


tr,: Oh. 85. u






icbatJlwiiil v<^wi \

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can be stopped |f you will only take a few doses of |j| v our headache capites.^Smelling salts are all right in Jp] | their place, and have the effect of soothing an aching

head and makiug one feel refreshed, but what you wajit f

to do is to get at the root of the * trouble, and stop it. We can do that for you if you will only give us a chance. Any person using half a- box and are in the least dissatisfied may have, their money back. The price is 25cw 'We call them the .Original Headache Cap­sules. ; / j a* - r

fifty Cent$-l)ut then -it's full value for every cent you


A > •>


*py<t ^ ^ i&%sc>^ ~sdk

jay There are no bulky, worthless ingredients in a package of (DINNBHAHA ..TOOTH, PASTE. The b«t cleansing agencies known to science are in this dentifrice. It is absolutely the best tqat can be made at any price. ' It is sold at §0c a package, bcciuse it cannot be sold for less

Don't llse Old newspapers V on the shelves of the pantr^ or kitchen.' They are not ornamental.' -• Get 10c worth

feet) of our nice shelf paper. Any color you want—pink, irhite, blue, green, yellow.

Of Interest Co Bicyclers.

w We have everything you need to make life awheel a comfort. Bicycle oil 10c, good for

lantern as well as bearings. Vaseline 10c makes a good chain lubricant. Quill toothpicks keep the mouth cool and moist, 5c a bunch. Gum: Yucatairand Pepsin 5c. Witch Hazel is good for sprains, but try Zim's Bubdown once. It is better, 25c. One more necessity, Root beer, refreshing, healthy, medicinal, cooling and lots of it 5c. <


> inr a mannerwhich dem-.tbat hehas given l%ia

muchtlionght andisper-tiMliar/with them. Mies

Jenmngg responded ta ike/toast; wkicfr was an-

.uaaeced Mflthe toa&tmaster as a rpaj^t&d' this assertion proved onl^t'Ck* true, but it was couched in s|ch'faugUHge thatthe.subjects of tM roasr did net know exactly whbW££ they^u ere, roasted ojr^com-"liiiS^attd^ ior, Iming alive.^ Mr.

Pepple spoke %>£ • " * J he last toast was by

JM: L. Porter on "TheGrowth p. Schools." i Hegave several 'font faota'in regard to the

el,patronage of the pub-Is and the new features

introduced. , -adjournment was then taken ^-parlors; where entertain-

men^:wns furnished by Misses Critfps, Winnifred Shell and Sadie Le'^km thepiiano, and Miss Pi\t-na6j#mc> rendered a recitation.

company left at a late hour, and-911 were "well pleased with tLtt evening's entertainment, and wish-ingiiothing but success to the aluo^i association arid to the pub­lic schools of Wojrthington.

Thp r'thanks of the association are jifie Mr. Allen, of- the Lake IView for the admirable manner |ti. wKich , he provided ^ for the <jomfort of the company. > 1 f


J farmers need. . . f '(•>, .

We'always keep what the-farmer needs at the different-seasons of the year. When we ,;.f: aie ouf; of.anythiug you want we will get it for you quickly. Just now it seems as if they all want-^ ed something for BARB WIRES CUTS. Any of the following are good—carbolic acid oz?.—£c, "• •v- C^rbolated Salve 10c and 50c, Castile soap 5c. Tar- 15c, Farmer's Friend 50c and $1.00, barb wire :

• liniment 50c*. POTATO BUGS are going to be thick this year. "Paris Green—we have a lot of y = it. Guaranteed to be perfectly pure, not half flour, but pure. In 4 lb. pkgs. 10c, J lb. pkgs. 20c. • <h:y Insect powder ami guns for vermin on colts and caiyes.- A pure Dalmation powder for 75c per lb. ,{

ONE THING more. Next time you are in town get a package of Klaus' Cholera Cure for the V4H hogs. This is a preparation that we will put our name on and if you are dissatisfied with it you

- will be entitled to your money for the asking. Klaus Cholera Cure costs 50c a box and will cure " ~ cholera in hogs. v

,Jold$o<Ja Tacis. " We use about 5 barrels of sugar in a season. We use '."Sugar to make oursyrup. " We have'

^never tasted a "rock yandy" syrup yet but that it did not contain glucose. You don't want glu- . -cbseV 5 cases of strawberries will'not long if the people don't stop drinking strawberry >,

That was the amount we made up last time. It makes a flavor that tastes like strawberry,|| soda. too. A little of this with cleau cream makes a drink fit only for the citizens of Worthington. Wei sell from 8 to 10 barrels of rootbeer during the summer.. Why ? Because it's good. Cut out the

^coupon a 1 the bottom of this ad. and try ovrsoda. \


i ifi!, 'Annual Commencement

Exercises heltTFrictay evening Hi tlie t'ourt 1 Louse.

j n miM receive **",iMahother car l<aad of goods- i

XATESTySTYLEji Ftirn ltlirSta* Tli^se' gbodisr vliave^eei^ pur-j^^

chased at car load prices and with large- v saving in matter^w"

of freight, of which our customers receive tfie benefit.

'We offer, a three piece, hardwood bedroom suite, "with

large German! mirror, for'fl2.

^ This is quoted simply as a specimen-

4* All other goods are in same proportion.

^ Our prices are always jit the bottom^. *

Palm & Son,

Jas. S. Ramage,

£ A

^ F E N C I N G a n d F U E L 1 .

.9 e

£ £


, , ON APPLICATION. / • • 1; ; v».N •• ''yr''T" ' '• . .'w - '1 S f * i x i J

Office and Yards Cor. ^ - W ORTHINGTON, Main St. and 2nd Ave.

Baby for 6ood Babies. Melliu's Food 7^c, Carnrick's Soluble Food 50c. Baby Powders. Powder Puffs; v Pure:

Soaps. Castoria.

Why do the doctors tell you to bring their prescriptions hei-e? y ' , ^ Because we are careful.

1/ I' ' Cut tM$ « u t |

, ^ and bring it to us and get a * ¥ Rootbeer free. \ . ^ S

^ " ^ •: % ....Ray Bumision, Druggist.

Bargains at the Golden Rule Bazaar. Compare these prices and goods

r with those you have purchased. r - &

m / > • Tor $ cents you can M***

Glass Cream Pitchers, Screw-drivers, Sewing Machine Oil, Children's Vests, Barn Door Hasps, Half Dozen Teaspoons, Curry Combs, Wash Basins, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Ladies' Hnso. Tin PaiU. Match Safe and Box, Potato Mashers, Milk Skimmers,

Hose, Tin Pails, Match 4r Dozen Clothes Pins,


^'Pocket Mirrors, Curling Irons, Bread Toasters, Lamp Chimneys, Match-' M ' ' e s , I c e P i c k s , H a n d k e r c h i e f s . ^ - , - * - - ^ *

tor 10 cctits you caw ",, * , ^, V

3 Jelly Tins, Soap Savers, Children's Brooms, Clothes Line, Shoe Pol­ish, Flour Sieves, Envelopes, Dandy Scrub Brushes, Dust Pans> Cullen-

< P dars, Ice Chisels, Whisk Brooms, Dress Snields, Axe Handles, Box Sta-\ . tionery, Dippers, Vegetable Boilers, Horse Cards, Rolling Pins, Ladies'

A ' Hose, Dolls, Individual Butter Moulds, l<Can't-slip" Can Openers, * Tea-Irpots, Knife Trays, Iron Brackets, Hammers, Box Soap, Balls, Decorated *• Earthern Umbrella Holders, Earthern Cooking Kettles.

or 15 cents you can *4ir

Fancy Enameled Hat Racks, Fancy Plater aud- Pitchers, Ladies' Vests, Shoe Brushes, Curry Combs, Butter Bowls, Gold Trimmed Glassware, Ladies' and GeMs'"Hose, Package Coffe^ Leather Back Horse Brush­es, Coffee-pots, Suspenders, Comb Tray and Scraper.


The Second Annual Banquet of the Worthington High School Alumni Association a Pleasant Occasion. • i"

5^1 '.W' &' si. ^ 'M mtMP ^ .Copper Bottom Wash Boilers $1.19. Clothes Baskets 65c, Galvonized ioii VVash Tubs 55c. Wooden 57c. Wooden Frame Ringers $1.85. , Iron

$1.48. Coffee Mills 25c. Wash Bowls and Pitchers 87c. 5 gal. Iron Gaso­line Cans 85c. Hammocks 95<?, 3tqoms l^c^; Pots.ahd ^ir^|rep aU prices., , ^ ^ ^ •> vX## 7§?>.

SatS^dkiy, special bargain day on Water Pails at a very low price. ^


v s Births. Bobn—To Mr. pad Mrs Theo. Pal­er, Friday* June II, 1897 ,]a: daU#-?i r. Mother and child- both doing


145 acres timothy on the n. w. 4, 1 Ea&sobt^4D.^^9d]|fisTbN 43-

The second annual banquet of the Worthington High - School Alumni association was held at the Lake View hotel Saturday ev-ening. There were present about 57 people, including members of the alumni , association, a few. friends of the graduates, the mem­bers of the school board and the teachers of the public school. r v

The guests. fyegan to arrive at about nine o'clock, and at ten the doors of -the spacious dining room were thrown open, and the com-pany partook of the bounteous feast that had been prepared for them. . - rf '

After the banquet was'^riisHed the company was entertained by respon&es to toasts. Will Stoute-myer performed the duties- of toastmaster. Miss Julia Hyland, the president of the association, in'a' few well, chosen words, ex­tended a welcome to the guests of the evening, a^d congratulated the association on "the event of- its sec­ond annual reunion. Mr. Arthur Rose welcomed the class of '97 to the alumni association'. Miss Mary '' Damon,' of the - 'incoming alass, responded to the toa8t3 '"The Alumni," In a very , able manner she extended 'the., thinks of the new members ' to * the association |or the reception 'tlkey were .receiv­ing as they cloSed their school lai borsisjp"The ̂ Ladies"1; was the 'sub-ject or Mr. J. A. Town?s plea, and

#^he ,class of'97 consisting of sev-t^Cbieuibers of . the High School me|y MissLouvisa Damon, David ^per Daytqn., Maud Batclielder

^ jrbesr Joseph Burr Ludlow, Rus s^Makely Moberly, Lee McClin to^b Shell and Robert Ross Smith gr^dijated with all th6 honors possi ble tcj bestowtand diplomas evidence of their degree, iu .the co&rtjhouse Eriday 6veuing, The l'c^ge court room was filled to its ut raWt capacity,, there being it is esti-uS^te<l about one thousand -" people, tip most of whom were provided with

g. which were somewhat closely aged yet every one enjoyed their

jliiions, and were at ease in : every-'}.. notwithstanding the day had

^excessively hot, the room with

enjoyed from the beginninsr to the end without becoming weary;; p

The exercises were opened with an overtui-e by Misses Cripps and Shell,/ and an invocation by Rev. Bull, i David Draper D.iyton deliver­ing the salutory address, Joseph Burr Ludlow, oration "The Power of Knowledge." School chorus by children of the intermediate grades. Maud Batchelder Forbes,' .c ration fThe Advantages Of Difficulties." Lee McClintock Shell, oration "Carthago Delehde Est." Robert Ross Smith', orationi" Aspiations and Ambitions." David Draper * Dayton, oration "The Constitution." Russell Blakely Moberly, oration "Our Duty to Cuba." Marv i Lou visa Damon oration "Lincoln arid Liberty, anc Valedictory Address." These exer­cises were interspersed with instru­mental and vocal music by Miss Cripps, Mrs. Frank Duifee, Jas Ramage, John, McKay, Will Saxon and Jas. McK'ay. To give each of the bright graduates credit and praise of which each so highly merit would be but a repetition of words They acquitted themselves with hon or to themselves, and instructors Their orations were timely •. and tastefully selected, and "with out exception admirably delivered pleasing the entire audience, who greeted each - and' "every rendition with hearty applause, showing their appreciation.

Supt. Porter spoke of J;he progress of the school and how gratifying was to him that thirty / scholars had graduated during his term and deliv ered the" class to the bdard of educa tion. for conferring of final honors which wds performed by J. A. Town president of the board, wbo wjth ap propriate remarks Assured the class that Worthington was proud of her schools, scholars and their progress, and the graduates, and would/ sy to pathize with them in( : their j misfort unes and rejoice in their, prosperity for all time, to come, whether they were at home or abroad, ancl deliver ed them their diplomas. The exer cises were closed by Rev. Bailey pro nouncing the benediction. Thegrad uates were the recipients of presents, abundance of flowers and congratu lations from relatives and friends Thu^ another class of young men and women are turned out from our prided schools to seek higher educa tion or battle with the vicissitudes of life.'* ' '--I'v'



j iBains are quickley relieved by Ha zte's^Headache Capsulek. ; ; 1

y • Card of Thanks. - John Brinlt and wife desire to ex­press to tnose who so kindly and gen erously assisted 'them during fth« hqurs of &fflicition, theirpmbst sincere



C. L..Peterson Dry Goods, Hats and Caps

'Boots, §hoes, Light Shelf Hardware And A Full Line Of*--**-

GROCERIES. — - K —* , , '

Mj Stock is Complete an^Awill iMeet Any Competition. , \ h '

Hardware and Tinware -



Cook and Heating Oil and Gasoline :j 3pH S*T>0*V"*E*8

Of the Best Makes atid] Assortments. "Steam f| Fittings, Bale Ties,f Bicycles.

Stove and Tin Repairing of all Kinds. , ,, , , .. .

F. R.Pattersbn.S 'T.v ^7^ 1 ' & >^8P

New and latest design*' of >• { \ -- -

..WALL PAPER i%> - "

Mound^City Brand ready mixed Paiftts^ none more \i *. * durable ^,v:^ ^ ^ ,'V^VA - :

Ne^ line of WittdoW"Slt&d&^5f the liatest jpattern^^J-i 15 * Combination Book Case and Writing Desk, j •u

Furniture. 35 -5&S

Rush more,- Minnc -. G. BRONK

mm £1 i Vf? ' 'W- I


WILL BE GUARANTEED RIGHT loth in Quality^" and^ Price. •4-






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