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FacebookStuart Dillon-Roberts

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Ten years ago, four college room mates made a website called “The Facebook.” Today it’s called “Facebook” and

it’s the biggest social network in the world with 1.23 billion users.

What is Facebook?

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It’s kind of a big deal

In a 2013 survey, 97% of small business owners found that social media

marketing benefited their businesses.

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Facebook in New Zealand

There are 2,600,000 Facebook users in New Zealand.

58.14% of the New Zealand population is on Facebook

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Facebook in New Zealand

46% of Facebook users in New Zealand are male, while 54 are


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Creating a Facebook Page

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Anyone can create a Facebook page.

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Facebook Page Requirements

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Tip: Use Canva to make cover photos

• Save cover photo files in a .PNG format for best resolution.

• A cover photo helps your page to stand out. Bright colors work well.

• The optimum size for cover photos is 851 px by 315 px.

• Avoid images with a lot of text in them. This makes the page look cluttered.

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The “About” page

A good “About” page will tell anyone who’s interested everything they need to know about you and

your business.

• Hours of operation• Parking availability• Acceptable methods of payment• Contact email and phone• A link to your website• An address• Your name• What makes your business


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You can edit this content by clicking on the “Settings” tab of your page.

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Facebook Page Roles

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Your typical Facebook page will only need to use these 3 roles.

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As a rule of thumb, don’t make anyone an administrator unless you absolutely trust them

Give employees a “Moderator” role if they need it

In bigger organizations, the manager often takes the “Editor” role

How to use page roles

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Using your Page

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Making a status

A Facebook update is also called a “status.”

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Photos can make a status stand out

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Links keep your audience interested

Paste your link into the status field.

The image will appear in a few seconds.

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Share other Page’s posts

Facebook will attribute the source for you.

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Tag another Page using @

Social media is often a two-way street. If you help and promote other pages,

they’ll often return the favor.

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Tip: Schedule content

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Increasing Facebook Engagement

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Engagement is important because it tells Facebook that people want to see your content.

If Facebook thinks people want to see your content, it will increase your reach, which is a measurement of how

many people see your posts.


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Engagement is based on a measurement of these factors:

CLICKS – clicks on photos, links, or videos

LIKES – likes on any post

SHARES – how many people share your post

COMMENTS – how many people comment on your post

Your goal is to boost these 4 main activities.

Understanding Engagement

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It’s always good to have a content strategy.

Most strategies include different types of content. For example, during the week you might publish 10

interesting or funny posts that get a lot of engagement.

In that same week you might only publish 2-3 posts asking people to buy your products, but since Facebook sees that

your previous posts had good engagement, it will show these updates to many people.


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Ask Questions

When you ask questions, it tells your audience that you are interested in them, and it also makes it easier for them to leave comments.

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Create a community

People love to feel like they’re a part of something cool.

Include your fans in your achievements.

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Ask for opinions

People love to vent their thoughts online. You can use this to your

advantage by posting a link to something controversial and asking for their


Another way to do this is to involve your fans in decisions you have to make.

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Humor is good

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Contests are an excellent way to drive engagement.

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Tip: Use WooBox for contests

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Finding Content to Share

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Tip: Always look for content to share

Good social media managers are always on the lookout for content to share with their audiences.

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Flipboard is a mobile app that allows you to select your

interests, then flip through them.

When you see something you like, simply save it to share


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BuzzSumo is slightly more advanced. The program asks you to enter your interests,

and then it gives you a list of content which it has rated for


It also gives you excellent analytics, but is not a tool for


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Twitter is an excellent content discovery tool because it allows

you to choose your sources.

Create an account, follow the people who make content for your industry, and then scroll

through the feed of tweets it will provide for you.

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There’s no one-size-fits-all app for content discovery

Start following content producers in social channels

Always be on the lookout for content to share

Create your own graphics or blog posts

Share other page’s posts

Finding content to share

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Local content sources have a two-way relationship with social media managers.

Subscribe to bloggers and newspapers in your area

They rely on people like you to share their content

Offer to collaborate – if you can make their jobs easier they’ll work with you

The best place to locate local content sources is on Twitter

Ask around, and someone will almost always know someone in the industry

Local content sources

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These tools are essential to creating your own content

Canva – graphics | FREE

Wordpress – blogging | FREE

Squarespace – blogging | $8 / month

Hail – content management | $14 / month

Create your own content

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Advertising on Facebook

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Ads encourage engagement

There are different advertisements for different objectives. Facebook ads help you to reach more people on Facebook and to get them to either see or do something.

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Facebook’s instructions

are fairly comprehensive for beginners.

Click “Create Ads”

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Use bright and fresh images to stand out in the newsfeed.

Don’t use images that you see other people using. Advertising is all about being


If you need to design graphics, you can often do it yourself in Canva.

Always save files in a .PNG format for best resolution.

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Well-targeted ads have the biggest ROI (return on investment)

• Spend time researching your customers

• When you know what they do and what they like, you can target ads at them and only them

• Spend your money wisely – if you’re not seeing your desired results, try something else

• Be patient – it can take several hours before ads start kicking in

• Be patient – your desired audience might not be online

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Social Media Basics

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Once you know who you’re talking to online, you can create strategies to encourage engagement and grow your audience

The best way to do this is to use Facebook’s built-in analytics system

Access this by clicking on “Insights” at the top of your page

Get to know your audience

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Insights example: #GigatownDunedin

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Insights example: #GigatownDunedin

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Use social media as a way to talk to all of your customers / audience. Don’t use it as an easy marketing tool

When people comment on your posts, reply to them if there’s opportunity for conversation

Get to know what your competitors are doing on social media

Interact with your audience

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Attribute the source of content correctly, and try to tag the page of the content owner when possible

When you’re on your Facebook page, use language that you would use when talking to a customer face to face

Don’t exploit negative circumstances as a way to increase engagement. It’s ok to acknowledge incidents, tragedies, and events, but don’t exploit the opportunity.

Social media etiquette

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Crisis Management

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Avoid the crisis - use a keyword filter

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Make sure everyone who is managing your social media knows what the rules are

Exercise your judgment when dealing with negative feedback or comments

If it’s a legitimate concern that needs addressing, do so professionally

You wouldn’t allow people to deface your shop window, so don’t let them deface your virtual shop window

Establish rules

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Just like a physical store, some people will be nice and others – not so much

When you suspect that an audience member will cause trouble, ask to speak to them directly by phone or email

Don’t try to deal with customers who are not going to co-operate online

If someone refuses to co-operate, don’t feel bad about blocking them

Take it offline

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If more than a handful of people were aware of the crisis, it’s a good idea to make a statement on your page.

Be assertive – make sure fans know you’re not up for a debate on the matter

Ending with a “Thank You” reinforces your gratitude to the fans who are supportive

Turn the negative situation into a positive brand experience

Make a statement

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Tools to help manage social media

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Buffer App - free

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Canva - free

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Facebook Pages - free

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