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  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Metabolic Bursting Intervals:

    The NEED for SPEED

    Welcome to one of the smartest exercise protocols on the planet.

    Whether youre really overweight and trying to accelerate your current fat loss,

    youve hit a plateau, or youre 20% body fat or lower and looking to burn off the

    last few pounds of stubborn fat.

    Youve just found your solution.

    For those of you who dont know by now, long boring cardio sessions are NOT thebest way to burn fat high intensity bursting intervals and strength training are.

    Theyre the magic that makes the nutrition work.

    Bursting intervals (aka metabolic bursting) are simply a very hard, short burst of

    exercise (sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises, high intensity cardio,

    etc.) thats at near max effort. This is followed by an active recovery period before

    repeating another bursting interval.

    This is quite a bit different than most trendy type of interval training techniques.Traditional intervals typically last anywhere between 1 to 2 minutes in length and

    usually dont require max effort.

    Bursting intervals, however, are shorter in duration (10 to 30 seconds) and

    performed at or near max effort.

    Youll see the longer one to two minute intervals referred to as Threshold

    Intervals throughout this guide and Ill show you exactly how to apply them into

    your exercise schedule after your 2 week plan to avoid hitting an exercise plateau.

    But for the first two weeks youll be focusing primarily on the short, brief, higher

    intensity exercise bursts.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Youll discover how to combine this bursting technique with strategic steady state

    cardio and resistance training to greatly enhance your ability to burn off stubborn

    fat over the next two weeks.

    Always remember that rapid fat loss is achieved primarily through exerciseintensity, NOT duration.

    In fact, you can burn more fat and calories from the residual effect of just one

    twelve to twenty minute session than a full hour of normal target-heart rate


    Multiple studies prove high intensity exercise sets off a series of metabolic

    reactions inside your body that maximize fat loss and drastically improve overall


    Most new research even indicates that the benefits of this type of exercise now

    go way beyond just what happens during the training session, as youll learn


    So before I introduce you to Interval Sequencing, lets cover the valid reasons why

    this is superior to any other.

    Heres an introduction to how this technique can trigger a permanent shift inyour metabolism.

    Trigger a Shift in Your Metabolism and Make the

    Switch from Slow Fat Loss to Extreme Fat Loss

    Five Amazing Benefits of

    Metabolic Bursting Intervals

    1.Metabolic Bursting workouts UNLEASH your fat burning hormones

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    It all starts with hormones called catecholamine. Catecholamine are fight-or-

    flight hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress like high

    intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and

    they force the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream. Catecholamine

    eventually convert to dopamine, to norepinephrine, and eventually to

    epinephrine, which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty acids.

    In other words, these catecholamine break apart stubborn fat.

    Several key studies also indicate that a series of 20 to 30 second sprints sharply

    increased HGH (human growth hormone) in the body while exercising and also

    for roughly 2 hours after a workout.

    This is just one of the many reasons why strategic bursts are so much more

    effective for fat loss than traditional exercise and old-school cardio.

    Speaking of after, lets not forget about the famous After burn.

    Bursting and intervals have the potential to increase your metabolic rate for 38 to

    48 hours after doing just one 12-20 minute session.

    Pretty amazing.

    In the fitness world we call this EPOC or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen

    Consumption. EPOC is just a fancy acronym for the amount of fat and calories

    burned AFTER a workout.

    IMPORTANT: In order to get a maximum EPOC along with all the benefits below

    you have to apply proper INTENSITY.

    In other words, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

    So how do you really know if youre going hard enough to release an arsenal of fat

    burning hormones while producing the maximum after burn?

    Here are some guidelines:

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    1) Lack of oxygen and feeling out of breath. Kind of obvious, but take this one

    to heart. In fact, grunting, moaning, and crying out to the fat burning Gods

    are not uncommon. Seriously, you need to bust it if you want results from


    2) Muscle burn (lactic acid overload). Sometimes you should notice your

    chest burning for several minutes after your bursts. This is a good sign. It

    means youre fight or flight response (SNS) has kicked up big time.

    3) Increase in body temp or breaking a serious sweat. In fact, you should

    continue to sweat for a while afterwards if you push yourself hard enough.

    This is your bodys way of trying to cool itself down, but its also a sign that

    youve pushed yourself hard enough to get the hormones going.

    4) You must feel the pain. Just remember, when you think you cant do

    another burst or intervaldo 1 or 2 more. At times you might feel tingles in

    your arms, legs, or even in your head. This is commonly referred to as the

    GH tingles and its another key indicator that youre performing your

    bursts and intervals properly.

    Caution: The decision to go all out and push yourself to these limits should

    be cleared by your doctor first.

    Its a process, NOT an event. If youre just starting out, gradually increase

    intensity as you condition yourself week by week. But first things first

    make sure youre healthy enough to go all out and apply these strategies.

    2.Metabolic Bursting gets your fitter, FASTER

    Researchers from 2 published journals found that bursts or sprinting for 20 to 30

    seconds performed 3 times a week for 20 minutes or less produced the sameresults as 3 endurance (the slow boring stuff) cycling sessions, each of which

    lasted 90 minutes to 2 hours.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    In other words, just one hour of bursting or sprinting over the course of a week

    produced what would take up to 6 hours of the normal, boring textbook target

    heart rate cardio.

    Also, after just two weeks, or six total bursting/sprinting workouts, subjectsincreased their endurance by 100% and they began using oxygen more efficiently

    to burn fuels.

    3.Metabolic Bursting will burn more overall calories-especially FAT


    Although traditional, low-intensity target heart rate exercise gets a lot of the

    attention and publicitysprint speed bursting type workouts actually deliver

    superior fat-loss results.

    Heres why.

    Although you can maintain lower intensity workouts for longer periods of time (1

    hour or more) and it allows you to supposedly burn a greater percentage of fat

    calories (as opposed to carbs or stored glycogen)minute for minute the slow-

    stuff burns substantially fewer total calories, therefore fewer fat calories as well.

    In fact, subjects who engaged in these types of workouts increased the amount of

    fat they burned 36% more than those who engaged in moderate intensity

    exercise. Its because they higher intensity workouts produce more

    mitochondria(your bodys cellular fat-burning powerhouse).

    All this indicates is that adding bursting and interval workouts to your fitness

    program also conditions your body to burn more fat during moderate-intensity

    exercise, as well.

    I know COOL.

    SIDE BAR: I have lots of great info on how you can apply this strategy below by

    sequencing your intervals.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Lastly, bursting activates more fast-twitch fibers, which does not happen with the

    slow-boring cardio workouts. Another bonus side effect of metabolic bursting.

    4.Metabolic Bursting fuels your mind and might make you SMARTER

    Research indicates that higher intensity workouts are a great catalyst for your

    brain to produce more dopamine and serotonin. These are brain transmitters

    that reduce stress during exercise and other activities.

    There is also the evidence suggesting that bursting can increase the amount of

    catecholamine your brain produces (discussed above). Remember, these are

    neurotransmitters found in the amino acid tyrosine which help the body stay

    sharp during prolonged periods of work, sleep deprivation, and other stressful

    situationslike everyday life.

    In other words, when you make time to go fast and burst on a regular basis you

    wont feel lethargic after lunch anymore.

    It seems to create the perfect synergy between the brain and the body.

    5.Metabolic Bursting will put a spring in your step and make you feel

    YOUNGER again

    Have you ever noticed how kids have non-stop energy, can go all day long without

    stopping and the last thing they want to do is sleep?

    Its because they run around with the need for speed in their everyday activities

    and their natural hormones are cranking.

    It seems like we all start to lose that drive by the time we hit our late 20s. But

    bursting workouts 3 to 5 time a week will create new confidence and an

    appreciation for the spectacular engine we call our body.

    Your body is supposed to have its engine revved up on a weekly basis. Its the best

    form of physical and emotional renewal to release more fat burning hormones

    and bring back some youthful energy.

    As you can see, the benefits of this approach are very efficient and effective.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    I know this might sound like its a little advanced, but Ive dissected, researched,

    and applied this protocol on other people and myself so average people like you

    dont have to try and figure out all the scientific jargon.

    To really achieve EXTREME fat loss, you need to combine the Metabolic Burstingtype of intensity with limited lower intensity.

    Heres how it works

    Using Sequencing To Target Stubborn

    Body Fat & Pockets of Cellulite

    Sequencing your workouts will help you do three very important things.

    Be efficient: Youll be able to cut down the time you spend exercising. Gotta

    love that.

    Be a long term fat burner: Youll always know for a factthat youre

    programming your body to use fat as its primary go to fuel source (so you

    can actually see visible results from your effort).

    Prevent plateaus and boredom in your long-term exercise approach: Youll

    learn below how to use a variety of different stimuli to keep things fresh.

    Youll also discover how to access different metabolic systems to keep your

    body responding and making continuous progress.


    Aerobic/Endurance a.k.a. Steady State Cardio

    In the aerobic pillar, oxygen is used to break down fatty acids and glucose torelease energy. In other words, oxygen is primarily present so you can go for

    longer durations at a steady pace and the majority of fat calories burned happen

    during the workout itself.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Just remember: Aerobic means with oxygen (easier) and anaerobic means

    without oxygen (harder).

    Perform this type of workout at least 1 or 2 times weekly for 30 to 60 minutes. No

    more, no less.


    Easier to use and apply immediately because of lower intensity.

    Great conditioning for heart and cardiovascular system.

    A strategic primer for your body to respond to other pillars properly.


    Consumes more time than intervals like H.I.I.T. or metabolic bursting workouts

    (The other 2 pillars)

    Only burns fat and calories DURING the workout. Again, this type of cardio only

    elevates your metabolism for about an hour afterwards. In other words, this type

    of old-school type of exercise has the least impact on your post workout calorie

    burn (The other 2 pillars will elevate your metabolism for 4 to 48 hours


    Your body adapts VERY quickly to this type of exercise so its only effective if you

    use it synergistically with the other 2 pillars.

    Beginner Intermediate Advanced

    Duration: 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 Minutes

    Intensity: Level 1 to 2 Level 2 Level 2 to 3

    Intensity Level Guidelines for the Aerobic Sequence

    (All steady state cardio)*

    1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max

    (220 age + 10 beats x .72 to .75)

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    2) Make sure to stay at same pace the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use

    the talk test; if you can have a normal conversation you are not going hard

    enough, but if you feel you have to slow down youre probably going too hard.

    3) Duration should be 30 to 60 minutes performed at least 1 time weekly.

    4) Type of exercise is optional but running has been shown to burn the most fat

    and overall calories.

    Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

    Level 2 = Medium

    Level 3 = Medium-High

    Level 4 = High

    Level 5 = Hard as you can go(based on your current level of personal

    condition)*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current

    condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity

    level based on where youre at right now personally.

    SEQUECE 2:

    Threshold Intervals

    This is the pillar just above Aerobic training. You can typically stay in this

    anaerobic pillar for 45 seconds all the way up to 3 minutes at a time before letting

    your heart rate come back down and recovering.

    This pillar has several important benefits.

    Research shows that threshold training allows your body to respond continuously

    from the aerobic type training discussed above. This is important to know

    because so many people hit the dreaded weight loss plateau when they get stuckin the aerobic pillar.

    Threshold intervals will also help you burn more fat and calories when

    incorporating a base of pillar 1 and pillar 3 along with it. Nice!

    Perform 1 or 2 times weekly for 30 to 40 minutes.

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    Generally fun to do because its constantly changing.

    Moderately efficient so it can save you some time.

    Intense enough to produce results even though more recovery time isrequired between intervals or bursts.

    Conditions and primes your cardiovascular system to burn more calories

    (especially fat calories) when applying the other 2 pillars.


    Sometimes difficult to gauge intensity because intervals (bursts) last 1 to 3

    minutes long.

    Only elevates your metabolism for about 4 hours afterwards (this is still a

    more effective post workout metabolic burst than pillar 1, but not nearly as

    efficient as pillar 3 see below).

    Must pay close attention to the protocol for it to have the proper effect. In

    other words, you must plan your work and work your plan when doing this

    type of training.

    Beginner Intermediate Advanced

    Duration: 30 minutes 30 40 Minutes 30 40 Minutes

    1 2 min @ 3 1 2 min @ 3-4 1 min @ 4 5

    Intensity: 2 min @ 1 3 min @ 1 2 min @ 1 or 2

    (repeat x 5) (repeat x 5) (repeat x 5)

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    Intervals Intensity

    & Pacing Level

    1 to 5 Warm Up 1

    5 to 6 Interval 3

    6 to 8 Recover 1

    8 to 9 Interval 4

    9 to 11 Recover 1

    11 to 12 Interval 4

    12 to 14 Recover 2

    14 to 15 Interval 5

    15 to 17 Recover 117 to 18 Interval 5

    18 to 25 Recover 2

    25 to 30 Cool Down 1

    Workout PlanMinutes

    Total Time: 30 min.

    Intensity Level Scale & Guidelines

    Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

    Level 2 = Medium

    Level 3 = Medium-High

    Level 4 = High

    Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal


    *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current

    condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level

    based on where youre at right now personally.

    **Make sure you have a clean bill of health from your doctor or medicalprofessional before attempting high intensity exercise.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training


    Creatine Phosphate Metabolic Bursting

    High Intensity Intervals a.k.a. H.I.I.T.

    Lastly is creatine phosphate (Metabolic Bursts or HIIT; High Intensity Interval

    Training). This system can only support high intensity effort for 15 to 45 seconds

    at a time.

    Although Metabolic Bursts or H.I.I.T. workouts only last 12 to 20 minutes in

    duration, they will increase the capacity of both the aerobic AND anaerobic

    systems at the same exact time.

    This is typically unheard of when it comes to exercise and its the only protocol

    proven to have this effect. Also, study after study shows your metabolism will be

    elevated for 24 to 48 hours from just one pillar 3 workout.

    Again, just remember more is not better. Doing a bunch of pillar 3 workouts

    every week is not the answer, but it definitely yields the most results for the time


    Continuously using all 3 pillars sequentially is the solution.

    Lastly is creatine phosphate. This sequence can only support high intensity effort

    for 10 to 30 seconds at a time.

    Although bursting or HIIT workouts are shorter in duration, they will increase the

    capacity of both your aerobic AND anaerobic systems at the same exact


    This is typically unheard of in almost all scientific research and its the only

    protocol proven to have this effect. Also, study after study shows your

    metabolism will be elevated for 24 to 48 hours from just one pillar 3 workout

    (EPOC effect discussed previously).

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Again, just remember that more is not better. Doing a bunch of sequence 3

    workouts every week is not the answer, but it definitely yields the most results for

    the time invested.

    Youll perform this sequence 1 to 3 times a week for 12 to 30 minutes.


    The laundry list of stuff thats been previously discussed above at the

    beginning of this guide (hormones, EPOC, brain chemicals, etc.)

    Saves you a ton of time.


    Difficult to perform if you have limitations or heart challenges (but can still

    be applied by anybody whos healthy enough to exercise).

    FACT: Most people dont have the guts to push themselves hard enough

    and reach the intensity levels necessary to actually activate the metabolic

    triggers that this system can unleash. I know Ive beaten this drum to death,

    but it is THAT important.

    More potential to cause an injury if not approached safely (always need a

    thorough warm-up and cool down)

    Not a quick fix or cure-all (but definitely gives you the most bang for your

    buck), so it needs to be combined with the other 2 sequences in order to

    work effectively and efficiently.

    Beginner Intermediate Advanced

    Duration: 20 minutes 12 Minutes 12 Minutes

    40-45 sec @ 4 30 sec @ 4-5 20 sec @ 5

    Intensity: 1:15 min @ 1 30 sec @ 1 10 sec @ 1

    (repeat x 5) (repeat x 5) (repeat x 10)

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    South Charlotte Personal Training



    Minute Intensity


    Warmp Up:

    Slow Jog1-4 1-2

    20 Second Burst or Sprint

    With 10 Second Rest x 24-5 4

    20 Second Burst or Sprint

    With 10 Second Rest x 2

    5-6 4-5

    20 Second Burst or Sprint

    With 10 Second Rest x 26-7 5

    20 Second Burst or Sprint

    With 10 Second Rest x 27-8 5

    Cool Down:

    Slow Jog or Fast Walk8-12 1-2

    Optional Steady State Cardio to

    Burn Off Free Fatty Acids12-30 2-3

    Workout Plan*Bursting-Interval


    Intensity Level Scale & Guidelines

    Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

    Level 2 = Medium

    Level 3 = Medium-High

    Level 4 = High

    Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal


    *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current

    condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level

    based on where youre at right now personally.

    **Make sure you have a clean bill of health from your doctor or medical

    professional before attempting high intensity exercise.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Its nice to know that the time and effort invested into pillar 3 will still be working

    up to 2 days latereven while youre sleeping. Now thats a beautiful thing!

    One final note on Sequence 2 and 3

    Feel free to walk briskly for 10 to 30 minutes afterwards if time permits. A lot of

    research shows this will help the heart utilize oxygen properly and enhance fat

    loss by burning off the Free Fatty Acids that your body will release during high

    intensity bursts of exercise.

    This sequencing strategy is how you can go from 8 to 10 hours of exercising every

    week, all the way down to just 4 or 5 hours a week. Ironically, most of the time

    youll probably double your results at the same exact time.

    In order to consistently push through weight loss plateaus, you must continuously

    use all 3 systems in the proper sequence.

    When you use this approach sequentially in the proper order, you can force your

    body to feed on more fat.

    Youll be using a more advanced short term aggressive example of sequencing in

    your 2 week exercise plan.

    After youve finished your 2 week extreme fat loss plan, you can implement the

    strategies just discussed above and continue to sequence your intervals. This will

    keep your body responding to the different stimuli.

    A great protocol to follow long term is performing resistance training at SCPT on

    Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and using Tuesdays (Sequence 3), Thursdays

    (Sequence 2), and Saturdays (Sequence 1) for cardio / intervals / bursting days.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Your 2 Week Extreme Fat Loss

    Exercise Schedule

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday









    1, 2 & 3










    1, 2 & 3















    Cheat Day


    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday









    1, 2 & 3










    1, 2 & 3















    Cheat Day






    SCS Metabolic Bursting Hot Sheet

    As you can see from the 2 week schedule above, youll be performing SCS

    metabolic bursting workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one steady state

    cardio session on the weekend on days where carb intake is lower to maximize fat

    burning and hormones.

    Notice: Dont skip the stead state cardio. This session will condition your body to

    burn more fat during your other workouts because youll be training the aerobic

    system all by itself. This serves as a primer to help make the higher intensity

    workouts more effective.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    The SCPT Cardio Sequence Setup*Phases described here are broken down and simplified with detailed guidelines and instructions on your

    workout log sheets.

    Phase 1: Warm Up

    5 minutes


    Warm up muscles to get blood flowing and prevent injuries

    Lower and stabilize insulin to get your metabolism into a fat burning environment

    Phase 2: Bursting Sequence

    5 to 10 short hard 30 second bursts


    Release Fat-Burning Hormones to help break up stubborn fat

    Create more blood flow to stubborn fat and/or pockets of cellulite

    Phase 3: Short Duration Strategic SteadyState Cardio

    10 minute low intensity cardio


    Allow heart rate to settle down and force Free Fatty Acids to dump into the

    blood stream and being the process of burning them off

    Phase 4: Strategic Threshold Intervals

    15 minutes of longer 45 to 60 second intervals with 2 minutes of walking /

    recovery between intervals


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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Continue the release of fat burning hormones

    Continue to burn off free fatty acids in the blood stream

    Enhance EPOC (after-burn)

    Phase 5: Free Fatty Acid Finisher FFAF 10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio


    Burn off any remaining free fatty acids in the bloodstream

    Cool down properly

    SCPT Cardio (Day 2, 4, 9 & 11)

    Phases 1 thru 5 Minute IntensityLevel

    Warm Up 1 5 1 - 2Metabolic Burst for 30

    seconds followed immediately

    by walking for 30 seconds

    (Repeat 5 to 10 times)

    5 10 Burst: 5

    Walk: 1

    Walk slow or slow jog for

    10 minutes 10 20 1 2Threshold Burst for 45 to 60

    seconds followed immediately

    by walking fast for 2 minutes

    (Repeat 5 times)

    20 35 Burst: 4

    Walk: 2

    Steady State Cardio

    (Free Fatty Acid Finisher)35 45 3


    Intensity Level Guide

    Level 1: Warm-Up or Slow Pace

    Level 2: Medium

    Level 3: Medium-High

    Level 4: High

    Level 5: Hard as you can go (based on your current fitness level)

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    *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your cu rrent condition, age, gender, or other

    limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where youre at right now personally.

    Steady State Cardio

    A/E: Aerobic/Endurance

    Day 6 & 13

    Sequence 1


    Minute Intensity


    Warm Up 1 5 1 - 2Aerobic Phase

    70-75% of heart rate max

    (220 age + 10 beats x .72 to .75)

    5 40 2 - 3

    Aerobic-Endurance Burst 40 45 4Cool Down

    5 to 10 Minutes45 50 1

    Intensity Level Guide

    1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max

    (220 age + 10 beats x .72 to .75)

    2) Make sure to stay at same pace during the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use the talk test; if

    you can have a normal conversation you are not going hard enough, but if you feel you have to

    slow down youre probably going a little too hard.

    3) Total duration should be around 45-50 minutes.

    4) Type of exercise is optional but running has been proven to burn the most fat.

    Level 1: Warm-Up or Slow Pace

    Level 2: Medium

    Level 3: Medium-High

    Level 4: High

    Level 5: Hard as you can go (based on your current fitness level)

    *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age, gender, or other

    limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where youre at right now personally.

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    Threshold-Depletion Cheat Day Workout

    Day 7 & 14

    Exercise Minute IntensityLevel

    Jog at a steady pace 1 5 1-210 pushups, 10 triceps dips, 10

    bodyweight squats or lunges 5 6 3-42 Minute Threshold Interval

    (cardio exercise of your choice)6 8 3-4

    Recover: Slow pace or Fast walk 8 9 110 pushups, 10 triceps dips, 10

    bodyweight squats or lunges 9 10 42 Minute Threshold Interval

    (cardio exercise of your choice)10 12 4

    Recover: Slow pace or Fast walk 12 13 110 pushups, 10 triceps dips, 10

    bodyweight squats or lunges13 14 4

    2 Minute Threshold Interval

    (cardio exercise of your choice)14 16 4-5

    Recover: Slow pace or Fast walk 16 17 13 Minute Threshold Interval 17 20 4-5

    *Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to

    30 minutes of steady state cardio20 50 2-3

    *FFAF: Use your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after to eat up Fatty Acids

    present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification (restoring of fatty acids).

    *If possible, perform this workout an hour or two before yourbiggest cheat day meal (not mandatory, but recommended)

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    Example: AB Targeted Cardio (ATC)

    *Bursting / Interval& Cardio Sequence

    Minute IntensityLevel

    Warm Up 1 5 1-2Burst or Sprint for 20 seconds

    rest 10 seconds

    (Repeat 10 to 20 times)5 15 Burst: 5

    Rest: 1Mini Cool Down

    Walk briskly 2 minutes15 17 1

    10 minutes ab circuit

    (see below) 17 27 -20 to 30 Minutes of SteadyState Cardio to burn off Free

    Fatty Acids in Stomach Area

    27 50 2-3

    End Workout


    Pick 1 exercise for upper

    Abs, 1 for lower, 1 oblique,

    And 1 core

    Minute Intensity


    Perform 10 to 15 reps for each

    exercise. Do all 4 exercises

    back to back with no rest. Rest

    60 seconds between circuits.

    Repeat circuit 3 to 5 times.

    17 27 4-5

    *You can use this protocol in place of any bursting interval

    workout after your 2 week plan is finished.

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    Portion Control Guidelines

    -P- Protein = Size of your palm

    Women: 15 to 35 grams

    Men: 20 to 45 grams

    -S- Starches = Size of your clenched fist

    Women: 25 to 35 grams

    Men: 40 to 50 grams

    -V- Vegetables = Size of your clenched fist or more

    Women: 1 to 1.5 cups

    Men: 1 to 2 cups

    -F- Fats = Size of the end of your thumb

    Women: 1 tbsp

    Men: 1 to 2 tbsp

    -FF- Free Food

    No calorie counting or portion guidelines

    Dont binge or stuff

    NOTE: These are acceptable ranges and do not have to be exact. If

    you go over or under a little bit, dont sweat it as long as youre making

    healthy choices when youre supposed to.

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    Baseline Days-Moderate carb-

    As the name implies, we want to give your body a baseline to start from. This baseline will be drasticallydifferent from what your body is used to and this is exactly what we want. The trick is not to find the

    bodys point of adaptation and stay there, but to force the body to adaptand then keep adapting.

    On Baseline days, youll be strength training at the studio with your trainer to ensure the extra carbs are

    being utilized to stimulate lean calorie burning muscle and replenish glycogen (stored energy) levels

    through strategic carb intake.

    Youll be allowed to consume two starches and one piece of fruit in separate meals.

    As mentioned in the tips, youre only allowed to eat a fruit and starch together in the same meal if its

    combined with a protein in your very first post workout meal 30 to 60 minutes after your HIRTsessions with your trainer.

    So youll always make sure you plan out your starches and fruit to be consumed with a complete

    protein source. Its also recommended that you time your carb intake (both starches and the piece of

    fruit) to be eaten at one of three different times.

    1. In the morning when insulin sensitivity is at its highest.

    2. Three to four hours before your HIRT workouts at the studio with trainer.

    3. Within one to three hours after your HIRT workouts with trainer.

    You can feel free to eat your impact carbs at any of the above times. You can even have a starch or apiece of fruit with protein right before bedbut only if its within the 1 to 3 hour window after your

    HIRT workout at the studio.

    Again, your body is highly sensitive to nutrient intake before and after the HIRT workouts, so by

    consuming the majority of your carbs within the one to three hour metabolic window of opportunity

    before and after your higher intensity HIRT workouts, youll ensure none of the extra carbs will go to fat

    spillover. Theyll automatically be used for energy (if consumed 3 or 4 hours beforehand) and for repair

    and growth (if consumed within one to three hours after).

    Additionally, youll prime your metabolic triggers to accelerate your fat burning on other lower carb days

    of the plan.

    NOTE: Dont overanalyze this process. Just customize your starch and fruit intake according to your own personal

    schedule by following the rules.

    Any fat intake will be from mostly friendly or good fat sources on Baseline days. Always remember to limit

    your fat intake (10 grams or less) with meals containing starches and/or fruits. Impact Carbs + Too Much Fat = Fat


  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Deplete Day-Low carb-

    Deplete days require a little more discipline and are very limited in food variety and choices, but it works.

    Simply put, depleting is draining your muscles of their energy (glycogen) by lowering carb intake and outsmarting

    your metabolism so it burns more fat.

    Youll consume zero to minimal starches, zero fruits, and under 25 grams of impact carbs (non-fibrous) to force

    short-term depletion of glycogen and extreme fat loss through short-term calorie restriction. This is achieved by

    consuming animal proteins, green veggies, and friendly fats throughout the day.

    The Meat & Nuts Breakfast (P/V/F or P/F)

    One of the more recent tricks I just learned is rotating different meats and nuts for breakfast on Deplete Days. This

    foods combination is excellent for controlling blood sugar levels through the meat and nuts combination.

    This will also help with your energy and concentration while depleting carbs. Youll notice improved mental focus

    and energy because you wont experience a blood sugar crash thats typically associated from a high carb


    After you finish your two week plan, feel free to rotate different meat and raw nuts for breakfast on lower carb

    days. Use various types of meats from your authorized foods list and rotate your nut sources from almonds,

    pistachios, cashews, pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts. Just watch the portion sizes of nuts. Try to stick with about 1


    Of course its always a good idea to add in a cup of fibrous green veggies along with the meat and nuts combo.

    Deplete Days Serve Several Powerful Purposes

    1. Its one of the fastest ways to drain the body of carbohydrate stores and/or muscle glycogen.

    Recall that glycogen is stored energy (from carbohydrates) in the muscle. If glycogen is there, the body will

    typically use glycogen instead of fat for energy. Its that simple. We are re-directing where your body goes to find

    fat. Thats why youre going to cut out all starches, fruits, and other impact carbohydrates on your

    bursting/interval days.

    This is how you teach your body to go get fat instead of glycogen or even worse calorie burning muscle


    2. Depleting shuts off the bodys dependence on sugars.

    Over time, if youve ever yo-yo dieted or just eaten unhealthy for lengthy periods of time you program your body

    to be a carb and sugar burner. In other words, your metabolism is kind of damaged and messed up. Depleting will

    help heal the damage.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Think of it as FIXING your broken metabolism

    3. Depleting helps lower insulin and stabilize blood sugar for faster fat loss.

    Anytime you eat carbs (especially by themselves) you raise insulin. And in the presence of insulin, its nearly

    impossible to burn fat. So if youre eating small frequent meals with moderate carbs (even if theyre healthy

    choices) you could be living with chronically high insulin levels and keeping your body in a fat storing


    Deplete days will help you cure this nagging problem.

    4. Primes your muscles and hormones to want and need more carbs as you alternate back and forth

    with baseline days and live everyday life.

    When you combine proper Deplete days with bursting-intervals, you accelerate the process of draining muscle

    glycogen, which makes extra room in your tank (muscles) for extra carbs on your Baseline and Cheat days.

    Count Carbs on Your Deplete DaysYour meal plans for Deplete Days are precisely calculated so that you eat less than 25 grams of impact

    carbohydrates per day during this 2 week cycle. Impact carbs are all NON-fibrous carbohydrates.

    Weve taken all the guesswork out of how to eat, what to eat, and when. Your meal plan contains a complete

    menu of daily meals for men and women to monitor carb count very closely.

    We have provided everything you will need to stay on track. You will have the times of day, meals, portion sizes,

    mini-recipes, and complete substitution lists, so you have choices, not restriction. You will have some flexibility but

    be precise with what you eat and how much.

    Follow the plan precisely and Deplete days and youll maximize its effectiveness.

    You will notice that protein is a staple and must be consumed at every meal. Vegetables are also a vital part of this

    lifestyle. Please notice that you are to eat only certain vegetables on deplete days. Certain vegetables are omitted

    for specific reasons related to maximize fat loss.

    Since were restricting and drastically reducing carbs on Deplete days, your body will need to find an energy-rich,

    calorie-dense food source somewhere else. Friendly fats are your answer. In fact, fat is one of the primary ways to

    sustain you on Deplete days.

    Being precise on Deplete days puts you in control of how your body responds instead of sending your body mixed

    messages that will hinder results as you move through the 14 day plan.

    On Deplete days youll be performing the bursting-interval training workouts to force your metabolism to burn

    excess glycogen and target stubborn body fat.

    This will also help create a short-term calorie deficit on these days while carbs are kept to minimum.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Strategic Cheat Day-Free Day-

    By using strategic cheat days at least one day a week, you can reset your hormones and give your metabolism aboost at the same time. PLUS, who doesnt want a good ole cheat day.

    Youll increase your intake of calories (starches, fats, etc.) to boost metabolic rate, reset fat burning hormones, and

    assist in repair and growth. Most importantly this serves as a physical and psychological reward along with a

    break from clean eating.

    Cheat days are like free days. This means you can perform longer duration cardio at a lower intensity (or you can

    do full body circuit training) to burn off excess calories and help your body take advantage of the extra calorie

    intake. You can also relax and take this day off, just make sure you get in lone long duration lower intensity cardio

    workout per week when using a cheat day.

    Also, make sure you dont abuse this day. Have fun, relax, and enjoy your favorite foods, but dont binge, stuff or

    abuse alcohol. This will negate the hormonal response youre trying to achieve.

    Your 2 Week Extreme Fat Loss

    Meal Plan Overview


    Baseline Deplete Baseline Deplete Baseline Deplete Strategic

    CheatStarch 2 Starches No 2 Starches No 2 Starches No Free

    and Fruit 1 Fruit Starches 1 Fruit Starches 1 Fruit Starches Day

    Amount or Fruits or Fruits or Fruits (Carb



    Baseline Deplete Baseline Deplete Baseline Deplete Strategic


    Starch 2 Starches No 2 Starches No 2 Starches No Free

    and Fruit 1 Fruit Starches 1 Fruit Starches 1 Fruit Starches Day

    Amount or Fruits or Fruits or Fruits (Carb


    You can swap Saturday and Sunday so that your cheat day is on Saturday if you want

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    2 Week Extreme Fat Loss Boot Camp & Meal Plan

    Meal Plan Cycle Rules

    (3) Baseline (Maintenance) days (3) Deplete (Low Carb) days(1) Strategic Cheat Day

    1. Journal your food and water intake daily for at least 14 days straight.

    2. Consume protein in every meal and eat every 3-4 hours until bedtime.

    3. Must have minimum of 4 meals each day; five small meals preferred. Sixth meal is typically

    for advanced users with faster metabolisms.

    4. Monitor your portion sizes. Follow portion control guidelines. (Try not to eat out. If you do,

    get a to-go container at the beginning of your meal and portion control your food).

    5. Follow your Food Codes for each day. Use your substitutions and master grocery list to

    replace foods you dislike on the meal plans.

    6. Drink your minimum filtered water amount per day (Women 70-80oz, Men 100-128oz per


    7. Eat foods only on 2 Week Extreme Fat Loss Meal Planner or from your healthy choices and

    substitutions food lists below.

    8. Make sure to follow the food directions below each day on your meal plans for specific

    instructions and any modifications.

    9. No protein bars, low carb foods or fake diet foods unless absolutely necessary.

    10. Try to avoid alcohol. It can mess up the hormonal response youre trying to achieve with fat

    loss and cheat days.

    11. Dont force meals or eat too much at each meal. You should never feel full.

    12. Make sure to always have a water bottle, shaker and a quality whey protein powder with

    you at all times so you always have access to protein when life happens and you werent able to

    plan ahead.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    2 Week Extreme Fat Loss Macronutrient Timing

    Interval or Cardio Day Studio Training Day

    Meal Time Fats UP/Carbs DOWN Fats DOWN/Carbs UP

    Meal 1Post

    WorkoutP/F or P/V/F P/S/A

    Meal 2Mid-

    MorningP/F or P/V P/S/V

    Meal 3 Afternoon P/V/F P/V

    Meal 4 Dinner P/F or P/V/F P/V/F

    Meal 51-2 hours

    before bedP/F or P/V/F P/F or P/FF

    Deplete Baseline

    S = Starch P = Protein V = Veggies

    A = Fruit F = Fat / Oil

    Make sure to get 3 servings of vegetables daily.

    An optional sixth meal is shown below in your deplete day meal plans. This is typically

    for advanced folds with faster metabolisms.

    Youll only see 5 meals on your baseline days and an option for 4, but make sure you get

    your post workout starch and fruit together. This ensures maximum glycogen

    replenishment, keeps your metabolism healthy and helps facilitate recovery.

    Try to get a least four meals a day. Five is ideal, but instructions are provided below

    each individual days meal plans below.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Baseline Days 1 & 8


    1 or




    Prepare 1/2 cup slow cook oats mix in 1

    scoop whey protein powder and 1/2 cup ofyour favori te berri es (add s tevia to sweeten

    more) OR you can ha ve 1 sc oop of whey

    protein blended with favorite fruit, water,

    and i ce. Starch on the side: 1/2 cup of

    potatoes, ri ce, yam or oatmeal.

    Prepare 1 cup slow cook oats mix in 2

    scoops whey protein powder and 1 cupof your favorite berries (add s tevia to

    sweeten more) OR you can have 2

    scoops of whey protein blended with

    favori te fruit, water, and ice. Starch on

    the side: 1 cup of potatoes, ri ce, yam, or


    Supplements (F): 3 grams of fish oi l (with meal 2) 3 grams of fish oi l (with meal 2)

    2 P/S/V3-4oz seasoned chicken breast

    1 cup broccol i or green bean

    1/2 baked potato or yam

    6oz seasoned chicken breast

    1 cup broccol i or green beans

    1 baked potato or yam

    3 P/V20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake, 1/2 cup of

    your favori te veggies on si de (raw or


    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Sha ke, 1 cup of

    your favori te veggies on si de (raw or


    4 P/V/F

    4-6oz Cod, Tilapia, or your favorite grilled

    fish. Sala d with tomato, onion, & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    low calorie l ow sugar dressi ng.

    6-8oz Cod, Tilapia, or your favorite grilled

    fis h. Sala d with tomato, onion, & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    low calorie l ow sugar dressi ng.





    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replace with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus gui de)

    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replac e with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus gui de)

    *The P/S/A Meal should always be your post workout meal. Move it to the time of day necessary to match

    your schedule if you do not workout firs t thing in the a.m.

    Type KeyP = Protein S = Starch A = Fruit

    V = Vegetables F = Fat FF = Free Food

    1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may only

    consume 4 meals and skip the second starch meal for more aggressive fat loss, buts

    mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit.

    2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitutions or master grocery listed below for baseline days.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


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    Deplete Day 2 & 9


    1 P/V/F

    1 whole egg with 2-3 egg whites

    scrambled with 1/2 cup of spinach or

    broccoli , topped with 2oz l ean ground beef

    and spri nkle of cheese, 12 raw wal nuts

    3 whole egg with 3 egg whites s crambled

    with 1 cup spinach or broccoli, topped with

    3oz lean ground beef and spri nkll e of

    cheese, 15-20 raw wal nuts

    2 P/V20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake

    1/2 cup of ra w veggies on the si de

    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Shake

    1 cup of raw veggies on the si de

    Supplements (F): 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2) 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2)

    3 P/V/F

    3 - 4oz chicken caesar sal ad or chicken on

    la rge lettuce & cucumber sal ad, with 1 tbsp

    of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar (watch



    6 - 8oz chicken caesar sal ad or chicken on

    la rge lettuce & cucumber sal ad, with 1 tbsp

    of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar (watch



    4 P/F20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake with

    12 raw walnuts

    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Sha ke with

    15-20 raw walnuts

    5 P/V/F

    4 - 6oz of grilled Cajun chicken (grill with

    red pepper)

    1/2 - 3/4 cup of broccol i or green beans

    Sala d with l ettuce & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar

    (watch carb count)

    6 - 8oz of grilled Cajun chicken (grill with

    red pepper)

    1 cup of broccol i or green beans

    Sala d with lettuce & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar

    (watch carb count)

    6 P/FDeplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Deplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Type Key

    P = Protein V = Vegetables F = Fat

    1. The above example food plan shows 6 meals. If you only consume 4 meals you may skip

    meals 2 or 4 and meal 6, for a total of 4 meals that day.

    2. If you only consume 5 meals then you may skip meal 2 or 4 or 6 for a total of 5 meals.

    3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitution list.

    4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Baseline Days 3 & 10


    1 or




    PB & J Protein oatmeal (see recipes

    below) *Keep fat grams from PB under 10grams OR you can have 1 s coop of whey

    protein blended with favorite fruit, water,

    and i ce. Starch on the side: 1/2 cup of

    potatoes, ri ce, yam or oatmeal.

    PB & J Protein oatmeal (see recipes

    below) *Keep fat grams from PB under 15grams OR you can have 2 s coop of whey

    protein blended with favorite fruit, water,

    and i ce. Starch on the side: 1 cup of

    potatoes, ri ce, yam or oatmeal.

    Supplements (F): 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2) 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2)

    2 P/S/V

    4-6oz Turkey Burger on Portobell o (see

    recipe below)

    3/4 cup broccol i or green bean

    1/2 baked potato or yam

    6-8oz Turkey Burger on Portobell o (see

    recipe below)

    1 cup broccol i or green bean

    1 baked potato or yam

    3 P/V

    20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake, 1/2 cup of

    your favorite veggies on s ide (raw or


    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Sha ke, 1 cup of

    your favori te veggies on si de (raw or


    4 P/V/F

    3-4oz lean gras s fed beef or sa lmon

    Sala d with tomato, onion, & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    low calorie low sugar dressing

    6oz lean gras s fed beef or sa lmon

    Sala d with tomato, onion, & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    low calorie low sugar dressing





    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replace with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus guide)

    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replac e with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus gui de)

    *The P/S/A Meal should always be your post workout meal. Move it to the time of day necessary to match

    your schedule i f you do not workout first thing i n the a.m.

    Type Key

    P = Protein S = Starch A = FruitV = Vegetables F = Fat FF = Free Food

    1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may only

    consume 4 meals and skip the second starch meal for more aggressive fat loss, buts

    mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit.

    2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitutions or master grocery listed below for baseline days.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


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    Deplete Day 4 & 11


    1 P/V/F

    Turkey Sausage Omelet (see recipe

    below) with 12 raw walnuts on the side

    Turkey Sausage Omelet (see below)

    with 15-20 raw walnuts on the side

    2 P/V20-25grams Whey Protein Shake with 1/2

    to 1 cup of your favorite green vegetable

    on the si de (no peas, c orn or car rots)

    30-40grams Whey Protein Shake with 1 cup

    of your favorite green vegetable

    on the si de (no peas, c orn or carrots)

    Supplements (F): 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2) 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2)

    3 P/V/FLow Carb Tuna Salad (see recipe below) Low Carb Tuna Salad (see recipe below)

    4 P/F20-25grams Whey Protein Shake with

    12 raw walnuts

    30-40grams Whey Protein Shake with

    15-20 raw walnuts

    5 P/V/F

    3-4oz of lean red meat (grass fed if


    1 cup of broccol i or green beans

    Salad with tomato, onion & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra vi rgin oli ve oil & vinegar

    4-6oz of lean red meat (grass fed if


    1 cup of broccol i or green beans

    Salad with tomato, onion & cucumber

    1 tbsp of extra vi rgin oli ve oil & vinegar

    6 P/FDeplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Deplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Type Key

    P = Protein V = Vegetables F = Fat

    1. The above example food plan shows 6 meals. If you only consume 4 meals you may skip

    meals 2 or 4 and meal 6, for a total of 4 meals that day.

    2. If you only consume 5 meals then you may skip meal 2 or 4 or 6 for a total of 5 meals.

    3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitution list.

    4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.

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    Baseline Days 5 & 12


    1 or




    1 whole egg with 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup

    healthy hash browns or 1/2 cup oats withcinna mon and stevia , 1/2 grapefruit on the

    si de OR you can have 1 s coop of whey

    protein blended with favorite fruit, water,

    and i ce. Starch on the side: 1/2 cup of

    potatoes, yam or oatmeal

    2 whole eggs with 4 egg whites, 1 cup

    healthy hash browns or 1/2 cup oats withcinna mon and stevia , 1 grapefruit on the

    si de OR you can have 2 scoops of whey

    protein blended with favorite fruit, water,

    and i ce. Starch on the side: 1 cup of

    potatoes, yam or oatmeal

    Supplements (F): 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2) 3 grams of fish oil (with meal 2)

    2 P/S/V3-4oz chicken or turkey breast with 1/2 cup

    black, brown, or white rice, 1/2 cup

    asparagus of small spinach salad

    5-6oz chicken or turkey breast with 1 c up

    blac k, brown, or white rice, 1 cup

    asparagus of small spinach salad

    3 P/V

    20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake, 1/2 cup of

    your favorite veggies on s ide (raw or


    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Sha ke, 1 cup of

    your favori te veggies on si de (raw or


    4 P/V/F3-4oz chicken caesar s alad or chicken

    on la rge lettuce & cucumber s ala d, with

    1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar

    6-8oz chicken caesar s alad or chicken

    on la rge lettuce & cucumber s al ad, with

    1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar





    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replace with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus guide)

    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding (see

    recipe below) or replac e with Baseli ne

    Dessert from your bonus gui de)

    *The P/S/A Meal should always be your post workout meal. Move it to the time of day necessary to match

    your schedule i f you do not workout first thing i n the a.m.

    Type Key

    P = Protein S = Starch A = Fruit

    V = Vegetables F = Fat FF = Free Food

    1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may only

    consume 4 meals and skip the second starch meal for more aggressive fat loss, buts

    mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit.

    2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitutions or master grocery listed below for baseline days.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


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    Deplete Day 6 & 13


    1 P/F

    1 whole egg with 2 - 3 whites

    scrambled; topped with 2 oz turkey or

    chicken breast & spr inkle of cheese,

    12 raw walnuts on the side

    1 whole egg with 4 - 5 whites

    scrambled; topped with 2 oz lean

    ground beef & sprinkle of cheese,

    15-20 raw walnuts on the side

    2 P/F1/2 cup cottage cheese (full fat brand

    so carbs are reduced)

    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Shake

    1 tbsp of flax oil or 1 tbsp heavy cream

    3 P/V/F

    3-4oz chicken caesar s alad or

    chicken on la rge lettuce & cucumber

    salad, with 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive

    oil & vinegar (watch carb count)

    6-8oz chicken caesar s alad or

    chicken on large lettuce & cucumber

    sal ad, with 1 tbsp of extra vi rgin olive

    oil & vinegar (watch carb count)

    4 P/F20-25gra ms Whey Protein Shake

    3 grams of fish oil or 1 tbsp heavy cream

    30-40gra ms Whey Protein Shake

    3 grams of fish oil or 1 tbsp heavy cream

    5 P/V/F

    4-6oz fresh fish

    1 cup of broccoli

    Lettuce & cucumber sa la d with 1 tbsp

    of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    full fat dressing (watch carb count)

    6-8oz fresh fish

    1 cup of broccoli

    Lettuce & cucumber sa la d with 1 tbsp

    of extra virgin olive oil & vinegar or

    full fat dressing (watch carb count)

    6 P/FDeplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Deplete Dessert of your choice from

    bonus guide

    Type Key

    P = Protein V = Vegetables F = Fat

    1. The above example food plan shows 6 meals. If you only consume 4 meals you may skip

    meals 2 or 4 and meal 6, for a total of 4 meals that day.

    2. If you only consume 5 meals then you may skip meal 2 or 4 or 6 for a total of 5 meals.

    3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow

    the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your

    substitution list.

    4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Strategic Cheat Days 7 & 14


    1 P/S/F

    Power Protein Pancakes (see

    bonus recipes)

    Power Protein Pancakes (see

    bonus recipes)Supplements




    Perform Glut 4 Activa tors 15 minutes

    before cheating (see below)


    Perform Glut 4 Activa tors 15 minutes

    before cheating (see below)

    2 P/A

    Late Morning Snack

    Have a piece of your favorite fruit

    with a protein shake or mix your

    favorite fruit i nto your protein s hake.

    Late Morning Snack

    Have a piece of your favorite fruit

    with a protein shake or mix your

    favorite fruit i nto your protein s hake.

    3 P/S (FF)


    Favorite Burger or Sub sa ndwich

    with chips


    Favorite Burger or Sub sa ndwich

    with chips



    Perform Glut 4 Activa tors 15 minutes

    before cheating (see below)

    Perform Glut 4 Activa tors 15 minutes

    before cheating (see below)

    4 P/FF


    Favorite food and favori te dess ert.

    Use protein a nd starchy cheat food

    with small piece of dess ert (Don't

    binge or s tuff)


    Favorite food and favori te dess ert.

    Use protein a nd starc hy cheat food

    with small piece of dessert (Don't

    binge or s tuff)

    Type Key

    P = Protein V = Vegetables A = Fruit FF = Free Food

    Notes: Its important to enjoy this day, but not to go overboard. In order to maximize levels

    properly, stay away from alcohol, excessive intake of High Fructose Corn Syrup, deep-fried

    foods and empty sweets like candy. Stick to things like pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, steak, and

    fajitas. Sugars should be consumed in moderation and should come from rich sources like cake,

    ice cream, or cheesecake. Dont binge or stuff.

    Activate Glut 4 to limit fat spillover and force glycogen replenishment:

    Example: Perform body weight movements (use one or more of the following: body weight

    squats, lunges, jump squats, pushups, pull-ups, wall push-ups, wall triceps extensions, even

    shoulder presses with a band will work) for 2 to 5 minutes 15 to 30 minutes before cheating

    and again 30 to 90 minutes after cheating. Youll wind up with somewhere between 50 to 100

    reps, but focus on time. This will bring GLUT-4 to the surface of muscle cells opening the

    gateway for your cheat food to be shuttled into muscle and prevent fat spillover. Cool eh! Kind

    of a pain yes I know, but worth it.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Authorized Food Choices for Baseline Days

    Carb Choices for Baseline Days

    Oatmeal, oat bran

    Sweet potato, yam Wild rice, brown rice


    Kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas,

    lima beans, red beans, marrowfat peas,

    chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans, navy

    beans, lentils

    Apples, oranges, apricots, peaches, pears,

    grapes, kiwi, mango, watermelon,

    honeydew, cantaloupe, rhubarb, plum,

    pineapple, papaya, grapefruit, bananas,

    grapes, blueberries, strawberries,

    blackberries, raspberries, cranberries,


    Light yogurt(no sugar added)

    Whole Grain Breads: 100% Whole Wheat,

    Ezekiel, Millet

    100% whole wheat tortilla wraps



    Corn, Peas, Carrots

    Proteins for Baseline Days

    Beef (steak, ground beef, etc.) grass fed

    Cottage Cheese Deer/Venison

    Eggs (whole or whites)

    Fish (salmon, tilapia, haddock, mackerel,

    cod, tuna, herring, etc.)

    Ham (fresh)


    Milk protein powders (whey and/or casein)

    Pork (tenderloin, chop, etc.)

    Shellfish (scallops, shrimp, clams, oysters,

    crab, lobster, etc.)

    Skinless Chicken breast

    Turkey breast

    Fats for Baseline Days

    Coconut Oil

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Flax-seed oil

    Marine/Fish Oils

    Hemp Oil


    Brazil Nuts


    Peanuts (in moderation)



    Veggies for Baseline Days



    Brussels Sprouts





    Collard Greens



    Green Onion


    Lettuce any type




    Pepper, Bell


    Snow Peas




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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Authorized Proteins and Veggie Choices for Deplete Days

    Veggies for Deplete Days












    Limit tomatoes

    No Squash

    No Zucchini

    No Peas, Corn, or Carrots

    Proteins for Deplete Days

    Eggs and egg whites

    Cottage cheese

    Lean beef

    Turkey breast

    Chicken breast

    Whey protein powder

    Fresh fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod

    Fats for Deplete Days

    Flaxseed Oil Fish Oil

    Olive Oil



    Coconut oil

    Watch portion sizes on nut butters


    Deplete Days

    You may use condiments, but remember to always check and count carbs.

    NOTE: Certain veggies are forbidden on Deplete days to help further accelerate fat loss.

    Stick to the list on this page. These vegetables can be consumed on baseline days and are

    normally healthy choices, but we want to limit calories and turn off sugars as much as

    possible on Deplete Days.

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    Other Miscellaneous Nutrition Tips and Insights

    Coffee Intake

    What about coffee? I get this question ALL the time.

    The good news about coffee: In moderation it can help enhance the process of liberating fatty acids for fat

    loss. Its also been shown to increase the absorption of post workout carbohydrate intake.

    The bad news about coffee: Most people abuse coffee by drinking way too much or adding creamers and

    sweeteners that are unhealthy and promote fat storage. Any type of excess caffeine intake can wreak havoc

    on the adrenal glands and create a very acidic environment inside the body. This can definitely affect your fat-

    loss goals negatively if not monitored properly.

    Coffee Guidelines: Feel free to have a cup or two per day, but try to avoid artificial sweeteners and creamers

    that have sugar and preservatives. I recommend using black coffee with a little bit of stevia. You can also add a

    little organic heavy cream, almond or coconut milk. Just dont overdo it.

    Vegan and Vegetarian Stuff

    Many times it can be very tough for a vegetarian or vegan to follow a fat loss plan because their choices are so

    limited on protein compared to us carnivores.

    However, if you are comfortable with choosing healthy substitutions to replace animal proteins then you can

    easily follow the food guidelines.

    Here are a few options that might work: Protein Powder: Pea or Rice, Tempeh, Texturized vegetable protein,

    Non GMO Soy foods (make sure its NON GMO), Veggie burgers, Tofu (watch for hidden fat content), Bean

    Dishes, Baked Beans, Bean Burgers, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Lentils, Red Beans, Hummus,

    Refried Beans.

    I also highly recommend finding some healthy recipes or modifying the recipes in this guide to include some of

    the protein sources above.

    Im also a huge fan of using raw (when it makes sense) but it usually tastes like cardboard and its typical ly

    very expensive.

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    BONUS #1

    Scientific Tips, Tricks, and Techniques For Extreme Fat Loss

    Tip #1: Cheat Day Secrets and Strategies

    *Purpose: To limit fat spillover by forcing storage of excess carbs as glycogen, stabilizing insulin and utilizing

    the digestive system.

    1. As always, try to get some type of intense workout the morning of your cheat day.

    2. Make sure breakfast is not a binge meal and includes a lean protein.

    3. Limit your cheat day to a five hour window. This will prevent binging, while providing a reward along with a

    metabolic spark to help keep your metabolism happy.

    4. Consume a small amount (80z) of grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit before your first cheat meal. This will

    help stabilize insulin before the reefed or cheat. This is also a great time to consume a cup of coffee because itextends the fat burning effect of the caffeine.

    5. Dont forget about chromium for insulin sensitivity on cheat days. A more recent discovery that potentially

    works even better is Alpha-Lipoic-Acid(ALA). Take either one 3 times a day before cheat meals.

    6. Drink 50 to 75 ounces of filtered water before noon. This will help prevent dehydration, set up the digestive

    system for a healthy binge, and prevent early day cravings.

    7. Dont weight yourself for at least 2 to 3 days after your cheat day. This will keep you psychologically in the

    right spot because any weight youve gained is just water weight from carbs. You should be one to three

    pounds lighter a few days after your cheat day if youre doing thingsproperly and using the next trick

    8. Activate the glucose transporter GLUT-4 by performing short bouts of muscular contractions throughout the

    reefed or cheat.

    Example: Perform body weight movements (use one or more of the following: body weight squats, lunges, jump

    squats, pushups, pull-ups, wall push-ups, wall triceps extensions, even shoulder presses with a band will work) for

    2 to 5 minutes 15 to 30 minutes before cheating and again 30 to 90 minutes after cheating. Youll wind up with

    somewhere between 50 to 100 reps, but focus on time. This will bring GLUT-4 to the surface of muscle cells

    opening the gateway for your cheat food to be shuttled into muscle and prevent fat spillover. Cool eh! Kind of a

    pain yes I know, but worth it.

    Other cheat day tips and guidelines that will help you.

    Try to avoid a lot of alcohol when cheating. This can mess up the metabolic and hormonal effect youre

    trying to accomplish.

    Try to avoid a lot of deep fried foods and high fructose corn syrup. Deep fried foods are basically void of

    any nutritional value and therefore dont provide any metabolic or hormonal benefits for the cheat. HFCS

    has been shown to potentially block or negatively impact leptin levels.

    Again, its a cheat day so you dont have to get anal, but little tricks like this can really help.

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    Plan for extra water the day after a cheat day. Remember the extra water your body will carry (from all

    the carbs) the next day. Thats why you hear people always talking about carb -bloat the day after

    cheating. Water is great damage control to get you back on track.

    Tip # 2: Manipulate Body Temperature

    Heres a couple crazy body temperature tricks that have scientific validity and can be very effective to burn 1 or 2

    extra pounds of fat per week.

    1. Spend 15 to 30 minutes in a dry sauna or steam room after workouts. You can burn an additional 250 to

    400 calories per day and increase the post metabolic after burn of exercise by raising the body

    temperature. Ive been experimenting with this using a heart rate monitor and calorie counter and its

    amazing how well it works to keep the heart rate up and burning calories after a workout. This will also

    help burn off Free Fatty Acids that release into the blood stream after high intensity exercise.

    2. Consume 40 ounces of ice water on an empty stomach immediately upon waking. This will raise metabolic

    rate 5 to 30% for 40 to 60 minutes. Then have breakfast or perform a short duration high intensity

    workout of some kind.

    3. Shiver your way to fat loss. Short term cold exposure has some unbelievable benefits. Research shows it

    stimulates BAT (brown adipose tissue or stubborn fat) to burn glucose as heat. It can also help release

    fatty acids. Without getting too scientific, its basically fat that burns fat. Weird, I know but effective.

    Heres how its done:

    a. Take a Cold Shower. At the end of your shower turn the water as cold as you can handle it and let

    the cold water run over your neck and shoulders for 30 seconds or longer. If you start shivering

    you know youve done it long enough. The best times to do this are after a workout, early

    morning or late evening.

    b. Put large ice packs on the back of your neck and shoulders for 20 to 30 minutes. In the evening is

    the best because blood sugar is lower.

    c. Take an Ice Bath for 20 minutes (if youre absolutely insane ). Just like the other methods, early

    in the a.m., late in the evening, or post workout is best.

    Tip #3: Manipulate & Stabilize Blood Sugar

    1. Consume 3 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice 15 minutes before or during meals. This will lower

    blood sugar 10% or more.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    2. Certain types of cinnamon just before or during meals can lower the glycemic index of a meal up to 29%!

    Saigon is the best and Cassia comes in second. Consume no more than 4 grams per day. 1.5 teaspoons

    taken 4 times a day. This needs to be freshly ground or use the raw sticks that roll up like scrolls.

    Tip #4: Minimize Fat Storing Estrogen

    Gorge on cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage. If you just eat more

    vegetables-lots more vegetables, you can control bad estrogen. This simple trick alone can help you burn more fat.

    These vegetables contain a naturally occurring ingredient called 3,3-Diindolylmethane or DIM for short. DIM is a

    compound derived from the digestion of indole-3-carbinol, which is found in these cruciferous vegetables.

    DIM is strongly anti-estrogenic, and can help block xenoestrogens (sometimes called obsesogens), which can make

    you store belly fat, so including them in your diet could go a long way.

    It can also act as an immunostimulant, which means it can naturally boost your immune system.

    Wikipedia even touts this ingredient to have various potent anticancer properties.

    IMPORTANT: DIM is an oil soluble compound, so its best to consume these veggies with other oils and fats.

    This will greatly enhance the absorption.

    In other words, eat these specific veggies with things like wild caught salmon, fish oil, egg yolks, nuts, olive oil or

    coconut oil.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    BONUS #2

    Intro to Macro-Patterning Recipes

    Low Carb Tuna Salad

    Type: P/F

    Serves: 2


    6 oz fresh tuna steak (6oz can of albacore tuna is ok too, but beware of high levels of mercury)

    1 whole, hard boiled egg, chopped (or egg whites only if preferred)

    1 tablespoon mayonnaise

    1 small onion, diced

    Dash of vinegar (optional but yummy!)

    Diced celery to taste

    Sprinkle of sea salt and pepper

    Dash of sage

    1 large tomato


    1. Slice tomato and spread evenly over medium sized plate

    2. Combine all other ingredients together except tomato

    3. Scoop over top of sliced tomato, serve and enjoy!

    Turkey Sausage Omelet

    Type: P/V

    Serves: 1


    1 whole egg, 3 whites (women), 1 whole, 5 whites (men)

    2 3 oz lean turkey sausage, cooked and crumbled

    1 2 oz. reduced fat cheddar cheese

    Add peppers, onion or mushrooms if desired


    1. Cook turkey sausage in a small pan until no longer pink in the middle; set aside.

    2. Mix eggs together in a small bowl until frothy.

    3. Spray a 10-inch skillet with cooking spray and put over medium-low to medium heat.

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    South Charlotte Personal Training

    4. Pour eggs into pan and layer sausage and cheese (and any other ingredients) on one half of the egg


    5. Cover and let set until firm, about 4 5 minutes.

    6. When set, fold over the other half, serve and enjoy!

    Power Protein PancakesType: P/S/A

    Servings: 2


    1 cup Oats, uncooked (not instant)

    6 egg whites

    1 cup fat free cottage cheese

    teaspoon vanilla extract

    teaspoon cinnamon

    2 packets sugar substitute

    Sugar free syrup or sugar free jelly

    Small amount of fruit for topping (optional)


    1. Mix in blender.

    2. Cook over medium heat.

    3. Serve with a small amount of your favorite organic berries, sugar free syrup or jelly on top and enjoy!

    Note: You can also top with a small amount of organic peanut butter if youre following a maintenance plan. This

    will make the food code a whopper: P/F/S/A. Yummy!

    PB & J Protein Oatmeal

    Type: P/F/S

    Servings: 1


    Slow cook oatmeal: cup (women), 1 cup (men)

    1 scoop (women) 1.5 scoop (men) of Dymatize vanilla whey protein powder

    1 tablespoon of sugar-free jelly (flavor of your choice, I like grape and strawberry)

    cup organic skim milk


    1. Pour oatmeal in a microwave safe bowl, add skim milk and cook on high for 1 to 1.5 minutes (times will


    2. Add whey protein powder, peanut butter and jelly and mix thoroughly.

    3. If needed, add hot water to reach desired thickness.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Two Weeks


    South Charlotte Personal Training

    Double Chocolate Protein Pudding

    Type: P/FF

    Servings: 2


    1 cup cold organic 1 to 2% milk

    3 scoops of Dymatize Whey Protein Powder

    2 tablespoons of fat-free, sugar-free instant chocolate pudding mix

    3 ice cubes


    1. Pour skim milk in blender. Add chocolate whey and ice cubes. Blend on medium for 15 to 30 seconds.

    2. Add the pudding mix and blend on high until you have desired consistency (about 30 to 45 seconds). You

    might have to stop the blender once to scrape the sides to blend properly.

    3. Scoop desired amount into bowl or dessert cup and chill in refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.4. Use a small amount of fat free redi whip if desired.

    5. Serve and enjoy!

    Note: Use small amounts only of pudding and redi whip. Some ingredients are questionable, but in small amounts

    will have negligible impact on your health or results.

    Turkey Burger

    Type: P/V

    Serves: 4


    1 lb lean ground turkey breast

    onion, finely chopped

    1 teaspoon horseradish

    1 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce

    teaspoon ground black pepper

    1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped parsley

    1 egg white

    4 lettuce leaves

    4 slices tomato 4 portabella mushroom caps


    1. Preheat grill, skiller or George Foreman Grill to medium-high heat.

    2. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground turkey, onion, horseradish, soy sauce, black pepper, garlic, parsley

    and egg white.

    3. Form into 4 portion-sized patties.

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    4. Place patties on a hot grill and cook until no longer pink in the center, approximately 6 minutes per side.

    5. Place burgers on top of mushroom caps with lettuce, tomato, and mustard.

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