Page 1: EXPONENT. THE WEEKLY EXPQ).ENT, FRIDAY, DEC'E:, !BER …instructor in agronomy to fill the nt· cnncy created by )Ir. '\"el1:;' resigna tion. )Ir. '~'ells cxpeets to lea\'e for Other


ARE ~JGTOAS { Unanimous Decision of the J ud ges

Freshmen Win Fourtoenth Annual

Interclass Debate

could enforce its deelsioos when it was impossible for all the cour ts in the

land to enforee an injunction again":.t strikers at present. Compulsory arbi· traUon \"iolates the spirit of per~onal

liberty and no body of men would work

when compelled to act by such :i.n

arbitration board. Such a board would

call fo r the concentration of too much

power in tho hands of a few. The first speaker in rebuttal was .Rob·

ert T. Kelley for the affirmati\•e. He ~tated thnt strikes are unpreventable

hecause they are due to economic ad­justmentci. ~fost of the strikeg mert­

tione<l bv the affirmatin~ as settled b.r

eompuls~ry arbitration were settl e<l by





kinson and Cobleigh, who showed bow

e!"lsential the existence of nu engineering

schoo1 was to the study of general

science nnd agriculture nnd stated as their ideas that every student. whether

engineer or agricultural student, shoul<l

make every effort to see that the three

End Locker Rooms to be Tom Out and Final Proof is Now Being Read and schools get t heir just dese r ts. President Hamil ton then made a. few

Tier of Seats I nstalled. Will

Increase Capacity

It is probable that when the ~tudent s

return from the Christmas ,·acation that

several changes will be noticed in t11e

college drill hal l. It ha~ been planned

for some time to tear ou t the old Joe:{-

Books Will be on Sale at

Post Office Soon

flontrary to the general ex-pecrn.1ion,

additional remarks regarding the pa:;s­

ing of another amendment t o t he

state constitut ion so t hat the schools ci the state would not be dependent upon

the state board of examiners for their

o lown f"IUBj!.es of thr t•ollPge w.1~

gt.>1l in tht~ a!:i ... emhly hall. re ... ulting

n unanimous ,,:erdirt of the jndg1 s

hwJr of tlw frf>o:hrui.:n, who uphelJ

Frnnk C'as:->i<l~~, tho next speaker, said <:>r 1ooms nt the south end of the halt

thnt a <'ompul!->ory board w ou1tl be a anrl iu their place put in n. tier of ~eats

"ut<'l'"q be(·au~e the parties to a strike 1hat will increase tl1e seating capacity

wou1d not ha\·e tl1e boldnes-; to fly in of the haH at least twenty.five l""r

tlie y . ' V. c. A. cook book wil l not he existence. This is the permanent tax

out by the t ime t hat college elo!;C!o; for levy for higher educational institutions

the holiday~. rt has been confidently which it is hoped will be recommended

expected that the book would be rea•1.: a an amendment to the constitution

by that time, but uuforseen delays by the next kgislature. President Ham ·

pre\~euted and while the b ook is now ilton ~howed the value of the amendmrnt

in it!S finn1 titnges it wil1 not be ready to the se,·eral EichoolR of higher le:nn­

t oday. ing in the state and urge<l every Boost·

t· affirmnthe of tllf' questiun, '' R:1-­ht>il. Th,\t tll di"-Jil\t('S ht"tWC't'll ('flpi-

1 aud labor tionfll h<" suhnutted to 1

'lte hourd of rhitrat10n with rompnl

uphf'ld by :\IJct-.; \1 1 1f' \llen, D:n •tl

cl !;llil Frr.u < :J!-. tt:y, whill'> Roh('-t

•lltr. \lfrt>tl EhL•rle nnd Altr<'(l Lin hl d1~fr :t•ll~•l the DC':.!a•1n• .• \ltlwugh

• judl.!e" •L•tur'l1-d n u1wnim1,U" dr('1-.

1 f r t }(• JowP' clas!", I he argunn•nt

ts JJot :is Mil' .. jl]ecl ii" this wuul1l in-

~·JO 1l urgnnH nt" Wl•rP put

th Ill a clLar und foneful mannt•r !l~·

thC' fa<'e of public opinion. cent above the o1d capacity. The ne,,·

(Continued on Pngc Two) locker r ooms are already for occu·



pancy and when this step h. made !be

co11egc wil1 be ready to take care of

the ('\'er increa~ing cro wd" at the bnq.

ketball tournnment, for a time nt l en~r.

At no time this year !iO far bas it iJN"H

neees.,.ary to ha\•e extra sea ting capa­

city at any of the game!:l heh1 in ti1('

hall. hut with the approal'h of the La ...

ketlrnll !'easvn ancl the large number ,,f Has Had Experience in U. S. Agricul- gamt's to hr 1.Jayed here, it is •leemc I

tural Department-Has Studied

a.t Cornell and Other Schools.

)fr. \\·. 0. \Yhiteomh, of Ithaca, ~.

ne('l'~c:ary to make thi s 1•h:tnge e,·,rn li t•·

fore the basketball tournament.

The fiual proof is being reaU n nd an the a(hertiscments nre in and :;.re "-Cl

up so that the book will be out ~h(' ear·

'-'' part o f next week. The youu~ lad­

ies who are in charge of the work h~n·c

made arr:rngemeuts t o ha'"e i".. l•n ~ale

at the Po~t Office Xew!<:i ~Hand in thi s

..:it:-.· as soon as i t is ready for d1~t ri ­

h11tiou nncl with thi s !"len·ice mauy cnn

c:ecure th e ir books without w<u ti ll!! fo1

lhc op£ 11i n~ uf the college :du•r tltc-

ti st :'.l t1. .. y ear.

A s already mentioned in the Expon-on t, the book i::; one of the m11st 1m·

rortal·t enttrprises undertaken lt.·· the

Y. \\' . C. A each ye;H and repr(·~<>11t~

er to help work for its pas~age tlirough

the legislatu re this winter.



Great Showing M ade by Livest ock M en

of Northwest at L ewiston.

Valuable W ork

Profc::so r R. W. ('Jark 1 head of the "'PCRk<'rs rf both t1•ami., anil at It)

11P was the audicueC' ('<'ftn. in of thc­

nnt·r. It wa-.. pcrl1a11"", the clo.i;e~t

ntt•"t of i1s kind '-<"en on the local

tform for !"'Omc time>

Y., has heen elected to the po~ition of

instructor in agronomy to fill the nt·

cnncy created by )Ir. '\"el1:;' resigna­

tion. )Ir. '~'ells cxpeets to lea\'e for

Other c hanges of n minor nature tint will he mac.le this \"aeation are the :111-

«lition of fire escapes t o the main

building and. to agricultural hall. This

is in <·ompliance with a cit.Y ordinant·e

that requires fire escapes on :ill built!­

ings of mere than two c:t or ies in the


a n 1sr nm o11 nt of time and eflore Iii

it:.. preparation. A large sale i~ <'Oil fidently expected nnd as a result three animal in<lust r:.· Uepa.rtment of the col­

times the number that ha s CYCr hrforc lege, returned Saturday from the

J'h C' <ldJate wns opene1l hy Pro·

sor I. T. Oilrnth, who act<'d a~ chnir· n in the :th'-t'IH'.e of -Willard E. A~- his home in Illinois, on December 21,


presi<lent of the debating eounci l. and hi!:!' successor will be here to take

nf. (i1lruth ~tated that debate be- up the work Jnnuary 'i .

ec>n the cJa,..,e~ l\·ns Yer;: different )fr. \Vhitcomb is a 1909 graduate of

m a ~imilar conte~t bf"tween two in· the Xorth Dakota Agricultural Col­

tn~ion in that the SJ'<'nker~ of both

t'R 'Iver(' umong' frieflds and need not

11 the eml.i11rras:-:ment 1•aused by ;i

lege. Jmm er1iately after graduation, be

ae<'<'pted :l. poRition in the offices of

the dry land agricu]tural c.l epartml'>nt

of th e Cnited Rtnte!S Department of Ag-·

the fir .. t rieulture. He eonrinued in this work

until the fall of 1911 ·when he entered

.. rnting tlw Jiropo~hion and outlin· Cornell unh·en.ity. regi~tcring in U1e

{ th(' cour"l' of the debate fell to gra11uate school for a master ' :-; degree.

.. s .\.Jlen and f'he Uhl :t well. Sh·~ He r e turnetl to his work with the

tC'd that ob.itlds of (,;uch boa.rd~ ,,f

itrntion would be to preYcnt :.trike"

l gunrnntce protection to the public

a whole. Shl' told of the eno rmou-.

::;es finaneiallr caused Uy the num­

'IUS strike~. h~1cking up her statements

th statistic~.

Alfred Eberle wa::; th<' fir8t speak•'.'r

hike the platform fc>r the negnt i\' ~ .

•. Eberle set forth in a strong and

"eefu l manner the negati\'e side of

P question. The great los:-:es quoted

go,·ernment in )fareh, 191 ~ . and re·cn·

tned Cornell, where he is at present

finishing his work for th£' degree.

As a student in the Dakota .\gricul­

tural ('oJlegc, ).(r. \\"hitcomh made ns

etl\·inble record, hot h in his

classes and in atutlent :1<'th·i·

tie~. Ile •vns cspeeially prom-

in('nt in college paper aud debat­

ing work . 1 a Cornell h e is regarded as

one of the most efficient work ers in

the graduate school.

The college he r e is to he congrnrulat.­

ed iu procuring )fr. \n1itcomb f o r the


the affirmati,·e were not due i::o

ch to strikes as to unavoidable ec'>­

mie adjustmentc:, statetl ~fr. Eberle.

~ide~, f,ltrikes tlo not a ffect the puL-nearly so mueh as thC' edls tht'y MEMBERS OF COLLEGE FACULTY

1ght to amend. Thf' c:,\'!"ltem propo~cd WILL MAKE T ALKS.

The fire engine that was recently :i.1-

ded to the college equipment, is n,1v;

rea<l.v for work and it is probabl e that

in th(' uear future an organization v:il1

b~ Iormed with the idea of affordin,t

fi1e prott-etion to the collt>ge much i:1

the s:rn1e way that \'Olunteer organ11:1-

uon~· d0 for the eity.

been required has been ordered .so rhut

all who des ire to get them may ha\";:•

an ample chance before the edition j-,


:.Ub!i Dena ).files of L i,·ings ton, was

a guest of .Marsa Ridde l nt Ilamiftl)n

IIa11. for the freshman·sophomore <le



DONE DURING COMING HOUD~YS At Enthusiastic Meeting at College Tuesday Plan Con-

certed Campaign for Engineering Building

for Amendment to State Constitution


"·hat wag perhaps the best $5,-tclO would be necessa r,y to pnrcha.;;e

meeting e,·er bel<l at the eo1h.•~e w;•-) three lot:, thnt ndjoin th e north encl of

held in ProfL'ssor Tallman ·s room ;it the eam pus and that the co1lege will

ele,·en o'clock 'fnesday to bear remark~ some <lay ha,·e to use to complete the

b.'' different members of the facult y in htring of buildings that will at some

Programs hnYc been receked in the regard. to showing the

l t its interJ°Pr<'!-l with natural right s <:ity reeently giYing in d e tail the work friends of the different stuJents tlv tbC' affirmatin" is o:oc·inll:'· unfair in familie s an·l time or other he neee~:;;ar;-.

men. F rank Ca~si<l~·. the ~C'<'ond c:penk£'r

• the affirmatiYe. ~talt·d that wh r11

thaL wil1 be clone at the meeting of the late Teachers 1 association whi ch wiJJ need o f a liberal appropriation for nc~.·•

take t1lace at )Ii ssouln December ~6. buihlings and for the setting a~idt• »£

The need that wa s then touched upon

was the need of u building for the <lc­

partmeuts of cngineerin~. H e expluinrll

Xorthwest~rn L ive Stock Show. which

wns held last week at Lewistown, l\lah.).

The ex11osition which i!-i promulgnteU

and suppoTted h:i· the business interests

of Montana, Idaho, Wa."hington and

Oregon, was unusua11y sucee~sful nud

assumed ,-ast proportion". ' 1 Conside r­

ing the fact that this wa !-i only t he se..'·

oncl affair of its kin<l in the ::"forth­

wesr, '' Prof. C' lark !"Uid, 11 we ha ,.e eY­

N~· rea~on to he prouJ of the showin g:

mn1le antl of tht' future iu store for th('

li\'e stock industries of the Xurthwest. ·'

Gn~at intert:'!'it >rn:, ::;lHJ\\ll in tbc

!'lhow :1nd many thon!'and people yj~ite·l

the J:irgc e:xhi hit ~ of animab cumin~

from all the states of thC' Xorthwest.

Th e hort>e s how was C'~petia lly gooll.

~\II th<.> animal~ '-old well. The granll

thampion s t eer, which tame iMm the

Big Hole eountry, in thi~ ~late. sold for

$1.0.1 a pound, realizing the ownel"\

the sum of $1 ,3'\S.

Althoug h Portland attempted to !:'e­

cure the expo:sition 1 Lewistown was

selectetl as the place for the annmd

show, hec:iu~e uf its plens..'\nt and C'asil?

accC'ssible location . It i;; at the junc­tio n of the Clear \Ya1er and Snake

ri,·e r::i. <lirectl.'· opposite <.'lark::;ton, tht"l

two towns being connected by a bi~

bridge. The population o f eaeh town

is about 6,000, ancl the n1titucle n.hout

.),000 feet. The go,·ernment is doing ex­

tensiYe work on the Columbia ri,·er

so as to make it na,·igahle. Lewis­

tO\Yll a nd ( ' larl< ston am \~ery modern

a111l progre~ .. h·e town5-, Jw,·ing miles ot' pa,·ed l"treets and l ike improvernC'nb;.

Nl'MBER 15.


In Fast and Rough Game College Men

are Outclassed. P lay T rip le

B's Tonight

By n score of 23 to 9. the college was

defeated by the Lo,-ell bn•ketball team ·w·edne~day night. AccorUing to the

meager reportR that haYC' been rccei\•ed

iu regard to the gamo it was fast and

rough, although no one wa~ hurt h O the

regular lineup will be a\·ailable in the

other two contests to be iilayed on thu


Owing to the fact that 'Yilcomb ha;;

been ill for the last few lln.ys he was

unabl e to take the cent<'r posi tion on

the team, hut hi s place ·was filled b~'

Cotner, of Bi1lingis, who 8howed up i:;o

well in the coute::.:it with th(' Carroll

Club :lt this city so me time ago. 'l'h ~

other po!'itions wel"<' held <lown by the

member~ of Jac,t year·~ 8<1uad, as fol ·


Hartman nud Ro~s at t1orwarc1~, Gos­

man and Hodg:sk i!'S at gnartls. \faddox

was tak<'n along as ::mhstitnte player.

The t eam left Tn<'~dav afternoon

with ( 'oa~h Dockstnder an°tl played th<.'

LoYell team 'Yeclnesd:iy t:>vcning. From

there the,· went on to ~ 'owley, where n.

game ·wi th th(' Bighorn Acadamy was

played la!'lt evening .. \t thr time of go

ing to pre!'s no information in regard

to this ('Ontest wn.;; rt>ct~i,·et'I. IlowC\··

er, not nearly as hard a co ntest had

been antkipitted here. aN w a!=I expected

at L on•11. whn"le team hn ~ a strong rep­

utation throughout 'W~yoming-.

'fh <' last gnme of the trip will h(' "taged

tonight in Bill in gs againHt. the Tripl e

I3 's. Th~" ic: ('xpec.ted to be one of t he

hardest games of the i-Nl!:IOU nn<l fmm

i ts ~r11rt> it i~ th(lnght that !-lome ll<'fi­

nite id<'n of the ... trenJ.;lh of dtC' l·ollegl..'

team <'fill he ga inetl. Th(' Triple H "s

have hrlil the ~tnte d1anq1ionsl1ip for

th<' Jn?'lt frw year~ an1l ha,·e clefented

some of tlie strongest teams in the

rnit('U :-::. tare~. Just how ~ell tht' Col­

legian~ will ~how up agn in~t them is a

matter of conjeeture. hut tht~ outcom<'

of th e rontest b being eagerly looked

forwar<l to :rnd n good showing i!'I ex­

pected by the ~npprter~ of the eol1eg-e


The schedul <' for the rcmaind<'r of

the s('ason htt!4 not y<' t been definitely

arranged. llowe \·er, l'oad1 Dol•kstnder

has pfonned to play in thl' neighborhood

of twenty j!amrs this season if that

many ean be arranged for. Of this

number, -.;en'n o r eight will probably

be pl::tyecl in Boiemnn. One gam<' which

has been <lefiuitel,v arrange<l for is

that to be played with the Oregon ~\ g­

ricnlturnl ('o11ege in Bozeman on Tues­

da)', .Tnnuary ~1. 'fhi s i"' one of the ht\nv l1,~ t S('hednlcis

en.,r pl:1nnec1 for the collPgt• team Thi<:t

is also the fir~t vear '"'id1t:-n n"' man" as

four g-ames lrnY~ hrC'n playt•d h~fore Chri~tmn.~. fu taking thr trip it was

thought that fl large :imount of Y:1lu

ik e!".i ha\·(' made inroad'.1 into public 21 nnd 2 Se,·eral members of the a certain part of the ~tate income tor the ]1resent crowdC'U conditions and stat- Thrre i~ a strong :igitation in fa,·or of

ld~ thr public bas a right to in- C'Ollege faeu]t~r are scheduled for ad- the support of th e sta tC' iu st itntion"" n[ e<l thnt it would be u(' c·e~s:uy to ge t con~ulidnting t111.· two, thus making a

f<>re. ThCl plrrn propo .. ed iR not 'l ilre!'ses nnd others are members or of- highl'r learn ing. good ~izetl (•it _,. . Ahon' Lewistow11 is

.v sysh·m as stace<l hy the negati\.,), ficers of the a~~oeiation, so that. the Th1.• mC'eting was calletl to order lty $~.j,000 to ca~·ry out the plan suecessful- ~in on•hard tral·t. c>on~irlC'rt•fl nne of th(•

it hal'.> 11ro\ l'tl a su1·ces!' in nu mer- mN•ting is of much intere!-t t o the eol the pre~ident. Tfoy ~Ial.;: or. wll(l ~tat•»l ly. Tw{•nty- fin• thousand dollar~ woultl fin1.•!:it in the wo!'l'1 to whkh it is plan- ab IL' t•xpt'rit·nL·(• would be gainrtl in thar

i otln•r countrif?<.;, ana thP experien·'(' J,.gr. brh>fly the oh,iC'd of fhC' meetiu:.: :rn•l 11e mt'<lcd lll~xt year and ihe remainin;.{ nl'1l to nrn strct't l'ars. LPwi~tnwn has thC' lll('H wou111 bt'com(' IH't' ustonwtl to

int.•11 from iho"'-' ('Onntri<'" \·oud1e<l for I Tho"P memher,,. of the fanilt.\" that intro1l11l'l~a Pn.·~illrnt H am ilt on. Pr,. .. 1· ~.:;n,11110 lh\l' Yt':lr after, tht:' cnllq.:t~ hondt•d itself for ~4:!,000 in orclt•r to playin~ ht~fort' '-trat1 !{r nu ilit>Tl t:fs.

• :.nt·t·t~"s. I are Hhrdu lC'1l for :u1'1res"('"> :ue Presi· dent Hamilton m:idt> the Iongt"'~t s1•c•~Ph I could iwt t'XPL'JHl. the wh~k· amount an g-i'" ample finaneial "llJll'ort to till'

H. '.· h .ellt'y ·wa"'ll "tron~man .for tliP dent H amilton, who will girc on~· of of t·J.1(' hour antl t>Yery WtHil w:t" Ji-..t1•::i· 1 i~n1• _:c·ar. lit• a.1.:--o ex·p~a111C'<l the lll'L'1l Liu• :-:.uwk sho\\.

l!at1YC'. Ilt> :wswerecl this argumC'nt I the r1•s1H1nsf's tu the grediug?'I C'Xh'!Hled C'tl In with tlH' ,gn •<Hi.'!-,t intention . for a new C'L'ntral heat111g system a111l

'"f:ttlllj! tlwt the 1•.ropos<'il 11lnn ha•l1the a:->sot·i:1tiou·, Prni'es ... or \':rn. 2\1. ('nl1· li e <111tlim·1l the t:llhl'S of tlie ]•rt - ex11h1inecl tiH• ~.'"t<'m thnt now pn•,·ails "\\'. L. t'nr1yle. d1·n11 anil ilirrl'tor uf

· I 11 a~ril·tiltnr<' at tlw f•lal111 .\gril'ulrnr:d

II tru'1 llll"lll'('C'S:--IU ;: in twt•h(' h•igh. who wi11 speak Oil the !-iuh.ic><·t l~nt !-,tl"in~1·nev anti st:ltC'<l tl1<1r in ,.j .. ar t!i(' c·nllt•gf'. lie sa id thnt for thi..;

t<'s and :1holishC'il. Ile '"<ii'1 that sm·11 ''Jligh 8d10ol ('hcmistn· for l 'uurscs opininn tht" <11l11«ation;d in..iinttio!l .. purptJ'"t' :-ii:!.l.01111 would lw suffi('i1•nt an•1 C'n1h•J,!P, anll otH' who ha..; \i•dted ~111 t•x



tht• Bou ff on"

... _,·!'tt"m Wfl'- 11ot uuly dangerou-;. lmt in Donw~tic RciC'nc·e and .).f:rnual Train· ,,.C>rl' :•~ muth enti tl t'1l to appro1•riatio!I"' t..''.:}1r<'"SL'd hims(•lt' :l::; sntisfi1•d tlrnt th(' hibitions of its killll thr11nKJ1011t tht•

o impo!-; .. ihlf' l~t'L':lll'-t' "'11th a hody ing: .. and Prof11s..,or Fr:1nk \\~. lla111. as WL'n' thC' otlwr -.,rntt• iu"''it111.uu ... st11dP11ts \\Onhl ilo en•rythin~ in tlll•ir <·uuntr,v for m:rny yPar'-', in tht~ c:tp:H·it\· ga\·l' thdr first clnn1'l' for this '-l'i1oul

lll<"'n lllll"'t know th •o rt· i . I I of a j111h!L'. r.;altl, ''In my l'~timation the ·'·C'nr in th(• l·~lk"' h:1ll. Ahout :--ixt,·

. ,. t IH t im ~ 111 who \\ill talk on the suh.krt .. Prt'('ara l:illt.'h :l"' thl' pt•nitt•ntiar,\". lit• ~pui;.e nl 1•11\\1•r to !'l'C' t l:lt t it•:-t• matt1•rs werp

ll'~ inclnstry in thC' H:1tt' in ordrr ro tion for Colll"ul~ Phvsic·r.;,'' th.e Yalunhlc \\'urk th:1t hail IH'rn ilnnt~ll.)rong-·h·t lo tl.•e. attt'ntion of. tlie p:1ren.h t'xpo .. ition at Lt•wi.;lciwu is Sl'l'O!Hl uuh· tnnplt's ,,.l'fl' prt'SL'llt :t1Hl th(' gf'nf'ra l

1 · 1 ,... ru tliat uI tlu• fntL'l"ll:ttional at C'hi1•:1

'f e; .1utt I l't·i~iou:--. ::\Ir. ]{p1Jy i·h·il ::\[j!'., Lilla .\.Harkin!' of thL• ch•part two year~ agu fo r tht• pa...,; nt' :111 :11111 11·11• 1111-.i ol tilt• studt>nts :rnd till' Iii· go .. , .\11 arrna will h1• huilt iluriu·..; uporl i-- that a most th•lightt"ul tinH'

·1~1'• t w ;:\ffirmatiYt' 111 namp ilUP llll'lll of home !<Cit•net~ . is prP'i•l<•nt of a111t•111lmC'nl to pre\'E'llt th'" ... t:•t•' •·on - t• mi~1c 1,~gisl:ttnn>. th· of llJL'll whid1 \)•Jiro\l'•l tht• pl.rn tht• tlh·isinn of nrnnual aTHl il11m1•sth• ~t1tuti1111 from autom:1ti1·allv n·lttdn,! 1'ruT1•s~or 1:. n. l\m•uh• \\':I'- rile:> iwxt tlw t'Omiug ,Yt'ar nnly ~.) feM !>lllalll'! W:I'"' tlu• rt'"lllt of tlit· l'tforts nf th·.,

10 ll'llllt' 0111~ <.;t Ill' i 1t· I · I 1 1 1 . 1 . I than the om• at l.hicago. llll'llll11•rs nf tlit' 11r1.!allt:t.:1tinn. Thi• 11rH·

, 11 \\ 11· l It 1:11 art~ :uid otlwr 11u•111h11rs o f tht• f:wnlty thl' tax le\"\. from two :lllil oJLl'·h.df I ~}11':l ,1·r, tom· JIU!.! on se\t•r:1 p111nb t iat I fH1•tl a "t11·1't''"· · J I I 1· I · I II . lilahn nntl \\":1shi'.1gton .\g.riL·ultur:_il g-rarn <·ou"islt'4l of twC'nty one 1bu1·p .. ,

l>il\ id S!t'l'I !or 1h1• atftrmati\· 1~ wa .. an• 011

tlw ad\ isory <'Ommitter<:, :1;1i;~~s :~1 ~~~11:~~;;1 :~::11

1~:~:~d~(l1l1:.:~; .. :~;::: "~1/1 ~~ L.i;:·,•rl11

;:; .. ,1

,l:~·:: ~:.\t:::0 :0



p 1 ::~;~:·,:1

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: < 11 llt•j:!r .. li:lll ~turk 1u1l!!111;.r t<'alll:-> 1hi,.; Ht>frP .. hrnerll"' iu thi• form ot J!llrll'h

n1•xt "'fH :tkt r rn•l <Hit~ of tlw hP .. t I D AIRY MEETING. uni\er:-ity ancl t:Olll·~(', hoth of wl If' l :111•1•!(' of what thL' ~tatL• i·unhl •lo for .\ i•:1r. Xt•xt ~' l'aT .::\lontana ~tatc• C'ol and l'.lll•h' Wt'l"I' "l'nl••l 1lnuu•~l10ut I

th1· t·n•nin!.!". :\fr. '."tf1"'l'" argu1111•1t I in stitution~ liatl dunt' so mud1 fcor th ti t.·1·li11it:tl ~<·1111111 "LH'h a"' h:t1l hl•t•n thi• legt\ will pruh:1hl.\· li:t\.t' tHll' anti it j .. en•uingo .. :\111s11· \\"as f1rnisht~I h th

- '" " " " • ~- t';!l'-' at·\'t' t·orn1111tt1•e u1 ti.• i':ls"a~ 1, of this anwnilmellt, .,,h 1,u] 11 h~ 111tt·u 1011 o t 11• 11111111 (•r-.i ot I It' <'O ' ' ' ~ • ., 1

1· 11s 111 m ord1e-.:tra. The h:ill \\:L~ •rt•t

"ifia\,fo \\ hC'n M1l1li1• J•rop<'rtY an•l )fnut:111a Dairynwu ·s tl"'~m·i:n on an l I tin~ fir.,t onC's to :-uffL•r \\'}1f>n 1lw r lt•;.r11 t''-t:ihli,Ji•'tl 1111 thP hill. 111' tol1l st'llfl tP:uus. ~··khol:tr .. hip.. ~in1ilar l • I I_\ l"c' iralt·.! \\Ii 11 (' 1'l•f' pa\•t'r lin l t l' fllon~ th"!'"'' tl1•. t s1r'1k•''· •, r11 11•'! Tl1• I · J · • I , . t' 1· I · l · I I l1n]1t•1l tl1·1t l'1·1l1 ·1111! ll1·r«t111 '"''II ·11-> I' I I

·1.:s RrP i•nilan,!1••ed . TI• t it:tl uum i·o11u11itt(•1·. from tht.' ::\.[out Ja ::\[ilk nn I 1 t•111w~ of th<"' "'t:ttl• W<'r<" i•urt&ilL•l. 11: tht• i·rO\\•l d l'•1n11itin11-; in tJ , jllf tlio"t' gi\"l'll Ul 11111 Jnt1•rua i11nal "ill It orw <'11'1 w l" moou ht• •rrn:.r •tw 11 n

uf J•t )pit• i11' ohe·l iu :1 '."t 1k • i, t 1 "Ill P l · • · «i\ 1• t the wi111 inf" t • 1111 Th ·x , 1·. 1 n)i llt'l:r.,, :\"i'-'Ol·in-ion, n'.l'l ·,\lfh Th<' pn•sidt'nt tht•n p:t .. st·~l on t 11 th I 'lrt'nl 4]1•p;nt11~ •ui.. 111111 t•ln,'."t 11l \\ith :rn - 11 " 1 ,.... 1 •· 1 of th1• i·J1 h pin. Thi• 1 II \\,1s 111r ht•r

<111t fiffrpu Jwr •·1•11t of !ht~ tnhl 11 ~l J riJt1 ... s11r R. \\.(]ark of tlJl• amma] Ill· ll(>l'd" ot' till' ~c·houl for tilt' 1Hxt ··\•I ll•J• I n tlu• 1111·i•ntng- l1•~1~lat111·<• JH'lls1' nt tht• rnuwl tri11 to Lt•wbto\\n h d111·nr:1t1•d \\Ith .la1>11J1 ,, lantrrn-;, th

wn anil It 1 .. !tut 11-1 tl1.•t 1111- ''''''' •!11 tr\ I 'I 1 t , I " i 1 · I 0111' ·1l>1>11t .;.;·io·O•l 11·J, !1• 1°1 1· 1 t ''' ·r " .~ " 't •: r i ieut :.111t u1s1•u-.'1'1 t•\· ~-par.;. . For n~g-ular mainti·n:tn t', .::; 1, It 11 t tl I '11t•1~ti nf ft Jlt'W 1•n~i111•1•.. · ' .. , · · '" l fl·~11l l1t•1.11~ t111 it "•t"' p.1rtu d. rl

r .. ht1nlil tbruw the whnlt• popnlati t1l i-..t 11,:::- ancl pro~pePti\l" 1L·~b1ation af Uflo would l1 C' n1?1·ilL•1l 11 1.' Xt year. nu·I it;.! Lt11l1ling- nntl proflr hy ir. o;.J.:.:r)o to "'<'IHl tilt'~[.:-'>. l. "'lock jutl!..; :1ttr:u·th1• for tl11 wt 1 .. io11.

:1 .. rnft> of warfue. \lr. S t••d !'t:HP•l I ft1tti11:,.r '"ii» clain· iutert"'sts of ).fo11t:.u·1. ::-;~,lltHl tht1 :t"t•ar ::dtl'>r. lft• ~h~\\e•l that Prol°L'"'or Thah1r followt•il with ing t1•:u11 tn lht• l nrrrn:nional at ('hil•:1 Tiit> ~ran~l rn: rl'i1 ,,. t" l1•1l li\' l1t•nr~·

.1t tlH• nr~llml'Ut that cnmpnl .. 1011 \\,l" It \\:is d('1<1k1l le Tt't'Ollllll('JHl J(':.: i->Ll· of thi" amouut $::!i,00fl t·ilme from :1 strikinJ.! exam pl C' nf ,iu"'t how aow1h~.1 gn Inst ,Yl'ttr. Th(' "<"hools of :.q.trkultnrl• Blinn, pn· ... itlt·1it of thl' i·luh, and fnJ.

\Ht." llll"'Olll1•l l1L•t·au'C' t'1llnpubioi11 lHlll u111c-l1 s1w I. r t1 th:it a..:k1?1l for rw.1 funtl tll(' ~tatt'.' h;ul set a._id,• irum tht Tht• dhfrrenl t•ngint>ering rlC'partlllt'ut-.. at th1• \ari<n1-.. :q.:ri(•tiltnr:tl collegt''"' will l\1wing- him w~·n• thL~ mt•ndu•rs nf thn

;.,1 Ii in ullion-., tht'lli"l'ln·-; I01ht;.-. :·c:;r.; agu. It \\;is :1l'i1) 1h•t'itlt•(l to ~1~k ':tie IHHl rent:il of state land-.: so the.t Wl'H~. flt~ t oltl of tht• pn-. .. iliiliti1•s of al<:o ~t·nil jutl~iug tt-ams. orl..!'tll1ization. Th1• 111t-11ilwrs of the

~ s ''1



hy <lt•:yinJ! the~"~ I io~ n 1l:11ry "J'('d:ilht with head·1u;;r. really :di thnt wuul<l h:1\"e hi l'OlllP fnl'n t1w 4lt'<'tri(':i] 1lt•part111C'nt with the ap · 'Tiu' import:tn\·e <•I tlie Live :--.101·k elulJ art• :1s follows:

jl\i' to J~~tity ninb ' 10 lt•nt't\ or th !? IPrs at thfl CllJl<'g-t~ ins11·ad of n. 1la '".Y the stat(' trN1.~nn would lie ~-13 .tlO!I the pnratu .. un hantl but :;howed wh:· th1•\· Sh ow c•:1n liar.11:'· }Ip O\"l'T e-;timntt'd,'. l•t•orgl' Rlit111, ,lohn \\'ha11ou. ('h11rlc

·.t thai ttth•t•n J't'r ('('Ht of the r op11 t·ommi~~itH1er, who. with Jij., :l"'i-;tau~ first :·ear anil $J.1.lltl0 thf' .;.e<'oncl. euuld not be worked to their utmost dl~t:lnrNl Prof. l lark. 1' For a1ln·rtis1n..{ llan .. 1·n. \\'. B. \'t•-;t11. Jr., \ tthur ~<':l

um dit.-tatt'" to the Ont> hundreJ JPr I :.ntl "'PpnratL' nJmini~trati,·e for ·1~ . It wou]tl he nC'ef'!-.!'ary to ~Pt -;::;,ono o win g- t n the cro wd ed con1li tion~ . Pr ,. antl f1raetical it is <':->pt~<'1ally Yaluahl1• m:lll"', \l1111zo Truitt, ~~·l1111·r Holh1•r).!.

j . . . . \\OU!il i•ost the :-;tale ;::.rn,11110 a ~-··a:-. for l'Xten~icm work t1rnt would !'UJ•ple fe"'"<lr Tallman followe1 l rt>it('rating the Tr ("11ls to the attention uf thf' ea .. t Lvuis Jlahlin~. Hol•C'tt Lapt..'Jrt 1111.J


\ltn·<l 1.iufwlil tor the nt' !?atiY~ dt • ThL' meet ing 11·a·· !1el1l '- !t1n•l ·.t1· ,·1t'tc'r I t ti t I · I k f ti ti t k 1!1° 110· .• ,.,.,.,,.,,., ••. 01· 1h• "''"at '.··,,ril1· F I (' 1 I •r ('I ti · h

1 J ' .1 men rn 01 t ll~ go\'Prnm~1Jt 1f thP rem:u ·._ o ll~ o h:r wo "']ien er$. •• ,..~ u " ~- ,.., .. ·" 'rec •on on. . . ,., rn 1 1~ onorary

tni e to know how ~nLh 3 OoarU 1

noon. . J LeYt:•r hill is :;ut·n~~~ful of Jii-l'""cti!'e antl Oth1•r!'I who ~poke werl' Prnfr~...,or~ .\t we:--t. ·· ml~Ulh<'r ot' the club.

Page 2: EXPONENT. THE WEEKLY EXPQ).ENT, FRIDAY, DEC'E:, !BER …instructor in agronomy to fill the nt· cnncy created by )Ir. '\"el1:;' resigna tion. )Ir. '~'ells cxpeets to lea\'e for Other


, 0 , h· nt , .. d1t'.." T ' · 'ol ,, ti The Weelily Exponent. . '"" '"'°""h to "Ju< I u " I at tt

,11 1 omore ch-. ... l'nrolle·l in t~e cbem.i .... try enur:-1..'. Ile rl'l'l'in•tl hi-. t1r~t train I 1w• 1, the [owa ~rate l'nllcge at ..\ml· .... H:wen•r. hi~ fir-.;t nrwsparer work took place at ~lont:rna ~t;lt<'. Hr was the fir'"t man tll r('pOrt for a tryout thi"> i:e:tr and :,.;int•t~ bi-. firo:;:t a:-signment bas ~bown :\ ,, i11ingue:-s to work not alway-;

Christmas Candies

Perfumes and Toilet


Russell Freeman I COSTLY DELAYS :\Cost 1woph.> intend to s.•we SOME TIME,


Established Jan. 1, 1910.

OutgM" tL of ~ JnT hl.r Exponent.

l;\bli!<tbf"tl .f '1. 1, i-.!l.-

L'ould l!ll 11hE.>:td is·rl:• wdl in tht• t>rl'r. uon of nt•\\ l1uildin;,,t ... and other n1•('e" "ar:v lm1•rO\ t•n.t."nt.... .\01,tlwr an•l prob ahh- a much hl'ttt"r plan would ht~ t•~ b:l\~e a pt•rmanenl t~tx ledt"d for tb ~ purpo-.1•.., nf higher ('ducation.

found in nl'w reporter<t. Xo member of


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

.\ nd while puttin~ it off let a biR ag~re~1.te of little :sum~ :.-lip 1 through their finger~. The wa,· to sa,·e :su('ce:--.fulh· is to ~a,·e' NoW. · \\"h,· Ullt bei:;in to -.aye at thi:i au~ilidout> momen h'.\· opl'ning a ~dngs a~count i.t GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV­


Publi"'bed <"'"cry }'ridoy of thi• Col· lege year by an editorial staff rbosen f rom. tbC' ~tmleut" of the ).[nntana State t 'ollege of .\;.!riculture nod Mccb:rnir .\ rh, nozt~m:rn, ).[ontaDfl,


.:\ ft>w fnn-.. in reg:mf to the taXl""

rn ~fontanA rna~ help to point out th\'.' ,-:ilm• of the plnu. Tb{' cou!llituliou oi \fontana limits the tax le'".'" for stnt·'.> purpo~C'' to two nnd one-half millc:.. :'\orth Dakota :mil l't:1h. with clo:;t• l·> tht• "a111c wt•:ilth :mil population :l" >fon· tan:i. h:1\·C' a It•,.,. of fiq• milh an•l mo!-;t of thC' otht•r n('nrhy st:1te~ h3Y.:'

the <.;taff is perfect and the new mem­ber i~ no exception. but 3l :'11 times b~ Ju.:-> :.-hown a willingness to learn that aui.rur""' wdl for his future c:irct'T.

Harrell fl. Jlibb:ud is the fir:>t m('m·

ber 1•! lht• inc11ming cl:t~:> for thi:; year to rN·1•in' au nppointml'nt i'ln thl' "taff . llC' !J 1s ~bown him ... elf t1l bC' a williui wnrkpr and will unllou•nl'dly ht> llllC of clw ... 1 .. ouJ!t'"'t memhers i'lt the -.rnff a~ he L:a·,1~ more experien('(' in tbl' work c.onn\' ·tC'<l with the puhli1•ation of th£> E::q1<)U\.'llt. )fr. Hibbard gradmlti'd fr•ll'l the H<>lena high ~chool l!l.~t Rpring and will b(' rememberC'd by many a~ n 11 e oi the m<>mbcrs of 1he Helena high hnsketLall team in the tournament la t "ipring. He rcgi~trred in agriculture nt the college this fall and b:1s been 11dh·e in diffl'rent forms of coll<'~e nffai rs.

Initial Stationery

Cut Glass

Hand Painted China

Fountain Pens

Safety Razors

Hand Bags

'l'he Exponent is the best medium fi:ir ad,·ertisers to reach colll'ge students.

Capital $100,000 ' '· f.::.. D AYIDSON", Ca-.hil'f.

Editor·inC"hil'f . . !:;(')mt'r 11. ;:\olberg, '14

B~~i~e-s )fanager _ . .Fn'd E. t.ordon, '13

Mana~in~ Editor .. Lyodnll P. D:n·idson,

.15 l:1r~1•r lnh·~ rh:lu )fonrnua. Conse·

qut:'ntly the ~tatt• j ... hnodic~pJted sud it maY he Year"' hefore thC' srnte ('an ~up· p•l;t all. of it... dt•partmenh "~ith tli.::•

Ci:culation ~tanager ..... ... _ ... J. Ernest B·nder, '15

A!!st. Businl'S~ )f:inagt!r. ··· pre~ent rah'. if thnt time will C\·er .... Geo. \Y. Blinn, 'lJ coml'. l'lt:-arir lfontana mu:--t han'! n

A8~t. Bu~iness Ya.nager....... Jaq:rer Je,-;i.· for stah' purposes. if _its ..... ······· ... Roy E. 11alsor. '15 "tat(' tn~titutiou:- are to compete with

Asst. Circttl:,tion Manager ······ thost• of nt•ighboring state's . .. ........... .... Roy C. Clark, '14 'l'hl' Jll'1m1rnent t:u: plan is as fol·

I ntercollegiate Editor ························ lo\,:;;: .\ ~Jh'ci:il leYy of say one aud Hho<la. Dawes, '13 one·hnlf milb will be h:•,·icd eacll year

:\~ht~li~··.nep~r·t~;.·_·.-.Robt. 'l'. Kelle~-. ' 15 for higher educational purposes and the General Reporter -················· · moue\· 80 rai:se<l (':ln only be expend.eJ

... R. Leslie Pettigrew. 'lS for ti1cse in:stitutions on a bash:- agreed General Reporte r ···················-······

........................ C'bas. A. Whipple. General Reporter .. Mrrtl~ Alderson, General Reporter ........ .

.. A. Paul Tli.1111pson, T5

'J .l nu b,· s~nnC' mean~. ~\ number of st:l.tes ,13

h:n·t:: amended. their constitution so that this plan hns become a reality, and it is in surceso:ful operntion. .\mong tbnst• in tbe west are Coloradt1,

General Hepot;1:;r~i·i" H. ·J·{·i·;;b;·~d~···: 1 G ~~;,:h n~a~~1:;~~~:;:~11:1i~:na~~(' ~1~:~:skb~~ Subscription Rate-Two Dollars per

year, fiYe c~nts per copy. Ad,·ertis· ing rates made known on application.

Entered as second class mail matter at Bozeman. Montnnu, under A.ct of Congress of March 3, lSifl.

The W eekly Exponent is stricUy a st udent enterprise. I ts chief purpose i s t o present t o its rea.ders each week an accurate a.nd complete record of the developments in college affairs during that period a.ud i t is intended that its in!luence shall be exerted for the up­building of M . S. C. The paper is the result o! voluntary e!!ort put !orth by the studen ts who compose the staff.


ha,·iug the state legi~lature propose it at the' next se,..sion and th('n putting it up to a Yote of th(' people at the next regular elrctiou.

Sh{'luld it pass. nnd there is e,·rry rea!'ou to lwlie,·e that it would, for the people nf the ~tntl' haYe alwa:·s felt a Jeep intC'rC'st in the highC'r learning of th(' state and h:n e always het.>n lo;nd to the iu$titutions of higher educatiou. enormous hrnefits would be deri,·e l tht>reby. Tn tht.• flr$t place it would put big-her ('ducation on ::i permanent ba~i-. iu the state. The beads of tho? different schools would be able to tell with a fair d('~ree of accuracy whnt their :-.hare of th~· fund:-- would be C'aci.i year and plans for :'·ears ahead could be ma1le. Again. it would stop th~ lobbying that necessaril.'· rakes place

December ~'). Friday, 1~:00 Christmas Yacation begins.

m.- at each se!-.slon of the legislature an·l would stop th~ scramble for funds b..­

Tuesday, Janu:uy 7, 1913, -Christmas Y:tc:ition ends.


.00 A. M. each institution each year. It woulJ he difficult to picture the many benefits to rt?-!'tnlt from such au amendment t..J the coni;titutiou. but a little thought will show that th<'y woul<l be enormous.

Practically all the student"' •1n the 1t has hecn suggestC'd that one and one· hill will ha\ e departed from Bozeman Lrnlf mill~ be tht:' le,·y if the bill goes by tins i'n·njng h' spend the holiday~ thn1ugh. The di,·ision among the at thl'ir ho•ucs un)('ss their home;) should !-iChool~ affrcted would then be as fol­J1n.i'rrn to h• in thb l'ity. The perill•l lows:

A 1tl11nbcr of articles by both of the new nH"'ll haYC' appt'.'nred from time to time iu the Exponent :rnd both ba,·e prnYen themseh·ps ab1c to carry the wor!;, Herc is lo the future success of •be i·~west Exponent reporter!':.

Aud a~ain a f('w wortls may )le said in rC'~ard to th<" work of the paper, whic~ 1 offers as mm·h µood experience :ls work on the eollege paper. 1n no acti,·it~· do the pnrticipants ~ecure th\3 abilit~· to express themsel\'es, to meet others :rnd gCL into practical life as the,· do b,· Inking fl'OOd care of a po:::i­tio1; on !l;e stnff. The work is as use­ful to thr ::n·crnge nwn as anything else that nw,- he done during- collego da.v~. IL i~ co;1sidered an honor and a pri,·i· Ieg-e to ~ecure n po~ition on the staff. The returns are cd enormous benefit. _\nd in tbb connection it might be said that the positions were secured this year only after longer tryouts than usua l. A number of people wii;bed to help oc· ca,.i.onallv on the pnper 1 so it was nece~:;.::ir~·· to determine which of them werr in enrnest and which were not. Thb foct ~houhl make the positions mean mueh to the men securing them and they ~hould t ry to make their future recn,·rl equal t heir past in en~.r:' way.


and Pocket Books.

Largest Stock

Lowest Prices


The '~Store



28 West M ain 3pecial Attention Paid to S tudents

''Last year the attention of :Montana was centered on the tudents ' Stock· judging Team from Montana State Col­lege. the first team c,·e r sent from the state to compete nt the International Li,·e Stock Show. The team made a great showing, considering the short time they were prepared and coacheJ rtlong i-pecial lines.

1 • ~\. recent letter from a prominent Int('rnatioual official say!'.4: 1 \ Vhere is your lflJ~ P.tudents' ~tock Judging Team! The l!H 1 dill so well. we hoped your college would send another team this year. One thing. your team gaYe your college a good bit of ad,·ertising their appearance and their work electeJ faYorable comment from e,·eryone.'

r' It i:t to be regretted that the col­l('ge lloe:; not make the sending o f the team an annual e,·ent. The department of animal indu~try of )fontana Stale C'ollegc should be the Jh·est 1 fullest, growingest department in the institu· tiou. ·'


Tuesday at noon the executive ath· The following- clippinj:t from the letic committee held a short meeting in

Xorthwe::tt Stockman ani1 }'armer of re· Profe::isor Talman·~ room at which time l'ent date,, somC"thing of what the people intere!->ted in agri(·ulture and animal industry thought of the work of last year·~ stock judginj:t team.

\\'hill' it is to br regrettc-d that the colle~e was not represented at the con· test thb year, the only thing that now

the principal busine'is was for them to approYe the games scheduled with the two 'Yyoming tea ml) and the Triple B ·s which are now being played off. They also appro,·ed of the game to be playe<l wi1h the Oregon Agricultural College later in the season.

of r('st ih~·t~ for .,.e,·eutrl~n day~ ~u1d Cnh·('rsit_, .. four fifteenthsj College. "ill un1fouhtl'<lly be A wekome one t.1 three fifteenths: ~cho"I of :Mines, two r.iost l'f tht> students :1s this _Year has fifternths, :\ormal ~chool. two fif­undou~1tL•fll,, hecn one of tht.> n111:-:.1 ~trcn teenths: ~1·hool for O.eaf and blind, two remain~ that <'an be done is to com·

fiftt~enths. anJ. Experiment Station, mence work at onl.'e in prl'pnrntion for :=:.wtiun, two fiftel•nth:,. ln addition to thC' next ('Yt"nt. ']'raining was what

Jn addition to this, mutters in regard to the college emblem were brought up. .\lber t Esp, who woo nn emblem w hi le iu ihe preparatory department, had writt('n to ~ecure au ·' ~L ·' HoweYer. it was decided 1hat under the rulings of the association as thry now stand. he would not be entitled to one and so

uou:; :;iuce the l1peuing of the insitu tion. During- Y~\l'atiou, however. the studt.•nt!- should nut entirl"'ly forgt?t their .\Ima .:\•r, but should put in a good word whl'ren•r ))llssibl~ S(l that the college. 1.:~rn continue on ih forward mar-.!h.

Be~i<lr ... this all that the Expont?nt bas to s.:ly i:-1 that 1t wishes all of the ruem· bers of tbc> collego student body anJ. faculty aud it~ numerous friend~. i.

mn"'t Merry C'hristmas and a Happ)'· New Year.

The Permanent T a.x for Higher Edu­c ation.

thi., the tollrgc n\ceh·es $.)0,000 a :·Ntr from tht• fr•lrrnl gl)\·ernment and the Exprrimcnt ~tatlun, ~31l.OOO a year.

\Ybate,·C'r the form of the amendment it will result in enormou!o\ goo<l to higher learning in the state and the sen~ral in­stitution:i affect('d should get together and commence the fight for it. This is one of th(.' thing~ that should be coo· tinually remembPred by the college stu· dent~ during- the Yfication and at e,·ery opportunity 3 boost for n permanent tax for higher education should be g\\"PO,

N ew M en on the Sta ff.

won for l'nnntla 's tNunr-. The .;ollegc sh1n,·ed up extremi.'ly well considrriog the fart th:tt they had not hnd nearly the work in judging' that their compet· itors bad. Xow the next team ::thould

go out to better the former C'nYiabk it will not be sent to hi m. It was also rl'cord made by the college. decided that £. J . " "'illinms who won

It has heen understood that the col· a letter in athletics du r ing fo rme r years lcge will ha,·e a team next year either in college, be a warded an " ).{ "' in at LC'wistown at the Xorthwest Stock place of the •. A.·• Show or at th<> International. Either place a good showing mean~ much to tho college.

The following shows what last year's contest meant to the co11ege:

''The entries for the Iuternational clo~ed the fi rst of this month. The


(Conti.nucd from Page One)

Lin f iehl for th(' ne~ath·e dec la red. !hat compulsory arbitration would be a

191~ Intrrnntionnl prombes to eclip"'e step hnckward-. In that it substituted



either in print. or imitntion, but a gooil man~· p<'l"lpl· ha\·e no~ ;;.een them actually growing. \\' e h.."\,~e a fint" JM ot tllt'm no" In thelr full glory. and the public in general is in,·ited to come amt ~N" them


Cangobr' s 6teenbouses BOTH PHONES 316 S. TRACY A VE.



BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as f or

city calls

H ome Phone, 132 Bell, 230-2


PENNANTS Ideal Christmas


B Easy to mail. We carry over 100 styles, and the prices are right.

W~~~v Store Would You Like to

Receive Neckwear for Xmas?

Then why not give some

to your friends?

A pretty neckpiece makes

a thoughtful gift for a lady,

or an all silk Four-in-hand a

practical remembrance for a

man. We offer an immense

collection for both men and

women at popular prices.





If you are in the market fo r some Coal


Bear Creek and 1foontain Home - lump and eggi wood and kind· ling.

'Ye have the best livery in town .

GIRLS This is the time of year for those Chafing Dish parties --- long evenings and nothing to do but eat and sl«ep.

If you want to keep him, use our Rochester Chafing Dish and Perco­lators, and it's a cinch.


Owenhouse Hardware Company


m dainty boxes. Guar-

anteed fresh and pure, at


Sugar Bowl Opposit e Lyric T heatre.






One point that ~hould be forcefully brought to th<' attention of the people of Montaua :\Ud the member:; of tb ..

legisuaturc, thl' Ntate board of exam· iners and other people connected with the furnishing 11f money to the "tate in­stitution ... , is that thC' C'olh•ge, th~

btate l"nin· I hC' ~cho~,1 of ~fin,•-:

ancl all otlwr (••llll•:ltinn:ll in:->t;tntwu~.

nr<·il mnlh'Y on whieh ·tlwY may run.

Tht• stat1• t.1x i-. lt1W in c.nmp:lrison to that of rnau~ uthl•r 1w·1rl1y ... tall',; an l c.:on~eqltt'ntly it ha-. lit•t•n impch..;ihlC" fur lllOIH')" to ht' ~1•t·un~tl to {' 1\ t'r :1ppro priatiun:- n 1th• t· 11'11 "t'!->,.,Wll. I 011..;.

ljlll'lltly lu-.t Jt'ar th(\ ap11ro11ri.11i11ns for impro\ l'llll'Uts m·l1h• t.i tilt' l r ni\·1·, I ~ity of \tnut HUI, tht• :-;.1at1• t ullt•g•• aurl lht• ~~·hool 111 ).11111"-. \\1•rt• ,• u11plt•t1' •. t'ut 1 If an1l tb1• 'l'\'• r11l 1 ... t tut u1i-.

"t>r1 lontol ' .!ti :dnuj! a-. lot'"! th1" mi~bt l u•h•r 11h 1011.JitHrn .... 1h1• it

_\ gh.11u·i~ at the-head ~of this-column all the exhibitions of furmc>r years. foree for concilitltion. Jll' al~o agarn rC'Yeab two nrw name!- in the editor· The 1 bl'tlC'T farming· !'llogan increa:-:.E>.;; remindl."d hi"' opponent:, of the uuan<i· in.I 1l('partmE>nt of the paper. These ~trl' I in ,·nlume a~ the ~ea:-ons roll b~-; an<l werecl qurstiunei put to tht'.'m.

Hot Drinks Ligh t Lu nches •

:-1 tut 011., rt fer t 1 o tau har1lly h,-. t•X

pt>l'tt •l o ::o .thea•l n-. r.q•llllY ~ ... th1•Y "tntld OI 1en\ "l' lHh} lt Ill ht 111" 1•\"l•l1• t

th:\t t'll'.\ :trt\ :,!rent Iv h'rn1l11· 1ppe1I wlu n in t•nm1•t'lll.1•111 \\i.tb the i!rr,\t 1••rn M'hoo'-i.

Tht• '-1'11001:-. 1n thi"' .. ratl' :1r1• tt t ..

thf' fir~t appointml'nt"- for this year with it thl" growing interest in all ~lis-. .:\llt"'n cam\"' hack at her oppon­antl lmlh nwn ha,·t> workr1l faithfully j farm products. Tht.> profession of ag~ ent by stilting that only one and OU"·

<m•e the flr~t wt>ek-.; of tht• college- .n• rirulture has a larger growth. it witlrr sh th p('r C('Tll of nil the ~trike..; were to t>arn tht"m. i dis('us:-ion th:rn all the other profes si'tliell hy cnneilation. !'t:\tC'd that

.\. Paul Thnmp-.on i:-. :1 Tlll'llliiC'r of tbt:' ~ion~ plll tog('thN. tht' lo)..:-;f's 1h1t.' to "trikes were pren'nt

WHO ' S YOUR SWEETHEART? 'fhat you know-Thi$ we know

" THE PALM " is !ht" pl:\ce. at 1:! E. )fain, where \·ou l'an fin1l the hr-.t of hig-h cr:uk ( 'h1wolall's, made in the fiJw..;t a111l nws1 ~anitary fa>'tf•::-y i11 :\luut:ma. ).lim'n:l ('ht,..,1l:ttr

Holiday Purchases In men's wear can be comfortably and economically made at this-THE

MEN'S STORE. Perhaps we can help you with suggestions as to what

might be a desirable selection. \Ve have an immense variety of Neck-

wear in the latest fades and at moderate prices. Remember, thnt our

L -SYSTE M CLOTHES an' ma•lC' for thl' enllt·~t~ m:111.



:\Ir. Bberlt• tlL•man1ll•1l thl" nuthorit,· ahle a1ul shonlll llE> preYl'nterl. I

I hat tht.• uumhl•r shnuhl hl' ('ight~· fjy~

1•t)r l'Pnt. ~rr. ~t1•1•l :tf!!lll'cl that non(' ot' 1h •

h1t11'l' '-Wt>t•t; \"1•1111-. Fi;.t l'ol'k t:iiJ-.. 11:1turt• ·.,. lh'l't:1r; P:11111ma

.\"'•lrft••l Fruits in ~lara.;~hi110 wint•; l'an1l11ra ('h11~·oln11~ :-:.wi-. .... milk. (iuarnntt•1•1l u111h•r pHrl' fond and drug at'L .lnnt 311, i'.ltlli; S1•ri:d .:\o. llllOl

for the st'ltl'lllt'lll tlrnt 11nh- Olll"' :\n•l Ollt' sixth l'l'r <'t'llt <1f th~ ,..;rlkr,., Wt>rt• 1

"l'tll1•1.l hy 1•1111<·il:ltinn. at tlit~ "'allh~ tinl'' l quotiul!' auth•'rit.Y for thl• stah~nn•1u

1rhitr:ttiuu hn:n.1-. up to the prl~~rnt I ---------------' tJnu• W1'rt' "11\'t't''"'lltl ilut> tc1 tht•ir Jac1, uf pt1"1'r. \ stat1'Jl11·11t ha-. bl'l'll :-:.PIH out h_,.

\\"hil1• th1• 111d:,!1·-. \\1•r1"' rlt'lmting- !h" thl· ;-o;up1·ri11tt•1ah•nt of "\•st Point that ~1rl-.' 11u11rl1't 1•on:-is1fng- of Lillia:1 thi• 1•11rnll11wnt ot' the.• war ~\·hnoi Bradfor1l .. \lhn1:1 Hurthwil'k, Yit• Y:tl -.houlil lit> inat•:1se<l 10 700. He n•a· lt•:lu :11111 r)JiYt' S,•liu. rl•mh•rl•d a ,-ucal :-011-., tha1 1hi:- ~ill bt• morl' 1'L'111111mi -.i•lt"t"tion. ac1•umpa11lt•d hy :\[is" Alex t•:il, for tl1t• nl-'W huil1lit.~'."i will t•:1~ily :i111lcr on th1' pi:tn1l. at•cnmmc11lat€' that numhL•r.

Thl• j111l~\'!ol Wt'rt• Pr11fe~sor .... \tkiuson, Bn•wt•r and DC'arhnrn. Tht' l"ni,·1"'r itY flf lll•1,\'t>r has. heea




I _____ _ \TheJen & Hanl(1

Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

Home Pbone ~3H

E.W. THOMPSON Four Chair Blrber Shop

(But'('l''"'"'tH to F. E. U:nis) PLAIN AND TURKlSH BATH:

Cornrr of ).fain and Tral'y

nr~an '''1 1

""' :tlld It " up '" '1""" FOR XMAS---ESPECIALLY MADE FOR COLLEGE

\\"hih.., no partil·ubr "'tnrriug wa"' dnne'd t11C' sun; i.;f ~}l)t),0(":0 under th<' nth<' ~penking, (':wh Oilt"' dl"'ser..-C>~ pe.·.lpn.>Y:sions th:it tht~ l'111\·Nsity raise no ~--------------""'­

to kl•1•p tht•m up or Ins(' th,, p1-.i;- ... ~n.::,~

'"'' ,,,11, "'" J?:iin.-.i ior it< inst"u"""' Calendars with College Seal ; Xmas Cards, eight de-of hi)?h• · lrnniu~ signs, with College Seal. New and original.

'fhl~ l 111f, :.::•· nt•t~•h !'\ nflw t.'nl:!'ine1"'ring A 1 [' f p S f d P 'lJ buildiu~ ""'I O<'l'•l- It >ery mudi: t • most compete me 0 ennants, car s an I ow rnh"'"'' '"''''l' ""w huiltl:n~• auJ th• l Covers, all priced low. $t•hool ol \t111l'""' 111~1..,tb a uumLt.>r ,f rtt•\~

impr0\t'lhl'llt" :-O.t.•vt•ral wav ... of O\'t•r PHILLIPS' BOO STO 1•0111ini: t It"' trout.It• 1•ausetl by l"llttin~ K RE d1)\\ll tht.\ sr11roprhtiou.; for thC"'l' in T :-titntltHI" i1onl" httn~ hcen "'Ui.!l:l'"'t L he Store of Useful Gifts Onl' ot' tlu• .... t- 1s that all the a.ppropri:l , -

~onal mt•nti1111 for thr wnrk he cli<l. additiunnl ~11111 ni $'.HH),(}1lO . £,·C'rJ Practical!~ all tht•ir -.part• timr for th .... effort will l1r m:!1h• to raise thi" nmount pa-;t month ha.; ht•1•11 fdlC'•l with pr('par~- and if ol>taint'd will J!O to tbe erection tiou for this l'Oll11':-t. The resultR of of new buildings.-Bx. this work on tht~ir part wa-, plainly ,.iR· 1 --

. \ftn thp cl1•hnte thl' two 1ower clns- s.tartec.1 an equal ~uffrage propaganda. '-t':'i a1Jiourne·l to thl'I drill hnt1,


where In o rder to enligh t C<n the g1rl!-i on the tlu'y rt>ll•hra1e1l or soothed thl'ir W•)Untl question of equal suffmgt' .rnd help the t"<l prhle. as th1' t'll"e ma~· bt>, In n joint cnu~l', they ha Ye tlra" n up a. platform 1lann"'. EY1·r~·ont"> n'porteJ. a thorough which thP.Y hu\t~ rt•quc ..... tet1 the \\"om

WE Re~prctfully hid for_ !'\ ... h.H". ~ 1 )"ou1 trade, anJ. will cert:unl treat you fair . Try U'" .


Phone 20 Opp. Court Hou.

·hit" ).fnn•lay niJ.:ht. The collf'g<' g l rls of ~ichigan bn,·e l I\' ('lljnyahlll time. Inn ·s .lournal to print. -------------..


Page 3: EXPONENT. THE WEEKLY EXPQ).ENT, FRIDAY, DEC'E:, !BER …instructor in agronomy to fill the nt· cnncy created by )Ir. '\"el1:;' resigna tion. )Ir. '~'ells cxpeets to lea\'e for Other


ABSOLUTELY FREE n extra pair Trousers of same goods

rder. This offer will expire m a few

as Suit with every suit or overcoat

days. Come in NOW.

Ii There will be a lot

{ ::":.~fiLco~~~ ~;'~~,:R:.~: l ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

H. R. HARRIS, tailor of social events

Clark and Hobert Clarkson Jdt

Ir homes in C hioook. yester·lB"'

g. --in O. \\food will not n·rurn to hi ..

c·for thf' 'acatwn. :\fr \\.,.ood w 11 (,.pJo)'-1:''1 in eonncccion with tlh' t groeu house•.

!idont Hom;=:- will learn 'fon orning for Ilt•lena, where he will

~. the meeting of the state boa1<1


1rng thL' Bozem11n alumni seen at

.ind <'oner-rt Friday were: LPwis 1, ·14; Jhrold 'Wolpert, '11, and

J'ji;iher. 'llJ. :·-

·enre .Tefft-rs, a formrr star quar· ack on flt•\'('fal of the fooLball

in the <>arly bi:,tory of the lnsti·

, was a rollc>ge "+~itor Friday.


Col>leigh returned Saturday from

ten"'ion trip ln the ~n~tern pnrt state, whn~ he ,-i~itC'd Glend'.,,,·r.

C'ity, Billing", Rt•J Lodge and


:l Kolb, Leo Wallace. Grace Oli· 11 C'arl )forgan leave for Billing~

They Intend to attend the bas· l J?Dme at that place between the B's and the College tonight.

I examinations for the semester

eld for the ~hort rourse studenta

c.t three days of this week. The cf'mPcit('r clos•-"S Friday and the

semester will begin Tuesda:1,

y 7, that date being set as reg:~.

day. -·>--

report come~ from Cascade that

d Mrs . .T. S. James are parents

aby boy born about a. month ago.

mes is a graduate of the ci,·il en·

ing department, being a member

eJass of l 90P.

Dr. Smith, formerl.'· Miss Car·

n Zandt. was a Yisitor at the

J.!~riday and attended the band

t gh·en in assembly hall. Mrs.

ii; r. graduate of the business de· '1<.'nt, formerly a department in

nstitution. She was also for sev·


The 1. "~- <:. A. meeting Tuesday u!'u:d1v in the form of some bur1e·,riu~

was a Chrl..;,tmas prnise sen·ice. The or hm~orous application to the work of

special music conl'.i~ted of a ,·ocal solo, t116 m£mber. 0 Star of the East,'' by Kathleen Wil· As a c-onclusion is it probable that

sonj piano golo by Georgia Hollier; \"O· light refreshment~ will be served. It ~olo by Yie Yalleau and a song by is rumored that n keg of some beveragl!

the quartctte. Pearl Heighton, Yie \'al· or other has been prepared by the de·

Ieau, Ruth Hartmnn and Kathleen \\'ii· p.'."...rtment of horticulture and it is cer·

son. The next rnN-ting is to be .Janu- tain that othe r refre!ihments Jf n hCJlt ·

from now on thnt will deman<l

a full dress suit. hpecializc on

full Jn•l's clotbci:; at $40 to $6\).

The one• at $-lO i~ surely :t <lancly

for the money. Let me ~bow it

to you. \\'hen you need a dress

c;uit. nothing else will take its

p1ac(', and you ghouldn 't he bor·

rowing one, beeauc;;e peoplt.• dou 't

like' to loan a nice suit.

Give me your order to<lny.


nry 14, led by Alda Smith on the sub- drn nature wtll be pro\·idcd sn 1hnt- ~

jcct of resolutions. fi~~ time is expected by the membersl----------------

-"!-- ot the faculty and their families have the heartfelt sympathy of 1111.

Hollis was graduated from the Park

county high school, a member of the

class of 1909.

W. B. \'cstal, Jr., departed yesterday

at 11 :40 a. m., for Indianapolis, where he will spend the Christmas ,·acation

with his parents and in visiting old friendfi. He expects to retuTn by the

close of the \·acation.



A short meeting of the coile6t' Stngs

was held at noon \Vednesday, the prin·

cipal topic for discussion be~ur. ,inst

who should be entitled to adn11.ssion in·

IN ELKS' HALL F RIDAY. to the society and whether or not t·er·

"In Xovember, 1911, Mrs. Powell aud

her son went to California, trusting

and hoping that the climate wonld

bring relief to the young man . who was

not of a rugged disposition, nor in

strong health. His health impro,·cd au·l

he entered a school in Los Angele~.

The mother returned to her home, eon·

fident that her son was restored ttl

health, and waiting patiently for the

day when he cou ld safely return to the

home which he loYed best.

Elks' ball wae the scene of one of

the prettiest dances of the year Frhlny

evening, when the members of Kappa Nu entertained their fr!cnd<; at a danc?1

v>bich wal:J aeompanied hy a supper at

file Bungt-low immediately afterward~.

'l'he h!tll was decorat~·l with the ~ol·

ors of tb~ organization, a false ceilin~ aud wall having been :n.lJ2 from cr'1pe

paper. 'l'he extreme en..i of the l.:..ll

'l\'as I arl1ti(lned off fro"'l the rest of

the hall ,,·;n a partition cf paper, mak·

ing a rest room where candy and otbe1

refreshments were ser ved during thu

evening. The music for the occasion was pr<J ·

vided by Mrs. 0. E. Myers' orcbestrn,

consisting of Mrs. Myers, ]\frs. Blanche

Yergey Spieth, Fred Jackson and Joe

Brooks of Lidngstou. The e,·ent be·

tain men who were already in the i>o·

ciety should bo allowed to remqin .

A report was heard from the com mittec appointed at the last mc>eting

to decide on limitations for mem~Hsbip

and an amendment to the constit• .. tioll

was adopted requiring any person to be

a graduate from a high school courso

and to be registerd'd in either a four

year college course or a two er three

y1·n• pharmacy course in order to be· c,>01e a Stng.

A committee consisting of Fred Gol·

don, Arthur Seamans and ·waiter \Vill·

son, was appointed to inform certain

members who had been taken in from

either the preparatory department or

the short course department that they

would no longe r be considered as be·

longing to t!1c organization.

"But the fond hopes were shattered

when the telegram announcing his death

arr ived. Heart disease was the cause

of his death. "No fune ral arrangements ha,·e bcc.i

made, awaiti ng the ar rival of J\Ir. Pow· ell, who was at the ranch when t 1 i!

news came. The body will be brougnt

to Li,·ingston and perhap later shippel

to the father's and mother's home :it

Madison, Vti .. Ilollis was a member of

the Li,·ingston Congregational ehurch .

gan at nine o'clock. and it was almo:•t FORMER MEMBER OF SENIOR

''llollis bad gone to :Monrovia from

Los Angeles only a week before Thank:;·

giving clay, Yisitiug there at the h om~

of the mother's cousiue, Mr. and Mrs.

one before the merry company adjourn·

ed to the Bungalow .. where an elaborata

three course supper was sen·ed.


- - "The young man was a member of

News of thP of Hollis D. Po~ the Shaw & Powell Camping company,

ell, formerly a r:•embcr of the pre~n:nt of which his father is one the origin· al members. Hollis was a young mau

The committee that had charge of the arrangements was Lyndalt Dadd·

~on, Harold Solberg aud Edward NoblP..

Thry were assisted in the "·ork by ·11!

the members, and thei r efforts oro·

c".nceG an entertainment that was a sue· .rears priYate !':ecretary to the pres· ces':i in every way. The par ty w:l~

f th(' co lie,.,." . e:haperoned by Mr. and ).frs. Carl (.

senior C: is~ at li:c er liege, was rel!•.!''·ed th is wcei Mr. ]"nwcll died at Morovia,

C'a lifo.-ni::i., Sa'"·1rdn._,., December 1-4 1 ;Jf

heart d1sc>ast·. Ile Lad gone to Ca li i\1r·

uia fo; hi:; he:Jlth ;rnd at latest repo:-ts

was n!.pid l v impro,·,r.g ,-.,•hen a tell'gr.:t111

anno:.t11cinb lPs cl·•ath was receiw"d hy

of exemplary character, bright, eon·

scientious and respected by al l. Take:i

from friends and relath-es when but 111

the prime of life, the young man's death

seems especially sorrowful and sad.''

-·!•- \\' idener and Mr. and ) !rs. C. Oli\·er and ~f ~<:i. Bc>rt Hind made a short G!isson. his p:i :-~1lts at LiY1ngsto11. JUNIOR PUPILS OF MISS

M ' NEELY GIVE RECITAL iamong Bozeman friends tile latter M . . Powell entered college ";th the

of last week. "Mr. Hind is a grad· FACULTY WILL HAVE present senior class and remained with The pr imary pupils of :Miss B lanche

of the cla!i!~ of 1909. and is now I that class until the middle of bis soph· McNeeley of the music depa r tment of

intenclent of the Madison Ri ver A PARTY TONIGHT. omorc year when he was forced to drop the college, ga,·e a public recital Sat·

plant. He reports that Everett - - his co1lege work due to ill health. He urday afternoon at t wo o'clock in the

llton and Cyril Kennedy, two oth· In acco rdance with the custom ori· was enrolled as a member of the elcc· . f h

·aduates in electrical engineering, I ginateJ se,·cra l years ago, the faeult,v t r ical engineering course. He was Ont) assembly room. T he playmg 0

d t os~ :etting along nicely. :rnd the members of the exper iment sla· of the most popula r men of the class :nan~:f p:i~=~a;ho::~:~ ~·::~~ ;:l:nt a;:~

.•.__ hon staff wi ll hold their fourth annnnl while at the college and the news of rendering the difficult pieces. The

colleg-e baFik~~all team will I Ch r ist~rns tree ~or th~ membe:s- of the his death is learned with the greate!)t program follows:

two enthusiastic supporters at fa<'ult.) and their fan11Jies tomght. The sorrow by his many friends on the hill. Streabbog, op. 100, No. 3 .............. Galop

game in Billings tonij?ht in th<' 11.!debr:~tion ~-ill oceur in the rooms o,f The following was taken from the Grace Accola. Atha ~(artin,

ns vf 1':dgnr Allen, 'IO. :incl ('hart('-; J the :1~lme science department, and wt. I Lh· i ngston Post: Lela Border.

t•r. ·12. These two persons will consi:st of a program and the usual i'Hollis Dudley Powell wa~ born in Ed Parlow ........................ BlumC'n \\·altzer

he tiip from their homes in Rrd l'hri4tmas festi,·ities. Pon~·, :;,\f,..ntana, 21 years ngo the :?."."lh · Melba Xelson.

fo<la_,.. Whih in co1lege th··.v Thi..; will probabl~· be the first pul>· day of April. When but a small chihl, Cha~. Lindsav ................... On the Terrae"

iwn.Y"' most enthusiastic boost<·r<> lk. {I t semi-public, appearance of the his folks mo,·cd to LiYingRton. and ht· I ·Lela Border.

a~ .1lumni are !;till doing the s1111e coJlege orchestra. Thi~ organiz:ttion !ias since made his home in this cit)~. TI.:i Henri \"an Gael.. .................. Suow Flakes

"<'rk. will give seYeral selections. nnd will no was rt'~pected, admired nnrl lo,·erl by GracC' ~\ccola.

When You See

dou'lt pron• a ste11nr numher on tltt• ~JI of his man;\'· friends. Of a kiu.1, Wach~.... . ............. )fay Party Polka

progr~m. )!rs. IJc>rrick will read se\" ]OYi:ii di~position, his frienlhlhip was ~tl Ireno Terrell.

Na! l ' hri~tnrns storic>s, anU other l'C'i· l way'd sought and the mother and fatht~r E<l. Parlo'"~, op. 00 ..... S11111mc>r Shower:"=:

lll'<'~ are lieing planned. I )(a,,·o ~tor.\.

Gift .. will he di~trihutNl to the chi!. L y R I c T H E A T R E Geo. ~pauhling ............. Fairy rralt•'"t

drcn ni th(' fnl'ulty. and gifh will no .\tha :\Cartin.

do 1tht he prC'~('ntc>il to tht' members of H. h Class Vaudeville and :--;tr('asl>hog, op. JOO, Xo. 1 ........... .


Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Ci\·il, Electrical and }.{eehanical Engineering, .Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture, Domestic Science, Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology, Mathematics, Literature, For· estry, Pharmacy, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings1 complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.

J. ~\. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA



Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 East Main Street Phone 82



Office Michigan Bldg.


The Shoe Sale

Suite No. 17. Bozeman, Mont

at The Exclusive Shoe Store·

J. H . HARRIS & COMPANY 22 West Main

A Merry Xmas To All

and may you enJOY it fully.

If, at the last moment, you

need a gift for him or her, re­

member we have them, and

pleased to serve you.

Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Registered Optomettist

Bozeman, Mont.

Get your

Xmas Box Candy at





Rooms 1 and 2 Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Mont.



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 blk.



Office and Residence 201 S. Third

Phones-Bel! 49! red-Home 2962

Bozeman, Montana.



Ten per cent discoount to students

Commercial National Bank Bldg.

Bozeman, Montana



P ost Office Block. Bozeman, "Mont ..




Bozeman, Montana



Suite 5 Gallatin Bloek

Nelson Cab Co.

Our Many Useful

·~mas Presents We KnQw

Where You

t 1tf' L<'nlty by a Ranta C'l:tu<:i C'spc>cia!l:1· 1 lg ·-··· .. . ... Pns Redonhll•

prep:nc-rl for the OCC'a~ion. rrhe g1tl'\ II ' I I

M • p· t ln•1a• Tt•rrt:"I. :\le •a .... t• '\OH. I Capital Stock··········-··· $WO,Ovll.OO SurplU"S and Profits .. . ~:JO,Of•O.GO

Oldest and most reliable in the City

Will Buy 1 Your Xmas

Gifts This Year.


for the members of the faculry ar.:- OVIDg IC ores "}.laro Rtor_..-. : GEORGE COX, Cashier -).fontnua

Cabs for weddings, parties and funerals a specialty


Phone Bell 397 blk Address 139 W. Main

Gold and Blue On Crane's Highland Linen


The Gallatin Drug The Drug Store On The


Bouman FRESHMEN MEETING. Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962


Eutertaini.11g Him. ).[nnclay the Fn~~hml'n ln•ld a sh•.rt

llH'i"ting for the> puap.~~t' uJ org-aniz:iiq · 1 ~lr. ~poonc>r. l think I like you bc>t·

for thC' chN•rs at t:ie delmlt•. ;..r_... 1•011 tc>r than :lny o the other l\•lh>ws that

f ::.:--. • who v:~is ( , ,.·C'<l du•~r lt•:tdt~r :t~ come to our hou~e. · · a prt\-i•'ll~ nwtin~. rc>'-igned the offi· ('


Why !'10, Bflhhy1·' WOOD COAL

on acenunt of illue"s in hi~ f:trnily u111l 11 'l'ause when you gi\·e sistL•r n IJox

.T;_i ~ \I ,1,,1. , \\ ,i .... , .: •• •ul to fill l·'·' o' candy shC' alway~ turn~ ir on;>r to LUMBER ,, ·ititlll.

.\ 11c1 tho b11i:i11r~i; ·sas lomplf'tt~<l ·1.­

l"las~ practicc>ll their yell~ and son~·,..

which th<'y plnnnc>d to gi\"t"' for tlH•ir

team nt the d('b::ttt." in th(' e,·ening.

H orrors of J ournalism.

'' lfrrc '!i an item, · ' obscn·cd Ri\·crs,

who wa!\ looking over the exchnngcs,

"to the effect that the king of Sweden

raisrs dogs on his farm.' 1

''T suppose he u~es them,'· suggested

Brooks 1 •to drh·e his Stockholm. 1 '

Afte~ which the rnttle of the t_vpe·

writers broke out afr{'sb with great



It i8 nnnouncNl from ('amphell <'"1·

lege that as soon ag arrangement~ ~an lw

11'a<le that colleg-c> will be mo,·ed lG

Kansns City. It is probable that th? f'Oi·

I lPgC' ·will be consolidated with Kansas

"it\.' eni,·er!'itv. They will rece1Ye -!

be~uest of $SO<),ooo when the ct)lleg 0 i"'


- 00-


LUMBER COMP ANY 320 West Main St.

--- The Airl stu<lc>n t ~ n.t Northwcstl·rn

The t •ni,·ersity of Denver will rt:"· although they are not allowed to go to

Lene $100.1100 from John D., whieh J'!lthe Indiana game> at Bloomington, nrP

tr. be used exclusively for enrlo,o;-mf'nc working: to insure a good <.'rowd ~f n 111t·

for the ro llege of liheral urt~, on enn•1i· us by st•llin~ tng~ to the boys wluch <""m

t1on thnt $300,ono more be rai ... ('d i 1 <'ol 11 c l'X<'hanged for ~iekets to Blooming-·

orado. ton. . 'ome t-11thus1a~m, that.

Page 4: EXPONENT. THE WEEKLY EXPQ).ENT, FRIDAY, DEC'E:, !BER …instructor in agronomy to fill the nt· cnncy created by )Ir. '\"el1:;' resigna tion. )Ir. '~'ells cxpeets to lea\'e for Other

EAT All the turkey you can, people, and have the best time

ever, during your vacation.

THE HUB---"Howard's" Ed and Lou Howard, Props.



A doz.en Photographs, such as we know how to produce,

make I 2 splendid


12 Black Ave.

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. McINTYRE Michigan Building

Xmas Sale For Xmas Week

Every Department Represented

Men, Women and Children



, DOES MAKE PLANS FOR --1- Shak espeare and F ootball. THEIR ANNUAL CELEBRATION. --

-- "Let him not pas~. but kill him

The memher~ pf the Doe organiMtion rather.· ·---0 1hell~l. td<l a mt'('tinl! this w('ek at which time 11 ·Tis ~rort t o nrnul n runner. -

pfan-. wen• m:tclt- for the big nnnual AnthtlD,Y nud Cleopntra .

t'l'lel·r:H un tn be hl'lt] on the Frjday e,._ '· 1 ·11 enteh it ere it eome-. to ening of final l'xnm ination week . A ground. ''-)!achetb. number of committee~ were appointed to ·•\Ye must bn\·e some bloody noses toke charge of the different depart :lnd cracked crowns. '"-Henry ]\'. ments of the night·~ entertainment. "It·~ the first time that e\'er I The committee on initiation Is com- heard breaking of ribs was sport. · '-po.:;ed of sophomore girl~ under the As You Like lt. lenc.lersbip of \\"ilia Sultzer. ''Down! Down!''-Henry V.

The fel'd con1rnittee consists of • 'A.n excellent pass.' '-The Tem-?Uadge wit zcr, Olfre lark and Alda pe!'lt. Smith. A committee of four were ap· ''A touch, a touch, I do confcss.''-pointed to prepare a li~t of stunts one

for each of the four classe!'l of the colleg<'. This committee- consists of M:nsa. Riddel, .Aimee Picdalue, Clara Flanders nud OJi,·e Clark.

It was further decided that there should b a con~titution for the organ· ization and a committee consisting of Kate w·ih;on , Emma Taylor and Edith

Hamlet. 1 ·I do commenU you

banks.' '-Macbeth. ''More rushes! More

Henf\· IY.

for their


• 'E:x~use me,'' smiled the center rush, the whole while be doffed his cap

11 How is your health f Dow are your folk~i You "re looking well. old

I Brcnnemnn, wns appointed to prepare chap. one. It was nlso dt'cided to consider I tbust that it's convenient for ~·ou to the pla£'e:t where the party might be held anrl one pcn•on from each cla~s

was nppointl'll tll co11cd the dues from the girls of that cla~s. Aft er gi\·ing the comm.ittee~ h1f=trudions to report

1 the fir~t Wl'l'k aftt'r Christma.!I.. the

meeting ad.ionrnC'd.

step aside And gh·e us tbat po!'lition which you

renin with pride. '' '' Bc'.'g pnrU.011.'' said the halfback

when be, tho rigb guard met. •

1 r·m in a JittlC' hurry; the touchdown I must get.

·Twill be a wondrous fa n1r jf you "Jl JUNIORS H E AR REPORT OF allow m.,__Thauk'!

1914. M ON TA N AN STAFF. 1 ~ha11 return the kindnc!"s when ~·ou

'fondny 1 he nwmll('rs of the junior <.'la-.-. hel1I a ,]rnrt rncl'ting ;It which timt"

\\'. B. YC'-.t:il, e(litor·in·chief of the Hl14 ).fonrnn:rn. g:1,·c n brief outline of th1~ work thnt hat1 he1•n C'ompll'tea to <lntP on tin~ l'Ollt~;.!t' year IJouk .

_\ nnmher of c..·lrnn,2'es fr0m pre\·ious :.\Iontnn:tu-. :trt• 1ilaniwd and it is ex­pe£'ted that =-t.'Ycra l new feaut res will be ineorp<1r:1tl'1l into the book which ... ;11 go a Jon~ w<1y~ toward making 1t at·

come through our rank~.'' 1 'Good e\'ening. ·' !'ait.l the tackle into

the left guard· .. enr.

"lt look~ a bit like ~no.,.,·ing, al though the ~ky i!'< clear.

Plea,..e step here, to this pillow. I beg that you will fall.

Ah. thank you Yery kiu<lly. Xow I will take the ball.·•

Professors of College Graduates. . ...

tractin). } ..... \\'. ~c..-humaC"her. busiucss A ~ummar,,~ of thirty·se,·en repre:st"ll· manager oi the enterpri~C'. aho gaye t:HiYe colkges shows that t eat:bing i-:: a report and :-.taa•d t hat the finaneia1 hC, .... the dominant profe!5sion of colleg~ pro~pects of tl.t.• puhli1..·:ition were C'X·

tremely bright. It i" expC'c ell that fully as many :idq•rti:-<t>men t~ w;n he securt•d rhb year a:-; Jn~t and the sale

of books i~ expC'<'lt'1l to l'xrel'<l that of prf'\'ious :·era". ln aJd1t ion to this. a numl>rr of the club!-. at the college wi11

make tlonation~ to the finances of ih~ book. Amon~ tho~e who hnYe done so

up to tlate are till• EIC"C'tric club and the .\.Qrkultural ~oewty, ancl se\·eral other~ ar<' expt.•Ctl''l to do so j 0 the n<'ar futur(', Thi~ mnkes tilt" finnncial out lol1k \'Pry i:oud,

:.!Talluates with tw<'uty·fiYl' per c:ept: law, whieh took one·third of all the

gr:i.luates at the beginning of the n;1wteenth l'entury, now elaim::; but

fifteen per cent; medieine takes be­t ween ~ix and seYen per cent. and

~eems to be !'!lightly on the decline ; en­ginf'ering is ~lowly going up, but sti?l

takl'.'s only three or four per l'ent: while th~ ministry, with the pre~ent fiYe or six per cent of the total, has reachl'1i

Common Sense vs. Coll ege E ducat ion , Th('re is n ~t'ntimeut in some plact"s

against co llt•gt>s. beeau"e some eollt'ge men ha\'e been known to make a foilur('

We Wish a Merry Xmas And Hope to See You Again Next Year


ANOTHER BIG MONARCH CHEESE ........ We ar;-cuttiug this lar ge cheese, made in Cra.d!ord county, Penn vania. We need not comment on the quality, as lt contaJ.ns tha.t ric.11. creamy flavor as do all the ~!onarch brand of cheese. So send or tel&o phone us your order for a piece for your xmas dinner. We &re of!e · some of the biggest values in apples ever offered in Bozeman. We a have some great discounts in holiday china.--which we would like to have you see.

THOS. H. R.EA & CO. Prompt D elivery l!ot b P hones 24

A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to Y .:iu



Tuxedo Billiard Parlor



Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg, Pro1

TRACY FLORAL CO. For all kinds of Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Funeral r

work. Come and see us. You are a lways welcome, whether you buy or not.

l!otb P hones

Basketball===hv Bob

lt wa~ furthC'r drl'hlea that an :nul· it 11~ t·ommiltee "laH1hl he appointed ~o

nok through th<' <"h'£'Otrnts of the hook a111l :-oee thut thc·y wl're all right at di time~.

t11l' l1nve~t mark for that profession in l

ilie two nml a hnlf centuries of A.mer:. l':tn MJl1•i:t~ hi~tory.

of life. ----------------------------...;if'.! !"u n·l~· ~ueh a r:.i:-;h conclusion from

The bonril of rej!'ent!-. of the C. of :\[. :-neh n narrow premi-.e holds all col·

autlinriz.Ptl n mt>dical di"J!l'nsary to be lege men to be fool~.

The fir~t trip t 11 .... 1,u-..--.. n to b(' ta kt~ 1 :\[ax \\"ileomh W:'l"' uuahle to :ll'l'Om· loentt-11 on or neHr tht~ c..·nmpus. Two The fact is that mt'.'11 are not maile

by tht.' l'Ollt'J::::t' tl·:\m he;!:1U Tt!l' .. tlay. pan\· thC' tenm on tllls trip. owing to pl·.n·J£'ian·. are tn <k,·ote their entire or marrt•d in or b,,. ~ollege'-. The~e help

wht:u the hlUt..' n111l !!Ola ha,kd :-;hooter-. an illnt- ..... that has confin('U Jiim in he·l time tn th e me<licl'\l <'nn• of the .;;tu tbt~ de,·elnpment 1)f the man with fin"'

lt>it ior the'Tll p:irt of tht> stati:'. ior "t:\'t,ral ilay~. Iii~ los" wil1 he felt. Ui'nts. };;~ch ~tude•n to be asst"-.;st'J natural power:-. The mnn with limit('i.i

.Although the team has impruYe~l sine~ as Ids t'Xl•l·ril·nt•e !!HinL·tl by pla:·ing twn .lolhrti for the "'<'hool .' ·ear to k • •p gifts d llC's not. become Hn iutelleetual

the fir~t g~uue with th!! Helena nggn' throug-hout tht' whule stlason last year, of the e nterpri"'e. Eaeh studrnt will be prodigy through C'1lllege training. an1l

Jration, tht·~· an• nnt yc-t into tht•i1 c:u111ot Oe· rt~ptacC'd. In Cotner, examinl'tl upon enterinl? the unin:•r:-oi.ty. though men urn.'· cn ll him an,' edueate<l

d 1 Students will be furnisbeJ with medical foul.·· he hns Yer:· m1H·h bettered bi!:S Hri e nntl tht\\' will hfl\'l' to wnrk 1:ird howl.'Yl'r. thl' (•(lllege has a cnp:iblc ::iub- supplit~s free of C' harg:t.' on order li._

to win a mujorit:· nf the gnme:-o pla~·t·d. "titntt•. ".hilt~ llllt playing in the Uesr eith<'r phy~icin.n. They will cla:-<h with '•Hiil~ i tl1l' l1e-.r of iorm duri11:: thl' t·arl~· prattic~. hi~ t eams in Wyoming 111111 with th1• famnu• work h:i.... -.teadily impned and he is

Tri}Jle B ':-. of Billing-.. "hil'11 i111lic:3h'" / ww t•la)·ini.: thl· kin.1 of l•all tha t ma(]e tl:Jat the:· will l1C' l'Xtt·n1lP<I to tilt• lim.t him tilt> 1'l:'~t iuter:-chola:-<tic t·eu t er iu

chances in life by hb college work.

The high<'r eduefltiou i .., Yftluable in that in tr:iins the mind to think. It

During the month of .June the Xorth tend~ to make the ~tUllent imlustriou..;

Dakota .\grieultural College sent out and ~elf·relinn t. But what enc..•h man a better farming train of ele\·cn need~ for sut:C(':-;.;; In life is eommon to win e,·erY }!rllllt.'. the .. r·nc .fo Hlll.

• __ car ... , whi<'h toure'1 the ~tate of Xorrh ~t·n~e. Hi... tolle~i:' cour,.. e will neit11er

Tl · · II I -- 1 nakota, aj, in~, nrnn.v op11ortuniti('~ t•' I e:in~ him that or ta kt• it at\·a.'·· II~ trip wi : "U ~t'rYt" l:-< :l. j;'.!:ellt'ral ~ f:'> " ~· hardt>ning for rht• tt•:im 10 J•rt•paratiou Th,~ rt' .. t oi the nwu are aJ...o playinfZ the farmers. __

for the intert·ollt>~ia:11e fnntt•"t .. witli a muc-h lH'tti•r. ).!ame than tl.iey \Hre a , ~ . . --.. . (':llit'ornia ·~ ':h~er le:ull' r:- are pieked

other ::.\[ontann -.i'Jwn)..,, Ih•j•Orh from week ::'l!!tl. \ttl'r the- lctnp rn the H el· Th~ l nn·e r:-;1t ~· of \\ l!-oCOn~111 expt'1'l' I l1y t.11(' t·ompt'ttll\"t.~ syxtt•.m. and it 1s

the l'niYer..,ity i'lrt· ti) thl" tiii·l't th .. t 1·1rn ;::ame, thl·y a).!ain ~t:1ru•1l .in antl are an e~irollm.t•nt ot ~·0~111 ~tudenh nt thC'


'..lirl~Hh•n•d. onf'. of th(• hig-hC'!'"t h.onor.;

111Py will han• a quiutt·ttr> thaI w :1 now l•layinl! thl• k111d of hall that glad open111g of the s1xueth yt'ar of that 111 thi:' un1Yer:--1ty to lwM thp po,itiou make )I. R_ ,,_ hu,tl(' to \\in from. eu-. t11(' hl':1rt-. of their !'iupporters. institntion.-Ex. ,( dtN~r lt~adt~r .

co111:en1~ng thl' 2\li1h·'< tt·am tlu.., 't'a"n.11.


f'•t•liulil~ 1 1,, ar;.!'t"·"I -.ebt"iluh-.. l'\'l'l'

hut it ls pruh:ililC' tlmt tbi•y nl:-o ~n 1 arrau.:1.•cl for l1a ... kl•t 1all ti•arn iu thi~ l1l' rqirt'"tmkil h" "tr1•n!! tn l'. "1th 'l;ITP. ,~ill lie thi' lot of tLi• l ollt>,..(' 'l"·

thrt•t.• ... u1·h _ :_r~r··~at1vn-. in thf• 111.-.l•l ior :::ri·;at 10 1 li" ,·t·n .• T"f'lll V·Onl' :.11:.; ...

rnt1•rcollt>e-1::ue honor.. th(' )Iour'.U:l :.n1 likPh t 1•1 J Ian il whu· I '' 1l'tak~ ~dwuJ, w1 I "~ "'11111{' PX('t 111 1t b::t'kt:' I b l l 1 11 u. . . t l I~ • n' !.!'O I t IMU;.,.h n pnri-- of m

11' "Int(' · \f • t .. 11 au1l ult to tht oa-.t -.tatt''

Quick Service at Willson's

We have no novices among our salespeople.

T 11-. ..,p 1lt• 1\1) tl1·marul l gr(':H 1le:tl th1 l 1 ,, 1l it \\ II lif" 111 £'1 .., .. 3 \. to

h ' ' :ctr 11•.1 ... t .... , 1'n pl:n·1•r... t'a•l\' to ~.,· to 'l l!lllh at :tH\' rimt•. fn thi:--

'r1•-.1w<'t l oll1•g1' ~ fnn.a11;1t1.: tl1b

y,•ur .\t • 1-.r t ltT1 mt•u nuw nut ha\·1• 'flO\\U 1h1hty f1,nrahl\' to 1 1at

oi rh • me 1 on tlu-. f1r't t1"1111. 1 .. 11 .. ,.

'!llt'lltly J l !Lt\ uf :;:nod :-<llh"til Jtp, ''ill ht' Cl\ uJl:il1 t

Tn f1r-.t,... 11t•

~1th L' I' \ 1

j>.,.• t ' e \\.

o" :...3 t ~.

Thi insures quick. mtelli- t' st 11• '

gent ·ervice for those \\·ho ,,., ha\'e delaved their Christmas -shopping ~ntil the rush time. / I nlo ~ Wiii l>• ""' llOXI ~·Ult

1thou.::h •hr\· h,1, t" tie- n•p1 tataon n ...

I !.t• ~ 11(1 ht• lit' .. ' t1•,1111-. u \\"\'on1

Our store \Vill be open illj!, tht• I ullq!W1l" will ll!Hlouht.- I: h: ..

Monday, Tuesday and \Ved- n rnud1 l•N" \'(1!'11.t,nn 11) Jd:1y ;t L

nesday eYenings unti l nine 1 "" ~' ' 11

"" •h..i.- f '" "1'1'•3·' ......

"l'n i1·t• in rt·inft1rt•111g thr· u~b .1u t'X

Jilor:it on iuto \·:t1l .. 1. -.rnn· th1• truth

('-.taldi-.lll'd for 11.J ' l .1 hy Pr<':-i1lc..•nt

Fliot tli:it "tll't';·-..., or a Inn• in .a1hlt>tit·

ha" no ui1111·11f•· lll thf' nut11ht·rs of ·1

I l·olh~i· Th,· X.•w-.. 1!0111.!! haek as far

a-. l'-.t:fi iu its l't·:-.l'l.1ri·h('~. has -.howu th:1•

'lt Y:dt• th1·rt• lws h1•1·n lhl rPlat iun ht"

o·clock. \l"h•

.. 001.


t Wt•c..-n ilh'fl':l"l~ nr d1•1.·r1 :l"l' in t1nro11 !11t•nt :wtl tht• \Yinniu~ or lo,intr of zn ult's a n1 l ract''·

Io J .... n~. p .. -:! • ...,,n 1'il I "ln11 l "'.

the cntt'rinc; (•ln-.-.e ... !'bo\\t.•11 an ita• ('

thouJ,?"11 Y.U1• uarl h1•t:>n \lllSll('l't•s -.fnl in

Tradition wears a snow-white beard, , and has the wisdom r;

of experience. The pipe is

lege tradition. yours with

a col­Fill I[

"~ -1/~~:T to BACCO

and you will endorse the dictum of you r predecessors.

Yeh-et the choicest growths of Burley leaf ~ is mild, rich and sat- , isfying-_--yet withal in- i.


wi11"1u~ prt'tt\' -.teoa~l1 ~. t t·n• w:i

h(' :-llr(', n cnn<.ii1l1•r.d1l<' nd alrno ... t

tin111Ju ... iin·n•a ... 1· 111 tfit• t'lltt'rin!! r!:l

hut tht•rt• \\as l Hkt• ira·n•as(' J

th t• :-;anw p1•ri1al at llan nr1l an•

t•1:.•r(~111l:· nt thnl timt• \\t'rt• not

r n:..ui .. hin~ our,.t•h 1· in :u~h•tk-.

(''<"pt1rit~ut:r of YalP. th1.•n•ft1r<' . fnl

t ' <if't)~- with that tit llar, arcl td

1·ro\ l~ any rt•lnt 'o11 hl'l\\t.' \"n ti.l b The Willson Co. / E.\ST G.\LLATIX RI \ "Ell, Xt:AR BOZE.\I.\X

11thlt·tic-. 1ht \'t·ar lwfor,; :tutl lt:>l'•t'<l'-P-. anil t·nroll111e11t.-H:\r\'ftr1l

iYJ the t•ntering in l"ifi, l".>.,1 au.1 I Bu11l'tin.

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