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Week 1 Class 1

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• Adding the Class• Syllabus/Green Sheet • Website• Terms• In-class writing

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Adding the Class

• I will take 32 students• If you are on the waiting list, you can stay. I

won’t hand out add codes until Monday of next week, and then, only if there is room.

• As we go over the syllabus, consider whether you will stay in the class. If you want out, please let me know, so I can offer your seat to another student.

• If you are not on the waiting list, it is unlikely you will get into the class.

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The Green Sheet• What you will find here

– Course Requirements• Assignments and values• Participation

– Required Materials– Class Policies

• Plagiarism• Conduct and Courtesy

– The Class Website• How to sign up for an

account• How to post your


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Texts and Required Materials:

• Reading assignments will be posted on the course website. There is no text book for you to buy.

• College-level dictionary • A stapler, USB flash drive, loose-leaf paper or a

notebook for notes and drafts, and pens or pencils. Alternatively, you may use your computer for drafting.

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• Active participation in class discussions and regular attendance. You will earn real points for your participation in activities.

• Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and reading. • Formal writing: a poetry project, two fiction projects,

and a drama project (small groups).• A series of creative writing posts to the class website• Terms tests, reading quizzes, and in-class


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Class Policies

• Writing Submissions:• All out of class work to be submitted to me electronically before

the class period in which it is due. Work must be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft word. No other saved forms are acceptable. If you do not have Microsoft word software available, leave yourself time to save and send your work from a library computer. All work must be in MLA format (poetry is an exception). I will read and return work, in the order I receive it, with comments both in the text and in the margins. To see comments and suggestions, go to “view” and click on “mark-up.” You may revise from this electronic document. Remember to accept or discard comments and remarks as appropriate.

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Attendance:• Attendance is a significant part of this course, and success in this

course depends on regular attendance and active participation. Participation points will be part of our daily activities. If you are not in class, you cannot earn these points. You should save absences for emergencies, work conflicts, weddings, jury duty, or any other issues that might arise in your life.

• • It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences or other

conflicts. Work done in class cannot be made up. If you must be absent, please arrange with a classmate to get assignments and notes. Also, please arrive on time, as you will not be able to make up work completed before you arrive, including quizzes.

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• Tests: – We will have several terms tests during the quarter. I will

offer one opportunity late in the quarter to retake (or make-up) one of the first three terms tests.

• Late Work

– I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend an opportunity to revise one assignment for a better grade. If you miss a due date, you may submit that work when the revisions are due on the last day of the term. This does disqualify you from revising another piece.

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Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices:• In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion of each

other’s work. Because writing is so personal, I ask each of you to be both kind and honest. Do share helpful critiques so each writer may grow. Courtesy will allow each person to have the opportunity to express his or her ideas in a comfortable environment.

• Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening to others when they contribute to class discussions or while they give presentations, not slamming the classroom door or walking in front of classmates giving presentations if you do arrive late, and maintaining a positive learning environment for your fellow classmates. To help maintain a positive learning environment, please focus on the work assigned, turn off all cell phones and iPods before class, and do not text-message in class. If your behavior becomes disruptive to the learning environment of the class, you may be asked to leave and/or be marked absent.

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• Academic Dishonesty:Plagiarism includes quoting or paraphrasing material without documentation and copying from other students or professionals. Intentional plagiarism is a grave offense; the resulting response will be distasteful. Depending upon the severity, instances of plagiarism may result in a failing grade for the paper or the course and possible administrative action. All assignments will be scanned and scrutinized for academic dishonesty. Please refer to your handbook for more information regarding plagiarism.

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• The syllabus is a tentative schedule of agenda. • It may be revised during the quarter.• Use it to determine how to prepare for class.

What we will do in class

Homework due before the next class

Current Project

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The Quarter Plan on the Syllabus

• Sections are identified by color– Project 1 is poetry: lavender– Project 2 is fiction: blue– Project 3 is fiction: light blue– Project 4 is drama: orange

• Exams and paper due dates are written in bold• Holidays are marked in green

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Website: • Our class website is In order to

do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE Word Press account, go to and click on the large, orange button that says, “Get started here.” The system will walk you through a series of steps that will allow you to set up your own user-friendly Word Press blog, sign up for just a user name or sign in with your Facebook account. Make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on our class page so you get credit for your work.

• If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Please email me your username if it is significantly different from your real name.

• If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to my office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is mandatory.

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On the Website

• Writing Assignments• Reading Assignments• The Green Sheet• The Syllabus (The Daily Plan)• Writing Tips• Helpful Links• Your Daily Homework Assignment (which is

where you post your homework.)

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Posting Homework

• On the front page of the website, you will find the homework post after each class.

• Below that post on the right, are the words “Leave a comment.”

• Click there and a comment box will open. Post your homework in the comment box and click “Post Comment.”

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This class is going to be so easy!

Is this class too hard?

Is this classHistory 10?

Will I be a famous writer soon?


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Haiku The haiku is composed of 17 sound units divided into three parts - one with 5 syllables, one with 7 syllables and another with 5 syllables.

AlliterationThe repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words. Example: "Fetched fresh, as I suppose, off some sweet wood." Hopkins, "In the Valley of the Elwy.”

AssonanceThe repetition of similar vowel sounds in a sentence or a line of poetry or prose, as in "I rose and told him of my woe." Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" contains assonantal "I's" in the following lines: "How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, / Till rising and gliding out I wander'd off by myself."

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ConventionA customary feature of a literary work, such as the use of a chorus in Greek tragedy, the inclusion of an explicit moral in a fable, or the use of a particular rhyme scheme in a villanelle. Conventions of the Haiku include the line and syllable count, the use of a word that marks a season, and the “phrase and fragment” style.

OnomatopoeiaThe use of words to imitate the sounds they describe. Words such as buzz and crack are onomatopoetic. The following line from Pope's "Sound and Sense" onomatopoetically imitates in sound what it describes:

When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,The line too labors, and the words move slow.

Most often, however, onomatopoeia refers to words and groups of words, such as Tennyson's description of the "murmur of innumerable bees," which attempts to capture the sound of a swarm of bees buzzing.

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Let’s get ready to write!


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“Haiku show[s] us the world in a water drop, providing a tiny lens through which to

glimpse the miracle and mystery of life” (National Endowment for the Humanities). Attribution, Non Commercial

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• It is a traditional form of Japanese poetry

• It describes nature, every day life, or the human condition

• It is based on personal reflection

• Its value is in sudden discovery or revelation

What is Haiku?, Non Commercial, No Derivatives

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The moment two bubblesare united, they both vanish.A lotus blooms.

-Kijo Murakami (1865-1938)

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Why Haiku?• It is a great mode of self-


• It demands both brevity and clarity in writing

• It captures one moment and its emotions perfectly

• It expresses complex ideas through simple observations

Attribution, No Derivatives

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• Writing and understanding Haiku requires multiple skills:

– Close observation– Careful reflection– Concise word choice– An open mind

Writing Haiku, Non Commercial, No Derivatives

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The crow has flown away:swaying in the evening sun,

a leafless tree.-Natsume Soseki (1867-1916)

Traditional Haiku

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• A Haiku traditionally has three lines with seventeen syllables:– Five --Three– Seven --Five– Five --Three

• This form is strict in Japanese• Sometimes it varies in other languages or

in translation. This is true in English. You may use fewer syllables.

Writing Haiku: Form

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• A haiku consists of two parts: The description and the reflection.

• Each part depends on the other for meaning.

• In Japanese Haiku, the break is marked by a “cutting word.” In English, the break is often marked by punctuation (e.g. colon, long dash, ellipsis)

• A haiku usually includes a kigo, a word that indicates a season. This does not have to be a traditional season like fall or winter. It could be baseball season or voting time; the reader just has to be able to determine when the event takes place.

Writing Haiku: Structure and Language

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English Haiku • Road from Banbury

a man spilled from his crushed cardead eyes full of rainJane K. Lambert

• the rhythmof her old brown handsweaving thin wet reedsElizabeth St Jacques

open boxcar doors:the evening sun slipsinto a swarm of gnatsJames Chessing

1991 Charles B. Dickson International Haiku Contest--winners

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Write Your Own Haiku

–Try the five, seven, five syllable form–Try the three, five, three syllable form–Include a kigo to indicate the season–Use both a description and a reflection.–Remember to identify the break between the two with punctuation.

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old pond . . .a frog leaps inwater's soundMatsuo Bashô (1644-1694)

Billboards . . .    wet        in spring            rain . . . Eric W. Amann

Sign says "no parking";it wasn't there yesterday;my favorite spot.  Paul Brown

the nail box:every nailis bent

Ozaki Hôsai(1885-1926)

pausinghalfway up the stair--white chrysanthemums Elizabeth Searle Lamb

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• Natural Endowment for the Humanities. EDSITEment. Can You Haiku? May 2002. 10 October 2009. <>.

• Toyomasu, Kei Grieg. HAIKU for PEOPLE. 10 Jan. 2001. 10 October 2009. <>.

• Herrlin, Jackie. HA-KU. 2004. Internet Archive. 10 October 2009. <>. (Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives)

• Russo, Dave. North Carolina Haiku Society. Unknown. 10 October 2009. <>.

Works Cited

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• Make your Word Press Website or establish your user name

• Post #1: 2-3 Haiku• Bring a copy of your work to our next meeting. • Reading: Blank Verse-All (on the website under

“course readings,” “poetry,” and “blank verse”).• Study Terms 1-5

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