  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


    Indian Stock Market

    Indian Stock market is one of the oldest stock

    markets in Asia, having a history of 200 years

    At present, there are twenty one recognized stockexchanges in India

    It does not include the Over The Counter Exchange

    of India Limited (OTCEI) and the National StockExchange of India Limited (NSEIL)

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    National Stock Exchange

    The National Stock Exchange was incorporated in

    1992Came into being in order to lift the Indian stockmarket trading system on par with the internationalstandards, on the basis of the recommendations ofhigh powered Pherwani Committee

    Trading was opened on this stock market in mid1994

    It was recently accorded recognition as a stockexchange by Dept. of Company Affairs

    The National Stock Exchange (NSE) was rankedfirst in term of trading volumes of individual stockfutures in 2007

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  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


    Growth Of Indian Stock Market

    Indian stock markets have seen tremendous growth in

    last few years in both equity and derivative segmentThis growth can be attributed to the confidencedeveloped among investors for the stock market

    Such confidence among investors has arises from well

    developed securities market which is backbone of thefinancial system of a country

    In the derivative exchange-traded market, the biggestsuccess story has been derivatives on equity products

    Index option and Index futures are leading the packfollowed by Stock futures and stock options in term ofvolumes

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    Growth Of Indian Stock Market

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    Growth Of Indian Stock Market

  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


    Derivatives contracts at National StockExchange

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    Objective of the Study- What is this effect

    We have studied the effects of the expiration day of

    stock options and futures on the trading of theunderlying shares

    We have analyzed the stock data for a twofoldeffect:

    Effect of expiration on stock prices Effect of expiration on volume

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  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


    Pricing Model

    The model that we have used to judge whether

    expiration has any effect on stock prices is: ln (yt) = + 1 ln (yt-1 ) + 2 ln (yt-2 ) + ut + 3 (D)

    where ln (yt) - describes the percentage change in the

    stock prices. This is the dependent variable inour model.

    This term gives the intercept.

    ln (yt-1 ) & ln (yt-2 ) - These terms are the lag terms

    D This variable acts as a dummy variable

    ut - refers to the noise term in the regression model

    1 , 2, 3 - are the coefficients

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    Trading Volume Model

    The trading volume model is similar to the pricing

    model that we have adopted. The model is givenby the following equation

    ln (yt) = + 1 ln (yt-1 ) + 2 ln (yt-2 ) + ut + 3 (D)

    where ln (yt) - percentage change in the trading volume.

    This is the dependent variable in our model.

    This term gives the intercept.

    ln (yt-1 ) & ln (yt-2 ) - These terms are the lag terms ut - refers to the noise term in the regression model

    1 , 2, 3 - are the coefficients

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  • 8/8/2019 Expiration Effect on Indian Stock Market


    The Hypothesis

    Generally it is observed that stock prices fall on

    expiry date and trading volume jumps up on theexpiry date. Thus, in line with the generalobservations, our Hypothesis is as follows:

    H0: (1) = 0 (for both the models)

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    Effect on Price

    Stock Effect on Price () Interpretation

    Reliance = -0.06p-value = 3.29e-05

    This shows that the stock price declines by 6% on the expirydate and a low p-value makes the observation statisticallysignificant

    TCS = -0.00483390p-value = 0.3520

    The stock price decreases by 0.48%, however this has a highp-value thus making the observation statistically insignificant

    UNITECH = 0.00167060 p-value = 0.8509

    The stock price increases by 0.16%, however this has a veryhigh p-value thus making the observation statisticallyinsignificant.

    SUZLON = -0.00881281p-value 0.29892

    The stock price decreases by 0.88%, however this has a highp-value thus making the observation statistically insignificant.

    ONGC = 0.00237815p-value - 0.6220

    The stock price increases by 0.23%, however this has a veryhigh p-value thus making the observation statisticallyinsignificant.

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    Effect On Volume

    Stock Effect on Volume () Interpretation

    Reliance = 0.294019p-value = .0181

    The trading volume increases by 29.4%; this isalso supported by the low p-value

    TCS = 0.441178

    p-value 0.0018

    The trading volume increases by 44.11%; this is

    also supported by the low p-value

    UNITECH = -0.0237494p-value - 0.8356

    The trading volume decreases by 2.3%; howeverthis has a very high p-value thus making theobservation statistically insignificant

    SUZLON = 0.123252p-value - 0.03149

    The trading volume increases by 12.32%; this isalso supported by the low p-value

    ONGC = 0.468929p-value - 0.0016

    The trading volume increases by 46.89%; this isalso supported by the low p-value

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    Conclusion (Effect on Price)

    From the above results we can see that on an

    average the stock prices are negatively correlatedwith the expiration effect

    Mostly we see the dummy coefficient being negativeamongst the stocks; however there are deviations

    in some casesBut in all of these cases the p-values are not lowenough to draw any conclusion.

    Hence we can conclude that expiration day has a

    negative effect on stock prices

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    Conclusion(Effect on Volume)

    The trading volume results are much more

    consistent and four out of the five stocks show aclear increase in trading volume on the expirationdate.

    This is supported by low p-values

    Thus we can conclude that trading increases onexpiry day

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