiffany… I think you should wake up Jessica… Over fifteen hours of sleep isn’t that healthy for her…” she said slowly as she pointed to the time on her wrist. Tiffany blinked a few times at Taeyeon with a bewildered expression.

“I’ll go get her then…” Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat. Tiffany then stood up along with her and stopped her.

“I’ve got it. Jessica gets…. Cranky if anyone wakes her up. I have my own way of waking her up” Tiffany quickly explained as she bolted upstairs. Taeyeon was left still halfway up her seat

with her mouth agape, wondering why Tiffany was so eager to wake up Jessica. Disregarding her thought, Taeyeon sat back down on the chair and flicked through the test Tiffany just sat.

*I’m sure I’ve taught her all this… Still this work is appalling. Twenty times thirty two… how did she get eight hundred and sixty?* Taeyeon thought to herself as she saw all the mistakes Tiffany had made as she waited for the two to come down.After thirty minutes Taeyeon started to get suspicious about the silence upstairs. It seemed rather quiet for someone who was trying to wake up someone who loved their sleep. Deciding to check on them, Taeyeon got up and walked over to the stairs and was about to walk up when the door suddenly burst open with Tiffany and Jessica standing there. Tiffany was holding Jessica up unsteadily as they stumbled down the steps. Taeyeon watched as they dangerously swayed left and right of the steps, having her hands out ready just in case they decided to sway forward and fall down the steps. Luckily, Tiffany and Jessica made it down the steps safely as they stood in front of Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked at Jessica strangely as she noticed something different about her.She seemed to be rather lifeless as her body seemed to have lost its energy. Her face was somewhat paler as she seemed to have lost some weight. What was most noticeable to Taeyeon though, were the dull lifeless eyes that seemed to be like an endless hole.

“Is Jessica okay?” Taeyeon asked slowly as she turned back to Tiffany. Tiffany just gave a smile and nodded as she helped Jessica stand up straight and poke her side to wake Jessica up a bit. Jessica suddenly stood up straight as her face suddenly gained a few shades back but her eyes still remained lifeless.

“She’s always like this in the morning. It’s like watching the living dead come back to life” Tiffany chuckled as she wriggled out of Jessica’s arm. Jessica rubbed her eyes lazily as she shuffled automatically to the kitchen and gave a loud yawn.

“I see…” Taeyeon said slowly.

“So… about the festival?” Tiffany said slowly as if trying to change the subject.

“Oh right. Well… your results were horrible. I don’t think anything I’ve taught you has sunken in yet. But… since you seemed rather enthusiastic about the festival, I’ll think about it” Taeyeon replied coyly. Expecting a whine from Tiffany she got herself ready for the annoyingly pitched voice, but instead she received a disappointed sigh and a sad expression.

“O-Oh… okay” Tiffany said slowly as she had her head bowed down low with disappointment. Taeyeon ducked her head down lower to take a look at Tiffany’s expression but she just turned her head away from Taeyeon.

“Tiffany…?” Taeyeon said slowly as she followed Tiffany. Tiffany just shook her head slowly as she brought her hand up to her face and wiped something away. Guilt ran over Taeyeon as she saw the wetness on Tiffany’s hand as she pulled it away.

“I mean… I ermm… Yeah I’ll come with you to the festival.” Taeyeon panicked and blurted out on an impulse. She really didn’t like making other people cry because she knew that she would eventually give in. She paused as she waited for Tiffany’s response.

“R-Really?” Tiffany sounded hopeful as she looked back up at Taeyeon. Taeyeon just gave a hesitant nod as she patted Tiffany’s head.

“It will be… a good chance to… annoy you?” Taeyeon’s statement ended up becoming a mangled question rather than a tease. Tiffany let out a smile as she wiped away the last traces of water from her eyes before giving a proud nod.

“It will be fun. Promise” Tiffany beamed with a huge smile. Taeyeon just chuckled as she rolled her eyes and headed back to the kitchen where Jessica was eating some eggs and pancakes she had cooked.

“Well it seems everything should be okay today… Yoona will be back with SeoHyun soon.” Taeyeon whispered to herself as she gave an approving nod.

“Huh?” Tiffany questioned from behind. Taeyeon whipped around and faced Tiffany face to face.

“Urrmmm… nothing… All three of you go to your lectures in the afternoon tomorrow right?” Taeyeon changed the subject quickly.

“Lectures? Oh right…” Tiffany giggled to herself.

“Yeah in the afternoon.” Tiffany confirmed. Taeyeon nodded, satisfied with Tiffany’s answer.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then. I need to see how Yuri is doing.” Taeyeon said slowly. Tiffany just nodded as she stood there, half expecting something. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow as she looked at Tiffany curiously.

“Yeah… I should get going…” Taeyeon said awkwardly as she slowly headed towards the door. Tiffany snapped out of what seemed to be a semi daze before smiling brightly and nodding.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then” Tiffany smiled. Taeyeon just nodded as she gave a wave and exited out the door, leaving Tiffany alone with Jessica.

Tiffany let out a sigh as she slowly trudged back to the kitchen.

“Sooyeon!” Tiffany called out lazily.


“Unnie… Are you okay?” SeoHyun asked Tiffany curiously as she waved her hand in front of her. Tiffany blinked a few times before shaking her head lightly and smiling back at SeoHyun.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking about the festival.” Tiffany giggled as she thought about going to the festival that weekend. SeoHyun just smiled as she nodded along with Tiffany. Her smile slowly faded though as she caught sight of Jessica. Jessica seemed a lot more lifeless that morning and SeoHyun was worried that she was sick. However Jessica just brushed it off, saying that she was just tired.

*I hope she’s okay…* SeoHyun worried as she bit her lower lip.

“SeoHyun~ Tiffany~ … Jessica…” Yoona’s voice trailed off upon meeting Jessica’s gaze.

“Morning Yoong” SeoHyun greeted. Tiffany smiled as she waved to Yoona happily. Behind Yoona was Yuri and Taeyeon, Taeyeon was walking with her hands in her pockets whilst Yuri was walking confidently with her back straight upright. Tiffany giggled at the comparison.

“Yo…” Taeyeon greeted dully.

“Morning.” Tiffany giggled.

“Hello…” Yuri greeted Jessica slowly. Jessica responded by peeling her eyes off the floor and gave Yuri a smile. Yuri froze as she saw Jessica’s response, wondering if she had missed anything in the past few days. As she narrowed her gaze she noticed that Jessica’s eyes seemed dull.

“Are… you okay Jessica?” Yuri asked slowly as she took a closer look at Jessica’s eyes. Jessica just gave a nod.

“Yeah… I’m okay…” Jessica answered hoarsely. Taeyeon nudged over beside Yuri as she looked carefully into Jessica’s eyes. Her expression turned into a concern one as she saw the dark bags under Jessica’s eyes, knowing she had more than enough sleep during the weekend.

“Something wrong?” Tiffany interrupted as she stood beside Taeyeon and followed her gaze. Taeyeon just nodded her head towards Jessica with a concerned expression on her face.

“I’m fine… Really” Jessica chuckled as she waved her hands defensively and took a step back. Yuri’s expression turned dull when she saw Jessica stumble a little.

“Well… I’ve talked to your teachers, for the next few weeks the tutoring classes will be on again. It’s only temporary though…” Taeyeon said slowly as she stood up straight again.

“Tutoring classes?” Jessica and Tiffany said in unison. Taeyeon, Yoona and Yuri just nodded.

“Hahaha. Yay” Tiffany squealed as she ran and hugged onto Taeyeon’s arm. Yuri’s, Yoona’s and Taeyeon’s expression all changed upon Tiffany’s reaction.

“Personal space please…” Taeyeon said slowly as she took her arm back. Tiffany gave a pout once Taeyeon took a step away from her.

“We should get going. It’s almost three.” Yuri interrupted as she started walking towards the buildings. The other five nodded as they followed behind Yuri. Yoona linked her arms with SeoHyun as she eagerly dragged her ahead of Yuri and Taeyeon walked lazily behind her with Tiffany skipping happily beside her. Yuri let out a long sigh, feeling a little left out from the pairings, when suddenly she felt a weight on her right arm. She quickly looked across to see Jessica leaning against her arm, staring straight ahead.

“Erm…” Yuri said slowly. Jessica just tightened her grip on Yuri’s arm as she leaned against her more. Yuri then noticed that Jessica was walking weakly and her breathing was a little uneven. Feeling sorry for Jessica, she let her arm wrap around the waist behind Jessica and helped her walk a little better.

“Cute” Tiffany giggled from behind as Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

“Jessica… If you’re not feeling well you can take a rest.” Yuri said with concern as Jessica was sitting slouched over the desk. Jessica just gave a shake of her head as she continued working. Yuri gave a huff as she still wasn’t convinced about Jessica’s health. After a few minutes of silence Yuri couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up and took Jessica’s hand to help her stand up. Everyone turned around at Yuri’s sudden movement.

“You’re never going to study properly like this. Take a rest for a while.” Yuri said sternly as she walked to the corner of the room and sat down with Jessica’s wrist still in the grip of her hands. She let go of her wrist and patted her thighs as she laid them flat out. Jessica’s eyes just opened wide as she wondered what Yuri was doing.

“Here.” Yuri said sternly as she pulled Jessica down to sit next to her and patted her thighs again.

“Y-You sure?” Jessica stuttered as she looked up at Yuri. Yuri just gave a stern nod as she smiled. Jessica hesitated, still unsure of what to do.

“Just for a b-bit” Jessica said slowly as she turned sideways. Yuri chuckled as Jessica laid her head down on Yuri’s thighs, facing away from her.

“Does this mean we’re okay?” Yuri asked curiously. Jessica remained still for a moment before giving a slight nod. A wide grin spread across Yuri’s face as she felt her body reach a warmer temperature.

“You’re really warm…” Jessica whispered softly.

“Aren’t they cute?” Tiffany whispered to Taeyeon quietly. Taeyeon just ignored Tiffany as she continued to play with the elastic band that she had found in her pocket, making stars and different shapes with it. Tiffany pouted as she saw Taeyeon more interested in the elastic than her.

“Tae… Why are you ignoring me?” Tiffany asked with a sad tone. Taeyeon stopped playing with the elastic and raised her eyebrow up at Tiffany.

“Tae?” Taeyeon was sure that they were not up to the nicknames stage yet. Tiffany just nodded enthusiastically with a slight smile.

“It seems cute.” Tiffany giggled. Taeyeon growled under her breath as she flicked the elastic band towards Tiffany’s forehead, immediately stopping her giggling fit. A shocked expression was on Tiffany’s face as she held her hands up and covered the spot which Taeyeon had aimed the elastic.

“No nicknames. Now go back to your work. You’re probably going to be kicked out of this college with your score on your test.” Taeyeon said sternly as she pointed to papers on Tiffany’s table. Tiffany gave a sigh as she nodded solemnly and continued on with her work

“Where’s your iPad?” Taeyeon suddenly asked as she caught sight of Tiffany’s bag. Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon curiously with her eyebrows raised high.

“It’s back at home. Why?” Tiffany answered back slowly. Taeyeon gave Tiffany a blank look before flicking her forehead again with her finger.

“How am I going to deduct points off you if you don’t have it here?” Taeyeon scolded as she folded her arms crossly and sulked in her chair. Tiffany giggled as she reached over to pinch Taeyeon’s cheeks.

“Cute. And that’s the point, without it here you won’t be able to deduct points off me” she smiled innocently as she took her hand back. Taeyeon clicked her tongue at Tiffany before turning her head stubbornly to the side and focused her attention to the dust on the board.

“They seem to be getting along well…” Yoona whispered to SeoHyun. SeoHyun just nodded slowly as she saw her unnies enjoy themselves. Yoona narrowed her gaze towards Yuri who seemed to be smiling non-stop with Jessica on her lap. She then turned towards Taeyeon and Tiffany’s desk to see Tiffany pouting at Taeyeon.

*They sure seemed to be relaxed considering that their guardian may be plotting something against them* Yoona thought darkly towards herself as she let out a sigh.

“Something wrong Yoona?” SeoHyun asked with concern as she looked at Yoona in the eyes. Yoona just shook her head slowly and showed a slight smile. SeoHyun still wasn’t convinced as she leaned in closer against Yoona, pressing her forehead against Yoona’s. Yoona froze as she stared straight into SeoHyun’s eyes, blinking a few times and bewildered at how close SeoHyun was to her.

“You’re burning up Yoona. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” SeoHyun asked as she felt Yoona’s warm forehead against hers. Yoona remained stiff as she swallowed down hard, giving a slight nod.SeoHyun then pulled away from Yoona with a sigh before standing up and shifting her seat right next to Yoona.

“Here.” SeoHyun prompted as she patted her left shoulder, closest to Yoona.

“Huh?” Yoona stuttered as her eyes opened wide.

“You can lean against me if you’re not feeling well, I’m sure I can continue from here.” SeoHyun smiled innocently as she returned to her worksheets. Yoona hesitated for a few moments as she looked up and down from SeoHyun’s face, to her shoulders. She found it really tempting to just pounce and hug SeoHyun tightly, but she managed to control herself as she leaned gently against SeoHyun’s arm with a content smile on her face.

“Thanks.” Yoona whispered. SeoHyun just giggled and nodded slightly, feeling her cheeks flush a little.

The room then felt silent with only Tiffany’s occasional laughs and giggles and Taeyeon’s sighs and scoffs. It seemed rather calm to everyone as the time passed by rather quickly.Five minutes before the class was over, Taeyeon took a quick scan around the room. She saw Yoona pretending to be sick on SeoHyun’s shoulder and Jessica sleeping soundly on Yuri’s lap, who was now reading a book about whales she found on a shelf nearby. She then caught sight of Tiffany who was drawing stick figures on her work.

*This mood seems artificial somehow…* Taeyeon thought cautiously to herself. Just as she was about to think of an explanation for her suspicious feeling, the bell rang, signalling that all lectures and classes were to end.Yoona sat up groggily, feeling a little disappointed that it was over and SeoHyun was just calmly packing up stuff into her file. Tiffany was now clapping to herself, glad that the study session was over as she eagerly shoved everything into her bag, with Taeyeon scolding her and telling her to revise her work. Yuri and Jessica however, still remained unmoving.

“Yuri?” Taeyeon questioned as she stood in front of the two on the floor.

“I think I’ll bring Jessica home later. She seems rather tired.” Yuri explained calmly as she laid her book face down onto the floor next to her. Tiffany came skipping up at Taeyeon and hugged onto Taeyeon’s arm. Taeyeon naturally took her arm back and took a step away from Tiffany as she turned to Yoona.

“Erm… Taeyeon unnie… Can you please take Tiffany home? I think I’m going to look after Yoona today.” SeoHyun asked nervously as Yoona was pretending to feel faint behind her. Yoona gave Taeyeon a pleading look from behind, begging her to let SeoHyun stay over. Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she gave a stiff nod.

“Yeah sure. Sorry to trouble with Yoona, but could you look after her for me then?” Taeyeon asked calmly. SeoHyun just nodded confidently as she started walking out the classroom with Yoona.

“That leaves you with me then” Tiffany mused as she stuck her tongue out cheekily towards Taeyeon. Yuri on the floor just gave a chuckle at Tiffany’s antics. Taeyeon clenched her jaw as she threw Tiffany a sideways glance.

“Fine…” Taeyeon gritted through her teeth. She then turned abruptly and started heading for the door, leaving Tiffany behind. Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she stood there for a moment.

“Hurry up” Taeyeon called back with annoyance. Tiffany jumped upon hearing Taeyeon’s voice but quickly scurried to catch up to Taeyeon.

“I’m coming” Tiffany called out urgently; making sure Taeyeon wouldn’t leave her, leaving Yuri and Jessica alone in the room.

Yuri looked down at her legs to see Jessica still resting comfortably on her thighs. A sigh escaped her lips as she picked up book up and continued reading.

“Yoona…” SeoHyun huffed as Yoona was leaned against her back. Yoona had a playful smirk on her face as she put even more weight onto SeoHyun.

“Sorry… Just a little tired.” Yoona lied as she faked a cough.

“It’s okay…” SeoHyun sounded strained as she tried her best to hold Yoona up. As they were walking to Yoona’s car, SeoHyun tripped over a rock and both of them started falling to the floor. SeoHyun closed her eyes, waiting for the gravel to scratch against her skin, but to her surprise, all she felt was a pair of arms around her waist.

“Woahh… Watch where you’re walking Seo” Yoona chuckled as she pulled SeoHyun upright.

“Thanks…” SeoHyun whispered as a confused expression grew on her face. Yoona made her way around SeoHyun and stood in front of her with a wide smile on her face.

“Sorry for troubling you like that. I’m not really sick” Yoona giggled as she grabbed both of SeoHyun’s hands.

“My body temperature is naturally warm, that’s all.” She explained. SeoHyun then felt Yoona’s warm hands heat up her own, which felt rather comforting.

“Wait…” SeoHyun was then caught short as a thought ran through her head.

“So you’re not sick?” she asked Yoona sternly as she raised her eyebrow. Yoona paused for a moment before jutting her lower lip out and nodding. She stopped immediately though when she saw SeoHyun’s expression go sour.

“SeoHyun? Are you mad at me?” Yoona asked slowly. SeoHyun just gave Yoona a stern stare before facing away from Yoona. Yoona felt her heart drop when she started walking away from her.

“Wait SeoHyun… Aren’t you still coming over?” Yoona called back after her. SeoHyun just responded with a quick shake of the head as she continued to walk on. Yoona quickly reacted by running ahead of SeoHyun and stood straight in front of her. SeoHyun however just manoeuvred right around her. Yoona then stubbornly held onto SeoHyun’s hand and stopped her from going any further.

“Seo… I’m sorry I lied to you... Please don’t be mad” Yoona pleaded with SeoHyun’s back still facing her. SeoHyun slowly turned around and faced Yoona with a mad expression on her face.

“I just wanted to lean against you and have you over at my place… It’s lonely at home by myself…” Yoona pleaded with an innocent expression.

“And I thought that if I faked being sick that you would come over with me…” Yoona continued shyly. With each word SeoHyun’s expression faded until it grew into a smile. Yoona, feeling ashamed, was looking down onto the floor waiting for SeoHyun’s response. To her surprised she felt a body slam against her as SeoHyun hugged her tightly, flinging her arms around Yoona’s neck.

“You didn’t have to fake being sick to have me over. You could’ve just asked.” SeoHyun giggled as she nuzzled her head into the crook of Yoona’s neck. A bright smile grew immediately on Yoona as she wrapped her arms around SeoHyun’s waist and hugged her back.

“So does that mean you’re still coming over?” Yoona asked hopefully. SeoHyun just nodded as she broke the hug between the two. Yoona let out a loud excited laugh as she grabbed SeoHyun’s hand and started running towards her car.


“Hey Yoona… My unnies have been acting really weird lately…” SeoHyun said slowly once they were inside Yoona’s house.

“How so?” Yoona asked curiously.

“Jessica unnie… doesn’t seem the same… She’s always asleep in her room and seems a lot more… out of it” SeoHyun tried to find the right words to describe it.

“And Tiffany unnie… She’s a lot more animated and happy. She goes skipping around the house for no reason at all sometimes too…” SeoHyun continued.

“Isn’t that what they’re always like?” Yoona asked back curiously.

“Yeah… but it’s more extreme…” SeoHyun furrowed her eyebrows as she gave a long sigh.

“I think I’m just being a little cautious… Never mind” SeoHyun ended with a slight laugh. Yoona looked at SeoHyun worriedly before patting her hand.

“If you do ever need to talk. I’m more than willing to listen. Even if it is in the middle of the night” Yoona reassured.

“Thank you Yoona” SeoHyun smiled contently as her heart skipped a beat.


Meanwhile, Jessica was starting to stir from her sleep as Yuri was trying to get some blood flowing into her legs without waking her up. Jessica groggily shifted in her sleep and turned, facing upwards as she was about to drift back to sleep. However that wasn’t possible as she saw Yuri’s concerned face right above her.

“Ahhh” Jessica exclaimed as she sat upright. As she did her forehead connected with Yuri’s jaw, knocking her back down onto Yuri’s legs as she held her forehead in pain. Yuri let out a slight chuckle as she rubbed the bottom of her jaw where it made contact with Jessica’s forehead.

“Sorry I startled you… Wow your forehead is hard.” Yuri commented as she could feel a slight pain come from the bottom of her jaw.

“Oww” Jessica whined as a red mark was visible on her forehead. She tried rubbing it to make the pain go away before finally making eye contact with Yuri again. Yuri was still a little concerned as Jessica’s eyes were still dull and her dark circles were still there.

“You can continue to sleep if you want. I’ve got a spare key to the doors and gates around here so I can take you back later if you want” Yuri suggested as a reassuring smile was spread across her face. Jessica just pouted slightly as she nodded, but she still got up anyway, careful to avoid any more injuries. Yuri then followed her and stood up, getting pins and needles as the blood rushed into her legs.

As Yuri stood up a photo dropped from her pocket. Jessica looked at the photo curiously as Yuri was busy stretching her legs. She slowly bent over to pick it up and stood up again with the picture in between her fingers.

“Oh Jessica?” Yuri started off slowly as her legs were beginning to work again.

“About me and Taeyeon kissing… It was all an accident… Taeyeon was just worried about us getting close to others and didn’t want us to get hurt… that’s all” Yuri explained nervously. Jessica’s back was still turned towards her as she nodded.

“So… are we all good?” Yuri added curiously as she moved in front of Jessica. Jessica just nodded as her eyes were still focused on the photo.

Jessica just nodded dully. Yuri didn’t notice Jessica’s nod but was now more concerned about the picture. It was the picture of Sooyeon and Taeyeon that she had found in Taeyeon’s collection.

“This… is a picture with me… and Taeyeon?” Jessica asked slowly as she looked up at Yuri, looking for answers. Yuri started to panic as she tried to find an explanation.

“Ahah… No that’s just my… grandma and her friend… They look a lot like you and Taeyeon…. That’s all” Yuri lied quickly. Even she thought the lie was unconvincing as Jessica’s eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m sure it is me though…” Jessica said sternly as she pointed to the picture.

“Taeyeon… and I were at a social… It was the last time I saw Taeyeon before she disappeared…” Jessica mumbled to herself. Yuri raised her eyebrow curiously at Jessica, wondering what she was mumbling about.

“Taeyeon and I were talking to our mothers when father came with a photographer and asked for us to take a picture together… This was the hall that we danced at too…” Jessica continued talking to herself. Yuri was now starting to get really confused. She was sure that it was a picture of Sooyeon and not Jessica because she had found that picture over ninety years ago.

“Jessica… I don’t know what you’re saying… Maybe you’re just a little stressed.” Yuri said nervously as she took the picture back. Jessica just looked up at Yuri and nodded sadly as she started packing her stuff up on the desk. Yuri held the picture up to her eyes and narrowed her eyes. It was definitely Taeyeon and her sister, but how did Jessica know what was happening

during the time the picture was taken.Disregarding her thought, Yuri put the picture back in her pocket and walked over to Jessica.

“So… about the kiss… Can we forget it?” Yuri asked again nervously, wanting a definite answer and wanting to change the topic.

“I don’t really mind if you kiss my sister.” Jessica answered bluntly as she threw her bag over her shoulder. Yuri froze upon hearing Jessica’s words.

“Sister?” Yuri asked cautiously. Jessica just responded with a mindless nod as she fixed her clothes.

“Jessica… Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Yuri was now really worried.

“I don’t know why you guys keep calling me that… But yeah I’m sure I’m okay.” Jessica answered back with a little huff. Yuri froze immediately.

“What is your real name then?” Yuri asked slowly, worried about the answer she was going to get.

“Sooyeon Kim… I thought you knew it since you’re friends with my sister…” Jessica answered back innocently. Yuri’s heart dropped. She knew somewhere deep inside her when she asked the question that she was going to get that answer, but it still didn’t stop the shock from hitting her hard.

“S-Sooyeon… Kim? As in… the younger sister of… Taeyeon Kim?” Yuri stuttered as she stared straight into Jessica’s eyes.

“Yes… Taeyeon is my two years older sister…”

Yuri didn’t know what was happening anymore. It was now obvious that the girl in front of her was not Jessica… but the younger sister of Taeyeon.

“H-How is that… possible?” Yuri said to herself as she started feeling dizzy. Steadying herself by reaching out to the chair and sitting down, she let out a long sigh.

Sooyeon & Yuri, Sunny & Tiffany

“S-Sooyeon… K-Kim Sooyeon…”” Yuri kept on whispering over and over those two names. Was the girl in front of her, looking at her curiously, Jessica or Sooyeon? Yuri didn’t know anymore. It was impossible for it to be Sooyeon… It was also impossible for the girl to know about Taeyeon’s sister and get such an accurate guess.

“Are you okay?” Jessica/Sooyeon asked as she laid a hand on Yuri’s shoulder. Yuri jerked up immediately and backed away from her hand, alarmed and scared. The girl just stood there, staring blankly at Yuri with her dull eyes.

“Y-You’re not Jessica…” Yuri said sternly. She couldn’t be Jessica; her eyes were just too dull and hollow to be from a living person. Yuri was now, for one of the first times in her life, scared of the unknown.

“Of course I’m not. How many times do I have to say that I’m Sooyeon?” the girl said with annoyance. Before she could say anything else she fell to the floor, grasping her head in pain. Yuri stood there, stiff and unmoving as she saw ‘Sooyeon’ fall to the floor and shake her head furiously.

“Arhhh… Stop!” Sooyeon yelled as she kept shaking her head as though someone was playing loud music into her ears that it hurt. Suddenly, it stopped. Yuri backed up a few steps as she watched Sooyeon’s shoulders drop down low as she seemed to be breathing heavily. Slowly, Sooyeon stood up, her arms still hanging low beside her body.An uncomfortable pain was then felt in Yuri’s stomach as Sooyeon lifted her head up. Her eyes were now no longer dull, but pitch black. Clumsily, Sooyeon started reaching her hand out for Yuri, aiming for her neck.

*Take her away* A stern voice rang through Sooyeon’s mind.

Yuri backed away slowly from Sooyeon’s arms, confused and worried. After five steps Yuri reached the wall, stopping her from going anywhere further as Sooyeon was approaching her. She panicked as she tried to find a way out. She looked forward; no escape. She looked to her side; blocked. Finally she looked behind to see a window. Before Yuri could even make her decision, Sooyeon lunged towards her, smashing her straight through the window with her hands around Yuri’s neck.

The two came falling down from the third floor with the bits of glass accompanying them. When they finally hit the floor Yuri could hear a loud snap on her back as her spine smashed against the impact of the floor. She let out a piercing scream but was mangled when Sooyeon’s hands tightened around her neck.

*Don’t kill her…* the voice rang again through Sooyeon’s head. As Yuri grabbed onto both of Sooyeon’s hands she threw her body off her. She couldn’t move her legs as her spinal cord was well and truly broken and it would take at least five minutes before she would be able to move it. As Sooyeon was thrown off Yuri she landed perfectly on her feet, crouched over on all fours as she slid across the grass.

Yuri used her arms to pull herself up as she started dragging herself into a sitting position and searched around desperately for her phone. When Yuri couldn’t find the phone she looked around the grass area to see if it dropped. As her eyes scanned across she saw a pair of feet.

“Looking for this?” a cold voice chuckled. Yuri’s eyes traced up the legs and towards the face of the owner. Her eyes widened with panic as she saw Sooyeon holding her phone in the palm of her hand with a smirk on her face. Then, within just a moment, the phone was crushed in the palm of Sooyeon’s hands, reducing it to nothing but bits of old metal and plastic.

“What are you?” Yuri asked accusingly as she glared at Sooyeon. Sooyeon’s smirk just grew as she walked up to Yuri again.

“I’m Taeyeon’s past. What are you?” Sooyeon answered and asked coyly. Before Yuri could even reply she was slapped right across the face.

“It seems that she doesn’t want to get rid of you yet. Instead she wants you to go meet your human friends. I see you can’t walk yet, so let me help you” Sooyeon’s dark voice let out a low chuckle. Yuri’s vision started to blur as she saw Sooyeon lower her face up to hers.

“This will only hurt for a while.” Sooyeon murmured before kneeing Yuri in the stomach, causing her to fall unconscious.

*Make sure no one sees you* the voice commanded Sooyeon. Sooyeon obediently obliged as she lowered herself and picked Yuri up over her shoulder. She then started dragging her body away from the school grounds, leaving nothing but the crushed phone and bits of broken glass behind.


“Tae~ Wait for me~” Tiffany whined as she hurriedly tried to catch up to Taeyeon. Taeyeon just completely ignored her as she kept walking, not bothering to look back at the poor girl who was almost dying behind her.

“You said you wanted to take a walk and added that we can go anywhere I liked.” Taeyeon called back bluntly as she gave a stretch of her arms and paused. Tiffany, almost seeing the afterlife ahead of her, finally caught up. She leaned her arm against Taeyeon’s as she breathed in heavily.

“I know. I said WALK. You’re just running past everything.” Tiffany huffed as her body finally managed to catch a break. Taeyeon just stared at the arm on her shoulder sceptically. She the swiftly moved from underneath the arm and let Tiffany stumble forward a few steps from the disappearing arm rest.

“That’s Taeyeon to you.” Taeyeon added coldly as she brushed off her shoulder. Tiffany just turned around cheekily and stuck her tongue out as she scratched the back of her head.

“Okay, okay, Taeyeon it is” Tiffany finally agreed as she gave a stretch, allowing her feet to regain their energy. Taeyeon let out a long tired sigh as she rubbed her temples.

“Why didn’t you bring your iPad today… I would have had at least some fun deducting points.” Taeyeon said barely audibly. Tiffany just shrugged carelessly.

“Well that’s a good thing for me then isn’t it?” she giggled. Taeyeon just scoffed as she rolled her eyes and walked pass Tiffany again, resuming their ‘walk’.

“Tae… yeon~” Tiffany quickly added the other half of Taeyeon’s name. Taeyeon however did not react to her name as she continued to walk. Tiffany pouted slightly as she followed Taeyeon with her eyes. She then was only faced with Taeyeon’s back as it started moving further and further away. An idea popped into her head as a wide grin grew on her face.Taking a few steps back, she took a deep breath as she bounced on the balls of her feet slightly.

“Taeyeon!!!!” Tiffany yelled loudly as she bolted down the street at full speed, her arms outstretched as she approached Taeyeon with her eyes closed. As she caught up to Taeyeon she launched herself towards Taeyeon’s back, wanting a piggy-back ride.To her surprise, Taeyeon turned around to face her with an annoyed expression. Tiffany immediately stopped in her tracks, freezing midway in between her leaps and standing on one leg unsteadily.

“Errr….” Tiffany hummed awkwardly as she still balanced on one leg. Taeyeon just scanned Tiffany’s body from head to two with a curious expression. Tiffany felt uncomfortable with the position she was in so quickly stood up straight. Feeling a little amused, she moved towards Tiffany and stood on her toes to lean her face against hers.

“Tiffany…” Taeyeon hummed lowly. Tiffany stared into Taeyeon’s onyx orbs as she swallowed down hard. A smirk grew on Taeyeon’s face as she lowered her head close to Tiffany’s lips. Tiffany could feel her breathing starting to get uneven as she leaned even closer.Finally, Taeyeon blew onto Tiffany’s face quickly, causing Tiffany to close her eyes with surprise and start to fall backwards. As Tiffany landed on her backside she shot Taeyeon an accusing glare. Taeyeon just retorted back with a smile before turning around promptly and walking off again.

“Tsk.” Tiffany exclaimed as she got up and brushed the dirt off her clothes.


“Let us out of here!! Who do you think you are!!!?” Jessica yelled as she slammed against the poles that imprisoned her.

“Leave it Jessica… They won’t listen…” a hoarse voice murmured in the corner. Jessica let out a frustrated yell as she walked over to the corner as sat next to her only companion.

“Who does she think she is anyway? Just taking us off the streets and dumping us here. THERE’S A THING CALLED ILLEGAL ABDUCTION YOU KNOW!” Jessica yelled at the top, hoping that the person outside would be able to hear them.

“Leave it Jessica…” the person next to her repeated as they moved their head towards the light, revealing Tiffany’s facial features


“Sunny! Are you done yet?!” Tiffany yelled from below.

“I’m coming wait up.” Sunny called back as she came down the stairs. Tiffany lazily looked up to Sunny to see her wearing darker clothing and a cape.

“It’s a little early for Halloween you know…” Tiffany said bluntly as she rolled her eyes. Sunny did not care for Tiffany’s comment as she grabbed Tiffany’s arm and walked out of the house.

“No time to waste. Come.” Sunny said urgently as the two of them were now heading for Sunny’s car. Tiffany was groaning lazily as she would have rather be somewhere else, most preferably with Taeyeon.

As they approached Sunny’s car, Tiffany noticed another person inside the car in the passenger seat. She lowered her head to take a closer look as the windows winded down.

“Good afternoon Tiffany-shi. I’m sure we’ve met before” a male voice greeted politely as Tiffany gasped.

“Quit it Gi Kwang. We don’t have time.” Sunny said urgently as she opened the door for Tiffany. Tiffany hesitated as she stared at the open door. Sunny, having no patience left, pushed Tiffany in and closed the door. Gi Kwang locked the door as he winded down the driver’s window.

“What are you doing?!” Tiffany panicked as she tried to pry open the lock. Both parties ignored Tiffany as Sunny gripped onto the top of the car and swung her body through the window and into the driver’s seat perfectly.

“Woah…” Tiffany gawked. Before she could do anything else Sunny shoved her keys into the car and stepped onto the gas pedal as hard as she could. Tiffany was thrown back into her seat as the car shot forward.

“Hold on.” Gi Kwang chuckled as he saw Tiffany in the mirror. Tiffany shot him a sarcastic smile as she gripped onto the chair.

“Would someone please tell me what is going on here?!” Tiffany finally yelled as the car swerved left again.

“We’re giving you a holiday. Aren’t we generous?” Gi Kwang chuckled as he showed Tiffany her passport and tickets. Tiffany stared at the contents in Gi Kwang’s hands, confused and dazed.

“What for?” Tiffany asked hesitantly. Sunny then made a right turn and made Tiffany slide to the left side of the backseat, hitting her head against the window.

“No questions.” Sunny said sternly before the car made an abrupt stop. Tiffany’s body followed forward and hit the back of Gi Kwang’s seat. She let out a groan of pain as she rubbed her injured areas. As she was brushing her clothes off again the door behind her opened. She started falling backwards but was quickly caught by Gi Kwang with a proud smug smile on his face.

“Careful Princess” Gi Kwang chuckled. Tiffany felt disgust run through her as she got off of Gi Kwang’s arms and stood firmly in front of him.

“Don’t touch me or call me princess ever again” Tiffany growled as she pointed to Gi Kwang. Gi Kwang just chuckled as he gave a salute. Once again Sunny intruded by pulling on Tiffany’s arm and into the airport as Gi Kwang stood there and waved at Tiffany. Tiffany was stumbling backwards, trying not to trip over her own feet as Sunny seemed to whizz past everyone around them. She then finally managed to turn her body around so that she was not stumbling backwards anymore as they reached the check-in.

“Sunny… what’s this about? Why a sudden holiday?” Tiffany asked curiously as she looked up at the check-in board to see the plane going to France. Sunny just remained silent as she seemed to communicate with the attendant at the desk secretly.

“Sunny…. Sunny!” Tiffany clapped her hands to catch Sunny’s attention. Sunny just shot Tiffany a silencing glare before continuing her conversation. Tiffany let out a sigh as she leaned against the check-in desk lazily.

“Okay. Thank you” Sunny finally finished off as the attendant printed off Tiffany’s boarding passes. Sunny took the passes firmly and handed them to Tiffany before she started dragging her off again. Tiffany was starting to get tired of being dragged around and yanked her arm back quickly, stopping Sunny from getting up the escalator.

“Sunny if this is a joke it’s not funny. Why France? Why now? Why only me?” Tiffany asked sternly as she folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows at Sunny. Sunny just gave a long tired sigh as she shook her head tiredly.

“It’s for your own good. You and Taeyeon are getting way to close for comfort. This is for you Tiffany.” Sunny explained briefly before looking up at Tiffany. Tiffany raised her eyebrow

curiously at Sunny, wondering what she could possibly be talking about. Just as she was about to ask another question her whole body was suddenly lifted up and thrown sideways as Gi Kwang came from behind and carried her over his shoulder.

“Off to Paris you go” Gi Kwang beamed as he got onto the escalator with Sunny following behind. Tiffany, who was on Gi Kwang’s shoulders, started kicking around and hitting on Gi Kwang’s back, demanding him to let her go.

“What do you think you’re doing?! Let me go! SECURITY!!” Tiffany screamed at the top of her lungs as she kept kicking and thrashing around.

“Good evening officer” Gi Kwang greeted a security officer as he just walked past. Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she saw the security guard just completely ignoring the fact that she was taken away by a male.

“Let me go! Wait till Taeyeon hears about this! She’s not going to forgive you!” Tiffany threatened as she threw another blow to Gi Kwang’s back. Sunny just let out a snort at Tiffany’s threat as Gi Kwang readjusted Tiffany’s weight.

“We’ll see what Taeyeon does.” He chuckled as they continued.

“There are things you don’t know about Taeyeon Tiffany. Once you know you can never go back to your normal life. This is for your own good, Taeyeon and the Elites aren’t people you want to be around.” Sunny said grimly as she looked straight into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany clenched her teeth at Sunny’s statement as her anger started to build up in her.

“I’ll send Jessica and SeoHyun with you in two days. Yoona and Yuri aren’t that dangerous.” Sunny added as Gi Kwang set Tiffany down, keeping his hand on her shoulders to stop her escaping. Tiffany stood there firmly on the ground as she glared at Sunny.

“It’s for your own good Tiffany… Taeyeon… Is not part of your league” Sunny said with full of concern as she stared straight into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany let out a long sigh as she knew what Sunny was hinting at.

“I know already…” Tiffany muttered as she crouched over tiredly. Sunny and Gi Kwang raised their eyebrows at Tiffany curiously at her response.

“I know what the Elites and Gi Kwang are Sunny… You don’t need to hide it.” Tiffany added as she shot Sunny a glare. Sunny’s expression grew dark as her eyebrows furrowed. Gi Kwang’s expression remained unmoved but it was most probably due to the shock.

“But still!” Tiffany suddenly huffed as she stood up again, outraged at their attitudes.

“Taeyeon isn’t dangerous. The others aren’t either! You don’t know anything about them and you’re already judging them. What about Gi Kwang here? Isn’t he supposed to be dangerous

too?” Tiffany exclaimed as she pointed her finger accusingly at Gi Kwang. Sunny followed Tiffany’s finger as she stared at Gi Kwang.

“I don’t care what you two say. I’m not going on that plane” Tiffany concluded as she shrugged Gi Kwang’s hand off of her shoulder and walked off. She was stopped however when Sunny suddenly appeared in front of her.

“I’m not quite sure we’re on the same page here Tiffany. If you don’t get on that plane something bad WILL happen. If you stay close to Taeyeon the bad won’t happen. But the worse will.” Sunny emphasized as she started pushing Tiffany back. Tiffany shot Sunny a glare as she refused to move. Gi Kwang, once again, intervened as he started pulling Tiffany back by the arm, forcing Tiffany to sit back down on one of the seats.

“You don’t know anything.” Tiffany growled under her breath as she turned her head away from Sunny. Sunny let out a long sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She then suddenly walked up to Tiffany and held her firm by her shoulders and stared right into her eyes.

“Look carefully Tiffany.” Sunny ordered as Tiffany stared into Sunny’s eyes. She noticed that Sunny’s eyes seemed a little different. There was a murky look towards her eyes as it seemed to be filled with liquid. Before Tiffany knew it she was suddenly drawn into Sunny’s eyes as they slowly turned into a red tone. She held her breath as she kept looking deeper into Sunny’s eyes. They then slowly turned blue, gradually getting lighter and lighter. Tiffany gasped as she remembered the tone of Taeyeon’s eyes the first time she saw them.Before Tiffany could think of anything more, the blue eyes changed once again. This time it wasn’t the colour. But rather its content.

“Keep looking Tiffany.” Sunny urged as she blinked once. Tiffany started to see black shapes inside the iris of Sunny’s eye as they slowly started moving around. Gi Kwang who was beside them decided to look away from Sunny’s eyes. He couldn’t take looking at them for too long.

Tiffany slowly started to see figures inside Sunny’s eyes as it started playing like a power-point. She felt nothing as Sunny’s eyes seemed to numb her from any reaction, instead she continued to watch. There seemed to be a dark lair, surrounded by flames and rock with the occasional black shadows of what looked like people passing by. The image in Sunny’s eyes then suddenly re-focused on a certain area. An area with a group of huddled people standing in a circle.

“Do you see them Tiffany?” Sunny asked. Tiffany just barely nodded as she was still watching Sunny’s eyes.

The group of people in Sunny’s eyes then all of a sudden, turned around as if they had caught Tiffany spying on them. Her body then finally had a reaction. She let out a sharp gasp as she saw the familiar blue eyes of Taeyeon’s that seemed to glow against the red fiery background. Sunny immediately dropped her gaze as she closed her eyes and shook away the vision.

“Those people… They will come after you soon Tiffany. We’re sending you to the plane for your safety.” Sunny explained as she rubbed her eyes. Gi Kwang took a glance sideways to see Tiffany’s frozen expression.

“C-Can all… Immortals do that?” Tiffany stuttered as she stared up at Sunny. Sunny just gave Gi Kwang a worried glance before looking back at Tiffany.

“Immortals cannot do that Tiffany. I’m neither immortal nor human.” Sunny said bluntly before she turned to the boarding area. Tiffany remained there, frozen stiff as she remembered those eyes staring back at her.

“You okay?” Gi Kwang asked slowly as he clicked his fingers in front of Tiffany. Tiffany just nodded slowly as she looked up at Gi Kwang.

“Neither human nor immortal…. What other things are out there?” Tiffany asked hesitantly. Gi Kwang just pursed his lips together as he turned around and put his hands into his pockets.

“More than you would think.” Gi Kwang gave a vague answer. Tiffany just remained unmoved as she tried to comprehend everything all over again. Even if she knew that the world wasn’t normal anymore, it still was a lot to take in.

“All I can say is… She’s one of the devil’s helpers.” Gi Kwang added before walking over to Sunny’s side. Tiffany stared at the backs of Gi Kwang and Sunny helplessly as the last two words repeated themselves in her head.

‘Devil’s helpers’

She looked down at her hands to see her passport and boarding card lying there. They seemed to pulse as they beckoned Tiffany to react.

‘Devil’s helpers….’

Tiffany lifted her sleeve up slightly to reveal the lock necklace that had started all this, the lock which had influenced Tiffany’s life and now, creating a big impact on her whole understanding of life on Earth.

Tiffany finally took one last look at the ‘devil’s helper’ and the immortal beside her.

*No devil is going to get in my way!* Tiffany thought to herself determinedly as she ripped up her boarding pass and made a run for the exit, not wasting any time to look back behind her where the other two stood there with disappointed looks on their faces.

*Their just making sure I don’t get close to Taeyeon. They’re just judging Taeyeon. How can I trust them? I mean Sunny’s the DEVIL’S helper. What is there to trust from her?* Tiffany kept telling herself as she caught a taxi and got in immediately.

“Drive please” Tiffany beckoned towards the driver. The driver just gave a stiff nod as he started moving the car down the street.

Tiffany finally looked towards the back of the car to make sure the other two weren’t following. Relief flooded her when she saw no one behind her.

As the driver drove further and further away from the airport, Tiffany had more and more thoughts about Sunny. Why hadn’t they noticed Sunny before? Why did Sunny wait until now to act? What was her reason behind all of this?

No matter how much Tiffany thought, nothing made sense to her.

“I’ll call Taeye…” The taxi abruptly stopped as the tires screeched along the street. Before Tiffany could see what was going on the door opened and a pair of arms grabbed her out of the seat.

“Thank you for bringing our friend back” A voice said sweetly as an unidentified hand passed the driver a heap of money.

Tiffany struggled against the arms around her as she elbowed them. The person seemed to be unfazed as they still managed to keep their grip. Tiffany finally turned her head back to see Gi Kwang greet her with a smile. She quickly turned her head towards the other person to see Sunny standing there.

“Tiffany. This is for you OWN good” Sunny emphasized as they seemed to back against a wall. Gi Kwang let go of Tiffany as the two cornered her.

“Sunny? Tiffany?” a sudden high voice interrupted.

“Oh, Jessica” Sunny greeted as she turned around to see Jessica standing there, watching them suspiciously.

“Who’s he?” Jessica asked as she nudged her head towards Gi Kwang.

“Oh he’s Gi Kwang. Just a friend of mine.” Sunny explained quickly. Jessica just nodded slowly, not caring for her explanation. Jessica looked behind Sunny and Gi Kwang to see Tiffany still cowering away against the wall.

“Is… everything okay?” Jessica hesitantly as she moved towards Tiffany. Sunny and Gi Kwang exchanged glances of annoyance before turning and smiling towards Jessica.

“Yeah everything is fine. You two should probably get home now.” Sunny beamed. Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he walked away from them, making Tiffany sigh with relief.

“Make sure you look after the house tonight… I’ve got another meeting with someone.” Sunny’s mood changed as she glared at Jessica. Jessica shot Sunny back a glance before turning her full attention to the shivering Tiffany.

“Are you okay? Why are you shivering?” Jessica asked worriedly as she tried to find something wrong with her. After a quick once-over Jessica found nothing apparent that would make Tiffany shiver.

“S-Sunny…” Tiffany started but slowly stopped once she saw Sunny’s gaze.

“Sunny wanted to see me urgently… so I forgot my jacket” Tiffany lied as she tried to pull off a smile. Sunny gave an approving nod towards Tiffany’s lie and smiled sweetly.

“You two run along now. We wouldn’t want something to happen to you two now do we?” Sunny smirked before walking off towards Gi Kwang’s direction.

“L-Let’s go” Tiffany stuttered as she pulled Jessica away.

“What did she talk to you about?” Jessica asked as her arm was pulled away forcefully. Tiffany just remained silent as she was focused on getting away from Sunny and Gi Kwang, pulling Jessica along behind her.

Tiffany occasionally would look behind her to check that they weren’t being followed before picking up her speed and walking even faster. Jessica was just trailing behind as Tiffany’s grip on her wrist started to cut off her blood circulation. Before she could complain Tiffany had already hailed a cab and pushed Jessica in.

“What the hell?!” Jessica yelled as she felt Tiffany join her in the cab and slam the door.

“Just drive please” Tiffany said urgently to the driver. The driver just gave a grunt as he lifted his foot off of the brakes and the car started moving.

“Tiffany. Seriously if this is a joke, it’s not funny” Jessica said bluntly as she crossed her arms. Tiffany just shook her head sternly as she gave Jessica a concerned look.

“Jessica… I think we might be in trouble” Tiffany said slowly. Jessica raised her eyebrow sceptically at Tiffany, thinking that she has gone totally mad.

“Heheh. You got that right.” A lot gruff voice chuckled. Tiffany and Jessica faced the front towards the driver who was now driving crazily down the street.

“I think it’s time you paid the Legion a visit” the driver said evilly as he made a sharp turn.

*We’re in serious trouble now…* Tiffany thought as she tried to pry open the doors whilst Jessica stayed beside her, petrified.

End Flashback.

Other Victims

“What are going to do now then Tiffany? Can you tell me at least why I’m stuck here in a basement that has a cell with you?” Jessica huffed impatiently as she sat down beside Tiffany. Tiffany just gave a meek smile as she pulled her legs up to her chest and sighed.

“If I knew what to do I would have done it already. As for the reason why you are here with me, I only know part of the reason, you just happened to be with me when they wanted to take me.” Tiffany explained quietly. Jessica fell silent as she lay back down onto the dirty old bed, not forgetting to give a long and miserable groan.

Just then the two of them heard a loud banging noise coming from the stairs of the basement. Jessica immediately sat back up as she ran to the metal bars. Tiffany slowly put her feet back onto the ground as she leaned forwards to see what it was. As Jessica was looking out from the bars she saw a shadow that looked like it was carrying another person over their shoulder.

“Oi! Let us out of here! Don’t make me come out there and rip you to shreds. No one has the right to lock up me and my friend in this filthy old pig cell. Are you listening?! Let us out so I can strangle you!” Jessica screamed at the top of her lungs as she shook the metal bars. Tiffany had long lost her voice from screaming the earlier days. She had no energy left as all she could do was show weak actions and barely speak quietly.

“Quiet down. You really are a noisy one aren’t you?!” the figure growled as they reached the cell. Jessica let out a growl from her throat as the figure stood in front of her. The figure then gave a smirk before opening the cell lock slowly. Before Jessica could even reach for the door the figure walked in with a body slumped over their shoulder and closed the cell behind them.

“Don’t just dump us with a body you murdered.” Jessica muttered as she shot daggers at the figure with her eyes. Tiffany just stared intently into the figures eyes. Those dead, hollow lonely eyes that were the only thing that they noticed from the unknown person. Tiffany then turned her attention to the body slumped over their shoulder. The figure turned around and dropped the body harshly onto the floor, without a care of damaging the body any further.

“She’s not dead. And if you don’t quieten down, I’ll have to quieten you down myself.” The unknown figure threatened. Jessica stood in front of the figure and stared back intensely.

“Make me.” Jessica challenged as she took a step forward. The person didn’t move an inch, but challenged Jessica back with an even colder stare.

“Jessica, stop it” Tiffany croaked from the back tiredly as she slowly moved to the body on the floor. As Tiffany got next to the body, their eyes opened abruptly, scaring Tiffany and making her fall back. Before anything else could happen the body got up and tackled the figure’s body onto the bed as a loud growl echoed through the empty basement, exposing both their faces from the light through the window

“What are you doing in this time?!” the once a lifeless body snapped. Jessica and Tiffany froze as the light exposed their identities. The once lifeless body who was now on top of the figure was none other than Yuri. The figure who had carried Yuri to the cell was now also exposed and was the main reason for both Jessica’s and Tiffany’s shock. The person underneath was a girl who looked exactly like Jessica, with the exception of the eyes.

“Haven’t I told you before? I’m here to visit my sister.” The girl who resembled Jessica chuckled. Tiffany quickly backed away from the two on the bed as Jessica scurried over to Tiffany’s side.

“Y-Yuri?” Jessica stuttered as she held onto Tiffany’s hands. Yuri’s eyes whipped over towards Jessica’s and Tiffany’s direction, her eyes burning red from her rage. Jessica gasped and backed up against the wall as Tiffany tried to calm her down by stroking her hand.

“Tiffany?! Jessica?!” Yuri questioned as the red in her eyes slowly faded and was now filled with surprise. Jessica’s body started to shiver as Yuri’s gaze pierced through her and paralysed her. Tiffany was only momentarily stunned, surprised at the bright red colour of the eyes, but soon recovered. While the Jessica and Yuri were exchanging glances the body under Yuri flipped Yuri over with a smirk on their face.

“I suggest you stay away from my sister for the time being. Unless you want me to really send you back to hell.” The girl chuckled before getting off Yuri. She brushed off some dirt off of her clothes while she walked towards the cell door. She then opened it and walked out, quickly locking the door before any of the stunned people inside could escape. A low chuckle escaped her lips as she saw the three trapped behind the bars. Her eyes then focused towards the paralysed Jessica.

“So that is what my soul becomes? Pathetic.” She spat before walking off.

“Sooyeon!” Yuri yelled as she ran to the cell door, only to see the figure disappearing behind the slowly closing doors. She let out a grunt of disappointment as she slammed her hand against the bars.

“Jessica? Jessica?!” Tiffany’s voice resounded from behind Yuri. Yuri looked back to see Jessica still sitting there, unmoved as her eyes seemed distant and lost. Yuri looked over to Tiffany for an explanation but Tiffany was trying to get Jessica back to reality.

“What’s going on?” Yuri immediately worried as she rushed over to Jessica’s side. As soon as Yuri was beside Jessica, she flinched away.

“D-Don’t touch me” Jessica stuttered as she slowly moved away from Yuri and towards the other corner of the room. Tiffany and Yuri watched as Jessica crouched over and curled up into a ball, terrified.

“What is it?” Yuri asked Tiffany slowly. Tiffany let out a long sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Your red eyes showed…” Tiffany explained briefly. Surprise ran through Yuri’s expression as her eyebrows raised high. She then relaxed slightly and leaned back against the wall, biting on her lower lip.

“Aishh… So she saw it?” Yuri asked quietly. Tiffany just nodded slightly as her eyes were focused on Jessica.

“T-Tiffany… Get away from her…” Jessica stuttered as she held her hand out and motioned Tiffany to come over. Tiffany looked over to Yuri hesitantly.

“I think you should stay on this side of the cell for now” Tiffany whispered apologetically as she got up and shuffled over to the shivering Jessica. Yuri gave an understanding nod and moved to the furthest corner away from Jessica, running her hand through her hair as the last of her injuries were healing.

*Taeyeon isn’t going to like this…* Yuri thought worriedly as she glanced over to Tiffany and Jessica.

“Red… eyes…” Jessica whispered as she remembered the blood red eyes of Yuri’s earlier. Tiffany hushed in her ears as she rubbed her hands up and down her shoulders, trying to calm her down while silently trying to find an easy way to explain to Jessica. Tiffany turned towards Yuri and shot a pleading glance, asking her whether she should reveal the dark secret behind the Elites’ existence or not. Yuri just shook her head slightly, silently telling Tiffany to wait before she revealed anything.

“It’s okay Jess… Everything’s okay…” Tiffany said quietly, wondering how true her words were.


“Taeyeon~” Tiffany whined as she tugged on Taeyeon’s arm. Taeyeon shot Tiffany a cold gaze, silently telling her to let go of her. Tiffany however didn’t cower away from Taeyeon’s cold gaze.

“I cannot stand you any longer. Just because your iPad isn’t here doesn’t mean I won’t deduct points. Now get off of me” Taeyeon growled and yanked her hand away. Tiffany pouted slightly as she was left alone on the street.

“You’re such a jerk Tae” Tiffany whined. Taeyeon let out a long tired sigh.

“Come on, hurry up. I’ll take you back to your place.” Taeyeon said tiredly as she walked off without Tiffany again. Tiffany started walking slowly towards Taeyeon again but she suddenly stopped. She stood still in her tracks, not moving. Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany’s eyes turning distant as her body ceased to move

“You coming?” Taeyeon groaned with frustration. Her patience was being tested too much that afternoon. Tiffany slowly looked up to Taeyeon with dark eyes.

“Taeyeon… I need to go…” Tiffany said quietly. Taeyeon tilted her head to the side with an unamused expression on her face. Tiffany was as hyper as a child on caffeine a few minutes ago, but now she seemed as lifeless as an eighty year old grandmother.

“Go where? Rest stop?” Taeyeon said back bluntly. Tiffany just shook her head slowly.

“I just have to go… Important stuff…” Tiffany answered vaguely. She then turned around and started walking in the opposite direction hurriedly. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Tiffany walk away from her. She started following her, wondering where Tiffany would be going at that time in the afternoon.

“Yah! Don’t go walking off by yourself!” Taeyeon yelled out. Tiffany seemed a little shocked by Taeyeon’s voice behind her and started to pick up her pace.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Taeyeon! I need to go right now.” Tiffany almost snapped at Taeyeon. Taeyeon stopped in her tracks at Tiffany’s sudden harshness. In the split second that Taeyeon had stopped, Tiffany turned into one of the corners.

“Aish this girl. Seriously” Taeyeon said with frustration as she bolted after Tiffany. She turned the corner quickly, expecting to see Tiffany still walking away, but as she turned the streets were empty. Not a soul was on the street. Confused, Taeyeon decided to walk down to see if there were any turns with Tiffany would have taken. To her surprise it was just a straight road all the way down, no turns that were close enough to make Tiffany disappear so quickly.

Taeyeon picked up her pace and started jogging around to see whether Tiffany had walked in any of the other directions. Not a single soul was out on the streets that night. And for some reason, not even Tiffany’s.

“Nothing had better happen while she’s gone…” Taeyeon growled under her breath as she smashed her hand to the nearest wall in frustration. Not wanting to risk anything, she kept on looking for Tiffany, thinking she may have missed her for some strange odd reason.


“Hyunnie~ It’s getting dark. Do you want to go back to your own place?” Yoona asked curiously as she tilted her head to the side. SeoHyun looked up from her work and raised her eyebrow at Yoona sceptically.

“Hmm… a little more. I think I want to finish this off first.” SeoHyun smiled sweetly as she poked Yoona’s nose. Yoona pulled back with a surprised look and shook her head slightly. SeoHyun just gave a small giggle before returning to her paper work. Yoona rested her chin against the table and pouted feeling rather bored.

“Oh right!” she suddenly exclaimed as she sat back up. SeoHyun just turned her head slightly towards Yoona as her hand kept writing down notes.

“You must be hungry right? You haven’t eaten anything since we came here” Yoona said worriedly as she pointed to the clock. SeoHyun followed her finger to see that it was well past eight thirty. Now that Yoona had mentioned it, SeoHyun was starting to feel a little hungry.

“How about we go visit Leeteuk for a while then? You missed out on going last time, so how about I take you there personally then?” Yoona offered as she stood up and held her hand out to SeoHyun.

“Leeteuk?” SeoHyun questioned as she tilted her head to the side slightly.

“He’s the owner of the special restaurant near here. Only even numbers of people are allowed into that restaurant though.” Yoona explained brightly.

“Ohh. Sounds interesting.” SeoHyun answered calmly. Yoona just nodded enthusiastically as she grabbed both of SeoHyun’s hands and made her stand up.

“Let’s go” Yoona said excitedly as she started dragging SeoHyun towards the door. As they passed the coat rack, SeoHyun quickly grabbed onto one of the coats before Yoona dragged her out the door. She quickly grabbed onto the door knob and closed it behind her as Yoona seemed to be happily skipping along.

“Yoona, do you ever remember to close your door?” SeoHyun asked tiredly from behind. Yoona just let out a shrug from the front as she unlocked her car doors.

“I remember to lock my car doors. Does that count?” Yoona asked teasingly SeoHyun rolled her eyes as Yoona opened the door for her.

“Ahjusshi Leeteuk-ah!” Yoona called out loudly as soon as she and SeoHyun walked past the body guard in front of the restaurant, not caring if she was disturbing anyone else’s meal.

“Y-Yoona-shi? Leeteuk-shi is up on the second floor with a guest at the moment. Could you wait a moment for him?” one of the intimidated waitresses uttered quietly. Yoona just gave a slight pout of disappointment, but nevertheless she took SeoHyun’s hand and took a seat nearby.

“Let’s eat.” Yoona beamed happily. SeoHyun took a quick scan around the fancy restaurant and couldn’t help but feel a little out-casted with all the formal attires everyone was wearing while she was in plain casual clothing.

“Don’t worry about them Hyunnie. Let’s order” Yoona chuckled and handed SeoHyun the menu. SeoHyun nodded shyly before hiding herself behind the menu.

Once the two finished with their orders, they sat patiently at the tables and started talking about the further details about the festival. As they were in the middle of talking about the food Yoona noticed Leeteuk come down the stairs with someone else beside him. SeoHyun kept talking about all the healthy foods that she was going to eat whilst Yoona was only half listening. She was more focused on the person next to Leeteuk.Leeteuk seemed to have a grave expression on his face as he pushed open the kitchen door and disappeared. The figure however was walking out of the restaurant. Their faces were covered with the cape hoodie that flew in the wind that was made when they moved.

“Yoona?” SeoHyun snapped her fingers to gain Yoona’s attention. Yoona quickly turned her attention back at SeoHyun but she wasn’t the only one who was now attentive towards SeoHyun. Yoona saw from the side of her eye that the caped figure was staring at their table. The figure seemed to cock their head to the side slightly. Yoona narrowed her gaze at the strange person standing not too far from them. The figure then slowly gripped onto the front of the hood and slowly brought it back.

“Yoona what’s wrong?” SeoHyun pouted slightly, waving her hands in front of Yoona’s face. Yoona turned her head to make her face her back towards the figure who was slowly revealing their identity. Yoona peeked to the side slightly to see that the figure’s hoodie was now fully off, revealing the identity underneath.

“Sunny…” Yoona growled slightly under her breath. Sunny from afar gave a small smile and a wave towards Yoona. She then ushered one of the waiters to her and handed something into the waiter’s hands.

“Was that Sunny-shi?” SeoHyun said curiously, looking at Sunny from far away. Before SeoHyun could confirm her thought, Sunny had pulled the hood over her head again and made her way to the exit. Yoona kept her eyes onto the flying cape outside the door until it was no longer on sight.

“Excuse me. Which one of you is Yoona?” the waiter asked politely. Yoona turned back to see the waiter that Sunny had conversed with before.

“I am…” Yoona said darkly, getting into her dark defensive personality. The waiter smiled patiently and handed Yoona a plate which contained a single fortune cookie.

“This was requested to be given to you.” The waiter said with a smile before giving a small bow and walking off again. SeoHyun turned her head to the side slightly, wondering who had given Yoona one single fortune cookie. Yoona on the other hand was worried. What could be inside that cookie, Yoona didn’t know.

“Let’s read your fortune” SeoHyun said eagerly as she reached for it. Yoona quickly grabbed onto her wrist to stop her before she could touch it. SeoHyun was shocked with Yoona’s sudden aggression.

“Erm… It was given to me personally, and the fortune wouldn’t work if someone else read it.” Yoona lied quickly. SeoHyun smiled sweetly and nodded patiently. Yoona stared at the lonesome fortune cookie on the plate. Slowly, she picked up the fortune cookie. Nothing happened.

“Well, go on” SeoHyun urged. Yoona gave one stiff nod before positioning her fingers on either side of the cookie. With a quick motion she snapped it in half, revealing the paper fortune inside.

‘I would be careful if I were you. You may be next’ – Anonymous

Yoona’s hand gripped onto the paper tightly. SeoHyun raised her eyebrow curiously.

“Bad fortune” Yoona tried to lighten the mood, sensing SeoHyun’s worried aura. SeoHyun furrowed her eyebrows sympathetically towards Yoona and patted her back.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a piece of paper” SeoHyun reassured. Yoona’s grip on the paper tightened.

*Just a paper…* Yoona thought to herself.

“Oh look. Food’s here” SeoHyun said happily and clapped her hands eagerly as the waitress brought two bowls out to them. Yoona stuffed the paper back into her pocket, wanting to show Taeyeon the next day.

For the rest of the night, Yoona was always checking behind her to make sure there was no one suspicious.

“Yoona. Are you worried about that fortune cookie? It’s not real don’t worry.” SeoHyun comforted and patted Yoona’s back as they were driving back from the restaurant. Yoona gave a grim nod and tightened her grip onto the steering wheel.

“Good evening Yoona-shi, SeoHyun-shi” a sudden cold voice called form the back seat. Yoona quickly hit the brakes when she saw a cold pair of eyes in her rear view mirror.

“Your friends wish to see you” the cold voice chuckled.


Taeyeon ran up to the door and slammed her hand against the door harshly.

“Tiffany! Tiffany!!” Taeyeon yelled at the door. She was in front of Sunny’s place again, after searching her part of the city she found no traces of Tiffany. So she decided to check around all the places which Tiffany might be in. Slamming her hand against the door again she heard the grass behind her crunch underneath someone else’s feet.

Taeyeon quickly turned around and got into a defensive position, ready to pounce at the stranger behind her.

“Oh Taeyeon. Why are you here?” Tiffany said innocently. Taeyeon relaxed from her defensive position but her expression darkened. She glared at Tiffany intensely as the frustration of not finding her before started to build even more.

“Where were you?” Taeyeon growled. Tiffany opened her eyes innocently towards Taeyeon.

“Why did you suddenly walk off like that? Do you know how dangerous it is at night?” Taeyeon growled. She took a few steps closer to Tiffany, her anger rising from Tiffany’s careless expression.

“It’s not that dangerous… I knew what I was doing… I was in no danger at all” Tiffany answered hesitantly as she scratched the back of her head. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes towards Tiffany accusingly.

“That doesn’t answer my question. Where were you and why did you just suddenly walk off like that?” Taeyeon repeated. Tiffany dropped her arm and started making hand gestures to calm Taeyeon down.

“Taeyeon-ah. Calm down. I had a sudden stomach ache and needed to use the restroom. It was embarrassing if you came along so I ran off” Tiffany explained with a slight laugh. Taeyeon however wasn’t laughing.

“Then why didn’t you come back? Why did you come back all the way here?” Taeyeon further interrogated. Tiffany bit her lower lip and raised her eyebrows in thought.

“I needed to get some medicine for the stomach ache… I didn’t know where the pharmacy was so I came here to go to this pharmacy” Tiffany took a step back from Taeyeon, scared she might pounce at her.

“You could’ve asked me” Taeyeon pushed on. Tiffany then suddenly stood up straight and shook her head.

“No! Do you know how embarrassing it is telling someone you have constipa--…. Never mind” Tiffany quickly cut off, a little embarrassed about the situation. Taeyeon’s eyes popped open suddenly at the sudden situation. She relaxed herself and straightened herself out.

“I-I see…” Taeyeon coughed awkwardly. Even if she didn’t need to use the restroom or experience any of that, it was still rather awkward. Tiffany shyly started digging her foot into the ground.

“So… You’re all… okay now?” Taeyeon said hesitantly, trying to keep up her cold image. Tiffany just nodded slightly, keeping her head bowed down low.

“Well… I erm… You should probably get some rest… I’ll… See you tomorrow” Taeyeon said awkwardly. She walked pass Tiffany and stopped side by side.

“T-Take care of yourself… If you’re not at class tomorrow I will wipe all your points clean… Remember your iPad” Taeyeon added harshly before walking off. Tiffany followed Taeyeon with her gaze. She smirked slightly when she Taeyeon was no longer in her view.

She then pulled out a photo of Taeyeon from her pocket and held it in between her two hands.

“You walked right into my trap Tae~” Tiffany smirked evilly as she ripped the photo, right across Taeyeon’s neck, letting the two pieces of the photo fly off into the wind.

The Calm Before The Storm

“Jessica… Jess… Say something…” Tiffany whispered calmly, trying to get a response from Jessica. Jessica was still cuddled up in the corner, staring at nothing but a hole in the floor. Yuri on the other side of the cell was drawing on the floor, trying to find a way to get back to Taeyeon and warn her. She looked up to check on Jessica, giving a heavy sigh when Jessica winced at her gaze.

“Watch where you put your hands! Don’t touch my SeoHyunnie like that! Hey! I said don’t touch there!” a loud voice resounded through the basement as the loud bang of the door was heard. Yuri quickly stood up beside the cell and peered outside the bars to see what was happening.

“Untie me this instant. Coward! Why don’t you try knocking me out? Preying on the weaker human! You’re the lowest of the low!” the voice screamed again. Yuri narrowed her eyes to see

Sooyeon appear with a body slumped over her shoulder again. Then from the hand Yuri could see a chain in her grasp. Attached to the end of the chain were wrists in cuffs.

“Quiet down. Allow me to put down this god forsaken body and then I’ll grant your wish and knock you out” the sarcastic voice snapped back. Yuri’s grip on the metal bars tightened, recognising the voice of the sarcastic one.

“Sooyeon…” Yuri growled under her breath. Tiffany looked up from Jessica and up at the metal bars curiously. Jessica just stared blankly at the metal bars, not having any opinion or thoughts on anything during that moment.

“Whose body are you calling god forsaken?! You’re the one that is god forsaken!” the voice screamed again. Yuri’s eyes opened wide once the person in the chain stepped into one of the light spots, revealing Yoona trapped on the chains.

“Yoona!” Yuri yelled, pulling on the metal bars hastily.

“Yuri?!” Yoona called back with surprise. Before any of them could say anything else Sooyeon had appeared in front of Yuri and yanked hard on Yoona’s chain, silencing them both. Sooyeon’s dark hollow eyes met with Yuri’s.

“Nice to see you again Yuri” Sooyeon smiled sarcastically. Yuri let a low growl in her throat as her hands twitched, itching to wring it around Sooyeon’s neck. She then averted her gaze slightly to the side to take a glimpse at the body over Sooyeon’s shoulder.

“SeoHyun!?” Tiffany exclaimed from inside the cell. Jessica snapped her head up at Tiffany’s yell and looked at Sooyeon standing before the cell. SeoHyun’s body was slumped over her shoulder, her arms falling limply above her.

“SeoHyun…” Jessica’s voice croaked. Sooyeon smirked at the shocked expressions inside the cell, rather amused with the expressions.

“It’s like a family reunion.” Sooyeon mused. Yoona gritted her teeth behind Sooyeon.

“Come, come” Sooyeon suddenly sang, pulling hard against Yoona’s chains again. She then stood in front of the lock of the cell, taking the keys out of her pocket and opening the lock. Yuri was about to lunge at Sooyeon again but was stopped when Sooyeon pulled Yoona to block the attack quickly. Yuri immediately stopped, not wanting to attack Yoona. Sooyeon then used this chance to close the exit again and lock it back again, putting the key safely down her shirt.

“Coward” Yoona spat again. Sooyeon just gave a shrug and dropped SeoHyun’s body next to the floor space next to her. Tiffany and Jessica gasped at the harshness, wincing slightly at the pain that SeoHyun might’ve experienced. Yoona let out a loud sound of disapproval, pulling on the chain with all her might, hoping to pull Sooyeon along with her. It was no use as Sooyeon countered by wrapping her hand around the chain and pulling Yoona towards the metal bars.

Yoona started to fall forwards but quickly turned around to avoid hitting the metal pole into her face.

Tiffany held her hand over her mouth with a distinct cracking noise was heard. She was pretty sure that it was Yoona’s back snapping in half. Jessica just blankly watched Yoona writhing in pain on the side. She really couldn’t feel any sympathy for anyone during that moment. Nothing was snapping her back to reality. Sooyeon looked over at Jessica with disgust.

“What a waste of a soul. Pathetic.” Sooyeon scoffed, giving a quick turn and making for the door again. Two hands gripped around her collar and stopped her in mid-turn. Yuri’s eyes met once again with Sooyeon’s, her gaze being fiercer than ever.

“What are you doing during this time? You were never converted… You died long after Taeyeon went missing… What are you and how are you here?” Yuri growled darkly. Sooyeon was unaffected by Yuri’s expression. Instead she just seemed rather bored.

“What am I? I do not know… How am I here? Well that’s a little secret of the afterlife… As for what I am doing here… I am here for Taeyeon… MY sister” Sooyeon answered back bluntly. Yuri’s grip on Sooyeon’s collar tightened. Yoona on the side was sliding up the metal bars and trying to move over to help Yuri, however her back was still not fully healed, meaning her legs were not fully functional again. Jessica stared blankly at Yoona who fell forward again.

“Why Taeyeon?” Yuri continued. There was a silent pause throughout the cell. Tiffany watched the conversation between Yuri and Sooyeon, Yoona trying to get back up again and SeoHyun unconscious right beside Jessica who still hasn’t moved.

“Because… She doesn’t belong here…” Sooyeon answered vaguely, gripping onto Yuri’s hands and pulling it off her collar.

“You shouldn’t be here” Sooyeon continued, pointing her finger at Tiffany. Tiffany took a small step back away from Sooyeon’s accusing point.

“Nor should you.” Sooyeon then turned her finger and pointed at Jessica. Jessica stared at the finger pointed towards her. Not giving any reaction at all. Sooyeon felt disgusted with Jessica’s mourning act. She lunged forward and pulled Jessica up by the collar. The two faced each other, eye to eye. It was quite a sight for everyone who was conscious inside the cell. Two exact replicas at each other’s throat, well one of them anyway.

“Why are you acting like the dead?! Stop moping around already. You… you are wasting your life… wasting your life on the trivial things. Life is too short to be wasted on sitting around and sulking.” Sooyeon spat towards Jessica. Jessica gained some of the consciousness back and glared at Sooyeon.

“What are you? A mirror image? Do you suck the souls out of people? Or do you have burning red eyes?” Jessica let out a small sarcastic laugh. Sooyeon smirked at Jessica’s comment and

rammed her into the wall. Yuri went up to stop her but her hand was in mid-air as Sooyeon started talking again.

“I myself do not know what I am… But I do know what you are… You are me… My mirror… the remains of what was left of me … It’s a disgrace” Sooyeon snapped. Yuri noticed that Sooyeon’s hand started to move and quickly intercepted before Sooyeon could land her slap across Jessica.

“You…” Yuri’s voice darkened, towering over Sooyeon.

“You are not Sooyeon… You are not Taeyeon’s beloved younger sister… You are just an image of the past. You were Sooyeon, but now, you’re nothing but a nuisance. You were her sister, but now you are nothing.” Yuri continued, taking a few steps towards Sooyeon, forcing her to move back. Tiffany quickly grabbed onto Jessica and pulled her back to the corner. Yoona by then had now managed to make her way to the unconscious SeoHyun and was trying to wake her up now.

“Why don’t you return back to your time Sooyeon? Jessica is not you. She is Jessica… An average girl whom means a lot more to everyone than you.” Yuri pushed Sooyeon’s shoulders and forced her towards the lock of the metal bar door. Sooyeon had a smirk plastered over her face.

“Oh I’m not staying here. I will return when it is time. As for your beloved Jessica, I highly doubt that she, or any of the other humans, will mean that much to you in the near future. The future has been decided Yuri-shi. Enjoy your so called friendship or whatever it is. It won’t last that much longer. Once Taeyeon comes here, it will all be over.” Sooyeon said indifferently before unlocking the door and walking out. She then purposely let the door open and stood to the side of it.

“But I’m feeling generous. I’m willing to spare you your freedom. However, you will have to leave the rest behind. Four is more than enough.” Sooyeon mocked, motioning towards the exit. Yuri looked towards her side towards those behind her. All three looked back at her with worried eyes. She turned back towards the wide opened doors, biting her lower lip in confusion.

“Yuri…” Yoona called out silently. Her back was almost healed fully as she got up and reached for Yuri. Yoona held onto the edge of her shirt to steady herself.

“Isn’t that sweet?” Sooyeon chuckled. Yoona and Yuri both ignored her as they exchanged glances.

“Go Yuri… You might have a chance to warn Taeyeon before she gets into this mess too…” Yoona said worriedly. Yuri then glanced back to SeoHyun who was now laid onto the bed. She then looked over to Tiffany and Jessica. Jessica avoided the eye contact whilst Tiffany just gave Yuri a nod of assurance.

“I’m not leaving you guys like this…” Yuri said slowly. Sooyeon on the outside raised her eyebrow curiously. Yoona shook her head sternly, going against Yuri’s will.

“Yuri… Taeyeon looked after us for almost a century now… No matter how many times we annoyed her, got into trouble or went against her will, she’s still the one who took us in. Yuri, we promised each other didn’t we? We promised that we would do what’s best for Taeyeon whenever we had the chance. A century is a long time Yuri. Who knows where we would be now without her.” Yoona spilled wholeheartedly.

“But I can’t just leave you four here. What if by the time I come back…” Yuri was silenced by a pillow thrown to her head. The pillow dropped slowly from Yuri’s head, allowing her to see the aimer. Jessica had her arm outstretched in a throwing position, indicating that she was the one who threw the pillow. Tiffany and Yoona looked at Jessica with surprise.

“Just leave already… It’s not like you can do much here.” Jessica said hatefully. Tiffany tugged on Jessica’s hand urgently, telling her to stop. Yoona narrowed her gaze at Jessica while Yuri’s expression turned into a stiff and hurt smile.

“She saw my eyes Yoona…” Yuri explained. Yoona whipped her head back urgently to Yuri.

“Yuri. This will be your last chance. Either take the offer or suffer the same fate as them.” Sooyeon interrupted again impatiently. Jessica glared at Yuri intensely.

“Go. We don’t need you here.” Jessica said spitefully before turning her body around and ignoring Yuri again. Yuri just smiled sadly to herself and sighed. Yoona’s eyes were now piercing daggers into the back of Jessica’s head, sending silent curses.

“Listen Yuri… I don’t care what Jessica is saying, but don’t stay here. I’ll figure out a way to get us out of here. You can warn Taeyeon out there too. Please Yuri, don’t let Taeyeon fall.” Yoona pleaded.

“Yuri, please help Taeyeon” Tiffany whispered quietly from the back. Yuri slowly turned towards Sooyeon and the opened doors again.

“Okay Sooyeon. I accept your offer.” Yuri said quietly. Jessica turned her head to the side and watched her from the side of her eyes as Yuri slowly walked out of the metal bars. Sooyeon just smirked at Jessica before relocking the door again.

“I’ll be back soon, I promise” Yuri whispered to the three inside the cell. Yoona gave one short reassuring nod, giving a small wave and smile at her. Tiffany bit her lower lip sadly as her eyes pleaded with Yuri’s. Yuri started proceeding down the hallway towards the door with Sooyeon walking behind her.

Jessica then let out a long sigh as soon as Yuri was gone. Yoona and Tiffany stared at her curiously, wondering the reason behind her sigh. Jessica had a satisfied on her face as she hugged her legs.

“Yoona, what are the Elites?” Jessica whispered softly. Yoona ignored Jessica and walked towards SeoHyun again, seeing if there were any signs of her waking up again.

“Why would you care?” Yoona answered back spitefully. Jessica just gave a small chuckle.

“Because… I want to know… I heard your back snap Yoona, I saw Yuri’s bright red eyes. There’s no point in hiding it anymore. I heard it all… Sooyeon, is Taeyeon’s sister. Me? From my knowledge, I’m just a reimage.” Jessica just stated blatantly. Yoona and Tiffany both opened their eyes in surprise towards Jessica’s prediction.

“How did you get all that?” Tiffany said slowly. Jessica smirked.

“I’m not as dense as you think I am Tiffany. I catch onto some things faster than others.” Jessica answered.

“So Yoona, what are the Elites? Tiffany, I’m sure you should know. You’re close with Taeyeon after that period of total lifelessness.” Jessica raised her eyebrow at Tiffany. Tiffany bit her lower lip and stared at Yoona.

“I see you’ve caught on quite well Jessica. I guess there really is no point in hiding it” Yoona smirked. She then walked over to Jessica and held her wrist up.

“Watch carefully” Yoona said intensely. Jessica kept her eyes fixed on Yoona’s wrist whilst Tiffany looked away, knowing what Yoona was planning to do. Yoona brought her other hand up to her wrist and started digging her nails into her own skin, breaking the skin and causing bright red blood to ooze out. Jessica watched as the skin quickly started healing again. She didn’t seem at all surprised.

“You don’t have to prove you’re not human. I just want to know what you are” Jessica said bluntly. Yoona just smiled.

“Well, we are what we are. You humans are mortal… whilst we… are immortal” Yoona just shrugged and stood back up again. Jessica had a small smile on her face as she leaned her head against her knees again.

“So I fell for an immortal…” she said slowly. Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Jessica’s sudden confession.

“I just hope she manages to get out of here safely… I don’t know why… But it just mattered to me.” Jessica continued as if she was in her own world.

“I’m probably really strange huh? I just hope that Yuri is safe…” Jessica sighed. Tiffany and Yoona exchanged glances at each other before smiles grew on both their faces. They then looked over at SeoHyun who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the bed. They knew that SeoHyun would be the hardest to crack, but it was going to be easier.

Meanwhile, Yuri was still being followed towards the door. As she was at the bottom of the stairs she felt her arms being forced behind her back and her wrists being cuffed.

“But first off, we must allow the plan to finish. Once we have Taeyeon safely in our hands, you can walk free” Sooyeon hushed into Yuri’s ear. Yuri tried to pull her arms away from the cuffs around her wrists but it was sealed tight.

“Don’t worry, I keep my promises.” Sooyeon cooed.

“Yuri!” Yoona called back from the cell. Yuri looked back to see Yoona with a worried expression on her face. Yuri was then taken away by Sooyeon as the door closed again.

“What happened, Yoona?” Tiffany asked worriedly as she stood up again. Yoona turned around and faced Tiffany. Tiffany walked over to Yoona, her eyes never leaving Yoona’s.

“Where’s Yuri?” Tiffany continued.

“She… was taken by Sooyeon… She won’t be released until Taeyeon is in their hands…” Yoona explained slowly. Tiffany’s hands clenched into fists in rage. She knew that they had been played, played right into the trap.

“Taeyeon… Please be alright” Tiffany whispered solemnly as she looked through the only window in the cell where she could see that the sun was rising again.


Taeyeon gave a long stretch on her chair. She looked around the classroom to see that it was still empty. Checking her watch, she noticed that it was almost 11:30am but Yoona and Yuri were not in the classroom yet. SeoHyun, Jessica and Tiffany were supposed to meet up with them for the tutoring classes within thirty minutes soon too.

“Those two are seriously getting on my nerves these days. I told them to be careful” Taeyeon said impatiently, tapping her fingers against the table. She took out her phone and dialled Yuri’s number. No ring. Taeyeon then dialled Yoona’s phone. It rang this time, only there was no answer. Taeyeon was about to redial the numbers again but the door opened. She quickly turned towards the door, expecting the other two Elites to be there.

“Morning Taeyeon” Tiffany beamed whilst skipping into the classroom. Taeyeon stared at the door where there was supposed to be two others coming in. Only one came in after Tiffany.

“SeoHyun is sick today. Yoona decided to stay with her today.” Tiffany explained as she took her seat in front of Taeyeon. The other person behind Tiffany walked in with a dead expression on their face.

“Is Jessica still not feeling well?” Taeyeon said slowly. Jessica turned around and just gave a small nod as if to answer Taeyeon’s question. Taeyeon gave a sigh as she checked the time again and Yuri and Yoona were showing no signs of showing up soon.

“Something wrong Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked innocently once she took out all her books. Taeyeon turned around back to Tiffany and looked at the pile of stuff on the table, noticing that the iPad was missing again.

“Where’s your iPad?” Taeyeon asked bluntly, pointing towards Tiffany’s belongings on the table. Tiffany gave a loud gasp and hit her forehead slightly.

“Aish… I forgot it again… Sorry” Tiffany said dejectedly. Taeyeon’s eyes narrowed at Tiffany’s confession.

“Where’s SeoHyun? Is she coming? If she is tell her to bring the iPad along. I have a few points I want to take off.” Taeyeon grumbled. Tiffany looked over to Jessica innocently who was now sitting alone at the table.

“SeoHyun has fallen sick. Yoona decided to stay and look after her” Jessica waved her hand carelessly and answered two of Taeyeon’s questions. Taeyeon nodded slowly, having some relief as to where Yoona was. She then cocked her head to the side wondering what Yuri was doing, since Jessica was there with her.

“Do you know where Yuri is then?” Taeyeon turned to Tiffany. Tiffany just gave a slight pout and shrugged.

“I don’t know. Wasn’t she supposed to be with you?” Tiffany asked back. Taeyeon nodded slowly. She then took out her phone again to call Yuri, her phone still not ringing.

“Yesterday Yuri said that she was going downtown to check out a few documents regarding something, I don’t know. She said it was Yoona’s, yours and her business alone.” Jessica answered again.

“Something that involves the Elites?” Taeyeon whispered to herself curiously. Tiffany lowered her head to face Taeyeon directly with an innocent smile on her face.

“How about we go visit her? I’m sure if we took one day off it wouldn’t affect anything.” Tiffany suggested eagerly. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany’s sudden eagerness. Jessica stood up and passed Taeyeon a piece of paper with an address written on it with Yuri’s hand writing.

“Yuri said she’d be here. I think I’m going to go home and sleep. You and Tiffany have fun.” Jessica gave one quick smile before returning to her dull expression and walking out of the classroom. Tiffany and Taeyeon stared down at the piece of paper on the table curiously. Taeyeon picked it up and read the address. It seemed to be quite far off from any major cities and if she remembered properly, was mostly just a farmland.

*Then again… If it involved immortals I highly doubt it will be in the city* Taeyeon reasoned with herself.

“Well? Are we going? It seems fun” Tiffany was literally bouncing from her seat when she was asking Taeyeon. Taeyeon scrunched up the address in her hand and put it into her pocket and stood up with her blazer in her arm.

“Yuri’s alone right now right? We should see what’s so important that she needs to go alone for.” Taeyeon explained briefly before walking out the door again. Tiffany left all her stuff behind and skipped right beside Taeyeon. The two walked out of the college campus and towards the parking lot where Taeyeon’s car was waiting. Taeyeon opened the door quickly and hopped in while Tiffany scurried over to the passenger seat.

“Road trip!” Tiffany squealed excitedly and clapped her hands together once Taeyeon started the engine. Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Tiffany and started moving the car out of the parking lot. As they were driving towards their destination, Taeyeon noticed that Tiffany was rather fidgety and couldn’t keep her body still. Tiffany then caught Taeyeon’s glance and just smiled reassuringly, stopping her body from moving and sat still again. Taeyeon just shook her head slightly and returned her attention back onto the road in front of her.

“Taeyeon?” Tiffany then decided to start up a conversation.

“Hm?” Taeyeon answered back tiredly.

“Did you have anyone you liked before? You know… past lovers?” Tiffany asked curiously. Taeyeon pursed her lips together and remained silent. Tiffany kept her gaze on to the hesitating latter and waited. Finally Taeyeon just gave one small and stern nod.

“Once…” Taeyeon whispered slightly.

“Do you still have feelings for them?” Tiffany continued with a serious expression. Taeyeon’s grip onto the wheel tightened, not answering Tiffany’s question. Tiffany let out a disappointed sigh and sat back in her seat, staring straight ahead again.

“Well… I’m sure she was a very special someone then.” Tiffany added dejectedly. Taeyeon rested her elbow onto the window and leaned her head against her hand, her eyes slightly turning blue from remembering her old lover.It wasn’t long before they finally reached their destination. It was a wide open field with nothing but grassland and a cliff side. Taeyeon got out of her car and started walking towards the gate that surrounded the grassland. It was the same area in which she had caught Sunny with Gi Kwang. She leaned against the gate and looked out onto the vast area in front of her. Tiffany soon joined her and stood beside her, giving a long sigh again.

“I wonder where Yuri is” Tiffany pouted. Taeyeon turned to look at Tiffany and scoffed. She then swiftly jumped over the gate and landed on the other side perfectly. The latter behind her

burst into an applause at Taeyeon’s small show before clumsily climbing the gate and falling over, flat on her stomach. Taeyeon let out a long sigh and held her hand out towards Tiffany.

“Haha. Kinda clumsy” Tiffany giggled as she grabbed onto Taeyeon’s arm. When the both of them were on their feet, Taeyeon quickly let go of Tiffany’s hand and stared at her hand.

“Something wrong Tae?” Tiffany asked curiously. Taeyeon flexed her hand a few times as she pondered to herself. She then gave Tiffany a shake of the head and turned around to walk around the grassland with Tiffany skipping behind her happily. As they were walking, Taeyeon noticed that there was an opening in front of the cliff with footsteps leading into it. She stopped and stared at the floor sceptically. They were definitely Yuri’s shoes.

“Yuri’s probably in there” Tiffany said innocently. Taeyeon just gave a nod and stood up again, not moving anywhere.

“I still have feelings for them, but I haven’t forgiven them.” Taeyeon suddenly said bluntly. Tiffany blinked a few times wondering what Taeyeon was talking about.

“Could you repeat that?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Taeyeon.

“Your question from before, about my past lover. I still have lingering feelings, but I don’t think I can ever forgive them for what they did.” Taeyeon let a sad smile grow on the side of her face. Tiffany’s expression dropped to a sad frown, staring straight into Taeyeon’s eyes.

“I’m sure whatever she did; she did it for the better good. I mean, she’d have to be stupid to leave an incredible person like you. But I understand that you would still have lingering feelings. You are human after all.” Tiffany gave a reassuring nod. Taeyeon smirked as she dug into her shirt to pull out the key necklace again. She then ripped it off her neck and gripped it hard against the palm of her hand.

“Yeah… I guess” Taeyeon said slowly. She then lowered her hand and began walking into the opening of the cliff. It was a long tunnel in the opening, but slowly it started to reach an opening. The opening was lit up with a few holes in the rocks above them, allowing the sunlight to pass through.As they progressed further the floor began to smooth out, the walls began to open wider and there were now torches lighting the way.

“Wow” Tiffany said in awe. Taeyeon just scoffed at her surroundings and started walking faster. Finally there was a bright light coming from the end of the wide tunnel coming from the torches in the opening. As Taeyeon stepped out of the long tunnel her surroundings were changed. It no longer seemed to be inside a cliff, but rather a large mansion. The floor was cemented and lined with tiles. The walls had paintings that had the flickering lights of the candles revealing their identities. Above the surrounding was a hollow dome that had obviously been man carved.Towards the end of the opening there was a large open fire, towards the left was a closed door, and finally to the right was an open door.

Taeyeon narrowed her gaze down at the open door to see something stand out from the black background. It seemed to be moving slightly as Taeyeon took a step closer.

“Wooahh.” Tiffany exclaimed once she reached the open area. Taeyeon ignored Tiffany and continued to the right end of the opening. With each step she took she started to see that there really was something down the hall of the door.

Taeyeon reached the door and opened it wider to reveal a figure chained up a chain in the wall. The figure had raven black hair and a white uniform that was now dirty from the dirt around them. Taeyeon stood there, not taking a step closer inside the door. The chains shifted slightly as the figure looked up, revealing the identity of the prisoner and the cloth around their mouth.

“Yuri…” Taeyeon let out slowly after seeing the familiar features of Yuri. Yuri looked up at her with worried eyes. She then started shaking her head furiously towards Taeyeon, trying to scream but coming out as a mangled muffle under the cloth.

“Oh my god. Yuri” Tiffany suddenly came and gasped. Yuri stopped moving as she caught sight of Tiffany beside Taeyeon, confusion washing over her like a tsunami.

“Tiffany… Do you remember how you said I would get over my feelings for my past lover?” Taeyeon suddenly asked calmly. Tiffany pouted slightly trying to remember the recent conversation.

“Yeah… It’s only normal for humans to have lingering feelings. Why?” Tiffany tilted her head to the side as she answered. Taeyeon gripped onto the necklace that was still in her hand and smiled slightly.

“You couldn’t be more wrong.” Taeyeon said quietly. Yuri from the chains was watching with confused eyes as the two were conversing. Tiffany just raised her eyebrows high, wondering what Taeyeon was saying again.

Then, within a blink of an eye, Taeyeon had Tiffany pinned down against the floor with her hands around the latter’s neck.

“Who are you?!” Taeyeon growled loudly.


“Yeah… It’s only normal for humans to have lingering feelings. Why?” Tiffany tilted her head to the side as she answered. Taeyeon gripped onto the necklace that was still in her hand and smiled slightly.“You couldn’t be more wrong.” Taeyeon said quietly. Yuri from the chains was watching with confused eyes as the two were conversing. Tiffany just raised her eyebrows high, wondering what Taeyeon was saying again.

Then, within a blink of an eye, Taeyeon had Tiffany pinned down against the floor with her hands around the latter’s neck.“Who are you?!” Taeyeon growled loudly.

“T-Taeyeon… What’s wrong?” Tiffany stuttered quickly underneath Taeyeon. Yuri on the side was trying to free herself again, pulling as hard as she could against the chains whilst Taeyeon’s hands twitched, threatening to tighten around the latter’s neck.

“You know what I mean. Who are you” Taeyeon repeated, a distinct growl heard in her voice. Tiffany held onto Taeyeon’s hands, stopping her from tightening any further with a worried expression on her face.

“It’s me Tiffany. Taeyeon what’s going on?” Tiffany pleaded with innocent eyes. Taeyeon smirked as she loosened her grip on the body underneath her. Yuri raised her eyebrows high once Taeyeon and Tiffany were upstanding again. She screamed against the cloth, trying to warn Taeyeon again. Tiffany was brushing the dirt off herself with a disapproving expression on her face. As she looked up again the air was suddenly knocked out once again, her back smashing against something hard. She blinked again to see Taeyeon right in front of her face, holding her up by the collar and pushing her against the wall.

“You are not Tiffany. Your body temperature is too warm to be that of a human. I never told you that my past lover was female, and I know better than anyone else that Tiffany knows I’m not human. I’m not going to repeat myself anymore. Who are you?” Taeyeon’s eyes were now blue as she interrogated the body in her hands. ‘Tiffany’ didn’t move. She had a confused expression on her face and was shivering slightly.

“I don’t know what you mean. TaeTae you’re hurting me” she pleaded as she tried to wriggle out of Taeyeon’s grasp. Taeyeon froze upon hearing her old nickname. She looked down towards the floor as she remembered her long and distant past.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri called from the back as she managed to push the cloth out of her mouth. Before Taeyeon could respond to Yuri’s warning her body was pushed off ‘Tiffany’ and smashed against the floor, her hands behind her back as her face was pinned against the floor.

“Nice to see you again dear Unnie” the small room resounded with a giggle. Taeyeon looked towards her back to see Jessica on her back holding her arms. Tiffany on the side was just refixing her clothes again with an annoyed expression on her face. Taeyeon tried to break her hands free but the grip around her wrists were too strong.

“Let me go! Leave her alone! Whatever you want her for take me instead! Sooyeon!” Yuri screamed at the top of her voice. Taeyeon’s eyes opened wide upon hearing what Yuri had called Jessica.

“Sooyeon?” Taeyeon said slowly. ‘Jessica’ on her back just smiled back innocently towards Taeyeon.

“Long time, no see dear sister” she said sarcastically as she pulled Taeyeon up by the arms and held her to stand in front of ‘Tiffany’.

“It really has been a while TaeTae…” the imposter smirked as she folded her arms. Taeyeon glared at her with confusion and hate. The fake Tiffany then just outstretched one of her hand and ran it across Taeyeon’s jawline, causing Taeyeon’s eyes to flare in an even brighter blue.

“I remember those eyes. I remember everything about you. I wonder though… if you remember anything about me.” The imposter whispered slowly. Taeyeon yanked her arms out of Sooyeon’s grasp quickly and turned around to push Sooyeon right beside the Tiffany imposter. She then held both their necks with each of their hands. Yuri celebrated slightly inside when she saw Taeyeon having the upper hand.

“What do you want? Why did Sunny send you here?!” Taeyeon snapped at them. Sooyeon and the latter looked at each other with confused expressions before the Tiffany imposter looked back at Taeyeon.

“Sunny? Why would we be involved with her?! Taeyeon-ah. I don’t think you realise what’s going on here” ‘Tiffany’ mused. She then clicked her fingers and Sooyeon launched herself to sit on top of Taeyeon, pinning her hands to her sides. The fake Tiffany then slowly walked towards Taeyeon’s head and crouched down low. Taeyeon let a snarl escaped her lips as ‘Tiffany’ placed the palms of her hands against Taeyeon’s cheeks.

“I missed you TaeTae” she whispered as she lowered herself and placed her lips against Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon stopped struggling in that instant. Everyone stopped moving, including Yuri. Sooyeon just smirked on top of Taeyeon, slowly letting Taeyeon’s hands go and getting off of her. Slowly, the imposter pulled themselves away from Taeyeon.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon whispered as she blinked a few times. The lips that were on hers were so familiar. It was something that she had longed for, for over ninety years. She knew who it was without a doubt. She had no doubts against it. Taeyeon’s mind fell into the dark turmoil once again, the pain of losing her past lover hitting her again.

“Miyoung?” Yuri questioned when she heard Taeyeon’s whisper. The fake Tiffany turned around towards Yuri and walked towards her slowly. She then stood in front of her and crossed her arms with a smile plastered across her face.

“Let me introduce myself. I’m Lee Miyoung. Taeyeon’s long lost lover” she introduced proudly. Yuri’s body froze once the latter in front of her introduced herself.

“Y-You can’t be…” Yuri whispered slowly. Sooyeon was now walking towards her with the key in her hand for Yuri’s chains. She walked behind Yuri and unchained Yuri’s hands and replaced the cuffs with her own hands, holding Yuri in place.

“Thank you for your help Yuri. As promised, you can go free. Your other friends will be let free soon. You have my word.” Miyoung thanked gratefully. Yuri’s body then didn’t respond

anymore as Miyoung’s eyes changed to a bright blue colour. She didn’t know what was happening anymore. Sooyeon, Taeyeon’s younger sister, and now even Miyoung, Taeyeon’s past lover, was now in the present world. Both obviously not human.

“Come on Yuri. Your freedom is waiting you.” Sooyeon interrupted, pulling against Yuri’s arms roughly and leading her outside the cliff’s hideout. Yuri walked past Taeyeon who was now seated upright in Miyoung’s arms. Her face was cold and distant. All signs of her life were gone. Taeyeon was now just an empty shell.

“Taeyeon-ah!” Yuri called out, trying to knock Taeyeon out of it. Taeyeon remained still as Miyoung held her up and helped her stand up. Yuri pulled against Sooyeon’s arms but Sooyeon countered by kicking the back of her knee, making her fall to her knees.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon whispered deadly as Yuri was now being dragged forcefully out. Just before Taeyeon was out of Yuri’s sight, she saw Miyoung placing her lips against Taeyeon’s cheek with a proud smirk against her face.

“Taeyeon!!” Yuri screamed out again before the door which held Taeyeon and Miyoung closed, leaving what happened after that a mystery to the outsider’s eyes.

“TaeTae… Aren’t you glad to see me again? Why are you so quiet?” Miyoung said with a slight pout. Taeyeon just remained silent as Miyoung set her down to a seat nearby. Her eyes were distant as she kept remembering everything from the past. Miyoung just smiled slightly as she stood in front of Taeyeon and made her face her. She used her finger to pull up Taeyeon’s chin as they looked at each other eye-to-eye. Miyoung gave a sweet smile to Taeyeon as she moved her finger across Taeyeon’s lips, slowly dragging it across the outline and evoking Taeyeon to twitch slightly.

“Is that really you… Miyoung?” Taeyeon whispered slightly, staring intently into the pair of eyes in front of her. Miyoung just nodded slowly, the smile growing even more on her face. Taeyeon slowly lifted up her right hand and pressed it against Miyoung’s left cheek. Miyoung leaned in against her cheek and closed her eyes. A smile grew on Taeyeon’s face as she ran her thumb across Miyoung’s cheekbone, a gesture she often did back then. Her hand then froze in mid gesture. She then took her hand back quickly as panic ran through her eyes. Miyoung turned her head to the side innocently, wondering what was wrong with Taeyeon.

“Th-The diary… The conversion… Your body.” Taeyeon blurted out quickly, retreating from Miyoung’s touch.

“What diary?” Miyoung asked first. A sharp pain ripped across Taeyeon’s chest as she remembered the passages she read inside the diary that was given to her. She winced slightly when Miyoung held both of her hands in her own again.

“The diary… You wrote. It said that you despised immortals… Things just don’t add up. You knew I was immortal… yet you called me human.” Taeyeon said slowly. Miyoung just knelt down in front of Taeyeon and let out a long sigh.

“I’ll tell you everything from the beginning then.” Miyoung said slowly. Taeyeon had a hurt expression on her face when Miyoung was no longer smiling. She then watched as she slowly reached for a rock beside them and held it up to her forearm, pressing the sharp edge of the rock against her hand and breaking the skin. Taeyeon’s overprotectiveness kicked in and she knocked the rock out of Miyoung’s hands quickly, holding onto her injured arm to see if there was any damage. To Taeyeon’s surprise, the wound was healing as fast as hers would have. Confused, she looked up to Miyoung again, still holding onto her wrist.

“You could say that the conversion worked” Miyoung sighed, showing her smile slightly to Taeyeon to reassure that she was okay. She then stood up again and took a deep breath, preparing herself to tell Taeyeon the whole story.

“Taeyeon, do you remember what Sooyoung had said about the conversion? That it was definitely going to work if you followed a set of rules??” Miyoung asked quietly. Taeyeon bunched her hands into a fist and nodded once, remembering how Sooyoung had let her down… Or she thought she let her down.

“It worked, but the process is much different to that of a normal conversion. In a normal conversion, the blood that is consumed is absorbed into the blood stream. Within the blood stream the immortal blood slowly takes over that of the humans. If there is enough absorbed then the conversion would be a success. If there is not enough, the body is neither human nor immortal. The blood cells battle each other and strain the heart and therefore cause the failure.” Miyoung paused. Taeyeon’s eyebrows slowly started to drop down low, her anger from over a hundred years ago returning to her.

“Well, if you remembered, the way in which we did it was rather different… Instead of the direct immortal’s blood being put into the system, there was a pill. Do you know what that pill was Taeyeon?” Miyoung raised one eyebrow up at Taeyeon curiously.

“It was a concentration of my blood cells. It was supposed to be absorbed into the system right away, and because it was concentrated it should have converted you.” Taeyeon recited Sooyoung’s words. Miyoung just nodded at Taeyeon’s answer but held up one finger.

“There was also something else. The casing that surrounded the concentration of blood was cyanide. It was an instant but painful death.” Miyoung let out a small sarcastic chuckle at the pain she went through. Taeyeon quickly stood up from her seat with her eyes wide open.

“Calm down Taeyeon. It was part of the procedure. Sooyoung didn’t know it was cyanide. It was the Elite’s experiment.” Miyoung reassured, pressing her hands against Taeyeon’s shoulders.

“Taeyeon… I know everyone has wondered what happens after death. Well, I got to personally experience it. It’s not at all what people think. Those legends and myths are all true in the

afterlife. Demons, immortals, ghosts, vampires, they all exist in the afterlife. But it’s not the hell that people think it is. It is rather peaceful. Human souls and beasts live in harmony like a community. The angels also exist in that world. They are like the officers of that world. Patrolling every day to make sure everything is going okay.” Miyoung paused when she saw Taeyeon utterly confused from the information she was receiving.

“Should I leave it at there for now?” Miyoung said playfully, waving her hand in front of Taeyeon’s face. Taeyeon took a deep breath and shook her head. She then sat back down in her seat with a grim expression.

“Go on… I want to know what happens” Taeyeon sighed. Miyoung just gave a nod and resumed her explanation.

“Either way. I was technically dead. I was wondering around the afterlife, meeting new people and starting to settle in. But I was only there spiritually. My body was still in this world and that pill was still slowly dissolving in my body. After a few weeks or so, my spirit began fading slightly compared to those around me. One of the angels noticed and took be to the office where everything is registered. Reincarnations, deaths, housing, everything was looked after in that one large building. I was taken to that building to find out what was wrong with me. After running a few tests they found that my body was slowly regaining life again. The cyanide from the pill had dissolved and now the concentration of the blood cells was bursting throughout my lifeless body.An immortal’s blood is something incredible really. It started up my organs and systems again, turning me into what you would call a pure blood immortal like you are.” Miyoung smiled as she pointed to Taeyeon.

“The difference between what you would call a pure blood immortal and just a normal immortal is that the pure blood breed does not have any traces of their old DNA anymore. Your friends however still have traces of their old DNA in their systems. That DNA then interferes with many things including the eye colour changes and the ability to convert others to immortals. If a normal immortal was to do the conversion with another human, the DNA would cross and cause a mutation and result in death. The immortal blood cells took over my own DNA and made me into what I am today.” Miyoung concluded with a small spin.

“But the reincarnation… Is Tiffany not your reincarnation? And Jessica… How is Sooyeon here too?” Taeyeon was still confused. Miyoung crossed her arms and tapped her finger against the bottom of her chin in a thinking gesture. Taeyeon’s eyes opened wide when she remembered that she was missing something really important.

“If you’re not Tiffany than where is she?! Jessica, Yoona, SeoHyun. Where are they?” Taeyeon quickly snapped.

“I still haven’t finished yet TaeTae. I only told you about how I came to be what I am now” Miyoung pouted.

“In the afterlife there is a system called reincarnation. There are only a limited amount of souls available and unlimited amounts of memories. As soon as you enter the afterlife the angels take

half of your soul. This is so that they wouldn’t have to wipe the memories of that soul. Everything has to go somewhere doesn’t it? Imagine the space they would need to wipe the memories” Miyoung chuckled. Taeyeon nodded slightly at Miyoung’s explanation.

“Well… They found that the soul regrows into a full soul once it is brought back to this world. It’s also known as maturing in this world. This then allows the afterlife to keep taking half of the soul and replant them into the new bodies without having to create new ones. The new bodies then have half the personalities of the last but as they mature they add their own twist to the soul. Tiffany is indeed my reincarnation and Jessica is indeed Sooyeon’s.” she confirmed with a nod.

“Now to the question of where the two are. Once I woke up in this world again I found that Sooyeon had followed me into this world. She was missing her sister dearly and when she heard that I knew you and I was going to see you again, she followed me. I woke up with all my memories, half a soul and a whole new body and I started to miss you. So I started to look for you. As you can see it took me quite a while too. Sooyeon followed me all the way too. However she will not be able to stay for that much longer. The angels granted that as soon as Sooyeon had patched up her relationship with you she would have to return to the afterlife.”

“As we searched for you the Elites had found me. They knew me from before and saw that their experiment had worked. They then recruited me into the Elites and told me that you would be somewhere in Korea, though they didn’t know your exact whereabouts. Following that clue, Sooyeon and I finally managed to find you. To our surprise though, we saw our reincarnations with you and your new friends. Was quite a shock to see someone looking exactly like us in front of us, but that caused a few problems. We couldn’t get close to you because of our reincarnations. So, we temporarily switched places with them. I assumed that the girl did not know about your immortality and I tried to be her for as long as I could, doing everything I thought she would be doing.”

Miyoung stopped once she saw Taeyeon bent over and holding her head.

“I’ll explain everything in more detail later then. It seems that this is too much to take in.” Miyoung chuckled slightly. Taeyeon nodded in response, ruffling her head in frustration.

“All that matters is that I’m here with you again aren’t I?” Miyoung cheered. Taeyeon took her head out of her hands and looked at Miyoung expectantly. Miyoung held up a peace sign and stuck her tongue out cutely, evoking Taeyeon to forget about all her worries and smiling back at her. She stood up and reached out to Miyoung, pulling her into a hug and burying her head into the crook of her neck.

“I missed you…” Taeyeon whispered. Miyoung just nodded inside Taeyeon’s hair and hugged her back.

“I missed you more…” Miyoung answered.

“Shit” Gi Kwang exclaimed. He and Sunny were standing in the open area on the other side of the room which Taeyeon and Miyoung were in. Sunny just patted Gi Kwang’s back reassuringly, biting onto her lower lip nervously.

“We have to tell her” Gi Kwang growled, charging at the door in front of them. Sunny quickly stopped him and pulled him back a few steps.

“No. Now is not the right time. If you barged in and started accusing her, Taeyeon would snap you in half. I knew we should have acted faster.” Sunny grumbled. Gi Kwang clenched his hands into a fist, glaring at the door which hid his leader and Miyoung. They had heard everything that Miyoung had told Taeyeon. For the most part they knew it was true, but there were plenty of things that Miyoung was leaving out of her experience.

“Elites recruiting her? What a lie. She just barged in one day and murdered our past leader using that injection. The Elites want nothing more than to get rid of her, but we don’t have the injection.” Gi Kwang grumbled. Sunny just nodded knowingly, trying to calm him down.

“For now we have to find the humans. Miyoung will want to eliminate anything that stands in her way. The other two immortals included. Let’s find Yuri first and then the others. We might be able to snap Taeyeon out of it. We’ll reveal Miyoung’s real colours and send her back to the afterlife.” Sunny whispered harshly. Gi Kwang flexed his jaw and nodded.

Sunny nodded as well before the both of them started walking out of the secret area. Once both of them were out in the open Sunny took three deep breaths. Gi Kwang watched from afar as large wings sprouted from Sunny’s back. A tail also grew from Sunny’s tail bone as the wings opened. They were the wings similar to that of a demon and were a bright red colour. Complimenting her wings, Sunny’s eyes also changed to the colour of an orange topaz colour. Gi Kwang smirked once Sunny was done with her transformation.

“I can’t get over how awesome that looks. I’m starting to want to be a demon now.” Gi Kwang chuckled as he stood in front of Sunny. Sunny just rolled her eyes and hooked her arms under Gi Kwang before taking off into the sky.

“I’m not a demon. I’m a shape shifter. The demons in the afterlife are much bigger and their whole body turns into a demon. I just manipulate my body to look like a demon.” Sunny grumbled. Gi Kwang just shrugged off Sunny’s explanation and watched from the skies above.

“Off to find Yuri” Gi Kwang said sternly. Sunny nodded and made a sharp left turn towards the city.

The Hunt Begins

“TaeTae. Are you feeling a little better now? I know it’s a lot to take in but all that matters is that I’m here now isn’t it?” Miyoung smiled, patting on Taeyeon’s head gently. Taeyeon just nodded with a small smile on the side of her face. She then grabbed onto Miyoung’s hand and stood up.

“You have no idea how much I missed you this past century. I really thought I had lost you forever.” Taeyeon whispered. Miyoung let out a sigh and nodded slowly.

“I thought I would never see you again too. Although the afterlife is peaceful, it wasn’t what I wanted. I’m rather thankful to the Legion though, their theory worked.” She beamed. Taeyeon just nodded slightly, feeling a little guilty for accusing the Legion of taking her loved one away.

“Taeyeon, the Legion are good people. They really didn’t mean to harm anyone. You were their leader and they wanted you to be happy. I think it came as a shock to them as well when you turned your back against them.” Miyoung whispered as she turned around to face Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked up at Miyoung and nodded sheepishly. She then tightened her grip around Miyoung’s hand and took a deep breath.

“I think it’s time that I see the Legion. I should thank them and apologize to them.” Taeyeon mumbled quietly. Miyoung giggled at Taeyeon’s unwillingness to revisit the Legion.

“I also heard that there was a new applicant for the leader role. As far as I know, they can only inherit the leader position if I hand it to them…” Taeyeon hummed, thinking about all the rules she learnt long ago. Miyoung hummed along patiently, waiting for Taeyeon to speak up again.

“The problem is, I don’t know where the Legion has migrated to, and I don’t know how to get hold of Gi Kwang at the moment.” Taeyeon pondered. She then suddenly turned to Miyoung again as she remembered something.

“Tiff--” Taeyeon was cut short when she realised whose name had escaped her mouth. Miyoung blinked a few times as well, surprised with Taeyeon’s speech.

“I mean Miyoung…” Taeyeon quickly corrected, shaking her head slightly. Miyoung just smiled reassuringly and nodded her head, urging Taeyeon to continue.

“You told me you bumped into the Legion and they recruited you. You should know where they are right?” Taeyeon asked quickly. Miyoung lifted her hand up to her chin and hummed as she tried to remember.

“For the past few years I haven’t visited the Legion because I was looking for you. But, last time I saw them, they were in Japan. They might still be there but I’m not quite sure.” Miyoung mumbled to herself.

“How long ago did you see them?” Taeyeon continued to ask.

“I think it was about twenty years ago. They had just moved in the headquarters about thirty years before I met them.” Miyoung answered unsurely. Taeyeon nodded with a confident smile.

“They should still be there then. With the Legion having about eighty members, they only move once every two centuries.” Taeyeon added. Miyoung clapped excitedly at Taeyeon’s revelation.

“It’s time to visit the Legion.” Miyoung said excitedly. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow up at Miyoung curiously, wondering why she was so excited.

“I just have a few friends from the Legion that I miss. You should know how important my friends are to me” Miyoung pouted. Taeyeon just chuckled and nodded knowingly. She then looked around the area to find the exit to her car again but was a bit confused with the four doors all looking the same. Miyoung just giggled slightly at Taeyeon’s confused face and pulled on her arm slightly, pulling her towards the western door.

“This way.” Miyoung mused, pulling Taeyeon along behind her. Taeyeon obediently followed but when she passed the door where Yuri was held before she stopped, pulling Miyoung back with her. She then stared at the chains which held Yuri not long ago and frowned slightly.

“Why was Yuri here?” Taeyeon asked Miyoung quietly. Miyoung walked back to Taeyeon’s side and rubbed her thumb along Taeyeon’s hand slowly.

“I think she was caught in one of the traps here. There are quite a few traps being laid around here. Don’t worry, Sooyeon is probably talking to Yuri now. She seemed quite fond of her.” Miyoung reassured. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes towards the chains finding it a little suspicious. She was interrupted however when Miyoung tugged on her hand again. She was led out of the opening of the cliff again with Miyoung whistling excitedly on the way out. Taeyeon took one last look at the chains again before it disappeared from her sight.

‘Something doesn’t add up…’ Taeyeon pondered to herself, frowning slightly and staring into nothing. The thought was quickly disregarded when Taeyeon’s eyes caught sight of Miyoung again.

‘Probably me being paranoid again’ Taeyeon concluded as soon as they exited the cliff face.


“Let me go. If this is your idea of freedom it isn’t very free.” Yuri grunted, pulling away from Sooyeon. Sooyeon just shrugged slightly, still pulling Yuri by the arm. She then released Yuri and threw her harshly towards the ground, causing Yuri to slide across the gravel floor. She then quickly reached for the chains around Yuri’s wrists and unlocked them with a quick snap of the metal, allowing Yuri to freely move her hands again. Yuri quickly used this chance to get up and distance herself away from Sooyeon.

“You are free to leave now.” Sooyeon stated with a dead tone. Yuri glared intensely at Sooyeon. Sooyeon just looked up at Yuri with a blunt expression. A smirk grew on her face quickly when

she reached for her back pocket. Yuri got into her defence position, waiting for whatever Sooyeon had planned. To her surprise Sooyeon just pulled out what looked like a cell phone. Yuri narrowed her eyes towards the phone in her hand. She found it oddly similar to someone else’s she knows. She then quickly reached for the phone recognising whose it was.

“That’s Taeyeon’s ph-” Before Yuri could finish Sooyeon moved her hand away from Yuri’s reach and smashed the phone in the palm of her hand. The metal parts of the phone slowly fell from her hand and created a pile of useless scraps onto the floor. Yuri stared at the pile feeling her insides slowly dying as Sooyeon brushed the last bits of the phone off her hands. Her last hopes of contacting Taeyeon was now gone. Smashed into pieces and left in a pile to be trampled all over.

“As promised, you are free to go.” Sooyeon’s dead voice rang through Yuri’s ears. Yuri slowly looked back up at the monster that had destroyed the phone.

“What about the rest?” Yuri’s voice shook.

“Three of them will be let free, including the immortal friend of yours. Each one will have their contacting devices taken away and be set free in different locations. The one who remains however, will have to be taken to Miyoung.” Sooyeon explained in a monotone voice.

“Who is the one that remains?” Yuri growled. Sooyeon smirked at Yuri’s question.

“The one whom you call Tiffany shall remain. The rest shall be let free.” Sooyeon said seriously. Yuri clenched her fists together. Her fists began to shake from Yuri’s anger building up inside her.

“What about Taeyeon?” Yuri gritted through her teeth. Sooyeon’s expression changed for that one moment. Yuri could see a hint of something flash through Sooyeon’s eyes. It was a flash of colour. The colour of the same brown eyes that Yuri recognised from Jessica’s brown eyes.

“I said, what about Taeyeon?” Yuri repeated a little louder. This time she kept her eyes focused on Sooyeon’s. Just as she had expected there was another flash of life in Sooyeon’s again.

“Whatever happens to her… is none of your business” Sooyeon replied spitefully. Yuri knew she had found a weak spot now. She released her fists and stood up tall, taking one confident step towards Sooyeon.

“So what they say is true. Blood runs thicker than water.” Yuri chuckled. Sooyeon was now looking up at Yuri with dead eyes again but she took a step back away from Yuri. The immortal decided to push on.

“You know what’s going to happen to Taeyeon. It’s not something good is it?” Yuri urged on. Sooyeon’s eyes flickered again. Yuri could see that Sooyeon was starting to hesitate.

“Once Miyoung gets what she wants something will happen to Taeyeon, something that will harm your sister, something that you would never do to her.” Yuri had now changed her questions to statements, knowing that it was causing Sooyeon to hesitate even further. The confused girl took three quick steps back and used her hands to grab onto the sides of her head.

‘Sooyeon, get away from her now. Go deal with the other four.’ Miyoung’s voice echoed through Sooyeon’s head. Sooyeon crouched over whilst holding her head in pain. The sound of Miyoung’s voice still was echoing through her head and it was causing extreme pain. Yuri stood from afar as she watched Sooyeon bent over and shaking her head in an attempt to get rid of the ringing in between her ears.

“I’ll do it. Just stop” Sooyeon yelled towards the voice. Yuri walked up to Sooyeon and gently put her hand on Sooyeon’s shoulder. Sooyeon quickly slapped it away and stood up.

“Nothing can be done to help her. It’s too late now. Just forget about Taeyeon and go on with your own life. You have your own freedom now. Don’t waste it.” Sooyeon yelled at Yuri, her eyes now full with the chocolate brown eyes of Jessica. Yuri still had her arm outstretched and mouth agape at Sooyeon.

“Freedom… is not something that should be thrown away. Consider yourself lucky she let you off. Taeyeon has now lost hers… Tiffany is going to lose hers… as for me… I’ve already lost it” Sooyeon continued with a pained expression.

‘Sooyeon!’ Miyoung scolded through Sooyeon’s head. Sooyeon winced at the ripping pain again.

“Don’t waste it.” Sooyeon’s voice strained. Yuri was about to ask for further information but Sooyeon’s eyes turned to the dark and lifeless eyes again. She then turned her back to Yuri an walked off.

“Wait!” Yuri yelled out towards the figure walking away from her. Sooyeon didn’t even flinch to turn back. As Sooyeon walked further away from Yuri ran up to catch her. As she started running Sooyeon made a turn behind one of the cars. When she reached to where Sooyeon had turned she found nothing but gravel and more cars. Sooyeon was now gone and Yuri, whom was left behind, was lost.

“This world is no longer normal…” she whispered to herself.Yuri then took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm down again. After a few seconds Yuri opened her eyes again and looked at her surroundings.

“I need to get to Taeyeon or the others first… but before that… I need to know where I am.” Yuri huffed when she found herself facing nothing but a large open car park.


“Sunny! There over there!” Gi Kwang yelled. Sunny who was holding onto him shifted his weight slightly, finding it hard to grip onto him when he was moving too much.

“Calm down! Don’t make me drop you again!” Sunny scolded back. Gi Kwang huffed once at Sunny’s threat. He knew better than anything else that Sunny was not joking since he had previously been dropped from the sky before.

“Okay fine. But I think I see Yuri over there.” He said grudgingly. Sunny squinted her eyes to the direction which Gi Kwang was pointing and lowered their height slightly to take a better look.

“That’s not Yuri. What kind of immortal are you?!” Sunny remarked once she took a good look at the person Gi Kwang had pointed out.

“I was sure it was her.” Gi Kwang whined. Sunny growled under her breath and started flying up higher again to avoid the clear sight of anyone beneath them.

“I still think we should find Taeyeon first.” Gi Kwang frowned whilst crossing his arms. Sunny pursed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows.

“We still have time. We need a group first before we charge. Taeyeon will be safe for the next few days. I’m more concerned for the others right now. Tiffany especially.” Sunny said in a low tone.

“Doesn’t Taeyeon have other immortal friends? Like the one who gave Miyoung the pill in the first place.” Gi Kwang questioned. Sunny’s wings stopped moving for a second, letting both of the fall a distance.

“Oi Sunny!” Gi Kwang yelled when they were starting to fall. Sunny shook her head slightly and quickly started moving her wings again, narrowly avoiding a tree. Gi Kwang ’s eyes were still wide open from the dramatic fall.

“Sunny if you don’t remember, I’m an immortal but it doesn’t mean I'm invincible. My body gets damaged too!” Gi Kwang yelled back.

“I can’t ask Sooyoung to help us.” Said Sunny. Gi Kwang looked up above him to see that Sunny’s expression was grim.

“She doesn’t know what I am… nor do I want her to know.” She continued. Gi Kwang lowered his head and looked straight ahead again.

“Why not? It’s not like she’s a human. She should be used to the paranormal stuff since she is part of that category herself.” He mumbled. Sunny just scoffed at his remark.

“Sooyoung only believes that only immortals exist in the paranormal category. The immortal’s numbers are small, but a shape shifter’s is even smaller. In fact, I’m the only one in this human world. Shape shifters are the afterlife’s helpers… like a devil’s servant.” Sunny chuckled at her last comment.

“It’s like telling a human you’re immortal.” Gi Kwang sighed. Sunny nodded solemnly.

“Have you ever told a human about your immortality?” Sunny asked curiously.

“I have.” Gi Kwang answered back bluntly.

“It is also the reason I have a strong sense of hate towards humans. To tell the one you hold most dear to you, thinking that they will be able to understand you, and only receive thirty years of running away from it. You set everything on the line when you tell them that one line. To tell them that you are not mortal.” He continued with a sad smile.

“Well that was a lot of help.” Sunny said sarcastically.

“But that’s humans. Humans are fickle, simple minded and shallow. Their lives are short and do not have enough time to fully mature. I’m sure Sooyoung has lived long enough to learn to accept that paranormal.” Gi Kwang reassured. Sunny bit her lower lip hesitantly.

“At least get some people whose locations we DO know to help us find the others. She doesn’t have to come with us to find Taeyeon. You know how much I despise the impure immortals. The fact that I am suggesting that we work with them should tell you how desperate I am. In all of my hundreds of hears that I’ve known Taeyeon, I know one thing for certain… She does not, in any circumstances, deserve any kind of suffering… She is really close to falling into never ending pit, Sunny. I at least want to tie a rope around her so that I can pull her out of that pit.” Gi Kwang continued with a stern voice, his eyes flaring a luminous blue shade.

“We’ll ask Leeteuk first… From there I can ask Leeteuk to ask Sooyoung. I’m not ready to tell her yet.” Sunny reassured as she pulled back and made a left turn.

“Thank you…” Gi Kwang whispered gratefully. Sunny nodded in acknowledgement with a small smile on her face.


“Urgnnn” SeoHyun groaned. She could feel her head spin a little as she tried to sit up from what seemed to be a bed.

“SeoHyun are you okay?” a concerned voice called out. SeoHyun slowly opened her eyes slightly to see a blurry vision of a very familiar face.

“Yoona?” SeoHyun’s voice croaked. The blurry image in front of her nodded slowly. She then felt a pair of arms pat her shoulders.

“SeoHyun, does it hurt anywhere?” the voice called out again. SeoHyun blinked a few times and with each blink her vision slowly started to redefine itself. After a few blinks she could now see that the figure in front of her was Yoona and she seemed to have a worried expression on her face. She then looked at her shoulders to see someone else’s hand on it. She followed the arm up to see Tiffany was also looking at her with a worried expression. A hand was then pressed against her back gently. SeoHyun turn to her left to see Jessica also beside her.

“I’m… fine… I think” SeoHyun uttered, bringing her hand up and giving her body a once over to reconfirm that she was okay. Once everything was in check the air was suddenly knocked out of her as Yoona quickly took her into a hug.

“Yoona?’ SeoHyun called out curiously. Yoona nodded against SeoHyun’s shoulder. It was then that SeoHyun got the chance to take a look at her surroundings. She noticed that the area was dimly lit with dust particles filling up the small opening of light. The space was small with only the one bed that she was sitting on and three walls surrounding it. In the fourth side the metal bars blocked up the only opening and the rusty lock preventing anyone from getting out.

“Where are we?” SeoHyun asked hoarsely. Yoona pulled away from the hug and gave her and apologetic look.

“I’m sorry SeoHyun… I wasn’t careful… I was too focused on the surroundings outside that I didn’t notice the one inside the car.” Yoona apologised.

“Yoona… What happened? Where are we?” SeoHyun asked again, her vision coming back completely. She noticed that Yoona was now rather hesitant and her two older friends were rather quiet.

“Truthfully…” Yoona started.

“We don’t really know ourselves.” Tiffany finished off hesitantly.

“Ohh…” SeoHyun mouthed slowly whilst nodding her head. She then paused for a moment as Tiffany’s words sunk in. SeoHyun’s eyes then immediately opened wide as the panic attack hit her hard. Before she could yell or scream Yoona had dripped her hand around SeoHyun’s shoulders and shook her slightly.

“Don’t panic” Yoona hushed, silencing SeoHyun before she had the chance to react. She immediately held in her fear and stared into Yoona’s eyes with fear.

“Everything is going to be okay. You’re going to be safe, I assure you that.” Yoona said determinedly. Jessica and Tiffany exchanged glances at each other. SeoHyun had Yoona to protect her but their own relative protectors were not with them.

“Well come on you three. We’re not doing much if we just sit here and do nothing. Might as well use all the time we have to find an escape” Jessica said with frustration. Tiffany got up and stood beside Jessica and gave a confident nod.

“Anyone got a nail filer?” Tiffany beamed confidently with a smile. Yoona got up from her position and smiled at them. SeoHyun also followed, although not entirely sure about what happened. The four of them then formed a small circle and stretched out their right hands towards the middle, making a pile.

“One, Two, Three” Yoona counted.

“Fighting!” They all cheered as they broke the hands tower and started moving around the small cell to find anything that would break the bars.


“So are you in or not?” Sunny crossed her arms around her chest and narrowed her eyes at Leeteuk. Leeteuk lowered his head slightly and let out a long hum, thinking about the consequences of accepting. Gi Kwang stood beside Sunny with his back towards Leeteuk and his eyes tracing the interior around the room, not once looking in the direction which Leeteuk was standing in.

“Well… If it involves Taeyeon’s safety, of course I am willing to help. However, one thing I don’t get about the agreement is Sooyoung. How am I going to explain to her what’s happening? Over the past decade or so, aside from Taeyeon, she was the one who was surer than anyone else that Miyoung was never going to move anymore in this world. If I suddenly call her up and tell her that she has Taeyeon in her grasp, what do you think she will do?” Leeteuk challenged.

“Whether she chooses to believe it or not, is up to her.” Sunny responded with a slight shrug. Just as Sunny had finished talking Gi Kwang’s phone went off. Leeteuk and Sunny turned their heads to look at him whilst he was pulling the phone out of his pocket. The room fell silent as they all waited for the message to open.

‘From: Evil Witch [Miyoung]When are you able to book tickets back to Japan?I need two tickets as soon as possible. You have to come back too. Taeyeon has decided to pass on the leadership role.’

“Sunny?” Gi Kwang called out slowly.

“Yes?” Sunny answered back cautiously. Gi Kwang stiffly turned around and faced both Sunny and Leeteuk with a stiff expression. He then lifted his hand up slowly and passed the message onto Sunny. As Sunny was reading it, Leeteuk came up behind her and read from her shoulder. The atmosphere of the room dropped immensely, only the distinctive low growl was heard from Leeteuk’s neck.

“How is she getting Taeyeon to revisit the Legion so quickly? With Taeyeon’s stubborn attitude it would take at least a week!” Gi Kwang yelled, throwing his hands in the air with frustration. Sunny crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows in thought and turned over to Leeteuk to see his expression to be even duller than before.

“So Miyoung is back…” he sighed slowly. Leeteuk then shook his head slowly, letting out a soft sarcastic chuckle. Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow up at Leeteuk and narrowed his eyes as he

wondered why he was chuckling at a time like this. Leeteuk looked up back at Gi Kwang and let out a small smile.

“That dork… She’s always been blinded by her past that she never sees what is happening right before her. Now that Miyoung is back, Taeyeon would not care for anything. Her senses would dull down and if Miyoung does anything out of the ordinary, she would just accept it. If Miyoung were to ask Taeyeon for the world, she would get it…” Leeteuk raised his hand up to ruffle the back of his hair slightly with annoyance.

“Taeyeon… just doesn’t want to get hurt again. Because Miyoung is back, Taeyeon doesn’t feel like the world has betrayed her. There is nothing worse than the feeling of the world against you.” Gi Kwang sighed.

“There might still be hope.” Sunny suddenly interrupted. The two males turned around to face Sunny curiously. Sunny lifted up her hand up to her nose and tapped it twice.

“Taeyeon seemed to have a weakness for Tiffany. The fact that she allowed Tiffany to find out about her immortality and not leave the country after it is very surprising. It was no coincidence that I happened to bump into Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun.” Sunny continued as her voice gained more confidence with each sentence.

“When the afterlife sent me to bring Miyoung back to the afterlife I knew that her other half of her soul, or her reincarnation, would be in this world too. Just so happens that I bumped into Tiffany whilst she was looking for a place to stay whilst she studied. Jessica and SeoHyun happened to be with her too but it really didn’t matter to me. I was determined to look after Tiffany and reform her personality into one that is different to Miyoung’s in hopes that it may help in the future of catching Miyoung.” Sunny then beamed a bright smile towards the two standing before her.

“If Taeyeon decides to go back to the Legion, then let her. However, we must find Tiffany and her other friends before Taeyeon passes over the leadership to Miyoung. If we bring her friends to her, she may be able to wake up from the past and see what’s in the present.” Sunny concluded with a wink. Gi Kwang lowered his gaze onto the floor and stared at it for a while as he began to think about Sunny’s logic.

“Also, I have a feeling that Taeyeon might be willing to stay for at least a day. I’ll see if I can get her to come here and I’ll see if I can delay the rush.” Leeteuk nodded. Gi Kwang then snapped up from his thoughts and looked back at Sunny.

“We don’t have time to waste. We have to find the others before Miyoung begins to rush things.” Gi Kwang said sternly. Sunny nodded sternly as the two started heading out again. Gi Kwang turned back to Leeteuk and bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you for helping us save Taeyeon…” Gi Kwang thanked in a strained voice. Leeteuk raised his eyebrow up surprisingly at him and smiled widely.

“It’s my pleasure. Now go on and find the others. I’ll call Sooyoung.” Leeteuk waved his hand at Gi Kwang to motion him out the door. Gi Kwang stood up straight again and turned around to follow Sunny out. As the door closed Leeteuk pulled out his phone and dialled Sooyoung’s number.

“Hello this is Sooyoung speaking.” Sooyoung answered through the phone.“It’s me, Teukkie. Listen Sooyoung where are you right now?” Leeteuk asked casually.“Oh hi Leeteuk. I’m at SM College preparing a few things for the lectures tomorrow. Something up?” Sooyoung answered back.“I don’t think you will have time for all that. First off, I would recommend you find someone to fill in for you. You’re going to busy this next week, or maybe even this next month.” He bit his lower lip with anticipation.“Sounds serious.” Sooyoung mused.“It is. As soon as you find a replacement come to my restaurant as soon as possible.” Leeteuk turned to check the time on the clock, knowing that it didn’t matter what time Sooyoung came anyway.“Okay I’ll be there soon” Sooyoung answered back with confusion.“See you soon then. Bye” Leeteuk ended.“Bye…” Sooyoung added as the line cut off.


“Excuse me, could you please tell me, where is this place?” Yuri asked a woman on the streets. The woman gave a once over Yuri’s dirty clothes and scoffed in Yuri’s face.

“Drunk idiot” Yuri heard her mutter as she walked straight pass her. Yuri looked down at her clothes to see it dirtied and ripped in areas. She chuckled slightly at the irony that her clothes didn’t last as long as her body.

“Well… That’s one thing I haven’t been called before.” Yuri mused optimistically. She then turned down the street she was walking and continued to walk. To her misfortune, it was getting rather late and there were not many people walking on the streets during that time that she could ask directions from. She then saw a bench up ahead and decided to take a small rest for she didn’t know where in the world she was.

“I should really spend my nights exploring Korea more.” She sighed as she sat down onto the bench. Yuri then rested her elbows against her thighs and leaned her chin against it, giving off a loud huff of frustration.

“Yuri?” A voice called out suddenly. Yuri looked up from the floor towards the voice that called her name. As she rose her head up she saw a silver car in front of her with the windows rolled down. Inside the car was a woman with large glasses over her eyes and seemed to be looking back at Yuri. To Yuri’s knowledge, there weren’t many people who would call her by her name. There was only Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Yoona and Sooyoung.

“What are you doing all the way out here? And why are your clothes so battered up?” the woman said as she lowered her large glasses. Relief washed over Yuri as she saw the familiar features of Sooyoung inside the car.

“Did Taeyeon punish you or something?” Sooyoung continued to question. Yuri responded by quickly getting up and running over to Sooyoung’s car.

“Soo. Can you please do me a big favour? Bring me Leeteuk’s place. I need to talk to Leeteuk and you together. It’s urgent.” Yuri rushed. Sooyoung raised her left eyebrow up at Yuri curiously.

“Funny. I was on my way there now. Leeteuk said he needed to tell me something too, and that I was going to be busy for a while.” Sooyoung then reached over to open the other door and welcomed Yuri in. Yuri gratefully jumped into the car and buckled her seatbelt quickly.

“We don’t have time to lose.” Yuri said sternly. Sooyoung nodded hesitantly and turned around to start driving again.

‘I wonder what could be so urgent’ Sooyoung thought to herself curiously. Yuri beside her took two deep breaths as the car started moving again. Determination burned within her eyes as she gripped onto the side of the seat tightly.

“Oh by the way Sooyoung?” Yuri suddenly turned to face Sooyoung. Sooyoung turned her head slightly towards Yuri to gesture for Yuri to continue.

“Where are we?” Yuri asked curiously. Sooyoung turned to give Yuri a puzzled look and let out a small laugh.

“Honestly you and the other Elite members don’t have any sense of direction whatsoever”Sooyoung chuckled as she pointed to a building outside the window. Yuri followed Sooyoung’s finger to see that SM College was right outside the window. Yuri’s jaw dropped slightly as she looked back at to where she had come from.

“Ohh…” She cooed dumbly, feeling a little embarrassed for not knowing where she was. Yuri then closed her mouth tightly as a thought ran across her.

‘Why did Sooyeon drop me off here where I would be able to find my way back easily?’ Yuri thought quietly, finding it rather puzzling.


“Three, two… one!” A loud bang then echoed through the small cell. Yoona was holding onto one side of the bed whilst Jessica and Tiffany were on the other side and SeoHyun at the back. The four of them had tried to open the cell doors by slamming the bed against the bars but the only outcome they came up with was a dented bedframe. Jessica let out a frustrated cry and let

go of the bed. Tiffany toppled over with the sudden weight and let go of the bed. Yoona was unaffected but still gently let the bed down anyway.

“What is that thing made of?!” Jessica stomped around on the spot and pointed at the metal bars accusingly. Yoona let out a long sigh and inspected the damage on the bed.

“It’s not the metal bars. The bed frame is just too weak.” Yoona explained calmly, running her fingers across the dent marks made. Tiffany walked up to the lock on the metal bars and stared at it. She then jumped up quickly as an idea popped into her head.

“Yoona! Do you know how to pick a lock?” Tiffany suddenly called out. Yoona looked back at Tiffany and paused as she tried to remember.

“I think I’ve read the book twenty times.” Yoona answered back hesitantly.

“Good that’s all we need.” Tiffany beamed proudly as she reached for the back of her head and pulled out a hairpin. Yoona’s smile slowly grew as she stood up and took the pin away from Tiffany. Tiffany then nodded her head towards the lock on the door as Jessica and SeoHyun sat back onto the bed and watched.

“It was quite a while back that I read that book though… So it might take some time” Yoona quickly added. Jessica let out a small scoff at Yoona.

“It’s not like we’re going anywhere while we’re waiting.” Jessica said sarcastically. Yoona rolled her eyes at Jessica’s comment and reached her hand out for the lock, putting the hairpin into the keyhole and trying to feel around for a familiar bump. Tiffany stood beside her, leaning over with anticipation and waiting.

“Wait” Yoona suddenly said as she felt the hairpin hit the familiar bump. She then carefully turned it and applied some pressure against it. Tiffany, SeoHyun and Jessica all held their breaths nervously, leaning in closer and closer towards Yoona. Yoona continued to turn the pin as only the sound of the hairpin scratching against the metal could be heard. Then there was a loud sound echoing through the cell. Jessica and SeoHyun stood up from their seats and took a step forward. Yoona and Tiffany froze as they slowly turned to see the lock.The mood then became even duller as Yoona pulled the hairpin away from the still fully closed lock. She held up the hairpin and showed to everyone that it had snapped into two pieces.

“We’re doomed” Yoona sighed dejectedly. She then slumped down the metal bars and sat on the cold hard floor again. Jessica and SeoHyun slumped back onto their positions on the bed and sighed with heavy hearts. Tiffany stared at the two pieces of her hairpin on the floor accusingly.

“This can’t be all…” Tiffany whispered to herself, picking up the pieces of the broken pin on the floor.

“Face it Tiffany. There is no way we can get out of here.” Jessica said bluntly. Just as the room fell silent again, the heavy door which led to the outside world opened. Yoona turned her head

towards the door to see Sooyeon walking down calmly. She quickly reacted by getting up and pushing Tiffany over to where Jessica and SeoHyun were as she stood protectively over them.

“You. Come with me.” Sooyeon’s cold blunt voice echoed off the walls as she pointed to Jessica who was sitting on the bed. Yoona took a step back to cover the three humans behind her as a low growl escaped her throat.

“Where is Yuri?” Yoona asked sternly. Sooyeon dully looked at Yoona and completely ignored her as she looked over her shoulder at Jessica.

“Jessica. Come with me.” Sooyeon repeated. Jessica shot an ice cold glare at Sooyeon and remained seated.

“Don’t make me ask again. Where is Yuri?” Yoona also repeated. Tiffany and SeoHyun got shivers down their spine as they heard Yoona’s voice.

“Your friend has been set free as according to plan. Now I am to set each one of you free as well.” Sooyeon’s eyes flickered over to Tiffany before turning back to Yoona. Yoona’s hands were now clenched into fists whilst her teeth were clenched tightly.

“According to plan… does that mean Taeyeon is with you?” Yoona’s voice came out unsteady and uneven. A smirk grew on the side of Sooyeon’s face at Yoona’s question. She then responded with a small nod of the head and watched as Yoona’s eyes burned bright red.

“Yoona, calm down.” SeoHyun tried to ease Yoona up by shaking her shoulder slightly. Tiffany and Jessica quickly stopped her from turning Yoona around whilst her eyes were still burning red. Yoona then took three bold steps towards Sooyeon and stared straight into her eyes.

“I know Taeyeon treated you well when you were still growing up. She still treats us well even though she has her colder exterior. We know that Taeyeon was very different in the past but her heart remains the same. I wonder what she would feel when she knows that her beloved younger sister is betraying her right behind her back. I’m sure if Taeyeon was in your place, she would rather put herself at danger than risk anyone else’s.” Yoona narrowed her eyes at Sooyeon accusingly. Sooyeon’s eyes then flashed a shade of brown again as Yoona’s words began to sink in. Yoona, however, had not noticed the change because of her anger consuming her.

“You think that I don’t know that?” Sooyeon’s voice trembled slightly.

“Blood runs thicker than water. We always bonded by the blood that runs through our veins. Do you know that it hurts me every time she is hurt too? But I don’t have a choice. I was happy where I was in the afterlife but I just had to be brought back here and betray my own sister. If I were not to do this someone else would have taken my place and could have hurt Taeyeon even more. I am trying to limit the damage as much as possible, but SHE keeps demanding more. After I have finished my role I shall punish myself and return to the afterlife again.” Sooyeon then quickly opened her eyes wide open and took a step back after realising that she had revealed

too many things. Yoona’s eyes softened slightly but there was still an undertone of red underneath her irises.

“She? Who’s she?” Yoona asked back hesitantly. Sooyeon shook her head with a horrified face, knowing that the horrible pain was coming back. Then, right on cue, Sooyeon’s head started throbbing in pain. Her head felt as though there were millions of knives ripping through the insides of her head as a voice seemed to be the source of all the pain.

‘Sooyeon!’ the voice reprimanded. Sooyeon writhed at the pain in her head and stumbled backwards to the wall behind her. Yoona, SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica watched in horror as Sooyeon seemed to be slowly dying a painful death for no apparent reason. Heavy gasps escaped Sooyeon’s lips as she tried to control her breathing whilst dealing with the pain.

‘Do what you need to and report back to me as soon as possible. I may grant you the wish of returning to the afterlife’ the voice then let out a low chuckle and slowly faded along with the unbearable pain. Sooyeon was left there in the now comforting silence, taking deep breaths and grasping onto her head tightly as the last of the pain faded away.

“Je-Jessica… I need to take you away now. I will set the others free as well. I have to set you out one at a time.” Sooyeon explained briefly, stumbling towards the key in her pocket and opening it. Jessica slowly stood up and walked hesitantly towards the door which Sooyeon was struggling to open. The lock finally opened and Sooyeon opened the door to allow Jessica to come out. The two faced each other face to face as if looking into a mirror with the exceptions of the eyes. Sooyeon then averted her gaze to the rest within in the cell.

“Family comes first…” Jessica whispered into Sooyeon’s ear.

“If you are really are the past me, you should feel the same way I do. I would never allow my own family member to suffer let alone help the one that is inflicting the damage.” Jessica continued. Sooyeon’s grip on the lock of the door tightened.

“Well then past me? Do you feel the same way I do? Or am I a better version of you?” Jessica challenged.

“As long as I do what she wants, Taeyeon would remain safe…” Sooyeon whispered back, still looking inside the cell.

“But what if we could make Taeyeon safe AND happy? Wouldn’t that be better?” Tiffany suddenly stood up and took a step forward. Sooyeon looked into Tiffany’s sincere eyes and began to hesitate. Her hand began shaking against the lock as thoughts rushed into her head.

“Everyone should have the chance to be safe and happy with their life. If you can give someone that chance, would you not do it?” Tiffany continued with a soft tone. Sooyeon let out a small laugh and lowered her head.

“You two are so similar yet so different…” Sooyeon whispered slightly. She then slowly closed the door behind Jessica with an anguished expression and placed the lock into place.

“If I were to accidently give someone that chance… it would still count… wouldn’t it?” Sooyeon asked with pleading eyes towards Tiffany. Yoona, SeoHyun and Tiffany raised their eyebrows, wondering what Sooyeon meant. Sooyeon then turned around and started escorting Jessica out of the room, turning back once to give Yoona a small nod.

“If she were to accidently give that chance…” SeoHyun said slowly. Tiffany looked over at SeoHyun to see her thinking hard about Sooyeon’s words. Just was Tiffany was about to take a seat beside her, SeoHyun jumped up from her seat with a bright expression.

“To accidently give that chance…” SeoHyun repeated with awe. She then rushed over to the metal bars with the lock and smiled brightly when she confirmed her prediction.

“What is it SeoHyun?” Yoona asked slowly. SeoHyun responded by reaching for the lock andturning it slowly to reveal that it was unlocked. Tiffany and Yoona immediately dashed over to SeoHyun’s side and examined the lock to see that it had been left open.

“She was hinting that she would accidently leave the lock open… or purposely… or…” SeoHyun got confused with her own words. Yoona and Tiffany didn’t mind. They just gently touched the frame of the cell and the door fell open easily. All three remained inside the cell and stared at the opening as if they were too scared to leave the cell. Tiffany then shook her head sternly and took a step outside the cell, feeling the sense of freedom rush through her once she was out of the four barriers.

“Come on. We don’t have time to waste.” Tiffany suddenly said urgently, gently pulling on SeoHyun’s hand and out. Yoona took one step out of the cell and had the familiar rush as Tiffany did. Feeling less claustrophobic and being able to breathe again. She then turned around to see Tiffany and SeoHyun already halfway towards the door and immediately dashed to their side.

A Loyal Sister

“Tae~ Aren’t you going to pack your things?” Miyoung asked curiously whilst Taeyeon was driving down the street. Taeyeon looked over at Miyoung curiously and raised her left eyebrow.

“Why would I need to?” Taeyeon asked back. Miyoung just shrugged her shoulders and averted her gaze towards the front again.

“Oh well… you know, aren’t you going to re-join the Legion now?” Miyoung said hesitantly. Taeyeon let out a long sarcastic laugh at Miyoung’s theory and shook her head with disbelief.

“They may not have… killed… you. But they still hold hatred against humans and the other non-pure immortals. I won’t hate them anymore, but I don’t think I would survive living with them.”

Taeyeon replied half serious. Miyoung nodded slowly at Taeyeon’s explanation and let out a low hum.

“It’s going to be a short visit. One or two days should be enough and then we will come back” Taeyeon added reassuringly. Miyoung bit her lower lip nervously and furrowed her eyebrows, focusing her gaze open the road ahead of them.

“But Tae~” Miyoung suddenly whined. Taeyeon stiffened at Miyoung’s sudden childish act, still having her colder personality lingering around her.

“I don’t like living in Korea anymore. I heard Japan was much more fun and lively.” Miyoungcomplained. Taeyeon turned over at Miyoung to see her with a displeased look on her face.

“But Miyoung-ah… I still have my friends here…” Taeyeon slowly trailed off as she mentioned her ‘friends’.

“Oh right. Whatever did happen to Jessica and Tiffany?” Taeyeon asked curiously. Miyoung stiffened slightly at Taeyeon’s question but quickly regained her composure and smiled reassuringly.

“They’re just back to their normal lives. I just sent the two for a week holiday in France while we took their place.” Miyoung quickly lied. Taeyeon nodded slowly and refocused on the road ahead.

“Taeyeon-ah. You can visit your friends any time you like. But I don’t want to be living here anymore. You’ve been here for nearly a decade. Aren’t you tired of it yet?” Miyoung questioned. Taeyeon let out a low hum and thought about Miyoung’s question.

“I guess I have done everything there is here…” Taeyeon whispered to herself. Miyoung clapped once approvingly and startled Taeyeon.

“Then it’s decided. We’ll move.” Miyoung beamed. Taeyeon turned her head to look at Miyoung hesitantly. Miyoung responded by tilting her head to the side slightly and smiling back innocently. Taeyeon let out a quiet sigh and then gave a short nod.

“Sure… we’ll move to Japan…” Taeyeon admitted dejectedly. Miyoung let out a small giggle and reached for Taeyeon’s hand and rubbed it reassuringly.

“We’ll live together and catch up on the time we lost. I promise.” Miyoung promised. Taeyeon smiled slightly and squeezed Miyoung’s hand back. As Taeyeon drove past a light post, her eye caught onto the colourful poster stuck onto it. She then quickly followed the poster to see it regarding the festival that coming weekend.

“What is it Tae?” Miyoung asked curiously. Taeyeon lifted her hand away from Miyoung’s grip and up to her face to check the date, leaving Miyoung’s hand hanging by her side awkwardly.

“Three days…” Taeyeon mumbled to herself, lowering her hand down by her side again. Miyoung looked down at the two separated hands and grimaced sadly.

“Miyoung?” Taeyeon then called out. Miyoung looked up from the hands and up at Taeyeon curiously.

“Can we move next week? I need to pack and arrange the paperwork… also… I’d like to stay around for the festival. It might be the last time that I will attend something in Korea.” Taeyeon asked without looking at Miyoung. Miyoung turned her head to the side slightly and began to think.

“It will only be until this Sunday. I promise. Once the festival is over we’ll get on the first plane to Japan.” Taeyeon added confidently. Miyoung looked back down at their hands again and let out a long sigh.

“Yeah sure… why not?” Miyoung tried to answer back cheerfully. Taeyeon’s face brightened immediately at Miyoung’s permission and nodded once eagerly. Miyoung leaned back against her chair, still staring at the two hands. She waited for Taeyeon to grasp her hand again like during the old days, but much to her dismay, Taeyeon’s hand remained where it was; not in her own.

“You promised Tae… First plane to Japan after the festival.” Miyoung called out quietly, slipping her hand into Taeyeon’s again. Taeyeon nodded and responded to Miyoung’s hand by holding it gently.

“First plane.” Taeyeon reconfirmed.


“Oh, Yuri and Sooyoung. Leeteuk is expecting you Sooyoung.” The bouncer at the door of restaurant moved aside to allow Yuri and Sooyoung in. Yuri led the way and dragged Sooyoung’s hand through the door and headed straight for the kitchen. She then pushed the door roughly with her foot and looked around for a familiar face.

“Leeteuk!” Sooyoung called out through the loud noises of the food cooking. Emerging from the cloud of steam and smoke was Leeteuk with a towel in his hands and an apron. He looked up from drying his hands and stumbled back a few steps when he saw Yuri standing beside Sooyoung.

“Yuri? Why are you here?” Leeteuk sounded alarmed as he quickly put the towel down and rushed over. Yuri kept a straight face and nodded her head towards the stairs to the private rooms upstairs. Leeteuk returned the grim expression and nodded. Sooyoung looked at the two with confusion and followed them towards a quieter place upstairs. Yuri and Leeteuk entered the room first and Sooyoung trailed behind. When she closed the door behind her she could feel the heavy atmosphere around her.

“Leeteuk, Sooyoung. I have bad news.” Yuri started off. Sooyoung hesitantly walked over to the seat beside Leeteuk and sat down slowly.

“Taeyeon, Yoona, Tiffany, SeoHyun and Jessica are in danger. Taeyeon and Tiffany mostly…” Yuri took a deep breath and stared at the glass table in front of her, wondering how she was going to explain the situation.

“Taeyeon’s past has come back to haunt her.” Leeteuk continued calmly. Yuri and Sooyoung looked up at Leeteuk with eyes opened wide. Yuri was wondering whether Leeteuk had already known and Sooyoung was just wondering what Leeteuk meant in general.

“Sunny and Gi Kwang informed me of the matters going on. Sooyoung listen to me carefully and don’t say anything until I finish.” Leeteuk said seriously, keeping his eyes focused on Sooyoung.

“Wait… Sunny AND Gi Kwang?” Sooyoung questioned full of alarm. Leeteuk silenced her from going any further by holding up his finger. Yuri blinked a few times and leaned over her legs to pay attention to Leeteuk.

“Didn’t I just say ‘don’t say anything until I finish’? Gi Kwang is on our side in this… It’s a long story… but overall, Taeyeon may be in grave danger. And many more will be too if we don’t stop this.”

“Many more?” Yuri interrupted this time. Leeteuk nodded grimly.

“Okay now tell me what going on. I seem to missing the main picture here.” Sooyoung interrupted. Leeteuk and Yuri gave a small apologetic smile to her and looked at each other, deciding who was going to start first. Yuri then gave a small nod and determined that she would start off.

“I don’t know when it started, but Taeyeon has been targeted by an unknown member of the Legion who wants the title of leader. Gi Kwang has been trying to get Taeyeon to reaccept her leader position over the past few weeks. I don’t know when it happened but the humans slowly began to be targeted as well. The days went on and we caught Gi Kwang talking to Sunny privately. Taeyeon and I then thought that Sunny was behind everything and tried to keep the humans away from her. I don’t know when, but Jessica and Tiffany were taken and replaced…” Yuri slowed down her pace and looked up at Sooyoung to see a reaction. Sooyoung still remained stiff and waited for her to continue.

“I think Tiffany and Jessica were replaced for a few days. We did notice a few things different about the two, but we disregarded the facts… Eventually, that led me to getting caught by the Jessica imposter…”

“Imposters? How could they have imposed as Tiffany and Jessica?” Sooyoung asked suddenly. Leeteuk raised his eyebrow up for a while. He understood that Miyoung could have easily imposed as Tiffany, but he wasn’t sure of how anyone could impose as Jessica.

“Because… They’re Sooyeon and Miyoung….” Yuri finally admitted. Both Sooyoung’s and Leeteuk’s jaw dropped though Leeteuk seemed a little calmer than Sooyoung.

“Sooyeon too?!” Leeteuk gaped. Yuri turned over to Leeteuk and nodded slowly, thinking that Leeteuk should have already known.

“This is bad… This is not good at all…” Leeteuk then suddenly mumbled quickly to himself.

“I thought Sunny and Gi Kwang explained everything to you” Yuri said with a puzzled expression. Leeteuk nodded again but slowly turned over to Sooyoung to see her mouth still hanging open. Sooyoung then quickly snapped out of it and shook her head slightly.

“If you guys are trying to trick me into believing that, I’m not going to. I know better than anyone else that Miyoung can’t possibly be alive. And Sooyeon was never changed into an immortal. She can never come back.” Sooyoung furrowed her eyebrows and glared at Leeteuk and Yuri. Her expression eased up slightly when she saw that neither of the two was smiling. She started to feel worried.

“Sunny and Gi Kwang know about Miyoung… But they do not know about Sooyeon. When did you find out about this?” Leeteuk crossed his arms and leaned his chin against his hand. Yuri stood up and revealed the dirtied clothes to Leeteuk again, not forgetting to give a small twirl.

“She did this. She is not human that is for sure… That afternoon I stayed back with her, thinking that she was Jessica who needed more sleep. Then she revealed to me that she was Taeyeon’s sister, Sooyeon. At first I didn’t believe it, but then I was attacked and brought to the cell where the real Tiffany and Jessica were held. Unfortunately during the process Jessica happened to find out that I was immortal.” Yuri bit her lower lip with guilt when she remembered Jessica’s terrified eyes and cold attitude towards her.

“She what?!” Leeteuk and Sooyoung said in unison. Yuri cowered away slightly at the sudden tone of the two and looked down at her hands guiltily.

“That doesn’t matter for the moment. We’ll talk to Jessica later… As long as there is no more who know” Sooyoung said sternly. Yuri bit her lower lip even harder and cleared her throat, preparing to reveal a flaw in Sooyoung’s plan.

“Tiffany… also knows…” Yuri mumbled quietly. Sooyoung’s hand slammed against the table as soon as Yuri finished.

“Tiffany too?!” Sooyoung exclaimed. Yuri fiddled with her hands and nodded again.

“Sooyoung calm down… I think after all this… each one of them will know. It will be unavoidable.” Leeteuk’s voice interrupted Sooyoung. Sooyoung sat back down in her seat stubbornly and remained silent, waiting for a proper explanation.

“Gi Kwang got a text from Miyoung before. They’re preparing to leave Korea and go to Japan to where the main Legion branch resides. Taeyeon may not know this, but the person who wants to take over the Legion is Miyoung herself…” Leeteuk explained slowly. Sooyoung let out a long huff of air and crossed her legs.

“You can drop the joke now you two. I will not believe it until I see it with my own eyes. And I don’t mean dressing Tiffany up as Miyoung either.” Sooyoung said stubbornly. Yuri and Leeteuk exchanged concerned glances and refocused back on Sooyoung.

“Sooyoung we’re not trying to pull a joke here. Miyoung is really back and so is Sooyeon. Yoona and the three other humans are trapped in a cell somewhere as well. I know because I was in that cell with them. We need to free them AND Taeyeon from her past.” Yuri pleaded. Leeteuk stood up from his seat and took out his phone as he dialled a number. Yuri and Sooyoung fell silent as the faint sound of Leeteuk’s phone could only be heard. On the third ring, the other line picked up.

“Hello Sunny?” Leeteuk greeted in the phone.“What is it Leeteuk?” Sunny answered back with the distinctive sound of the wind blowing through the phone.“Yuri is here with me now. She’s safe. Listen, apparently there’s someone else who shouldn’t be here. Taeyeon’s younger sister… Sooyeon… Yuri encountered her and tells me that she was helping Miyoung” Leeteuk stood up and started pacing around the room.“Sooyeon too?!” Sunny yelled through the phone. Leeteuk held the earpiece away from his ear slightly and winced at the high pitched yell in the phone.“Yeah…” Leeteuk confirmed once Sunny had stopped screaming.“We’ll find the others then. We can’t be wasting time going back and forth. I trust that you can take care of things on your side. Stop Taeyeon from getting onto any planes for as long as possible. We’ll gather up our last hope together.” Sunny sighed.“Okay… Good luck” Leeteuk ended the call.

“This… isn’t a joke… is it?” Sooyoung asked hesitantly. Yuri let out a long sigh and nodded solemnly.

“What are we going to do?” Yuri groaned.

“Anyone know where to find Taeyeon?” Leeteuk asked half-heartedly with a shrug.


“This way” Sooyeon’s soft voice stopped Jessica. Jessica stopped in her tracks and turned around to see Sooyeon showing the way towards a hallway. She narrowed her eyes accusingly at Sooyeon, not trusting her at all.

“That way leads to the bedrooms. This is the way outside.” Sooyeon explained, still pointing in the direction of the hallway. Jessica then let out an annoyed huff and followed Sooyeon’s direction, flicking her hair into Sooyeon’s face as she passed her. Sooyeon followed behind

Jessica as the two look a likes walked down the hall. Jessica was soon faced with an opening and a door in front of her. To the side of the opening she could see windows revealing the outside world.

“This way…” Sooyeon said again as she held open the door to the outside world. Jessica stepped outside of the door and saw that there was just an open area with nothing but a car in view.

“Jessica?” Sooyeon’s hesitant voice called out. Jessica turned her head around to see Sooyeon standing there with an outstretched arm and a key in her hand. Jessica trailed up Sooyeon’s arm and looked at her with a confused expression.

“Please save my sister…” Sooyeon pleaded in a soft voice. Jessica raised her eyebrow up at Sooyeon.

“Please… Can you and your friends save my sister? It will be my last request… She always took care of me so well when we were younger. My parents always favoured her over me, but she kept on treating me like I was special. I’ve gone through the pain of losing her once. I don’t want to lose her again.” Sooyeon continued. Jessica held her hand out towards Sooyeon hesitantly as the keys fell into the palm of her hand.

“I know you guys can help her. I can no longer do anymore for she will punish me soon after this. Just… make sure Taeyeon is safe…” Sooyeon stared straight into Jessica’s eyes. Jessica felt as though she was looking into a mirror. Sooyeon’s eyes had colour again and now was the exact replica of her.

“But I can’t do it myself…” Jessica said slowly, looking at the keys in her hand. Sooyeon smiled slightly and took a side step. As Sooyeon stepped aside Yoona, Tiffany and SeoHyun ran out from the door and were now in Jessica’s view. Sooyeon looked back at the three behind her and smiled a guilty smile.

“I guess I forgot to relock the doors…” Sooyeon chuckled. Jessica turned back to Sooyeon and bit her lower lip.

“Aren’t you coming with us?” Jessica said slightly. Sooyeon shook her head slowly.

“I don’t think I have the right to see Taeyeon again. And, I don’t think I will remain in the living for much longer. I was never meant to come back here. I died nearly a hundred and fifty years ago.” Sooyeon took a step back away from Jessica and allowed the other three behind her to step up.

“I noticed my sister has had a cold attitude around herself lately. Please excuse her for that attitude. She really is a kind person and she would never do anything to hurt anyone, even if it means hurting herself.” Sooyeon said sincerely. Yoona and Tiffany turned back at Sooyeon and smiled.

“Thank you Sooyeon…” Yoona thanked gratefully. Sooyeon stood up straight and shook her head slightly.

“You shouldn’t be thanking me. I should be thanking you.” Sooyeon reassured.

“I was deluded by her words. I thought that Taeyeon would be safe if I did what she told me to. But you made me realise that I was hurting her even more, and what’s worse, I was going against everything she taught me when I was growing up…” Sooyeon lowered her head in shame. SeoHyun looked between Jessica and Sooyeon, noticing for the first time how similar they looked. She seemed a little alarmed but Yoona grabbed onto her hand slightly, making all her worries ease off slowly. Tiffany walked up to Sooyeon and hugged her tightly.

“Taeyeon would be proud of you. You stood up for yourself and you’re now following what she taught you.” Tiffany smiled slightly. Sooyeon nodded slightly and hugged Tiffany back slightly.

“Go now. You don’t have any time to waste. Your friend Yuri should be around the area where your college is.” Sooyeon pulled away and started ushering everyone towards the lonesome car. Tiffany stood in her place and turned back to Sooyeon with questioning eyes.

“Why won’t you come with us? You could do a lot more help if you were to guide us.” Tiffany pleaded. Sooyeon shook her head apologetically.

“Miyoung will be dealing with me soon enough. I will not be much of any help if I am sitting at the back of the car crying out in pain.” She chuckled slightly. Tiffany’s eyebrows furrowed down slightly at Sooyeon’s negative thoughts. Sooyeon lowered her hands and took Tiffany’s. She held them in her hand and patted them.

“When you face Miyoung… don’t be discouraged. Taeyeon will surely pick you over her. I should know my sister. She would definitely pick you in the end…” Sooyeon said seriously. Tiffany blinked a few times at Sooyeon.

“Who’s Miyoung?” She asked curiously. Sooyeon smiled sideways at her question and shook her head again.

“There is no point in telling you now. Just remember, Taeyeon likes you for who YOU are, not who you resemble. Never get discouraged by looks alone.” Sooyeon shook Tiffany’s hands confidently.

“Now go, find your friends and chase after Taeyeon. Send Taeyeon my greetings and tell her… I’m sorry for being a bad younger sister.” Sooyeon smiled sadly as she ushered them into the car. When all four were safely in the car with Yoona sitting in the driver seat, Tiffany lowered the windows and stuck her head out to Sooyeon.

“Drive straight down this road and take the first right turn. From there take the second left turn and keep driving straight. The GPS installed in the car should be within range again from there.” Sooyeon informed, pointing to the small machine in the front. Yoona stuck the car keys into the

car and revved up the engine. Tiffany and Jessica looked back at Sooyeon who took a step back and was now waving at them.

“Jessica… I’m sorry about calling you a waste of a soul. I can see that you have used your chance to live very well. Just know that Yuri will always protect you. I am really envious of you for that.” Sooyeon joked. Jessica smiled back at her and stuck her tongue out playfully.

“Even if I am you, I don’t want any competition.” Jessica mused. Sooyeon laughed at Jessica’s joke.

“Go on then. I really do hope we can meet once more. Tiffany, remember… never give up without a fight. The good guys always win in the end.” Sooyeon gave Tiffany a thumbs-up. Tiffany nodded confidently and returned Sooyeon’s gesture.

“Hold onto your seatbelts. This is one powerful engine.” Yoona smirked as she stepped on the pedal and revved up the engine. Tiffany and Jessica sat back down in their seats.

“Unnie, your seatbelts” SeoHyun reminded. Jessica and Tiffany quickly put on their seatbelts at the request of the younger one and turned back around once to see Sooyeon still standing and waving at them. Yoona then shifted the gears and stepped onto the pedal again. The car revved forward slowly but Yoona pushed the car to the next gear and they started moving faster. Tiffany and Jessica were still looking back behind them, noticing that Sooyeon was now bent over holding her head again. Sooyeon tried her best to give those in the car one more wave before they were no longer in sight.

‘Kim Sooyeon! Do you know what you have just done?! If they find Taeyeon the plan will be ruined! Do you really not care for your sister’s wellbeing?!’ The voice kept on scolding Sooyeon. Sooyeon somehow felt as though the pain was less than all the other times.

‘You won’t do anything until you get what you want from Taeyeon. Taeyeon’s friends are coming after you Miyoung… Friends… Something that YOU don’t have and never will have’ Sooyeon retaliated.

Miyoung was sitting inside the car alone and was in rage at Sooyeon’s remark and pressed onto a button in the palm of her hand down harshly. Her eyes flared with a bright blue as anger consumed her. From the side the car door opened and Miyoung quickly hid the button and took quick deep breaths to dull down the colour of her eyes. Taeyeon returned to the car after she finished paying for the fuel that she had just put into the car. Miyoung hid the button away into her jacket again as Taeyeon put on her seatbelt and started up the car again.

“How about we go see a night movie for now? I’m sure you haven’t had time to see the movies they have these days.” Taeyeon suggested with an eager smile. Miyoung smiled back innocently and nodded.

“Yeah sure. Why not?” Miyoung answered. Taeyeon gave a small nod and started driving out of the fuel station and out onto the streets again. Miyoung turned her head away from Taeyeon and faced the road outside.

‘Yuri, Yoona, Tiffany, Jessica, SeoHyun… you guys will NEVER be able to get Taeyeon back.’Miyoung thought to herself, pursing her lips tightly as her hands clenched into fists again.

Moving From Korea

“Yoona, aren’t you tired?” SeoHyun mumbled from her seat. Yoona turned back around to see Jessica sleeping on Tiffany’s shoulder and Tiffany slowly nodded off to sleep with her head bobbing up and down once in a while. SeoHyun was beside Jessica with eyes just barely open and a questionable expression on her face.

“I’m fine. You guys rest up. We’ll be there soon” Yoona smiled reassuringly. SeoHyun nodded tiredly and leaned her head against the window of the car and closed her eyes to catch on some much needed sleep. Yoona looked back at the rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Tiffany still staying up.

“Tiffany? Why don’t you rest up? We’re going to need our energy for the events coming up.” Yoona whispered so that she wouldn’t wake up Jessica or SeoHyun. Tiffany shook her head slowly and kept her eyes focused on the scenery outside.

“I can’t… Sooyeon begged us to help save Taeyeon… that must mean she’s in really big danger” Tiffany’s voice slowly trailed off. Yoona fixed the mirror with her right hand so that she could clearly see Tiffany in the mirror.

“You won’t have to worry. We’re going to pick up Yuri and we’ll figure out a way to get her back. Taeyeon wouldn’t just leave us without saying anything.” Yoona reassured. Tiffany bit her lower lip and leaned her head against the chair tiredly.

“But what if we don’t make it in time? Each second counts right now.” Tiffany worried. Yoona chuckled slightly at Tiffany’s worries.

“What ever happened to the girl who pursued Taeyeon even after she turned you down coldly? The girl who stood up against the leader of the Elites? The girl who always thought optimistically and never gave up?” Yoona challenged. Tiffany looked up into the mirror to seeYoona smiling at her.

“Taeyeon is the strongest out of everyone in the Elites. You forget that we’re different, Tiffany. It will take a lot more than a knife to bring us down” Yoona reminded. Tiffany smiled slightly at Yoona and nodded.

“Thanks Yoona.” Tiffany sighed. She then returned her gaze to the outside scenery again, watching as a few trees would pass by every now and then.

‘I wonder who this Miyoung is…’ Tiffany thought curiously. From the distance she could see that it the sun was starting to rise as it started to bleach the sky with its bleached bright light, giving off life to all the things it touches once more. She leaned her head against the window and watched as the sun started to rise higher into the sky.

‘One more day passes. One less day to save Taeyeon…’


Miyoung and Taeyeon walked out of the theatre and were greeted with the sun blazing in their faces. Miyoung gave a full body stretch, lifting her hands above her head and bending slightly back. Taeyeon walked up behind her and poked her back playfully, causing her to shrink back and turn around with surprise.

“Really TaeTae. How do you keep your body so healthy? My bones are getting weak and rusty.” Miyoung complained as she linked her arms around with Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon smiled slightly and reached her hands into her pockets to pull out her keys and started walking towards the car park.

“Might be because I keep my body moving every day.” Taeyeon shrugged as she opened the car door for Miyoung. Miyoung gladly got into the car and sat down eagerly with Taeyeon’s arm still in hers. Taeyeon chuckled slightly and gestured at Miyoung's arm to tell her to let go. Miyoung refused and gripped onto her arm tighter.

“This is a rather awkward position Miyoung-ah. Come on let my arm free.” Taeyeon lifted up her free arm and patted Miyoung’s head slowly.

“Where are we going now Tae?” Miyoung asked innocently as she slowly let go of Taeyeon’s arm.

“I’m going back to the college. I’m still an Elite of SM College and I want to see if Yuri and Yoona are back yet.” Taeyeon answer back calmly as she walked over to the driver’s seat. Miyoung froze for a moment as Taeyeon hopped into the seat next to her.

“Taeyeon, how about we go out to the amusement park or something today instead? You know, enjoy your last moments of Korea?” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon readjusted the car seat and turned to face Miyoung with a thoughtful look.

“Yeah, I should probably call the two to tell them about this and maybe they could join us. I’ll introduce you to them proper-” Taeyeon reached her hand into her pocket to find her cell phone

but was stopped in mid-sentence when she noticed that her pockets were empty. She checked her other pockets and was surprised to find that it was also empty.

“What is it Tae?” Miyoung asked curiously. Taeyeon started reaching for the back of her car and searched around to find her phone.

“I think I lost my phone.” Taeyeon called back as she continued to search for it. Miyoung pouted slightly and opened the compartment in front of her and started looking around to see whether it was anywhere inside.

“Did you drop it somewhere? It’s nowhere here.” Miyoung closed the compartment again and tapped on Taeyeon’s shoulder. Taeyeon turned around and slumped back into her seat, narrowing her eyes onto the steering wheel as she began to think.

“I think I dropped it at that cliff area…” Taeyeon whispered trying to recall her steps. Miyoung let out a small disappointed sigh and leaned against her chair.

“How about we go look for it? I’m sure your friends won’t mind if you’re away for a day. Once we find your phone we can send them a message.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips together as she began to think.

“I think I’ll just go to the college and wait for them there. It’s likely that they’ll be there soon.” Taeyeon nodded to herself proudly. She then put on her seatbelt and turned the key sideways to start up the car.

“B-But Tae. What about enjoying the last week in Korea?” Miyoung quickly interrupted. Taeyeon continued with getting the car to move and shifted gears, pulling the car out of the car park.

“I’ll enjoy it once I find Yuri and Yoona. I don’t think I’ll be looking after them anymore so I at least should tell them.” Taeyeon answered back with a shrug. Miyoung bit her lower lip and started thinking of new distractions. Taeyeon remained calm and continued driving towards the college.

It wasn’t long until they reached the college’s car park. Taeyeon drove deep into the car park where the reserved bays for the Elites were. She approached the bays and noticed that no one’s car was there, including Sooyoung’s in the teachers’ area. Taeyeon gripped onto the steering wheel slightly tighter when she parked her car in the lonesome bays.

“Those two need to know their responsibilities.” Taeyeon mumbled to herself before turning off the car’s engine and getting out. Miyoung took a deep breath and sighed in relief before getting out of the car and following Taeyeon. She walked over to the waiting Taeyeon and started heading towards the buildings. As they were approaching the buildings, Taeyeon’s usual fan group came up to Taeyeon. They stopped in their tracks when they saw a girl who looked exactly like Tiffany walking besides Taeyeon and holding her hand. What shocked them even more was that Taeyeon was comfortable with the contact.

“Don’t worry about them.” Taeyeon turned her head and whispered to Miyoung. Miyoung giggled slightly and nodded.

“I’m not. Because I know that they can’t do anything.” Miyoung whispered back cheekily. Taeyeon smiled at Miyoung’s remark and nodded. The group of girls around Taeyeon fell dead silent. Not even their breathing could be heard as they all held their breaths in shock. The two then easily walked pass the frozen crowd with ease, moving a few of them slightly to get the way clear, and started heading towards the Elite’s classroom.

As they approached the classroom Taeyeon slowly moved her hand away from Miyoung’s and put it into her pocket. Miyoung was rather startled that Taeyeon moved away from her and looked up at her, asking for an explanation. Taeyeon however, didn’t seem to notice and continued walking with her hands in her pocket. When they were at the Elite’s classroom, Taeyeon moved her hands out of her pocket and opened the door and walked in. Miyoung followed in awkwardly behind as Taeyeon took her usual seat. Miyoung was about to sit back down in Tiffany’s usual seat but Taeyeon quickly stopped her.

“Ah. That’s a student’s seat. You can sit here.” Taeyeon smiled apologetically and tapped onto the seat next to her. Miyoung smiled back innocently and sat beside Taeyeon, turning her head away slightly to hide her expression away from Taeyeon. The two sat in silence with only the clock in the room ticking as time went by. Taeyeon gave a small stretch and reached over to a bookshelf nearby to pull out a book. Miyoung started getting irritated by the silence and started tapping her hands together impatiently.

“Taeyeon, it looks like they’re not coming. How about we go do something else? It’s ratherboring here.” Miyoung finally suggested. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow up and continued reading to the end of the page before facing Miyoung.

“But they haven’t told me what they’ve been doing yet. They never go anywhere without informing me, and even so, they would still have to keep up their Elites image and attend the college.” Taeyeon reasoned. She then sat up straight again and laid the book facing downwards where the page was.

“Tae… did you forget you don’t have your phone?” Miyoung reminded. Taeyeon’s jaw dropped slightly and paused.

“Right…” she said slowly.

“They might’ve sent you a message on your phone already.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon closed her mouth again and nodded slightly. She then turned her head to see that it was still only ten in the morning.

“I guess they won’t be coming. How about we enjoy the day then? We’ll find my phone tonight when everything closes.” Taeyeon suggested as she stood up. Miyoung nodded proudly and stood up with her. Taeyeon then started walking off by herself with her hands in her pocket again as Miyoung walked by herself again.

‘You really have changed…’ Miyoung thought dejectedly when she saw Taeyeon’s back facing her.

Whilst she was trailing behind Taeyeon, she was stopped by a few students in her tracks. She stopped walking for a moment and looked behind the students to see Taeyeon still walking off without her. Before she could say anything, a girl wrapped her hands around her mouth and prevented her from calling Taeyeon back. The girl in front of her then took a step forward and glared at her.

“Who do you think you are Hwang? Although the fan group doesn’t get jealous over you hanging out with the Elites, it doesn’t give you the right to start being all close to them, especially Leader Kim.” The girl growled. Miyoung struggled slightly with the girl behind her but two other girls stopped her. She then glared back at the girl in front of her and a low growl came from her throat.Miyoung then pulled against the girls holding her and caused them to fall towards the floor, allowing her free use of her limbs again. She then brought her hand up and pried the hand around her mouth away, gripping onto the wrist of the latter behind her tightly.

“For your information, Taeyeon is mine and always will be. If you think Taeyeon would even think of you in the same light, you must be dreaming. Taeyeon and I are way out of your league. And if you think that I’m like that Tiffany Hwang girl, then you’re wrong. Never mistake me for that human again.” Miyoung’s voice was low and deep as she glared at each and every other girl around her. The group around her were instantly paralysed when Miyoung’s gaze ran over them. Miyoung then threw the girl’s hand away harshly and started walking off. The girls instantly moved away from Miyoung’s way and allowed her to pass through.

When Miyoung was free from the crowd she noticed Taeyeon running back to her.

“Miyoung… Sorry, I didn’t know I lost you.” Taeyeon apologized quickly. Miyoung clenched her teeth together but pulled off a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Tae. I was just admiring the buildings. I never really got to get a good look at this place.” Miyoung chuckled and waved her hands reassuringly. Taeyeon nodded and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

“So how about we enjoy the day life of Korea then?” Miyoung smiled, taking Taeyeon’s hand into hers once more. Taeyeon nodded and started guiding her back to the car park.

While they were approaching the car, Miyoung noticed a car driving down the street and starting to turn into the car park. She quickly panicked upon seeing a face she didn’t want to see in the car and started hurrying Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked at her curiously, wondering why she was in such a rush.

“What’s wrong Miyoung?” Taeyeon asked once they reached the car. Miyoung just smiled widely and took the car keys away from Taeyeon’s hand.

“I want to drive.” Miyoung said quickly. Taeyeon blinked a few times at her and then finally reacted by raising her eyebrow up and opening her eyes wide.

“Do you know how to?” Taeyeon said seriously. Miyoung nodded eagerly and glanced towards the entrance of the car park to see the car moving closer. Taeyeon just shrugged and started moving towards the passenger, allowing Miyoung the chance to drive. Miyoung didn’t waste anytime as she quickly got into the car and started up its engine. Taeyeon slowly put on her seatbelt and Miyoung started reversing from the parking bay. Miyoung then quickly changed gears and started heading towards the exit. As they were heading to the exit they passed the silver car that was heading into the bay. Taeyeon whipped her head around instantly towards the car, thinking that she saw Yoona inside in the driver’s seat.

“Wait Yoona was in there” Taeyeon quickly pointed to the car. Miyoung ignored her and exited the carpark before stepping on the pedal and driving further away from the college.

“I don’t think it was Taeyeon” Miyoung said back at Taeyeon. Taeyeon turnbed back aroundand frowned slightly, thinking whether her mind was playing tricks or not. Miyoung sighed with relief inside herself and continued driving down the street.

‘I could have sworn I saw Yoona in that car though…’ Taeyeon thought to herself.


“We’re at SM College now” Yoona called out quietly towards the back. Tiffany looked up at the window to see that it was now bright and they were now sitting on the street, waiting to drive into a building on the other side of the street. She instantly recognised the building as SM College and all her signs of tiredness were gone then she saw the students heading towards the building.

When there were no more cars coming, Yoona turned into the car park and started heading towards the bays allocated to the Elites. As Tiffany stared out of the window impatiently, a familiar car drove past theirs. Tiffany looked inside the car to see a girl in the driver’s seat. For a moment, she saw a mirror image. The person in the driver’s seat looked exactly like her. But she wasn’t able to confirm as she blinked and the car had already passed by the time she opened her eyes again.

‘Probably just tired’ Tiffany shook her head slightly and slapped her cheeks lightly to wake herself up. Tiffany’s movement started to wake Jessica up and also stir SeoHyun on the other side. Yoona was now parked in the allocated bays and had turned off the engine.

“We’ll start looking for Yuri here. I’m sure the girls would have noticed if Yuri came by here.” Yoona explained briefly. Jessica rubbed her eyes tiredly and nodded in agreement whilst SeoHyun was giving a small stretch in the corner of the car. Yoona laughed slightly at the two waking up, having not experienced that feeling for a hundred years.

“We’re coming.” Jessica gave a long yawn and started ushering Tiffany out the car lazily. Tiffany obliged tiredly as all three stumbled out of the car. Yoona smirked at the three trying to find their feet, holding onto the car for extra support.

Yoona then gave a quick stretch before locking the car and walking to the buildings. Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun were lazily trudging behind the fully awake Yoona and looking around tiredly to see any signs of Yuri. All four of them noticed that the fan girls around them were whispering towards each other and moving away from Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun as they walked past. Yoona found it rather odd that there was a clear path in front of her instead of swarms of people.

Tiffany then walked up to one of the girls and decided to ask for any clues. But as she walked up they cowered away from her and walked away in a quick speed walking motion. Tiffany tilted her head to the side in confusion but then turned to the next person. She received the same reaction as they walked away as well. Jessica blinked sleepily a few times but noticed that Tiffany was repelling all the girls away from her. She then decided to walk up to see what was going on.

“Tiffany. I think your morning breath is driving them away.” Jessica mocked. Tiffany turned around and raised her eyebrow. She then lifted her hand up and blew air and sniffed her breath.

“Oh wow.” Tiffany chuckled as she cringed. Jessica let out another tired yawn beside Tiffany and leaned in against her. Tiffany cringed away from Jessica and waved her hands in front of her nose, blowing the air away.

“I think we need to freshen up.” Tiffany admitted sheepishly.

“Come up to the Elite’s classroom. There’s new toothbrushes and stuff in there for you to freshen up. Even a personal bathroom.” Yoona nodded towards the building. SeoHyun walked up beside Yoona as they started walking towards the classrooms. Jessica and Tiffany leaned in against each other as they walked, their eyes feeling rather heavy from the lack of sleep over the past few days.

“Why do you have toothbrushes and things here?” Jessica asked when Yoona passed her a new toothbrush. Yoona threw Tiffany one and SeoHyun one too before showing them outside the classroom and down the hall again.

“Sometimes Yuri, Taeyeon or even I stay back on college grounds. We end up sleeping over sometimes so we always have this stuff ready.” Yoona explained with a smile. The three girls responded to Yoona’s explanation with plain nods. They were then stopped when Yoona stood in front of a white door that had only an electronic lock. Yoona reached into her shirt and pulled out a key card that was attached to the chain around her neck. The then swiped the card down and the door opened immediately, revealing a big and clean bathroom inside, full with three sinks, three showers and even lockers.

“You guys freshen up first. I’ll check the lockers to see if any of them have been here.” Yoona said seriously, gesturing her hand towards the sinks. The three nodded in agreement and continued to their morning duties.

Yoona walked up to the lockers on the left of the room and opened her own locker. She took off her blazer and top and put it on the bench beside her. She then reached into her locker to pull out another brand new blazer and top from the lockers before quickly changing into them. She then pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on before dropping the skirt from her waist. She looked into the mirror beside her and furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

“Hmmm” Yoona hummed as she took the top of her shirt and undid the first three buttons. She then took the first button of the blazer and buttoned it up before reaching in and pulling out a wide belt. She put the belt around her waist and gave a once over in the mirror before giving a nod of approval and shutting the locker door. She then walked over to the left once and opened Yuri’s locker.

She scanned the locker to see if there was any indication of her staying or coming into there. To her dismay there was nothing. She then closed the locker door sadly before taking another side step and facing Taeyeon’s locker. She opened it slowly, not expecting to find anything. As soon as she opened the door, a note fell out. Yoona’s eyes opened wide when she saw a white envelope addressed to her and Yuri with Taeyeon’s hand writing on it. Yoona slowly bent over and picked up the envelope slowly, her hands shaking slightly, worried about what could be inside it.

She slowly opened the envelope slowly and started reading it.

‘Yuri, Yoona. Where have you guys been over the two days?! I haven’t got my phone with me right now but if you have got this message, I just want you to know that I’m not happy with your priorities. You are still Elites of SM College and you have to maintain an image if you are to live in harmony with the humans around you.’

Yoona smiled at Taeyeon’s note. She could hear Taeyeon’s voice scolding her now and was smiling to herself before she continued.

‘I just wanted to tell you that I may not be at SM for the next few days. I’ll be around Korea enjoying my last moments here. It seems that I will be moving from here soon. However the reason is different now. I’ll be moving to Japan once I have passed on my leadership role in the Legion. You guys really didn’t seem to like moving from Korea so I am not making you move with me.This Saturday though, meet me at the lights festival. I still have a lot of things I need to scold you about but I really don’t feel like writing fifty pages right now since I’m in a rush.Make sure you’re there because I will not be waiting for you.

-- Taeyeon’

Yoona’s hands froze. Although Taeyeon meant for the note to be seen in a joking matter, Yoona did not take it as a joke at all. She quickly grabbed the note and headed out to where the three girls were again.

“Everyone. There’s bad news… Taeyeon’s moving from Korea…” Yoona said urgently. Tiffany, who was still brushing her teeth, choked on her toothpaste and started coughing it all over the sink in shock. Jessica was wiping her face with a towel had now stopped completely as the towel dropped to the floor. SeoHyun was still brushing her hair and looking back and forth between everyone, still not understanding anything.

“Is Taeyeon unnie in trouble?” SeoHyun asked hesitantly. Yoona turned to SeoHyun with an alarmed expression and nodded grimly.

“We have until the lights festival to stop her…” Yoona said quietly, holding up the note that she had just found.

Yuri x Jessica

“Where is she moving?” Jessica asked slowly. Tiffany stopped choking and was now rinsing out her mouth quickly to talk.

“She just says she’s going to Japan…” Yoona said slowly, holding the note up in her hand again. Tiffany dried her face quickly and moved to Yoona to take a look at the note. Before she could take it from Yoona’s hands she was interrupted.

“Who do you think you guys are? Why are you in the Elites’...?” Yuri charged through the door yelled loudly but slowly trailed off when she saw Yoona, Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun standing inside. She rubbed her eyes roughly and opened them again, blinking a few times and turning her head back and forth a few times.

“Yes Yuri. It is us.” Yoona sighed sarcastically. Sooyoung walked in after Yuri and stood there with the same expression as Yuri. A full ten seconds of silence passed through the bathroom as no one uttered a single word. Yoona then shook her head and immediately moved to Yuri’s side.

“Taeyeon’s moving.” Yoona said bluntly. She then passed Yuri the note that Taeyeon had written and waited whilst Yuri was reading it. The paper slowly started slipping through her hand slightly before Sooyoung grabbed the paper and started reading it herself. Yuri then whipped back to Yoona and stared at her accusingly.

“What is it?” Yoona said slowly. Yuri lifted up her hand slowly and pinched on Yoona’s cheek and pulled on it.

“Ow! Yuri!” Yoona whined as Yuri continued pulling with a serious expression.

“Let me go Yuri! It hurts!” Yoona complained. Yuri didn’t stop as she kept on holding on Yoona’s cheek. Yoona started to slowly turn into her dark personality and stared back at Yuri. She then snapped and slapped Yuri’s hand away from her.

“What do you think you’re doing?! Do you know how much that hurts?!” Yoona complained with a growl. Yuri lost her serious expression and instantly smiled when she saw Yoona’s dark personality.

“I thought you were another imposter. I don’t know who’s who anymore.” Yuri sighed with relief. Yoona raised up her eyebrow at Yuri before she was interrupted with Sooyoung tearing the pieces of paper up.

“Where is Taeyeon now?” Sooyoung asked seriously. Yoona looked back at Sooyoung and gave a small shrug.

“Doesn’t the note tell us?” Tiffany asked hopefully. Sooyoung shook her head and sighed dejectedly. Yuri pursed her lips together and started pacing up and down inside the bathroom. She stopped when she caught sight of Jessica and took a few steps away from her and facing her back towards her. Jessica smiled sadly at Yuri’s reaction but couldn’t help but feel relieved.

“This is good news” Yuri suddenly called out. Everyone looked back at her with their eyebrows raised, wondering what was wrong with Yuri. Yuri just smiled back brightly and held up her thumb in approval.

“We have until the festival of lights. That means Taeyeon is still hesitating about something in Korea. Knowing Taeyeon, if she wanted to move she would move right away. There is something holding her back here and we can use that to keep her here.” Yuri explained briefly. Yoona crossed her arms and rested her hand against her chin, considering Yuri’s logic.

“It really is good news. We were worried that she had already left already. This gives us time to plan how we can attack Taeyeon’s weak spot.” Sooyoung said quietly.

“Why are we attacking Taeyeon? Aren’t we supposed to be saving her?” Tiffany asked in a concerned tone.

“Taeyeon is in no danger for the moment. It was when she reaches Japan that she will be in danger. That gives us three days to get her to stay…” Sooyoung took a step towards the girls inside the room.

“How did you guys escape anyway? From what I heard Sooyeon was guarding you.” Sooyoung asked curiously. Jessica and Tiffany glanced at each other and smiled slightly.

“Sooyeon accidently forgot to lock the doors up… And gave us the keys to her car.” Jessica smiled at Sooyeon’s actions. Yuri and Sooyoung raised their eyebrows curiously.

“Blood runs thicker than water… Sooyeon requested that we bring Taeyeon back safe for her… and to pass on a message.” Tiffany continued.

“So she did end up doing it” Yuri chuckled from the side.

“What do you mean?” Yoona asked as she stood beside Yuri.

“She left me a few miles away from SM College instead of dumping me in the middle of nowhere. While she was leaving me I confronted her. I could see hesitation in her eyes. She ended up following her heart in the end… So I’m proud of that.” Yuri smiled.

“Following her heart huh?” Jessica chuckled. Yuri ignored Jessica’s remark and took a step towards Tiffany.

“You will be our weapon.” Yuri pointed towards Tiffany with a slight smile. Sooyoung stepped up and stood in front of Tiffany as well.

“First off though. We need you to practice seeing yourself.” Sooyoung smiled. Yuri nodded in agreement and clapped her hands.

“Okay everyone. Let’s start getting Taeyeon back. We can’t have that dork running off without putting up a fight now, can we?” Yuri cheered. Everyone cheered in unison except for Jessica who was standing on the side by herself again. She kept her eyes fixed on Yuri as she startedtalking to Yoona with a bright hopeful smile on her face.

‘She ended up following her heart in the end… So I’m proud of that.’ Yuri’s words played in Jessica’s again.

‘I wonder if I should follow my heart… And if I do, will she be proud of it?’ She thought hopefully. Jessica then looked back at Yuri who was now talking to Tiffany explain about what Sooyeon did at the cell. She then started moving her legs and walked up behind Yuri.

“Yuri?” Jessica’s timid voice interrupted them slightly. Tiffany looked behind at the timid Jessica and smiled before continuing the conversation with Sooyoung. Yuri turned around, startled by Jessica behind her.

“Can I please talk to you in private?” Jessica asked quietly. Yuri felt like she had experienced déjà vu again, remembering the time during the fencing match against Taeyeon.

“I know you said you don’t need me… But I’m still going to be part of this no matter what.” Yuri turned around and answered Jessica coldly. She then turned around and was about to walk back to Sooyoung when a hand gripped onto her shirt behind her and stopped her. She then looked back to see Jessica shaking her head slightly.

“Can we please talk in private” Jessica’s voice quivered. Her hand gripped onto Yuri’s shirt even tighter as her hand started to shake slightly. Yuri let out a long sigh and started to move at the other end of the room, keeping her distance away from Jessica.

“If you are going to ask me to stay away from you and your friends, I will. But only after Taeyeon is safe and sound again. Once Taeyeon is back I will not bother you or the others again.” Yuri said sternly before Jessica could even start. Jessica looked up quickly with alarm in her eyes as her hand reached out to grab onto Yuri’s shirt. Yuri looked down at Jessica’s shaking hand and moved back away from it.

“Please don’t…” Jessica whispered softly. Yuri looked at Jessica’s bowed head and shivering hands and sighed.

“Don’t do this to me…” Jessica continued a little louder. Yuri tilted her head to the side slightly to get a glance at Jessica’s face but Jessica turned her head down even lower to hide it.

“Why do you do this to me? Why?” Jessica gripped her hands tighter as Yuri saw her body shaking slightly.

“I should be staying away from you. Scared of you. Ignoring you… But why? Why can’t I do all that?” Jessica lifted her head up and stared into Yuri’s eyes to reveal her slightly wet eyes. Yuri froze for a moment, taken aback by the threatening tears on Jessica’s eyes.

“Instead, I’m drawn to you more… When you had the chance to go free, I felt myself feel relieved. But when you declined it, it made my heart ache. So to stop the ache, I pushed you away. I pushed you away with the thought that you may be safe. I didn’t care for Tiffany or SeoHyun for that moment…” Jessica admitted as she took a step closer to Yuri. Yuri remained still and allowed Jessica to grip onto her arm.

“Why do you do this to me Yuri? My heart beat changes every time I think of you… And right now, I feel like it’s going to rip out of my chest. Why do you make me put your safety in front of Tiffany’s and SeoHyun’s even though I know they are more vulnerable than you?” Jessica pleaded letting one lone tear fall from her eyes.

“I…” Yuri started off a little confused. From behind, the other four girls were staring at the two in the corner of the private bathroom. Sooyoung furrowed her eyebrows slightly when she saw Jessica holding onto Yuri. Yoona and Tiffany however, smiled at the sight. Tiffany then hushed them to talk outside and leave the two by themselves. Yoona slowly closed the door behind them, not forgetting to give a small cry of encouragement to Jessica.

“You know me don’t you Yuri? You know what I’m feeling before I even do and you helped me confirm it. What am I feeling now Yuri? Why am I acting like this?” Jessica continued. Yuri stared back in Jessica’s eyes to see confusion in her eyes. She then felt Jessica’s heartbeat against her arm coming from her hand gripping onto her own tightly. It was beating faster than an average human’s and didn’t show any signs of calming down anytime soon.

“I may know…” Yuri said slowly, taking a step back away from Jessica. Jessica took a step with her this time, determined to stay close to Yuri.

“But I don’t think you can accept it… and neither can I.” Yuri sighed.

“Then what is it Yuri? Tell me. I don’t know what’s happening anymore.” Jessica shook Yuri’s arm slightly. Yuri felt her insides ache when she saw Jessica pleading against her with the confused expression.

“I can’t tell you.” Yuri finally deciding that it was best not to say anything. Jessica stopped shaking Yuri’s arm and paused. Only the low breathing of Jessica’s raspy voice could be heard.

“I should get going now” Yuri finished off. She bowed slightly towards Jessica before turning around and heading out. She was shortly stopped when a pair of hands wrapped around her waist and a weight was pressed against her back.

“Why can’t you tell me Yuri? Is it because you can’t accept it?” Jessica’s voice was stifled against the cloth of Yuri’s clothes but it still was understandable to Yuri’s ears. Yuri turned her head to the side to take a look at Jessica, but all she saw was her shoulders rising and falling slightly.

“I know what I’m feeling Yuri… It’s nowhere near what I felt for Taeyeon in the beginning… You told me what I felt for Taeyeon was sisterly love… So that means what I feel for you is much more. Much more Yuri-ah…” She continued rubbing her head against Yuri’s back slightly. Yuri held her breath as Jessica dug further into her back.

“I don’t think that would be best right Jessica. I’m not human like what you thought I was. I can’t give you the satisfaction of a normal life you deserve” Yuri lifted her hands up to Jessica’s and gripped them slightly before prying them away. Jessica remained stubborn and tightened her grip even more.

“Why does Tiffany get the chance then? Tiffany knew about the Elites… Yet she is still allowed to go after Taeyeon. Why don’t I get the chance to go after you?” Jessica asked unsteadily. Yuri stopped prying Jessica’s hands away and paused.

“I won’t be able to move on from you. The fact that you are not human was supposed to scare me. I told myself I should stay away. But it hurts even more… the time we spent together trying to get Taeyeon and Tiffany together, the time you spent with me teaching me about my studies and myself. I can’t go on without you Yuri…” Jessica paused again before taking a deep breath.

“At least tell me how I can stop falling for an immortal if you are not going to accept it. Tell me how to get rid of all of this, my unsteady heartbeat, my thoughts, everything that makes me fall for you.” Jessica was suddenly stopped when the torso in her arms turned around and two arms engulfed her. She stood there for a while still trying to register what was happening but a calm voice interrupted her.

“It’s not that I don’t accept it. I will accept your feelings and return them to you fully with my own. But there are a lot of things you don’t know about me. For one, I won’t be able to grow old with you. Do you really find it satisfying to stay with someone who will forever remain the same whilst you are still aging?” Yuri asked back in a calm voice. Jessica blinked a few times and hugged Yuri again.

“I can learn about the things I don’t know. I don’t care if I can’t grow old with you. I would rather that than spend the rest of my life without you. Tiffany accepts that fact. So why can’t I?” Jessica nodded against Yuri’s chest. Yuri took a deep breath and pulled away slightly, keeping on hand around Jessica and using her other hand to pull Jessica’s face up.

“This is not about Tiffany accepting it. It’s about you. Can you accept it?” Yuri asked back. Jessica looked back into Yuri’s eyes to see a bit of red flash against her eyes.

“I ca-” Before Jessica could finish off her sentence, Yuri used her finger to silence Jessica.

“Don’t rush yourself. Think about it first before you agree to anything. When everything is over, I will ask the question again. Think about it Jessica. Your answer will change the course of your life. Either with me or without me.” Yuri hushed. Jessica was about to retaliate again but Yuri stopped her again with her finger.

“When everything is over.” Yuri repeated. Jessica closed her mouth and gave Yuri a pained expression, wanting to agree to everything right then and there. Yuri chuckled slightly and used her hand to push Jessica’s hair away from her forehead. She then leaned in and pressed her lips against her forehead gently. Jessica’s breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat. When Yuri pulled away, she noticed Jessica’s face a bright pink shade.

“Breathe” Yuri hushed in Jessica’s ear with a slight chuckle. Jessica then let out all the air she was holding in and quickly fumbled to put her hands on her forehead where Yuri’s lips were before.

“Until the end, we will act like none of this happened. No feelings, no arguments, just average friends who are fighting for the same cause. When Taeyeon is safely home, I will ask you again.” Yuri smiled at Jessica. Jessica’s cheeks were still flushed pink as she looked back up to Yuri with both her hands still on her forehead.

“Come. The others are probably planning already” Yuri flashed a bright smile. She then raised her hand up slightly and used her thumb to wipe away Jessica’s tears before moving her hand to pull Jessica’s hand down from her forehead. Yuri then started pulling Jessica out of the private bathroom and towards the stairs which would lead them to the exit of the building.

Jessica followed unwillingly behind Yuri but she couldn’t help but feel the warmth of Yuri’s hand spread throughout her body.

‘I already have my answer… I will follow my heart and accept everything about you Yuri. Just watch’ Jessica thought determinedly with a smile. Yuri looked back to see Jessica’s confident smile and couldn’t help but smile along.

‘Maybe accepting her feelings won’t be so bad. Spending a few decades with her would be worth a few hundred years of pain, right?’ Yuri thought curiously as they reached the exit of the building.


“We have until this Saturday right?” Leeteuk reconfirmed. Yuri and Yoona nodded in unison. SeoHyun was sitting on the side of the table watching the three converse without her. Jessica and Tiffany were in the next room with Sooyoung who had called them out to have a small talk with them.

“I’m going to get straight to the point. Yuri has told me both of you know about the Elite’s secret?” Sooyoung said bluntly once the door was closed. Jessica and Tiffany jumped slightly at Sooyoung’s voice and the slamming door. Tiffany turned around to see Sooyoung standing there with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.

“Ah… Yeah… Kinda…” Tiffany answered back hesitantly. Sooyoung took a step towards Tiffany. Both Jessica and Tiffany jumped when Sooyoung’s heels clicked against the wooden floors.

“What are you going to do about it?” Sooyoung’s voice softened slightly. Tiffany scrambled back a few steps and lowered her head slightly. Jessica stood her ground but also lowered her head towards Sooyoung.

“Jessica? Why don’t you tell me first?” Sooyoung turned her attention to Jessica. Jessica winced slightly when the attention was diverted to her.

“I-I… I’m going after Yuri…” Jessica answered back nervously. Tiffany then jumped when she heard something snap from Sooyoung’s hands. She saw that Sooyoung was holding her hand into a fist and was sure that the snap came from the sound of Sooyoung’s knuckles.

“N-Not like that. I swear” Jessica suddenly burst, sensing Sooyoung’s mood. Tiffany bit her lower lip when she saw Jessica scrambling to find her words again.

“I mean I’m not going to hurt her or anything. I’m going after her to… I just… I don’t care about what she is… I just” Jessica stuttered nervously when Sooyoung took another step forward. Sooyoung then snapped her head up to Tiffany.

“What about you?” her voice came out unstable. Tiffany felt her lips dry immediately when Sooyoung glanced at her.

“I… I’m trying to g-get her…” Tiffany stuttered. Sooyoung took a side step away from Jessica and faced Tiffany.

“I’m trying to g-get her to f-f-fall… for m-me” Tiffany finished off nervously. Sooyoung raised her eyebrow up at Tiffany curiously. She then took three steps back and looked at the cowering under her glance.

“So, instead of running away or coming at them with weapons… You’re trying to get them to fall for you?” Sooyoung asked seriously. Jessica and Tiffany gave each other a glance first before turning back to Sooyoung. They nod gave a meek nod and held their breath, waiting for their punishment.

“And do you know anything about how they live?” Sooyoung continued. Tiffany raised her hand up obediently as if asking for permission to speak before she explained.

“I learnt from Yoona and Yuri quite a lot already… including the eating, sleeping and aging patterns.” Tiffany admitted. Sooyoung nodded slightly before turning over to Jessica.

“I… just found out r-recently…” Jessica admitted sheepishly. Sooyoung then let out a long tired sigh as she changed her posture to putting her hands against her waist.

“Well… I’m not going to interfere this time. Last time I did, it caused all this to happen. However I am going to warn you. I am not going to allow Taeyeon to get hurt again or let Yuri or Yoona experience that type of hurt.” Sooyoung pointed at the two sternly. Jessica jumped slightly when the finger was pointed to her but Tiffany was rather confused.

“Again?” Tiffany questioned. Sooyoung lowered her hand and raised her eyebrow up at Tiffany.

“Yeah, again.” Sooyoung confirmed slowly. Tiffany paused for a moment, trying to comprehend what Sooyoung had meant.

“With the upcoming struggles, you two will have to remain the strongest. Jessica, you have met Sooyeon already so you should be fine. But Tiffany, I warn you. Be prepared to face Taeyeon’s past. Be prepared to face some truths behind Taeyeon’s actions and most of all, be prepared to prove your confidence with Taeyeon. We will try our best to help you, but ultimately… you are the only one who can bring Taeyeon back to the present. I trust you can handle that?” Sooyoung looked at Tiffany expectantly. Tiffany was a little confused in the moment and only replied with a small nod of the head.

“If we were to tell you everything now, you wouldn’t believe us. We do not want you to be too shocked when you face the troubles. Leeteuk and I will try our best to prepare you for that moment. The other four will try to gather information about the flights and all that, just in case we need the last line of defence.” Sooyoung finished off. Jessica gave a confident nod whilst Tiffany gripped onto her fists confidently.

“We should get back to the others. We can’t risk anything happening to any of you right now.” Sooyoung turned around and opened the door. Jessica walked over to Tiffany and held onto her hand nervously. Tiffany smiled back reassuringly but she could feel the pressure building up inside her.

“I know you can do it. You’re the strongest out of all of us. It will all work out” Jessica reassured. Tiffany nodded in response and took a deep breath. She then turned to Jessica and nudged her arm playfully.

“So, you’re going after Yuri huh?” Tiffany mused. Jessica stiffened when Tiffany mentioned Yuri before turning slowly towards her.

“And here was the Jessica who thought that the Elites were a snobby bunch of people. But now, she’s fallen for one of them. Tsk” Tiffany teased. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows at Tiffany and lightly slapped her arm.

“You influenced me. I should really watch how much time I spend with you. I don’t want to end up like you” Jessica retaliated. Tiffany’s jaw dropped slightly at Jessica’s remark.

“Ouch Jess. That’s harsh.” Tiffany feigned a hurt tone. Jessica just shrugged and started walking towards the other room again. Tiffany then ran up and hugged Jessica from behind with a smile plastered against her face.

“I can share the information I have about the Elites with you if you want. Did you know that they are over a hundred years old?” Tiffany asked with a giggle. Jessica turned her head to the side and raised her eyebrow at her.

“Really? Over a hundred?” Jessica asked with a slight shock. Tiffany nodded confidently and held up Jessica’s two hands.

“It’s more than the fingers on your hand Jessica. So don’t bother counting.” Tiffany mused. Jessica lifted up one of her hands and knocked her knuckles against her forehead. The two stopped in the middle of the hallway when Tiffany stopped walking and held Jessica back.

“What was that for?” Tiffany whined. Jessica rolled her eyes at Tiffany and started walking off again without her. Tiffany smiled to herself as she felt the sore area on her forehead before skipping to Jessica’s side. Yuri then came out to check on the two from the other room. Tiffany used this chance and landed a kiss against Jessica’s cheek, making sure that Yuri could see.

Jessica saw Yuri down the hall looking at the two with slightly shocked eyes. She immediately turned over to Tiffany and slapped her arm.

“What was that for?” Jessica complained. Tiffany just stuck her tongue out at Jessica before bolting to the safety of Yoona and SeoHyun. Yuri chuckled at the playfulness of the two before it slowly disappeared into a depressing sigh.

‘I don’t know how much longer we will be able to enjoy this calm carefree aura.’ Yuri thought sadly. She then saw Jessica awkwardly shuffling towards her, purposely avoiding eye contact. She could see that there was still some lip gloss from Tiffany’s kiss on her cheek and smiled slightly.

“Jessica?” Yuri called her back. Jessica paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and turning to face Yuri. The immortal reached her hand out to Jessica’s cheek slowly, causing Jessica to hold her breath quickly when Yuri’s warm fingers touched her cheek. Yuri then wiped away the remaining lip gloss and chuckled.

“You got some lip gloss on your cheek” Yuri explained as she held her hand up as if to prove itto Jessica. Jessica responded quickly by using her hand to touch her cheek. She then looked up at Yuri to see a teasing gaze on Yuri’s face. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows at Yuri and huffed loudly.

“You should have just told me. You didn’t need to get it off for me” Jessica complained as she gave Yuri a slap against the arm.

“Now there’s the ice princess I know” Yuri laughed loudly at the enraged Jessica.

“Eish” Jessica exclaimed, pushing Yuri aside and walking into the room where the others were. Once she was inside she put her hand over her chest where her heart was still hammering away.

‘Just friends until all of this is over…’ Jessica reminded herself. She slapped her cheeks slightly to wake herself up slightly before opening her eyes to have four pairs of eyes staring at her curiously.

“Is… something wrong Jessica?” Leeteuk asked cautiously. Jessica started to feel embarrassed when the door behind her opened again. Yuri stepped in with a wide grin as she raised her hand up to pat Jessica’s hair.

“The princess didn’t have her beauty nap so she’s a little cranky.” Yuri shrugged. Jessica quickly knocked Yuri’s hand off her head and pushed her away slightly.

“Tsk. I can’t believe I like you.” Jessica mumbled to herself. Yuri chuckled at Jessica’s remark and pinched her cheek playfully.

“I can” Yuri mused cheerfully. The whole room snickered at the two’s antics whilst Jessica blew onto her messed up hair with annoyance.

Just an Image

“Have you found it?” Taeyeon called out to Miyoung who was on all fours trying to find Taeyeon’s phone. Taeyeon on the other side of the area was also on all fours, patting around the dirt with hopes of finding the small device.

“Nothing yet. Any luck on your side?” Miyoung rolled her eyes and called back at Taeyeon, trying her best to sound disappointed. Taeyeon got up off the floor and patted the dirt away from her clothes disappointedly.

“Nothing” Taeyeon sighed dejectedly. Miyoung got up shortly after and slowly walked towards Taeyeon. She noticed that Taeyeon had an annoyed expression on her face as she stared down at a certain rock on the floor.

“How about we go out now and buy a new phone? I’m sure you remember your friends’ numbers right?” Miyoung suggested eagerly. Taeyeon responded by biting her lower lip and shaking her head slowly.

“With technology remembering the numbers for me, I never bothered to remember the numbers myself” Taeyeon admitted. Miyoung gave a long sigh and pouted disappointedly. Taeyeon stood still beside her, humming slightly as she tried to find a solution to the problem at hand. She then suddenly remembered that she had one more helpline that could pull her out of the mess.

“Leeteuk” Taeyeon exclaimed with a clap. Miyoung jumped slightly at the sudden noise and turned around to raise her eyebrow at Taeyeon questionably.

“What about him?” Miyoung said slowly. Taeyeon turned back to face Miyoung with a bright smile evident on her face.

“He owns a restaurant around here. We can go to him and ask him if we can borrow his phone.” Taeyeon explained briefly. She clapped excitedly again and quickly turned around to away to the exit without her partner.

“This is going to cause some trouble.” The latter who was left behind whispered to herself, biting her lower lip nervously. She then quickly whipped her head up when the shuffling of Taeyeon’s feet got further away and immediately ran up to catch up with her. As she caught up with Taeyeon, she noticed that she was standing there mindlessly with her hands in her pocket and looking up at the oak tree in front of her.

“Do you remember that Christmas night we spent together by the old oak tree?” Taeyeon turned her head to the side and asked Miyoung curiously. Miyoung walked up to Taeyeon and nodded nostalgically. She looked up at the tree to see a single leaf blowing in the cold winter wind, reminding her of her human days.

“That little challenge I had with you. You had until the last leaf fell from the tree…” Taeyeon continued with a slight smile.

“Don’t remind me.” Miyoung laughed quietly beside Taeyeon, knocking her head slightly with her own hand with embarrassment.

“When there was only one leaf left, you started panicking about whether you had succeeded or not. And so, you walked out to the tree one day with nothing but a piece of string in your hand and you climbed towards the leaf that was all the way up in the tree…” Taeyeon continued. Her smile was growing slightly when she remembered the day she followed Miyoung to do her business.

“I went up and tried to tie the leaf to the branch… I remember” Miyoung said with embarrassment. Taeyeon chuckled at Miyoung and nodded with her.

“Not only did you not manage to catch the leaf in time, but you ended up falling off the branch, backside first.” Taeyeon finished off. Miyoung let out a long sigh of embarrassment and lowered her head.

“It was really cute” Taeyeon added as she patted Miyoung’s head. Miyoung turned her head to face Taeyeon and smiled brightly.

“Do you remember how I got a cut across my lip when one of the branches cut me whilst I was falling?” Miyoung asked eagerly. She then raised her hand up and reached for the same spot where she had the cut those hundred years ago. Taeyeon responded with a low hum and a small nod.

“Do you remember what happened after I got cut?” Miyoung urged on. She then leaned in towards Taeyeon’s face as to give a hint to Taeyeon, but Taeyeon responded by moving away slightly with her left eyebrow raised high.

“You had this way of making things better.” Miyoung tapped on her lip once with a sly smile. Taeyeon immediately understood what Miyoung was hinting at and laughed slightly.

“Ah yes. The healing kiss. It seemed that after that incident you got a lot more cuts.” Taeyeon looked at Miyoung accusingly. Miyoung giggled and stood up straight again before rocking on the back of her heels happily.

“I haven’t had one in a while. Can I get one now?” Miyoung asked innocently. She then took a step closer to Taeyeon and pointed towards her lips. Taeyeon automatically moved back from the contact from the years of avoiding people, causing Miyoung to pout sadly. Taeyeon then gave a reassuring smile and leaned in towards the disappointed latter in front of her. Miyoung suddenly froze with her eyes wide open when she felt Taeyeon’s lips against her cheek. She hadn’t had such intimate contact in a while and couldn’t help but feel a little warmer when Taeyeon’s lips touched hers.The warmth was short lived when Taeyeon pulled away again and placed her hands on top of her head, patting it gently and soothingly.

“I’m sure that you don’t need any more healing from me” Taeyeon chuckled. Miyoung let out a mangled laugh before turning around and taking in a deep breath to calm herself down, only to filled with more disappointment when Taeyeon removed her hands and started walking off again.

“She’s not the same anymore…” Miyoung mumbled to herself. Taeyeon caught part of the sentence and turned back around to Miyoung with a questionable look.

“What was that?” Taeyeon asked calmly. Miyoung turned back to Taeyeon and shook her head quickly.

“Just speaking nonsense” Miyoung quickly excused with a smile. Taeyeon just nodded at Miyoung’s answer and turned around again to walk towards her car again. Miyoung followed behind with different thoughts running through her mind. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts that she had forgotten that they were driving to Leeteuk’s place, which could cause a lot of trouble later for her.


“Okay. We’ll get going now” Yuri concluded as she stood up from the table. Yoona, SeoHyun, Jessica and Tiffany stood up with her and started shuffling around the table to the sides. Sooyoung stood up after everyone was out of their seats and remained in her position.

“I’m going to need to buy another car first though. I can’t find my keys to my old car.” Yuri sighed. Yoona nodded knowingly and held up a set of keys.

“I’ll use the one that Sooyeon gave to us. I should probably go see if she’s okay first though.” Yoona threw the keys up and caught it in her hand again before putting it back into her pocket.

“Okay. Could you drop me off at the nearest car dealer though?” Yuri asked. Yoona gave her the thumbs up and started proceeding towards the door. Everyone else started to follow but Yuri suddenly turned around to stop Tiffany.

“Sooyoung? Could you take Tiffany? Once I get the car I’m probably going to be with Jessica and Yoona will be with SeoHyun. It would be helpful if we got another team running.” Yuri suggested. Sooyoung pointed to herself questionably.

“Maybe you guys can catch up to Sunny.” Yuri nodded. Sooyoung let out a small shrug and nodded.

“Tiffany, meet me downstairs. I’ll be out shortly.” Sooyoung called out. Tiffany nodded obediently before she and Yuri exited the room, leaving Leeteuk and Sooyoung inside alone.

“Why don’t we just tell her?” Leeteuk said in a low voice. Sooyoung turned around and gave a long sigh.

“Well. Think about how traumatized she will be when she realises that the only reason Taeyeon kept her around long enough was because she reminded Taeyeon of her past lover? Tiffany would spend all her time thinking about how Taeyeon has been treating her and trace it back to Miyoung. If she faces Miyoung upfront first, she won’t have enough time to think too much… Giving time for Tiffany to think is a very dangerous risk. She is the key point into bringing Taeyeon back.” Sooyoung turned around and faced her back to Leeteuk. She then gave a sideways glance towards him. Leeteuk responded with a slow nod, understanding where Tiffany is coming from.

“Still… With Tiffany, things can go either way.” Leeteuk sighed. Sooyoung took a deep breath and nodded.

“To think a group of immortals like us are depending on one human, amusing really.” Sooyoung chuckled. Leeteuk smiled slightly at Sooyoung’s words and shrugged.

“I should start going now. From what it seems, Sunny knows a lot about this matter.” Sooyoung then turned around to face the front and began walking off confidently. Leeteuk remained in his position and took a deep breath. For the first time in years, he was feeling as though he was going to be sick. The anxiety of nervousness was starting to affect him and was escalated even more when he forced himself to suppress his feelings.The future was now a scary thought for him. Although he didn’t know what Miyoung planned to do with the Legion under control, he knew it wasn’t going to be pleasant if she was willing to go this far for it. Yuri and Yoona would be most affected.

‘Well at least this never ending life is starting to get interesting. No matter what the outcome is, all this will remain as a memory. Whether it is going to be remembered as happy memories, or remembered as the turning point of all the problems, depends on two people.’ Leeteuk thought to himself as he stood up from his seat. He then looked out through the window and saw that the sun was starting to set.

‘Let’s just hope those two people make the right decisions’

Sooyoung walked down from the stairs of the restaurant and stopped at the foot of the stairs to see Jessica pushing Yuri away from her with an annoyed expression and Tiffany laughing on the side. She smiled unconsciously to herself at the cheerful sight in front of her. A waiter then suddenly walked past her and excused himself so that he could walk up the stairs past Sooyoung. She quickly returned from her small trance and shook her head slightly. Tiffany from the outside turned around at that moment and spotted Sooyoung inside.She waved her hand hesitantly towards the window so that Sooyoung would be able to see her. Jessica and Yuri looked towards where Tiffany was waving to and looked at Sooyoung blankly. Sooyoung responded with a nod and proceeded to walking towards the exit where they were waiting.

“Jessica and I are going with Yoona for the moment.” Yuri reminded as she nodded her head back to where Yoona and SeoHyun were. Sooyoung just nodded with a smile and dismissed the two, leaving Tiffany alone with her.

“Well then. Off to find Sunny?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrow expectantly. Tiffany nodded meekly, finding it a little awkward that she was with someone she barely knew.

“On the way I’ll tell you a bit more about me so we can know each other better. I might even tell you a few things about Taeyeon” Sooyoung chuckled to ease up the tension around them. Tiffany smiled slightly with excitement when Sooyoung said that she might tell her a few things about Taeyeon. The immortal then patted Tiffany’s head reassuringly and started walking towards her car nearby with the mortal following behind her.

Tiffany went to the passenger seat and waited for Sooyoung to unlock the doors. Once the distinct click of the locks opening was heard, Tiffany and Sooyoung pulled on the handles and sat down comfortably into their seats.

“I suggest you put on your seat belt” Sooyoung smirked slightly as she turned around slightly to pull on the belt. Tiffany was a little intimidated by Sooyoung’s remark and quickly latched her seatbelt into place. Sooyoung then gave a nod of approval before revving the car up to life. She quickly stepped on the pedal and the car shot backwards. She quickly reacted by turning the steering wheel quickly before putting the car into the first gear. Once she was out of the parking slot she quickly shifted gears again and the car quickly lunged forwards as she quickly changed gears again. Tiffany beside her was stiff with fright at Sooyoung’s driving and immediately gripped onto the seats for some safety.

“I wonder why you are so scared. Taeyeon drives even faster than I do. Do you not trust me enough?” Sooyoung mused teasingly. Tiffany closed her eyes quickly when she saw a car whizz right past them.

“I’ve been driving for around double your age, so don’t worry.” Sooyoung tried to calm Tiffany down but couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the frightened human beside her. Tiffany opened her right eye and took a quick scan of her surroundings. She peeked over to Sooyoung who was driving with no hands and pretending to stretch.

“The car!” Tiffany yelled in fright, quickly grabbing onto the steering wheel to steady it. Instead, the car started swerving around as Tiffany couldn’t control the wheel. Sooyoung laughed at Tiffany’s frantic movements and quickly took the wheel back in her control.

“I suggest you don’t do that anymore. I may be immortal but you certainly aren’t.” Sooyoung chuckled. Tiffany dropped her hands with relief as her heart was beating away frantically. She then looked up at Sooyoung and eyed her coldly.

“If you’ve lived for over a hundred years, then why aren’t you mature?” Tiffany asked accusingly. Sooyoung looked over at Tiffany with both her eyebrows up high and an amused expression on her face.

“How boring would that be? Being proper for the rest of eternity? Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps” Sooyoung shivered slightly at the thought. Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Sooyoung to show her that she was serious.

“You have to understand Tiffany. Not all immortals are like your precious Taeyeon. She is the only one who I know that acts like she’s over thirty years old.” Sooyoung turned her attention back to the road in front of her, not knowing where to start looking for Sunny.

“How long have you known Taeyeon?” Tiffany leaned back against her seat and relaxed slightly with the conversation that was starting. Sooyoung hummed slightly as she tried to think of an estimate to give Tiffany.

“Well. Taeyeon is around a hundred and eighty five years old… So I’d say around a hundred and sixty years ago?” Sooyoung answered calmly. She then narrowed her eyes and slowed the car down slightly before reaching for her phone in her pocket and speeding up again.

“Wow…” Tiffany said slowly. Sooyoung chuckled slightly and nodded. She then scrolled through her contacts down to Sunny’s contact and pressed on the call button. She then left it in the compartment beside her and put it on speaker.

“Yep. Known her for quite a while. I’m around fifty years her senior yet I am the one that owes my life to her.” Sooyoung chuckled. The ring of her phone continued in the background. Tiffany turned slightly to face Sooyoung and gave her a questionable look to tell her to continue.

“Let’s just say she betrayed her own to save me. Same goes for Yuri and Yoona.” She answered softly. The phone continued to ring beside her with no signs of anyone answering the call. The call was then directed to voicemail and Sooyoung responded by picking up the phone again.

“Sunny. Where are you? We have some news to tell you. Please call me back soon.” Sooyoung said promptly through the phone before ending the call and putting it back in the compartment. She then decided that she would start looking around her apartment and the places they regularly go to first to find Sunny.

“Betraying her own kind to save you three?” Tiffany questioned. Sooyoung nodded.

“There are others out there who aren’t really fond of our existence Tiffany. I’m sure you know that Taeyeon is a pure blood immortal whilst the rest of us aren’t right?” Sooyoung raised her left eyebrow. Tiffany vaguely remembered that Yoona mentioned something along those lines, having it relate back to the colour of their eyes.

“Pure bloods have blue eyes and normal immortals have red eyes right?” Tiffany answered.

“So you do know quite a lot.” Sooyoung chuckled.

“Well, there is a group of pure blood immortals out there Tiffany. They are called the Legion and every pure blood belongs to that group, whilst the rest are exiled. They aren’t really fond of the

existence of normal immortals, classifying us as failures. Every immortal is born from the Legion and Taeyeon was… how would you say… the princess of that group.” Sooyoung paused slightly. Tiffany tilted her head to the side slightly at the new information she was receiving. She started to realise that she had been underestimating the immortals. She had forgotten that they had over a hundred years of life and memories already.

“Well, Taeyeon stumbled across me one day. She was still learning the ways of the Legion so she was naïve to befriend me. At first I really didn’t know she was an immortal, but one day, one of the other pure bloods caught me talking to Taeyeon and I was caught. The Legion prepared me for their torturous punishments and I was honestly scared back then. But whilst I was in my cell, Taeyeon freed me.” Sooyoung smiled when she remembered Taeyeon standing at the door with a bright smile on her face and a key in her hand. Tiffany felt as though she could almost see it too, but her image of the cold Taeyeon was still embedded into her system and was a little difficult to see her smiling.

“I escaped successfully but I did not see her for around a decade. During that decade I happened to come across Leeteuk. We both decided to stay somewhat close to each other so that we weren’t so lonely when the world around us changed. But after a decade, we bumped into Taeyeon again… During that time, I did something horrible to Taeyeon and it completely changed her…” Sooyoung’s voice quivered slightly. Tiffany blinked innocently a few times and waited for Sooyoung to continue.

“After that event, the old Taeyeon I knew disappeared. She left the Legion behind and was a lone wolf for quite a long time. I would constantly stay around her and tried to help her out by guiding her. Unfortunately, she didn’t fully trust me and went on by herself. Until, she came across Yuri. I don’t know what happened, but Taeyeon came back one day with a terrified Yuri behind her, same with Yoona. The world began to evolve around us again as we remained forever unchanging. The three decided to form the Elites within SM College and thankfully, all the graduates never came back to the school so they were able to remain as Elites until now, always remembering to wipe away any evidence of them existing in the past.” Sooyoung finished off. Tiffany was now slightly confused with the brief summary of Taeyeon’s past but somehow, felt like she was a little closer to Taeyeon.

“Quite a past she had…” Tiffany commented quietly. Sooyoung laughed at Tiffany as she made a right turn.

“As an immortal, your past is never boring. We experienced wars, plagues and many other events that are written in the books. It’s funny sometimes, seeing what is written. We always remember things differently from what the historians think.”

Tiffany smiled widely at Sooyoung and nodded. She felt as though the awkward barrier around them was weakened. It was still there, but it was very faint.


The next morning, Taeyeon was pulling up into Leeteuk’s restaurant car park. Miyoung was beside her still trying to persuade Taeyeon into leaving things till later and get her away from the place without seeming to sound desperate. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Taeyeon continued to exit the car and impatiently enter the building. The bouncer at the front was a little startled to see Taeyeon so eager to enter the building and a little confused when he saw Miyoung trudging behind lazily, thinking that she was Tiffany.

“Taeyeon-shi, Tiffany-shi” The bouncer greeted as they walked past him. Miyoung made a face of disgust slightly when she was referred to as Tiffany, but quickly regained her composure and kept a smile. Taeyeon proceeded into the restaurant towards the kitchen behind and knocked eagerly on the door.

“Leeteuk-ah. Would you mind coming out for a bit?” Taeyeon called through the door. Behind the door she heard a few pots clatter around as though they had been dropped. Miyoung clenched her jaw slightly and stood beside Taeyeon, securing her arm around Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon patted Miyoung’s head as they waited for the door to open.

“Taeyeon!” Leeteuk yelled as he opened the door with excitement. All those feelings were quickly wiped when he saw the latter holding onto Taeyeon’s arm comfortably. She traced the arm towards the latter’s identity and froze.

“Leeteuk. I’m sure you remember Miyoung?” Taeyeon introduced calmly, gesturing her hand towards Miyoung. Miyoung smiled slightly and held her hand out to greet Leeteuk.

“Nice to meet you again.” Miyoung said through her teeth. Leeteuk hesitantly took Miyoung’s hand to shake it but instead of a friendly greeting, he received a knuckle breaking grasp. He didn’t react as Taeyeon was staring at the two intently. Miyoung smiled innocently at Leeteukbut he could see that there was a definite threat in her eyes.

“I’ll explain everything later. But first, can I use your phone? I can’t seem to get hold of Yoona or Yuri.” Taeyeon pointed upstairs where the spare phone was located. Leeteuk only responded with a slight nod, still staring into the murderous look Miyoung was giving him. Taeyeon immediately started walking upstairs towards the phone, leaving the two to their own stare-off.

“Miyoung, I’ll be down later.” Taeyeon called from halfway up the stairs. Miyoung flashed a smile to Taeyeon and nodded before whipping her head back to Leeteuk with his hand still in her grasp.

“It seems you got the message. I would remain quiet if I were you. It would be a shame if your efforts were to be wasted when Taeyeon outcasts you.” Miyoung smiled evilly, gripping Leeteuk’s hand even tighter. Leeteuk breathe heavily through his nose as he yanked his hand away from Miyoung’s grasp.

“Still harbouring feelings for Taeyeon?” Miyoung raised her eyebrow teasingly. Leeteuk remained silent, flexing his hand slightly as a few bones were healing from the fractures he just received.

“It is a pity though. We all know she won’t return your feelings. She only has feelings for me and me alone.” Miyoung mocked. Leeteuk reacted this time with a scoff. The scoff then turned into a chuckle before gradually growing into a laugh.

“How can you be so sure Miyoung? I’m sure you know your reincarnation right? Tiffany Hwang?” Leeteuk smiled triumphantly. Miyoung froze slightly at Tiffany’s name.

“See? I saw panic flash across your eyes. You’re feeling threatened, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ve noticed the change in Taeyeon. She’s no longer that happy-go-lucky girl you knew back then. This is the future Miyoung. You can’t skip to the future from the past. You have to experience the present first. For a relationship to work, you have to be with them in the past and present to have a future. You were in her past, but technically, you skipped the present.” Leeteuk continued confidently. Miyoung clenched her hands into fists.

“Tiffany has a past with Taeyeon now. They are now going through the present stage. I can easily see a future for them.” Leeteuk took a step back and turned around to walk away from Miyoung.

“But of course, Taeyeon only has feelings for you… right?” Leeteuk mocked with a loud laugh before disappearing into the kitchen again. Miyoung felt her hand shake from clenching her hands too hard.

‘That Tiffany doesn’t stand a chance. She doesn’t. She’s just an image of me… I’m the original…’ Miyoung thought determinedly to herself.

From upstairs she could hear Taeyeon shuffling slightly as she waited for Yuri to answer her phone. Miyoung remained downstairs with an angered expression. Leeteuk’s words were causing her to have rushing feelings to her head. She started to feel a little anxious and started pacing up and down at the foot of the stairs.

“I’m just getting my phone. I’ll be qui- Oof!”

A loud voice resounded through the reasonably quite restaurant before it was interrupted with a grunt. Miyoung was now on her backside and the owner of the loud voice was in front of her groaning slightly in pain. Miyoung quickly let out a growl and stood up to the person who had just ran into her, her eyes blared with the bright blue colour from her anger. She quickly stopped when she realised who was groaning in pain in front of her.

“Tiffany. I told you to be careful not to be… quick…” Another voice came into the scene and quickly trailed off as they arrived at the scene. Miyoung looked to the other person at the scene and smirked.

“Hello Sooyoung. Long-time no see.” Miyoung greeted with a smile. The latter on the floor looked up at the two above her and similarly to Sooyoung, froze when the bright blue eyes pierced her.

“And you must be Tiffany.” Miyoung greeted as she pulled Tiffany up from the floor. Tiffany remained stiff as she was standing up. She felt as though she was looking into a mirror, only, her reflection was wearing different clothes to her.

“Miyoung…” Sooyoung growled slightly from her throat. Miyoung completely ignored Sooyoung and fixed her attention to the frozen look-alike beside her.

“Nice to finally meet you. Thank you for looking after Taeyeon for the short while for me. Both Taeyeon and I appreciate your help.” Miyoung said mockingly towards Tiffany. Tiffany blinked a few times, still starting intently at the mirror image in front of her.

“Looking after Taeyeon… for you?” Tiffany managed to utter slightly.

“Yes, for me. It was unfortunate that I had to part with her for a while, but I am back now and I thank you for looking after her in my place.” Miyoung said confidently. Sooyoung pulled Tiffany back slightly away from Miyoung but Tiffany remained still.

“You were with her?” Tiffany asked slowly. Miyoung was amused at Tiffany’s bewildered expression and couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, way back then. I love her very much and she loves me very much. I’m sure it was hard for her to be apart from me as it was for me to be apart from her.” Miyoung pouted slightly.

“That’s enough.” Sooyoung said sternly in between.

“What’s enough? I’m just expressing my gratitude to Tiffany here for stepping in for me for a while.” Miyoung answered back innocently.

“I wasn’t stepping… in for you…” Tiffany answered back weakly. Miyoung blinked three times towards Tiffany and tilted her head to the side slightly.

“What do you mean you weren’t stepping in for me?” Miyoung asked innocently.

“I was just me… I wasn’t there to take over for you…” Tiffany continued.

“Oh my” Miyoung gasped and made a fake shocked expression. She then let out a small laugh and took a step closer to Tiffany.

“Oh dear. You didn’t think that Taeyeon kept you around because she liked you did you? Oh this is slightly embarrassing then isn’t it?” Miyoung mocked Tiffany. Tiffany looked back at the girl in front of her. She felt as though she just wanted to break the mirror in front of her so that the image would disappear.

“Ah, Tiffany. Taeyeon only kept you around beside her because you remind her of me. Well technically, you are me. Taeyeon never saw you as Tiffany Hwang. She saw you as Lee Miyoung. The Lee Miyoung she had loved for around a hundred and fifty years. The Lee Miyoung that is right in front of you right now.” Miyoung continued with an evil smile on her face.

‘Miyoung’ Taeyeon’s voice echoed through Tiffany’s head. The day when she went to the roof and was called Miyoung by Taeyeon.

“That necklace there belongs to me as well. To Taeyeon, you are me. An image of me. A little toy she used to relieve her feelings of loneliness. However, I am here now. So there really is no need for you” Miyoung snapped the last word. Sooyoung reacted by pulling Tiffany behind her and shooting a glare at Miyoung.

“Thank you Sooyoung. If it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened. I am grateful for that pill you gave me.” Miyoung’s voice changed into a soothing one again when she was talking to Sooyoung. Sooyoung reacted by clenching her jaw and breathing heavily through her nose.

“A toy…” Sooyoung heard Tiffany whisper behind her.

“Why are you doing this?” Sooyoung snapped towards Miyoung. Miyoung just smiled back at Sooyoung coyly.

“Why? Because… I’m just taking what is rightfully mine and returning the favour to what the humans have done.” She answered vaguely. Sooyoung’s eyes narrowed towards Miyoung.

“This world needs change Sooyoung. And I will be the one to reform it.” Miyoung’s smile faded and turned into a dark expression.

“With the power of the Legion?” Sooyoung growled.

“You were always quick to catch on Sooyoung. It’s a good thing.” Miyoung chuckled. Then, from upstairs they could hear footsteps.

“Miyoung? Who are you talking to?” Taeyeon’s voice called out. Tiffany’s heart skipped a beat when she heard the voice she had been missing the past few days.

“No one TaeTae” Miyoung called out cheerfully. The footsteps continued down the stairs. Sooyoung quickly pulled Tiffany into the kitchen and closed the door as Taeyeon approached them. Miyoung smirked at Sooyoung’s reaction and waited for Taeyeon to come down. Sooyoung couldn’t risk Tiffany being out-casted so early before the festival.

‘Taeyeon is not going to hesitate if she faces Tiffany now… This will only work when Taeyeon is about to leave… The power of hesitation won’t be as strong here’ Sooyoung thought spitefully. Tiffany behind her struggled against her grip and was about to bolt out for the door to see Taeyeon but Sooyoung quickly stopped her. Once Tiffany was stopped she saw Taeyeon and

Miyoung outside through the glass window of the door. Miyoung was clinging onto Taeyeon’s arm and Taeyeon was smiling slightly at Miyoung’s actions.Tiffany felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. Taeyeon and Miyoung started walking away towards the exit, but Miyoung turned around towards Tiffany’s direction and smiled mockingly.

Tiffany stopped trying to break free from Sooyoung as her body fell limp.

“What happened?” Leeteuk’s voice came out from behind. Sooyoung let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“She bumped into Miyoung when she went to fetch her phone. Miyoung scored a bullseye.” Sooyoung sighed dejectedly. Leeteuk looked over to Tiffany and noticed that Tiffany had somehow lost all her will to even live.

“Looks more like three bullseyes.” Leeteuk commented slowly.

‘I was just there… to fill in for Miyoung… Now that Miyoung is back… What am I to her? I am her toy which she played, ripped and tore apart and left at the bottom of the toy box. Forgotten and thrown away as soon as she receives a new toy. A toy which she would keep forever…’Tiffany started to feel as though she had no purpose in life anymore. The only joyful moments she had with Taeyeon all seemed like a lie. Nothing seemed real anymore.

‘Just an image…’


“Tiffany. Tiffany? Tiffany!” Sooyoung clicked her fingers first, then waved her hands, and thenfinally clapped her hands loudly in front of Tiffany. The human in front of her remained unmoving. She didn’t even flinch when Sooyoung clapped her hands.Leeteuk walked up to Tiffany and examined her carefully.

“Well… I guess fate really does like biting us in the behind doesn’t it?” Leeteuk commented as he stood up straight again. Sooyoung crossed her arms and huffed impatiently.

“I can’t deal with this anymore. She’s been like that for the past three hours. You could put a whole tarantula in her mouth and she wouldn’t react. I’m going to find Sunny. It’s a waste of time depending on her to snap back to reality.” Sooyoung grabbed her keys from the table and stormed out of the house. Leeteuk and Sooyoung had taken the Tiffany back to her own home and were sitting in the lounge room. Tiffany was still in a daze with Miyoung’s words replaying in her head over and over again.

“Tiffany… Would you like a drink, something to eat perhaps?” Leeteuk asked calmly. Tiffany remained unmoving and just blinked.

“Do you have anything to say on the matter? How you feel? What’s going through your mind at the moment?” he continued to ask calmly. Tiffany blinked again and gave a very stiff and small shake of the head. Leeteuk took a deep breath and breathed out heavily again. He then took the seat next to Tiffany and sat down.

“This must come off to you as a real shock… And to be honest, I’m not going to coat the situation up with sweet words and lies. Taeyeon fell deeply for your former self, Miyoung. You look exactly like her, from the shape of your eyes to the every mole on your skin. I’m sure you’ve been called Miyoung before by Taeyeon I presume?” Leeteuk rested his elbow on his knee and rested his chin against the palm of his hand. Tiffany just nodded stiffly.

“Well… Years ago, before Yuri and Yoona, Taeyeon was happily spending her life with Miyoung. However, a few things happened and Miyoung passed away. Taeyeon broke down after that event. For over a hundred years she would seek the companionship of Yuri and Yoona with hopes of having a meaning her to life but her heart remained in the past, until you came along and opened up her slowly healing heart’s wound up again.” Leeteuk gave her an accusing stare.

“Because… she thought I was Miyoung…” Tiffany’s hoarse voice finally spoke. Leeteuk just nodded slowly, not wanting to feed anymore lies to the traumatized girl in front of him.

“However, your personality is the exact opposite of hers. Well not the exact opposite but it is very easy to tell you apart. For one, Miyoung was a rather quiet and calm girl who only spoke up whenever she saw injustice or really believed in her own opinion but she would still hesitate. You however, would just charge straight forward loudly and only caring about the consequences later.” He continued. Tiffany turned her head around to face the immortal in front of her with blank eyes.

“So if Taeyeon loved Miyoung, and I’m the opposite of her… that means she hates me?” Tiffany’s mouth spoke for its own. Leeteuk just chuckled slightly and shrugged.

“She might’ve hated you in the beginning. She was starting to adapt to a life without the one she loved and then you come along and ruin everything. I also heard that you were very rowdy when you first met Taeyeon. Not exactly what Taeyeon goes after in a person.” He shook his head with a slight amusement. Tiffany’s shoulders slumped down even further with Leeteuk’s discouraging talk.

“However. That is your strong point. Being so different from Miyoung is what is going to make Taeyeon yours and yours alone.” He stood up abruptly and pointed his finger at Tiffany.

“With your loud personality it wouldn’t be hard to completely clear the Miyoung image from yourself. You have to see that you are not Miyoung. Taeyeon knows you are not Miyoung. You are Tiffany. The Tiffany who forced the Taeyeon to carry you all the way home, the Tiffany who

forced Taeyeon to change the way she treats Yuri and Yoona, and the Tiffany who made Taeyeon stay the last time. If she thought of you as Miyoung she would not have stayed here for long. No one likes their past, especially her. If she kept you around her for this long it means that she is ready to give up on her past and move on.” Leeteuk lectured determinedly. Tiffany remained in her seat but stared back at Leeteuk as she kept on receiving the speech.

“I won’t be feeding you any more lies Tiffany. You are the reincarnation of Miyoung. But that does not make you a copy of her. Each generation is different from the last. If you still think that Taeyeon only sees you as Miyoung… then so be it. It is not my place to tell you what to think. Humans tend to think too much for their short lived lives. What you think of is your own free will. Now if you excuse me, I have to tend to the needs of human hunger and fussiness.” Leeteuk bowed slightly towards Tiffany before storming out of the house, leaving Tiffany alone in the house by herself.

Jessica was out with Yuri checking up on flight schedules whilst SeoHyun was with Yoona, probably in the middle of nowhere trying to find any traces of Sooyeon. Sooyoung was finding Sunny and most probably cursing Tiffany under her breath, Leeteuk had just left her to attend the restaurant and Taeyeon was with Miyoung.Throughout Tiffany’s problems, there was always someone with her to guide her. Whether it was Taeyeon giving the occasional helping hand or Yoona giving her the hard slap, Tiffany needed someone to throw her a help line.

“Lee… Mi… Young…” Tiffany uttered slowly. She looked up at the blank screen of the TV to see her won reflection in the screen. Slowly, she lifted her left hand to touch her cheek.

“A copy…” Tiffany continued to mutter to herself. She then examined her hand where there was a mole. The words that Leeteuk had given her ran through her head again and she began to wonder whether Miyoung also had the same mark on her skin.

“Just give up Tiffany… You saw with your own eyes… Miyoung is the one that Taeyeon likes… not you” Tiffany murmured to herself sadly. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead against her knee.


“Sooyeon-ah. Where are you? Father wants to talk to us together. Sooyeon.” Taeyeon’s voice called out through the darkness. Sooyeon was sitting in the corner, curled up into a ball and shivering with fear.

“Sooyeon. Father isn’t going to do anything. He just wants to talk” Taeyeon called out again, feeling around the darkness to navigate her way around. Sooyeon buried her head into her knees and shook her head. She knew what her father was going to talk about. She didn’t like it.

“There you are” Taeyeon mused happily when she found her in the corner. Sooyeon looked up to see Taeyeon standing in front of her.

“Come, before father gets mad” Taeyeon ushered as she grabbed Sooyeon’s hand. Sooyeon quickly yanked her hand back and refused, causing Taeyeon to stop temporarily.

“I don’t want to. Father is going to make me marry someone I don’t know and force me to live with him. I don’t want that.” Sooyeon answered stubbornly. She tucked the hand that Taeyeon had pulled out back into her arms and buried her face again. Taeyeon stood there with a surprised expression.

“Sooyeon-ah. You’re sixteen now. It’s part of the rules of this family.” Taeyeon lowered herself down to Sooyeon’s level and patted her head softly. Sooyeon just shook her head again.

“You’re twenty this year but you don’t have to marry and leave this house. Why do I have to?” Sooyeon answered back bitterly. Taeyeon stopped patting Sooyeon’s head and sighed.

“Who told you that?” Taeyeon asked slowly. Sooyeon peeked up from her arms to see Taeyeon with a curious expression.

“No one! It’s because you’re still living with father and mother. Why do I have to leave? Why is it always me?” Sooyeon pushed Taeyeon’s arm and caused her to fall over. Taeyeon brushed the dirt off her hand before sitting cross legged in front of Sooyeon.

“Do you believe that you are the one who is being treated unfairly Sooyeon?” the elder sister asked slowly with a serious expression. Sooyeon swivelled her body around to face the wall and her back to Taeyeon.

“It’s because of you. You’re always spoilt by father. You have your freedom to do what you want and get what you want. If I ever ask for anything I get a beating and scolding.” The younger one said bitterly. Taeyeon just sighed and lowered her shoulders.

“Okay then.” Taeyeon said as she stood up. She then walked out of the room and left Sooyeon inside by herself again. Anger began to build up all over again for Sooyeon. Her sister had abandoned her once again and was not helping her out of her situation.

“I hate you…” she quietly cursed her older sister.

The minutes passed by and Sooyeon was still inside the room, refusing to leave at all costs. Until a loud scream was heard from the outside. It sounded like her mother’s scream and Sooyeon began to wonder what could have made her scream. There was then a crashing noise of glass breaking and sobbing coming from her mother.Being the curious teenager she was, Sooyeon slowly came out of her ball and stood up slowly. She opened the door slightly to see her father charging towards the door with a very mad expression on his face. She quickly closed the door again and ran to the other side of the room.

“Taeyeon told him…” she immediately growled, standing on the furthest corner away from the door, waiting for the bull of her father to charge in. She waited and just when she expected the

door to open there was a loud slap. The girl in the lonesome room continued waiting for the door but it never opened. Instead her father was talking.

“You dare go against your father’s will again?” her father’s voice resounded. Sooyeon wondered who he was talking to.

“Sooyeon never deserved to be treated unfairly.” Taeyeon’s unsteady voice answered back. Sooyeon lowered her guard and her eyes opened wide towards the door.

“You have gone against my will too many times for your sister. A woman should obediently obey their father’s wishes and not go against them. However, you seem to be doing the complete opposite.” The father’s voice sounded even harsher.

“I do not wish to go against you father. But Sooyeon has her own right to do whatever she likes. If she does not wish to marry into the other family, I will support her. I am willing to take her place if it is to be.” Taeyeon answered back again. Sooyeon imagined her father’s veins popping out at the top of his head and quickly ran to the door.

“You already have.” Her father said bluntly. Sooyeon stopped in her tracks.

“I will marry into two families” Taeyeon answered back. Sooyeon raised her eyebrow at what Taeyeon had meant.

“That is against customs. You have already taken Sooyeon’s arranged spouse when she was aged twelve. You wish to take over this time as well?” her father continued. Sooyeon blinked a few times, not believing what she was hearing.

“Yes.” Taeyeon answered back confidently. A loud smack was heard shortly after Taeyeon answered.

“Then so be it.” The father muttered before heavy footsteps were heard, going further and further away from the door. Sooyeon then finally opened the door to find Taeyeon on the floor, holding her abused cheek. Taeyeon looked up at Sooyeon and just smiled, keeping her hand over her cheek.

“Oh Sooyeon. Father changed his mind. You won’t have to marry this year.” Taeyeon answered cheerfully. Sooyeon was at a loss for words. Taeyeon was smiling at her widely. She didn’t understand why.

“Excuse me Sooyeon. I have to… ahm… attend some chores” Taeyeon excused herself before walking away from Sooyeon. Sooyeon quickly reacted and pulled Taeyeon’s arm back, making her reveal the abused cheek that was burning bright red with three handprints, a few places were starting to bleed slightly and some areas were already bruising underneath.

“Taeyeonnie… Why?” was all that Sooyeon could say. Taeyeon quickly used her hand to cover her cheek and gave a confused expression.

“Why what? Father wasn’t feeling well today that’s all” Taeyeon immediately lied. Sooyeon gripped her hand around Taeyeon’s arm even tighter.

“Why…?” Sooyeon asked again, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes again. Taeyeon raised her other hand and patted Sooyeon’s head.

“You’re my beloved younger sister. It’s an older sister’s job to look after their younger ones. What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t look out for you?” Taeyeon chuckled cheerfully.

“To repay you for the deeds you did for me” Sooyeon gasped, leaning herself against the wall and sliding down it. Her body was weak. She couldn’t even move her hands anymore, yet the pain in her head was still continuing.

“Have you checked over there yet SeoHyun?” a voice echoed in the empty cliff. Sooyeon’s vision was starting to blur as the throbbing in her head continued.

“I’m checking now” another faint voice answered back. Sooyeon used all of her energy to move her head and look towards where the voices were. The sound of feet shuffling and gravel rubbing against each other began to get louder. Sooyeon took deep breaths to steady herself and try not to faint.

“SeoHyun! I think I found her.” The first voice then called out loudly. Sooyeon looked up towards the exit to see a shadow run up to her. A second shadow followed closely behind.

“Sooyeon-shi?” the first person shook her slightly. Sooyeon got a closer look at the one in front of her and recognised her easily. She only knew a few people anyway.

“Hello… Yoona” Sooyeon struggled to keep a steady voice. Yoona quickly picked up Sooyeon easily and ran to the outside again to let her breathe fresh air. SeoHyun behind her followed behind, biting her lower lip nervously.

“You can’t do anything… Miyoung… controls me.” Sooyeon tried to reason. Yoona laid Sooyeon back outside up next to a tree and did a once over. Everything seemed to be normal for someone who wasn’t human.

“What’s wrong? You don’t have any scars, marks or anything” Yoona worried. Sooyeon just smiled slightly.

“She’s tearing me up… From the inside out” Sooyeon said briefly before moving her hand up to her head again. Yoona stared at Sooyeon helplessly whilst SeoHyun came and gave Sooyeon a bottle of water.

“How?” Yoona asked worriedly. Sooyeon declined the bottle of water and shrugged meekly. Yoona pouted slightly upon seeing Sooyeon suffering in front of her. Just as things were quiet,

Sooyeon’s head started hurting even more. She began to topple over in pain and lay to her side, grasping her head in hopes of having it stop. Yoona held onto her shoulders and tried to steady her when she noticed something on Sooyeon’s neck.

Just under Sooyeon’s hairline, there was a very small chip that was buzzing. Yoona took a closer look and saw that it was attached to her neck securely with a few pins digging in.

“Sooyeon. What is this?” Yoona asked as she tapped onto the chip. Sooyeon just shook her head and took deep heavy breaths.

“Yoona… What is it?” SeoHyun asked worriedly. Yoona bit her lower lip and leaned in closer to look at the chip. She then tried to pull on it to release it but Sooyeon screamed out in pain as it sent the pain throughout her body. Yoona immediately stopped and pulled her hand back quickly.

“Just leave me…” Sooyeon continued in her hoarse voice and pushed Yoona away slightly. Yoona and SeoHyun remained in their positions.

“We are not going back without you. I’m sure Taeyeon wishes to see you again.” SeoHyun said loudly. Yoona looked back at SeoHyun curiously before looking back at Sooyeon.

“Sooyeon… I’ll need to remove that chip from your neck. It seems to be the cause of all your pain.” Yoona said slowly. Sooyeon immediately backed away and held her hand over the chip. She was too scared to experience the pain wash through her again.

“Sooyeon. It may hurt for a short while but it’s better than having it prolong over a period of time.” Yoona reasoned as she took a step closer. Sooyeon shook her head stubbornly and backed away even further.

“SeoHyun. Get ready” Yoona turned around and whispered to the human behind her. SeoHyun blinked a few times, a little confused with what Yoona had meant.

“It’s time I gave a little payback for treating SeoHyun and I so roughly when you took us to the cell.” Yoona smirked as her dark persona slowly came out. She stood up straight and stretched her arm and cracked her knuckles. Sooyeon looked at Yoona worriedly as she continued to back away. Yoona then took her stance and eyed Sooyeon like her prey.SeoHyun took a step back from Yoona and waited. Before Sooyeon could get up to her feet, Yoona pounced onto her and held her down. With Yoona’s dark persona activated, her strength became greater and was able to hold Sooyeon down.

“SeoHyun. Pull the chip out” Yoona said quickly. SeoHyun hesitated slightly but when she saw that Sooyeon was starting to fight back, she quickly ran over and gripped onto the chip. She then hesitated whether to pull it out or not, but Yoona pushed her away slightly, causing her to fall back with the chip in her hand.

A loud piercing scream echoed off the rock walls as it escaped Sooyeon’s mouth. Yoona quickly used Sooyeon’s hair to cover the marks on her neck which were healing quickly before SeoHyun

could see it. Sooyeon then stopped struggling and stayed flat on the ground. All feelings of pain were gone and for the first time in the last thirty hours, she could have a clear mind.

“Now that wasn’t so bad… was it? Someone like you should be able to handle something like that. It’s not like you’re mortal.” Yoona whispered into her ear. Sooyeon just continued to breathe heavily and nodded to Yoona in response.

“We have another ally.” Yoona chuckled slowly. She then released her grip from Sooyeon and rolled off her back. She then walked over to where SeoHyun was with the chip.

“Sorry I pushed you, but you were hesitating” Yoona apologised sincerely. She reached her hand out to pull SeoHyun up and took the chip away from hers.

“Was this the cause of everything you did?” SeoHyun asked curiously. Sooyeon was still on the floor and nodded.

“It seems that it connects to the nervous system and either receives information or sends shocks.” Yoona examined the chip closely, finding it rather fascinating.

“She took it from the military…” Sooyeon said slowly as she began to sit up. SeoHyun tapped onto the chip curiously and pouted.

“Which military?” she asked curiously. Sooyeon was now sitting up straight with her legs crossed but still a worn out expression.

“Japan’s” Sooyeon said bluntly. Yoona’s and SeoHyun’s eyes popped open.

“They’re designing this type of stuff in the military?” Yoona said urgently. Sooyeon just nodded slowly.

“It was during the second world war. It was a failure but Miyoung managed to perfect it...” Sooyeon continued. Yoona turned the chip around her hand again and frowned. She then quickly whipped her head back up to Sooyeon with alert eyes.

“Miyoung?!” she exclaimed loudly. Sooyeon and SeoHyun jumped at Yoona’s sudden exclamation.

“Miyoung? As in… Taeyeon’s Miyoung?” Yoona asked again. Sooyeon looked up at Yoona with guilty innocent eyes.

“Lee Miyoung… My sister’s former lover…” Sooyeon confirmed. Yoona’s hands dropped the chip as shock filled her.

“Yoona… Who’s Miyoung?” SeoHyun asked softly. Yoona looked at SeoHyun with worried eyes. Sooyeon then slowly got up from her sitting position and brushed some dirt off her clothes.

“Shall we go and bring a stop now?” Sooyeon suggested meekly. Yoona looked back up at Sooyeon, asking silent questions with her eyes but Sooyeon waved it off and nodded towards SeoHyun. Yoona stopped when she realised that SeoHyun still didn’t know everything that was going on.

“Thank you Yoona, for helping me. I shall return the debt by providing you with tips.” Sooyeon offered with her hand outstretched. Yoona took her hand firmly and shook it with determined eyes.

“Things just got a lot harder… But I’m sure we can still manage” Yoona said seriously. Sooyeon nodded and released the handshake. She then looked at SeoHyun who seemed rather lost. She walked over to SeoHyun and smiled sweetly.

“We haven’t been introduced properly. I’m Kim Sooyeon. Taeyeon’s younger sister and Jessica’s look-a-like. Nice to meet you SeoHyun.” Sooyeon said calmly. SeoHyun nodded her head towards Sooyeon and bowed slightly.

“N-Nice to meet you.” She answered hesitantly.

“If you don’t mind. I would like to help you find Taeyeon and bring her back.” Sooyeon held her hand out to SeoHyun. SeoHyun took it rather hesitantly but smiled shortly after and nodded.

“Thank you.” SeoHyun smiled. Yoona on the other side was now biting on her lower lip. She had thought that the culprit would be someone from the Legion… but she had no idea that it would be Miyoung. Miyoung who everyone thought had passed away.

“This is going to be hell…” Yoona groaned with frustration before taking out her keys and heading towards the car with confusion and frustration.

“Yuri has a lot of explaining to do…” Yoona muttered once she entered the car. Sooyeon and SeoHyun shortly joined her and the three were now driving off quickly to meet up with the others.


“If Taeyeon is staying for the festival… then… the only flight out would be… An hour after the fireworks.” Yuri continued staring at the screen of her computer. Jessica was behind her marvelling at the things in Yuri’s room. There was everything besides a bed, including a large TV, treadmill, a large paint easel and many other things that one would not find in a room.

“So… If I can… I’ll book every seat there is and stop her from buying any tickets for this flight.” Yuri continued talking to herself. Jessica abruptly turned around to face Yuri with a shocked expression.

“Are you serious? That’s going to cost like fifty plane tickets.” Jessica said accusingly. Yuri just nodded at Jessica’s answer and began booking the seats. Jessica quickly rushed over and stopped Yuri from clicking any further.

“Isn’t that a waste?” Jessica asked seriously. Yuri looked at her hand which was held in Jessica’s and traced up her arm up to Jessica. She then raised her eyebrow up at her.

“Money isn’t a problem when you have bank interest and an eternity to use that to your advantage.” Yuri reasoned. Jessica loosened her grip slightly but firmly took again to prevent her from going any further.

“But if you have that much to spend… Wouldn’t Taeyeon have just as much as you?” Jessica asked. Yuri nodded slowly, hinting at Jessica to continue.

“Well… if Taeyeon’s money, she could just buy a jet and hire someone to fly it for her.” Jessica continued slowly as if trying to teach a four year old. Yuri thought for a while before she banged her head against the table.

“With Taeyeon’s money she could but the whole airport” Yuri groaned. Jessica released Yuri’s arm and patted her back.

“We’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t leave in the first place. But… Book a few tickets first. So if she does leave you can go with her.” Jessica suggested. Yuri looked up at Jessica and gave her a curious look.

“Only me?” Yuri questioned.

“Oh and Yoona. And maybe one for Tiffany and SeoHyun.” Jessica crossed her arms with a smile. Yuri furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Jessica accusingly.

“What about you?” She questioned. Jessica raised her eyebrows high and pointed to herself with surprise.

“Me?” she asked. Yuri rolled her eyes and nodded. Jessica then just chuckled slightly and looked out to the window where the sun was beginning to set.

“Well… If it does come to that point… I won’t be going.” Jessica admitted confidently. Yuri remained silent to let her continue.

“You said after all this, you will ask me that question again and I will answer it again for you. Until that day you ask it again, you and I will remain friends… But, if Taeyeon does decide to

leave, then this whole situation will have no end.” Jessica reasoned. She then leaned her hand against the table behind her and leaned back with her eyes glued onto Yuri’s.

“If you go with Taeyeon, I will not follow. I will not follow because I won’t be able to stand it. I will remain in Korea and try my best to maybe let go. I might not move on but I will learn to let go.” Jessica smiled innocently. Yuri furrowed her eyebrows and stood up abruptly to tower over Jessica. Jessica moved back slightly and looked up at her with a questioning expression.

“Why? Aren’t you going to wait till I ask you?” Yuri asked in a soft murmur. Jessica just laughed slightly and pressed her finger against Yuri’s lips.

“No I won’t be.” She answered honestly. Yuri was about to open her mouth to retaliate but Jessica pressed her finger down firmer to quieten her.

“Listen. I won’t be waiting because no matter what I act like or what I say, I’m weak. If I were to wait for you I would break down inside with each passing day. With your immortal life span, you probably wouldn’t realise how fast the days go by, but I will. I would rather shatter my heart into pieces rather than let it crack and wear away slowly.” Jessica explained. She then lowered her hand away from Yuri’s mouth and waited.

“You have to remember Yuri, that I am still human. We humans are stupid. We always reach for the sky. We try to fly and do things that were never meant to be in hopes of finding happiness. It always ends up as broken dreams and disappointment. We are also impatient. When we are reaching for the stars, when we realise that it would take too long, we give up and leave it for the next generation of stupid humans to take over. That is what we humans are like.” Jessica shrugged and got up off the table and walked towards the window. Yuri turned to face Jessica with a determined expression.

“There will be an end to all this then. Just make sure you keep reaching for the stars until then. Once everything is over, I will bring the stars to you and reward you. Be sure of it.” Yuri said determinedly. Jessica laughed softly and nodded.

“Just remember Yuri… Humans don’t like to wait. Each day brings our death closer. We don’t like waiting for something that will never happen.” Jessica whispered. Yuri walked up behind Jessica and wrapped her arms around her neck.

“I promise. I would ask you that question right now and right here… But it would be inappropriate and inconsiderate to Taeyeon and everyone else. There will be an end. I will personally make an end if I have to.” Yuri whispered into Jessica’s ears as she tightened her grip. Jessica nodded and patted Yuri’s warm arms.

“I’ll be waiting Yuri.” Jessica lifted up her finger which was pressed against Yuri’s lips and pressed it on her own, receiving the indirect kiss.

Breaking Down

“Yuri!” Yoona yelled as she burst into Yuri’s front door. Yuri turned to the front door curiously to see Yoona standing there breathing heavily and staring her down. Jessica came down from upstairs to see what was happening and paused halfway when she saw the two immortals staring at each other. SeoHyun and Sooyeon then entered after Yoona calmly.

“Oh. I see you’ve found Sooyeon. Great” Yuri smiled brightly and walked over to Sooyeon. Yoona side stepped and stood in between her and Sooyeon. Jessica slowly walked down the rest of the stairs and walked over to SeoHyun. As she walked by Sooyeon she still couldn’t shake off the odd feeling of seeing someone who looked exactly like her in front of her.

“It seems that there was a lot that you hid from me about the situation Yuri. I think you and I need a talk.” Yoona growled under her breath. Yuri blinked innocently at the other immortal in front of her, curious as to why she was having such a hard attitude. Before she could even ask further, Yoona grabbed onto her arm and dragged her upstairs, leaving Sooyeon, Jessica and SeoHyun alone. The three of them remained silent as no one had anything they had wanted to say.

“Glad to see you’re safe Sooyeon…” Jessica slowly turned to talk to Sooyeon. She froze momentarily upon seeing herself and quickly turned around again. Sooyeon laughed softly and rocked on the back of her feet with amusement.

“Thanks.” Sooyeon nodded. SeoHyun looked between the two identical beings in front of her and was still registering the fact that they looked exactly the same. Everything was exactly the same from the tone of their skins to the moles on their necks.

“Are you guys nervous?” Sooyeon suddenly asked them curiously. Jessica and SeoHyun were taken aback slightly with the question, not quite understanding what she had meant. Sooyeon then started walking to the couch and took a seat with an expressionless face.

“You know that the road ahead won’t be easy. The possibility of everything failing is high. With my experience with Miyoung, she won’t give up easily…” Sooyeon continued as she reached her hand up to her neck where the chip had been previously. Jessica took SeoHyun’s hand and pulled her to the seat next to the couch, letting SeoHyun split the two identical girls apart.

“I wouldn’t say we’re nervous. I’d say we’re more… anxious.” SeoHyun answered hesitantly. Jessica nodded in agreement before laying her head onto SeoHyun’s shoulder.

“I can understand. The long wait before the fight. The calm before the storm.” Sooyeon sighed. There was silence filling the atmosphere but it was not awkward. It was tense. The three were looking towards the future. What the future held if they were to fail. What the future would hold when Taeyeon steps onto the plane. Jessica and Sooyeon sighed dejectedly upon the thought of it. SeoHyun meanwhile just found it peaceful for she had nothing to fear, no understanding of what could possibly happen.

“Why didn’t you tell me Miyoung was involved in this? Sooyeon mentioned Miyoung before but I thought I just heard her wrong. We’re talking about Miyoung here Yuri! Miyoung!” Yoona snapped at Yuri. Yuri remained calm and kept her gaze with Yoona’s eyes. Yoona was starting to panic with her hopes depleting quickly with each second.

“What about Miyoung Yoona? What is about Miyoung that is making you like this?” Yuri asked back calmly. Yoona glared at Yuri and shook her shoulders roughly. Her hands gripped tightly on Yuri’s shoulders, possibly breaking a few bones of Yuri were human.

“What is wrong with you?! Do you not remember what Leeteuk said about Miyoung?! She was Taeyeon’s lover. Taeyeon’s meaning to life! She means everything to OUR Taeyeon!” Yoona growled harshly. Her eyes were starting to burn a slight red colour of frustration. Yuri still remained calm and showed no signs of emotion as Yoona continued to shake her.

“How can you be so sure?” Yuri finally broke through Yoona’s anger. She swatted Yoona’s hands away and stood up confidently to challenge Yoona. Yoona gritted her teeth and breathed heavily through her mouth.

“You remember when Taeyeon met Tiffany. She started to change. She started to open up more. But that’s BECAUSE she looks like Miyoung. It’s proof that she still likes Miyoung. If Tiffany were any other human she would not have stayed with us for so long. Do you not see it Yuri? We can’t win.” Yoona continued with pain stricken eyes. Yuri crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at Yoona, not uttering a word.

“Tiffany doesn’t mean anything anymore! It’s over Yuri! Taeyeon won’t return. We’ve lost. Tiffany is nothing but an image of Miyoung.” Yoona said confidently.


“…” Yoona felt a sharp pain across her left cheek. She lifted her hand up to her cheek and stared up to see Yuri with her hand still in the air. She could feel the cut from the side of her lip heal from the impact of Yuri’s hand against her teeth.

“I thought you believed in us Yoona. I thought you had grown from your stubborn and naïve self all those years ago.” Yuri said sternly as she lowered her hand. Yoona remained stiffened and stared at the hand that had just impacted her moments ago, still not believing what had just happened.

“Taeyeon is not so shallow. She would never stoop so low as to use Tiffany to fill her empty space where Miyoung used to be. Tiffany is not an image of Miyoung. She was reincarnated. Sooyeon and Jessica out there. Do you see Jessica an image of Sooyeon? If you don’t see those two as an image of each other, what gives you the right to call Tiffany an image of Miyoung?” Yuri’s voice trembled slightly with guilt. She would have never thought that she would raise her hand at anyone, let alone one of her own. Her friend and sister.

Yoona remained silent, her hand still covering the hand mark that was evidence on her cheek. She looked up into Yuri’s eyes with her own slightly wet eyes.

“You… You raised your hand… against me…” Yoona said slowly. Yuri clenched her teeth together upon seeing Yoona’s vulnerable side. Guilt washed over her but she remained firm.

“I will not allow you to call Tiffany an image. Nor will I let you think so low of Taeyeon.” Yuri said firmly. Yoona’s legs then buckled as she fell to the floor.

“I will not apologise for raising my hand against you. You know that I would never do those things to you, but I have and I have my reasons. Think about what you had just said Yoona. You should have matured by now. I trust you will do the right thing.” Yuri finished off and walked out of the room. She looked back at Yoona who was still stunned before gently closing the door. She gripped onto the handle of the door tightly once the door was closed and took a deep breath.

“This is tearing us apart… Soon there will be nothing to save anymore…” Yuri thought quietly. From the inside of the room she could hear her stuff being pushed over and thrown around. She knew well that Yoona was venting out her anger. She knew that she had just done the unimaginable to Yoona, but she couldn’t help it. Yuri just hoped that Yoona would understand her… understand the circumstances at hand and snap out of it.

“An image of Miyoung…” Tiffany continued to murmur to herself. She was now moving around the house now but her body seemed heavy. She was pouring some water into her cup and was watching it spill over before she stopped. Staying still for a few moments before forcing her body to move and put the bottle of water back into the fridge. It took her all her energy to pull on the fridge door and put it back.

“What are you going to do now?” Tiffany sighed at her depressing image. She stayed motionless as she stared at the overfilled cup of water that she was going to drink from. Deciding that she did not want it anymore, she walked past it and walked back to the lounge.When Tiffany sat back down on the couch, her eye caught onto a bright pink object on the other side of the three seater couch. Not understanding what she was doing, she reached for the pink object and pulled it from the pillows.

“The challenge…” Tiffany murmured once she pulled out the iPad that Taeyeon had given her. The iPad that had the counter for the points she had.

“Eighty points” Tiffany read out aloud as she opened the app. She remembered when she was first given the iPad she had messed up very early on, causing her to have minus seventy points. A

small smile crept to her face upon remembering how desperate she was to gain points. To reach the full five hundred points.

“I can’t do this anymore.” Tiffany finally sighed as she locked her device again and threw it to her side. She leaned back against the couch and used her hands to cover her eyes, not forgetting to let out a long and tiring groan.

All those points that she had gained was because she looked like Miyoung. Whenever she did not act like her she would deduct points. When she did act like her she would receive points.Taeyeon was judging her based on how much she was like Miyoung. How accurate the copy was.

Tiffany then looked back at the iPad through the small hole in between her hand. Giving a long and tired sigh she slowly lowered one hand down and laid it on top of the device. She pressed on the home button and typed in the password. Once the device was open she hesitated. Her hand stopped moving for a while as she sat up straight. The room was silent.

Tiffany then held down the home button for a few seconds to reveal the ‘x’ above the applications. Her hand paused again. Her heart was now starting to race. The palms of her hands were sweating as her finger hovered above the counter app’s delete button.

“I don’t want this anymore.” Tiffany whispered to herself and felt her heart pierce sharply when the words escaped her mouth. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she slowly started lowering her finger.

“This is the end…” Tiffany finally sighed and pressed the delete button. As her finger touched the smooth screen of the device, she felt a current rush from the device to her fingers and spread throughout her body. The current attacked her heart and she felt it shatter.

She quickly jolted up and stared at the screen, somehow hoping that she had missed. Her hopes were destroyed when the counter app was no longer there. Taeyeon’s challenge was now gone. Tiffany’s eyes began to sting. Not being able to see the device anymore, she quickly went to her room and changed her clothes. With each second that she stayed within the same building as that device downstairs, the more it pained her.

She didn’t bother to fix her makeup; she just took her purse and rushed out of the house.Not looking back at the couch that held the cause of her heart ache.

As soon as Tiffany was outside the four walls of the building she rushed off. Down the street and leaving what she had been working hard for behind.

“Taeyeon. The plane tickets to Japan are going fast. It’s like everyone is buying them all at once” Miyoung complained as she saw all the booked spaces of the planes on the screen of Taeyeon’s

computer. Taeyeon was at the window looking out into the open sky with an expressionless face. She remembered she was looking at the same view when she was about to leave before when Tiffany interrupted.When Miyoung called her, she reluctantly peeled her eyes off the view and looked back. Miyoung had an annoyed expression on her face and was furiously searching for flights that weren’t booked.

“What? Even the first class is booked?” Miyoung grumbled when she saw that the seats were filled. Taeyeon chuckled slightly and walked up to the screen and took the mouse away from the angry girl. She then typed in a few words into the search engine and clicked a few links. Soon she was on a page where there was an available flight with plenty seats.

“Never go on commercial planes. Always go private” Taeyeon mused and returned the mouse back to the latter beside her. Miyoung had her mouse hung slightly as she nodded with acknowledgement. Taeyeon stood up straight again and walked over to her pet who was lying peacefully on her unused bed.

“You’re a clean pet aren’t you? We don’t want to be stopped by the customs because you have rabies.” Taeyeon chuckled as she ruffled Bubz’s fur. The dog gave a small whine and looked up at Taeyeon with sorrowful eyes. Miyoung left the computer on the same screen, deciding that she would get the tickets later and walked over to the bed where Taeyeon was. She leaned over behind Taeyeon and wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s neck and looked over her shoulder at the animal in Taeyeon’s arms.

Bubz immediately tensed and pounced on his four feet and started growling at Miyoung. Miyoung furrowed her eyebrows at the dog’s reaction.

“What’s wrong?” Taeyeon asked the uneasy pet. Bubz gave a loud bark towards Miyoung and took a step back. Taeyeon turned her head to the side to see Miyoung’s displeased expression. She then sat up straight up, making Miyoung get off her back. She then reached over to where Bubz was and held him in her hands before getting off the bed.

“Sorry. He doesn’t really like others like me…” Taeyeon said apologetically, patting Bubz to ease her tension. Miyoung let out a defeated sigh and nodded slowly.

“I guess it can’t help it. We do give off a different vibe.” Miyoung shrugged weakly. Taeyeon smiled apologetically and continued over to the window. She stared out and saw that the sun was slowly falling. It was still early in the afternoon but she knew that another day was reaching its end.

“We’re definitely going to Japan as soon as the festival is over tomorrow right?” Miyoung suddenly asked from behind. Taeyeon turned her head and nodded with a content smile.

“As promised. You know I would never go against my word.” Taeyeon slowly walked away from the open doors.

“Are you not going to book the tickets?” Taeyeon nodded her head towards the computer screen. Miyoung followed her gesture and also stared at the screen.

“I don’t know your passport details.” Miyoung explained. Taeyeon then nodded her head towards the bedside table where her passport and other details were. They were all illegal as she really couldn’t say that she was born in the 1800’s.

“Why don’t you book them for me? I’ll pack your stuff for you.” Miyoung suggested with an eager smile. Taeyeon immediately froze for a moment as her eyes showed signs of panic. It was only for a fraction of a second but Miyoung noticed it.

“It’s okay. I think I can pack.” Taeyeon turned around and started walking to the suitcase. She set Bubz down on the bed and started to fold her clothes to put into her suticase. Miyoung stared at Taeyeon’s back with a sad expression.

“Why not Tae?” Miyoung asked quietly. Taeyeon turned her head to the side and looked back at Miyoung questionably.

“Why what?” she asked back.

“Why won’t you get the tickets yourself? Why do I have to do it?” Miyoung asked hesitantly. Taeyeon turned her head back to the suitcase and took a deep breath before she continued to pack, not bothering to answer the question.

“Is it because you can’t?” Miyoung boldly asked. Taeyeon’s hand clenched on the shirt that she was holding. Miyoung waited for Taeyeon to answer but she remained unmoved.

“Tae… What happened? Do you not trust me?” Miyoung’s voice softened. Taeyeon released herclenched fists upon hearing Miyoung’s soft voice and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

“We originally planned this didn’t we? To spend our lives together. Move from place to place. Stay by each other’s side, day and night.” Miyoung stood up from the bed and took a step towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon moved away from the suitcase and looked up at Miyoung with a tense expression. She was so used to locking up her past that when Miyoung reminded her of it, it pained her.

“Please… stop” Taeyeon finally spoke. Miyoung stopped, thinking that she meant to stop advancing any closer.

“I’m sorry. I need time to readjust. I’m just so used to grieving over the past that I’m still not used to seeing it as memories rather than nightmares.” Taeyeon explained briefly before throwing her shirt into the suitcase and walking out of the room, leaving Miyoung alone with the dog on the bed.

“TaeTae…” Miyoung said slowly as the door closed. Bubz gave a loud bark followed by a growl as soon as the door closed. Miyoung turned and shot the animal a cold ice glare.

Bubz did not cower away. He kept his stance and continued to growl even louder.

“Filthy rodent.” Miyoung muttered under her breath. Bubz gave another loud bark, threatening to latch his teeth into Miyoung. Miyoung just waved the animal off and walked over to the bedside table to grab Taeyeon’s passport and details. She then proceeded to reserving the tickets of the private plane and print out the reservations.

“It’s all for the best Tae. This world is going to be a better place… for us all.” Miyoung said to herself as she typed in Taeyeon’s details.

Taeyeon walked out of her room and downstairs to the lounge room. Her head was throbbing as she was holding in her pain. Her body was so used to reacting so negatively towards any thoughts of the past, that she could not see it as a joyful event anymore, even if Miyoung was with her. She held her head with her left hand and flopped onto the couch.

“This is just too much to adjust too” Taeyeon groaned as the pain slowly went away. The throbbing was still evident and she needed something to stop the pain. Something that would stop her from thinking about her past again.

“To move on from the past… Live the present…” Taeyeon told herself as she desperately tried to think of other thoughts. She thought of when she met Yuri.Yuri was down in the attic of her family’s house, tested and tortured for ‘research’. Her head still continued to hurt so she tried to think of something else.Yoona. She was cornered. Hundreds of men were pointing torches and weapons at her. She was standing up straight, challenging them to take her on. The arrogant and stubborn side of Yoona. Taeyeon felt the throbbing lessen just ever so slightly at the memories that went further and further away from the painful ones.She then skipped a few years and remembered when they had a small talk with each other. Yuri had completely put her trust in Taeyeon but Yoona was still wary. In order to make Yoona relax, Taeyeon promised to be both their families. A silent pact was made between the three. No need for writing on paper, no need for words to be exchanged. Just the exchange of looks and nods.

Deciding that it was best to remember something really recent that would either lesson the pain or completely erase it. She started to remember the beginning of the new college year. New students coming in, old ones flocking the trio. Professors talking in the corner of rooms.That day, Yoon deciding that she would head off to the assembly hall first, leaving her alone with Yuri. Fifteen minutes before the actual ceremony, the two left their building and started walking behind the buildings to avoid the crowds of people on the main ways. As they were walking they noticed a girl in the shadows of the building.

As soon as Taeyeon remembered that girl, the headache lessoned.Tiffany. That girl that had the nerve to stand against her, to invade her space and to speak against her. The girl that scolded her for ignoring her. Tiffany, the girl who made Taeyeon accidently slip her cold exterior and had to be saved multiple times.The stubborn attitude that always got on Taeyeon’s nerves, even more than Yuri’s and Yoona’s. The sudden confession after she had found out about the truth and the challenge.

“The counter.” Taeyeon suddenly sat up again and whipped her eyes open. She then looked around her table and chairs to find the device she was looking for. She then went over to her unused kitchen to find the blue catching her eye.She reached for the blue cover of the device and opened it up, typing in the password quickly and opening the counter app.Eighty points.

“I don’t care Kim Taeyeon. From now till the end of Christmas… I will do everything I can to make you fall for me” Tiffany’s words repeated in Taeyeon’s ears.

‘Until Christmas…’ Taeyeon’s thoughts started functioning again. She looked down at the iPad again and saw the large two digit numbers.

“Tiffany…” Taeyeon whispered.

“Taeyeon-ah!” Miyoung suddenly came out of Taeyeon’s room and started walking down stairs. Taeyeon hid the electronic device behind her back quickly and set it on the table behind her. One Miyoung was at the foot of the stairs she stared at Taeyeon curiously.

“Is something wrong Tae?” Miyoung asked curiously with her head tilted slightly. Taeyeon shook her head slightly and placed the iPad flat down against the table with one hand and used her other hand to give a reassuring wave to Miyoung.

“Ah, I just thought I should make some food that’s all.” Taeyeon lied.As she was reaching her hand for the lock button at the top of the screen, the counter app reverted back to zero.Taeyeon did not notice as she clicked the button and the screen turned black.

“Tae… You don’t eat food.” Miyoung raised her eyebrow up suspiciously. Taeyeon lowered both her hands and shrugged.

“I realised. I don’t know why but I felt like eating something, but I realised that I don’t keep food in here.” Taeyeon said with a slight amusement.

“Well. I booked the tickets. Eleven thirty is when the plane departs. We need to be there at around eleven.” Miyoung said seriously as she handed Taeyeon her passport and reservations. Taeyeon hesitantly walked up to Miyoung and took her stuff back.

“Uhh… Thanks” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows slightly at the papers in her hand.

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay Tae?” Miyoung pouted as she lifted her hand up to Taeyeon’s forehead. Taeyeon instinctively moved away from the touch and examined her papers. Realising that she had just avoided Miyoung she quickly looked back at her with an apologetic smile.

“Sorry… Being part of the Elite… You kind of get a reflex.” Taeyeon explained before walking past her, not forgetting to pat Miyoung’s head as she walked by. Miyoung took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders.

“Just a little detour. We’ll get there eventually” Miyoung cheered herself on. She then spotted the iPad on the kitchen bench top where Taeyeon was previously standing. She walked up to the table and turned on the device, only to be faced with a locked screen.

‘I wonder what was on here…’ Miyoung thought curiously, running her fingers along the smooth screen. A smirk then grew on her face.

“Humans are remarkable in what they create…” Miyoung muttered to herself, admiring the piece of technology in front of her.

“Little do they know it will all be useless in the future…” she then flashed a quick smile before walking off away from the device again.

The iPad then flashed on again as a reminder flashed onto the screen.

‘Prepare challenges with points for Tiffany tomorrow. Don’t go to easy this time.’

Taeyeon had set this reminder before she found out Miyoung. Before she decided to move to Japan, when she thought she would be staying for at least another five years.

All seemed a little useless now. The points were back to zero and Tiffany, no longer even had the application anymore. Taeyeon had no clue what was really happening. What Miyoung was planning, how much damage it was causing to Yuri and Yoona’s friendship… and Tiffany’s confidence and feelings.

She had no clue.

But everyone else knew.

They knew it all too well.

“Wake up Taeyeon…” Yuri whispered from her home when she saw Yoona exiting the room.

“Wake up Taeyeon…” Yoona whispered as her eyes were still dull and dazed.

‘Wake up Taeyeon…’

The three words that a number of people were thinking in that moment, hoping that their wishes would be answered.

Last Preparations

“Yoona… Are you still in there?” Yuri knocked on the door and called through t hesitantly. She waited for an answer from inside but heard nothing. She knocked again and waited for perhaps the sound of feet moving but to her dismay, there was still no signs of anyone inside the room.

“I’m coming in.” Yuri called out as she turned the door knob. As she pushed the door open she noticed that the room inside was a complete mess. The table was wiped clean from its contents whilst the floor had them on top of it. Books were thrown across the room and glass was broken around the place, but there was no sign of Yoona inside the messy room.

“Yoona?” Yuri opened the door wide and furrowed her eyebrows. The window was still closed and there were no signs of Yoona escaping the room through the windows. Just then, Jessica and Sooyeon walked by and tapped Yuri by the shoulder. Yuri turned around to see the two twins leaning against each side of the door frame, striking the exact same pose as each other though Jessica’s was a little more sturdy.

“Yoona left earlier with SeoHyun. She told us to tell you that she needs to clear her head for a while.” Jessica said bluntly. Sooyeon looked over Yuri’s shoulder to see the mess in the room and looked back at Yuri cautiously.

“What happened?” she asked quietly. Yuri glanced over at the mess and sighed.

“Just a little…dispute. Did Yoona say where exactly she was going?” Yuri fully turned her back to the mess and looked at Jessica expectantly. Sooyeon slipped under Yuri’s arm and started cleaning up the mess that Yoona had created earlier, letting Jessica and Yuri converse alone. Jessica looked up at Yuri with an annoyed expression and used her index finger’s knuckle to hit it against Yuri’s head.

“What did you do to Yoona?” Jessica whispered harshly with an ice cold glare. Yuri flinched at Jessica’s attack before holding her forehead and giving Jessica a puzzled look.

“She wasn’t hyper Yoona or mad Yoona when she left. She just looked like you beat her up mercilessly” Jessica huffed. Yuri bit her lower lip and lowered her hand slowly. Jessica raised her eyebrow at Yuri questionably before giving a look of disbelief.

“You didn’t…” Jessica said slowly. Yuri lowered her gaze down onto the floor and gave a small nod.

“I did…” Yuri admitted sheepishly. Jessica gave a long and tired groan at Yuri’s confession.

“Yuri the festival is tomorrow. This is not the time to be having a family feud. She’s just as scared as all of us here and was probably looking for some comfort since Taeyeon isn’t here to give it to her. Couldn’t you at least have held it in until maybe next week?” Jessica lectured harshly. Yuri lowered her head even more in shame and waited for Jessica to continue. Sooyeon from behind them just giggled at the two and continued to clean up the room, stopping once in a while to play with the fascinating new toys that she never had in her time.

“With the way Yoona ran out of the house with Yoona, it seemed really serious. You said it yourself; we should get as many people as we can for this to work, but you just lost Yoona. Do you understand Yuri? It’s Yoona. You’re not the only one Taeyeon cares for, she cares for Yoona too.” Jessica continued.

“I know.” Yuri sternly interrupted before Jessica could continue. She clenched her hands together tightly and took a deep breath.

“I know… Taeyeon means as much to Yoona as she does to me. We can’t take any risks if we want to succeed…” Yuri’s hands trembled slightly.Sooyeon from behind glanced at the two and bit her lower lip nervously before moving to the far end of the room to avoid the small bonding between Jessica and Yuri.

“Yuri…” Jessica’s voice softened. She then reached down for Yuri’s clenched fists and held them in her own.

“I just… I don’t want to have to go with the alternative ending… I don’t want any risks.” Jessica whispered sincerely. She then looked up at Yuri to see her head was still bowed down low. She then took one hand and raised Yuri’s chin up to see Yuri’s hurt expression.

“I’m sorry for the things I said… I’m sure Yoona will be here by tomorrow. You have your reasons for doing what you do, and I’m sure Yoona will understand.” Jessica stared straight into Yuri’s eyes to make sure Yuri got the message. Yuri just sighed heavily and nodded.

Jessica then dropped Yuri’s hands slowly and moved her hands around Yuri’s neck and embraced her into a comforting hug. Yuri automatically wrapped her hands around Jessica’s waist and pulled her closer.

“I will ask you even if things were to become bad. You don’t have to worry about the alternative ending.” Yuri whispered into Jessica’s ear. Jessica smiled in Yuri’s shoulders and nodded happily as she tightened her arms.

“Ahem. If you two are done… There seems to be visitors at your door.” Sooyeon interrupted awkwardly as she nodded her head towards the window. Jessica and Yuri slowly broke their hug and walked to the window curiously. As they looked outside they saw the crown of three people’s heads. Two of which were female.

“That’s Sunny.” Jessica suddenly called out as she pointed to the shorter crown. Yuri then immediately recognised the other two. They were Sooyoung and Gi Kwang.

“Yuri! If you don’t open this door now I’m going to break it down.” Sooyoung yelled at the door. Yuri rolled her eyes and hurriedly rushed towards the door to open it

“What’s wrong with waiting maybe just a minute for the door to open?” Yuri complained as the three walked in. Gi Kwang was the last to enter and as he passed Yuri, she could feel shivers run down her spine. It was similar to the feeling that Taeyeon gave her when they first met. The pure bloods had a certain ice cold feeling around them. It had taken Yuri at least fifteen years to get used to Taeyeon’s cold aura, now that a new pure blood walked passed her, the sensation returned.

“Feeling threatened, dear Yuri?” Gi Kwang paused in from of Yuri and smirked. The former did not respond to Gi Kwang’s sly remark and just sternly gave him a quick glare before walking further into her house.

“I still don’t trust him” Yuri whispered to Sooyoung as she walked by her. Sooyoung turned back at Gi Kwang and nodded in agreement.

“You have no choice. He knows a lot more behind Miyoung.” Sunny shrugged indifferently. Gi Kwang just smiled and continued further into the house. He then calmly sat down on one of the seats available and turned his attention to his phone.

“Was there something urgent you needed?” Yuri rolled her eyes at Gi Kwang and continued her conversation with Sooyoung. Sooyoung then clicked her fingers and faced Yuri on fully.

“Right. Where’s Yoona?” Sooyoung asked without hesitation. Yuri froze momentarily at the mention of Yoona. Just as Sooyoung was waiting for an answer, Sooyeon and Jessica were coming down from the stairs. Gi Kwang and Sunny glanced over to their direction and were stunned that two identical beings were talking to each other as they were walking down. Sooyoung turned around and opened her eyes wide. She rubbed her eyes a few times to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating and raised her eyebrow when there were still two copies.

“Right… That’s Sooyeon and Jessica… Taeyeon’s younger sister?” Yuri introduced hesitantly. Sooyeon looked up at the crowd that was now in Yuri’s house and smiled politely.

“Hello. I’m Taeyeon’s younger sister and Jessica’s former being. Kim Sooyeon.” Sooyeon introduced herself confidently. Sunny was the first to react as she took a few steps towards the former being. She narrowed her eyes accusingly at Sooyeon and carefully pulled Jessica away from her.

“You should not be here.” Sunny said under her breath. Sooyeon just returned Sunny’s intense gaze with an innocent one as everyone watched them. Sunny moved Jessica even further away and pushed her towards the safety of Sooyoung and Yuri as she continued to lock gazes with Sooyeon.

“Ah… Sunny, calm down. It’s okay.” Yuri broke the tense silence awkwardly. Sunny refused to listen and took a step closer to Sooyeon.

“What are you doing here?” Sunny asked lowly. Sooyeon backed away from Sunny slightly and took a step on the stairs behind her to get some space in between her and the glaring shape-shifter in front of her.

“I don’t know why I’m here myself.” Sooyeon whispered back. Sooyoung walked up to Sunny and put her hand on Sunny’s shoulder to calm her down and stop her advancing on Sooyeon.

“How did you come here?” Sunny lowered her voice so that only Sooyeon could barely hear. Sooyeon looked into Sunny’s eyes and debated whether she should say anything or not.

“Oh right… Sooyoung weren’t you looking for someone? Yoona or something?” Gi Kwang interrupted the silence and started talking to Sooyoung. Sooyoung gave the pure blood a disgusted glance before she realised what she had rushed there for.

“Right. Yuri come, I need to talk to you.” Sooyoung said hurriedly as she walked by and dragged Yuri along with her. Jessica hesitated awkwardly once Yuri left and decided that it would be best for her to follow Yuri, leaving Sunny, Gi Kwang and Sooyeon alone.

“I won’t repeat myself again. Why are you here?” Sunny then raised her voice and took a threatening step towards the girl in front of her. Sooyeon was now no longer hesitant to say anything and just shrugged.

“If I recall correctly, you shouldn’t be here either Sunny.” Sooyeon challenged back. Sunny clenched her teeth at Sooyeon’s remark and clenched her fists together.

“You know why I am here in the first place. It’s runaways like you that make me come to this world in the first place.” Sunny gritted through her teeth. Gi Kwang gave a wary glance at the two females staring each other down and could feel the tension going on between the two.

“I didn’t volunteer to come back here Sunny. I hated the living world. Why would I want to leave the peaceful afterlife to come back here anyway?” Sooyeon challenged back.

“I remember you well Sooyeon. You cursed the living the first few weeks you were in the afterlife. Cursing your father for forcing you to marry that man and cursing everyone for not finding your sister to help you. You loved your sister dearly; you knew she was in the world of the living. That sounds to me like a perfectly good reason to break free of the realms and ruin the balance in this world.” Sunny narrowed her eyes and breathed heavily through her mouth.

“Sunny, Sunny, Sunny. I don’t think you heard me correctly. I was forced here. Miyoung opened the realms of the afterlife and pulled me through it. It knocked me out for a while and when I woke up, she told me about my sister. I had no idea that Taeyeon was still alive. I mean it had been over a hundred and eighty years after all. The one you’re hunting is Miyoung Sunny. Not me. I am merely a poor dead soul that got dragged into this mess because of your runaway going

psycho.” Sooyeon blew a huff of hair out arrogantly as she walked pass Sunny and bumped into her shoulder. Sunny followed Sooyeon with her eyes and let out a frustrated yell.

“Calm down Sunny. I’m sure someone else will come for Sooyeon. Right now, I suggest you focus on the task at hand. The festival is tomorrow after all.” Gi Kwang walked up and put his hand on Sunny’s shoulder to calm her down.

“What I would give to make everything over.” Sunny groaned. Gi Kwang just chuckled and shrugged carelessly.


“You what?!” Sooyoung exclaimed upon hearing that Yuri had raised her hand against Yoona. Yuri lowered her head in shame and waited for Sooyoung to start her lecture.

“Yuri this is not the time for your petty fights. You do not realise what is at stake here. Once Miyoung has the power of the Legion in her hand, there will be nothing we can do to stop whatever she wants. They are pure immortals Yuri. Pure immortals! They make normal immortals like you and I cower in fear by just a glance. They can withstand damages five times that of ours. And most importantly, their hate for humans and immortals like us are unimaginable.” Sooyoung huffed without a single breath. With each sentence that Sooyoung let escape, Yuri’s head got lower and lower in shame.

“It’s not her fault. Yoona is just being stubborn.” Jessica yelled back at Sooyoung in defence.

“Jessica you’re pushing my patience as it is right now.” Sooyoung held her hand up to stop Jessica. Jessica pushed Sooyoung’s hand away and stood firmly beside Yuri.

“This is not good. Not good at all.” Sooyoung repeated over and over. Yuri lifted her head up slightly to question why Sooyoung was so agitated.

“What are we to do now?” Sooyoung groaned again.

“Sooyoung… why do you need Yoona now? The festival is tomorrow…” Jessica asked in place of Yuri. Sooyoung stopped moving around and started clenching her hands together nervously.

“I need Yoona to talk to Tiffany. Urgently too before it’s too late.” Sooyoung just answered vaguely. Yuri was now standing up straight again and questioning Sooyoung.

“What’s wrong with Tiffany?” Yuri asked hesitantly. Sooyoung bit her lower lip and let out another agitated groan.

“Well… she kind of bumped into Miyoung back at Leeteuk’s place…” Sooyoung’s voice slowly trailed off. Yuri nodded to Sooyoung’s answer calmly before she quickly whipped her head back and gaped at the nervous immortal in front of her.

“She what?!” Yuri exclaimed. Jessica looked back and forth between the two who were uttering no words.

“Who’s Miyoung?” Jessica asked curiously. Sooyeon then walked out of the house and gently put her hand onto Jessica’s shoulder.

“She’s the Tiffany version of me.” Sooyeon answered calmly. Jessica raised her eyebrow up curiously, not quite understanding what Sooyeon had meant.

“Tiffany… Is Miyoung’s reincarnation. Similar to you and Sooyeon.” Sooyoung’s unstable voice clarified for Jessica. Jessica nodded slowly and frowned to herself. She didn’t quite understand why Tiffany seeing her former self could be such a big deal.

“So? I saw Sooyeon. Nothing’s wrong with that.” Jessica blurted out unconsciously. Yuri bit her lower lip at Jessica’s response and let out an awkward cough. Sooyeon let out a small chuckle and patted Jessica’s head with amusement.

“Course there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just Miyoung’s relation with Taeyeon that would cause all the problems.” Sooyeon chuckled. The confused human was looking around at the non-humans around her, trying to get a better explanation.

“That doesn’t matter right now. But where’s Yoona. I need her to calm down Tiffany and maybe talk some sense into her.” Sooyoung interrupted.

“I told you, she’s gone to clear her head somewhere.” Yuri rebutted with annoyance. Sooyeon tilted her head to the side slightly as she watched the two immortals converse.

“I can talk to her if you want. Yoona isn’t the only one that can talk sense.” Yuri suggested. Sooyoung just scoffed at Yuri’s suggestion and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t think you would do any good. You’re weak when it comes to dealing with humans” Sooyoung said bluntly. Sooyeon’s eyes opened wide at her remark, Jessica giggled and Yuri just dropped her jaw.

“But I guess you’ll do. We need to go now before Tiffany does anything rash, like I don’t know, leave and find a new normal life.” Sooyoung remarked sarcastically. She then grabbed onto Yuri’s arm and dragged her to her car, leaving Sooyeon and Jessica in front of the house by themselves. Jessica turned to Sooyeon and looked expectantly at her. Sooyeon returned the gaze and just shrugged.

“Want to go eat something? I heard the foods these days are quite different.” Sooyeon suggested. Jessica then glanced back to Yuri’s house where Sunny and Gi Kwang were.

“Or do you want to stay with them?” Sooyeon asked as she nodded her head towards the house. Jessica shook her head and took Sooyeon’s arm and dragged her away from the house.

“Where do you think you’re going Jessica?” Sunny’s voice stopped her once they reached the end of the driveway. Jessica froze and stiffly turned around to see Sunny standing at the door with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Oh, we were just going to grab a bite to eat… and Yuri told us we should never go alone so I’m taking Sooyeon since she wants to try the food as well” Jessica explained nervously. Sunny turned her gaze over to Sooyeon and raised her eyebrow.

“I don’t think you should be going with her Jessica.” Sunny gritted. Jessica turned her head to look at Sooyeon and saw a stiff expression on her face.

“Sunny, relax. Sooyeon’s a on our side. She helped us escape before.” Jessica tried to reason. Sunny just narrowed her eyes even more and shook her head firmly. Gi Kwang then came out from behind the house and walked up to Jessica. Jessica watched him cautiously as he stood right in front of her.

“Hmm.” Gi Kwang hummed quietly.

“Focus on my eyes okay?” Gi Kwang then whispered to Jessica. Jessica meekly nodded and hesitantly gazed into Gi Kwang’s eyes. Slowly, she saw that the brown irises were slowly turning light. Then, she saw that the eyes slowly turned a luminous blue shade. Jessica just blinked and continued to watch as she was told.

“Knew it.” Gi Kwang exclaimed as he took a few steps back and made his eyes turn back to their original brown. Sunny was looking at Gi Kwang expectantly as he walked up to her.

“Jessica knows. Not a single reaction when she saw my eyes.” He shrugged carelessly.

“What?” Sunny gaped. Gi Kwang then gestured his head towards Jessica’s direction and gave a knowing smile. Sunny followed his gesture and saw Jessica still calmly staring at them. She then let out a long sigh and used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Honestly, why don’t we just broadcast to the world that immortals exist? Seems like everyone knows already.” Sunny groaned sarcastically.

“Relax Sunny. We all know what will happen when the world finds out about us. It will be another world conspiracy. This country will find that country has more immortals and find them a threat. Blah, blah, blah.” Gi Kwang rolled his eyes. Sunny lifted her hand up and swiftly slapped him across the head to shut his mouth.

“So… can I go?” Jessica interrupted hesitantly.

“Not with her.” Sunny answered harshly. Sooyeon gave an annoyed scoff and rolled her eyes.

“Why not? Sooyeon’s a good guy like us.” Jessica whined.

“Technically she’s not.” Gi Kwang answered hesitantly. He then walked back up to Sooyeon and leaned against her shoulder with a small smile on his face.

“She’s not an immortal like us. So, that makes her the bad guy.” He explained with a slightly mocking tone. Sooyeon shrugged his arm off her shoulder and huffed annoyingly.

“But… even the bad guys can change sides once in a while. I was technically on the bad side too.” He continued calmly. Jessica blinked a few times and scanned over the over-confident immortal in front of her.

“I’m sure Sunny would let you guys go eat if I were to tag along. You know, just to keep this one in line.” Gi Kwang patted Sooyeon’s head teasingly.

“How can I trust you? You admitted you were a bad guy…” Jessica narrowed her eyes and took a step away from him. Sunny then walked up to the three and stood there with an annoyed expression on her face.

“Because we all have one goal. Taeyeon.” Sunny answered.

“Tiffany. Tiffany! It’s Yuri. Can you open the door?” Yuri knocked for the fifth time. Sooyoung was nervously standing behind Yuri and waiting for a response to come from the house. Yuriheard no answer and was starting to get nervous as well.

“We’re coming in…” Yuri called out in warning. She then took a few steps back and bounced slightly on the back of her feet. Sooyoung took three steps back for safety and waited. Yuri then jogged up to the door and swiftly kicked a hole in the door next to the door knob. She then brushed the pieces of wood off her shoes and proceeded to putting her hand through the door to open the lock inside.

“Impressive.” Sooyoung commented from behind. Yuri just chuckled as she fiddled with the lock and opened the door.

“That’s one thing that heels come in handy for.” Yuri mused once the door was open. Sooyoung just laughed along and proceeded into the house. As the two walked in, they noticed that it was empty. They then proceeded to search the house in hopes of finding Tiffany somewhere inside. Yuri went to search the rooms upstairs whilst Sooyoung searched the bottom floor.

After searching throughout the house, they came back to the bottom of the stairs with fearstricken expressions.

“She’s not here…” Yuri whispered. Sooyoung nodded nervously.

“Maybe… she’s gone out somewhere?” Yuri tried to sound convincing. Sooyoung bit her lower lip and tried her hardest to believe Yuri’s comment.

“Yeah maybe… We should stay here until she comes back then.” Sooyoung suggested. Yuri gave Sooyoung a nervous look before stiffly moving to the couch in the living room. Sooyoung followed and sat across from Yuri as they waited.

As time ticked on, there was no sign of anyone coming back. Yuri and Sooyoung were getting more anxious as time passed on and the festival was getting closer and closer.

“This can’t be happening.” Yuri rested her hand into the palms of her hands and groaned. Sooyoung let out a tired sigh and leaned against the back of the couch, letting her head hang over the top of it.

“Tiffany! Don’t give up! We’re here behind… you?” A loud yelling filled the silence before it came to an abrupt stop. Sooyoung and Yuri sat up straight and stared at the door. They watched as the door slowly opened and revealed a confused Yoona standing in front of it.

“Yoona?!” Sooyoung and Yuri exclaimed at the same time. Yoona looked up from the broken door and saw Sooyoung and Yuri inside. She walked in hesitantly and scanned the house quickly.

“What happened? Where’s Tiffany?” Yoona asked hesitantly. No one answered Yoona as they did not know themselves.

“She’s not here… is she?” Yoona asked again. Yuri and Sooyoung nodded slowly in unison, making Yoona sigh disappointedly. Yuri and Yoona then looked at each other, causing an awkward atmosphere around them. Yuri looked away quickly and Yoona bowed her head lower in shame. Sooyoung rolled her eyes at them both and walked up to Yuri to pull her up from the chair. She then pushed her towards Yoona and sat down in Yuri’s place.

“Sort yourselves out” Sooyoung huffed. Yuri stumbled closer to Yoona and stopped a few feet away from her.

“Err… Why are you here?” Yuri asked nervously. Sooyoung’s expression dropped into disbelief at Yuri’s question. Yoona rubbed the back of her neck nervously and shuffled in her spot awkwardly.

“I came back to your place… to say sorry… When Sooyeon and Jessica told me that Tiffany bumped into Miyoung.” Yoona answered. Yuri nodded slowly at Yoona’s answer.

“Will you two just hurry it up already?” Sooyoung called out from her seat. Yuri turned and shot a glare at Sooyoung.

“Listen… Yuri… I’m sorry about all the things I said. I was wrong and I know that it takes a lot for you to raise your hand against me… I’ll try to keep a calm head next time and not think so low of Taeyeon.” Yoona apologized sincerely. Yuri turned back to see Yoona’s head bowed

down low in shame and couldn’t help but smile a little. She then raised her hand and ruffled Yoona’s hair playfully.

“Apology accepted. And I’m sorry for slapping you too… I should have calmly talked to you about it. Sorry.” Yuri apologized. Yoona lifted her head up and smiled brightly at Yuri. Yuri then opened her arms and pulled Yoona into a hug.

“You’re always the spoilt maknae of the Elites.” Yuri chuckled. Yoona laughed along and nodded.

“Okay so we have you two fixed. Now can we focus on the main problem here? What happened to Tiffany?!” Sooyoung yelled out in frustration. Yuri and Yoona broke from the hug and returned to their serious state.

“You don’t think she… ran… do you?” Yoona asked Yuri. Yuri bit her lower lip, honestly not able to give any reassurance to Yoona.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have joked around about Tiffany running. Looks like she really did make a run for it.” Sooyoung stood up from her seat and walked over to the other two. Yuri then looked up at the clock to see that it was almost six.

“Do you think we can do it without Tiffany? It’s almost six and we need to get the preparations done. The festival is in less than twenty hours.” Yuri pointed to the clock. Yoona furrowed her eyebrows and stared down at the floor in front of her, debating on their options.

“We should get going to the location and talk to the stalls. If Tiffany really did make a run, it’s too late to catch her. But I’m sure Tiffany will come eventually. She has worked too hard to get noticed by Taeyeon to let it all go down in the drain.” Yoona said seriously. Sooyoung raised her eyebrow up at Yoona.

“I’ve talked to her a few times. She won’t give up so easily.” Yoona reassured before she turned around and calmly walked out of the house. Sooyoung and Yuri exchanged a confused shrug and followed behind Yoona, leaving the house to be empty once more.

Dwelling within the Past

“You’re coming this afternoon right? I heard the Elites will be there.” A girl whispered to her friend. Her friend nodded and clapped her hands eagerly. Not too far from them, there was a young girl sitting by herself, staring out to the streets outside. She looked down at the cup in her hands and sighed pitifully.

“So it’s today huh?” She mumbled to herself. As the sun rays beamed through the glass window, the reflected off the bracelet on her arm, catching her attention. She turned her wrist sideways to reveal the locket that was attached to it.

“So long as she’s happy… I’m happy… I guess” she sighed with her eyes closed.


“Okay, so have you given the instructions to each stall yet?” Yuri asked Yoona. Yoona nodded and handed Yuri a checklist that was all marked off. Jessica and Sooyeon were busy untangling the ropes in the corner of the room whilst Sooyoung was on the phone with one of the festival’s committee members.

“Why do you need ropes anyway? It’s like you’re trying to kidnap someone.” Jessica struggled with the ropes around her arm. Sooyeon was helping untangle the ropes and started wrapping it around her arm into a neat circle.

“Yeah, you could say that. We’re not exactly kidnapping though. We’re arresting.” Yoona laughed back. Yuri smiled along with Yoona, knowing exactly what she had meant. She then looked around and noticed that there were two people missing from the group.

“Where’s SeoHyun?” Yuri asked Yoona curiously.

“She’s just gone over to Leeteuk’s. Even if he is part of the team to get Taeyeon back, he still has to prepare the food for his stalls as well. SeoHyun just decided to help him.” Yoona answered calmly. Jessica and Sooyeon had now finally untangled the ropes after a good forty minutes of work. Jessica sat back down onto the floor tiredly and massaged her arms.

“Are you ever going to tell her?” Jessica asked tiredly. Yuri walked over to Jessica with a bottle in her hand and passed it over to the tired princess and sat down next to her. Yoona looked at Jessica with confusion, wondering what she had meant.

“Tell who what?” Yoona asked back. Jessica opened the bottle and took a sip from it as she nodded her head towards Yoona’s direction. Yoona reacted by pointing to herself with surprise.

“Well Tiffany and I already know. Don’t you think it’s time SeoHyun knew about your secret?” Jessica explained further. Yoona froze for a moment as she stared at Yuri. Yuri looked back at Yoona, also waiting for an answer.

“I don’t think I can. SeoHyun’s probably the last person who would believe in this.” Yoona said quietly. Sooyeon finished wrapping the rope and walked up to Yoona, handing her the roll of rope and stood beside Yoona.

“If you want I can just tell her what I am first.” Sooyeon suggested. Yuri and Yoona nodded slowly at the idea before they abruptly stopped and stared back at Sooyeon.

“What are you anyway?” Yuri asked curiously. Jessica looked up at Sooyeon, also wondering what her mirror image was.

“You’re not an immortal; you don’t seem to get injured at all.” Yoona added. Sooyeon chuckled to herself and nodded, confirming Yoona’s statement.

“No, I guess I’m not like you. I’m what the mortals would call err… what was it? The souls of the dead…” Sooyeon was trying to find the word that had just escaped her mind completely.

“Ghosts?” Jessica finished off for her.

“Yes! That’s the one. Ghosts.” Sooyeon clapped her hand and pointed at Jessica. Jessica blinked a few times before furrowing her eyebrows. To her understanding, a ghost did not have an actual body and would usually be floating around haunting people.

“If you’re thinking about what humans think ghosts are, then you’re wrong.” Sooyeon raised her eyebrow at Jessica. Jessica shook her head to get out of her daze and focused back on Sooyeon.

“Honestly, humans are so close yet so far when it comes to the paranormal. Honestly there are quite a lot of super natural beings that blend in with the humans, for example, your immortal friends.” Sooyeon nodded her head towards Yuri and Yoona.

“Okay, enough of this paranormal talking. We need to head down to the stalls and help them prepare the main event. Elites still have a duty to the community.” Sooyoung interrupted them and clapped her hands impatiently.

“She’ll find out eventually. I’m sure she’ll understand.” Jessica smiled innocently to Yoona. Yoona just nodded as all four of them followed behind Sooyoung.


“Miyoung-ah. Are you done yet?” Taeyeon called out through her house. Miyoung rolled her eyes when Taeyeon called her and slammed down her luggage.

“Almost TaeTae.” Miyoung called out sweetly as she zipped up her suitcase, silently cursing when the zipper got stuck. Taeyeon walked in to see what was taking Miyoung so long and paused when she saw the luggage on the floor.

“What’s this?” Taeyeon asked as she gestured towards the luggage. Miyoung stopped trying to close the suitcase and stood up tiredly, fixing her hair that was messed up from the hard work.

“We’re going tonight, remember? We should put the suitcase in your car so that we’re not late for the plane.” Miyoung said innocently. Taeyeon continued to stare at the suitcases before finally looking back up to Miyoung.

“You promised Tae. Soon as the festival is over we’ll go back to Japan.” Miyoung turned her head to the side. Taeyeon swallowed down hard before stiffly nodding. Truthfully, Taeyeon had forgotten that she was to move from Korea. All that she could think about was meeting Yuri and Yoona at the festival after a week of not seeing each other.

“Y-Yeah… As promised” Taeyeon stuttered. Bubz then came into the room and nudged Taeyeon behind her leg. Taeyeon turned around and picked up the grown puppy and held him in her arms.

“I’ll… prepare Bubz’s stuff then…” Taeyeon said barely audibly. Miyoung just nodded with a smile as Taeyeon walked back out with the dog in her arms. Miyoung followed Taeyeon for a short while out. Once Taeyeon was a safe distance away from the room, Miyoung rushed back to the room to finish off her packing.

“Miyoung-ah.” Taeyeon called out from down stairs. Miyoung let out an annoyed sigh and walked up to the door.

“Yes Tae?” Miyoung called out. Taeyeon then appeared at the top of the stairs with Bubz still in her arms. She crouched over and let Bubz gently walk out of her arms before standing up and walking to Miyoung again.

“Would you be okay for today? Or at least until around five?” Taeyeon asked curiously. Miyoung stood up straight and gave Taeyeon a surprised expression.

“I think so. Is something wrong?” Miyoung asked curiously.

“SM College has a presentation to do with the Elites to get more students to enrol next year. I have to go and prepare a few things with Yuri and Yoona for tonight.” Taeyeon explained calmly. Miyoung’s eyes opened wide at the thought of Taeyeon seeing her two friends without her.

“Can you skip out on it? We still have to arrange our luggage and arrange our citizenships in Japan.” Miyoung suggested as she held up some paperwork. Taeyeon looked at the paper with a blank expression before reaching to the back of her own pocket to pull out some papers.

“It’s all been done. The packing looks like it’s been done too. If we miss out on anything I’m sure we can buy it once we get there.” Taeyeon said calmly. Miyoung bit her lower lip and furrowed her eyebrows at Taeyeon, silently cursing her for her efficiency.

“How about I help you then? We can get a lot more done if there were two of us.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon blinked at her suggestion before raising one of her eyebrows.

“Come on. It will be fun.” Miyoung laughed. Taeyeon pursed her lips together and gave a defeated sigh.

“Yeah… sure, why not? But I don’t think we’re coming back after the arrangements are done, so let’s just pack everything into the car now.” Taeyeon nodded her head towards the driveway. Miyoung nodded eagerly and immediately started lugging the suitcases down. Taeyeon helped

with a few and took Bubz along with her. She packed the last of the luggage into the boot of her car and paused when she caught glimpse of her house. She sighed with the thought that it would probably be the last time she would ever see it again.

“Tae?” Miyoung peered out from the car to see Taeyeon staring at the house. Bubz, who was already in the car, gave Miyoung a snarl and loud bark, catching Taeyeon’s attention. Taeyeon snapped herself out of the daze and gave a long sigh.

“Let’s go, before we’re late.” Taeyeon muttered under her breath. Miyoung watched as Taeyeon walked around the car with her head bowed down. Once she entered the car, Miyoung closed her door and seated herself comfortably.

“Let’s just enjoy the last day, shall we?” Miyoung tried to cheer Taeyeon up with a smile. Taeyeon just nodded and proceeded to heading towards the festival grounds.


“Ah yes. The Elites and Miss Choi. Glad to have you join us. Might I ask where the leader of the Elites is?” the committee lady asked politely.

“She… Will be here shortly. Can we rehearse our parts first? We promised to help a few people around with their stalls and a few events.” Yuri lied flawlessly. Yoona nodded with Yuri and pulled off the best smile she could.

“Oh… No problem. Shall we continue?” the lady smiled back calmly. Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona nodded as they were ushered backstage. As the rehearsals were going on, Taeyeon’s car parked into one of the reserved parking lots. Taeyeon got out from her car and reached into the back seat to bring her pet with her, leaving Miyoung to open the door for herself.

The two then proceeded towards the stage where Yuri and Yoona were rehearsing their speeches. While Taeyeon was busy with Bubz, Miyoung spotted the two on stage and immediately pulled Taeyeon to a stop. Taeyeon looked up from her pet and wondered why they had suddenly stopped.

“A lot of people seem to be having trouble with their stalls. Why don’t we help them for a bit?” Miyoung lied as she scanned the perimeter. Taeyeon took a hesitant scan around herself to see that barely anything was getting set up. Miyoung then let out a gasp and pointed to the lonesome stall in the opposite direction to the stage.

“That one looks like they need help” Miyoung said all too eagerly. Taeyeon stared at the stall to see an elderly woman setting up a game stall. There was nothing much to help with except fill the large container with water. Taeyeon turned and gave Miyoung an odd look.

“She might catch a cold. She is an elderly mortal after all” Miyoung shrugged innocently. Taeyeon looked back at the lady and saw no threat whatsoever.

“But I need to do my rehearsals.” Taeyeon said calmly.

“You can just get your speech later. I’m sure you’ll do fine, no one will care if you mess up.” Miyoung by now was already ushering Taeyeon to the stall. Taeyeon opened her mouth to argue back but closed it again once they reached the stall.

“Excuse me ma’am. Would you like us to help with anything?” Miyoung asked the woman kindly. The woman turned her head from the pond and stared at the two confusingly. Bubz then gave a loud bark and started moving around in Taeyeon’s arms.

“Oh my. Such a cute dog.” The lady exclaimed once she caught sight of the dog. Taeyeon let Bubz down onto the stall’s table and patted its head before rolling up her sleeves.

“Do you need any help with anything?” Taeyeon asked politely. The woman then smiled as she shyly pointed towards the large prizes.

“Oh I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you hang those prizes up. My son was supposed to have helped me but he ran off to get the last of the prizes” the woman said apologetically.

“Oh it’s fine” Miyoung answered quickly as she pushed Taeyeon to the prizes.

After Taeyeon had finished setting up the woman’s stall, she picked up Bubz again and started heading towards the stage. The area around them was slowly starting to fill up with people setting up games, food and merchandise for the festival. A few children were running around whilst their parents were making preparations. One of the younger boys ran into the back of Miyoung’s leg and fell backwards before he started crying.

“Kids…” Miyoung rolled her eyes and walked on. Taeyeon, who was further ahead, heard a young child crying and looked back to see Miyoung walking away from the crying child. She immediately frowned and stopped walking.

“Miyoung… That young boy is crying.” Taeyeon said seriously as she nodded to the child’s direction. Miyoung turned to see the boy with dirtied legs and tears streaming down his face but did not walk back to help him. Taeyeon gave an annoyed huff and walked past Miyoung to the crying boy.

“Hey Tae aren’t you…” Miyoung said as Taeyeon was heading towards her. When Taeyeon walked straight past her, her voice trailed off as she watched Taeyeon bend down to the crying child.

“Hey… Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked calmly towards the boy. The boy took her hands away and stared at Taeyeon before he started crying again. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. Bubz was then wriggling around in her arms, reaching for the young boy. Taeyeon lifted the dog up towards the boy as Bubz started licking the boy’s face.

The young boy stopped crying for a moment as he stared up at the dog. His tears stopped once he saw the fluffy white Pomeranian.

“Feeling a little better?” Taeyeon asked kindly. The boy did not respond as he continued to look at the dog in her arms.

“If you stop crying, and stand up like a big boy, I’ll let you pat him.” Taeyeon offered as she stood up again. The boy looked up at Taeyeon with a confused expression. Taeyeon just remained standing and waited.

“Come on. Pick yourself up. The floor’s dirty.” Taeyeon urged. She shook Bubz slightly in her arms to tempt the young boy. Naturally, the boy wanted to pet the fluffy dog and slowly started brushing his hands. He then put them against the floor and slowly pushed his body up. He wobbled slightly with the cut in his leg. Before he could fall over again, Taeyeon quickly caught his arm and held him up with one hand. She then bent down again and held the young boy steady with Bubz in front of him.

“If you fall over, don’t dwell around on the dirty floor. Pick yourself up and continue on. Once you try to get up, others will help you in case you fall again. At the end…” Taeyeon slowly trailed off as she slowly put Bubz into the boy’s hands.

“There will be a reward for all your hard work.” Taeyeon finished off calmly. The boy’s face immediately lit up as soon as he touched Bubz’s soft fur. He then looked up at Taeyeon and gave a confident nod to confirm that he understood what Taeyeon was saying. Miyoung from afar was watching impatiently. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot impatiently.

“He’s so soft.” The boy giggled when Bubz licked his face. Taeyeon smiled softly at the young boy’s expression and ruffled his hair.

“Noona is very kind. Thank you for helping me.” The boy thanked with a wide smile. Taeyeon just nodded and used her hand to wipe away the dirt on his cheeks. The boy then looked pass Taeyeon to Miyoung and his expression dropped to a frown. Taeyeon followed his gaze to where Miyoung was and let out a long sigh.

“Noona isn’t like her. Noona shouldn’t be playing with bad people.” The boy pouted. Taeyeon just let out a low chuckle and patted the boy’s head.

“Thank you for your advice. Noona will remember it well.” Taeyeon said calmly. The boy then gave the dog another pat on his head before giving it back to Taeyeon and continued to watch the ball of fluff in Taeyeon’s hands.

“Noona. Can I play with him another day?” the boy asked innocently. Taeyeon was shocked with the little boy’s question and didn’t give a response. Bubz turned around and gave Taeyeon a whine, persuading her to allow him to play with the boy.

“I’m sorry, but noona won’t be here for much longer.” Taeyeon said disappointedly. The boy pouted at Taeyeon’s response and continued to stare at the dog.

“Then stay here.” The boy said innocently. Taeyeon blinked a few times at the young boy’s demand and couldn’t help but feel a little hesitant to ruin the boy’s hopes. Just as she was about to disappoint the boy, his mother came to help him.

“Ah, sorry for troubling you with my son. He can be very straightforward sometimes. Thank you for helping him.” The mother rushed before dragging the boy away. The boy turned back to wave sadly at Taeyeon as Taeyeon returned the wave sadly. Bubz also contributed by giving two barks.

“Noona shouldn’t be playing with bad people huh?” Taeyeon chuckled as she repeated the child’s advice. She then stood up straight again and started walking to her rehearsals.

“Tae. Aren’t you excited? In seven hours we’ll be flying to Japan and starting a new life.” Miyoung said excitedly once Taeyeon was beside her. Taeyeon ignored Miyoung’s excitement and continued walking on, her cold exterior returning once more. Miyoung was a little stunned that Taeyeon had just walked past her without so much as a glance.

“TaeTae… Is something wrong?” Miyoung asked curiously. Taeyeon just shook her head stiffly before continuing on. Miyoung let out a disappointed sigh and followed quietly behind Taeyeon.

As they were approaching the stage, the committee lady came up to greet Taeyeon enthusiastically.

“Sorry I’m late.” Taeyeon apologized calmly.

“Oh don’t worry. The other two Elites had told me you would be coming late. They’ve already finished their parts so they left not too long ago.” The lady smiled brightly. Taeyeon nodded at the lady’s words and was handed her speech for the night. Whilst the lady was explaining to her what she had to do, she was scanning through the page speech. Miyoung was sitting down not too far from them with an agitated dog in her arms.

“Hey, I don’t like you, you don’t like me. It’s even, get over it.” Miyoung whispered harshly to Bubz. Bubz threateningly bared his teeth and let out a low snarl. Miyoung then just rolled her eyes and picked up the dog to put him on the seat beside her.

“Now sit still. Stupid mutt” Miyoung grumbled. Bubz did one better and hopped over to one seat further from Miyoung before resting comfortably; checking once in a while to make sure that the immortal remained one seat away from him.

“Animals…” Miyoung sighed tiredly.

“Should just leave you at the airport” she continued to mutter as Taeyeon was taken to shown where her place was on the stage.


“So we have the ropes ready, the people executing the plan are all set… all we need now… are the chaser and the one being chased.” Yuri checked off her list.

“Where are Sunny and Gi Kwang? We’re going to need quite an impact to make the chaser actually chase.” Yoona asked curiously.

“She’s going to meet up with a few of her friends. Apparently they can help with all this.” Sooyoung shrugged. Sooyeon and Jessica were now fixing a few of the trip wires on a few of the stalls.

“All done?” Sooyeon asked Jessica. Jessica came out from underneath the stall and dusted her hands with a proud grin. She then stopped when she noticed that one of her nails had broken off.

“I broke a nail.” Jessica exclaimed in shock. Yuri and Yoona just rolled their eyes whilst Sooyeon rushed over to Jessica’s side.

“Oh. Wow, how unlucky” Sooyeon said sympathetically. She then raised her hand up to notice that she had broken two.

“I broke two!” Sooyeon yelled even louder. Jessica whipped her head to see Sooyeon’s and immediately felt pity for her. Whilst the two were fussing over their nails, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung were laughing amongst themselves.

“Honestly… Some things never change.” Sooyoung commented. Yuri and Yoona just nodded in agreement as the two were now talking about how they would have to cut the rest of their nails to make it even.

“But honestly. Where is Tiffany?” Yoona suddenly said out aloud. Yuri and Sooyoung just shrugged in response.

“We can always make Yuri the chased.” Sooyoung suggested. Yoona just rolled her eyes and leaned against one of the stalls.

“Yeah sure. Yuri drowning in the nearby river. Somehow that’s not going to work.” Yoona said sarcastically. Yuri laughed at Yoona’s response and nodded in agreement.

“We could throw one of them” Yoona nodded her head towards Jessica and Sooyeon’s direction.

“I vote Jessica.” Sooyoung said calmly. Yuri turned and glared at Sooyoung fiercely.

“I second that.” Yoona added. Yuri’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Yoona.

“Two against one. Jessica it is then.” Sooyoung continued.

“Hey!” Yuri then yelled. Yoona and Sooyoung then started laughing out loud, catching Sooyeon’s and Jessica’s attention.

“We’re joking. We will already have Miyoung to deal with. Adding a Yuri to the job would make things much harder.” Sooyoung chuckled. Yuri leaned against the stall with her arms crossed and gave an annoyed huff.

“I don’t think we will need to use them though…” Yoona suddenly whispered. Yuri turned to glance at Yoona.

“The plan would only work if we had Tiffany… I’m still hoping that she still believes in herself and helps us… I know she’ll come after Taeyeon… She promised that she wouldn’t give up.” Yoona continued in a hush tone. Yuri nodded slowly as she stared at Jessica talking to Sooyeon.

“Knowing Tiffany… She would be the last person to break a promise.” Yuri added. Sooyoung raised her eyebrow at the two talking to themselves.

“I have no idea what you two are talking about.” Sooyoung blurted out. Yuri and Yoona just smirked as they continued to keep their gaze into thin air.

“We’re talking about Taeyeon’s future.” Yoona replied vaguely.

“If the future doesn’t come meet with Taeyeon… She will forever dwell within the past.” Yuri smiled. Jessica turned when she felt someone watching her to catch Yuri’s gaze. Jessica waved at her and smiled back widely.

“I’ve met my future already. Yoona needs to make her future… and Taeyeon needs to acknowledge her future. For the moment, we will focus on Taeyeon’s future.” Yuri continued.

“You guys seriously need to get your heads checked. What’s with this future talk?” Sooyoung was now starting to get worried for the two. Yoona then finally looked up at Sooyoung and smiled softly.

“It’s not what. It’s who.” Yoona answered calmly.

“Who’s Taeyeon’s future then?” Sooyoung corrected herself. Yoona then stood up straight and gave a smirk.

“Tiffany of course”

Tiffany and Miyoung

“Okay. That’s a wrap. Thank you Miss Kim for helping out with this. We really appreciate it.” The committee lady thanked graciously. Taeyeon just nodded calmly and proceeded to the side of the stage where Miyoung and Bubz were waiting. Halfway down the stairs she stopped abruptly and ran back up to see the lady again.

“Ah, excuse me. But do you know where the other two Elites have gone?” Taeyeon asked curiously. The lady looked up from her clipboard and thought for a while as she tried to remember.

“If I remember correctly. They said they promised to help out with a few stalls and events. Apart from that, I don’t know.” She replied.

“Oh… okay, thank you.” Taeyeon said disappointedly before walking down the stairs again. As she walked down, her arm was immediately taken into Miyoung’s arm.

“Let’s go play a few stalls. I saw a few of them open up already.” Miyoung said excitedly. Taeyeon just nodded and proceeded to the seat where Bubz was sleeping soundly. She calmly took her arm out from Miyoung’s and picked up the sleeping dog.

“I’ll need both my arms to carry him.” Taeyeon said quietly. Miyoung stood there dumbfounded,but nevertheless, nodded at Taeyeon’s reasoning. She then watched as Taeyeon walked ahead of her and out of the backstage area towards the opened stalls.

“Tae… is something wrong? You don’t seem happy.” Miyoung asked quietly as she ran up to stand beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon just shook her head stiffly and continued walking silently.

“Why don’t we go over to the games stalls? We can play a few games there, and I’m sure Yuri and Yoona would be hanging around there trying to win against one another.” Taeyeon suggested after a few moments of silence. Miyoung just nodded hesitantly at Taeyeon’s suggestion and walked towards the brighter stalls filled with families. The day was coming to a close as the dark night sky was slowly taking over the bright orange skies. Lights were turning on as they walked past and more and more people were starting to fill up the area.

“Elite Kim!” a sudden yell was heard. Taeyeon turned towards the girl who had yelled her name and saw a group of college students standing huddled together. She raised her eyebrow at them to ask what they had called her for.

“Yes?” Taeyeon asked calmly. Miyoung turned around and stared at the group admiring Taeyeon. She stood beside Taeyeon with a fake smile and latched her hand onto Taeyeon’s arm again.

“Elite Kim… Are you going out with Tiffany Hwang?” One of the girls asked curiously when they caught sight of Miyoung. Taeyeon turned to give Miyoung a glance before she turned back to the students.

“Ehm… This isn’t Tiffany Hwang…” Taeyeon said hesitantly.

“Hi, I’m Lee Miyoung.” Miyoung greeted cheerfully. The girls furrowed their eyebrows at Miyoung, finding her very similar to their fellow college student.

“And you’re her…” One of the students pointed towards Taeyeon.

“My cousin.” Taeyeon finished off. Everyone looked back at Taeyeon, including Miyoung. Feeling hurt, Miyoung lowered her hand from Taeyeon’s arm and put them into her pockets. She then smiled at the group again and nodded softly.

“Oh… Well that’s great. Nice to meet you Miss Lee.” The girls giggle excitedly, mostly relieved that Taeyeon was still not attached. Miyoung nodded in greeting and tried her best not to launch herself onto the girls.

“Okay. We’ll be going. Please come back to the college soon Elite Kim.” The girls waved and walked off.

“Wait.” Taeyeon called them back. One of the girls towards the back turned around at Taeyeon’s call.

“Have you seen Elite Im and Elite Kwon anywhere?” Taeyeon asked. The girl blinked a few times before she smiled widely and nodded eagerly.

“We saw them at the east side of the grounds. They were there with Jessica and Miss Choi.” She answered. Her girls then hurried her to hurry up, so she bowed to Taeyeon before running off after her friends. Taeyeon nodded at the answer and turned around to head towards the east side of the grounds.

“Tae…?” Miyoung called out softly. Taeyeon turned around and gave Miyoung an innocent look.

“Oh, I need to find Yuri and Yoona. We can play the games after if you wish.” Taeyeon said with a smile. Miyoung shook her head and lowered her head to the floor.

“Why… did you say I was your… cousin?” Miyoung asked quietly.

“Miyoung? I can’t hear you…” Taeyeon moved closer to Miyoung to hear her over the crowds of people.

“I’m… your cousin?” Miyoung repeated. Taeyeon blinked a few times, wondering what Miyoung was trying to imply. She then realised what she had done by calling Miyoung her cousin.

“Oh… I still have an Elite reputation. We don’t have friends outside our circle… and especially… girlfriends.” Taeyeon answered hesitantly. Miyoung looked up from the ground and

gave Taeyeon and accusing stare. She then let out a sigh before she walked off slowly. Taeyeon followed beside her, waiting for a response from Miyoung.

“There’s no reputation left TaeTae… We’ll be leaving soon. It wouldn’t have hurt to tell them what I was to you.” Miyoung whispered slightly. Taeyeon bit her lower lip and continued walking without responding.

“I guess I’m used to it.” Taeyeon whispered as she patted Bubz gently. Miyoung just chuckled at Taeyeon’s response and took a deep breath.

“We’ll get used to it soon. I promise” Miyoung reassured. Taeyeon just nodded hesitantly at Miyoung’s promise and continued walking. No one uttered another word as Taeyeon was hesitant about the change. She wasn’t quite ready yet.

“Evening Taeyeon.” A voice greeted. Taeyeon looked up at Miyoung, thinking that she had just greeted her, but when she looked up, she noticed that Miyoung was stiff and staring straight ahead. Taeyeon then followed Miyoung’s gaze towards a lonesome girl standing in front of them. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at the girl, not quite recognising the red haired girl.

“Like my new haircut?” the girl smiled brightly as she twirled a strand of her hair.

“Tiffany?!” Taeyeon gaped. Tiffany giggled at Taeyeon and nodded. Taeyeon then gave a worried glance over to Miyoung. Tiffany followed her glance and looked back at Miyoung. The two had exact facial features but it was clear who was who. Tiffany had the bang fringe with bright red hair, and Miyoung had the black hair with side fringe.

“Been a while huh?” Tiffany smiled back. Miyoung narrowed her eyes towards Tiffany and gripped her hands into fists. She was threatened. Really threatened.

“Err… Tiffany this is…” Taeyeon stuttered, not knowing what to say.

“Lee Miyoung, your lover from long ago. I know.” Tiffany answered calmly. Miyoung and Taeyeon’s jaw dropped at Tiffany’s answer. Tiffany looked back at them innocently.

“How did you know?” Taeyeon asked back sceptically.

“Miyoung and I met at Leeteuk’s restaurant a few days ago. We talked for a while before I had to leave.” Tiffany lied. Taeyeon turned around to reconfirm it with Miyoung. Miyoung was slightly confused as to why Tiffany didn’t just blame everything onto her. When she realised that Taeyeon was waiting for her, she closed her jaw and pulled off a smile before nodding.

“Taeyeon… could I talk to you privately for a moment? It will just be for a while.” Tiffany asked calmly. Taeyeon looked back and forth between Tiffany and Miyoung before taking a hesitant step towards Tiffany. Miyoung quickly stopped her and pulled her back before she could go any further.

“I’m sure you can say it in front of me” Miyoung smiled at Tiffany. Taeyeon shot Miyoung a confused stare before looking back at Tiffany. Tiffany just shrugged and nodded, accepting Miyoung’s idea. She then reached into her bag and pulled out an iPad within a pink case. Taeyeon immediately recognised it and had a vague idea as to what the conversation was going to be about.

“Tiffany… About the points… I…” Taeyeon started off nervously.

“They’ve been wiped.” Tiffany interrupted. Taeyeon stopped in mid-sentence and opened her eyes wide at the device in Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany revealed to Taeyeon the applications on the iPad, none of which contained the counter app. Taeyeon then looked back up at Tiffany with an accusing stare, but Tiffany just returned the stare with a smile.

“Taeyeon… I came here after a long while of thinking. I don’t just want to be an image of Miyoung. I don’t want to be the one who is used as a substitute for something else. I don’t want to fill an empty space in your heart either. I want to be the one who has my own place in your heart. I want to be seen as Hwang Tiffany and not Lee Miyoung.” Tiffany gripped onto the iPad tightly. She then let out a small chuckle and moved the iPad to her chest, hugging it close.

“So? How is this haircut? I was a little hesitant at first… But if it was to redefine myself as myself, I was willing to do it.” Tiffany lifted up on of her hand and touched the tip of her bang fringe. Taeyeon blinked confusingly at Tiffany, wondering what the speech was about. She then turned towards Miyoung to see her enraged with bright blue eyes.

“Tiffany… what was that? What’s this talk about an image and substitute?” Taeyeon shook her head and turned back to the redhead. Tiffany just gave Taeyeon an innocent shrug and smiled.

“I don’t know.” Tiffany replied. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows, confused with the current situation.

“Yuri and Yoona are by the east gate. They’re waiting for you. I should probably get going. I have a few things I wish to buy first.” Tiffany walked up towards Taeyeon. Miyoung pulled Taeyeon back a few steps away from Tiffany. Taeyeon stared up at Miyoung and pulled her arm away from Miyoung.

“Just want you to know Taeyeon. I’m still not giving up.” Tiffany whispered into Taeyeon’s ear. She then proceeded to walk in to opposite direction of where Taeyeon was heading confidently. Taeyeon followed Tiffany with her eyes and watched as Tiffany disappeared in the crowds. Unconsciously, a smile was growing on her face.

“TaeTae?” Miyoung whispered. Taeyeon turned towards the east gate and started walking again with the smile still on her face. Miyoung followed behind slowly, regretting having not made Taeyeon walk in another direction.

‘If only time would go faster. There would be less interference.’ Miyoung thought grudgingly. She then looked back towards Tiffany’s direction and saw her take a turn into the trees.

‘I can’t let her ruin this…’ Miyoung thought to herself.

“Ah...Taeyeon?” Miyoung stopped walking and called for Taeyeon. Taeyeon turned around and faced Miyoung with curiosity.

“You can go on ahead and meet with Yuri and Yoona. I think I’m just going to get a few things. You know, for Japan.” Miyoung smiled innocently. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Miyoung suspiciously.

“I’ll meet up with you later.” Miyoung waved before walking away from Taeyeon. Taeyeon shifted the weight of the dog in her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.

“Today seems to be really interesting.” Taeyeon said to herself before turning around and walking towards the gates.


“Any sign of Tiffany?” Jessica asked as she came back from Leeteuk’s stall with SeoHyun. Yuri and Yoona shook their heads. As they continued to recheck the ropes and equipment. Jessica bit her lower lip and gripped onto SeoHyun’s hands tighter.

“Have you tried calling her?” Yuri asked as she double checked the knots.

“Yeah, I left her like twenty messages, not including the texts.” Jessica said worriedly. Yoona then walked over to SeoHyun and held her by her other arm as Yuri finished off.

“Yuri… I don’t think Tiffany is coming…” Jessica said quietly. Yuri let out a long sigh and stood behind Jessica, gently patting her head.

“I can take over if you want.” SeoHyun suggested hopefully. Yuri and Yoona exchanged a glance. They then looked at SeoHyun worriedly.

“Can you swim? Like, really well?” Yoona asked worriedly. SeoHyun nodded confidently. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows at the thought. She knew that out of the three of them, Tiffany was the best at swimming whilst she and SeoHyun were only beginners. They could keep afloat, but only for a limited amount of time.

“You don’t have to.” A sudden voice interrupted. All four girls turned towards the pathwaywhere there was a figure standing.

“Tiffany?!” Everyone exclaimed. Tiffany gave a bright smile and nodded.

“Shall we start?” Tiffany suggested. The two immortal girls ran up and hugged Tiffany tightly, relieved that she finally showed up.

“But we still need to wait for Taeyeon.” Yoona said as she pulled from the hug.

“She’s coming. She’ll be here soon.” Tiffany smiled. Yuri and Yoona exchanged glances at each other before Tiffany walked past them.

“Oh and… Miyoung is really mad right now. Treat her with care.” Tiffany giggled before heading out of the gate and towards the river.

“I like what she did with her hair.” Jessica commented. SeoHyun nodded in agreement. As soon as Tiffany was out of sight, they heard Taeyeon calling out for them.

“Yuri! Yoona! Show yourselves! I need a good word with you two!” Taeyeon’s voice resounded. All four girls’ eyes popped open before they hurried into their positions. Yuri took the teddy from behind the gate and handed it to Jessica. SeoHyun took the food from her bag and opened it for Yoona. Yoona hurriedly took large bites to make it look like it wasn’t just opened. Once everything was set, Taeyeon came down the road with Bubz in her arms.

“Where’s Sooyoung and Sunny? We only have one shot at this.” Yoona whispered from the side of her mouth. Yuri just hushed Yoona as Taeyeon got closer to them. They were shocked to not see Miyoung beside Taeyeon.

“Oh. Hi Taeyeon!” Yoona pretended to just spot Taeyeon and waved happily. Taeyeon glared at Yoona before shifting her glare to Yuri. The four of them went up to greet Taeyeon cheerfully. Once they were in front of her, Taeyeon took one hand from under Bubz and knocked Yuri and Yoona against their foreheads.

“Where have you two been for the past week?! I tried calling your phones but you wouldn’t pick up.” Taeyeon scolded. Yuri and Yoona just faked their laughs and shrugged.

“I guess we lost them” Yuri smiled. Taeyeon was not amused. She continued to stare at the two intensely. Yuri and Yoona looked behind Taeyeon to check if there was anyone else coming. They were hesitant to go with their plan.

“Hey, Taeyeon. I heard Miyoung was back.” Yoona decided to ask. Taeyeon shifted her gaze to Yoona, a little confused as to how she knew. Yuri then gave an awkward cough to signal that she was the one who had told Yoona. Taeyeon then just sighed and nodded meekly.

“Yeah… She is.” Was all Taeyeon said. Yuri continued to stare down the path which Taeyeon had come from and waited. When there was no sign of anyone following behind Taeyeon, Yuri pulled Taeyeon by the shoulders to the gate. Yoona, Jessica and SeoHyun then executed the plan and took the ropes from nearby to hand them to Yoona. Yoona then wrapped them around Taeyeon and tired her to the gate securely. Yuri took hold of Bubz as Yoona continued to secure Taeyeon.

“Hey. What? What are you doing?” Taeyeon struggled. Yoona continued to secure Taeyeon before finally finishing off with a knot.

“You’re not the only one who can do deadly knots.” Yoona huffed as she dusted her hands and gave a proud smirk. Taeyeon struggled from the ropes and tried to break free, not forgetting to shoot daggers at the people around her.

“Those ropes were originally for Miyoung, but since she isn’t here, I guess we have to go with plan B” Yuri said confidently.

“What plan?” Taeyeon growled under her breath.

“To wake you up.” Yuri smiled. Taeyeon stopped struggling in the ropes as she watched Yuri.

“Now where is Sooyeon?” Yoona sighed as she waited. Taeyeon then continued to break free from the ropes, twisting and breaking a few bones here and there.

“Argh” Taeyeon winced in pain when her left forearm snapped.

“Hey. The food you guys have these days is so fascinating” A cheerful voice filled the silence. Taeyeon stopped struggling from the ropes and allowed her arm to heal as she stared down at the path. Coming from the path was a girl holding containers of food who looked oddly like Jessica.

“You’re late Sooyeon.” Jessica rolled her eyes. Yuri just chuckled and turned her attention back to Taeyeon. Sooyeon gave an apologetic smile before she stood beside Yuri. When she caught sight of Taeyeon, she stopped eating immediately.

“Sooyeon?!” Taeyeon exclaimed. Sooyeon smiled widely at Taeyeon and passed Yuri the food before she ran up to give Taeyeon an awkward hug.

“Long time no see unnie” Sooyeon greeted cheerfully. Taeyeon just chuckled and moved away from Sooyeon’s embrace.

“We met not long ago. You pushed me to the ground, remember?” Taeyeon chuckled. Sooyeon pulled away from the hug and nodded with a smile.

“Of course I remember.” Sooyeon smiled.

“Okay, family reunion done and over. Now onto serious business.” Yoona interrupted. Sooyeon’s expression then dropped from a smile to a frown. She took a few steps back to stand beside Yuri as the atmosphere dulled down.

“Yuri… Yoona… Take me out of these ropes. Now.” Taeyeon said seriously. Yoona and Yuri shook their heads in unison. SeoHyun and Jessica then excused themselves and walked out of the gates towards the river to call Tiffany back.

“I guess that match really did come in handy. I doubt we’d be able to stand against you without that.” Yuri chuckled. Taeyeon let out a low growl from her throat as she continued to glare at the two.

“You’re betraying me after all this time?” Taeyeon uttered out. The other two immortals let out a small gasp as Sooyeon opened her eyes wide open.

“Taeyeon… We’re trying to help you.” Yuri said in a hurt tone with Yoona nodding furiously beside her.

“With what?” Taeyeon snapped back.

“Miyoung.” Sooyeon answered this time. Taeyeon turned her attention to Sooyeon and gave a confused expression. Tonight was causing so much confusion for her.

“Miyoung?” Taeyeon questioned. All four girls nodded once in unison.

“Taeyeon… You’re moving to Japan to pass the role of the leader of the Legions right?” Yuritook a step closer to Taeyeon and said seriously. Taeyeon nodded slowly as she kept eye contact with Yuri.

“And you know that there is someone after that role as the leader?” Yoona followed Yuri’s lead and also took a step further. Taeyeon turned her head back and forth between the two immortals, wondering where the conversation was heading to.

“Miyoung plans to take over the Legion Taeyeon-ah. She wants you to go to Japan and see the Legion. She wants the power of the pure blood immortals in her hand, including you.” Sooyeon continued on. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows at the explanation and started struggling against the ropes again.

“I don’t know what you’re saying. Let me go.” Taeyeon grunted.

“Taeyeon!” Yoona raised her voice. Taeyeon was stunned that Yoona would raise her voice against her and stared at Yoona.

“Miyoung is not the same as she was from before… She kidnapped all of us and locked us in a cell. She used your sister to guard us. She was hurting your sister Taeyeon… and all of us… including Tiffany.” Yoona said seriously. Taeyeon stopped struggling when Yoona mentioned Tiffany’s name. She stared down at the floor as she waited for Yoona to continue.

“Taeyeon… she’s been keeping you away from us from the past week, because she knows we will foil her plan. She bumped into Tiffany the other day and beat her down hard onto the floor.” Yuri continued. Taeyeon gripped her hands into fists and shook her head stubbornly.

“No… You… You’re lying.” Taeyeon uttered. Sooyeon then crouched down onto the floor and held Taeyeon’s face in her hands.

“Taeyeon… You trust me right? I always told you everything… I never once lied to you… Please… Believe me when I say that Miyoung is evil.” Sooyeon lowered her voice into a

whisper. Taeyeon looked into Sooyeon’s eyes to see the same eyes she used to see long ago. The eyes of her dear younger sister, the eyes of her family.

“How can I trust you…? I don’t know if you’re even Sooyeon.” Taeyeon growled under her breath. Sooyeon just let out a small sigh and nodded, understanding that Taeyeon was still sceptical.

“Taeyeon, I know it’s hard to believe that I am your sister but the fact still remains that I am. Miyoung opened the realms of the afterlife and pulled me through them forcibly. She then used a chip that was attached to my neck to control me. Yoona came to take the chip away so I am no longer under her control.” Sooyeon shrugged. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at Sooyeon.

“Miyoung said you followed her when she returned to this world…” Taeyeon challenged. Sooyeon just laughed at Taeyeon and patted her shoulder.

“You were always too easy to fool Taeyeon. Father always scolded you about it, saying that you should grow your own knowledge instead of take everyone else’s” Sooyeon smiled. Taeyeon’s eyes opened wide as she remembered her family. Her father scolding her for trying to see if his books actually remained dry if she chucked them open onto the pond.

“Do you believe it’s me now unnie? You were arranged to be married to two men because you wanted me to be happy. In the end though, you disappeared and I ended up marrying him anyway.” Sooyeon’s eyes showed a hint of sadness.

“I… I… I couldn’t return…” Taeyeon stuttered, feeling guilt that her sister had to go with what her father had wanted.

“Don’t worry. That’s long in the past.” Sooyeon giggled. Taeyeon looked up at Sooyeon with guilty eyes before she finally snapped out of it. She then stared at Yoona and Yuri standing behind Sooyeon and remembered what the whole purpose of her being tied to a pole was.

“Miyoung isn’t the same anymore Taeyeon. Once she has the power of the Legion in her hands, who knows what would happen.” Yuri reminded.

“Most importantly… We don’t want to risk anything happening to OUR leader. You promised us that you would be our family Taeyeon… Family come first.” Yoona pleaded.

“Unless of course it’s Tiffany. We approve of Tiffany so that doesn’t matter.” Yuri added comically. Yoona nodded in agreement with Yuri before Sooyeon stood up and hit them at the back of their heads.

“Stay focused.” Sooyeon scolded.

“Unnie! Unnie! Yoona! Yuri! Sooyeon! Taeyeon! Help!” a sudden yell was heard from outside the gate. Everyone turned their heads down the road leading to the river as they saw SeoHyun

quickly running up as fast as she could. As she reached the four of the non-humans, she leaned against Yoona and was desperately gasping for air.

“SeoHyun! SeoHyun what’s wrong?!” Yoona panicked. SeoHyun was still breathing heavily as she pointed down the road.

“Tiffany… Jessica… In trouble…” SeoHyun gasped. No one could understand what was happening as they waited for SeoHyun to clarify.

“Tiffany’s look-a-like… pushed Tiffany. Tiffany… drowning. Jessica… in trouble.” SeoHyun continued. Yuri’s and Taeyeon’s eyes immediately opened wide.

“Sooyeon. Untie Taeyeon. Yoona and I will go see what’s going on. Hurry!” Yuri panicked as she rushed down the road to the river. Yoona carried SeoHyun on her back and quickly followed after Yuri, leaving Sooyeon to untie Taeyeon.

“Sooyeon! Hurry” Taeyeon hurried as Sooyeon quickly tried to cut the ropes.

‘Tiffany’s in danger…’ Taeyeon panicked in her mind

Woken Up

“Oh and… Miyoung is a little mad right now. So treat her with care.” Tiffany bid farewell to her friends and started walking out of the east gate towards the river. Whilst she was walking down, she hummed a small tune to fill the quiet atmosphere around her. As she was approaching the river, the sound of rushing water was all that could be heard.Tiffany walked close to the bank of the river and saw that the current of the river was strong and began to hesitate with the plan.

“I don’t want to get in that…” Tiffany murmured to herself as she bit her lower lip. She then noticed that not too far from where she was standing, there was a torch shining on the ground. She walked closer to the light and noticed that there was a rope tied to a tree. She then smiled knowing that Yuri and Yoona had put that there for her safety.

“Just got to wait for the signal…” Tiffany sighed. She then sat down onto the river bank and stared up into the sky. With her fringe obstructing her view of the sky, she blew on it harshly to move it from her eyes, revealing the night sky. Admiring the night sky, she couldn’t help but feel a little lonely.

“If all else fails, I’m sure I can save up to go to Japan. A degree is just a piece of paper anyway…” Tiffany whispered to herself. She then chuckled at the thought of her talking to herself.

“I have to admit, you have a lot of guts.” A low voice chuckled from behind Tiffany. Tiffany whipped her head around to see a shadow in between the trees. The shadow then revealed their teeth as they smiled an evil grin.

“Wh-Who are you?” Tiffany stuttered as she stood up from the banks. The shadow then rustled the leaves around them as they walked towards Tiffany. When it was finally out in the open, the night sky revealed a girl with pitch black hair and the exact replica of Tiffany’s face.

“M-Miyoung…” Tiffany uttered upon realising who it was. Miyoung was now fully exposed in the open with a smirk on her face.

“I don’t know what you’re planning with the other impure idiots, but it’s not going to work.” Miyoung narrowed her eyes harshly at Tiffany/ Tiffany swallowed down hard and took a deep breath before she stood up straight, challenging the enraged immortal in front of her.

“You still believe that you have a chance? Taeyeon as promised that she would leave with me to Japan… knowing Taeyeon, she never breaks her promises.” Miyoung took a step closer to Tiffany. Tiffany did not cower away from Miyoung’s approach, but instead she took a step towards her. Miyoung was a little startled that Tiffany was walking towards her, but she was still confident.

“I know she doesn’t. That’s why I trust she would keep her promise.” Tiffany mimicked Miyoung’s smirk. Miyoung clenched her teeth at Tiffany’s response as her hand twitched to slap the annoying human in front of her.

“She promised me that she’d be here until the end of Christmas. Generally, one would fulfil their previous promises before fulfilling their latest ones. And quite frankly, I think mine has more priority than yours.” Tiffany was now smiling brightly as she saw Miyoung’s eyes burn in the bright blue colour. Tiffany had seen bright blue eyes change before, but Miyoung’s was not as luminescent as Taeyeon’s. It was a cloudy blue shade, not the genuine clear blue of Taeyeon’s.

“Do you feel threatened Miyoung? Weren’t you so confident that day at the restaurant? If you’re so confident that Taeyeon will follow you, barking happily at your command and will, then why did you follow me here? You’re having second thoughts aren’t you?” Tiffany crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, waiting for Miyoung to respond.

“Taeyeon will do as I want. She loves me.” Miyoung lowered her voice to a growl. Tiffany giggled at Miyoung’s statement and nodded sarcastically.

“Miyoung… there’s a difference between Taeyeon loving you and Taeyeon USED to loving you. Obviously, you didn’t leave a big enough impression to keep a place inside Taeyeon’s heart.” The human rocked at the back of her feet cheerfully.

“What would you know?” Miyoung muttered. Tiffany opened her eyes wide and pointed to herself.

“Me? Well… I know for one, Taeyeon is not an easy person. She does not like being ordered around mindlessly. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants and I know for a fact that she will not listen to everything you say.” Tiffany pointed at Miyoung accusingly. Miyoung scoffed at Tiffany and turned her head to the side arrogantly.

“You’ve known Taeyeon for how long? I knew her even before your grandparents met. You have the nerve to tell me what Taeyeon is like?” Miyoung’s eyes were now fully blue as her blood was starting to flow irregularly.

“Yes, I admit you knew Taeyeon since long ago, but there was a large time gap between the two of you. People change and I’m sure that applies to immortals too.” Tiffany was now fully confident that she was breaking Miyoung’s resolve. She was waiting for Miyoung to respond even though there was no way she could respond back.

“Face it Miyoung. You’re no longer the most important thing to Taeyeon. Yuri and Yoona are… and hopefully, I might be one of her priorities too.” Tiffany finished off with the final blow. It was the last straw. Miyoung snapped and let out a frustrated yell that resounded through the trees. She then glared at Tiffany with pure hate.

“I will not allow you to take Taeyeon…” Miyoung mumbled to herself as she walked towards Tiffany with burning passion. Tiffany took a step back from the advancing Miyoung and gave her a worried glance. Miyoung was no longer sane. She was a beast, driven by hate and greed.

“I will NOT allow TaeTae to leave me…” Miyoung continued to mutter as she took another step. Tiffany took another hesitant step back, getting dangerously close to the river bank. Miyoung’s hand then gripped around Tiffany’s shoulders tightly. Her hands were grasped so tightly around Tiffany’s shoulders that Tiffany couldn’t feel the blood flowing into her arms.

“You’re the cause of all this trouble… You’re the one who makes my TaeTae hesitate… It’s you who is standing in the way…” Miyoung glared intently into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany felt a cold shudder run through her spine as she continued to hold her breath.

“Let’s see what you have to say whilst you’re battling against the currents” Miyoung growled under her breath. Tiffany’s eyes opened wide at Miyoung but before she could do anything, Miyoung had lifted her off the ground and threw her into the strong currents of the river, without the safety cord around her.

“Hey!” A loud voice emerged from the bushes. Miyoung turned around to see Jessica running towards her. She smiled to herself as she turned back to the river to see the top of Tiffany’s head going down with the current.

“You bitch.” Jessica cussed as she ran to the ropes and hurried tried to find Tiffany in the river. Jessica then spotted Tiffany hanging onto a rock in the middle of the river, spluttered water out of her mouth as she held on for dear life.

“Tiffany!” Jessica yelled out. Tiffany continued to hold onto the rock but Jessica wondered why she was only holding on with one hand.

“Jessica! My arm! I think I broke it!” Tiffany yelled as best as she could without swallowing another mouthful of water.

“Hang on. I’ll throw you the rope!” Jessica yelled back with reassurance.

“I don’t think so.” Miyoung from the side interrupted. Jessica ignored her and continued to aim the rope towards Tiffany. Just as she was about to throw it Miyoung gripped onto her hand tightly.

“Let me go.” Jessica glared at the latter holding her arm and tried to pull against it.

“Jessi!” Tiffany called from the rocks. Jessica tried to pull her arm away from Miyoung but it was all wasted. Miyoung then grabbed onto the rope and wrapped it around Jessica’s body tightly.

“I’m sure the fish don’t mind having one more friend.” Miyoung smiled to herself as she secured the rope. She then used a rock nearby to cut the rope that was attached to the safety of the tree and eyed Jessica evilly. Jessica backed away from Miyoung, similar to the way Miyoung had cornered.

“Oh my god! Tiffany! Jessica!” another loud voice interrupted for the third time.

“Who is it now?!” Miyoung yelled in frustration as she turned around. As she turned around she was met with a fist that swiftly hit her across her face, making her stutter back a few steps. Jessica moved away from the river banks and looked at her saviour to see Yuri standing in front of her.

“Jessica, are you okay?” Yuri quickly pulled Jessica away from the river and to the safety of the trees.

“Help Tiffany! Now!” Jessica wasted no time as she nodded her head towards Tiffany who was still barely holding onto the rock with a broken arm. Yoona and SeoHyun then arrived. Yoona quickly let SeoHyun down and went to Yuri’s side to look after Jessica. As Yoona took over, Yuri quickly scanned the river to find Tiffany.

“Yuri!” Tiffany called out from the river. Yuri then immediately spotted Tiffany in the middle of the river and immediately took of her jacket, getting herself ready to jump into the river.

“I wouldn’t do that.” Miyoung then chuckled. There was then a loud scream from behind Yuri. Yuri and Yoona turned towards the scream to see SeoHyun in the grasp of Miyoung. Yoona’s eyes opened wide open. Yuri and Yoona then moved from their places and aimed towards Miyoung.

Miyoung quickly let go of SeoHyun but then moved to her next victim, Jessica. Yoona stood guard of SeoHyun in case Miyoung were to attack her again as Yuri went to attack Miyoung. Miyoung held Jessica securely in her hands as she moved closer towards the river.

“You have three lives at stake, but only two protectors. You must choose, one or the other” Miyoung chuckled loudly. Yuri bit her lower lip as she watched Jessica in Miyoung’s grasp and Tiffany struggling against the currents.

“Don’t worry about me. Just save Tiffany. She broke her arm in the river!” Jessica yelled against Miyoung’s grasp. Yuri stood there as she exchanged her glances between the two victims. Yoona moved SeoHyun to the trees and then ran back to help Yuri.

“You sure you want to leave your friend there by herself?” Miyoung challenged. Yoona immediately stopped in her tracks and looked back at SeoHyun helplessly hiding in the trees. She then looked at Jessica before finally looking at Tiffany.

“Jessica!” Tiffany yelled again. The current was rushing against her as her body began to tire. Her hands were getting weak from holding onto the rock. Yuri and Yoona stood there helplessly, not knowing what to do.

‘I can’t hold on… any longer…’ Tiffany thought to herself as she felt her hands slip. Yuri and Yoona were still caught in the middle as Miyoung just watched Tiffany slowly slip from the rock. Just as Yuri and Yoona were about to jump into the water, there was a splash as someone jumped into the water. Yuri and Yoona opened their eyes wide as they quickly scanned the water. They then watched the rock in which Tiffany was at and saw that she was only holding on by a finger.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany yelled at the top of her lungs before she let go of the rock, her head going under water as her body was taken with the current. Yuri and Yoona ran to the riverbank and desperately searched the water.

“Tiffany!” They called out. Yuri then turned her attention to Miyoung who was smiling triumphantly with Jessica still in her hands. Yuri’s eyes then changed from brown to red in a matter of seconds as she launched herself at Miyoung. Yoona wasn’t far behind her as she attacked Miyoung. Jessica stuttered away from the immortals fighting each other and to the safety of SeoHyun when she noticed someone else with SeoHyun.

“Sooyeon?!” Jessica exclaimed. Sooyeon ignored Jessica as she continued to stare at the river worriedly.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Jessica asked. Sooyeon just stiffly nodded her head towards the river, not shifting her gaze at all. Jessica then turned her head back to the river and started shuffling down the river, making sure to check every space of the river. SeoHyun followed and walked faster than Jessica in hopes of finding any sign of hope.

“Tiffany…” Jessica uttered worriedly.


“Taeyeon!” Tiffany called out before letting go of the rock. She closed her eyes and mouth as the current washed her down the river. Her body was thrown from side to side as the river bent and curved. As her head remerged from the water, she took a deep breath before she was thrown back into the water. Her arm was being pushed in all directions and the pain was beyond words.

As she was under water she tried her best to stop her body from moving any further, trying to grab onto anything possible. She waved her hand mindlessly around the water before she finally grabbed onto something warm. What was odd was that the warm object that she grabbed onto, grabbed onto her arm. Tiffany’s head then went above water again as she took a six deep breaths. The warm object was still grasped onto her arm when suddenly, her whole back was embraced into the warm object.

“Keep… your head above water.” A ragged voice whispered into Tiffany’s ear. Tiffany coughed out a few of the excess water in her lungs and turned around to see a brunette behind her. The brunette then gripped onto Tiffany even tighter as they were approaching some rocks in the river. Tiffany didn’t have time to confirm who was holding her from behind as she continued to empty her water filled lungs.

“Whatever you do… Keep your own head above water…” the brunette whispered again. Tiffany just nodded mindlessly as they approached the rocks. Tiffany closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to know the outcome of her fate. As they were pushed from left to right by the river’s currents, Tiffany suddenly felt a stop, followed by a loud snapping sound.

She abruptly turned around to see who the brunette was and gasped when she saw Taeyeon’s agonized face up close. She then noticed that there was a large grey rock behind Taeyeon before looking back at Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon! Was that… your back?!” Tiffany yelled over the roar of the currents. Taeyeon just responded with a meek nod, finding it painful to move her body as it slowly began healing. The spine was always the slowest thing to heal for immortals, and hers had probably been snapped in three different places.

“Just… Keep your head… above water” Taeyeon repeated again with the pain evident in her voice. Tiffany then felt Taeyeon grip tighter onto Tiffany’s body protectively. She felt guilt running through her body as she heard Taeyeon groan in pain behind her again. Taeyeon had just saved her by turning into her barrier and using her own back to stop against the rocks.

“Tiffany!” Tiffany heard Jessica’s voice call out.

“Taeyeon unnie!” Sooyeon’s voice followed.

“Tiffany unnie!” SeoHyun’s followed after that. Tiffany then looked up at the dry land to see three figures running down the dirt road. Jessica was wriggling out of the ropes that Sooyeon had undid and now was running at full pace to find Tiffany.

“Jessica!” Tiffany called out but came out as a splutter as water continued to flow against her. Taeyeon then used her arms to push Tiffany up further, and in return, pushed her body even lower into the water.

“Jessica!” Tiffany called out again with the height boost she was given. Jessica turned her head towards her name and gasped when she saw Tiffany against the rock.

“Tiffany! Are you okay?!” Jessica ran up to the riverbank and yelled. She then noticed that Tiffany was not leaning against the rock and seemed to be anchored by something.

“How are you doing that?! Never mind! Grab onto this!” Jessica ushered for SeoHyun to bring the rope that was used to tie her and started making a loop around it. Tiffany turned behind her to see how Taeyeon was doing and panicked when she saw Taeyeon submerged underwater.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany yelled as she shook Taeyeon’s arm. Taeyeon then shifted her body against the rock to get her head above water again, but at the price of causing further damage to her back. As her head rose above water, she let out a groan of pain, not forgetting to empty out her water filled lungs.

“Taeyeon!” Sooyeon called once she caught sight of Taeyeon. Jessica was now aiming the rope further upstream and was planning to use the current to bring the rope Tiffany. As she threw the rope, it came off short and went past Tiffany and Taeyeon. She then reeled it back in and threw it again, this time it was closer but still missed.

“Now is not the time to remind me how bad my aim is you stupid brain. Aim properly!” Jessica cussed as she reeled the rope in again. This time she threw the rope with all her might and almost fell into the river if it weren’t for SeoHyun catching her. She then watched as the rope travelled to Tiffany.Tiffany then immediately grabbed onto the rope and wrapped it around her body, she then turned to Taeyeon to wrap her into the rope as well but Taeyeon shook her head sternly.

“Go on first… I can hang on.” Taeyeon mumbled. Tiffany bit her lower lip as she tried desperately to wrap the rope around Taeyeon’s body. Taeyeon shook her head again and used on of her arms to wrap the rope around Tiffany before securing it tightly around her waist.

“But Taeyeon!” Tiffany argued. Taeyeon just shot Tiffany a silencing glare before she shifted her back again.

“I need to wait for my back to be healed before I move. Go on first. It’s almost done.” Taeyeon said seriously. Jessica on the other hand, was not waiting. She tugged onto the rope harshly as SeoHyun and Sooyeon joined in. Tiffany was pulled away from Taeyeon and was being pulled to the river bank. Yuri and Yoona were now walking down the road with Miyoung secure in their arms. When they saw the three girls pulling Tiffany up against the river currents, they quickly decided who was going to hold Miyoung. In the end Yoona was chosen to go help them whilst Yuri was to look after Miyoung. Yoona quickly grabbed the end of the rope and pulled hard as

Tiffany finally reached the riverbank and was spluttering water everywhere, desperate to empty out her lungs.

“Tae… Taeyeon… Her back… No time to heal…” Tiffany muttered in between her splutters. Yoona then turned towards the rock to see Taeyeon’s face in pain as her body was slowly being pushed away from the rock.

“Taeyeon!” Yoona called.

Yuri then quickly let go of Miyoung and jumped into the water to grab onto Taeyeon’s body. Taeyeon let out a loud yell in pain when Yuri wrapped her hands around her back.

“Easy there Taeyeon. I told you, you should have taken those swimming lessons in your spare time.” Yuri scolded as she repositioned Taeyeon to her back. Taeyeon just chuckled slightly as she gripped onto Yuri’s neck. Yuri then swam confidently across the river, landing only a few feet away from where Jessica and the rest were.

Taeyeon stumbled into the dirt off of Yuri’s back and started spluttering water out of her mouth. Mixed with the muddy waters of the river, were traces of blood.

“Taeyeon! Are you okay?!” Yuri panicked upon seeing her leader cough up blood. Taeyeon held her hand up and nodded her head as she continued to clean her lungs. With every hack and cough, her back would move and cause a stinging, unbearable pain. After clearing most of the unwanted water in her lungs, Taeyeon collapsed onto her side as she allowed her back to heal properly. Yuri carefully held onto Taeyeon’s shoulders and pulled her as gently as she could away from the rushing water.

“Thanks…” Taeyeon muttered after Yuri had set her down.

“Don’t… mention it.” Yuri gasped.

“TaeTae!” Miyoung quickly ran up to Taeyeon and lowered herself down to the floor. Taeyeon opened her eyes and moved away from Miyoung’s touch as Yuri pulled Miyoung away from Taeyeon.

“When will the message get through to you?! Taeyeon is not a toy that you can manipulate. You shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe the same air as her, so I suggest you leave her be before she rejects you herself.” Yuri shook Miyoung’s shoulders furiously. The fear of losing her leader to the river was still clear in her mind.

“Just let me look at her!” Miyoung yelled back as she forcibly moved Yuri away and bent down to Taeyeon again. Tiffany, who had finished clearing out her airways, was now stumbling towards where Miyoung and Taeyeon were. She stopped a few feet away from them as she watched Miyoung fuss over Taeyeon.

“TaeTae… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. Please be okay…” Miyoung panicked as she tried to find anything to help the resting body in front of her. Taeyeon then gripped onto Miyoung’s hands and stopped her from moving any further. Everyone tensed as they waited for Taeyeon to respond.

“Stop lying.” Taeyeon uttered out coldly. She then threw Miyoung’s hand away from her and sat up as the last bones were slowly reforming themselves. Miyoung stared at the hand that Taeyeon had just threw away before giving Taeyeon a fear stricken expression. Taeyeon returned her gaze with a cold and lifeless one as she moved her shoulders around to stretch her back.

“TaeTae… what are you saying?” Miyoung stuttered. She took a few steps closer to Taeyeon but Taeyeon glared at her, stopping her from advancing any further.

“Tae…” Miyoung whispered quietly. Taeyeon then got up off the floor, stumbling slightly to the side as Yoona quickly moved to catch her. Yoona steadied Taeyeon slowly before she finally let go once Taeyeon was stable. Taeyeon then took a few steps towards Miyoung and held her hand out for her.

“Get up. It’s dirty…” Taeyeon said bluntly. Miyoung stared at Taeyeon’s hand before looking back up at Taeyeon’s expression. It was hard and cold, no sense of emotion towards her at all, not even hate. Miyoung hesitantly took Taeyeon’s hand and was pulled up to a stand. Everyone held their breaths as they continued to watch their future be decided in front of them.

“TaeTae… we should leave now… for Japan… start a new life… like you promised.” Miyoungsaid desperately as she gripped onto Taeyeon’s desperately. Taeyeon moved her hands away from hers and crossed them over her chest before she continued to stare at Miyoung.

“What happened to you Miyoung?” Taeyeon asked coldly.“Why are you trying so hard to get me to Japan? Why did you cause trouble for everyone here? Why are you even here?” she continued.

“Tae… what are you talking about? I just want to start a new life with you. They were just getting in the way so I had to do something about it. We promised didn’t we?” Miyoung’s voice was unstable. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at Miyoung before shaking her head slowly.

“You’re not the Miyoung I once knew… You never went as far as to endanger someone else’s life for your own wants. What’s the real reason behind all your doings?” Taeyeon was no longer falling for the spell of the past. The girl in front of her was no longer the innocent girl she once loved. She was a monster. A beast out seeking prey. Miyoung dropped her whole acting and stood up straight with a smirk on her face.

“It seems the past no longer affects you TaeTae” Miyoung raised her left eyebrow. Taeyeon continued to wait for a proper explanation.

“You’re the one who is after the Legion… Aren’t you?” Taeyeon continued. Miyoung just gave a short shrug.

“Why?” Taeyeon’s eyes slowly turned to the luminescent blue as she gripped onto her shoulders tightly. Miyoung just chuckled at Taeyeon and smiled to herself.

“Because Tae… they’re immortal. Inhumane, powerful and unique. Honestly, I could have gathered all the regular immortals like your… friends… here. But that would have taken too much effort. Instead, why not go for the easier and more powerful prey? A group of pure blood immortals in one place and willing to follow their only leader’s orders. A leader who I happened to know.” Miyoung directed her gaze to Taeyeon. Taeyeon moved her hand to signal for everyone to take a few steps as she took a step towards Miyoung.

“That still doesn’t explain anything. Why?” Taeyeon repeated in a low growl.

“To reshape the world TaeTae… Reshape it into a better place.” Miyoung answered brightly as the idea ran through her mind.

“The world these days is filled with disgusting humans. They take advantage of their own kind for their own pleasure and needs. Use force and unfair numbers to gain what they want and in return, their victims are scarred. Scarred for life, scarred for eternity.” Miyoung’s eyes burned in hatred as she described the humans.

“What happened to you Miyoung?” Taeyeon’s voice softened slightly upon seeing Miyoung’s broken side. Miyoung flashed her head back to Taeyeon and pointed at her.

“You happened to me Tae. You and all those filthy humans! You made me go through hours of pain, promising that I would be able to spend the rest of my life with you, only to find myself in the afterlife. Not only that but you pulled me from the peaceful afterlife into this damned world and found myself in the middle of nowhere! You left me in the middle of a forest to rot with the dirt and mud around me!” Miyoung yelled at Taeyeon as she continued to point her accusing finger. Taeyeon lowered her crossed arms and continued to listen.

“You promised that you wouldn’t leave me… yet you made me suffer all those years. After you abandoned me, those filthy humans came.” Miyoung then turned her gaze to the three humans on the side.

“Those filthy, dirty humans…” Miyoung then collapsed to her knees and held her head as the memories started to haunt her. Taeyeon’s defences were broken down completely as she watched her past lover break down in front of her. She moved towards Miyoung and bent down to pat Miyoung’s head. Tiffany, who was watching behind, bit her lower lip and clenched her fists together at the sight.

“TaeTae… please, just come back to me.” Miyoung pleaded as she grabbed onto Taeyeon’s wet clothes. Tiffany bit her lip even harder as she waited for Taeyeon to respond to Miyoung.

“I’m sorry Miyoung… I’m sorry for everything that happened. I’m sorry for not being there once you woke up… I’m sorry for not protecting you against the humans… and… I’m sorry that I

can’t be with you anymore…” Taeyeon patted Miyoung’s head gently upon the last sentence. Miyoung gripped Taeyeon’s clothes even tighter and shook her head.

“Don’t say you’re sorry… That’s not what I wanted to hear.” Miyoung shook her head furiously. Taeyeon let out another apologetic smile and stood back up again.

“I’ll bring you back to the Legion… They’ll help you. I’m sorry but I do not support your hate for the humans…” Taeyeon said quietly.

“… I can’t let everything go to waste… I just can’t!” Miyoung screamed at the top of her lungs. Taeyeon then took a few steps away from Miyoung as she felt the aura around her change quickly. Yuri then spotted Miyoung reaching into her pockets and was about to warn Taeyeon but it was too late. Miyoung grabbed onto Taeyeon and took a needle from her pockets and aimed it at Taeyeon’s neck. Everyone’s eyes opened wide at Miyoung as they froze momentarily.Yuri then took a few steps towards Miyoung in attempt to get Taeyeon back but Miyoung positioned her hand, ready to inject the needle.

“Miyoung… You really think a needle will kill us?” Taeyeon struggled against Miyoung’s grip. Miyoung just smirked and readied herself to inject the needle into Taeyeon’s neck.

“It worked with the past leader of the Legion.” Miyoung sneered.


“Miyoung… You really think a needle will kill us?” Taeyeon struggled against Miyoung’s grip. Miyoung just smirked and readied herself to inject the needle into Taeyeon’s neck.

“It worked with the past leader of the Legion.” Miyoung sneered.

“What?” Taeyeon’s body immediately stiffened upon the mention of the previous leader being killed. Miyoung just chuckled softly into Taeyeon’s ear as the cold metal of the needle brushed against the warm skin of Taeyeon’s neck.

“I’m sure you’ve heard the whispers from that fellow Legion member of yours. Your previous leader is no longer of this world or the afterlife.” Miyoung moved her eyes towards the audience watching her cautiously. Yuri took another hesitant step forward before Miyoung started chuckling loudly. She then pushed the end of the needle into Taeyeon’s neck, holding it in place as Taeyeon’s body tried to reject the needle. Yuri stopped advancing and gave a panicked expression to Taeyeon.

“Impossible. We’re immortal.” Taeyeon growled back. Miyoung took the needle out of Taeyeon’s neck as she held it Taeyeon’s face. She then pushed the back of slightly and let some of the contents squirt out of the tip.

“Yes, immortal, but not invincible Tae. You remember what I told you about our bodies, right?” Miyoung then moved her hand to position the needle back in Taeyeon’s neck. Taeyeon didn’t answer back as she continued to pull away the arm from her neck.

“Our bodies have been developed to be made up of mostly white blood cells. That’s what heals our wounds and stops us from aging. Truly a unique body we have… But, that is also our weakness.” Miyoung pressed her hand against the back of the needle and injected a few drops into Taeyeon’s neck. Taeyeon felt the contents run through her veins slowly. She then felt a burning, unbearable pain where the contents travelled.

“Argh” Taeyeon exclaimed as she lifted her hand up to pull away the needle and hold her neck. Miyoung took the needle out once again but still kept Taeyeon in her arms as the immortal writhed in pain in her arms.

“Taeyeon!” Yoona yelled as she ran up to Taeyeon. Miyoung pulled Taeyeon back a few steps and held the needle into the other side of Taeyeon’s neck.

“Don’t take one more step or I will inject the whole thing.” Miyoung threatened. Taeyeon continued holding onto her neck as she started clawing at it, trying to somehow, get the foreign drug out of her neck.

“What is that?” Jessica said fiercely.

“What this? This is a special drug that was developed especially for killing white blood cells. It’s highly concentrated so a full dose of this could kill even the purest of immortals within seconds. I just gave Taeyeon a few drops to let her see what it was like.” Miyoung laughed. SeoHyun opened her eyes wide as Miyoung’s eyes slowly started turning blue again. She gripped onto Yoona’s hands tightly, frightened of the blue eyed being in front of her.

“SeoHyun…” Yoona whispered as she saw the fear in SeoHyun’s eyes. Suddenly, SeoHyun fell to the ground with a loud thud. Yoona looked up behind SeoHyun to see Sooyeon lowering her elbow.

“Let her skip past this scene. Once she wakes up you can either lie or tell the truth. Now is not the time for all this drama.” Sooyeon said seriously as she lowered herself to the unconscious SeoHyun. Yoona let out a long sigh as she saw the limp body of the human flung over Sooyeon’s shoulders and taken to the safety of the festival.

“Urghh…” Taeyeon let out another cry as she started coughing again. Miyoung let Taeyeon’s neck go as she fell to the ground and started coughing up black contents from her mouth. Jessica and Tiffany covered their mouths in horror as they saw the ground splattered with black blood.

“What do you want?!” Yoona took a step towards Taeyeon and tried to help her. Miyoung just twisted the needle in her hands and raised her eyebrow at Yoona.

“You know what I want. Just give me Taeyeon and no one gets hurt. Simple.” Miyoung shrugged. Yuri and Yoona stood up to get the needle out of Miyoung’s grasp but Taeyeon’s arm stopped them.

“Don’t…” Taeyeon muttered harshly. She then held onto both their arms for support as she stood up again. Miyoung held her hand out for Taeyeon, waiting for her hand.

“Are you going to come with me Tae? Or do you wish to end your time in this world and endanger your friends?” Miyoung offered. Taeyeon gripped onto both Yuri’s and Yoona’s hands tightly as she took a step towards Miyoung.

“Taeyeon…” Yoona whispered as she followed her leader. Taeyeon tightened her grip before she released it again.

“Bring Jessica and Tiffany to where SeoHyun is… You too Yuri.” Taeyeon said in a stern tone. The two behind her remained unmoved.

“Go now!” Taeyeon barked loudly. The two immortals stumbled back a few steps as Taeyeon’s orders echoed through the trees. Yuri then slowly walked Jessica back up to the festival grounds as Yoona walked up to Tiffany. They exchanged solemn glances at each other before they glanced back at Taeyeon’s back. Tiffany bit her lower lip harshly, drawing blood from her fragile skin as her teeth sunk in too far.

“Tiffany… go back… Yuri and I will come back here, but for now, you have to go up to Jessica and SeoHyun.” Yoona whispered into Tiffany’s ear. Tiffany then stared down at the rock at the floor as Yoona started ushering her back up to the festival grounds. Yuri came running down quickly after Jessica was safely heading towards the safety of the humans. Tiffany then pushed Yoona away and bent down to grab the rock with her good hand and threw it at the immortal with the needle.

Everyone’s eyes opened wide at Tiffany’s actions, Taeyeon’s jaw dropping along.

“Coward.” Tiffany called out loudly. Yoona quickly lifted up her hand to cover Tiffany’s mouth as Yuri’s jaw dropped.

“What did you call me?” Miyoung glared at Tiffany. Tiffany used her hand to pull away from Yoona’s hand and took three confident strides towards Miyoung.

“A coward.” Tiffany answered back confidently as she pointed at Miyoung. Miyoung then saw the locket on Tiffany’s wrist and suddenly froze when it reflected the night’s lights. Yoona then used Miyoung’s hesitation and pulled Tiffany back again but Tiffany pulled away and stood beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon shot Tiffany a glare, telling her to move back, but Tiffany remained in her position.

“That locket… Where did you find it?!” Miyoung pointed at Tiffany’s wrist. Tiffany lifted her wrist up and saw the locket on her wrist again. Taeyeon turned around to also see the locket that was catching everyone’s attention and quickly pulled out the key.

“You were not supposed to find it!” Miyoung glared at Tiffany. Tiffany lowered her hand again and stuck her tongue out at Miyoung.

“Who was supposed to find it then?” Tiffany challenged. Taeyeon turned back to Miyoung with a questionable expression.

“Taeyeon was supposed to find it. I left it there… with a note and the music box… It was supposed to be for Taeyeon to find…” Miyoung’s voice slowly trailed off. Tiffany raised her eyebrow at Miyoung’s answer with confusion.

“Why would you tell Taeyeon to find the key when she has the key?” Tiffany asked sarcastically. Miyoung gripped her hands into fists and let out a frustrated yell.

“It was supposed to have made her remember our times together! She was supposed to have remembered the past with it. I left it there so that it would have been easier to get Taeyeon to follow me!” Miyoung blurted everything out. Taeyeon opened her eyes wide at Miyoung.

“You…” Miyoung let out a harsh breath of air through her mouth.

“You… always ruin everything!” Miyoung yelled as she narrowed her eyes at Tiffany.

“Tiffany. Get back now!” Taeyeon said harshly under her breath as she pushed Tiffany away. Yoona this time grabbed onto Tiffany’s shoulders and was dragging her back a safe distance away from the danger zone.

“What right do you have to lead the Legions? A leader needs to have courage, strength and confidence! You have none of those things Miyoung. Nothing!” Tiffany yelled back as Yoona continued to drag her away.

“Tiffany. Quit it!” Yoona shook Tiffany harshly before she continued pulling her. Miyoung was now wide eyed with surprise as she watched Tiffany’s stare at her with a challenging gaze.

“Miyoung. I’ll go with you to Japan… Just leave them alone.” Taeyeon interrupted Miyoung’s gaze and refocused the attention back to her. Miyoung looked back at Taeyeon for a short moment before she smirked.

“I don’t think I want the Legion anymore Tae… What I want now…” Miyoung slowly trailed off as she pointed the needle towards Tiffany’s direction. Taeyeon turned her head around to see where the needle was pointing. When she saw Tiffany the target of the needle, she quickly turned around but it was too late.

“… is her” Miyoung finished off as she charged at Tiffany. Yoona quickly covered Tiffany with her body to protect Tiffany as she saw Miyoung charging at her. Yuri tried to stop Miyoung but was easily dodged by Miyoung as she was quickly advancing Yoona and Tiffany. Tiffany froze in her spot as she saw the immortal charge at her. Miyoung then reached Yoona and peeled her off of Tiffany.She then lifted the needle, aiming for Tiffany’s neck as she positioned her thumb at the back of it, ready to inject. She then threw her hand down and injected the needle into the neck. Tiffany closed her eyes down tightly, waiting for the cold metal of the needle to be injected into her neck. As she waited, a loud gunshot was heard followed by the small sound of glass shattering.

Tiffany then opened her eyes up slowly to see the needle in Miyoung’s hands shattered. She then turned her head around to where the gunshot was fired and saw a group of both men and women walking down the road, everyone single one had bright burning blue eyes, except for one.

“The… Legion…” A strained voice then came in front of Tiffany.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri and Yoona’s voices suddenly yelled. Tiffany looked back to her front to see Taeyeon right in front of her. Her eyes then slowly traced to her neck where the thin metal was reflecting the night sky’s lights. She then saw that the top of the shattered needle was already inside of Taeyeon’s neck.

“T-Taeyeon?” Tiffany whispered raggedly. The needle then came out of Taeyeon’s neck and dropped to the floor, soon followed by Taeyeon’s body. Tiffany remained unmoved as she fell backwards, eyes still pried wide open.

“What are they doing here?!” Miyoung’s voice now had a sudden panicked tone. Taeyeon then lifted her hand up to her neck where the burning sensation was spreading quickly throughout her body. She dug her nails into her neck, trying to rid her system of the drug that was killing off her body. Her body then started coughing; emptying more black blood out of her system as her body slowly began to die off.

Tiffany then snapped out of her daze and immediately moved towards Taeyeon. She watched helplessly as Taeyeon continued clawing at her neck and emptying out black contents. She noticed that Taeyeon’s neck was now no longer healing.

“Taeyeon… Taeyeon!” Tiffany shook Taeyeon slightly. Before she could do anything further, the blue eyed strangers came and picked Taeyeon up, taking her into the middle of the crowd and out of sight from Tiffany.

“No… No! I was so close! No!” Miyoung then started screaming. Tiffany turned around now to see Yuri and Yoona on top of her, Yoona with her hand around Miyoung’s neck and Yuri’s hands just above Yoona’s. Their eyes were burning the brightest shade of red possible as Tiffany could see a few drops of water come from the burning eyes.

“Tiffany. Are you okay?” A low comforting voice murmured into Tiffany’s ear. Tiffany turned around slowly to see Sunny’s face in front of hers.

“S-Sunny?” Tiffany’s voice croaked. Sunny nodded slowly at she patted Tiffany’s head. Sunny’s eyes then flickered to the crowd blocking Taeyeon worriedly before looking back at Tiffany.

“Come. Go back to the safety of the humans. The Legion will deal with this.” Sunny whispered as she picked Tiffany’s body up. Tiffany’s body fell limp in Sunny’s arm as she was slowly taken up the road and towards the blue eyed crowd.

“Taeyeon…” Tiffany whispered. Sunny hushed her softly as she continued leading her back.

“No… Taeyeon… Taeyeon…” Tiffany planted her feet onto the ground in front of the crowd and shook her head harshly.

“Shhh… She’s going to be okay…” Sunny tried to sound convincing but her voice staggered towards the end. Tiffany took her body away from Sunny and held onto her head as her eyes slowly started to feel damp.

“Give us the antidote!” Yuri’s loud growl could be heard. Tiffany slowly turned her head around to see Yuri and Yoona shaking Miyoung furiously, their cheeks wet with their own tears.

“There is no antidote!” Miyoung yelled back. Yoona gripped onto Miyoung’s throat tighter and lifted her up before slamming her back down again.

“Give us the god damn antidote! You did this! You fix it!” Yoona yelled desperately. Two figures from the blue eyed crowd then walked out of the crowd and towards Miyoung, Yuri and Yoona. They calmly moved Yuri and Yoona away from Miyoung but the two red eyed girls refused to move as they continued to shake the pinned down girl. Tiffany then heard coughing from the middle of the crowd and her heart tightened. She then heard urgent murmurs in the crowd and knew that there was something wrong. The other two blue eyed Legion members had now managed to get their hands on Miyoung, one holding Miyoung’s left arm, the other holding the right.

Yuri and Yoona still had their hands around Miyoung’s neck desperately as the Legion members held Miyoung in place. The Legion members then kicked Miyoung behind her knees and forced her to her knees, making Yoona and Yuri break their grasp around her neck.

“If anything happens to our leader, you shall wish that you used that own needle against yourself.” The blue eyed member on the right growled harshly. Yuri fell to her knees and gripped onto the ground hard whilst Yoona ran to a tree nearby and punched a hole through it.

“Everything’s going to be alright…” Sunny whispered into Tiffany’s ears. Tiffany gripped onto her head even tighter and shook her head furiously.

“It should have been me…” Tiffany whispered as a few drops of water fell from her eyes to her knees. Sunny patted Tiffany’s back gently but Tiffany moved away from her gesture.

“It was always me… She shouldn’t even be here…” Tiffany continued murmuring. Sunny sat beside Tiffany and sighed as Tiffany was starting to sob.

“It’s all, my fault…” Tiffany murmured again. Sunny then lifted her hand up at patted Tiffany’s head gently, trying to reassure her. Tiffany pushed the hand away from her head but shortly after she felt the hand on her head again. She looked up at Sunny with tearful eyes and pushed the hand away again, but then she noticed something odd. Sunny’s hand wasn’t on her head. Sunny was also staring at something behind her with wide eyes.

“Fine, don’t receive my comfort then.” A low voice chuckled. Tiffany turned around and looked up to see Taeyeon standing there with a cape draped around her shoulders. Tiffany quickly stood up from the floor and stared at the being in front of her. Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany’s expression weakly and patted her head again.

“Taeyeon?” Tiffany whispered hesitantly.

“Yes?” Taeyeon answered back with a small laugh. Tiffany then immediately threw her arms around Taeyeon and hugged her tightly as she began sobbing again. Taeyeon patted Tiffany’s back comfortingly before she was tackled over by Yuri, followed by Yoona. Taeyeon stumbled back a few steps at the impact of the other two on top of her before one of the Legion members stood behind her and steadied her.

“Hey, you said you guys could touch me?” Taeyeon faked her cold persona. The three of them on top of her ignored her and continued to hold her tighter. Sunny from the side laughed at the three and looked over at Miyoung and the two guards.

She then walked over to Miyoung and bent down in front of Miyoung. Miyoung stared at Sunny with pure hate as the two guards tightened their grip on Miyoung’s arms.

“You have caused me quite a lot of trouble Lee Miyoung. The afterlife has been after you for quite a while.” Sunny muttered lowly. Miyoung tugged against the guards’ to lunge at Sunny but they kept her in place.

“Not only have you caused havoc in this world, but you dare break the barriers of the afterlife and bring more souls into this world illegally?” Sunny turned her head to the side as she continued to interrogate.

“I did whatever was necessary” Miyoung muttered back.

“Well… The afterlife doesn’t want you anymore. You don’t deserve to feel no pain for your actions. Instead, they have sent you over to the Legion.” Sunny nodded her head towards the two guard members. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a document out. It was stamped a pair of angel wings under two swords in crossfire, also known as the official stamp of the afterlife.

“The Legion has quite a grudge against you Miyoung. Killing one of their members was way beyond the barriers, but a past leader at that was just unforgivable. And here you are, injecting the same deadly poison into their current leader and wanting to take over them. Honestly, if I were you, I would rather be tortured to death in the afterlife.” Sunny smirked before she rolled the document up and tapped it against Miyoung’s cheek. She then then passed the document over to one of the guards before she walked away. The two guard members then dragged her away into the trees to take her back to the Legion without the human eye seeing them.

Sunny then walked back to the small reunion happening with Taeyeon. She had now managed to get Yuri and Yoona off of her but Tiffany was still attached on without a sign of getting off her.

“Leader Taeyeon… do you wish to remove her?” A legion member from behind asked hesitantly. Taeyeon just shook her head and waved the member off. She then tapped on Tiffany’s shoulder for the nth time and pulled her back gently. Tiffany hesitantly loosened her grip around Taeyeon as she stared back at Taeyeon. She then looked behind her to notice that the blue eyed people were now brown eyed people. They were all standing in a square formation and happened to be staring at her.

“Tiffany…” Yoona whispered into Tiffany’s ear. Tiffany turned her head slightly but still stared at the intimidating group of people behind Taeyeon.

“I don’t think you should be hogging their leader so tightly…” Yuri finished off in Tiffany’s other ear. Taeyeon then raised her eyebrow as she waited for Tiffany to detach herself.

“Oh.” Tiffany uttered as she quickly let go of Taeyeon. Taeyeon just chuckled again as she lifted her hand up to her neck. She was still feeling uncomfortable in that area but it was nothing that would threaten her life.

“Are you okay Taeyeon?” Yuri asked worriedly. Taeyeon just nodded slowly as she stretched her neck out.

“Leader Taeyeon… You should be careful.” The member behind her warned.

“Yeah, I know.” Taeyeon waved her hand off at him again. Sooyeon and Jessica then suddenly came down from the road, followed by Sooyoung who was carrying the unconscious SeoHyun on her back. Jessica ran up to hug Yuri immediately as Sooyeon ran up to hug Taeyeon.

“Unnie, you’re okay.” Sooyeon sighed with relief.

“Sooyeon. Ease up.” Taeyeon moved away from Sooyeon uncomfortably. Sooyeon laughed slightly as she pulled back away from Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiled at her softly before she pinched Sooyeon’s cheek.

“I missed you.” Taeyeon whispered. Sooyeon smiled and let out a small giggle.

“I didn’t.” Sooyeon teased. Taeyeon laughed along as she slapped Sooyeon’s cheek gently. Sunny then came up and tapped Sooyeon on the shoulder hesitantly. Taeyeon and Sooyeon looked at Sunny expectantly as Tiffany moved aside to make way for Sooyeon.

“I’m sorry to ruin the family moment… but Sooyeon… the afterlife council wants you back.” Sunny said hesitantly. Sooyeon let out a disappointed sigh and nodded at Sunny.

“I know.” She whispered disappointedly. Taeyeon blinked confusingly a few times before she stared back at Sooyeon.

“At least this time I get to say my good byes.” Sooyeon thought optimistically. Taeyeon then immediately furrowed her eyebrows and was about to question Sunny when Sooyeon stopped her by wrapping her arms around Taeyeon.

“I guess I repaid you for all the times you saved me from father.” Sooyeon whispered into Taeyeon’s ears. Taeyeon closed her jaw again and patted Sooyeon’s back slowly.

“Thanks for being the greatest older sister this whole world will ever have.” Sooyeon continued. Taeyeon stopped patting Sooyeon’s back and hugged her.

“You’ve grown up well.” Taeyeon smiled into Sooyeon’s shoulders. Yoona nudged Tiffany by the shoulder and chuckled lowly so that only Tiffany could hear.

“Aren’t you jealous?” Yoona asked teasingly. Tiffany nudged Yoona back and gave a huff.

“Shush. Family reunion.” Tiffany hushed back. Yoona rolled her eyes as they continued to watch the two sisters.

“I should probably get going now…” Sooyeon suddenly said. Taeyeon let out a disappointed sigh as she tightened her grip around her younger sister before letting go. She then lifted her hand up to pat Sooyeon’s head slowly.

“Be a good girl now. Don’t let all the things I taught you go to waste.” Taeyeon said slowly. Sooyeon nodded obediently before she slowly started walking away.

“Good bye unnie. I love you.” Sooyeon waved. Sunny took a few steps away from the people and took out a small pellet. She then threw it onto the ground causing a smoke of dust to form before a hole started to develop.

“I love you too…” Taeyeon awkwardly called back. Sooyeon just let out a hearty laugh before she stood by the hole.

“Yuri! Make sure you look after my reincarnation!” Sooyeon yelled. Yuri just smiled and nodded as she tightened her grip around Jessica’s arm.

“Tiffany! Please look after my sister! Just a warning though, she’s as stubborn as a bull!” Sooyeon called out, causing laughter all around the group, including the Legion.

“Bye everyone!” Sooyeon waved enthusiastically. Everyone waved back at the cheerfully girl as she took a step onto the hole. Before she took one step further she turned back around again.

“Oh and Jessica. Make sure you look after your nails!” Sooyeon yelled. Jessica laughed at Sooyeon and gave her the thumbs up.

“Same goes for you!” Jessica yelled. Sooyeon nodded at Jessica’s advice before she stepped into the hole which would take her back to the afterlife. As she disappeared into the hole, it started closing up again before it completely disappeared. Sunny then let out a relieved sigh before she stood up and walked back to the group. Everyone was staring at her curiously, but one pair of eyes she noticed in particular was Sooyoung’s.

Sunny walked up to Sooyoung hesitantly. Sooyoung stared at Sunny accusingly as she came closer. Sunny then stopped a few feet away from Sooyoung and took a deep breath.

“Sooyoung… there’s something you should know about me…” Sunny said slowly. Yoona walked up to SeoHyun and took the limp body off her shoulders and left them alone to talk. Sooyoung crossed her arms and gave Sunny a stern look, waiting for an explanation.

“I’m… not an immortal… or human…” Sunny started off hesitantly. Sooyoung waited for Sunny to continue.

“I’m… a shape shifter… I came from the afterlife where all supernatural beings and souls end up. I was sent here a few decades ago by the afterlife council to bring Miyoung back to the afterlife and that is my sole purpose for being here…” Sunny explained slowly. Sooyoung narrowed her eyes at Sunny and took a step back.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you after all this time… but I couldn’t risk… ruining the bond that we had.” Sunny sighed as she looked down. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to the owner of the hand. Sooyoung was smiling at her with a reassuring smile before she brought her in for a hug.

“I already knew what you were.” Sooyoung whispered into Sunny’s ear.

“How?” Sunny exclaimed in surprise. Sooyoung chuckled and pulled away from the hug as a male stepped out of the Legion’s crowd.

“That would be me.” Gi Kwang said proudly. Sunny opened her eyes wide at Gi Kwang before looking back at Sooyoung with the same expression.

“What? When?” Sunny continued to ask.

“A few moments ago actually.” Sooyoung said matter-of-factly. Sunny raised her eyebrow up at Sooyoung.

“And you’re not surprised?” Sunny asked. Sooyoung just shrugged.

“Who am I to say that the paranormal doesn’t exist? It came off as a shock at first but I guess I had a hunch that there were other beings out there.” Sooyoung explained calmly.

“So what happens to you now?” Tiffany then suddenly asked. Sunny turned to Tiffany and shrugged.

“She remains with the Legion.” The man behind Taeyeon answered.

“We have our ties with the afterlife. They are willing to let Sunny stay in this world as long as she stays with the Legion.” He continued.

“Really?!” Sunny exclaimed. The man just nodded firmly.

Sooyoung was the first to react as she hugged Sunny tightly, lifted her off the ground and spinning her around in a full revolution. Everyone laughed at the over enthusiastic Sooyoung as they slowly started making their own celebrations.

The Legion members were slowly making their way back to the festival except for that one man beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon turned towards him curiously, wondering if there was anything that he needed.

“Leader Taeyeon… please remember to take care of yourself. As of now, your neck is your most fragile part of your body. It would heal a lot slower than that of a human.” He said sternly. Taeyeon nodded slowly at him.

“You’ve done your research I see?” Taeyeon asked quietly. The Legion member nodded.

“The last leader wanted to make sure that if anything were to happen, we would have a solution.” He said sternly. Taeyeon let out a small sigh and patted the man’s shoulders.

“What have you done with him?” Taeyeon asked solemnly.

“He… he was buried under the grounds of your immortal birth place.” The member hesitated. Taeyeon nodded slowly before she patted the man’s shoulders again.

“He was a great father to us all…” Taeyeon whispered.

“He always had a soft spot for you Leader Taeyeon.” The man chuckled. Taeyeon laughed along and nodded.

“Please continue to keep your leader role. You are all that remains of the late leader. We shall not hassle you with our business… just…” he trailed off.

“I’ll still be your leader… I won’t let the Legion fall into the wrong hands…” Taeyeon reassured. The man smiled and bowed to Taeyeon graciously.

“Now run along. I’m sure the others are waiting.” Taeyeon nudged the last member to go. The man smiled at Taeyeon brightly before he ran up to catch up with the other members.

“Taeyeon…?” Tiffany called from behind her. Taeyeon turned around to see Tiffany’s hesitant position and raised her eyebrow.

“Can I… hug you?” Tiffany asked shyly. Taeyeon smiled to the side before nodding in approval. Before she could even finish nodding, she was already embraced by two arms.

“Thank god you’re okay.” Tiffany murmured into Taeyeon’s shoulders.

“Course I am. I’m the leader of the immortals, aren’t I?” Taeyeon chuckled back. Tiffany just smiled as tears of relief started flowing from her eyes as she tightened her grip.

“Yeah…” Tiffany nodded.

Christmas Night

Yuri was lying down in the open field staring up into the sky with Jessica beside her. They were both holding hands tightly as they watched the night sky above them. Yuri’s eyes were burning a bright red colour as the full moon hung above the sky above them

“Jessica?” Yuri whispered.

“Hm?” Jessica hummed back as she closed her eyes, feeling tired after watching the stars. Yuri then sat up from the field and rolled on top of Jessica as she pinned Jessica’s hands down against the floor. She then stared intensely into Jessica’s eyes with her burning red eyes with a smirk on her face. Jessica opened her eyes immediately and stared at Yuri nervously.

Yuri then lowered herself down closer to Jessica. Jessica could feel the warmth of Yuri’s body radiate and Yuri’s warm breath washed over her. She blinked a few times before her cheeks slowly started turning pink and warm.

“I promised that I would ask you after everything was over didn’t I?” Yuri whispered onto Jessica. Jessica held her breath to stop the addicting breath of Yuri pull her into its trance. She then responded with a shy nod and watched as Yuri’s smirk grew.

“So… Jung Jessica…” Yuri lowered herself even more into Jessica’s ear. She then breathed into Jessica’s ear slowly, causing Jessica to develop goose bumps on her neck.

“Can you accept me for what I am? A being of the paranormal and supernatural? A beast by the definition of the scriptures? An immortal that is helplessly in love with a helpless human?” Yuri whispered into Jessica’s ear. She found it amusing when she saw Jessica’s ear turn bright red, knowing that her face was probably just the same.

“O-Of course I do…”Jessica stuttered. Yuri chuckled and pulled away from Jessica’s ear to hover above the bright pink human. Yuri’s red eyes locked with Jessica’s again as she raised her eyebrow.

“Are you sure?” Yuri teased. Jessica frowned at the teasing being on top of her and decided to take the initiative. She lifted her head off the floor and locked her lips against those above her. Yuri let out a deep chuckle from in her throat as she lowered her head and pressed her lips harder against Jessica’s.


“Yoona.” SeoHyun called out. Yoona hid even further into the corner of the classroom. Yoona and SeoHyun had decided to meet up in the classrooms for their Christmas day. Yoona brought some food from Leeteuk’s restaurant for their food and spent their time walking around thecampus talking about how their friends were spending their Christmas and just creating small talk between the two. Once nightfall came, Yoona quickly ran to the corner of the room and hid her burning red eyes from SeoHyun.

“I don’t want you to get scared.” Yoona uttered out. Truth was, SeoHyun already knew what the Elites were. When she woke up from the sleep that Sooyeon had put her in, Yoona had told her everything. SeoHyun did not believe it at first but everyone around her told her it was true. She then stopped talking to Yoona for a whole week before she decided that it was more painful to be away from Yoona.

“I won’t be scared Yoona. Tiffany unnie had told me everything about the eyes and all that.” SeoHyun took a step closer to Yoona. Yoona shook her head firmly and continued to hide away. SeoHyun then let out an annoyed huff and stormed right up to Yoona and turned her around. Yoona closed her eyes tightly and did not allow SeoHyun to see her brightly coloured eyes.

“Yoona. Open.” SeoHyun said sternly. Yoona pursed her lips and shook her head sternly.

“Yoona…” SeoHyun repeated. Yoona continued to be stubborn and kept her eyes closed. SeoHyun then took a deep breath and then dived in and pressed her lips against Yoona’s. Upon feeling a warm sensation on her lips, Yoona’s eyes immediately opened as SeoHyun pulled away. SeoHyun then let out a triumphant smile as she caressed Yoona’s cheeks.

“They’re pretty.” SeoHyun complimented. Yoona blinked confusingly at SeoHyun but then melted and smiled back at SeoHyun.

“Really?” Yoona said hopefully. SeoHyun just nodded eagerly and let out a small giggle.

“Th-That… was our first kiss… huh?” SeoHyun blushed. Yoona lowered her gaze to the floor shyly and scratched her back of her neck.

“Y-Yeah…” Yoona stuttered.

From outside the window, they could see the moon shining brightly as the first snow of the season started to fall.


“Taeyeon. Look. Snow” Tiffany said excitedly as she pointed to the snow falling slowly. Taeyeon walked behind Tiffany with a bored expression on her face, contrasting Tiffany’s bright excited smile. Upon seeing her expression, Tiffany let out a small pout and sighed.

“Taeyeon… I thought you would be totally different after that whole incident. You’ve just returned to your cold self again.” Tiffany complained. Taeyeon just shrugged as she took out her iPad and opened the new counter app.

“I could easily take points you know.” Taeyeon threatened as the counter app showed up on screen. Tiffany had started gathering up her points again and was now at four hundred and fifty points.

“On second thoughts… I like your cold self…” Tiffany immediately laughed nervously. Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany’s antics and closed the application again. Tiffany then turned her attention to the snow falling slowly down onto them. She caught on in her gloves before it melted away quickly. Her dream suddenly came back to her from the day she slept over at Taeyeon’s house.

“Taeyeon… have you ever wondered why things happen? Why each snow flake has their own unique pattern, why it decides to form around a piece of dust and why it majestically drifts down and land gently before melting?” Tiffany smiled as she held out her hand and caught another snowflake in the palm of her hand. She decided to test her dream and see if it would somewhat come true

“Things happen because of a reason… Everything has a purpose in this world... As long as they have a purpose there is no need to ask why they happen” Taeyeon answered bluntly with a shrug as she stood beside Tiffany. Tiffany pursed her lips again as the snowflake melted.

“Then what is my purpose? Why am I here?” Tiffany asked quietly, wanting to hear the same response from her dream.

“Because…” Taeyeon started, “You’re here for me.” Taeyeon smiled as she held her hand out to catch the snowflakes. Because of her higher body temperature, the snowflake melted before it managed to touch her hand. Tiffany held her breath when she realised that everything was going exactly the way she had dreamt.

“There wouldn’t be anyone else to bully and blackmail if you weren’t here.” Taeyeon finished off. Tiffany froze in her spot as she blinked confusingly a few times. Taeyeon’s response was far from what Tiffany had dreamt of and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Unconsciously, her shoulders dropped as she let out a disappointed sigh. Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany’s reaction and knocked her on the head with her knuckle.

“Were you expecting a different answer?” Taeyeon mused. Tiffany shook her head disappointedly and crouched down onto the lightly snow covered floor. Taeyeon crouched down with her as she watched Tiffany gather all the snow possible and made a small snowball in her hand. She then patted it in the palm of her hand and turned around to face Taeyeon. Becausethere was not enough snow for Taeyeon to make a snowball without melting completely, she decided to use a stick to push the snow around.

“What do you plan on doing with that snowball?” Taeyeon asked without looking up at Tiffany. Tiffany threw the snowball up and down in her hand a few times experimentally. She then threw the snowball at Taeyeon’s head, making the snow cling onto her hair before melting away. Tiffany then quickly stood up and ran a few feet away as Taeyeon remained unmoved.

“Should have seen that coming…” Taeyeon told herself as she brushed all the excess snow and stood up again. Tiffany was a few feet away expecting a chase from Taeyeon, but instead Taeyeon took out the iPad and pressed a few buttons.

Tiffany then started to panic and ran to stop Taeyeon. Taeyeon was originally going to take fifty points off, but Tiffany slipped onto the snow and bumped into her. Her hand then ran past the zero before hitting the enter button.

“Oops…” Taeyeon muttered when she saw the screen. Tiffany steadied herself against Taeyeon and looked onto the screen. She let out a horrified gasp when she saw minus fifty points. Taeyeon had taken five hundred points away instead of fifty.

“Taeyeon. Fix it!” Tiffany panicked. Before Taeyeon could do anything, the bell rang to signal the end of Christmas Day.

“I don’t care Kim Taeyeon. From now till the end of Christmas. I will do everything I can to make you fall for me”

Tiffany’s words repeated in her mind. It was now the end of Christmas and she had minus fifty points. The reality struck her as she fell to the ground with disappointment.

“Hey… Tiffany?” Taeyeon called out hesitantly. Tiffany let out a long sigh and started to feel her eyes get teary.

“It’s okay… I’m sure…” Before Taeyeon could finish Tiffany shook her head.

“I said until the end of Christmas Taeyeon… It’s the end of Christmas now… and I failed.” Tiffany’s voice broke. Taeyeon bit her lower lip nervously as she bent down to Tiffany’s level and placed her hand against her back.

“You know… I wasn’t going to let you get the full five hundred points…” Taeyeon admitted slowly. Tiffany lifted her hand up to her eye and wiped her eyes as she felt it overfill with water.

“It wouldn’t have made a difference.” Taeyeon continued. Tiffany just shook her head, refusing to listen to Taeyeon.

“You really don’t love me… do you Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked hoarsely. Taeyeon’s eyes immediately shot open at Tiffany’s accusation. She then moved her hand underneath Tiffany’s chin and forced her to look into her own blue eyes.

“Who told you that?” Taeyeon asked harshly. Tiffany turned her head away and lowered her head again.

“You said you weren’t planning on giving me the full five hundred points.” Tiffany sobbed. Taeyeon let out an impatient sigh as she brought Tiffany’s face up again.

“I haven’t told you why yet.” Taeyeon said sternly. Tiffany then looked into Taeyeon’s eyes with her own teary ones. Taeyeon’s blue eyes were burning with passion as her expression was serious.

“The point system is a system to rate how you are. Five hundred would mean you would be the perfect human being… I don’t want that.” Taeyeon said sternly. Tiffany blinked away her tears and allowed it to roll down her cheeks, still feeling dull that she had failed.

“You shouldn’t try to act around me just to seem like the perfect human Tiffany… I admit you have many flaws and unstable areas, but that doesn’t matter. In fact, I probably wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have those flaws.” Taeyeon continued sincerely. She then lifted her other hand up and wiped away Tiffany’s tears.

“Stop trying to be the perfect being Tiffany… I like you for who you are. I couldn’t wait for the end of Christmas so that I could tell you all this. You don’t have to try so hard to be with me.” Taeyeon then moved her hands so that both her palms were against Tiffany’s cheeks.

“You are Hwang Tiffany. You came into my dull life behind the shadows of the campus buildings and forced your way into my mind. You stood out from the dull lives of the other humans and used your own ability to contrast against everyone else. I didn’t notice you because you were great. I noticed you because you were unique and I don’t want that to ever change.” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows, feeling frustrated that Tiffany was acting this way. Tiffany by now had stopped crying because of the points, but was now touched by Taeyeon’s words.

“You don’t need a point system to decide whether you can be with me or not. In fact you really don’t have a choice. I will not allow you to leave me after this. Not after all you’ve done to me.” Taeyeon said sternly. Tiffany nodded in Taeyeon’s palms and used her hands to wipe her tears away.

Slowly, Taeyeon lowered her face towards Tiffany’s and used her hands to bring Tiffany’s up to hers. Tiffany then closed her eyes as she leaned in towards Taeyeon as the two lips met. Tiffany felt her heart leap out of her chest when Taeyeon’s warm flesh met hers. As a reaction, she raised her hands and wrapped them around Taeyeon’s neck. Taeyeon in response moved her hands to Tiffany’s chest as she pulled her in closer.

The two lips were moving in sync as the snow continued to fall above them. The iPad was left forgotten on the floor next to them as so did everything else.

Slowly, the two broke away from their warm kiss. Tiffany felt her cheeks flush as they leaned her foreheads against each other, staring intently into each other’s eyes.

“Don’t change who you are. I love Hwang Tiffany, not anyone else. So don’t become something that I would not love as much as the real you.” Taeyeon whispered reassuringly. Tiffany nodded against Taeyeon’s forehead with a bright smile on her face.

“I love you Taeyeon.” Tiffany said sincerely. Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany and moved her lips towards Tiffany’s forehead and placed a chaste kiss onto it.

“Love you too, Hwang Tiffany.”

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