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Floaters in the Eye

As we get older, the quality of the vitreous humor in our eye changes from being transparent to being transparent with protein deposits. Although most eye floaters appear as spots, eye floaters can also manifest in any shapes and sizes (i.e. strands and cobwebs).

The deposit accumulation floats in the fluid of the eye’s vitreous humor which leads to dark spots in an individuals visual field by covering the light that is directed to the retina. Eye floaters become visible when it blocks the light going into the retina and create shadows along the process.

There are reasons as to why a person may suffer from eye floaters. Although most who have this eye condition are usually around the age of 70 when it gets severe enough to affect eyesight. Some people think that eye floaters are simply optical illusions, however in reality these spots are really there and seen by the individual.

What's the most common causes of eye floaters?

There are several possible causes of eye floaters, some of these include diabetes, nearsightedness, tuberculosis and even syphilis. Nearsightedness greatly increases the chance of an individual suffering from eye floaters. Having several floaters at a time followed by flashes can be a sign of retina detachment, a person who has these symptoms should seek medical attention right away to prevent permanent damage to the eye or even blindness.

What are possible eye floaters treatment?

There are several possible treatments for eye floaters, depending on the origin of the condition, one may have to go through some other medical intervention to cure the “real cause” of eye floaters (i.e. diabetes). Here are some possible eye floaters solution:

1. Surgery - one of the most widely used treatment for floaters in the eye is laser eye surgery. This type of surgery usually lasts around 20 minutes. Laser light is introduced into the part of the eye where the floaters are, these floaters are not removed, instead they are cut down into many minuscule pieces which the eye would not see.

2. Diet - Diet alteration has been used by some people with eye floaters. Although, diet change has been used throughout history to help several types of conditions, no studies have been done to gauge the effectiveness of using diet for helping eye floaters.

3. Eye exercises - Specific Eye exercises have been used to treat several different visual conditions including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. According to a study in the UK (Professor Andrew Parker, Manchester Metropolitan University, England) moving the eyes horizontally repeatedly can improve eye floaters in the visual field. Apart from this study, no other scientific studies or research have been carried out to clarify the efficacy of eye exercises for eye

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If you are experiencing other symptoms like flashes, headaches, migraine and nausea together with visual perception of floaters you must seek medical intervention right away. The treatments mentioned above do not guarantee the elimination of the floaters, however you have options available to you and you never know, perhaps you will find a solution that provides possible eye floaters cure.

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