Download - FAD 40k Tau 0.2

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Tau 0.2


    Tau Empire

    The Tau are a small but growing power on the edge of the Imperium. War is the purview of the Tau Fire

    Caste, utilizing tactics that emphasize well-trained, highly mobile forces that tear apart their enemies

    with overwhelming firepower.

    Disposition of Forces

    Select a tactical doctrine:Mont'ka- Following the doctrine of the Killing Blow, the Tau maneuver to strike at weak or critical

    points of the enemy forces. Followers of Mont'ka use overwhelming speed and firepower to break the

    enemy's back.

    You mustspend a Challenge Point; all friendly units are mounted in Devilfish Transports, if able, at no

    additional cost. Reduce the cost of Pathfinder Teams to one Challenge Point.

    You may not use Broadside Battlesuits.

    Kauyon- Tau Commanders that follow the doctrine of the Patient Hunter maneuver their enemies intoa vulnerable position, and defeat them in detail.

    You mustspend a Challenge Point; After a friendly Tau Skimmer or unit equipped with Jump Packsmakes a Shooting attack, they may immediately move 6, ignoring terrain.

    You mustspend a Challenge point to purchase the following unit:Tau Commander*

    *You may only have a single Commander.

    You may spend any number of Challenge Points, gaining one of the following units for each point:Fire Warrior Team

    Kroot Carnivore Squad

    Stealth Suit TeamTau Commander

    Piranha Light Skimmer Team

    You may spend any number of Challenge Points, gaining one of the following units for every two


    Pathfinder Team

    Crisis Battlesuit TeamBroadside Battlesuit Team

    Hammerhead Gunship

    Sky Ray Missile Defense GunshipSniper Drone Team

    For Each Piranha Team:

    A Piranha Team consists of three vehicles.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to add two additional skimmers.

    You may spend any number of Challenge Points; for each point spent, give all of the Skimmers one of

    the following upgrades:

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    Sensor Spines

    Targeting Array

    Flechette Discharger

    Decoy LaunchersDisruption Pod

    Target Lock

    Unit Statistics

    Name Tau Commander

    Quality Regular




    Armor Crisis Battlesuit (+4)


    A Tau Commander is an Independent Character. It is equipped with a Crisis Battlesuit.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to give the Tau Commander a Command Squad. This squad counts

    as a Crisis Battlesuit Team of 2 models.

    In addition, the Tau Commander and any members of his Command Squad may choose one of thefollowing Special Issue upgrades:

    Iridium Armor

    Positional RelayStimulant Injector

    Vectored retro-thrusters

    Name Fire Warrior TeamQuality Conscript




    Armor Carapace Armor


    Traits Slow

    A Fire Warrior Team consists of 12 models. They are equipped with pulse rifles and photon grenades.

    You may replace the squads pulse rifles with pulse carbines at no additional cost.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to mount the squad in a Devilfish Transport.

    Name Pathfinder Team

    Quality Conscript




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    Armor Carapace Armor


    Traits Slow

    A Pathfinder Team consists of 8 models. They are equipped with pulse carbines, photon grenades and


    A Pathfinger Team is mounted in a Devilfish Transport.

    Name Kroot Carnivore


    Quality Conscript




    Armor None (-2)

    Traits Fieldcraft, Infiltrate

    A Kroot Carnivore Squad consists of 20 Kroot Carnivores. They are equipped with Kroot Rifles.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to attach a unit of 12 Kroot Hounds to the Carnivore Squad.

    Name Kroot Hounds

    Quality Conscript




    Armor None (-2)

    Traits Infiltrate, AssaultTroops, Quick

    Kroot Hounds are equipped with close combat weapons.

    Name Devilfish Troop


    Armor +3


    Skimmer (18Cruising, 24 Flank)

    Crew 3 (Conscript)A Devilfish Troop Carrier is equipped with a Burst Cannon, Landing Gear and your choice of two Gun

    Drones or a Smart Missile System. In addition, it is a transport capable of carrying up to 12 models.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to give the Devilfish two of the following upgrades:

    Decoy LaunchersDisruption Pod

    Flechette Launcher

    Sensor Spines

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    Name Sky Ray Missile


    Armor +5

    Movement Skimmer (18Cruising, 24 Flank)

    Crew 3 (Conscript)

    A Sky Ray Missile Gunship is equipped with six Seeker Missile systems, two Markerlights and your

    choice of a Smart Missile System, two Burst Cannons or two Gun Drones.

    You may deploy the Sky Ray Missile Gunship in Reserve. If you do, you may use it as an off-board

    artillery unit.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to give the Sky Ray two of the following upgrades:Sensor Spines

    Decoy LaunchersDisruption PodLanding Gear

    Name Hammerhead Gunship

    Armor +5


    18 Cruising, 24Flank

    Crew 3 (Conscript)

    A Hammerhead Gunship is equipped with your choice of a Railgun or Ion Cannon and one upgrade, aTargeting Array and your choice of a Smart Missile System, two Burst Cannons or two Gun Drones.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to give the Hammerhead two of the following upgrades:

    Decoy LaunchersDisruption Pod

    Flechette Launcher

    Sensor SpinesMulti-Tracker

    Landing Gear

    If you equipped the Hammerhead with an Ion Cannon, it gains one of the above upgrades at no cost.

    Name Piranha Light


    Armor +1



    18 Cruising, 24


    Crew 2 (Conscript)

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    Each Piranha Skimmer is equipped with a Burst Cannon Primary Weapon and two Gun Drones.

    You may replace the Skimmers Burst Cannon with a Fusion Blaster.

    Name XV88 Broadside Battlesuit


    Quality Regular



    Armor Broadside Battlesuit (+6)

    Traits Slow

    A Broadside Battlesuit Team consists of 3 models. They are equipped with Broadside Battlesuits. Each

    Battlesuit is equipped with twin-linked railguns and your choice of a Smart Missile System or twin-linked plasma rifles.

    Name XV8 Crisis Battlesuit TeamQuality Regular



    Armor Crisis Battlesuit (+4)

    Traits Slow

    A Crisis Battlesuit Team consists of 3 models. They are equipped with Crisis Battlesuits.

    Name Sniper Drone Team

    Quality Conscript




    Armor Carapace Armor (+2)

    Traits Slow

    A Sniper Drone Team consists of a single Spotter. The Spotter is equipped with a Pulse Pistol, Stealth

    Field Generator, Sniper Drone Controller, Targeting Array and three Sniper Drones.

    Name Stealth Team

    Quality Regular




    Armor Stealth Armor (+4)

    Traits Slow, Infiltrate

    A Stealth Suit Team consists of 6 models. They are equipped with Stealth Armor and Burst Cannons.

    Up to two models may replace their Burst Cannons with Fusion Blasters.

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    Tau War Gear

    Tau Squad Basic Weapons

    Name Range


    Burst Cannon* x3 +4

    Kroot Rifle x4 +2



    x3 +4

    Pulse Pistol x2 +4

    Pulse Rifle x5 +4

    *Because of it's high rate of fire, a unit equipped with burst cannons gains +1 fire effect for each burst

    cannon, instead of the normal +1 per three models. Vehicles gain this benefit as well.**Because of its integrated grenade launcher, double the fire effect of a unit equipped with pulse riflers

    for the purpose of determining Pinning.

    Tau Support Weapons

    Name Rang






    Flamer* x1 +1d6 +2

    *A unit gains a +1 bonus to Close Assault resolution for each Flamer in the unit.

    Tau Special and Heavy Weapons

    Name Rang


    Fire Effect Damag




    Fusion Blaster* x2 +0 +10 +9

    Ion Cannon x10 +0 +7 +6

    Markerlight** x6 +0 ** **

    Missile Pod x6 +1 +7 +7

    Plasma Rifle x4 +1 +6 +7

    Railgun- Slug*** x12 +0 +12 +8



    x12 +0, Large


    +5 +4

    Rail Rifle*** x6 +0 +7 +4

    Seeker Missile**** - +0 +8 +4

    Smart MissileSystem

    x4 +4 +3 +2

    *This weapon has the Melta special rule.**Markerlights deal no damage; see the weapon description.

    ***Whenever a unit targeted by this weapon would become Under Fire, they are Pinned instead.

    ****A Seeker Missile has unlimited range; see the weapon description.

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    Tau Wargear

    Advanced Stabilization System

    A model equipped with an Advanced Stabilization System may declare it is using it at the beginning ofits activation. If it does, its Speed is halved but the model ignores the effects of movement on firing

    heavy weapons.

    Broadside Battlesuit

    A model equipped with a Broadside Battlesuit gains a +6 Armor bonus to Armor Rating.

    A model equipped with a Broadside Battlesuit must select one battlesuit support system.

    Burst Cannon

    A burst cannon is a squad basic weapon.

    Crisis Battlesuit

    A model equipped with a Crisis Battlesuit gains a +4 Armor bonus to Armor Rating and counts asequipped with a Jump Pack.

    A model equipped with a Crisis Battlesuit must choose three battlesuit systems from the list ofBattlesuit systems, at least one of which must be a weapon system.

    Decoy Launchers

    Once per game, after the vehicle is hit by an attack but before determining damage, the vehicle may

    deploy decoys. If it does, instead of rolling for damage the attack is treated as having rolled '1' on any

    damage dice.

    Disruption Pod

    A vehicle equipped with Disruption Pods count as Partially Obscured against all shooting attacks.

    Drone Controller

    A model equipped with a Drone Controller gains the use of two drones. They may be of any

    combination of Gun, Shield or Marker Drones.


    A flamer is a squad support weapon.

    Flechette Discharger

    A vehicle equipped with a Flechette Discharger may make its free attack against any enemy unit when

    charged. This attack is treated as from a single model, gains a +1 bonus to Fire Effect for every modelin the attacking unit, and has a Damage of +2.

    Fusion Blaster

    A fusion blaster is a special weapon. It has the Melta Special rule; an attack against vehicles at Short

    Range rolls an additional 1d6 for Damage.

    Gun Drone

    A Gun Drone is equipped with twin-linked pulse carbines. A model or vehicle using a Gun Drone may

    have the Gun Drone attack with its Pulse Carbines at any time during its activation.

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    If a model or vehicle using one or more Drones would be hit by a Shooting attack, the models owner

    may choose to have the attack hit one of the drones instead.

    The Drone counts as Rabble for the purposes of Target Priority, Range and Fire Effect. It has a +4

    Armor Rating.

    Iridium Armor

    A model with the Iridium Armor upgrade increases its Armor bonus to Armor Rating to +6. A model

    with this upgrade loses the additional 6 to movement while Rushing gained from a Jump Pack.

    Jump Pack

    Any unit equipped with Jump Packs moves an additional 6 when it Rushes, and ignores terrain. In

    addition, any unit equipped with Jump Packs gains the Deep Strike trait.

    Landing Gear

    A vehicle equipped with this upgrade may activate it at the beginning of its activation. As long as thevehicle does not move, it does not count as a Skimmer.

    Marker Drone

    A Marker Drone is equipped with a Markerlight. A model or vehicle using a Marker Drone may have

    the Drone use its Markerlight any time during its activation.

    If a model or vehicle using one or more Drones would be hit by a Shooting attack, the models owner

    may choose to have the attack hit one of the drones instead.

    The Drone counts as Rabble for the purposes of Target Priority, Range and Fire Effect. It has a +4Armor Rating.


    A markerlight is a special weapon. When a unit is 'hit' by a markerlight, put a counter next to it. These

    markers remain until the end of the turn. You may only put a single counter next to a target from each

    'attack' with a Markerlight, regardless of the attacks Fire Effect. A unit may not benefit from countersplaced from its own Markerlights on the same turn that it placed them.

    A friendly Tau unit may remove Markerlight counters when they target a marked unit for the following

    effects: If the attacking unit is equipped with Seeker Missiles, it may expend a counter to fire up to two

    Seeker Missiles at the target.

    The attacking unit may expend any number of counters, gaining +2 to Fire Effect for each counter.

    The attacking unit may expend a counter to ignore Targeting Priority when attacking the target.

    The attacking unit may expend any number of counters, doubling the Fire Effect of the attack for

    the purpose of determining Pinning for each counter. The attacking unit may expend any number of counters, lowering the rating of the targets cover by

    one for each marker expended.

    The attacker declare use of the counters before rolling to hit, and the counters are removed after Fire

    Effect is determined.

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    Missile Pod

    A missile pod is a heavy weapon.


    A model equipped with a Multi-Tracker may fire two Battlesuit weapons when Shooting.

    A vehicle equipped with a Multi-Tracker suffers no penalty to Fire Effect for moving at Flank Speed.

    Photon Grenades

    A unit equipped with photon grenades gains +1 to Close Assault resolution if the unit is being attacked.In addition, the attacker loses any bonuses to Close Assault resolution from charging.

    Plasma Rifle

    A Plasma Rifle is a special weapon.

    Positional Relay

    You may activate the Positional Relay at the beginning of the turn to allow one friendly unit of yourchoice to automatically Deep Strike.

    If you do, no other friendly units may Deep Strike this turn.


    A Railgun is a heavy weapon.

    If the Railgun is mounted on a vehicle, it may fire a special Sub-munition round instead of a solid slug.

    Seeker Missiles

    A Seeker Missile is a heavy weapon. A seeker missile has unlimited range and counts as an indirect fire


    To fire a Seeker Missile, the unit equipped with it must expend a Markerlight counter on an enemy unit.

    This counts as an Indirect Fire attack that does not scatter.

    Sensor Spines

    A Skimmer equipped with Senor Spines may declare that it is using it at the beginning of its activation.

    If the vehicle does, it is affected by Difficult Terrain, gains the benefit of cover from terrain and may be

    the target of a Close Assault.

    When rolling to see if a vehicle is Immobilized by moving into Difficult Terrain, the vehicle may reroll

    the die.

    Shield Drone

    A Shield Drone is equipped with a Shield Generator.

    If a model using one or more Drones would be hit by a Shooting attack, the model's owner may choose

    to have the attack hit one of the drones instead.

    A Shield Drone has a +4 Armor bonus to Armor Rating and a +4 Shield bonus to Armor Rating, for a

    total of +8.

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    Positional Relay

    Shield Generator

    Target Lock

    Targeting ArrayTau Traits


    While a unit with this Trait is in cover, the unit counts as one range farther against all Shooting attacks(short to medium, medium to long. At long range the unit is untargetable.)



    Initial Release


    -Mont'ka Doctrine now reduces the cost of Pathfinder Teams.-Added Positional Relay Wargear.

    -Altered description of Markerlights to disallow a unit to benefit from its own Markerlight counters.

    -Added Piranha Light Skimmers.-Added Sniper Drone Teams and Sniper Drone and Rail Rifle Wargear.

    -Edited Shield Drone description.

    -Removed Stealth Trait, added Stealth Generator Wargear.-Altered Seeker Missile description

    -Added Seeker Missile to Special and Heavy Weapons table.

    -Altered description of Sensor Spines.

    -Clarified description or Fieldcraft Trait.-Increased Railgun Damage to +12. Reduced Railgun Anti-Tank to +8.

    -Reduced Hammerhead Gunship and Sky Ray Gunship Armor to +5.

    -Reduced Devilfish Armor to +3.-Added Pulse Pistol Squad basic weapon.

    -Added Stealth Suit Teams and Stealth Armor Wargear.

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