  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    > Non Ruminant Nutrition

    Irfan djunaidi

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Setting Nutritional Standards

    1. NRC, ARC etc2. Take into account current scientific

    development3. Bioassay experiment4. Consider vit. & min recommendation

    from various suppliers

    5. Evaluate field problems to adjust

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Nutrient needs :

    Maintenance : to keep its body functioningwithout any gain or loss in body weight or

    any productive activity Growth : increase in size of bones,

    muscles, internal organs and other part of

    the body. Reproduction

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Factors affecting MaintenanceNutrient Requirement

    1. Exercise & stress2. Weather & climate

    3. Health4. Body size5. Temperament6. Individual variation7. Level of production

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    1. Exercise

    Exercise lots are provided for confined animal helpkeep their muscle in better condition and toreduced injury to feet and leg

    In restricted lots have a smaller maintenancerequirement

    Stress (race, show, transport, weaning etc.)increase maintenance requirements

    Greater stress, the more exacting nutrient req. Prepared to reduced stress by proper precondition.

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    2. Weathers

    Maintenace req. increase as t, RH, and airmovement. Its related to heat loss

    In summer need less nutrient compared to

    winter nutrient convert to heat < comfort zone

    < nutrient keep animal cool.

    Optimum t : max. production rate, feedeficiency and reproduction

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    2. Sex

    Differences in nutrient requirement

    Male requirement higher than female :

    hormonal and gain rate were higher

    3. Health Paracite and disease caused poor feedeficiency

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    4. Body size As the basis for determining

    maintenance requirement (less accuratethan body surface)

    Body surface expressed as metabolicsize : BW 0.67 and BW 0.75

    5. Temperament Nervous animal require more nutrient

    Estrus animal require more energy

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Factors affecting Growth NutrientRequirement

    1. Breed2. Sex

    3. Age4. Rate of growth

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    1. Agea. Younger animal:

    - consume more feed/unit BW- utilize feed more efficiently- higher requirement for protein, EM etc per unitBW

    - req. more digested diet

    b. As the animal grows, its capacity to use othertype of feed increase

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    2. breed

    Larger breed grow more rapidly and havea higher nutrient requirement

    At same age :- faster gaining animal more efficient- Different feed efficiency

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    3. Sex

    Male gain more rapidly than female andhave higher requirement

    Un castrated males use feed moreefficiently for BWG (high water andprotein, and low fat in BWG)

    Mature average size is larger in males Maturity faster in female

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    4. Growth rate

    Fast gains may be fat gains

    Rapid gains may impair reproduction in

    female Fleshy feeder animal may not desirable :

    reach market weight before desirable

    market weight

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Factors affecting reproductionNutrient Requirement

    1. flushing2. Sexual maturity

    3. Nutritional reproductive failure

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace



    Practice of having female gain in weightjust prior to breeding

    Feeding 15-30% more 2 -3 weeks prior to breeding

    After breeding put on limited feed to

    prevent embryo mortality

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace


    Nutritional reproductive failure

    (partly on the last third pregnancy) Over feeding or under feeding

    Low energy and protein level

    Low P decrease number of young born

    Low Iodine cause impair and reprod.

    Low Vit A. cause weak and blind youngbirth.

  • 7/28/2019 Factor Affecting Maintenace




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