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The skin is a reflection of our inner health and our most fundamental sense of self, and

illuminates the relationship between our inner wellbeing and external existence.

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When investigating skin complaints, the therapist always looks under the surface. The skin is in

fact only the tip of the iceberg; beneath there may often lie a malady indisputably linked to our

emotional health and the way we live our lives. It mirrors our internal physiological and

psycho-emotional state.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, taught us long ago the link between the emotions and the

skin. He showed how people of a fiery disposition have a pink, warm, clammy skin, whereas the

skin of a lethargic (and also temperamental) person is white in colour, cold and clammy. The

irritable type of person has a yellow, warm, dry skin, and the nervous (or melancholic) person

has a grey, cold and dry skin.

2 square metres of skin forms the outline of the human body and separates us from the outside

world. With 5 million sensory cells, the outer surface of our body operates as a vast receptor

where every sensation speaks in complex code that the nervous system decodes and integrates

into emotional information. Remember that the development of skin tissue in embryos takes

place at the same time as that of the nervous system.

The skin breathes, feels, absorbs and synthesises everything: pressure, temperature, humidity,

vibration and emotion. With its receptive power, the skin is a wonderful tool for treating

nervous, sleep and psychological disorders. Massage is an effective way for a therapist to send

stimulating or relaxing messages to the brain. Also touch is a powerful anti-dote to reducing

stress and increasing vitality, improving the immune system, relieving muscular tension and

enhancing the quality of sleep.

Since the skin is the body’s largest organ and relates to all other organs of the body, a healthy

skin (and a healthy body) cannot be maintained with an irregular lifestyle pattern. For this

reason, skin problems need to be treated on an internal to external basis.

As the body ages, the skin loses its stretchy properties and wrinkles set in. Scientists attribute

this to a process called cross-linkage, or inappropriate bond formation, between protein

molecules. Cross-linkage is exacerbated by ultraviolet rays in sunlight, chemicals in cigarettes

and industrial pollutants, alcohol, fluorescent lights and the breakdown of fats.

Cross-linkage can cause premature aging. If you want to guard against the ravages of free-

radical activity, a good antioxidant supplement will help. Antioxidant nutrients protect against

rancidity of all fats, including those found in the cell membrane of the skin. Because the skin is

the third most fatty organ in the body (after the brain and spinal cord) it is very susceptible to

free-radical damage.

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To treat the skin effectively, you need to have a basic idea of how to identify the different skin

types. You will need to examine the person in bright light, when the person is not wearing



Normal skin is neither too oily nor too dry, has very few blemishes and little or no sun damage.

The skin is smooth, firm and appears plump and dewy.

Suggested oils to use:

German Chamomile, Neroli, Rose absolute, or Otto, Geranium, Palmarosa, Lavender, Rosewood,

Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang


Generally has a shiny appearance (although it dries out with age), and it tends to be thicker and

coarser than other skin types and is usually less sensitive. There is a tendency for blackheads,

whiteheads, clogged pores and other blemishes. Treatment is to balance hormonal activity or

the production of sebum.

Suggested oils to use:

Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus dives, Geramium, Lavender,

Lemon, Juniper berry, Mandarin, Myrtle, Niaouli, Palmarose, Spike Lavender, Rosemary,

Sandalwood, Tea tree, Thyme, Ylang Ylang

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Combination skin can be either normal/dry or normal/oily. There is a distinctly different

structure and appearance to the skin between the T-zone and the rest of the face. Pores around

the nose will be larger than elsewhere and there will be distinct areas of the face which are

shiny or matte. Breakouts are usually linked to hormonal fluctuations.

Suggested oils to use:

Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Palmarosa, Rosewood, Sandalwood


Sensitive skin is easily irritated. Generally sensitive skin is thinner than other skin types.

Because the nerve endings and blood vessels are so close to the skin’s surface, sensitive skin is

more likely to react adversely to products. There are three main causes of sensitive skin: stress,

environmental factors and hormonal activity.

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Stress related sensitive skin is sensitive to emotional turmoil and worsened by stress. Acne can

develop when the person is stressed and breakouts are made worse by the person touching

their skin.

Skin that is sensitive to environmental factors tends to develop allergic reactions to food, beauty

products or cleaning products. It is easily irritated, especially if products are overused. This

person is also prone to insect attack.

Skin that is sensitive to hormonal imbalance tends to break out before menstrual periods, is

made worse by the use of any oral contraceptives or steroid drugs and tends to be sensitive to

the weather.

Suggested oils to use:

German and Roman Chamomile, Everlasting, Lavender, Neroli, Rose Otto, Rosewood and



Mature skin does not necessarily belong to a person of mature age. A person in their twenties

can show signs of damage if they have been exposed to the elements for extended periods of

time or from the overuse of sunbeds. This skin type will have a leathery texture, visible

wrinkles, dull skin, and age spots (large freckles) on the face, hands back or feet. There will be a

loss of skin tone around the cheeks and jawline and the tendency for the skin to feel dry and

tight, especially in cold weather.

There can also be signs of blotchiness and thread veins.

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Suggested oils to use:

Carrot seed, German and Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Everlasting, Frankincense, Lavender,

Neroli, Myrrh, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Rose absolute and Otto, Rosewood and



Dry skin can be differentiated from dehydrated skin because as well as feeling tight, there is

visible flaking of the skin in some areas. It tends to be matt in appearance, sensitive to cold, to

wrinkle easily and, occasionally, to feel rough to the touch. Dry skin also tends to be fine

textured, delicate and thin.

The cause of dry skin is essentially a deficiency of natural moisturising factors. A disturbed fatty

acid metabolism of the skin plays a major role.

Suggested oils to use:

German and Roman Chamomile, Benzoin, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine absolute, Lavender,

Myrrh, Neroli, Palmarosa, Rose absolute or Otto, Rosewood and Sandalwood.


This type of skin simply lacks water. There may be fine lines, so it is often mistaken for dry skin.

However, there will also be evidence of other types of skin (clogged pores and blackheads, for

instance). Reddening, dryness or flaking around the nostrils, broken blood vessels or a chapped

appearance are the key indicators to look for. It is necessary to increase water intake and

balance out sebum production.

Suggested oils to use:

German and Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine absolute, Lavender, Neroli,

Palmarosa, Rose absolute or Otto, Rosewood , Bezoin, Myrrh, and Sandalwood.

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This form of acne tends to develop in a person’s late twenties and is most easily identified by

the distinctive redness brought on by broken capillaries on the cheeks, nose and forehead.

Unlike acne vulgaris, any lesions appear as red bumps (almost as though the acne is under the

skin, rather than on top of it), or a persistent redness to the facial area. This occurs around the

forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. It will not respond to the usual acne treatments. Nasal bumps

will occur, especially in men, which contributes to an appearance of swollen nose and cheeks.

Symptoms are common with fair skin types during middle age and can be caused by genetic

factors, insufficient blood supply, emotional stress, incorrect nutrition, drinking alcohol and

smoking. External influences such as excess sun exposure, wind, cold/heat and humidity can

exacerbate symptoms too.

Use anti-inflammatories and vein tonics to reduce any broken blood vessels or visible


Suggested oils to use:

German Chamokile, Lavender, Jasmine, Myrrh, Cedarwod, Patchouli, Neroli, Rose otto,


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This is the type of acne associated with teenagers because of hormonal activity. The androgens

stimulate the production of keratin (a type of protein) and sebum (a skin lubricant). At the

same time the dead skin cells lining the openings of the hair follicles are not shed properly and

clog up follicles. The excess oil makes the pores sticky, allowing bacteria to become trapped

inside which then develops into a blemish. Blackheads form when sebum combines with skin

pigments and plugs the pores. If scales below the skin surface become filled with sebum,

whiteheads appear.

This condition is more common in males than in females, is sometimes caused by genetic factors

and can occur during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. It can be caused and

aggravated by incorrect nutrition, gastric problems, emotional experiences and insufficient

knowledge of correct skin care.

Oily skin needs special cleansing and care to prevent pores from being clogged. It is important

not to use harsh products that strip you skin of oil and encourage flakiness. They can cause a

reaction known as reactive seborrhoea, where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for

the loss of natural oils.

People with oily skin tend to want to strip it of all its natural oils and buy products which

contain a high percentage of alcohol that leave the skin feeling taut and dehydrated, but these

products should be avoided as they will worsen the condition, causing the upper layers to the

skin to shrink. This restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts. The

brain cannot differentiate between dryness (lack of oil) and dehydration (lack of water). By

dehydrating the skin’s surface the brain will send chemical signals to the sebaceous glands to

produce more oil as it thinks it is dry. This in turn causes a secondary problem. This skin in

now dehydrated, therefore tight and shrivelled, thus restricting the flow of sebum into the skin,

resulting in a congested skin prone to breakouts. Without correct hygiene and selecting

appropriate homecare the condition can worsen.

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Suggested oils to use:

Anise, Bergamot, Cajeput, Camphor oil, Cedarwood, Chamomile German and Roman,

Immortelle, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Neroli, Niaouli, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary,

Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme and Ylang Ylang.


Eczema can be associated with the individual’s constitution or an impaired body function,

especially in relation to the immune system and nervous systems. It can result in having a dry

and sensitive skin throughout life. Consequently, sufferers have an extremely low resistance to

irritants and allergens, making their skin a vulnerable target for the effects of exposure to

excessive sun, extreme cold, humidity, certain foods, intestinal parasites, inhaled toxins, dust

and strong odours.

Suggested oils to use:

Bergamot, German Chamomile, Hyssop, Lavender, Neroli, and Tea tree.


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Stress and emotional upset are definitely major triggers of psoriasis. The scalp is commonly

affected because the head is where the major sense organs and brain are located, but psoriasis

can also be found elsewhere. Other common sites affected by psoriasis are the elbows, knees

and back, usually areas with less underlying flesh.

Psoriasis commonly first appears as small, red patches, which might vanish after a while and

reappear during vulnerable periods of emotional and physical strain.

Other characteristics are dull, red papules, which are round or oval in shape and have well-

defined margins, and are covered in silvery scales.

Suggested oils to use:

Cajeput, Myrrh, Lavender, Cedarwood, angelica and Tea Tree.


Dermatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin, which becomes red and itchy and

may develop blisters or other eruptions. There are many causes, including allergy, disease (e.g.

eczema), and infection. Avoid irritants or allergens and support the skin with natural products.

Vegetable oils such as olive and sunflower oil can be used as cleansers.

Suggested oils to use:

Chamomile Melissa, Lavender, Myrrh, Benzoin, Carrot Seed, Cedarwood, Juniper Berry,

Bergamot, Geramium, Neroli, Rose, and Tea Tree.

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Therapists must be able to recognize when not to perform any treatment. These include when:

A skin disease/infection is present:



Herpes simplex


Rodent ulcer also known as Basal cell carcinoma

A skin disorder may temporarily prevent treatment:


Cuts and abrasions on the face


Severe acne vulgaris

Allergic reaction which sensitizes the skin, such as urticaria

A medical condition is present, for which medical approval must be sought.

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Oriental Facial Diagnosis

Chinese Facial Skin Analysis

In traditional Chinese medicine, the face is an indicator of health or disease. By studying skin

conditions and changes, we can determine inner imbalances and stressed areas of the body. Because

each area of the face is said to relate to an internal body area, disharmony in that internal area will, in

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turn, lead to a change in the complexion, texture or moisture of the corresponding facial area. In

general, red, pustular breakouts are indicative of Yang-type energy, and oily, comedone-prone

breakouts are indicative of Yin-type energy. Lines indicate a long-term imbalance or stress, while

breakouts indicate a more short-term imbalance or stress.

The following information is not intended for medical diagnosis, but merely to illustrate the Chinese

approach to facial diagnosis. This information is to be used by the professional skin therapist to

provide answers and understanding as to why certain skin problems can manifest on the skin if all

Western causes have been considered and provided no help. Do not ever attempt to diagnose a client's

health condition.


Linked to digestion. The upper forehead is linked to the bladder and the lower forehead links to the

intestines. Check the client’s elimination habits, noting any constipation.


Linked to the adrenal glands. Coarse hair of the eyebrows indicates adrenal stress, with thick

eyebrows being Yang and thin eyebrows being Yin. The adrenal glands are our fight or flight

response and secrete over 40 hormones and steroids. Overactive adrenal glands are commonly linked

with stress, and lines stemming from the start of the eyebrow are linked with long-term adrenal stress

and may correlate with tightness in the shoulder area, which is a referred pain area (pain felt near the

site of origin not on it).


Linked with the liver. Large eyes, eyes set wide apart, long eyelashes and white showing

underneath the iris of the eye are Yin. Eyes that are small and close together are Yang. Eyelid

allergies are linked with allergies and lung stress.

Between the Eyes:

Linked with the liver. Check the client for a history of hepatitis, jaundice and/or liver stress.

A diet that is high in fat, and eating late, may cause this area to show sensitization or flaking.

Deep lines from liver stress may also be visible. This is commonly known as the wine and

dine area.

Under the Eyes:

Linked with the kidneys. Eyes may be puffy (Yin) or darker (Yang). If a client suffers

puffiness and fluid retention, she or he needs to improve water intake. Grittiness under the

eyes links with an excess of uric acid, common in Yin energy types. A pale white appearance

of the inner lid indicates Yin energy, while a red inner lid area indicates Yang energy.

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Linked with the lungs. Naturally large and open nostrils indicate strong lungs. Smaller or

flaring nostrils indicate lung stress, allergies and asthma. A long nose is more Yin, and a

small nose, pointing upward, is more Yang. Numerous comedones and oiliness over the nose

indicate Yin energy, which is prone to colds and bronchitis. Redness, broken capillaries and

puffiness over the nose indicate Yang energy, which is prone to allergies, respiratory stress

and sinus problems (hay fever, sensitivity to smoke, etc.).


Linked with the lung area. Broken capillaries across the upper cheeks indicate a tendency to

allergies and sinus congestion. Pustular breakouts in line with the teeth may indicate sinus or

gum inflammation and infection. Comedones and congestion beneath the surface indicate a

Yin condition, while red, inflamed, pustular breakouts indicate a more Yang condition.


Linked with the stomach and large intestine. The upper lip and cracking/dry lips are Yang and link

with stomach/gastric stress. A turned upper lip indicates stomach acid, indigestion or a nervous

stomach (Yang). The lower lip links with the large intestine, and a pouty, full lower lip links with

constipation and poor elimination (Yin).


Linked with the reproductive organs. Breakouts in this area are often associated with the menstrual

cycle in women. Micro-comedones are often present at the sides of the chin and may erupt into

papules or pustules at the onset of menstruation.

Skin Therapy and Chinese Medicine

While skin therapists cannot legally treat disease, we can definitely use Chinese medicine as a way to

treat any factors that go along with a disease or health problem. Knowing the medical problems of a

client, combined with your knowledge of the body through the Chinese eye, can not only make the

diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions that much easier, but your client will appreciate the

unusual approach and understand just how much you view skin care as a matter of health. Take the

opportunity to not only treat your clients’ skin issues, but restore balance to their bodies as well.

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In the process of cleansing the skin tissues and circulation are stimulated thus

improving skin colour and cell regeneration. Since it is preliminary to all treatments

it allows the client to become accustomed to the therapist’s touch. The aim is to


All makeup.

Surface dirt.

The top layer of dead skin cells.

Unblock congested pores


Most cleansers are mixtures of oil and water, which do not mix. Therefore, a third

ingredient – an emulsifier – is added, which stabilizes the oils and forms an emulsion.

Cleansing preparations can vary from liquid to semi-solid e.g. cleansing milk, lotion,

creams, complexion soaps, and even vegetable oils.

Use cleansing cream and if necessary wet hands with water for more glide

Or Jojoba carrier oil


Facial scrubs contain very fine exfoliating particles that cleanse the skin gently, by

removing dead cells and impurities, which make the skin look dull and lifeless. They

may be used several times a week on greasy skin but less often on dry sensitive skin.

They are applied with fingertips and mixed with a small amount of water, massaged

in and rinsed off with water.

Apply scrub and gently exfoliate the skin, avoiding eye area and lips

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Skin toners vary in strength and action but all have a tightening and cooling effect on

the skin. Some are mild in action whilst others have a more astringent affect. The

mildest tonics may be used on dry, dehydrated or mature skin, whilst some

astringents contain antiseptic substances which kill surface bacteria and are useful

in treating a blemished skin as they help to dry and heal pustules and prevent the

formation of blackheads.

Skin toners are necessary:

After cleansing to ensure complete removal from the skin of all cleansing


After a face mask to remove all traces of the face mask and refine skin


Before makeup to refresh the skin and close the pores

Use floral waters/ aqueous extracts adds healing properties

Rose water

Witch Hazel

Orange Blossom water


A facial compress or steam is applied to the face after the cleansing and toning

procedure. The compress may be cool or hot/warm depending on the type of skin

and effect required. Take care with sensitive skin not to apply a too hot compress.

Also make sure that the client is not claustrophobic. Benefits of a compress of

application of steam are:

Opens the pores

Eliminates waste.

Lubricates the skin.

Softens dead skin cells aiding desquamation.

Increased circulation causes an erythema, improving skin colour.

Prepares the skin for further treatment.


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Increase in circulation brings nutrients to the skin and carries away waste


Dip compress cloth in a bowl of hot water with a drop of Essential oil and apply to

the face and neck area. Do not cover the nose


Massage is considered essential to facial treatments because it benefits the client

both physically and psychologically. It is important to be careful to not pull facial

skin too roughly and take care with delicate area such as around the eyes.

The skin should now be cleansed and ready to receive the facial massage. The facial

oil is applied to the chest area, neck and face and soothing strokes are used in order


Facilitate absorption of the oil

Create a deep sense of relaxation.

Improve the circulation.

Relax tense muscles.

Tone the skin.

Moisturises, softens and lubricates the skin.

Improves skin colour.

Increases sebaceaous gland activity, keeping the skin more pliable and


Waste products, dirt, grease and other impurities are easier to remove, thus

making the skin cleaner and healthier

Increases muscle tone as muscle fibres are strengthened

Massage movements help reduce puffy area by helping removal of excess

stagnant fluid

Helps soothe and relax nerves

Massage helps relieve tension headaches, sinusitis and general tension of the

face and neck

Helps slow down the ageing process and encourage cell regeneration and


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The application of face masks reinforces the beneficial effects of the facial cleanse. A

mask is a preparation, which contains various ingredients to which active

substances are added to form a paste or a gel. They have different actions

depending on their formulations. The choice of mask depends on an accurate skin

analysis and a sound knowledge of the effects of the ingredients used. In general


Cool the skin due to evaporation of water content.

Increases circulation.

Tones and refines the skin.

Pores appear smaller.

Moisturises the skin depending on the ingredients used.

Relaxes the client.


Remove residue of mask

Freshens the skin

Hydrates in preparation of moisutrising


Apply moisturiser appropriate to the skin type


While the mask is on the client’s face a scalp massage or hand or foot massage may be

performed for the time the mask is on the skin.

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1. Use cleanser chosen (either cream or oil cleanser)

Apply circular movements with finger tips over the entire face

Remove with warm water with sponges/face washer/ dampened cotton


2. Exfoliate skin with facial scrub (depending on skin type)

Remove with warm water using sponges/face washer/ dampened cotton


3. Apply appropriate skin toner with dampened cotrton wool

4. Pat skin dry with tissue

5. Perform facial massage with chosen blend

6. Apply appropriate mask for the skin type

Use a mask brush starting at the neck and covering the face

Avoid the eyes and lip area

Cover the eyes with dampened cotton wool

Leave 10 – 15 minutes

7. Remove mask with warm water

8. Apply facial toner with damp cotton wool

9. Pat skin dry with tissue

10. Apply moisturiser

11. Apply eye cream lightly with finger tips

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1. Pressing the head with your thumbs – pressure with thumbs over the top of the

head along cranial fissure

2. Stimulating the scalp – circular movement on the scalp, loosening it

3. Magnetic cleansing – head drainage movement drawing hands to ends of hair.


4. Sweep down neck onto the chest and over the shoulders and around the back,

and up the back of the neck ending under the occipital bone.

5. Stroke down the neck, one hand followed by the other.

6. Circular movements over the neck and chest. Beginning at the back of the ears,

apply circular movements down the sides of the neck, onto the chest and over

the shoulders, round over the trapezius muscle and back up the back of the neck.

7. Circular movements over the trapezius muscle with the thumbs (kneading


8. Ironing of neck wrinkles (platsyma muscle). Alternate hands sweep lightly

across the front of the neck. Hold the skin on each side.

9. Drain down neck over the sternocleidomastoid muscles using a pincer

movement with the thumb and fingers.

10. Fingers slide upwards over the cheeks lifting the masseter muscle, and then

apply a rotary movement over the temples.

11. Circle with middle finger around the mouth (orbicularis oris)

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12. Triangularis levator movement. Index fingers slide from the chin passing either

side of the mouth, up the sides of the nose, and over the forehead.

13. Fingers slide from corner of mouth along zygomaticus to temples and small

circles over the temples.

14. Brushing the forehead – effleurage one hand following the other.

15. Pressing the forehead – pressure above eyebrows starting centre of forehead,

following the ridges of the bone. Pressure is decreased when on temples. The

movement is repeated all over the forehead up to the hair line

16. Forehead drainage (lateral), press with thumbs over the centre of the forehead,

release pressure, then slide thumbs apart.

17. Criss-cross movement. Pressing between the eyebrows above the bridge of the

nose – press your thumbs alternately, into the bridge of the nose, using short,

upward sliding motions. This movement relieves the sinuses, and stimulates the

liver and stomach meridians.

18. Circling the eyes – movement around orbicularis oculi and over eyelids

(breast-stroke motions – finger slide down sides of nose and out).

19. Pinching the eyebrows – lifting the corrugator and pressure inside the bone.

20. Decongesting the nose – circular movements moving upwards over the sides of

nose, apply pressure at the inner edge under the eyebrow, centre of eyebrow

and at the end of the eyebrow.

21. Raking the cheeks – sinus drainage from nose outwards over cheek bones.

22. Stimulating the “Chinese point” – apply pressure on the Chinese points with two

fingers near the corner of the nose, slide out following under cheek bone.

23. Liberating the lymph in the lower face – drainage movements towards ears.

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24. Stimulating the chin/jaw area – massage contours of the face with fingers placed

under jaw bone, and the thumbs working in a circular movement, from the chin

to the end of the jaw bone.

25. Alternate thumbs slide over and around the chin.

26. Repeat ironing of neck muscles (platysma muscle).

27. Stimulating lymph and nerve points from neck to chest – slide down the neck to

the chest either side of the sternum, press down, then on top of the shoulders

(pressure on shoulders), around the back and up the neck to the cranium bone.

28. Chest and back movements. Use rotary movements across the chest pushing

lymph fluid towards axilla, and circular movement round the shoulders and then

up the spine and back of the neck.

29. Stimulating the lymph point in the collarbone – lymphatic drainage above and

below clavicle bone (with thumb and other fingers).

30.. Neck Stretch. Slight stretching of the neck, take care the client is lying down

very flat and straight. Do not lift the head from couch.

References: The Complete Guide top Aromatherapy – Salvatore Battaglia

The Fragrant Pharmacy – Valerie Ann Worwood

The Complet Guide to Aromatherapy – Julia Lawless

The Aromatherapy Book – Jeanne Rose

Aromatherapy for a Healthy Lifestyle – Shirley Price

Page 24: Facial Treatments - Amazon S3 · 2017-08-24 · Facial Treatments 6 Stress related sensitive skin is sensitive to emotional turmoil and worsened by stress. Acne can develop when the

Massage Schools of Queensland

Facial Treatments



Facial Treatments Techniques Diagrams

Page 25: Facial Treatments - Amazon S3 · 2017-08-24 · Facial Treatments 6 Stress related sensitive skin is sensitive to emotional turmoil and worsened by stress. Acne can develop when the

Massage Schools of Queensland

Facial Treatments


Page 26: Facial Treatments - Amazon S3 · 2017-08-24 · Facial Treatments 6 Stress related sensitive skin is sensitive to emotional turmoil and worsened by stress. Acne can develop when the

Massage Schools of Queensland

Facial Treatments


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