Page 1: Exercises - Past Tense

Past Tense

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past:1. Christine (to feel) very tired after her exam.2. She (to decide) to go away.3. She (to ask) Monica to go with her.4. They (to go) to a travel agency.5. They (to book) a room in Christine’s favourite hotel in Constanţa.6. They (to travel) to the seaside the following Saturday.7. They (to meet) some interesting people and (to have) a lot of fun.8. They (to enjoy) the holiday very much.9. They (to return) to Iaşi on Sunday evening.10. Both Christine and Monica (to feel) a lot better after the short holiday.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous:1. When father came home yesterday, mother (to cook) dinner.2. When the bell rang, I (to wash) the dishes and grandmother (to knit) a pullover.3. At 9 o’ clock last night Sam (to read) the newspaper.4. This morning at sunrise Jessie (to jog).5. This time the day before yesterday we (to watch) TV.

III. Turn the following sentences into interrogative and negative:1. Paula smoked much last night.2. It was raining hard at 5 AM.3. Mr. Smith was eating a sandwich at that time.4. The Browns quarrelled badly yesterday morning.5. Martha worked hard last week.

IV. Translate into English:1. Mi-am luat servieta şi am alergat afară din hotel.2. Maşina mă aştepta afară. Şoferul citea un ziar. Am urcat în maşină şi m-am aşezat.3. Vecinii mei au plecat aseară la Piatra Neamţ.4. Poştaşul a pierdut scrisoarea mea alaltăieri.5. Când au ajuns la aeroport, avionul tocmai decola.6. Când eram tânăr, mergeam la mare în fiecare vară.7. Directorul şcolii l-a lovit cu piciorul pe băiatul cel rău.8. În vreme ce colegii lui se distrau, Jake sângera de moarte.9. Când a intrat în cameră, copiii se jucau cu jucăriile lor.10. Jock îşi scria eseul când cineva a ciocănit la uşă.11. Jucătorii s-au antrenat întreaga zi ieri.12. În vreme ce ea asculta un concert, fraţii ei vitregi se pălmuiau în camera lor.13. Când a sunat soneria, Irina dormea.14. Harry pescuia când a început să plouă.15. Tânărul a sărit în autobuz în timp ce acesta mergea.16. Băiatul cel mic se servi cu încă o felie de tort când mama sa nu se uita la el.17. Când trenul a ajuns, mulţi pasageri aşteptau pe peron.18. Curentul electric se opri când cei doi prieteni ascultau o emisiune la radio.19. Deodată ei şi-au dat seama că mergeau în direcţia greşită.20. Elevul a şters tabla şi a rezolvat corect exerciţiul.

Page 2: Exercises - Past Tense

V. Ask questions to which the words in italics are the answers:Model: The 7 dwarfs were working in the diamond mine at 5 o’clock yesterday. Where...?Where were the seven dwarfs working at 5 o’clock yesterday?

1. At a table Doc was testing the diamonds. Where...?2. He was examining them carefully. How...?3. Sleepy was driving the cart full of diamonds. What...?4. A bull was pulling the cart. What...?5. Happy and Sneezy were singing happily. How...?6. Dopey was sweeping the floor. Who...?7. Grumpy and Bashful were thinking of the evening’s relaxation. What...of?8. They were talking about Snow White.

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