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    Sidwell Guduka

    MAX TSHABALALA has confirmed for

    the first time his interest in buying

    Bloemfontein Celtic.

    Tshabalala, who is a successful business

    tycoon in the Free State, told Express

    yesterday that he had put in an offer to

    buy the club and that the deal was as good

    as done.

    Today I can confirm that I have made

    an offer on behalf of the Tshabalalas to buy

    Bloemfontein Celtic. But I cant divulge the

    figures. We are just waiting for the

    Augoustis to decline or accept the offer

    that we have put on the table. We are

    hoping that all the necessary paperwork

    will be done as soon as possible, Tshabala-

    la said.

    We didnt want to speak to the media

    about this matter until the deal was signed

    and sealed, but Celtic gave us the green

    light to speak about it.

    They said their office had been inundated

    with calls from frustrated fans who were

    enquiring about the future of the team, he


    Tshabalala was quick to point out that

    Celtic would remain in the Free State and

    in Bloemfontein if the sale transaction

    went through.

    The jockeys will change, but the horse

    will remain the same.

    We are buying a brand which is Bloem-

    fontein Celtic and the name of the club will

    remain unchanged.

    We want to take the club back to the

    people and re-establish the supporter

    branches all over the country.

    We are going to ensure that Celtic are

    playing in front of capacity crowds again.

    Tshabalala, who owns a Second Division

    club, Roses United, could not deny or

    confirm whether people who were presently

    employed by Celtic would be part of the


    We are going to appoint professional

    people to run the club, he said.

    Jimmy Augousti, Celtic chairperson, has

    returned from Brazil where he was attend-

    ing the 2014 Fifa World Cup Tournament

    with other PSL members and he is

    expected to conclude the deal this week.

    Augousti bought Phunya Sele Sele from

    Petrus Molemela for a rumoured R600 000

    in 2001 and the value of the club is over

    R50 million today.

    Ikie Augousti, Jimmys brother and the

    managing director of Bloemfontein Celtic,

    said the deal would probably be concluded

    within a month.

    The deal is close, but it is not final. We

    are having final meetings before everything

    can be concluded.

    There are some outstanding issues that

    we still have to deal with, Ikie said.


    Business tycoon puts in offer for football club

    VOCIFEROUS: Siwelele singing their lungs out. Insert: Max Tshabalala. Main photo: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images

    Visit the Express


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    all the soccer

    action in Brazil.

    Celtic in the bag?




    Tladi Moloi

    KESTELL. Samuel Molefe, who hails from

    Thlolong, Kestell, recently turned 116 years


    On Saturday, Vusi Tshabalala of the office

    of the executive mayor of the Maluti-a-Pho-

    fung Local Municipality (MAP), visited

    Molefe to celebrate his belated birthday with

    him. Molefe was born on 24 June 1898.

    The birthday party was attended by family

    members, relatives, neighbours and some of

    the employees of the local municipality,

    specifically from the mayors office.

    Molefe said he believes that no one in

    todays generation would reach his years,

    because they were free to anything. He said

    his generation respected the elders and had

    always listened to what they were told not to


    Alcohol is the biggest problem for our

    children. I never smoked or drank alcohol

    while growing up. We were told not to eat

    things like eggs, as well as some other

    things, and we did exactly that, he said.

    When asked what his secret was to live for

    so many years, he said: That I would not

    know. God is probably the one that can give

    the answer to that.

    Molefe is the father of eight children, four

    men and four women. He is also the grandfa-

    ther of 44 grandchildren.

    His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1993 and since

    then his children have been looking after

    him. The most interesting things about

    Molefe, who arguably could be the oldest

    man in the Free State, is that his first child

    was born in 1944 and mathematically it

    means he had his first child at the age of 46.

    What is more, he was 73 years old when his

    last-born child was born.

    Molefe said he had spent most of his life

    on the farm Winnelaagte near Afrikaskop.

    I grew up on that farm. I went to school

    there and worked there for a long time, he


    The mayor has asked us to come here

    after he had been instructed by the premier,

    Ace Magashule.

    He said we should come here to give him

    (Molefe) this birthday cake and blankets,

    said Masetjhaba Mosia-Lakaje, member of

    the mayoral committee (MMC) for Women,

    Children and People with Disabilities at the

    MAP, who represented the mayor for the


    They said they wished you many more

    years to come. The premier said in our

    history there has been no one who has

    reached this milestone.

    He said you have shared some historical

    moments with him and he was happy about


    Long life celebrated

    SAMUEL MOLEFE with Maria Motloung (neighbour, left) and Masetjhaba Mosia-Lakaje, member of the mayoral committee (MMC) for Women, Children and People with Disabilities

    at the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality.

    MARC FOURIE, a learner of Grey College,

    has been selected as the Express Super-

    Sport Lets Play Sports Star of the Month

    for his achievements in mountain-biking.

    The 17-year-old also excels in tennis.

    Marc started with mountain-biking early

    in 2012 during his gr. 9 year. He initially

    started trailing behind his older brother,

    but at the end of 2012 Marc had advanced

    so much that he could overtake his


    Marc has an array of achievements

    under his name. In 2013 he won the Free

    State Bloem League as well as the Provin-

    cial Spur Anatomic Schools League, and

    also came third overall in the Gauteng

    Schools Spur Series.

    He achieved second overall in the Ofm

    Classic Mountain Bike Race.

    In 2014 he performed well in both the

    marathon and cross-country disciplines of

    the sport. During the MTN National Series

    and Nissan Half-marathon Series he was

    unbeaten in four meetings in the series,

    namely Dullstroom, Sabie, Clarens and Van

    Gaalen in the junior mens category.

    During May this year he won a silver

    medal in the South African Marathon

    Championships held at the Cascades in

    Pietermaritzburg in the junior mens


    In the national XCO (cross-country)

    Series he won a gold medal in the second

    race of the series at Afriski in Lesotho

    (April) and silver at the next event at

    Mankele in Mbombela (May).

    These meetings are part of the Interna-

    tional World Cup Series for junior men.

    Marc is currently fourth on the UCI

    world-ranking. If you ask Marc why he

    loves mountain-biking, he replies: Its all

    about the technical nature of the sport and

    the excitement of the competition.

    He lives by his motto: Do today what

    others do not, so that when tomorrow comes,

    you can do what others cannot.

    Send your SuperSport Lets Play Sports

    Star of the Month nomination for school

    learners between the ages of 6 and 18 today

    (nominations received before the 20th of

    each month will be included in that

    months selection).

    You can email your nomination to

    [email protected] or fax it to 086-552-

    4922. For more information please call

    Lynne or Juanr at Z PR on 051-522-9574.

    Marc leads the way

    MARC FOURIE Photo: Supplied




    Tshenolo Meruti

    AS the country gears up for International

    Mandela Day on 18 July, people and

    organisations have started to celebrate the


    Last Wednesday, the National Museum

    had a Mandela Day celebration at the Legae

    Day-Care Centre in Batho Location, Bloem-


    The employees of the museum spent their

    67 minutes for Madiba Day with the little

    ones at the crech and they didnt go empty

    handed. They spoilt the kids with winter

    scarves knitted by the employees themselves

    and they also gave them goodie bags

    containing sweets.

    The event was attended by community

    members and parents of the kids and every

    single guest was served with warm soup to

    beat the chilly winter weather.

    Rick Nuttall, director of the National

    Museum, spoke to Express at the event. He

    said they were committed to doing their bit

    to celebrate Mandela Day in the true spirit

    of the late President Nelson Mandela.

    We are overjoyed to be hosting this

    event and to devote 67 minutes of our time

    to helping others. We will continue our

    relationship with the Legae Day-Care


    We have a project which is called the

    Batho Community History Project lead by

    Derek de Bruyan, one of the historians at

    the museum.

    The whole idea of the project is to raise

    the profile of the Batho Location and its

    community and also to allow people to tell

    their stories about their townships; it is an

    oral history project, Nuttall said.

    He added that specific areas in the

    community had been identified by De

    Bruyan where his museum could contribute

    and become involved in. The Legae Day-

    Care Centre was just one of them.

    We also have a gardening project with

    Legae where we provide them with seeds,

    fertilisers and expertise. This is particularly

    aimed at the women in the community to

    grow vegetables. The main focus of the

    project is to provide vegetables that can be

    used for the children of Legae, Nuttall


    Dibolelo Madito, manager of Legae, said

    they were thankful to the National Museum

    and the employees for making time for the


    Im very happy. I didnt expect them to

    come in such big numbers. They took time

    out of their busy lives and saw it important

    to come and spend the day with the

    children, she said.

    Madito also praised the partnership they

    had with the museum.

    She further mentioned that they were

    developing a Toy Library for children at

    their centre and in the community.

    The library will be for free to help those

    parents that cant afford school fees, she


    Last year the museum celebrated Mandela

    International Day at the Susanna Ollemans

    Crche in the Batho Location. As part of

    their visit to the crche, they fixed the

    playground, painted swings and the jungle

    gym. They also donated mattresses.

    ) In 2009, 18 July was declared Mandela

    Day to honour the former statesman, where

    people were encouraged to dedicate 67

    minutes of their time to nation-building and

    charity in recognition of his service towards

    securing democracy and restoring human

    dignity. This event was a huge success.

    Museum brings joy to day-care kids

    DIBOLELO MADITO (left) and Rick Nuttall (right) with kids at the Legae Day-Care Centre last Wednesday. Photo: Sidwell Guduka


    Past. Moise Mutombo Kumwimba

    THERE is no victory without war, so

    why complain if war is a procedure

    to that victory? Jesus Christ is on

    your side, victory is as assured as the

    rising of the sun.

    To be victorious in life, you must

    go through war; that very war is the

    giant that will promote you after you

    have beaten him and stand on his


    Without the pharaoh, the book of

    Exodus will have no meaning. This

    very pharaoh was an evil giant that

    Moses stood on to be considered the

    greatest leader of the Exodus.

    Before David was promoted, he had

    to face that evil giant called Goliath.

    After his defeat, David stood on his

    shoulders and only then he became

    the person many respected.

    Anah faced the horrible situation of

    bareness but through it she developed

    a deep conversation with her God.

    Later God blessed her with a son.

    Anah stood on the shoulder of a giant

    of bareness.

    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

    faced the giant of death. The king

    threatened them that he will kill

    them if they do not bow to his statue.

    These young men stood their ground

    by believing in God for deliverance.

    After being thrown in the furnace of

    fire, since the fire could not burn

    them, they stood on the giant of

    death through fire and they became

    great men of honour.

    In Matthew 4:1-11 we see that Jesus

    faced Lucifer as a representation of

    the world system; he was defeated.

    Jesus giant was the whole world.

    No great man in the Bible became

    great without subduing any giant.

    God was always with them through it

    all; as it was, so it is today. Us

    Christians will face giants too before

    we can talk of a victory that will

    stand the test of time. Your giant

    could be poverty; face it with Jesus.

    When your blessings come, you will

    stand on top of that poverty.

    Your giant could be HIV, cancer,

    TB, blood pressure, diabetes . . . stand

    on those giants by believing in Jesus

    Christ; you will finally be healed, you

    will stand on top of those giants and

    glorify the name of Jesus.

    Dont let your giant overcome you,

    dont lose focus because of the giants

    in life; they are meant to be defeated

    so we may be promoted.

    If you know that your poverty,

    hardship, failure, rejection and

    sickness have come to promote you,

    you will regret complaining.

    ) To hear more and learn more, visit

    the New Horizon Ministry at the Joe

    Solomon School in Heidedal every

    Sunday from 09:30.

    You can also SMS your prayer

    requests to 071-214-9404. We are seeing

    Gods hands moving in healing and

    deliverance Sunday after Sunday.

    Dont let your focus be on your giant;

    rather let it be on God, the giver of


    God bless and see you there.

    Giants aremeant

    to be slain




    Selloane Khalane

    THOKOZA GOGO, he greets in a

    crouching position, his skin smeared in

    red okra, adorning his red and white

    sangoma (traditional healer) attire, Fusi

    Khumalo (24) starts chanting to the sound

    of the African drum.

    Thongo lam liyavuma, Thongo lam

    liyavuma, (My ancestors are with me, my

    ancestors are with me) he chants in Zulu

    while stamping his feet.

    Khumalo, originally from Qwaqwa, says

    the chant evokes the ancestors and asks

    God to lead the way in the spirit world.

    He is one of the many sangoma initiates

    who flock to the Nkokomohi Caves,

    located on the outskirts of Ficksburg, to

    speak to their ancestors and learn their


    The area is considered sacred and is

    known as Badimong, Mautse or Nkokomo-

    hi, meaning to rise up like smoke, a

    reference to the spirits of the ancestors.

    Mautse means holy waters.

    Khumalo says his spiritual journey

    began at the young age of eight, when he

    was plagued by dreams and visions of his


    Following much resistance to succumb

    to his calling, Khumalo fell ill throughout

    his teenage life until he decided to yield to

    his ministry.

    When you are young your flesh tends

    to speak louder than your spirit, my

    journey has not been easy, Khumalo


    The beautiful valleys with numerous

    cliff overhangs at Nkokomohi have

    different spiritual connotations.

    As dusk approaches, the scent of

    imphepho (Helichrysum petiolare), fills the

    many huts nestled in the caves.

    Traditional healers and herbalists

    believe they summon the ancestors by

    burning sacred plants like imphepho.

    The sound of flowing water seeping

    from one of the caves fondly called

    University, where sangomas pass on the

    knowledge of the ancestors to those called

    to serve, cloaks the dwelling in tranquilli-


    The springs are littered with coins left

    by the many people who flock to the

    springs to drink the water believed to

    have healing powers.

    Letters and Bibles left by people going to

    the caves to seek spiritual intervention

    from God and the ancestors can be found

    throughout most of the caves.

    A short walk from the University will

    lead you to towering a cliff-hanger called

    Maseyeng, meaning Childrens Cave.

    This cave has been earmarked to help

    barren women to conceive.

    Across the stream from Maseyeng, lies

    Jerusalem, a cave used by those follow-

    ing the apostolic faith system.

    Jerusalem has the most spiritual

    initiates wearing red cloaks barring white

    crosses on the back.

    When night falls the shapes and colours

    worn into the walls of the caves of

    Jerusalem dance to the hum of the voices

    and the beat of the drums belted by its


    An enchanting ritual practised every

    evening to meditate.

    While the owls hoot and the jackals

    howl at the moon, Michael Mofokeng (49)

    says those dwelling at the caves are not

    allowed to hunt the animals that live

    amongst them with the exception of an

    instruction from the ancestors.

    Mofokeng has been living in the caves

    for five years.

    This valley is the place to honour your

    ancestors and to dwell on matters of the

    spirit, Mofokeng says.

    For harmony between the living and the

    dead, vital for a trouble-free life, tradition-

    al healers believe that the ancestors must

    be shown respect through ritual and

    animal sacrifice.

    Traditional healers will often give their

    patients muti medications made from

    plant, animals and minerals imbued with

    spiritual significance.

    These muti often have powerful symbol-

    ism; for example, lion fat might be

    prepared for children to promote courage.

    There are medicines for everything from

    physical and mental illness, social dishar-

    mony and spiritual difficulties to potions

    for protection, love and luck.

    Mofokeng explains the significance of

    the throng of beavers, called pela in

    Sesotho, idling throughout the area.

    Not shy of human interaction, the

    beavers are believed to be a good omen of

    the presence of the ancestors.

    Mofokeng says the peaceful surround-

    ings can be deceiving.

    Like any other community jealousy and

    witchcraft do prevail from some of these

    mud huts, Mofokeng echoes in deep


    We trudge uphill through the sun-

    scorched golden fields to a waterfall called


    Here, water falls over a cliff-hanger

    throughout the year.

    The waterfall is believed to have

    cleansing abilities and a power to enhance

    ones calling.

    Following a short prayer at the water-

    fall, we throw caution to the wind and

    bask under the cold water shower.

    One cannot help but embrace the

    simplicity and beauty of creation.

    With no network reception, life for the

    community of Nkokomohi has no fancy


    From sunrise traditional healers are

    occupied with various tasks from collect-

    ing firewood for cooking to cleaning the

    respective caves.

    There are several areas of prayer where

    you can respectfully light candles and

    leave tokens of food for the spirits to


    The caves are overwhelmed with local

    and international visitors curious of the

    simple life many have long abandoned.

    I did not choose this life, it chose me, it

    is my cross to bear, Mofokeng concludes.

    Sangoma a heavy cross to bear

    Sangoma a heavy cross to bear

    FUSI KHUMALO inside the Nkokomuhi Caves in Ficksburg.

    THE Nkokomuhi Caves, situated in the Eastern Free State. Photos: Mlungisi Louw

    MANY sangoma initiates flock to the Nkokomohi Caves in Ficksburg, some even stay

    there permanently. MICHAEL MOFOKENG



    A re bueng


    Life coach

    O TSEBA sera sa hao se seholo?

    Ho ka etsa o senye toro ya hao ka

    dipolelo tse o dibua ka mehla le


    Seo se buang ka mehla se ka leepa

    ditla morao tsa bokamoso ba hao?

    O ka botsa potso e bobebe feela, hore

    na motho o tsohile jwang?

    O qetelle o ikwahlaya hobane motho

    eo a fumana monyetla wa ho o hlaloset-

    sa mathata a hae kaofela.

    Hona le batho ba dulang ba tletleba

    ba bua ka tsohle tse sa tsamayeng

    hantle bophelong.

    Batla o jwetsa ha ba sa rate motho

    enwa le yane, ba hulanya maoto ho ya

    mosebetsing ka baka la baetapele ba

    bona, boima boo ba bo utlwang bophe-

    long ka kakaretso.

    Hona le batho ba motlotlo ho hlalosa

    mefokolo le ho kula ha bona.

    Ba motlotlo ho o hlalosetsa dintlha

    tsohle jwalo hore o ba kgothatse o be

    ba hauhele.

    Batho ba bang ba nka hore ha o sa

    bue wena ha ona mathata, empa tsietsi

    ke tsa bohle.

    Ho bohlokwa ke hore o di abele

    sebaka sa teng e seng o dijare hohle

    moo o yang teng.

    Kaofela re lebile tsela e le nngwe

    eleng tseleng ya katleho.

    Re ya dikolong, mesebetsing le

    dikgwebong e le hore re tle re be le

    tjhelete re atlehe bophelong.

    Puo tsa rona di fapana le ketso tsa

    rona, mme diba le kgatlamelo e fosahet-

    seng maphelong a rona.

    Re batla pholo empa re bua ho kula,

    re labalabela ho rua empa re bua ka

    bofuma, re batla thabo empa re bua ka

    matshwenyeho le ketso tsa rona ha di

    re thabise.

    Ke hobaneng mantswe kapa polelo tsa

    rona di fapane le ketso tsa rona?

    Hobaneng re thunthetsa toro tsa rona ka

    polelo tse otlang pelo tse re dibua nyele le


    Ke tshepa o ipona molato ka ho bua ho

    sa nepahalang ka wena. Ke ila ka ba e

    mong ho fihlela ke nka qeto ya ho nka

    boikarabelo bo feletseng ka bophelo baka.

    Bophelo ba hao bo botjwa ke seo o se

    buang le seo o se etsang, leleme ke se

    sebediswa se senyane e mpa se matla.

    Jwalo ka motaki a sebedisang borashe ho

    ka penta mosebetsi wa hae.

    O sebedisa leleme ho ka bopa kapa ho

    heletsa bophelo ba hao.

    Mantswe a hao a ka aha, Modimo o fiile

    e mong le e mong matla a ho aha male-

    meng le melomong ya rona.

    Seo o se bua se hlalosa pheletso ya hao

    ho feta seo o se etsang.

    Ha mantswe le ketso tsa hao di sa

    tsamaisane ho bontsha pherekano ka hare

    ho wena jwalo ka motho. Bibele le yona e

    bapisa leleme le mohoma o tsamaisa


    Le hoja mohoma o le monyenyana

    sekepeng, empa o na le matla a ho tsamai-

    sa sekepe ka ho phethahala.

    Leleme la hao ke karolo e nyenyane ya

    mmele, empa lena le matla a ho lebisa

    tseleng ya katleho ya hao.

    Seo o sebuang se ka hlalosa mohopolo

    wa hao.

    Puo ya hao ena le kgahlamelo mohopo-

    long wa hao. Ha o bua katleho ka ho e

    latella o tla atleha.

    Ho feela jwalo ha o bua ka tshotleho o e

    latella o qetella o se o dumela ho yona

    mme e tla fetoha nnete.

    Ntho tseo o dibuang tse ntle ka wena, di

    ba le kgahlamelo e ntle torong tsa hao,

    mme di tla o thusa ho fihlela toro tsa hao.

    Mantswe o hle a monate a bontsha ho ba

    le taolo ya bophelo ba hao.

    Hona ho bontsha boikarabelo e leng seo

    re setshabang boholo ba rona. Se be

    lehlasipa le motlitlibi bophelong ba hao.

    Ka nako tseding ho ba thata ho amohela

    matla ao re nang le ona, mme re qetella re

    na le mantswe le mehopolo e senang

    boleng bophelong ba rona.

    Batho ba mmalwa ba nang le kutlwisiso

    le mamello ho ka fetola maemo a bona a


    Ha ba lebelle mang kapa mang ho tla

    fetola maemo ao ba iphumanang ba le ho

    ona bophelong.

    Ke a tseba jwalo ka motho ya nang le

    ditoro, ona le maikemisetso le bokgoni

    mme o lakatsa ho fetola tsela eo o buang

    le ho bona dintho ka teng.

    Nnete ke hore o sana kgetho, e leng ho

    fihla torong tsa

    hao feela hlokomela puo tsa hao ka

    nako tsohle.

    Ke leeto le hlokang kutlwisiso,

    mamello le maikemisetso Hlokomela

    seo o sebuang ho tloha ha jwale.

    Mamela se tswang molomong wa

    hao, ha o sa serate se ke wa se bua

    le ha e le ha nyenyane.

    Hopola malapa a swahlamane,

    manyalo a pshatlehile, metswale le

    furellane ka baka la maleme a rona.

    Jehova, bea selebedi pela molomo

    wa ka, o lebele monyako wa molomo

    wa ka! (Pesaleme 141:3) Leleme la

    hao le ka fetola maemo ao o iphu-

    manang o le ho ona ha jwale


    Pula Ma-Aforika tjhaba sa rant-

    sho Ho fihlela nako e tlang.

    ) Mang kapa mang ya batlang

    ho ngola kholomong ena, a ka

    ikopanya le Jabulani Dlamini ho

    051-404-7910 kapa ho Jabu-

    [email protected].

    ) Mongodi ha ana ho lefiwa.

    Aha batho ka dipuo tsa hao

    Mantswe a hao a

    ka aha, Modimo o

    fiile e mong le e

    mongmatla a ho

    ahamalemeng le

    melomong ya





    Tshenolo Meruti

    DAMELIN hosted its annual open day at

    their new city campus situated in Charlotte

    Maxeke Street in Bloemfontein.

    The open day, which was also a form of

    career orientation, served as a means of

    keeping in touch with all high schools in

    the Bloemfontein region and possible

    candidates who may be interested in

    enrolling them for the next academic year.

    Simon Ngubane, Damelins sales and

    marketing supervisor, said the purpose of

    the event was to expose matriculants to a

    tertiary environment and to give them

    options available as they prepare for their

    tertiary studies.

    The aim was also to inform and create

    an excitement for pupils with regards to

    Damelin programmes, student life and also

    benefits of studying at Damelin Bloemfon-


    Some of the elements incorporated

    included information on the various

    bursaries Damelin offers, the driver

    programme, career assessment tests and

    past matric papers from 2008 to 2013 for all


    The event was scheduled to commence at

    09:00 on the day, however, the students had

    already gathered there as early as 08:00.

    This showed their excitement to come

    and experience the journey of higher

    education, learning and all the activities of

    the day, Ngubane said.

    He added that the staff was also excited

    about the open day as it was the first to

    happen at their new premises in the

    Bloemfontein CBD.

    The day also showcased that Damelin is

    not just an ordinary college, but a higher

    education and training college that is

    equivalent to university standards, he


    Pupils were taken through the campus

    and guided by Damelin students who served

    as tour guides to different venues where

    activities and displays were prepared for


    Some of these included tours of the

    cafeteria, student chill pad, computer labs

    and library. Career assessments tests were

    conducted and pupils were then taken to

    various lecture rooms where lecturers gave

    10 minute talks on the various courses

    offered at the campus such as Journalism

    and Media Studies, Marketing, Business

    Management, IT, Human Resource Manage-

    ment, Travel and Tourism, Financial

    Accounting, Engineering Studies, PC

    Support and Sound Technology.

    The day ended on a high note as students

    were escorted to the student chill pad

    where some of the current Damelin stu-

    dents and staff facilitated interactive games

    and musical activities.

    The open day was a great success, so

    much so that the college has already started

    receiving positive feedback from pupils who

    are showing an interest in joining Damelin

    Bloemfontein in the year 2015, said


    Open day excites future students

    MATRICULANTS attended the Damelin open day in their numbers on Saturday. Photo: Supplied


    TAHIRAH, South African Muslims

    Network (Samnet):

    THE deputy minister of International

    Affairs recent statements, that South

    Africans shouldnt be surprised if Boko

    Haram is operating in South Africa stokes

    the dangerous flames of xenophobia and

    needs to be treated with vigilant cynicism

    and utmost caution.

    His statements seek to divide not only

    Muslims and this during the holy month

    of Ramadan but all Africans.

    Lluwelyn Landers statements, which are

    unsubstantiated and have no proof (even by

    his own admittance), have already ignited

    internet forums with the kind of anti-for-

    eign sentiments similar to those found

    scrawled on doors and placards during the

    2008 xenophobic violence except that these

    statements are being made by people who

    are in a different social strata than those

    who suffered in 2008. This by no means

    makes it better, but merely serves to

    amplify the hatred. Some of the statements

    are so racist and anti-African that they do

    not justify repetition.

    Landers statements encourage suspicion

    amongst us, and their shadiness is reminis-

    cent of the worst days of the apartheid era.

    They dont go around wearing specific

    colours or overalls or logos, he said. So,

    youll never know that the person sitting

    next to you is a member of Boko Haram.

    Thats how effective theyve become.

    The potential end result of statements

    such as these, especially in economies such

    as ours where there is still racism, a lack of

    adequate education and services, rampant

    political corruption and widespread poverty

    and male idleness as history can attest

    time and again is paranoia, hatred and

    violence, especially against our brothers and

    sisters from the rest of Africa, and now

    against Muslims. The implications for

    unwarranted Islamophobia are far-reaching

    and are also an underhanded insult, uttered

    as they have been during the holy month of

    piety and grace.

    As an ex-member of Pik Bothas col-

    oured House of Representatives, Landers

    must surely know the hurt and confusion

    that is caused by these types of statements.

    Landers expressly said that he was

    concerned. There are a number of other

    groups that South Africa has far more

    reason to be concerned about. Our gangs

    that continue to wage war on the Cape Flats

    and other areas of South Africa; as well as

    foreign organised crime syndicates such as

    the Chinese triads, Eastern European gangs

    and Italian mafia offshoots not to mention

    the ever-growing presence of the Israeli

    Mossad and American CIA on our soil, are

    all far greater reasons to be concerned. So

    is the corruption on all points of our

    political spectrum.

    Instead, a group whose funds have been

    traced by a variety of Nigerian news

    agencies, brave journalists and bloggers to

    be from foreign sources (in the same way

    that Al-Qaeda was originally funded by

    America and used as a precursor to secure

    Afghanistans oil) is being used as a way to

    foment fear and division in our society.

    If we are not careful, such covert tactics

    could divide South Africa and lead to the

    uninhibited foreign pilfering of our natural

    resources and talent, not to mention foreign

    military activity and intimidation of not

    only Muslims, but all those who seek to

    stand up against corporate oppression and

    state corruption.

    To deputy minister Landers: Who exactly

    is your source, this somebody who works

    in Africa? Does this person have a name,

    and who do they work for? Moreover, is the

    government aware of Africoms hidden

    agenda in Africa that of American

    colonial and corporate dominance?

    Writing for the Concerned Group of

    African Scholars in 2007, after the formation

    of Africom, Olayiwola Abegunrin put it like

    this: Africom is an example of American

    military expansion in the name of the war

    on terrorism, when it is in fact designed to

    secure Africas resources and ensure

    American interests on the continent.

    Africom represents a policy of American

    military-driven expansionism that will only

    enhance political instability, conflict and

    the deterioration of state security in


    The aim of American operations in

    Nigeria is to: Weaken and destabilise

    Nigeria as a Nation State of 160 million

    people, trigger sectarian divisions and then

    come to the rescue of Nigeria under a

    humanitarian military banner, reports

    Russia Today analyst, Nile Bowie.

    The spearhead of this expansionism is the

    Al-Qaeda bogeyman, in Nigerias case Boko

    Haram. Anyone with a questioning attitude

    and a loyalty to their fellow Africans can do

    the internet research and see what the word

    on the street around Boko Haram is. Many

    commentators are beginning to see that

    Boko Haram, like Al-Qaeda before it, is a

    covert operation managed between the

    United States, Britain, Israel and Saudi

    Arabia along with its other allies on the

    trumped up war on terror, in order to

    eliminate Nigeria, Africas powerhouse, as

    an economic competitor in the region, and

    secure oil and gas reserves to power their

    consumer-driven economies.

    Intellectual feminists should consider the

    possibility that the real culprits for the

    kidnappings lie far behind the media

    scenes. Packaging strategic incentives with

    feminist motives and painting benevolent

    Westerners as the saviours of the childlike

    natives is an old tactic, says Al Jazeera

    America columnist Rafia Zakaria. Rather,

    she argues, Western feminists should be

    listening to what their sisters in Nigeria

    and the rest of Africa, the Middle East and

    Asia are saying. Which is: there is more to

    this long drawn out negotiation process

    than meets the eye.

    But in Nigerias case, given the chaos that

    has been unleashed there, it may be too late

    for these epiphanies. For South Africa, not.

    Mr Landers, please dont spread rumours

    without accurately checking out your

    source and their objectives. And guard

    against foreign meddling. Not doing so

    could make you complicit in whatever fear,

    hatred and division springs from your

    statements. To the rest of us: dont believe

    the show. Stay calm. Have faith. Love.


    Boko Haram amere bogeyman in SA

    VRYFEES, in collaboration

    with Express, is giving away ten

    sets of double tickets for each of

    two plays.

    These are Play Me at the

    OFM-Albert Wessels-auditorium

    on 18 July (18:00) and 19 July

    (14:00) and Return of the ances-

    tors at the same venue on 18

    July (14:00) and 19 July (17:30).

    To enter the competition, visit

    Tickets up for grabs








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    Westdene: 4 Bompart

    Street, Unit 2. 2 bedr, 2 en

    suite-bathroom, open-plan

    kitchen/lounge area, R6

    400 p.m. Available imme-


    Jo-Andma Park: Klara-

    dyn Ave, Pellissier. 1-bedr

    flat, R2 750 p.m. Availa-

    ble 01/07/2014.

    Sermauid Mansion,

    Selbone Street: 1-bedr

    flat, R3 608 p.m. Availa-

    ble 01/08/2014, includes

    water/prepaid electricity.

    Bloemvallei in Faure

    Ave:Willows. 2-bedr flat

    near CUT, very secure, R4

    400 p.m. Available


    Winterland in Faure

    Ave:Willows, 2-bedr flat

    near CUT, very secure,

    R4 000 p.m. Available


    Contact CMS PROPER-

    TIES at 051 447 5508/

    082 486 3834.



    Phase 2: R210 000. 2 bedr,

    bath, lounge, kitchen. Deposit:

    R20 000.

    Brenda 082 042 2837.



    Unit Ext 1, Thaba Nchu: 2

    bedrooms, toilet, kitchen,

    dining, big yard with lovely

    garden, R299 999.

    Phahameng: 14 rooms,

    back rooms included for a

    bargain price of R520 000

    with potential income of

    R15 000 p.m. 082 567 2813.



    Wilgehof, 46 Ellenberg

    Street: 3 bedr, 2 bath-

    room, R4 400 p.m. Pre-

    paid electricity, available

    01/09/2014. Contact

    CMS 051 447 5508/082

    486 3834.



    Admin clerks needed for

    copy/paste work. SMS

    full name and address

    to 081 886 0315 or e-


    [email protected]



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    Free training. Call 084 283


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    REG: 2012/192597/07

    A newly established

    development foundation is

    opening new pre-schools

    around the province and

    registering old pre-schools

    under its management for

    purposes of funding and

    paying teachers' monthly

    income. A need to assist

    and focus on pre-schools

    and educators has been

    identified, but only fully

    trained pre-school

    teachers can be funded

    and paid salaries under the

    foundation. Pre-school

    teachers receive up to

    R9 000 p.m. funding for 30

    children. We are looking to

    train new facilitators who

    will train our pre-school

    educators in NQF LEVEL 4

    and 5 ECD COURSE under

    a fully accredited service

    provider with the relevant

    SETA. Facilitation Skills

    Course: R3 300. Deposit:

    R380 and pay the balance

    as per attendance: NQF

    Level 5 with 10 credits will

    qualify you to be our

    full-time facilitators and

    sign a contract that will

    pay you R8 000 p.m. or

    more (conditions apply).

    We also pay out

    performance bonus after

    the 6-month targets are

    achieved. Working under

    the supervision of fully

    accredited senior

    facilitators per district

    municipality. ONLY 5









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    For interview call

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    081 801 8082.







    Please take notice that Anton

    Pieterse intends to logde an

    application to the Commissio-

    ner of CIPC for the restoration

    of Prisma Belasting en Reke-

    ningkundige Adviseurs,


    Take further notice that any

    objection to the application

    must be lodged with the Com-

    missioner of CIPC within 21

    days of the date of the publi-

    cation hereof.

    CIPC, PO Box 429, Pretoria




    Please take notice that Des-

    mond Christopher Ross

    intends to make application to

    the Commissioner of CIPC for

    the restoration of Uni Mini

    Market 267 2007/135801/23.

    Please take further notice that

    any objection to the applica-

    tion must be lodged with the

    Commissioner of CIPC within

    21 days of the date of publica-

    tion thereof. CIPC, PO Box 429,

    Pretoria 0001.



    Please take notice that Hen-

    drik Jacques Griessel intends

    to logde an application to the

    Commissioner of CIPC for the

    restoration of Land Breeze

    Trading 558, 2007/143816/23.

    Please take further notice that

    any objection to the applica-

    tion must be lodged with the

    Commissioner of CIPC within

    21 days of the date of publica-

    tion hereof. CIPC, PO Box 429,

    Pretoria 0001.



    Please take notice that Louis

    Jacobus Pretorius intends to

    lodge an application to the

    Commissioner of CIPC for the

    restoration of Nelesco 527

    (PYT) Ltd, 2006/01166/07.

    Please take further notice that

    any objection to the applica-

    tion must be lodged with the

    Commissioner of CIPC within

    21 days of the date of publica-

    tion hereof. CIPC, PO Box 429,

    Pretoria 0001.



    Please take notice that Sabata

    Adam Nzutha intends to make

    application to the Commissio-

    ner of CIPC for the restoration

    of Nzutha's Trading


    Please take further notice that

    any objection to the applica-

    tion must be lodged with the

    Commissioner of CIPC within

    21 days of the date of publi-

    cation thereof.

    CIPC, PO Box 429, Pretoria




    Please take notice that Ursula

    Martha Jackson intends to

    make application to the Com-

    missioner of CIPC for the

    restoration of Ursula Jackson

    Properties 2006/006633/23.

    Please take further notice that

    any objection to the applica-

    tion must be lodged with the

    Commissioner of CIPC within

    21 days of the date of publica-

    tion thereof. CIPC, PO Box 429,

    Pretoria 0001.










    In die Landdroshof vir die

    distrik van Dewetsdorp gehou

    te Dewetsdorp, in die

    saaknommer: 115/2013 tus-



    (EDMS) BPK





    Kennis word hiermee gegee

    dat kragtens vonnis van bover-

    melde Agbare Hof gedateer 3

    Maart 2014 en 'n lasbrief vir

    eksekusie daarkragtens uitge-

    reik, sal die volgende in ekse-

    kusie verkoop word deur die

    Balju Dewetsdorp, op 16 Julie

    2014 om 11:00 te Kerkstraat

    52, Dewetsdorp aan die hoog-

    ste bier vir kontant:


    1 x geel Gallion-skraper


    1. Kontant of bankgewaar-

    borgde tjeks.

    2. Geen waarborge hoe-

    genaamd word verskaf nie.

    3. Die koper sal verantwoorde-

    lik wees vir die verwydering

    van die goedere vanaf die per-

    seel op sy eie koste.

    Gedateer te Welkom op hierdie

    23ste dag van Junie 2014.

    (GET) TJ NEL

    Maree * Gouws Prokureurs

    Welkom Besigheidspark

    Arraratweg 83



    (Verw: TN/eh/S2842)





    The Maluti-A-Phofung Special Economic Zone (SEZs) a programme of the Free State Development Corporation (FDC) in

    collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry and Free State Department of Economic Development Tourism and

    Environmental Affairs has the following fixed term positions:

    Project Executive

    3 year fixed term contract; Remuneration: R950 000 (Annual Cost);

    Location: Tshiame/Industriqwa; Ref: FDC/ MAP SEZ 01/2014

    The successful candidate will coordinate the development and implementation of the proposed Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

    Key performance areas: Project manage and lead the SEZ planning and development; Oversee the development of the MAP SEZ

    business plan, business case and all its associated reports and approvals and facilitate its submission to the dti SEZ Board as per

    SEZ Act and its regulations for MAP SEZ Operator Permit Application; Develop and implement strategic and operation plans for

    the relevant SEZ initiative; Drive effective performancemanagement and reporting to ensure implementation of SEZ planning and

    development process; Stakeholder mobilization and effective liaison and coordination between the dti, province, municipalities

    and other key stakeholders including relevant national Government departments, investors and agencies, provide investment

    facilitation, strategic direction and leadership to MAP-SEZ.

    Additional duties: Draft briefing documents/memos in response to ad-hoc queries from Parliament, Portfolio Committee on

    Trade & Industry, Provincial Legislature and its Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs

    and any other stakeholders; Create and maintain a database of key stakeholders; Handle all enquiries and requests from key

    stakeholders such as service providers, steering committee members, incentives administration departments and agencies and

    draft responses; Compile project reports on monthly basis on the projects with regard to timelines and budgets.

    Required knowledge, abilities, skills and qualifications: Minimum: Postgraduate degree in civil engineering or accompanied by

    project management and at least 6-10 years relevant experience in senior management working in the private or public sectors;

    Knowledge of government policies and environment; Good financial management, stakeholdermanagement and communication

    skills; Good research, report writing and analytical skills; Strong leadership and strategic leadership skills.

    Additional requirements that will serve as an advantage, ideal: A Masters in Engineering or Commerce/Project Management/

    Development Planning; Independent thinker, articulate team player with excellent conceptual and presentation skills; Paying

    attention to detail and being flexible to the changing environment.

    Senior Manager Infrastructure Planning & Development

    3 year fixed term contract; Remuneration: R780 000 (Annual Cost);

    Location: Tshiame/Industriqwa; Ref: FDC/ MAP SEZ 02/2014

    The successful candidate will lead the planning, development and delivery of the MAP SEZ infrastructure plans and projects.

    Key performance areas: Reporting directly to the Project Executive the successful candidate will be responsible for providing

    a range of services, including engineering inspection, operation and maintenance of equipment, roads, utilities infrastructure

    planning and development planning, capital and major projects; Manage and coordinate the provision of a multidisciplinary

    planning framework that achieves an appropriate balance between planning, engineering, environmental, sustainability, heritage

    and landscape factors based of an adaptable industrial ecology structure for the proposedMAP SEZ within the broader SIP2 (KZN-

    FS-Gauteng Logistics & Industrial Corridor).

    Responsibilities: Plan and direct a comprehensive SEZ operational services programme covering improvements andmaintenance

    all roads, sidewalks and water and wastewater facilities, solid waste and related facilities; Conduct engineering assessments,

    review and provide engineering and technical expertise to the management and to appointed consults; Provide professional/

    technical input on the planning and design of all capital and major projects and oversee the construction of all major projects;

    Ensure that development rezoning and subdivision applications, building permits and other similar applications are processed

    thoroughly and timeously; Serve as a professional liaison with the Project Executive to the municipalities, provincial departments

    and community, including developers partners, organization and neighbouring municipalities; Direct and oversee environmental

    planning for the proposed SEZ; Ensure compliance with the technical legislative requirement and codes; Develop, implement

    and monitor the proposed SEZ policies, procedures and standards to guide and direct engineering/planning and operational

    activities and staff and ensure full compliance with legislative and regulatory compliance; Prepare budgets, authorise and

    monitor expenditure to ensure they remain within the approved budgets parameters, and recommend changes to budget when

    required; Perform other related duties as assigned by the Project Executive.

    Required knowledge, abilities, skills and qualifications: Considerable knowledge of project management engineering, planning

    and development legislation, policies and regulatory requirements; Degree in Civil Engineering, a degree in Civil Engineering

    or infrastructure project management and preferably a postgraduate Degree in Civil Engineering/Construction Project

    Management, coupled with 5-10 years experience in progressively responsible positions; Working knowledge of computer

    software, engineering and planning programmes andMS Office environment; Demonstrate project management skills with good

    working knowledge of legislation and regulations; Ability to interpret by-laws, resolutions, contracts, official records and related

    legal documents and prepare draft material when required.

    Sector Specialist Agro-Processing

    3 year fixed term contract; Remuneration: R780 000 (Annual Cost);

    Location: Tshiame/Industriqwa; Ref: FDC/ MAP SEZ 03/2014

    The Sector Specialist reports directly to the Project Executive. The Sector Specialist is responsible for development and

    implementation of a comprehensive Agro-processing sector/Food processing investment strategy for the proposed Agro-

    processing/Food processing hub for the MAP SEZ.

    Responsibilities: The development of a comprehensive agro-processing/food processing strategy and framework for the

    proposed agro-processing/food processing hub, Identification of strategic value chains and industries to anchor the proposed SEZ;

    Development and implementation of strategies and programmes and for the prioritised value chains and clusters; Investment

    facilitation and support for the proposed SEZ; Marketing and Promotion of the SEZ; Oversee the development of feasibility

    studies and research projects for the proposed SEZ; Prepare, package and implement strategic investment projects; Provide the

    technological knowledge transfer essential to the cost-effective production and commercialisation of food products and services;

    Prepares budgets, authorises and monitors expenditures to ensure they remain within the approved budget parameters, and

    recommends changes to budgets when required; Performs other related duties as required and assigned by Project Executive.

    Required knowledge, abilities, skills and qualifications: 5 - 7 years experience preferably in an Agro-processing/Food

    Engineering/Food Processing/Food Technology; A Masters in Food/Industrial Engineering, Postgraduate degree in Food

    Processing/Food Technology/Food Engineering/Agricultural Economics with working experience in facilitating investments in

    the agro-processing/food processing sector; A research and development or product development environment in the private

    sector; Communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills, analytical, excellent networks and knowledge of stakeholders in the

    agro-processing, food processing sector.

    Project Officer

    3 year fixed term contract); Remuneration: R212 000 (Annual Cost);

    Location: Tshiame/Industriqwa; Ref: FDC/ MAP SEZ 04/2014

    Reporting directly to the Project Executive the successful candidate will be responsible for the coordination of the development

    and implementation of the proposed (SEZ).

    Key performance areas: Develop a communication and implementation plan for the proposed SEZ; Host the proposed SEZ

    document management system, records management; Provide project management, logistical support, activity and event

    coordination for the proposed Map SEZ; Create and manage secretariat support systems for the work on the proposed SEZ;

    Create and maintain a database of key stakeholders; Coordinate all enquires and from key stakeholders; Prepare budgets, submit

    expenditure plans and monitor expenditures to ensure they remain within the approved budget parameters, and recommend

    changes to budgets when required.

    Requirements: An appropriate Bachelor Degree in Commerce or Project Management and 5 years experience in providing

    projectmanagement support, project reporting and key stakeholdermanagement and coordination; Relevantworking experience

    working in the private or public sector; Knowledge of Government policies and environment; Good financial management,

    stakeholder management; project management, knowledge management and communication skills; Good research, report-

    writing and analytical skills; Strong leadership and strategic leadership skills.

    Note: The successful candidates will be required to sign performance agreement contract verification, including criminal record

    and citizenship checks, as well as competency assessment will form part of the selection process The FDC is committed to the

    achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment especially in respect of race, gender and disability If you

    do not receive any response after one month of the closing date, you must consider you application to be unsuccessful FDC

    reserves the right not to appoint Applicants who were shortlisted and were invited for interviews should also re-apply.

    Suitable candidates must forward their applications and curriculum vitae, certified copies of qualification to: The Acting

    Human Resource Manager; for attention Mrs. Jabu Seapi (e-mail: [email protected]) or 33 Kellner Street, Bloemfontein; 9300

    or P.O. Box 989, Bloemfontein, 9300. The Free State Development Corporation reserves the right to make appointments or not.

    Failure to submit certified and relevant qualification will result in candidates not being shortlisted.

    Closing date for applications: 19 July 2014.


    TERMS: R50 000 refundable deposit (strictly bank guaranteed cheque or cash transfer only).

    Bidders must provide original proof of identity and residence on registration. No cash will be

    accepted at the auction. No exceptions. All bids are exclusive of VAT. Aucor Property may bid

    up to reserve on behalf of the sellers. Subject to change without notification. For rules of auction

    please visit: Auctioneer: Darren Winterstein


    Bloemfontein Retail & Offices

    39 Charlotte Maxeke Street

    Erf extent: 418m | GLA: 2 819m | Zoning: Business | Gross Income: R1M p.a.

    Good position in the CBD

    William Amerseder 083 272 4556 | [email protected]

    Date:Wednesday 16 July @ 12pm | Venue: The Maslow,

    Cnr Grayston Dr & Rivonia Road, Sandton











    THE Cheetahs captain, Adriaan Strauss,

    lauded his teams efforts in their 27-20

    victory over the Sharks in their Super

    Rugby match in Bloemfontein on Saturday.

    Everyone, including the guys coming off

    the bench, had a good game, said Strauss

    after the match.

    They really played for one another. A lot

    of the guys leave at the end of the season

    and we wanted to give them a good farewell

    at our home ground.

    I think we achieved that. Next we face

    the Lions away and we will be looking

    for another good performance to round

    things off.

    Despite the loss, the Sharks were third on

    the log after receiving a bonus point for

    losing within seven points, and next take

    on the Stormers in Cape Town before the

    playoffs begin.

    Strauss said the Sharks would carry

    South Africas hopes heading to the final

    stages of the competition.

    Good luck to the Sharks. They carry our

    hopes of a South African side winning the

    Super Rugby competition.

    I wish them well on the journey that lies

    ahead of them. It was a very tough game

    and I am very proud of the guys for the

    effort they put in.

    The Cheetahs also made use of the

    opportunity to bid key players farewell at

    the end of the season.

    Philip van der Walt, Lappies La-

    buschagne, Johan Goosen and Hennie

    Daniller are all leaving the Cheetahs to

    play elsewhere, while there is a good

    chance that Strauss and prop Trevor

    Nyakane are also going to ply their trade

    outside of Bloemfontein.

    The Sharks captain, Jean Deysel, said the

    Cheetahs were the better side on the day.

    We knew it was going to be tough from

    the get-go, said Deysel, standing in for the

    regular captain, Bismarck du Plessis.

    It is never easy to come to Bloemfontein

    and win here.

    We couldnt get that last ball and a line-

    out to try and draw the game, but that is

    the way it happens. We had opportunities

    to score points, but it just wasnt our day


    Victory sweet for battling Cheetahs

    CELEBRATION: Toyota Cheetahs players celebrate their Super Rugby win over the Cell C Sharks at the Free State Stadium in Bloemfontein on Saturday. Photo:Charl Devenish/Foto24

    WITH just over two weeks to go before the

    much anticipated 2014 edition of the Carling

    Black Label Cup, ten champion coaches

    have been selected to battle it out for the

    top spot of being the champion coach for

    their respective teams.

    This will occur during the Soweto Derby

    between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates

    at the FNB Stadium on 26 July.

    As part of the prize, the two winning

    champion coaches, one from each side, will

    have breakfast with their team, attend team

    training sessions and be part of the an-

    nouncement of the starting line-ups live on

    national TV.

    In addition, they will also sit in on the

    pre-match briefing and take their place on

    the bench with their favourite teams on

    match day.

    The Carling Black Label Cup Cham-

    pion Coach finalists on the Kaizer

    Chiefs side are Thulasizwe Mathonsi from

    Tembisa, Lebogang Moagi from Orlando,

    Soweto, Matshediso Kgeletsane from

    Brakpan, Elias Tumelo Motaung from

    Deneysville and Tebogo Molekoa from


    On the Orlando Pirates side, finalists are

    Ntsako Mbhalati, who hails from Pimville,

    Rowan Sampson from Port Elizabeth,

    Christopher Mhlope from Randfontein,

    Mpho Magomola from Rustenburg and

    Cornelius Motsepe from Orlando West.

    The 24-year-old Mbhalati is excited to

    have made it as one of the finalists and

    says he wants to prove that ordinary fans

    on the stands have the football knowledge

    that makes them more than just armchair


    I think there is great football knowledge

    out there and through the Champion

    Coaches initiative, we can prove that, he


    This is a great opportunity to show that

    fans have a deeper understanding than

    many people think.

    Carling Black Label should be congratu-

    lated for coming up with this amazing


    All finalists will face a stringent selection

    panel of experts on Saturday, 19 July,

    which includes a series of tasks that will

    test their true mettle and passion before the

    winners are announced.

    Although the finalists for the Carling

    Black Label Cup Champion Coaches

    competition have been selected, fans are

    encouraged to continue voting for their

    starting line-ups.

    They have up until 22 July when

    voting closes to make sure that players

    they need to take their teams to victory

    are on show.

    To do this, fans over the age of 18 can

    start by purchasing a Carling Black Label

    beer and they can either dial *120*764* or

    go to the website at www.carlingblackla-

    They must then enter their unique code

    (with no spaces in between) found on the

    underside of the bottle cap or can pull ring

    followed by the # key.

    They can then choose the team they

    would like to manage and the players they

    would like to see start.

    Champion coaches announced



    Eye on the ball

    RON VLAAR from the Netherlands in possession against Mexico in the Arena Castelao

    in Fortaleza, Brazil. Photo: Natacha Pisarenko

    KARIM BENZIMA from France holds off Nigeria's Efe Ambrose dur-

    ing their World Cup encounter in the Estadio Nacional in Brasilia,

    Brazil. Photo: Andrew Medichini

    NIGEL DE JONG from the Netherlands contests for the ball with

    Charles Aranguiz from Chile during the Group B World Cup match

    between the sides in the Itaquerao Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth

    ARTHURBOKAof the IvoryCoast during the

    GroupCmatchbetweenGreece and the Ivo-

    ry Coast in the Arena Castelao in Fortaleza,

    Brazil. Photo: Natacha Pisarenko


    ny in their game against France in theWorld

    Cup quarterfinal match in the Maracana

    Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Photo: David Vincent

    MAXIMILIANO PEREIRA from Uruguay in

    possession of the ball in their last-16 clash

    against Colombia in the Maracana Stadium

    in Brazil. Photo: Natacha Pisarenko

    JOEL CAMPBELL from Costa Rica in action

    against England in the Mineirao Stadium in

    Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Photo: Matt Dunham

    KARIMBENZEMA fromFrance in their quar-

    terfinalmatchagainstGermany in theMara-

    cana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Photo: David Vincent

    NEYMAR from Brazil in possession in their

    game against Chile in the World Cup round

    of 16 match between Brazil and Chile in the

    Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

    Photo: Ricardo Mazalan

    GONZALO HIGUAIN from Argentina and

    Valon Behrami from Switzerland fight for

    the ball during their match in the Itaquerao

    Stadium in Sao Paulo. Photo: Victor R. Caivano

    AUSTRALIAN and Spainish players fight for an aerial ball during their match in the Arena

    da Baixada in Curitiba, Brazil. Photo: Martin Meissner

    THE Costa Rica team thank the crowd for their support after their game against England

    in the Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Photo: Fernando Vergara

    LEFT: Alex

    Witsel is tack-

    led by Mak-

    sim Kanunnk-

    ov from Rus-

    sia during

    their Group H

    World Cup

    match in the


    Stadium in

    Rio de Janei-

    ro, Brazil.

    Photo: Bernat




    Sidwell Guduka

    THE Harmony Academy have proven once

    again that they are the kings of soccer in

    the Free State by winning the u.17 Engen

    Knockout Challenge for a record ninth time

    on Sunday.

    The Virginia side overcame Royal Stars

    2-0 in a fast-paced final played at Grey

    Colleges Windmill Park in Bloemfontein.

    Their goals were scored by Teboho

    Mokoena and Morapedi Mpuru early in the

    first half and Stars failed to conjure up any

    meaningful threat thereafter, while Pitso

    Mokoenas troops held on for the R10 000

    first-prize money.

    The opening 30 minutes saw the Virginia

    side in complete control as they passed the

    ball around effortlessly and controlled the

    possession stakes. Stars had to work hard

    for the ball and looked to be chasing

    shadows in the first half.

    It was no surprise when Harmony took

    the lead through Mokoena who netted from

    the spot after referee Mmathibe Tshosane

    had penalised a Stars defender who had

    handled the ball in the box.

    Mpuru put the final nail into Starss

    coffin a few minutes later to help his side

    retain their Engen u.17 Knockout Challenge

    title. They will join PE Sundowns in the

    Engen Champs of Champs in October.

    The second half was similar to the first

    stanza as Harmony dictated the terms once

    again, but they were unlucky not to have

    scored more goals.

    In the end, Harmony proved they were

    the kings of the Engen Knockout Challenge.

    The Harmony Academy coach, Pitso

    Mokoena, praised his boys for a good

    showing throughout the tournament.

    Im very happy for the boys. When we

    left Virginia for Bloemfontein our objective

    was to defend our title and we did exactly

    that. Im very proud of my boys. They gave

    it their all today, said Mokoena after the


    Stars made us sweat blood for our win. I

    think they played well, but they looked a

    bit nervous in the beginning of the game. It

    was the first time for them to feature in the

    Engen Knockout Challenge final, he added.

    Mokoena said his side had been success-

    ful in this competition because they gave

    their opponents all the respect they de-


    Our only secret for winning this tourna-

    ment is that we respect all the teams we

    play against. We dont underestimate our

    opponents on the field of play. As a coach I

    respect other coaches and I tell my players

    to always be hungry for success. I always

    try to instill a winning mentality in them,

    he said.

    On the other hand, Stars coach, David

    Sekhonyane, blamed their loss on a lack of


    My boys lost concentration in a very

    crucial moment of the game. We conceded

    two goals in the opening 20 minutes and

    failed to recover. We are all disappointed to

    have lost to Harmony in the final. However,

    we have taken the positives of the match,

    Sekhonyane said.

    This exciting tournament now makes its

    way to Durban on 11 and 13 July at the

    Engen Refinery Sports Complex in Went-

    worth where teams from across KwaZulu-

    Natal will battle it out to be the Durban

    regional winners and to stake their claim

    in possibly being crowned the ultimate

    Engen Champs of Champs.

    ) For more stories, visit

    Harmony retains title

    WINNERS: Harmony Academy successfully defended their Engen Knockout Challenge title when they registered a 2-0 victory over Royal

    Stars at Windmill Park in Bloemfontein on Sunday. Photo: Voight Mokone

    Visit the Express


    news for live

    news-streaming of

    all the soccer

    action in Brazil.


    steps down


    ZIC will no longer

    manage the Algerian

    national team after

    spending three years

    at the helm.

    Algeria represen-

    ted Africa with

    distinction at this

    years World Cup

    Tournament after

    they had secured

    their passage to the

    second round of the tournament for the first

    time in their football history.

    In addition, they stretched Germany to

    their limits in what was an enthralling

    last-16 contest, which they could very well

    have won had they had a little more luck.

    The Algerian government was delighted by

    what the manager had achieved during his

    tenure with the national squad and subse-

    quent pleas were made for him to remain in

    his position.

    However, Halilhodzic has other plans and

    has declined those offers.

    I am proud of my record after serving out

    my contract with the FAF. Having lived for

    three years in Algeria, my family obligations

    and the attraction of new sporting challenges

    influenced my decision, said Halilhodzic in

    a statement released on Monday.

    I want to thank his excellency Pres.

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika whose warm words

    profoundly touched me.

    I also want to thank Prime Minister

    Abdelmalek Sellal for his encouragement and

    kind wishes and the president of the FAF,

    Mohamed Raouraoua, with whom I have

    worked for three years to realise our

    objectives and who put at my disposal a

    squad with all the necessary means to

    achieve this difficult mission.

    I wish to pay tribute to the players and

    the technical, medical and administrative

    staff who gave me every assistance through-

    out this mission.

    ) For breaking 2014 Fifa World Cup news




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