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Stephen Hawking

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2014 Stephen Hawking: Today the wonderful movie The Theory of Everything has been released and I thoroughly enjoyed watching my young self again.

Jane Wild


Stephen Hawking: I have been invited to guest star in the show The Big Bang Theory and will be playing as myself. It was a pleasure.

2009-2013Stephen Hawking: Today I was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom award and the Russian Special Fundamental Physics Prize, I want to thank everyone for my awards. I am internally grateful.

2012Stephen Hawking: I have no plans on retiring from being the director of research at Cambridge University. I will continue my theory of Black Holes

1973- 1988Stephen Hawking: My books The Large Scale of Space- Time and A Brief Moment in Time have been published and I am now traveling the world explain my theory of Black Holes. Since then I have became what some people say a celebrity.


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1964-1965Stephen Hawking: Mrs. Jane Hawking would not leave my side, that’s when I knew I had to ask her to marry me. I did and she did the said the brave word yes. I have since married her and have surpassed my life expectancy.

1963 Stephen Hawking: Lately I have been having trouble with my speech and my well being over all, I went to the doctor and they have run test on me for two weeks. I was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also know as ALS. I slowly over the next to years be paralyzed and dead. My love for Jane may have to end early

1963 Stephen Hawking: Today I met the most amazing women, her name is Jane Wilde. She is one of my sister’s friends and I believe for once I might be falling in love.

1962Stephen Hawking: Today I graduated from Oxford! I can’t believe it, I only spend about an hour a day of studies and do everything at the last minute, but yet I graduated with honors in natural science. I am now going to go attend Trinity Hall at Cambridge University and hopefully get my PhD in cosmology.

1959Stephen Hawking: Today I was excepted into the Oxford University. Unfortunately I could not choose to study mathematics because Oxford did not have a degree for it, but instead I am going to study Physics. I hope this won’t hold me back of my interest in rowing, I hope to join the coxswain team.

1950Isobel Hawking: After my husband, Frank Hawking left to go to work at the National Institute of Medical Research my little Stephen has developed an interest in science and simply just looking at the sky. However, even though he is a very smart little boy, my boy is not doing so well in class! In St. Albans School Stephen is at the bottom at his class I hope he pays more attention to his studies

January 8, 1942Isobel Hawking : My precious little Stephen William was born. Unfortunately he had to be born during World War two, in Oxford, England.

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Birthday: January 8, 1942


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