LateGreatUS TP 2010_int_bcx:Layout 1Excerpted from The Late Great United States by Mark Hitchcock Copyright © 2009 by Mark Hitchcock. Excerpted by permission of Multnomah Books, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
5. Are We Headed for an Economic “Perfect Storm”? . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6. Our Worst Nightmare: Islamic Terror and a Nuclear 9/11 . . . . . 73
7. When God Abandons a Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8. The Rapture: The End of America as We Know It . . . . . . . . . . 107
9. America: From Superhero to Sidekick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
10. Our Role in God’s Foreign and Domestic Policies . . . . . . . . . . 125
11. No Fear of the Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Appendix A—Some Questions You Might Be Asking . . . . . . . . . . 141
Appendix B—Come Learn from My Mentors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
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I think there is an unspoken subtext in our national political culture right now.
In fact I think it’s a subtext to our society. I think that a lot of people are carrying around in
their heads, unarticulated and even in some cases unnoticed, a sense that the wheels
are coming off the trolley and the trolley off the tracks.
—Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
We are in a country in debt and in decline— not terminal, not irreversible, but in decline.
Our political system seems incapable of producing long-range answers
to big problems or big opportunities. —Thomas L. Freedman, New York Times
The world has shifted from anti-Americanism to post-Americanism… The distribution of power is shifting, moving away from
American dominance.” —Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek
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ASKING I turn back to your prophets in the Old Testament and
the signs foretelling Armageddon, and I find myself wondering if
we are the generation that is going to see that come about.
I don’t know if you have noted any of those prophecies lately, but,
believe me, they describe the times we are going through.
—President Ronald Reagan, 1983
Suppose someone wrote and published the ultimate compendium of
music history…but left out any mention of Beethoven, the Beatles, or
Garth Brooks.
Or the French produced a video tour of Paris…with nary a glimpse of
Notre Dame, the Louvre, or the Eiffel Tower.
Imagine a math textbook containing an entire year’s curriculum…never
once using or discussing the number one.
When an authoritative resource claims expertise in a particular field of
knowledge, we usually expect it to touch on the most prominent subjects
within its purview. That’s why so many Christians read their Bibles—and bib-
lical prophetic passages in particular—fully confident that it must somehow
reveal something about the role of America in the end times. After all, God,
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who exists in all times, who sees the end of history from the beginning, who
indeed sovereignly governs every moment of history—God, who reveals key
end-time events in the prophecies of Scripture, can’t possibly have omitted
from His opus the most powerful, most influential, and by many counts most
God-blessed of all nations that have ever risen.
Can He?
By any standard of measurement, America occupies center stage in the
world arena. No one disputes the fact that America has a distinctive history,
during which it has risen to dominate global affairs. In a quarter of a millen-
nium it has become a nation unlike any other in the history of the world. It
has superseded nations with much longer histories. No nation in the history of
civilization has exercised greater influence than the United States of America—
politically, militarily, economically, culturally, linguistically, and possibly even
religiously. As the old saying goes, “When America sneezes, the world catches
a cold.”
Most of America’s ascent has happened in less than one hundred years.
America’s awe-inspiring rise to superpower status in the twentieth century
accelerated to maximum upward velocity in the aftermath of WWII. In an
ironic twist, the war’s tragic losses delivered America from the poverty of the
Great Depression. The United States emerged from WWII better off militar-
ily, politically, and economically than any other nation. Even during the dark
days of the cold war, America had the upper hand on the Soviet Union, as was
finally proven in the early 1990s when the Soviet Empire unraveled at the
seams and America found herself alone at the top.
The Last Superpower
Today, America prevails as the world’s lone superpower. The last contender
standing. But the “champ’s” reign hasn’t been the smooth ride that many
optimistically envisioned. From the 1950s through the 1980s, many believed
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that the demise of the Soviet Union would ensure greater global security.
Americans envisioned a brave new world free from the tyranny of Soviet
communism. Like many dreams, top-dog status hasn’t been what most
people expected.
We inaugurated the single-superpower era with the first Gulf War in the
early 1990s. Operation Desert Storm was a glowing success. The future
looked bright. But then the real trouble started. The underground-garage
bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993, was the first
assault of Islamic terror on American soil—a dark omen of things to come.
Gathering storm clouds loomed closer with the suicide bombing attack on the
USS Cole in 2000.
Then dawned the darkest day in American history—the devastating
attack of 9/11—plunging America headlong into the age of radical Islamic
jihad. Radical Islam declared open war on the United States. The stunning
attack gripped the nation, a portent of many more to come.
America and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and launched the Iraq
War in 2003—a war that has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.
And most recently? Economic meltdown. Skyrocketing oil prices. The
subprime mortgage crisis. The dollar’s devaluation to all-time lows. Foreign
nations, awash in oil money, buying major U.S. financial institutions. Runaway
deficits and an out-of-control federal budget. Smothering debt. The looming
threat of radical Islam.
And the worst fear of all—weapons of mass destruction on American soil.
Many are openly saying that anything less than victory in the currently
festering conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will weaken America’s resolve,
embolden the jihadists, and force the United States to abdicate its role as
world leader and to retreat into isolation.
America’s past is glorious and inspiring. Its present is unstable, yet stud-
ded with glimmers of cautious optimism.
But what of the future? Is there any sure word?
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Americans, the Future, and the Bible
The increasingly frantic tempo of change in modern life fosters a global sense
of impending crisis. People everywhere fear that the world is moving rapidly
toward some calamity—possibly even a finale. I’m sure you’ve sometimes
wondered what’s going to come of all the danger, uncertainty, and instability.
How long can the tensions be held in check? How long until the lid blows
off? Terrorism—that Bad Thing that used to happen in other places—has
rudely intruded into the life of every American. U.S. troops are still in Iraq,
still in Afghanistan. Some predict that we might realistically be there for ten
years or longer. The epochal conflict with jihadist terror is still in its infancy.
What happens when it grows up?
The danger and uncertainty of modern civilization has caused people
from all walks of life to ask forward-peering questions as never before. Solemn
questions. Searching questions. Questions about the Middle East. Terrorism.
Radical Islam. Israel. Global pandemics. Drastic weather changes. Questions
about the future.
But the real issue that seems to lurk, thinly veiled, behind all these ques-
tions is, Could we be nearing closing time? The Bible is the only authority for
addressing this question, and Americans seem to be discussing biblical
prophecy more than ever before. Many believe that the Bible contains the
answers about earth’s final days.
Here’s a brief sample of what Americans believe about the book of
Revelation and the end times:
• 59 percent believe that the prophecies in Revelation are going to come
• Nearly 25 percent believe that the Bible predicted the September 11
• 35 percent are paying more attention to how news events might relate
to the end of the world.
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• 17 percent believe the end of the world will happen in their lifetime.1
It’s clear that most Americans look to the Bible as an accurate guide for
the future. It’s also evident that the collective American angst about our
world’s destiny is building. The fuse is lit. There’s fire in the hole. Now we’re
just wondering how long till it’s all gonna blow.
As we look into the pages of the Bible, we quickly discover that, as alarm-
ing as current events might be, they don’t surprise God. The geopolitical sit-
uation we see today in the headlines bears a remarkable correspondence to the
trend of world events that Bible prophecies foretold millennia ago. As we
probe God’s Word for clues, we discover the “You Are Here” arrow marking
our current position in God’s unfolding program, and we notice that some
predicted events may occur in our lifetime. Prophecies, which in the past were
sometimes carelessly brushed aside as unbelievable, are sparking renewed
interest. But perhaps no issue has created more interest than the possible role
of America in the end times. This is the question that people everywhere are
asking. It’s the question that this book will seek to answer.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
On January 29, 2008, I had the privilege of appearing on a national television
program in Texas. After the program, one of the station employees gave me a
ride to my next appointment. We talked as we drove, and I learned that he pas-
tors a new church in the area. We discussed various aspects of pastoral ministry
and church life, and before long the topic turned to Bible prophecy. As we
neared our destination, he said, “There’s one question that I have wondered
about more than any other issue related to Bible prophecy.” I knew what he
was going to ask. “Where do you think America fits into biblical prophecy?”
I’m asked this question more—much more—than any other. People ask
me this question at churches, at conferences, on radio and television pro-
grams. And as I have talked with my friends and colleagues who teach around
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the United States and around the world, they confirm that the most-asked
question in all of Bible prophecy is, What is America’s role in the end times?
Something inside us wants to know what will ultimately happen to this great
land we call the United States of America.
Bible prophecy experts Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy address this nag-
ging question:
“God bless America!” Is it a prayer, a promise, or a prophecy? We can
see and hear the slogan in music, on bumper stickers, in casual conver-
sations, in campaign rhetoric, at historic moments in our nation’s life
(both joyful and sorrowful), from podiums, in parades, and in a host
of other public and religious forums. Will God bless the United States
in the future? Is there any sure word of our nation’s future in the Bible
generally, and the prophetic passages specifically? It’s amazing! One of
the most frequently asked questions we receive is with regard to the
role of the United States in Bible prophecy. Is it fact or fantasy?2
When you think about it, our interest in America’s role in the end-of-the-
world prophecies could be interpreted as a little self-centered. You rarely, if
ever, hear someone wondering about the role of New Zealand, Scotland,
Australia, Mexico, or Brazil in the end times. Don’t the people in these nations
matter as much as American citizens? Although our focus on America’s des-
tiny might be considered arrogant by non-Americans, it is nevertheless legiti-
mate, because the United States is the most powerful nation in history and the
lone surviving superpower in the world today.
Nothing New
The question about America and biblical prophecy goes way back in our his-
tory. I don’t know who first raised it, but it was certainly in the air in the
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nineteenth century. In 1859, Frances Rolleston authored a work titled Notes on
the Apocalypse, as Explained by the Hebrew Scriptures: The Place in Prophecy of
America and Australia Being Pointed Out. Rolleston made the case that America
was the two-horned beast in Revelation 13.3 In 1884, Uriah Smith wrote a
book titled The United States in the Light of Prophecy; or, An Exposition of Rev.
13:11–17. (Authors back then loved long titles.) For Smith it was unthinkable
that the United States would not be mentioned in the Bible. He said, “The
question naturally arises, what part has the United States to act in these scenes?
For it must seem reasonable and probable that a nation which has risen as sud-
denly as ours, and made such unparalleled progress, must be a subject of divine
prophecy.”4 Smith also maintained that America was the beast of Revelation
13:11–17—a view that seems to have prevailed in that day.
Many theories have sprung up since that time. (We’ll explore a few of
them in depth in the next chapter.) History reveals that people in every gen-
eration since the founding of this great nation have wondered about America’s
We live in interesting times; it’s no wonder that the topic attracts ever
more fascination.
Is the Whole Thing Going to Fall Apart?
Few may ask this question audibly, but many of us ponder it in the hidden
corridors of our minds. Peggy Noonan relates the following poignant story,
expressing the foreboding of many Americans today.
A few weeks ago I was reading Christopher Lawford’s lovely, candid
and affectionate remembrance of growing up in a particular time and
place with a particular family, the Kennedys, circa roughly 1950–2000.
It’s called “Symptoms of Withdrawal.” At the end he quotes his Uncle
Teddy. Christopher, Ted Kennedy and a few family members had
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gathered one night and were having a drink in Mr. Lawford’s mother’s
apartment in Manhattan. Teddy was expansive. If he hadn’t gone into
politics he would have been an opera singer, he told them, and visited
small Italian villages and had pasta every day for lunch. “Singing at la
Scala in front of three thousand people throwing flowers at you. Then
going out for dinner and having more pasta.” Everyone was laughing.
Then, writes Mr. Lawford, Teddy “took a long, slow gulp of his vodka
and tonic, thought for a moment, and changed tack. ‘I’m glad I’m not
going to be around when you guys are my age.’ I asked him why, and
he said, ‘Because when you guys are my age, the whole thing is going
to fall apart.’”
Mr. Lawford continued, “The statement hung there, suspended in the
realm of ‘maybe we shouldn’t go there.’ Nobody wanted to touch it. After a
few moments of heavy silence, my uncle moved on.”5
One might be tempted to conclude, “If Ted Kennedy knows that things
are going to fall apart, then shouldn’t the rest of us?” Maybe we do. Maybe
that’s why our pop culture has gone apocalyptic. Maybe we all sense that the
train has derailed but we just don’t want to admit it. We’d rather spend our
remaining moments of sweet denial—as the cars plummet from the railroad
bridge to the valley floor—enjoying our coffee and Sudoku.
What does lie ahead? I’m sure that at one time or another you’ve wondered
where America is headed. You may have asked yourself questions like these:
• Does the Bible have anything to say about America in the last days?
• How could the United States fit into God’s prophetic program?
• Will America survive?
• Will the United States be sucked into the Middle East maelstrom?
• Could America’s addiction to oil be its undoing?
• Will the United States become part of a North American union with
Canada and Mexico?
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• Will America be destroyed by a nuclear attack?
• Could America collapse in on itself as a result of moral corruption?
• Is there any hope for America? for the future?
We’ll explore these questions and many others in the pages that follow. You
may not agree with every conclusion I reach. And that’s okay. I welcome your
thoughtful interaction as we embark on this exciting and increasingly relevant
adventure to discover what the Bible does and doesn’t say about America’s
last days.
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1. After spiritual preparation, what’s the most important thing Americans can do to prepare for the future? While there are many legitimate answers to this question, I would suggest
simplifying your life. One of the chief causes of our nation’s troubles is excess.
When crises come, most people are woefully ill prepared because they are
stretched too far financially. Most Americans need to commit to saving more
and spending less. To living within their means. To traveling lighter through
life. This kind of life brings less stress, greater freedom and flexibility, and the
opportunity to be in a better position to weather personal storms as well as
have some disposable funds to help others in need. Simplifying our lives will
mean different things to different people, the people I know who live simple,
uncluttered lives are always in the best position to face the future, whatever it
2. How can we become better at combining biblical knowledge with cultural awareness? In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we read about a rare, valuable breed of men in the days
of King David: “the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with
knowledge of what Israel should do.” These men discerned the times and cast
their lot with David instead of Saul, which proved to be a very wise decision.
We should strive to be modern “sons of Issachar” who understand our times
and are able to parlay that knowledge into practical action for our lives, our
families, our communities, and our nation. I don’t think this means that we
have to be twenty-four-hour news junkies who eagerly gobble up every cable
news story or constantly comb the Internet for breaking news. It simply
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means that we cannot be social or civic ostriches with heads buried in the
Bible, unaware of the issues and challenges of our day.
But how can we become modern-day Issacharites? How can we bring
God’s wisdom to bear in our increasingly polarized political environment? Let
me suggest a couple of things. First, understanding of the times means we
should be familiarizing ourselves with both sides of the issues and the real chal-
lenges of our day. To do this I would suggest thoughtfully reading a daily news-
paper, listening to one good news program regularly that involves analysis and
presents views opposite your own, and becoming intentional about reading
good books that heighten and inform your cultural awareness. Second, it also
means that we must not be afraid to actively, creatively, discerningly engage and
embrace our culture as led by the Holy Spirit.
3. How do you suggest people overcome any fears they have of the future? The first decade of the twenty-first century is over, and many people are grate-
ful. Experts have given the decade a resounding thumbs-down. It’s been
dubbed by many as the decade of fear or even the lost decade. It started with
the horror of 9/11 and the ongoing war on terror, was punctuated by two seri-
ous recessions, raised the specter of climate crisis, and ended with unemploy-
ment hovering around 10 percent. How can we be optimistic about the future?
While no one on earth knows what the future holds, we can know who
holds the future. That’s our solace in uncertain, dangerous times. My favorite
word in all of Bible prophecy is a name for God. I call it the prophetic name
for God. God is called “the Almighty” nine times in the book of Revelation.
The English word comes from the Greek pantokrator, which is made up of pan-
tos (all) and kratein (to hold in one’s hand). God has everything in His hands.
Next time you are tempted by fear or a nagging pessimism about the future, let
this thought flood your soul: God holds everything. No matter how things
appear, He really does. That includes our nation, our families, and our lives.
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