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Facebook Still Rules Social Media in the U.S.

By Aftermarket Inception Computers & Graphics

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is still going strong. As the study reveals, more than 70% of adults in the US

use Facebook. The runner ups in this tough race are Pinterest and

LinkedIn. It’s true that Facebook was not able to increase the total

percentage of users in the past year. Around 70% of all users visit Facebook on a daily basis. In contrast, the study shows that only 49% of Instagram

users visit their accounts daily. These numbers clearly show that Facebook’s popularity

is still pretty high.

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Despite some changes in users’ attitudes and behaviors, people still show a remarkable interest in this social media platform. Even more importantly, existing users spend a significant time on Facebook. In fact, most of them visit the website on a regular basis. According to a recent study done by the Pew Research, Facebook is still the most famous and trendy social network. This social media platform continues to rule the hearts of millions and millions of users all across the globe.

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As the study reveals, more than 70% of adults in the US use Facebook. It clearly means that 7 out of 10 adults are still choosing to spend their time on this social network. The adults show a lot of interest in content sharing and posting. Another favorite activity is using Facebook’s integrated chat to communicate with family and friends. The results of the study show that Facebook is still a part of people’s daily lives. Simply put, users enjoy this social network as much as ever.

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The runner ups in this tough race are Pinterest and LinkedIn, but these networks only managed to get about 28% of votes each. They are followed by Instagram, with only 26% of total votes, which is not a remarkable score. It’s interesting to note that Twitter faired pretty badly, with only 23% of users giving their vote to this social network. The votes show that despite certain doubts and changes in attitudes, Facebook still dominates the social media scene.

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While it’s true that Facebook was not able to increase the total percentage of users in the past year, it’s important to note that the existing users are still engaged in the network. In fact, there are indicators showing an increase in user engagement. Most of the users name Facebook “the best and most trustworthy” of all social media platforms.

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In the year 2013, about 63% of people used Facebook, but it’s very impressive to know that to this day, around 70% of all users visit Facebook on a daily basis. In fact, some users spend a significant amount of time on this social network. These numbers show that people still find enough interest in Facebook and want to spend their precious time on this platform.

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In contrast, the study shows that only 49% of Instagram users visit their accounts daily. Facebook’s popularity is almost as twice as high. The situation is much worse for other networks, such as Pinterest or LinkedIn. According to the study, only 17% of Pinterest users visit their account on a daily basis. The numbers are even less optimistic for LinkedIn: only 13% of users are checking the site every day.

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These numbers clearly show that Facebook’s popularity is still pretty high. While some teenagers criticize this social media platform and don’t find it “cool enough” anymore, it’s important to note that it doesn’t really have an impact on Facebook’s numbers. Most users continue to love it and use it on a daily basis.

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These numbers clearly show that Facebook’s popularity is still pretty high. While some teenagers criticize this social media platform and don’t find it “cool enough” anymore, it’s important to note that it doesn’t really have an impact on Facebook’s numbers. Most users continue to love it and use it on a daily basis.

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A while ago, a young user voiced their generation’s opinion about Facebook: “It’s dead to us!” This attitude, expressed on Medium, speaks volumes about recent changes in sentiments young people share about Facebook. However, regardless of young generation’s opinion on Facebook, it’s important to note a marked increase in the number of senior citizens interested in this social media platform. For the first time in history, seniors (aged 65 and above) are showing their interest in social media. This trend can be clearly observed on Facebook, where young people’s lack of interest is counter-balanced by new senior citizen sign ups.

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The same Pew Research study has revealed another interesting fact: on average, out of 150 Facebook friends, only 50 of them are “genuine”.

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Ky ToureAftermarket Inception Computers &

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